Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 24, 1891, Image 1

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    '' Paper for the Farm,
the Workshop ami tha
111JU JJLi)
. liner.
cv.vmv err)', count woiuuuhY, Tininsn.iv. nucuMitKit $4 isoi.
Number ML
Volume Xll.
The Paper forth Stork- ffY 7 1 T
Notiei t her-ly given that by vir
tu.) of iii lAfMtiion ati i order of sale
issued out of tho Circuit Court of the
State of Otvgou for Urant county
upon j,i lament and decree of fore
closing r.J mIo ntidered in nud
c urt cu tli ;,",ih dv of November,
1891 in favor of K'R MKarlaml
an. I S. Fr. l) h cd nanm-i nuder lie
fit in unme of Mcr-urland Ac FieueH
plaintiff nuii nraioM J li Snow and
KU-!U Snow defend nta fur the sum
of Two llK.iiiwn ! Seven Hundred
8.(.-nt"n and Tiisrtr three one hun
dredtas dollars (,$2717. H-t) with inter
est thetcon at the rote of t n per
ooat per annum from the said 2-Mh
day of Nowmbor, Ix'JI, Two hun
dred hihI tlnrtv 12:1"') dollar attor
ney foes noil 'i'wotitv-iwo and ninety
stv oue hundredth dollai cot of
nit, and accruing costs und rosU of
ml.-, nnd to me directed and dehver
ol, I htvn levied upon and Null sell
t public auction to tlit highest bid
der for cash in band o.i Siturday tho
lO'.h day of January, 1M2, t tho
court lioao door in Canyon City.
Oraut county. slate of Oregon, 2
o'clock J. III. f MI'l day ! of the
following dttenbed real properly,
ninl nil the ruht, title nnl interest
of said defend u.t J. li. Snow nnd
Ktelln Snow therein lo-vvil: 'I'll
iiorilnMHt quartet of section No. ono
(I) in township tliirtocii (1!) south of
rane twenty-six (2li) K. W. M colt
I lining oi.o hundred and sixty acre
and I; in;; ami beiritf situate in (5 rant
ii'i'iiity, st.ito of Onynii, together
with I'll nud s.umiir tho tenements,
lu-rcii'tuinftitN and appurtenances
thereunto beiouging or in any wine
Tei m of sale cttali.
Wittua iny hand ut Canyon City,
Oregon, this Ifttli day of Duo. IrftM.
Shot-ifl of Giant county, Or.
By W. K. South wohtii, Deputy.
Notice in hi-reby given Hint by vir
tue of mi I'.vct'iitioii and ducruo nf
fori'duMiro ninl Hnlo isBiii'd out of tho
(liicuil court of tho .Slut.- of Oregon
for tho county of (irnul upon a judg
inont rcisdurod in Hani omul on thu
lOih day of Novcuil cr, KS'JI , in fvor
of M. Howe, phiintifl ninl nguinBi
C. M. Hmitli in a unit whoroiu M.
Iow wn8 plniutiiV nnd ('. M. Smith
nud .1. II. linker wi-ro dtifoudnuts,
for tho mini of Fivo thouannil foily
two ami uihty-one one huudrulth8
dollar, with iutoriMt tiuicon from
aaid KM li day of November lf91, at
tho mil-of ton ici-icnt per nniiuui
nml Thiv.- hundred and tlftv dollira
nltonuM- fo ami the furthor uui of
l'ort -cindit and twenty ix ono huu
drodiliH il llura wnU and ncvruini;
coitf. 1 h no It-viod upon and will
abll ut public auction on Saturday
thu 'J(Uh hy of J)cocmbirt IK'.H, ut
2o'lot-V p, m of itaid day, and at
tho co. ut Uoiiko door in ('nnou CiU
Grant county HtaU' of Ort'Koii, the
following ilvHcribcd n-ul CBtato, and
nil tin- ri;;ht, tt' uml intoifht, which
uniil l'. M . Smith had on the 17th
day of A, 1NU in aaiil f
luCo nicniioiu'd and dt-tci ibed in anid
decree, to wit : The went h.df and
tho went half of tho eaal half and
0'itlu-aht quaiter f aouthoant ipini
tor of Noctioii twenty two in
loiihi twelve (!.') aoultt of rango
iweot)-throu (-')) Kaat Willainetto
meridian together with all tho totie
mould, ht n litiim-ntH aud nppurton
ancva thcrt unto btloi'KinB or in any
wie nppertainiii. All being hituute
in (Iran', county, Oregon.
Torma of Halo CBall.
D iti-d at Cunyou Ody, Oranl coun
ty S ate of i 'rettou, tUi -'Uh day o:
Novtlobcr, 18'Jl.
0. V. CHKS.W,
Hy W S Koi uiwonrii,
uanmjn oitv, ohi:si)N.
Kino Stock of Ladies' t'liildreiis'
nnd Nttsea' Hals, Puncy giKaJs, I'tc.
MltH. J AS. KulllNHliN.
Scientific Arrerica.i
Agency fcr
I t r I r.1 r
ll A .
(.l. l I III. u t
r.t.M, iuti lit it.
1 .11 1 ink xrnlo to
ii, Sill 1 OKI.'.
.ti i It lu Autfiti-1.
. i.. I.r i.tfbt lJif it
. r,i. uf uImuv 'u In
Il'd IHlllK lir 4 I
rtT U UHVl, -lllolHIUl
I itjIjIihu ol .- .''(-tlllr MP-' m IM
WWUTS, mil .1.1') ' . ... I K IMrllwoki
IMU sIhjiiU l nil. . "utyj'jjWt.
The ton of towipiin Miller Attcstrd far
StKc Hobbety.
Daily Oregonian: It waa announc
ed in the telegraphic dispatches a
day or two ago that Harry Miller,
.. nt t.x.iiiin Mill, r iitm I of
mv mm wi ............ ......... -
for :
alan robbvry in California, and that ,! t want any sympathy, an ! do
hi- bail was fixed at 1,U)0. , not wiah that any blame should !
Voimtf Miller, who ia 'li yean of ol on Joa.pnn Miller, my father,
age, i the win of Minnie Myrtle , fr what I have done.
Miller, from whom the luiiK-h.iired I "Tlw obi exp-rieii.H. of privation
ikj. t wan div.ircwl. Minne Myrtle J wa, repeated, and I siitlered the ml
Miller troubles are Hill k noun tojded miat-ry of knuwing that everv
the lvople of Oregon, tho family HHcinan was looking for Joaopli
having resided in this taUi many McKay, the m-aiM.1 convict and
veitrs ltoth she and the pott wen- j that if reeonuwl I would bo reliirn-
native of Oreffon. She Iwre him
threw children. One was a daiigh
Ut, who for some years was on the
stage. She married tho son of
.Sircele Mackayo, tho ldiglisli aclor,
nnd five or six'years ago was living
in New York. 'Minnie Myrtle Mil
ler died a few year ago.
Young Marry Miller has had n
somewhat checkered career. Ilia
atory, as told in his confession im
mtHliately after his arrest is ns fol
lows: "I whs Kirn twenly-two years ago
and up to the ngc of ten years lived
with mv mother, Minnie Myrtle
Miller, in Portland. The days I
!!eiit with her were tho only really
happy ones I ever knew. When
she gave me into tho keeping of her
sinter at t'oos bay and parted with
me to go Kant after my Mater Maud,
who was being educated in a con
vent, 1 grieved for her. I never saw
her again.
"About a year after she left me
they told me sho was dead. The
inw't seven years of my lifo were
passed on my aunt's farm. She
was very kind ivnd no doubt treated
mo a grout doal Itolter tlian I dosorr
od. 1 went to tho little couutrv
school at Coos bay and learned all
they could teach.
"Put the taste of education I re
ceived there only sharjieiied my np
(R'tite for more. I did not euro for
the evt-ry-ilay lifo of n fanner; 1 was
ambitious to In-como a man like mv
father. A letter to my father tell
ing him of my desire evoked a re
ply inviting ine to come to him, and
saying he would help me. A few
weeks later 1 found myself at 'The
Hermitage' on Oakland Height.
My fathei's reception was not as
cordial as I had a right to expect.
H told me (hut 1 must banish all
Highly ideas from my brain, and
that he did not propoxe to let mo be
a burden on his khoulders. Then
he gave mc work to do n'xiut the
"It was the same old hard drudg
ery I had thought' of escaping when
I left Oregon. To lm sure, inv fath
er had promised to pay mo for my
labor, and I la-came contented when
I thought that with the money thus
gained I could educate myself in
the higher branches. 1 1 was a crush
ing blow when he refused to pay
mo. Anger ami disappointment
overcame my better judgment, and
one day I left The Hermitage.'
"My brother (Jcorgo went with
mo, and we traveled alxmt the state
working at various places, until
finally we parted in Modock county.
I came to Sail Francisco and car
ried message lor tho American
District Telegraph Company for a
while. Then I returned to tho
country and worked at odd jobs,
getting square meals occasionally,
but most of tho time going hungry.
dntteU tmtk to Oregon, nut i unt
not go to Coos bay, knowing that if
I did I would U' doomed to stay on
the ranch forever. One night in
Portland, while I was hungry ami
desja-raU', a man projiosed that wo
break into a house. His name was
Webster. He was an old acquaint
ance, and was trying to reform from
the habit of using opium. One day
we walked out of Portland and along
the roads conversing until wo came
to a farm house near the railroad
trato. It was noon and we were I
hungry I asked WobMer to go to no was a very su a man, aim rcjwri
the house ami try and get something od off to the doctor. The doctor
to eat.
I Im, niiiimv nml lo t him
I would nav all oxnonsc. He wont
to tho house, and 1 followed a few
minutes afterward. It happened
that there was no one in the jdate,
1 WuUter crawled throuuh u
window. He paed mo some food
BM.'t Ml m-w-
ami wo dined. As wo were walking
into town again ho showed n.o a
watch he had found in t lie ncii room.
In Portland we went to a pawn
shop to tell tlte wntbh and the pawn
broker telephoned for two ioliceiiien
who came and arrested us. We
I oth got two years In tho Salem
penitentiary fur that nlluir.
"I served six months of my time
and cscid in thu garb of u uarteii
tor who waa a free man and who
worked rig our furgmnn in the build-
the nclion of reform.
"I w.i ehaaetl all over the tate :
of Oregon ami ahot at repeatedly by (
(idiivrn in pursuit, but I invariably
cM-apcd unhurt. 1 into
California, worked for John Mi-Martin,
of ('oliian. and other in Ote
S.icramcn o valh y, and fin illy g l
into thm la -I m raxv I hail no in
tention to do hat I did until the
..... I
ttioini'iil that ulaao came alone.
i :
ml to orison. Put I was lucky
enough to cscajK! detection, however
ami sometime a letter from my
limit or my brother would lot u
gleam of sunshine into my life.
My aunt seldom wrote without en
closing a little money for me. At
last 1 wandered into Mendocino
county. One day while tramping
over the mountains, f.ilnidiing ami
in search of work, I t amo uinm a
house that had lieen left unguarded.
I entered it and ale my full. Then
I stole a gun and some cartridges
ami left the place. Another day of
tramping ami hunger followed, and
then I shot a sheep, nud roasting tho
animal, had another hearty meal.
I walked on again ami suddenly
catn upon a stage toiling up a hill.
"The idea of robbing it came as
an inspiration. As the stage neared
me, I stepied from behind ft tree
and ordond the driver to stop. If
he had shown light I hhould prob
ably have ran away because I was
frightened and xhakiug like a leaf.
Ho stopped, however, and threw out
the oppress box. When the stage
had disapiieurod I oiiened tho box
nml found a pair of baby's shoo and
a few way bills. Not a cent did I
get for my trouble. Then followed
a couple of weeks of dodging ami
hiding in the forest from the-:Hieer,
who I knew were searching for me.
I reached Santa llosa ami there
Sherilf Standley arrested me.
"Of course, f shall plead guilty
and miller the Knaley. I 1-oar my
father no ill-will for the way he
t rented me, and all I ask of him is ho keip away from mc I
don't care to bcc Joaquin Miller
again. I fit had not leen for the
letter of my brother to mo that
Sherilf Standley found, my identity
would never have ben known. I
would have gone to prison as Joe
McKay, as I did in Oregon. The
I aft thought in my mind wurf that
of bringing disgrace on my brother,
sister and aunt."
lu speaking of his jail cxiicriouco
at the Salem penitentiary Millar
"No man can conceive of tho
cruelties that are perpetrated behind
the walls of that place. All the
ollicers stand in together, and should
n convict ojien his mouth on the
subject at an investigation it means
untold cruelties for mini ever after
ward. "I worked so kard in the place
where the iron was melted that I
marly died. There was another
place, hoWccr, worse than that. It
was the foundry. 1 1 is there that
five men crippled themselves mi us
to bo n iiiovi d from the torture to
which they were subjected. 1 can
not remeii'il er their names now, be
cause wo nearly all wont by nick
names or numbers.
"Two of tho convbta had Ihicii
subjected to uch torture in tho
foundry that they chopped their
left hand oil', so as to he sent to the
hoipital. '1 liree other men ulieppod
off their left hand fingers. Ono of
these was colored man i mined
Suell. I can remember him well,
how ln used to put his wounded
stump in his brcafct in cold weather.
Ho was east into a dungeon after he
maimed himself, and when he was
well enough to work he was put
back at the si me old furnace.
I reiin uiU r the killing of Sharp
Sillil lie was wen ciiouim ui w,
and when ho refused to go lack to
tho furnace Warden MeKinuun
ordered hint to receive llftv lashes.
It was the chaM- where these per
formances uMially took place, and
there he waa carried. He resisted
, - Ill I
. as u-M in-couiu, am. .
ordered m a guard, w ho, at the word
01 un Mm . niM.,,. . -
I er do anything mi
earth than go
back to tlwt hell."
The Salt Lake Tribune truthfully
hays: "Oregon is in some rosK'cU
a greater state than California, lu
many sjiecie of fruit slw is sUierU)r
to t'ulifornia; she has iinwoiuw
wheat fluids, endless ranger and no
owl of timber.
The Chilian DirAculty lUi AuMtttitJ .i
te" Apl.
A Washington dinpitch says the
Chilian imbroglio hears an ugly
look, and is giving tho administra
tion more uneasiness than the presi
dent or hit advisers are likely to ad
mit. The country ha been lulled
into fancies of ieaee by the assur
ance of Minister Monti that Chili
did not want war, an l that justice
would be done in the examination
of the Baltimore afT.ur, and there
fore was not prepared for the dis
patch showing that the Chilians
were preHring to w rk themselves
up into another paioxysm of freiuy,
which would give thi ol the required
imjictu to do something dojerate.
It is evident they arc l-cnt on return
ing another impudent answer to the
claims of the Cuited States, and
that the answer will come in a few
day unless Minister Moult, wIhi is
a cool-headed man and appreciates
fully the power of -this country both
in jieace and war, succeeds in turn
ing aside the torrent of bombast his
countrymen are evidently readv to
let loose. There i.i no doubt of" the
truthfullness of th" rctiorl that on
last Saturday Secretary ltlaiue re
ceived a dispatch from Consul Mc
Crcery, stating that an ugly feeling
against the Americans was cropping
out In Chili, nd that trouble of n
serious nature might occur. About
the sam time there came a long
cablegram from Minister Kgan,
which was humilv deciphered aud
at once placed in the hands of the
president. This was to the effect
that the finding of the court of in
quiry into the bloody Baltimore
massacre would probably opose tho
claims of the I nited States and
might probably be the basis of a
saucy and unsatisfactory nolo to
Secretary Blaine. Tho minister
thought the govcrniu nt should he
advised of this condition of things
in advance. Consul MeCreery has
sjM-cial means of knowing what is
transpiring in Chili government
circles, because he is probably the
only Amorican in the country who
can go w la-re he pleaes ami when
he pleases. Ih- Unit lived in Chill
so long as to be nlui'i-t considered a
Chimin, and his doiin tdic relations
with the js-ople where be lives, as j
every one knows, are extremely close. 't
All will lie activity again at the:
navy yard, and many dispatches'
have been sent to Man' Inland In
answer to one of urgent telegrams
came the response, i: " said, that
the Monterey tould )' prepared for
sea in sixty day providing her ar
mor was put on at o-ice. This shows
that it is proNied to waste no time
in preparing for action, and naval
men say great anxiety is expressed
to have the Pacific coast protected
a ms)n as jsissible. Tim construc
tion of the eight, ten and twelve
inch guns ordered by tin; govern
ment some time ago is also watched
with impatience, aud the first ten
will lie sent to San Francisco when
finished, il being intended to con
struct the carriages on the coast, if
that can la- done. These guns will
be planted at the entrance to San
Francisco harbor, am! an effort will
be made to provide for the protec
tion af San Diego bay at the same
time, these two jioiiits being most
The evil of intemiicrttuco is aptly
illustrated in the story telegraphed
yesterday from Baltimore. A whale
was stranded on the beach, having
in hiil stomach several empty lad
lies and live one-gallon ileiii'johns
oftheUst quality of rye whigky,
corked and seated. Tht undoubt
edly accounts for hi whalcship.s
des'ire to lake the in) Hid trip which
resulted so disastrously to him.
The Ktsl inaMcr c -neral has re
ceived a letter from Crawford, S. C,
saying that PHX) colored eoplo
there waul to emigrate loaMca, ami
asking whether the government
could aid them. The letter Wis re
ferred to tho kupt-riulcmllul of im
migration. Icl 'em go.
Nsw Voi-.a f,.r the jear IMK1 reeeivi'il
M toUl of tUil.UiHi liiniiii.iiiU.
TlIK I' Illicit St.lli'h lilt , i;,;.UOU,(M)0 yulil
coin, ftikl only lll.OiKi.uoo ure In circu
lation, i
Komk one has ralcMlateil the world' '
prewtlt stock of eiisui(U!Uek l IIO.'JM, I
WM UlttllHk. j
Tiihik are about s.HOO oouutles In Die
in lion with an average tim of 1,000
Miiinre niilr. I
'I 'iriu: an now 1Q.573 iuwiMr nf
ilnTei-t iit tluM- In llio I'niU'il Stale
ami 1 .uiuda, a net Kin of 1,013 over lal
y.-ar'-. rei-old.
't in: working population of lh vsorld
I'- :,iiunU' at MM,uoa,0U0i the xtwer of ,
il.,- .wM'Id'k 'U'uiii enffines at lie etHiv-
.1. 1,1 ot 1 ,000,01X1. UUU IUVII. I
U w n Youow Auatrallnn aurprlsoit
Ills EokIIhIi rriemln.
I iiMtr utiirii .,. mh yr '
lit u I .HiHtr.l Vr nml Wl llo ill
i,ivitl f ,liT ( rlKir-ltinrr M it'a I
ll.mur Ih lilt Omii IUiiiU
The jrmiiijf tnen wen- prnctlclriif arch
ery "il lf. Iwn .Miit Hud hsl lni-heit rvery one with
lu-. -UiU n n. utarkMiian. My , urltrr til
th,- S"..-v Yort Mornlii Journal. "Why,
v.iii ut i..ii like mi tint Inn," naiil Jim
"I am ror than thai," said tho
oilier, oalinly "1 w1 lxrn la Amlr
!. ih" son i( x cmif let." Prnnk How-
and ih- other yuan men drew nway.
The vnunifhoHt fliitiol nmrrtly.
"What Vlt yon inemiT' ihVih1.
"Yu know very writ tlml It you're thu
m of ronvli-i we enn'l setnU wllli
you, and so 1 .1 I. -11 lh oai-hiiuii to
haro tho crrlH-' ro.nly (or tho live
o'i loek train."
HI rouni? host' plain aprnktn; did
notset'into give the othir nny unpl
ncfii, for bo Answoreil, with n tmrt
"All rtffhts you jiIsa. llm ynti
m -hnngo your mind about my not ti
Ifjf put rnui-li to aj-HiK iate with alter
y.Mi'vi" lo-iiil mytory."
Prank looked unneruln it thN mo
ment, unit then at down nnd loulcd an
elly at the other, who iM'nii:
"My lather was arrmtlml twntity-eli,'lit
yem ago on tho charge of lllllii til-i
iinelo and trtiil for tho murder. Tho
ti nltiniiiiy, which was entirely olreum
nlnntiiil, waa not mittleleiit to 1i.mii; lilin,
but w damaging tht. In nilto of
lil not noli'inn iroten-itli,ni of liuio-
0 nee. he ri lrniiiortHl for life to tho
i.-mt "tilemi.nU of Ainir.ilt.i.
"lie wm taken Itn re, nnd for tn
yearn HorkiM like n lnvi, Mtli a chain
nnd hall drawing at hi hoeW.
"At the eiiil of that time another oou-vti-t
JIimI in th" anrnn prlmui. ulii-niliii
had iMM n ent (or hl;liHay nditwry, four
year after father w a tninported. On
hla dinlh-tMMl hi eonfoil that ho mur
dered my father'i uncle, and gavoiulnuto
dntail of tho crime, and ctim told tho
pU'-o where li had hidden th knlfo
which ho had ttmd In thu crtmn, aud
nlo whom he had hidden tho murdered
man' waU-h and pockctdiook.
(f cnurw my father wan ruinated and
ever) thing done for him hy llin (!ov
erniiH'tit o( New South Wale to kIiiiw
how deeply every one regretted an
luiieei nt man should huMi ul!i.nsl fur
so long.
"In a year he married the daughter of
n merchant who had vlltint tho prlMin
very often and iKien a mlnlleriilK' angol
to him and to the other convict.
"After living a ahorl tlmo In Mel
bourne hi dislike of tho city a belli if
the place where ho had miltcred o much
unJuMly drove him to mine away, and
with my mother ho went far up Into tho
interior. In tho hrunh, tulles nwuy from
any human being, except tho nutlven,
and there built a log hut and lived (or
twelve year.
"I wa born .soon a(tor our new homn
wa tliiilnl. and in lc than two year
alter my brother enmo. We jfrew up t
aether, with no compnnioiiahlp but
caeh other nnd th few llattle who In tho mountain near ut. Prom
them we loarned how to throw the boom
erang and draw tho bow, until, youtiK
wo were, wo tn colled oven them In
their uao. Wo could bring down It.e
kangaroo with tho how alone hundred
yard, even If it wu running at (ull
Hpccd, and math a botllo not Ih-IiIihI a
tree one hundred (out away wllh tho
"Wlien I wa thirtsou and my brother
eleven father dineovered i;old on hi
farui, which by that time had grown to
thouand of aero, and In two month
the country wa flooded with mluers
ami he wa worth (500,000.
"My mother prevailed upon lilm to
novo back tu Mcllxiurnn, where ho U
now the liovrinr ui New South ale
and ono ut the richimt men in Auatralla."
"IlKigyotir pardon, my dear fellow,"
exelaliiiod Prank, eagerly extending his
hand, while the other crowded around
hi in with cully pro(ue mjIukI.
llm, ft their tuihment and
chagrin, he did not aiem ui notlco any
uf the protfered baud, but, willi'Ulil
aiinle, turned to frank.
"Now that you know how I camn Ui
handle a bow o well - a alu how a
nun can bo a convicted (elon nnd yet
bo Innocent ( any crime -It would
make your atock of Information Mill
more complete if you could learn that
ern if a father 1 guilty o( crime It
doe not make hi aon any the le
honorable or tit to anaoelate with the
world. Htery man's honor U in hi
own hand, and i not aKcoUfd iu the
llghl't by what other may do- it i
by a man's own deed that he will bo
judged by hi Maker! And now, my
dear Frank. I will go to your houao and
pack ray valiio, and If you will haotho
carriage ready (or tho nvo o'clock train
1 will relievo you of my irewiice."
And, In spite of hi friend's prutnsln-
lion, tho tiy thatnfu moon shoul' (ruin
Ids (set luo duil of tho I low win oV.'t".
llrrllMlou n( I'mial.
Cravat t a corruption of crnhat or
Croat It w IntriKliieed Into Prance
by aonio Trench otlli-er on their return
froru Uermany in 101. any tho Dry
Hood Chronicle. Tho Croat, who
guarded the Turk lh fruiillor of Ailolrla.
and acted a acuiit on the lUnkmt the
army, wore linen round Ihelr n k. lied
In front, and tho ofUccr wore mulln or
Ilk- When TraiMHt orgnnled a n-gl-inent
on the model ol the front tlteae
linen neckcloth were Imitated, and the
regiment wascallwl "Toe lteyal Cravat."
Hue I .Vow. -"Wn that your alaler I
saw you with taai night'" "Nutwlten
yuM saw 1 1 mi 1 hadn't aUml her llieu."
llnwklyu Life, .
Bomo of tho Wild Attvouturoo of
Mooro Curaw.
Tli Scion of l,x,.l IIiiL-tliti "mltr Wlui
Urvjiiifi III It I li tf ef Mrll.llriit, nf
III,. tUr A ll.tlliB W III, I,
llruuhl llliu Ui ltfiMrli.
There were great men In-fore Aga
memnon lieggar a well. Mendicant
trick ot the trade hate not changed
Milch hIiico the twnar lay outitde tho
gate of the rich and hoed hi ure
douhilfk palnti-d on every morning and
washed olt every night. At nil event
that wa ti trick In Luther's time, ono
rend of it lu the "l.llier Vngnturom."
to which ho wrote a profaco. The trick
I Mill in logue.
1)1 all clever ratcnl undoubtwlly Ham-fylde-Mooro
Carow wa tho cleverest,
iiy tho Chicago Tribune. Ho w lrn
in I0t of a good old Dernnahlro fami
ly; hi giMlfiithcr were Hon Hugh Ham
fyldo and Major Moore; hi father w a
rector of llrickley-by-Tlertoa,
111 short, tho joungter wa well
launched. Atnuhmdho wa an etcel
lent utiiileitt; an all-round athlete and a
good horaeman - of enurc the win of the
reUirof llrlckley Kept hi hunter. Ono
day ho and three schoolmate aonii of
l)euihire gentry In a hnrum-neariiin
mood rnrisl through n farmer' win at
field. The manic.-n( the HehiHil wa one
of the birch-rod sort. He ordenxl them
up (or Hogging the next dav- Where
upon theto four hopeful levanted and
Jolneit a gypy caravan. Time and a.rain
they were reclalmol hy their famllle.
Carow and one ot tho lad named llwott
ntway made otl agtiln to the jryile.
At tat they wure left to (ollow their
ow n device. -
t'arew after many adventure wa
taken up a n vagabond and mild ah n
lave to Virginia. He em-aped and made
hi way back to HnglHiid before the
t'aptaln who had carried him out. A
aoeond lime hew a uent over; a tccond
time icnMil.
lie wamado "King of the Ih-ggan"
aud pl.iyi! the raacal until he wa ev-enty-twv
year of age. Then hi eounlii.
Mr Thonia Crew, dlitl and left him n
Of all hi wild aihenture utiderlaken
for tho ,ike of gulling humanity, one
denerve roo.i) llli. Al tho time it oc
curred he wa iMiut thirty. He wo
drinking one nlpht In a mnuiidorVpcn
In the pariah of I'leet, near Portland
Itace, lu lliirietxhlre. There he eham-.-d
to hear that a ship had Won driven on
tho HtiuaN nud wn lu danger uf going to
piive. He ran duw u to tho roa I. No
I i.uit could live lu tho aon that raged up
the rock; a few llnlier folk lingered
helpleaaly on tho nanda, welng the nlj;
ii,ilaud hearing theerleii o( thewreckitl
men, hut llliahbi ki glo lild. Curew
,iay from llien pmiplo, stripped to bin
Khirt ami troiinm. ami under imvi r of
llin dark lie plunged unneen into tin'
ea. Twice he wa toMd hack on t . .
tiluire. The thinl time he ri.nle .lilfl
get out of reach of tho rtnw and
f M I 111 to till Hhtp.
It wa tiering in. inline' . and lu the ll-ht he elnmbered on l,.ilird He
found only one of ihe en w a m..r
H retch laahed to the mast. The i.ti,. i
nad Iweu wahed overboard or drowned
In trvlng to awim nhore.
"What hlp I tills?"
"The Makeure," anawermi thoiallor;
"ho lM-long to HrUlol. Captain Orlflln,
master, Umnd from llnmhiirg to llrli
to) with a cargo of Hnnihurir gitods."
A they wore talking thn hlp par Oil;
evi-ry wave draggeit awny (front plecet
ot her.
"Make faat that rope to my wall."
said t'arew, "we'll get aidioro together
or go down."
The fellow wa a cow ard he hnd not
had pluck enuugh to make n trlnl of It
with lil shipmate and rcfuitcd.
Still l arew nrgiKl him.
The KH,r wretch wan half dead with
(ear aud suffering, and Inn,- to the
mast, shivering and wei-pln, 1 a
iiiumeni mure ho was carrie I under by a
ma that broke over the wreck, and
ivepl it oil the Khual.i iiitu th deep.
('an fought hi way t .'i in peut
and briilwl. with a broken arm and b
I lay had dawned and thero wa n
gnat crowd on the b-ach it need
hnrillv Ui ald that I'arew gut sympathy
eiiouirh uud aid more substantial. Th1'
licighhorln; gentry tied with
other ill relieving III" Hirshlp-wri rUdl
a I Kir ui.h oirvlviriif the .Makeiurr
lie wa given clothe and nmnei; for
two ear tlvod on the ktroilgth uf thl i
one ntfair. ludii-d, one of hi bio,'
raphtTM tin re i itillo a C'arew 1 1 tort
lure - into that the adventure brought
him in over S'i.OUO.
Never mind that It wo a plucky act
To sniiie evleiii It illustrated tin- iilci.l
rreiichiuau' remark thul we 1
II bo rascal wore wu not, by chance,
, ll.lrk uf u ll.isl.
A iMiat ha l-en lnvente.1 for tho use
of duck-hunUir which. It I claimed, I
a iu rd i i device a rogard'i cash of
maiiaK' ment and the high rato of ici d
attainable. 'I'liose who have K'ullisl a
boat lu pursuit uf crippliil bird in tlie
ordinary way urn aware of tho great
train u ni tho wrist which thl method
u( propulsion entails. In the craft
above mentioned thu oar I thrul
through the middle and ImiIIohi of the
boat in a contrivance nut unlike n
renter hoard. The leverngo obtained 1
enormous, nud the Inventor claim that
a small boy, through the uao of hi de
vice, oan boat n profcsaloiml oarsman lu
A . mi New Yorker baa ifotio Into
the buslueaa of dc vising "catchy"
title for urlltdna and storlv Mut htm
In lUHHUserlpU
Tun reader for a Kew York uiugnsine
Mty that as a result of nine wtieka'
reatUng he aeeettted jnat 8 9ut uf l,W7
Hisijiforvl tliat inaguslue for nuldb
catlwii .w . ' -
I In Mombom Tell Bomo Antonlith
lntjly IlnUt-FncHMl Idoo.
.v Ciorrful t'reitrloiian Wloi lultilti Hill
i,Mit Truln - An Hi lliMlonlaii
VVtll.a,, Calrf Allturll,cnt ClHtstHl
lu llnrlnu llolr wllli 111 lliail.
"The tnoat jwwer(ul man I over saw
wa a Zulu called ,.Sitlet,' who worked
... l to mo when wo were digging thu
ranama canal, " remarked Patrolman
'onklln. "What In other men waa a
tr, nuoii ellurt wa to htm the HiernMt
.'hlld' play. He saved tho company a deal of money in blasting powder
alone. Any thing ho could get it ftrtn
.11 !p on had to iwuno. I liavo w-on hint
i.mi n Iwenty-Uui rin-k out of the dlteli
a easily a 1'atrolmaii Davlacnu Jugglu
,v wionerwurit."
"Whim I wa In l'areo," said Patrol
ma n A cli, "I aw a man utod Instead nf
a locomntlvo on mm of tho railroads.
Ho would bo coupled to a tmltl and
would pull It t n goixl. fatr apeod. Of ,
coiirMo, ho didn't tnake tho tlmo that an
riiiflnti would make, but If my memory
serve mo right, he nmdo about fifteen
mile an hour, t had tjuito a talk with
tho superintendent of tho road, ami ho
km much pleased with the eirlu i lit.
He aald tho company would very likely
uao men to haul II train exclusively.
1 1 was much cheaper mid tho danger
from collision wu not great. Thl would
uako up (or tho lack of m. Tho v
..nn of shoeing and li islmir tho man
in considerable, but still lie w a cheap,
a eomjiared with tho nvento looo
motive. "A funny thing happened on tho road
n few day boforo 1 left. Tho man-on
vino drank too much wine, and lu slug
i;ering fnou one side of the truck to tho
ether kept derailing the cars, and thu
:nln trattlo o( tho road was delayed for
several hour, or until tho engine jrot
s.ilier enough to go Abend. A sclieiuo
like thl would bo a giHl thing (or Ihkl
country, I think."
"In tsan I wa In San rranolsco."
I'hlpptHt In Patrolman Jim Puhi. "Tho
gold (ever wa raging, and every ono
hnd etaltisl I. lens of tho wealth that
wa to bo found In tho earth. 1 wa
much younger than I am now though
you would hardly think it to look at mo
nnd, like eve ry ono else, I went to thu
in. .Main to dig gold.' 1 had n peculiar
Iv foriiied pick-Avit which I uud wltli
real uouhh. In the )Milnt of the pick
mii wn placet! n dytiamlto nartrldgo,
and every limn 1 would sink tho pick
U Inrlu s Into tho rock, tho oartrldgo
would explode, thu blasting out thn
s'.ono nnd n.ivhn,' a great dent of tulm
work. I bad been picking nwny for
aIhuii two month on top of n mountain
.nl li.ul maile iUltn n hole. The yli Id
w a pretty fair, and I had about glKOOU
'n gold nugget laid nway. One day I
went down into my mine and wa work
ing nwny llt.ii a g(Mi. fellow. Suddenly
the stone floor slowly raised for a dla
taiioo of two lent. I yelled to my part
ner to haul mo up, tur t didn't know
vh at was ruining. 'Don't bo alarmed,
ii lend.' said a voire tinner thn atone.
I'll bo out In a milium and linn
I'll talk to you.' Sure enough a In ml
popped up and a man slowly drew him
self through tho itmrtur.
"'Did you nay howdy?' said the
stranger wllh a laugh. 'I kuuw I said
howdy. Pretty tight Wueeu, but 1
made It.' of course you und rautnil,
friend, I wa I considerably rallied.
"'Wbo nro you nud whom did you
oolne trow?' I naked.
" 'lie fern furnishing the required dia
gram nml nccumpniiyliit,' evplaiiatloii lot
mo Imiulro if you have any chewing to
bacco nbuut you?' said tho Htrnngor. I
handed over n Mliib of 'black strap' plug,
and after helping bimolf 111m. rally the
stranger handed tho plug bek, remark
ing: 'That' good slulf. Well, A Ui who
I am, I'm not ashamed to tell you. .Vy
namo la Sanlanapalu llnlllnir, limj. Afy
Inline Is In HiisUjii. You nemln't Udl BIO
your name, for I know you. You are
Jim Pope, of lndlaiiuiulis. I supposo
you want to know Innv I enmo hero.
Well, I have no objivtlun to tolllngyou.
Almut thriMi mouth api t slartisl n tun
nel At the sldo of tho InnunUilli, think
ing that I would II nil plumy of ore. 1
met with pour success, nml nfter I had
gone In about half n mile I made up my
mind Ui abandon my claim, when some
thing seemed to toll luo to Imro up in
stead of down. I thought it wouldu'ldo
any harm to try It Jut for lurk, und so
I comuicncml. I had taken out n good
deal uf oro whoa I heard )ou uundlng
up alxivn me, nml I concluded to oomo
on and join you, and hero I am.'
" 'Hut w burn Aro your tools?' I naked,
In AMonlshmout. ''I'oois?' oiclalumt
Mr. Ilollliitf. of llieiliiti. 'I hnd no tools.
I did nil my tunneling with my hands,
head And feot. I would Just put my
head against tint earth, whirl around nnd
have a holo hImiii t to my shoulder, and
then I would tear out the earth ur rock,
or whatever it might be, with my hands.
Sometime I would Iny down on my
hnt'k nnd kick n holn with my heeli, but
I didn't llko to do that very much bo
cnum l would getdlrtin uiyeet.' Well,
in make a long story short, tho mining
firm of Pope A Hulling wa formed, and
wo worked tugether forthree years. Wu
became very wealthy, oMnhllshisl a line
of hleainsliliH between San l-'ranclaoo
and Cape Cod, nml when Holliiig died
ho wa worth 810,000,00(1. Tho monoy 1
uiAilo 1'te got yet."
And then, says tho Indianapolis' Kowg,
thu Atlanta Club adjourned.
A.s oHUvr M'lit out by llm I'rovlmd:,!
(loveruineiit uf (,'uebeo to luvcsUgute
the unesjilored forest of th 1 Norilteen
Ottawa ivgtun ronirU Ids ithwovcry u.'
about 'JiSOO Mpiare inlloa covcivd wlt'i
the finest puie. sprtiue uiul ulher vulo
nblv Uwber, with cttclKnl sUcuhisvj
lllKlt It out. i