Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 25, 1892, Image 3

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Thursday, Feb. 2o.
Kvcryonc vtk in praise of our
delightful wmthnr.
Hie Izeo mail carrier reports snow
Ratting pretty thin on South Fork.
A flurry of riiow and small freoreup
i the weather item for the st week.
lloni, in this city, Sutnlay, Fob, 21,
1892, to tho wife of I-nwyex Co&id, n
County oourt will inset ngaiti ono
wr-s-k from next Monday, in regular
A Josephine county imn In lino
rndiilms growing in hit garden thin
early in the spring.
.las. Ferrel is now Canyon City'
efficient lulor, while Jack is on a
visit to (lillimn county.
KrmemW the meeting of loth pol
itical county eontnil committees at thp
court Iiouip next Saturday.
Anil now a syndicate, is about to
buy up all tho farmer' alliance stores
in tho country anil form a trust.
Don't fail to patronize thn enter
tainment Friday livening. It will Iw
worth your money and your while.
Our officiant Uackstuilhs will soon
do a rushing business repairing farm
ing utensils and shoeing freight team.
Mr. Iewis, wlio carries the mail on
tho Izco route, i running on summer
schedule, making the trip clear through
in ono lay.
Appropriate exercises were hail 111
our puhlio school Monday afttirnoon,
commpmorating thu birth of Hon.
lleo. Washington.
Ortlor a suit of clothes from .hike,
tho tailor. Pay one-third down and
tho balnnco whon you get tho suit.
Standoffs don't go.
Sheepmen with whom wo have con
voked report their llooks in lino con
dition, the result of an open uiutoi
und plenty of feod.
Several l'rairio City Imys wero down
to the (.!. A. H. Imll, and behaved well.
Ciirls can liud an excellent leap year
stock at l'rairio City.
ltuy some of the improved stock
from Kenneth MacKac, and you know
what you aro getting. l'ay a large
price to strangers, and you "no savvy."
l'rairio City and vicinity will oiler
two candidates upon the altar of her
country M. Howell and Kobt. Dear
dorir, for clerk and assossor respective-
Tho ollice of commissioner i really
thn most important iUmi in a county
election. So far, wo have not Ix-en
informed of any aspirant fur that
When the r.iilmi 1 company builds
a telegraph to it would not
bj a job to extend it on over the
mountains to this valley. Let us
think it over.
Register Huntington did consider
able laud ollice business while on bis
trip over here, thus saving many
ranchers and miners the expense of a
a trip to the land ollice.
Nevada kjioiU have found a new
occupation, and that is driving trotting
do.; to a sulky. Kxtniordinnry tiles
of speed aro reported, one dog hiving
trotte 1 his mile in 2:21.
Mr. K II. J'eery, a Portland attor
ney, and a nephew of Grant county's
pioneer Johnny Kirk, was in town a
few days ago returning from a busi
ness tiip to Harney county.
Petitions aro in circulation in Uma
tilla county and are Ixting numerously
signed praying ('overnor l'unnoycr to
commute the death sentence of Fred
erick Corn to imprisonment for life.
An iudtMtry which would 110 doubt
pay well in our Imuchgrass hills is a
dairy conducted on a large scale.
Superior butter and cheese will always
find a ready sale here, and 'especially
in the mining camps all around us.
Hon. .1. 11. Huntington, register of
the I'. S. I-uiil ollice at Hums, deliv
ers! thu address at the (. A. K. cel
ebration last Monday. Mr. Hunting
ton is a fluent and impressive orator,
and his remarks wero free from any
elements of discord and glory at the
downfall of an enemy rather pity for
those who by their hostility made tho
(2. A. H. organization possible.
Our undeveloped gold mines adjacent
to Canyon City must sooner or later
have their richness known to the
world. Tho Frod Miller mine, Uuem
sey's location, Prairie Diggings, and
many other similar prospect which
yield gold without any expensive pro
cess of reduction, would no doubt ay
Urge dividends with a small mill 01
nrastra if their ore liody was found
sufficient to justify the eructiun of
machinery, The only way to ascer
tain tho extent of tho orobosly, though,
it by tho outlay of considerable elbow
oil, und coin for powder and fuse.
While Canyon City was enjoying a
hard rain seasoned with snow last Sal
bath they had a genuine spring thun
derstorm and blizzard down tho river.
Mr. J. H. F.ddington informs us that
thu lightnings flashed and the thunders
ptciled ut Ids ranch in line style.
Wonderful country, this. Hut still wo
Are ixtniuil 1110 limes, ior we nave nati
no cirthiuako. If thu extinct crater
lack of town wnuld arouse from its
long slumber and boloh forth flumes
ml sulphurous fuiuiw wu oould hold
up our heads with any section on thu
Pacific coast.
Mr. Oroth took a buslnoss spin
over to Hums a fow days ago, nut
has no news for tlio printor, othor
than that Hums wns tiuiot.
Tho Humboldt company nntici-
twites n lone run thin season. Pro
twrntion.i aro nlrendy being
for active operations in the mine.
V lloston girl lias lcon suddenly
stricken dumb. Tho horror of this
catastrophe enn only bo ajipreciatoil
by remembering ttmt this is lonp
John IOiig informs this ndiable
journal that his pet cat caught a
ground squirrel a few day ago, which
circumstance ho liails as a sure sign of
Iluttercupt and daisies were bloom
ing profusely on th bills last n)k,
Mr. I. M. Fotter dnoorotesi th N'khs'
buy window with a fine Wxiipist
If thn ollice is see kin? the man in
(rant county, which they my it some
times do, the office will not nerd I an
elect 1 ie light and anirch warrant to
find him this year.
While orcltanlisU in California and
Mime part of Oregon are busy lighting
fruit tree insect oor eople are con
tentedly awaiting thin sssnsnn's omp.
Verily, our is the lxst fniit country.
Oh for a faith that will not shrink,"
if you are going to owe anything. Hut
our ads ice is to rustle around and jsty
cash for wliat you get, and thus help
to abolish the long credit system in
Crunt county.
Mr. Paul Fa it nan was in town jot
terday, having almiMt lecosered from
the surgical opimtiou whorpby a
tumor was removesl from his neck.
Mr. W. II. Carpenter accoiiniH
him to thu city.
.ludgeClifl'onland District Attorney
Hyde will probably has e no opposition
in democratic niuks, to their nomina
tion for a second term. And they are
both hard men to defeat at the (tolls,
even in this republican district.
(Jovernor Pennoyer has sinlounsl
and restoieil to citizenship Charlea
ladrow, who was sentenced to the
penitentiary from this county for one
year for manslaughter. Lidrow had
served his time and was released some
time ago.
Mr. Joseph Hx worthy, of Fox val
ley, was in town Monday, and report
considerable snow over there yet. He
got caught in an icy place on the rood
and had to carry gravel from the creek
so his barefooted team could obtain a
foothold and pull out.
Down in Southern Califomii whore
the oranges grow they have had near
ly as colli weather us we hue enjoyed
in Oiegon this winter. At Uiici-sidc
and Pomona the mercury tour hod 17
degrmvs alxivu zero. Here in Canyon
City it has not reached Zero vet this
Mr. Wm. Allred tells us that
the miners around Prairie Digging
will not have an extra season for wat
er unless prasuut arrangements am
interfered with. A ehinook wind
came through a gap in the mountains
and playiil sail havoc with their snow
and a rain helped it along.
Died, at her home down the river,
Sunday, Fob. 21, l.s'J2. Mr. Nannii.
Fields. Deceased came to the John
Day valley with her husband Harvey
Fields in mining days when settle
ments were few. Industry and hon
esty of purHto, chanicteiizod her life
work until scourges! by atllictinus and
in thu lots of her mind. She all
th it is mortal rests in thu cemetery
near thu old Cumllach place 011 the
In discussing thu merits and de
merits of Chinese immigration thu
other dav one tif our citizens said, in
their Ixihalf, that Oregon's Industrie
are far advanced by reason of "Cliinoae
labor. Tim Xkh.h admiU that railroad
building has le;n hurried somewhat
on account uf cheap heathen comjM-ti-tion
with honest white laUirers, but
contrast the degraded natives with the
sturdy sons from Scotland, Cermauy
and other nations which hae helped
to H-ople our Intnl. They are here to
build themselves homes and identify
their int'reU w ith our. Not so with
our yellow brothers.
A mini near Walla Walla Iiiih of
fered Carl II. King, tho mind reader,
a four thouxaud dollar farm if he
would become a christian, mnku a
full surrender to tho Hoavunly
Father liko a child to an earthly
parent, follow tho road describes! by
.St. Paul to the Homant and the
teachings of the bust chapter of St.
Mark. Not only tho farm but such
a groat future as outlined should
induce King to bring forth his
wonderful gifts, and capture the
real estate.
It is htutod that tho camp of
Susunvillo, tirarit county, has con
tributed nu Oregon curiosity in tho
form of a gold nugget to thu mineral
collection of James W. Orndorlf, a
prominent mining innnofSan Fran
cisco. The attraction of the hm'ci
men is its extraordinary shajM'. An
illustration of it shows that when
st(Kxl in a perMudicular position it
lias an almost H'rleot outline ol a ;
human foot, while if the picture be
looked at horizontally there is reveal- j
ed the unmistakable contour of a
dog's head. The latter out I i 110 is j
rendered almost perfect by covering ,
with tho fingers the lower portion of
n projection corrosK)mling ton dog s
uppurlip. Mr. Orndorir makes a
HjKroiiil study of famous nuggets,
and has among his collections many
odd curiosities in that line, but
prizes thu latest addition above all,
l4st week wo gave tho renders of
tho Nkws an outline of how to voto
under the new system, forgotting
that the original "Australian sys-
? , T ' l01"" had bow modified and simpli-R-ing
inndofltH, for Umj w )f Qregonians.
I mti is some (lillercnco liotweon
the Oregon law and the other, inas
much as the "blaclf lead pencil" is
not mentioned in ours.
Section 17 of the flection law
rends as follows: "The county clerk
of each oountv shall cause to be
i printed according to law all the lull
' lots required under the provisions
j of this net, nod shall furnish the
j snuie in the maimer hereinafter pro
f vislc-d for the use of all elector in
tho county. Ballot other than
tlKe furnishes! by the rrctivo
county clerks, accorsling to the pro
visions of this act, shall not be uses I
or circulates! or cast or counted in
any election provided for in this
Then follows instructions to olli
ecrs, tlveir dutien, etc., until we come
to Ss?c. 0, which is as follows:
"On receipt of his white ballot as
afori's.xid, the elector shall forthwith,
and without leaving
the euclosesl
space, retire alone to hi of the
compartments or places provided,
and shall there preare his ballot by
cancelling, crowing or marking out
the name of the candidates ho
docs not w it-li to voto for, which
shall bo done with an indelible
"copying" encil, to be furnished for
the purimse, or by scratching with
pen and ink for each ollice lo be
filled for which he is qualities! to
vote, nod if necessary he mav write
into the blank space provides! there
for the name of tho tcrou of his
choice for each or any such ollice;
and, in case of a iiiestion submitted
ti tho vols' of the eoplo, by cancel
ling, crossing or .-crntehing out tho
... 1... .1 ...:.i. 1.. .....1
answer he does not wish to make or
give. Mefore leaving tho compart
ment or idiiee provides!, tho elector
shall fold his ballot so that the face
thereof will be concealed, without
displaying the ballot or informing
any tiersou how he has prepared it;
and lie shall fold the ballot so that
the initials of the first clerk mav U
seen on the back of the ballot, and i
so that the remaining stub may be j
readily torn oil", witliout oxMning
the contents of the ballot or the
murks or crosses thereon. He shall
then deliver tho ballot to the chair
man and state his namo and resi
dence." My this it will bo scon that tho
right or left hand "scrutchii-jj" is
not necessary, but tho duty ot the
voter is a very simple one cross
those names ou do not wiidi to j
voto for with an indelible iieneil. or 1
in lieu of this scratch with pen and
ink the names vou desiro to vote for.
Our readers will pardon us for R)k
ing tho uncivilised "Australian sys
tem" nt them, since we atone by
presenting them the Oregon elec
tion law according to thu Australia!,
I'nion- county sjmrtsmcu have
iniHirted a band of quails.
Would you take stock in a well
Iniring enterprise to irrigate tho
fruit lauds of the foothills?
Co to the Hesl Frsiut Milliard Hall
for a cool, IS'fieshing drink of the
lim-jit lnr lHr in Ivssteni Oregon.
One of the S. F. Kxaininer'.s pro
nouns a pair of shoes found its
way into this precinct for Mr. V. (!.
John I.. Sullivan intends to writu
a IsKik. If it is sold by subscription
and he does his own canvassing, no
one will refuse to tako it.
Humor has it again that the Un
ion Pacific will seek thu Sacramen
to valley via I.akuviow and parallel
the s. P. linos down to tho bay.
Attorney Douglas, from Illinois,
but moro recently of Portland, is in
town, and, we understand, talks of
locating for tho practice of his pro
fession. Wo are pleases! to note that Cal.
Origsby is recovering the use of his
sprained foot. I le has thrown away
on of his lienutiful rosewoosl
crutches, and will soon discard thu
The county court of Polk county, J
by a new ruling, otters to add 51) j
per cent to any sum raisusl liy pri
vate, subscription for the improve
ment of the public roads. A just
ruling, surely.
Ifweusesl electricity instead of
coal oil the iiesiido of" this place
would see things in a new ligjit. '
Occasional contact with the wires ,
would 110 doubt infuse some energy
into us. Study it over. ' I
Thu silver men of this country
ought to be grateful to a govern- '
uiont that takes all their surplus nt '
a profitable market price instead of
(lemnmliiig (hat it must take all tho
surplus ol the world at the price of
twenty years aao. Dalles l.liroiucle. 1
Mr. W. P. (Iray receives! a letter
from Hilgard, I'nion county, Tues
day evening, saying that his brother
Clms. (iray had died at his homo
there, and that Josh was dying, but
giving no iiarticulars as to the
causv, whether from accident or
Married, at tho residence of tho
bride's parents in this city, Wed
nesday, l-'eb 'Jl, 1HII2, Mr. Win.
Lincoln and Miss Lena (luurnsey,
both of ('auyoii City, Judge Hulison
olllcisting. The young ami Impjiy
oouple recuive the lumrty uongrutti- j
lations of tholr many frluuds.
The ltonnnin sent in another gold
out nut yesterday.
Al. (Sciser, the siterlntendent,
dejiosited at the First National
Hank 12-IS, or TS ounces of tho
precious metal, the result of a twen
ty one days' run with live stamp
and is a cleanup of the plates only,
the cold weather interfering with
cleaning up the battery. This is a
good shnving under tho circum
stance and when it is taken in con
sideration that Mr. (iciser's my roll
consists of only eight men.
A few days sine? the ore in sight
in the Honania va surveyed nnd
footed up bo.lXX) tons.
The main tunnel is in ll'Jo feet.
Water for running the mill is ob
tained from an artesian well, recent
ly lioresl. at a depth of 21 1 feet.
Oo to the Kcsl Front Milliard
Hull, Canvon City, for line wines,
liquor anil cigars."
Save time, temr and rough
hands by using iiur Western Wasli
er. Kverv machine warranted to
ive 1 r.v ""
you xvm miy ineui.
Masciik A Co.
Will the young men of the
country who enlisted in the Chili '
war receive tyousiou is nu iiniwr- I
taut question already being agitat
ed in fun.
In a sirgle I'ennsylvaiiia counly,
last year. l'Jt sheep were killed by
dogi. Hut the county paid the
sheep-owners $."i.I.i for every sheep
so killisl. This is a pretty g-:od
price for dog-meat, but it wouldn't
do to let any faithful watchdog
starve for want of a little mutton.
Shelby M. Cullom, 1'. S. senator
fm1 th; llf nij,,,,, j,, un ..
. . ... .1
aspirant for the republican iiomiim
tion for the presidency since the re
tirement of Mr. Hlninc, and ho ex
ects to lie able to give Hre'r Har
rison some work to lieat him at thu
approaching convention nt Minne
:itolif. The oldest fehool teacher in Ore
gon now living is said to lie Profes
sor John K. Woml, who, al the ago
of ll, U'gau teaching in Mcnton
county in 1-S.Vi. lie has tnught J,'jS
mouths on public money and sev
eral terms of "subscription schools."
All this work, with the exception of
one term was done within a radius
of miles, taking Corvallis as a
Honorable ex-Judge Olinstond, of
linker City, is one Kastern Oregon
man who does not care altoiit tho
congressional nomination on the
republican ticket going to Hint sou
; tion of the Btate. lie will lie satis
llesl with either Mr. Fulton, of Clat
sop, or Mr. Moore, of Cohuiibis.
Mr. Olmstend thinks it is in tho
Hsition of supremo judge, rather
than that of congressman, that
I Kastern Oregon's iuterestti neesl
! lojkiug after. Ity tho way, it is
said he is a cauih'dute. Telegram.
! According to Hostou advices all
I the Kastern Oregon, wool of tho best
qualities has U-en sold
oil' leaving '
1 iniiy some inni may 1101 orniK more 1
. . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . . ...
1 than seventeen cents jxir pound. So
far as Oregon wool is concerned,
there will therefore ! no old stuck
to interfere with our next clip when
it arrives in Huston. Tho general
demand for wool lias fallen oil'
soinewhut, the Hostou sale being
;t,02(i,000 jHHinds less in thu first
six weeks of this year than those
fur the like n-riod in 1S01, any the
An Atchison ifirl, eighteen your old.
has only eijflit of Iter swiml teeth.
Willi. . ru Intf f,,r the rest.irntlon of
his wife's Ik-ji 1 lit. ItoU-rt Janes, aired
u-vetity. of t'oluml'tis, O . hud Ilia sight
unuesiiunlahly restored. He had hswii
liliud for M-reral yeun.
A lino root ,jlrl of liii; Sl,,no, 'I'enn.,
while gatlierinir iriiiMutf one day re
cently, seitdi iily found lirrss'lf in a mt
llesnake'a den. When the Imttlc wan
over she counted hlxty-tliree ileud rei
tiles nUiut her, having eM.'UKU herM'lf
h itlioul a M-rutcli. j
SKvciisi iis were iiitiM-d It.v n farm
er lii (il-uluin, Mieli After wiitchilltf
several iiili(s fur the ri.;ue, the vigil-aiu-e
uf the seii'iui-l win. nt last re-wardt-d.
lie anw n anake curry Ing otf
anotlier young (ig. The mnske was ilia
IKitehcd. und found Ui muaaiire over
nineteen f,., ( it, length.
Cait. .M Ai.Krra, of the lmrt (1. C.
Com, vuuehs-a for the alory that one of
hi aaiUn-a, u Jupuncse, fell uv.-rlxmnl
nnd wiui svitltotvtfd liy u whale hi the
Pnclllc ix-can. hut wnt prevntly ejsflesl
cm. 1 on sleek, in fin-t, a -troleuiu
eovereil oil suit tin- i.allor svure proving
ti much fur the hale.
Till: onion svaa an object of
wor.hi with the I gvpiiana t tlisui.
Mtud ys-ara iN-forc M11 inatluu ura. It
llrst cuius) from India
r.x-l'ursiio-NT fi.Kviu. ivn is a cosxl
Miilur in iito of hi-, weight.
Skckki aiu I'osrKn irruss mi nulhusb
italic when he see. go-xl liaM-lmll piny
that he throw up Ida hat uise any Ixiy.
1'iia.nk Immi.i.s, n younger lirotherof
the e.x aenutor, la in-hideut
of Hniry
He is tell
college nt triiigiteid. M
and alciidur and
otherwise reaeiiihhm
Ida dialiiigulahusl
hrsilhcr in jNirMinal
Ph:miik liHll.l. Villi la going to have n
Iioiimi Ixmt for s'oiufiirt.ilde idling on
I'loridn waters. No eaiiallMiul this. It
Is to have teel hull, two small en
gine, kix r.H -ii.. and will ri ulamt
f.Vi.ikHi It will U Hat Uatoincd nod
liuie round i-uiia.
Mil II.miiii C Di vai.. private Mere
tnry ti t hnuiiivy M. iK-pevs. Intailovel
oied literary talent aim-c he U-cnine it
meiulfr of the I'ell.iwvr.ift club. In an
article on "IIm; (irmui (Vnlnil Dopol"
receully hy him to an lllus
tnited pua-r Ucdeiu iitruted hl ability
to write uttoul evcrsUiy inaltur In uu
ciitcrtaluim; way,
Not a Candidate.
Mr. J. M. Huntington, of Mums,
Oregon, is visiting our oity. Mr. II.
was seen by a Nkws man yostordav
and when ask it! aliout tho reK)rts
in circulation with rcferenco to his
connection with the congressional
nomination, said: "1 am not a can
didate and my visit here at this
time 1ms no olitical significance.
I vame 011 business and to address
your 0. A. H. Post
I have noticed
in the
lmiH'rs my nomination bv
Mr. I.'asure, of Pendleton, with
whom I have had no communica- 1
t ism. and who is in 110 way author- j
iied to use mv namo. That I am ;
'Uibbing' up for congress is not true.
1 nm for an Kastern Oregon man j
and I am convinced that if our sec
tion of the state vsill avail itself of j
the natural am! Hlitical advantage ;
w hich is ours, and if its delegates to '
the state convention will use reason- 1
able political discretion and unite '
on a representative man, our district
will U represented in congress by a 1
man who resides east of tiie mount- 1
uius, ami who has Ikvii identities!
with the development of Kastern i
Oregon. I do not know who the j
Harney county delegates will sup- '
port, but thai they will stand fori
Knstorn Oregon. I shall have no '
following ami no delegate will vote
for me with my e rniissiou."
A correnpuiilent nt Atlanta,
(icormu, hits interviewed I'J'Jli
iromlnetit ileiuoerats of all iiarts
..ff ... . !.... t .
01 tieorifia us to preaiuentiai pre
ferences. Of that number, SHI
want Cleveland, while only V!77
deelato for Hill, tho others scat
tering. The Portuguese government has
decides! that the liiiancial condition
of the country renders it impolitic
for Portugal to make tin exhibi
tion at tho worldV fair to bo held
at Chicago, mi,! will therefore tnko
no ofllcinl cognizance uf any of
Portugal's priHlucts that may bo
places I on exhibition.
A i-s-Kii grisvn nt Sylvaula. (la.,
ss. i-l I -I -l.leen ouiliva nnd iiienauieil
t'.iit. i-.i in.-!.e In circumfeivnce.
A i.t. .1 ut MU-tilail Center, Mich.,
11. t nil,, htnlc the organ from 11 church,
hut 1 V x v. iih well, rortonalely the
t,- j,.- w.i- elauiM'l on.
A 1 1 11 old man In San I'rnnciaeo,
nil 1i, .i-;rh he has the w hole uf u rlvlietv
t.'in ui iil to hlniwlf. hnhltiially aleep's
in no old -Sarutoga tnuiU four feet long,
A Vf aisk fanner, who tx-lleves In a
stri.-l iih.ei-Tanee of the Salduith, went
out ami Uillctl a liiuilt uliieli Hi-aikted
in l.le.iliug 011 a recent tiumliiy afler
inam. '
W11 1 1 .vvi Al l.inovi:. of I'tmta I'.asaa,
has 1111 alligator which eats up the
rx fu-x- of the AlllUnie household and U
u hett.-r M-nvcnger hy far tliiiu the
nvein -e New York gnrhage mini.
Nor far from Portland, Me., a harn
svaa sot on lire hy llglitning. The aniuu
Uilt tli..l lired the building dhatleieil it
piH that coiiiiected svuli u water 11111I11,
nnd the llow of svutur extlligillahed the
Till:m: ure no utreet cars allowed to
run in Canada on Sundays.
I'l sshi i.v m eatahlisliml the llrsl
hiiapitnl in Aiuerls'u in 1751.
Cmii'oiimv lina S.dTA of tho giant
tr'','' "" ''-ft. nnd of these the largeat
Is aeeti'ina of I'loridn cnbhngeH are
Wing given away for cattle feed, such
n drug are lin y on the market.
I the t'liilt'ib Statea there are 2.S00.
00 1 hlsea lHlungiug lo "O.Oisi lee grower-.
1. 11. 1 producing li'J.iKW poiiiiiU of
lioiu-y yearly.
An -ia of morality has commenced In
."., ieu. Hull llghta and cock llgliU
hate Ixen pi-ulnhiu-d, gambling will lm
al.'px-d, and n lottery law Is under con
sideration which w III atop all irrehHiii
hi nle eoiieerna.
t ANAHA only IncUa 237,000 wpiare
nil!es to Ik na Inrge na the whute con
tinent uf Kurox-. it U nearly thirty
Inni h na large ns tirent Britain and Ire.
land, und la') Miiaru miles larger
(hull thu United Statun.
A Hi 1, Invckviio. llcllowft -"My
new wife Is color blind." I'c'lows
(gilmg long at lletlowa' face) -"One
would have thought she was blind alto
gether." -N. V. Ilomhl.
"If I were to commit suicide," Mild
tins ile Jay to his father's physician.
" hat kind of a verdict would tin- Cor
sinner bring In?" ".lualillabh. homi
cide." ivua the emiiliatlc renlv. Waah-
iugtuii Star.
'KaiiimiWh always wns lucky."
"Willi's liapH-neil now?" "Vou know
that live liiimlreil dollar watch the Ixiya
nve him?" "Yea." "He anctvedotl in
1 1 isi;f it the other day for fourteen
.lolhira." - Truth.
Ii:iiiim: A 11 i:itiiui. Kthel -"Vou
Jilted hlui and ho proxax-d U me It
wua your ow 11 fault, ami 1 don't m-v
wlu.1 you have to Ui aorry uIhiiii "
C'lurisKj I'm not aorry fur myself,
denr, but for I1I111." N. V. I'n-aa.
A ccitiot's fact In connection svllh the
dcatliH In 11 I'oltatowu (I'a ) family ia
that nil the children -nine in nuinU-r
py.-x-d nw,iy in their tweiity-accond
A vr.av c-n-1 eis coln'-ldeae.1 haprK'ued
nt K.iw.iiid.t I .ill., i'a . oil the l ourlh.
live Lieu, nil i.tra 1 vra, m -l, nnd on
UMitf lilt iif lo. -e l c4iU was found to 1x4
John A. biUnn.
Tiikiik aro In (. iiiisvlllc. If., two
l.illi.ui .luhii dina. b it'i yonn.f ,'irh, who
lire li t in-; l i oa -ertaill the w herealxniU
ill t'in, uiti.ili of their f.tllu rs, c.u-h of
wbuin U named 1). 1'. .luhuaun 'ami u'a
Two unoTHKnt, who were born nt one
birth uud who tlei-e greatly atl.i.'ht'd to
CH. Ii oilier, were U...ed hy out) Imtl of
llglitning uuur Auuiatoii, Ala., n few
days ngo,
Tin: Inat complaint of the grent gun
ililpn thut their w.nana often mlaa
lire owing to the failure of the two-fool
long tubs) ountninlug the tiring charge
lo curry thu Sstrk.
Tub Auatrinn gnvurnment has ro
reived from liilglnud niiutlier consign
ment uf luo Alaxli. inllriillhiiiMia. They,
n well an other nlendy rHHilvil, w ill
Ik plnsosl l furtlllsjutloiu near the bor-
Ix liulln the flaxseed grown up to the.
nllUuslc of 8,900 feet Is oil .VloMlng.
t'lMiws have done much ilnumfro to the
ctvp In Marltoiy C'hamplgny, Frantv.
A iHMin quality of cotton Is lioing
prow 11 in the valley of the Jordnu, Pal
estine. Tur.iir. Is a penr orchard or parslcn In
Jerwiy, ( linnncl Islands, coutntnlugdo,
iHXl pear trs-es.
I'llVM.oxKnA In New Zealaml Is
, nlarmlnjr the there to a
coiislilernble ilcirrce.
In ISSS-MI there wens l'.',Sfl neivsof
vineyards In Victoria, Australia, ami
I.JMie.M'J tfallonsof svtne were prmluoesl.
In ls7S then' were not 1MUW0 iicms of
orclinnl In Ureal llritnlu; iimv there nro
9O,30A, and tho orchard nrta litorcaM'ft
Tin: chief Industry of the Amason
valley, one of the rk-ltest and Inrirs'st In
the world, Ih-Iuk a Unit 3,000 miles limjf,
is ruhlK,r-(,ntlierliitr.
l.MU.v nitscs one liushel of w heat per
bend of her population, the I'nltcd
Stnles over seven tiosliels sr bead,
and .S)iith Australia nineteen bushels.
A .li:tir. justltH' of the Haee hn nut
worn a lint In eighteen yeans to hes-p an
election vow.
An aed tmvellni; M'loMirs grinder lins
illosl In MU-IiIk'uii City, liul., ts'iivinir an
estate valued nt 11.000.
A (Iimuio! v man In spllttlm; w-smh! one
day found a hickory nut tlrmlv m
Unldesl in the heart of the titnlwr." I low
It came there Is a myktory.
An old buck al St. .Ioepli. Mo., Injv
lulled to catch slht of lilt rs-lli-s-teil
Imnce In n nlnte irlass w linlow and
clinrgs'diiixiti It, shlverlnr the l,'l and
K-atterlinr a display of koIiI, kllser and
lirsiuzc tfoosls In nil dlreclloiis.
A New Yoiih ladv who in summering
In a iualut Imckwiitxl villnire met a
1 tlflliv. till, ,ltllr .In. nil. I I,, f 1... ...........
native the other day. and In the suro
of 11 little tnlls asketl him why nit the
sillnge children went tmrefisil." "Why."
he exclntiiiesl, in surjirlsc, "thut'a tho
1ty they wore Ixirn!"
WiiATl.vru coiiies tons through gixsl
frlenils la n
I'roct.K are npimrentlv never more t
Inched than when they are using each
othe r.
A sii0Ninci:Nr mlcrsvtiMpo has Jiiht
Ix-cn completed by the .Munich l'.H-lh i
I'liysleal and Optical Institute for the
great Chicago e.xiHmltloll, nl n csiat ol
7'o It,'si' a tn iguiylng pow
er of 1 1, mm diameter.
To ci.kas a teakettle, take It awnv
from the lire and wnsh oil w Ith 11 rag
llpHMl In kerosene, followesl liy n rub
bltig with a dry llaiiuel cloth.
lo ci.iu.v ceilings that have Wen
blackened by smoke from a lamp, wash
on with ruga that have been dipped In
soda water, -li.xxl Housekeeping.
CjhI of TlmnVa.
To mv friends nnd neighbors, and
eK:cially to the members of llobah
Lodge 1. 0. O. I'., I oiler mv most
sincere thanks for their kindness
and attention to me during my late
Illness. oil will ever be held 111
remembrance. J. W. I'owki.i..
Canyon (.'ity, Or, Feb. IM, IS!)'.
TjVe Notice.
This is lo warn all persons, froi
cutting or removing wood or timber
from my land, or driving through
tlio same without my permission
Anyone violating, will be prosecuted
(iKitiuiti) Topki:n.
Canyon City, Or., Feb. lo, IS'.)"
Those hating hortea to sell will do
well to correspond tt ith Smith llros.
nusnuviiie, wlio are selling homos on
iwuutiiiaaion, nt gins! liettroa in the blast
and elsew here. ,'lm
Two gosxl ranches to rent 011 shares
with a tine Kind of good cattle amongst
them '.Ti head of lino (limy cost.
School within one mile. CimmI infer
uncus ictiinw, Apply to
IIm S-itril linos., Stiaanville.
,tlr. ( irnns ille Ularg has lltteil up
rooms for a hospital in the llorslny
building in this city, uud is now pre
jKirod to teceiso atieuts, and furnish
them ipiiet and t-omfoi table ajiai tineiiU.
HisstsM'kof drugs and mislicino is
also froah and complete.
Coon Wood aoo tuirds of gxxl
iiiouiitniu wixsl, which I will avi'l 1 I, r
the next .'IU days, dclivoiod in Cauyou
City at 81.00 p.r cord, i-ash; Jl.ftO per
cord oil liO days limn. Deliterisl at
John Day nt Sl.fiO per cord, tush;
ffi.OO pur cord on 00 days time
O. (Suim.VHiir.
When you scud away for goods
remember the linn of Collin A Mc
Karhuid at Ileppner. They not on
ly guarantee you first clasVgnodg nt
lowest prices, but llioy juiy mail or
express charges on sumo to any
stage olhco in drunt or Harney
counties. See their now "ad for
further particulars.
Prom this date until further notice
I will asill grain us follows: Hat ley
I cent Mir siiiud; chopuil Isuley 1
cents; wheat (chicken Icod) 1 cents;
seed wheat at I ceuta, dehleiisl flee
of charge at leasonable distance.
Ihirley for seixl, almimt alauilutely
ulistll, I J cents. The alxite price ate
only for onth. I'hsisu luiug sacks
ulao. (Jnnyon City, January M. "i'l.
OHO. (il'MlhACII.
Catarrhal ilnufuonH cm oil. No
more 11 hj for oni-trtiiniuitH. Triiiiunh
nt last. An infulhblo rotudi'y for tho
euro of catnirh nnd deufiiOHts in nil
it i.tnguH. by onu who bus benu a
Krent sutToror fiom cntnrrh nnd nl-
inoh'. total (loiifneHS
No cntnrrh or ninny (;recn nnd 3 olios-
htiuky iiiatlrr dischargitiL' from
tho nose Mo doafiiess. No rinj;
iii(; criKikling houiiiIs in the head.
No inucotiH matter lodging in the No occasional hacking cough
willi throwing up slimy croon nnd
yellow stiuliy matter. It is n bios
ing Hint woritH cannot iiosoriuo.
ror furlbor uiforimilion wnto for
oiroulnrs. Addrons, Prank Wort, it
Co., Waiisiiu, Wis. Drawer lO'iU.
A risr. sx-clnien of the pine-tree
shilling of ln3 svna found by worlnncn
who were oxcnvnUng nt (Irent Harring
ton, Mass.
A I'oitrssioi'Tii (N. II.) woman recent
ly found n one cent piece In an egg
ivhleh one of her hens had laid, nnd
later on the some hen laid nu egg with
n ten cent piece In It.
Won. 1: n man In Mootvsvlllo, Ind.,
wns tearing out nil old llrcplnce In his
house the other ilny he found three
litimlrcsl dollars, nil In crisp ten-dollar
notes, that had Ik'cii secreted licnentli
the hearth by some former occupant of
tho house. 4
A hat's nest was discovered In nn old
residence nt Dniibitry, Conn., n few
days ago eomjoMtl of twenty-ono
handkerchiefs, mostly red bnudnuns.
All were In fair condition, nnd tho rata
must have lxon n long time accumu
lating them.
Ar llirmliighnm, Ala., then' Is nn old
hen w hich kills sparrow s. She coaxes
them op with Imlt.
Al HTttvt.iA delights In n fighting knn
gnnxi, w hlch Ixixea. wrestles, knocks
out nnd generally tlL-wrta Itself after
the manner of a professional prlrc
lighter. j
Tin: way to tell a xvell-bred dog, ne
cortllng to n canine fancier, Is to grasp
htm by the Wk of the neck nnd hold--him
up. If a cur. he yelps; If
brrsl. he never ulters 11 whimper.
A CoMvmi (N. C.) mule llndlng Ha
neck no swollen by some throat nlfce
lion thut It could not reach the ground
to feed standing, lay down, nnd after
eating nil the grass within reach on
one side rolled over ami UnUlicd Its
meal on the other.
Abuolutoly Puro.
A cream of tartar baking Miwder.
Highest uf all 111 h avening strength.
Latest I' S (lovtrnmeiit 'Food
U1IK 3
b nt
The smoker
that lias once trieu
"Seal of North Carolina,"
will have
no other tobacco,
simply becatiHe
no Ijclter
can be mat!-..
1 ions lack
the (leliylitftil
that only cm
be found in " Seal."
I'.ll lo I'.ims CtaMk I'uxsWi mm! In l'(L
A Cult.
Notice is hcrubv uivon Hint a
meeting of tho rcpublicnn s'ounty
central committee will bo held at
tho court house in Canyon City, on
I'oli. LSD'' nt '.' o'clock 11. 111. for
tho truusficliou of suoli btisiuu!' au
may comu before it. A full nttun-
Inttco is rispiested,
Canyon City, Feb. lit. IM)2.
C. V. I'a itiitMii, Cbuiriimn.
A Call.
To tho members of the doinocral-
ic central comiuittce of (irant coun
ty, (leiitleinen: You are hereby
reiiueatod to mci t ut the court hotiso
in Cunyou City, Or., 011 Saturday,
tho 'J7th day of February, 1S.I, at
tho hour of two o'clock, "p. m. for
the purH)so of fixing a bnsia uon
which to np-xirtiou tho number of
lolegates to tho county convention
allowed to each precinct, and for
lixing a time for holding the nru-
cinct primaries, uud county conven
tion, nun ior tlio transaction or snob
other business us mny properly come.
Duioro mo ineeiing.
a inn lersnniu uttuiu nncn
earnestly rci-nested.
. u. CozAi), Clminnan.
v. f-1 iws--
s-sjw-'-'i'--'. 41 t.,(HMsfiiv Iff'