i - -m7 TTf-''' jyOTIOH OF SAI.H W.VIIKtt miATTKi, sIMITMAflH. Notion in hnrehy given Mint under and by viiluo of two enilntii nhntlt-l ntorlgngofi of ilnln Aug. 1'2, 1XX0 ex ooutod I) A. J. Thibido and in favor of J. I'! f'cotl, to M-etiro tint payment of throe certain promissory notm (melt of ilutn .Inly lli, IS.Mtl and for tho hiimi of 8100, (i 1 1.1, nml $:H) ronjtnelivi.lv, one! benrini: interest nt llm into if ton jinr cent cr annum, mnl dim July I, I8W). July 1, IWIII nml ,1i uniy I, IMH. r.'po.-tivvy. Tint tin tlumlgnotl will on Sninnl'iiy llm I Dili ilny of IWmbor, 1891, nt 10 n. in, wtiil tiny at I'rnirio City, Grant ooiiii. ly, Stntoof Oregon, "noil at public nitotion to tho highost. nml Ixml ltd ilrr for enh in lmn.1 the following de scribed juirrtoinl jinijicrly, to wit: Oiio liornt bnwulotl M on left shoulder. One liorM liranilml A II connect ml on right shoulder, foiimily owiknI by Mini Hyde, Ono homo brnndotl I I, on loft shotildoi, all Mniil hot boh 1 oing roan of color. Ofio Dexter Queen buggy. One xnt dotildo liarmrtM, Imlters homo blankets. OtiHHloigh, '.wo swings sleigh I. elk One buoL; haw, ono minor, ono clock, ono table, one olllco stove, three hiiniw nml two luutoriiH, lite iiflico chairs, onu rocking chair, ono lot jm mil iiiftditines, drugs, tliomi oiiIh, oflieo OHrmti, water pitcher nml Ixml, or ho in itch thuroof its inny ho iiocositnty to satisfy tho mini of j 882B together with Intel ot thereon j at llm rato of tm jior cunt (wr minimi j from tho Hi day of July ISU to-1 pjthi'r with it runsotinhlo hiiiii as at-' toriieys ft'OM, ami thu costs nml ox pifllHBrt of making such wile. Doled at Canyon Citv, Or,, thin! 1 1 tli ihiv of Nov. IWM. ' j j. k. scott. ! iiV I'AlllltRII it C'O. til Attornuya. ICQOPtiR 'HIP Aw 11 t '0PO GALLONS Ad- Jr,.v(00HKS , . , J , . , , LOCAL AGENT GOING AGIN NATUrV. th ettrtoJty of 1). (1. OYF.ltllOLT, k SF.I.S I'.UO-i. Canyon dr. Pioiuiotorit, Wm. U um u k Ni i ii res, (lalwston SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. jyOTICIi OF ASSMSNMF.KT. or insoi. vittr oxiirom vm or ai'I'oint iu.vr or AnroNKi. Notion if. horoliy givon to nil oreditom of Athini M unity, William j Murray nml A I ox .Murray inolv.'iit ' ilohtgrM nml cojinttniiiH ax .Murray! I'rOR , rottidfiittt of O.iyvilln, tSnnti oouuty, Oicgoii, mid to all otlirrn 1 whom it mnv coiiiihii, tli.it on tin., UUtlt ilay of Ainl, A. 0. 1801 , knid j iiiMolvtiutM did inako it ducil of xon-1 nml ittHtignuiout to .M. A. Moodt nf! all thrir jironurty for tho lionnltt of i nil thoir L'M'tiitri in )iioiorlion to tho iinioiintM of thoir iiiHjM:cttvo rhtiuiN, , which doml of aHiyiiiii(int wim duly i ooo rd ml on tho iltlth day of April A. I). I MH in tho olliuo tif tlin ooimty ( olork of Mtiil tiraut oouuty ami that thoioufior on tho 'Jlth day of Ooto ! liur A. I). IHDI mil. I asNignt'O failing to ipialify. tin lion. .M. I). Clilti.rd jndi(H ol tlic uinMiit doiirt of tho Htat of Orogou for nfd Gram county did I upon proper jiioi.'ooilinH had and by I onlor duly mailo, appoint thu uudur-1 hiym (I.Kniini'tli F. .Mni'lta.., awtinoo of tmid imtato, in linn of nanl ,M. A. Mooily, ami that tho umlunigmul Iiiih , lllwl an invoiitury mid valuation of! tliopropmly of h.iid ontato that Iiiih i otiuio to lint kuowlmlgu and Iiiih givou mid lil od with tln oli-rl; of thin oouu ty it giMid and Hiilllcii'iit liond m Niiuh iiMignxu a lotjuirotl lty law and tlu oiilt'r of naiil I'lilji'. nnd that aid Tti nttf of till (lr"t rongtt Cur Ii without imllrl In thn hlttnry uf tntlrlii. All.lruicKltt arr auttmrltr! torll Uun a m. I Itlve tfMArAnlf. a Imt that no othrr rnru citn . ftt)reMfiill)r utaml. Ttiat t may Iwrcome knofn, thi" I'mprlrliir. at 'am (Miormou ft. I inu, are pUrlnic Hml Until l'rro Into ntvry iKinif In Iht. I'nltnl HUtr ah.I CanA.U. ' If yon Iiavo a f'tich, Hirr T1irl,if Ilutn. ' chltlt. g It. for It niff yoti. If nr rhllil Iia the'Vimp. or W'li.x.iilnirCmiiih, !! , II rnitly, rwl rrlkf U iirf. If )oii .In .l , llltt llml.llolll illu-AM. ('nanmtlail, liar It. Ait. your DniKl.t for Hllll-OH H 11 III.. Vttrr I0cl . Mct. Ainttl OD. If )oor l.iinni nre orr or lUrl Iaiiio. ii" Hlillnh' I'i.tnut I'la.lrr. I'rlc lift. I'or ! Uf All lrui KlU au.I J04ler. A iioit.viiti raliMt It the tiny ut Atimii. 0. A lAliticn nt'Hr MorMvttlr. I ml . linn n hi v h'lriml culf. It mm nil lt li'ir in wttlkinir 111 u K )'iriP nrr rrjftilnrl.T laid lv n ilu. U l tontflttif t'i Mr I!. (' Willmiin if Mniliviit roioilr. Trx. M l li Kx via, of ltrrr 1'alK I'a , i I l utily kiYtm-u yenr of agv, Iira n lliinl M-t of nntiiml trrtli. N.ivi II Men. it Vhumi (MIaa ) tie HTM. I'irnn to tnrti vhlt vfii Tfnr K". "tit now Ik' iv.mlil nlnimt wu fur n HlHIIAII nf ('HIICMtNII lU'WIlt. .VI- iit.Mit tltf only rriiiiisiit of lie r foriarr lilnok Wln Ik n ttnrk llm-ul-iot li.-rnr. l Tiikhi: l ii iKinw'nii n farm in Nmtli Dnkota tvhioli hm i-iifht fn-l. iitlii-riv il l pcrffrtl.v formwl In cv.-ry n -i . Not until tin' fi-llm-k joint I - rrn. Iul m tlic ilrAoi-nl from tbr hIhiiiIiI. r to ' V f.it U IIhti. uny iliHirrim- U tiM- n tins Itonw nlwl ny nllirr. Ilw Alif Ifm, only two fin-t liili. i'x net ri'ripliH-tiiiMi In niinliitnri- of aynt iiion. Mtli, ceilnr nml njipK. lrvv, lutvi for two or tlirrr luiiHlrnal j-rani Ix-fii nilwil liy tin- ,lnMHicm.. Tin- ino.li of nHlm-itir litem i n tvcll-Hintrilml rri-t .Siino I'rrni'li tfitriU'tiiim littfo uitliltl the Mtl llvr yviirn Hlittrmt t-iiinli'il tin' JnnitrM III thu nroluctkin of tlti'M' ihvnrf trt-c. ii wmiiimi iiiiimi i-, , . -..iriir.Trr, rnrinr.i tho Hf.OOD, Carol rojfSTMMTlOV, IMMflF.STIOV. UIMOUSNnSS, I.IVnt n)Ml'!1.VlNTH,SI( K IIKADJ.CHE, COUIS I'lMI'LLS, all i SKIV APFi:iTIO..S, nml DISEASES AKISINO fVom a III.SUKULKKI) STOMACH. with FaeUmiU Siynature of Lit 11, FIll.SH. ,IICDINQT0fl & CO. AotNra. Can FflAHCftOO. Hor.n nv am. nnrn;iHTM ami ;ini;r.its. i Kf v.' nurriiicn, T THE ONLY TRUE RON ti! if A,ti' tn1tr1t'Mlr -r-' ina h"v tittivt I MfiN (Mali ki "",. r mi -tl AM ; Uit )IAHt)inH IMO!t tkf tftt ! I -mii ttti i at trRiltrMlv ( a. 1 I f h t.n ,AVf lf nf rrlalHKl Of. HARTCH'M LITTLC LIVCR Pit, 19 inwttl ton it' 'trnr mmm t?w'r li fU 1m mill Or. HART (N MKUlCUiC CO., tLii, t-im.lltUIt KVKHY THflWIHY MotlNI.Nd 1). I. ASiwUY Ctlltor tine! Proprlotor. Suliwrij.tion I year in adt.tnco $J SO If not jiaul within 8 month $3 W "ix .Montln i J fio Thru .Molt tint 7;, AnvKirrisi.vo hatkm LADIES nr. mil I PILLVV I inch II iorh 1 col J rul 1 Oil 1 mo .1 mo .1 mo :i mo 'A in.) $1.50 12.00 'it 00 10.00 1 yor 1 ycr I yrar I yni 1 viar iir 00 f.' 00 SI I 00 if 00 1 Id. 00 I ' 1 1 . . . . 1. 1 it 11-1 1-1 - Ovmo.N Crrr Onkoon. I I.lw till JI ilkt. hi- b. JiJ--fllitf Lu'ii ...Mi H I l!K. PMt- r Bi.it-vi .n. Kr. run. I' o.l'i itn-f ir. ., M-j :0"h. 1.1 iu a iht i.ii t or .her m.li. m ..lp. m iwsUy NpAlrBl, All Wurl Wtirmiitml Flr.t-nlii. (Hi! bh4 hit tit II .ttA.av Afciuiy vvontnii mitkt-A itmm1 In M'-i. milium! truti- THEIft STUIKINQ QUALITIES. dsr. NV w York living liy ili-nliiiif WUllA MltA. M.VIIIA ftlKWART. of n'iinlhaiii, ().. rrrontly Acrrnl for Mipprr wtmr tlm' niiU- miik-v inmU- from ii(iIi-a Hint ln iliicil tni'Mty-tnro yi-nr. n'ii. A i.vnv, t-ylilt'iilly it ttlrnuKi'r, inrooil ninny Iii'iwIa iil.mif ('hi'Atinit ktrrt'l yi--li'nta.v liy wcarlnif at Iiit wnUl mii or iintiivnlttl ktllt'ttu. I1illnilt'ltlila life onl. A Kvnvh tvoiiiHii IhmkU tlmt ulic orvi-r M'nil mi tlm Atn-fl tttln uitliin tin kiiiro. Mrck in tin1 Kpini ilri-u Ilt-r Ii iinlmml UHi-nrln a -uii till i-piiliK vv hn-li lit1 lniflit fi.nr y i-it-. ii'o an.) a li.it ( thr v iiitni'i- !- ! kUiut MAtrh Mh. Tbf wr.ii-1 cm. t t ll.tQ It fntUllK- f- ltt U tuuA T....hf A- U :i nr ttnr. I l U T t A A f If tl I TlMl cri'hi ah ni int. iii iih vii hk.w ni iia.. m iiiu iitiol 1 1 t.TtaUi, i.ftri .Wii thry .-aiiiIm rt guUr -u- . o , i ktl I bt.l .'.id(t iliiin h f.-nl.l i!.i w ililiit? f hlw. tor u i-'l 1 h.l . t!.nt"r. IhMl.r.filf. .1 II . r. . rin.i'rf -a. xiu'.i I f.' Kcni-f1 (.(it. 1 it., vr . . iai b L.-t .inHa tMnih fi 1. 1 . 11 . -. 1 1 . . 1. Im'I o Ivwt 1I1 "( -I- i.tt 11 . 1. fjMtiiii itr., lfir. t. I.KVTOW. I ' '.'j . II l..u M t- '. t.t F.vn I.. W I,. '...,:. 1 ll.l.n.l-A.-..- VntHAhto lt.M,t nn 7rrywn 1 paiii iiiw. 10 Ani AWinABi - ltUi 11IA can Ahm nMAia liutllllllulIo nf 1 Iwrlr. lil rvmrtfy haa hrti irtr4l by ti kVntr. ftt-l I'.atrtr K vnl . r t'ri Wt rv. ltd-AlftC Wl, and I lw tvArrd nitr hi. dlrrtlon by Om KOCNIC MED. CO., Chlcnso, III. H.il.l l.r Drticcl.t nl 'I -rl l!..lllr. rt fur .V l .riOSiit.VIM, Oil. lli r,.rS'. VOOL. ff Th I'olwe Oitttte. 5jrwi1rMi to regular nItrrli-cr. (nPr.t Vntuahlo VYJVV ' ' lt AAt. I nf f 1t 1 ""'i' t"' I liUUiiiUniiiiujii . Mom 1 (iilriinrnJ nn this inu 's Wool Clip. R. Hickson. Canyon City and Ar lington, Or. J SStf." I'or MlAndtng tlipJny mU only. In lli.- on! - illuntratnl jiajier in ! , Iliflr Noliron in Uicnl the world ro'nUhiinjr all tho lotwl ' J?ImM wi" l ?hntl at Hit' rato Minalional am MHtrlinR ticwu. ,Vo ! ol 20 f nU jir line for first. .v.d 10 SiilcKMi Kooiier. IlorU'ror Club lUwm i c" Lemca. vitetquau imwrtion. can afTonl to ! without it. It at- waya tiiakt-s IrieinU wherever it RO.. .Maiktl to any atltlrcM In tho 1'nilcd Stilton. MTurely wrattjwd, 13 wrt kii Ar 1.00. Svml Five coitl for natnpla cony. KiriiAHit K. Fx, FrnnVlin Sjnarc, New York Oily. STOCK ltllAXDS. t t:i riuMWi l. amt of onr nvuUr vnWcriWrr 1 qc-AiniuL. t raiaiM. a attfktjlA UVIr knrat ar niu t-nn tnm, v-twn AUM ml But i0.y to twMl t line. TIimi adtAttlAkar nun i W ctkArol. tV PunoM nt.t ulKrtlar will U. rhAffrd i m yrv tm meh bnad. AM-.iAiio: I fur wn, r tm rigiu k lot kip, i.tc .Kouldtt, fr ihith, . p f wrrnrn Vki'inrw. 1 f r: 1 -tit ti tlif r '.(i.litM.-l i t M coi f c fin Ou Or t tf. o'fl"1: U J rMcif e f tjn .-fur. fit u l.iui ti. 1 frtiit- ft u V Ii! it n iSttJ ' I t nsit.( 1 r 1 hntn , iti i tt'in 1 1 if j n't Ip r 1 1 f" ' tiir.f. 0 ir f. . im ijii- 1) 1 j aicmi I f "1 A PAMpturr ' M' '!" Vu w th fitt'll of fti t(i ti.. H 111 J.-Uf Mii , C' UUt iif tut ii, ut frpc AtlJr, C.A.SNOW&CO. Orp TAtCNT Office, WMlNHTON, D. C. Canyon Cily, Oregon K p - 1 '.u.iiv nn I1.1111I , .'1 i :.ir - 1 !. ii. ii.-i inn , ii'ii'l and tiiilitti'd, alco H-iICK NAII.H. IB11N, HI KM.. l . WlllrKI.KTHKKH, NKt'K '. KI-, WIIKI'.l.rl, HPIttXOH, M.IUAiiK IIOI.IH, I'lt'K II AN hi t s, ril l DilK II ANIiNKrt, h 1 i'ir - and wkiiokk, tuck 1....N. V.U-.. Kto. DOR E & BRAMDT MA Canyon 01 VI I It-i (I 9 ' Tt n h r? sx"itEiis"niTiifiii llH IL II fllrtliir uii-l Ia 1111 int. 1 1- Pi IT iL, Vov '"f"r I'll-. lYl.i-JI. ! ! 9r ir li linnrtfuiAiirinAii. siini.h t Q Ik B lfr".A'l.lrr,"AMklls," B Ibfa W IV11 -lie, .Nutr Vork Ulr. Il' III I'll Caiunii prr . 1 . City, Oregon. Liuiilnr tit their f'nrh' mill. -7f7 Jainri llnbinsiiii. Afjoat, Canyon Cily, Oregon. FOlt KAMI A Stock Krwiali of Uppor i-'outh loi fc. Four work homr houd hn Ihh-ii tluly niipiovod by tlio j maclniiuiy, alno l'J.'i to nun K 01 mii 1 1 001111 ; mm an '120 nrira, on pilI'MOIIA hnvini; hint duiins auniilMt thn i-Hlntn of anid iimolvoulN aro loipiirnd to piOIK'Ilt thu hlllllt) to tho lllllll IkilKMl ai(noo an aforuwtitl, tluly votititxl 11 H by htw inpiiroil at hiit irtiidimao nuiir Day villi', Ornnt county, statu of Ori'gou, within tliitio uitintliH f 1 out thu dnto of thin nolitai or thoir Haiti olniliiH will ho fuiovnr liamid. UntcNl thin 3tl dav of Dpit'inliur A. 1). 1801. Kiixnktii F. MacIIai Ahignt'o. $10 Kcwaril. ami nil fill in l.'iO ton. of liny. 1'iiov, f.'I.OO oohIi. Half ciir.li mnl Uilanin in li or I- uiontliH, $.'!,. Mil), inrlmliiiK fai miiiu utiimiilo nml hay. 'I'll in laiioh itt in Ihu litmt htuck 1 align in Knitotii t)irgou, utl wIikii in tiiototiKh I'ultivatioii will glow J.'ill to :I00 tons of liny. l'.ir fuitluir paitit'iihitN t'liipiiio nt thu Nctva ollirth Ctnyoii City, Or. 0TI0U OF Al'l'OINT.MF.NT tS Ml Hill I' F S KAIjK. I will (my tlm ithovo it'tvaul for any infoi million loiulint,' to tho uoovmy of tho followini; dorjcrlhi'd goldiiij;: la alwut H! hnuilH hinh, light sor ltd, lhtx uiitno and tail, Htraight hack, a lhittmtl I in nor. hix VCiUM old. lit' Il tin to wotk, or inli', lir.imlod on thu loft ! ahoultlor with 11 y, or n J mnl y ron iiMtOtl, with 11 dun y nliovu. Wlit-u UaI neon wan t it tho 1 onl uonr Ml-ViM-non, (Irani nunly, nml um rniiHil on Ito d; t'ifi'k hy N'-io Youngov. AtMrofH, S. 15. Ami. 3Iitc-hcl!, Clll'ik t'o , fit Jllll I Notit'o i horoliy yivou to all jk-i - ho n it whom it may coiicurii, llml tho j umlotiigiifiil linn Iteoii tluly a p iut i oil itdmillijitriitor of tint imtalo of 1I0I111 , .Soiinnii, ih'Ci' iwil. lite of tliaul count v, Orogou. AH peioli limiii ' .......1 aiii'im thnit'iinto bolougiiit; or in any vviki' apiiiiitainiiiL'. All hoiiiLr hituatt1 iiiut oliiimn iiiiunit tin id cntati' mv re- iiuiroil to pifrM-nt thu huuio duly cii- j lii'.l to tlio iimlorii;iii'il ut hia ni tlun.'t) in I'liiiiio t'ily, Oiuguii, wiih in i iiitintlih fiom tho ditto of lliitt nutiiit). All pfrwuiA ulionro imltiliteil to' Mini I'atnti- a to hi'itdiy uotilltnl to rail 1 and hcttln t lioir 111 roll lit with tho iimlriNiK'ni'd ttdminiHiraloi. Dattd Novomlx'r is, I .01. ' V. II 1'ii-h, Viliiiinistriitor. N'.-t t- ih Imtfliy jivt'ii that hy vir- 1 lui'ofau I'lrciitiou and di'tino of fi.rn lnhilro ami unit' isMiii-d out of tin- i ciicuit court of tho .Statu of Ori'on ; for tlio county of Grant upon a jud- nn nt luudnrt'd in Hiiid coiut on tho! Kith day of Novonilior, 1KD1. in fnvor ' of .M. llowc, iliiiilill ami ngninvt ('. .M Sinitli in a Mlit whrioin .M. Ilouo wiih )laiutiir and ('. .M. Smith ami .1. 11. linker woro dhfondniitH, fur tho Niim of Fivo thoiiHaml forty two ami oixhty-ouo onu humlr(dtha dollnr, with inttiroAt thi-iouu from niil 10th tiny of Nooinh(;r 1X1)1, at tho lulu uf ton per mil pur aniiiiui nml 'J'li too liun.lio.l and liftv doll n attotni'VH fro ami tho fnitltoi sum cf Foiiy-i'lulit and twenty six out' htm tltt'iltliH itollaiH (.-ii. (a nnd ai'i-iain corIn. 1 hnvo liiviml 1. poll and will noil-tit pnlilio atuitioii on Siilurd.it tho 'Jlith day of Ooct'iuhor. 1S0I, ut 'Jo'tluck jt, 111 of naid day, nml at tho oAtiii t hoiiMu door in ('mnuii CiU (iinnt foiinty Stitto of Ort;on, tlm follow nij ill', lilmd ii-al (Mtato, and all tint riylit, til'oaml iiili-icut, whioli said ('. M . Smith had on tho 17tli tlay of AtigiiMt, 1H!I 111 Miiiil 10.1l oh tatu uii'iitioiii'd and dcuci ihod in Hit i 1 1 ilct.'ioti, to wit; Tho wont half and the wo! half of tho cant half ami Kouthoiikt ipmitiir of Houthuiht (pim Inr of Hoi'luiii tvvtmty two in tOMimliip ttvolvo (1l) hoiiHi of iiiiigo ttti'iity thioo (.':!) I'ant Wilhtimtto iiioiiiliau lofjt'tlior with all tho touo- 1 it r in 1 1 1 n lit 1-1 1 1 h ami appuilon 5 - I IltM' f l.ss '. N !1"1' T SMF. STANO Carria$i s, t''is ,V Hm.'lioards .Ifade to Order. StU A Ito-tsoiiiilil.' Dist'otint I'or ('mil JfS City meat market. Si Vjliiii)Uiii Stii'i't, Caiiyon City, Oiooii. W 1. CRAY, Pri.prlutii'r. -itKAi.iinK in- AII Kinds Of It; Wliolt'Hilc nml Iti'tall. KKKSH MKATS .' orders illcil mi Smrt A'ulirc. V. A. BSMSLMMt, & Commission Eouse. Oregon. Onnyon CHty. loftort ttfl oonnectMl .FT, s.U 1 a j?o I ( ill, oaltle ! h horc i a 1WL JohitDay. I. It. Hineharl Huht aitle I) H also onitki tinder Mope ortch cur. I'W A KM Fuk, calUo r h MY horsiw I s (low and Arrow. W 1'. Duncan r a (uarlor-cirolo W Smith Uroa. ctttlo I a ', Mt Vernon ISinina Uoln, liornt! and cattlo I It N Y Monumett II. A. Oujijter, homm, JJfj cntllo utoni 1 t,idf Hwnllow fk tight .1. l'utitain, horso r 1 connected Jl Hamilton .1. II. Ifituiilton, 1 conooclod ,JII l'rahle Oitv ( 'In is Sunmu'ti r It S. A . Tucker 1 a Blantoii. F worthy A- Fiat 1 side caltla .l.' hoiiuta 1 , ." DICI'UTY STOCK INSl'KOTOUS. WH AM PBKrAhRD To niviTi: - h Job Printing 5 - or irvtttr DncHirrtox, riu:.vn.v Potior, Dodger, HilllionWn, I.t-ttor hoada, Kiiiaboitdit, State titeuta, Iuvitiiiion, Tickota, Cnltln I5tc, oU'. PRISTEI) TO OWiEM. 0FFICIAK nillKtTolIY: .. U. I. Hazcltim.. Oo. dutlgu t'lOtk nm-n Mlt. ....... Trcaurcr 4. u. iti,.v' OS V Notice ia heroby jfiven that I havo thia tiny upjioiutod llm following jior ftona dopiity atock iiiBjtectore for liiniit county, Oregon: POHTOIIICK. Clm. I'. Johnson Dayvillo iluhn II. Hukor Culoli. 0, II. KitnlHirland iMount Vithoii. Cotnniiakioiiora j Survrror Shorifl- Aakfanor School Snpt ...... Stock I iHtpt-ctor Ooronof Diat. JtidgfB j ' Dial. Attorney , . W. II. Johnson. H II. Davo.. J. W. Mack. O. I'. Cu-sait. . . Chiiii. Tiiiitos. ... M. N. lliiiiliaiu. ... V. W lhnton .Dr. A. .). Tlol.odo. -M. D. Clnrord . , JlllllfH A. F(M C. I''. Jlyd... 1M10PI3SSI0NAJ. CAI5DS. J. w. J II I K I.I. AsiiroHn, A mi font) I'll rsi rid its ,y- Surgeons, A' I-'i 1.1., Cnitj-on City nml John Day, Or. G. I. IIAZICI.TLVM XJtotOKraplio c OANVo.V RITV. OltHOO.V. LAW Okkc.o.v. Forwarding' U'ai i on Caranor, . . Win. Ilnll Wooda Carter I!. S. I Hack well I.. .M. tlohnaou Wm (lillia T. 1 1. 'Cm I W W k I lispi-i-ioi fur tlr.int Co th, I M' I. St. May Wngnrr. . I'rnirio Citv. '. . I'Vv . . . I lultiittt.it. . . . Shoolly. ... liitttr . Ji di n Day. IIimon. r. Pakuisii k COZAI), A'lTOUNUVS AT Can von Citv, " J. OLLIVER, I'nipt'iotiir of tlio John Day IVfilk Rancl" 1' lfth milk di-livi-rod ihtilt to my cUHtoniorM in .lohn Day and Canyon citiuH. (iivotuo vouroidoi'M. SAL5r- Baker OiXy, Baker county, tin- liij;l Will uIhhva I'ta.ifuv 01 to fur parlii'H loiiNigiiing u in tlutir ilittin. ..1. 1 do wtoli-, 1 Marie all goods Hi 111. 11k. I piitcH on WooIk, dir. foi ward tho auiuu accordu. )i BAKER CITY S'. .'-. I IE I LX Eli. FOR LOTS ill PASADENA. H. niiii atii .. i.tt , li;;!.if.!U I. I'lli'ii! hi I ' 1 .hllt'l of hom:y, DENTIST. IA--' - ill 1 1 run', county, Uioyou. ToruiH of nn In rn.li. Dntod at Canyon City, tlratit itnui. ty Suito of Drognn, thia - l:li day ol iNovcinhor, Ihlll . O. 1. CltUSA!', Shoritr. liy W. S. Sm'nivvoHrii, Dojtuly. DMINISTUA-IUMX' NOTK F.. SSUIN'hli'S SAUK. Noti. ia hereby givmi that hy con- , Ujp virtiw of , j, of g,, Mdow.ion ami or,l8r of the lion. ul,do ..y Jamoa Noriimn. of John County ( outt of thehtnto of Orouoi. j)j4Vi ooulv Ormu. of th.to for I, rnni county, which ordor wa ti.a'ad day of .Ma", A. D. LSD0. by iimtlo 0.1 tho -.'oil, day of Novembi-r w(icb mW naaign'or convovud all hi. A. D. I Ml I iho uuloiniuctl wm property, both poraonal ami mil, to tluly apiioiuloil 'A.lui.u.atratrix mth ,,10.0,. f,,r the Uutofit of all tho ,IUeu,d, of tlm oMAte of 1h.aoro.ito.A;undl.v viituo of a do- tlliaiu l.tne, ticaactl ami aH j.er- j t.rw) ot lhe u,,,.. Clr(.uil CoUH of , ou il. nitx jnat claim, titfmnsi J ! state of O.ogon to, tho Countv of citato nr.. hereby m-liot'tl to prf.M'iit 1 0mu1i m,ulo ,, (.u.rm, Uv'bM I he aa.i.0 . i.ly ve.itle.1 aa by faw re-1 lt ou ,h j.,,,, jav 0, KovomU.ri t.u.rotl o tho umieraitrnml at the old j A. j), ,. t lLe ,.ua, tflrnl home two wile- below John !of , wllcU ,aia uni u aul0 ,.v w. ... . .. . v,,, v.w,.v,. U0( au. flm.HJWfrci to roao mu PORTLAND! I'm fniili. i ml 1 1:1 .mi. n and f,.r )Urt'liBHi- r in 1'. C, Si 1, nr M D. Curt. uin, ..,.,! At iit at Canton City, Or., or to IUm.i i: Do ii, Oen'l TtunWe, !'J Mnrk tnut, l'ott lnml, On-gou. r. C. SELS. (I lllii-r iip.oslti' .Miuolili- Mall) Canyon City .... Orcein. tT .III U'urh Warranted. Harney Stnirc Iinc. I Tse0UMS- .CQSPffiiOI Tlrf lull l'l .onilul t f S ii'Jr Iraluu-t I 1 l" i.' -ni .. mi 11 1 1. 4 i-.ill U- nl luc, 1 f S U If I i-aluif liri Ilia nt CotUrihulors. Atllclti lit Urn willlfii riii-.il) .i Hit- ...t.nti- ..;., 1 . , 1,... 1 ,.1 tiuiiii iii mi n an.l n..u.t-n, hiihu h..iu aro The KlKht Hon. W. I!. (Hailstone. Count rciilliinul tic I.cam.'p. Amlrcvv Cnriit'Klc. Cy ru.t W. I'lchl, The .MnrijulH of Uiriie. Jm.thi McCarthy , At. I'. Sir l.jou Play fair. IVniik l. Stockton. Henry Clews. Y.n.tlll Verehtclt.tln, - W. Clark Kiowell. Hie C.trfof .Mcath. Dr. t.yiu.iu Alil.ott. Camilla Urno. Airs. Henry .M. Stanley, nml One Itiutdrcil Others. Tlic Voluiuc for S)2 will Contain Nino Illustrated 5crl.il .Stories. 100 Stories of Adventure. The llest .Short Stories. Articles of Practical Advice. Sketches of Travel. Hints on SelMMucatloii. (lliiupses of Royalty. Popular Sclercc Aitlcles. Household Ai tides. Kallwny Life and Adventure. Cliarnilui; Children's Pane. Natural History Papers. 700 I-arce Paces Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illiimrate J Weekly Supplement!. Neaily 1000 Illustrations. "A Yard of Roses.' FREE TO JAN. I, 1092. Til Nrn hult.rrll.rr. hu xlll ml out aaiI .i-iiJ u. lltl. .tip , unmn Ami ujtlrr.. a nil 41.7.1 Mr Mill .rliil Tkr CuiiiikiiiIuii Im- In Jnu,, I Ml.', ii ml (urn I'h II Vrur Irinn It ia I Ilnir, Tit I. ulli-r lin-lmlr. lltr TM V Mv ijivimi, t iittifTii as iittj m;w i:iirt iiuui.n. iii.iija, ui.ii.,-t.. Wr m III Ml. u nut a rPI ot n Itmuiltul fulmlitc. rmlilnl ' V V V II II Ol' lt(l-tl." IIa pruJurllun It a. ru.i TVV I'.NTV TIIOtVMI IHII.I. V lt., i.l ('Ant. ;ilu. Jr. .w l;,j.t,.r.l ItlUr Al our r..t AiJ.tu, I THE YOUTH'3 COMPANION, Helton, Mux, This Slip anil SI ,75, I for stud oaijile at their o t oe in Can yon Oily, Oregon, within m mouths j from tho ditto hereof. Dillftl at Canyon Citv, Otton, thia li-'nh ilty of "November A. D. USUI. Ai.ua Livi:, "AiliiiiuistiRtrin with the Will Aitnexod.' j 'OTICIJ OF Al'l'Ol.NTMKNl'." Notice ia hereby eiveu to all jter s aoua tvhofli it may court' in, that the uiiih-i signed has lieen duly appoitil iiil by I he ouiiuly court of tho state i of Onjfoii fur (iiaut ot'unty, ml win Utralor of the olato of llild t Me DmhoII, tleeenaetl, late of said futility untl all perm us hating jtisl olainia j iiaiuat bitid estate aro lintifint to pi i-mii. tint same tluly vciiflet aa by law iettininl lo tho uiuleisij-ntHl or to M Duftin hia nttorucy, at hia tr-kiiiouco in Canyon City in mi d Cuaut county, within mix inouilis fiom tho daln of the flrt piiblicatiou of thia notice. Dated Due. I, I HO I. (I KOMOIt IUttK, AitiniuUHator , JJ. 1) -M. AU'J far i&rtate. heieiuitftor tleACi'iletl iroiierty. Tho iitiilni-.iKiioil QRMtxiieo will oiler for aalo at public auction, at the court ImiiAf d ior, in Ca.ijon City, Oregon, on Sittiitday, DoccmU'i' 1'.), IS'.M, at oue o'clock j. in, of anid ilnr, tho fullowiuv ileaciilMttl probity, to-wit: The Sf the NKl ami the N k of thoHUjofSoc. '.(!, in Tp l.'l South of lt.iUL I'. W. M. oontainiiiK 1 1 fin neiita, 11 ml situate near John Day, ur.tnt cbuuty, Oregon. Said property will be sold to I ho highest ami U-st bidder on tho fob lowing tonus: Due-half of tho pur chase price to lie paid on tho day of sale, and 0110 half within threo mouths thuioalter. .). W, .Maik, Assignee. NOTICli FOll 1'UHMCA I ION. LAInlOOtt-A Al IIUlll., OftfOU j Stir II. vl N .tli la htrli vlvrn that Hit- M..ialiitf uaiiiaiI lll.f ha !! Biitlic ul hi. Intention In uiaVa Anal pruM In MtMrl ir bla c aim. nJ U14I aaltl i.ruiu 111 b una t'iHIIllt. HIMAII Jai. S.lASl.i'1 Ull lS NIKKNAKti II U Xa. I. Jowett, Prop. Stage h avi'H Canyon on outlay, Vtuliiiday ami Fr day at I a. 111., and Ii-ait-A Uu rim uu Ttiusd ty Thura tlay and Salunlay, arriviug at Call yon City same tlay. I'usaeugttr ami Freight aj reuoua bio rales. J. L. B. VIAL iri,iiM.ik,i:n and ,1 1 II 'Ii LICli, IIakkii Cm, - Okki.ox. Di-.tlur in WATCUr.S, Ct OCKS, JtWELBY, SlUVFRWAnr, V OLINC mitt CUlTABS. M..I.O k. AH tt L'0llAHAb. :rOpMiic ruiou .MeatMurl.Lt, Main H'.ti'il. tm to tbk CaiyoOilyiBM'ta.'Slioi, .7. J. Slrjihrns, - 'ropr i nn v ri 111 1 11 a 1 it l-ii 1 mi 1 via 1 - r in 1 in Sht. .llivr, hinvi I A 1 I -t I IVI.i: i l f..r - 1 ct nt JKT Juilt It A i; I : tt ami ,C..V0 MM CI I V AXLE en ease b luvlv IntlurvlliAt ..iwlr I'Ima .liraitt Isiki.ai I III. Omri.u, t VTI foe tk kf kK ur. Mw-. S4. Tit. U Atttl Uta 1 .... 1 1. a.,- 1 ly it, a n hv lit- n. nn. Uu- Ml-iwlng AltmtAM to .ror hia A itii.it 1. .1.1.1... iihw aikJ uaIiUaiImi W. aU iai.i nut in, i.inM nt. rraanat HuHtM, I I. n I ..ct t .t, .11 .it 1 1 . r... L'tlv. OtaiMU. j 11 m NtiJToVii. STAGS LINE, HASCm: A. Co IVoCWAN, Piopr.. tiuai tAAOta, Kotl cuim.)aii(M Atitl laat tn 1 L'nt allriillau (Itm to la cuilitrl of paniii i.. CLuruua Kouiuuublo. iirs r iv nn: vt oiti.it, lliw 'i lit .1 -tjn.ui l-atM-.d aclUAlly otit.'t.' tf 1 I I' ' 'I itut '.-'i.r brAliti Km! vfi..i.J 1 ti 1 t ri,v. 1 - ill. t;i; 1 im; lo' ! ' 1 I 1 u 1 1 ;tu sriitl.J l.bMl.l.lltllt I ..a 1.1- li - HW.Ui -it 11. tu th w lb t4ll Ut "IJ Mill I l l ANatvil OAlHISty tti.m ft le " ' 11 " ' M I a It, S At Mfllf ' ' lK Utwtti ill . . ( 11 uie stMhavt'taH aw-- M ifc-.i ll.llullrli A ( u.,llutv Hrtuiv.llitiiil.lluli.w - . ; . 'a .