Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 10, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Dpt. 10.
Pinast variety of Mi talmas present
dt tlie Walchniakers.
TV usual Christmas tree festivities
wfll iw observed in our Uwn.
Finest steel skates 11.00 ymt jmir nt
Huehe Oo.'s, 1 laker Oily, osUf
Ming How ha lnit fostr week in
which to atone fr hi sins, after w hich
the mm thought of him wilt hen grave
ISH Tirom ami wife Ikivp moved in
to the now hotel laiilding. Mr. Timm
inform u that he will atari it tU
rant there in few day.
The postmaster cive notice that mi
and after Deo, 10 the uwner order hihI
postal nit drrssrtroent of tie Qmytm
Oitj fMsatofflfo trill chjae at 1:90 p. in.
Jackson Chambers has isovwd into
the Moody house, ami changed the
ittmn of lit hash foundry to the I'lk
horn I Intel. J-en change in bis adver
tisement There i ft silver lining around Grant
county's prospect. With the advent
of mi tilth capital into our mines every
Wly feel encourage.! to kerp on talk
ing mine.
Th rat'i viewer have viewed the
now route up Canyon Creek, which is
abjut a mile .shorter than the present
road, and of a uniform grade along the
creak bottom.
Uoaiery cover a multitude of ahiiw, ,
hot am told that the eowlfy on ;
tho mgin$ Malheur ute floor anx for
aos, mid thu deprive their hitm of
lha naual covering.
JuuVe 8eU hai a fine pair of inulea, j
whieJi will hit the road n aeon ni
apring opens, hauling supplies out to
tho ltear valloy farm and ruturning '
with load f trout and vaniaon. j
li'roui Deputy Sheriti' YorgoiiMMi h ;
lo.un that tJov. Pennoyer did not com- !
mnto tho itoath sentence of Ming How '
to life imp: isonnicnt, tlunfure, and to
l-elati', Ming will swin-; on January 8. .
The name of Hon. H. S. Audemoii,
who wa the Unit eandidaU mentioned
for congre'w, serm i to ho taking a revl.
Anderson is lblihs to slip in on tho
homo hlrvtoh, for he is a man of much
influence. I
Mack well A- Wilson purchaM-d fifty (
head of Ihnw-year-old cattle from the j
Fiik loy a fow days ajro, nt $'22 pir j
hold. Mr. Hlnckwull informel us that !
they would lo nWa to lejurtt abaut ono ,
hundred leiail of tm.'l c.tttlu in this ,
Chinook and rain has Ih-oii tho or- i
der in this alley since d couple of cold
diis duiiiii; the week. While it was 1
Kriowing and cold stockmen wure pto-
(Hiring to feed, and wondering if wintor
liud really cotnnieneed ftdly a month
earlier than usual.
0 wiiijj; to the increase nf the credit
husiness and not U nix '"'I" to
im that kind of trade, on and
carry i
Deeemlwr l.r)th wo do a strictly
oah business. No deviation from
this rule. Jted Fniitt llilliard Hall,
Onnyon City, Oregoo.
Ilev. Mr. Whitmoio's A. 0. XL W.
lecture Friday niht waa woll uttended
uit'l tin; brother proved himself a lluont
Maker. lie lectured Sabbath even
ing at the M. K. ehurvh, and is now
at Prniiie City endeavoring to organ
ize a lodge.
King Alcohol tf.t, in his wotk at
John Vuy Iat Friday night, and 8. S.
Denning enleied a plea of guilty of
assault next morning, and was lined
$20 and costs. Fortunately for him,
the charge of breaking into i Mos
ier's iv.iidunee was not looktl against
Report reached this city hut Sab
Inth, ('f a great snowfall south. Har
ney valley was said to Iw covered with :
about twelve inches of the beautiful.
Stockmen over tkeio liave plenty of
liay this year, and draw sweet consola
tion from that fact, in iew of a hard
.Mr. and Mm. J. H. Neol, who live ,
in Diamond alley, Harney county,
lost their ohtcit J.tUliU'r by dentil a
abort Ume ago. Their dwelling is re- :
iite from neighbors, and to intensify
their sadness the bereaved sirents
ware obliged to conduct thu futieinl i
obsequies alone.
Know has already fallen to consider
able of a depth iu the different mining
centers of Oi-ant county, and the howl- '
ing blizzards around the mountain
summits are diiiting it high in the
gulches where it will have a in pie time
to settle down and leeome conqsict bo '
fore next summer's scorching sun shall
strike it.
Tomiuy Mot! cn, of the stage line
was in our village Monday, and in
formed us that he had puicliaod
.Messrs. Haw lie A Co's interest iu the
line, and is now sole owner. Mr. Me
Kwan also cUted that he would ad
vance freight ami charges on
goods oonsigned to reionsible porties ,
in this or 1 larney oouuty.
Jadge I'ee sunteiK.ed livnti Curler,
of Union county, who was found guilty
of murder iu the first degree, to l
hanged, the execution to take place iu
the jail yard on January '.'1, IS"-.'.
This was Uie first senteuee of death
ever passed by Judge Fee, and his
honor was unable to refrain from tears.
Carver is a oung man alnut 21 years able to secuie a mi I road fruit growers
of age. Thu is the first insUmeu of a will liecome wealthy, for there is al
oriiuiual being seuiaiuMil to U luingod j ways a sale for their products. Plant
iu Unluu county orhanls, wo admonUh you.
Docomlxir 8, IHOI.
There it lots of mud.
The grans is growing finely.
1. Iatirancu'.s billiard hn.ll is al
ways fall.
The snow continues to get lecwr
on the mountain.
Mr. Gilford was over from Ihirnt
river a few days ago.
Everyone seemed to onjfly tlieii.
selves at Henry lnurnnda'n dance.
Novembor has iwsl ih1 Decem
ber has come at last with plenty
Mr. llarklcy is going
down into the vallev so as
to move
to nend
leer child run to school.
Mr. Orillin and Mm. .Miller were
married Sunday, November SMHh, ai
the home of J. Hardman.
Cow llov.
" '
Crewp'a Holiday announce-
Uwyer Denning has removed from I heretofore, which went into ellect
our city, and from Croat county. j the first imL
Potter llro's hare 100 ton of limn Another new mining company is
and shorts which will be sohl at $18 J id. d to the already long Hat.
mt ton. ! known aa the Blue Fmoko Mining
,, . , . ,. . Company, wImj haw utrtick good
Dr. Marsden, of Hmim, wm in the ; Mfr diggings within n half mile
city a fw day. ago on hia way tojoflow sUCce-M Iwys.
I Iepnor. '
, , , . . , ,1 1 .NJorc immigration here. This
.eeudof the mnd Fireinen , ,im lo tht, wi? of N. Von
U be gtv. at the cooil house on New r, tMnhef 2(1, rtn, Nuvemlwr
ear s hve. o Ut wJfo wf A j Dji,,,,
A glory ticket litis Uten gmnted to ! Uiy. which only lived n short lime,
Wm. Keller and Ida MeKee, l)th of and wan bnricd in the evening of
ltear wlhtv.
Private lessons in shoithnud, tye
writing, book-keeping or jtetiinanship.
Imjuire o( J. II. Colhns. '
Go to the Ucd Front Milliard
Hall, Canyon City, for fine wine,
liquor and cigars.
Sherilf Cresap n'jiorU deiniuent
Uixes coming in occasionally, altliough
it is slow work collecting at thU time.
nt. (Juemsey stnrteil from the saw
mill last Tue with hU sleigh, but
struck mud when within throe miles
of town.
Wo Kilshea informs the Nrws Uat
on bin last trip to lzee the biggest man
in thut ptecincl was Mr. Dell Olfieer,
cause lij lioy at his house,
We lenrn that there is a pile of
about 5U0 ions of ore at the Monu
mental mill ns a starter. It was the
intention to statt thu mill fur a lengthy
run, this week.
Burns newspapers arc up U their
nux in politix already, and indications
are that they will U swimming iwfore
two months if the lolitical caldron con
tinues to seethe and foam.
Tom Hew-all funis the froighi busi
ness rather slow. He has made as
high as fifteen miles in three days,
which is giod ti a v el ing considering the
stormy weather in the mountains.
Dum Pedro, the deposed iuiM!ror of, died at Pat is last Saturday.
i was nml II 0 years, anil wtis em-
jMiror in his native country from
until culled to resign a few years ago
Sleighs run on the Pakcr City stK
mod fiom six miles above Prairie City
clear iicnvs the mounUins. Paaaen
gers traveling that mut aie given the
luxuiy of a long sleihiide, all for the
same price.
Uive numbers of cattle and sheep J
llSVH liU ec!iuniMl for coin in Ornnt i
countv, and the ieoiile arectiUug home
" n ------- ,
made tlour. Notwithstanding all thi-i
the scarcity of money i-i still uoticablo
and we all look forward to nest sum
mer's wool sales.
Republican candidates for slierill' of
this first -chits county are at the ptoaeut
isirly day Imbbina up on every liillutal
iu most of tho gulches iu limit county.
As soon as the Ni:ws learns the names
of the numerous aspirants we will pie
sent them to our readers.
Veruon ldgo No. IU, K. of P. will
give Uieir first Annual Pythian Isill on
Friday, Christmas night, at their cas
tle hall iu Juhu Day. The best of
music will be furnished. Oram!
shooting mutch during the day.
Uvery Uly invited to attend.
The most complete and the neatest
calendar for 192 yet received at this
oltice is the Coluinltiii daily CHleudar
from the Poe Mfg. Co, Hartford,
Conn. It is ueibly i noun UmI and
contains blanks for memoranda, ami is
just the calendar every business man
should possess.
There are numerous good locatians
still in this county that will make fine
liomoxteads fur enUn prising locators,
and many of them w ill be sett lot! on
during the eoming years The so call
ed fanning land is small iu urea, but
inigution will cause the adjacent hills
to blossom and put forth fruits.
Snow is all around the valley, hut
lias not lain in this sheltered sjxit. If
wo do not haie snow of sutlicieut depth
by Cluistuuu to accommodate ol-l
"Santa Claus" that ok I lioy will bo
compelled of necessity, to trade his
traditional ssiu of reindeer and sleigh
for I'liele (!. Topken's team and two-whwh-il
chariot, iu order to loach this
Don't le afraid to plant fruit trees.
A Cmatilla man had an orchaid of
three acres, ono half of which contain
ed Inviring trees. This season he sold
$M)0 worth of fruit from this nuiouni
a half. Cniut county raises Iwtter
fruit than Cmatilla, ami when wo are
Okanttk, Dee. 7, ISO!.
Snow all gone again and spring
like wefttlter.
Town full of froiulit tenuis loaded
j with salt for the Monumental mill.
Otir wIhjoI in progressing nicely
, under the uerviion of Mr. 11. M.
Plinth, formerly of Prairie ( ity.
W. W. lmiiey has returned from
Canyon City wlicro Iw has lieeii
courting for tho mst threo weeks.
Pike Wright is in town with his
last of apple for thif season
which he soon got rid of nt good
C. S. Miller has had n crew of
men repairing the road to fireeii
hrn for the ptirKie of hauling ore
to the Monumental mill. lie its
orU the road now in fair condition
for leant.
Tho poet otllce detwrlmciit hftf)
. iaaued order to increase the ervico
between ltritten and (iranite to aix
j times er week inftead of three n
the name day.
We uiv just recovering from the
effects of the fn-c dinner nod ball
given here on thanksgiving which
wl a Buereas , except financirtlly.
About ixty jveraons partook of tho
dinner which wart compoeed of
everything good, including the long
famous gobbler and cranberries.
Want Seme I'oUtoen?
I havo ."MXK lls of goml otutoes,
for sale In any quantity, at the
Ilonley drug store, Canyon City.
Ukiikkk Kii'I.kv.
tio to the Itetl Front llilliard Hall
for a cool, refreshing drink uf the
finest lajfer beer in liantcrn Oregon.
(iralmm Hour f.'.tK) er barrel,
barley 1 1 cents, ryo 2J cents and
MUtocs 1 1 cent kv hhiiuI nt
Dry lumber $10 ier M for the next
.10 days. Delivered in Canyon City
15 jier M. Shingh's, rustic and tliw
ing in otullei quantities. '
I am well prepared to winter a bind
of hhii'ji, plenty of fomge and mnge,
very reavmable. I '.u tins wishing to
aiail tlmuun'lves of this oiM)itunity
will please addross (it'.o. Cimilacm,
Canyon City, Or.
All kinds of weather has been
predicted for Oregon this winter,
but in all hklihiHsl the llowers will
bloom in the eprin just ns early ns
is accustomed in this neck ' the
The American Dressed ltoef Com-
,' pany of Portland reports ln-ef cattle
as lemg already well tliiinu-d out
on the northwest ranges, and we
may look to see high prices
for fat
steers in n short tune.
The Albanv Democrat announces
it will in future charge so much n-r
line for all "in memorium" and
obituary notices, but cheerfully snya
"this doc not include death notices',
which will las glnilly published
There seem to lo a erfect under
standing lielween Mr. I'.l.iitie and
Mr. Harrison. Mr. II arrison under
stands that Mr. lllaine ivouhl like
to be president, nnd Mr. lllaine un
derstands that Mr. Harrison yearns
for a Bccomi term,
An exchange advises like this:
"Instead of whining lecauso you
have to die like other ioople, you
ought to le thankful that you nre
crmiUcd to live nt all. Just think
of the vast numWr of n.uiIc who
never had the luck to be liorn!"
IteinemU-r that a ueutlv printed
letterhead or pnvehiKi frequently
secure a customer in business or
begets confidence iu business quali
fications among wholesale creditors.
S-nd iu your orders for full line
of stationery to tho Nkws ollico.
Wo never send out any hut the
nicest and best goods.
The hot water from Hobo City's
arlofiun well is to tw put to a new
use. The oxjH.'iimoiit of heating
residences by this means is to Im
tried, and if it prove successful, a
now era will have opened for house
keeers iu that city, who will no
longer lo Imtliered with the ashes
ami dust resulting from the ti:e of
stoves. It is claimed the exiKiiise
of healing a home will bo reduced
one-half by this method.
Tho Itoseburg Ituviow says that
Chas. I.uPoiut is eiideaioriu to
find out who drew fome money from
the government in his name a gmtd
many years ngo. It appears that
he was bond packer for the expedi
tion that went out after lioguu river
Indians in 1 K.'.J, and that lie was
infilled to ulxnit Jf ." X K J for services.
WIh-ii he came to draw his pay,
however, Mr. I.ul'oinl found that
somebody had gut iu ahead of him
ami Hocurod tho niouoy by forgory.
Fecial CorreajHKle to Nbm:
All is quiet on the Potomac.
Mr. Dmialdaon is fixing nml re-
iriug the inside of our church
Me? Meador Aim Geo. ltirce left
the first of thfi week ftr Ikker Cilv.
Mrs. Mcduin, at I hi writing, a
rertetl -ery low.
It i to l hojied
alio will recover.
M r. Hinehart, of John Day. called
on his patron? with tho finest fruit
that grows in the valley.
! Sam Durklietnier left last week
j for Huriis. Nelson P.aloock, lit his
I absence, is the p!.ft ss;onal counter
j It is coining an sure as Uii, a
, sly wedding iu the near filUlre. Wo
like cake and will no juitfco in m
occasion. Hear.
Kcnl winter hai at last art in.
The boys and their h igh are flying
by. On isn't it sweet riding with
your sweetheart in a sleigh.
Dr. Ashford has made tho neces
sary arrangements for establishing
a first class drug tore at this place.
Success to tho enterprise and the
Prairie City can now boast of
having a first dais barber shop.
When in need of a fashionable hair
cut or an easy hnve call oil the
proprietor Ihn. Iirr.t,
IJhler Driver is expected hoiti
this evening (Thursday) and will
preach Thursday, Friday ami Sat
urday evenings." Let's fill the Itouso.
ljuarterly meeting some lime during
tlie week.
Ill u lint 'HI i it.
4 aswe -
Mining hvalion not ictis for sale at
the NiswsofKee.
Mr. t!rau die ClarK hat lilted up
roomi for a Imapital in the llorsley
laiittliiig in thin city, and is now- pre
pared to receite patients, and furnish
them ipiietaud comfortable njiaitmenta,
llusU:k of tlrusja ami medicines is
also fresh and comp'ete.
When you send away for goods
romcrnWr the firm of Cofliu t Mc
Farland at Heppner. They not on
ly guarantee you tirxt i-lns goods at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges on same to any
xtage oll'no in (irant or Harney
counties. Heotleir new "ad" for
further particulars.
The problem in Oregon next year
is going t g't tio congressmen
who will bo eo;j!i ' men. An ex
change says: ' What tho country
demands is u cSaii, able man,
whoso private or public record
chows him to be a man of the peo
ple, free from entangling alliances
or corpora to influences, and willling
to do ids plain duty. Such a man
can bo elected in either of the con
gressional district, regard loss of
The discovery of n laruo amount
of giant jxjwdet in an old collur at
Tacouia created a -etMatiou in that
city last week. The jxiwdcr had
boon stowed there a dozen years
ayo, when the railroad wu.-. building
and forgotten. The difcovery was
made by Ikvs while at play.
Should it have ejil xlcd there
wouhl havo been a ticmcminnt
wreck of noici ly at the imwder
whs locate! iu the heart of the city.
(.'otninunicat loin nceiicd fiom
tho I. P. railivny ei.oipany touch
in4 the value of the Mutter creek
coal mines cjh -ak in lti'li terms of
the quality of thu coal, says the
I'emlh-ton Tribune, hut thu comp
any hardly feels that the quantity j
will warrant the biiibling of a line
to the mines. The owners are con
fident that a railroad will come
sooner or biter and are satisfied to
bide their time.
Fall Creek, in Southern Oregon,
has a Iti-year-ohl girl named May
Shanks, who won't Ih imposed upon.
She went to the !ostoHieu to get her
mail, when the p tntutcr, William
Wilmot, ordered her out. She re
fused to go, when a row ensued, in
which Miss Shanks, Wilmot and
his wife and two men took a bund,
the two Women being both slightly
injured. Then M:s Wilmot had
May arrested for assault and bat
tery, nnd fined 4''' She refused to
pay it, ami was sent to the Lano
county jail, but wti! not la commit
ted, as she found friends there who
claim that she did not have a fair
trial, ai.d will app.-al tho case for
Captain J. W. Lewis, reaisler of
Tho Dalles laud uue, Ml Inst
evening for .MinnenjKjlis and other
eastern cities to be absent thirty
days, Some months ain Mr,
Iajwis IoiiiiiI lieieil uii'.H'elo.iy ,
tno owner oi const. jeramo vaiuaoic
jroR-rty in Miniieajolis, mirchtised
years ujo by her iiit huiiiud, but
to which no uticutioii hud been
paid mid it went into the hands of
a banker iu that city who claimed
it as hi own. Through theontor
prino of a rweord Mitrcher tho true
owiiershi) was rovealetl ami after
u luiio contest in fho courts Mrs.
Lewis becomes the absoluto owner
of the property, valued now at
$l.l),(H)0. Mr. Lewis ie east tu
receive the decdi and arrange for
tho future iimnarmniit uf Ids
wifo's iibw jsiscc-xiioiis. Wnseo
Ttip JitAlnt Vtfi tf urrrifut Nw
Iliik-Un.t Mr.llrol Mn.
l)r Oiarle Wlhl piurtlnnl mttlnn
in HrooVllnr. Msh, In tho tUya nlirn
poelo lnitlel nvin taVlnjr largo iloe
ufrAlomel, rhulwrK ialji. tilers, lixe.-e.
null m. njr nl cttuiulo other JrK,
and on Mng bliu-rM Ami tilml. Tho
itortor wst wjusl to the viton, ami j
gave his patients their money's worth
of tihrslc 4rvlf --w hmi thnv mulit i
' seeure hti stlemlnv
I or the itno tor wss n ittlilcult man to
flnd, ami. when found, to Improit wtlh
the Men tout he w.i Actually nonlM.
t?nlen the wn wai rvoresenteil s s
matter of Itfo and ilotth, ha was apt to
delay his visit until tho pntleut hail re
eorcreil or died. Those who tiuntml for
htm. Vnowlng hti halilts of (,-otnt; from
one patient to another, without t;olK
home for a ilny or a night, died to no
through the streets lktn for "uhl
Ms!," hts Mnvl mare, ami his fsmlllnr
lit huiTKjr. slamttng txtuni otno houe
Hut such wts the publlo conlclctico In
h!m. that in ordinary lllne" people
wuulii watt his tarily llt rather than
semt for another physician.
Tho author of "Sketches of ItrooV
line ' itc it-rib him entering a Iiouhk
in th hreesv wav, U in nl in: oil the
snow or the mml, throwing olt hU oer- j
tfuat ami lettin; down UU black leather i
pouch, wllh nolso ennuph tor threo men. !
His salutation, utteroil tu iltnp, i;rull
vqleo, wss fIVely ti lt, tf tho tleiit
was an ac)uatntanrt:
Well! well! whnt Vlml of a VleV-up
havo you now?"
He (fsvo nteknamei to the rhtlilreu,
and would ssV: "How's Nlcleinui liv
dsy'" or: "Weill U IehsUKl'i tooth
ra'ly f'ir th.i Ut.- thts uiorntnir?" A
frtt-nil's child, wh.wo name was I'lor
one, ho called Home," "Milan," or by
eversl olhor lu'.lsn cltlei.
A meniborof his family, whlletnaktm,
WJl tho ttocUir's bill, wn irpletol by
n charge upon tho look of a vUtt to
"Don Sobnitiau." On lniutry It irovil
to hi tho nlckuamo of a child of tho
CaWn family.
When thodoetor had itu.llivl tho case
and lven the patient his dose of medi
cine, ho would, tf there was cause for
nnxlety, Si'ttlw himsiil! for a social visit
of two or three hours, during Ahlcli ho
Uibl droll stories, ao.t acted them out to
the niiiuscniont of the children, who
werw very fond of him. It the cam was
serious he wai ?r.v and itlent, catch
In tllra. If thero wore any to catch, ur
walied the room In iteep thoucht.
I Tho doctor wac more than a phyilclan,
i 1m was the counselor of hit patient',
J who eouMiltiMl him upon all sorts of
j mattt r, from o lei. I in; a wife or a bus
1 band U building a heu-t4Mip. Ills opln
, Ion was an suthortty that fow disputed,
for his C'mhI sense wat seldom nt fault.
Iflsin.slnt humi.r, on h'nvtntf a sick
re hi. w..iibt often ot press 1 1-1 ( tusouie
nu-h sal'itntloiimthti! "Now tf youoaa't
s!ep well and don't know what to
tie, you can smute yourself w Ith taking
sn emetic." -Youth's Couianlan.
l'lmu U l'.'0,0Uo hairs f'row In n
human scat p.
Tin: etimatcd iomlatlon of the world
Is l,sVi,esi,iMl. tt
1 .:. in. i only one Midden death iiiiinnK
w. mi ll I every eljfht atnonif men.
it.1 Julys Hie earth I, finther nwuy
from the sua than nl any other time.
civ the white population In America
s per cent. Is unable in cither rend or
1'aMM lands In the Colled Stutea, tnl
lnf the country ns a whole, iK-eupy only
8o tti-ien in every 1,000.
A UEAt.-rilV lulult, duliiK an ordinary
oni'imitot work, will require from ten
in twelve uuocs of meal u day.
To oMi'i.c. ik their growth the nulls
of the left hand reijoire elhl or tea
days mew than thow of the right.
A .u v, if of One kttmt would cover one
hundred of the minute scales of the hu
man i.klu. nml yet each of these scales
in turn covers from three hundred to
flvc hundred porvn.
Till' nr. are alioilt one hundred and live
women tt. every one hundred men: one
iti,tt t t nl the population of the world
die Wf.irc the sjre "f wvenleeii your.;
only ei.e In one IhouHniei lives U be one
bun.iriil ears old. and only six In one
thousand teach seventy live.
"Lust A savage bulldog. The finder
will oblige tho owner by keeping tho
dojr," betrays a philosophical as well ai
a humorous turn of mind, while tho per
son who otters a rewsrd of !." far a
"poekel-hook of no value" appears to bo
nn extravagant person.
A physician advertises for an "ollico
boy who can drive." A person who does
Hut give his business wishes to employ
a gutid. steady man who has MOO, at Slit
a mouth. Anautlmrof "standing" will
"write a book, on any subject, for any
body, for moderate pay."
Verily, the supply seems to bo Ini'i-
baustlhle, and one can find nsulUrlout
number of laughs in tbodlsphiy columns
of uewsitapcr and In back paics of the
magaim a to fully Justify the famous ;
remark of the cliiicnt .Mis. .Maluprojvs:
"Sweol are the uses of advertising."
l.ti.ii-, ; hic'i m.iU" . everything else
vlsitde. i, it. -if Invisible. If lh'ht
Ititlf v-.r. v-Kible, the shy nt nhtht,
ts ;, nl t: t t-!i ultiw can . ,1 by the eurth.
wouhl U- one l.l.ij- of liht, since the
sioi'i. are cverv v. acre linvorslug
spa c. .
Tin human yc does not things,
neither docs wluil we cull sight peue
trat - p it-. Th eye in simply llko a
tiU".".p for rcei lv-iogrii;,K of tight. It
Is tli.- br.iit, only that sees. In this
ar:ee. the I'.nj'ers do not feel, the ear
llis ;. not hear, th- tni,ru4 dMs nut
Uiate, ooi tl-ic-. the nose Muell.
Letter l.lst.
List of letters remaining un-
cuj fr m t, H-u,Hit.u Ml ('an-
Von ( ifv, Or. Deo. 1. Diul.
P. T. Knowles, Alo Minor, Mrs.
Minnie Woolov, Miss 11. L. Wilson,
W. Woodrulf, "Oscar TihheU, John
Schroder, Mrs. Nathan Cation, T.
O. Chessir.
Persons culling for the ultove
will ph ase suv advertised.
Mus. Annik It. P.miiiisii, P. M.
. s
To the I'uUlic.
Notice is hereby given that 1 will
not be resKMisible for any dubts con
tracted after this date by anyone
but myself, except iikjii written
Canyon City, Or., Nov. 10, 1SU1.
Flint YyiuiONtfo.N'.
! m:. 11: i iii:i: in the name of a resi
dent of lkevlllt ll,v enmity, Tex.
A Nkw Yomk reitaurant hns three
costirtticn who imt eggs sheila and all.
A At.-hUni (Kan.) street ear has
Isvn rwlnUst black for funeral pur-
A mitav of St. Ituts makca a living
by rent iter turtles tu restaurant for ad
vertlaing purns".
A t'aix.vvw- Sing1 HI has
I ihen the position of tenor tu n IW
c'.iest.T (Mats 1 (tnartette.
I.i i n ntlen.lM a wealthy San I'rnneii-,
can. Ills aflf Is elghty-lvvn, nnd ho has 1
jtuit rut hi thin! set of teeth. 1
A Yotti; (T'o.) woman, ninety-seven'
years of age. hay tint she never took
a drop of medicine Iu her life.
Xu..v and r.llxaV Oi Strange. ..f Hen
dricks county, Intl . for the
p.vsl llftn l.-ir, h ve ivmarri. d.
U uwtM llmt Ihe blackest man iu
Illy tin couut.v, , is mi met 1 White, the
whitest man is named llruwu, the i
tallet.t man ii named loivve and the
largest man ."-mail.
Tint hnU-hlng of slltgn tors' egg In
an inculmtor b. a new Industry iu
Florida. The demand for the reptiles 1
I I in evecasof the natural supply, and.,
half of the little negroes iu the villages
nre jsiklug in the sandbanks all ilnr
I mg getting egg for the artltlcial j
OK-uema llcoo, cTandsun of tw great
Ve lor lln-jti, has taUen service Iu the
l'ivnc)t navy, !
ISrssi v Is erecting a new powder fac
tory In Kuwait to ts devolvst exclnsively
to bin, kclcss ptmil.-r. ,
Tc.w Tiiocs.vNli men of the Ilritish .
army are coie.tantlv disabled ly hieU-ii.-s.
more than live s-r cent. i
MMWliv mea.urvi have redtteeil the ;
death rate of the llritl dt Hast tndlun f
army from 00 per t.lKW In, or near
ly three- fourths.
Tin: .allnski pneumatic gun Imslnvu
t. -.ted at Nlioebur.vtict, l.'ng. with
narked success. At 1,000 yards range
m proJ.-etilcN were thrown Into a teet
nn :lc -.Ojxl', yards In site.
l'onr Si viri,u Is In a sadly iiegtectl
coa.liti oi. It is etui retl with debris and
tli - dust of decay, ami lis vvnr-M-arml
walls are foul with mold nml prime,
l'ort Moultrie is In a similar condition
of dilapidation.,uiv Tn.vev. In adopting the
name of for one of tho new
gtiulsmts to Is- coiistrnctc.1 at Hath.
Me , in hiitil to have hclceteil 11 iK-oause
(eplnin- the KeunelK'c loiiriinll "it
vv a-, at Mnehlns Hint tho first naval en
gagement of tho revolution occurred."
Ht i crnte wamls nre now used In
Ih-usI taming.
Tin: days of the telephone girl are
numbered. A new invention makes
telephone connections automatically
Tiik elc.-ti i -cvle. rye.-atly introduced
al 'tutt,' irt, lieruiaiiy, en- rejsirt -.1 I
be eulirel) su.vciu.ful and very popa'ar
Kl.l-frmc mo'tor. nre said to b.-1 en
bi into general use in sh.e factories
Manufacturers tlnd the motors prefer
able In cleanliness, economy, ami, in
fact. In every way, 1 1 sic .in l p.wer
Ukui.isii uianufncturers are blcin-hlng
papi-r by nn electrical process, wllhont.
It l.s htate.l, Impairing ill strength. A
miignesluui ebloridn solution Is ilecotn
HM-d by n siwerfnl cleetcle current,
with the evolution of chlorine nml oxj'
I.'nw.vun A. llvin:. of Ifen wha. Wi .
1.. r.aid t'i lie the Inventor of n gu:i in
which the projectile! arc tired by elc
trlelly. N'o gunpowder Is uhu1, and tlie
Inventor claims thai the gvms may
made of vvishI or Uer, nml yet lo ef
feetive nt loll ' range.
1 1 is not a Iillle curious to flnd lit in
dustry of ice making connected v.ith
the pnxt'ietl'ili of electricity. Tie- lie a ,
comes, however, that the llridgcput
(Ala.) Hleetrl Light A Ice Company
linn ln-. il org.tulml to erect an elcctrie
light pl.-ml and ice factory, with a capi
tal stock of sixty thousand dollars.
, ll vii mi v lien on a farm In Cecil
c ntn'.y Md . ts-loiiglng l lllinm H
ni liners, of I'hilatlelphln. lately sur
prist. I its owner. H liibl a dark-brow u
Vg "Inch measures seven and three
iitaricr inches in its long dlnmeter, ami
n mill a half inches In its short diam
lor Snow Is md while, neither is it
opaiiic. It i eiiiSnu-d of small, i
rayed crystals, which, when examim-d
M-paratt'ly, are mvii to !' as trans
parent as water. Hiiovv U white oniv
in the sense thut waU-r, when fulling
ovtr a precipice, Is white. Ill ea.-h
Case the tvhileness is due to Inclosed
- titddeii Days,
Tiik soaring hawk baa no ear for
music, and rntes llie cry of the p.n l
ridge ulsA'c the song of the night ni
gale. Tub man who ls-lleves in glt may
l-n Is-lter citucn than tlw one who
iiK". not liellevo lu bis tellow crealures.
( entury.
Tilt: archbishop of Hrlnii, 111 Hun
gary, has a early revenue whicll
amounts to S!7"i,ooo
Tin: prince bishop of Cracow. In Aus
trian llnliclu, receives In revenues each
year tlie sum of UJOO.ooU.
I'mkii T.vitvi., formerly a Harp, r
(Kan.) Imy, gets sr.'.CHS) a year as hoi-.e
Jin-key, and only rides half the year.
IClMi (icoimr:, of tl recce, has a for
tune of only francs. The fain
lly sHmls little money and put all its
mi v lugs lnUi solid investment.
Till: governor general of India, the
viceroy, receives a snlnry of u"o,ooo a
year, with allowances that Include a
gorgeous palace nl Calcutta ami n sum
mer residence, all making bin Kkilin
worth SKi,ouo a vcar
Tlie (iifccn ef llilt flrcut Cnueh Cum It
wllliuut a parallel Intlm liittoijr uf innlli liir.
All itrunKltU sro utlmiiiott to trll II on s sj
Hli f ifusrniilet.. n tptl that no otlitr rmo t ail
uotttaitully tUinl. Tlist It mar lcoiiu
known, llie I'mpilelort, st an ruormoui rv
hiii, srs jilacliiif n HAinpIo llnttlr I'rcv Into
rvpry huuie In tli 1'ultrd Slatra anil ( anails.
II von have s CotU'li, Hiiro Tloosl, or Ilfii
cliftla, um It. fr It will cure yuu. If )uur
c III M lm thr Croup, or Si...pltm CoukIi . u
It iroiiiplly. ami rrllut la turn. llouilrrsi
that liitltlloua illts C.oitioiil.lleli, um It.
Atk your Drusslat lr SIIIU)I-H CT'lllI,
Price 10 eta., Mots, and 11.00. If )our buiiKa
arc tore ur Hack lame, lis Hlilloh'a I'aroua
ristttr. I'rlcs iscta, I'ur nW by all Drug
litis sod DiaUn.
Nutcr t'oiiililrr Kmt-Dnlnc of tor Im.
IMtrtMlire Tlisn M'rlt.lltiliiv.
Many persona seem to think that
spoisl lu work Is a higher accomplish
ment than utiality of work. If sikhsI Is
of tho tint Importance, then It may bo
an apology for jsor quality. If quality
, Is of tho llrst itnsrtatire, then It may
I lie an nMlogy for want of eist. One
! says: "1 want to lenru to wrlto fait."
Another says: "I write this very
hiirrlisllyi please, excuse nrasunis."
' Would such writers or workersrather
, bo thought quick than accurate? Do
they place the writing abovo the writ-
ten? Kven a shorthand writer ought
net to write faster than he can write
well. Spoisl follows quality; quality
never follow spent. It Is a good thing
to do gtHsl work fast. Hut It Is a bid
thing to do fast work badly and that Is
the way It generally Is done when tho
Ustslolng Is held abovo tho woll-dolng.
Had work had ls'tler Ui dono so slowly
that It never gets dene at all. Tlie only
w ay to attain to high spoisl Is to work for
something better than speed. S, S.
Times. -
Tin: ihiihI line of Alaska exceeds In
length by a.iMO miles Hint of nil the rest
of the United States.
An Albany tobacconist scatters his
Ifnrdcti well with tobacco steins, which
be says makes nn excellent manure. It
also kills noxious insects.
Tin: clly of Newton. Mns . It Is 1.
llevoil is the tlrst municipality In thnt
jiail of the state to honor cv i'rcslileiit
l lovchmd by uainllig a street for him.
'I'm: old Indian practice is to count up
to ten on the lingers nnd then count by
tens. .Some of the more Intelli
gent than others were able to omul I
tens of tens.
If you wish unit nnd tnilyjohwoik
you eiu do no bdler than to will oil
the Num..
or noppnoe,
0. A. It 1 1 :.., III.VSK KI.I.I.O0O,
Plesldeut. Vice-Piesidelit.
(iiuiliilli W. Cosskii, Cashier,
j. p, ii it via, t. a. itit i:a, i. t. nonso.v,
I (hectors.
Transacts a (ieueral Hanking llusbies,
-iiii nil mrts of the Motlds,
Collections mnilo at all miIiiIs on
Itoasjiuablo 'IV i ms.
Money loaned al from one to ten
nor cent,
Canyon City, Or.
This fojulttr ri'.snrl lut.s
hern reopened to the ntblic,
iiiid now, as in Ihe xtsl,
kects iiolhiinj hut the best
Wines, Liijuurs Cigars
a. i. uioK.titn, r'roi-.
Cl.VVO.V ( I TV, Oil.
L- '(irrish
A fine sUs-k of fresh ( 'undies, Nuta,
I'oUiceo, Stationery, lite., lite, just
received, (live me a call,
Fine Stock of Ladies' ('hildrens'
and Mic-sca' Hats, Fancy goods, ICtc.
Mus. Jah. Hoiiinhon.
I'-'fil imt iirf.n A I1 rinlruiir I'rlu
HrtUlt Htli -. lAHlatltl I ll.U.r,rsflu,(jrrt:MU.
Hit nsurrir eluvlr, kitut rutiYuf luitivii.
HusiuoNH. Short IiuihI,
lWrl4tf VlMJMJ'sl,lal..'Mll4 VslCf
t" In msImi tbruuftryvl tb jrttr, VtiklruU i
s'lti mImi (bruuftryul tb jrttr, VtuJeuU tvluitl
,4 til wi titu, CsvisvwriM frwiu iiWi' kImcv), fu.