Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, March 10, 1892, Image 2

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' : 'V THficiT-Mn Ki." ;lLvf$ 11891 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT,
TlltfyVHrnnre Advocate is doing
tfto farifiers of Washington good
ervfto f Jwnriilng. jheni ot the
nilv-.or.Hlloviiig vfitot sums ,or
iironey. iiioch of it paid iiv farm
. art themselves, to go to tli'o ' sUles
jMlof tho mountains for butter,
Mmtt on, lunl find other ngri-
CliijJ8llm) not n dcsirnblu class
ItTwjnii, and tlio Ohineso gov-
ornment onght not to expect its to
rtllow her auojecU to cotno horoby
tlioummla, without ruinoustratlng.
Till government invito immigra
tion of tleaimblo elaaae from nil
lands, hut Chinn dooa noUnm! this
lnsa of subjects to our shores, ami
thoio who would come nood o.pec.t
nobthei reeoption than thnt thoy
The Ijuifvillu
Uourier Journal
wys: It eoit llfty cent to pro
tluoo poventy livu cents worth of
Hilver. It Ht uight conU to pro
duce eivcent cotton, Iu, Hnme
to ny, while wo huvo inflninenihlc
hilU "olTcrwl in congreiw to incroac
tlio vulno of silver, no mnn lia of
fered n hill to iucroAMi the price of
ootton. Chm wo not Imvo the gov.
ornmont buy tho surplns product
of tho cotton llBld's? The cotton
planter tiro in greater nood of re
liuf.Umn nro the silver tirolueor,
and they Rro n fur more useful
At n funernl down in (ieorgiti
tlio other duy tho pioncher found
llimiulf in nn emlmrflMing jiotition.
Tho decerned hud Ueen such a
tough cntoiner that the gowl pnr
K)ii knew not whut to cay. After
duo deliberation he concluded to
npjienl to the audience, nnd tnid:
"Will homo good brother or piter
como forward ami ny otnothdig;"
Thrico did this mthotio appeal Tall
tijKiu barren enr. At last an old
farmer in the buck jmrt' of tho
hon row slowly and said: "If
it would bo in order I would like
to oiler a fow remark, on tho ub
troMitry plan."
It 'a to bo hojKfd that eongres
will show it oontompt for tho billy
vftwrings of this gentry by, F
ing an exclusion law that will ex
clude, anil not be witiatied until
(Jhinoso are eirectually flint out.
There i a lot of gust about dis
crimination. Isn't it about lime
to discriminate? Aro we to allow
lliis country to be tloodod with an
unlimited number of Chimne jmu
pew, just to keep from hurting
China' feeling i If wo ate going
to reejiect anybody' feelings, let
it bo our own. China has never
pliown anv rospect for our feel'uif's
and on th'u principle or roeiproeity
..... sAl..u tit alt five ntiv ro.
... uvn --., r "'" .""J. :
fJIOCl lor l.,llllia. ior iiisui !-
nation, it cannot bo said that this
overnmcnt discriminatca against
China half enough.
An oxchaiiHD says that "a wind
from Now York to Florida seems
liL-o a i'rftiiL'i: iroKition, yet
eucli an enterprifco is being serious- ;
.lV(di.t;U.ce,l. lis route would be,
nM Now ..ersey to the Dolawaio
i-ivei-. noross Je aware 10 iicna-
... . I l
jionko lmv, through tho DUmnl
5rainp iii Virginia, neioss Alhe
mnrlo and l'ntnlico aounds, theiifc
neroaa South Caiolinn and through
(lie ialnml-lockiil waterway of
Goorgiu to' Jttck.-oiivilU', Tlorida.
l'nifcaaor Ilnupt, of the Tnivor
Pity of I'cnnsylvanin, oarnoatly ad
vocate thu scheme, nnd ho has
deeply interested tho board of trade
ami tlia business men of Now
York in tho project. It would bo
u grent lumber and timber route
noithwnrd, s It would bo much
Bftfor than tho sen voyage, and
would tmverso vast timber io
wrcc.H Aaaessor Soars, of .Mulinouinh,
imU in n strong plea, for a littlu
liattur trontment of county assess
or. Ho would like to see tlio law
iitHOiided so that assurors would
mnlio nil needed copies of their
roll intead of the county clerks.
JI justly claims that aesoi and
thoir deputies aro familiar with
tlio rolls and if allowed to copy
thorn would be able to correct any
OJT0J tho original might contain.
1 .lloaltjtw it would give nMoois
omiildynieiiL between asemunts,
nnd bottor-ntill, thu work would bo
don ftftor a)loving good wages to
tho umoseors, at about one tenth
tho prteo nllowoil by law to tho
olorks. "Ijist year," uJd Mr.
Seam, "I mndo $l,O0U for ijny
oar's work, while the clerk got
S2J1U0 for mskinu two copies that
it hint only two weeks to finish, enjt qunrtor, the south half of tho
tBaOiirio tlw olerk employwl a j southeast quarlor.tho wist half of the
i.tii.K.i.,0 ,u ;-Mp;::i ;i;r,,:':i.r:;:S
but thord is iiw- or ; iVa soulhwost om.rtorof iVo ...rtb
jtlVilCO III inn iiijj, anvii iiicvi iitiiMi.-
3 i.. .... ......i. ., .i,.. . i mi .
liQl! iu IU0 wage oi two ouiuuh
yhicl wniire, t Iwt, oqiml olor
op 6kwok, I.N AND JVH -fm:
Tl 01' OraST.
TJio Taoillo l.tvo Sloak Com-
piiij, i lu.'njinmivii, x .iini.,g
Kdwin Hnll, k ndroiiBtrnUr
he ikivm o of tin estate
Thomas M Ovorfclt, dKised
Hwo Oriliilh ami John .GOrif"
fith, hor hunimnd. Jfiuo Grif
fail, Kdith JJ-ljrar, .ludith
Koiilim Ovorfolt, Marvin
W. Ovorfolt. John
Kmmot OvtfMlt, l.oo OvcrMt, j
.Stnnloy Ovcifolt, John l)o. I
U-olmil lion, Mmy Jont ii1
Simh Smllli DefmitlttUt!!. j
To ItoM ariflllh, John C. tirif
nth, Juno OrilliUi Kililh VJjnr,
Jmhtli SophiA Ovorftilt,
Marvin W. Overtoil, John
Kuimut Otnifolt, Ihi 0m(?lt itnit
Mnuloy t)vorlolt, ilcfoinlmit' Uivo
In tlio mime of the Mniu of Oro
eon. von nro licntljy rooaiiml to i
, pear nun nanvoi uie conipmini moo
ntfnuiHt vou in ill" anoro eiilitKMi
unit on or bofoifl Momky, tha Suili
lnv of Anril. A. D. IK92. thnt Umiil'
tl.n I'uhI :lv of tho next rouulnr
- - . - - -
hniil circuit court fur t lit
county of (ir.uit; ntxl if you luil so to
nniiwor, fur nntit thereof tlioplniuliir
will appl.v to tlio ffnnrt for tho rolief
demRiidfd in Mid complftint, to uit:
fr n jmlKHK'lit nnd decioo of iwitl
court utljtiiliit; that the ptnintiiT it
tho ownur in fee simple of all tin; fol
lonniL' ilc-Hciilxd icnl Dront'ttv. it-
unttMl in pnrt in tho county of Omul,
in out in the rountv of Hiirnov.
ninl in poll in tlit county of Mnlhrur,
in tho state of Oioson, to wit:
Iii Township ll! Houlh; raiie X
mot, Willamette Motidian, tho Mitith-uct-t
nunrter of tho Houthuntt qunrtor,
tho northeast quarter of tho south
west qu liter, nnd tliH witith half of
the hflUihwc-it (jtmitor of ?oo il; tho
U'lithonst ijunrler, tho nt half of
tho Houthenst ipimtor, nnd the north
west tpmrter of tho southeast (piatter
of nection Hi; tho west half of Uo
ikii li.w est (jimitcr, tho northonst
qnattcrof tlio nouthwest iiunrtor,
nnd Iho soiithoaMt tjunrter uf tho
northwest quarter ol Sec 21; tho
Hmiihonxt quarter of tho noithwost
(piftiter, the southwest quarter of tho
nort'enst iinrtor, tho noithonsl
quarter of tho southwost quarter,
mid tho nni th west cjunrtnr of lie
southenitt ijuartor of S'-e '27.
In Tp. Hi S, It III K WillnnWto
MeridiHii, tho tiotlh hnlf of thu north
east (piiirtor, tho east half of tho
northuoHt tur, tho onst half of
tho southonst quarter, and tho nouth
half of tho nortlienst quatter of Bee
In Tp. 10 S, It !t(i K W illaniolle
Meridian, thu Hout honst quniter of
tho northeast qua.tor, tho uottl. half
lho aoutliJat qua, tor, and tlio !
. 1 i
(outhwett iiuiiitiu- of the southonst
quniter of Swelld.
In Tp. 17 S, It .'11 U Willniuotto
Muiiilmn, tho southwest qunrtor of
tho Mouthwoftt quarter of Sac 25; tho
tho Kontheait ouartor of tho
aouthoist quintor of See iili; tho ea-,t
. lulf of tlm noitheaxt qunrtor of .Sec
Sfi: lho southwest (lu.trtcr of tho
J tl.sust nunrter. the northwest
i noitheust nunrter, lho
qimrtot of the southotut quitter, mul
the noi th lmlf of lho southwest
! qunilor of Sec X, the noi thwest
quarter of the northwest qunrtor,
I the onst half of the north west quar
ter, the west half uf lho northonst
quarter, iho east hnlf of tho aouth
east qunilor, lho wit half of tho
! miuthtast quniter, ami lho tnst hnlf
wnitht-Ast quniter, ami tito m
of 1 lli f l
ent ipinitor of See, 21 '
In Tp. IK S, It :it 15 Willamatlo
Meridian, the hohIIj.-IuU of llie aou'.h
wesl quniHuvuf See II; tho north
half of tho northwest quartsr of S.-e
'2'A; tho soilthoatt qualtel of .Sec
28; nil of Sec 30.
in i(ah:ev coe.NTr, okkhon.
In Tp. 1 S, It :i K Wiliamothi
Moridiaii, Uits !l anil 1 of Soe 7;
luls 1, 'J, 3, ami I of Soo 18; tho
north half of tho lurtliwent qiuttor,
tho west lmlf of tho Houtheast qu.w
tor and tha southeast qunrtor of the
Miithat quarter of See. 10.
In Tp. IK S, It Mi K W'illnniotlo
Meridian, the west half of thu south
west ouartor of Sbo 27: nnd lho went i
hulf of tho north WMl tr of See
Ii, Tn 1SS It :!. K Willnniotlo
tj.;.l;..i tin, iiki I In, mil mini Ipr. mill
! tho iioilhwvat qunrtor of the south-
west qunrtor oi oec to. 1
InTp. IS Sit ail K Williitnolte j
Metiiliau, the northweat qunilor of I
tliosuutliwexlquit'ior, anil uw smiio- i
east quarter of tho southwost qunr-
tur of Sso Id.
In Tp. 21 S, It JK5 H Will, motto
Muihlian, the aoulhenst qunrter of
the norlhooat quarter of Soc. 1(1.
In Tp, ltt It !l tj E'Willainolto
MeridiHti, thoxnarlh half of th noilh
onst ipi u tor, tho southwest Quarter
of tho uorthi'ttsl ou.ii for, nml tho
Mititliwost ounilcr of tlio "noothoust
ounrtor of See. .'10.
InTp. 10 S, I! :i.ri K WillnmoUo
Meiiilian, tlio oat half of tho north-'
west qnartor, the northwest" quarter
of the northwest qunftei, nnd tho
southeast quarter of Seo 2(1; the
Hi lmlf f llm nnrthwext ouartor.
hh northrast onnrter of the north
i . . .. ,
ost quntler, ami tho north halt ot
the soulhoosv quarter ot See ttlj,
Ii. Tp. '10 S, U illlj K Willuiuotte
Msridiiui, tho uortlumst ipmrtrr, tlm
DipnHl mtnrtnr of the iwr)Wi
lonrler, the north hnlf of tlio winll
wst qnartor and lit noitlnveat qoat- (
tarof the southonst qtuttorofSe II;
tho noith listf of tho northomt qwar-
ter nml ilm nortliosst quarter of the '
ot thwest q.uiter of Sao. :to.
In Tp 2o S, It :u B WilUiMllo
Maridinn. tl south ott ntmrtor of
lk notthweatqiiailrr, tlm northsast
quarter oi u nuuumwi. ,-ir,
lota '! and 3 of Src 11); tho north wast
nunrter of the southwest qunrter of
&m ft; tho noithwost quattarof tha
southonxt nunrter. the east Halt oi
J tho southoimt nunrtei nnd tho -out fe
west pmrtcr of tho southesst qiurler
, of See C, the cast half of the north-;
wast qnnttcr, nn-l le noMliwet
quarter of lh northeast quatter of
So 7; the southeast nunrter of the;
noithoASt quarter, and the notthoasl ,
quarter of the soutlieat quarter of
Sec 12; Uw northonU quarter oi tua
, northonst qunrtor of See "0.
In Tp. 21) S, It lit V. WillnmoUo,
j Moridmn, tho onst hull of Seo M; lots
I 2 nml 3 of Sc 7; tlir northwsat qnar-
tot ot the noithensl ounrtor, the
i noiim-nsi ((imriBr oi io niwwi i
1 (iimrlar. uno loi i oi noc
1 la Tp. 20 S, H f.d B Willnmott.
! Mcridina. the south went nunrter of
i the northwiHt mmrier. lota 1 , 2 Hint
. - .
1 .1. tht HOUlhatsL tumrtlT of tho
northoast quarter, the uoitn unit oi
tho !..utheat quarter, tho sonthet
qunrter of the southonst quniter, tho j
eoulhwcst qunrter of tho siulhast
quarter, lot , tho south lmlf of tho .
northwoatquniler, ami th norlh-
woit quarter of tho southwest qimr-
lerui ore u, mu iiummn ...... y.
i Soo H; tho hoiiIIiwsI ciuiiUor ot tnc
I northwest nuniler, tho northonHi
' :
. . l . i 1
of the sonthwost quarter nml lot t of 1
Seo 3 ); tho northeast qunilor of tho
norlhwosl oiinrlur. lot I, lh soutli
half of the southeast quarter, tun
tho enst half of tho southwest qunr
ler of .See .'II. 1
In Tp. '21 S, It 8( !: Willninetto .
Mfiidinn, tho noilh hnlf of the south- j
ortst uniter, thu southonst quarts
of tho southeast quatter, ami luls 1 ,
nnd '2 of Su. ft; the nortLwuit qtmr
tir of See 8; tho oast half of tho,
srjuthwtwt qunrter, tho norHiwest j
q iaiter of tho itouthwoMt quarter, tho '
Hoiithwpst quarter of tho noithwost
quarter of Sue it; lho southeast qunr- j
tor of tho southwest qtlailcr, tho
went half of the no.thwmt qmrlor. j
tho northo'iiit quarter of tho north-!
west quai tor, tho u ithWot qnartor j
of tho Mjuthwest (piarter of Soo ICS. t
In Tp. 'il S, It xo k w m, tlio onst
half of tho southwest qr of Soo Ifl;
tho oast hnlf of the inn thwest r of
See '21.
InTp. '22 H, It 'Mi K W M, tho
southwest or of the southwest or of
j Seo 1.1; the oust hnlf of tho houth
; oiiMt q nf Soe 1 1 ; the northwest qr
' "'." -i'. r
out hwoa qr, the nortlienst qr of the
"OMlhwaal qr the soutliWoHl qr o
tl.ti tini-Muvul nr Uh, Kntillie:mL ill
of iiotlliwost qr, tlio wont half of the
tho northwest iir, tho southeast p
of th sonthwost qr anil tho hoiith
west qr of lho sontlioast qf of Sec -1 :
tho northwost qr of tho northeast qr,
thu northeas. qr of tho northwosl qr,
nml the southeast qr of Seo 4J5; the
northeast qr of Hoc 'M; tho south
onst qr of Sue IK!.
In Tp. -!:t S, 15 :i(l V. W M, tha
Houthenst qr of tho northeast qr, tho
northeast qr of the southouSt qr, lot
1, tho sutithoa-it qr of the "southeast
qr of Hoc 1 ; the west half of tho
uorlhenst qr, ami tho northonst qr
of lho nortlieaU qr of Seo 12.
In Tp, 10 S, 11.17 H W M, the
uoi th h ilf of the tioi'thwo.t qr, and
the south half of tho noi tlieast, qr of
Seo III.
InTp. 10 S, It US Iv W M, tho
onst half of lho soiilbwonLjor. the
soiisAenst qr of tho uorthwoU- .qr,
nnd the uouihwost qr of tho south
ontit qr of Soo
In To. II! S, U 30 H V M, tho
east half of lho oaBt ha'f of Soo 1 I ;
the oast half of tho west hnlf uf See
'Jl; the vveHt lmlf of tho nnrtlicakt qr,
the east half of the northwonl qr,
tho ent hulf of tho southwest qr,
nml tho west half of the southeast qr
of Sec -"; the southeast qr of tlio
uoilheasi qr, ainl tho ncrthoa-t qr
of tho noutlienst qr of Sue ill; the
north half of tho southwest qr of
See :i'J; the wMlth half of thu south
west qr, tho northeast qr of tha
Miuthwast qr, and tho uoithwunt qr
of the southeast i r of Sao HI: tho
Houth hSlf "of tho norlhansl qr, the "Couiily s uporimen.tenl, suii
,,.iinvLni r,f ih, or. hihI Joel to the decision of the llepubli
tho northeast qr of the southwoHt. ir
of Sec i!5.
In l p. 10ijj. lt -IU h W Jl, Uie
u mu ruuwinm .ji, ..i". -
tho southonst nr of lho northwest!
qr uf Sec III; tlia southwest qr of I
mo iniruiwusi qr, mo norm nan w
the southwest tp-, Uie soutliwesl qr
of the suutheaut qr nnd the south
east qr of tho eoutbiyist qr of Sue
In 'I'ii. 1,7 S. U IraiC W M. the
south half of the SpUiwit qr of I
Sun l. ''. , -
In Tii. 17 S, It 38 K V M, thaJooiniiiiwuoner,sulijv'ittothe(Jeci.(Ion
astjlr of thoi'uuthw;ost qr otof the 1 uuuM'ralie County Oonvon
; tft; southeast qf ""ijr , tlie Hon of tyrant county.
iibtqrofSec '22; the -wmth-1 l'T W'
f 10;
cvf 1. lliviir
went nr of tho southeast or. ami the
south half of tho southwest qr of
...t .1 ... l i ii
rev -; wie souiu nan oi uie souiu
oast qr, tho northwest or of tho I ' '"J " mou " '"4V r
southwUt qr nnd tl.esoutWqrof ' 0 f f H'.
the noithwost r of See 1. , ""'Vf1., to tl,, u . ih rk',m'
In Tp. 17 S, U 10 K W M the j or,ll!c Cuu CoiaTeniicaai.
east half of the eoutheast qr or Sao JU I,l"-ToN-
31; tho north half of the Boutlnvott ohiihm
qrofSeo.T2. 011 bllhlllKK.
In Tp. IS S, H 87 H W M, the , I hereby announce myself a a
southwest qr of tha' northeast qr of candidate for Sheriff, subject to the
Sue 311. decision of the ItopuWtoatt County
Iu Tp. lb S, H D 15 W. M, the t Conveniion of Cirntii County. Ore
southtiiigt qrof thojigrthoost qr ofon, 1 1, , SUtN.
vooth hnlf of the norUiwert Jlr. the :
MHithwtt qr of t nOHbeaK af f.
ac IS; tho pouUmmui qr . of IW j
routhweai or of Sac h: th nrtiWi )
half of thu iMrthwest qr of Bco IT;!
tw northat qr of tl nortbeaat qr
nf Sh IS-ih nnrlheaiit nr at lint ;
,orlhwl or, tho west half 'of ttw
1KM-tlieit or awl tho out!aat qr !
ofthonouUstqrofcM. i
InTp. IKS, H 41 K W M.
(tie !
soolhesat or of Boo 20: Um
half of the northeaat qr And the
northeast qr of tho northweat qr of
in 'l. lo n !T? R w m, n
of Soo 9; tha east hlf of ihn north
east qr ami Uie eaal half of tfa
othiuit or of w I : all of S H).
In Tn. 19 S. K ! K W M aW of
Set 33; the north half of th north-
' cast qr, tin aouthwoat qr of tho
northeast qr and tho nortlteest qr
of tl northwest qf of Sec 34 ; tto
south half of tho northwest qr, and
, the north half of the aouthweal qr
t ..r o i . .1 .. iv. f . t.
VI T6V VI, 1 1 TV I I'.i 1 1 1 l t VI llffv
nortltcaslqr of Sec 3tl.
In Tp. 20 S. It 4"2 12 V
oaet half of tho MtiLheasl
a, tho
or and
the north hnlf of Hoc lj lot 1, nnd
the northcist ir of tho north ctt IS.
In T. "21 S, U :W 15 W M, tin;
northwest qr of tho northwest qr
,. But J,ajf 0f Uie northvrctt
Mr ()f Hec 17; thl, orlhast qr of the
norllt.nft ,.r( tm) m.,t l,aJf of tl
nortilt.nit (r lho tMi hnlf of the
(iorl iwest or of Sue 18.
And further mljudging and dt
creoiiiK that tho claims of the do-
fendant, and each ofjliem to
. i ... :.i '-i . .1...
r5"' "ru ",u"f 1 n8"1'
, .V .... . I I . .. III..
' neillier nf lliein luir tin intnte t( tlio
saiil Thomas M. Overfi ll, deccasetl,
, ims, nny right, title, Prtate or inter
! est whatever in nr to said real prop
erly, or nny part thereof, nrtd quietr
nig the title of plnmtin thereto
against said tlefendants; tbst pldin
till' recover its cysts of suit and hove
such other anil further relief as may )
belong to equity ami good con !
This summons is published by 1
order of the Hon. M. I). Clifford,!
one of tho judges of said circuit I
court, made and entered nl Chain-1
hers on the Sth day of March, A. 1.
1W)2. TiioitxToK Williams
and H, 11. Perry,
Attoruevs for l'laintiff.
N0T1CK l'01l PUltrilCATlON.
Uwl 0r M Unina. Or.
r.h. m. mm
.NiiltiM ! btrcby ln Uitl Ihc lolirwine-intr-!
Mtller h Sled Butla- uf l,r lnlenll-Hi Ui mliK
llnal iroof lu Hiiw..t i,( h. r claim, arxt thai tlU
' irvof Im iimtli brfurr Ow i-ntjr clrikol Oram
.in,,tjr Or. l i-ti)..ii Cli. Or., April VS. mt,
XAKA I' Stil.l.tSI.KR, utily hnlr of larr.1
W. MitHir. Il'd No. !. fi I lis K 1 i bW M ml
, v s k i s in. t is s, k ii r. w it.
Sbiuifiic th fallow liitf nitnewHt to plV hr
nHiUiiuntM rtwlileiiM uHm, and niltliftOjo vf, aM
! land. l4i John A. Slaan, lUilwre Kevi, A. 0.
, Darn, K. O. Mill, all of t!ajron (llr, Orwun.
' J. M. UU.NTIMtiTO.N, UrKl.tu.
0OH .1 Ol NT It El' II lis Ii NT AT I V K.
I I horeby nnnuunco myself a
enndidato for .loint Uepa-sentutive-of
(Irant and Harney ootiuUes, aub
ject to lho dfcision of the Demo
cratic State Convention,
. . W. C. Bvhi..
poll ASSliSSOH. ' ,
I hereby announce tnvKd'f J
CAiididMte for Assessor, suhjei t to i
the decision of LHe Hepubliraii
County ('onrention of Ciraot county ,
V. N. W'AOSKii.
I hereby
candidate fur
announco myself - &
Assessor, aubjoet to
the deeihiou of the Democratic court
ty convention of Grant county,
Oregon. J. W. KKKX8Y.
poll CI. KICK.
I hereby announce inyaelf as a
candidate for Clerk subject to the
decision of the Republican County
Convention of (Irant county, Ore
gon. C. K- (iir T.
pjlt SCHOOL 81' PT.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for renumioation for
County Convention of Uranl
j ierby announce tdyself n
onndidulo for County Clerk, sulijiH!
to the decision of the Democratic
Couutv Convention of tlrunt county.
Tiitts. II. (H iu..
I hereby announco myfelf a
eantliditlo for the ofliee of county
IVH PlIKltll'-li',
I ! I ...i .... ..
i! W il the
? Tha rati TSbIhE wIlffMMMMi March
fHbgle mcaM
. W i t
o eta ;
ft ()
5 00 i
, '
Board uer Drock .
Ttrpiy C;wlb.
'f istottt A TnoMP
" '
(J.Yfl.V CJl'Y, OK.
L- Vanish
v ,
A fiw tot-lrof fresh OarKtio, Nut.
Tjn tatioMor. Ktc, Kw.,jut
raamived. Uive mo a ea!L
1 Kniito
1 toiler.
Raw Mill capacity S M.
" ft Stamp Mill and lUttery,
" OritRn Mill capacity 50 tons.
" Huntiglon,eaaeity 12 ton
" HiUn apparatus, good to
sink 40foct.
A large lot of Vltlng hot little need.
A large lot Miner's and HlackstniUM
tools but lilto usod.
Inquiry Solicited,
RnJd-r City, Oregon.
C A. 1.11) , rilANK hKIX'KiO,
VlCfciiluit. Virel'ieMdi-nl.
1 Utoii'.e V. Oi.ssbb, Cnfhier.
J. P. UIIK , T, -A. HllKA, L. T. UODSON,
Tmn-iiet atir-nen.l llar.Ulit Hn-lmw. I
r- it all wMti of tie- worh 1 , i
ColiawU.AU uunle at all u ;
KiHUonal le Tei utm.
M iii-) l-nnel ut from one to ten
or cent.
GARDEN SEEDS! U-eii umJ oil over tlio I'ncilic
Nortlivio-it fu.' tho past 1H years. None
hutter. Fc,v so 00(1.
Garden, Flcver and Grass
Fresh! Pure! Acclinuto'l! Cat
alogues free. AiUIhd,
Wall Wnll.1, Wash.
I will d' at -ri.iU. .. I- at Day
villo, Ciiani c-iiiiit, Ore.;. at, .tho iw
lowing (lesniln'l anim Ih liflouaiii
to th - est-i.ii t f 1 1 ; i ray Bro':
One l.iy (IwliUlo stallion C
years oi l, weight lxtJi'!jOO pouBda,
One t,-itty I'ci. Ikoii' sralUen, 10
year iM, kht nUut IHvO Imutrds
One iiron Kuoxsttillion, I VI years
old, w ijItl ' Uisj pouuds,
One il stallion, yctra old,
weight ahotil 1 KMJ yomuU.
Alo iiiic- l'olie-1 Anxtis bulj, iul
sovi rnl uti.oi' hu'.l nl j;-iod In. ( il.
K ! tii f M , ll'.l ,
Canyon City, Or
.1. J. Chambers, I
li-.itauiA!it has roeantly -K"
oi l u ill f uruisb Meals ur rjtl-
jjln' at in in,
A ltseial
fiiuturo aKjut this houe
is that no Cliuicu cooks aro employed
iu th kit!ieu. (iiso the ltoaUuraut
a trial M, J, Ciuuukhk,
Canyon City, Or.
Thin joailur resort, has
been- reopened to the public,
and now, as in the past,
Icceim nothing but the best
in nes, Liquors Cigurs-
O. 1. U.UKAUl), fropr. ',
To whom it may Concern:"
We have at present as has been
our motto in the past viz ;
- The Lar crest. Best and Nfiwest
stock of General
n.n.f Hiftr
jumixxv .i.xxuy .
are bound to sell
x jl rr j
for the next 60 days.
You cannot afford to
offer, and we trust our
- '
patrons win taue
A call on us will
SiMroiar lo lh.,h.Jl
Cutifon City - - - Oregon.
Constantly on hand a full assortment of
Dry Goods, Clothing!, Hoots Shoos, Groceries,
lite, lite., lite-, at Reasonable I'riees.
HK0XM000 QO qOmX,On,W
Good .Yews for the Farmers of Grant County!
l'ru.k ll'.ii , ol Portland, Or , nn.e i'tnlilisheil nn iifjeuey nt Jiiliii
Day, fu--hp i-ult- of nl! kiud-iut l'nrm Mnehinery mid Aricultural Imple
inouts, such as aKon.i, Cairmis, Uu.. l t'arts, l'low, IIiiiiowm, Mowers,
tleopds, ltakos, etc., ulo. A whole cnrlond to 1m delivered nl onco.
EveiylUill'f Itrst-olssn nnd nt the loweat p.wHilile rates. Plmmo ;ivo mo
yourtrsdo. , E HAYES. At.
Allow me to any that ) till handle the Yhite i-ewmt; Mnchiuo illtl
the liarhull' Orian.
,97V rroxiiii ) noo ics,
Groceries, Flour. Tobaccos, Cigars, and one hiindr'
varieties, cueap tor casii, at
The OldSland,
On udu Read
is i.
Do you hike mlranUujc ofatjood offer 7l
ti is jjjiiGMl h v Hh! h vcjur reach?
11 m .yjC: -
III! "
i Vi i l IH ( B II
ll u i
U " mtLlLT.. if
r pmi
Ilfiiin- ' " s
I)ry Goods, Clothing, Jhots, Shoes, Glossy
shirts, t'nderivear, Hosiery, Hats, Win) -Hoots,
Hlunk-els, Quilts, Corsets, l.udiet
Shoes, Rubber coals, )'elloieOiled coat.
Cutlery, lUo., Mo., Ulo-
IXMMi iwmWtOtuttiHHWtumiimmniiniiiinni',
I When aaati MieoiuunnieH the
Dollars or Utocu in alove lino of ooils wu w ill f
Stno ohara, to any siago statiuii m Onnit or i
uutil Juao I5th, 1MI2. When hold on .
a vm
es prepaid.
We will tjuarniitoo inir lo ot letail
auduKree lo n fund tho umno) if ("""dauro not satisfactory.
Hy aendinj to u, ruiny plainly, just what is wanted, wo can select
them to your MuUslactin-i. Wo huvo the Ido'est assortment f Oon
eral Marnhttudiaa) to bo found iu ii'iy stun- in Oregon, You can save
uioiioy iu every lino. Oivo us a trial ordor. YVu solicit your Undo, Order
by Mail at ouoa. J y Respectfully.
Coffin S)' McSAtrland,
A. 11
Merchandise in
jlx.x ujl W JUL X (JUL WO
regardless of cost
bs this
1ift - - - Oregon.
X iluMllrk.
i. (J. o r.inioi.T.
Canyon City.
-.fSA X.
unKr for auv i
pruos oa EVCTV Article
i -my n-n v -r
Merchandise. ,