Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 31, 1891, Image 1

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    The, Paper for the Stock
man, ,crchanl and
Tito Paper for tho Farm,
tho Workshop and the
Hon i o.
loin me
Number JI.
tortured for a dollar.
A Crttol I'rwrtn-sl Jl tn Itia Iinil
Vbr Mosttllnct Tnrlve.
A ell lien of SI. Lonii wa In Florida
for hit health Not U'lng strong he
had negro named J.m, who went
round ivnd assist. J hint when nrre
aary. Th"r are mosquitoc) In nortda.
and the St. l-ualxan ou complalntaK
one day almut ihf lr number, soys the St.
Ioul l. pulihc.
"Dt ain't nothing, boat." Mid th
negro servant Joe; "down In 4e swamp
do; 1 1 tcrrll.; -, d.-jr I a big a fslllulp
per. and wo don't dy blto."
On arriving there they rt con
vinced. Mosquitoes half aa hi aa apor
row swarmed about thoni In cloud.
"Jots" said tho St. t.ouln, n bright
thought striking him, "how much would
yon tako to 11.' down on the ground here,
naked, for t n minute, ami Il tbee
g) bite you?"
"llon't know, boas," aald Joo with a
"Will yon do it for ono dollar?"
"Well, I'll try It, bo," returned tho
negro, and in a low minute ho wo
down on bis stomach, a bcref t of cloth
Injr aa when ho waa horn.
Tho aun wan shining with terrible
force, tho thermometer Wing ovit a
h 11 ml rod In tho shade! Joe had hardly
settled blmsclf when tho mosquitoes
awiwiped down on him with wild and
bloodthirsty song, and began a fcnit.
Mranwhilo ono uf tho gentlemen wan
holding tho watch.
'Che St. Loulsaa quickly draw n aun
Klaus from hi pocket, and getting a
focus. proceeded to bllur Joc'a buck tn
flno style. In a fow moment It waa
Bitting, and tho orucl tormentor nskod
.Too how ho felt.
"Well, Ik," Mid .loo, gasping. "I
ion't mind tho gnlllnlppcr, but, boas,
please kill that wasp what Is s (. i 1-k 1 1 1 k
ill'' stinger In tuy back."
Joe got his dallnr.
I'nnllli; nil tint llnml.
A father sued an ttngllsh nehool
master for assault because lio had caned
hi boy on tho hand. Tho magistrate
before whom It was flml trlod thought
that tho father wa right, for tho ron
aon that caning on tho liatid wa at
tended by 11 rink of Injury, an J thorn
worn "method of punishment
ijultQ n available. etUoacioti!! nnd not
lip'iinrlly atU'rided with any risk
which tho dnfomlnnt nilKlit liavo usml."
Tho liljfhor tourt, though, dooldtKl that
It was not actionable.
' u Kluit M.ili.
Comparatively low neuspapor roadorn
know, or havo any reawn u
know, that a knot In more than a mllu,
anil that six of tho former iHiial about
boveti of tho latter. Arcuratoly Himak
inir, Uhto aro il.OW.T foot In a knot and
C.2M) fcot In a mllu.
I'loiu I'oniltin Hi IkUIu) i.r.
T."u IN rsian bricklayer aino to hU
ft..w below: "Jlrotbor, In tho name
of tiod, to me a brick," and tho ono
!'iw, as ho throw the brick, crle:
"t.h, my brother (or, oh, win of my
uM'lei, in tho namo of 0od, bohold tho
brick. "
Notice is hor. li.v giten that by tir
tuo of an execution anil onler of hrIij
inaueil 111 of tbo Circuit Com I of llio
Htntp f Oregon fur Cniut couniy
iip.-'ii 't j'ulh'iiieiit nuil tloi.ri'8 of fuio
olosiio nt:il Hulo icniluio.l in nniil
ooilit on tin' -"u!t il.iy of Novonibcr,
lS'JI iiifuor of K. 1!. McKurland
nnl ti. Fri'ieh co purtnem untler tho
linn ii.uiio uf .Mi'I'ailuiiil 1'ieiiiii
jilnmtitfii iinJ Haint .1. U. Snow nul
Mitolln Sno iliifeiiiliuitH for thu sum
of Two 'lliouvainl Sevon llunilinl
Soventoon and Tijitty-tlireo one lion
drotllli ilollnr (tf-'i 17.;ri) with iutov
out tbt'rtuii at the rate often jn-r
(!Out per mil) urn from tho auitl -'itli
day of Novuiiibor, ISM, 'l'vvo luin-dro-l
wnd Unity (!230j dolluin attm
noy foo ftud I'vvotity-lwo and innoty
uix 0110 hmidicdtha dollura uuhIm of
Hint, nu t mvr.ini',' coMiMHtiil uoaU of
a.ilc, mi l to uio diiectod 11 ml deliver
Oil. 1 li no levied upon and will noil
at ul lie nii' ii.'U to tho hihext bid
der fr eauli 111 hau l o j Saturday tho
HitU day of January, at the
court hod-t door in Canyon City, oounty, -tnto of Oregon, ut
o'clock p. ui, of auid duy a l of the
folluwin' denTiljBil ton! pit.ptly,
n l all Uio ruht, title and inteioHt
of i:tid ilefolldtnt J. U. Snow ami
J3.ii.IU Snow thoroin to-wit: Tho
liortheaat ij irtltei of Mctiol) No. Olio
(I) in towu.slni thirteen (1!) xomh el
uuio tweuty-au fJtl) 13. V. M o.n
tainiiij.' ono hundred ami sixty m ioh
and l;iii,' nd being wtuaU in C I runt
oounty, abdo of Oiujjon, uK)tlir
with all and hiuuUh the iciu-inotitii,
libiuJiUiiionta and iijipuiieimiicc.H
thoiB'iuto bc-lougiug or in Miiywiao
l oi iii of 4le cukli.
Wit lie my Inuul at ('alrj nii
Oroaou, tUia 15th day of Dec.
Oil v,
(). 1'. (MIUS.U
Klieiifl of Uiunt c ni ity, Or.
Hy V. H S..i niwimrn, Deputy.
1'ineSloik of I.Hilic' Childrfna'
and Miwa' Hutu, Fuiicy gooila, lite.
ilm. JAi. K0MI.V1KJ.V.
tlutt t.!tlt A Uo .tiMMtrr I n Kni,wlpit(M
f lti lln itn I Wrltin:.
t.titl. b" w,'i Urt .enttoichoot whan
ho 4'mi-.'. t-rn jrar of 11U
father I. . ! iiocr ruelvrd any "book
learmtr. i oduciKlou wa tor mod
among ch people, and It wan with dif
ficulty that ho could writo hi own
name. Ono day, about foar week ltr
Abe had been aont to Mhool, bU father
aaked the teacher' "Uo' Alio pcUlnic
alo'" The toachi r retdlod that ho
Wat duinff well, he wouldn't aak to barn
a better boy. Ho had only one Irason
book, an old upolllnj-hook. Jdirlntf tho
acbool hotira h km attontlro to bli
taak, and ut nlalil ho otilJ ntndy over
tho loaaon ho had been onagod upon
during tho days tbo hlffbeat nmbltlon o(
hi life at this ttmo waa to learn k)
road, lie U lined If ho could only
road aa w II aa hi mother, who rea.t
tho lllble aloud to tho family orory day,
tbo whole world of bnowledfo would h
oponod 10 hi in. and tn thU eonjooturo
ho waa about rifliU Aa tho old ltajitlut
mlnUtur toU him ono day: "When you
ean read, ou"t gai aomothlnir that no
body can (ret away from you."
In tho Kentucky homo thorAvre
but threo hook In tho family- thu lll
ble, a citeclilmi and tho apetllng-book
which Ato l.inceln atudlod. Ho had
not boon long in Indiana before be had
roal th "l'ilgrlm' 1'roRreaa," hH
father borrowing It from a frlond who
lired twenty tnlle away. Ho waa ery
fond of reading ".Kop' Pablea," a
copy of which canio In hli way, A
youni; man taught htm to write. Ah
wrltltisf-paper of any kind wa ory
scarce and oxpentivo, Abo uwd to prne
lioo l.t wrlllnz exerctien with bit ol
chalk or a burnt stick on ilab and
trunk of tree Sometime ho would
trace out hi namo with a tharp stick
on tho bare proiinl. When. Anally, he
wn able to writo letter, bo wat cttlled
to do the correspondence of many of liU
lielirhbor. tor rory fow grown persons
In that region could writo oven a sim
ple letter.
At Abo Lincoln prow oldor holiecnmo
a (treat reader and road all tho books ho
could borrow. Onco ho borrowed of hli
ichool-toachor a I. Ho of Washington.
His mother happened to put It on a cer
tain shelf, and, tho rain coming through
tho roof, tho book oa badly dauiaited.
Aim UMik It bark to tho chod-matr
and arranged to purchane Itul him, pay
Inif for It by three days' hard work In
tho corn-field; and ho wat entirely al
imiod with the bargain at that Al tho
ago of eighteen hi library con;led of
tho Life of 1'raiiklln, I'luUrch' I .hen,
tho Hi bio, the pelltnt'hook, .Knop'n
rabloa, 1'llirrliii'n I'rotrre, and tho
11 voi of VtasbingUiii and Henry Clay.
A buy mltrht have a much larger private
library than thl, but ho could scarcely
llnd an euual nuinU-r of hook better
calculated to Impart wbolsome lensnni
a to correct livinif and right thlnkint;.
(icorffo J. Maimoti, In Harper's Vouiu;
Ilii.,- "f Tu 'llrril Nnni4rr
.Mmii s.ivptl liy I'r.twl ltwtlrr.
In a rertaln Western newnpaper olllco
the jfentlenian wboae hoslne It Is to
re iml the l1uctuallon f the livc-atock
market sit acru from tho younir man
to whose lot it falls to report nodding
( rcmonie. lloth. say tbo New York
Time, aro graphic writer, and enjoy
that latitude of expression character
istic of Western journalism, lloth uto
the amo kind of paper, and their pon
manshlp l not unlike.
Not lonjf ago tho wadding reporter
wan suddenly called out of the olllco,
aud luf t In the middle of the tablo sev
eral sheets of paper on which wa a
description of a fashionable wedding.
These shoots were gathered up by tho
live-stock writer when ho finished bis
report, and tho two stories became
mixed. This is what the lentous care
of a proof-reader, later in tho evening,
saved from reaching the public eye:
"The church was ellirUdy decor
ated with holly and evergreen ami the
nlUtr was bidden In a wealth of lloner.
Out of the rcoosse rose rare tropical
planu, and from the colling hung tit
U'eu Wustern veals, which al thin timo
of year are scarce and correspondingly
dear at fl to S' cents per pound. There
was utso an active demand for choice
lamb, and farmers east of tbo .Missis
siptd river can profluJily turn to shp
raising and take the bride, who wore ft
KuMh of while corded silk, a creation of
Worth's, with pearl ornaments.
"Then came the maid of honor, tho
onusin of tho bride, ills Henrietta
Hlower, of Chicago, wearing a dress of
while tulle with diamond ornaments,
nnd she was followed by u small bunch
of Montana sheep, which bleated most
pltuously as they were driven on board
and shipped to the winter hotel in Her
luuda. They will there ho cut en train
and slightly dooolloio, and after tho rest
of tho party had rtmohod the Mil tbo
minister turned and said Impressively:
'I can not bid more than a cent fur
Htato veals, but cablegrams from lon
iloii quote refrigerated beef at a price
that will euab'.o me to pay Sl.UU for a
car of choioo Indian beeves, and hear
ing this there was n rush for the young
married miuple and tho bride fi ll into
the arms of her father, who Is known to
bear a striking resemblance lo-aCon-noclictox
weighing l,5 pound. The
market hero took an upward turn, and
the guests, who numltered about two
hundred, wero served with a sumptuouj
dinner at the bouse of the bride."
W.icro ilis I'ruflW n,
A New York burglar i.tole a diamond
breastpin worth tTiKJ aud a seal kin dol
man worth VoOU, nnd all tbo nioaey he
got from the "fence" who bought the
good was flSQ. Tbo burglar added
that ho onoe stole eleveu gold wulelics.
each valued by the jeweler at and
all be got for tbo lot waa ViM. lie had
Vj take thl or run hi own risk. The
psunt 1 not in the ftoaUajr, but In Uto
I.Mltl.l Of tllO 11. ...I ,tttk.
?lrrtllltf of 1I.n.ii.
Tho trutr. 11 hvl Just Ixvun tho Uul
nev, f i!..-.r monthly me. iln-, and
IVai-on Sn.ith had tho tloor. vys tho
New York Kvening Sun. Tbey were
legi',iing for one of South NorwalV't1
ttoMt pru;wrou churches. Two of the
member had lato business enarementi
In the city, and Deacon Smith's shop on
the main stroet, near the nUttlon, hv.l
ben chosen fur the meeting tbl month
for tho sake of convenience The
deacon n well under way when tho
outi r door m seen to open kll(,-hlly,
and he paused to nolo the auo of tho
Connecticut H famnl for the oitensive
variety of it trviipa, nnd one of the
most Interesting ljxt now appenrtnl,
Ills entrance Inut the room u nvA.te In
a thoroughly original manner. Whim
the door nil mthclently ajar to admit
of his head It j 1 In on tho anon
tshed deacons, s irmoun ol by a uumI
dilapidated hat and compiemeulixl by a
smiling face and a full, rai,-od board. 1
When he Ihthiiio asstiriNl that no Inn- j
glide .bhutaclo wa on lt way to meet 1
htm he opened tho door wide, and,
with Another clancn of KUUfartlon j
on the benevolent fac. tbatsurroundetl
him, he softly rluwd the door behind
him and stepped jauntily forard, with
hi hat in hi hand. Ill hair
hungdown over hi face In a rnkioh way,
but with A grnce.'ul sweep uf hi long
arm heeaiight up a wad of It tn hi hand
and laid li h.tck from hi forehead, lie
had on a long frock fattened close
ly around hi by a thorn, nnd from
the (lowing f!p above ooted out the end
of a much soiled handkerchief. Ill
cloM'ly-D'.ting Iron son, through numer
on iortal of which protrudil hU In
terestlti); self, M-emeil lo ruit without
any tilt 1.1 lug line Into. the ihoeand l-oot
which respctlvely tncal hi feet.
The deacon had ttmo to nolo thuni
pciiharitie beforo tliu atra n ge r broke
the sui-iiO'. Hit voice wvmcd to em
anate from that p,rtlcular tot and
emerged with a moat pronounced Crouch
accent. tOiich will lnre bo omitted.
"lientlemen," ho began, "your jwirtlon
lor illsturiiing you, hut I sin very tlck
Ho paused after thl aniiotilioomeut
to note the el?eet.
"I went to tho doctor," he soon con
tinued, "ami he gave tno the pill seo,
the pills." and he held up to view
".small kittle which ho had In tho palm
of hi hand.
"lie said take tho pill, threo after
each meal, and I would llko vury uiuoh
to bate sonic asiWtnnse."
"Well, why In thunder don't you take
your pills, then, nnd not oomu bother
ing here!" Interposed a deacon who va
becoming tired.
"("entlemen," replied the tramp, with
much unction, "I can not take thu pills;
I have no meal."
Ho h'ot that meal.
llio Novel .Hrloniir. ot t'o.O!M.rstum lit
trllliit tif ltiistoll linlilllft.
A form of practical Inauranco against
want i under advisement 111 this city,
tn which a large portion of tho laboring
people should be deeply Interested, 'says
the Ilot.m Herald. A working-man is
often thrown out of employment and re
duted to great distress because helms
little or no money laid by, and Is un
able to provide fur hi board aud lodg
ing while out of employment. It ha
been suggested that a pcoplu's mercan
tile company might lie formed among
themselves which would undertake to
provide IsMird and lodging with land
lords at the rate of l, V or W a week,
on such term that, after one mouth ol
regular payment, ono week's Uianl al
half pay might he placed to tho credit
of the Interested party, to that if ho
wcrcout of work or sick, or otherwise I
dlnabled. he tnlghl not bo brought to I
UlM'.uiilort Itecauso he could not pay his '
board. Al this rate In slur months n j
man would bo entitled to one and a half ;
mouths' credit for hoard, and In oue year
to thri-o months' credit fur board, which,
at half rate, would only cost hltn the
price of one and a half months' board
This plan, if It could be carrleu out,
would bo a great relief to hundreds of
working Mopb' who are suddenly disa
bled or compelled to be Idle. It would
lie impos-dhlc furanyliody to fall rapidly
in debt to such a comuy, and only
In cum.' of extreme misfortune
would persons bo willing Ui sur
render their certain Insurance of
f.Hid aud lodging, which would grow
larrer as the year rolled by. A com
pany uf thi kind would need to
liavo a roiHmsmio nacaiqg in on or vo t
secure public confidence, but though It '
baa never l i-i u attempted, It oould j
easily be conducted on the baal which j
is common to similar undertakings,
l'a.ymeiita would bo u.nle to landlord ;
tbe same a now, and the company, ,
after collecting twenty per cent, dis
count every week fur a month, could af
ford to give one week's orodit and do
business on thai basis. The credit
would not bo transferable except by
connt uf the company of directors,
and would be doall with by thorn in the
same iiianuer as if they were a lifo In-'
surame policy. When such a company
wis established Its rnuge uf restaurant
or lodging and boardliig-houaoN would !
be uch as 10 moot the want of all ,
cloMiaea uf Msiple. Thl Is a system of
co-oporattvo elfort, but it would bo a '
ouni.iny that could accumulate capluil
and Increawi its resources In proper- ,
tlun to it membership. It would thu'
be a ttf Investment fur Individual
without involving thuin In any personal 1
responsibility beyond what their regular
IHtyments would demand.
This organisation is not yet lu exist
ence, but It Is ouo of the flrst practical
suggeslions fur self-help whioh has
sprung out of tbo movement far Chris
tian socialism in Huston, and when It Is
properly developed and brought Into
shape it looks as If it might uisHit a pres
ent aud eroastlnn need awoiiK' pooylo
wtio urt not fm-enai 'iiii ari'i on- not
,'ii!omed to liiaking tnvestwenui for
snnta nf ti tnai-' ttrtii( In
hp if. 1 .
!i lf-docUirln,i l i.! y dangtrou,
except for tho "linjipt ailment. l''ew
person itnueMtand thu ignillrance of
1 their nympUun. 11 di:Hcutty uf doing
so I greatly Inch aw-il bv the Coint ! S
nature of most dim wi, ami the modifi
cation of tr-atment demanded by in tempi rann in and hereditary
tendenciea. liven if the patient know
what alia him, he Is not Itktdr to know
the remedy, the HUe and frequency of
the doe, and the proper regulation of
tho diet in connection with it-
How profound I il.o general Ignor
ance upon this niilijm't iaidiown by tbo
rnormou eunsumption of quack medi
cine. Multitude of people try one
ii.Htruiu after another In utter blind
lies Kail such compound were thrown
Into the ea, It would save every year
million of dollar and tbousund-i of
During the prevalence of a widespread !
epidemic, m lf-do torlng iMvome K.cul
larly perilous, l-'ear I In the air, and I
more contaglou than mtt-poit itself,
t'nder It Influence men fly to drug,
either to ward oil the dreaded attack, or
lo cure a diwase wbii li very likely ex
ists only In tbe patient' excited Imag
ination. The Impaired condition of tho
system under this llt-ad ised dosing In
vite the very attack which tbe doatng
wan intended to avert.
The newspaper announce that a par
ticular drug is being 1 ni..,T'-d by illl
tlnguthHl physician; li is extnnsiVely
advertised, and a credulous public
makes baste to procure it. tn many
such cum tho drug tn question is
merely being experimented with
cautiously by the phvse'lan. and likely
rnoujrh, when they come to cum pare
note with each other afterward, It 1
discarded altogether It may meet ono
symptom of the disease, but on tho
whole prove to be alteuded with great
A.-iiln, In moat epidemic, there are
various type of the prevailing disease. '
I Thl win eminently true of the Into in
lluetiiA. In many caws the special sent
of it was the lung and air passage; tn
others, the brain; In a third class, the
ill -estlve tract, tlf course the remedy
in islisl to be adapted to tho particular1
lyie. 1 uriher, it needed to bo adapted
to the stage of tho dlaoaao, A preserlp-
tl..n appropriate to the fever stage j
might U very harmful In tho lnU.rst.igu .
of marked depression.
Itut the people took no cognisance of
these fundamental facta. One of the most In ute was quinine -air
etfeetie remedy lu It place, but a jierll- J
ous one out of It place. Though its,
first 1 Ifect is to stimulate, Its later 1 Heel'
is -really to depress. Nothing could !
Ih inure hasarditu vhan to lutminlater !
it in the later s' age uf so depressing aj
d l..:..,.. a In: Lenta. A writer In the'
Mi Advance believe that nearly,
all ih. uiote daugerou 1 s.viuptom in this
epi.b tutc wore due to the indiscriminate j
use 01 ((uinlne.
ASMIK I1KS.ISIT baa fed one hundred
and twenty Ihouaund (sxir achool-cliil-dreh
In three yenra.
I'msiKss iKArlinc may lis said to lie
tleciihtlly, us she weighs two hun
dred and ten im.viii.Ij.
To Mm:. Moiuksk 1 I duo the credit
of overeimuiu the prejudice of Itogliah
WH-iety lo M ruii-KWi etened clfurellea.
Mas IIk'Uh-LiiIiii is u ir. Hector ol
Sevres, of whl.'lt alio is particularly
fond, and her cubitieu, contain speci
men of iiiiliiu. U'auty nnd true excel
lence. Mns. Jr.wi --'ln 1 ni, thlnU that n
abort hkii't. nti!i . ! .lit tup Usits extend'
injf OS fur up ni He' kie " ull'l nil easy .
lilting w.n-t is tie- riio.t urtistk form
of dresj. iv ilile to iu..l,.'
Au. of Mrs. 1, 111 , 'try' hmowlinld
I'fTect In her New Yorlt residence have
bu n forwar.h d tole-r London address,
w hu ll is rejr.iril. .1 .. 111 1'ittlon Hint
she is not ..Mm to i 1 i'ii tothi .country,
iiltliough aim may still retain bur prop
erly hen'.
Mirt.K Wilhelmina. lb .Hand's child'
iueeti, 1 said to U' tin- richest hi iivss
In the world, she is mi intelligent
little (firl, and s'.ili. four lir,i;riuire.'
with II 11. -iiey. ,,u I 4 i.ilu.UuI eltuit U
made liy thiu.e ..Isiul In r to prc-crvc
lwr natural invt.uity i.n.l childUh sliu
pliclly. HVhoii my lnp euaivs 111 sn.-n my i ip 1 un
1 la !
ibu I I hear ..' I utialusuf rouble thro' tho
1 busy rli)'dlu.
lfer4Wiiia tn, tiru lou r, wi.oui I've pictured la
tuy a ,iai,
Till his tM. w fair and loot. Items, s reslllr
now secaMf
When my shit nuns In-will hi stupua twad-
(4 Kile j
A 0.1 t" I el weary ojy and hours tn which ho
.il.l ,1 f ir Ule
And ss he .luwty rtsi-s sill he fill my heart lth
While he lol4 aw ilusrly to hltn and oar Ml)
meet with u Masl
IVhea sir shin oui.s nrlll It UHrng ms w.
p rars I
ToiUse urouml my tieck and arms, to twin
wiililu my hair)
Will It brlnit ms silks sad satiat ad aostly
laces old.
Will It iirina mo rtcbost parfumM and sodnrs
Oiled with (SJlilt
When mf nblp cumms la- It will utapt)' tw fur
Thoiifb all ths ( uf Orlcat. all tlMjuwste of
the aca,
Alt the Uessums ul ths ladhis, lit rich carao
should txiuiprts. '
If my liieai Inv. r romus not thoo. 10 cbser my
w altlug i.'S.
Wins my ship roams la -I vara not If It be
Th tiniest uf craft thai w.r satied mwn th
If It bring tar knightly bare, taeoih ae sUh
of aula has be:
I will welcome him so gladly, sad ay usj hsail
ha war wla,
t'vrvvsr aad lfVkr whs wy ship vuim la,
ljipcrlrni-o i.r .1 t'lill.i.lrliht.i lllrl Who
t rli-il lo Mitrtln i:iijttsnil.
llnrllsh women, say the sliec-makcr,
bV( large feet and know it. They live
up U them sereni'ly. ami wear great
lux. I and shoes, uare-toeil, broad,
ttal-heeUnl, with a naiette that amusin
and w-andallic their American cousins.
They don't care tuppence tor feet. In
tbe great tide of American girls that
rushed across the Atlantic last spring
to rtuel In a 1oiulon season, say the
llostoii Herald, there was a gay little
I'bliadelphian, bright as a brand-new
dollar, witty, clever, but, alas! accounted
In the contest of beauty In licr imtho
land, deeldeilly plain, (inn good tilnt.
Indeed, she possessed beyond ijuestlon,
and that was her feet. They wero
simply bowit'hing. Small she wore
No. I- slender, with an Instep arched
like Spun!.)! si-ii. irit.Vs; they wero
thing of beauty and j foreer, and
the young woman lo whom thoy l
longeil squandered her sulmtanco In
ilk stockings and tatlshlngshis.s ulom
she was 011 the point of Htnrlltii: tor Hit
pland. "There," she sighed to h rself. In
rapturous anticlputlon, "I shall lie up
proclateil. M v feet will probably create
a furor, and, 1 should think, ought to
secure me an Ilarl, at least. I wundrr
If her Majesty will mention them when
I am presented? It I my colili 11 opsjr
tuiilty. the chance of my lifetime!"
Hhe eame back to Newport In August
a sadder and u wiser girl -without the
"It nil a snare and a delusion," alio
potted at luncheon to hi r Inti reatsl
'rlends "Those Ungll)! girl have feet
that am simply enormous enormous!
1 ouly saw one who wuro a smaller loot
than a seven. Itut they have no refine
ment of feeling, no artistic sensitive
neetatall. Not soul ever mentioned Not a single soul! I kept them
displayed us artlessly nnd prominently
as I could wherever I went, and not
one living human Ix-ing ever apuke of
"Not tbe Qtnwin?" invested her
bosom friend, lit Is ,.hv.u uoir
friend whoasksdlsa.freealili iiiestioiih, )
"Too tiuecn'" rvpoated Hie I'lilladel
phlan. "My dear..' her vide., sank to
n Impressive whisper, "my dears, 1
jjivo you my wonl when I a her die
had on low black slippis something
like anklo ties, and erowtl, In: m
her fat feel In white stm-i. ni-. 'l'hu.'i.
the aort of thing they ;b.,ire out
TltAM f'S."
llisy Are !..iii.ilt. j 4 Sn
V'.,h as 3ItuuitH.
.m lo
What the ii!ieo 1 ,11 "v nth even
tramp.." uro U coming more 1 1.1 i..oiv
prevalent. aj tie- N i, u l.n
Meiulu i-s uf the f.ooe ninl p ople v, 1.0
an familiar with th h.iii.,'.i , in ter
t.ila i:iri. of New Yorl. :.n- on, n Inter-
sted in the juwuf.,11 of m ,n
whom they know by sight. Aa the
mouths go b) IhiHe hutligemgrow I.e. 10 and netslv In apin-
an.'.;. Niatniss haves tin 111 and tie v
r uti,nll tiered'' eieteli. s. , .
1 ;. 1 .t; out tin ; 1101 classed vVltti
He to' piotes.lunul trnmp Tho
"gce lemon trumps'' r. men who have
formerly been respi'etablo and often
have some sort of a desire to prootiro
work. They are always going asimo
wtiore to answer an advertisement or to
make an inquiry, but Incidentally tliuy
are on the outlook for alms. Turban
thu most successful of all tbeao
men Is ti Will and rather mili
tary looking personage, about 11 fly
year of age, with a while mous
t'lchc nnd n head of curly v. blto
hair He tramps lioiwoou Fifteenth and
Twenty. third atreeu, and, according lo
ihe Killeo and shopkeeper of that fcin
liy. ho bogged for nearly eight year,
lie waawnro a lloor-walker at a f.iuiouu
ilri -giNHls house on l'ourleiiilh street.
Ills feet were iiluwsl on lltn ground,
but there i a pretense of blacking
on what remain i of hi bouts, nnd them
la an air of osleniallous I1.1t llctitioiii
neainess Jn hi 1 .iltlr s HediM- not ap
proach H ople promiktniously, but single
out his victim with grout saa'tty and
care, Thty are uearly alway elderly
Iodic or spinster verging 011 mlddln
Hfs II" stare al the women from
whom li i,it nd to li.-g plaintively
n lotiif tint, n be Walk .ii.'ar her. Tin 11
be I .'; o.f h it. ap ir.i.K-tie buiii
Id v . and p ii 4 out hi , til .' w 1 1. Ho u 1 b r any clicr 1 ,tuii,-.i, ra
le .ptn to b f fr mi a 1.1 tn Hi , story
is s 1 1 If 1 1 1 (hat in n -.illy every In--.l.ilice
tin 1 11 tn fr mi W'101.1 ho bei
Stops and linteiis court siii ty. Theil
she ..pen iu r purse .ily and looks at
bi-r Afur e.ire fully consider
ing the loiesU.ui aft r tho fashion of
women, she .1 HboraUdy atdeets her
coin and p v-jku It over to lb 1 beggar.
Ills inaniri italloti of gratitude U ex
treme, lie is said Ui ho the only bog
I'ar who succeeds regul.irly tn gelling
contributions from the stimo victim
many times over.
V.lne uf 1, I'urii5.r Tolii, I
llut few parsons whu f tew n pasaen-j
,'cr train a it goo thundering iioai 1
have an Idea that It represent a ansh
value of from 7S.0XMi to eiJO.Ooo, but !
ueh I the eae. Tbo ordinary xpres j
train represents from .Luoo to (MM.uou. ,
The engine and lender are valued ri
$10,5001 tho hagg igo ear, Sl.wsi; the ;
postal car, 4,lAW; tho smoking car, '
13,00'); two ordinary paweuger cars, I
810, i.) J each: three ialae rars, Slfi.lMO
each total, "iikwl M iU" rains aro
worth tlOw.uou.
A lllol'il 1'itrewr.
Mrs. o'Dughan - It's sorry Ol am. Mr. 1
(lalloway. to hear a bow j'r son wa
Hulu' ter tbe bad Hure, now, til fought '
some loin day he'd bo a gn at alderuauh, '
or i'ongrcaatnon, er aomet'lng. I
Mr, (lalloway (sadly)- Yes, Mra. '
O'Dughan, tbe bye bad tho tonkin' ar a
glii. at shiaU'seion in 'lm, only bi bead
was a little wake, an' heou'dn'tabtawl
ihu phuaiii'T. - . - I
Htm VVs 1'rflfiit siel t'r,. an, I llr I.Hn
I ltr) So,,.
Mother who Sometime feel disposed j
to murmur at tbe restrictions Involved
In the can' of little children mar learn
a lesson from thi palhetiu ttictdeut,
narrntisl In the Home Magaxlne:
1 was of washing dishes; I was
tinsl of drudgery. I had always been
so, and I was dtaatlstbl. 1 never sal
down a moment to read thai Jamie
didn't want a cake, or a bit of paper to
scribble on, or a bit of soap lo make
bubbles. "I d rather be In prison," I
ahl ono day, "thati have my life IobmsI
out so," as Jamie kuookisl my elbow
when I was writing to a friend.
llnl a moment eamo when I had ono
plate lea to wash, one chair less to set
away by the wall In the dining-room;
when Jamie's little crib wa put .iway
lit.i the garret, and it has neter ouie
down since. I had boon unusually fret
ful nnd discontented with him thai
damp May morning that he look thi
croup, tiloomy weather gave mo the
headache, ami I bad loss patten ' then
than at any other time. Hy ami by ho
was singing In another room:
1 waal to 1m a turn I,
and presently rang out that metallic
croup cough. I never hear tlia'hinin
since that It doesn't cut me to the heart,
for the croup cough ring out with It.
lie grew worse toward night, when my
husband came homo and went for a
doctor. At ttrst he seemed to le lp him,
but II merged Into intlamumtory croup,
nnd was soon over,
"1 ought to havo been called sooner,"
aald the doctor.
1 have a wrvoBt to wash wish- now,
and when a visitor comes I etui sit down
and entertain her without Imviiig lo
work all the time. Them Is no little
boy Homing me to open his Jiek kiilfo
nnd there are no shaving on Hie floor.
The magazine are not soiled lth look
ing at the picture, but stand prim and
peal oil the rendtllg-Uble, Just as 1 leave
"Your carpel never look dirty," ay
wtutry, worn mother to me.
llut my life is a weary n Ihetrs
weary with sitting In my parlor at twi
light, weary with watching for the little
arm that used lo twine around mv neck,
for the curls that brushed a'ulnt eiy
cheek, for the young laugh thai rang
out with mine as we watched the hissing
coal tire or inndo rabbits with the t,hd
ow on the wall, waiting merrily lo
aether for p,ita's coming home. I bate
llio wealth and ease I once lunged for. but
at what price'.' And when I si e oilier 1
niotheru with grown-up ami driving to
luwn to church, and my hair allured
over with gray, 1 think what might hate
been hud I iniiriniirisl load nt tho provi
dence of t!l.'
A tree measuring threo foot from llio
ground, twelve feel slv Inches In cir
cumference, Is reported to uilsl in
(llppml, forty inile from Kale, Aus
tralia. MEN AND MEN.
Tiik tnore you nlish n incnii man tbe
incniier be Ih'coiiu'h. ,
Tin in: is no easy placo anywhere 011
eurlli for 11 lun.v 111,111. j
To a man of pluck detent Is always 11
atep to something better
Tin: man vvh'i iiegleeta U) Improve n
tnlelit Meals from himself. 1
Nnvfii put yourself 111 the kivvornf u
man who Hill luck 11 dog for fun. 1
Kr.i.i" it clow eye on Hie men wIusmi'
v He is itfrnid to nl( hitu for money I
Tin: limit who control Ivlmsclf will
uImi coiitrol n grenl inniiy other vnple. j
No IA can get nny ivul Joy mil
weullb be has obtained by aluiuling on
Die llei l.s uf the poor.
Mis are mora iifruid of wlml 4iuu'
lusty umy suy or think nboul llicm than ,
they are of ennnon bnlla.
Tiimii: are hundreds of turn uito chew
Htul sniokii, who nlwuyh bowl when
their wiVe wiuit iiiiolhoi feather on
llivir IsjiincU.
llalii's Horn.
i-rr.ii i 010. rpi.Ms. in. or hit ;
.1 hi). Mini l,,rr 1, loTe. ,
,. ' 1,1.1
'I lm nidi, uin. ....Hlf, 1 , 111 ml m Tu'avu
...... -I" '- " "J -
and everywhere little realizes how
thankful many of his bean rs aro that
they have nut such an uncomfortable,
unhappy, malodorous mind clamoring
for expression, an Is evidenced hy the
unkind Judgments and unchar. table
words which are usually on the ll of
this person. 1 'or have you never
notlcisl that thl quality i rarely
claimed and Insisted upon other than
apologetically? Tliu Homo Magnilno
"Have you ever met the man who
pride himself on the fact that hu 'al
ways says just what he thinks?' You
hnvo? Then you will agree with me
that he In a good deal of a walking, 1
talking .ti Inline. There is 110 truer j
saying than this, that speech was given 1
to disguise one's thoughts. 1'he refine- '
menu of rltlllietl Die men away lielore
the man or the womau who says what
be or she think. Mortals of that kind
do nut even uhsorvo tho good old rule
about thinking M'vernl limn before
Nioaklng. No. Itut, ignoring such 11
thing as tact, which I the fair ollspriiig
of thoughtful speech, they Uilray tho
fact thai they sMiak what tin y have no
business Ui think In n way that make
every one about them dismally uncom
fortable and ready lo vow that the man
who thinks nud spenk not Is lucom
(inrably preferable to tho felluw who
thinks and speaks slii,uiUineouly
Those who work their chilis and tin ir
bruin synchronously, lliossi who blurt
out their IhoughU, and pride them
selves uu so doing, may li well-mean-lug
pnrsoii. but limy are 110110 tbo leas
unbearable. They grossly abuse tbe
quo gift which lifts) them above tbo
plane ul animals tbe gift uf ape 00b
Uun they 'say Just what they ibluk,
St 1 s. I,,l,n, Msnfnril'i Plans In I'minro
thin with lleil Institution.
Mr, l.eland Stanford, lunti Interview
In the San I'mm-lsoo Chronicle, give
many facts hitherto imprinted In regard
hi plans for the new university at VtAa
Alto. She any the same attention will
be given lo girls as to hoy, and it Is her
purpose to have an art training-school,
like the ( is.j-r Institute, where girl
who have a taste for designing may fto
cure Instruction that will enable them
to earn ag-ssl living. If they then wish
to study higher art they w 111 lmn Uieoiu
to support theinselis. The ohlef aim
will lm Ui ground tbe student lu olo
mwnUiry studios, and then to give thoiu
some practical training by which Umy
may eas.lj support tliemsidveH. If then
they desire higher training ll will lm
freely given, but the whole spirit uf tho
Institution will ln against merely orna
mental education. Toiiini Mrs, .Stan
ford's won It un this ilnt:
"I think It nWiiitcly cruol to give, a
young man or woman who 111111 depend
iikhi their own overturns for a liveli
hood a classical islucatlon pure mid sim
ple. There Is scarcely a week that Mr.
Stanford Is not asked to give employ
ment to graduates of Yale and Harvard.
He ha six of thom as oar-conductor on
the Market street linn now. (If course
It Is no disgrace to them and they will
not remain long, but It Is pitiful to wlt
ties llio helplessness of wrongly ihIh
oalcd young people."
When asked whether any plana bad
been devlmxl fr the association (it thu
aexos she aald: "Yes, In leesl. Cot
lages will W built which will acromroo
data about twenty student each and
those will 1st In charge of a teacher,
where tho )ierounl habits, manners nnd
amusements of the siudenui may bu
under supervision. Kvery earn will Iki
taken Ui make those cottage liome In
the I pest Hetiso of tho word, n placo
where no creed Is taught, but whoro tho
day iM-gtii and nnd with prayer and
v. Iiere eni'li individual is brought under
refined discipline. Tho Co ting its In
tended for boy will lie nlsnit a mile dis
til nt from those occupiisl by the girls,
but the evening may be tuisstsl together
In musk; or social game lu the presenco
of and with the consent of the teachers. "
"I It true you intend lo give paint
ings and curliM In your lions.) to tha
umierstty musnuin'"
"Ijnlto true, and I am iliilenilllirsl
Ibero nhaii copies of all the old
matli rs added to the collection nt
paintings. Down In mv ball-room Is an
eiaol reproduction of 'The lord's Sup-
I'r,' paiiiteit ny naphaoi, which wan
found during the waes of .N'!iilisiu, and
which hang in the outhttrul near
Milan. King 'Humbert allowed 1110 Ui
have ll coplisl. Through Mr. I'.mJlii
ton, our recent Minister to (lermany,
the young Kaiser ha given xirmlslon
Ui sH.'Ure a ropy of the f.imou 'Mistlno
Msdoniin' In Dresileu, reserving only
lln right to name the artisU 1 havo
Just given an enter to halo tho work
It luevpoctod that Ihe unltoralty will
beoien next fall. Tho college will
be provided with ample lis.' lure -rooms,
mid the trustees will bo required lo or
I. 1 a lugu siunry lor instructors. The
h.i'her course will Ihi freo to p,mt.
graduates of all college and universi
ties, nnd lo such other deserving per
sons a the may elis'l to admiU
, Tho Hurrst Way uf lleluir llrmty for Tin-in
I I. lo Vleel Ninsll Onca Ualml).
I The know ledge of what to do incase
J of sudden calamity doe mil geiinrnlly
. come on tho spur of tho moment or by
j Inspiration-It Is already lu store and
I waiting a siiiiimoiis Into action. Those.
1 who keep thulr eye and ear upon very
readily learn what I lit to bodomi In
case uf tire, or burniiii.-, or sunstroke, or
a broken limb, or a fainting fit, or a 1
v. re cut, or sudden mid severe ItlntutS,
until professional assistance call bo
btought to Ihelr aid. A commoiiplnoH
; Usik 111 which uiinles of treatment In
1 various maladies and accident aro nutist
down is very useful lu helping 01111 tti
remember whal to do.
The surest way of being ready fur the
gn it einerireiicles of life I to inuul all
U, small one nul only with calmiioaa,
, , ... ,
1,1,1 w,t" ft masterful spirit, resolvisl to
turn defeat and disaster, however
trilling, u good account, by learning
from them tho secret of victory. "To
lie weak tsinlsiirablodiilugorsiillerlug,"
and they who cultivate weakueas, by
n fusing Ui use eien the smalleat menus
uf overcoming ubstacle lu thulr way,
cultivate misery. These unhappy souls,
win 11 calb-d iiiKui lo confront sudden
and lerribbi oumrgonrloH, crltigu and
faint and know not which way Ui turn,
while those who with fearles ouurago
and Indomitable will fight tho leaser
tu.tllesof life, are strengthenisl thereby
for those mightier eonlllcls Una call out
all their skill and resource, and make
ti. ' Hi saviors and iHinufauioril lu thulr
-.w-i-i,,, i t,i,i
YnMg mother envy tbo unruffled
.,, observed lu elderly women
w bo liavo rearisl largo families of ubil-
,(lra (l ., , ,.., i.n. broken
Unit swill heal, that bruise gut welt,
Unit lm ro are way of managing and
preventing disease, and that it I al
Wti) sliest lo keep possession of outi'i)
wit. "All thing uoiuo alike to all,"
mid as Milton say of tho affliction
which at onco darkened and brightened
111 life; "It 1 nut no wretched to Im)
blind as It I nul to bo r.iiablo of en
during blindness. Hut why should 1 not
endiiro a iiiisforluiio which ll bohooviu)
e ry one to bo prepared to enduro If It
should b tppou, which may In tho onin
men courso of thing hapsin to every
man, and which has been known U hap
pen Ui the most ilistlngulsliisl and virt
uous person lu lUlory. N, Y. Chrla
Han Advoosta.
A ix!.i egtf of the link, t ianta
bir.1 t Mt formerly tuluiliiUtl loolnnd, U
urt li Tlitnv nr., buV tuu,. uf
otfOUl thu, oiwiitry. ,.
. v .U- K-. -. WSMrfl
"""W" vis.waswxssasxpsj
'iaiiTia-lni s..iA '