Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 11, 1892, Image 3

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Thursday, Feb. 11.
l'olitix ii lc-)initx up.
Some frosty weather lately.
Simply ask for an office if you want
Ibi aura to Bead tin1 notice under
"New Today."
. Wo will linvo high wntor this
.spring, says tlio prophet.
l'nrrish and Wm. Mason nrc on
In flying trip to Hums, and opct to
rcturn toclny.
y Alva Darn, after successfully trnp-
ping nil the dnjfs in the. uuighliorhcod,
caught n big wildcat at Iorovilln.
Haystacks aro diminishing in somii
localities, nnil stockmen would Ui
pleaded to see spring cotiio in earnest,
Hon. M. !. Olmsted is being spoken
of as candidate for tlio mition of
judge of tho supremo court of this
linker City's foundry mid mnchiiio
shop are now assured. A contract
has In-on entered into for the necessary
Judge Clillbnl arrived homo from
I'endleton Sunday. Ho disocd of a
lengthy court docket for Umatilla
Tho coiifedoraU veterans aro taking
steps to imist in tho erection of tho
monument to tho memory of (ienernl
Grant, in New York.
Harrison fired the first gun of tlio
campaign tho other day. Ho "fired a
Pennsylvania jtostmastor for speaking
disrespectfully of him.
Tlio Monument driver had another
runaway a few evenings ago, and Ih
cuukc his foot was slightly hurt John
Fisk drovo a trip for him.
Nowhere do potatoos yield no pro
digiouily and of such si.u and quality
as in this section. If wo hud a rail
road we could ship tliem.
W. A. Clark, the .Montana million
aire mining man, is corresponding with
parties with a view to becoming inter
ested in the Ureunhorn mining camp.
By paying for your Nkws strictly
in advance you save f0 cents on the,
subscription price. A 50 cunt piece
"those hard timos aggregates a 4 dollar.
By tho arrest of two coufldeujo
operator! in Portland, tho attempt to
set up it lottery business in that city,
on the 1iuisiana plan, has Is-on nipped
in tho bud.
Don't loose sight oftho fact, that it
Ukos push, enterprise, harmony and
manufactoriiu to make a pro-spot ous
county. (let onto tho combination,
und then nail.
Married, Sunday, Feb. 7, 1S92, by
; County .ludgo 0. I. Hazultino, at his
j reiidenco in John Day, Mr. H. II.
I Meador and Mrs. Alice lurnuce,
both of Prairio City.
Tfie T.akoviow I'Aamiuor suggesU
to tho farmers of that section the pro
priety of raising hogs to consume tho
surplus gruiu crop and to reduce, tho
price of Kicou to local consumers.
Tho alliance is attracting the atten
tion of peoplo in this county, but its
recruits appear aUjut uveuly divided
its to republicans and democrats. It
will keep peoplo guessing the result of
liutt flection, however.
War on horse-thieve will soon Isj
vigorously l-egtin in nouthe.istni Mon
tana and noi t hern Wyoming. Detec
tives have Imou with tho gang and
thrty aro now located togethur with
1000 head of stolen stock.
Ill tho extreme northern portion of
Crook county man horses arc sick
with a poisonous disorder. Forty
head Udongiug to a Mr. Ashby, of
Wasco county, havo died, and many
others aro atlectod. It is claimed thoy
oat a weed called rattle wcod.
K. Ii. Ciroux and B. W. Lev ens, of
Bkor City, will haul us soon as tho
weather will permit fifty tons of kilvnr
ore from tho .Montana initio in the
Croonhorn district to tho Monumental
mills. Tho oro will have to lo packed
four miles on pack horses and tho Ltl
saicu of the distance hauled over rough
roads. The .Montana promises to li
one of the most valuablo properties in
Eastern Oregon.
Sco huru, Coventor Pennoyer! You
ro neglecting your plain duty in fuH
ing to compel Multnomah county to
pay her just proportion of state tixos,
or Know me reason wliy. As you
havo often said in your mossagos, the
constitution requires you to see that
tho laws art enforced. Why don't
you do it! Havo you no Istcklsiuet
Or aro you afraid of Portland money
bags! talent Statesman.
It has been discovered by certain
eastern hnrro jockeys that a small
clnctric lattery concealed in the seat
of the trousers will enable any rider
to put life into tho most sluggish bruto
that ever sulked on a track, and some
filienomenal winnings have been made
ii consequence of tho discovery. Wo
trust that it will not bo taken amiss
if wo suggest that tho majoiity of o
plo in (.rant county ought to havo
elnctrio batterius alout, thuin, for if a
systematic course electrical excite
ment were maintainoil in tho ristr of
individuals for the next six mouths it
might result in their getting u "move"
on them in respect to some of the es
sentials of developing tho latent re
sources of (Irant county, and advertis
ing our advantages by tho dictrict fair.
Call at Jukn's Tailor shop antl order
a suit of clothes from his spring
samples. ,
If you wish neat anil tnsty job work
you on do no bettor than to call on
the News.
Canyon City Husolmll chili will
give a grand ball nt tlio court house
Friday ovening, Fob. l'J, ISO'-'.
Tickets, with gupitcr, t'2.M.
On ntul after Fob. 10. ISSt'J, ninglo
tuouls nt the New Hotel '2't cents
cash; board by tho wcok $-l.r0.
M. K. Tim m, Propr.
There will bo no eclipses of the
Klin or the moon thin year that nro
visible in this comer of North
A morion. But then it is leap yonr.
Town is as miirt as a last ymr's
J bird's Host, but vcrylly rxjiecU tho
I iiewpaicr fellons to rtutlo up itoiiM
enough to makn nil rvenllent and en
tertaining jmirnal. Well, hero it in.
I Mr. John Powers has aMumtnl con-
trol of the Onnvon City stmiu sash i
, and door fnctory, and his price list
j should Ik! consulted by cery jhtihiu
contemplating building or improving.
As a result of the Harney county
minim; excitement, tho entire country" News comes from Burns that
will I thoroughly prospected tho com
mg season, ami much valuablo placer,:
ground will undoubtedly li discolored.)
Attorney Parrish will be kept
busy at Bums until some time next
mouth. Ah soon as the county seat
testimony is liuished he "ill go to
Portland to argue the case in court.
The (ierman sheepherdel, who acci
dentally shot himself last week, ditsl
from his injuries. His nama was
Win. I.iittmau, and so far as wo can
loam, he had no relative! in this coun
try. This great moral weekly is proud of
the privilege it enjoy of deluding
from iU columns anything indecent or
otlcitsivc, oven though w hno the as
sistance of xalucd correspondent by
this course.
Testimony is Isiiug taken in the
Fox alley mining case, Dunlap X- Co.
having until the ' Ith to put lit their
plea. Brown V Hamilton, of Hcppuor,
aro their attorneys, Mr. Brown is'ing
Mr. I! corgi McKay, of Waterni'tii
Flat, has just returned from a trip to
old Missouri. Mr. McKay took a car
Irstd of horses to the eastern m trket,
and informs us that ho disposed of
them reasonably well.
Hx-Shrriir Win. ('aril of Itke coun
ty has been awarded tho contract for
transKrting tho U. S. mails between
tho Portland postotlico and dillerent
trains, Kteamlsxtts, etc. He gets
$G 100 a year for tho service.
The supremo couit has sustained
tho action of the state Liard of etpial
izatiou, and the assessment for the
present year will stand where they
placed it, notwithstanding the objec
tions made by home of tho counties.
' Somoliody cheated at a game of
cards in Clinch county, Georgia,
and as a consequence eight gentle
men were slain. The people of
Cieorgia aro extremely sensitive
whun pcrsjonal honor is atstako.
Several I, inn county men have tak
en tho course at tho Keeley Institute
at Forest (Jrove for tlio euro of tho
drink habit, and lepoit themselves
cured. Ouo of them says ho can go
Hst a saloon without tho least desire
to enter.
A minister who claims to have
foretold the Johnstown Hood is pro
dieting more disaster. He should
quit prophesying while his laurels
aro fresh. Out longranged guess of
that kind is all that comes true in
the average lifetime.
Pork and Istcoit will command a
high price all over the coast this year.
This is a significant hint to farmers in
this alley, tthero grain und alfalfa
grow so abundantly. And hogs have
to toil not, neitherto root for a living,
but see how they growl
The Union county "farmers' alliance
and industrial union" in regular meet
ing last week, rttsolvisl that it uas not
a political party, but, as free citizens,
would support such men us iU mem
L'rs severally kuuw would suppoit the
alliance and industrial union demands.
I'uiibiou agents, o long :u they
live, will ncvor ccaso to regret that
("liili saw lit to apologizu rather
than light. It was indeed a pity
that what promised to bo bo boun
tiful a liurvort should ho blighted
in tho scud.
But words are things, and a small
(Iron of ink, falling like dew upon a
thought, producu that which makes
thousands, js-rhajxi millions, think.
The object of this is to mako you
think about tho subject of railroads,
fruit dryers, canneries, porkcrios, and
various other enterprises for our coun-
Five candidates for sherill' were
seen to meet on tho street. Thoy
smiled blandly and child like at each
other, then ouch gave a onto wink and
then tho dark cloud that for a moment
seemed to darken tho political skies
passed uway, and till was shiny and
bright again. Boys, that is tho truo
Mr. Kenneth Maoltae, of Dayville,
assignee of thu Murray estate, will soil
at private tale about 17r head of stock
horsos, among which uro a nuuilsir of
lino driving, draft and saddle animals,
brood mares, and Clydusdalu, Poruhur
nu und Knox stallions, (imut, Bakur
and Morrow county horseman can thus
secure fine animals at a Uirgain, and
ucur home, at that.
Lively times when conventions 1
assemble. J
minis ioiks arc talking about a
roller tlotiring mill at their place.
Kvorylody should attend tho dis
trict fair meeting at Prairie City
next Saturday.
I.edgcs of mineral aro to Ihj dis
covered in this vicinity that are tin
thought of now.
People aro assembling at tho
Trout crcok mines this early in tho
season, wo arc informed.
(Jo to the Kd Front Billiard Hall
for it cool, rfnhing drink of tho
finest kigtir Uor in lvtstern Oregon.
Furmors' plows arc not noing
around to any extent yet in this
illahe, but doubtless will ere a
Judge ClilTord will go from here
to Wallowa county, where ho will
cnnuitro court ouo week from next
Attorney Cotad had a had grip,
Minion hat retarding business in the
ruforoe's court sitting on the Fox
kvalley mining case.
Jmlgo Dustin who sulforod a para
lytic stroke, is not unyroving as
nipiilly as he might.
Hufus Colo of tho Siskiyou Inst
wet'k sold a bunch of beef cattle to
San Francisco parties, the cows
bringing - j and steers l cents.
The slat Ixiard of commissioners
1 for the sale of school and university
lauds has selected Lawyer Cozad as
the attorney for the board in Grant
It cost (ireon Kstos fM50 for illo -
gal voting at the last eleotion, that
i...:.... at... it.... : i t... i. .......
in'iiig me line nil inwu i .niiiKu
Cliirord in the
Umatilla counts'
cuit court ior
The British ship Ferndalo went
ashore on the beach north of the
Columbia during a storm last week,
and was a total wreck. Only a few
of the crew were saved.
Mr. ties). Snodorly is doing as
sessment work on his mining claim
up the creek this winter, as usual.
All miners are not as persevering us
Mr. Snodorly when they inuet re
verses. The successful treatment of thu
ores of the (iranite and Greenhorn
districts by tho Monumental mill
Ijives assurance of great prwqx'rity
lor thu mines of theso camps.
Miners aro encouraged bv the
continued protqx-etH of succosss
around the Monumental, and wo all
rejoice too, and the skeptical begin
to have faith in (irant county's
silver mines.
A MinneaHtlis man bet -t'J.aO last
Sunday that he could outrun a rail
road train across a bridge. He lost
the bet. The pastor, in his funeral
discourse improved thu occasion to
expatiate on the sinful follv of bet
ting. Mr. Chas. Blunt, manager of the
Prairie City race course, was in town
yesterday, and ruitorts some snow
yet in tne upper part oi l no valley
1 he road for some distance this side '
df Prairio, he says, has not thawed
out yet.
''Mito socials" aro becoming a i
popular pastime, and all'ord an easy j
solution of the "minister's salary j
problem. People attend, have a ,
good social time, gel outside of a ;
big armful of eatables, and coutrib- !
Ute their mite. j
The products of Grant county's j
silver and gold mines will cause the '
fortunate miners to grow liowlugged j
carrying their istcket liooks. hot
that time speedily comu, for miners !
are generous and no misers when
they strike it rich.
There aro many questions asked
and many suggestions made regard
tne coming county election. 1
caiulidatou, so far, exeunt for '
slienll, liavo mailu known their in
tentions, and the matter may Im
rather indefinite until after the" pre
finct conventions have been held.
Goon Wood 2(H) cords of gixxl
mountain wood, which 1 will sell for
tlm next ;IU days, delivertsl in Canyon
City at f 1.00 Mr cord, oush; f l.fiO per
cold on liO days time. Delivered at
John Day at $.!U r cord, wish; i
SA.OO ter cord on GO days time. I
O. (ii'Kic.ssisr. I
King Kenedy's Komedy Koinbi- I
nation is billeif to give a show in .
this city on Saturday evening. 1
Whether or not King Kenedy court- '
ed on tho deep snow between here
and the railroad we wot not. But j
if ho braves it and comes ahead,'
know vo that ho has pluck to give j
a good show. !
That thu czar of all the Hussias !
has an incoino of f 'JA.IXXJ a day is
probably correct, but ho doesn't
seem to havo more fun out of it
than Jay Gould has with his little
income. And nolxxly over hoard
of either of them marching tin to a
soda fountain and invited all hands
to tome up and take "suthiii."
From this date until further notice
I will sell grain us follows: Barley
I cent per xuud; chopped Lirloy 1 1
cents; wheat (chicken futsl) 1 cunts;
suod wheat at I cents, delivered freo
of charge at reasonable distance.
Barley for seed, almost aWlutoly
clistn, I co nts. The above prices aio
ouiy ior cam. i iwisn nriug nicks
alio. Unnyoii City, January 'JO, '"'J. j
Geo. Gu.nm.acii.
. . i . . - . i til i.!.... i. t
w ait
An cxhihititfc-nlliat attracted
great attention yestarday, Bays the
Baker City l)emocrawwa8 & rUo
silver bricks on display nt the rirst
National Bank.
The bricks were brought down
from the Monumental mill by Mr.
A. (J. Talwr, acromitanied by
Messrs. t!eo. A. Marston. J. N. Hit
mars, U. II. Adam and J. J. Wor
cutter as a Inxly guard, it In-ing a
MiniowliHt ticklish matter for one
Krroti to have o much wealth in i Mr. Cuininings' litter:
t their iHiwcMion on such a lonely ! "The jtajwr, which 1 receive reg
rwul as that Iwtwecn (Iranito anil ularlv once a week, is a great coin
Baker City. j fort for mo to read. I got all of tho
The hricks are the output of a ; news from my old homo. I sec
, little less than two hundred tons of j that lots oftho old timers are pass
ore from tho Bull'alo mine, alxnit ' ing away since 1 left there two
two miles from the Moimmental ' years ago, and things are changeing
I mill, and owned by Mr. T. W. ! all the time.
Downing, of this citv, ami Messrs.) I am pleased tti hear of the mines
' Bangle and Kotheliild, of Pendleton. prostK!ctiiig and dijing h) well in
The weight of the bricks is .'5,1'iSS (irant and Baker counties. 1 am
ounces and tho estimated value 1 oiwuing a uuartx mine this winter.
J altout $ I ."() kt ounce, tho bricks
containing a xrcintagc of gold.
This will mako their vnluo about
This is the first bullion output
from the Bullalo mine. The mine
is extensively developed and now
that the Monumental mill is in a
Kition to successfully treat tho
ores continued outputs will result.
l'ubllt SetAllnc.
I will sKak at the court house,
Canyon City, Or., on Tnewlay liven
ing." Feb. With at 7:.'W) subject,
Farinots' Alliauc. I Initio to nave
( national organiiers hero by thu2."ith.
j Joii.v C. I.tvi:.
! '
I A c,",
....... . ...
.MilICO IS lirn-KV given that It
meeting of the republican county
' central committee will bo held at
"" co,l 1 '"'.von City, on
Feb. -.'7. Mm, at - .clock n. in. for
the transaction of such business as
may come bofort it. A full atten
dance is reii nested.
Canyon City. Fob. 10. IS'.VJ.
C. W. Paukimii, Chairman.
' Go to tho Bed Front Billiard
Hall, Canvon City, for lino wines,
liquori ami cigar.
Arnold, of Missouri, hn pre
sented for rt'ferenci u resolution
t risjiii.ting the president lo recall
the minister of tin I'nitwl States
lo Chili, Patrick, to tin end
that reciprocity and auiiahlo lola
tions between the two uoiiutriu
i miiv bo maintained.
I A slight but Mreopliblo shock of
i earthquake was felt in Portland at
I .S:!t0 on the ovoning of tho .'Id.
i Buildings rocked and windows and
! crockery rattled and K-oplo rulMd
h1I mcll into tho streets. The
shock was hIki felt at Oregon City,
( I'orest Grove, Astoria, Salem anil
Kalamu, Wash. No one was injur
' od and no damage is rcjiortcd.
t Twelve minsioiiaries recently left
; Portland fur China. Thoy are all
Swedes, from Nebraska, Iowa, I Hi'
uuis and Kansas, and go out under
tho auspices of the Scandinavian
Alliance Mission. They will go
first to Shanghai, where thoy will
remain for two or three years to
learn the language and will then lie
sent into the interior of China to
convert the heathen from the error
of their ways.
j Ilepro.-entativo I'lishticll of Win
I cuiitain pioKscs the following
iimcudiiient to tho constitution of
j thu United Status: "Polygamy
p shall nuvcr ovist within the I'nitcd
j Slates, or in any place subject to
their jurisdiction, and coiigrinw
! sluill have 'tower to mako all iiuud
fnl law for tho enforcement of the
, article and the piiuielniiout of its
'I'hu iitieetiou of Utah statehood t,. lu....... f ii... . u .t ; :
,.,.i ;...., ,,fii ......i
A bill is now ioudiiig in the hoiiso
, for the admission of that territory
! as a state. Tho resolution declares
. that Utah has a larger itoiiulation
than tho three adjoining states of
Wyoming. Idaho and Nevada com
bined; that the president, in his
last annual message recommended
that Utah 1m kept out of statehood
until there was satisfactory cvideiius
that uli'uetive hi us against polygamy
would ho made and maintained, be
cause as a territory congress could
reach and punish olygauiy, while
us a state it roiild not do so; thot if
the United States constitution wore
amended so as to prohibit polygamy,
then there would U no oxeiieo for
nut admitting Utah us a statu.
Kx'toriinontiiig is often of great
benefit to farmers, and can do no
harm oven if no U'liellt accrues.
T,l,. - n "'" W )uvo of
mix.- 1' is turn i. will crow
iimj lloiirish in dry wcathur whun
grain will dry up. Tho farmers
over in Washington receive, deliver
ed at the won house, from f 1.10 to
i. '2'i mr bushel. Farmers in tho
Palouso that raise llax for thu
cut no hay for the stock, or
little, lor llax straw is very niitri
tious and stock will leave all other
kind of hay for it, they stay fat on
the straw all winter. It in a vury
profitable urop. After raising two
crops they change for a while to
other grain, hy m doing it is not co
hard on the Und. Flax is not
ruinous to land if uianutted riuht
nun wiore is no reason wny tlio dry
warm land of Uaetorn Orugon
should not produce good lias.
i.i " . . r
The Nkws is in receipt of a letter
from Mr. J. I.. Ctitnminirs. who is at
of the liomo of his youth in Aucustct.
Main, enclosing .1 00 for his Nkw.i.
.Mr. ( umtiiing.i is favorably known
all over Kaslem Oregon from his
long residence here, and his friends
will be glad to hear of his good for
tune, for his letter convoys informa
tion concerning a quartz initio in
which ho is interested in that state.
Following are a few extracts from
It is twelve miles from the capital!
, of Maino, and 1 think it is going to
, U a rich mine. We find cold, sil-
ver, copier and tin. We have had
seven assays on the ore and by as
many illtlercnt assayers, and the
least assay on the four different
minerals will pay for working. We
, are only 12 feet down now and it
seems to prospect better as wo go
I down on it. It seems to bo a well
! defined quartz bilge. I shall got
out WX) or .""(Xl tons of quartz tliis
winter. I have gut a man In Cali
fornia now who is after stamps and
machinery to work the ore. lie has
bud Id year s etterience in quartz
mining, mostly in New Zealand and
Australia and ho thinks it is a great
thing for the State of Maine. I
shall put up a small mill early in
the spring and work the ore. "The
lode lias Ik'cii traced for over .'10
miles. Some three weeks ago up
in Unity a quart bulge was found
which assayed on surface t l'J gold,
i'2 1 1 silver M-r tun, and four feet
from the surface til guld, silver
or ton, that is on a lino with the
mine that I am working on. Thuro
(-"fins to be quite an excitement
aliout the gold mines in the State
of Maine now and I think next sea
son then will he mime prospecting
done all over Maine.
We are having a rather light
winter here so far hardly snow
enough to mako sleighing.
Wo were thinking of getting tho
old Spriugllelds out and scoured up
to moot inu unmans, nut wo wore
too slow to get at them when tho
news came that we could let them
ha uk, for there was going to bo no
war. i nut was gooo news lor wo
do not want to hurt any one with
our little navy.
My regards" to all old friends.
Prospectors are anxious for thu
snow to leave the gulches, so they
can strike the lead.
A ludy wrote to a .Missouri ed
itor for a 'receipt" for pies and the
isiitor icplictl that ho would send
the receipt ins soon as lie received
the pies.
An Illinois congressman has in
troduced a bill providing for a grad
uated Income tax. I percent on in
comes from -M(XX) to 1U,(XX), '2 pur
cent on those Itet ween ?KI,IMX) and
$'J.",IHK, .'! K!r cent on those between
:.'i,( XX) mid f.'O.iXK). I M-r cent on
those between f.'iO.IXX) and $KX),i;iK)
ami .ri tur cent on those above the
latter sum.
Taxpayers all over tbostateought
to take a great deal of intercut in
the new state capitol dome, especial
ly as thoy are paying fl!tl,(XX) for it.
The plan which was accapted by
thu board shows the dome will bo
100 feet from the ridge of tho roof
to the extreme top. On the sides
of tho structure there will Ik a num
ber of windows which will furnish
ample light to the rotundas below.
Thu framework will bo of steel and
the upper part of the domu will be
covered with cop'Hjr.
A l'AI'li:u w lit: trunli u one ( Hie
!ntHU Ideas. It Is a terror to the liug-trHiro-Miianlicr,
who tliuU It practically
inileslnuiilile. tlio novelties at tin world's
fair will W a miniature Vciiic. IIoiim-s
will Iw hullt out into the lake nml con
nected liy eauuU simitar to IIiomi in thu
Venetian city.
Ila. Nvuiitz, a l'liUlmrffh physte'.nn.
Is lit work iim an linmeiiso papier-
muehe mixli'l of the Iniiiiau heart fur
xlilliitioii nt the w. .rlil's fair. It will
Is three feet in il;ameler, and will open
tn show the Inner ineelinnUm.
Tin: ol.l uylnir that ym "can't make
a whistle out of a plf's tall," has lieen
disproved liy Dr. .1. J. .Mills, of 1'oit
.lervln, X. V. lie has fashioned a
whistle nut of the lianlemvl skin of u
pig's enuilal UiM-iiilaife, nml plays
"Vunkee IIikhIIu" uu it in a vury iuspl
itlug iiiaitni-r.
Lincoln, Neb., will soon havu a com
plete system ut electric street railway.
A.n electric rallwav Is to Isi Imilt Ihi
tweeii Aakurlllu ami Itiitliurforiltnu,
N. C.
Tin: moat exmiislii street car In the
world Is owned hy the Troy Klectrk
Ituilway Car Company, of Cluvulaiul. It
coot lu,uoo.
Tun town of Dovor, N. II., Is spocially
fortunate in U'ing uliltt to operate thu
ilyiiiniio. w hk'h furnUh the eleclrliily
fur tlm strset ritilways, by water.
A.N electric railway In South KL
I mi. Mo., has liiBiijjunileil an elec
tric expn fur thu carrying of express
umtl.r U-twiHn thu cuulur uf thu city
ami the suburb.
Tuc elwlric railroad oonnMtlngOrent
I'allt Hud Hover, .V II., earned from
Au.-ust IT, tsvo, to June 30 uf the pres
ent year $00,1 15.00. Thut is at the rate
of 7 1st cvut. ou the money lurcstcd,
John J. Ino.imj has In Ills povtc.vstoi
the clock which Wept time In the L'nltoi
Stales senate fnmj ISIO to IMKl.
Vun.v Otsinfo Prnncls Train, tlio
cIoUi trotter, stoisl In JackHin,
Mich., the other tluv he prewiite.1 each
reirlor In slRlil with a Clunene cane.
Vit i: I'Hi.siiiK.Nr .Mourox Is MtUI to
wear the Wat wig ever wit In Vah
lm,'tHt. It It nlHitit two-third gmy,
nnl Is nrtftilly hikI nrtiklicnilr arriiiiKVtl
to hariiioiilio with hU KnO' cyen and
light erehnms.
Jl stlii: I'ln n of the t'nlted States
supreme court ismiils as his ttwl opKr
ttltllly In gnltl grvnt uenltli Ills ioIiimiI
forty mill years nip; to lioj a wind lotif
nlt the Palace hotel in San PranelMn
f..r H..MW. That lot. dlt liliHl In two, has
luce Wen MUI for SI.OOO.ihM.
Si.x Mini Mt I'liDHwtN, of New Jerey,
owns one nf the lloekt snlmou slroains
In ( aiinila. the Nu-.liRMiiaM, ttlucli Is
rvnilel to U alire Mtli gamy tlsh.
Tlie witnUtr'n anir!lK titlll Is uf Irre-pisMu-linlile
exviientf- In fail, the s,
ImtiM-if U'ttoteK It to lo tho llneat
In America.
Tin nt: Is an Uiai.! near Menominee,
Mieli. ttlucli Is lltor.tlly ullte ts .lit
uurins that (.warm over eervtltiiif,
Mlul nliiil Kitriiu., I. b. U L.lul .-..
, sxuxu that no one will visit It.
Ui:ti( the i-anleiierti of llnyou Saru,
ill Uonsianii, lots lusMliti'tsl a tiiiiialu
Unit eljfli-. twenty icli i.illliilv anil
lie now ii-.ispmh to rest on his laurels
until his ciiiii'ietiliirfc keif Imp llli Mint.
U'.k of the iirettiesl slimy In
Marshslh tile, lilt , Is sattl to e a ih-ih Ii
irelianl of six thousiiiiil Irees, ptanleil
liy the eoiiqiaM In iwtiareK, well tllieil.
Is-.iiitifully iriiniiii'il, ami each liinh
ifraei'fnlly IkimIiiik miller the precious
liiirtlcu of u hlushiiiif Is-. miles.
A i.ahiik Mind at Norwich. Conn., U
so prolitlc of lilies that dill lug the him-
son. Ill); tune It Is html to gel a gbiupM
of the water. When the wind is strong
ntul the lilies are nvu the ierftitnc of
them Is Krci-pllhlc a quartet of a in le
a ay. Tin li'ies are so n ..-k tlntt it is
aim ml lni.'ia.ililc to prupol u Isial
Uiroiigh tliem.
It is an uuliltishiin; fact thai the rer
elieeks of the niislerii city lieue mo ilue
tonrt. -Texitk Mfl.nfc-i.
TiiM -" They Mty that the eldest M'.ss
Snillli Is ait nrul. nml p i.ts very
well." .lack -"I say lier inotiier
iliil also: how ymmg she limit."-
Yankee lllndo.
A MctMiiiii.. He -"U'hitt a pretty
(ftrl! II tten t I seen that face some
it here?" She l think not. 1 itnii'l
tlniilt l.he put It on more Until an hour
siiii-e." luiliaiiaisilN Journal.
A r Tin: II vt.t. .lack -"What a lorely
irirl Mlsii llloiHlwbjf Is' A heavenly.
Ilower-llko fane!" Tom -"Yes, very
llnur like. Iiooli at my in nil sleere. 1
tlaliecil the last waits twin hor."-liilp.
Miss I'i ss vm-i: t i iii.Ii ." Jit,,, to iMe
a ifirl stick to her color." Yiinif ("rim--onli.-.ik
iliriishiiirf the paint from his
iiom'I "Sailo 1 mid I like in sie tier
m.ors stick to hoi." Youkuni Slaton
"I svt, Cholly. how do you weckon
it until iu-iiiahs a How of ideas?" "I
don't know, weally. unless be gets wu
tall on the liwalll." Washington Post.
A Ilu.ctitiA. Charles (loiiiiltur) "If
1 iiiterpwet her wemarkH fntowably,
she says It's my aUmiuialile conceit;
nml if 1 iuterpwel them unfarowiility,
she says 1 am saudlcus." Ilnrt urd
DfiiKi.c.inii "Aw, Nicely, old follah.
yon look tiahd." Nicely "Jove, old
chappie, hut I should fatvney I ml.-lit.
Ileen working all the inawnliig," lludii-leigli-.-'WorUing?
Why. how, old fel
lah'.'" Nicely -"I'vo Ikiii Inhowiiig
iinilah an Impression." -Ilostou Courier.
A XtriKU MisrAKi:. -Hyde -"J saw
Cliurlle ranshawu on Mlclngitii avenue
this afternoon." I'nrker That's bit
silile, for Charlie sinrti-d for lhirnsi
yesterday." Hyde- "Well, then ll must
hate U'eii some dude with a dog and
cane Just like Ids."- .Saturday Kvuuiiif
Those having horses to sell will do
well to correspond with .Smith llro,,
Susaiiv ille, who aie selling liorsns ou
commission, at oOU4 ligunw in thu lvnst
and elsowheio. 3iu
Save time, temper and rough
hands by using our Western Wash
er, livery mueliino warranted to
give satisfaction. Try them and
you will buy them.
Hasi iii: ,v ( ii.
Mr. Granville Clark has titled up
looms for a hiMpital in the llorsley
building in this uity, and is now pie
pared to receive jNitiiuiU, and furnish
them ipiietaiid comfortithle ituiituieiiU.
His st'sik of dings and uieilicliies is
also friwh and completo.
Two good lunches to rent ou shares
with a line laind of good cattloauioiigst
them 'lit head of lino dairv eous.
School ithin mm uiiln. Good refer
eucoK 1 1- jtii nl. Apply lo
Hui Smith linos., Susantille.
When you send away for gtsids
reuienibor tlio linn of I ollin v .Me
Fnrland at Hcipiier. They not on
ly guarantee you first class goods at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges ou same to any
stago olllco in Grant or Harney
counties. Seo their new "ad" for
further particulars.
A Call. '
To tho mombors of tho democrat
io central committee of Grant coun
ty. Gentlemen; You arc hereby
requested to muot at the court house
in Canyon Oil v. Or., on Saturday,
the 'J7lh day of February, IS'.IU, at
tho hour of two o'clock, p. m. for
tho )iurNwo of fixing a basis upon
which to apHirtiou the number of
delegates to the county convention
allowed to each precinct, and for
fixing a time for holding the pre
cinct primaries, and county coiivcn
lion, and for thu transaction of such
other businoss us may projiorly conic
before tho meeting.
A full personal ntlumhtiico is
OiirnoHtly requested.
V. G. Co. a i), Chairman,
Piilt.Ainit.i'iitA Is lint no slow after nil.
A sixteen-year-old lny wus recently
married to a woman aged twcnty-llvo
A (irouou exchange explained the
recent attsciico of editorial matter from
nit (stoic by saying that It was loo hot
to write.
Sour, rich landlord la Philadelphia
reward prompt tenants hy allowing live
1st cent, discount on rents paid on the
lirst of too month.
A convict out In Ohio, lit giving Ids
wife a tartlltg hiss, slipped Into her
mouth a note telling her where some of
his IsHtty was hidden.
A Cute too gambler fell dead with
three jacks ami two sixes In his hand.
Prom the gnmlilerV polm of view ho
hml much to live for.
Tin: Missouri rlror Is cutting n new
channel nt St Joseph, Mo., In such a
wny ns to lenve tho new one million
dollar bridge standing over a dry spot.
Tun big clock In the tow er of Phila
delphia's now city hall Is to bo wound
by a steam engine. Owner of Water
bury w utchca w ill bo Interested lu Iho
.Mai'i.i: Mignr on snow was tlm nt
trtu'tlon at a recent milherlng near
North Adams, Mass. Tlio snow had
Wn kept kIiico winter under a thick
coterliitf of spruee lint Itches.
I.s the Interior of South America
chisHtlate, roccsillilU and eggs nru Used
ns currency. '
Tim Zulu woman Is the architect nnil
builder of the Zulu Ihiiim. and her hus
band Is not to lilame It she iIimimi'I havu
enough eloM't roin.
Tut: (Weans are the largest eaters
1 knot. It. Their slomaehs nrx ircuerallv
iiiinormai in sue, ami iiienne stsstwlit'f
the litrgtAl Is gottorully considered the
I.N the towns nml cities of Chill all the
shiipptni; of any couciiictico Is done In
the oveuiiiKr. In Santiago the stores
nro osni till mlilnight mid during tho
hot afternoons, w hen eteryhody takes
k siesta, they are hs-ked up.
In Mime parts of China opium Is iimmI
as a medium of exehaiiKe. the ureal
weight nf the cuisr tsiliiuue reiiilei".u;r
it unsuitable for the purMc, nml the
sliver Isirs Is'ing of ton (rtx'tit value to
lie available in small transactions.
Tiiavi:i.i:iis In (Vylon am astoulshcil
to discover that Iho men theto urn far
more graceful limn the women, They
are Isitter looking also, and iln'M iniiro
stylishly, while the women wink In ti n
lletds und Ih'coiiii' coar'.e nnil homely.
Absolutoly Puro.
bL, OTHER, Toij&ecojr
"You cannot nialvc
'i silk jjurse out of
a sow s cai-
is an
old adage. No more
can you make good
smoking tobacco
out of poor, liali
curcd leaf. "Seal of
North Carolina"
has taught smokers
that old, well se
lected t o 1.) a ceo
makes a smoke that
few cigars can
P..WJ iii t'tifni CUU W,W .hi In IViL
Have hcou umsl all over tho l'auillo
Noi th west for tlm past 18 yearn. Komi
i.n..M i. i
ru sit gooo.
Garden, Flower and
Fresh! I'urel A'ooliin.tted!
aloguos free. Addritks,
who. STAitiurrr,
Walla Walla, Wash.
k"PTAt l'2J
Y I n Pi. U
ill '