Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 18, 1892, Image 3

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Thursday, Feb. JS.
A finale to tho Chinese now year
carouiuil has been reached nt Inst.
Call at this often if you want to
buy Intnl. Wo know of some valuable
farms for snlo.
Stage, drivers fitul snow softening on
tin) foothills but solid enough on thn
summit of Dixio.
Tho Now Hotel Im closed its doom,
not from lack of patronage, but rntlier
owing to olhsr onuhsi.
Wood lKiulon complain of tho
weather. The vviutwr hts tint lieen
exceedingly profitable for their busi
miss. Thn tax roll ha Ix'on delivered into
tho sheriff's hands, and Sheritr Orosnp
invites all unfortunate property owners
to call at his office.
It is thought that thn groundhog
was blind. If ho saw his shadow the
old legend is false, for stem winter
wenthsr has not come yet.
Thern will U) given, in tins city, on
Friday, February 'JGth, at Masonic
trill, a dramatic ontertuiniuatit for the
bonefit of thu public school.
lite vox valley mliuns; eontiu lias
brought witnesses and interested
parties into the city from Fox and
Lou Creek, in considerable numlors.
Hoveral olitical orgnni7..itions Croats
diirernces of opinion, which arn neces
sary to sustain the republic. Hut how
unreasonable "tho other fellow" always
Prophets say the veitobne of the
winter season is fractured. In this
precinct wit are of tho opinion that
this winter never possessed any verte
bra.1. Senator Mitchell is at last Duke de
lo Itochofocauld's futher-iu-law, the
wedding occurring in I'aris last Thurs
day noon, when it was 0 a. m. Friday
in Oregon.
It is announced that the imperial
band of the Kmperor William of (!er
miny will attend the Chicago exposi
tion, having already obtained permis
sion to do so.
Grant county's residents will dispose
of as much of their surplus stock as
-they can this year, which will have a
tendency to cnuso the channels of trade
to llow more freely.
Mr. Moon, of the .John Day mill,
infoimstho Nkws that he intends
stnrttug the mill it bout the first of
starch, when oil danger of n frcuzup
in the ditch is over.
Frank Metschan acted as referee in
ths mining case Monday. Clerk
Shearer was detained lit homu by the
illness of Mm. Shearer, and Ileforee
Horeley had to look after the clerk's
Mr. J. W. Waterman, the merchant
of Caleb, paid our town a visit this
week. Mr. Wiitemian reports uvery
thing quiuin his neighborhood, with
tho usual ' accompaniment of hard
lvlitorW. 0. Hyrd, of the Hums
Heratd is spoken of by the democrats
us a proiiablo candidate for reprosontit
tivo of Grant and Harney counties.
Uro. Hyrd is it "rustler," and if elect
ed to roprotunt us itt Salem would no
doubt fulfill the obligation well.
It appears that the nomination for
congressman in this district will Imi
given to an Fastem Oregon man, pro
vided tho delegation can center their
affections on "the man," .Should there
'bo too much lighting wo may lose the
honor of congressional representation.
Mr. .1. W. l'owell and the
man paid a visit to Mr. Powell's ranch
on Fall creek last Thursday, whore
bunchgiass has been growing under
the snowdrifts in tho gulches all win
ter, and where stock of all kinds has
dodged the blizzards in good shape.
It is our opinion that tho next two
or three years will develop one of the
richest and moit extensive mining dis
tricts in tho Greenhorn section that
has over lieeu discovered, and that
within that tiino there will l a rail
road completed to the district, either
from Baker City or Pendleton. This
promising camp cannot remain devoid
of rail communication.
Prof. King Kennedy, accompanied
by Mr. Knott, gave a sleight of hand
and ventriloquist performance in our
city last Saturday evening, and the
public was so well pleased that another
performance was given .SubUith even
ing. King Kennedy is certainly mas
ter of the deceptive art, and his foals
in legerdemain and ventriloquism are
highly entertaining.
Hums folks realize that if they had
a daily mail over thu Canyon City
route they would have splendid mail
facilities, which thoy have not on the
Ontario routo. Tho Herald nays;
"Wo wonder, oh, wo wonder! when
thu good Iord will deliver us from the
afllictiou of tho Ontario daily mail
route, sell thu stock, bum up tho
vehicles, hang tho contractors uud
have a regular Irish waku."
Dr. J. W. Ashford recently remov
ed a tumor of several years growth
from Mr. Paul Fitimau'K neck, and
under tho treatment of Drs. Ashford
& Fell Mr, Faiman is getting along
very well. Ho acknowledges his grat
itude to thu physicians in a letter to
thu Nkws, itnd recommends that tho
luffuriug employ them instead of go
ing to tho oxpenso of seeking doctors
ut a distance, of whom thwy know little,
Giianite, Fob. lfi, 1S92.
Snow fast disappearing.
Placer miners nrc thinking of
commencing work.
School is progressing nicely under
the guidance of Miss llnttio Mack,
of Prairio City.
As our bullion outputs apiwar in
in the Nkws 'tis useless to odd more,
but we exjwot more in tho near
Wnukio Tatar hail tho misfortune
to cut off one linger last week while
at work on the engine at thu .Monu
mental mill.
Mr. Dony Wcavor makes bis reg
ular trips once x.r week lietwoon
Granite and Greenhorn, carrying
mail, etc. Mr. Woaver is a very
accommodating driver as be some
times given up tho front seat to pas
songers. There is a petition in circulation
bore, from Long Creek, praying for
a daily mail service lietweon hero
and Iong Creek; also one for a
county road between said places,
which were not being very numer
ously signed at last accounts.
A surprise party apearcd at the
Granite hotel on the evening of the
10th inst., it lx.'itig the landlord's
birthday. A general good time was
bad by present. Those relig
iously inclined retired to the parlor
and Iiad singing, etc., while the bal
ance engaged in dancing in the
dining room.
HaseUtll is booming already.
Sec pricclist of doors and windows
on fourth age.
Divine services at tho M. K. church
SuhUith evening.
Mr. H. M. Kurtou announces him
self this week, a candidate for sheriff.
Methodist people enjoyed a social
time at Dr. Holey's residence Tunsday
Huiichgmss is wepiug through the
sod in jHistures where it can attain a
More new sidewalk has Ix-on built ',
in our town, thus affording rest for'
weary soles. '
Wheat is fulliiij in price in the mil- '
road markets, ljing now about 71! 1
cents per bushel.
Political music will soon legin to !
agitato the atmosphere; the hruvt Uiud I
is to be resurrected. I
A year of progress is what 1892
will witness in the minus uud on the
farms of Grout county.
Thu Uisolcill Ixtll netted tho toys a
few dollars, with which to irpleuish
their stock of balls and but.
The White Swan mine has since ;
opening in Uotoi-T put s.iOJfeti into
thu linker City .National kink.
The erouudliog is a fraud, and .
knows no more about the weather than
Mr. Sandy Hancock, who was visiting '
our city lately. '
Mr. W. (J. Overholt, of Monument, ,
will start east in a few weeks with a
bunch of horses, to try the realities of
an eastern market. ,
Dore took the now iron easing for !
his turbine up to the milt a few days
ago, and is getting things in roailino J
for tue spring haw ing. 1
John Hughes, the .Husauvillo miner j
who lias Ix'oti in our city some days, 1
is iutcrtwted in a promising ipuit.
ledge with Sheriff Crenup. ,
Mudpuildhis on (Smut county's
thoroughfares are numerous, and it is 1
said tho depth of misery lies nt the !
bottow of one if you happen to step in
A r man in St. 1-ouii, who some
years ago liefrionded a lgsiir in di-
tross, has just received a SfiU.OOO re
ineiiibranco from that individual's ,
usUite. He kind to thu poor. ,
Mr. John I.uco lectured heie again
Tuesday evening on the subject of
Alliance. A meeting is to l held at ;
John Day Friday afternoon, at ihich
time ion limy U) perfected. i
lly fencing the hill lauds and keep-
iip.' thu stock oil' ii veur or two stock- '
men can have as tine buiiehgntvi gntz
iug grounds as ever this country
afforded. Hoy some school laud and
do this, for the experiment has !eou
succitutfully tried.
Wheat, on Mr. J. W. Powell's Fall
creek ranch, that was sow n last full,
is now blinking at the sunlight quite
nicely where the snow is oil', and a
good yield will lo the reulL Fall
grain is the luw on these hih lauds
where plenty of snow is assured us a
protection against freezing,
We believe much bocial enjoyment
could li hail anil good fellowship en
gendered iiinong the pioneers of lintnt i
county if they would organize amoiiK '
thuinsalviis it society of pioneers. Tho
Nkws has mentioned this matter before,
U'causo social intercourse promotes i
h:tpiinoKS, uud iiImivu everyone else,
the old pioneeis ihthorve to U happy, (
after braving the hardshiMi incident
to settling up it now country.
A petition was presented to the
county court of Cnion county, asking
the court to ignore the action of tho
statu Imard of equalization and direct
thu clerk to extend the taxes on the
tax roll on the different items of prop
erty as equalized by the county loard
of equalization in Soptciulier, ami thu
court ordurod that said petition Is)
denied, and ordered the clerk to extend ,
thu taxes on the Utsis as equalized by i
tho state lourd of equalization.
From Mr. John bigfrit, tho mail
contractor on the lino from hero to in Hear valley, fast falling mercury,
Mitchell, wo learn of a homicide, or ice, and isolation, with thin blankets
rather a premeditated murder, . and old shoes all in line, forcibly
which occurred in a dance hall nt suggested to me the idea of niigrat
Mitchell early on last Saturday ing. So aUnit the middle of last
morning. i January I sealed the mountains,
The town marshal of Mitchell, ! slid down Canvon Creek, struck
named McCormick, shot and fatally
wounded Ken Smith, who died Sun
As near as wc could learn the
, news having traveled some distance
McCormick's chum had a row
with Smith in a saloon, and Me
i Cormick took the matter up and
' acted in rather an unbecoming man
ner for a jvace olllcur, declaring to
Smith that be would kill him.
Subsequently they met in the ball
after the dancers had nltout censed
to whirl, and it appears without
provocation McCormick shot his
victim down.
Ho was at once placed under
guard, to guard against any forcible
demonstration by the justly indig
nant citixcus.
McCormick is described as a dis
solute sort of a fellow since the eo-
le of Mitchell elected him to the
ollice of marshal, frequently neglect
ing his duty for the gilded saloon
and its allurements. Now, if the
circumstances attending this
are correctly nqvortod, Crook county
, will have an opjtortunity of setting
an example to all wouId-le bad
men within her iMirdors. by having
a necktie party superintended bv
, the sheriff, in which McCormick
will be the heavy tragedian, unless
' Judge Lynch gets in bib work first.
Prairie City, Feb. H, 1S92.
Warm days but cold nights are
with us yet.'
Did you get a valentine?
but it was last venr.
I did
LagripiM1 still seems to' hold
own in our quiet little burg.
U. F. Chittenden is making vast
improvements on his ranch.
Hay is getting scarce and thu old
cow begins to long for spring.
Some of our farmers have already
begun cleaning seed grain prcparu-
tory for spring sowing.
The Calico ball given by some of
1 thu ladies of Prairie City Monday
night was a grand success.
; Miss M. A. Meailor has been re
, jHirted quite sick fur thu past fuw
j weeks but is roorted better.
Some of our bloods of thu upjier
. valley bad fierce combat at thu
.spelling school Wednesday night.
1 The Axe's by tho aitl of a Win
' cluster and four dogs slew a large
i cougar on Reynold's creek a few
iliiys ago.
Snow shoeing is one of tho chief
engagement of the upior valley,
but one of our Sorts bail the mis
fortune tt lose onu of his snowshoes
while out bunting last vveuk.
The demand for lumber promise to
1h good this year, as many improviv
menu ore contemplated.
Aunt Vinnieo Wolf, n colored
woman, by Iwinu Iwu in Virginia
and moving early to Missouri, and
by tho stoutly use of tobacco,
122 t rived to livo to tho ago of
Tucoiuii twiner (frows inilit;-
mint over the tliugs tlint art; all
time buiu Hindu at tho xeU.
"t'hriht," it wtys, "was it poet."
Perhaps, but not tho tort that
keeps pestering tho newspaper olli
ces with their pnxltictions.
At a council held by tho Indians
of tho I'matilla resurvatioii, Chief
Vab-tiiii-ow-it. and Peo urged them
to send their children between tho
ages of f and 15 to school in order
that the Indian young may bo pre
pared for thu resM)iisibilitic.t of
citizenship. No Shirt, it is said,
opjKMM's education, lalniring under
the mistake that somu uuw faugled
religious idea may bo taught thu
children at the government school.
Thu ncwsMpor uiun of I'rino-villi-
seem to biivo a wonderful
allium. t of trouble. Several times
one or tin1 other has boon in court,
and their opinion one of tho other
has not been always expressed with
that brotherly love that should
over abide with member of the
i fraternity. A few days ago the
( editor of the News was urre&ted I
J on a charge of trying to blow up
j a house with a mini in it, and the
' IJoview, of eourko, uiiulo a lino
item out of it.
Tho Interstate Artificial Haiti
Company, of Kutnn, hitvu entered
into a contract with jiaitius in Tu
lare county, California, to produce
during a poiiod of thirty days, mi
average rainfall of not less than
three inches, within a radius of
twenty livo miles from tho jwint
of oH.Ttttioii, thu amount of said
rainfall to bo determined by true
and correct rain guagtw located at
i! liferent points within said radius.
The coiikidcration is $!i,r00, and j
and in case tho jmrt y of thu first
flirt fail to bring till) rain accord
ing to contract, tliuu, in that wuo
thoy shall rocoivo no uuuipunsation
for any work thoy may havo done
hnrrou M:ws: I lie ticop snow
! bare ground on Neil Hall's ranch,
and stopped to graxc.
It is well that 1 came down, for
I think 1 softened up the winter and
made it six long weeks shorter.
Hut no one has faith enough in it to
say thanks.
Valentine's day is here, and so is
spring. I have gummed it through
the winter in prime condition for
an animal that has lost its "cud."
I am now basking in the sunshine.
The sir is balmy. My eyes arc
full of the expanse of green grusa
on the hillsides. My surroundings
are exhilarating, and my ideas are
shooting new life, am! ambition
whisers: Pen them down ami
give them to the Hide world through
the Gkast Ci sty Nkws.
Since I am stopping near your
somewhat dilapidated but truly his
toric town, and vicinity, I have be
come interested in it and its eople.
In days of vote, when you hand
led those yellow eagles of solid coir
as a man now handles nickles, von
weru in the full throvs of commer
cial activity, and yuti did business
on a solid basis. Hut, alas, how
things are ch inged. Thotto days
are ended, most likely but for a
short time.
It will not lw long until Mime
persevering miner will strike tho
mainspring of action and raise thu
dead. I have ginxl reasons for be
hoving that old exiierionccd miner1
know that there is paying gold in
abundance in these hills. Hut they
aro waiting for cajiitnl to unlock it.
Some day. not far hence, foreign
capital will step in anil pick up
what they have bad their eyes on,
and have lieen laying low nUtut for
Well, if capital will not take bold
and develop our mines; cheap living,
small prollts and industry will.
Why wait lunger? Merchants,
mechanics, farmers and lulKirers,
let us all fall back and put our
shoulders to the wheel.
The country is isolated and we
are largely tleH.intlent on ourselves,
within ourselves Scalping each
other will never bring prosiierily.
Feb. 11, 1SU2.
Sii.vtiKn are vry plentiful on tlu Irish
oonjd this Minuncr.
A cesiioi has ttccn Iristltutwl nliroail
of cirliK a Imll to celebrate the lKiptUm
of a Uuliy.
At h recent Kivllsh mrtrrlnire cere
mony the lirlile won exnetlv Iw lee tint
uge a nil ttvlee the weight of the I'nxHil.
1 1 Is mill I that nt Sulixliury linn of
fer. 'it l,ouo.iWU for the whole of the
l'ortutrueM' tMMteiMlort In South Africa.
I.s a Held Iteloiitriiitf to .Mr. Oakley,
of llalfonl, near Ludlow, ,Soot)uul. a
eu produced ouo hundred and live
A.s lllifflish t-nnlrner litis illseovrreil
s way of miiUtiik' edelweisjt grow lu nn
ordinary lloner-imt a Hull as on tht)
Alpine loh-.
I'iikni II dnimmers rt In e.xcluded
fnun Alsace I-orrslue, nml the IVwltcli
swl of ohuttlilK tlermsn dnuiuuiTs
out of I'mnee.
A rioHV recently taken to Knglnud
fnini eiuatoriul Africa, and now on ex
lillillloii In .lvernHl. is of the feiititlo
ox. only tlilrty-six iu-he In hel(fht
mnl np'Br to be ttpproaelilnjf miildlu
Tu rue arc many odd wy of gvtlioif
kin in;: One f tho iMldekt Is purnuod
bv,,nni(.vii of I'urls, whit innke
a i'of,'non of tylriff kwntleiiu'o's
er..ti An espi-rt artist in thin line
. i-arn ten dollar Hit evening, it Is
rA.Norio:u trial will lw miiile with the
kola nut ns an article of food, dnrinv
tin- in-M-riiu
t I r iii h inuiit'uvers. 'I He ex
it lust year wait His;lly uti'.ic-
Tlic Notice.
This is to warn all persons from
cutting or removing wood or timber
from my laud, or driving through
the same without my jHirmissinn.
Anyone violating, will be prosecuted.
(IKUII Mill Tlll'KKN.
Canyon City, Or, Feb. .r., ISO'-'.
Co to the 1UI Front Hilliard Hall
for a cool, lefreshiug ihink of tho
finest luger beer in iMsteru Orttgon.
Save time, tcuijx-r ami rough
hands by using our Western Wasli
or. Kverv machine warrantinl to
givu satisfaction. Try them and
you will buy them.
Haw-iik iv Co.
Mr. Cntnville ClmK has fitted up
nxuns for u honpital in thu llomlny
building in this city, nud is now- pro
parisl to leceivu uiUi'lits, and furnith
theiii quiet and com for table upartlilHuU.
1 1 is stock of drugs nnd nieilicinos is
also fresh and complete.
(ioon Wool '.'( cords of good
mountain w'ood, which I will suit fur
tho next HO days, delivered in Canyon
City at $1.00 per conl, cash; Sl.fiO per
cord on CO days time. Delivered at
John Day at f t.fto er eoid, cash;
Sfi.00 pur cord on fill days tim.
O. lillHH.NimV.
From this date until further notice
I will sell grain its follows: ISarley
1 cent per Mtuud, clioptied Uttluy J
cenU; w hiNtt (chicken feed) I J cents;
stKxl wheat at I j cents, tlolivertxl free
of uliargtt at teusoimble distance.
Harluy for send, almost alsMilutoly
iiltsiu, 1 1 coots. Hie itbovtt prions are
only for eftkli. Plwiso bring inoks
uIm. Oanyon City, January 30, 'U2.
Cnu. Ou.nul-vuii,
This is the way you will havo to
vote next June, according to the
Australian ballot system:
On going to the ih!Is on election
I day, pass through the door, and if
j challenged swear in your vote or
stand aside. The necessary forms
1 for affidavits will U supplied bv the
judges. If not challenged, or after
swearing in your vote, pass on
through thu railing to thu voting
1 HOOt ll.1.
When you enter the ulcction room
announce your name to the judges
having the ballots, who will furnish
you with a projior ballot.
If you do not understand how to
mark your ballot ask tho election
judges. If voti cannot road Kuglish
or are physically unable to mark
your ballot, thu two judges of opjvo
site Hilitics will mark it for you,
ami mi request will read over the
names marked. ,
Go alone into onu of tho unoccti-
pied Iwoths anil murk vour ballot
with a black lead (HMicil or ink. lfi
you wiah to vote a "straight ticket,"
mark the square in front or to thu
left of thu title of your party at the
head of thu ticket with across mark
X. If voti wish to vote a mixed or
"scratched" ticket, mark the square
to the left of the name of each can
didate for whom you wish to vote,
anil be careful not to make the cross
mark X in front of the candidate
fur whom von tlo not wish to vote.
If you desire to vote for a ersoii
w hose name is not printed on any
of tho tickets, write the iiiitne witii
ink or black lead pencil in the space
under the name ol thu olllcu to be
voted for, being sure toplacu a cross
mark X to the left of thu namu
If by accident you tear, mutilate,
deface or soil your ballot, take it
at oucu to the judges from whom
you received it. explain bow tho ac
cident occurred and ask for another
ballot. You aru allowed but three
ballots in all.
You are allowed to occupy a booth
but live minutes in preparing your
Mefore leaving tho booth, fold
your ballot so that all the printing
on the back will show, taking care
that no jmrt of tho face of the bal
lot can lie scon,
When your ballot is marked ami
folded come out of the booth, and
hand the folded ballot to tin1 judges
of election, who will put it in the
ballot Ikix in your presence. Then
leave the room.
When you have voted, and before
you start to thu polling place to vote
remain 1(H) feet away from the jvoIIh.
Call at Juke's Tailor shop ami older
a suit of clothes from his spring
Go to the Ked Front Milliard
Gall, Canvon City, for lino wines,
liquors ami cigars. .
Tin: omVltil lUtn of Ilorlln tire said to
contain ikl.uoo htmiiis nained Scliut,
SchuUc or SchulUe.
Areoniii.NO to the last census Calcutta,
the anpltal of India, is Inhabited by
So, 100 Christian of aft nationalities.
I'Mintk has hlxty-tvvo dukes, only
thirty of ivlmiii date front the old uioti
nrvhy. The oldest duke Is Duo do
Morloionrt, who was tiorti lu ITUI.
Or foreitftier In the Argentine
Itepublie there are said to be 'JMl.UOU
Italians, I.Vl.uoo Trench, KMi.ueo Span
lards, lO.otMJ KuglUh ami 'JC.IKK) tier
in nits.
TilK pulntiou of the Cauensus Is es
timated at O.KI, ion. of whom iJiT.luo
Mongols, mainly Tartars. t)f the j rou.tid the facta as correctly as if
I .. t i. I... t il. . .t.. ...... . "
whiles, 1, (til. (WO Wiling to the native
CaticuMiau rnces, II.ISJO are Somites,
mostly Jews; the remaining S.oiy.ueu
are Aryans, almost all groups Wing
represented. Thu Russians iiumWr
nearly H.000,000.
TllK rulers of Kusslnn society disti
inive of lllrllng. '1'lioy have ui.ulo nil
unwritten code that in man must wait
imiru than once around the rooin with
his iHirlucr.
A ll.vs'ooii (Me.) Jeweler tired of
souvenir hmiii has hit upsui the idea
of wiiivenlr M-.trf plus. His llr.t elfort
lu the lino is the llamtiu pin, with a
bust of the deceiiMid ex-vico prostdulil
for n head
TllK latest (ml among women who en
tertain a good deal is tho autograph
tubli-spread, Uii w hioh eaoh guest Is
Inv ili-il to write his liaitie with a blue
IK'iicil. The iiiitllnen uro aftcrwurds
It U it Kipular fad to have tho ir
trnltmif yout-Mdf and your family lltho
gruphed iioii thu bottom of i iqw ami
Niinors. A opulnr iq'rslltioii bus
pnventod the custom from extending
to soup plates. -Chieairo Tiuios.
A Yiu-NO Womoii's Christlnii associa
tion, similar lu all its workings lo the
Youiik Men's I liristinu iihu-ialiin, has
Ihh.ii orgunixed itt Dayton, , with one
hundred uud throe uioinW'rs.
Tiik Irish I'rcshyu-riau .onana nils
stou lms now seven mlssioiiarloh in India
and tltree lu t'hiiia, nil of whom are
doing good work, nud Its Income lasl
year was ulsuil three thousand three
hundred smiii.U sterling.
Those having horses to sell will dn
well U corresouil w itli Smith Hros,,
SuiAiiville, who are selling horses on
uoiuuiissioii, at gotsl lijjiues in thu Fast
ami else vi lieie. din
Two good ranches to rent on shnri1
with a line Until of good eattlu amongst
them -'.'i Instil of lino dairy cows.
School within one lililu. (itssl infer
ences i fiju irtxl. Apply to
Mm Smith IImom., Susuuvillu.
When you wild away for goods
rumuinlaT the linn of Colliu A- Mc
FarJantl t lleppner. They not on
ly guarantee you first class gootls at
lowest prices, but thuy pay mail or
oxpreiw charge on some to any
uUigo ollictt in Grant or Harney
ootintlot). Hco their now "ad" for
furthur partiaulurs,
"Pioneer," writing in Tho Dalles
Mountaineer,!! ays:
"If I remember correctly in tho
mouth of February or March, IS(0,
there were living in Tho Dalles two
Chinamen, one of whom bv the
name of I.eo Wung had a wash
hoiftc near thu northwest corner of
Court ami Main streets. A Unit
that time thero camu from Mow
two Chinamen en route to Walla
Walla, arriving on tho steamer
Idaho the only conveyance. The
tiper river lieing blocked with ice,
they hired two men w ho had charge
of a pack train to toko them and
their goods to their destination.
About a week after thev started Wung called on Col. N.JII.
Gates and told him the Chinamen
had been murdered by thu two
imekers. and be saw the act dune
while asleep, lit1 soid D. shot one
Chinaman and killed him and thu
other ran. He was followedhy thu
other packer anil murdered. Col.
Gates thought the Chinaman tie
tuciitcd us he had not been out of
town since the Celestials started on
their trip, and referred him to Mr.
Charles White, who was sheriff at
the time. Mr. White paid littlu at
tention to the story of Wung
thinking hu had been indulging in
mum, and, in turn referred him to
Mr. Victor Truvitt. Ho listunud to
Wong's description of tho murder,
ami told him he had been smoking
too much opium. The matter was
dropieil for sevural days, when the
two packers returned and reported
that thev had delivered the China
men anil goods safely at their des
tination. They sient money quite
freely, and soon sold their mules
ami left town. A few days after
their departure Mr. Greuu Arnold
cauio to town from near where Pen
dleton is now situated, and said he
had found a dead Spaniard or Mex
ican on the other side of the Des
chutes, close to vvburo the town of
Wasco now stands. Sheriff White
then secured a tosso of men, ami to
gether with Wung who in
sisted on accompanying them
started for the place. On arriving
at the spot designated, tho remains
of a dead Chinaman was found, ami Wung guiilud them to the spot
where the other was killed. Wung
had never been absent from the city
since tht1 Chinamen had started for
Walla Walla; but his dream was so
clear in tletails that he bad not the
least difficulty in (minting out the
place where tho murder was com
mitted. What told Col. Gates
and others that be saw while asleep
proved to be facts.
After thu sheriff and hissu had
buried tht1 Chinamen, tht1' return
ed to Thu Dalles, and Mr. While
arrested olio of the packets near
Jacksonville and thu other one in
that city. They wero brought back
examined befuru a magistrate, and
held to answer tho crime. After
being in the old city jail for fcomo
time they managed to escape by
eutting off the lock of the door, and
were never recaptured.
Nothing more was beard of them
until ISHS, when Mr. Trevilt, hap
Killing to bo in Seattle, was walking
in the suburbs, and noticed a uiun
sitting on a wagon toiiguo apparent
ly in thn hist stages of consumption,
who called him by intuit1. T'evitt
did not recognize the man until he
told him his name and that he was
one of thu two paekors who murder
ed the Chinamen at Spanish Hollow.
lie further statetl that Wung
hu had witnessed thu act, anil ml
vised Truvitt never to kill a China
man as hu had no pence of mind
since hu committed thu deed. He
died boon afterwards. Thu other
man cschrm1 to California, where
hu was shot and left for dead by a
iHissu who had followed him and
ins companions in charge of a baud
of stolon horttus. Ho finally re
covered; but is now a cripple, de
pendent upon public charity."
Horn, in this city, Wednesday, Fob.
17, 1ND'.', to thu wife of li. It! Fujjit
a Isiy.
Of Interest to Miners,
W. G. Ackerinan, of the Multno
mah Printing Company of Portland,
and A. J. Hurt-hum, of Couliu
county, Washington, are the invent
ors and patentees of a niacliinu for
oxtracling gold nnd silver from dirt
without tbe aid of water. As some
of the most valuable minus of the
country have hitherto been abandon
ed on account of there Wing no
water to work them, the value of a
machinu of this sort is obvious. The
public will shortly bo given an
oportuiiity to w itness its ueratioiis.
If miecousfiil tho Trout creek prob
lem is a problem no longer.
Catarrhal dcafiiohs cuieil. No
inoru uhj for ear trumpoU. Triumph
at liisL An iufallil le reinot' v for I ho
euro of catarih and deaf hums in all
itn Hinges, by ouo who has Won a
great siifTeror from catarrh and al
ums', total deafness
No catarrh or tdiiuy (recti and j el
low sticky mailer discharging from
tho uumi Mo doiifnehs. No ring
ing,' crack'ing koiiiiiIs in tho head,
No mucous matter lodging in thu
thiixit. No occasional hacking cough
wilh throwing up slimy gruon ami
yollow slichy mutter. It is a bloai
ing thnt words cannot doscribu.
For furthur information wrilo for
cimuhirs. Address, Frank AVorlz k
Co., Wnusaii, Wis. Drawor lOJ'J,
Tin: tiny cordial eniet Imported not
for ton-tables nrc lieatitlful and costly.
. Oux.NCi.ATr.n roclt candy Is tho primer
thing to Mvoeton tea and after-dinner
I'lCTt'liriis hermetically scaled liotween
thlu sheets of Irnnsparcntcolliiloid nev
er lose their fresh upioaniiice.
Vi:nv simple rofrcshinoiilM mi like for
nn afternoon tea and the hostess uses
her visiting curd for the Invitations,
writing iihiii the lower left-hand cor
ner, opMiite the address: "Tea at livo
o'clock," and the day and dote.
Ilovvijtof llowersitre the proper things
for table decorations at the present
time. Some one has Invented n silver
win1 not to cover the IxiwUnud hold up
tho rmes' heads. The win1 Is concenlcd
by ferns nnd smilnx, tho llower-htems
tvlug stuck, through the net into thu
In Oermaiiy stag beetle nro held to
W lu lenifiio with the devil.
In Ireland stag luetics are thorough
ly bitted; why, no one seems to know.
In (lermnuy, whore cricket nro sel
dom seen, Its cry N thought to to tulonth
Taitcava Indians of South Amerlcn
tudlere that the evil spirit iuwuiiion tho
form of n "ly hen Witt on mUchicf.
Nor- .ti: i nii the fit. t that tho
Welle v t,- sacred (tiM-ct ntnoutf thu
IV.tMn.i it h..s Win mentioned but
fetv In,., . i i foil. lorv.
T it .; , ,r l . ,.f tv .ixtoonth centu
ry Wli.- . li ,t .hi iiumWr of
spiders hi it, icglou hull
euti .l t ! . .1 m uhuudoucu could bo
found .it int.
Absolutory Puro.
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest ff all m li a vt nine; strength
Latest l'
S Government Food
For t
Why do wc ad
vertise We want
one-half the world
to know that the
other half smokes
Seal of North Caro
lina Plug Cut with
the greatest satis
faction, and we want
all to share alike in
this solid enjoyment
and comfort a fiord -ed
by this famous
old brand of smok
ing tobacco.
I'uIhI is I'.'oj Owl, I'aiujMi 4 ki r Jl,
A Call.
Notice is
hereby givun that a
the republican county
ting of
'v! ,5T . i
central committee will be held at
thu court house in Canyon Citv, on
Feb. 'J7, IS 1)2, at 'J o'clock p. in. for
thu transaction of such Imimiiosm us
may come before it. A full atten
dance is requested.
Canyon City, Feb, 10, l.SUy.
C. W. Paiiiiisii, Chairman,
A Cull.
To tho memliurs of tho tlumocrut
ic central committee of Grant coun
ty. Gentlemen: You are horuhy
requested to meet at tho court houso
in Canyon City, Or., on Saturday,
tho 'J7th day of February, ISilU, at
the hour of two o'clock, "p- " lr
tho purjKiso of llxing a basis upon
which to apMirtioii tho nuinhur of
dulegoti s to the county convention
allowed to each precinct, ami for
llxing a time for holding tho pre
cinct primaries, ami county conven
tion, and for thu transaction of such
other business us may properly como
before thu meeting.
A full port-ouii! attcindnuco is
earnestly requested.
V. G. Cozau, Chairman.