HIE GRANT COM HEWS. December 24, ISO 1. OUK CONGRESSMAN. DOOKS AND DOOK WRITERS. will NHW TO-DAY. It is conceded by about every one that KnMcrn Oregon should have, and is entitled to tliu lionor of electing the man to represent tlio second congressional district of Oregon, in the lialls of congress. "While, the N i:vh is not a jwlitieul machine in the Mriutur sense, it is a linn advocate of the right, and will labor for the interests of Grunt county and Kastorn Oregon, liml, last and forever. Therefore we havu stated in these columns a number of times, our preference for a representative from this sec tion, of either olitical faith - if he is from Kastorn Oregon ho is stm. iK)sed to advocate measure for the battorinont of our condition, as well as other parts of the state, and as thoro has never been a repre sentative elected east of the Cas cades our section is entitled to a candidate, at least. Tliun let dele gates go to the conventions in structed to supKirt the xtrongeat eandiilato from IviMcrn Urcgun- -one who will poll his share of votes in the lower counties -and if nom inated his election is assured and this inland empire will appreciate the honor conferred. (leolior. Knx.VAN'A "Sllicrliv" shortly Imj pulilUlKil In Iximlott. I'lCMin I-oti. the now memlxT of tlin 1'ronpli ci-aitamy, lrni written mimt of lil . 1hhiU oti iKKird Milp ilurliitf the loiiff liotinnif th- night. Tun new trillion of ItimUlir".M(Mlerii l'utntcra," It Ih Midi, will bring the author n imllt of fully thirty thuiiMtiiil ihiltno. Ami yet to puMUh iit-' own Ixxtkit U tWI(tretl to Ik; n fooltah plnn, Tiiohah A. llinttox U writing lili llrnt novel. A telcrBih, Atlantic euLilii, ti'li')hoi)c, ilionnf nipli, aiiiliihouc ami Itlm-loftrnpli will tliriire onion tho no innlr, owl tin iloiHMiomcnt occurs In it thunder liowi-r. Virroii Ill-no Mill wlU Urely. tier liiff the tiaul tire rrnr tlie nrtMmxW from hi r.irlon work Imrp nmounUtl ! t't I . t ' i.3l fruneft, ovlmlinK th mI of i the (itiillnmue eilltion of "Notre lniii' ami tho "Oearre liMHtite." A I.os Angeles man projwses to raise elephants in California and train them to pick oranges. He nays: "The trained elephant would bu a great success in the orange groves. Mo could readily reach all over the trees with his trunk and carefully pick the fruit and place it in a bag hung around his neck, or in a basket tied on his back, lie could pick more oranges than ten hired men, and would never strike for higher wages or llirt with the hired gfrl." Judging from the court iecoul for the pint twenty-live year anil other jeeordi not pertaining to the court, the inspiring of girls to preach the gospel will protect mor ality and thus preserve the woof of Christianity and Godlincxs, provid ing the general run of e'eaeons can bu prevailed upon to follow Jesus instead of the girls. The church at CaUkill, N. V., lately presided over by Uev. II. W. George, now on a liftccn year leave of almeuoo iu prihou at hard labor for the se duction and killing of his little ad opted daughter, l.olta Townsond, siiggets the engagement of the Louisville girl preacher to go up north. Until the f ill returns loiiiu in wo shall ul ways think that Arling ton is entitled to the enke for the K)sseskiou of the biggest whiskey drinker in America. That is, she Kncssod him till last Saturday night when he drank over llfteeu bottles of whiskey in a space of two or three hours and tlien the stuir did not "set" well on hi htomauh or something and he fell asleep to wake iu aland where he'll need a whole hoghcad of watei to quench his thirst ami won't get it. ; His name was John Tchau and he 1 was an old logging camp hand. ; Ho was attacked with iolent &Niiflms and iu spite of all it doctor j could do he died two or three hours after having loaded up, frothing at the mouth. Dalles Chronicle. ADOUT OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Tin: (Treated itay'a run of any ixwan (.U-ouixlilp MS mile. Tin: HiiTannah tit tint Menm hhlp 1" erma ih Atlnntlc: lime, TWlny Tll' K nifent Mearotht now in wrvwi In Hie wurM la tho Teutonic, WW. OS feet iii;f. Amoct ily Meamahlrw are on iraitvtl In trM traiiiatlautU) patteiigtir trnile. Tio: r.trurlii earrlen the )urgt mini lr of eViln paenfter440 of any hlenmi.M ullout Tin. nverajfi) enetiN' of nuiiiltii,' n teanihiti from New Yotk to I,WerMMjl ami ret .mi' Is T'..00l. (In f the grout liner will conmno aUmt .. Cp Um of eonl every twenty, four Imiiiih, or 4rXt iiiimIi. n inliiiito. flAnC, OLD OOOKSAND PAPERS. A ti:iiutiA man ! it 111 hie prlnUslln I&M. A rniirfCT copy of the flml (illtinn ol l. f. . UohltiMxi CniKKi luU-ly Mild In l.nilon for I'nnn ni.v the rareRt ntamp lit exUt etiev hnn Juit hccii MiM In l-oiidon for CIM. It Una Ainerienn S-eent utiunp iMUed nt lirulllrljnni. Vt . Ill !H0 As unknown ewuiy Ity (!ilhe on the compnrtitlve anutomy of the kktills ol mammal. pped to have Iwon writ ten In ITU I. linn Just lieen illcovert.Ml. AX unknown thorn I work hy tiluvk lino Just U-en illm-overed In MS. at lire den, written in ITS? at the re)iiekt ol the (fraud duke Ia-imi11, of Tti&cauy, to relebrntti the hlrth of an heir. j MATIIIMONIAL CANDIDA! C3. j A N'kw Yomk tflrl of fourteen hai Jiut ' Ix-eii married for the fhlrd time. I Ax AU-hiu trlrl who U mmmi to lie. ' married will pay tho vxM-iiiK-a of the wedding tour, j A oilll. at Plttnl.urch, I'n., hint Jiut i elopeil with her flrt love, from whom j i,he ran away ten veani m;o uftor prom- Uinu to marryinir him. A miimiwi:ii of kixty-one In Welling ton. K'iiii . wedded n yoiiutf uoiiinn of twenty nfler un itrqunlntitnee of one urek. .Iiixt olio week after marriiie khe left him. A 1 1 f inn: w iflrl nnd n f'hlniimati were m.irrled in I'hleufpi the other day. The (VleKltnl'k liuineM in-liili- to the immlier of thirty were pri-ieul anil ktniKijlvtl for a clunco to knlute the hri.le. Sen Kim, n f1ilaee lnundryinnu tit I'ndueiih, Ky., married hin awtUtant, Silk hla ltnttffr. a pretty American tflrl The eeremony wn Anlcrlean mid the (rrooin wt diirulaed In n dniM, Milt. The hrlile any It Ik not a inntter of Uuklni'kk eunvunlence, bu I purv, un lidillturuled love. FACTS SCIENTIFIC. Av.w.vsi of Individual IkhU Imlleate that maturity, mire than hlxe, ilcter inlnii the mifur eitnlciitn of tliu licet. U'n loae Uvu poiiniU of water In tiventy-four houn by ivrkplrntlon. ninl the more we pernplru tho cooler wu bo iHimc. Tiik number of t'UK Iu n kh-pomul eel in .Vovemlwr l.n fully nlnu million; miller the mtertmeopti they munnru eighty to the linear iueh. A m o ut, fifteen timea aiveeter thna eane Mijfnr and twenty llmea tweeter than U-el aujfur, U rop-irteil by u tier, man chemikt from eolloh-aeed mmtl, Tiik Soeicte d'l'neouratfemeiit pour l'lnduktrie .Vatiotmhi of Pari hn awarded a prUe of tweut.y-flve humlred fianek to Henry M. Howe, of lloatoa, urn of Mrv .Inlln Want Howe, for u treatlne on tin- metallurgy of kteel. gKAF.KI) I'HOI'OSAhS. Foalcil projiofmla will be received by the County Court of Grout coun ty, Ktnte of Oregon, until twoo'clook in the afternoon of Friday, Jan. 8, lS'J'J, for tho care, board, lodging nnd wnshing by the day or by the vtoek, for each jierson of nil the county oor nod such jk-tsoiih a may bo ilechtreil county charces up- on Grant county, except the two ' boys known as the "Hed WillinriiH Iwys, for the yenr commencing on 1 the 11th day of January, 1NU2 and i ending on tho 10th day of January, j isi:t. The county court reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. Dated this 'Jlst day of Deo. 1SU1. j Hy order of tho county court- ! (iWl. SIIKAIIKK, ska I. Clerk. s UKHIFK'S SAL I-:. Notice i hereby Riven that by vir tue of nn execution an 1 order of Kilo imuiMl tit of tliu c rcuit court of tlio .Stale of Orison fur Giant county up n n judgment rendered in said court on tliu l.'ith day of Novoinher, 1601. in fi,or of W. S. Soiithwoith pl.nntiir nml (.linHt Polly Wilson ilefuiiilant for the stun of Two hun dred and iiinotoou nnd fi.ty.HuvHii onii IniiidredtliS JIII.'m ) dollars with intirost llirieon Jfrnni tlmh.iid ?,th day of Nov. 181) I and the further atim of Thirt-four nnd forty-six ono bun dle Ithh (?;ll If!) dollars costs and disliurHoiii"iits and nccruin cohIk and costs of sale, and to mo direclrd ; nud deli veied. 1 Imvo levied upon and wi'l Nell nt public miction to the . highcHt bidder for eauli in hum! on Siilurday tho 2.'M day of January, ' I Hill, nt tho court lioane ibmr iu Canyon City, Giant county, Htnto of Oregon, at '2 o'clock p. in. of anid day nil of the lollnvung doscribed nml piojierly nnd nit tlio right, title nnd ( mteioHt of mod defendant I'olly Wil hoii therein, to-wil: All the ground minuted on tho north side of .Main street of the tou i: of Cnnyon Oil) ami the dwelling Iioiiho tliereilioii; IkiuihI o1 on the south by the Kaid .Mnin Htieet, on the sohI by the I'liil Mel Hi lmn lot, on the east by ulmt in known nn tho Wood A Church lot, and on the not t li by tho lot ouned and ocrupied by ltooa Keieia, nil being kitua'e iu Canyon City, (irant coualy, Oiegon, and bei'ig the bonne and lot now occupied by I'olly Wil son an a dwelling house, together with all and hiiigular, the leneiiiuntH, hcroditaiiicntH and uipiiitonauco thoieunto belougiiii' or in any wisn appertaining I onus of kale ensb. WiMi wi in v linnd nt Canyon Cilv. Oregon, tliix '.'I'lid day of Dm;., 1.S1U. O. )'. OKIvSAP, ShorilVof (irant Co., Or. FIREMEN'S BALL. tfl Ike Court House, CANYON CITY, OREGON. ox NW YEAR'S IW, DECEMBER 31, 1891. CO.M.MriTKlCS. Auit.v.sorwtLvrs 1'. P. I'loUchmnu, Krnost Stnuwll, 1'ert Hnguowood, .Samuel I arnsh. 1' i:iiiiin 0. I. Gray, John Murchison, Tho. Kelley. Fi.oon A. J. .Stevens, S. J. Deering, V. I'. Hoysley. BEST OF MUSIC. 1891 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT, "To whom it may Concern:" We have at present as has been our motto in the past viz ; The Largest, Best and Newest stock of General Merchandise in Grant County. All of which we are bound to sell regardless of cost for the next 60 days. You cannot afford to miss this offer, and we trust our numerous patrons wiil take advantage of it. A call on us will satisfy your curiosity. IY1. DURKHEIMER & BRO. ratrtc Oreo-oil. Tichels, :-a3tcomk oxk. Including Supper, $2.50. COM K A 1. 1., and dance the Xew Vein in.J 1 Fl'l.L ItOLLICK I'KUCKSS Fl.OfU. Every Sack Warranted. All kinds of Feed and Mill Mull's Always on Hand. Porter Bro's, Prairie City, Or. RED Eli OAT WM. WOODS, Proprielor. Concerning the account of the (cjimuIo of the ton of Jaiuiu Miller, an account of which we publish on the liM page, the Ore- UoniRti eilitoriallv says: ".n an alysii of young Miller's com of tlie hnnl late that drov stnao rabbery reveals the ho occame a criminal by deliberate choice. He preferred tho life of a tmmp "looking for work," to the actual work of earning an honest living on a ranch. It was not the little education he received at a district school that unlittcd him for thu lifu of a farmer. There in sciircely a farm iu the country that has not upon it some person who has had as much teaching iu the district bdiools as .Mr. .Miller, while there is to ho found more than one agriculturist who has not been spoikd for the work of a farm by a couno iu an aeademy or eol lego. With all hie father's inelli eiency and lack of moral perception hut without his literary talent, he is following very closely in the footstops of his pannt at' tho same j tender age, with far less prospect ' of being able to follow his later ones. Heredity, and not tho dis triut school, is the root of this young man's choice of the life of a tramp, with its inevitable ending within the grated windows of a priftQn," ft Ui V) o o 5. o ii c rt u 2 o 11 4) u CJ Z I 1. V I I , Ui CJ c C3 u CJ c a 01 C o (i o lO si js rr m "z a -a 1 Burns, Oregon. .v the pUtcc ti !' ui iorr horses irhcn in tnti place, if ioti want than well cured for, welt fed and groomed '(is.saiQ'ers and freight coiicacd to all iiurts of tlie conn trip hlegant turnouts fumisheit at short notice u nd reusonuhle rates. TICltMS C IS. rV CHRISTMAS PRESENTS J AT o .2 O S 3 5 5 2 io 2 " 3 e k m i -c 0 s BASC1-IE Baker & COMPANY'S City, Oregon. We pay the freight." 1 , 3 llietolts ICIegntit Carpet SueeiH-ru, lienutifnl Siler llioillitil Carving Sets, Itogers' Silverware "Jo per cent len than factory prices, Skates at such prices that all win have them. Pretty Clouks. Nice Hanging nnd Slnnd l.nuivs from oO cunts up. H.tpiiilo Decoratetl Ton l'ots. Stovi iu eudle.s variety from ?!!.i)0 up. iiroh' us 117 77 vorn nun mis. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, fur-wi-: iu v fou cashjuj j-vi sum. ciikai'.jt THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools of this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ol the Bast. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on wool in storage. T. B. FELL, Manager. Oo you Read Advertisements? Do you Idler iidranltHje oftgood offer H'licn it is placed within your reach? If so t.. A, V . so iWfi? Mmm lid)!)- r'?m?r Ol'BE. :2l::i,;:tMfi5TifrciJTrLi'a fact that j ' r6MK't' TbQftcco There is always a best, even aiming a score of good things, and every pipe smoker who has tried the Mastiff l)iand acknowledges it to he the sweetest, coolest smoking tobacco made. It docs not bite the tongue, and is posi tively free front any foreign mixture. First) atiqhal )RahkT) J II !' i I' ' I. V...I "III Scientific American Agency for Or Zloppnor. A. It H K . HUNK Kl I.MM.II, I'renlileut. Vl.-e I'lrslilriit tir.oiuii: W. Co'.HKii, I'.ishirr. J. I". IIIIK., T. A. 1(11 1. A, I. T liOliWIN, Mirer tor. '1'ratis.ie I h n (;i'iiiTal llanllii H n 1 no.H . Exchange on all jviu tt nf tin' u oi lit BOUGHT and SOLD- I'ollivtmni am. Ic at till xvinu en Iti'iiHimaMe 'I'ri iiih. Money liviaed at from one Ui ten i'r ei-iit. BREWERY SALOON Canyon City, Or. Agricultural Warehouse. (iood News for I lie Farmers or Grant County! Friiuk 11km., ol Poitlaiul, Or , nae entalilislu-il an iiuuey at John Day, fo- tho halo of all kimU of Farm Machinery anil Agricultural Iinplo menu, htieli nn axonii, CairiaynH, Uu.nl I'aits, I'Iowh, 1 luriow b, MowerH, lteupi in, ItakoM, ete., ele Awlioln cailomt to ! ilehvured l oiuo. Fverytliin;; litnt i-Iikh mul nt the louvat h.hi.U' raten. I'Iimiu j-ivo 1110 yourtruile. K. HAYKS, A-jt. Allow mo to Hay that I mill haiullo the White Seniu Muehine uml the KurhulV Or(,'an. Haptarjstall Oart 8c Co Ht;ClTJWil)K.S TO- I'or Inlirw.'. ini 111 MS . m mi. IIUi'il tiuri'4U t r . ' r.li'ij Hi'i.l Ijtun CAVCAT8. i " . vj m.ii. d. nraiON patents COPTHIQMTS, ato. . Ui"'"Ok f.l, i k.v Sim iik. I'.- iMt- I'll III AIII.YI&1. ill l II. I. tniOtftt biMlt lUupuMict i (mi! iimolctiincimliu l"ifl I"""'1 'l mi ni Hi nik' in ih tun). Mfiu'-ili.ti, I'lu.lf j:i..i x.i ii,iii...din WKHJU In- a It H. .11 .1 W.i kl ',t)l 4 This popular resort has been reopened to the public, and now, us in the past, keeps nothing but the best Wines, Liiuors Cigars. J. I. KICK Utl. fnipr, I If you ih inmt uml duty jiih eiL you urn do no UitUsr tliau to mil on the Ni;a. I lAPTOXSTJLL $ D.Ui.T, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. Hnve now received tho larget ami tnoit complete tock of new good in Orant County, which they will otfer for tale nt prlcet that defy cirapetition vonr Dry Hoods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoes, (,'loces, M it tens, (Jeer shirts, Underwear. Hosiery, Huts, Winter Caps, Uiin Hoots, Hlunkcls, (Juitts, Corsets, Ladies and childrens' Shoes, liuliber coals. )'ellou Oiled coats, Funcii (lauds. Cutlery, Etc., Etc., tit a- HioiiaoaiKMifKMHiiKioaaaoooaaoooooiiooooucxioooootHHiov g When cntli Hrcoiupunieii the onkr for any atnoutil I ruin Five 0 Mullam or more iu above line of t;oo,lt wo will prepay all Mail or o .St-iyo chni-KOR, to any mago station in (irant or Harney eoiintioii, J until June 15th, 1M'J. I'tSST" When ol'i ou eieiltt no uharu- o en nciuitl. g Wo will j uaiiiiiti-o our lovu-Ni r;ii.il irtiin ou EVCTV Aftidc ami aj,'ii-o to n fuiiil tho uioiiuy if g.K.iUuro not Mlii.faOtoi). lly heniliiii; t u, mitiiij,' plainly, jnnt w liat ih anted, wo can select lliriii to your KiitiHliirttoa. Wo li.nu ihr tiiijgr.sf assort lilt nt f (iu -uial jleiehaiiiliir to bf fnuiiil in ifiy hiuii itl Hilton. You ran bavo inonev in evuiy iine. (live im a tri.il nnl-r. Wu Hoheit mtr timlr. Onlrr l.y Mail at omv. 1'ery ,'rsir, nti. HEPPNER, OREGON. JflHHIOO II0OUOMUOIKKHHOO OOlKlOOOOlMlOll bOIHXJOOlKHIUOl C 0 0 UOIMUI 10 Omilt .11 UuMlK k. DKAI KIt IX 0 0 c c 9 9 I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ! Canyon City - - - Oregon. g Constantly on hand a full ussnrtment of g c ) (loads, Clothing, loots ,- Shoes, (Iroecries, l etc.. c.lo., I'Ac-, ut Jleusoiuble 'rices. i). n. vi:uiioi.T. lOIIHVOO,flOftlHMHIlKIIMHWIUOIOOOWH10,W)MKIOWMMMlftOllH 11 M NET. - DKAUilt IX- A. Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY. C3r 1r