Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 11, 1892, Image 2

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February II. ,1892.
A committee in San Kmncifco
in engaged in mining funds for the
orcction of n monument to the
momory of Oregon's pioneer Uni
ted Stntca fonntor anil famous sol
dier, Col. K. 1). Hnkor.
Indinn soldior nru (mid to le n
fiuccoM. MnjorTheodoroS. Shaw,
nn, nsitsnt mljutnntgonural,
givo) the moit antiifnctory nceonnt
of tlfO )rjfntA thotie hrnves are
making In their new duties. Do
)it thu rporU tulegrnphod Knit
irm Whipple ImrraekH and novrr
;i, othor woaturii posts aliout the
n'CKKtttion and disorderly eon
'ill jii of the Indian troop. M"j.
sliou-im iy there in much 1cm
druiikonuutis among the huekrt
than among the white enldiun.
.Ho Pay he invoetigatml tht re
port carefully and found them
greatly exaggerated.
Tho movement to secure an
xmendment to the constitution of
tho Tinted States providing for
tlie election of United Jjtate fgii
ntor by the people direct, is gain
ing atrength all over the country.
The matter came tip before tho
committee in the lower house of
congress tho other day which had
lieeu appointed to iiivuatigiuo tho
matter and by a formal vote ap- j
proved the plan. Thu'rtnictidmout
should paB. It aliojild nlo pro
vide for electing prtfSjilunts and
vicoproiiduntu by the people. The
people can he (muted. In a re
public it iH HafcHt to keep n much
K)wer as poatMhlo in tho lunula of !
tho people. Albany Democrat.
Discussion regarding the nub
ject of trust ban Ihigged of late,
and the matter linn to a coimidur
able extent dropped out of public
notice. A reminder that the topic
hns not paicd out of the ken of
our legislators, howevur, ban been
forthcoming. This took the shape
of a circular from the nub commit
tee on trusts of the committee on
nmmifactuicri of tho houso of rep
roAcntiitivcp, which nniioiineos that
the mih-coiumittco, which has in
charge the preparation of a plan
for the suppression of trusts, will
be glad to have information from
all quartern of the country g'vi"g
the mimes of articles of general
consumption the mauufaeture, dis
tribution, sale or priee of which is
controlled by trust, rouibinations
or iiaioointions of any character.
Doubtless the sub-committee will
bo heard from later on in the ses
sion. Tho committee on apportion
ment for representative to the ro
publican state convention recom
mended that the representation bo
one delegate at large for eaeh
county, and that one for 2(H) votes
or wrtion over 100 thereof nut
for I linger Hermann on ,111110 ,
1SU0, be appointed. This makes
thirty-one delegates at large and
1202 representing the voting re
publican population. The apor
tiqument fixes the dilluri-ut eoitu
tlos as follows: Maker (i, Heuton
0, Chuknmas 10, Clatsop 10, Col
nmbia o, Coos 0, Crook !1, Curry
.'I, Douglas 11, (iilliam -I, (iraut 5,
liaruey I, .lacksoii 7, Josephine ,
Klamath !l, l.uke !l, Lane II, I. inn
10, Malheur I, Marion 1 1, Morrow
I, Multnomah III, 1'olk (1, Sher
man !l, Tillamook I. t'inatillu (1,
I'liion 10, Wallowa I, W'nsco tl,
Washington S, and Yamhill S. It
was decided that the state conven
tion bo held April 0, lMUi, at
Tho following is tho reply sent
by Secretary I'Tnino to tho Chilian
note of apology : "I am directed
by the president to acknowledge
tho receipt of Senator Peroim's
dispatch. It has been eoiiiiiiuni
- cated to congress and has given
the greatest pleasure to the people
of the Tinted States and to the
executive department, as it reutores
tho correspondence between the
two republics, to a basis of cordi
ality, and makes, as ho believes, a
full and honorable adjustment of
all unsettle! matters easily attain
able. Tho president notes with
gratification the expression of re
gret for the condonation of the as
sault upon tho sailors of the Haiti
more, offered by Mr Peroini, and
congrat.ilatos tho Chilian govern
ment upon tho frank and ample
withdrawal of the Malta circular
and upon the spirit of justice dis-
nved toward .Minuter hgiin.
'on will assure tho Chilian gov-
eminent that tho president will bo
glad to meet in the most gouoroua
Bjiirit those friend I v overtures, be
hoving tliut tho suLject of repara
tion for tho assault upon the sea
men of tho llaltiiuoro is now turn
able of adjustment between I lie
two governments by the usual dip
lomatic methods."
liitrrcitlnit ()l4ri.illniu nt Muilrnt nf
.Nuturul lll.tiifj-.
Tliltildiiff over tliln curium u'lJicl
tlic Mirvtvnl of the Ilttutat far a thn
luwcr nutiaal creation (joe, It lift IU
tragic Ma. I cannot help pretrnt
Ink' a monkey trait. J n monkey really
(mil at heart? Or 1ihII I wtv n gnn
wnnl for tif ni. mill ctiiwlilrr Hint he amy
1 Intent (in doing what tic lelfWa Un
UIikIiipm to ti lclpiilii(f mate when ha
I nctiinlly lmrmlnif him? l'rlnj
KrniMitblae, whu I n iillillUtlo M-ntl-tnrntnlht.
In nn artleln entitle.!
" .Mutual Alii Aiming Animal," tell of
the hmUUiipo elilmntirtww. ftajutl,
tutkl. mnmlrill, ami ImlxKm (-lv mia
hihiIIkt. I etui fltr, a nil i-rrwltncw,
how line Mk muttWpy will InUv vhnry
nt a Mnittler imi, pniU-cl him nnltist
tl' Im tile In the i-ntfo. mill Ret a it
hiirM fur hU minor frlenil to mount
lint I never w the hlffirvr illrlilu hi
hit if nilc 1th t4 lenacr motthey. I
ylehl In no one In my reHcl for tkt
hat I have yet tt nolo how Itnnpcr
hraif n lHHif with hU rotnpllnlerit to
Nero. I Imre often Klrrn two itotf
thlr footl In th sumo treneher. uiit
the Krcwller nvarintily lulunt the
I-(it lire. Jnt hh wonlil lu- ilono
the vulgar pljf. I liHve rVlilen tln
U-ot Umvreil of horse, ttlnil to
innii timl hi mule, hut n tiger when
hf was fel, that U towanl til own
kind, for. when In rough enniinigiilng,
meniMire of eotn oil the enr were
thrown on the ground. It wr hi hnlilt
with fore nml hind feet anil with itrn
Jaw to drire olT erery other home until
lit uunllfled. There I u lek monkey
In u cn.fe. At chico a enreftil heWr
I reninr,1 the III one, or the eonUgion
ilrvad. If the Invnlld I not taken
unny. the other healthy iiiinikey nlll
crowd the lel one to ilrnlli. Them
may l thl expltinntlon nlxmt It. A
the U'liiivrntun' of the 111 monkey ill-
uiliiUhei-thiil I. If he Im no fever
the other inonkeyH inny ire orotind
1 1 1 tit rhwcly o nh to liuei hllu wnrin.
Anyhow, hy getting on top of him,
they (another him and hnun hi unit.
If I were Henltitlve and forgiving to
monkey. I might iy that imluro hml
no iim for nn nlllng nionkey, nnd
v. anted to get rid of him n exn dltlona
ly n Kilhle, and henvu i-Htne thl
eurloll limlinrt to llie ell to do
monkey. What truth there ttuiy lie In
the htorlct told hy riinchmeu of thn
p.-edv ilemh of the crippled nU'or.
l.-mlched hy thn henl. 1 do not vouch
for ThU wholu Mihject i dewrviti(
if greuUr tudy. Ah to monkey, men
who have them In charge uy: "Thl
crowding of n lck monkey U done
through paru cndiie." llurver'
, I'.llr "f Til.krr. IIHlurre mill llslll to
till- ll.t.lll.
AlHint iwven or eight hundred ynnl
Ih-Iow the crowd ualclung the tl-lit
were two timker. The one Komewhal
nearer it, a hiirly. tnt hailt Inh1.
with ahorl. powerful tuk. wn evi
dently gi lllng milch the uontt of the
coinlmt, and the furrow in lit hUU-t
und rear plainly Inillcntcil eum run
hy hi-, nningonuii a tak. un the n e
cf thu hilt wan hi rivnl, n tlll lurger
uniiuitl. iMw-.ii ng the ndinntngc of
l.:ig r. gli-miiiag liihk. It wn a lol
light, and In a few minute the victor,
w itli a itilcU ruh at the other, iimde a
iknI ttini-.t nt the lih. nnd, though
there n a wvera struggltt, thu tiikli
we-it In It full leugtii.
The d la ':er' ronr of pnln
nml rug.- wot llfullili.'ni', nml though
he would have ci-u;x'il if he eoiihl. the
other clo-ui U-hlnd and nihiilni
tenil thruHt lifter thriiht, hut itotlu nny
vital port. I'lvin-ntly, ln llng uroiird,
they came tigelhi-r w Ith a i ilghty Thl win nlMiat the only M.ind
ma le. and tho weaker wi ipilrlily
overpowered hy the more powerful ami
frvidier vlitor. Tho tlirul-., now put
U-hlnd the dioiilder nml Into the Uly,
(ill. hly i .a'i'eil the por hruU-. and In
;i fei. niiuiiU' th! grout luant rolU'd
over ilend. - ilk' Spirit.
hroaut I Kiirlitrrl l'nn t lliiratlng
an (lir.illou.
NolxMly ever forg.-U a llrl vUlt to
an operating r.m. Ill not what ho
M'C tlu'iv much ti hi own feeling
which hul -Holy l apret hi memory.
An Involuntary iluxine nntl nnuaMi
iikmiII nine out of ten even of thu med
ical ktmleuU who g.uacr around thu
mirgt'otl' lihle for the lirvt time. .Many
are overcome hy thu ktrnage liillurnee
which m-i- iIumii and tire ohliged to
retire from the ether-hurdened air.
Hal It I not uhat they .' winch give
rle to the p.vul.iir t.eiisullou. Tho
feeling UMially .i . . ". it" .iy mmih after
an ot.'ru.lo,i ha Im-.'ii itctiiully iH giiu
under their ye. The keus:iltoa gii e
way to it great kiiririe which come to
them it Ilea they rcuUie Unit luodern
Mirgery U not cruel, hut merciful uad
)inl. Hv The kurpriw Wcome won.
tier and Hktoiii.'linieiit wlieti they llnd
that the kviii- U'foro thorn are nut
khoctiing mid Miigulnary, hut that op
enilion are for the iuot part demon
ktrative of cool mechnnleul kkill itud
nlmoit litotklleab. ('. li. tl.tnimcrton, in
Wour.N thiuU imiin of lltittery
men. hut they U'llcui le of It. -lil-mini
A woman love all of a man' rela
tive until ufler htf litu mnrrliHl him.- -Atchlkou
A iias'h Idea of lielug 1'o.xl to n woin
tin I to givo her opporiuulileo to W
giMkl to him. -A tch Im in tiloU'.
Ir U li limit ii to err, itud it U huinaii
for your wife oonUntly to rvmiiul you
of It, too. Cap) I'tkl Item.
Wiikk a uinu ihk llnully Untune mi
good tliut he Is patient wlt!i a ttoin.ui,
all the credit he get U that jvoplc siiy
he I nfruid of her.
Tiikkic U a atrtmg i-CkeiiiUnace la
look U'twcvn the man who ha heen
drunk a week ami the womnu ttlai ha
cried an hour. AtohUoa lilobo.
Souk oue wiy: "Wojiiaii Ntmlie nmn
with regret; man tiidu wtunwn with
uuiaaeuient.'" Tlw wonian In thU en!
U evidently marrletl and the inun U iwit.
- N. Y. Iteconlei-.
1 -O I , ITI C A l, AN MOT X 0 H M B NT.
pOlt S1IHKIK1-".
I horeby tinnotinco myself as a
candidafo for Slierill', subject to the
decision of the Hcpiiblieiiu County
Convention of Cirant County. Ore
gon. 11- W- Suian.
Stranci. Altmitjilierlr VIll4tlon Occur.
rlii; In (IrmnHr. I
A etirion discovery litu leon made In '
(lermany, and I gradually nttraoting ;
the uttentlotiof men of fwicne through- ,
out the worhL It I the e.tbtnr of i
ImiihI of liimlnnu cloud vUible nt
night for n long tlmo aftr mmet, ami
in the i.iornlng for a eorrcpomllng
limn Imforo -.iinriat. Tho eloutU are
mere huiu, lying in parallel atrip, not
Icm than flfly'mlle, high. They n-lire I
th." Minllgiit. nn.l havo a llvi-ry tint,
i-iiotlm.-i hluUh Many photograph
linvu tioen raw la uf litem. Thy am
aven only from the end of May to the
Iwgiiiulng of August In the northern
hemlaphcre. In ttio aouthem ltrml
iptterv It hit hecu found that they ap-
I jiesr In iKwrmhcr ami January. It i
thn apparent that fnrnotae mylcrlou
re anon they follow the Min, nnd their
arrangement In long ridge with cr..
bar KUggckut the play of electric force
in their formation. They were llrt
wen It, l'i near llcrlln. and they have
liecn grn Inntly U-comlng fainter year
hy yrartnet' that time.
No one pretend to know Jut what
tiny are, hut many theories are ilg
gi.teil tonccoiinl for thmn. It will he
renii-inlieretl that after the great Vol
cnnlc explmlou lhat hlew away half
nf an Island In th.- htraiti nf Sunda In
1SSS, cloud of fl:ieditt, hurled Into tho
nppor ntmo-.phrre hr tho rsptoalon,
iinickly encircled thu whole earth nml
(irodmvd, fur kuccccding year.
magnillcnt crltmin miiu'U ami other
lmutiful ntmo-.phrr.e effect. It ha
heen thought that tho lumlnoa cloud
may owe their origin to the mtno caune.
It I nl ugg-U'il thnt they muy havo
entered the utniokphcro from outer
Mice, at the enrth, owing to the gen
ernl mutton of theaolar yU-..-i toward '
the north, Ucoiitliiuolly advancing into
utiw region, and pncj I I;. town i
conlai.1 a gr.-nt d.-al of K'.UUt.mI mut
tor. v:irin,r l.i xl.' from Urge meteoric
chunk to rloinU nf Hue duL What
ever they are, their e..iU nre open our
eye to yet another proof of the mar
veloti ritilcty of nature, which ti t
taily covert tho earth' i.urfiuv tt,i',
. in'.l fornu of life, and enlivens it
. it!i the tijK'rAllon of ucasclc fore ,.
.it till . even th llpp-T l.u:l of t'i
li.. ,ph. re tvtlh idienomenn
I.. I - they may awaken uiun'b tvou.l r
. Hi h inn- tliuo how hii;i )w t'i
,.1U llJ live oil I i:i!:etl Itillli.rr
.tuitliiig pace. Vouth'i. I ointwiii.i.ti
ST It A V HI).
Tlnno yoarliiiK; ono Moor with
ultito face, mill rial lioifor mid ono
light rod initio)- heifer, liratiiled 07
on liyl't hip and wallow fork in
rijlit onr. Partioa infoi iiiin mu of
their wliutonhoiiU will lie paid for
trotihlu. U. O. SrAM.t:n.,
Canyon City, Or.
si ition Foit
To Till! Ho.S'OllAIII.K COUNTV Cot'ltT
roa fliuNT C'ouniv, SrAiii or
Wo, llw un(hirif;nol ttmi
iIoiiIh ami Icul vutuia of Ornnito
prcoincl, tiianl county, Oregon, moil
ioli(iutftilly n)i that Klinur K.
'riioriilniri,' ho (,rantetl a liceinto to
Hull KpiriiitoiiM, malt and viuoim liip
won in Ium ipianlitioH than ouo gal
lon in (iianito, Grant count), Ore
gon for thu term of nix mouth (lout
tho 1 Jth ilav of March, lh'J'.
W A Htowmt, A J I)i.kiwn, .1 II
Milliard, .1 C Sliulhy, O V Brown. It
N Koid, A WillianiH, I)W .lohtihton,
N Nivon, Itiwin HiiIil"), .1 N lil
mat a, A (i Taltor, 1'ntrii k Uurd, JaH
K CiiIUui. W I) Johimon, Ja 1'tlal
litghur, a Ilncliinaii, Peter SI;o
land, .1 It Kaihl. ti C Irwin, I) II
DiiiitnioV, (! 'riioriilntt tr. (ioo II Cut
tiil(". I N Oineara; .1 H t'nholl, 1' K
Calioll, M StoveiiH, Olo Mux niiH, ,1
W Tabor. C II Mr Loan. N A Miinro,
Notice itf hcreliy (,'ivoii tlmt on
Salnrdiiy, the I'Jih day of Maich.
IMU, the uiitlprniKiit'tl will apply to
tho llmioinhlo county court of the
Htato of Orejjon, for Cirant ooiinty,
foi tho inNiiaiiu i of tlu linotme iiImvo
IllOlllioiled. Kl.Mt.H K. Thoukhi'MO,
A pplitinut.
:rn'nt)N pop, licunsk.
To tiik Hon
Hrvri: or
iik )
OarooN' run (iiiant
We, tlm uiulertiiLMHsl vonr
petit ionuiH, would tOHpcct full)' rep
inkoiit tlnr o arc, otich and all roi
deiitH o( and liin) vol or of Son Hi
Foik precinct in wild county, ami
wo auk that a Hcciim) ho gnuilnil to
T. C. Atlkiti to hcl! and dupoui of
bpitilnotiH. vinous and malt liquor
in lea (imtitititn than ono gallmi in
aid jiiiciuet for a ptuiod of U
iiiontli from and after tlio 1 2th day
of Match, lMl'J.
Datod thia 'Jud day of Poh , LS'.)2.
L 11 Maxwell. K Olucor. (loortfo
linker, Adam Mm ray, Win Mnnjar,
A K Iloiul, Cliarlea Mclnttre. S I.
Croat. A S Litch. I) MacKay, A Olll
cor, Klhurt Ollicor, It S Hiiydi-r, A
AHlihaiiyh, It C l'lilkuinoii, (ieoruo
K)dd, John lleatti, A L llrown
Hurt Uobordu, Wind Swift. II L
(Ircetiwnll, W II DonahliKJii, Donald
KniHor, 0 1? Olazo, To Pay, John
Yomi", J M FrauUm, II (1 Muujar,
H. S .Mnnjar.
Notice iH hot oh) yivon that on
S.'ititnlny, tho I'Jth day of March,
181):, tho unili'i signed will apply to
tho Hon. Comity Court of the htato
of Oregon for Grant comity for tlm
iwiiwncu of thu licuiiHo ahove moil
tionatl. T. 0. AtiKiN-i,
Ua4 Ofll t lluw. OfMaa.
I 1 ItM.
UMltm U kk (ltu tkl Um lalluwlny naa I
MUM k AM untie ni hi. I'lUtlllM to MttlM
tiul uu( la tuwrt kUtlto, J U.I uU
aul will W u4t M ! Htjri.lw 4
llwtliai l H.iin imM aa All I. IM,
itl J.VWKa U III Tt'TllXli ll'J ilia NT far
la K W H' Ht. V ,,r .tl. i m i, I N'W ar Kit
ur aw. Tl. M II. B
lla wnii Um IuIIhmih; lttt la !. kit
ruiit!liiiou rvahlra.-a wit, atwl ruliltklian ol Ml J
Uud. tli Oait t'u I titdrrw I'lrtt. J i Com
Mil Ptl.r li(la. ll ul Juan tut, 'Wtvm
). II. Ill STINOTON, liUUi
Canyon City, Or.
This noun la r resort has,
bam- reopened lo the nuhl'w,
'iS'orf'L LB1
, Wines, Liquors.- Cifars-
ii. I. ItKMi 1 IS 1. Propr.
Canyon f'Hy. (hr'nn
I loan I m wmk.
" " fV. .
I Illsof Ibo City Hotel will be
! furnished in connection with Ibis
j house. lod(ing nt reasonable mUM.
J will ell a' .: luile h i!i- a' Out
villo, (Irani enunit. Hie -(in. tin ltd
lowiiif; di tcrilieil alum i!h I(1i.iiiii
to the estate of Mm ray Hm';
One Imv CI)ilMtlile kIuIIkih fi
yeaifl oltl, weight bout I MM) pouiitK
Ouo L'ifv Peicheon aiallioii, 10'
years old, weight aUnil 1K00 pouuda. i
i Ono brown Knox tiUllioii, I'J yearn'
! old, weight nbonl I tOO poiindH. I
Ono aonell atalhon, S yeaia old, 1 Kj,i)i at livinji rat
woight 1 100 pound. A M mlarv aU)V lhh hoUM
Alo one Polled bull, .nd ' is lmt ,lo ,;,iMMtl, enoknnre l)mpvl
Kotentl olhor bulla o good bteo.l. ; in U(P kiu,h(1Il (;ivt, (he llMU;un'l)a
K hnnki'ii !. MacIUk, , B trjH, M , UllAII1A
A8,",loe- ! Proprietor. 'FRONT JSAK.iV.
WM. WOODS, Proprietor.
Burns, - - - - - - Oregon.
.v c ihtre In trt lift ynrr horses when in that luce,
if yon trail! them irell rnretl far, irell )-tl it nil Q'rnnmeil
Passengers and freight eonveyetl lo all parts of the
roan try. Elegant lumoiUs furnished at short native
and reasonable rales. TKJIMS CdSll.
Baker Cilx, Oregon.
"We pay the freight."
i Minolta ICIegHiit Carjttt SweriHJis,
1 Hoantilul Silver iiioftnUyl Curving Sotn,
. Utigor' Silverware 25 er wnt lr than fartury jirircn,
i Skate at such price, that all ran havo I hem.
I'rotty Clock. Nice Hanging aud Stand Luiip from 50 ceutu iii.
1 MMpiUi'to Dacoratod Tea I'oU. Stov in cudh vuru-ty froiii $J.5u
F.'ivou us with )vr it on nuns.
Haptonstall Oarf & Co
' Ml'l't'liMOlUt To
. .a p :r ox ST.d ; ; $ :dmr:i
Havo now received the lnrgeit ami
Grant County, which they will offer for
L- J'urrtxh
rccid. Uie m n wit
Ono It't H I Kngino nnd Hoilcr.
(J o ti II l
" Mill capacity .V M
" 5 Biftttip Mill and llatt. rv.
(irillln Mill cafmcity Umn
Huntington, na parity 12 ton ,
HoUling nitiiaratun, roimI to 1
.I..L .in r... , I
PIIIK -1 11- t .
A large lot of trlting. hut littlr u-l.
A largr lot Minfr'n nml lilackntidtlni
tool nut little imctl.
Inquiry Solicitrd,
Itakcr City, Oregon.
or upj)iioi
1'it siih nt Vi. f I'rt-xliletit.
(iiul:i.i: W. Conhkii, Cimliirr. 1
J. V. MIIKt, T. A Kill. A, 1. T. IHMtBOS, I
'rrninact a (ciht.i1 Itankliu' Jiimiic.
til change
r-fiW all part of the world !
t'ulli'i ttntis ninth' at all iitnU on i
lti .tjt. .iiiihl.. Term. i
Money Imun-il nt from one tti ten
IM-r i ei.t.
Canyon City, Or.
. I. J: Chambers, I'ropr,
'Hii ItotUurani. turn rscrnUv Uhmi
oiwniaj. and will furnith MaU or Unl-
Jt !'
mott complete tock of new gooiU in
talo at price that defy compotltion
1891 ll and winter announcement,
"To whom it
We have at present as has been
1 our motto in the past viz;
The Largest,
stock of General
Grant County. All of which we
are bound to sell regardless of cost
for the next 60 days.
You cannot afford to miss this
offer, and we trust our numerous
patrons will take advantage o fit.
A call on us will satisfy your curiosity.
d0 0 mrmmm,
SiicmMr lo ().rl,ll X Uuldil'k,
Canyon City - - - Oregon.
Constantly on hand a fall assortment of
Dry Cuotls, CI nth inn', Hants ft Shoes, Croceries,
lite, lite, lite , at Reasonable I'riees.
(lootl Xcirs for the Fanners of Grant County I
I'r.uik lti.t , o( I'm tland. Or , tmve rstabliihed an afjoiioy at John
Day, fortho Mile of all kiiidH of Farm Matdiiaery and Agricultural Implo
ineiitK, Hitch aa WnKoii", (.'airin;ea, Cart a, Plows, Hariown, Mowor.n,
Ileapera, Italcot, via., etc. A whole carload to lte. delivered at onco.
Kvorytliiiig first-claM ami at the loweat possible rates. Pleuso givo mo
your"trdo. H. IIAYKS, Agt.
Allow me to ay that I still handle tho White Sewing Machine and
tho I'ai liiilV Organ.
0a P. LRE5AP
IlKA I. Kit IS
STJlTIOMiltY. IWOh'S, SCHOOL supplies
SLl'ih' ft I'-'lOV WjIHES.
ftrorrrii'H, Flour. Tobaccos', Cigar, and ono hundred nnd one othor
viirielien, cheap fur eatdi, at
The Old St and, Canyon City.
Lirju Read
Do you lake ad rani age of a good offer When
il is placed wilhin your reach?
if so
rlliili 0 f'
Drn (loads. ( 'lathing, Hoots,
m- in i iin
shirts, Underwear. Hosiery, Hats, Winter Caps, Cum
Hants, Htankels, Quilts, Corsets, Ladies and child reus'
Shoes, lubber routs, )'eltowOiled eoats, Fancy Goods.
Cut ten, lite., lite, lite-
lM.,i'aooortootMHoo.ot.ooocuooooooiKHHl ooouooooooooog
9 Whon oli accompanies tho order for any amount iroin Fivo
Dtdlara or more in iiIkjvo lino of goods wo will prepay all Mail or j
Htatfu oharijoi, to any atage btatiou in Grant or Jlarnoy countieH, 9
until Juno Ifith, lhU-. lS When bold on credit no cliarg- 5
ea prepaid. J
e will guarantee our lowont retail pricca oil tVCfy Article
and agree to refund the monoy if giHidaare not intiHfaetory.
Hy hcnduii,' to iih, writing plainly, pint what is wauted, wo can select
them tti your atitaetion. Wo have tho biggest assortment f Oon
oral More,bandi-.e to be found in ajy Kioto inOregon. You cnu mivo
money in every line, a (live uh n trial order. Wo solicit your trade. OriUr
by Mail at once. J V UesH'el fully.
Coffin iV McParland,
may Ooncern:"
Best and Newest
Merchandise in
i). ;. ovimiioir.
t A-
pat '
Shoes, Cloves, Mittens, Over-
Syr n
iiSi at
i rrnnn
- i 1 1 1 1 1
. aif