THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS, m December SJ. J SOI. Tlio question of Sabbath reform has been agitated so mucli (luring ast years, that tlio work of thu utiiru will bo largely between tlio two opjKMing elements Sunday law advocates, and the defenders of religious liberty. Senator l'ottigrow, the ropu 11 i -can senator from South Dakota, has ititrcnl ncctl a bill authorising tlio secretary of war to furnish nitioiifl, tous and camp ciiuipniuuta to the inomhors of tlio (S. A. K. who attenil the iSatlonal iiiuiit at Washington. encamp NKW TO-DAY. jyOTICK OF Al'I'OINTMKNT. or arsiu.vkk roit i.vhoi.vknt titirroii. Notico is hereby fjivon to nil jcr HOtm whom it tuny concern Hint on the 27th dny of Oclolor, A D. 1891 by Deed of Ocucrnl Amigntnoiit, C. 0. Cnsrmry nit iiiHolvont debtor of flrnnt county, statu of Oregon, duly ftHinil to tlio undorMfjiit'd nil Iiih property for tlio bom-fit of his crtdit or, and Hint tlio uielorsiynod lino du'y tjiinlitliHl m inicli n.iij;n o, nnd euteted into tlio dutie of said oflico. Dated t Iiih 22nd dny of Dec IH!M. D. K. Oilman, Assignee, SBAI NHW TO-DAY. -ici) proposals. KOU MAI.K CIIHAIV Senator I'liim, of Kansas, died from njiroplexy in bin apartments on fourteenth street in Washington on tlio inornlng of Dec. "Oth. .Mr. riiiui litis been a mouther of the United States senate since 1871!, nnd has occupied a prominent place in thu councils of the republican party. The number of centennials, ox- lllfiltifitltt ritt.l ivitu nimnm-nt i vit fit. f liibitioiis of one kind and another, in those days, is iiiggestivu of a duatru to wind up thu world's af fairs in a display of liuuiau glori fication. The lust propoMlioti of this kind comes from the Chicago , hvouiug Journal anil recoiiimeiidii "the celebration of the nineteenth century of Christianity in lS'.NI, as that would be the real nuuivcr wiry of thu birth of Christ." In view of the fact that this country has yet several millions of vacant lands suitable for agricul tural purposed the Oregonian sug gests that the followers of Henry George, who hold that thu laud belongs to tlio people because of tlio simple fact that they were born iiK)u it, should go to work and jvossuss themselves of a few acres before it has all become occupied. The suggestion is a good one but it wont no adopted. The followers of Henry (ioorgo don't want that kind of land. They are after nice, improved farms or handsome cor ner lots, that other men's labor and energy have made valuable. They have no use for lauds that require years of patient toil to inula) valuable. Dalles Chronicle. One Mi 15 II I ICugiuo nml lloilcr. I ii H Saw Mill capacity M, M. " r, Stamp Mill and ltnltery. " (irillln Mill enpneity oO ton's. " Huntington, capacity I '2 tons " Hoisting apparatus', good to sink 10 feet. A largo lot of belting but little used. A largo lot Miner's and Blacksmiths tools hut little used. Inquiry .Solicited, IIASCIIK A COMPANY, Maker City, Oregon. NEW fflft HOTEL Sealed proposals will lo received by the County Court of (irant conn ty, Slate of Oregon, until two o'clock in the afternoon of Friday, Jan. 8, 18H2, for the care, lward, lodging and washing by the day or by the Meek, for each erfon of all the county oor and such jHtrsons as may be declared county charges up on (irmit county, except the two boys known as the "lied Willinms'" loys, for the year commencing on the 11th day of January, 18JI2 and ending on the 10th day of January, IS5K1. The county court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated litis '21st day of Deo. 1801. Hy order of the county court. ( . (iKO. SlIKAllDII, skai. )r Clerk. FIREMEN'S HALL. ill Vie Court House, CANYON CITY, OREGON. -ox- S HKItll'T'H HALK. NW YAR'8 rXV( DECEMBER 31, 1891. CO.MMITTKKS. A liltANOHMKNTH 1' Samuel I'nrrish. 1'. Fluisehuian, Kriiuat SUinnoll, Hurt Ilamiuwood, M. K Canyon ('ill, TIM MS, : Oregon. I'lioi'itiirroi:. Hoard mr day. . " " week .f 1.00 ft. 00 In the town of Northfonl, Conn., the Ilov. .Mr. Nott was the pastor of its principal church, and also a member of its board of education. .Mr, Nott heard that Miss Denton, the 6chooluin'iuii, had it in her mind to go to a dance. Ho called upon her and counseled her not to go. Shu declared that die would, and ho forbade it jxtsitivuly. She persisted, and he said that either she must resign or he would. She declined to renigu, whereupon a mass meeting of the citizens was culled to consider the crim's. The meeting decided that the lady being tree, white, unit 1, coiilu go to dances if she saw til, whereupon thu minister lecigued his place on thu hoard of education and his church, and, oddly enough, nobody objected. A correspondent of thu Noiv York Tiinus (olographs: "Our controversy with Chill is approach iug a conclusion. It is learned , tliat the latent communications from Minister Kgan are of a char actor to discourage any diplomatic attempt to induce thu Chilian au thorities to express any reuret at the assault iikii our sailors at Vnl- , paruiso or to make any reparation for the killing of the men of the , llaltimoro. .Mr. I 'Initio was abmuit f i oin thu cabinet meeting, and an ; evening paper rays that his failure to attend was in conse pience of i ll.iic!.... ..I tl... l.... .1.. i. .i uiiBiiiuea uv till) piiiiu ill l ll I nil II I . lled.M of the City Hotel will be furiiHlicd in connection with this house Lodging at reasonable rates C.IXVOX ( ITY, OH. L- Currish Pronr A linn Rtock of fnwli Outlins, Nuts, Tolmeoo, Stationery, lit. V.Xxu, just rrcelel. Cive inn n mil. ELKHORN HOTEL. Canyon Cily, Or. .1... Chambers, Propr. Thin KcntauniMt luu iri-eiitly Ih-cii I imiiiiI, ami "ill furuiikli Meal or Iod- giiij nt living nitm. A iii-inl fnatuiit nlitut tliii Iioiiim' : i that no Chini'Hii ciL- urc iniilnyiil in t ln Liu-lieu. (iin the ltetiiirant I a ti iul. M. .1. CiuMiir.ns, j Ptoprii'tor. IN W Swiff Notico is hereby given that liy vir tue of nu execution nnd oidar of utile inaued out of the circuit court of : tlio Statu of Oregon for (liant county tiun a jtidguieiit rendered in said ' court on thu l.'lth dny of November, j 1K01. in f..vor of W. S. Soiilhwoith 1 1 In i n t i fT mid .iguiust l'olly Wilson . ilufoinlatit for thu huiii of Two hun dred mid nineteen nml fi ty.Hein one huudredth(3 -M0..'7) dollars with I illtertwt llieteoli frntii tlieh.tid lllth day of Nov. 1801 nnd thu further kuiii of ihirtwfour nml forty-mx onehuii- dri'dthh (i'.H dollars coh(h nnd diHbiirsotiietits mid nccriiin cohIh ami costs of mile, mid to tnu directed mid delivered. I hnvu leied iixm nnd wi'l hell nt public auction to the j higher hiihlnr for cash in hntiil on Saturday the '2'.U dny of January, 1MI2, at the court Iioiihc door in Cnnyon t'ily, Ornnt comity. State of Oregon, nt 2 o'clock . in. of said day nil of the following described leal uocity mid nil the right, titlo nml HiteioNt of wnid ilefeiiilntit l'olly Wil hoii therein, to-wit: All the ground nituatixl on tlio north nido of .Main street of thu low r. of Cnnyon City ami ilie ilweliiiig Iioiiko thi-ri'iipoii; bound ed on the Hotith by the unul Mnin Htieet, on the west by, the I'bll Met-Hi-linn lot, on the enut liv w lint i'h known nt the Wood A Church lot. and on the north by (lie lot owned and occupied bv Komi Itotictn, nil buiiijj Hitua'e in Canyon City, (irant county, Oiofjon, nnd being the houmi o ami lot now occupied by l'olly Wil- hoii us a dwelling Iioiiho, together -r with nil and hinguhir, the tenoiiienls, XjUI'HS, heriHlitaiiieuts mid iippuitiinaiicex i thereunto belonging or in any wiwi .v Ihc fiUnw lo vt u unvr horses when in lutl place. . ...... TetuiH of mile ensh. WitnesH tny hnnd at Canyon City, Oregon, Huh 22nd dny of Dec, lh'.i'l. O. I. CltKSAl', .SherilTof (irant Co., Or. IUx'i:ivin.v C. I'. Gray, John Murchison, Thos. ICelley. Ki.ooit A. .1. Stevens, S. J. Deertiij;, K. i'. llorsloy. BEST OF MUSIC. Tickets, Including Supper, $2.50- IS'-COMK ONH. COM K A LI., and dance the New Year in.JtJ THE ! PHAIB1B ! CITY : ROLLER : HILLS. VVIA. HOM.HIl I'ltOCICSS FLOCK. Every Sack Warranted. All kinds of I rti find Mill-HtulF.s Ahvavs on limtd. Porter Bro's, :-: Prairie City, Or. iT ISAR.W WM. WOODS, Proprielor. Oregon. iflou want them well eared for, well fed and groomed Passengers and freight convened to all parts of the country, hlegant turnouts furnished at short notice 1891 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT, "To whom it may Concern;" We have at present as has been our motto in the past viz ; The Largest, Best and Newest stock of General Merchandise in Grant County. All of which we are bound to sell regardless of cost for the next 60 days. You cannot afford to miss this offer, and we trust our numerous patrons wiil take advantage of it. A call on us will satisfy your curiosity. IVJ. DURICHEIMER & BRO. raine ihj Oi a n d rea son a bio ra tcs. S3 o 5 c o Ul u u CJ J Si c C3 c a o c OJ u u a. o m 5 'C 6 5 a to S g 2 4? a a .2 W) III 2 o 2 s b - S.-2 3 g " 2 S 5 : a o g a if 5 8 - c .r -AT- BASCHI Baker & Cilv. T.KU.MX C.-1SII. COMPANY'S Oregon. "We pay the freight. l!iiM)lts Kh'fant Cariet Sweeticrs, llimutiful Silver-inounttMl Carving Sets, Koerh' Silverwnro 'Jo jh.t cent Iom than faulory prices, Skutoe at such pricrts that all ciiu have them. I'rutty Chxiks. Nicu Hanging and Stand Limps from Q cents up. K.upiibite Decorated Ton I'ots. Stove in endlobri variety from ?il.uO up. F.'iyOli US WITH YD I'll OP l)!C US. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. gww'K ituv roil c.umjsm'K sici.i. ciiKAi'.jjr Vor siinrtsmen (iinrklj nml was imperative, i ,l(milu ...i, i The secretary of Mate was ' t ' iiiion tlio preistrution of the Amen-I .. . . , . . . 1 ' " oau case iimiint (lull. When miulo up, the president will incur- amokiiiK tolmcco is alwolntolv tint lic-M. I'mtkttl in patent jHtntto it inn moae to conyre.s." j "tvti.s jioticho.s which retain 1 i in iiiiiiui lit i, i,t.i ..r i. ......u. ... .j .,...t ,,.1,1,11 ,i llllj Thu administration evidently renlixus fully the ililllcultius of n campaign against a country so far away as Chili. With the laud force there could also he sent mx hntterius of three inch hreeehloud. ing rillofi, ouch gun shooting terti hly dostriiclivo shells. In case there should ho war (ieueral Milcx will ho given command of the di vision, us ho is the youngest of the major generals, and host oiiited to cany on an active nnd arduous campaign. Thu defenseless con dition of tlio I'ncilic coast prohahly gives I'robident Harrison more con corn than any other phase of the whole Chilian muss, and ho con stantly urges the greatest K)ssihlu speed in hurrying along thu heavy onlnancu destined for the protection of San l'rnuoiteo ami other ports. lolmcco. l-'or a Miliil, comfort tilth) Ninoko nothing equala .Miistiir Cut ring. J. II I'mti Titrii (in., llkhmon.l, Vlrwlnli. Scientific American Agency for First) Rational Of II opjDiior. C. A. Illl KA, t'KANK KKl.l.Oiai, lViikident, Vieii-I'ri-hiilenU (iKolllli: W. CttNSKII, Cashier. J. P. Illlt:., T. A. IIIIKA, U T. IIOlihON, I tirectiirs, Trait arts a (Vncral IIiiiiIIiik Bulnes. Ms change fi.w all nrts of the world BOUGHT and SOLD- Collectioiu uiailii at all poinU on Keasoniilile lemiH. .Money limned at from one to ten iwir cent Agricultural Warehouse. Good Js'vws for Die Fur in era of Grunt County! Frank ltros., ol Portland, Or., nae eHtnlilinhed an nyoncv ut John Da)', fo-the sale of all Lindx of Farm Miichiner)' mid Agricultural linple menu, hiicIi an W iioux, Cariia'es, Itoul ('aitH, IMowh, Hun own, MowurH, Iteapers, ltakei, etc., etc A whole carload to 1)' delivered st once. Hvervthinj; first cl.ini ainl ut thu lowent pcwHilile raten. IMn.nie cjvu mo your'trado. K. HAYUS, AKt. Allow tne to hut that I xtill haudlo the White b'cu-jng .Muchino ttnl the KarhulT Orj;au. OAVEAT8. . i ........ wMKKa, DtSION PATINTS COHYHIQHTII, .10. ''!.ln.,,"n;, lUn-tNio wnm to ll s.N A III. il lllM. Nw VliHU. oui,l iMinuu I r tt-iuniui iviionu la aiuiiim. M"unc utra out Vr u It I rvu.'tlt bvlofa tti public It a node k-lvu lit ol cbuvo w tl. Scientific Jmcvicau Irfrirnit nrcuuii.m ul i. r wUnliix inm in iha iHkl. Hllu4ullt II iu 11111 Kj Ulan .ImmiM iw ln.ul .1. W,Vli, HJ.illl t i.r: li.l mi um.II... AOJiwa MUSH A CO. l'eutllHii,jJl tliuwtj)f Kiih link. BREWERY SALOON Canyon City, Or. Haptnnstall Dart & Cn -KUCCiaSOItH TO- This popular resort hus . , been, reopened lo (he public, i aiid now, us in tlio past, keeps nothing but the best fines, Liquors Cigars- J. 1). ItlCKAltl), J'ropr. , JulPTOXSTslLL cj- JX'UtT, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. If you wish niKit mul tawtv joli uuiL you em do no Uittur than to will uu the Nkh. Have now received the largcit and tuott complete stock of new goods in i Orant County, which they will oiTor for tale at prices that defy competition THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools of this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ol the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on wool in storage. T. B. FELL, Manager. On liou Read Advertisements? Do you lake adranlage of a good offer When, it is placed wilhin your reach? ' r 1 1 more a iio- MiSii-iiH'--1 ? 1 'mwm- m Ores. order ' VDor Dry Courts, Clothing, Pools. A'uk.v, C lures, .Mittens, Orer shirts, rnderwear. Hosiery, Hats, Winter Cans, Cum Pools, Plankels, Quilts, Curst Is, Ladies and childrcns' Shoes, h'ubber coals, )'clluw Oiled coats. Pit ncii Goods. Cutlery, Ptc, Pic, h'tc- VfUl.lOOOflU(MHHinOIIIOOOUOOOtill.aMH)UOUl(JUO((OOOOIH)i; ' When cash u cuinpiinieH tlio ordi r for any amount Irom Five ' c Dullat'N or tnuiu in nhove hue of yuo.U uu will prepuy all .Mail or I SUm claiieB, to any stnye stutiuti in Cirutii or Harney counties, ? C until Juno 1.1th, IM2. When wild on otedit" no eliur- ' I VH lll-llld. fcCW4MIO0CWOWOO0CKOloO00Ol0 00OlJ e will gnnrniiteu our lowem mtail irum on Every Article and (i(,'reo to nduinl the tuonuy if gxulhuro not oiitisfaetorv. Uy sending to us nriiintf liiily, j.iHt what ih wanted, wo can select thpiu to your Hat.Hlnetion. We h .x the higgest assortment of C.on cral .Meiehati.Iiu to he fouiul in jy Htoti, m Origin . Yon tanj wave money in eveiy line. One u a trml nnl-r. We solicit ourtiHde Older by Mail tit once. J ,. h'l Sin tfultu. 1o(hi 3cttrfHfL . HEPPNER, OREGON. 9 9 C 0 0 p 0 0 i'.mwr to (nrb.Jt i Muldrl- k. -IiKAI.Klt .- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Cunyon City - - . Oregon. Constantly on ha nil a full assort men I of Dry Goods, Clothing, Pouts V Shoes, Groceries, Ptc. Etc., Pic , at h'casonulrtc Prices. I. OVKKIIOI.T. !OIH.fHI BftftOlmftOOOOQQOOftOQflOll O OO O O OOOO (lOOflfKHlffl Cvl 4 J, BBS DKALHH IN General r Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY.