IE GRANT COUHTY NEWS, Thursday, .Yov. U. LOCAL BREVITIES. Msmr a goLUcr ha 5lrbM hi Ut gotUo. 8m tfw fine ami low priced elookx vt the WatchmAker. Bhowpii and sunshine. Himalt, kntohgnMa Iwinning in grow. Fiiiet Hue .f clock never N'fnre SMm in Omni comity how t the WaUdt maker's. ljjitieitu cm begin rolling their Ww ttjgciaW awm, ami ittensliut; their jiotiticKl fpnoM for the spring cnma.iign. lto too d.inoet If o, rewemUir tin gmod halt iu Uii vitiate, to tiijjit. Good ntMic, ami supiwrat Chatnlor.' At this of the jmr the lila- erljr of the cider prats must Ui pre aasrtwl, vcn though the uouriincr rtm sinks into intinifionnew. Uml I fosin.l ut the bottom of well nrMwl Um town of Pouil. Coul i Uo fn-Jivl in several placM lit Gnmt ejutity, itnil it - ill help to kwn oar country in due time. Tht clm who toil not, neither lo they spin, were in thin city lately, canting the circulating medium to elmftgti hands muchly. Peopta w ho bit at their game lid not usually win. Hon. IX It. Ititmhart presented the S8Mlft" with a lox of Hue apple. The Xfws hojt wri made Ireuilquatter for the Hp;tM, and the iii"imI-t of tint 00 irt Are inviU.l to cnll and obtain the surplus. (Jmyon City' church choir deserves credit Ii0lh hero nnd ujt nlmvo for tliolr siicos-ful efforts in Udialf of the flmtncitJ condition of the church. Tim concert SaMssth evoniug was nn en joyubte one. lion. W. It. Ulli, .Mayor Matlock and Mr. Simons, the gentlemen fioiu Heppner who hnd Iwn attending our court on Ixdi.-ilf of the unfortunate young mitii Mulcolm Church, slatted for their home last Monday. A subscription pner proving hi excellency Gov. Potimyer to commute the eiitcnco of Ming How to life im prisonment, is being circulated. Mini,' thinks us How he would rather work for the sttito fonder than to be hangcsl. Ming How certainly i an object of pity, inasmuch as his countrymen all deserted him in a hti.nv land, and have loft him to his fate. Should (!ov. I'annoyer commute hi sentence Ming might put in several yenis performing labor for the state. Ours is nn exceptionally orduily town, for during all thi term of court when the city was full of people the mirshul lias lind no occasion to in rest uuyone. 'l'o grait familial ity with shoulder strikers bleed Mack eyes, and 1 iter on costs nnd disburaiimmU. Attorney Johns and Stenographer Wheeler hit the rood to McKwun at m onrly hour Sunday morning, going by privntneomeynin'-. Mr. Wheeler's fcerviees were nced-tl at I'ltion, while ,Mr. John had imjioitmt husine. in terosU calling him home to linker. ( Jus Oiixpniy infill in ux that ho has .iMjen jironpecting for coal north of tlm liver, and funis good owdi'iicosof n linn ilujHkiit of coul. It ii in that icinity that Mr. W. II. Clink of thin city Ihi'h ohUined the fuel, n gotxl ijuality of OOfd, that he has lined for the jxikt three winterk. Uivhcird Kelly unid to the Xl.w.s iiiun laat SabUith: "The jury will render a verdict within nn hour." Mr. Kelly' prophecy came true. Unsaid that th" jury had asked the juilgu for initructioiis touching a Miiiit of law, anil he oeul 1 tell by tJmir actions that uii nreement was near. Deputy 1'rcMouutiiig Johns, by bin ngnwahlu iiwnucr. U-camu n faorite in thin precinct, and no .doubt could In) nlectud mayor of thii city today werti he a nuident. .Mr. John made an able nnd elotment plen for the prM oc ut ion in th c:iw of State Church, ill which lie diuterted the evidence and portrayed iU every intiicacy in a inot vivid light. A Welifoot exchange rniyn: "Few farment lim' m fur dug their potatotw. From present indication it in little una to dig mure limn i needed for family ue, at Uiey bring in the mar ket mere nothing." Thon furiourN lire following a poor precedent Kww If jKiUtoes are not worth much now a thrifty yaukee farmer would hoiiku them and hold tlium for u niiu. The jury in the Church ciimi, after being out fnui Friday evening until Sunday afternoiMi, and jmit ktandiiig for nil norU of xenlicU, finally ngieed uMu ii compromite verdict mm hkinglitr iiuil ruooinmondiHl the full extant of the law, in thu Muiteuce. Judge OlilTord wan eonteiuplatiiig giv ing the jurymen Iwtli and holiliug them uutil Uiey could agree, for a new trill would hive coit (iruiit county not le than $3,000. ('ol. Sam Carjoiiter wa down from Greenhorn a few day ugo and xiid hU rwpocU to the Xt,wi, ulwi bin miI koription Ui Januaiy 1, 1 sy:i, ho being tjm firt one on our lit of wvonil 1, 000,000 ulM-ril'r to put up the cntli and hate lMI.'t erivliUxl in fnmt of his luilue. Mr. (yiirp"iiUT njmaks well of the Ui'lie in hi wction, and nays the miner are making hii etlort to open new rendu nnd keep them open during the iuU)r, for the pur pome of hauling (ire to the mill. The Morri mini' und lieuuett'a mine will fumUil the (argent tonungo of urn. Jan. I)ftou has jut recoerisl from a long siege of illness. Attend divine wondiqt, confouyour tiinx and rememlfur the poor. (let yoir eyas fitted with the right kind of wctiic!p nt the Wntchumker'n Cnnyon City. l'rinte IrmotM in hoitlinnd, type writing, Uxik keepilig or icnui.inhip. Immire of J. II. Colliun. The new John IVty llouriug mill i nlut rendy to ntnrt up, with nloilt i fiOlX) leulieW of whit on hand. I Gnnttabbi T.lhuntcr' Umd.tgrsl face J in not the mult of lintic complications, but U attributable to rryiHjla. The will of the Utr William Luce j ha leii nilmittitl to iiroUite, nnd Miw Alma I.uce npjiointed ndiniuis- trntrix. I I Frank Hid retunirsl from lUker lnit ( Tunkilay, neciinianifil by hi aunt, Mix I.iU.-Ii, who i paying a uit to her Mtr. ( i Our rejxirt of the circuit court pro- j ceeding. in lakcn Tuesday uighl, mill is therefore not nn complete as j if taken yeMenlay. I Sew all team will load at McKwau, thu slmrtiMiing the distance to the , milriMil. M(Ht of the freighter, how- ' eer, still go to ILiker. 1 It i very rnre nowaday thnt the ' ollico necks the mail ; and even when i .such a thing occurs the chase in , usually very sluggish. i Hev. Zeller will preach a thanks- 1 giving nermiui at the M. lv church in thin city this morning nt 10.30 o'clock, to which all the Hopbi are invited. Frvtm Mr. John Sigfrit, the Pay- j villc stage, wp lenrn of the Mil dentil of Mr. A. J. Cummingx' young- ' imt child last Monday, of diphtheria. , The Ni:w.s is in receipt of the pro gnun of the lti'k creek public obiil, Min Lillian Hohrer tisicher, which report wa received too late for this issue. Chili is nfniid of 1'nc.le Sam' war shiw, and ha Kicked down from her warlike attitude. It is well, for we would b ite to lo Coinjndbsl to gnbblo up the little nation. (icorge Hngny took a trip lit Hear x alley a few days ago, and reports tine feed for stock on the hill Ud ween here and the valley. This will remain un til snow cox its it up. Mr. John l.ivcock inform us that ow ing to ill heilth his Hon, W. C. Iiy cock, will Is! eomxdled to rrturn homo from Kugcuc, at which place he is at tending the State Cuivemity. Next year will 1m full of eli.'ctioni in Oregon. For the first time in its , history there will be two congress- I men elected, and n live time is e.x- ; peeled. Subscribe for the Nkws. i There in a reported discovery of gold at Kansas City, on the Kinks of ; the Misymrs river; but our citizens j can well all'ord to stay at home and not go w ild over this treasure .so far distant. I Mr. Tims. Cur! inform us that I'uiile I lob Forrest's house on Indian . creek was consumed by Ii ro last Sat urday morning. Mr. Curl ha a Uuid of sheep on the Indian creek range, nnd they am doing well. ' Kev. (). H. Wliitmoro, grand in- , struttor of the A. O. l W., writes to brethren here thnt he will be in this city iirobaldy the first of next i week, and will give a public lecture ' in the interests of the order. lie lias just organized a lodge ut Hums. ' That inebriate asylum of 1'nrtUuil performed unnecessary lalor nnd wast- j ihI pofttngn .stumps when it Mint the newspaper men of Oregon a permanent and Hitive cine for the drinking ' habit. Mtint editor never hive enough money to drown their troubles or sor- niws in gin, or to cultivate an nppo- ' tite. Those who rufune to wiy the printer commit an tiiikirdouahlc sin, and we , rmliJi that it is a gool thing that (!nd reininiil the tree of life from the gard- ; en of Ivlitn when Adam and F.vo fell from gnice. iSotlnug wnulil mate a man o bnive in kin of nil kinds, u to think that he could live on mirth for ever. Tlio beauty of electricity is that there is no danger from an ini iindus cent light, either from explosion or MiHoentiiiii. It is the future light, and wliun ouo guts used to it life would be miserable with kerosene again. Then lot us form a joint stock company nd liavo electric light. That Miction of our county down toward ML Vernon has a surplil of deep gulche and coyote. The former could not lie filled up very wull, but the latter ought to ! cleaned out they have Keen eating the kheep thnt inhibit the gulches, thin reversing the order by Idling up the coyote. ami cleaning out the gulches. Malcolm Church had a previous good character proven for him, and the fact that he received miUUlitial aid from men who had no interest iu him except mere iiciUaititancnhip, wa a good recommendation. The Uiy, in a lit of Kiniun, committed a deed that he afterward bitterly repented of, and his friends rejoice that the law did not dull morn handily with him. 1 Hiring the winter months the prof enMnuiil jawkiuiths open up rich mines und do wonder, as fur a talk g'x'. We notice iu miuio of our exchanges, long list of what is to Iki done iu the iring. Hut early iu the gentle spring tune thane vainglorious capitalists gen erally go into insolvency. It is thu ouuiuiuiiw that dig and blast all winter that ditvelop n country, and not those who tunnel around a red hot stove, J'RAtKIE CITY CLAPPINGS. November 25, 1891. Soinl Corrt'sjwnilcnce to N:w: Thirtylive days of 1SD1 ami still time goes ou. Several new cases of tvpboid have leoii rejwrtet! in our luitlst. Tliom.iii McHwan. one of tho stage proprietor, atopjietl oil' Saturday night. Mrs. Tlioiiijuou lias lccn i uitc sick, but at tins writing she is im proving. T. N. tJurneo will soon leave us Hi we are informesl to take charge of a school. (Juile a number of freighters ar rived last week and more are ix x'ctesl tliis week. A general invitation is extended for the Thanksgiving dance and a large crowd is expected. The Church murder trial took several of our citizens, as jurors, to ( nnyon C ity last week. Mrs. Taylor, who has Ih-cii iu or near Umg Creek for several months, has returned nnd will with her children go to housekeeping. Have you a tooth to fill or a tooth to extract? if bo call on the Long Creek dentist at Mrs. Itiucarsou's hotel. The dentist will leave this week . Some say that the basket festival was not a success. The 1hv seem ed to have plenty of fun and $1.'I..K) was cleared. Let's try it again brethren. Our genial townsman and lady, Lew Day, gave an entertainment last Friday evening, clearing I 111.. 10 and gave it to the school funds. A generous act. I'ortor llros., so wo aru informed, will move their families to the mill. Their work keeps them there day and night. Wo are sorry to have them leave tin. K. L. licdtlok' took a line line of double seats, that were purchased in the east, to the Winigar district one day this week. lie left Mrs. (ieddes in charge of tho school. Supt. Honham and wife made our burg a visit last week. Visited the school and reHrls tho school iu a line working condition. Supt. Hon ham has been faithful iu the execu tion of his ollice, and done much towards advancing the schools of his county. Let the good peoplu re elect him next spring. (ientlemen now is the time to commence agitating the question and outlining thu work for thu Dis trict fair fur next year. You must bear in mind that the soliciting committees will have to travel over the entire county, liesides a great deal of other business needs to U1 attended to. What showing is I'ruirio City going to make iu this? Wo can assure you she will rally to the front. Now let's push this mat ter and plans right along. The intermediate grade pupils wen- highlv delighted last week up on the rrrival of nn Iutertational Dictionary, Webster's latest edition This large lxk was purchased with the money secured by small dona tions from patrons and those inter cuted in thu welfare of the school. The teacher and ptlbils wish us to express their thanks to those who contributed towards buying this grand work. lhu UhiMitriiK. It seems that tho reward of $f00 formerly ottered by Miller cV Lux for the conviction of parties caught stealing their cattle is no longer iu force. However, J. II. Keablc, of this city, who swore out complaints ngaiiiht Austin ami (iuthridge with the idea of obtaining this reward, secured recognition for his services iu the shajie of a -fllX) check. K.O. An exchange says thrru isn't any room for doubt that the coming winter is to be "all -fired" cold. Tho prophets all say so, and the man is insanu who disputes the prophets. Thry havu found moss growing on the trees, frogs standing on their heads, sunllowers jHiiutiug toward the north hjIo. grak vines running around thu iles instead of up them and they have n thousand othor signs to show that every human be ing will be frozen as hard as the average Warding house biscuit and beef. Tho secret service division of the treasury department has informa tion of the existence of a most dan gerous f-0 counterfeit gold certifi cate. It is a photographic counter feit, chuck letter A II. K. Hruee register, JnmuH (iillillun treasurer, act of Julv 1-, 1SS2, department series A .'if'-'J IS. Apart from the counterfeit containing thu figure '20 on the face, and the jxirtrait of (iar Hold, there is little or the gray of the photograph about it. Thu seal is small and scnllocil, having a red dish tinge, apparently applied with a brush. Tho number is very pro nounced and heavier than in tho genuine. Tho surface on tho noto is one-half uu inch shorter and one eight of an inch narrower than the genuine. It has the two parallel silk threads running through it. The tint on the back of the note is light brown, while in the genuine notes it is orange. This counterfeit is determined by the character of its tints rather than by the lines iu tho engraving, as it is a photograph of gunuine work. Watoli out for it. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEKDINQ3. I.AW DOCKET. j I he hirst .National Hank cf Hakcr City vs. J. W. Lemons, Jos. C. Oli ver', W. I). Ingle and S. A. Heilner recovery of money. Settles! and dismissed at defendants costs. John McCultough vs. John J. i llinton, J. II. Hamilton and J. (i. ' Nealen recovery of money. Judg ment as prayed for. Kinmett Harr vs. (ico. Under 1 damages. Cause continued for I the term. J. Durkheimcr A- Co. vs. W. V. Gray recovery of money. Dis missed at plaintiffs cost; judgment , for tho costs. Geo. Under vs. Chns Conger damages. Dismissed ou stipulation judgment against defendant for the costs. Chas. F. Hyde, district attorney, vs. J. T. Hutuacker and Josephus Thompkins forfeiture of undertak ing. Continues! for the term. D. I. Asbury vs M. S. Hellman slntnages. Judgment for i'JO.lKM as prayed for, and for costs and dis i burseiuuuts. ' John U. Uoy vs. K. 1'. Horsley. administrator motion for leave to issue execution. Continued for the term. ; John G. Nealen vs. John J. Mur phy and A. A. Walton recovery of , money. Continues! for the term. i Ksl. C. Allen vs. S. S. Denning 1 npjieal from justice court. Jnrv find verdict for plaintiff for MS.00. Henry Welch vs. L. W. and Chas. ' Thompson recovery of money. I Continued for the term. ; Maria F. Mueller, administrator 1 of the estate of II. J. G. Mueller, and A. Gordon vs. T re fry llros re covery of money. Judgment for I plaintiff as praves! for. I H. C. Trowbridge vs. Margaret i Powell recovery of money. Jury returned a verdict for plaiutilf for m'.L't. I Kg i ity Hsis'Kirr. ! Nax)leon Davis vs. Orloll Flem ing foreclosure of mortgage. Dc t fault and decree. I Milton M . Adamsou vs. Mary A. ! AdaniMin suit for divorce. Decree . of divorce; plaintiff to have custody I of minor children am! judgment for ' costs. j A. Finlaysou vs. I. Collette and Adeline Collette foreclosure of ) mortgage. Default, and decree as 1 prayed for, and fUmi attorney fees j allowed. ' S. Ottenheiiner vs. Win. Graham et als foreclosure of mortgage, j Continued for the term. August Uuettner vs. G. II. Kim ' berland et als fbrcclotturu of niort i gage. Decree as prayed for in ! plaintiffs complaint, also a decree I in accordance with the answer of 1 Hobah Lodge No. '.'J, I O. O. F. ; D. I. Asbury vs M. VI. Asbury--' action for divorce. Default and , decree. Jofcpli FrizzoH vs O. P. Crusnp writ of replevin. Default und judgment. I'ltlMIV.W. IISJCKKT. State vs. Malcolm Church mur i der iu the first degree. Jury find verdict of manslaughter. Jiiifgmcnt that defendant be imprisoned in penitentiary 1.1 years, and judgment , for costs. I State vs. Prior S. Wilson con , tempt. Defendant fined I'JI and I all shurills costs. ' State of Oregon, on relation of M. 1). Clifford, s. S. S. Donning. Default taken against defendant, i and cake continued fur the present, 1 by consent. j When thu case of Statu versus , Denning was en I led Mr. Denning I offered an iisilogy in oeu court, nnd expressed sorrow that ho had ever stokcu in a defamatory man I nor of Judge Clilford, and retracted the same. Mr. Deiuiing's ajsilogy was made in a way that showed his true rcjM'ntanee. i t A g'l mib'h cow and calf for sale ! at Mr. Phillil'. Go to the Kisl Front Hilli.ud Hall for a coil, lefittshiug drink of the linisst la;'er lieer III Ivisteril Oregon. State Senator T. D. Harp, of Gal ; ifornia, has been indicted by tho grand jury for accepting a bribe for 1 his vote on the bill by which Glenn i county was founded. j The immense crops raised in Kan sas this year are enabling the farm , ers to raise a large crop of mortgages which for years past have covered I their fields and all that grew there- iu. 'I'liii assistant commissioner of iininiiratioii at New York states that the number of .Mormons com ' ing to the I'nitcd Status is greater j than any one suspus'ts. 1 Tho lirst week iu October, lS'.IJ, ' is tlic time set for thu national en campment of tho (i. A. I!, in Windiiugton I). ('. Nearly forty jmisIs have already engaged quar ters for the encampment. Intelligence it, gaining ground slowly but surely. A Michigan judge lias decided that common in telligence nnd such information as comes from reading newsiaK-rs docs i not unlit n man for jury duty. Mr. John Itay has been brought home from Hakcr, where ho was kicked by a horse and had one of his legs broken. Although the nc cident hapHiicl two weeks ago, and ; no surgical attendance, Dr. Ashford j is doing all ho can for the sulfurer. IZKK IUKAS. In::, Or., Nov. 22, 1SSM. The shallow is growing ami tho event will be hero in tho near future. We fesd sorry for CampWll, hut hurrah for Hoies, Flower, Uusscl and the rest of 'em. (Juite a nutnlwr of South Korkrrs are attending court and well im bibing refreshments this week. We understand our accomplished friend nnd worthy jo.tmislrcss is exacting friends from Canyon ssxm. Mr. John Bunion is in Portland under the care of Drs. Darrin. We 1ioh) lie wilt return improved in health. The racehorse men seem to have gone into winter quarters. At least we hear no more wordy discussions on the relative qualities of the vari ous horses. One of the South Fork lielles has gone to Wehfoot on a visit and some ol mo isys loot blue but she is oxpeetcsi back ssvon and then they j will be all smiles. Mr. Sylvester Whit worth gave n very enjoyable little hop to a nuiii i her of his' friends recently. Wo understand there was quite a crowd I present all of whom seeinesl to en 'joy themselves hugely. Mr. D. U. Athertsm has bought the ranch belonging to Mr. D. Uain- villc and has leased his horses for i live years. D. U. is a hustler and I we exMct to see him make some money out of this venture. Once again we feel liko calling the attention of the road sujicrvisor am! also the county court to the road from Guernsey's to the summit. It must In; fixed or something will break Iikisc some of these line kpring days. 'fhe new residence of D. Magi II is now completed, 'fhe inside work was done by C, 11. I'tley. It is by far the neatest and handiest house ou tho South Fork, am! its accom plished mistress is now in a )osition to extend its hospitalities to her many friends. Jin: HossKi'ii.vT. W. II. Urotherton, the fool of a man who attempted to trundle a wheelbarrow from San Francisco to Chicago on a wager, died at La Junta, Colo., of mountain fever. (. K. Lovett, of Ued lllulT.Cal., was given as a premium to the San lVaucisco Kxauiiner last year a p;id up volicy in a life insurance company. Mr. Lovett lias jut dies! mid his wife has been paid 310,000 iu gold coin. Undoubt edly tho Kxniniucr will remain tho fax or itsi paper in the family. Charles Houghton, a Hakcr (-'ity Englishman has fallen heir by the death of a cousin to $.KXHJ. Tho Democrat rerts him n very happy man over the receipt of the "wel come intelligence." 'fhe death of a relative seems to carry with it a fountain of joy for almost any hu man heart when tho decease is ac companied by such "welcome in telligence" as the above, snvs the K. O. 'fhe Youth's Companion makes mi Allium gift of the licautiful painting, entitled "A Yard of Hoses" to each of its five hundred thousand subscribers. Any others who may subscribe now for the first time, and request it, will receive "The Yard of Hoses" without extra charge while the edition lasts. Kvery family should take this brightest and best of illustrated literary papers iu ad dition to its local paper. Society item iu Journal: Tom I'artun of Lost Valley is in town. Ho looks pule, but says ho isn't sick, that lie has merely sworn off drinking for good, mid that the sudden change is telling on him. Tom made Ins good resolution at Condon last Sunday morning, when ho had sobered up after an unusually big bender, which cul minated iu his stamping ou his $0o watch Saturday night. Judge llrndshaw, at The Dalles, sentenced a man who had pleaded guilty to an outrageous assault upon a woman nearly Ml years old, to twenty years' imprisonment in the psuiiieiiliary, notwithstanding the fact that the man pleaded guilty and threw himself uimiii the mercy of the court. Judge Hradshaw is a man who honors tho judicial office liu holds Ho must regret that the luw limited him to thu punishment ho imjsMK'tl. It is really a waste of giHl victuals to feed him for twenty years, to say nothing of turning him lixise at tho end of that time. Ore gonian. A sheepherder while iu tho vici nity of the north fork of the John Day a short time since says the Mountaineer made a discovery of an old tunnel, abandoned long ago by its workers, is-rhaps through four of Indians, which lias been hunted for years by parties who knew of its existence, until lately without success, as the entrance was overgrown and hidden. Tho tunnel is aUiut 100 feet iu length, and dis closes black sand iu large quantities containing Hour gold. Some of this sand has Won taken to Pen dleton and will bo assayed to deter mine its richness. It has been ru mored that one of thu original miners was killed and left iu the tunnel but his remains were not discovered, 'fhe find is believes! to bu a valuable ouo. PRAIRIE CITY 1TKMS. November 23, 1801. J. H. Johnson hs sold his cattle. Win. Waldou lias gono into tho sheep business. We are having muddy weather up our way nt present. Mrs. J. W. Mack hns returned from a trip to Granite. Itciilx-n Chittcndcsi is building a new house ou his ranch. Kd Driver is talking of spending tho winter in 1 he Dalles. Hen Hardtnau was over from Hurnt river a few dnys ago. There are lots of geese now-n-slayH but most of them ari without wings. Henry Laurnnce will give a dance Friday, Novcmlcr 27th, nt his home. Most of tho jHiiple of our country nre gathering their stock for the winter. I understand John Uobiusou and lxingslcrry arc buying two-year-old steers. L. L. Day gave a show Fridsy night for thu benefit of the public school. Scott Hyde has returned from Ids trip to Salmon river to the joy of all his friends. One of the flourishing young men of Prairie City goes out of tow n to slo his best dancing. Arthur King is teaching selling school every Wednesday night nt the Winegar school house. Ten Dogs is talking of selling out and going to California where ho can get all the fruit lie can eat. 'fhe baseball club will give a grand ball at the Grange hall the 2(ith of November with a general invitation to all. Cow ltov. ConmicniUtile. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purwsely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts on tho kidneys, liver and ImiwcIs, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substanti ate. llurki, llucVi, UucVi, I have 500 Ducks for sale. Ad dross, Tom Moiiua.v, Heppner, Oregon. Go to the Hud Front Billiard Hull, Canyon City, for lino wine, liquors and cigars. lVichtM, tomatoes and cablsige fur Kale by G. W. Houston nt reasonable rates, at thu cottage on the hill. Dry lumber 810 ier M for the next ;I0 days. Delivered iu Csiiiyou City 51ft per M. Shingles, rustic and Moor ing ill endless quantities. 0. Gukuxskv. 'fhe Albany Herald is of the opinion that the Oregon Pacific will be completed next year, and thinks work ou the road will begin early iu the spring. Say did you know that Porter llro'a ell llour at $.Y7.'i per libl in ft Mil li.Ut und special rates to mrrchaiiU, also ou exchange give 33 lls of Hour, I '- Mm liruu and shorts per bushel wheat! Hrim and khoits 5IM.O0 per ton. Mr. Granville (.Mark has fitted up room fur a hospital iu the Horsley building iu this city, utnl is now pro pared to leccivo (uitienU, and furnish them quietaiiil csiuifortiible apartments. 11 Is stock of drugs ami ineiliciinw is also flesh nod complete. When you send away for goods remember the firm of Collin A Mc Farland at Hcppuer. They not on ly guarantee you first class goods at lowest prices, but they pay mail or express charges ou hiiiiio to any stage ollico in Grant or Harney counties. See their new "ad" for further particulars. 'fhe Oregonian, at great exenso, has prepared a sectional map of Oregon, mid olTurs it as a premium for subscriptions to the Weekly Oregonian. The map is corrected up to date, is -lllxfto inches iu size; keale, six miles to the inch. It is neatly finished and ou rollers, rrady to hang up on the wall. This is the finest map of Oregon ever issued nnd should be iu every household in the state. Anyone sending J.'I.OO will receive Tho Weekly Oregonian for fifteen months (if the subscrip tion is received prior to January I. 1S!I2,) and one of these mnm as n premium, 'fhe price of the map without the paor is f 2.00. Address, OlIKUO.NIAN Prill. isiiinu Co, Portland, Oregon. While the ministers arc clamor ing for closing tho world' fair on Sunday, it scorns thuy can't agreo ou Sunday observuneo between themselves. Tho Cumberland Presbyterian (.ymxl has been in heshiou iu Sun Aiitoniu, mid nt u lute hour on the night of final ad journment, a resolution was offer ed, censuring ministers who had gone home ou a Sunday train, A bitter debate resultesl, tlm dis patches tell us, one minister tug gesting that thosu who nxlo on the btreet cars ought to be included in tlm censure. Those regulators of other U'ople. have (jucer ideas. ELECTRIC FORCE. Tht drtt HunusmenUl Principle of the Unlverst and Its Power to Rotors Htslth la Humanity. KxtvcritucutH by scientists arc con stantly nnd surely proving electrici ty to bo tho great motor owcr of creation. Klectricity is the most powerful chemical ugent, ns well ns the basis of chemical action. It is the primal element of light nnd heat; tho promoter of life nnd tho sustaincr of health. Disease yields readily to its msgnctic touch, and even unrelenting death is averted by its presence. Thousands of nf Ihcled and BUITcriiig War witness to its healing jwwer. Tho electro-magnetic as practiced by Drs. Darrin, has revolutionized tho practice of medicine, ns is shown by the follow ing KXTU.UT.1 Or TKSTIMOXlAI.S: Kd. Hynes, Albina, catarrhal deafness, restored. P. C McFarlane, Vancouver, set atic rheumatism, cures). Thomas Hull', Mocksburg, dizziness, kidney nnd liver complaint, restored. J. It. Cunningham, Wapinitia, Wasco county, Or., total denfnosn two years in one ear and partially so in t lie other, cured. Mrs. J. K. Smith, Prinoville, Or., nervous debility nnd general weal: ness, almost Itordering on insanity, restores!. Heuson McCoy, Tho Dulles, Or., deafness and terrible pain in tho ear and head for six mouths, until he was nearly crazy, restlessness and insomnia. Restored to health by electricity after all treatments had failed. Dr. Darrin continues to treat all classes, tho rich and oor alike, free of charge, at 70 Washington street, Portland, from 10 to It a. in. daily. Those willing to pay, from 1 1 n. in. to S p. m. at one-half Ids former prices. He gives free and confiden tial examinations to all at tho ollico or by letter, lie treats all curable chronic, acute and private diseases with electricity, and medicines when required. Graham llour $5.00 psir barrel, barley 1 1 cents, rye 2 cents and )K)tatoes I J cents per pound at Gundlach's. ' Ts the Public. Notice is hereby given that I will not be respsnisiblo for any debts con tracted after this date by anyone but myself, except upsin written order. Canyon City, Or., Nov. Id, KS'.U. Fiiko Yoiiuonson. COUNTY KXI'KNDITURES. Schedule ofeijionililuroM of Grunt county, State ol Oregon, allowed and rejected, November term county court, IS'.) I. i Ami. AIImnimI, J W Achftml, lJi)lcUu rMmliilnjr Uhi; f llh lluw (Chlliitutli) kuulttullli k Uuriiar, luuU,r Id, I1M.I illalllll Nu I Jslu.l Whklatr, bslalii pa, maul of aiiMUn -I lib) fur luail .ll.llltl Nil tl afl.p.l l,r iih!f ,iil Mat; itrm !il lHfr A lliauilt, luml.r lus'ldlilllcl N... 1. IM A llfamll, lumber ta-t a la Irlrl ,S. I i St O) I s l 10 13 IM ii H 15 II is 10 16 IS :i H ' n ; a IM (0 II V to ) m II t-i v W r ISM 01 I fal MI1 n ii CO T u tswt A llisujl. ml .So. t lumbrr dli. tlu kltlr. mU tamjta for ,irk a Ulha ! kUarar, fralulit uii autipllia fur roaMi Julil ia) Salilltifl, itillaUlif II. a uital!ii iMrtl of aiualll. stioh aitj It cbrra aiaiulhaliwn Ollli I. 1'aluraoli, fiuMlalUhf hulko Irai lafa' alautiitatluB, luil, 11 tlalHl II I Aabtir;, ubll. 1)11.1 llal .! al- ltJU,ira, aem. fciinual rriru laual.tra' aiamlualliiu ami fa il m MSmi of UH.y aiarrakU flt II lUniaril k IX., aupl.Uaa anj aUtlMtarjr fwf KvuttXy lll'l raat, Watil of pllawuara W n k..tllliuilb, J.Uof Ui llaploii.ull, liaii s Cs , fr euuntjr lr Ii (1 onrhutl. fur raHislr Mr O I' Crrt, csejfl IttaUM tml pfla otiara W II Urltjr, wwra. oat rouft liwut O I' C'faa., fwf ruutil er, Itflaa urall H4Hk-afriaH II N C..I..I, liaallaj alcalUH aavtlia lvr A iri4dt luiaiW.r ruil SU Irlrl So til 1 mmJ llrnjl. luaaikat ruaS alia- tlKt .No I Jatkaun Cttauilxra, Loaralluf Ha1tf Uiwla UfrJaall, koare'laif p4Ur J W Aatifun Malirlr.a fwj puuttif lMt N II II). t0!w rani, .m1 kU ahtwfilni (Mill; wartanla U S llwiltam. aUliaaarf J"fali brata)', aawlst; aow4 for Willi l,jaa IT Hi Uy ordur of tho county Gho. Shi: court. AHKII, Clerk. To the Public. '11 m warehouse at McKwouvilhi having been finished, all shippers of freight should notify mu whether they want thoir gisxls forwarded tu the present trrminus of tho Suinpter Valley H. U. Freight and transfer charges together being twenty-llvo cental K3r hundred ivrjundu, distaneu from this point to too present end of the linn being twenty-six miles, il brings tho gnosis nearer homo. Pluaso direct all cominiinieatioiiH and orders here, and everything will have prompt attention. S. A. Huii.nhu. linker City, Or., Oct. 21, 18111. All teamsters must present u written order for gixxls, or else thuv are liable to go back empty as his tivoly no goods nre delivered Ukiii say hi by teamsters. S. A. IlKILNHIl. I'urlUnJ frrfHi A I' Ariuatrontf. I'rln, IU 4ili K. Um4 tarnaL Uia. Cviliua, Saltui, oiri-oiu sma tvin tf atuj, uui f la af lulllou, It ti h I ii ohh. Nliort hand, Tyhwll'f. I'tmilif , Au lltfailminli SaTlu aaaak! lbroulviit lk yaar. Slu4ruU avtuUl l4 a.1 wi; lliaa. t'lletfia flvata lllaaf Kkwol, fa.