Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, January 07, 1892, Image 1

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    The Paper for Ihe Stock
man, . Uerch a ni an d
The Paper for tho Farm,
the Workshop and iho
0 Homo.
T'Wi.m -V.
On of the most Atonisiiin
action of human beings, is the ap
titude of fairly honest men to en
gage in nrtirtiecs that ro clearly
criminal, for tho jurKu of gain. A
New York dispatch recently related
how two of the kind were caught.
It ia Still that fkwge V. Ames
carao all the way from Maple valley,
Wash., to bttv some counterfeit
money, lie. readied New York yes morning and iiromntlv wA
t Mil for a brie in a bov, which the
grevn-gooils tieeutatora gave him.
The lax was nuitoed to le (Weil
with counterfeit money. A men wan
proprietor of a saw mill out in Maple
valley. His mill burned down and
when he rebuilt it a few weeks ago
it burned again. Me was in hard
luck and low spirit when n greet t
uoodft eireular fell into his lunula.
Ho entered into correspondence with
the swindlers mid followinc; their
directions, camo to New York by
tho ltaltimore .v Ohio road. Just
Ix-fore the train reached Jersey City
n vouiik man entered the ear, and
then eat down by Ames, remarking
ns ho did bo, "Churchill, .No. S,
thin being tho couiiteifipi that the
swindler had cent him by mail.
After reaching New York they went
by a very rnumliilvout course to a
dingy little room, where Ames was
introduced to an old man, who gave
him a bundle of "counterfeit" notes
to examine. He negotiated for
!?1KX) of bills, and handed over $1-10
for it. lie vtati ln-d the old man
closely na he packed the roll of bills
in a small pine box. The box was
full when Ames was told to write
his name and address on a slip of
paper. Then a neatly wrapjied par
eel was given to him, and he hugged
it under his arm. "Take him to the
train," said the old man; "you had
hotter not take him back to the same
depot; our goods are fo good that
the police would like too well to get
their clutches on some of them."
The messenger took Ames to the
Mott Haven station. It was 11
o'clock yesterday morning when
thev reached there. Ames bought
a ticket to Little Hock, Ark. The
messenger then suggested a parting
drink and they separated on the
best of terms. 1'iesently a man
entered the station with a very sim
ilar package under his arm. A
shrewd-looking young man was
guiding him as Ames had been es
corted to the station. In an instant
it flashed across Ames' mind that
the countryman was a fellow victim,
and he walked up to him and
whispered, "You have been bit just
as I was.'' The countryman did
not understand the warning, but tho
messenger took alarm and was out
of sight when Policeman Walsh ran
in to see what the noise was all
nlmut. Ames, precious package of
brick luy on the lloor whore ho had
dropod it when ho seiged tho green
goods steerer. The amazed country
man did not yet full v comprehend
that he had been swindled until he
opened his box. It was filled with
a neatly cut bulk of green papers.
This second victim said ho was
Charles Nylxsrg, and that ho kept a
grocery in Jamestown, Y. Wo
had paid f2."i for his box full of
green paper, ami had e.tiectel U
find J-ut) in counterfeit money in
it when he got home. Policeman
Walsh took the victims and their
collection of green papier and brick
to the Morrisiana station. N'yln'rg
had been so anxious to buy all the
'green goods" he could pay for that
he did not have enough money left
to pay his fare home. Ames said
lie hud secured a return ticket.
The two comiwred notes and &on
eluded that they had been swindled
by the same gang. They wore sent
down to tell their adventures to
Police lnsH'ctor Hymes.
- -
The Hev. .Mr. Dunn, one of the
secretaries of the American Sabbath
t'nion, in the course of a turmoil
preached in Brooklyn a few evenings
ago, said: "The PuriUius woru the
greatest of alt great men;" and fer
vently added, "O, for more of tho
Puritan spirit!" The following from
a late Pennsylvania uter is an ex
ample of the spirit that actuated
the Puritans, and its oiled on those
who fell victim tu it: "Krem htown,
huierne county, Pennsylvania, has
lietui in a turmoil for several davs
on account of tho sujierstilious be
liefs of the foreigners there. About
a week ago, Mrs. Passncro stated
tiial she was the daughter of a
mountain shepherd in Austin-Hungary,
and according to the natives
such u woman has tho power of be
witching, livery little misfortune
that has since befallen any of the
inlwbiUtuts of the town has been
charged to tier, and thu iiMivt havt
threatened to burn her at the stake
uuhjM 1'B would oumuiit aule'ulo.
Recently a cow, Indonging to the
leader against the innocent woman,
died. We went to the ltouro and
demanded that tins cow be brought
back to life within five hours. When
the five hours had expired, and the
animal had not come to life, tho
owner collected a crowd, and pro
ceeded to her residence, dragged her
from her home and so murderously
assaulted her that her life is des
jtnired of." American Sentinel.
The election of two circuit judges
in the district comprising the coun
ties of Cmatilla, Union, Wallowa,
Maker, (irant, Harney ami Malheur,
at the election to be held in Juno to
fill the expiiwl terms ofJudges Clif
ford and Vet, creating consider
able interest eecinlly among the
memltcrs of the bar, says the linker
City Democrat, ami seculatioii is
rife as to who will bo nominated for
the oUioo to sueeei-d Judge I'ee, it
bcine. generally understood that
Judge ClifTonl "ill If his own suc
cessor by virtue of the general con
sent of the Hople of the entire Sixth
Judicial District. It U given out
that Judge Fee has no aspirations
for re-nomination or re-election and
this being the case it becomes neces
sary for someone else to be selected.
However, if Judge Fee should decide
to allow his name to bo used it
might occasion the democratic tatty
some trouble to find a man to bent
him, but it might be done.
A number of names have leen
mentioned, coming from ImiIIi tmrties,
as K)ssible nominees forjudge Fee's
place, and by the time of tho con
vening of the state convention there
will be no end of able attorneys who
covet the honor of donning tho judi
cial ermine.
sniiio l'lcurr Itrcartlliic til
Wiiti-r Mountains.
ItrU-Ill (if
It Is nut uncommon In prose worku to
rend of mountainous waves. Kxnct
measurements seldom conllrin flret Im
pression. Scorcsby fouinl Hint forty
feet was the height from trough to crust
of the largest waves im'Usurd by him
In the .North Atlantic and In a cyclonic
storm, when Ixniiul for .Hutmlla In ttiu
lto.val Charter.
This 1im luiitf liacti iuvejite.1 as tho
extreme limit of wave height. CapU
Klilctle, a well-known Hint erlenrHl
liuvt rntor, hns, however, uneountcrvil
wiivoi at sou which wero evonty ftMt
lil'h. The late Ailmlral I'iUroy h.xl
prevloitstly olwcrvi'il vnve lit hlh; nml
home olistTviitloim made at Akcenklon
in IKK! Mtpport tlicne ailtlioritie.
In 1 1 1 her ma jesty ' hip luconsUiit
Wat M.'uililiinf with her kU-rit iimmi Uiu
ereiit iindher ltw in thu ileprektUm lte
tween twti Micceslvo w,iven, anil tho
wave uheiul v.i olmervwl exuctly leel
with her forotopsnll ynnl. just Mireuty
Miven feet above the water line.
On the 'JTlli of July, Isss, the 1'unnnl
er I'nibriii was struck hy a wave not
lew thuu llfty feet hl,'h, which .liil
much ilnmiitfe. Two lny Iw-fore th
Wilson liner Mnrtello lni.l a similar nx
perienee; mi enormnus iilllnry wnro
(.truck her, completely illmierlinf tlio
ileetoi. The Miirlvllo wo much
ler, uuil more deeply Iwleii than tho
nieenly I'mbriii. No eonueetloo eutihl
be traciil U'Iwih'ii the wave, nhleh
fere rcferrwl to In the ilnibes ai ltdut
wave rtlthuiiKh of altogether ililfervat
In Oetolxr, 1$S. tile Itulluu InrU
Ilooliia h:nl nil IiuihU. except one limn
who wit.-, ill in hii hunk, swept oil her
ilcuks by a wave which broke on lunnl
ns they were shurtenliit; sail iluriiiK a
heavy Mjuall In mUl-Atlantie. The
llrltish bark I'nilliio had one wutch
washed overUmril uml her eupUiln
hilled miliar kimllnr elreuinHtances.
It said that tho innsj.ivc bell of the
lIUIiop UiH-k was wrenched from lu
fnU'uiii,' by tho momentum of drivlnjf
scit in .i (,'ule uf wind, mid the gallery it thickly strewn with sand,
ulthiu;fh tints liuiidrcd mil above high
water mark.
Keoreaby wave lv hiimlnul feet as
the tnu&iintnii lenutti nf sea waves, but
there are many louder. Mr. Doutflnit,
when buildini; llhthous.i un thu
eooit of I ormvull. noticed waves thlr-te-n
hundred feet lonjf from crvsi io
crest Chambers)' Jouruul.
rtiRAM Hik-cit. Two eujsi rream
(rjutr). one tessuonful f saleratus,
pinch of salt uud pinch of nutrur. Hour
enou.-fh to ml unlU) soft. IHnul l'rce
CoonniK. -One cup sour cream, nne
cup iuur, oum efi. one even teaspoon
msIo. Hour to make moilei-.aely stilf
don'h. Roll thin uml link in a quick
oven. -llouseUecper.
Uav Ciici.i.kiw. -due cupful of sujjnr,
three etfi, biilU-r size of un a'tf. Hour
enouirh to make the doujfh stilf eiioui.'li
to roll: cut In fancy shapes, fry in hot
fut, roll each one in pondered sujrar
and serve on a nupkiii. ItosUm lleraUl.
lit rn nmi.K llisi.'iiiTS. Oue qumt of
flour, one tablcsjHMJiifnl uf lanl one lea
spoonful of salt ami one of soda. Sour
buttermilk for a soft douyh. Make In
tinall. ruuail balls; Mt ulisvely totfethsr
.it a I'M ttMHl pan; bahooue-holf hour.
A SAU.011 uonie frofn a Umf mlm
oouWu't sleep In llui house, for U mad
hUn fwI iroro at i"im ui "lay ant ott
ths rani."
Sv iVXAll rlalnis
the oldest Amcrb
fan tli iter
Nr a Yoisk elty tempts dyspepsia y
entin TVishi pies dslly.
'. .1 of the fifteen hundred street
rar. of New York earned twenty dol
lars n d iy for the last year.
Tin: elty of IiIk thlnp. ndenso, U
ntfiiit to erect nn aprttueiit hou
!.!. h will coiilrtlu 107 nmi.
U-i'iB., Mich., 1ms the largest oro
cIik-U in the world. It has 1X1 isK-ket.
with a total capacity of tS.OOo tons.
Tu . liril ilwellln.' In New York city
to 'i.ivc !,. and a bathtub w,v built by
Mr. Muy Mason Jowes In ISIS, at IJ
t !i,.iu!h r street.
His ...i.v! has llw dlitlnctiou of lmv.
In r Ci shortest cible road ii. the world.
It e. i.t 2. wo feci Umg ami runs on
Monta rucsl street from tho city halt to
.ill '.ireet ferry.
I sutninr the llcemcn of Jersey
CiU .ne oblU'i-il Ui wear n hend dress of
uim fi t lu lling over their helmets nt
rt. t t i protect tlietuseltes from tho
j;eif the tormctttiiiK "sUeeleis."
A T. i lady who bad lost the key
to n v il.i iY,..- easiest nrow and found It
In her -Jeep.
Tin-undertaker who furnished Mrs.
PoU's e .lli.i performed tlio siime serv
ice f..r Ci.. .ident Polk forty-three year
A i t In ItemUnh' who had suiTered
ilnee infancy from epltcy fell thirty
three f t nut of n window, nud hiuee
tin ii Uv Ire. Itoeu entirely well.
Ciiai:ii:i Kirtll.H!HoLit, of San 1'rnu
.'lw'i. .it laid U rest a few days since
in a e .t'.iu which was Klvcn Ui him four
yeur- .i,;o ie, a birthday ireseiil.
Tor same day that Mrs. ex-l'resiilent
Poll dud a letter was received ut the
whi'e house, of which she was mint res
so mult- years n)fo. directed to her,
"care of the white house."
Ci.irinun Hii.vKii, n Imy of ten. wni
recently drowned at r'lushlnif Creek, N.
Y. This is the fourth loy whom hh
luirenU hnre lost at the tiff of tun,
three of them by drow.ilnjf.
' LITCflAflY cunioyiTcs.
Ixaeoprnf the llrst edition of Cob
rhhc'i. Keins. olfercd for sale In lm
don, a;i,H'ars the author's receipt for
the mon, v paid for the copyright.
Tint history of the world la Arable U
Ulnjf written by Mnhmoud l'ehmy
r.isha, a companion of Arab) in exile in
Ceylon lie hopes to llulsh it this year.
It ill Ik- in live hirjje volumes.
A i'iKTi:t-.N-t K a oi.ii Virginia schikil
irirl re.'eally wrote a hkiiii containing
two hundred nud llfty Hues, each lino
commciicinjf with M and K and from
which the letter I win entirely omitted.
Is the museum of the dead letter of
fice nt Washington, I). ('., there is it
piece of parchment upon which Is
penned a copy of the lord's Prayer,
written in llfly-fourdilfereut languages.
Tiik tiultcuburg Illhlo has the general
rep'itat.ou of being the first printed
IsaiU. it is an admirable sK'cimeu of
the printer f art, and would Is- it. dlv
cr..!;ll.. a. iy reputable printing estab
lisluucnt of the pre tent time.
sor.m cunious THifics.
Tiir.HK are souieeurlolts names ainonp
the inoiiiitaineerH of Itotetourt eotuity,
'u.. for la tance. lloikiy buses. Clap
saddle and Crcbell.
A i l iuoi fu.a In tho early history of
pin . is that when they were lira sold
In "open shop" there woa such a great
dem..ud for them that a esc t as passed
M'runltni;r their sale only oa two days
In the year- the 1st and id of January.
Tin. earl. ui., fact Is cited tiial three of
thu Ian-, a ellius ill the world are In
Jap i i. The very largest is in Kngl.iuil,
and the l.uj' iu thu western hcintA
phciv i. on ,m UUml. Why Is it that
the greatest cities uf the world uni on
It It related as a curious (act that
Paris, with a jmpul.ition of nearly two
million five hundred thousand souls,
has less than one hundred negrts-t
within Its limits. Statisticians say that
thu whole of Trance cannot muster u
negro population exceeding MO.
A GROf.oiA editor annoiiiiaes Hint he
"eioi'l live on air." lie certainly can't
live wil'.Mit it. Atlanta Constitution.
"I'M. wall until you are at leisure,"
sold u e.iller to the editor. "I'm afrukl
I'll be ni ue to you when I'm dead,"
replied the editor. -UlocIi.
I r Is only the veteran editor who can
stick his m,iella;fe brush In his ink well.
Inlnhsp. rieucetl OtliUirs cm t do It so
well. They awenr often.-- Peck's Sun.
An rxei.K4SA.VT Hmuitrr. -What
shall I write this morning, sir?" asked
the fresh young man of the ui.ina:,'ilig
editor. "You may try jour hand on
your resignation," replied the latter.
A IiI'.oiujia editor has this uuliiin ml
verlis.'ineul: "Por S.ih- One Washing
ton pres. that lieier told a lie; one sill.
hei iptioii btik, etiutainltig a hos- of a
hercatler, and thu good it ill of an tin
jsMvcndied inuu. tWV.iU early and
avunl Ih.t rush."
Tiik devil love to sit down
ut (ssiple who worry.
and look
Tin; ik til's urniHs are always dipped '
III the .o -,i of iloilbL
Tin: devil ihs'sn't enrettho does thu
preaching where ho can run the mmlc.
WllKS the devil undertakes to bind a
iiimii. he never lets him see the rojie. j
DTiiKdevli's way uf binding peojde Uto
give them pleuty of rape lu begin with.
Tut: Ue U never Rets tirwl of setting
traits tmr pHit)4i wiu have faith In ('nL I
Tub cost of n pnl iee sleeping car Ii
fl,(: er, If "," SI 7.000.
A THAIN of rtwtl nrt on the Itillmtel
plila A Heading rniltsiad w us S.100 feel
TltKKK nre In the t'nite.l Stiles 800,
010. TO miles of rallroa.1 track of all tb
Cmikii favorable elrenmstaiices ll
cts 01.1 er heatl U ship cattle f run
southern California to Chicago.
Tin; t'tilted Mstes has more miles o!
rn 1 1 rs vd than all couutrtei
tsiuibliiiNl. The mileage In thlsetiuntrj
Is Irtd.slT miles, and in Curope lll.TlJ
A caii has nintle the distance from
San 1' to New York -over U.UOO
miles- In 1 days. Irt hoitra and 50 mln
lite, by ls-ln nltteheil sujesslvely to
the fastest trains on each nt four roads.
AiiBBtCAsj fn-lght cars carry slsiul
thirty tuns' weight, the ear neighing
nlswil nine tons. They tire gradually
Mi-r'iling the Kuglish ears In thai
country, which weigh five tons, and can
carry on.y seven Ions of cargo.
Is the lust ten years the Increase was
7S..VJI miles, or more than 7H per cent.
an average of T.:t'.o miles each . ear. I f
tlte Inert-one lu the nest decide is only
i.OOe miles sr year our railway mileage
In 1000 will U about aiT.OJj miles.
Hallway Age.
Tin: youngest pupil lu a school t.
llotnrr, Mleh , Is the teacher's amiL
IH'itiMi n reeenl parade In Clielsiy.
gnu. Ml -h , ten rcd-hcadcd jiflrls tsMe on
ten while horses.
Tim Columbia river Is sn clear nt low
iv titer that salmon Ikhltig can only bo
Mlccessfully eondueted at night.
Tint Toklo soelety tor the eneourage
luent of Japuncse tsilonl-alioii in Amer
ica has decided to establish a eolony III
California or Canada.
Kvt.s wrong doers seem t have re
plHt for 1'nele Mini's mall privilege.
In twenty years there hast been no
ts.mitcrfeitingof L'uelu Ham's sK,tago
Uv running n single thread of through alt the silk he liti
irle,l. a New York mercliaul saved
more than gi.aoo.oeu In customs duty.
His lawyer, with' whom the Idea
originated, was remunerated with
, fiO.OOO.
I A I'Allt of Canadian lovers eluded their
! pursuers by Is-lng shipped lit a piano
Isis. on n freight tr.ii.i. There wos
nothing grand. siuare or upri !it nlxuit
this pr.Mve.ting, but the lovers got there
just the same, nml that was the idea of
ll. ValerUiry Auienean.
"Aiib you worktjgmen?" it:.Ied the
Indy who had given them each n rssl,
hi.r piece of pie. "Not Jest at the pros
cut time, ma'am We tiud It easier
workin' women. Kh, Jim?"
I Uiu UtMiKT.--"l say, Hill," said oris
summer philosopher to another, ns they
lay iR'iieiilh a spreading tree, "did you
ever turn our utteulioii to litcrattHir
( nnj'.'" "t siioiiin say so.'' "Whnt'sthu
i longest sentene- you ever run acnsis?"
"Ten years," was the unhesitating ro
ply. Washington Post.
I'msr Tiiami1 "If you could lm any
thing you wanted to be. what would
you Ih-'.'" Second Tramp- "Presldeul of
the I'nitetl States." I'irst Tramp "I'd
rather lie. a lly." iieeiintl Tramp
"Why?" I'irst Tramp- "I Just read lu
n neivspaxT that a lly eats i:i,-.s;sj simam
meals In twelve hours."- Colorado Sun.
Tiik Nkw (ItiU-o.MiA. Patsy (thu
tinmpl -"Say, cull, I've dlskiveretl the
liulcondy we wont to go to. It's India."
Illrdhy (the Unigh) "Naw! What's
the beauties uf India." PaUy -"Msteii!
In India soup Is considered a natural
curiosity, uu' there uln't un ounce of ll
used a eur. Do we go?" Iliitlby -"Wo
go." l.ighL
Ml b Anna Diesis to ha apparently
recovered her sanity.
Mils liiusr an I Mrs. (Jarfleld are
the only In lag wil-ivs of pri-.ideuts.
1'OSTU tsll.Hlit-.SMMI. H V.S UAKKII, it
Is said, eai l ies life Insurance amountli s
to $1, UO ',00 J.
(irs. Din Is to havs a monument for
saying. "If any man attempts to haul
dot u the American llug slioul him uu
the sfsit."
At the lip old itge of eighty-one Sen
ator Morrill, of Yeriaout, plats skittles
nml, ,'mi.i iu baud, ruuiiis the hills for
small g;ime.
.Mils. Tow Tni'Mii, who Is one of the
must jsipulur "finks" in America, ll
paid K.0J u wci k by In r manager,
tilic hut a handsome home in Hridge
jmii l, Coim., uud tthen not under un un.
gligeinent lives there lu Injury uml
Mih. "Sioskwam." Jack-on Is In thu
prime i f lift , lu r coal, hair i.tlll
iinuiist d .Ci irray, ;.ud hhe - s a
must ultra He face. Iler eyes are
luige and Nhe Wetirs a h.itnb
tome eoi.liime of Idiu'k .illf, triiiiined
it i Hi ereM', blank gloves ami a urupu
Itlllllul, i
Till. linM-rial, the largest diuinoiul, Is
worth cl.ooi.ouo.
A 1'oi.isM l.uly, the I'oiiiit.-ss Ihuiilolia,
owns what are Mid to W the llimst
i.appiiircs ui the ttorld.
Momtanx sapphires arc now eouilng
InUi the gem in l,ir,;e quantities,
and are capable of Hue cutting.
Mil. Ckn. liitAKr ha an hitetuM love
for diamonds. The stones iu her ears
urn as large as goose Wrnes and t ury
Jlltf. Woumskn, wife of ths well
known New York millionaire, ha some
C!slly lldeXiUUite;- l l. .VIsi,iltu,U0U
worth bf tier Jewels are t iwed ay
In tbssafsof tlio Uo4l lfuatskblll-
Hvnt in has orgaiiUed a corps ot
earner pi tsiiis.
Tin. llrst trace of the Itrltlsh gtmVoat
Wasp, which left the (tort of Slngajsire
In IMT, Is a buoy Just found lu the
China sen.
Vi.ijM-ii-j'.iiKii having Wen introduced
In the regular service of Ihe Uusalnn
army, as resirted, nil otllclnl nnme of
Mavotilo origin has leen tlcvlstil for
them. The new name 1.1 samoskatv,
In Purls a society has loeii orgnnUod
to encoumge nrtlllery practice lu tho
territorial army. Special Instructors of
Ihe sttelcty will nlso Impart In lectures
s lentiftc Infnrmntloii as to the making
and handling of big guns.
To roan an idea of the cxivrlmenta
that lake place abroad lu thu way
of testing new devices lu warfare, the
station at Idege, llelgluin, consumes
nearly 4,000,000 cartridges and forty
ton of powder a your In testing fire
arm. Swoxv's cavalry has a new sword,
three Inches shorter and considerably
lighter than the old one. The blade Is
straight and the handle Is of hard rub
Is' r. The new w-enjtnu Is more euslly
handled hut test dangerous than tho
one hitherto used.
Tiik Belgian military authorities have
discovered that various song used In
the nnny ate Hot unite projK'r, and see
mil svts and emuosers hare Imcii ap
plied to to supply tho army with muiiu
unobjectionable songs iu Trench uud
I'teli.lsh to take their places.
No suns slums are to lx permitted
within the exposition grotimls.
Tiik directory has decided that the
entrance fee shall entitle the visitor to
u-e ever) thing within the luclosure.
(l.Vl'nttiAl.A has appropriated JluO.OoO
111 gold for its exhibit at the exosI
lion, and SJO.OOO additional for It build
Ing. Ir Is reported that the prince of
Wales, I'uiperor William, of licruinuy,
and the shah of Persia all seriously
contemplate visiting tho world's fair In
Manv Interesting relics from San Do
inltigo, whcie Christopher Columbus
landed, have been received by the Wash
ington ntllcc of the foreign ii If it Irs do
piirtinent of the cxtosilion.
Yr.av Hkv. Dii. Pkiim.ta, bishop of
Paiiiima. ha tendered for exhibition at
the world's fair his very remarkable
historical uml ethnological collection
which has U'en for some team iu a
museum connected with thu bishop's
Tun oxis-tsltlnn directory has taken
iw-lion umler which mleiiuite Insurants!
it ill be placed iisu all M-rsoiis and
pro.eity for which ll can Is- held liable
during the fair. It Is the Intention to
place un insurance of something like
Siou.noo.mnj on the exhibits.
Dos r neglect to make a sensible re
inarl; iK'ca uoually. 'I'll in is dilllciill but
n c.-wiry.
lms i talk art to all urli.l Ik-ciiisc.
yon h..pp ii to Uiuiw a ..n t fi,,m a
Ui-.u!tn r "Artislong" K-ugi r than
you Ihink
Do.s'r U- too girlish with other girls.
Men liMililu.f on do not, a-, you may
Imagine, envy the teelpicnl thuso rapt
uroui, hug and hisses.
Don'i neglect ti ciiUlvate a legible
chirograph.'. This will Impart to your
nob's a hlartliug novelty which U likely
to lie their ouly Iluvor.
Dox'T refer often to your age. It
It all very well nt first; but if you are
(.till on the e... s t. afU-r several m-hmius.
It may W eoiivenieiil and dcslnible to
let up u little
Don' l forge L If you oru not well
Uirn, to talk ineehsuiitly of your ances
tors and what "dear old grandmamma"
did. Tills iniike ll easy for people to
W isM.ured you never had any.
D.iN't un. lei take to "leform" and
"rest lle" every pale, hcntluif Ittal fello'v
who may look iiuullerable things, ant
tall, to ton in low tones aWut hlt
Wis ekid lit. and ether illillvlilualdclirll,
l slle'S .NettspiiM-r.
Tom-very man who knows more than
he tells there are llfty who tell mure
than they know.- Atebk-ou HluW.
Till: excuse of every man who duet
nut mind his own bustuess is thai ho Is
trying taulo gts!. Atchison iiolt,
Tiik tvliole trouble with some men
who gel ahead fust I it is thu big
head that they gel. Yulikers .States
man. Tin: man tvl o cmplalns that he It
living a le II ii, sin earth Is pretty sun
to Is- the chief dignitary lu Ihe premises,
liosloii Ti an script.
Tin. man who speaks without think
ing is sun t i come mil second Wl
with Ihe iiimii who Hunks without
rI'uking. Somcrtille Journal.
Afri II you have fallen Into n pll yon
begiu to heur from your friends of the
many paths you might have lukeu thai
would hate led yuli safely around ll.
AUidvm I.I..W.
"Oil! m i in mil, hear that roostci crow,
lie must hate laid an egg " "'Hi no,
my mui, tii. r -.U'r is tury much like
Mime un ii -me one else has laid the
egg, but (be r.o.Mer all thu
IIOIM-." Phil. I'll Ipl, 1.1 III l old
Ttlrsa In I'srlnr lllrrtrlrltr.
A very simple apianitus fur obtain
ing an eloetrU spark Is inndo by a (lur
man pby'slolsl, says thu ArVsnsaw
Trntelur. Hound thu center of a com
mon lamp-chtiuiitty is pasted n strip of
tin foil, anil another strip posttd from
one end of the chimney to within a
Ma "oi-.tut, the present Trench
minister of luian. .-, ls-,;an life an a
dr.i'.nai.-r for a ln.U seller.
St i I til fnnti Ik . ; slothful, the sul
tan is one of thr busiest in.uinrehs In
Tur js- II.- p.w.-sse, u wide knowl
e 1 re of j,.- ipraphy. of Intci national law
and of Kor.ipc aii p ilitlcs.
Tin; du'i of Idllahttnr Is n good fid
dler He Is also etnsltleretl the hand
somest in ,n in U-ndoti, is-iiv- over li
feet In hei.;ht, mns-ular In build, ruddy
com pics, ion. and regular feotnres.
II im HsrKst SAriiK.v, a des.-eiitlant
of Nnsie.ur.t Held mnrshul. rich and
mini inied. commit Ud suicide recently
In DuIiIk In, it se.t.lde resort lit Livo
nia. Uvan- "life was bvi monotonous."
Pop: I.:u wjis-ly utillies Ihe big,
lofty, mid airy rnoni known as his
stuily as a summer liedixsmi ami linn
his dinner scried there us well He
diH-s not believe hi stiilly state apart
ments. Mm:. Pirn's new theater nt her
Welsh castle is stllil to have oust fT.VI,
00J Nlcolini has been very inueh un
noted Is-eause Palll would build this
place of amusement, which can never
is- made n place to demand admission,
Instead of invetlln;r In securities Unit
would bring her it sternly income
' IlotilN' will make the statue of Halted
to Is- put iu the place of tho PnlaN
Tin- death of Marie Cordon, the nlicu
beautiful wife of John T linynmud,
recalls the fact that the was David
Seal's model fur his eelebratt-d picture
ot "Mary, ij uce u of SeiiU."
Tlil.loaiirK ll. lliiilioti tv, perhaps
host I. noun as u painter of Oriental
subjects, was among Hie American art
ists presented with gold medals at the,
International arl exhibition in llerlln.
A li l: v t' i ti l l, piece of sculpture from
ancient Kphesiis hn reached the Brit
ish museum. The relic forms pari of a
marble bull, the head lcin,f exquisitely
carved, while the llgure of a goddess
apH-ars on Ihe bisly, ltls stipisisoil to
Ik) '.',000 years old.
A isiiiriiviT of tleorgo Washington by
(iilbcrl Stuarl has Wen found in the
Isle of Man, says a cable to the Ne A
York Herald. It purchase for the na
tional gallery Is under consideration,
but Americans are trying to buy it, 1
In a small full length kii trait.
Poi.ici: statlslics nro said to show that
there nre 130,000 paiiMrs in Naples.
Aixsiiiiumi to exvrl llgures, the ier
luancut tramp xipnlntiou of the Culled
States tiumbcrs 110,000.
Pitci.niis tuv census Hong
Kong show a population of over 'J'JO, 000,
an Increase of tlilrty wr eenl. iu ten
Tin: llrst directory for New York city
was published lu 17.Hrt and eontalinul sit)
names. The directory for ISUI tsmtains
8711,071 names.
TlIK census men found In the I'nlted
State 1 l,o,VI,7WI horses; tfllirt,53-J mules;
Irt.lllll.riUI eows; Sn.sT.l.rtl'l oxen and cat
tle; I.I. I H.l.'iO sheep, ..O,0J,lurt swine.
Tin: census resirU the nuinber of
communicant of the Itouian Catholic
church iu this country ill fi. i.uii, but
states Dial Ihe seat Ing cap leilx of ihe
eluirehes of this denomination is but 3,
Tin: cuiieror of China Is alllicted with
Skvi-.iiaI. thicknesses of pasT pasted
together have fmin time immemorial
Is-eii found extremely serviceable in
China as soles for shoes.; bunk note of the Ming dy
nasty, iiIhiiiI tiles, has U'en presented
to the museum, ll Is 300 years
older Ihaii the llrst bank note Issued Iu
I r Is said by a writer for the North
China Herald that llcllou among the
celestials Is, and always has been, nil
lulluence for evil, much condemned by
moralist of the Confucian school.
Tiii'.iik Is an Immense garden in China
that embraces nil area of Ml, 000 square
miles. It Is all ineadow laud uud Is
tilled with lakes, ponds and canals. Al
together it is as large as the slates of
New York and PeiiiisylvHiiia combined.
It Is Mild that the aiw and the camel
nre tho only ipuidruodx which cannot
An Ohio man has a colt that Is jet
black save It mane, tall and feet,
which are milk white.
A lien fox guards the barnyard uf a
fanner In Duller county, Pa , and the
chickens nud geese are ierfectly safu
from thieves when he Is around.
. Wiikm thu owner of a pet donkey In
Jackson, Tenii,, purchased a rival and
Installed it on his form the jealous
original pet resented the Intrusion by
braying so loud that ll hurst a IiIimnI
vessel nml died.
f A.v Innocent colt nut In Tresno saw a
wooden horse lu front of a harness
shop, and at once Wciiiiid mscci1
xs itli the Idea that ll was It mother. It
was a long time before tills delusion
could W overcome.
Is usually cleaned with kuro-
Ir thu color hat Won taken nut of
dlks by fruit stains, iiininiiiila will
usually restore the color.
Om: or two tnbleooiifu!s of
moniii addml to a pail of water
clean windows Wtter than soup.
s in
wlll To iimunruN eursits, uiHj them
with warm water in which has been
poured a few drops of aiuiiiuiiln.
ANIMAL WORSHIP. t'utlouit sutl Supt-rtltliiii of His
Aaciiott i:;-illl.till.
ui,' of the most singular customs
ai.i n r the ancK-iit Kgyptinns was the
t..i'.!op of niiimuls. In the lig'-t of
in. il -nt days their devotion to th. so
-. i .Ml aiiimaU displays tunny libs.: .1
H.c. It was etiushlered a eap.tal
crime t. kill any of them voluntarily,
the olf u.ler being duly tried and Im
mediately evivulcd. If no ibis or
hawk was accidentally kilted, the un
fortunate cause of Its ilea th was very
often put t d -ath by the people itli
out the foil lulity of u trial. Should It
so h.ipp n that a man found the ear, a s
of either of those bint he Would fall
upon his klu-es at Its side and loudly
call out that lu had found ll dead.
Cat-, wer. also bsikeil upon as snared,
and nt th - death of a tabby every male
Inmate of Its owner's house cut off lui
eyebrott. When a dog was huri d
each man shaved Ids hend nu t btsly
They earned their hawk, eats nud
Ai.jn In all war cedllinns, nn,l th m
that died talloil nml prepared for
burial at their homes with a much
cure ns uo.ild Uc taken with a luininn
Win r
In addition to threw niilmal and
blisls tere sacred bulls, erotHsliles and
lh-il!e.. the latter lKlng e;ter.lly ro-
ie.l on nceount of Wing e.iiit.L-r -.1 a
type f the sun. These eur o is p 'opla
nl-o entertained p.-eulinr notions re
gard iu- its mode of reproduction, In
h.. Ii they trailed analogies tu th
movements of lint olh.-r hoav -tily
Isslies. One sKcle was dedieal -d to
the Mm. niudlier to the iiiimmi aul a
th id t i Tlioih or llorino.
Many plants wero also looked upon
I ns s.i red, tho principal, iv in tvell
Uiiottu, Wlug the lotus. In this It iwer
the V. 'vpil.ins fuiiii I nn all is oa 1 1 tlio
rlslu;: of the sun fisqi' Uu- o-cA.i. fr nil
the fact that it blossoms nre throu u
iiWtv Cie surface of the water.
Pcnch trees ere Microti to the (fr.-ut
IIarsiei ales, the gisl of silence - a
deity -.apposed to Ik tho saui.) as lloru-.,
the sou of Sis I. eelis and onloii'.. ilia
nenel.i and the IicI1oIisih were Wor
shiped nud consecrated to the si u,
land the laurel was considered the
.noblest of all plantit, Detroit 1'Veo
,V t nil llorr
.. it was it sorry liMikbig luii-tu tlii old
man drove up to the railroad crossing
I 'anil .nt - I for Hi train t.i p.i w,
"Mi ', ia. .ter," sung out tho crossing
una. ' a-. 1 1 your home nfi-ai.l of tho lo
conn a .-.'"
1 "'liail.'" was the contemptuous
iinower; I shed say he wasn't D i
you kiiotv that the Inst time I drlv up
to a cros-.i-t like this, tho locomotive
J tun , I lean olf tho trnoh wh n it Ikuu
In si -iit ,,f this Iiims, and rati dann
tlno.i;;li Mr. Smeiilin's corn Ueld a
mil.- a iiiiiiute' 'TraldV tvell, ef yon
wui.t t v. uleh a treat you J ist u'.tliun !
we liott this law dou'l kcer n (turn f r
no t.x- "iioilte that ever inn on cold
Iron, tto, llucephnliikl"--Dcliolt 1'ico
I i, (U-r,illi In I'lliil Out.
A sin id m.iii with his arm i full of
glass Jars slopped at a street corner on
the wesl side yesterday morning tu
"Hullo, Morouin!" said nn acquain
tance who happened along. "What nisi
you going to do with all those?"
"Put up peaches," replied- the small
man. "And Tin getting allllrcd tired
of It. We've gut a cellar half full o'
canned peaches already. Thu jars cost
like thunder, too. Hud to pay a dollar
sud a half a dozen fur these."
"What are peaches worth now?"
And Mr, Moreuin, express messenger
on the (iraliall ,t Holdfast line, repli d
that he W blamed if lie knew, he hn lu't
I ought a peach this summer. Chicago
Xl'lir KIliU t.utf, lltr 'iillliHttr.
,ings have Won declared lo be "lov
rs of low company;" and thin maxim.
Is- .,:cs the reason sometime assigned
for It. t i . thai they meet uith Ii s oji
IHmitioii to their wills from such per
i.oiis, will, we huswct, be found to turn
lit la .ton thu eoiisidernliuii that they
ids., there meet with more syinput'iy
In their tastes. The mint Ignorant and
thoughtless have the greatest admira
tion of Hie baubles, the nulvviinl syin
Uds of Mitnp nud jiovtcr, thu sound
nud show, which uiu the habitual de
light and mighty prerogative of king ..
'I he i.ttipldenl slave worshipj thu gaild
l -si tyruut--N. Y. Ledger,
rratiil.Mi out.
Ilurul Alitor -What did you do with
that article of mine denouncing prie.
II, -!its and prie-llghter? I saut it in
liver a week ago.
loreuian It's bean crowded out
right along, but I guuos there'll bo room
for ll to.iil,ht
I'm - just leave It out for a few day h
longer, a week or two."
"iiol pleuty of room now."
"Never iniiiil. Just leave It out, PR
lill up with something else. Um fu t
I-.. I uiiderstand Mr. John 1 Sulllva:i
h in town." liiMxl News.
A SUmlsr ltrisll,nl.
"Is It true," asked the reportor, "that
j-.ui have promised to vote for the puna,
age of the lull granting a f.iiiielilnj Ui
lh iio leu Utile and l'alr I'rollt (lu.
Coi.q any '.'"
" I have mnilo no such promise, lr."
"As lo that story, then, you niilhor-Im-
me to say there Is nothing lu It?"
"Not a cent, idrl Not a blamed
rent!" promptly responded tho uldor-ina-.i
from tho 'Steonth Ward, with a
look of i-xtr.'ine disgust on his faoo.
Chicago i'l ibiiiie.
A little tallow well rubWul lu will
Ileal a small out In twulvn hours. Tor
children, uhonro lu variably cutting thulr
flnguist, Isilng seralohM by the oat, or
lisvlug llttlu calloused wounds It Is lit
valuable, s .... - .
Xs .
-s '
. 7t'
. -'V
s ;