Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 17, 1891, Image 1

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    77m Paper fnr Ihe Stork
man, .Merchant and
M iner.
The, J 'a per for I he I'Uu-tu,
I ho Workshop and I ha
Volume XI 11.
ChYVOA' CITY, 67.VAT COLr.X'T .)'. OREGOX, TUUIiSD.IV. ) UC ICM 11 12 It 17, ISO.!.
A'u a i her J.').
Notice is hrrtby given Oml by ir
lue of an execution ami decree of
foreclosure and mIo iued uiit of tlm
Iloo. Circuit Court i f the slate of
Oregon for the eonnly of Grant, up
on n judgment rendered in aaid court
on the S.itli tiny of Xovembor, A. D.
MM, in favor "of August Itnettner.
plaintiff and against CI II. Kiralier
land, in suit wherein August Ituotl
uer was pUitiiifl nnl it. II Kiinlor
la id nnd Ilobah UN... '!, I. 0.
O I', of Oicyon m,(l K. ('. Sels, N.
Malison and N. 11 P.!v, Trustees
of Mitt lodge wete defendants, fur
the mini f Kino seventy
right anil eighty etlit one hundred
th (flC.KS) dolhr with interest
thereon from the said '.')tb day uf
November, 18111, at the t.itc of ten
per runt per atmutu ami im hundred
dollars attorneys fcesttmt the further
sum of Forty throe and luahty four
ono hundredths (1 13 K) dollars eot
lmsitles accruing c-sls, which said
execution and decree of futeolosuro
nlso provides that said Ilobah Lodge
No. 22. 1. 0. 0. I of Oicgon de
fendant nUo have judgment mid de
cree of foreclosure against tho de
fenUnl (5. II. Kimliurlaml for tho
sum of Seven bundled and eighteen
and Ninety ono hundredths (57 1 S 1N)
dolltirs together with the sum of
Seventy-five dollars attorney fees
and ao-Tiiinjf ousts. I lmo levied
upon and will sell at public auction
on Siturduy tho Dili da' of January.
Ifs'l'J, a, tin- hour of two o'clock p
m. of suid day in hoot of the coint
houe door in Cull) on City, (iianl
county, sli'o of Oregon the following
dcac-rihed real t'Btnlo and nil llm right
title and inteiest which thi th-foii 1
ant (!, II. Kiinherlniid had on the
IUst day of Aiisun, ls,d in niul to
said real estate mentioned mid hw
eribed in Hnid decree, to wit: AH
that portion of tho east and south
portion of tho NW't of Soc. -S in 'I p.
J.'i S, H .! K W M contniiifd hik!
being Mittinte within tho folio winy
boumlaiits, to wit: ('oiiiiiiuiH'ing lit
ilio noillicnst cornui of t-e il (pmrtor
ROction iiinl ruimiiin tlirnrn wost
along (ho noi th lino of Mtid Ncctiou
Thirty six nxU: Ihfiico nth .r w.
W6l Ono hundred nnit six uml 'i
(lOftij) rods; thenco west ono hun
dred am! kixloen (IKi) ioh; thonco
win Hi along tho west liuu of snid
ueetion h'ift.v-threo ami rods;
I Iiohc.j (U8 1 Hid rods, Omiico noith
ono hundred and sixty (ltM) lodn to
tliophtco of bfiiininjf cuiitniiiin
about M) hch'8 together with th tcn
otiuntM, lit roiliUiiipntH and nppurloii
ancos Iheronnto lwdongin or in nnv
wiao appertniuiuKi except thnt vcr
tn!n poitiou of tho of Sec.
'I'p. 13 H. It :)( K V il particularly
dt'scriurd iih fullnws, to-wit: 'Join
inoncoi' v i7."i fee", east of tho noith
wost coruor of said Sec, '28, Tp. I II
H, n 30 H. V. M; Jfin fcot went of
the quaitiT postoi. tho north liuu of
laid soction, niul running thence
outh L'.'iO feel; thonco wost 00 fool;
thence north '2M) foot to the north
line of mid hoction, thonco onst bIoiik
ail noith line of Miid sod ion Co
feet to tho pbico of Ix'innin, all
suid doscrilied promist-s beiiiK sitimto
in (I rout county Utile of Oregon.
Term of sale onh.
iAtet nt Cauyou City in the coun
ty of (1 1 ant and slate ol Oregon,
litis IHIi dav of December. A. D.
0. P. Urbsai-.
Bhetiffof Grant Co., Or.
g 11 KM IT'S HAUIt
Kotioe is hereby givoo that ly vir
tue of nu execution anil deortie of
forcclouii isiui.d out of the Hon.
Circuit Court the statu of Oregon
for the on 1 1 ty of (irmil, upon u
judgmeut reudered in said court on
the lUhdayof November, IKUl. in
favor of Ni'poleoii Uavix, jilnintitr
and a'iinst OilutT Klouiiuinii. deleud
ADt, for tho iuui ol Three Thousitnd
One Hundred Tweulysix and
Uighty nine ouo hun liedtha ($:U20 -80)
Dollars, with inUiest thereon
from wid llth day of Nov., I MM, ot
the Mto ot ten percoul por nunuui
ud Throe hundred (UUi) dollar
attorneys fees, aud the fuilhor sum
of I'lfty-tive and Kortv-flve oue hun
dredths ($'') 5) dollars costs aud
Nccruiug costs. I huvo levied upon
an! will sell at public suutiou, on
SnttudttV, the Ulh day of Jiinunty,
l(it)2, at tho hour of three o elook p.
m, of sanl day, iu front of I ho couit
houw dooor, in Canyoii Cily, (Jnuit
UOUUt.r, state of Oregon, the follow
lug described mil entsto and sll tho
right, title and ini rent which the
defeudsu' "iloff h'teimniog Intd on
(lie lth day of AugiM ISMS iu and
to suid roul -sta(e (le-crilnnl iu said
deereo to-wit : Tim N J of NHJ and
SW1 of SK an I SK uf NW'l nd
of XWJ of He and the fc'Kl
Of N'Kl and SKI of uf See. 2U
II Wiim ' Tp. NK. H. U5 B. W. M.
iu (Jrnt iuuly; state of Orogon.
Terms rf sale cosh
l'tc4Bt Cunon Cily, Orogon,
this Oth ly ot December, I SOI.
O. P. Chump;
JikoiifTof Clisnt iJounty, Or.
Mr. Flinders l'etrie recently de
lircrctl at tle Owens College. Man
chester, a most interesting address
on exploration iu Kuvpi. It had
! been thought, he aaitl, that the im-
liipiiec mounds of rubbish iiidit-nling
sites of towns hail Ix.fn nimle on
purjHMC, but tbey resulUil from tlie
natural decay of mud brick build
ing. Those heaps of ruined walls
nd earth and Ulierd rose even
to eighty ftel high in some places;
but other ancient sites were much
less imposing, n to I might even not
attract notice on the open dwierl.
The higher the mound the longer
the place had liwn inhabited; 'and
if the surface was of n late jicriod,
the earlier parts, which were most
needed, were under such a depth of
rubbish as to be practically inac
cessible. Much could Us known at
(lrsl sight; and prospecting now
become ns scientific a matter in an
tiquities as ill geology. Knowing,
by h glance at the sherds on the U.p,
what was the latest jieriotl of occu
pation of tho iti and knowing the
usual rate of accumulation of a mud
brick town aUnit five feet in a cen
tury we could guess how fur back
the bottom of the mound mutt be
dated. Other remains had tli lb-rent
indications. I f in the midst of a
great mound there was n wide Hat
crater, that was probably the lem
plesito, surrounded by houses which
lmd accumulated high on all sides
of it. Sinking of tho results of ex
ploration, Mr. I'etrio suid that we
now realize what the course of arts
had been in ICgypt. In the earliest
days yet known to us aUnit ItKX)
11. V. we found great !kill in ex
ecuting accurate and muive stone
work, such skill h had hnrdlv ever
been exceeded. We found ehiiorate
tools used, jeweled saws and tubu
lar drill.". We saw the pictorial
aria as fully dovclowd ns they were
fur thousands of years later. Hut
what led up to this wo were still
feeling for.
The farmers mid hunters of Han
cock county, Virginia, are excited
and alarmed over the depredations
of n mysterious wild animal, which
has la-en feeding recently UKin
calves, sheep, pigs mid other small
stock. It has lieeu seen several
times lately, and is described as re
sembling a panther, but no one 1ms
yet succeeded iu getting n shot al it.
Tho hcust,s fora(ing expeditions
are made mostly at night, but it
docs not turn its back against a
plump piece of mutton in broad day
unlit. The women and children re
fuse to leave the protection of their
i ,.. .i..: 1, " a..,. ...i ,1 1
iliiiiic-B iiuiiiiK nil' nn . nun iiiv iiit-o i
co armed about their work.
Uccciitly a party was orgiuiinwl
to hunt the animal down, and went
to tho woods, where it was exjM-cled
to be, accompanied by dogs. The
dogs found the beast, which, in de
fending itself, tore three of them lo
pieces, and wounded a iiumticr of
others. The hunters heard the
noise of the conflict, aud sensibly
concluded that they had not lost
any panther, and loft w ith all jiossi
hle exiedition for their homes.
'I'ho panther is still there, and wilt
probably remain undisturbed until
n larger party is formed for its cap
ture. s
Ity virtue of an execution aud or
der of sale issued out of th circuit
conit uf tho cUU uf Oiegon forOniut
county, ii"ii a judgment aud decree
of forocloMtire and h1c iemli-rcd in
saiil eoiut on tho f-lh day of Novem
tei, 1K0, in fnvoi of A In l'iul.iyou
vs. D. Co'lelto and Adulmo t'ollettc
for the sum of 92'25U iili inteiest
thereon at tho into of ten per cent
mr uiiuuin from the l.'nh day of
October, IK'J nnd U'-'tK) utloriicy fee
and the further sum of $M UN coU
ami disbursement, ami to me direet
od ami tloliterod, I have levied upon
mid will soil ni publie auoti.-n, to the
highest liiddor for cash iu baud, on
the '2nd day of January, 1'J2, nt the
oouit Iioiiko door in Canyon City,
tlrant county, state uf Oregon, at 2
o'clock p. in. of duy all of the
following dosciiUul real pioperl) slid
nil the iijjbt, title mid iutoitut of said
defendants I.. Colletto and Adaliue
Colbite, thetein, to-wit: 'I'tissoiith
uost ipiuiU-r of Si.-tion No. eight ()
iu Towimhip 12 south of Ituno I won
ty thioo (9:), I5ast W. M , coiiiniiung
oue liundied and sixty acics, in
(iiMUt oounty, slate of Oregou, to
gether with all and siugulur the ten
oiiituts, hetoditaiiieuts and appm ten
nnutk tht-ieuutu lielnugiug, or in any
wise hpc-rtaiiiiug.
Witness mv hand st Csuyou Oily,
Oiegon, thiibeeoud dsjr of Dtc IHDI.
0. 1. Chump,
Shoiill'of aniiitComily, Or.
W.vsiiixoti.v, D. U. Dec. II, istU.
Kiutoh (Ihavt Co. Ni:ws: Arorr
icans have mieer ways, in many rc
specls, and il is not to lw womferetl
al that foreigwrs, who judge largely
from outward apHarances, sitouul
fail to coiiipreliend our real charac
ter. For instance, the Tinted St.ttea
supremo last week heard the argu
ment in the three cases brought
against the constitutionality of tho
MiKinley tar ill' law, cases in which
it is Ksible for a decision of the
court to turn tho commercial and
industrial world, ns far as thev are
represented in this country, upside
doHii aud personally eir.-ct in one
way or oth-r. perhaps one third of
our imputation, and the fact excited
no public interest and al no time
uunoK oio viri ohvh u. " I tlio strength of the re!icls lielore tliev
arguments wen- ing made 'J 1 rl j Htriking dist.ui.-e of the capJ
someof the ablest constitutional i U Tn a,,.Ht njvU'e from the
lawyers of the country, was there u mautAcn nr t, t., mission at
tiity iieopie in the court room, it
memlNTs of the bar were not count-1
el. That is one phase of American
character. Noiv for another. In
the District of Columbia criminal
cour. a man is I icing tried for hav
ing shot his wife ami another man.
anil so great is the public interest
that the judge has found il neces
sary to nUilion ofltcors at the court
room door to keep out the ciowds.
It would be presumption on the
part of your corresHndcnt lo Bay
how tho supreme eotirl will decide
the lurid casei, bul il is apparent
from the questions asked by the
justices of the lawyers, while tho
argument was leing made, that the
validity of the law will lie sustained.
F.v Representative Davidson's con
test of Senator Call's seat will lie an
interesting case. Senator Call has
the certificate of election signed by
the presiding officers of the two
houses of the Florida legislature,
anil Mr. Davidson "lias (lie govern
or's certificate. The case will turn
ujioii the right of a majority of the
legislature, which does not include
a quorum of Isith houses, to meet
and elect a senator. The precedents
apjiear to U- in Call's favor, and a
number of senators, including Ver
tices and 'I'ti ri tie, of Indiana, have
expressed themselves as believing
that he mil 1n continued iu his
seat. Mr. Davidson says lie is con-
fulfill that the seal will lie given lo
him when the facts are fully pre
sented. '
There is a general feeling of re- j
lief that the excitement attendant
upon the hot and vicious light for (
the speakership of the house of rep-.
resentatives has ended, and tho
democratic cruu us has ended the
suspense of the candidates, nnd
...... n , i.ta, lit.. Hi"
uicir irieiuj!
their friends. I ho light was so eon-
. .1.1. it e l t
?wwxv imu 'nu " . '"u r .
Ieen engendered that will be likely
to crop out to the ciuli&rrasmcnl ol
the victor all during the long session
of congress that convened on the 7th
inst. Il is only natural that the
man who wins will reward lhou who
helH-d him witti the most desirable
committee chairmanships, and that
will, of course, leave a good many
gentlemen out ill the told who be
lieve themselves entitled to promi
nent committees.
The i barge made by the Mills
men thai Kx-lb-prcKcntative Coch
ran, solicitor general of the Missouri
Pacific ruilroud, who was hero osten
sibly ss a friend of candidate Hatch,
was sent lu re by Jay Could to work
against Mills, is indignantly denied
by Mr. Hutch and Mr. Cochran, hut
it is still insisutl UHiu. Many dem
ocrats who, letting their xt-ul for oue
or tho other of the candidates got
tlio better of their discretion, are
making all sorts of charges against
their opponents, will lie sorry that
they did not keep their tongues
Secretary Proctor was on the 7 tit
inst. sworn in as a senator, and un- '
ill I.I -1...H 1 .
nominated and confirmed Assistant
Secretary (iiuut will act us fo.-retary
of war. It is presumed that Presi
dent Harrison will send it big butch
of important nominations to the sen
ate this week, and among them will
lie a tec retard of wnr nnd an attor
ney general, if Attorney Oenerul
Miller is to go on the bench of tlu
new circuit court, oh inuny believe.
Considerable surprise w:u unused
here by the announcement thai I he
farmers' alliance candidate for con
gress, in the election hold un the Oth
inst, to fill the vacancy in tho eight
Virginia congressional district made
by the d atli of tho late lU-pn s -illative, withdrew, us arrangements
had I-, ii made by ltc ret ntulive
Jerry Simpson and otln r alliance
men iu i ongn ss to tule nu aclie
wrt iu tin- dainpiigu. It is stated
lit it the w'thdruwttl was caused by
the nomination of a republican can
didate, the alliance managers hav
ing CoiiiiUmI upon thu supimrt gf the
r. publican.
There ha Wen a numlter of
alarming rumors in eirculalion this
I week about the condition of eere-
trv WmUir. who bn Is-en confined
lo his residence for some day, bul
his friends sav tint tb- reis no cause
for alarm, lie will p. south for it
couple of weeks for iceiiperation lie
fore returning to the treasury de
Probably tlw situatitMi of affairs
in China will serve as a damper on
the ambition of would-be mission
aries who want to go into the "land
of darkness," ami christianiio tho
"heathens." A ricnnl dispatch
from Pckin ay: "The govertunent
if fully aware of the serious condi
lion which conrrontt it ami exery
KWJ,nlo tep is bcinj; taken to break
; Totc ,tuUf ,h(lt ,,r,, hundred lCuro-
a-ans and oative Christians were
nm.-SAcred. It is believed that not
n single Christian iu lite district es
caped. Consternation prevailed
among the missionaries
in the district, through which it is
exficcti'tl the r- lx l-will have to kiss.
The local ollici.iU in Tsusuaha de
clared they were dowerless to pro
tect iho missjonnnr, and if lltey
desired to save tlv ir lives they had
better seek suf ty in Might. The
missiotteric at Tu-naha have,
therefore, abandoned their Mixtions
and sotiffht refuge in safer purl of
the country.
ICditor (iiMiilwin, of the Salt l.ak
Tribune, says The only funny
thing about lib-1 muIs in tin esti
mates whi.h il.rty scrubs put oil
(heir own reputations A man will
sin a iiowspup -r for a largo sum of
money bceatisn of injury to his rep
utation, when the truth is that if he
could give that reputation away aud
have men forget it, it would be
thousands of do'l irs in his pocket
and if he could forget it himself, it
would lengthen his days many and
many a year by taking from him
the 4 If-nlwisomeiit which he always
feels for himself. When litis class
J of gentlemen get offended becauso
their elm actors have U-rn attacked,
they generally jtmK' t'"! value of
their reputations and tho damages
they have received in inverse ratio
to the actual worth of those repu
tations." Julius Wiigm r
t'matillit county.
f Itirch creek,
b ii lost several
, VUIHP l,IO.t Ol .1
calves lately in
i (H i'iiiiar manner.
! The bodies of On
bloated, and tie-,-
uniiiiais lecome
drop over dead
Dr. Scott, a neighbor i' M,- Wag
ner, bus abo lo-t k h i, il. The dis
ease appears to ningle out the early
spring calves, and to attack the lin
est and fattest in the bund, a num
ber of which have beer, found dead
by Mr. Wagner. It is supposed to
be blackleg.
A cow being driven t:ir .it.-!i I he -.In-ctft
of Hiinnlliul, Mo . rli. ;' 'I "ii a i-t-il eont
liuntfuitf on n po4. cut ,-l.-il Iter lu.rns
in it, gave a Itcllow uml ai",'"'il iteml
A KotMUlVii -l. i l..'Mii,'t.m
avenue, New u!(. i .tlv retciwil
U o ntllllfM- bul ii-., "wlii were Hllbne
iiii'iitl mloited liy n j i IiiIjIc fuiul
lle.'' Willi r itti Inilianiiixilis rttieii was
ri.liitfr on it trei l e.o mi that city tlio
brake liuitille kIih-.I (r in the driver's
gr;M and firocli n ito( in tbe th-iver1
r?t ot-ki't. A bullet fonii tbe weaion
killeil ttu- passenger Umlautly.
'MtlllTMJio,'' ri-jsirtn Uie IWnlon
lleralil, "itayed ii ipie-r freak In a New
llulilii- hire town bixt tv-nk. Il took off
Ibe tail fvuthertt .if . .u-li oi twenty
Ih-iih I. ill in;.' on n root niul itfTe.teil a
roM.U-r mi I hit, tin bus not ! able to
crow ninee."
Mi Xoiw Nkvi , i.f Went I'nlon.
"?" V,'V.' ,'rn."?rwt nnA
pmyiuiij rm.m riiiii.niM...iKii .iw i-H
tents. "Kite felt t-iitn-tlnnir on bur
II r, unit, on ilrnviii)f I., r IkiiuI out
founil S fine goli I i-iii,'. worth ten ilol
htr.. em iivliiiK bet thinl linger "
A uah wnlkeil Int.. .i l.mvfll (Mass.)
barroom last week, Iviitrbl twenty-flvo
re n to' worth of uml otTervil n
oiu- thousanil ttollar bill in payment.
Ho wait soiacwhut tulini aback when
the Mjlooti Icepor pocketed the uiltaixl
eouiiU'tl out for chwiKe Ktr.i.T'i tn llvr.
Tiik coroner of liuif.i!.', N'. Y., was
liiveatiguling the mii1-i: il.-iitli of an
obi man when a clorli bad been
owned by tbe ileceaM'-l -id leuly fctrui-k
tbe hour of ten. A t'u- cloeli lnul
ktoppetl voluntarily when Ibe obi mat!
illi.l, the hapis-iiinir ii thought 'o Imi
rulln.-r klrsuirv
Hmw In I'rntntit Arliliinl
1 lluildsr ott Wooa Warltar muarhi
that many of tuoloi-of lli:iirftui!hid
uimuil br opnrlivi- uf sniull hwi iu
fucUjrlo oouul bo uUrUnnt by fnllowitiK
wUitt l i-ttlUd tuu goljt-ii rjlf ' Xi-vi-r put
your Usuil uat-S of a ruuiiintf w." Th"
tsntirtelliHi la renub buck to ruwv or
tralfbtM MatstJanla totturul ami diOtvull
U nwuU Hut msu can never afTorit lo irol
imbs arouarf a sssr or s ouUJuil Mot
I'racnttUoas Hgabl aivkktil emibl bo
uktn ui Muk nHutereawttt Utw ibe' mw-
T1SM Cilt IVitfr tt44 Moui-jr uit n
itu-U.ii tig H-mrL.
AtvHit ibiriy miles oi! tlu-rtf Hon
vliiln. m srt-w- boE.tnl for San I'rsn
i :uo, a bljf lii.-k m.'.ili nl v nppcutml on
si- i4icr' pirt qusrter, and only
!.iun vrrow away, aim tor n tune he
w ihe olsw-rvetl of all i.Wrver. n
a-4 (mtsm.itiHl to l flft-en foot Ion k.
.-i -l Me- i.alb-n wi'M nrreiit lbt they
ud never km-ii a larger one. Ho kept n
nil-fill pj-i on the r.otlo eroHtltng to
! .- rail to vn him. anl although pork
i.iil uthi ttilf were thrown ovur bo paid
ii) attentbiu lo l!. food. It looked in
it h ba t i iu-ly tv l hlmi If or n-a
ho.iu-l lo t e ono of Ibe paiuengoM.
it- .-;.rel it ten oVI.h k In the foro il h.i) not ihovinI sn Inch when
. -St ." Dayluhl ft,untl lilm ktlll
re. ik', I vhun noun rtiuii and
.i. hi 4 '.-lU.i.rit eyt. of hisoonUnund to
-tare at -. vint a-i ot round tho ship
I. l Mil. ..II- M iluolilisl. Wo hd
.-.".h ('(,'.. KajlUh .".-knny who wore
m ii:lni; l- i. uf tho w-othi, and un the
I ..-Btaai !u ,.iil upon who would fall a
viii.m un.- ,.f them itmwlwl out:
I ay. l ilu. but Vre's your blivotn
ln' ehati'-e Ui make or lusu ten tmn's If
) dan-a." x
Ou'i! that?" askml tho other.
"Iff wui a ton thai Ihn lUli gnu
you bovt r I. Tf on.- of li'un h'U to Ui
Ifot h'U you "
i..tnS 'tummy," replle.1 tbe other,
without looli..,g up from bis Uwk.
Mglit rnnn- suit the shark still hunjr
on. I.i.illlit ramo nirsln and )m.n
still there, ,'simeof the passcnirSM jshiIi
hii. 4, but I think all uent mtmtmhut
il?,., te. hy Dm mounter's M-nilney
At about ten o'clock el,fhti'l i water
leifgd vi im-I ntiJ ran eloi to hr. Al)
Uu jKw-ng r bail erowibsl to the jmrl
r.ul, v l n some moveuient jirtwiplUitod
both eur-kr.ey into the a. They linoU
a irn at nfi eili as they fell, ami tUnai
oenre.l for only thrHS or four ioniU.
l.i-ii they eaniti to the urf.ii the
. uim-r H-ii ulreuily cheeking hhhI, niiil
t;.e- !khii lo tread water to keep
nftmt i- hi-rtfil ono of them may:
"1'iisiui, obi bo, I'm golni; to win
that tt n "
"Not htf t know nieself, Tommy," ro
plle4 the othor. "I'm a bloouilu' "
Wo hail forgotten the shark In tho ex
citement. All eye erv ,m the two men,
who were taking mntlem n-rj-cmilly,
when tho one ealled fimtui threw up
his arnik wlib a stream and iltaiMnreil.
Next ii.'-n.i'iit the other win picket! up
by a beat, lie cnuie aboard, chniik'tsl
hl:i , nnd as he came out to enjoy
a p--oiiica..ile and n smuke he enlmly n-markt-4
to u-i: "I Uilil 'nu IM win bit,
hand I 'ave, band I'll leave bit to you,
genu bit I took baimy huiifalr had
vantage to do bill" N Y. Sua.
Hum Hi- Mttvit'l IIim line I'rnlili-lii mi
3lllliMl I S I . r ll-tl.
Commodore Van Kantvtsird.ono of tho
wcilthh-Ht of Xe' York buiueiu moil,
iheonnerof the lludsoii river lino of
Ih.uln, ii.ur.ited a intervsling nnd
tu .1 1 y iien ,'tnecdote about Mr. llruoo.
The (',.;. ii, i-il-re said that aftor Mr.
llriii e bad In-ii elected Konator from
Mlsatiutlppi he ciiffatrctl paaango on ono
ot Hie Mhoilivtlppl ntuaiiili'aU up tho
rln r mi In-i .iy to Wabiiirton. The
ruptiiln of the steamboat heard that tho
bliieU Selinliir-elt el was to lake pnK
by tbe boat, and be said that bo wjiulil
ti a h thU colored upstart his place It
be tried to put on any airs on tbo steam
iHtut. Tbe captain hiuiiH-lf told ComMo
dure Van Hntvoord what followed.
Ho said that Senator llrueo camu
aWard tbe boat and nt tho lirnt eon
letiluut opportunity souitht tbH eapUtlii.
lie tiald to him; "Capuiu, I am if'llUf
a part of my journoy on your steam
Im4I. and I want tu aay to you thai 1
a mil my trip to be made aa pleusanl
and uirreeubln tu you as il puaoibly can
be. iboroforo, it you will aosliru mo to
tbnl place on tbe boat where my people
m uxtially located, aud give me a place
at the table whoro Ibe colored jieoplo
ifi't lln-ir meals, I ahall be very much
oblltfcd lo you " "When be said that,"
ai l i In capuiu, "and u modestly mid
..ihtely ns ever a man apuko tu me
tu in v life, I looked al biiu for a mo
ment, aud then M-lzed hbu by tbe arm
and hid: 't'umo with me: there Is
nwiittitK un my IkmI tuo good fur you,
air, uml I liml-i that you uliall lt with
mi at n, y own table at meal lmi.r.'"
"'I he race pnihlMii," aald (Vmimodoru
Vn;. S.mtiiH ril, "so far ict Seiiutur llrueo
is i-oneeriii'd. In already solved "
'I m. four most common eaaaea of
holler exphmiiiiis are external eomutlon,
oti ilie.itintf. overpresKiire ami wculi
le v, i.l Due. The four least common
i allies niv uIrm-.h-o of :aifety nilve, bud
material tnU iiiiinbiil.
Iho I'mlr) i,t lliitlinr.
That marvelous sUiry-wriuir Ouy do
Maupassant says: "A mun I a tfuurniol
a bo is n )ioet, or itu arils', or stniply
learued. TaaUt Is a delli aui orAii, pur
fvctlhln and worthy uf renpocl, llko the
eye and the ear. Tu be wanting tu tbo
sense ot lu-te is to Ui deprived uf nu m
tjuUlio facility, of tho faculty of dlaoern
ing the quality of alltuonu, just ns one
may I jo deprlvi-d of tbo faculty of dis
oernintr the i null lies of a book or uf a
work uf art; It U lo be deprl veil of an es
aential sense, of a part of bumsn u
periority; il Is lu bolung to ono of tho
innumerablo clsnm-s uf cripples, luHrm
people and fouls of r. blt-h our race is com
puted; it is, in a word, to have a stupid
mouth, jut ss we limy have it stupid
mind. A mau wbudis-s iu dlntlnyulsh
between a laujfuusUi ami a lobnier, U--tween
a hi rrTiiif Ubat sduiirabb nli
Ihut carries with It all the savors aud
aroma of tbo sea) aud it luaukerol or n
whiting, U coDiparabln ouly tu n man
whu could ooouund Ihdsao wltb liugeno
)Min and a symphony by lhethovu with
military march wmu postal by noun
re?lmoall ttaiHl-inmUMr." llarpur's
llazar. '
UtUi or Wltttotsm rrlntod with
WotUllui; Annonncoinontiv
llrlclit Ttilnc Ciitiit friuii Nwiijir
l-iililliliril Mllliln the ltl lliunlrtMl
Vrnri I'iiik l'liuii tlm Nitutr uf
llitdrt Mini llriiuiut.
This collection of marrlajfo announrf
irent has U-eu copied for the Ikilrolt
l'lee Press frt.m old newspapers pub
lishtsl within the last one hundred
yean, of which the compiler has exam
ined hetwieti 300 uml !US) volumes, in
livtlnir sin-It a he ihoutxht worth re
peating to tbe present tfeneratlnu. The
old wits were famous tor punnlinf upon
the names which they could utilise for
the purpose, ami many of these an
nouncement will prove ammilna;.
In Concord, N. II., l'ebruary , ISH,
Isaac lllll, one of the iNtltors of the, Ui Miss Susan Ayer, duURhUir
of t'nptaln Itlchanl Ayer.
A I wnlkr.l mil the l bur day,
Tarvnuttt runmnt stiwt I took my wrl
I a nl-.p t llmusbl iiuUj rare
I Hill walknl mil to takr ths Aysr
And now lsrr vaith ami mrlmve mt tetttlir.
I think tbsrc'll W a rtutssw of Ksulltrr,
In llnrerhlll, Mnss , August m.
Coltoii IC. .Simpson to .Mlsi Snrsh IL
,n olil salrulnlloa nt SIB aad ltM
I'ruirn -A .lone tbst Is rollis lll t'sthr no
nmii "
A hil'I'Jf rlaioBt tia lalsl) bcrn tbooirtlt on,
lljr wlilrh a Marttls star nattier anit raltlvatv
Wisldtsl. nt lllack bake. R. I.. 1'ebru
nry U. IMS, .lames Aiiderson to Atinii
Itreail. .
While- tiHtal the Mrly irrsri praJ, .
) Ami lut aruuinl Hu m iluitrr. I
' I'll b. lutitt-iiletl wliti Ann Un ail 1
Auil wun't bitrr miy but bar.
At lloiesb. Comh.. August 31, ISIO,
.toll n Hate, of Wllliamstun, Mans., to
Mist Mary Ann llass, of tin- furiuer
place, after a courtablp of one hour.
It tbl nut osllns well. 1 tuk. It mler lull to luktft
llr i-miifkl In nn- burl bour a Hum I
The IUm, tbduh. cAuabl lb Hale!
Married, nt Wlnnlesburir on Friday,
April 1.1, is-vi, by ltov .Mr. Ms lone, nt
St. IVters Churvb. Mr. Will Mouu lo
Miss Atiitio CtMtke:
Us Is not ms4, lbou(h lussr ilflil
1 T I irotb ttklia.-rliiuk,
I'ur In- tuu calhul, tc bis il'Ushl,
A wllti Ibal in t-imkc.
"Ilia kuom I cuoksil," r.ikt ollitr makU
Mv puy brr tbo bnau,
Whuw tall ion lilt Ion wbr.l anil fat
l bs bright Hiaa la Un- touun.
Now York, Mareh 10, IBM, Tomosa
Seeonl Ut Miss I'nnb-lln Ketebsni:
" Ki-irbam. (rOlla, II ruu ran ."
" I bro,"'hvt itac; - Hcuril-t lbs mm."
I'o'brunry ft, 13,1, by I!t, Mi-I'arlnntl,
Solomon I'nyim to Mis Itulb linker:
Utittio lraal Istl In love with wenllb.
aemo with b'Vnlr 8rlii ;
Hal Ha rail. In tho blioin of bcsltb,
Takn to berwlf a I'arae. ,
In lloston, April H, ls'jl, .loaeph Wtl-
leiil to Miss Susan Whitmarsb afler a;
coiirsiiiiof ttnrievn tiaysantl but thirty-1
fltednys after tbe death of bis furiuer
wife: '
Tbe iM-at war. It sonata, frr il rp snrrtiw tu
I'or the lo ol a wife la to marry aoulbrr,
December , Isja, Stephen llomproy,
SKtsl "0, a revoltiltoimry tM-iialuiiur, lu
,Mi H.imli Ilewey, sited as.
" In '! bo fou lit a ml hlcil ;
Al IS he wtHwd sad !."
Wa.hlngUiu. I). C, May IT, Itu:.
Joshua Peck to Mlsa Amelia Itushel.
Alln'k.-l, rulK'aaml nnlillus n.1,1-,
Wbnl i liantr. of iu'auria Iii4triaiu inukvai
tulcU a n lliiiiijlii t llyin. n'a twek,
A lluabrl rlmiia-nl lulu a I'rrk.
Mnrrled al I lerctilaneum. Mo.. May
J.i, 1SJI, John W. Honey, naq., to Mnry
I -root swett fttiwrfo Ike buajr le
t'sn urat.-. s'leni"' h-'iw) i-aiher
Hut, olt' bow awi-vl a flosrr I bt
Who turns tu Hoary sllonulbnrl
Captain Will Urave to Miss Kiincy
(traves, Currull, Cor roll County, .V. (. .
June 14. isift.
The ftravi-s. 'Il said.
Will Vli hi Ibelr tlnsd
Waentlsbrl. !' truing lahakcs Ibssklss;
llul If lol tiliisae,
Kron Oravva llku tbrso
A dussa llvlas folka utlsbl liae.
It.iKHrn Hiiowsino, sou of lite set,
has iiurebtuMil n bouw at Asolo, w here
lila fntbi-r sienl Id last holiday. j
Ho-o: IIawtiiouxk wtys thut lncmon's
luuuiory liecMiuc so weuU ut lust thai be (
tuuil to go out looking for himself lu
tho street of Concord. I
Mh (il UwroNti bu pruniikcd UiwrlU- '
nu article for Murray' Miiglilne on Dr
Smile's life of Joint Murray, which will ,
contain some very luteresling sriuiiiul :
Umn Uamkh.I'II Ciii-nriiiM.'s prom- ,
IhimI Ixaik on but ilil to Msshonuland is
to appear llrl In a w rics ot twenty
bitters lu Ihe lon.lnn lirsphU-, for
which bo bus U'en jmlil ton tbousuiul
A itiliTiiUr of Moltku, iwkitotl lafct
year fnun llw vehirsu by l'rsus von
Ifcnhsch, is shown in liuilou along
wltli n IlUein- of lllamarck by ilu
suuic urllsl. Moltke 1 in an uudrcaa
uniform of blue with scsrlet llnlnirs.
IllaunreU la in bluck froi'k am) broud
vvbito ncchtle mul h a plo In hi
Al.u t Taihwsi.i' slmllo is reached by
it llignt ol goiueit tnirs. tin- atepa being
i'litlr-ly istveretl with pluU-ht.f sdibei ;
lira. It U It wreut cofllruat Ut go fnun
tliU room, o onlln-ly lirm-W in its char
acter, Ui the stuiliu uf Mr. A I mi
'I'ssb-iim, which I a Dutch Interior,
with iulntly uurvvd ub walla and
Utile ilinHionil-paiHxl windows iHntHigttl
from Holland. ., ...
Iluir Tlir) I-j Ilirlr l.rlturc llnHM
Ml, 111- .tllaiiillus Srltiiol,
tine of tho teachers lu nu Indian
itchooi i-mlsui the Wtml Carrier an c-i-iiunl
uf the every-day life of her Indian
ii-.pll which the boy a nod Kirls will Im
If la I 1 1 read:
"Their yard I a good oun Ut play In.
It Is a very largo one, and has two
Croups of trees that make s nlee shade,
two or three sw ings, a teotef-board and
a little bridge over a gully worn out by
Hie water. In the sprlnif the ground Is
I'. i ie red with llowers. There sre inlets
and dslidelluns, tin- purple hullslo-ltount
blue retch, pink otitlls and others, and
the child reu gather ami gie away many
n pretty lltllit Isitupint wllhuut ever
li .nlnjf tho yartl. In ono corner they
hse made a cemetery for various Itulo
siilmsls Ibal have dletl n kitten, n
I'lili-keil, a snarrow and two or throe
morn, lli-hlitit the wood-pllo they havo
built of old Isnrtls two little hotifUa,
each lai-ye oimugh to hold several chil
dren, Tho home bno roofs tu keep
olt tho sun, mhI here, with hlookt of
wood for seal nnd broken dUhoa t net
their table with, they piny al 'keeping
"Tbe children often go to walk when
there ia an older Hrou to go with litem.
One day last fall two of us lea'ber
went Willi tiUml tiM-uty little girls.
Some were close ls-slde us, nnd others
were running uhead a little way. Sud
denly 1 dlm-overed thnt those before us
were nowhere to lm aeon. 'Whnt has
become of those eblldren?' I aakeil
Hut a few slest fnru.inl explnlnml lb-'
nuttier. Thny bad thrown thomscluu
ilt uwn the ground In wiinn furroat
made bj ruitnllig tvntcr, niul were eooi-pb-tely
hldtlen hy the side of the fit .
rows and the g ros. In n minute thev
were up again; they only did It for fun
to surprlae us.
"Wherever tbey go, tboy em to llnd
some plant that bus n part tbey can eal.
nnd Ibey grimily enjoy tho berries ur
rtsits thnt they gather. Some of the
fruit are renlly ery iitco. Thtire are
gooseberries, blnakburrtes, graica nnd
plum lu their senium, llul Ihe children
tlnd something to broivae upon al any
time In tho yenr. Just now tho chief
dellescy Is tlm 'tliliiii;i,' or Indian tur
nip a little white root, rather sweet
and spicy .mil tlio children somotlmtsi
go out exprosaly tor the iurhie uf dig
ging tht-sti. They ii1i.ii eal the bulb of
tbe oxnli, roti-hlw nnd aumne-borrle.
nnd thtuie last nluy on nil winter, so thai
mm In Jnuuitry mid l'ebruary tbey find
something they like, (lite little girl
tiven dug uji n tulip-bulb mid ale II, It
Is nut Is-cnuse llioy nre hungry, either,
hut tbey have always boon lists! to eat
ing these tilings mid they llko them.
"They play with doll In tbo bouse,
and among the HMsosstousof ihr-twnnu -four
girls there nrti dulls of nil mntcriul -.
from wax to rags. Some of the girii
have made ipiitti large niul t-tHHl-lookln .
rag dolls; nearly nil are capable ot niul.
ing anil dreaslug Utile ones, Tin v
make more than tliey neeil for their u.' u
use, for thny sometimes give tie i
U'ai-hers little mg dolls ns tokens f
their love. Tbey cut niul malto tie .
dolls' clothe ery well, and dreajt tic
at tliey inomaeive ureas, in truu Am i
Iran fashion.
"Hut mum-limes the loving romt n
lirunt-e of their liomnnwlH show itaelf i.i
their plnv. One dny I met half a doi n
or moro lltlleglrlawilb thelrdolla up n
their backs atipporlisl by a shawl, juil
an the Indian mothers enrry thnirbabb .
aud on niiulher dny I saw a lllllo go I
carrying ill tho sauio wny tbo frm)
good-natured black cat that U-longa t
the llirds' .Vest, Ditto, iho en l, aeettn l
pt-rfoi'tly run tented. He bnd one pi
on each shoulder, just ns a child uarrb l
In Uml way would bo likely lo place it t
Ininds. I think, however, thai Ditto H
a i at of unuatinl palience, fur I hun
seen hlui sleeping Hal on his back In a
doll's cradle with coverlet tuckydduu n
lightly over blm."
A ' vom.t doea mil attract Ir-m ,
:i. i It has that to convert tbe iron,
I iiiic.cibm, Into another itmgm t 1
f item attract it Hence uuii'i. I
col attract motfticta.
l-iiil- uf solid i. tee I will llont a
i.. t' r, if ll he Muull i llough and li.-l,t
I, , . .o.-.l. A ettiiiiuou itewiiitf ue.ili. .
i .h iil:y If II Is- a new one ulnn
pi. i i d gently on tlw surfuee of im i. r,
I I-..
t i. cull we llu' sun after be li.t. -.nn!
I I i iv the Imrl.-jin. TbU is due t . '
I 1 i'lieii.- rif nil' til ill. wbieh uppurenC
raiM' . tin-sun thirty-four i Islictlis of .i
'.. -jvc. HL. i.ppurent diameter U onl.t
t lilt j -one hUtletb;. uf it decree.
A (I tin U'e'uli tie lliri-a (liniri
About tho year 1 700 a fair young bride
In the village nuw known as Now Haven
won- a dalutv eiwlumo of nblto. Tbe
go.-. u woscut low lu tho neck nnd was
abi'Velii. The tlress was of light and
li I mi v tcsturo, nod tvnighetl but altuul
ih'"-oiince. Ii bus been handed down
troiii k- nuraiiou Vo geutiratbiu, until at
I ikI it has cobio into iMissessiun of a
Dmihury latly. The dress Is remarkably
well prcorod and Is extremely vnlmv
l ie, Imib fnun Us ago and the beauty of
eiiiln.iidi ties with which II I ouvored.
Tin deal.rn of tbo Iriuimlug I prettily
win toil In tbo coarse linen thread so
.-inn V 'i In those tlnys.
A feitttfiiliir )( Ciittuut
I' nlll within a few year a singular
mat. an has ubUtlnotl iu Swluerland.
Vi'lien bualiaud and wife expressed u de
alt fur a limin e they with rtspilred Ui
i nt r a rii ini ami Ihe therein logolhee
for :. fortnight, during which tluio ibey
tt( r neither l see nor toooneno wltb
,g,UHly ,.iM,. tH(.r lui),l ,VttS XUSn t0
tl,.,,.. thrumrb a narrow oixoilinr in Ilia
wall, aud all eoinimiulontloit with tint
oitialdo world was out oil. If, nt tws
end of a fortnight uf this conflnutuun
ligcihcr, tlm ooiiiln still clmnnnsl ins
dhuroe, It was grsuted without, furlbur
ado. - '
''jaaaaiafl,'-' . .(