Tho-l'apcr for the Stock hum, Jorehanl and Minor. mm CO DUTY NEWS. Volume AY7'. a-LYVO.V CITY, Glt.'hYT COUNTY. OH EG OA', Til UHSDA J '. . !.- h'Cll .V. YS.9if. Number oO. TEE The Paper for the Fwm, the Workshop and the ., M V Hood's Sarsaparilla i a ronffMMtrJ eitritt of rUmparlUi, "" 8t liotk. 11pjic:i, Juniper IWrrlri, irakr, DiinUllon, ana Mhrr taliublo tiWo rciHrdlfi, mjr lncrntknt txttn jr purr, and the brit u( IU kind l it jM to buy. irrprrd hy tborfttiRlily competent Vh JW tt. In tin romt nrrful minntr, If l5 jculUr Combination, lrupnrtleti and l'roceu, citing tu It cutallie power Peculiar To Itself II will cure, nhen In tbo porr r of mcdltlns, HcmfuU, Salt ltlifiim, ltl.l lVltotilnj, Canccroui ami all llumnri. Malula, Dyspepsia, llllliHimrji. Slrk llradaebo, CaUrtli, Minimalism, and all dlfflculUcJ with Hie Urrr ami Klilnrjrs. It overcomes: That Tltcd Frellne. Off ate i an Jtptelltr, and girts Ereat mrnul, lierte, t-oIlIr, and illRcillto strength. HcKMl't Harsaparllla l sold hr all itrticglits. Hi tlx for fx. Troparrd only hy I. Hood ft Co., Apothecaries, Iwcll. Man. N. 11. If youtlrrldo to tako Hood's rUrsapv rllla da not be Induced to bujr any other. IOO Doses One Dollar Take Notice. 1 is to w; '5? or rotm ,mrny lanil. tarn nil itersons from removing wood or timber and. or drivinc thrntioh MM Mflllll. Wlllionl till- IM.f-ttllliQIIIM Anyone violating, will bo prosecuted. (ii:itllAIIi Topkkn. Canyon City, Or., Feb. If. 1S!)'J. STRAYED. Three yonrlingH; ouu stoor with xvmio iaco, one red lienor and one light rod muloy heifer, brnnded 07 on right hip and hwhIIow fork in right ear. I'artioH inforiniiiK mo of their wherenboutH will bo p.dd for troublu. 11 O. Stas-h:i.l, Canyon City, Or. rCiraill !, for of tho oaseil. i claims nguinxt ' liorebv notified i iriHiont them to me, I rbor vonclierH therefor, 5ck, (!rant eouuty, Oregon, I Hix inontlis from the dato uf ; notice. , Uiven under mv nnutl ami datol this l'.hh day of Feb., lKii'l j John V. Mautiv, i Adiiiiiiislnitor of tho estate of John Lakoy, deeraHod. : NOTICE FOU l'Uitld'JATlON Ih.1 oi!lr &t Hum. Orrtfun lb JJ. iwf Notlc ! Utitby stn iUi tli fullowtn.'.tiMiacU Mlllvr li.. flle.1 iioik uf lit. mttittlMi tu iiiakit lliul pl.aif III Ult 'of lilt Claim, lltd llol l.l IToof nlll lir nu.1. Iirluf. tlx Counl) Cl.ik r ilr.nt Couiitjr, aliamuii ear, Orvemi, un April V, IU'!, vli.- JOHN' Illlliiil-IIIIKU ll-.l S'i. 71l. fur llw S.'nr NVirn.l Sr, SK iir hrt. II ml SW nr NW ,,r H. is, Tp IS , It Jo K W II. jWt r.AlMC. Ilm lullimtiip lo prui. til. iwiiiuuvi. ir.iuini' Hmim Bliu rillllV.llOH VI of IJ l.n.l. tic, John JaclMn L'timiiWri, Jaunt Luflun, all l Cu)mi Cltv, Orruu. J. II. IIUNUMiTO.V, llf.-l.ur Notico is horiw' tlm uiulorsigiioj tkuiit- oil hy ' J e- - J 0 MM Why So Anxiously Concerned ? The prestige of the Royal Baking Powder and its constant success are matters of anxious coin cern to envious competitors. It is noted that advertisements of other baking" powders are filled with spleen, malice and mis representation against the Royal, more than with u'cst claims as to their..ovn goods. the Royal Baking Powder makes finer, '-,wectcr, more wholesome cookery, the yi ' have tried other kinds arc willing to , ' '-tell their neighbors; this fact is a . )rn to all competitors. ?b quality of the Royal Baking.Pow- i ul above all other kinds, is never so as when tried in wilt rf dcs a roRKioN scoukob. While Chniriimn Stump, of the house immigration committee, in congratulating the country tlmtonlv ono-tonth or one jht cent of inimt- grants last year wore foun.l ho ob- iectionable that they were refused admiyiou to this eount-v, tho hm' pie of New 'ork are almost in a panic because of the throatoned epidemic of tnalignant typhus fever brought over by those i o'. found olyectionablo. kiRhty-niiie caNon of thin highly conttiotiH diea? have develoed atnont; tho Uu.nian He brows who woro jiaseiif;erri on the ntfamor MeFnilia, and there in pravo that it will cproad to the thick ly populated sections of the city nnd become epidemic. Eleven yearn ago thero was a similar outbreak of the dixenfo among immigrniits, and in oti.S CMC there were UK) deaths, showing mortality of xir cent. This is a phase of the immigration pieslion tnnt has received too little attention. Our scourges of disease are brought to us from abroad. Born in countries where famine, ignorance, filth and ixTcoiial tin- cleanliness nurso it to life ami give it tho strength to attack thoje whoso i manner of living would give it no chance to develop among them, the plague of cortagiuus disease in drought to us by those who bring us little else. A menace to our health, as well as to our jwlitical, social, in dustrial and moral life, these swaru.s of tho lower stratum of KtiroH are highly objectionable, even if the authorities are not able to pronounce them so under our present immi gration laws. The fact that under the laws now in force so few were turned back, while so many were undesirable in every particular, i the strongest argument that could bo advanced for new legislation on this subject. We have paid a great deal of at tention to the Chinese, aniljnst now the subject of extending Hie restric tion law for another oriod of ton years is before congress, but we Quality in smokiii"; tobacco depends on the peculiar and correct .selection of best varieties of leaf tobacco, and a proper knowledge of manufac ture. iMastifl ring Cut is the result of thirty years' experience. J. 11. 1'iuv TuUuxxi ('., Itk'tiiuond, VlrnlnU. comparison. It has not deteriorate with vry as good. - have done little to avert tho er evil that threatens us from across the Atlantic. While wo are kvp ing out a few thousand Chinos, hundreds of thousand. of the dreg f Europe are swarming into thH j country. Tho Mongolian in e.xelud- ed from citUenship, hut the rituen of European birth, who cannot read his ballot nor understand what ho is voting for, unless it W for money h a too frtxpient sight at the polls. Our great cities aro hot IhmU of Hlitical corruption, owing chiolly to the groat mass of ignorant and vernal voters of foreign birth w ho are used by Nlitical manipulators and Ihjsscs to give them absolttto control of the government machin ery. Living in squalor, tilth and ignorance, tilling our jails, alms houses, asylums, brooding con tagious diseases, supplying a vast corruptuhlo and corrupting element in our K)litical life, degrading our laltor nnd lowering the average standard of intelligence and "moral ity, these EuroHan swarms con stitute a most, undesirable and highly objectionable portion of our population, and any law that ad mits them to this country, and, nfUT being hero, to premature citizenship, is inadequate, and needs in lical amendments. Oregonian. The astronomers all over the world nrr just at present watching with much interest a very large sun sjKit, or rathor cluster of sjmts, which are so largo and so distinct that they may hi quite plainly sevn by the naked eve, protected" with smoked glass. The suit is oval in form, with n greater diameter of alMiut iOO.IXX) miles nnd rUl for its smaller. It iwcupies, in itf loncer measurement, about one-sovonth of tho sun's diameter or a HiiHrlicial area aliout nine times as large as that of the earth, s hemisphere. I'rof. Wendell, of Cambridge, if we aro not mistaken, says: "It is the most magnificent display of the kind which has been seen during the last '-') years. It ill bo im mediately followed by a magnetic disturbance on the earth, and we may expect a violent storm some where on our surface lmfore long. The H-riod of solar disturbance, ten yrari apart, will return next year. The i-fleets on earth will begin to be inamfent this summer, nnd the .itiunshi'ric disturbances will in i mist- in intensity for tho next two months During this j k! riotl there will ! an abnormal increase in tho imiiiHT ami in'.e n.i'.y o! tin; cy I'lmit'S." - . - Tin1 Corvallis (iiuette speaks glowingly of Oregon jK-ars, and at tho same time sHaks truthfully when it nays: "They grow apples everywhere, very nearly, but they can't grow such jH-ars as Oregon does anywhere else in North Ameri ca. Eastern Martlets aro small and inferior compared to ours. Last summer the people of Helena had their flml taste of Oregon llartletts and they declared they never before kntjw what a Itartlelt pear was. They had for years back had ISart lott jH'itrs from California, you see!" A case of Kculiar interest to btockmoii of Oregon and Washing ton is that of E. 1. Junor vs. Owy hee county, Idaho. Juner paid taxes on sfieep in Malheur county, Or., and soon after drove tho ani mals across the line into Idaho, wliero he was again eomiKdled to nay taxes under section l i'.'ii of the laws of tho Idaho legislature of ISUU-tM. Junor's attorney holds that the section is void and that Juner having paid taxes on the she.iji in Oregon cannot bo roasjwss ed in Idaho. The Dalles Chronicle says the county court of (iilliam county, on tho ground of economy, has rofum'd to provide silling booths, as pre scribed by the now election law. As Wasco county is jointly interested with (iilliam in tho election of con gruiiiman, circuit judge, prosecuting attorney, state senator, and a mem ber of tho board of equalization, the Chronicle suggests that tho (iilliam county court bo cotnxdled to olroy the law. If it don't, it may find itst If in trouble. Homo charitably inclined cnplc in Eugene made up a purse for a man and woman who hud stranded in that city. The man was seen treating to drinks in a saloon, mid how the iM'onle who contributed to thifl-opuienco nro not nearly so charitably inclined. ' St. Tutor Whonrovou? Annli- vid An huinbloToxas rain-makor. iiurUml You'd bettor apply Thoy'vo boon com- Jluiro ovor since ""V,.., WASHINGTON l.KTTKK. Wasuinutox, D. C. Feb. 20, I Still. ElllTOK ( i KANT Co Nkws: All alniard for Chicago and the world's fair! 1 his evening a cihmIIv ihir tion of congress, accompanied bv their wive, sisters, cousins and aunt, ami a mnnier ol newspaer men start for ( liioago, uxn the in vitatlon of the wot hi s fHtr coinui' I ih of that city, to for thetniielves what preparations are Immiik made for the great extNHiitioit of next year It will 1kj pimply a jolly picnic for toe great mijoruy. mil tnero nro low sharp oven along that will not 1k dimmed bv champagne am Havana cigars, which will seek for stern facts, without prejudice for or against the management of the world's fair. Tho republicans of tho house practically have the fate of the frc coinage bill in their hands. That seem a queer statement, in view of the fact that the democrats are more than two-thirds of that Iwxlv but it is nevertheless strictly trin as matters stand at this writine A big majority of the democrats favor the bill, and hnve signed ix'titiou to the committee on rules asking that a date lie net for it con sidcratiou, but the democratic minority is relcntlcs in it ojiKsi tinti, ami hy a count ol noses it lias discovered that it may U defeated outright if the republicans will vote with them against it, or it may defeated by filhbustcring, if tho publicans will join with them L'O re in not voting, thus breaking a quorum whenever the attempt is made t get it I m' lore the house, and, it i said, that negotiations aro tmde way hetween the anti-silver demo crats and the republicans looking to such a bargain. There aro some republicans who will not join them as they intend voting for tho bill hut how many is not known. The senate finance committee hns reorted adversely on the bill pro viiliug for an income tax to 1)0 ap plied to tho payment of jM-nsions etc , on the ground tiiat such leg! lation cannot constitutionally lie originated by the senate. Several similar hills are in the hands of i house committee, where no cousti tutional obstacle prevents action on them. Ueproentative Morse, of Mns thinks the interstate commerce law is one of the thing that ought to go and he has introduced a lull for its rcjal. The proceedings of tho Itehring sea commission, now sitting in tln city, are, of course sn ret, but there is always a tiny leak through which news escapes, and the news which has escatM'd is not altogether favor able to tho satisfactory settlement of tho questions which are to he arbitrated, owing it) the failure of tho commissioners to agree as to the cause of the decrease in tho number of fur-bearing animals. Thero have loen some billy rumors to tho effect that the Hrilish commissioner nro intentionally delaying an agreement so as to give the I auadiau sealers a chance to get into liehring sea at the expiration of tho teuiirornrv agreement, befoio another one is made, hut noun of our ollicials ho Move them. Senator Tiigh, of Alabama, pro diets Hill and (iray aa tho demo cratic national ticket. The last statu dinner of the wa son was given at the White House this week, to the supremo court. The senate and house committees on agriculture have an opHjrtunily to show in their action U)M)ii the anti-option bills hvfnro them, whether the fanner's alliance, back ed by the agricultural nouses of the country and many jsople in cities who are morally oposed to iqiecu lating in grain, etc , believing it to be gambling, are more inlliicntinl with them than the grain mid stock brokers from the big cities, who are here in droves ss iling their money liberally to defeat the hill. All (if the hearings; for and against the idea, have almiit Ik'cii completed, and reNrts from the committees may bo expected in a few days. Tho farmer's alliance mumlmrs of tho house hy a vigorous pro tent and demand of their right to debate tin Dill prevented tlm Indian appropri ation hill being railroaded through tho house. Itepresentative Livingston, of Georgia, oll'ered tin- following reso lution and asked unanimous con sent for its consideration, hut Hep rucoiitativu Taylor, of Illinois, objected: "III view of the uiirokt mid extremely distrcMcd condition of tho luasfcos of tho jicoplo in this country ami their eager inquiry as to tho policy of this Tiousu towards tho people, resolves I that wa extoml to t hunt our ainwire svmisithy ami prtmiis to do all in our jMjwer for relief on the line of improved finan ces and reduced taxation." A joint resolution for the investi cation of the recent introduction of v i typhus fever into New York and I llnmklvn by Kussiau Hebrews, il legally admitted, has been passed. 1 lie iiotise Lommittcco to investi,- gate tho "sweating system" of labor . is getting mm n to worK, ami expects to liegin hearings in about ten days. Tho house committee on lalnir hns nskel for authority to make an investigation before res)rting on any of the many bills which have Ikhmi referred to it. It is not to Ihi wondered at that the uututoreil rtHlskins indulge oc casionally in a wild inessiah crane, when white xoplo, who lay claim to a certain amount of oiviluation and education, are continually freaking out into wild fanaticisms of religioiirt fervor. Tho latest case in point comes from Iowa. A bain) has just U'on horn and is bailed by an excitable sect of Free Methodists as the new Messiah. The iK'ople have gone w ild, and their series of "shouting" revivals eclipse the ghost lances of the Cmatillas, recently sHikon of by Mr. Eddy. E. O. A dispatch from Cadi, Ohio, says: deorge Wright, ol t'nio alley, Oregon, arrived in town yesterday morning to call on an "unknown corresiKindeiit," who proved to he a preM)ssesniug and romantic girl named Ida (ircen. His most sanguine expectations were realized. As he was passing fair ami had brought with him sat isfactory proofs that ho was the nourishing owner of a KHMI-acre stock farm, the young lady accepted his protosals. Last night Mr. and Mrs. Wright departed for their Western home. The persecution of the Jews in Russia cannot he as bad as it is pictured, or hundreds of refugees would not he beseigiug tho Utissian !onsul in Now l ork for passage back. They claim that they can not make a living in this I'uited Staies, but if they cannot earn a livelihood in this free ami enliehten- d repiihlie, how lo they exH'ct to lo it in that fainino-strickeii coun try? There are between and 10,- (XM) hills before congress, but so far as the public is informed only the I oari I lulls of the iiieiiioers are ho- ing pushed. This is perhaps all that can reasonably In) expected of a congress that went in with a wild whoop for reform. I ho broth- rertUrytirsted too much to warrant the hAMi that they would accoiu- lish anything. Oregonian. U...-I l.i I, .1,.,.. i'ir.i-- hns Ik-cii eolneil An I - L .11.11. ( l -.llll.lllilll. It i. i v i i N.i;nl.y liiinilres nfti i Hi - li i ilu-i:il st iiiilini of .lulitl Sci.lli lohn SmiiU'.1" miiii. ImhIv imi repli -a. "nil, ho Is 'a whorvui. '" '1'hu l: !-,.! is i i I'nmiiiiin iim'. A ulrinier It iiol 'a li-urnlmr tho im-uiilii. "A v here i ." is ,i mini ho hux had n plogo of pr..iK-rt.v Mild out hy the nherilf to sntmfv a iiiurtgauo. One can remllly trace tho ilei'iviition by thinkini; fur a iiinineiit of tlie form In which kherilfK' miIok nro iiilvortUcd. "Whereun, .lnhn Smith, hy liU certain deed of IruM," and mi on mid mi on. That in tho wny liiformiitiiin ktarto olf, nnd that is why John Smith Is called "r. i hoioiik. Itov Avn yonm old Moo.1 with father in Uio dimr-yiinl liKilclnir nl the liuxill mid MsiUo of Il lirltrliln.. Yok." hhIiI hik fiithor. "It Inn, nut U'on m) hrlghi fur Mime time.' "Piqxi," Mild tho little follow, "I irnekh (Iml's wnkhiul tho iihmii, hatu't her1 I!uelu.l..r l'..i. xproks. A To:k. (IChii.) K'Irl refiikoi to mar ry h limn who had for a Iiociim., lo- cans.- her futlier wu Iihi old l.i su m i r t Mili-lli-lnw, ami tho tfirl liei-M-lf ImiiI list much M-iike to ohllifnto hurkelf to iiiirl ii IiiisIkoiiI. Tiik hrldnl veil (irhrlimleil In tho run- torn of 'i-foriiiingtlio iniitial eoreiinmy under a M mire pieoo of olulh, livid out tho hrldo and trroom to coiiceul tho lilkhok .if the laltor. At the tnnrriULfu of a widow it wa dlkS'UM'd with. Ai.wavs forgive yonr onetiilok - ekiM- dally thoko you can't whip. SttMij men are liorn jrroat nnd trrow Mimllor every day of their liven. An im mm proudly coiim-Iuii that h never mmln n inlktiihe In liU iHiylnxHl. Man llndk ifouiiiue dlninnutU hi na ture. The toko oiuui ho uinUiU him self. Tin: Individual whn entertalim tliouirlit wouldn't always like a acinic tmr to kOO lllk mlOkt. Win N a iiihii ilisoovcrs Ids nclirlilxirs lovoid of vlrtuok never pofcM'kkml hy hilUM'lf he U klHH'kiNl. It U rut In-r dtkoourneiiiL' to n liinu to li forced to wait until lie Is dead to ills. cover that ho U n i;il deal of a follow. Tilt: world iiwm tin nil a living, yet no mail cau collect tlie dohl tiulow. ho pulls ulf UU eont and taliuH It from the worhl'k hldo. ; , - -- i'OKCH PLAYING IN THC ARMY. Our Tlntio xt.l ll.nltr. nt ,jr s,. I, Iter. tUriilit rtii-t.. Iiolttr. Mi.mIIi, Miifli li.n Iwii written nlmt the iramlilmt; i.i.lelir. il In j tin) nirinlK'rx of the r.-altir nriuy, liul uiilHxtv- m liH lie li.m sK'nt MUiui tliao w i!li the ij I.lii-r !my. m the weste-n frunllor wimlil I.. Iii-vr that tho italtk wt'r M) Inr.i or the iraniet mi lusting n they nr-. As mtii-h a otio t)iiinnilil iliillnrn t u ..iiiciime Ut en a Uml. mi.l thi.t ' !v r, who have nilv their iwi.r , iram''!-- w tit, whleh U hut twvliv ilnh Xar'a 'i l i' "iiUhUv Naturally i the iii.".tl.i i nrl": How can thoy Iwt thiiii I . on a hiinil oa a capital of twelve il..:hn '.' An ..l.l viMror who U Hnnntiontly locate.) in t'lUolty ami w honr.nt many ! yenrs mi fnmtior, explain. -.1 tho j inntlor ti mo. Suhl he: "On the llrst if cm-1 1 month the hoys nro paid olf, i iiiul without ilehiv the onnU nio pfo- j then huhl Uio spihiu iiirlht l i 111 eon iluoe.l Hit.t (ilay U lngtiu. Si p!ay-in i tor of Uio i-ni. If tho '" i at will taUe imrt In eai-li imino, nnd oa I trai-to.l to tho mi,iii ami clui-fi to It, ho will freou.-ntly wo on pay dnv n wlon n'iiui'lit illviiled up Into pal ties eiifc'a ;! In playing drinvp iUer. 't he If.iin.' w ill l ,it llrst for small Klr4ox, and n . each Ulan Voon hroho' ho drops out of tlie e.ituo. A iiothitr InUes lilt plneo, nut I dually tho entiro wnOs of the iv'inu-nt Is In tho hands of ' lm nue mail nt ouch tnhlo. Thou tho winners, nl each lahlo uinlto iqi other games and they play for larger stalios. 'I'mully, ierliiips six i r seven of tho liesl uml tiu'liiest ihiyors III tho roul tneiil will hiixc all the money, and then they w ill IhikIii lo (liny, while the oth ers hIhum' iniuioy It lost w ill sit hy nnd wiitoh tho tf.iuic. I luivo hicnvii olio uiiiii In it n'tfiuioiit to have within three tlnyk of ay d.iy all the w nuos of all tho iih-ii In tho reliiieiiL When there an no more Holds to ooniiier ill the roliueiit the iiiniie. ed men wilt tuko n wnirnii uml ilrhe to tho nearest town, there to iitich up' iiK'idnst fnro or sonio eiiinlly eiitleln' game. Somotliucti they u ill hrenh tho intuit,' and thou thcro will Is' rcJuUiujf In camp, hut In tho olid the profokkitimil iru mliler will f.-t ull tho imuiuy. This thing Is repented month after month. "The MilJlor hns ao oxciim-h, tlie gntoruiueut Miin)rtlni,' him. uml ho uniiuol hH'iid hit money in uuy other way, mi ho plays. It a way. The plnylnif cards nsisl nro an iutorostiui; featuro of tho irame. It It dillk'tilt to irooure now curds, and those they have are Ireie.ineil up mi. I well liiiihod after. Thoy are ifronsy, torn and i;e!iornlly dilupiihtted, hut each jdnyor Idiow-h tho '11111111011' o.irdn, so nil have an oven olutueo."-N. V llornhl. LONDON'S FOUn HUNDflED. I'ulll IM-II Hie Arl.lm r.illr Cllipi.i Se.oii I) lltrreili'il till. Ur.Mll.lir 1. 1. nil. Sir William l'rnsor, In Id rendu-Iseem-es uf l.unl lloaooutllel I. h I o ensluii to c.iinutoiil oil the 11.11 ruwuo-oi of the limit 1 which ciri'iiiutci'.bi'd fash loniihlo MM-iety a Irene rnlhui or mi ago. IV..II1 1.S7 I.. r-TU. In- mitx, i.oli.loll doty con .istod ( Imm three liundred lo live 1 linn. lull perMins. These wore the intmiuh to U loot nt tho liest IniIIk and evening pari leu. The clinrineil circle wns gmirduil from the liitrnsloti of ontklilers with tho uiniiist Jealousy. k "l.vorjono knew evi ryumvj else, at lean ny Mgni; nun you met lln s,mu oinniuonU woro known to tho snmo ixirlnon, night after night for ' Jeue. of tha oile I'.oklol, xrl , Vi threo iiionlhs." j ..,,i t m , u ,,,, ,.. lltK,. .. Itooont dUehmirot havo iniulo It mid Ikiiluh ill.. 'Jl: "The rlnu. nn.1 1...... clear, if ileimmhtnitlon wiih neisleil, thill 110 such exclusive fiuihlumihlo cli. pie exists now, or, if ll klill exists, that it no lunger enjoys lu old pissli:;v. SiM-ial distinction lo uni a phr.iso which, however cluumy, n.-v.-rtlielesi has it prccim. lucamug may Ihi achieved hy almost niiyouo w ho euro to purso ll, provided ho or kho luakon prop -r use of Mime p.ii-Miuiil and Houllar iiiulltl cntlon. Any kiuglo ipiHlillciitiou, uod tho right. tyny.w ill siilllec: uuuo i- liii'r iitlvo. where there is wealth; the luck Ixith of I .reed ing and inonoy may ho couiH-iikatiMl hy good liHiks or iinpudcnco. Mrs. PniiMinhy do Toiupkvns may ho fiunillnr with dnchckM's. Sir lieurglus Mldns may ontorUiu tho highest In the laud without ollhrr of them kiilfcrlng the nITrouts or exciting the ridicule which Mr. Punch lirut Imnlne.l skV cicty, which wiik oinw a clique, has now iKVome a cniwd, and u highly mixed crowd. In which may ho mot nil Mill nnd ooiiilltloiik of men and women. Tudor the present ill!onui tlua tin) privih'gok unco iuolinmlliml hy rank nnd hlrth ore now within tho roach of H'rou with neither Soiuii pi'uplu are admitted only liocauso thoy are rich, other U'cause they nro talked filxnil; other, only, UH-ainto they nro hi a way amusing- Chicago Herald. I .In .xiii't-iliite uf I, mil. Will, ' 1 111 iiuilieilkive inonur. 11 l.HiM uc'lilt. nut uue inuri.lng. 1 lien nw miulsiurs iiiIImI ukiii him. i "Uoll." kintl the king, "how aro tho . puhlli! uirain.'.'" 1 "Hotting along vary nicely. lro." , mid the ndnlktors. "limn! In Unit rnv-," inltl the king, ! "I think I will liuiysl lake u w .lk." Next inoruilnf-lifler hr.-ul,:a-.l tho ni illinium chmtii Htfiini tirn, nnv iio tho pijU'Mi a I fa Irs got on to-day?" rwkisl tlio king. "Very (sully Indeed, klro," kuld tlio hilnUtum. "II 11111!" exclalmod the king, "In that cnM, 1 think I will go uml tuko n walk!" 1 Next day 110 ministers called on tlio king. 1 "What hns ioomo of my ministry?" said tho king, after hreukfal. 1 "Hire," Mild tho palace funothinary who tva hi alteinlaiio). "imrtlninont has turned out the inlnUtry." "Ah!" said tho hliigt "thou It's thoy w ho have tukuii u walk thU time, chV'i Yolith' Compaiilvu. FATE IN Tl-'.CiUP. Siiiiililnc Cmli'lc Miimlit l.r-aril All Their l,i.,iiiti liy llr-.trt. lien, nro u few ol.l Mii.M UltlniH re tranlniK' the ever-frlenilly oiqi that ch.'i'it: If while tlm ton li lniiig iicvli' uml the llil, which h:m boon re in, ive.l to Hiar In the u'alj'r, Is fniynt. ton, it U a sure sign that miiiiu one wilt "ilrHi In to ton.'' Ifnnlniflo Mrwia hnon to hnvc tuHSHni in Ills or hor N n luv.lli tliiii that tho forlnnale (or mi-fiirmi.-it'-?! ilrinUor of that p.u tioutnr ii mil Iko ni.irrloil wllhlti a year from i Uml il.ito. If ymi put eronm In your cap hofnra the mi.mi It wilt "oro.i your loiro," Iw Very rnrofnl. ' If i tea t.ilU In tha onji. It I ralle.l n "Ih-iiu" uiiil' .fTfon llu kVxn tiniii.irrie'l wimvrSti icJi tlr t'lelr Ut very tin eUlr mfin I all I r in i I, anil will Iki fciirj to e.ill very sliorily. If not that inuiii eiroiiiii hut if the ktulU I'm' lt Uio 1. tlo of the cup ho will nut is ime. i:ainlno tlie ton lonvot In your cup If yon iro pleh.iiui onoti fh to hoil tour tea tiisto.t.l of ; ll In I't r -II.hmI nnd d.ilnly f.ishloii, for a hit of le.ire mean money mi.l fortune. If yon wiinl lo know how ninny yeai'k w III elapso dofurs' vou iniiv ox 'ot lo U' imorleil, 1 11 41 1 lee tout shiii 'i the odifo of your ciqi. In- t in-ling that It Is ix-rfootly dry, 11)1 ion. liter .KMtu mrlly with lo.i. nil I h.:i.n; ll 11 U ic tho lniluuoo.l spiMin, let the Oropi of the ton if.lllier to the lip of I lie sshiu nnd irantly fall Into tho how I of llm olio IhiIow. Counl tlie drops ousU one klaiuhk for n your. It Ik n sign of fair tventln-r If tha cluslor of small air huhhlos fn ine I liy the collect mil 1v1111.11 .1 l!io is-ntoi-of the oup. Iflhey nis'i to tho kldes It will surely ruin h'f.iro n.ght. When toast Is mail'. Hunt 01 (our thin hlloo of linra.l .must Ikj 0111 tho whole leutfth of llu) loaf, nnd piuccd one over the other. Thl ilono, thoy must all Ih-out in half with 0110 sweep of ihu ktiifo. If this is done hv n yniiiiU' wouuiii, uml the si loos nro not M'tonsl clean throuijh lo tlie pinto, sho will not ho married within tho venr; If tlie lirea 1 parts III two even lieiipi, hhe might us welt oi-ler r.'i tlons-.-mi On no iiivoiinl must she the -.1 p.oeo of or hro.l I on t..e p,s o, nil ess kite wishes to ho mi O.J a. si. I. N. Y. Advertiser. NOSE AND O1I1I I iriiDiiif nt. I'icriciNa, tiX llm Sn tV.irit llri-s. The ornaments put through the walls of Hie nose vary greatly. Thoiv uiiiy Ih hut oner iM-rfiirrilloii In eneli tvnll tu thoro may ho Mivonil. In New Zenl nnd thiweik, In Now liuluea alioni-s I11.I1, In the Solomon Iklun.U u era lis claw, in Now Itrltutii thorns. smI ojif right, nro the ohjecU tjillk worn. Tliesj nro nil original ami primitive; nflrrlhe natives come In contact with whilos, lln-ie give place to metal hutUiiis ami digs. In tlio Sturgis eiillucllon n i.ither (irolty iioko-uriiaiiieut front New liuliioa. It Ik V-kliupod. and tlm Anna 111 hy ktild-shiiiikk, 0110 Into oauh uull of tho hoo. Jew elk, I ho chocks are plorood hy koine Eskimos, who weur llttlo round Mil. I huttous In tho hole. Ktirn am plorvotl the world over. A few cases must kulllco. Schwoinfurth snys thnl HnliiieUer womoii iierco tho rim of tho oar rvH'iildly uml wear therein hltkuf straw 1111 inch In length. Inning twenty Midi, x-rh.ip. In i-.ieli tear. This ro , hi ileil plenini; of tho ear Is common , mining h.irh.usius people, ami wo hnvu ' seen 11 wouiati of tho sac ami l'o In j diinis xv lio wore set en lir.iss rlugt III j 0110 our, lairs may ho slit nnd 1 str.-teheil liiklouil of plercisl. 'I'hoy then linug In long Iihih. t'ntlln glros ' 11 pit lure uf nn Indian whoto henuty I had Ik'oii Increased lu this way. Thu I Aiielioiite UtHinlor slitk Ids oars whllu tho I 1 J nn uftou ha llieiu slit uml , stretched to sm-li an extent that the two llt might ho ptuoeil in thu open. Ings. Silt car may ho uf pra 'llcnl use. Tho Itnlllr carries his Miulfdiox in hi oar-U il ', an I Captain Conk llg , uro a MuMgiiia islnmler who curried a i Inrgo kmfe lu his right car. - I'rof l-'rcder.ok Starr, in Popular faclmiiru Monthly. .. iu.fii iioiii, Ulehinji l. Mo.. 1 the hninr of a clown jrijul v!iloh U a noil r 00 of tiuiitko ni"in alt ulong the Ifoiuiolk'o. lie is a s't aiiii2 tho kloamU nt men ami rx-'al.ii- at the tvlmr hanU-sfiisii c.vyOjt tor ktoaiiiort ut twe t ,,it tf.tjUTy MfU.rwur.1. wIimii th kKaaJrlCeuiiolk-j ariivotl. tho oat w. Tlied calmly down tho gnngplauk, ,i,VhslM j u Mil. ,) M trnsork. akwal- lull coal uml a Moxeplpo lint, lie .t. ,,, nM(,(m wllll fremi. the tie !( huniK mid oamo homo with nil ,u.,..llh.., dignity of iMiiring naturally'.liioiil iism n vUlt lo Hint learned town. When h lady hi thu ttnlling- room p, tied him tho goat wilpK'd her veil from her face and swallowed It in a It inkling. 'I'lieti ho tvoiil hoilio In Ids new togs, which ho has proliahly since c.llell. ''ovsiciiiiT merchant ndtertlMH 'l"te.ids and hodding." A tl.l.i. hoy at Udiauou, Pn., was attacked hy 11 gamcoooU and in if dlo of hi wounds. A llr.ilH.x.v street hoggnr lu S.ui IVaii. ol" was fuiiiid lo hate SJ.UJJ Ui liU orodlt In the (lurman-Auiorluiiii h.uilr. A Jtrsrici: of Nutv York has hut dn. elded that you need nut nav for 11 m.iiil -lorilored at a restaurant unless youout it. ; r H'S)- 1 . - w. . v. 1V s. ml l HH ": u t t 1. i I -t s- ' ;-"..' -W.'y ' A&kj. i : ; . V 1 MM .Eit n Aim 1 m m