Tilt GRANT COUNTY HEWS. December 17, ISO 1. Tlio newppnjier reports that Imvc followed tliu attempted ii.HBassitia tion of ltussol Sagu, the millionaire, nro calculated to impress their renders with the striking nlllnity that exists between ItollninyUiii and huincy. It is proper that ittepa Iiave been taken to plaeu on record tho idory of thu Oregon pioneer while tome of thoin nro still among us. Their experiences, told in their own words, will he deemed of priccluw worth by succeeding generations who will feel grateful to tlionoulio luid thu foresight to collect such interesting nnrrativos. In ,Mon tnua like work has been done with much success. Many htories of adventure which concern the entire Northwest havo been preserved through the eilorts of nu historical society which has also a valuable collection of old ncwsjMcr files. Orogonian. It is u safe prediction tlint tho woit wont got imicli from the pres ent congress in the way of appro priations. Tho alleged u.xtrnva gnucu of the "billion-dollar con gress" will have tho tendency to ilrivo legislation to the opposite extreme of )enuriousues and to put olf tho necessities of the newer htates with potato peelings and cheese paring. UchMcs, these newer states, wliono necessities are greatest, are of little coueiicucu in the matter of president making, which will bo the grand object of overy iinxrtaut movement on the congressional checker-board. The Dalles Chronicle. Tho congressional contest fur sniKikorship lias been decided by tin) election of Crisp, of Georgia, on thu thirtieth ballot. There were live candidates in the strug gle, Crisp leading throughout, with Mills, of Tomih, closely following, Springer, of Illinois, with 17 otes and McMillan, Hatch and Stevens with u scattering vote sullieiently strong to prevent any choice being Hindu until their ailheieuts went over to one of the leudiiii' candi- FOUND HIS ENEMY. Thirty Yr nf WiiIIImk for Vrnctincn Knockril Intu n (,'iirknl Hut, Wo wore sitting on the Yersinia of a lioUtl nt Magnrn Falli, writes a Now York Sua contributor, wliun 1 noticed llio man on my rltflit looking sharply t tho man on my loft, ami prowntly ho Kot up In un oxeltel way ami walked about. After a till ho halted boforo tho uther man ami inked: "Itn't your nnmo Ornham?", "Vm, sir." wa tho prompt rsply. "Didn't you iiscU to tuuoli naliool t Kluilro?" "Yo, Mr." I "In Xhim" "Yon, ulr." "I)o yon remember a boy named God kin?1' "Vory ilUtlnotly, Mr." "Do yon rr-tuointar that lift put a package of flro-crackuM under lib desk ami UiiiL'hiil thoin olf?" "M If It hnppMnml only yrwitorJay." "Ami you havtntl him for 117" "1 dlil. I licked him until ho could hardly stand, and I've atways hcon glad of It." "You havn, oh?" ald tho other, breathing f4t and hard. "1K y mi know that that ly aworo a terrible oath?" "I presume ho did, as he was a thor ough younif villain." "lli awuro an oath that ho would grow up and hunt for you and ound you within an Inch of your llfo." "lint I hatur."'. hoard from hlmyoU" "You hear from lilm now! lloktandn heforo you! I am that hoy!" "Woll?' "I'rcparo to ho licked! My tlmo Iish wiiiiu itl latl" llo made a dire for tho old pedagogue, hut tho latter evaded htm, inado a half turn and hit him on tho Jaw, and (iodkln went over a chair In n heap. Then tho whilom fwliixiliimntor piled onto him and licked lilm until hocrlod "KnuUgh," and It didn't lake htm over three luln utex to do It. Then ho rotlrod to get on another collar and replace mjiiio hut tons, and I hulpi-d tiodklu up and ob wuriod; "You didn't wait ijulto long vnough, I gUOJlS." "tfajl Thai's whoro I made a ml cue!" ho replied. "I , now that I ought to havo held olf until he had got to ho aUiut I JO year old. I ho old devil It all of 71) now, hut he licked inn rlzhlolt the rlul. and I'll never have tho and lu aland up to him again. Ilero'n thirty yir of watting for vungeanoe knocked Into a cocked hat In three minute!'' CAPTAIN JACK'S STORY. Tli llr.l CoilfMlriln rUf I'luiitf It 111 lltrrff Ht tW. ML.I..Iipl. Tho flwl t'oiifdirMe (lag i-vor llung lo the liroem no llio MNilitilitl wat raUed hy C'apwiln J. 1". Jark. To an Interviewer at Sarntcga he gaui an In U'rt'Hllug aroouut uf tin- inuidoat and of hi eventful life, ai folluwn: "I wuHlwiru In issu in Ohio. In Ihit I driftixl down to New Orli-ati. and there, without frlondi or money, hegan tho hattlo of life. Shortly afterward I rii-lnnm. and Irav I 1 with It mi tho road. Then wo went npand down tlio MlMlmihipl river on a tloatlng palace, uiiiahlng at towns along the thorn and NBW TO DAY, datus. This was finally done, Ci Up .,lvK rntortalnuienlM. This palace , Doing the gainer by tlio Ineak, and Springer cast the deciding vole which made his ( ieorgiu opponent speaker of the house. The report of Postmaster Gen eral Wanuiiiaker, which has just been submitted to thu president, is a document uf more than usual in terest, and deserving of a more ex tended notice than cnu be alloled to it in the present issue of this journal. Mr. Ay"anaumkcr rceoui ineuds, among other things, the adaptation of the telephone, as well us tho telegraph, lo tlio jKintal sys tem, advocates the adoption of a one cent rale for postage, urges thu establishment of postal deposi tories for small sums, advises the adoption of pneumatic tube sys tems for the toxtal service, and proposes thu extension of the mon ey order syetem everywhere. There was considerable- excite ment in San Antonio, Texas, over the arrest of the grand jury. There is a line of $"() hanging over eauh member, imposed by ,1 udgo King, who hold they were in contempt in serving au attachment on him whilu ho was on the bench. The attorney acting in their behalf left heiu with a petition to thu supremo court, in session at Tyler, for a writ of habeas corpus. In thu meautiinu tho giand jnr men aie in jail. An indignation meeting was held by tlmno in s iitjintliy with the jury. Most of tho law yers say the action of tho judge is correct, that the grand jury had no right to summon a judyu on the bench to appear as a ninicfuutor. .Inst east of tho Oregon it Cult fornia railway and midway between Aurora and llubbard is a Kittle incut of Menuonites, who live such secluded lives that their presence is hardly known outside of their community. They are prompt ran and conduct services and live after their peculiar fashion anil their creed. There are about 100 of them, and they aru lioneM, kind people, and so sociable that the life of tho colony, although the farms are separate and distinct, it is us ono harmonious family. Their dialect is South German, the same as that of their ancestors more than -00 years ago. The women wear black (Junker hoods and a simple dress of ono piece, mid a kerchief gracefully crossed over tho bosom. Tho men let their hair grow long. They wear no buttons on their clothes, 'using hooks nnd eyes. , i J(W feet long, 60 foot wide, and would eat 2,000 people. 1 ran thW Ixiat for our company until IMP, when 1 took charge of tho llanln, a umalter craft. On U1I1 lioat I had a numher of Trench 'AiuaviM, who gavo musket drill. As noon at Kurt Sumter wai llriil iiihiii I ran the craft up to Vlcktihiirg and hold out overy thing, even to the muskets, which were purehanod hy the C'onfi-der-a ton. Then I came North and re mained a few days In New York, hut an my feellngn and Interet-i were all with the Southern people, I rottirmd to New.Orleana, pinvhaned a paenger hoat railed the ('harm, and proceeded up the river. Arriving at Viukihurg I met the I'rliu e, a arnall nteamor lu command of Captain ltiHne, coming down. It wan while we were mount,! at Vlrlothurg that I lioUtod the Confederate Hag. You mw at that time every into wan making a decideil nland for one ldo or the other, and ono day Captain Hooves came alxiard tho Charm. He had a Con federate Hag in hlii hand, and ho said to me: 'Captain .lack, tluw are the col or we are kalllng under now.' I H.ild: 'All right,' and taking the Hag I nailed It on a long pole, and lathed the pule to tho uialuumat. Hut, uudorit.-iiid me. If it wore to lie dune once again, I would not do it- lu faut, no eulori would go to the top of my innlninant incept the Stnrtt and Stripe. After that I con tinued to run ateamhonU lu Southern waters until ts7S, when my health failed, and ilnce that time, with grip In one hand and p.-keihiuk In the othei, I have explored tho world, and eiipeclal ly tho t'nitod Kuiien, whtuh U to my mind tho greaU'ki country on top of liod's oarth." PLASHES OF Vlf. "Ikxivom is the ri:d to wealth," hut ymi can't gt t the Unnilern to Ivlicw it - I'nlumlfiw I'mt. Osi: ahv.iy-, liket to hoar n prettv girl tnlU, even if ho iliN'nn't nay any tiling Itlchmond I'oe-inler Woman I ilw,i.vllilnUlng henwdf iig grieved, nil I i . ov.-r l-Miklng for re ilrein. Yiuikerii Stulomiitiii. TmuiK l iiulhiiig it iii.iu will not pniuiUo U the woiuiiu ho U not yet uinrrieii io. - .luiiiaon (ilolMt. A orAiti.tv.vv in n itinii who enn y eliougli without anying (iki much w lu ii he write a letter - N () Picayune. A Hill Ii:h.hiW U like u enr-tsiupler. lie If, the mutt liislgiiilleant ohject in klght, hut the thing can't goon without lilm. I'neU. Tu.tr then' nro tflrl Imchelors Khoiild ciiiiho no MtirprUo. There nro a rent iiiiiny old umlil moil In the world. N. Y ISceordi-r gHKItll'K'S HALE. Notice is herely glvou that by vir-' tito of an execution and order of sale issued out of tliu C'iicuit Court of tlio Statu of Oregon for (iraut rsitmty J upon n judyuient nnd decrco of foto cloHino nt:l siilu rendered in snid ' court on the L'Sth day of November, 1801 in finor of K II. Mcl'arbind , anil Freie h co-imiIik-ih under the lit in iiiitno of Mcl'urlniiil k I''iouc!i ilniutilTs and nf,'nint J. R Snow nrnl ! Hstclla Snow ilofoudnnts for tho Mini of Two Tliousfttiil Seven Hundred Hovfiiteun nnd Tnirty tlueo ono luin- ! drodtliH dollars (i-'717.:i;5) with inter est tliorcon at I he rolo of ten per ! cent per annum from the s'lid ti.ltli day of NoveinlMir, 1 SO I , Two hun dred und thirty (,'IU) dollnrs at lor-1 ney fees and Twenty-two and ninety six otiu htitulrodths dollars coats of suit, ami nccrmn costs mid cohU of Hole, nnd to uiu ditcclod and deliver chI. I lmvo I n vied upon nnd will sell , nt pill. lie miction to the hiluiHl bid der for ensti in hand on Saturday the Kith day uf January, lh!):', ut tlio court lioiiiu door in Cnnyon City, (Iraut county, stale of Oiron, nt '2 , o'clock p. in. of said day nil of tho ! following dofcribed real piopcrty, nnd nil the right, title nnd inturont ; of naid defondiints J. K, Snow nnd J Hutell.t Snow thuroin to-wit: Tho ! northeast qunrtoi of section No. ono J (I) in township thirlcon (111) south uf raiiHo twenty-six (:!(!) K. V . M con J tabling one hundred and sixty acros ' nnd !;iNf; and boine; situnlu in Grunt ' county, stnto of Oregon, lo;etlier ! with nil nnd ftiiigjihir tliu tuiiouicntH, ' liurcilituinontH nud nipurtnunuces thorounto bolonsinjj or in nnywiso , nppertnininf,', i Ternii of niiIo cash. Witness inv hnnd at Catiyon Citv, Orej-on, tliis'lfilli ilny of Dec. IHll'l. ; O. P. CIIUSAP, 1 Sherifl of Giant county, Or. Ily W. S. HotrruwoiiTii, Deputy. ' NOTICK VOU l'UHblCATION. .nl Olllc it Ilurti. Or. V II, 11. Notice U h ply fittn that tli fotlolnjf ntnrl tttlf Mi (lltl htillrw of hit Ibtrtttton to tiik i fliikl ptfHjf lit tuirtof hi clitm, ami that IJ j i oof Milt tf tJr Iwfnfr U Couiitt VUti of Oratit futility, nt CnH (My. rTfoi, mi Jtt. U. IpW, tlf i Itll.tlll'tf Utl ' Ht ftltt ttt.KIt 1'fr II S N 3.1, tut thu N Ut SK qr hK tf N W .jr W r SV, r Ht ft Tn M h ( t K Mr itiHtr tin? Mlotnf itr)Mr l ptmc ltd pniitfiiuu ttilr( Him. And Cllltl4l.l v.f, H UhI, ill: Jitm A, 1 f'n. J Mi V 1'owrtl, ! Ctti( (Mir, Or aii.) Afsiii UcklMf, Jitnra U All ii, wf IWr tHr, Orrtfon J. II IIU.STI.NliroN, Ur.ir FIREMEN ' II A LL. ill Vie Court House, CANYON CITY, OREGON. ON NW YEAR'S Wt, DECEMBER 31, 1891. Ai!UaN(;mi;nts I'. Sauiuul I'nrrish. CaMMITTKKS. I'. I'luischinfin, Mrnot Stnnsoll, Hurt Ilaguowooil, liiscci-riox 0. P. Gray, John .Mtirehison, Tho. ICelley. I'Yook A. .1. Stevens, S. .1. Deerinej, V. V. Ilorsloy. BEST OF MUSIC. Tickets, Including Supper, $2.60- JCyJTCO.MK ON1C. CO.M1C ALL, nnd ilanco tho New Veai h.J THE : PBAIB1B ! CUT : ROLLER : MILLS. I'l'l.l. UOIddCU I'KOCICSS i-M.oru. Every Sack Warranted. All kinds of Feed and Mill -studs Alwnys on Hand. Porter Bro's, :-: Prairie City, Or. It El) I It OAT ISA It. V. o u o c " it WM. VOODS, Proprietor. Burns, Oregon. 3 i2 3 a o ii o L. u 03 u sz c sz 01 c C3 tl c u i u a cu O ID -z to 3 - .2 V. O to u 5 to 3 8 J 1 " 2 s I .v the i)l two lo itvl ut) inrr h nrscs when iji 111 a I nlnct', iuii ic(iii iiirn Miff i a it (i' jt'i t it'll I f' ti mi' si i tiumvii' J'ltssi'na't'r.s (i nil freight cnnreied lo (ill parts of the emuitrit. IClegant turnouts furnislieil at short notice and reasonable rates. Tlili.MS .. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT BASCHR & COMPANY'S Cily, Oregon. 'We pay the freight." . u Firsts Rational )pPQ Of Hopijuor, C. A. ItllKA, rilAN'K KKl.t.lKIO, l'lenident. Vice l'lenideiit. tinoiKiH W. Conskii, CiiHliier. J. v. iiiii:a, t. a. iiiika, u t. oouson, Directoiu. TniiiHacls n (,'oneriil IIiiiiLIiik' BuiIiics. Exchange tnx nil )it of the world BOUGHT and SOLD- Collections iniiiln ut nil oiiiU on Itonsoiiiilile Terun. Money limned at fiwn one to ten i"ir cent. Ilissults Elegant Carpit Sweeiiers, Heauliful Silver-mouiitetl Carving Sets, Uoyern' Silverwaru per cent les than factory prices, Skates at such prices that all can have them. I'tetty (Jlooks. Nice llnninrr and Sland Limp'! from fit) cents up. KMiiisiti llecorated Ton I'ots. Stoves in undluts variety fiom il.50 up. F.ll'OU US WITH WE GUARANTEE garwi: nrv von cA.sntjr- vorit o it nic its. SATISFACTION. -far-wic ski.i, ciiic.M'.jpjr Agricultural Warehouse. BREWERY SALOON a"ml ips fartUe Furmem of Grunt Cminlij! Ciinyoii City, Or. A. m. m A . 1M1 Sclentlflo American Aocncy for ' This popular resort has been reopened to the public, juul now, as in the past, keeps nothing but the best ll'i nes, Lituors f' Cigars. U. 1). KICK llll), I'ropr. Frunk ltio.4., ol Portland, Or , navo ostabliHbeil an iiuency at John Day, fc- tlio dale of all kinds of Farm Machinery and Amioulturul Imple ments, such as Wn(;ons, Caniayes, Uo.nl Units, I'low-i, Hariown, Moucrs, Iteapt r, ltakoM, otu., utu. A whole ciliload to bo dolivorod nt once, llvniytlmii; flrHt-cl.iHi and nt thu lowimt poHsililo rales. l'le.tso ivo mo your'tudo. V.. 1IAYKH, Aft. Allow mo to say Hint 1 still linudlo the White Sou in j; .Muchino ami the F.iuhnlV Orfjan, Haptanstall Dart & Cn ( OrslON PATINTti COPYKIOHTM. IO. t'i!''P'9JUoii n,1 ( UtiMboflk nl to . . 1 . v"i e"ewAT. net uhi. OMe.l tMiriwu for lorumw lutein, in AuitucA. I.rerr inlrnt itkro out lr ua li btuiwbl tltx llio public tir notlco t,ntu trt ut cbtmu in iuj Scientific mcvicau lAtitti nrrulilnHi ol ii r i i.-nl ,n rpr in it wikU. lplnJlUIr il,iilrlfl N inirllisMt mtn iIhhiUI lw mIHmh.1 il Wrlt. M I.UO t IWI ll.'O.U uuh.iU. AJJri-.. ilU.SN A CO. lofUI.Iulnj.JCillrvaJir .Sow Vuik. ' jHE)pOSTOFFiCE)STORX OAXVOX CITV, ou. -HUCCiS0l!H to . L- Parrish J'ronr. -o A flue stock of fnwh CmiiliuM, Nuts, ToUtoco, Statioileiy, Hto., HtA, just receivijl, (Siu Uiu a call, I.'IPTO.YST.'ILL $ IX'IRT, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. ! Have new received the largett nud nioit complete ttock of new good in i I Grant County, which they will offer for sale at pricci that defy competition 1891 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT, "To whom it may Concern:" We have at present as has been our motto in the past viz ; The Largest, Best and Newest stock of General Merchandise in Grant County. All of which we are bound to sell regardless of cost for the next 60 days. You cannot afford to miss this offer, and we trust our numerous patrons will take advantage of it. A call on us will satisfy your curiosity. JVS. DURKHEIMER & BRO. rainr a 1 THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools of 'this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ol the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on wool in storage. T. B. FELL, Manager. o you Read Advertisements? Do you lake atranage of a good offer When il is placed within your reach? Iko ii 4. ner on. anil a ii store a II i r j uui Dry (loods, Clothing, Pout. Shoes, Clares, .Mittens, Urer shirts, I'udcrwcur, Hosiery, Huts, II 'inter Cans, Cum If i.. ;;........ !.;. .' .. ...: i.:i.t ' Kuais, ihii unt i.s, ijiiui.s, Liirsci, isiiii.M ttiitt citiuircnx Shoes, Hubber coats. )'elluw Oiled coals, Fa net (loads. Cutlery, ICtc, Etc., h'tc- tMot u jftiiaooHiMJOOiHuaoooufKooiuaufl OOUIHIU tutor Wlinn nj.uli t.i-viiiiii,iTiintt i 1 1 o (irilrr for nnv ntiwiiitil 1,-iin, li'v,. o Dollnm or uioro in alwvo lino of goo 1 8 wo will prepay all Mail or ' SUio clinigou, to liny utago Htation in Grunt or llarnoy eountiuH, ? until Juno 15th, 1 sill. gST" When hoI on ejedit no char,'- 6 OH IIMMlftltl 0 2 i i o guolMIOIH)llluuailllMaoulll(KMallliailliauluw,iwiiaaiuinl o will jjimrnnUo our lott cm ttiiuil prueH on Every Article and imiea to tefuud tho nemoy if jjikkIhiuo not Mttisfaetory. Ily Hendini; to ut, wilting plainly, just what in wanted, wo e.in holoct tlieia to your atiiitaetioii. Wo h io the biggest assortment f Gen eral .Mcielmndim- to bo found in a-jy htoin iii""Or.-f,'on . You can navo money in eveiy line. Give uh a trial ord.-r. Wo hohc-it vur tiude. Older by Mail nt one... I'cn Pcspcctfulli. Coffin tV iVcjirnnl, HEPPNER, OREGON. 0 Do -DKAI.KH IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon City - - - Oregon. Constantly on hand a full assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Pools A'- Shoes, Croceries, hto.. He, hto-, at Peusonable Prices. j I). (J. OYKHIIOI.T. l'"llllllinIOO0MHHM)ll0l)O'"'"'H''""n"""""""'"""0'"'1 A. 11ACSIENEY. DHALUR IN General Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY.