Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, December 10, 1891, Image 1

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    The Paper for the Slork
nuin, .War tin nl and
n t a ATrii
Tlw, Paper for the Farm,
(ha Workshop and tlie
q onto.
Volumo XIII.
ChvyoA- CITY, GH.'LYT COU.'TY.ORl:nO.Yt TllUliSn.lY. nice KM 11 Kit 10. ISO I.
Number .AS'.
jjj 11 MUFF'S SALK.
lly vii'.ufl of mi execution nnd or
der of Milf tnstie.1 out of I l.i' (ironil
cum I o( tlie 'Ut j uf Oregon for i imtil
cmiiilx. ( i a judgment and decree
of foitv lomnt' nml nlo loinlorod in
said c.u.t on tin' I Mh tiny of Notcio -
I ICOI ... I ll.. if.. A
ni, icji, iii i.m-1 in n i i Miii.jmiu
vs. 1. (Jo'lelte nml AiLiluiu I olii'llc
fur tlio AOin ( ."J.'VU with interest
thereon at tlio mtB of ton jut wit
jur Mitiioiii from the t "uli day of
O.'toUn, 1HU ninl tS-HI attorney fee
un I tin' fmtlif r . un of ?'" 'ii eosts
un I, tent , nut to iu limit
e-t mil ! . it i . I IriM I- v i 1 1 upon
ninl vii t-oll it public ntiutijii, to tlm
Iiijjh-Ht bidder fur ciisli in liiiiut, un
tint "Jod iliiy uf .I miliary, Is'.l-, ut tlio
com l house l"oi in Canyon City,
Kraut county, Htnto of Oiogon, nt
o cine !. in. ui suiii any nil oi mo
'..ll,.i .I..u,,.l ,.r.,.w..fv .,.!
nil tlm iiKht, utlo ii.i.l inteiesi o'f sui.l
dofeiidauU I.. C'olletlo mi'l Adulinu
f'.n.ii.. ii,,,...,,. i.,.vii- 'ri,u.ui.
u.wt unlit, ..f S..ti.m No. r.s)
.. . ... " .
in Tou im1iii rKOiltli of Unii'Mi lirrii
ty-tluuu (Sit). IWHt . .it .coutauiltiK
ou liunilri'il nml Mity uoici, in
Grant county, Htutt' of Oro;oii, to-fjutln-T
itli till nml Htnuliir tliu tun
ituivnti, ln'U'ilit.iiiitMitrt ninl iijipui ton
hiicis tlim onnto iMilungiu', or in any
wino l,Mttuillilljj.
Witiit'iw my Imml at Canyon City,
OiOjjon, UitH Hn'ouil il.iy of I'tc. lhill.
0. 1'. Cuksm.
.slirnlV of Untiit County, Or
At si rrcetit iin't'tii of tin1 (irunt
County Agricultural nml Stock Ah
Hocinti'on the followini; rcfolutioiiH
were nilnjitcil:
W'iikiikas, By :in net of the
luj;islativi' itssi'inhly of tin- Htntc of
Oregon, J. W. WimIoiii, of linker
county, John Lackey, of Malheur
county, James Coart, of ( i rant
county, John McDonald, of 1'iiion
county ami (ieore Wooilhaui, of
Wallowa county, were ujoiutcil
and constituted a hoard of commit
fioniTH to he dehi'iiated and known
iih the First ICastem Oregon DUtrict
Auricultural Society and
Whereas, the hoard h:in dc."ii;nal
cil I'rairic City, Oregon, uk the
jilace to hold their next annual
lncetinn, the Grant County Agri
cultural and i-tock Auhociation tit a
ineutinn held on the day of
Oct., lh'.U, has unanimously decid
ed to do all in its pouer towards
jireparinn grounds nnd Htiitahle
liuildins for holding the mime us
designated hy the coinniisMon. Now
the itichtiou ho iiititnatcly connect
ed with the jirogrcHH and develoji
nii'tit of our vast mineral and agri
cultural intercuts is a.sked. Will
the jieojilt! of Grant county aid in
thin cnttTjiriM''.' And in order that
the wifheo of the jk-ujiIu may he oh
ttiinud, he it
ltcsolvt'd, that the association
atlthorie the ireidenl to rcijueht
the citi.ens of each irecintt in tlie
county to call a im-eiim; on the I if th
day of Uecemhcr, 1V.I1. And that
tlm citueu.M of each irccinct ajijioint
a comiuittee of no lefts than three
jmtmhih to solicit huhncrijitiouH as a
iloiiatiou to he applied hy the direct
ori of the coeiety in jireparing the i
grounds and suitable huildings for i
county nml district fairs, and that
each committee rcjKirt the amount
collected to the secretary of the
Agricultural and Stock Association
ut I'rairic City, on or helore the 'Jnd
day of January, A coinjili-
ancc with this reasonahle demand
will he immediately recuguued as
a wttirie of ilevelojumMit of our great
rinourccK. ("an there he a more
jiropitiotis time for this? we ask. hy this movement the
idiarnctcr of our county will he de
tertntned and ample jiroof given to
cajiitaliiits who will encourage rail
road transH)rtutiuii. No douht the
innjurity of the js-ojile in the county
hnvo Itcon inforimil of the jirocced
iugj of the hoard ai d that I'rairic
City 1ms hceu doignnted as the
nhne to hold the net annual meet
ing. ISiit our reircsentativc, .Mr.
('(Kurt, informs us that it is on con
dition that the citizens make nil the
prcparariun fur holding the same,
hi the event that it is not done that
he, (Cotirt ) stand ilcdged to fa
vor Tninn county as the jilaco for
holding the next annual meeting.
Now it is to lie hojM'd that the
jittople will he impressed with the
ni)eceity of donating as liberally as
their ciicumiitnnccs will jH.-rinit , as
wo M'c no tcaioii why the people of
Grntit county should he the last in
adopting such measures when we
are ansnrcd of the District in ISU2.
G. W. Mi,
I'rcn. (.'. C. A. .V S. A.
llurks, UuoLs, UucLi,
I have 800 Bucks for sale.
llujipnur, Oregon.
V.mii.vtiTi.v, I), t'. Nov. ISUI.J
1'niTOit (iit.WT IV Wash- (
itigtun has truly been an iiiturvKtitif j
place for tlio student of thing poli-
tical this week. First, Mine the I
1 decision of the republican n. ti iiml I
I . !. . r . t r
conimiiice in me tunc nun place tor
holding tlie r)ot mjiiiimiting (OH
vi'iitioii of tlint party, which is in
reality tlie ijH-iiii gun of tliu prcsi
tli'ittiiil campaign. Never la? fore
wens then uinny cities competing
for tin privilrgi ui having tin fun
i iitinn It-Ill Aiihiu th tr ii v
liuiiU, and iiuvvi UvUirc iii' o
ninny inducements ollered to secure
votes it in common talk here that
tin- ronvi'titioti cost MiiimnHUs
iltxi.Ootl. or rather that Mr. V, II.
Ktistis, of tlint place, pledged the
f - .1... ...i.:.A. i .
' ,r "nit "'"OtlllV, IIICII IS prilC-
; lic."1ll J,1''' n,,ly " ."' il 't.l
I I"" 1 ,'e convention, of course, l.i
the lariat fort of an :iilvurli''im'nt
I Air Milini'Uimli.i nnl St. I'illll.
1 1 L'l iu I; i :.. ..
f HXl.tKK) is a larc sum
Tlio most tioUhle cll'oct of the
lircM-nce of the national committee
and the delegations of prominent
republicans from the cities licit
wanted the convention was the un
mistnkahle lllaine aroiuu which per
vaded the entire town, and which is
still hero although the visitors hnvc
motly gone home. If this tueiiH
anything it means that Mr. Blaine
will next year Ih-cuiiu the nominee
of his party, unless he Ksitivoly re
fuses the honor. Whether ho will
do that or not is a iiestion. He
was given lots of opjiortuuitii's to
deline his osition this week, when
he was called on hy every rejiuhli
can of prominence who was in the
citv, hut he savs nothing, wh'le
those close to him sav that he will
accept the nomination if it comes to
him with anything like unanimity.
Meanwhile, President Harrison is
still in the field, and his friends re
gard the selection of Miuui'asihs
lor the convention as a victory for
him, hut just why they do so is
pti.zling to ordinary jieojile, as the
MinneajKilis and St. I'attl delega
tions that were here were all Blaine
men, and they did not hesitate to
say that nobody else was "in it," so
far as Minnesota was concerned.
President Polk of the national
farmers' alliance exjircsses the inter
esting opinion that the democratic
and rejiahlican parties are on the
verge of coalescinc;, and he cites as
torroherative testimony editorials
in leading democratic ncwsiaK'rs
favoring the reelection of Senator
Sherman. Col. Polk said: "1 would
suggest that the democrats nominate
Cleveland ami Ilariisou and the re
publicans Harrison and Cleveland
next vear. In that way Wall street
would he certain of compassing its
ends, for both urtics are under its
domination." When asked uhat
nrosjiect there was of the alliance
having a candidate of its umi Col.
Polk reiilied: "Well, the meeting
to In held on the '-''Jnd of next Feb
ruary, robubly at St. Louis or Cin
cinnati, instead of here, as at first
projKised, will decide that iUettion."
The alliance in the eighth Vir
ginia congressional district, jtlnt
across thr river from Washington,
is running a candidate against the
deinucrat ho vwir. nominated to
succeed the Into Ueiresentalive Lou.
The alliance men suy they were un
justly tieated hy the democratic
committee, and thev jirotxtsc light
ing hack, and they have been prom
ised republican upurt. The cam
paign will he short, as the election
will taku place Dec U. hut the active
participation of Representatives
Jerry Siinsoii, Clover, Watson,
Dunning and Ralph Beaumont, of
Now York, and Farmer, of Texas,
will make it a lively one.
A delegation consisting of A. A.
Carney , chairman of the anti-monopoly
league; Dr. John Creighton,
president of the working woman's
jiroteetive league; T. C. McGuire,
chairman of the independent labor
jiarty, and John W. Kcogh, chair
man of the New York silver league,
called on President Harrison this
week and reiiiested him to recom
mend to congress the ajijMiintmeiit
of a labor commission to consider
and rcjxirt Usni remedies for evils
that exist in our present industrial
system. Mr. Harrison jiroinised to
consider the reiiu ft.
Wire pulling must soon give way
to votes in the HjHKikcrship contest
None of the candidates aside from
Mills and Ciisji, will give any figures
showing tlio votes they cxjiect to
get. Crisji claim!" to liuvc 11 1, hut
tho claim is stoutly lisiutei by his
npjioiicutri who maintain that he
has not more than H.'l. Mills claims
to have '.HI and the claim is gem ral
ly oonccdtfd. Since Itynuni with
drew he has U-coine a valuable as
sistant to Mills. Although it ii
denied there are reasons for
Isclieving that Mc.Millin is jirojiared
to withdraw in Mill's favor the tins
mcnl it Ix-coines aiiarent that such
a withdrawal will result in Mill's
. .
A eitsi' has just Iii-'li decided in
th i ir. u t c inrt in Waco county
which will I e of ililere-t to sheep
owner nnd csjncially to imn hold
iiiff mortgages on sheeji. Two yean
ago S. F Allen mid a larc numlser
of h I'P to C. M. Smith, taking a
un-rtt; .ue i ti the heci a 5 sccmity
fur th pin. Ii.iv jifiee During th.'
In'.!, in in.- "inter month- nio-l ul th
I ,het'p died Smith took oil the
olU nnd wild them to Sargent v
Co , who were engaged in the mer
cantile bniiicss in Mitchell. Alton
brought an notion in the circuit
court of Wasco county agaiuit Sar
gent A Co for the value of the wh
on the grounds that his mortgage on
the sheep gave him the ownership
of the jx'lts. The ease was tried)
iielore a jury last week-, ami a ver
dict for the plaintill was rendered.
The cac will be aiiM'aed to the
supreme court, and if the judgment
of the lower court is sustained mort
gagees will in the future look out for
(sells that are sold oil of sheep on
which thev hold ninrl'jaifes, nnd
dealers will Ik- ctceedtu'' cautioiiit
alxml I nving jjelN unless the title
is clear Ocho-.o Review.
Slurp Cain,; t Mutton.
A Portland wool merchant was
sjictiking about the situation of wool
in general throughout the country
and in Oregon in particular. ife
said- "We have no such amount of
wool in this section as we used to
have, nor, is it the same in any
part of the country. Sheeji arc go
ing to mutton too fast. People arc
liecoming enormous mutton eaters.
Mote stoek is reared now than ever
before, it is true, but it goes to the
butchers. It is one of the reasons
why Australia has Mich large wool
interests in this country. Sheep
are reared and kept in that country,
and year after vear furnish their
share of wool ami progeny.
There if no moll consumption of
mutton there as here. We will
either evontuallv have to stop kill
ing oil' so much of our livestock, or
else make uji our minds to play
second fiddle to Australia on tho
wool proMsition."
Prices are tl to 17 cents for ICast
em Oregon, and l.'i to IS cents for
vallev wool.
A iiiau Uiiight a loaf of bread of
a l.ewmlon baker the other Satur
day night, says the Journal of that
town, and finding that he could not
eat it all up he tisik hack part of it
the following Monday and nsked to
have it exchanged for hot biM-tiits.
"1 f that don't beat all," remarked
the baker, "and the man has much
of this world's goods too." The ba
ker did not exchange. He is nearly to the Albany man who buys
five, cents worth of sugar at a tiino.
l.ll.ll.IllMZ it Villi! ..Un (ran, Wrl. Wlo.
Nj, ok,, i:.i;ltl) lllll'lltlr.
"The sii.iv of the iiaUw African
-itiinsf 'Nellie lirav'ln Parts." aj s a
oitfilnlN V I in. in. "remind Inn nf a
.ii.i.I.o- telle 1 unco sa In llrus
.. 1, uiieie an i nti rnrisiiit slum
can in one f the p'irdens IntrwliK'nit a
i ilil African, r.Uo (nil. from his nttlvn
inl". 'I he wild man un duuii on
tho lulls tor a few nmi.irks In his
mother timuiie, and when tie was lildden
hy hia keeper ti talk a little for Urn In
struction "' I1 amllenee. he iM'Kan III 1'iilti-d Mlates- 'This Is a :roiil j"ki,
ti you. You all iliink I am a wild ninn
fmm Atrii'i. Imt I'm nut. I'm a i;i1
Aniurivna ultuoli. mid I'm tolling yon
tho truth In i Kni;IUh,' and much
more to th" K3liie etluct. while all the
crowd Kiod "pen-eyed and In aitunUh
ment t tho horrihle croittiin, as they
uudifed eai'li other and whispered: 'Jut
hear him! I wunder whit lie Ik saying?
Isn't It awful?'
"At another time," ho wont on "It
wa during thus., heavy ttuo-U In the
uuth of Cranio -wo strayed into a lan
tern or nti reiipticoii show in Paris,
wboro tho lio-man was oxhihltlii"
i lews of the awful ruin wrought by the
IIihhIs, taken, so lie Informed the aplno
audience, at I'tpensn anil at the
Imminent peril of the artist's life, when
the awful destruction was at Its height.
And wo, too, Kixsl, and were "really
impressed, until hy and hy ho Nllppml
In a slide ritprcsuiitiii" tlie most danger
una purliun of the river, so ho Kald, at
the vory heiirhl of Its llou.1, tlio nkntoli
uf will' h had been made hy tho much
eiidurlnt; artist at tho most frightful
risk of hi nook. And un looked rev
erently up. with our, rood HutTalo eyes,
and saw--a ph'turouf NiaKara river and
thuruplds jut above the falls!"
Kk'gi are said to Income unwholesomu
when kept lu refrlerators; a fun",,,
forms In them whleh Is easily found hy
a mlerowope. i,,,vi,'li It U not notice
able to Hie tanlo. This funoiin con
'.tltutesa d.inifi r wlnm un t-iinnliler how
leanjr etfifs urn i oiuuiiiihI hy all elansus
of aociety, and piuplo uf delicate oon
.litUtlon ought U bo particularly care
ful that tlmy cut froau and nut kept
- In a revlvtl tui'i-llnir ut Walla Vit
l. Or , urn n confess, ,1 lUt ho huh .i
iimnlnror ml ciskisl (iirli iios. llo n
fuvsl to ri'Teal th i itv umsiaiu'i,.
- An mU.-rltsi'iiii nl In tho MihIIii
(I'a.) ItisHtril unnowives thr Kn-nUott of
(iimhi of jirn-rty up fur aln an on
mhI OBes(unrtiT Ini'hts from tho town
jf W'awk,
- "1 always iv turn from Kunifo mint'
In lovu with my .mn country limn fver."
ys Senntor shlmru, of Minni'tuin.
"Kumpa Is huIMuk tiutun rtu.s4 1 am k -
- .Il wht fnll-jrriHu-B tirk huar
en 'I" III III'' of jlllVillllK ''
..ii.ii u,l In V. ,( , k ,., two .j.i
liin hntln si-i . . a l,tt..l ..( Iw.'f, Mf
Ii UiH-Mi inl i iiuhtsl It in iiltwva. It
s vsttmsteil to ho wiuiHiid of tvso-
hori.t tKiwrr.
-fnieiiunlnUnl. Mlih tho frmmo Ulnl
of thU coiiBlry, a nowly-arrtrsl Ur-
mll, lli-lnir nenr Nt-ranton. shot n liarii'
j-.tnl turkey under tho ImprcMion ttant
ltns i wtM fowl. Jtn took tt JiuntO
unit liml It ixMiki'it. anil ws ntwut to tt
iliiwn nt the (tlnm-r-ul '. to i-it tt when
hi. was nrri'ntiit for killing Uli ni'lirh
ur s imuliry.
-- A Smsi (Mp) l!liK-ki.iulth ii Mko
l-iti'siounn-rl to tho Ix llef that oarly
rllit; U not atwayii In ir.tii-ii what it
Is in thoory. mt l -lark smt early
the other inonuti).', nml Um hh ft re
libiilnir hy four o'i lot k The next thing
he know the N.ico flu- 1 (iirtnient hsd
the ho tiirnisl un his l,toe, Biul this
lii'ljfhliurs worn snumuiK firo' at tho
flip of tbflr mil. en.
- A family of lliirn-.lde, III . had Xitmn
nnnoymi for imnv ''. 'j i lv atrungn
iiol'. nit u-.!.! that onio notlou
annual s In ih t,mm-. The other
night they ilnH.HrvrtHt Ui ttilrinler In
thi shp uf a hugn rattteannVe, which
had Ujob iirouiMil to fury hy i- t.
Thi-ro ws Inli i.M' i-teitemont, enpt
cially imniiK th U'll.-, of tho houu
lmlil, until tho n pi He win dUiintehrd.
I hem nrf lariout ilxgn-fa of folly
i xlillilW hy induidiiil In tho dally
routuiii of life: i-il air. no trn-aler nm
could U nitdu - i .1 than that of aoareh
liiff fur an craw of iras uriih ft n.ikii
iik'iii. says tho ineioii itn.wt. a man
of mature a-.i hi nc ulty had vn
ion to Im Impressed ith tho neifll
fTi'iiiw ho dlaplayeil In hi endeavor to
find tho origin of an ,.po of riw in
his boue. Ilesldoii In inir lunlty burnt
on tho faco, bead Mid arms, hn htH-nmo
H r at thn ame tlm of considerable
danii'n duliu Vo ht bouvtiold tvfol-
i rty.
One of tlm Philadelphia lumltules
hail u ili'aant i, piTieuee the other day
Some years uo tho manager admltUHl
a puil to Its whool who vu utmblo at
the ninn m py tlie reifular fee. It Was that he !i,n.!d pay at aomt
futurn time, but no . i omit was opened
with him, and tho in ill nt im 1 Mutual
l'iiii fork'otton. whor. the pupil returned
to pay tho money fifty dollars, "t'bo In
structluii ho had recoivid enabled him
to p't employinont, and !;cn ho had
iuvixt enouii of his earuius.s to meet his
olililftvtluns ho rami, up manfully mid
utd tho cost uf bis ti. ti .ii.
I)ook "ll.ww, I havo thrtvo millions
and I loin you," ilea "No luUUlku
aUmt tho tbroo mill Ions, U tlioro?"
i : ( ii .
- t'umsn "Is Mr. Sil mural a meuil-ir
of your ohureh, lianam','" (iaiinin
"Ves." Cuiiwii "Ono of tho pillars, I
MipHu?s Cariam ".V; oiiB uf tho
drepors." .Munsey's Weekly.
t'aaseiik'ur "Why doyoli wear thin
mlttous on your ears? Afraid you'll
raU'h cold'" t'onduelur - "So, hut 1
ua.i well brought up, and I don't want
to hoar tho driver swear at tlio horius.'"
Mummy's Wuekly. rreltytKiy - "Miriam, If you
u 111 Ixi mine our Miss will know no al
luy." Miriam mik ll iwhusn fathur Is a
"old rellnor) -"No, Mr. l'rett)!oy. papa
assure mo that an j ihg alioio ulirht
noil carat tlno dueaii't wear vvtdl."
Jowtdnm' Wnokly.
- Oiorhcarit In tho KiU ben. "What
did you wear last nUbl '" aiked tho cel
ery, "A lovwly mayonnaise,' replli-t
mo lelluce. "And you? "I never was
to mortltlisl In my life. J wanu t dreiMiMl
at all," said thu oolury; aud tho Iswl
blushed. I.lte.
Punsuiihy lHiaalfully)
"lliuiy aay, Mlsa Hiotli r wick, that I am
utto an adopt at athletic.. I can row,
rldo -uiUiur hor.o or bike wim, spar.
Jump and run." Miss lllotlorwlck
(sweetly) "Hero comes papa. Do lot
mo ken you Jump and run."--Ttnie,
- What is Comlnif Cirst I'oinalw- "I
iUisso you will attend the primary to-
iiik'lil r.3unil I I'liialn .No, I "no
not. 1 ou kie, 1 pruinUfd my husband I
would take him t-i th" theater, and if I
k'o back on my won! 1 know I won't irol
a decent meal fur a aeok." Torro llauto
.nr. leiurs-rcent "iiusineas u o
brisk and C4irrco!i leuce accumulate
ao that I fear I ah ill ho ublltrisl to em
jiloy an amanui'iisi " Mrs ( 'iitMircout
Very well, my dear, tret a nmnueiisU
If you must; hut I d, , I I. -illy object Ui
your havniif wuiuauueusi lu tho of
fice. "- America.
"Horatio, " roniarkisl llamlnt on tho
ramparu of the eaatle n that mouiora
bio Chrltmas; "if Ophelia hanicoth not
up bur sUK-kliiK aho ffti no ((1ft from
me." "(iiMal Hamlet, eeoftouiisal for
ever!" cliueklml Ills friend; "thouaavimt
the prion of the iflft, fur thou kuuwust
atis'kliih'l havo not boeu luvelilisl yol."
- J ud k'o. i
"Ladles and penile men," said tlio
prof(or, "I Mud that I can nut per
form the eiM'rlmeni of lull itlou, a the
u 1 il il machine I out of order." There
was a Rreut ifruan of disaplnluiont.
"Ilowiiver," added lh prole isor, sud
denly, "I may be aide tu provido a sub
stitute. Is then a u- ii'.lemau from Chi
oHk'oln the audleHcey" - Draku'n .Mui;a.
link -
Quoor Cluvriiotoni Who FnniUvli
Kooil for U trout I'rovvloni. j
l'. rlil. Ilr llrilKiiranli VI lilrli lln II.mhI
ll,i,.i... from l.i, I', .11. I nlll hoi,
A I'Mllj I'slr I. mull lor I1 (
Ci'llU - Walking l I. . I
Aetinc nn the fai'Ujrlven him. a Chi
cato New reporter hi hrtisl Ueteetlvo
Morgan Thomas, of the Harrison strtsit
-Utloii, anit at eleven o'clock slurtisl
to s pier Ibis pa i ut He uf llllllli-i-
t . .K.t an,) re oil.,,,, uli i, Itii'ti,
no h. ui .o ti ii,,- W..i mul .Norm
., ,i i,. ,i'. nt in p thy ,. was
a Im-ly wi ne. '1 ho usual thronk' of
paluo4 w.iiih.b, whlte.ind black, alli'k'isl
p.ruif men. vrtili lwirher-iolo pniits,
hiibjHmti-r hlrt-!ront, siul danni-houso
lu. ' ties, were to Im. well.
' i'ber tomes olio of tho cafes," said
Ar.und Ihe comer of I'ulk street and
Ko.irlh avenuti appcartsl a swarthy Ut
ile man. llo carrltsl a small folding
t-ilde li-nealti one arm, nml In the other
hand ho In Id what looked like a hotel
! .mime holler. It was made uf cop
p r and It ah.niR like a full moon, lie
re d lu a aiiijf Hinif mice: "Hash and
tellers, frut uri "
"This. la lathe most oouiinon,'' Ra(d
tt.e ,',. Us tile. "See. lo' Its hash, hte,f I
ml 1,., nk for I Musscc, rwlhot."
' "lild nhentli in. in hat wine risl
hols ui. t broil?" isak.d thoeouk, as hit
ulueed ins coprst-r k nlo on the curb. Ill
.. tmuklintf the Ublo aseluii. Ills
..r. were (re-si. Hot, Innui'-madii
b-b, wlib brfsd and butler, luadn
twetUent andw l.'he fur a Iiiiuirry
toundi i- or ih.ileeman. The tod hots
were tfeneially rijtln two longitudinally
and smutherisi in uimtard. Tho iner
elmi.t willingly told how ho made his
In tiitf-
"inu e, frimU, I sli-eps mo In do
day-time, 'om.e de Ueehlers w hat lants
mine tiK:k di-y he aleepln, too. Mum
wnnian, he cooks de hash efery after-iii-
n lind I cook de red lieu lite 1
carries dem tails of fe.lous inaku
money mlt ills biislne. Hee, lu dli
lirt 1 keep de hah. and here are de
red hut, fuller Is de lamp what keeps
te blace hot. In ilia Iki I carries the
'rod unit mistanl, 1 shuat va.k inn
r.n.nd. uud de peoples what Is hungry
Ii yliuj. I ley be biHij !es vhat only
work aroun' nl-liU. Sumo bo licit...
n n.o pauiblers, some pulii'nmeii und
nlder ting, Oh. )ea, I III ike mure money
.lis ivrkln In a restaurant."
"He Is only a aample." .aid tlm tlo-
tertiie, as the "ay fellow pokil up his
paraphernalia and departist ahoutlno
his weird lii(f-ouk' ory.
The naluo man wus a!so eucuuntorisl.
but merchants of his kind am loo
ii mi,, roun In the ilurtline to merit much
'oi.iiuent. A little farther on tho poH
"in man In-nl lurtli his Utile iimrt.
,'ahullno torch and supply uf bullensl
snonllakes done uplu pretty paper bah.
1'itriiitf tho warm autumn eieninirs every
-,'o.hI nook shelter a nocturnal aueet-
urn cook, lie kles uu a liivr fresli-
bollisl ear of com wiih plenty of butu-r.
in-Ii as U is, anil aiaHoiuiiir lor a nicke!.
It a imt until Hit, nek'ro ,uiirier
Were r acheil that the iil.M.t cook uas
s. . n tu all his glory, with his little
in i. .,1,1.' stall, wher he displays appc
tulhjf loaated UiH Its uf cl.lck, n, uhis-
siiui, corn ana sweet luiuiooa. Who
Could resist stopplnk' to au the uhlt.
clotted f, lion who assume critiMini'
Oi:iH. Iliitlnk' aUmt their mens In the
darkness, now and then crying: "Coine
on, brethren, an' parlak,, ub do featt.
Choice cut heah. All yoh wants fer
two IdW "
r en ut many vMill-UreMtsI white men
lopped toifi I a lunch of chicken oraweet
tiot.itoi s. These cooks are imtrouiosl
all uL'ht lonk'. Not a sik'u of their
b.n.tha 1 left by daylight, for as daun
i 1'i'nr they pack up and tfo home.
"Those fellows Just uiakliik' a meal of
chicken liv. toatt and aweet-sititto
.r.idii'he are actors," said tho olllcer.
"Theao lunches aavn them limn and
mom y. On their way to their roouii
they take a Idle and aatlsfy the inner
man with choice dalutiei at a imall
I.eavin(f tho darker portions nf the
I Pi en, and upon reachimr Stale street.
tho Itinerant nlt'ht-eook I supplanted I
uy me aii-nitfiiv reaiuuranu I liese
tlint rant merchant do imt like tho
llghtist !reel, because their eustuiii
ra are found only In the darker atreela.
"S.aklng alaiut variety acton as
'ham-fat aong-nnd itancn artlaU,'" aald
a theatrical malinger, "I think tile nun
u ho first called them by that name must
have seen them aUiut mldnlirht on the !
levee, getting away with a plate of eggs
and ham Just propurisl hy ono of those
night-cook " 1
Tin-so cooks know every tough and '
bad character In the bs'allty, aud very I
often supply uch men with the only
meal the Utter get when In hiding
from the police, so they aro very often
ustd to advantage by the police as stool- j
pigeon. They are a nis-csalty In thl
locaiii)-, nun ii incj- were prouiuutsi
from doing Imalneavi every rounder
would strike.
The kTitrrmltr ,r I'lilttuiiia.
ll does beat all, us the pood country
people say, In.- jKillto some H,ple are.
A Ho.toii lady tells of a gentleman, o
calhsl, w ho aakisl ioriiilsiuii lu .tnuke
a dgar in her pretence. She doe not ut
all dislike the lalur of u good cigar, and
readily granUsI M'rmisslon. Hut no, on
second thought, he wuuld not amoke; ll
was not tsilltc to smoke In the presence
of a lady, and ho woi.'.l not Im so rude.
llo did ll t smoke; but within live
minutes fn r the uiasage of his good
resolve he loo', out a huge plug of navy
lobiuio ami refrei-hod himself with a
.qioiro inch of tho unsl, ulthout ao
luinh a "by jour learn." As I re
mai ked oitcii before, uli kind of people
are rotjuirud Ui make up tho luhabllaiiU
it a world, . . - , ,..,
Ilia lurr tiilrlilluiii Hint ,Vf lil l.l
II iHlrallcalr.l.
To fully realtie how many cranks live
aiinmc us one has only to visit the Pat
ent Olllcc in Washington, Mi), the Nt w
Yoik Herald, and eiamlne the iiital, Is
which lilt the shelve of that depart
ment and read the spisi Meat Ions, In
which arti set forth In clnwlntr term
the many benefits which they pto
lis to donate to mankind. Uiery Im
aginable scheme Is uinrestsl and laid
In-dire the patent eismiiier. 'Ihetiu s
Hon ef utility, uf practlt'Mhllil) , ilea
ii..l nter Into Ih lakln? . ll! el a i. .--ui.
ll .ufll.t ll,.t l)i tlltentioli I, .
I. it I'm u( nut. I uud tliai ihe i"
) il 'llt kl) lilt! llK-'i It't-J.
So numerous ate tlie "perpetual mo
tion" crank, who think they hav
itlseuwrisl the loiik' and vainly Mii(fhl
enigma, that the oltlce has proparist a
circular which 1 mnllisl to any one
who tnkes liiM to eulor an .illosrod ja r
petual motion liiveiitluu. The circular
informs him "that It Is thought proper
lo advise him. In order to sate him fur
ther evpeiiso and lalmr. that the views
of the Patent Olll.'e coincide ith those
of wientlsln lu k'ncml lu reicanl lo inn- Hr,etual motloit that they
ale iuiaslhiltle. Should )inir entry
lie taken, a workluif leialcl Mill Im' iv
iiiirml, the olllce U-lnif aware that ll
. Ill I hi fmpoaaiblo fur you to eoiiiidv
with this rtsUlrement." The iselliea
Hon and fun are then relumed. Xh i
this tlampeii their ardor? Iluuhlliss
th.ui-.ainh of them are now triiif lo
compass the wnrkiiik' mialel.
Many of tho old models were burin 1
in, in tho Mm of I;;, and ..i,h
tells of some of the ijuecr colltrli am -.
that had been gathered In,
Out, of the most curious of theao vv
a lieu'. Ii est constructed with a sprlnir
trap at tho iNittom of the neat. Tlie
welk'bt of an ugK sulllcieiil to pre-.
down the sprint; and allow the eiraj to
alii out. The theory of Ibis ehuiiirhifiil
Inventor uas that ass.Hin a the hen hod
an t'k'k" It would pre.sdown '.he trap-iliair
and disappear. The hen, as Is her ens
toin after la hit; an egt;. would rlae aud
cackle, hut llmllni; no ek'i:. would con
elude that alio had made a mistake and
would priH'eisl Immediately to lay anoth
er, and ao on ml mjin turn. On this prin
ciple tho owner of a hen would have a liionomly.
A trip throuk'li thn model rooms re
vealtsl many unliiieaml curious Inven
tions, some uf the morn unusual nf
which I venture to describe ami Ulna
trale. One of the most orlirlnal I an ordnance
plow, p,-.tenti d by r M. I 'reach and W.
II. Clincher, of Waterloo, N. V., In June,
N',5. The ubJiH't ol the Invention s
to prtsluee a plow imUb1 Iii ,lnt of
htft lik'th and llk'htue to the one ordl
liaiily in Use )et whlcli would i un
bine the eleliiiniU of a small sliml call
nun, so that It could be llllllje.l by the
frontier aettter laitli for defensive pur
poses as well as agricultural.
The beam ur tuiik'iie uf the pluw t-
which lbeboros or oxen am yoked I.
In fuel a ;uu liarrel i,r piece uf ll !.!
When Htm. John Kicks was apHilnto,t
Cnltist States Minister to Peru ho chiMn
as Secretary of Legation a bright Amer
ican girl. Ml Kliiahcth 1.. Hanks,
hiiicu tM'Ing d.iinicllod at Lima, the cae
Ital of Peru, Mikm Hanks has kept her
eyes open, and, with instinct sharpened
by her vuiinectlon with various North
uestern lieu spa per, she has proved a
gissl iiena-gathorer. Writing lu a
friend tu tint city, Ml Hanks aays:
"Procrastination is the ruling habit ol
Peru. Ask a Peruvian when ho w ill do
any i thing aud hn replies 'Maiiana,"
which being translated means 'to-mor-rmv.'
Nothing Is eier duini to-day, all
things take place un the 'maiiana,'
which never comes. This 'Inan.iua'
habit Is, I hiipH.e, hreathisl lu with
every breath of the air that nun takt
In Peru, and I am afraid I hate drawn a
giN.l deal uf ll into my aysteui.
"ThU Is a very luti n .ting old city,
and yet the ople and the government
are Very much behind the times, their
Ideas I ,'lng those of on., hundred years
n-u. i in' i n; in i .1 m. t iia la-en fallen
'the heavi ll of uiiinen, the purgatory ut
men and the hell of n ,' and lo the
last proiusllloii I will heartily assent.
'I'hn city I full ol donkeys, and the men
and women wim drive and ride lie in at-
wijt carry a big chunk of wimmI with
them, which they continually apply to
the ribs of the poor aiiimaia. Nome en
thtis. attic rlliT ha called tho women
nf Lima the most IhnuiuIuI in tho world.
There are some pretty Peruvian girt to
be met ori the atri t'U or sayillk' their
heads In aoinn of tho many churclu.
t nt ir uarK eyns are lln kind that would
make a man Jump oil puarr.t' brldg.
Into the river llliu.ic It his suit hup
pencil to go wrong. Thu P. ruvian men
)iay a great deal nf altcutimi Ui their
porwinut appoaranco and past away
much of their time In tiro aultaand
tooth-pick ahoe. They are vory jfal
laut. but are not half ao utt'o a Ameii
can men from any potato! now. Vah
iiigUni Capital.
"Ti l lb Dllisl wbllu you at all" larks
Ihe Irue ring of the advertiser' highest
art. hut II maybe ifenuiiie. "I'uihrell.ia
urovldisl with new rlbt, atick and c.iic,. i 1
lag" Is certainly it gtkod basis for aaauiif!
ln;f that the iimhr. Un mender 1 a hope-!
ful la rson aho will "nover ny die."
'Ihe lauilloiil who advertise n flat,
"with all tint modern Imtiroveineiit, no
children," di'iiiniiKtrnU-k tlialhe doesitol I
know what nil imalern luipMieiueiil ,
are; and may u ael duwu a belli: f.illi I
a unlr isluortby a the person who
w ishoa to m, "an i ii jriimiialy profitable
business fur a mere i'."
"No btrgaiiis al Ihi lnre." Is cjndld.
but sensational; nnd one tuny rcatMinabl)
diatrual tint ooiil dealer aho assists In
biy blank letter that Ills "Urns weigh
,IM pouiuU," and that lit "coal give
out heat,H
It, or n VVuiiiaii'a lllniliiras Srarl)' ld lo
llrr llralli.
Imrliik' tbelaloelvll war Mrs. Wheeler,
the laipem, healer, seritsl as a lllinm III
the Ciilon service. She had many thrill
InU ei,'rtences and aiuoui; thorn tho
l.',.)eiie (Ore.) .Iiiurual has hennl of the,
followln?: She wits irisent at the battle
of Spotuv It mla, At the eonniieticw
mi nt of the Kittle a Colon olllcer rvilo
up to her ami h.tmltsl her a iwK'kujr" of
) aH-r w Ith the nspiest that alio should
ki ,i them s-lfe until thebattle was over,
"I'd then, If hn (llie nfhWrl should not
i.- i.i i fei Ii,, i drliier th
(.' I , e ,, I I,. ddtiii let .
In 'in, couico ll,,. ilpht a ri.nk a
t ii r nisi and Mrs, Wheeler and the real ui
tho hospital iiui-ses cipluris) by the
relM'U. Cpon aearvhliik' her lKron of
i om mi the ipers were found ami proved
i to ihi tho work of a riilou ajiy. who hail
J lxicfl Intldc till, rebel lines, Shown it
ouco arials'uiiil beloro u
cunipoml of rebel oltlcera, and notwltli
' lainllnt: ber statement ,,( how alio earn, i
by thn pitH-rsand repeat, -.1 pniteatations
i of Innocence, hho was formally eun of heliitf a spy and ai'liteiictsl to
! Im iiaititisl at sunrise the neil mornliiK,
; She was then taken by i k'uanl of three
! a-ildlera .sod eonlluisl in a .mall iruaril
; h.oiso, which had hut one Mnall tiH'rfuril
adiulttllik' llk'bl and air, aud thrutirh
I tlm sHrttiro lu, saw the eris'lloit of tho
i gallows on which alio was to perish.
' hat a grim pirsnvth e!
Inside the k'uard house there was
liothliiK but the barelliMirot earth and
tno itr,r-tiMsls lane standing afnlmitit
wall; no chair, no hist.
That 111(1,1 one of the guards eiitonsl
the tioanl house wllli a plive u! Horn
bread and a tin uupof wat"i toi bur aup
Ja'r. Mrs. Wheeler soko.
Tho tfuant topptsl. .
Ho then retired and lockeit tbodiwr
upon her ak'aiu. Later ou In lint iibiht
she heanl a voice at the aperluto nay;
"Move tlie small Imu!" Hho movisl thu
bo and dlM'oiensI an aperture, which
pioicl to bo a tunnel. Through thla
tunnel she workisl her way on her hands
and knees for about niie loi.rlli of a mile,
wlu-ii shn einertftsl from its mouth arid
found a man and two saddled homo
standlllk' there.
Mm. Wheeler mounted one homo, and
the man, who was dlsk-illscd, tho other.
I or ai miles they rislo ou in darkueaM
without npcakhik', hut at Ihoend of that
time the man aHko ami said: "You am
now safe In the Cnlon Hues: rldo on."
and tho man disappeared In the dark
lies like a shadow.
Mrs. Wheeler rode un until alio imiiio
ai'roayt a picket, who took her lo Ceuentl
llellitjelln.,n hcudi liar lor.
Sunn lime ak'o, u hilt, taking n HtUo
outlnt; at Anderson's, un thn MoK'einl.i
rlu r, Mr. Wheeler and her preserver
met ami re!Otf uliisl each other alter a
lapHi. uf twenty-sli years. Her preaerv
er's name 1 1 u ell kiiuii n Dr. II. C. Kin.
acll. now aiatiuasier al Thurston. Ifr.
was nun of tin, three guards, llu wa)
till dlas'Ulhis.1 horaullUII.
An llieuli lili.r'. I U-1,1 ,,r Lire Willi nil
The oeciipiitl if n diver In ono that'r, hut little tittmctloii to tliossi who
bj I iiiH-r:iiueiit havo no fit i ivy for e-
l,,"in' the "uiyalcrica of the deep." Jt
I, however, lint so iiionotoiioii nil em-pl-'Miicnt
ns might be Imngliiiil, nml
tie, is is'eusliiiiully meet w Ith e.xcltlntf
lehciiiui-ea whilo niigagcil lit their
lah.ira. of tliene fell to the lot of n tfoir.
ernmciil tllvor lu Victoria, .Mr. Sumle,
e. 'iilc ut vvorlt on the bud of the Moyini
fmr nt llulfuat in tlint colony; nml
front the iice.iiint Im give nf It, It inui.t
l.v Ui it more e.xeltlng lliuii ple.-taant. l.i throat bis ut in Into a bole ho
Inc.. I that 'it linn held by aouiclliinif;
tl. ,ii lion i,f tho witter waa hllirlntf up
l'l, i lay, nml therefore 1 coulil not hi e
t!.-t ii'lly fur it fciv inlniilea; but wbeu
ltilelihi.1- iivvny I auiv to my horror
m ill of it Inrjo nclonii utw Ineil
ur,i,.'i. inipo like it htm colistiiutort Just
incii lie likc.l holiio Ol Ills slid. cm on
the back of my hull, I, uud tho wlll waa
I incline.
"I felt a If my liniid waa being pulleil
to pieces, and the more I irlml to Intu
it .iw.iy the f renter the pain became;
net (rout il ekMTieiice I It now thia
I'e Ileal would U- UM-leas; but what
was I to tin lying in tin position'
' I hud the grvnlcal ililliculty In kce
tn' my feet down, a the uir richid
ab, . Ihe interior of my dre.i, ctnl nt.
It.. t .1 it, uud if my feet had got upiei
l.l ' I, I should hurt) aoou bm-ouiu InaV'tl
' I I - held in audi a p.mitloii; uud u:..i
if I b ,. i;iveit Ihe algitai to U pulled up
iii.- brum Mould luive held on, nml tho
il.. net i wiaiiil lime been thitt 1 altoultl
l..i. had a hmki-ii nriu.
I had u huiiiiiicr bv inc. but uoiibl
j in t r. ttch iliiw n to iiao It im Hit, l.l-ttte,
I 'I here wan t annul iron Iwr nlna.t
i the (e, t friitit lite, and with ntv f'rt I
i r.i -en inn, moon until t conlil uu. U
it w .ii. my left liiiinl.
n I now the Hjiht onintnoiicetl: th.
t i ! I t truck bint ihe titflttir 1. 1
spt. cusl, uutil my in-lit tf.,1 ,ulti b-rtei.iiH-d.
AfU'r awlilh, I mtitj tin' ifri.i
n ti relux u little, but lie b 1.1 u;i
I hail aliHot.t rut bliii to piece,..
i,i. n lie lel.aeil hi bold livid) lit"
n.t 1 1 pa.l.'il hi i.i ti,i.
i-.ih cooiiilctcly cxluiii .ted. Imionr
' '
Li that iMiaillon fur about live .!
la i nt
l"". l
"", '
a. I brought thu iiniiiiul up, cf
a part of It. Wo laid him out,
1 1. a uinl over eliflit fci l tu ro., .:
Ulnl I f. 1 1 l crfeellv ei.nvinceil Unit thl.
f. l! c ciihl luive hehl ilovvit llvooraix
' loi'tt." - Jury. t
j A ifrayo In thoeomotery atOITrnnvilltv,
In franco, boar the ninusliu; epIkipUl
"Hero Hum ,Maduinolollo Ursiiln lv
,eiue, who dltal lu her slxty-llfth yiir,
.aurrouiidisl hy llauiiel aud tbti itllisitttm
jof bur family,"