Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 31, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Dec. Si.
See il of tfw New 1 IotwL
Quit considerable of jraroti is mwirt
uri in tie fooUiiiU.
Don't forget to tint your check for
titU c4Eo 1892 ntW tixloy.
Oonntr court west Motnlny; com
miaakmeni UNt Wwlneeday.
Our eliH-ttic lighting ntttfri for
Us city of Canyon hn mtilslH! n
only n dream.
Hark! Wbut ii tlwt terrifyinir
noise in the back yunfl It' only yir
V swearing oC
Attend the Firenmn's dance tonight
and remember Lbst (be grand mur.'h
wilt commence at t;30 hrj.
About thirty MMftl from this city
nttendnt the Pythian ball at Joint Dny
wl nil report an mi joy a Me tint.
Harney county i endeavoring to
y a portion of her indebtedness to
t'rsnt county, which is badly needed
by the mother county.
Scientists tell u that I tie poe
Uie power of memory. So dtx tivety
i me who ha ever monkeyed ith them
while at their dnily labor.
Hill Ihun, who was recently curried
away with enthusiasm, does not "en
thuie'' wot til u cent since having Umiii
lirottght back by the deputy sheriff.
Mr. 1. IS. Itinchilrt informs us llut
n successful four month's term of
school ended mi ('hriatumi eve iu tin
new school house in Murysvilledistriet.
.Messrs Ctm. I"ry and (!eo, Solitisur
started last Thursday morning on a
visit to relatives in California and to
view the scenes of tho sweet lonjj ujn.
'Hiono liming homes to sell will do
well to correspond with Smith ltro.,
Susanvillo, who 1110 Milling liinni on
commission, nt good figures in the lvist
u till elsewhere. 3 1 11
Thoy say thu days uro getting loii(r.
Where this shop is loctxtcdj tinilur the
shadow of a mighty mountain, tho
n vertigo sunshine on n clear day is live
hours at present.
Minjj How's execution one week
from Newycnr'e. 'Phis will In) .Minx's
ilrst aptieamnce in public, and positive
ly his last performance. Sucure re
served seats of Mr. Cresnp.
Interested tvutins are tryiiur to
-row a crop of ice for summer use, but
tho weather stublsiiiily tefusos to le
nriin cold enough for ice of any con
tsiilurabhi thickness to foim.
An installment of wild umu Hew
south lately, fiom some climo iimth of
us. (!ecc ami ducks in largo num
bers have Wen known to winter in
the swamps and around tho warm
springs of linstern Otoj-ou.
Two jfood mtichos to rent on shares
with a tine liand of jjikk! cattle amount
them 25 heail nt lino d.iiry eous.
School within one mile. (itxjd refer
onces ieiuired. Apply to
3m Smith linos., iSusunvillc.
'Pile New Hotel, which has 1-coii io
fitted throughout, has apxin Imcii opcu
(wl to the public. Kxccllont slcnpiug
nocoinuuxlatiiiiis are furnishud, and no
thing will lie IfXt undone, looking In
the comfort of itroiis of thin Kipular
I'riilinnii A Maiij'oh'S, w ho have lx-(n
all over (iraiit county on peddling e
HMlitioiiK, expect to dejuilt for their
home iu "York State" (nn. wu are
iiiformi'tl that it s their inteiitioti to
i tit 1 1 n i next summer with a regularly
oiiiipM) I dry goods store.
A woodman, not very well supplied
with this world's good uitylmw, was
in town a few days iio seeking after
one self-styled "Hev. U. li. Luce," who
failed to Nty for the lant lot of wood
hu got. Muny jieoplu busidtM this
wootlwau mourn thu ilcpurtiiiu of Luce.
Aloiiif uUiut tU'u tune a ureat umny
Wople suddenly resolve to abandon all
laid habits, such us inteinKininee, using
toUicco, lyiiii.', cheating tlmir neigh
Itors, and swinilling the preacher by
giving him buttouv Aim for hiiinau
ojtiectntious and resolvus, when the
tempter comes.
Mountains of snow have been inter
fering with travel on the stage lines.
On one trip the linker stage, due here
at K p. in. did not arrive until neuily
,1 a. nt., and brought no pocr mail.
At ether times it has been nearly as
late. Hut after the snow Uicouibs
couiKct and solid the stage will scout
in on time.
We lime the information from a
direct source that Mr. Ilnickett John
son, who is a tanner by profussiou, has
concluded to. stait a tannery near
I'raine City. Mr. Johnson must of
necessity oeruto on a limited cnpitnl,
hut he should loceive the (ecoumge
meiit and co-opeiiitiou of uwtry rosidcut
of our valley. One by one the neodud
imWrpriwi will spiing up, ami in the
yenrs to come wu will lo a jirusperous
The linker Oity Keveille complains
because thu county olllcials do nut pat
roni'Ae huue printing ollict for tlmir
job punting, d lutys that .'eo. 0.
Harnurd A (Jo. seems to hold a mort
gage on all the county work. 'Phis is
the csm' in many counties besides liu
ker n iu our own lelooil county.
1)o thee fellow s pay Uives huru, or is
there uy b-gul tmsun why they should
gt all the work, to tint oxvlusiun of
printers who iileutiflisl with the
county's interests, and laboring to
build up htt iwluitritwl
Silk lnndkerchiff nt 75 ctmU and
$1 nt Sels Urn's, Osnyon (JIty. Or.
Huy i ticket to the How Tmm Inll
tonight, and thus nid n worthy objeU
Seiel iu two biU atwl instruct us to
ntnil yiMi mmho mining ltx.wliwi notices.
IMt(Ktreportfl cny tho .Moiititnon
tl qtinrtz mill ifl running vcf sat
isfuctorily. Slwriir Urwtap set a ilmth wntch
over the eondeiuneil Chinnmau l.nt
Mmnky, ns rwpiired by Inw.
Ne.t June Oregon will elect nine
district judge, one supreme judpe, two
congressmen, nnd a nesv Inglskitnre,
All penwm indebted to H. Stiinsoll,
Obit i rim City, Oregon, will cull undsf t-
tle (heir nccounts lefore Jnnuisrr I,
t I V cl. .1 !
his Unity i creel ranch to shhiI the
nolMlttrs and reside in tow n during purl
of the wintry wmther.
Hay is Ix-iiig fed iu nbundiiuce now.
'Phe supply mi hand is sulticicut to
feel for many weeks, but as the mer
cury goes down the price of hay goes
up, just the snmt.
'Iliey wore Ulliti about tree.
"My favorite," she said, "is the ik.
It is so nolile, mi migniflceut In its
strength. Itut w liat is your favoritel"
"Yew," he replied.
One of Chicago's public school
teacher is acrusl of forbidding pupiU
to come to school w ith onion-laden
brisillis, and her critics pronounce it
nmk disciiinination
A party 1ms t;one to hunt the
"lost cabin," in the motintnitu near
liixxl river, which has Ihjoii !ot for
twelve years. The world is anxious
ly awaitins the result.
Wn did not mention the arrival of
Mr. and Mrs. D. It Kinelmrt's girl
lust week IwcHiiin the clitor knew no
thing nlxwt it. Shu is not ipiile large
iiiiouh to iliilitM yet.
Ailxices receinsl at this intelligence
ollice lait Monday imlicate much deep
er snow twelve uijlei down the river
than here. Our snow was solid, owiii
to the rain Saturday night.
A heavy fall of snow iu thu mount
ains this winter ii an assured fact,
and it worth several ,000 to the oo.
pie of this mountain country in the
increased supply of water that is to 1).
There are many men who are w cur
ing life awny in fnierish anxiety for
fume, and the last we nli.ill ever hear
of them will Ui the tones of the funer
al that announce their tassiug
to an early gme.
'Pile state hoard of iipia1i'itiou dis
cussed the assessment of mottgages,
and olxnit leuclusl decision
which plares the assessment of mort
gages at their face uniformly through
out thu state. 'Phis will ollect but a
rew counties.' .Multnomah, however,
aisHsscd them at only AO per cent, of
their face.
DuU'jIas county is usUibliahiiig a
reputation for niisiii' superior table
fouls, notably tuikeys, that will biing
many a dollar into the pockets of her
citiAin for time 'Pheie
is no reason why this valley should not
join tlie procession, ami supply the
home market at least until such time
as the iron horse shall siioit defiance
at the mule Uxinw ot our slow going
One tiling essentially necessary, the
consummation of which the Nuns
hoes soon tii see, is a county mud and
malt route up Canyon creek and ncros
the divide onto Hoar creek, theme
through Logan valley and across the
country to Drowsey. 'Phis would af
ford mail accomiiaxlations to many
ranchers and stock men who are now
deprived of the gluiious privileges of
obtaiug l'. S. mail muirer than 20 or
:iU miles.
A short time ago, says tho Union
Itepubhcaii, a lix-al cfjiiiNiuy wits or
ganivud in I'llgin to cure ami pick
iiimiU of that section. 'I'liey aru now
liuishiiig the cuiiug pnx'ess of their
first killing. Iu a few days they will
have 10,000 or T'OOU list, of fn-sh
Imeou to put ujiOii the market. The
(itlmts of the new coiupiuy ought to
succeed mid thus would i kept nt
home a large amount of money here
tofore sent out of the country. 'Phis
could be m ule applicable to our own
county. I't some one with land and
swine organize such a cotiijsiuy here.
Senator Dolph has introduced a bill
iu cougiess to prov ide for thccoiittruc
tiou of a public building an assay of
fice anil jmsmtlice iu Hater City.
Hon. It. S. Anderson, w ho is fa volub
ly mentioned ni a proUible caudidaU
for congnissiiuiii from this distiiut, has
a,niu brought himself into closer rela
tionship with the people. He has
sto-xl out Uildly and alone, the origin
ator of the bill, and to his ell'orU alone
is due the success already attained.
Mr. Anderson lias pioveli himself a
host already.
Monday oveuing shortly after S
o'block .Mr. Wm. Mason run down
town anil lost no time iu informing the
people that the blacksmith shop t
on tire. Then the liose Isiys allowivl
no snow to accumulate under their
feet U-fore thu big Uill was tolled nip
idly, and thu hose cait was up the lull.
Fortunately it wm only a llue burning
out, and no wuter was required. 'Phis
alarm, however, dumoiistmtod tho
promptness iu which our Uiys could
roach a lire, nnd forcibly suggest that
the kitchen hydrants bo kept closed,
mi that the took may always Ih. full,
ami ulso, tliat the lire wart In ns exercise
dun care Unit the Ore hydrants are not
frtrAoii up iu cum of a genuine conlla-gnitinu,
nro fnsliionablu ditto
0xl lirl the richl
lmvo with us nlwnv.
Tliu pxwr wo
Gillintn cotintyV etook inpeotor
! rcMrttt hec).
Porter Hro's lwe 100 tout of bran
nnd shorts which will bo sold nt Sl.ri
per ton.
Mini l.illic Overholt tdipt.! nnd
fell on the ice ln!t Motulny, and wttn
rather seriously hurt.
Co to the He.1 Front
for u cool, refreshing
iiiinant nan
drink of the
s.mi i
finest Ugvr ber in (astern Oregon.
Clerk Shenrer hn.sdold a marriage
license to Wilbur (Jrounwell nnd
ICinmit V. Mtitijnr, ImMIi of this coun
ty. Dcnllt nuil tatntlon are both sure.
! Taxpuying time is at hand.
' l hull hast all ensons
own, oh, Death 1"
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clnge nro re
joicing over the addition of a small
(Inge to their familv, which occurred
Uct Sabbath, Dec. "27 a girl.
The Monument stage due here
Tuesday evening wan eagerly watch
ed for, but never came. Hugo snow
drift on the 0n hills along the
route undoubtedly cnuoil the delay.
HeNrt from Burn indicate that
the mail line from Ontario is nliout
f rote up for the winter, nnd the
norcMitr of a daily service letween
this town mid Burns is felt more
than ever.
'Phe dancing school in thin city is
well pa t run i zeil, nnd the youii'j folks
npKar to 1st wenring out much shoe
leather practicing In'tween times
in short, they are gradually losing
their soles.
Save time, totixr and rough
hands by using our Woturn Wash
er. Hverv machine warranted to
give satisfaction. Try them and
you will buy them.
H.vbchk cV Co.
A radical clergyman has recently
declared that if Chicago opoim the
gales of thu world's fair on Sunday,
the city should be pitched into thu
middle of Lake Michigan. An ex
change remark of this that such a
man ''should lie arrested for an
archy." Holidays are drawing rapidly to
k close, and soon tho county ollice
fceker will make his apenraiiee.
Let them apMar and give voters an
optxtrtunity of discussing their weak
and strong (xiints. Keep talking;
it will do no harm, even if it does
no gHxl.
If work on the Oregon Pacific!
snoum tv rcMiiucii next Miininer,
as is confidently expected now, there
will 1)0 a cash market for all the
surplus products of this valley.
Railroad building on the youth and
mining on the north will make farm
ers happy.
Home rare old curios in the way
of saddles and uiieient harness will
probably be seen at tho world's fair.
'Phe National Association of Sad
dlers lias decided to raise $35,lJO
for nu exhibit of their trade at the
fuir. 'Phis will be x j hji it Iel , largely
for ancient saddlery and harness
which will be procured through
special collectors.
'Phis ollice is the recipient of n
lengthy communication from Har
ney county, the only merit of which
is its extreme length. 'Phe com. is
respectfully declined, fur the reason
that this pnM-r docs not desire to
deal in MThiinalities. and for the
further reason that Harney county's
county seat contest is none of I! rant
county's business.
John Schroeder was arrested some
days since at I'cndlctnn for the rob
bery of a saloon. John Helms-dor
swindled Louis ICvcrUbuscli Inst
summer and skipel from thu coun
ty for his health and fur the coun
ty's gtssl. I'eoplo aro interested to
know whether or not this is the same
John SchriM-der, and the general
MipKuition iu this precinct is that
thu Johns are one and the same.
Senator Dolidi's bill to aid the
several states and territories to re
claim the arid lauds within their
houndurics provides that thu I'liited
States shall loan funds not exceed
ing $2,'H),(XH) in any year or a total
of $Ii),tKKi,(Mh), to any 'state or terri
tory for the puroo of assisting iu
the coiistrui'tinu of reservoirs, fount
ains, canals, artusiau and other
wells, and any and all other works
to bo used for the development, con
servation and furnishing of water
supply for irrigation in aid of agri
culture, or for any one or more of
such purMnes.
Mr. Louis ICverlshusch is in the
city from his Si Ivies river ranch.
He informs the News that the set
tlers ami everybody elsu in his sec
tion, are interested in having a
county road established from Soda
Springs down the river to Silvies
valley, there to intersect the Harney
road. Beyond Soda Springs there
is a big mountain for teamsters to 1
pull up, and this same mountain
contain the worst part of the road
from here to Hums. There aro no J
settlements on the part of tho road
that would be abandoned, and sev
eral on the projKiseii new route,
which would also be iiiiteli shorter
than the mountain road. Iu view
of the vast amount of hauling be
tween this valley and Harney this
priissed change should bo duly
considered by the county court, in
Hiniich as tlie settlers promise to
doiiutu to its conbtrtiytion.
Ixb, Or., Dec. 20, 1S01.
Mit of our otockmcn aro scatter
ing out a little liar for their old l-oitk
and verily they ttewl it.
Wo understand that Mr. Hert
Lowi-t, who left here dome litne ago,
will bo back iu (lie spring.
Mr. Frank Duntou chutna the
honor of Iwing the crack footrncur
nnd of the South Fork.
l f (Ma si tf Mr i 1 1 a la lit Pmt
ill s-14. vimsv, f. -(sisst, in miv
, rj(in af(cr plUw ,,u vn,,upr08
u . .V
II IIIVVI ITt Vl 'tl. I'll UU( Ut UllU
Mr. Win. JoluiMn, of Hear valley,
bun moviil to the ranch of Mr. hum
merville and will act as foreman for
that gentleman during the coming
Mr. D. H. Atln-rton is making
considerable improvements nt Ills
Corrall creek ranch. D. K. is a
rustler and one of tho lxvs from
away Imck.
Ow). Wright, one of John Hyde's
good looking bronco twisters, seems
to be taking the cake with the girls
now. Home of the Ihivb don't like
to stand back but then they have to.
Will May. the chamniou beau of
lice, is looking rather dow n iu the
mouth of late, Hiipjxmod cause, the
departure of his best girl who will
send the winter iu Crook county.
Brace up Will.
There is some talk
niiioni! our i
horsemen of forming an nseociation
ami building a good trnck iu time
for the races next summer. Messrs
Magill, Brisbois. Sn.slgrass, Shelby i
and Lewis seem to Ite at the head of!
the all'air.
There was a dunce at the resi
dence of Mr. A. L Donovan Christ
inas eve. Mr. (ico. Hrislmis the
crack violinist of this neck o' the.
woods furnished tho music, and all
present reported having had a most
glorious time.
JlK IIosskniat.
Want Some Potatoes?
I lmvo 5(XK) lls of gwsl iHjtatoos,
for sale in any piantity, nt l cent
sr iHHiinl, at the Hor-dey drug store,
Canyon City.
liltiHUK Ilti'i.Kr.
(io to the Ked Front Billiard
Hall, Cniiyon City, for fine wines,
lii'uors and cigars.
Fivu men stopKi a wagon car-
rviui; the
t nit i Myites mail in
streets of Chicaio rouuntlr.
They covered the driver with pis
tols, and ordered him to throw out
the registered siuches. They yol
about $11000 iu currency, and a lot
of bonds. They m ule ood their
escape with the plunder.
American millers lmvo been
asked to contribute a shipload of
Hour for the relief of the famine.
stricken Russian peasantry. Tho
jilan originates iu M iuiieaoli mid
is a worthy one. Surely out of tho
jreat abundance of American pros- J
perity enough can bo snared l0
show our Immunity ami at tho i
same time promote a cordial feel- 1
inK toward A meriens by tho Hus- I
sum liovcriiuieiit.
" , i
While tho Auieriean Sabbath I
1'nioii has been attempting to close j
barber shojis on Sunday, thu Wos-
levans, iu ('imfi'ioiice' nt ( i rand
Hapids, Mich., have sol vim 1 the
whole problem by deciding that
tho "mutilation of Nature's handi
work by triiuiniiiL' tho whiskers it
ugaiiut tlie law of tiisl," and in-structiuo-
tlie levisiou enminittuo to
"rejvort a resolution against shav-
i of Fossil nrrcstud a man for dis
Soine js-nple assert that a railroad orderly conduct and using profanu
would 'hj a d triuieiit to (irant coun-j language. In making the arrest
ty. In a section devoted chielly to the innrslml got hot and used some
sloeK raising lie- people would get
along as well wuiioui n railroad er- j
haps, but the stm-kni'in's Ix-st days '
are over in thh county, and the ,
fanner nnd ipiart. miner re juire an
easy ami rapid un-aiis of lransnir
tatitm for their pro lu. tH. A line of j
railroad into our county means the
advent of many sawmills to prepare j
our maKiulicent er for the mar- j
hew oi u.e worm; a casn marKei lor ;
our nuns unu vegetaiiics, ami tne
developiiiunt of our mines of go'd,
silver, coal nnd iron the of
ipiartx mills and nduclion works in
many gulches where now is heard
only the "yip yap" of the tierce coy
otes. Kxtrn sessions of thu legislature
are getting to lie popular iu some
states, (ioverimr Francis, of Mis
souri, will call one iu January for
the iurHise of districting this state.
Coventor Ferry, of Washington,
keeps the K)liticans of that state on
the ragged edge, by continually .ay-1
mg i such and such things are so ,
it will be necessary to have a special
session, etc. (iovcrnor Penuoyer
can hu safely relied ukui not to call
one in this state, but the governor
has acknowledged to an intimate
friend that he made one of the great
est mistakes in his life when the
last legislature adjourned without
passing an assessment and taxation
law, that he did not immediately
reconvene it in ss-i session, before
the nicinlM rs had time to gel away
from the capital. What an unpack
ing of inkstuiuls, wastohnaltots, spit
toons nuil sUtiimery would have
buon thuro my countryinnl--Oru-'
gonian. ' '
, Klk Crock, Ormit Co, Or. Dec. M
lilHTOK (iKA.VT Cof.VTY Nkws:
(Juite activity prorails in our liltlo
mining camp at the present time.
'I'liere are at present seventeen
men working in tl
io tjunrtz minrH,
.. c. .i r .......
nliiiotign we have a tool ot xnos
Hut work still pnigrei'iien with line
I understand there h a iiiino hero
that w worked in former darn by
Mr. Cabbie to the depth of fllty-Mi
feet from the surface, and produced
between seventy and nighty tlioiis
and dollars in bullion.
tlllR VVHtll l.i IMI'fl 111.11 illllll
l"r h, nun "i n tne nueni or
"Wr , .'" .
wu. smii us euuige it rays oi i.gnt
..,-..,, .,., a ....c nun-
ciing wie western siojhioi tireonnorn
The day is not far distant when
the rumbling nnd the erpetii;il
noise of a large plant will interrupt
the jieaceful and gentle slumbers of
the old timers. When that day
dawns they will convince the out
side world that their mines are rich
i" Kohl and silver bv tlu amount of,
bullion produced.
Klk creek is situnted at the biue
of thu west slojx; of tho famoiw
(ireenltorn mountain. After getting
thoroughly aei-uniittod with this sec
tion of the country I am annucil to
' ' numerous lodges of high grtdo
orvts lying idle. It is for the
of capital to develop them and to
Pt up a plant suitable to work their
tdpliuret ores.
A PuncT:i Ton.
All clnims nut consistent with the
high character of Syrup of Figs are
purosely avoided by the Cul. Fig
Svrup Company. It acts on the
kidneys, liver and ImiwoIs, cleansing
the system ellectually, hut it w not )
a cure-nil and makes no pretension
that every Kittle will not suhstnuti
Masonic InnlallJiloii.
'Phe following oillcers elect and
npoiiitcd of Canvon Citv Lodge No.
A. F. A A. M., were duly in
stalled at public installation, by 11.
W. tirnnd Junior Warden Morton
D. CliU'iird, Saturday evening, Dee
20th: I J. Hugue'wood, W. M.; J.
L. Miller, J. W ; John Long, Trims ;
(!. 1. Ilnzclliuc, Sec ; James Hobiii
son, S. ) ; Kohl. A. limes, J. I) ,
Frances Wallace, S. S.; Jiw C.
Oliver, J. S ; Denis .MeAulill'. Tiler.
'Phe installation of W. 11 Johnson
S. W. elect was deferred until some
future time on account of illness.
Lost or Slrjycd.
One black horse, two years old
thu coming spring, branded (i C on
thigh, was last seen about the place
of . I. W. Alien in Bear valley. A
suitable reward will be paid for the
delivery of said animal to mo at
l'yon City, or information loading
to its recovery. Gr:. Ui-.niu.ahi.
" ..-..-
, ') ltt wriu',r " J"'"11 i,,r,lirM " '
I,'Vln,,,l y- then, is not a single j
prison on the island, that such
!, . , , ,, ,
things us locks, Imlts and bars are
unknown, and that there are neither j
watchmen nor Hilicemen there,
When you send away for goods
reinember the llrm of Collin A Me-
1'urlainl at lleppuer. I hev not on-
ly guarantee you Ilrst class goods at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges on same to arty
stage ollice in (Irani or Harney
counties. See their new "ad" for
further particulars.
One day last week the marshal
,.,, Wor,j( ,i,IIML.f. .;..,
out a complaint against the other
nnd both iiipenred hefoio l ho re
corder, pleaded guilty mid woro
lined 310 und costs apiece,
Some additional facts concerning
the future plans of the Oregon IV
citie. railroad, savs the Albanv
lUhl, ,uvu weu learue.1
from a
n.n,,. Mt m.,. w,i,.,
le so live, winch will bo of
interest to the public. 'Phis is to
the effect that the compromise ,uf
the New York bondholders upon a
plan f action has boon fully agreed
iixin. Col. Hogg is to be ii'tiii'ned
us prcnidoiit of the road, while Mr.
ISIuir and his friend will temain
the managers mid have a loieo iu
tho policy of tho road in tho mat
ter of const ruction eastward which
they have not heretofore hie.'. The
formal sale of the road will he
ftlt, j JU,,mry next
XI, af).r w,(ifh ,,w
wj ,aku
at tho date
new rem me
war aiuoim
the landholders lias all been set I led
and it is stated that they will unite
their energies during the next year
for the construction of tho road
toward an onstoni connection.
Next summer, according to tho
present outlook, will be one of ac
tivity along tho line east of A Ihuny, ,
mid the resumption of work, when
it is commenced, will lie on a basis
for its iseruiuucut prosecution to
iU lliiul completion, an accomplish
mom wuicii mo Kjpio oi rtiimnv
"d the whole tato have long
hopoil to iuo ronlixoil,
linker City h enjoying mueli
deciwrxnow than thin section judg
ing from the following, copied from
the Denuvrat ot tho '27th:
What has turneil out to lw tho
erentoht snow Btorin durinh the
; month of December for many vear.i
: , . . . -.
commenced on Christmas dav loiit
11 o clock in the morning ami since
that time it has continued without
interruption, blockading nlmust all
the avenues af travel, not excepting
the iron horse on the great tran
continental highway.
All agreed that nothing like it 1ms
occurred at Christinas time since the
tiini,ii. itil., .,l.,p ( I STO.SII I'll
(,, I.,.) ,.,, l ! 'l.v,.l- II,.. fr.-jl,
fu 0f measured on a level fill
j , f ourt(.oll i m..H j denth and the
storm was on with all the vigor of
i ,illH, ,in(H, j, 0ol)im(,,lctM.
, The trniii due in Baker City at
j j- jy (l ,. VM,.nnv was snow
bound near Kamela, on the Blue
mountains, as well as the westbound
passenger and freight of the evening
previous, and did not arrive here
until yesterday evening altout four
o'cliH-L. 'Phe 11:15 eastltound train
yesterday was not in at a late hour
last night. The wcstlMiuud passcn
ger yesterday morning laid nt the
deiKit last evening until the arrival
of the big snow plow auouuciug tho
nay clear.
In the citv the scene is a wintry
one, indeed, but the majority of our
citizens are used to it and look for
ward to the prosperity it will brii g
to the mining mid stoct' industries,
providing water for the placer miner
und irrigation for the range and
firm. No serious results will follow
should the storm continue for some
time longer, since the stockman is
provided with an abundance of feed
for his herds. As a matter of fact
plenty of snow is what the country
needs to make it pross-rous the
coining year and judging from pres
ent indications we are fairly in it.
Mr. (irutiville Clark has fitted up
rooms for a hospital Iu the llorsley
building iu this city, and is now pro
pared to tcceivc. patients, ami furniih
1 1 it-n i ipiiet and cotnfot table up n Intents.
111. block of drugs and medicines is
also fresh ami complete. 1
llinnailA miners' wagcsaverogel 134n
Tiik celery crop of Knlnmnioo, Mich.,
will lie worth 91 tHm.Ooo
I' M.lfolistA liicynrtlWts are substi
tuting wlilte for Cliiui'M- lalir.
Two m:w mica mim-s bave Iwen late
ly oxuel nt North (irotoii, N. II.
S 1 1 s: i : I rnUing is on the increase In
California, 'l'lieie Is IiIk money III sheep
at present.
IsniA, It Is cstlmiiteil, will )irohico
1 pouiulx of teailiirluglhe evm-
lug MMlUIII,
Tin: annual product of wilt through
out tho world Is estimated at 7.30Q.OOO
tons, the largersban' coming from Kug
llsh works.
Tim product of (jold Iu the United
States during the last sixteen years has
aggregated thu enormous amount' ot
Ir now iiphnrs that the (oiorgla wn
tennelon crop, at mi average ylehl, will
about to,.VHlf ars, with the pmMiUlllty
thai a tro-xl season may s.vell it to l'J,
Uoo. Wnteinu-loiiK will m cliuap and
Tin: Zulus of
are the greatest moat
siuth Africa are fund of
cutim; carrion.
Tin: favorite dish of the Aborigine
of Auslrnlia Is the Intestines ot Rid
mills. Till: Indians of AlasVn are reported
to U- fund of slntwberrles soaked 111
seal oil.
Is the Solomon Islands the mnrket
itiotntton on n "jod quality" wife Is
ten thoiiMind conuimits.
O.VKoftho tcculinr customs of the
I'.Hkl Imlliiii coolie called l.iiHcnrsin the
putting of n ring on the greut toe when
they marry.
Tim coloiilslsof ToKilohnmki,Afri'.i.
are troubled with turuiituliii, ceiiti
I k- Ks. hoirplous, moKipntiHs, ifitut ,
liultulo Mies, Ileus and U'dluiKn.
Mil Ow Is a city count-llmnn of
mdo, K'hii.
Tut tallest man hi 1 'arsons, Kan
limned A. short Incti.
I'. A. Iovr., n ( lilcitiro dmggist, ex
hibits the suggeslne sign of "Uvti the
Tin: imsit turbulent inemWr of the
TotM'ka city council ts named bull.
I im iXNATi him n resUuriint man
nnmed "C Supsir." Ills window sign
Is the pressing Invitation: "Cume to
Tin: ICalllrs of South Africa have
xery nucer names: Sioinc ore n follows.
MIK'iice, Klilllliuf, .lniiiuir . I'elirnarv,
Hell nnd lllnzes, Two I 'or Msh-iicc, etc.
TuoiiAs is In n St. l-ouls
hospital on Hccouut of a ballerlng lie
I ;ot while Irving to save a young irirl
from iiiHiilt ley a couple of rowdies,
nnd JumchTlioniugligoisl has iH-cnst'iit-ciiced
to ilenlU Iu D.-tiuvsre for felony.
A sovii rv Iu IsMikblndiuir ! nu
noun, rd iu the employ in, -nt In it of
metal as a substitute for cardboard.
A M w sysU'ln of house xvirlnjr for
electric lighting consists of III! In," the
1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 ; Willi OOllllllllOUH llH-h of IIIMI-
luioiif liiuterlnl, through which the
w i are drawn.
A m:w ifuiiiuilng machine for en
xclopes en n gum, dry mid deliver en-veo-ii
at tliP rate of Su.lSHJ ht hour,
nnd at a cokI of a little lew. than one
half cent p r thousand.
A riuv of stouecutlrrs Iu Berlin have
Introduccd'a pncuiiiatle cIiIm-I into their
establidiineiit. The workman hohU
the spriiu llke Mpiwrutus with Inith
hands, and as he slides ll over the sur
face of the stone or metal, the chisel,
muUiug lo.uiw or 'J,(4W ruvolutluus a
minute, vhliuif lurtiolutt.
1 Inn out yuelits sre o, mi led low. Tho
r IU, ishk-h cost t,A90 to UalM, trns
old for 014.
Tuv isw reeont for IMttoh tifcbrt(.
sh'vwi. n saving of MVS llvua beshle fw
cuing twenty-seven voel from ik
st roe tin n.
A siimnvo estate hi the highlands of
Scotland, whleh was valued a feu
years ago at wnsoirennl for sain
nventl.v at lilliilninrb. ami the rrscrro
li ie was iwly i.'M,e00, but tliero vrm
n't i -i:t;lo hid.
lliiiTi-u land values keep declining1.
Tlie splendid DunalnsUIr estates In
IVrthshlrr have just Wen Sold for I. TO,-
ow. ii.vx,noo having Wn pnM tn them
In ISH.X, and very eoatly linrtrorcmcutn
having Wcu added since.
A vkmmcii of parliament named Hun
ter propone that tho Seeteh deer for
ests should W Iswighl ami
iiiio popular funiis uo.1 plcasuro
irto.iniN The present rental of these,
uivas Is about IMM.000 a year.
rollTto.M. owes WOO,0M,Ki.
Tim n-ivlpU of the Trench treMBr?
arc largi-r than those of any other civil
Iced nation.
(itKKNU.ANn, Australia, owpa tho
largest national debt per capltA-
fiUU-Wa heml.
-wnr has M.oofl gonu. and the an
liual protlu on a herd of twenty-four In
milti and meat are reckoned at WOO.
Tim thigllsh imrllament is altout U)
pass a bill authorUIng any one rnajf
I trate to onler a youth under sUteen
years of agx to U' whipped by a polteo
ina.i if he stole nu apple from a tree or
played at pitch and toss.
Tim right of felling trees orcr no
fewer tloin rWi.iHW siptaro miles of tho
KcnikMuul forests nnd IVT.UOO Miiaru
mi! of the rireholl forest. ncar'i'reb, h.ta lecii granted by the Turkisli
g ivcrnment to private spcculature.
An ll-yearolil lCnnsas loy was
rrratitod a teacher's ccrtllleate last week.
A riUt..itn:i.l'IIIA baker treats the
coiiduolnr and passengers of a ear that
pauM-s his shop at two o'clock exvry
morning to n hot loaf of hrend.
Tiikiii: Is n family In Llthonla. I!a.,
which consists of husband, wife .okl
four children no twins -and the t ' tl
weight of tho family is les tluin t ,i 'O
hiuidred pyiuiids The wife nnd mi i-i'T
weighs seventy-live pounds. ,
Tim model husbaiid was seen n a
IVtroit street cur recently, lleli 1 a
lell. r written by his wife stuck in '.m
but hand so ns to have a sure ttile ;
inuilin.r It- Tliero wns not a ladv i i m
ear who did not catch on and amile .i,i
pnn Ingly.
Tim meanest man In the world )n a
hi Atchison, lie refused to say ..
morning to the iieonle he met n . ' ,
streets to-day. gb'inir ns an esciln I it
he nas tired of sal lug gorsl luoniu,
tin- same iH-onlo every clay of hut J'f. -
Ills.,11 iW.
Hon .Mllrli la lie Wilrlllt
f all current iiii'silims, this n t'.n
oho most freueiitly asked. XI It. ii
i I, the grest iiestloa of the day. N -
. ly Ui )H-nk of luiurles: "I be I
si', Is he patriotic?" IJvnry ' If
puts tho tuery: "What Is he wor.:, '
Money Is nut merely the ooinmcr, , ,
st.tnd.inl of mine, hut loo often tie -terloii
of social Mtsltluit 'lid the U)i -if
stonu of charutUer.
Xlitlrlo-a lor lllllnl M
A watch for blind people has been In
xenli d In Swluerlaml. In the middle
of every llgure Is a small teg, whb u
dros when the hour-hnnil renohes tbo
figure. Thu ouer feels that the peg i
diiH'ii. nnd eoiiuts bauli to tuolvotudo
(ermine the hour
Srpaha tK cards should
le left for
each Imly in n family.
To lo'.novi: sp-iis on vclret the trim
mlinr must l unplckeil on one side ned
put over hot water to steam, thcnbm U
up ihe nap.
Ir the fomplrxlon Is greasy andtbi -It
snap, with carlHilic acid or sulphur, 1 1
exeelh-nl, a-id lloiir of sulphur, u t- -ssuiful
to a I iunl u of water, should !"
uscil for washing.
A MAOIc pre m rut Ion for Io pin,'
frises "In" Is found hi inlxiiur e.pi ,1
parts of glycerine and iue water I
nnoinllng the hnlr freely with il l, (
eurliiiir, or all equally gtMnl iimiui,
made u ith perfumed olive d ii !i I. ,
wn-i dl .solrei! therein.
ToHMi-jlnr tr:.nsfrr n .'. . i
rln.: i il i. neivsiuiry to Hi i
Sill f. i. ,o II oil i'.ll till" i
, I) f. l i'll'ttl 'I
h .i n il. !ly j mo
MimhI. Tho taint uf m ref.l i, .ilt rli' "in, or
ellirr ("ill liuii.xr Ii I,, o .1 o ,1 .in, I tr t'.ouilO'd
fi,r ( , c ill -i ,r unI'M u(T, itwu. Met
v-n alto a, -tmiuUto pon anil koiiii uf ill ,
casn fr ui tie air
hrcathr, l B Ilia luail
wti dl. or II (fa R H II lln natrr
n diii.k. W Cj B n H If ri"'rJ ' '
until 1 1, K 9 H R n R n im ro c io
rliM.ii, ly H xLy tfl i r i v u ii
t ti a ii I li o positive
iMiwi-r ef ll,,.r Hinaj .iilllxnvrr..!! ills. .ii i
i,l llin M,k,,i. Hill it . .1.. Iuo. li,n!y
f i led, ihs- cis-l rtrry trace of mfuU or
sail tin urn, iriimt Hu- l.uut ulilili c.iums
ral.irili, neutral:- s
Hip r.ri'tlty n!i,lr',i'
liu iiiii.iIIiiiii, ililici
but llio ci-riiif ef
III ll, Oil, tljlSHl ,
",:, i tr. It nl-ii
I Hallos and e n -
lilies the i.s. Unit on kiiiIiik Hi it : , I
fi-.-lliii;, suit In Mi ii jt II v. I.. .l.i ,
'II :ilnl Irktlfy tolln ll"'!,,l of II, mil ',
H n-.ii.irlll.i at n l Usit imriiH-r. I'ull lutor.
in iliuti nml Maiiniciitii l ciiri . wul io o.
S.,I,I,JII,1UC1(III. l,llf ifV, V.,i.,l. I.'
I,J ('. I. HOOII A tO.,A.ll r, at.c4, 1-h. 11, Jlj.i.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
IShIImxI 'fttfi'ii A I' Atintlrntiir, I'rin.
Druit Ii fc fcuui rti ii ti. Iu I t i iur, Mlii.i, (irrAMt.
tUi IXKIIvM of lludjr, MUM ffttM Of lmUl,
Itiisint'ss, Short h n ml.
""ST.. V"ijli,tf J .syuJl ihta.tmtmli
S'ls Brtii UiivuIhwi lli j rt. SUsl.kK aiaill
.J 1 or tlui, C'nulvtm fiuiu citUr KLwJTlrta.
Prj M II:" Inii" tt-mi-a f
IM D j U e mmii: Uim ,
INI Hi niol j.i ii,. oi a o