.1 THE GRANT COUNT! NEWS, Mm rah 8, 1S02. Tljis eoiitiimu to Imj iiii Invon tiro neo: 0. J. Datito, of Hills- ,1,11119 invtiiitcHl it Machine that invalid split wood -at the Mflno timo. It is claimed fur the ilWiehlno tlmt it will split into itbvowood liftcoti cords of four fot wood sn wed into sixteen inch ionutlis in ton hour. Two inon IhhI two liorEM are required to !,ojonito tlio machine. I . ' Ci9jierttlurrie succeeded tlio fmiornt of u tirh man in Knglund. At his request, fonif tiutttlrvjl of liiii intimate fnalfUS fivero "Invited to tlio funonil, bin onlytwcnty nfno wont. Tlio other tiirco linn droil mill seventy-ono wens some wlmt dejected uight days lutor whon 'ho will was rend. It gnvc to onoh poriiuii who attended tlio funonil ii sum of inonoy- $1000 to onch man, mid $1000 to onch wo limn. 1 'fi'SJ,l! ... .1..! Ij ... Accuruiofj iu Biiiiumuiiio iiiuuu Uitni5,cdiniulMloiicM to Chief l'eo, Yon-toil ."Mat-ltx anil Xo-Shirt, on tlmir riwafiL vlalr'1 f1 WlllhilMf toll. j'k.tho Indians wilt'W dSrral to n. -vJjSflnuio tlio irivIkgo of cttutonsliln, 15.3: llivilllllll niiiiiiMu, ,hiiiv...w. ujion inc ujijirovm tiy me depart moiit of the allotiiiont of their hinds. It i possible Una tlio ftl lottuont nmy ho liuishod and ap proved by tlio next .Iiiiio olcotion, in which ovunt tho Indians w$H voto, mid inuy chnngo tho situation wiiiuwlmt. flon. Milos is opposud Id tlio jwlicy of enlisting Indians na fo diou in tho ri'giilur army. ho wiys the eurvicc i not n kinder gnrton, nor tho plneo for civilixing MVUJiO ituii yet ii wuiiui huuiu tlmt. since u stiiinliiiL' nriiiv i nt'o- OMliry, tllU Still Wlirt Tmek Iudimnl who'nro tiool for nolhing else, ...tol.f 1 mil. to imrn ulmt thev out mid wonr in tlmt way. Thoy mo rertninlv natiinilly Miiti.nl to tho hir.y, iinlolent life led hy the KoldieiM (if this country at tho preiuut dny. H. U. Aliich oxcitouii'iit prevailn in South Union, in Thurston county, Vnsli., whore two AdventiU pronchcris aro urging the people to prepare fur tho near approach of tho end of the world. Alareh 2J, hat heen li.ved as the last day of grace on which innn can ho Mived, mid the destruction of tho world in miiiounced to occur u little later ft the your. The preacher have ' iKiraiindod more than a score of the Itxullng people of tho rural neigh horhood to bolluvo in their proph ixUm, and preparation a nr being iiiiula accorilingly- 1'ndur tho present law of the T. -I...1 C. ..!... 1.-......1 i i.iii shm. ti.M ,....K .n.uu.m. blinks, tlitty onnilut loan imnipy oil real oatnto soounty. .Mr. l,urpin, of Alaliaiua, htm introduced a hill in congri'Bd amending the law, m nt to authorixo nntionnl banks to loan money on utieh trbcurity. Should thin bill become a law, it would not only add to the buisinesB of the batiku, but would enable mmiy tcroiiH to borrow iiioney who are not willing to link theirJ frl.ii.ila ir. , no .. nolo willi tlnmi , ., b, i.i i I ne thoy aro forced to do under the proeent law requiring peinonai o curity.- In Holland the pnhliu school touchers have reached the eonelii tion that thoy must undo the mi ohlof done h the jmstori and re ligion. Thoy huvo begin: the publication of a new neriodical called The Public School Teacher. Kvery number contains the fol lowing modetit btatemotit at its hiunl; "I'amii in tlm kiniilli'-it vil- lago there h now a beacon of light, - i . i i.i "Uld that U tho public school teach. er. llllt there Ii, aho a IllOllth that could extinguish this light, and that is the preacher. I'uhlic , ,. . ., 1 , i. i illliuillflli 11..-. .1 I r.. r I ..lilt,,.'., i uniiuoiiuii io mu iiivniiiiv m iiiiiiiu. . jovo Illiblic, bcliool lenciiers must no llie priUgltMJW tinnuiy. Kiistiian authgritfes uUy not have bread for tho starving poflSJyer, nuts, hut they have plenty gf bill lot, and aro extremely libera! with llioni A f.i tt 1 it 'C llifit i 1 tint 1 1 f if 'a IIIVIIU iwm t(i i r fv ' mini ui ithoftO fainikhiiiL' wietches was trv. ing to cros tho border to reach some place where food could bo obtuiued. whon thoy woro set iiikiii -f liy tho "ondnrmos, three of them being killed, ten wounded find tho othurs captured, to bo severely punished for tho grent crime of attempting to Iwtvo tho country mid tlio grave crime of resisting ollluers. This is but one little dnili of tho brush in that black picture of I'tissiau barbarity that is being tinrollotl before tho oyos of cMlfwition. -SNAKE STORIED. Six rattleuiahes are the nets of a. Knaucrlown girl, j invelh,-tloi of the 1'reiieh marine, be- j At (JrlCIn, (1., n kintf make, was eoorbtecil ttwit many of tit hbj h Neon to wnllmr a jrrecn snake several er toral offletre wore totally liiMmpc ! ItK-he loncer than It own Kxlr. i te nt. A make nineteen foot cven Inches In lewcth was ktlltNl In tho act of earrjlnif olT n small Att near (lladwtn, Mtott. He Kioto several tieforo he was oau-?ht. A HACK tsslween n to.,1 anil an adder wm a uteht en tit Ilerbr. Onnn.. about I dmdc tbe otlur evening, llolh animal I emerged fnmi nii.ltr a lUiorMeii, the tuVV-r Rlrlif choj- to the jnwr tmd, whh-h. Imw-erer. leT-k))Kxl IU 'Wt tNel am) ranl. Mil. ltoiKH.su, of Milton county, On., hllll n unnkf In her vant that hud Jt mn n(T a Mttlnir lien aml apriri.-itt llfUvn vein, 'lite mikIii- a w ininnil that locomotion vo illltlcutt, ko he wn : ially dUmtehel. T1m repttle menv nrnt fia feet four Inehoit from tlj to tin. .. SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATIONS. Hit. Diiwti, of New Vortf. lm found that nneh etthle In vli of Mill contain (nun DO.IW) to S, M.lM0 mltinto orjfau Urn. It U utateil that rotten U a irmlehlo, the Imellll of cholera and typhu having Wn destroyed ty the InfinUm of cof fee. SnivcilMNr. hn Iven fotrnd to In eirniw' the amount of iutrlc Juleo so eiotd In the Klonmoli, the tfenerol ncht Ity and the quantity of frc acid In the aearetlon. Tub apparent llnttenlnif of the vault (if the ht-nw-n Jieen found to have an annual p-rl-l ami to iU'oihI on elomt. It wi'in . leant lint u Ith a mlftty hnrtuin and !." Ity niyht than ty day. A lnvi-Uyutir of the effect of er fumiH on animal In tlio ZotdofrU'ul (pmloi:. Io1iiii. illwHivt-roil that mimt of tl,e IIimhi and leotmnU were wry fon-t ft jvender. They tooU a piwn of ouiUA ftaturattjd with It mid held It lie. I ltli.tr .M." tn. ,.'lll. ,tll..l. UNEXPECTED FINDS. It tanrlnp down an old chimney nt l'wdrgfirinirs (la., the other day 81, XWln yfftl vn found. 1 i9 c(lNrt of n apriiiK clik-heu Idllcd zlfTMtfm. Me f",l,ul " MIln11 ffohl pfn Kt vein yenra ajrn. Willi k1ovlntnt Maj''a T. a ml In if, N. J., n fnriniT unearthed u larjfo ann piny turtle which wolifhcd tucnty viiinilii. Whim: plowing hi corn, Will rtrana, of Kennel. Mo., lilo'.ved up n laive hcttle iii.nl- uf ktono. eont-jiulnv, he j think, nhout thirty poumU of Indian 'hmiU. I ' ul- ,r,," ' onntalnli alut (I'J.OuO worth of dlamouiU mid other prevluu tonc wu ilrvlffvil up from the bay at Snn KrancUeo. 'Ilie neliluj' of tlm KtoiMW are In the nKU-imiUi conlury ktylo. FASHIONABLE JEVELRt. ToihjUOIki: Ji-wrlrj- oontlnue f.-.htuu-nhle. Tiik liiiiicymoldo U a jHipulnr dohitf u nil re r. A I'liurrv lorfjunlse ni-cktneo It formml of ht:ir mid I'nsnwnU, Tun dalntient Urov.'heH for Miunnor drew are IIiiikd which luho the form of flower. A VRitr liaudnome Hixmn een ront ly wifi of Kdil with u hiindle duidguuil in open work. l'lNoiai rinif Khowlnt; throe row of (em, lire In each row, (,'lve, when on he llu.rer. the linpruMiluu of three, live .t.me rlntr. A rAVimirr. Iirncelet with horwj .vomeii conhUtA of a mirh uhtitn orim ui'iilixl with a Nilr of Miallliw and u d!s iiioud hontekhoe. FOREIGN STATISTICS. RTATiHrii1 sihow that eight lime ai . imy. mr,i,.rh nro cmmitteil in Italy in In any other IMnnx-nu country. Aiinitni.su to the hut reiisus, the M)ultion of llumliun; Is (Wi.AlKi, a i;alli hf more tlinti lotl.ooo htnee ltSS. Till; recent cciimi of In-hind show n impulatlon of I.7IW. lnalet. and i.HIT, 07(1 female. l-lu a divreake of 1,071 In the total i.Iik'i- the InKt censu. A(Xxiiii.mi to the iniMit reei'nt censii ruturim Ixiiiiluu him a npuhitlim of 4,-VKi.lKlO. I'liri of S.IVI.UOO, llorlln of I..17I.IV, and St. IVterkhurK of l.WlO.OtXJ, In the ilmt four month' nitration o Uuniiany' old K'' n"d Invtill.l liihur nncenvt I1I.4IT npplleatloiik frr iienkloui ,vi.ri. ,,,. w tw .oru m ii-fii-il. hi id tho rcfet are under con kldcrnlhm. VALUABLE MANUSCRIPTS. Tin: llritUh Mun-utn linn heoured tho maiiukcrtpl of kc-vcral of (leore llllot'n liuvel-t I.v n alu of Wlllcle Collin' mnnu Keiipta "The New .Mairdiilen" brought 131; "The Woman in White," JCU, and "Moouktone," 1.10. Tin: Into 1'riiioo Napoleon loft more than live trunks full of !miortunt pa per. Mr. I'riileriiik Mukkon is to edit them, and will endeavor to iimhu hU wurh "ul,ur a ,,Utury th"" " volumu uiemolra. T..u original neemont for ''llnnmhy l.ndtfo" betwuou flmrle DleVem. and Hentley. the puhlUher, hn junt Ih-oii ,,,u. 11 ."IT""' that t hurli-k Dicheiu reeelvud SiKJ.tX" . ' - f,,r C4,j,jrf;iit. APPROXIMATE ESTIMATES. Souk lviiIus hn dlkcoveri'il tlmt the ordinary watch Hive llil.Ul.OOO tick n A To V of tomatoes, a they como fnm Die lli'hlt It I otttimatcd, will till from 4K) to 510 cans. It Is eHtlmiiteiUhat at l.'nst l,.KmX0 pound of rubber art- unnually used for Idoycle tire. n A I'uxN'kVi.VAMA woman CiMinted her Btltulic as bhe knitted u (jullt aiM there Were nearly 000,000. A MAUIhUATIi'lAN lias dlkcoven'd that n man can travel II f teen mile on liU wluu'l with lovs exertion thuu he cull wnlirthive mllo. - That Clrealatlnir I!ntrni,'emenlltln Attraln.Mlrlnin -"Horace, you have ma-lc u mUtuke. You hare hud II. 8. cnKrm'od In till rlnjr Inktoad of M. 1'." Ituia (Mittn voce) "lliir that Jaw ulOr. I told him to Ilia out the Initial. (AIuiiJ) Tlmt jeweler I klhflitly deaf, and yon know M. I'. ouud lIkoU. S." -Jorglir' Cflrcnlar. WAn ON THE SEAS. Naval Mixmnh IlAnmrv. Ina recent j Am. tlie Iron ami teel teetaof the nary b e -Minted white, beenMM- ' H ' UuU m n hot climate whllfc 1 '"''I rewarl. are twelre decree ooolcr ! Painted ' (Jmhtwt. Ma., wUlte or of tlio 1 ' ' lh "vy named after 1 I1". rJaltninir tlmt tw ht hamrjwt '"r Anwrtcnn mnreltnHl. manne tUjr than ny other Aati i Ahminai. t.i.nrr rsjwmM the nptn- i loii.tw tt rueciit llrlltBli mmtfUVMnt, "nouM-rlcal wifw-rtorlly In Uirficttu mm wmwU t of cqnat. If not tireoter, t Importance than In ImtUe ihlv" SttNTn tlm JaMncv3 lmvr hail wnr Mp tnry ham tn rsrwrtiwittlftK wmi inmrnr an a iimu-cmm u lire iHiiioni. Willi marrekwaiy aaltaraclory j rulU- '1 lie "ao-Kan. after harlng , I1HU ' IIC"J 111 iTI 1 n n j f. 1 nu ivTtii., to Uc In ierfet ermdtltoii. CHTLDREN'S READY ANSWERS. Ohawmaticai- Teacher "In the M-ntenee: 'Hie alek Uiy lort,hl medl- ' elm,' what imrt of kpeixih I U'veT" i Johnny "If a lie, mum." j ri:iil'W'tliix. Tracher "Ned. ymi are a jierfeet bloehhead " l'upll "Thank you, lr! That' the flrt time you have called mo H'rfect In any thlnv'" Tiwciirh "Willie, I have olmerved, with jrrent pain, that for fccreral morn I UK pat yo luire Ufil tardy." Mttks Willie (pr.M.lly)--"Ye, lr. I tie my own necktie now." A Ciit'eiitNn A.vawmi. I'nele .Tame "Whut, moklii)f nL'nln. Tommy? Don't you know that no moker ever tow tnlir Tommy "They don't, eh7 Well, Jiikt look at that chimney. It miioUc Ilia- al.xty, and pajta' Jut hnd It made tx feet taller." J A hw.m.i. tmy who hnd dloleyed hli mother and Bone off to play wo ro firoved with the jreetliiK: "Why, J.iliiiny, aren't yon nklmmed of your- wlfr' To which the loy replied: "Yes, ma, but I'd rather Iki nkhamed than uiIk all tho fun I hnd." A nn.VTl.r.lAN dropped n pold bailee from hi vot In the corridor of the jxist nlllce the other afternoon, and when he mled It retmced hi stop unit found the pin lyliifc .imnng the p.UH'ra and dust of the corridor In plain hitflit of the humlred who had puM.ed that way. The pin Tlnd lK.-enlot n full hour. N. Y. Sun. RULERS OF KINGDOMS. Tin: queen of Portugal recently paid ivuveii thouktind dollar for n dre. Tm:ciarof IIumIii will celehnite hi kllvcr wMdiiitf next NovcmK-r In a modest fashion near ('iHtnhnfsin. Tuu hliitf of Italy tuhe ureal Inter est In athletic. He is never happier tlmii when dUtrihutlnj; incilnls and bailee to the winners of athletic con teM. Tut: klni: of Aslmntee I allowed three thousand three hundred and Ihlr ty-thrce wive. Many of them nre tho daughters of the chiefs of trilmtnry trllics ov.r which the kill),' 1ms juris dlcthni, and nre sent tohlm luwta;fes. ICimo Orro, of ltnvurin, strnU uKuit the gardens of hi priou-p.il.ico with a wooden iniiiUct on his shoulder and takes an Inmi'llmry shot at every ouu who nnnro.iaho. The klm? is forte. four year old and his meiial condition seems to grow worse rather than lx:t- tur. NKW TO-DAY. DHA.MATIC. ENTERTAINMENT. ion tiii: iiknkht or tiik i-ciimc school AT Jarrel's Hull, John Day, Oregon. KNIUW KVIUM.SO, MAIICII t, I MM. A Drama in two acts: "Down by the .Sea." ADMISSION 60o CIUM)ltHX2o Doors open it 7. J'orforiKinco 7:30. NOTICK. The City Hotel will riMijieii Mnroh 'Ist, at following rutiis: Single moalH . .oO ota . 7SoU . A 00 ..if, 00 o Hoard tier week Tonus ciihIi. Giioru it Thompson', II. 1 . 1101'I.USi. J. N. IIIIOW.V. DOuauisSiS- into wvv. , ATTOIINKVH AT LAW. Collootions Promptly Made. CANYON CITV, - OKKGON 4 DMIXISTlt.VTHI.V XOTlCli I . 1 Notice is hereby given that by c(.n. sideration and ordor of the "linn. County Court of the Sla'c of ()ie;oii for Grant-county, which order was nmda on tho liUlh day of February , A. I), the undoniigned was ! duly appointed "Administratrix with tho Will annexed," of tho estate of Giovanni 1-oppinno, (locoased and all j K-ruoti8 having just ehiiuis ngninst ! miid ostiita me horeby notilled to pro- ! sent tho name duly voiiliod, as by law rwpiiied to the undersigned at ! hor residenco in Wntmuian jirocinct ! Giant County, Oregon, within nix , inontlis from tho duto heroof. Dated at Canyon City, Oregon i this 3d day or March. A. 1). 1892. t Mauv Foitmno, I "Aduiiuistratrix with tho i Will Annoxevl." IN ARMY AND NAV. Tiic United Slate nory tin n papoi A Toarrtxj net ennstnwted of !tT lMtkiiir "teel rlrtfru U wwmi to pat to a iretleat teat. Tiic Italian army eon U lit it arty two m0toa MH)ti, or, to rlra t)M psact flrnre I.M9.VTX A motif tbem am S3,. OM Alpine aoMter, tratMil ami iattiwl to the linn Whip of MMttaUm warter. Hbmiird kemtnir dof( to wateh orr j oaxn Ui (Icrtnan army la training ! Utcm to hnnt for aoMlera hMden In the 1 vronaU ami fleMa, ao that atur a battle j the u mi n Veil mlyht all he fonml ami , hrooffct hi. tJKMA.vv' new ilinpoteh boat Meteor K ovrluiMnif the trpelo lta, the faateat eraft altoat. Her lenffth U 9W ! feet. xvMth St feet, dnMwht II feet, with Mft ton iHnplaeemenU I ler eniriota no- Tlv .OOU horo wer. nmt i fnli ou. iUm m l knoU an hour. Tmm nn nt Vra4naleIrol wt ,.olnt lhl, j.,,,. u, nn racaWM of cottratiialonrd nnleera in the lejfhK1 army, ami not enoturh applleatlona 10 , Mipply the reipilrwl HHmlierof earlet , for next year. It look aa If onr yoonff ; men vere not embraclnK tint military ' ,-ofelon with very jrrrnt ardor. I'OMTIOAh AN.S'Or.VOHM KNTS. ASSKSSOU. I berohy niinouiico mvfelf n oandidnto for Aswstor, miuject to tltt decision of tho licpuMican Countv Convention of Ornnt county. C. N. Waoxkb. i I IfOU ASSHSSOK. 1 1 hcrobv announce mvelf a oniididate for AwNJStor, subject to tho dcciRion of the Domoorfltic coun ty convention of (Irani county, Oregon. .1, W. K kk.sk v.' iTOIl CLHIUf. - I hereby minounce myself as a candidate for Clerk eithjuot to tho decision of tho HeptiliHciui County Conyention of (Jrant county, Ore gon. 0. F. Gorv. ipon school sun. I horeby aiinotinco myself as n candidate for renominnlton for County School Siiiwrintondiiiit, sub ject to the ddeisinn of tho liepuhli can County Convention of Grant county, Oregon. M. X. Honiiam. poll CI.1CIIK. I horuby aiinotinco my?elf a candidate for County Clerk, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention of fl rant countv. Tiioh. II. Ci-iti..' pOIl CO.M.MISSIOXKit. I horeby announce myself a candidate for. the olliee of county commissioner, subject to the decision of tho Domocratio County- Conven tion of Grant county. 1'ltY YVlt.MiN'. h7l0K SIIISIIIKK. I 1. I horeliy announce mysolf as a candidate for the ollloo of SheruT, fliibjoc.t to the notion of the Demo eratie County Convention. II. M. ItUltTON. poll S1IKIUIT. I hereby announce inysi lf as a candidate fur Shi-rifl". subject to the decision of the Ilcpublienii Comity Convention of Grant County, Ore goli. II. W. Si.o.v. r ELKHORN iHOTEL. Canyon Cily, Or. ..1. . Chambers, I'ropr. 'I'liis Koala u mi it Inn iweiiUy Un-n (ijnimil, and will furuiih MhmU or UmI ging at lfvini; mtoa. A ipttckl feature ubout this bouiu is tlmt no Chinese cook are emplnyeil iu the kitchen. (iin tlm Iti-.tiiiinml a trial. M. .1. Uiiaviiikiis, I'ixijii ii t-ir. HMD FRONT HAJS.Y. WM. WOODS, Burns, .v the nlace to art nn uovr if you irai t them trellearedfor, well fed and groomed Passenu'ers and freight rati retted tit alt harts of the cuuntry. Elegant luriumls and reasonable rates. Haptonstall oucciiuomi to IJJLPT0WST4LL $ DART, JOHN DAY; GRANT CO., OREGON. 5' Havo now received tho largest nmL.inott-bsrapleta ttak of nw. Qront Coanty, which they will offor for aIo at n" ' ' TOPoTQFOTi TORgi OAA Yti.V CITY, OU. prom. AfaMMMK, tm Kw"jut mdnd. uiveea F0R8AU? CI t RAP j Out 35 ir Knginc And ii Ikiiler a. i in i - 35 M. lkn V1ff VklNKIII '. 5 Sump Mill and HalUry tiriffln Mill capacity 5 hmi. " Huntington, capacity 1'2 ton lioitlinc upparatu". go.nl to sink -iu feiu A large lot of belting hut little used. A large lot Miner' ami Ulacksmltlis tool but little uacd. Inquiry Hilicitel HASCIIK Ctmi'AXV, Hnker Ctlr, Oregon. First") A. Illll.', MiWK hKI.MNKl, l'ir-.i lent. Vi. i- l'lesiilenL Ckkuiu. W. Conkkk, Cashier. I. KIIKA, T. A. HIIKA, I- T. IHHISOX, llirector. j. TrauiactH a lie m-rat lluiikiiig Bnilnrs, Exchange on all art of tho world N BOUGHT unci yOLD. OeDovtiotu made nt all tiointu on KoHionnbU) Terms. Money loaned at from one to ten tier cent STABRETI'S GARDEN SEEDS! Have beim used all over the Pncilie Nortliwckt for tho past X years. None bettor. Few ao good. Garden, Flovvor and Grass Seeds. Kreah! Pure' Aeclim.ited! O.it- aloues free. Aildrtv.s, GKO. STAItltlilT, Walla Wallu, Wiuh. 1 will 11 nt j-uvn.e ile, nt Duy villc, (Slant comity. Oregon, tho fol lowing described auim ilrt belooging to the enlaie of Murray ltro'n; One by CIjiIohiIjIo tivllion fi yen is old, weight about I SOU pound. One gry Peicbeon stallion, IU years old, weight about 1800 jioumla. One brown Knox stallion, 1 2 y ems old, weight nboiit I lOO ioil!nls. One sorroll stallion, Hyiwis old, weitfhl about H(H) pounds. Also one Polled Aliens bull, nd several i.tliei bulls of good breed. Kin i it K MacIIak, Assigueo. - . i (. Li iut antvl tf ik4.i R I'M i utfc $m ut tuaf , i, i t i kt (we, btt i . ki. Hi Wr ft'-an -i-i hmi, m4mt' t" I , all iH i K-Mtw-v ' (')'. gl 4 t tr " it' tils xJ lu - . w i ... toiti 7 W l fif i... I va;i t.M.llil- UcmaJ it ll4t.4 frHtk AAlnttilkMi, M 4 IU . IVllUth, MiitU Proprietor Oregon. horses when in that nlaee. fttmished at short notire ?;.'. i.v c.tsti. Dart & Co ft ATTENTION, STOCKMEN. : 1691 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT. "To whom it We have at present as lias been our motto in the past viz; The Largest, Best and Newest stock oi General Merchandise m Grant County. All of which we are bound to sell regardless of cost for the next 60 days. You cannot afford to miss this offer, and we trust our numerous patrons will take advantage o fit. A call on us will satisfy your qu- . , riOSlbV. , ot J i((tl'iC 06 HM)OaHHHH OfttHlO IMKIfMkOO 00(MMHMK000NM10001MMH HoraMMT M Oiwkull A Uatdrlrk. -IIKAI.KIt I.N- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon City - - - Oregon. Constanily on hand a full assortment of Dry Goods-, Cloth ins; Hoot $ Shoes, Groceries, JCtc. lite., tile-, at Jteasonnljle J 'rices. lOOOtKMIOHOOIKKJ IXMMIOAlinUOOUafl IIOOOO(HJ(HKIM)llOOOOOOoi Agricultural Good JWv' for the Farmers of Grant County I Frank Hios., ol Portland, Or., nave HHtnblishcd an agoucy at John Day, fc Iho sale of all kinds of Farm Machinery anil Agricultural Imple ments, hiioIi aa Wngon, Carfiajfos, Uod Cnrts, I'lows, Harrows, Mowors, Iteapi-in, Hakes, eta, elc. A wholo carload to b doliverml t once. Hverythintf liral-clu and nt the lowest jiossible latos. 1'le.iso give in your trade. K. HAYKS, A(t. Allow ine to say that I still biunllo the Vbitu Sowing Mnchino ild the HarhulV Oigan. o. p. crf; ILK I 1111 . srLrxMis 'two Groceries, Flour. Tobaccon, Cigarn, and one hiuiiAiw varieties, cheap for cash, at s; The OldStand, Canyon City. o udu Read AdvErtisEments? Do you lair udnuilcige of a good offer When il is placed inlhin your reach? WW nl : '.ati- r" m m I101III- Dry Goods, Clothing, Hants. Xhocs, Gloves, Mittens, Over shirts, Underwear. Hosiery, Hats, l 'inter Caps, Gum Hoots, lUankets, Guilts, Corsets, Ladies and childrens' Shoes, ubber coats, )'ellow0ited eoats, Fancy Goods. Cutlery, lite., He., Fte- kJllHIOOO(IU01KHIIHIIIO(H00IOilU(JnOOUUU UOOOOHOOOIMJOO CW When cash aecoiiipauifiH tho older for any amount from Five 9 Dullars or uioio in nbovo lino of goods wo will prepay all Mail or & HU(0 charges, to auy stn,e station iu Grunt or Harney counties, ? until .hum 16th, loilji. gMT" Wlum sold on oredit no chartf- es prepaid. 6OWIkOIMllQ(IOtlOIHIIIH(((IHIOnQ(&l,OQQOQUOQIOU(10qQ1 e will (imraiitee our lonest lutuil jiricos oil EYCrV A nud onroo to reftindtho iiioney if (ikhIhiiid not latisfaetory. ,' Hy aeudiuii to us, rjtiny plainly, just what is wanted them to your satistnctmn. We huvo the td'esl USSOI'li aral Moiolminli t bo found in auy htote in "Oregon. ' ' mone) in every lino. Give nsu (rial order. Vi'o Holicit y by .Mail at ome. Cci y Uestcel fully. ' Coffin S) Mclarldi. HEPPNER, Ot i 4. JfAfyfHUVKV 1) 1-3 A LI"1 may Concern:- M. DURKHEIMER & BRC V7 - - - Ovegt 1. o. ovimiioi.T. I Warehoubv, v Mr -.tfi ikkir. i" a ri Ml and order at VOBF ra I,., . . rv r 7 J.0