Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, March 10, 1892, Image 1

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    V'jo Paper for the Farm,
The Paper fur the Slock-
tne I) orKsnop ana mt
Merchant and
Xumber oJ.
the . mm county news.
... f
Tli 8 ttnporUnta of
itrptnctlicMoud In
, puro condition i
inhttially knuwn,
anil jet thtro mo
haro perfertly purs
'rofuU, mK rlie urn, or
rilltril amllrammlttel
"l5rV?TS.R.v fat mittild lufff rlnc. ami
we aUo accumllI''iolKia ami crrmaof ill.
from Iho lr we
breathe, Jf' tlio (Ooil
eat, or M f IIS '"
we drink. W III II There li
nothing I I 1 1 I I "la" c"
eluilTtljr I UUI proren
than the poiltlro
power ef Hood's flaraaparllkt orrr all Ulrai
of tho blood. Thli mi U.cliic, licu falilr
tried, tlora npfl etery tracn of acrofuU or
alt thrum, rcmor llio Ulut which caujei
(atartti, neutralist
the arlitllrandeurr)
' ihtumallim, drlira
out Iho gcrmi o(
r-aUrU, Mood po.
aonlnt, etc. It alio
illallirs and cn-
rlchea th blood, linn otucomlne that tlrrd
fecltnc aud building up tlio whola (jrttrm
Tliouaanda trillfjr to the aucriorltr of llood't
ttaraaparllla at a Mil purifier, l'ull Infor
mation, and itatcmcnti of cures acut free.
a.l4tpr .IHt10i. Iliittfor1. rromtonl;
V; CI IIOOl) A CO., putljft.i, I.,ll,iln.
IOO Dobob Ono Dollar
Take Notice.
This iH to warn nil jr8oiiH front
cutting or removing wtk 1 or timber
from my land, or driving through
thu same without tny iwrmission.
Anyone violating, will bo prosecuted.
Ukuii.uiii Toi'Kkn.
, - Canyon City, Or., J-'ob. 15, lS'J'J.
Throo yearlings; ono steer with
wliitii face, ono red heifor mil uno
light rod muley hoifcr, branded 07
' on nglil V.V ?.Ti vkuViVw fork in
right onr. 1'artioi iufoi tiling mo of
thoir whereabouts will bo paid for
trouble. K. 0. SrANNKi.i.,
Canyon City, Or.
v, &
-fl ip'i tir? rim
Jtftcco v.irics in flnvof and
Jr qualities according tl
ffcrc it i:
lfrfk if K trrnuMi imc!tH
Cut "Plug is a scientific mix
ture of the choicest grades,
selected by manufacturers
of thirty years' experience.
backed in caiivjM''' "ches.
" ' States
'.lakini; Powder
p, by the
furnishes the
jfpowdcr is the
Tc KUi AIj
others in leavening
of tartar powder of
The Canadian Tests:
"The strength of the Royal is shown to
be 23 per cent, greater than any other.
" As a result of my investigations I find
the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the
others. It is pure, contains none but whole
tome ingredients, and is o greatest strength.
Wahiiinoton, 1). C. Mr. I.MSU'J.
KniToit ( Co. Xkwh: The
world'n fair line fairly divided hon
om with the iolitieal cituation and
' the j)ros)oct of tin free coi tinge hill,
' as convernalional nuhji'etit; since the
return of the congrcfuiouril vinitors
; to Chicago lliat city never did a
hhrowder thing than to jilan that
' excurf ion, which ban already done
more to ojrt the oyer of senator
' and roprceentntiven to thr inagni
tude and iuix)rtance of the under
taking than could have lieeu accom
)liclicl in many inonthx by any
other inethod. Ah a fjK;citnct of
its eflTect hear what Senator 1'efTer
hays "The work was on a grander
scale than I existed it to Ikj anil
the arrangements much more elab
orate. .Moro work had lren done
than than I fnoked for. The plan
and its general arrangement the
hcok of the exH.iition has grown
tiiHin the management. To put it
plainlv it is bigger than they ex
lKicted. To carry it out as it should
, be carried out will require a great
, deal of money; more than has been
arranged for, and additional funds
I will have to be provided. The
country generally is just lcginniug
to realize the greatness of the enter
prise aud it pectus to me that all
thinking jcop!o must be enlisted to
make the allair a success. The fair
I must neither be defeated nor dwarf
jed" 'l he prospects of the free coinage
(bill have not materially changed
t since last week, although the until
I her of people who regard its passage
J by the house as certain is constant-
ly increasing. The democrats held
a caucus last night, and, while no
iron-clad agreement was entered in
to, it is believed that a resolution
will idiortly be reported from the
committee on rules assigning a date
for the consideration of tlio free
coinage hill, and that the date will
Ik- immediatelv after the disosal
of the lirst tariff bill which is to be
laken up next week.
Hain-maker Dyrenforth has been
a little slow in reorting how he
PKnt the eight or ten thousand dol
lars appropriated by the last con
gress for experiments in trying to
produce rain by artificial methods,
and what he accomplished there
with, so, this week, Senator .Sher
man ollered a resolution, which was
adopted, calling ii()on the secretary
of agriculture for a copy of the re
iKrt made by Dryenforth. It is
believed that the resolution was
prepared bv request of Secretary
ltusk, who lias not received any re
jwrt frum the alleged rain-maker.
Secretary Kink has from the lirst
taken pains to let it le known that
he was in no manner retqwnsiblo for
Dryenforth's exK'riuients, which,
although nominally conducted
under the auspices of the agricultur
tl department, were in reality en
tirely indcondent of that depart
ment, being conducted under a
social act of congress carrying the
necessary appropriation. It is un
derstood that Dyronforth's report
will claim that the experiments
were entirely successful, and will
ask for a laruer appropriation to
lontinue them.
Jr Powder
Official Report
tests recently made, under
Department of Agriculture,
highest authoritative infor-
best. The Ofikial Report
superior to rui
power; a cream
highest quality.
F. X. Valadic,
" Public Analyst, Ontario,
"Domlriioii of t'tuiMdu."
Senator Stewart, speaking on the
joint resolution for tne holding of
an internstioual bi-inetallic confer
ence, said that the parity of gold
and Bilwr could not In? inaii.tnined
in that way. nor in any other way,
except by "treating them ImjIIi pre
eimly alike as money metals. lie
guve notice that ho "would projxse
an ntnendment to that effect before
the reMilution was votwl on.
Senator ticorge, of Mississippi,
knows how to do a manlv act in a
graceful way. He made a state
ment on the floor of thu senate this
week in which ho acknowledged that
he found ujkmi examination that he
hail umde an erroneous statement,
in a spewh made last week, as to
the dispilion of the '.)(),( XXI.IXXJ of
legal tender notes issued under the
act of 1MH). Ho also referred to
the words "conditions arising from
tlio local conditions surrounding
H'liators in this city," which he
said contained an implication un
just to others and to liiintelf, that
was not intended. To make his ex
planation all the stronger he added:
"During my service in the senate I
have never'had occasion to believe
that any seuiltor gave supKrt to
any measure from other motives
than a conscientious conviction of
the public good."
Senator Sherman's resolution,
which was adopted bv the senate,
calling tqwrn the president for the
particulars ot the recent congress
with the Canadian commissioners
eoneerniiiL' reciprocity has started
lots of gossips, and everybody wants
to know why, if there was nothing
in the conference, as was unollicial
ly given out at the time, the senator
ollered his resolution.
Congress has not recovered from
the ell'ects of its excursion to Chi
cago, consequently it has been un
usually dull for several days past.
Mr.' Harrison and his family
have gone to Virginia 1 tench for a
week's rest, which it is impossible
for them to get in Washington.
Kepresentative Springer, who has
been classed as a Cleveland man,
has come out for Hill, whose presi
dential boon, is rushing things just
now in congressional circles.
It is sometimes an advantage to
the eople of a state to have a
variety of state ollicials, as to poli
tics. 'At the last statu election an
alliance man was elected state print
er in Kansas, and owing to the
rigiil scrutiny of the secretary of
state, who is a republican and not
friendly to the printer, the amount
of printing done and the pay allow
ed therefor were restricted to the
limit required and allowed by law.
This suits the taxpayers very well,
but the question arises, Why was
not the same economy, or rather the
same honesty, practiced when a re
publican state printer was in ollico?
It is said that the state printing ex
penses have been cut down more
than one-half, which is conclusive
proof that thero was gross extrava
gance before. It would bo a good
thing for the jK-oplo of Oregon if a
"calamity" state printer could bo
elected, as it might bo attended
with similar results. The state has
saved a large sum in consequence
of having representatives of both
lKilitical parties in its chief admin
istrative ollices. and it would bo well
if thoro was a further division of
tho offices among the parties.
- . ,
Tho state of New York is busily
engaged in taking a new census,
ordered by tho legislature under
authority of tho constitution, for
the pursue of apjkirtioumcut. This
will furnish a test of tho accuracy
of the national census, which it was
claimed was '2(l5,lKX) short in the
iiiotroiMilis alone. It is probable
that the state census will show a
larger jKipulation in Now York City.
It may show an increase in all
parts of the slate, since tho state
census undertaken little besides
enumeration and can therefore do
that thoroughly. Tho last census
failed as much because it was en
cumbered by too many details as it
ditl by ronton of incapable suinir
vision. Is It Catchlnc?
Leonard Cole, of Huntington,
who was defeateil for sherill'iu Mal
heur county at tho last election, is
in trouble' Ho has boon arroatod
for forging his fathor'n 'name to a
noto for $1800. Tho note was made
during tho campaign two years ago
when tho young man neoilou money.
Mr. Austin, the defeated candidate
for sheriff in Grant county last elec
tion, is serving a term in tho twit-
itontiary for oattlo stealing. There
heoniH to bo a sort of fatality attach
ed to dufoatud candidatuH out in tho
Kasturu counttos. hugono Guard
Iifutii nnfossor. rrprwntinc as j
many counties in the state of Ore-;
gou, met in Portland lat week and
a a result of their deliberations rv- j
Milvod that all pnqwrty, real and
jHiraonal, shall horeatVr Iw asiMetl
at its true ch value. What n ,
doa! of nonewiKH' is attached to this
question of aawsstnent a'td taxation?
Any aimtor baving tins slightest
regard to his oath is fttiptxMcd to
aitcM all nrrqiertv nt its cah val
uation ami the lact tlmt the intro
duction ol mirrt a resolution wa
iioeetMiary shown that them public
servants have Ut'tt in the inft re-'
miss in their official duties. 'riH'ro;
is one simjile colution to the ve.xwl
queliou of taxation in this state.
Asei all proiKTt v at its fair eMi
valuation and ignore all claims of
indebtclnes,. Then the work will
lm easy, but it is not at all probable
that the lawmakers will bo able to
grasp this idea but content them-
selves with fighting for all manner
of vagaries that lead to but one end
that of higher taxes and universal
iiissalislacliou. .Mountaineer.
All signs, says the San Francisco
Post, Hnnt to a revival of the era of
raiiroad construction in tho wet.
which has been stisiKnded for thej
past three or four years on account
of short crops, of strikes, of strin-
gencv 111 the monev market, ami
other causes of minor importance.
I he splendid grain crop of l.VJI, so
groat that the railroads with all
their facilities could not handle
them, have created a new interest
in railroad extension ud made the
prospect much brighter. That
means the Oregon Pacific among
other roads.
Tho New York democratic plat
form declares "against tho coinage
of anv silver dollar which is not of
tho intrinsic value of every other
dollar of the I'nited States." The
only way to make a silver dollar of
equal intrinsic value with the gold
dollar is to coin silver as freely as
gold and give it equal debt-paying
power. Tho convention would have
done bolter if it had gone a little
farther and plainly stated this fact;
but it was afraid of tho Wall-street
money monopolists. A good ir
lion of tho democratic party is still
worshiping I tnal. Telegram.
From a lengthy editorial in tho
Now York World reviewing the work
of Hill as governor of tho state wo
take tho followinu' extracts: llo
has sawd the state not less than
f l,0X),(X)(J of wasteful expenditures
bv his voters alone, and a much
larger sum by securing the abolition
of conly and unnoceusary bureaus. ,a.v. The tool were tlv in uumher.
ami by the detirrent inlluenco of; The drill worked by u Imw wiih tlm
his known hostiiitv to extravagance 'el'lef- It varhsl In Ue, wns uuulo of
upon the acts of the legislature. Ho hroiuo. nud noted In virtue of the em-
has mm o noss 1 e the owost tax-
rate in thirty-six years, with no di
rect tax at all for state purines.
It is proposed to arrange for tho
celebration of the discovery of
America by the public schools
throughout tho country on October
It! next. It would no doubt hcjHip
ular with tho school children, as
thoy know more about it than thoir
elders. Hosidos, they would go in
for a celebration on general princi
ples. . - - -
Tho shock of earthquake recently
felt at Tho Hallos wan also felt,
though not SO s rcejt.blv, atrort-i,y the jma, tho to W en
laud. ThecenUTOl ihetlisturbanco Kruvcil U-iu fl.etl. In more rooent
Seems to have been in tlio mount-j tly tli rovcrso nrrnuKement Is
ains, and at Knapp's Landing, 011 ; f'wcU. ml In tH,nMMuenc the
the lower Colu.nbii the shock win ,WUB 'f '"'" 1 "". l,1T,r;
.. , meclmnical. Tim onifrnvcd work nml
quite heavy. Ult, lit,M llf Ktlm Wt,rt. 1M,n,lm i,y ru
----- liliiff them with lino smilcr. hiema-
And now ex Senalor Itlair wants tlte. or roil oxl.lo of iron, having Won
to be i.resident of the I'nitod Stnto. iK'-norully omptoye.1 for this purpow.
Hut it is hardly supposed that thoi, ''o1 ,w,",Um T ' i'"1" f . T;
r , . 11 . but it naturally suiiifesU the subject of
IRjoplo of this country would accent fru(il am.u,IlU Wt.r ,lt 11(.xlH,rt
a man for president that the heath-jn, u.u branch of art. if It may U- so
on Chiueto refused to have an mill-; call -tl. due misrht say that the pair of
istor. Kast Oregoliiail. I trrcen jfluss pillar In the temple of the
I 'I vri in II' rciiles which tlm priests de
sK!iiding ono day of ollicial inquiry
in Washington, ran up an expense
bill of fill), of which 102 was for
dinner. Haltimnre tiooplu are evi
dently not alllicted with Kor appo
tites. Leonard Pcriusticli, of Tavtima,
will bring suit Kiimt ShorilV Price
f. ijii-n i. . r.i... :
lor to-iw uaiiingf nir iai inipna- j .,, f vnrious chemicals. Is n com
ouinont. PeriiiBtich refused to pay ' pnrntivcly recent Invontiun, hut the
tho cost in an action brought by 'ancient were adept In tho rjrt of
him and decided against him and clianirinfc' th original lu by nioannof
was put in jail.
Thomas Kondrick, a (ieorgia
dosporado, has forced tho authori
ties to tonus. fter resmtctl oflurlti
to capture himtieSy nrt now nego
tiating with him to Itrnvd thu coun
try, promising him n snfs conduct
if ho will go.
ltrtHrt ifltlt Wtilflt n .Mnrrllotir4,.! n i.ihiic linimn
A -f f.iliin limt ImVh IdIIitIiik'
fr nearly an wr In a fnliinmlli'
irniMi- hoj rwfntljr. Sho luul ir-(-hnju-.l
n copy t mvirly Try rfecu of
mu-lc thnt in! it ihritirmnlal title ami
hn) tent ut to hir cftrrintfp n'wholo
xirtmanlrai full of 'invo'' fritii;
tlirouffh tivcrjr im.l nf tins -lln(f.
pot. prvm-rit or fulurc -ml va fol
low Injr tliclr example wtien stir iwiiimI
upm the nU-fi If inisllUtitit wlirlhrr
ho klumltl Ink" It ur hoiiip other Kti
that wu I'vUIentljr turning Itin-lf ovvr
in hr-r ralml.
The Khopmnn, ny th Sliel11-It Tole-
i,v UJ tn.ipr t.,i f v.rf. it. hi.-i,
lm.l nskiil hini: -Wilt Uh Uw me
! Uwn o n.m?" wntohml hor with an
' "tixloly tnal u-trayci uif t.n. plainly
'Jni.tmrntof l,U l.lrt collar imI
! Tl m SI'S
,,,, ,,c c,.nr,Hi lh foment, ami.
rrotloM ami rwli. licr nulmni riiiKlt
llutlerinir In th. wlml, Uxil onoo more
Wforo tho nilmirlnir uluipirmn.
"I lmit m-uriy forpitn-tt," ulu nM. la
a voi.v thnt mimihmI to oil lior bhisliliik'
woriN; "ilenr! tlenr! I ennnot tell
when- my heml U tu-ilny! I ruino lick
U wU you If ly elmnce" here she
imuwil, iix If to take now eminiiro,
uhilfl tho trembling hliopinnii poUil
hlotwo thtinilit elepnntly on the inn
lioiraliy polluter, nml lenut his lMly In
itnirliiirlr fonvnnl "to aU von to Ihi
laml en.iiiirh to l-Ivc me one UIm. tiofore
"M-n-a-a-il-ii-in!" exelnlntotl the listen
Uhoil nhopmnn.
"I wunt you," ropenliil the innr
ehioni'.i,"to let tiie liuvn one kls lforo
tmrtlntr -one will do, If yon pleirne."
she rniu'd hor lieantlfnl bliieeyo full
iiv 111 hi, nml met them Utility nml tm
1iiihlti(?ly. She then, without ln-trny-inir
imy emotion, roK',itol her ipiesitloti,
HiMinj.', as enlmly ni puMttilc: "If yon
o.iiinot irlvo it me now, I will etill Mme
other time."
lie could drmlit mi longer. Sprlntrliitf
over the counter, he lu'lued hold of thu
lndy'x fair form, nml then nml there
irnve the kin .ho m earnestly U'jjieil
for prevloiiH to departure. To hU ffn'iit
iiNt'inlshment, the only return the lady
lnve wiih a 1mt on tho enrH. Thin was
followed liy n voile- of lilmvs dealt liy
her pnmitol over his heml, whieh was
iieeoininnied w ith nn erpuil uumlor of
hlirk-l.s, that never terminated till thu
polleo tunie Into thu tihop.
The nlTnlr w no carried to the neureiit
pollw court, hut wns in Kin dl .iiiiwwd
uion its leiil(f explniued thnt "One
ICIm Ilefore I'nrtlnn" wiih the niune of
a noiitf which the uiiMipldhttcuted shp
mnii, IdiHHfully 1,'reen from his unlive
Holds, hnd never heuril of he-fore. It
wan a favorite joke ufterv;ird to nsk
the luily whenever hho was nt tho pi
ano if i,ho would mind jftvliijf junt "one
kiita iK-foro pnrtlnif."
T00U Iiiiiili) vi Workmen of tlm
t'Ht unit 1 rrrtil.
T lie tn Ihiu.a irnHicftM'h omphiytMl in
nnci-nt times it: cnr;;vi:;t; ctn arc
V E t lira 1 1 ttlit Vlltttil ItM tllitfai' 111 ItHa tV
i ,,r . 1"'"" i-'
olit with whiuh Uh point wiw sinenred.
The drill wns occasionally tubular; In
thnt eno It urown was soinetiimii" sot
with munll crystals of corundum. 'I'M'
second tixil wns a wirv saw, uiaije ef
fuotlve with tho samu abrading lnuli
rial. Tho wheel or dink o broniu
wns biiuilurly employed. A tlio was
nls. used, not of metal, but of n mix
turf of emery and resin, hented togeth
er, nnd thon allowcil to solidify by cool-i"K-
The fifth UhiI wns h Krnver, matte by
inountiuif In 1111 Iron or hrouzu huudle
n crystal or crystalline frnKmat of
dlnmoml or uf wtiphlro, or some
time a pleo of rook crystal. As
a rule, in euirnivlu autiiii eiu,
and also tliOM ot thu ulmiie-eduto
clare I t" IlcnxlotilH to U'cm. ralil were
11 cl rantic btisstiirc; but It U not 1111-
likely th-t til-- llKt.iriu I deceived hllll-
idf. of jewvlers' fronds tho chief wns
the ma); in;,' uf a "tlmblct," n pnsto
Uackctl with a rvnl stono of i;rtntcr
IntrilnohS, but poor color. Tlm two
material woro joined by nil Invisible
oeineut, tho. Jlno ot" JniH'tu at the
h'tollH of tlu 1,'em India cotioonletl by
the miMiiitln'. Tlio alteration nud 00
couliuttiou of tho color of natural
.. ..,,l,,ll.. , ,l. ,,,,,-v l.i-
i st"", j ".v. -j
strong Inint. SjHjetator.
' At thu unlvumlly of Pennsylvania,
wltoro woim-n are trlvini: to tfnln full
ntlmlwiou. cortitleato were granted
till year to llvo women stiulentsln blol
oy Rial to llvo In iiiiuln.
Uxoi.AM) Is to luivo free education
utter optu(iiUr 1. It hu taken our
llrltudi cousin some limo to Kit thoir
foot In our kttfp. but thoy are otmilnir
nlonif uulto liiuuNowcdy. tY.i:'t.
Sin .It ti.w rAf.sci:rtt llritlsh mln
istvr nt WahhiuifUm, plays lawn tennis.
Tint princes tif Wnle hnti onlenl
her plu.toymphffr tt place likrrteiwu of
the royal family 011 a sol of hor daint
iest china.
Svnwt llKMi.vMir has Jtist l-mjiht n
tnr;v tract of laud in a suburb of I 'aria
f. r flUy two ihottMiiil dollars, all made
dn rui if her tvrrnt Alnprlcnu toar.
I..iv .M.riiNAl.ii. It i rvpnrtod In
I uimdn, is to n moth) a (M-eres by tlio
iii,H'ii In rrcot,,iitlon of Sir John Mne
donnld'scmliwnt orvlot to tho empire.
TllK mar,ul of Salisbury recently
wnt n mnmiiflcnt ltt of stmwls'rrU-v
with lkwen mid otlwr frtllU, to the
Koynl Horticultural soctoty' shotv in
Tiik hiiwii of l'urtiiirnl 1 a line hro
womnu nml ride nl,nt thi environ
ment of l.lslsm so early In the murn
liitf that intot of her faithful subject
are nleep.
As nlTectlnif Incident I related of Mir
John .Mnrtlounld's Invalid ibiuirhter.
wImi, on U'lnjr tohlof her father's tlenth,
said: "1 must try nud not Ik a enre, but
a comfort, to mother now." ,
HlsMAiH K's health Is o much Im
proved thnt he tins decided not to visit
any wnterinif plnce this senson -to tho
prcMimnhlc dlKUt of some (icrin.iu ho
tel kis-pi'rsnml iiumenni lion hunters.
Tin: youier crnrowlu of Itussla hns
Is'cu n miwt industrious stmh'nt, ami is
now one of the lt Informed men of
his nifo In eastern lmrojio. Iloisespi
elully well vcrscil In the higher science.
"t w.v Just struck with nu Iden," aaltl
(Jus do Jay. "Well. If it Is our of your
own," replied litis" father, "I ruvw you
ain't likely to ls htnek nml blue from
It." Washington I'ost.
Yoi'Mi Nicki.V "Ye, 1 know thnt
I'm a great llirt. I upiM'. Mix
Smllitx, thnt yon think I'm a very hard
hearted vi retch'.'" Mlaa Smlluv "Yes,
but your hend bring the average out
nil right." -IIotou Courier.
Tiik W:ki;t Seor. -"There Is one
thing alsuit the jfwlp," snltl I'huppi.',
who wns just recovering from it: "It
nlvtnys nttneks the weakest part." "So
I understand," said Miss Shnr; "you
hnd it nit in the hend. I U-lieve."
Ml Su.wiri: "Oil, how do jou tlo,
Mr. Slusy'.' You nro not hsikiug icry
well." Mr. Sly "Xo, Mts Shnr,
have n cohl or something In my head "
MlsS (c.tlmlyi--"l think it must l
II cold, Mr. Sisay."- N. Y t'oiitliient.
llorimvi..- Chollle "What a biMtto
old tiotuot Is'. Told mo If 1 did not stop
hanging uwouml hi daughter he. tvotihl
bwnin mu. Tawncy ho incnut iinbw.tiu
me, don't you know?" Yaledoy- - "No;
I d.m't think lui did." IndlnnajHjlis
I ' s nkckmma II V Koiick. IVIeiid "What
an you going to tlo tvllh thl-t kurneuso
revolver?" I Silly Simple -'I'm tired tif
life, mu deah fellah, ami I'm roUi,r to
blow me bwnlm. out " rrlond -"l'uhutv!
Why tlon't you Just take a pme'.i of
sniilf. nml wieow?" -Smith, (iray .1 l'o.'
A wr 111c AS rallromls ctuplo.V 3.000.000
There ari In the fulled Ktuto .'00.
DID. 71) mile of railroad track of nil de
scription. Tu nut uro ton main lines of railway
coiTrring in lAimkm. Of llie-to 'JJI0
suburWiu t ruins run In ntid out dally,
while tho main line train arc only
aliout 110. In JSHll tlm t.: 1U. '-, onrrletl
IU0,lSl,000 suburb.ta p.iaw.i-fer.
Tiik T ran. -African railroad has Is-en
completed from lxand.i to Amb.iea, KHI
mile in tho inUrior. It is thu only
ruilroutl In osrntiou In ciiintorlal
Africa. It has 1hmu built by uativo
workmen nud tlnily trains uro run over
the Hue.
Ul.l.tilAN rnllwny olllclnl, after three
yonr of Investigation. reirt that under
ordinary olrouinataueos tho nveragt
railway train in passing overouo mileof
track wenr fnun It two and oue-llfth
pound. Thlx natural destruction of
track amount for tho whole world to
alMiul 1,330,000 nind daily.
IvKltosuvi; the roost oneo a week.
I.ti-i: are nlwny worst In summer.
Horn milk is a trout Isilh to tho hens
ami to the little chickens.
Dl'ci; should nlwny have dry tpiar
ter at night if they am to Ihi kept
thrifty nml healthy.
Tin: Income from one good hen, well
cured for, will pay for a j;i newspa
per for family reading.
Kkkii the fowls tinrly In thu morning
before they nro allowed any wutor; foutl
well and wntor nftorwnnl.
Do Nor keep too many drakes; one to
every live tluoks Is unriugh. Morn than
that simply adds to tho e.vieuso.
An r a 11 ns posibli nrrnugo so that
thu drinking vessels can ! kept In , thu
jdiudc, so as to keep the wutor eool.
It tho lion does not wean thu chick
ens by tlm timo they have all their
feather they should Ix shut away from
tho hon.
Smith -"Worn you over dlappolntoilJ
1., 1. .,..." i.,....v i.. I-,... 1 I
ilisnpilnti!tl in iiiarrlago." Domorost's.
A Kkai. Vapatjo.v. "Aro you giiiij
away this siiuimer?" "No; I shall stay
nt homo." "Why?" "llecaiuui my wife
Is going away." -Ixjwell C'ltt-wi.
Jink ltxitliluly) "Ywur wlowa
a bud when you iiiarrlw! Iar. Mr.
llrovy." Itrecxey taiH'Jr-"Yi, hut
she's In full blow 119 iv 1 cau toll you I"
.N. Y. Iluruhl
li'rns.k ymr chnlr liu"oantly.
Ih T stay mi long ns to tiro the pa
Ihis'r shut thu register with a clnah
log somiiL
IKiN TCima Into tho nsim with wet
clothliig on.
I r talk nlsmt slckuos. or other
dis.tgnvnble subject.
iNiN'r lot tlte lmnnu knobi full heavi
ly or hniuf the thsir.
lo'r kl the pHtlcnt if you hate
just come twit of the cold,
Ifcis'r sit when the patient must
chnngw Iter povllkiu to look nt you
DoN'r piny wltk nnj thing In your
hand or anything a tilled o tho fur
niture. Itos'r tnlk o fast that It is n strain
on the patient's ncrvos to understand
nil .urn snv.'
lo'rsltl.y the skloof the patient,
for thou she can't look nt you without
klrniiiiug hor neok.
llos'T. if therv 1 already nnotlwr lr-
s.m in tho room. t v that the r-jTTrit
w ill have to lw eonsUmlly ahakiitg her
In ad Ui look from one to tho other.
Tiiihtkk.n thmisnnd mules aro sold at
Marshall. Mo., every year.
Tiik San l'ranelieo Ismrtl of health
rvf lives to admit Chinamen to the city
To-m:.ii-i.ii nprteot tnes nt San
tlcruanliuo, t'ul., nro ludoii with fruit
this year
A r.uvrr.n locked up In thr Jail at tlu
btitio. In., Is decorating the wall with
liiudscai pictures.
In Now Orleans n s't pigeon grlovetl
itsctf to death over thu loss of its little
mitresa girl tif seven year.
Moiik registered letter busine-s Is
done In the I'hiengo lst otllco than In
any other t ntllce In the uiitoii.
A UKIir of three rents, which slit has
owed for forty three years, has jul
U-cii paid by a I'lillailolphia woman.
(invMi ltiiilw' dogcatclier, in at
templing to catch a big bulldog, tho
other tiny, nearly luul his wrUt
"chnwetl" olT.
Auomi the grammar school graduate
this year there wns one llirdle, mill
1 nssie, one tioiiue, one isome, nun Mil
lie, out Zippy, two liussion, Ihu Klklt
and sl Susies.
A Wit-Kin Co.ssriiccriov. Mart,
"I'm within ten years of tlilrty-lx."
Maria -"Moroy! you arc not forty-!.,
aie you?" -Kpooh.
Nor llotiK liiiow.s-. -Kdlth "How I
bate that Mr. Illlllerl I should liku to
pull her hnlr out by the roots." Ktlud
- "Hut her hnlr doesn't haru any nsila."
Muiisry's Weekly.
As- luros.iliill.iTV. Mnud "Charllo
promised to think of mo often while ho
is nway." I'.th.d "Did he really? I
hud no Idea thnt he could think nt nil."
snl unlay livening Herald.
To. i.ii'.rs-lh i;n Mossi .n. --Harry
"T here nru no llies on Mis S'.imwaklo's
Uiiiiicl " Madge "No; oven the llk
hat' more scum- man lo settle on such
11 hideous tiling "- llrool.lyu llitglu.
Mil. I'l Jt -"Susie, blue you seen the
latest designs in Ih hi net '"- Mislo - "I
have not." Mis I'naa -"Thoy 're toociilc
for anything; why, I l-lievo they'll
make an ugly woman teal handsome '
Suslo (sweetly) -"Why tlou't you tfet,
one as an operiiuuul?"--Ai:iiiila Ctiu
stitutiou. IN STRANGE LANDS. (- '
A Tl'MslA.v girl litis no chiuiko 01
marriage unless she weighs over two
hundred stimlh.
Tiik costliest dresses In the worltl an
worn by the women of Sumatra. Tlny
are made of pure gold and silver.
After tho metal is mined ami smelted It
is funned Into line wire, which I
w oven into cloth nml nftorwartls inadu
into lire-.
Is the jungles of Sumatra Is found an
elioruiotl spider which measure thrott
iuches across the Isnly nml net en aortiwt
the teg. It Is black in color, with retl
nmlvellow markings It spinsa geomtit
rlcal web about four feel in tllaiuutur
iH'lwocn two trees.
A Nkw lake hns Wen discovered In
I'mncnin, Africa, by (1. Iloldnu, a
Swede Thu diseovurcr, thinking to
honor the Herman governor, named tint
water Ssleu lake. It lies stivtm hun
dred meter iiInivo the lovul of thu on
nml is alsmt two miles widu.
I r Is snl. 1 that the ape ami thu eninol
are the only ipindriiicils which cannot
A fl.i: t can jump over a barrier flv
hundred time hi ow u height. At thnt
rate a man could jump over a wall
nearly a mile high.
Tin: distance of tho hnrlrou It gov.
i rncd by thu height of thu oyo nlmvo thu
earth or sea. On tho son, with thu oyo
lit a height of llvo foot, tho dlitaituu
would ho three miles; at sixty foot In
height, ten luilu. Scieutillo American.
I'm'I.k Sam tlmi.s not tiller much en
eoiirngi'iiienl In thn way of rcinuneni
tloti to mun of science In the got em
inent employ. No matter how uhlii a
scientist may ho the maximum salary
liicall receive Is tfl,!O0 a yoar, ami It is
'frequently nuver 81,000,
A llnisroi, (I'a.) mniuleclan that hu.
hit a dog that can hark distinctly many ' '
letter of thu alphalniL
At Chluo, Cat., the olcr'tlny, a oat
caught a sparrow anil wu gfilng wi)i It
Into a btoio when lmlf a tlton Atimr
siarrow cninu to the rescue anil Hindu
kiit'li 11 vigorous onslaught upon kit Hint
ho t glatl to tlrop his prey ami llco lo
tlio friendly ahclt-jr of the a lore,
-. -
' 1
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