Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 11, 1892, Image 1

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The Paper for the Farm,
the Workshop and the
Tho Pa par for tho Stock
man, Merchant and
Volume xnr.
C.dA'YOA' CITY, GJUA'T COUNTY. OliKGOX, Til U RSlX'l Y F IC Hit IL'lli Y J 1 . JS9S.
Number 47,
mm couuty
In the circuit court for t'matilla
county nt IVmllelon Jmlf; Cliffon!
lKisstnl H'litenou Uwn Frederick
Zorn, eonvietwl of inurtler in tho
first degree for the htulal riliooting
of hit tvtfo and mother-in-law near
MilUm in October last. The follow
ing wore tho word a of Judge Cliffon!
in imping wnitence:
"Mr. l'orn, you now stand boforo
this court, having Iwen duly indict
ed, tried and convicted of one of the
gravest criiii'w known to our Inw,
that of mnrdar in tin) firrtl decree.
for the killing of your wife, Caroline J
"You havo had a fair ami itnpar- (
tial trial, hy twelve good citizens of
tht county, who, after liavmg heard
the evidence in the case, tho argu
ment of counsel, and the instruc
tions of tho court, have, after an ah
Bonce of only an hour ami a half,
returned into this court with a ver
dict of guilty, ai charge 1 in the in
dictment, th'erehy saying that every
material allegition of the indict
ment had hoon nrovoti to their sat
isfaction, hoyoiul a reasonable doubt.
"You have had tho advantage of
an able attorney to represent your
interests, who has dono all in his
power to defend you. You have
had as fair a trial" as it has ever
been my lot to witness, and in tho
introduction of testimony in this
case, whenever a doubt has arisen
as to admissibility of testimony, I
can freely sav that that doubt 1
have invariably resolved in your
favor. I consider, therefore, that
as far as this court is concerned,
that you have had as fair and im
partial a trial as it was possible for
n man to receive. Kvery particle
of testimony that it was Kssiblo to
present in your behalf was submit
ted to the jury.
"Upon the "verdict returned there
is but one sentence that this court
can pronounce upon you, and that
is that your life shall be forfeited to
pay thcionalty for tho great crime
you have committed.
"Ah unpleasant as it is for mo to
now pass this sentence upon you, I
cannot but recognize tho fact that
the unfortunate condition in which
you find yourself placed at tho pres
ent time,' has been brought about
by your own voluntary act and
"Tho judgment of this court is
thai you bo imprisoned iu tho conn of this countv until Friday,
tlio'i.-ith day of March, 1SD2, at
which time you be taken by tho
Bherill'of this county within tho en
closure of the jail or jail yard, where
you have been confined, and between
tho hours of It) o'clock a. m. and I
o'clock p. m. of said day, to-wit, the
hour of '2 o'clock p. in. of said dav,
iu tho presence of twelve bona fiiio
electors of this county and state, to
be selected by tho sheriff of this
county, in tho presence of said elec
tors, by tho sheriff of this county so
elected, you be then and there
hanged by tho neck until you are
dead, and may (iod havo mercy on
your soul."
Makes the
Weak Strong
Tho mirkcil neflt w tilth ro'! In run
don or xrakciicl itato cf health dtrtto
(rom Hmk!'j iUualurltU, roncluiltrdr Jroci
(be elilm Hat Oil mrillclno " tiiakct the ttcjW
itronc." It not act Ilka a itlmubnt,
IrojurtlnK flctllloui itrcnsta from which th re
omit lullow a reaction if gre&Ur woiVncu
than Uforo, hut In the moit natural war
HuoJ'i HaruiurllU orrrf otiiei that tired recl
ine, ereali'i n appetite, purines the blood,
and, In ahort, cltrs KrcJt bodily, lame,
raeaUl aud dljutlt o atrensth.
Fnggod Out
"I-iit iprlm 1 i completely facsed out.
Vj itrcnetti left me and 1 Iclt tick and mlt
ratio all the time, to that I could hardljr
annul to my Imtliirti. I took one bottle of
Hood't Harwparllla, and It rurrd me. There
li nothlnu like It " Jt. C. llrooLr, Kdltor
Enterprise, ItellMille, MUli.
"I derived tery riitirli lieneflt from Hood'i
rUraparlIla,lilih 1 b kf.r central debllltjr,
It built mo rlRht up, and cato mo an eirel.
lentappetlle " Kl. Jeskim.MI Havato.Md.
V. Ik If you ili cUlo to tako llood'i Harta
pirllla do not bo Indurrd lo buy anything clo
ImteaJ. Intltt upon luting
BoUbjill Jmul.ti. 1, iliforfi. i"itrr4onlr
fc; C. l.ltiKini CO., ArwO'l.b",u.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
INiiiiiuu. tirrinii .".
lUuthiklnxl l irmulm lni. ou.ortton
rwuif cuurxi ut lluJy. Niiut rl el luitlou.
ItiiHiiiosN. Shorthand,
iVlo k-U tUluusUyul Hit jr.r Ml.uli sliull
M tt any tluit. CsuUfM frvm tllUcr tcLwl, fit.
Klectiou shall be held biennially,
-nitiMiniuMtiir with IS'.) 2. At Jatui-
nry term of county court preceding
election, precincts containing not
more than -ft) voters shall be estah-
lished. and indues anil clerks of
election, not all of same political
party, shall Iw apx)inted and no
tices served to npjtointees hy sherill"
Notices of election shall be. osted
within thirty days after January
term of court.
Iu case judges of election are ah
sont, voters may choose judges. If
clerks npHiiutod are not parent, the
judges select clerk. Polls wilt
open at S a. m. and close at l p. in.
though judges may adjourn at 1
o'clock for one hour. U is the duty
of judges and clerks to challenge
suspected illegal voters.
The place where a married man's
family reside, and the place where
a single man sleem shall m con
sidered his residence.
Iu incoriK)r.tte.l cities no ono is
nll.iu-iwl in liiiter within .'0 feet of
the H)lls. except Hace ollicers and
challengers, ami otuy ten persons
mav approach to vote at one time.
.tmiii.i nf i-li'i-tinii have ixnver of
justice of peace anil may inllict a
tine of M or iinprisonmeiii lor -
days, for any violation of election
law. or disorder at ixdls. They may
apjK)iut s)ecial constables in ab
sence of regularly appointed jace
Jmh'es .unl clerks are allowed f.l
per day, and the jwrsoiis carrying
returns lo county clerk 10 cents kt
mile going and returning.
Within an hour after ikiIIs close,
counting must begin. Duly white
ballots, furnished according to law-
shall be counted.
Anv convention of delei-ates rep-
reKontiiiL' a nartv that cast as much
as I? iwrcent of the votes cast in the
precinct, county, or ilistnct lor
which tho convention is held, or any
assembly of 100 voters, may noini-
' . t it
nate ono candiuato lor eacn ouicc.
Certificates of nomination,' signed
by chairman at d secretary of con
vention, are necessary, and for state
ollicers must be filed with the sec
retary of state not less than -15 days
before election, and for district,
eountv and nrecinct ollicers certifi
cates must be filed with tho county
clerk at least .) days neioro election.
Candidates must file acceptance of
nomination of state offices with sec
retary of state 110 days before elec
tion, and for county nominations 15
days before election, if at all, iu
writing, with county clerk.
The county clerK snail cause nai
lots to bo printed, as prescribed by
law, entitled "Official Hallot," and
no others shall be used, circulated
or cast. There shall be four ballots
muted fur everv vote cast at pre
ceding election, on white paer. and
a like number ot ballots on coioreu
paper, for samples, and not to ho
voted or counted if voted. When a
vacancy occurs, by death or with
drawal, after tickets aro printed,
notices shall be jwsted at polling
place, and in all case blank lines
aro left on ballots so voters can vote
for whom they please, whother or
not the nominee of any party.
Not less than live days before
election, tho slieritl' shall deliver
ballots to election precincts, prepare
election booths anil apjoint deputies
to take cliargo ot election iu eacn
Three Uxiths, where voters can
make out their tickets iu ceereoy,
shall be prepared, though iu a po
sition that jubgoH can seo that only
ono man is allowed iu a booth at
one time. Those who cannot reatJ
or write can have tho assistance of
two of the judges. Tho names on
tho tickets not voted for, must ho
scratched out with an indollible
pencil, which is left on tho table iu
the booth, and the tickets are folded
so that tho judges cannot see how
voter voted.
The clerk of election hands out
tho tickets to !w voted, tearing oir
ono stub on which ho writes the
voter. The voter retire, to a booth
and prepares his ticket, and on pre
senting it, tho remaining stub is
torn oil' before the ticket is deposited
iu tho box.
For all violations of the law, any
disorderly conduct, obstructing
k11s, illegal voting, intimidation,
etc., the law provides rigorous fines
and penalties.
Advices from the American mis
sion on tho Congo river near I'alla
Italia station, state that live Ameri
can missionaries, three men mid
two women and seven native con
verts and servants were murdered.
Tho mission buildinifs, schools, resi
dences and granaries were burned
and cultivated fields laid waste. It
is thoiihht the crimes were commit
ted by a number of half-civilizyd
I'urtuguoBo-Bpeaking pooplu.
Wasiunuto.v, I). C. Feb. 5, IS'Jl.
The war crisis has pasted, much
to the disgust of the young naval
ollicers and others aud itions of
earning glory at the cannon's month
and of the men who had 1iohkI to
largly increase their bank accounts
by means of profitable government
contracts, anil the pleasure of ordi
nary folks. It is now conceded hy
those who were at first inclined to
hlaino President Harrison for un
necessary haste in sending an ulti
mation and in sending the corres
Kjndence and his vigorous message
to congress, that he was pursuing
the very course to bring alnnit
jieace. It was necestary to convince
Chili that this government intended
to enforce the demands it had made
by force if necessary, and iu no
other way could this have been
done so speedily. In congress all
political difference!! were for the
time forgotten and everybody be
camu intensely American. The re-"
suit, as might have been exacted,
is an abject ajiology from Chili. It
is not the first time that active
preparations for war have resulted
in assuring wace.
The farmers' alliance representa
tives were given their first ollieial
recognition in tho home by being
allowed one hour out of the seven
devoted to debate on the new rules.
Representative Otis, of Kansas,
after stating that the third party
was founded on the ciial rights
Jeffersonian doctrin, on the Klicy
of Washington, and upon the Lin
coln idea of the suK.Tiority of lalwir
to capital, criticised the rules as
conferring a dangerous H)werou the
scakcr and the committee on rules.
Representative Watson, of (Jeorgia,
made the principles of tho alliance
the basis of his remarks, stating
that the toiling millions of the laud
were looking to those principles as
their only means of relief. Other
alliance mciuliers also made brief
If Oklahoma does not become a
state during the present congress it
will not U for any lack of cll'ort on
tho part of delegate Harvey, who
looks after the interests of that
hustling territory in the house. Ho
has already introduced a bill to
that elfeet."
The resolution providing for an
investigation as to whether the ap
propriations heretofore made for tho
world's fair havo Ir-cii judiciously
expended has been favorably re
Kirted to the house, and it will be
passed. This does not indkata a
hostile feeling towards the exjsjsi
tion; on the contrary it is intended
to furnish the managers an optxir
tunity to show congress how well
the appropriations have beon sjient,
as an inducement to grant the ap
propriate of $.1,0(X),IXX) now asked
for. There are those, howeer, who
do not think the showing made will
be favorable to the managers.
A bill to prohibit the sale of fire
Curtain baking powder makers are publishing falsified extracts from the
Covcrnmcnt reports, with pretended analyses and certificates, wherein an
attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal," or
r.iaking bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpose being to
counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising
from their impurity, low strength, and lack of keeping qualities as shown
by the Government chemists anil others.
As to whether any of these baking powders are
equal to the " Royal," the official tests clearly deter
mine. When samples of various baking powders were
purchased from the grocers, anil analyzed by the United
St ates Government Chemists and the Chemists of Stale
and City Hoards of Health, the reports revealed the fact
that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent, lo 60 per
cent, more leavening strength than any other cream of
tartar baking powder, and also that it was more perfectly
made, of purer ingredients, and altogether wholesome.
Ar, these powders are sold to consumers at the same price, by the use
of the Royal Baking l'owder there is an average saving of over one third,
besides the advantage of assured purity and wholeRoineneBs of food, and of
bread, biscuit, and cake made perfectly light, r.weet, and palatable advan
tages not to be had in the use of the low-grade, cheaply madis baking p'ow
ders that contain lime, alum, and other impurities,
arms to Indians residing on reser
vations has been favorably rejiortod
to tho senate.
Representative Livingston, of
Georgia, last week introduced a bill
for the establishment of a syMeni of
sub-treasuries, in accordance with
the Ocala demands of tho farmers'
Representative Rowers, of Cali
fornia, is not enamoured of the new
house rules. 1 lo says his )eoplc
want some appropriations for their
harbors, and that if he understands
the rules aright he will not 1h "in
it" unless he can get a "pull" on the
river and harlior committee.
There is a movement amotii; the
i Cleveland democrats to throw their
strength to Carlisle, if, as roiortod,
I Mr. Cleveland shall decline to al
low his name to go Iveforo the con
1 vention. This movement is so new
i that its strength cannot be estimat
ed at this time, hut there are good
' reasons for the belief that Mr.
I Cleveland will not favor the ncini-
nation of Carlisle.
Tho senate without a division ad
opted the report from the committee
on elections confirming the right of
Senator Chilcot, apjMiinted by the j
(iovernor of T.-xas, to servo out the j
unexpired term of S nator Reagan,
to his seat.
Kvcr since China refused to ro-
ceivo ex-Senator lllair as minister
frotu this country there have been
ugly rumors around Washington j
intimating that the inlliteuce offer
tain Americans interested iu certain '
concessions which they hoHd to get
from China had more to do with it
than Mr. Ill.dr's congressional rec
ord on the Chinese question. I
Whether the rumors inllucitovd
Senator Morgan I cannot say, but
he laet nock offered a resolution,
which was adopted by the M'liate,
rciictiug tho president to furnish
copies of all the corresxiiideiice be
tween tho two governments on the
subject, if it can be done without
injury to the public interests.
Tho national IkkipI of trade, with
representations from all the princi
pal cities of the country, has been
in session hero for three days. A
feature of the meeting was an at
tack on the iuter-stato commerce
law which tho lioard docs not lie
liove iu.
Agriculture, mining and cattle
promise good returns in Kastorn
Oregon tho coming season, and if
ever this jsirtion of the state had
the advantages of growth and pros
erity it will have this year. Hut
lo r-ceuro benefit from these o)or
Utilities energy and ontorprUo have
to be exerted, ai d capital invested
in factors of develoytneiit and agen
cies built up which will give em
ploy luent to wage-earners. Cod
helps those who help themselves is
as true as sunlight, and no com
munity can recline supinely on
their backs and expect fortune to
smile iiH)ii it in the most benelicieut
manner. Mountaineer.
per ct, difference.
Strongest, Purest, Most Economical.
The Tinted States supreme coutt
upheld tho constitutionality of the
anti-lottery act of the last congress,
allirming the decision in several
cosos. The court said that the
power granted to congrcsi to regu
late the jHntal system was complete
and carried with it tho jwwer to for
bid the use of the mails to aid in
the erH'tmtiou of crime or immor
ality. The court says it must bo
left to congress, in the exercise of
its discretion, to determine what
shall oo excluded. There is no
abridgment of the freedom of the
preas for the raason that the gov
ernment doos not prohibit communi
cation hy other means but simply
through government agencies.
The World's Columbian Kipolllon.
Send .V) cents to Rond V Co.,o7tl
Rookery, Chicago, and you will re
ceive, iHist paid, a four hundred
page advance (iuide to the Exposi
tion, with elegant engravings of the
grounds mid buildings, portraits of
its leading spirits, and a map of the
city of Chicago; all of the rules
governing the exMiition and ex
hibitors, and all information which
can be given out in advance of its
opening. Also other engravings and
printed information will be sent you
as published. It will be a very
valuable Iwnk and every person
should secure a copy.
A ntuij' liuM'l.n.l c!uli liai recently
Wen ort,Miilvil in tn-urm.
A tut .iii.vti.1 tfirl broke ln-r arm white
trj Inj; l nU- it eulf tmrvlMcU,
'1'MotiEir unite mUth In Toxin, ollt
a )'iiier fill. oil Iho S 1 1 1 1 1 1 v I'liliio
A mm. l Moreiicl, Mich, pleliol our
liumlri'tl cpi.irU ot ktruu bcrrion In tiuu
tiny recently.
In 1'ilti.liiirli i ymini,' Uty miikr u
living by muiiiifiu'tiirini; jMittery. She
hn hud an oven otorloil in hor house,
mill muUc, tlnUht-n anil ilocor.ites lie r
own wortt.
Vii:s nn Ailillwm (Me.) woman called
rucmitly on relatives living only it mile
nwnv whom Mio hinln't vUltoit for
twenty yearn, they thought tho world
innat he coinlni; to tin oiul.
TinoiVK A. Kiuso.N Indians & tele
t?rnih oerntor.
Jav (lot i. H was a hurvoyor nud
M!hixil-tc,ichi-r in hl jmith.
.ll'ixii: Nn.MI Damh wits Ixirn on it
farm itnil renlUe.1 li llrt coin Nelling
(Ilk. llt'MCi.i. A. Al.omt earned lilt
llrht money doing odd John fur the
Ill l.l. S tin: wrtanelcrk. lie leitrned
frugality In hU brother' grocery htore
at Troy.
I'm Mii.N'T IIaiiiihuin found hln unit
dollar in the toe of hi (docking on
Christmas morning.
Vlt'K I'ltMllll.NT I.I'.VI IV MllltlON
corned hix Ilrxt dollur ah it cleric in it
tillage dry goodn atoro ut .Shorchum,
N. II. O
.1.mii:i (iii.i.itHi'ii: IIi.aini: tuught
M-hool in wehteru IVnnaylvauiit for hU
Hint dollar. Later he Im-ciiihi) it new
KiH'r innn. I)rulie' Mauarlne.
flJpYAt li.i.3 XV
X CuUi.tnrr Mill". 1 1 1 ) Unit It la I'uiil
Itli to .k Mr It.
lie w.ttrt Milwitntttlnl nnd well-known
luiMiio .-. mit't of the city, a-i I when he
tvn,' let 1 n tailoring titahlUlimcnt
on Minn direct the other day he mdicil
in n htiitnoftvllhe trny to In' showii
home plain gray good for rt IiiinIiu-o
hi-it 'I'll' second nlts-o shown him
s'nio't his fancy nnd he asked the cost,
t 1 1 how lie wanted It innil.' nn 1 h.fl
his mousnrv litkcn. Then, halt lin tli
Uilor hi enrd, he sitid:
"Voiir tditco wn recommended to inc
by Mr - , who alw iiyt, dcaU hore."
After asking when ho uliuuhl cull for
it ho t Utrlcd out.
"We always require a ilepiutlt ot ten
doll.irs," mi .'.rented tho tailor.
"A what'."'
"A d. MMito ton dollnrn. Von know.
oiiiollmc ncojdo forget to come after
cloth an I they have to lie nont to
the inUtlt man."
"Von mean yon want me to (i.ty ten
dollnrn down?"
"Yen, lr; It Is ticeemrtry In onr bind
nesv" "SnplHMtf yon make 11 mistake In the
' (), wo nlttayit make them lit lefore
thoy go out."
"Num. sec here, Mr. Tailor, Mtit.o
you get things mixed nnd cut out my
cloth on the pattern of the ihth
(.i t.'d, (dope-Hhouldorcd. bandy legged
du to .ton jint measured, do you Mi
' alt. ring would do them ttuy good'
.Vot lunch. Now yon have had it iMtiart
whitcU at 1110. you have gone l.UoiiT
my itniiloiuy with that string and Iri
angle. Von have punched me In the
hide and p.i'cd around to tin. I out
wlure the JoluU wore, mid If you
haven't done it right I don't ooct to
my for It, Hear? I'll toll juh wlial
I'll do, thoiuli; I'll give you 11 lite hun
dred ilo'lar Uiiid to he here on time ami
take the clothes if they lit, l.avin;r the
iUo .tiou of III to it i imiiiiltt 'o of three
Kch-ct d t.tllort. Hut you wilt have to
pay tho cxpeiifcii. Or I'll do thli.; I'll
pay you for tho Milt now if you will
g.te me it ImiiiiI of the hiuno hind to
make the clothes lit or return the
money with intercut. Hut you must
Mtv all expenses. If you don't wanl
these terms, partner, you can look me
up in llradstrcct's and Unit out who I
am and make the duds, or you can pity
me for the trouble of submitting to
tliU mca.urlng business See',' Hut
you don't gel any contingent fee out ol
me on a suit of dollies."
The liiltor took the risk. Kansas
City Timers
ItrltlFlllbrrril .lint III Tllms A Cp
tlnt11.1l 4 lti.1,1 rurlilllrt.
A hhort conversation between that
prince of gcruian lender, Mr. Tom
Harry, rtiul thaliit -en of the roynl r.we
buds Miiv I'cuclopu l'eachblnu :
" . . -o 1 afternoon; mi delighted to
,ee yo'i .. . ,ink' m well."
Ti. : :.. s. I id way loo!; well, you
know "
"T 1 b 1 oirc. In fact Unit U one ron
ton I c tl "d Von would make u
h.i v n n wife to iiuoli a fellow its 1. r
d -n'l you Know, nud t llioitght I'd Jir.t
catvsu itt v awsk, don't you know, l(
you dldil t think I'd be about the right
Mirl of n t:iln ; for 11 husband "
"I d e.t t why you w't do
rery well. You d.Mioo ptfrfc-clly, don't
rni '"
"t! y tas, pjrfcctly."
"That ttould lie (itlto necossarj. .
daneo e. jii. illy as well."
"N d itilt mi. pcrha)M', but we could
100:1, by a little practice, iniiko that all
There U hardly anything eUe In tho
mutt T liiiHirUint enough to eonsldor."
"Nothing that I can think of, and I
thought seriously of the inaltnh nil tho
wnv from the club here."
Well. I nm willing."
"Here Is nn eugagament ring that I
brought along In ease of nccldnut.
Why, dcr.h mo, you have one 011 now."
"ilotr provoking. Why, I mint lie
engaged to oino ono. Let me think."
(After n moment. ) "Ol I never could
think. Don't you know? Hasn't any
JHo luolltioucil it al the elllb?"j
"Hah .love, ych. Scorns to 11111 thnt
Jack llaihiug (.poke of Miim thlng of
the Mirk"
"Yen, It'n Jack. Hotv very unfor
tuimte." "I'nfortuunto linleod. lie really doe
not diiucu nearly u.s well 11.1 I du, dixJi.
"Ily no meatiit."
"Ily the way, mmi wlmt n pretty ring
I had Intended for you." (Ope 111 tho
case.) "llah .love, It's not hero."
"Could you have lost It?"
"No; come to think about II, I'm en
gngixl, ti. fulled on I'atilin.t I'rolly
clover hint evening nnd was engaged
Kifore I went home that l, I think It
wu before I went home. .Strange.
One ooiild iilmust cull us unrolot,
oouldii't one?"
"Well, I gmm I must go. IiimaI after.
"(lood nfternikm." Tom Hull, In
Jury. ,
" list, II. r Hi Mink.
On the uliorcs of Citsoo bay. Mo., tho
mink hi still abundant. It lire In
holes In tho rockii near high water
mark. lis young are apparently
brought forth at the end of IVbrniiry
orejrly In March, and thoy are twin
thirds nn large its the parent by tho
middle of Juno. They enter the water
like others, swim nlHiut after llouinlers
oriMinner, bringing thuin nsliore. We
have observed a family of four, thu
iiiolher and three young ones, engaged
In linking nud eating llouinlers, mill
they tvuru mi tamo wo could approach
within four or llvu feet of their station
tinder n wharf. It soems to tnry In
cvdor from it sable black to reddish
brown, thu young being dark. Inter
idling in thulr hhajK) nud h libit, they
annum thu Mimuiur roklduatu, uud uiu
Out mulcted. Interior, ..
Nisi: ex-govenrjrt of lotvn art) tWInR,
A t'lllCAdo man pnptse to drill a
hole lo the center of the enrtl . llo
ought to drill It clear through nue tlius
facilitate travel to tho world's, fair.
Oni.V iiImiuI one-tiarter of the AVner
loan Indians hare to depend on t'ltelo.
Sum for tupiort. The othern an' In
dov'iulont, nud Mime of them are even
A tiov:Mi:NT lias Wen Inaugurated hy
the Sons of the Revolution In New York
to hnve October It! celebntletl through
out the world each jeur its "DlMjovery
An Albany womnn hid her diamond
cnrrlng in her mouth nud then lec
tured the burglar. The poviihllitlcit of
the human immltt are something won
derful. TilK sheep rnlsent of one of the west
ern states hnve formed an extermina
tion "Msdely" for the dontrucllou of
every cur found on the promises of tiny
Hoy In Cmwfnrdsvillc, 1 ml. . have n
balloon parnehute crurc, ami cnU aro
dally MMit up, the pantchtlte Wing mi
arranged that It wilt rietaeh Ilftdf from
the ball. sin ut a certain time.
Till: farmer of South Carolina have
started 11 movement having for Its tilt
Jeel n reduction of cotton acreage. The
great crops of the Inst two yeart have
seriously reduced Will priced and prolltH.
AlteilNoi.oov Is the history of spider.
Tlllliri: new mnrklugit have Wen din
covered iu tlie eiptntorlal legion of thu
planet Saturn.
I'lior. Kii:ui:r, of Crncow, reimrts. it
tn-rles of successful experiments In cur
ing cancer with n remedy culled "Can
.roln." A MM'ii.n has Won formed nt llcrlln
for the purHMMi ut esip,tr.ttlug in us
trsinouiical mid incteorologicat re
ttearchoh, Tiik int.. of oil to mootli the nen In
rough w outlier has Wen applied to 11
life buoy. Valves ure osned automat
ically, releasing the oil gradually and
preventing the heavy waves from lireuk
liiir otor the buoy and Miirociitlllg thu
I o rs. m Iu it.
As' linp-irtant Invention In n.stronhuiy
has btsi'ii made at the (icnrgctowu col
lege obi.crvatory, near Washington.
Hy an Instrument called the photo
chronograph, a Mar is caused to record
with aliMilule accuracy the time of tin
own transit across the meridian, tlnin
eliminating all omuniil errorn,
"('.MtticM Su.v.t." wrlten her poem
w lib 101 1 Ink. - -. ,
IIuki II vutc'h Kugllsh puhlUhcrH lrxitt
yenr paid him t? ir..iKH.
,li:ilotu: K. .Ir.itoni'.'N recent volume,
"On the Stage and OIT," was written
when he iviik nineteen yearn old.
Aiiiu:iv Kami Is declared to wrltu
lsrtt in a rose garden; Tolstoi st on
Ills Wil and putA the Inkstand on his
milled pillow; Dumas jilt umo. an ebony
do.)., while Mary Aniloison-Navarro'H
Is mother of iH'itrl.
I M. llAlimr;, the young SOotchinan
whose stories have nttracted much at
tention, is thirty yearn old He won
Writ at Kirriemuir and graduated nt
IMInhtirgh university, where he distin
guished himself in Huglish literature.
Maiiion II.Mil.tsi) is a large woman
of matronly appearance, wnnrwhat
nWvc medium height. She has a brown
complexion, black hair that Is beginning
to turn gray, uud a broad forehead.
She Wgun to write stories when it child
jf nix.
To nt'il. 11 nnd lit up it hauilsoino cab
costs about &!."u.
'I'm. in: nre nineteen varieties of wild
fruits growing in Montana.
A ln'i of dirty rn;,'s Is worth nlxiut
llfty dollars to n rag denier.
Tilt: nternge jutsoii tvenrit iienrly
foiirtei 11 Niiiuilsof clothing.
I'lioos, toads nud serMnU nuver take
(ihn! but that which they are wttislled
is alive.
Al liirv has nenrly seven hundred Inn-gii.i-.
-., and this fact pn'sonli great
dllilooltU-K to uilahiouary otrorl.
'I'm. metal iu a live cent nickel piece
Is worth aUiiit half tt cent, and llftceii
cents e. Hi piirehnite eopsir enough to
make twodollam' worth of ueuU.
Thiii:k nud too toutlis grains makii
one; 1 .VI carats In one ounce of
troy weight; 1, so) citntU in ouu Tmy
Niuml of .1,7iW ifrnliis. Seleiillllu Amor
lean. " DON'T."
i .s r think that dully virtues ure un
liotii ,-d.
Dos 1 hung to thetirltiK that hang lire
lit every fuel,
I).., r try to settle thu problems of
life w In 11 you hnve the blues.
!. r think ituy amount of wisdom In
the conduct of life will pruvout your
feeling despondent ut limes.
IIon't always W trying to explain.
The majority of your mistakes urv nev
er noticed .mlemt joii call attention to
them in this nay.
Ho-i'r imagine you are Insulted when
M'ople neglect you. The niiut of them
are mi trapKd up in their own nil'. lira
thut they do not think of you ut all.
It Is economy to feed we'd from
the start.
Vein iiinne of flit. lnsw tvlll,
I "'j . v .v.. j.'.oif;
I turkeys nre due to lice.
Scai.ii:i milk Is it good remedy for
diarrhea in summer; give ilium all they
will drink.
Ik tho ducks uud gei-M ure picked
regularly during the tumuicr uud fall
tiny will vnbl moult,