Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 26, 1891, Image 1

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    The Paper fnr the Stork
in 'in, .Merchant and
The Paper for the Farm,
tho Workshop and (he
1'olumc A7.
cv.rrav city, gh.'Lyt county, okkgo.v, thuusiuy. .mwcmuich go.isoi.
Number Jtt.
? f7 1
nr.v ih mw ,.t
ou Tt'a'iU-'iT
tuff lull, I
lt..!. ..i,iiin.-
anil bubMIBi!.
A Cats t IM N
vrtnbor Hilt
Al wtrr M(M
out ol u lair
s' 0 voniter llh
drvor. U alxitli
u .V lii
.'. ki g n r
Irnls, mil thus up tit a dominion!
Til the i.ovu ar a l tef i Uaf.
Whs' I try In vl.ti la itu (ilattir.
Pri'i.!.-., ilu . -r. ..te-t and !n
Ol t ,i.i- .r . I v , i licvpaltur
Ti ..ii i or. v . r if-l-: tttt a feait
Tn( . i r Hi. r nl In eUrailoo
nf i ...a i a i c nUiUftl tiling
T ' '11' s ' - i i i i' uniii of n uultofl--
l!lv, Mr I ui-,'i!.,-:al. aitJ Mas'!
I' .r lli!i !. . i
J' i il . i- i
f,. . il , . -i .
ft it i en il..
r tii'tua; owr
.. .? ..via: car
,r .ni . I t a hour
- l l t'titi 1 1 (nun ufurt
Wlttio rlhxi.tki- i li.ii- dav r -mtor.
n.i t 'li I t 1 1 ..f Hell.
Dm l.i'irt i i i:i 1.! I tunc I., irriiw ieoilrj
Away tn.oi t!i.. li.wlauii. "I pelf.
Tin- h..' t't niir ( cure r.t'r -itaring
U ;. I - A i.' i i .i i,m.'r ur-.t ion,
O it in., t i tilt ii. i i-.ei si arc tuarltia
Tin' rrnvy of 1'iirlii, rl it u.i 1 iimu
At nit" li '.ui'i iv' Jill t t. you,
V" vi.w, as wi" tint I mi I -lav.
While likMt rti Ii . iiiuw 111 ')im yuu
Aud turn you I. .nu t mi I in.
Jl'l 1 1 II. Til iycu
How tlio OoimI Old Sou! Entor
tnluod Vu- tnicH Unitwarcu.
OST! Unt!'
"If you'll only
li.ive hclii'il uio
"Dnl you ni
privicU lillu lis I
iiiMm'iI you?
"A p p ro noli
liliu'.' lion- can
n fellow up
primcli ; mini
tltnl lurnti It I in
at tin- Ilrit Milly
Willi tlio hwonl
of ridicule, ami tlieu follow hU thrust
w itli u cuniionadinif of vituperative cpl-llu-t-"
"If you lmiln't alloui'il tliUM) fellows
to run jmiir olil Sultun--"
"(Hi, Sultan In; Imnoit! Tluy illiln't
hurl him any"
"He might hure overloohcd pai.t of
foiiMH. nml iiiitilitn't "
'IjxU lu'ri'.lCittii' MrCnlllL'niii what's
tlit urn of y ur 'mitfhu' unit your
'niiilitn!' I'litii Mac ili'loU. nlihora,
iilmiiiinuti h, ill i piM'n,, haU'k uml liKithot
the i-olli'tfy hoy. -"
"Tor I am painfully nw'nri' ho
hna, too oflvn. Just ciiuw. Who tiei
I'aUUi ti'iK win. !.m MiutUTu? Who put.1
turtle Pjflf'r ilu- lu-n? Who fciuuv
i;U' linwliinj ilni;i into the ot'llur at
ileotl of uitflil. till Sullun't m.iuo with
burn, ami miiiU the front feticu nsl,
wlilu-mnl lilui' You mity un nil thu
ti'llinrf hynonyma you cure to"
"If he ilitln't lulu 'cm they wouldn't
ilo it - "
'Tltin'- ttith TtdUy McCnlllgan,
rlnif h-nUer. left out?"
"Oh. 1 Ky, K it -'
"You fellow i iloii'l ilo iiutuli loTiislie
him love you llmt I liuire ever K'li.
1 1 rent, crown loiyn liUv you, 1 Hint,
not n tuml atunutj you under duviiii
two" "Nur one of ii over twenty. Twen
ty' awful youiiu f"r a '"'y. Kit, nml all
the fellow i bo fur Imin Imme, uiul llmt.
Hint liu'f wuy Uomi klek. th moat nf
'em, uud not one iilluinil to yo hoiiut ut
'I'liaukiiifivlutf, n itli the Ilou If Icli liiK' up
burh a dual iiUiut it all - "
")'au c.n go home, itt miy ritte, mill
ii for kelutf hnwvaick, I'll Wilbur thut
Jim "
"Oh! Jim Junior 'beautiful Jim'
he' the rtmioli l toc of the lut. If you
like and yon ikkIu'I roll your eyei,
nrnui.d Ifiauih n u Indignant iiiuiuter,
either- you're not the only (firl living."
Teddy I''
"Well, yu iki-, then; hut I hapHunt
to M'O phologrupli In Jim'a cheat
Teddy !"
"hitunnliig pieltiru rM Win Mar,
iiloulU like well, what you Drying
"Did you- .d lld -dW )hi ever hour
Jim fcy !' wb-wiui hoiwalckir
"ThlnU ih fellowr'a a WiihWrlit"
hliot? h'po' y oil iimigine !'
iirouiid dniuiK iiing liuii-lUi'iehlefa !
the Llilie! till, I aiy. KH. 'i:.t '
jihiitogrupH I euil fht on Vo ! !' f '
low oiil, won't you?"
Wlwn a ttUM bU ImpeeenWiiia elrvim
lvticva noli iu if m mm r awm -wh-
0 I'Miill
he U htrulgliiwn ouuij.
, if, nil the other
of Uli I'l i'lj i'l I'1'
il more-
.1.. ' ;t - UuiU
i t hull
ii. i . n' . i ' .i
i.. i- . 1 ; n ,
imi;im. i rs :ii':i I il
! i' r uiul more
.ii. nml p'r- i,U'lit
i-n. .uj,-ii In 1,1 .-l.'ity l.i keep tlie kit
Hunt t unl .:. tiiiu. illy upon the ti'tiguen
of the i-.'i.l.' unluekily oliliged, liv
btn'w of i Ireuin .t.-in"e, t.i iln 11 lnlde
tho eorporuUon uf the MpnJoua eollvne
town. The major hud acUled there
loiig lH'fora itny greul bnrruk nf n
iwhoiil l.iillillnjr htnl lnen ewtetl, !,
fore the noise .md nnfiibii csan.iueiit
umhi the Hrrlvul of humlmkof inanHer
lem Joutli- nitliin the town joiithn
who laughed luw and order to kcoru,
Hllil hnd ulliee lillril the lunjor' llight
with n hldeouo unnil. Thai ho. the
hero of n hundred buttles, nhould In
muted by ueh un etiemy u lila (vow,
thnl he kIiuuIiI pull upsluhea uml lly 1d
fore mi puling, mi I nolle a foe was a far
from hi" tlmughta an that tbe major's
I iv mum that ndvenary'a ehhjf Joy. In
every way poMdhle, innocrntly or
inalicioiialy, tlti'M" tormentors aought to
!irtUM the mnjor'a wrath, deaUting
iinly when they had won for Iheitmelvek
the dear delight of aeelng Ida (Uivk
Irish blood lly to bin ncowltng brtiw,
anil hearing hU tpdek Irish tongue
iK'rnling them with theeimlce invective
ho hnd, wltliM'eming forethought, gath
ored for kiieh oecutitoiia a theu In hit
native liiud.
In the college town, therefore, tins
major hnd remained, pestered and en
joyed by youtlia who grew to lunnhood,
graduated, and. n the year Hew by,
K'gau keinling on seeuiul editions ol
theiiiM'lves to their In'loved Alma Mater.
During this ptouiiige of time the
iiiajur's sister the Mile Idol of hi heart
had married and. after several years of
married bliss, had found herself a
ul.liiw. with two little ehildren to earn
for. Although she realized their great
need of her, and fought bravely to Urn
for their Mikes, her elToi U were of no
avail, anil each day saw her more ami
mure the shadow of her former self. In
vain her brother tried In eomfort her
the fond heart was broken, and Ix'fore
the winter frosl had melt.d ulsive th
grue wherein lay all her lui'x's, there
was another mound to lie covered by
the Mift while mantle of the snow, and
the major, lllled with that laoiirnful
teiiileriii ss fell only h.v liimeiiltiig Irish
hearts, led the t little ones back to
hisoHii llreslile. aeeepling them as a
stirred legacy, lie gave them his name
ami tils undivided cure and attention,
and joyed in the sense of his on uership
of two charming rhilJreii. who were
now as much his own though he hatl
suffered sleepless nights during their
infancy, and Iki ii fri tted by a wife of
his choice- for the uuijnr was not a
marrvlug inun, and the thought of an
outsider a woinuii at that coming into
TIIK M.Utlll WI'.tXtlMIM) lllrt ni'Ktr.
his Irresponsible bachelor existence
uiiil l.iing il'iuu uiiv sort of law, oi
chalking any suit of mark for him U
Us', was u luuihb'ning one.
Hut even sacred legacies can 1h. at
limes, trying. Not thut the major had
had the fact borne in unun hiiu, as it
were, until the children were well
grown, Teddy hud slurtvd to college
uud joined the rabble, and Kiltie had
howu a decided ami unblushing pref
erence for a certain sophomore w hum
he had caught on his way back from a
stolen visit to Teddy's room slldingdowu
one of the pillars that supported his (the
major's) rch, nud hU'uii he had there
after forbidden the premises.
(irautitd thcM) children tried him. nml
thut ho made them aw ore of the fact
of language peculiar to Uu
.'. for all thu they felt that their
uncle loved them as dearly u-i lln
loved him, und when Teikly preferred
his request, rash though it had been
onsidered at the Ural blir.h, fiey ven
(Uite toliUdeUl thut he would not rv
thuui so liuio'eut uml emtuenll
(iruissiworthy a desire. They hail talked
it over lugxlhiir so often, this slater and
this brother, that It had, by ilcgrisv-s,
because of the Increasing fuinlllarity uf
l)w Idea, lost lis tirst Impossiblu assict.
1 1 UM not occur to them that what tlu'.v
hil Ulkod and dreamed over until it
had grown to seem almost a thing oe
,ouillshd might hurst upon their
( . .d uncle with all tlw uiH'pectedW!
.' i ttiui.ilcr i l,.p out of a uleur sky.
II.,' ery mi liwilt pir Teddy hail
I .u .is iinpr pitlotii: the. major had
I just freh traces of
. i.ite nsiiipnlhm tlin the 'iiu
.( In lieliweil wur liorse, Sultan, ami
ns r.i.-e. Ilk inlUW'ilUl'lH'e, win, at a pro-
I n ii. . .1 ) ,t. h
' I1. .1I. i.ur college fiieiuls to ent a
1 I 11 11 turkey, is it? - a 'Hi. inks
jguiiik- ilitil! I'll tsilie them to gtu'
tli.itil. . In y house! Would ye pour
un- f il the mnnlhervr of your uncle,
I ii-d -htir sugar In It to their liking?
I I in .111 nuts, but you're a esil faeed
lot. 1. 1 the ehake of a grinning
1 himpunrcc Invite the bloody lieg
g.irs. say you - oh, no, je'll not! I l'
luve 111 n-serve the right to do w hut
invitation's done In me ow 11 house, or
knovt the ralsoit why! And I'd rather
have the coiuwny of tramps--d'ye
mind that -the poor, mresernblc,
nliitsed, mlsttitdhersUioil trauiM, that
niver lift a finger to do anyone a mean
turn, thorough, honest, dayclut mlu,
that lave a cititcu iu puce, lave the
gates on their hinges, the shingles 011
the roof " here tho major's anger
roars amain -"and the roof on the
house' No, sir! To perdition wld your
college moiisthers hut ye may ask
Ivery tnoup )e mate In the sthreet to
come and dine, w id Maj. McOalllgan
say that he is their friend, and that
tur'ii'j s shall ls nmsted In honor of
them - that the deserving hungry shall
le lid at the ixplnso of Maj. .Me
I'ulligan, ami that htvud and wuther's
I,ni -i-l for the likes of" here fol
low cd untranslatable, but limine atloti
ubh v liiroils, t'eltlo epithets "college
I'iir ehiidnuil Teddy's notion of
doing the hospitable was nipped in the
laid, uigncn thut there was 110 means
uf ih ti i mining just how rich In hue or
how U uut.ful a llower it might liave
Is i i.tnc. and Kiltie's little dream of a of bliss wherein a most enchant
ing gown of sach blossom tinting
shared enual honors with the Hgutv
f a tall and rather awkward youth
kin.uit to tin" college world as ".liiii
Junior" Ibis delightful dream vanished
tu the miserable dawn of her uncle's
ti mts'stuoti, iiuhhI, nud the wretched
sun of a day of ilisapsiintaienl shone
through 111 is U uf big unshed leu
"I'm h-, you haven't forgotten your
proposition concerning Thanksgiving
- Iu ut her word to-morrow?"
"Kh, Teddy? Mess mo soul, me loy,
"To fetch n pack o' tramps on Thanks
giving day to dine with you. I've met
thirteen In the Interim sorry It's thir
teen such nit unlucky number; but
siuce I told each one to fetch all the
scarecrows he could scare up along
with him, I wouldn't wonder hello,
uncle, what's the matter'.'"
"Noth - nothing, Teddy- nothing, me
buy!" Tim luiili shotihlli't I-' 011 him,
he'd In- IhmmiiI. What an ass -what a
loiig-earNl, ileep-iuottthiil, bniylug ass
ii Weil to give that Imjv Teddy
iittal, if Teddy' others, of course, others
who were his nreh enemies and e
I , i..l uUMiiiitationsi mi ll a grotc miic,
-11. h an absurdly ridiculous hold unui
"Had you forgotten ulsuit It, uncle?"
Torgiiltc n1 '''.v think me uiiiu'r) 's
fuilin' me? We'll have a regular falsi
tin In y enough fer twlnty. and oyster
dln i . ing t.. I'.infiiunil the natives! It's
Maj Mii'ulligun that can tatch the Ik
uighteit world the rule mailing of hos
pitality, l'liilh, it shall Is- a beautiful
And it vvuh. The great oaken table,
pulled ( ut to Its last joint, with the
'mpitiiy najsTi covering Its pollahed
surfaie, groaned with thu burden It
Imre. There was no half-he artcilui'M
alsuit Maj Mcl'alligan; the glitter of
his Is-st silver, the suirkle of his llllest
i'l't still, the glowing hues of the bright
est II.iwith from his hot house, the
urmita arising from w ell-cooked viands
all these nwutled III due time, the
coming of the guests.
lly ones nud two, ami threes they
cume - u motley crew - an unkempt, un
washed lot of hungry men, UniH'kiui;
at the side door, knocking al the buck
door, ringing at llui front door each
and ull cordially welcomed by Maj. Me
t'ulllguii, who stood fitting (foreswear
ing, however, the shaking of dirty pawi
held out to him now and again), and
seeming n ally to enjoy the revenge hu
felt cotillil.'iil Trilih, the rascal, had
thought to take Usui hllil. It actually
warmed Ilu' gissl old Irish heart within
him lo sec the hungry, gnunt-eyed men
put away the deU'ctahle promnder
with which he had piovidcd them, and
the thought that fur one hour at least
these outcasts were tip'Uking their
sehloiiisatii.ticd apn'tites and were
drinking 111. together with their fra
grant Mis-ha, a glimc of life among
the lofty ami retlned, touched his heart
with the warm linger of wlf -satisfaction,
and he Warned Wniguaiitlv iioii
his imllvi t guests,
ihe clatter of dcxtrously-hiindlcil
knives (which weapon were favorlle
i'O.ivi yors of fmsl fii.111 pinto to mouth)
and forks, the loud swoop and gurgle
caused by the swallowing of colfee
...Miletl Iu samiTs, the noisy crunch of
teeth upon ruphll.v -disaps'aring edi
bles, the half Inaudible grunts accoin In;,' the poiulillg of nil unwashed
digit lovvurd some deslrml viand, to
gether with the major's giNsl-linturedJ.v
eucouragiug and voluble chatter, made
a cheerful hour of it all. Al times the
hoit ca..l furtive gluucs's toward i'eildy,
to mark Ills chagrin at the turn alfair
!iad taken, but Teddy, list wily for hU
in.ii eau.dit each gluuce unm n conn
.liatii c s.i espressi.iul.'ss (Hat II tsilllld
.t h i.i: mi l was lost s iincwhere lm
itti eu the ehioUcn sal.ul uiul the cheese.
At 1.11 Ihe huugilot mail uwolig
lieiu tU'sisUil wl a sltfh-even he
oulu tat no mora' itvuUy the guetk
, l I II V--W
1-- sW
it ,'fisv
"that's iiKiuicaT, paiiusii!"
arose, and. with an a'tenipt at a low,
nml a gutterat s-.tiiethuig meant for
thanks, lllisl sluwiv and sluuchlly to
il unl the kitchen dour.
Thu major, alter calling Kittle from
the parlor to witness the triumphal
evil, vitsMil Into the lilirarr to enjoy a
ipilet smoke mid n retrospection of the
heart-w arming scenr.
A tall, awkward man brought up the
rear; n lean, lank, cadaverous fellow,
w ith black eye-MS'kcis, and Ward of a
weeks' growth rovciing his unpre(ss
sesslng lineaments. As the major dis
appeared, mnl Kiltie. Warning with a
smiling curiosity, brought ull thr bright
beauty of Vi ars Into the note
desertetl issim, llnhull. uf a rag-lug, the
most res'lhiut, most un. leuiily snilalto
gcther obttoAloti. tiainp of them all,
turned, and. asif oveicuite by herdnluty
charms, clasped lilt tie 111 his long, lank
arms, and left a very dirty kiss niton
the pretty bhaiin of her rounded cheek.
"Thai's dessert, dulling." whUH-red
the mall. "Ted's a lui. h brick? he'
n whole pumi 'it' We bov s tire posi
tively stinted kiss me good night, love
'sh there!"
"DJIlii!" V.VA tlllsr.
A GLANCE AT FOHCION LANDS. prisluced flJl.M.MHW gallon ol
w Ine last year. of tho English hosiery Arms rv"
fisits all stocking purchased of them.
I'lit'saiA will irobabtv never gel out
of debt. .She now owes ?I, I.VO.OOU.IXM.
1)1 tviiiMM In considerable (titantltles
have )ieu dlscovereil in Ihe north of
Tin: ground on which Yakutsk, SI
Wrlii. Is built. Is perpetually frown to
a depth of M3 feet.
Til): Chinese and ThlWlans have u
week of live davs named after iron,
wisst, waU-r, feathers and earth.
Ii-Kl.k.vii, liners ft. .in that Island
state, hud a pheriuiueual winter, with
never a Hake of simw or an hour of
I r Is ankl In I'nrls that twiee a many
crlmtis aro coiuiiiktud by persons be
tween the ages uf 1 . tn.i! ;o as by thoso
Is'tweeu Jli and I 1
Tin: North 1 i.lua News uv the
nditese wriu 111 .t 1 . dtl i-f remark,
alsuit fureiu 'i 1 I 1 '..i I., " f notes
elrcuhiteil by f.u. i."i li..ul.ets which
eolue int.) their i-.s s , a
lliilo vsiis mi l r i.'. 1 I m made the
radroiul line of llatis't , irisafe tluit
mllltU hail to b . -I, m( men ut
every statliin and l'i' im 11 on every
gu int's ami braUcutaii s pu.t Wtwecu
the i.tatlons.
Tkmit TloX fur desverud'S' aslU III
the s-vret Im.iriLs of w ..ll'i lit India.
An Allahahad pupi r . tnuale . thattsiln
and gems to the v.d i. f !.;W,i).)0,l)Xl
are lis-kcd up la lb .1 1 untrv. In Am
rllsurlity ulotte t'u re 4ie iod.len jew
el worth sMlUM!.!! 1.
TllKllt: are tvv.iv.- i.-rts in AutsU-r-ilaiu
on which no I. .1. i, ever allowed
to W driven, even t 1 ili .iw a he trse or
tire-engine. Th. v are hem ,1 . lean us
Ihsirs, ami win 11 a p .! ...,.1 w.i.ttsUi
rtist he sit.s down in tin -.ti-tvt I.i prefer
ence to risi-.ting 0.1 .1 i!r .kU box.
Kin roil Joski-ii I't'i.l hu Invested
cda.oou iu a yacht.
Mn. W. W. Asrutt pay- $-ia,M0 n yBr
rent for his I,. uuluii 1 1- 1 . -.
W 11. sum itvunKrr. fie a -t'r, has Wen
sued by .Saioliy, the l'ni .11 SijUUI'e phi
tograidii r, for ;'Hii. t'.ie amount of un
uiip'tiil .hot ;fr.ipl: bill.
.lull w J. Is.l.Vl.lJi never Mn life until
tfU-r six o'el.t-k i.i t'ie e,- ,i'i f. After
hat hour h' s,.i Ut' sIj 1 lily uulll he
.is to bud ut t Aviv.' i-'ii.s W.
(ii:.t:uvi. At :u:i:.- ':.: owaed the
l.'irgl-.l lll.'erv' I'l the world,
and he hit -w h car I u,i -r.,1.. it without
materially culllag sii 1 l l!,,- sjtait uf hi
lli:Mv II tT, one of New Ymk's rttl
way and steamship lltagnut-'s, i over
eighty, a bachelor, of mjiuII stature,
ru.r red bull I, uml l- a -liv- a:, u muli
ofllility. lie Is said t b worth over
(ii.v. I'ki.u Ao(t', edit ir nud jro
prielor of tlte llaltlm Aiiierlwui. luo
lieeulne failluu. a. 11 lireei T of line
horses, lie ha., u b ' Kitiful farm Hear
lialliuiiire which he e tli, 1 iretitu, the
nume of his iieu'si.ijs'r i. veril.
A iMMi n-eeutly killed iu 1'errj, (in.,
had Uinv complete wis of lung
Tin.ltr. I n pig at Juie lion t'ily, Kaiu,
which wcigheil I. .V.J pound. It la ls
lieved to W the lurgesl hog ill the world
on four feet.
A Tfttvil" mcaaurhig four fet Iu cir
cumference and weighing fifty jsmiul
is oil ex In billon ut the New What
com (Wash I chamh. r uf coiuinereti.
A sow Wlongmg to a farmer of Wet
town, Cheter Comity, died n few
day afo, U'ttvlng t lx orphan. liu
the denth uf their parent the fnriunr
HIIihI her place Uy n big milk Isitilc
with ix llulii 1wji wlbvctutieuts.
' 1 lVasl
Jlll 1 ty to I'l'ii tt.e Iti-iitliiT tluuil anil
' u'.l I.i' II itt(r.
j I ttlwnvs liked i h.niksglvllig day.
, Co ning, as it dis's, at su.-h all appnt
' pi i ite season just tie fore the long hard
j winter, I nut III Is Iter shape, so to
s;s il, , to have a H..11I lllled with
gratitude, than I would 1st along
a', .ut, k-ty, I'eliriiarv, when the
I.M.'kwheul tlotir Is running low nml the
rover doesn't wull upon mo with the
S - 'S I J?,'. j
r jc ; ir,i
"is.'r top in vt: ik ciiiiiur rot
uuM.srv ?"
same alacrity that he did when 1 llrst
os'iicil the account with him early iu
tin season ,
t nin e niteliilisil giving my imtronnge
to .1 leitaiu grocer 1 went to him. in
k'ifei tlv g.Ksl faith, and, as Is usual
with inc. u.Ui'.l for a little time.
Ite coughed about thrice ill u s'eullar
way, to sorl of prepuro me for the
worst, mid said:
"Kit well, you sec. Mr. IIisnI, we
Couldn't do It. Have to druw a line
Kiitiewhere, you know."
1 was mad in n minute. You know
how the Missis me, lly nil the h.ti.'.lle In
,1 JilTv mid say things they're likely to fur afterward. I blurted out
"iKm't you glvo me credit for
honest i ?"
I "Why ecrlnlnly, llooil." he said, "but
j eh-couldn't for any thing else, jou
I Mill that Is alien to my subje.-t
l'hanksgiv ings In general, ami iii.inli,
! lung dinners In p.u tleidnr, w ill al-
wa.v s loucli it n'ssmslve clnuil when
the button is pressed in my vicinity.
We are such gissl caters, we IIihIs
I'here are so few thln.'s that we 1I..11 t
like. Light meat or durk meal, it's all
the same lo us. A little of the breast,
the neck, a drum stick or the w lhtont'
will do us niivly, thank you, and if
they are all goito we can get nloug
Wautlfttllv with this glunrd ami plenty
uf gravy and stulllng.
Il l very seldom that you hear n
llissl any: "I never eat that, thank
you," or "None of the ao-mul-Mi for me,
We an nut rformamliiers, but what
other s'ople eat and tike, yea, verily,
can we also. s.
And that one of the things' that
Chillies New lull ll sl. familiarly ,
"Newt" lb!, has to In' thankful fur
to dnV- his apl'tlte liising at a mo
ment' notice to i(( .u jmi, ipuill
on toast and blue puiuts. or happy with
tewed groccry-klorc cislllnh and Wiled
pol alts.
If I don't particularly like a viand, I
Just eal a little more to make up.
Why, If I should happen along iu an
African forest 111111 a pleasant party of
cannibals enjoy lug u i'hauksgiviiic.
dinner of stalled missionary and con
tentment therewith, uml I wns hungry,
and they should ask me tosit by and take
pot luck with thi'iii, It would N- just
like me lo iiiit right dow 11 011 the log
nearest the hurWcuc, and send my
order up for more spa re ribs a often a
did the big chief with the ring In hi
Why ihould we blame the sir,
hungry cannibal fur loving Ids fellow
mail, men If hu prefer him "well
It Is right that we should W thankful
and cut much turkey 011 Thuiiksgiv lug
day, fur yea. thai which we do not eat
vv ill W warmed over for u the rest of
the week.
We have much to W thankful for.
The world's (air Is bound to W held
koiuetiinc, new stub s ha.e Wen added
to us, ami lsiby' teeth have come
through well Next year we will have
(silltie. .et us W thankful that it I
not this year.
If we aru sou or daughter who have
tied or been kicked from our father'
liuitu' in dills gone by. let u renieuiWr
that Thanksgiving day la the dandy
lu te lo uulU home uud have all for
given, uuless llui fcluiiduril Thankkgiv
1 1' ( duy klory la wrong.
If wc ure rich, lei us be thankful that
we know not the pang of (siveity, and
If wy 11 rv vtr, ll u thankful that
u;1 u
ft '
we do not have tho euro and
lly of gicnt wealth.
Let Ui thankful anyway.
Al vsK ha the largest quarti mill.
Tim gi'yM'r of Ireland, which have
Wen among the greatest attraction of
the Island, arc gradually losing their
Is Alaska, two hundred miles up the
Yukon liver, the snow never Inells, nml
III S..IH.' place it is wild to In fully two
utiles deep.
Tin: rv uilt of the recent eieillt!on
to Oreeitlauil prove that north of I'. do
grvi the land Is covered with a sheet
of ice .'i.isHi to feet thick over the
Tin: smallest city In the world 1
Sew unl I lly, Alaska, Its Urns' Inhabit
ant Wing respectively mayor, chair
man of the lsKiril of uhlcnncli and pre
Ideiit of the common council.
i'limn. I very Utile ebb or llow of
tide In the Arctic, biitis'caontilly them
are very strong currents. All winter
there I a general llow of tide and ten
toward the south, while iu hummer this
llow i iiortltwuiiL
Tin: ih'sipulatlon of Iceland I gotng
011 steadily. The depreciation In tho
value of the laud ha Won very marked
of late, whilst the tae have consider
ably liicieased, uiul tho Icelanders are
said to Is' emigrating In shoal. Tho
population, which was SO.lHW ten year
ugo, is now uiulcr GU.IXW.
I lo I'tlri- sin- I'al.l fur supri-liiarr,
i:v Lady Mr. llarnynrd. we found
n gold ring iu the crop of the turkey
you sold to us.
Mr. Ilai nyard - Just my durn luck!
Mariar wanted that one for our dinner,
but I was haul headed an' sold It.
After this she kill hev her ow 11 way.
Maria (aside) I fed that 'ur ring to
the bird with my own ban's, an' uaow 1
reckon liter ain't no doubt who's golu'
tor do thu Istssin'. -Jewelers' Weekly.
an dm:v'i:s iiiasksiiiv ino.
... 'l
T V I .
. .VlNiioiiuir, 'Iflnpln.
Hatty ( an It W that old Sciulil was
nt hi olllee all day i limili .giv lug?
Kirk Why. ye, he followcil out tho
r miiii'iidatiou to "repair to hi place
of worship." - I'uok.
Tvvri v 1: persons died from Injuries In
the football seuson in Kiigluliil, which
I Just over.
A 111 m vlii;,lil.)l freak originated In
llohemia is a tw o-heailed maiden, j.dned
al the waist, having four arm.
An Interesting ease will W tried at
Antwerp In a short lime. Two din
111. .nd nierchanls, by tho use of aniline,
have Won Iu the habit of "hleeching"
diamond uf jsior ipiallty.
livery thing went well mi long a he
made kings only, hut when he tried the
production nf high priests he committed
archasdogleul errors that led lo Id de
tection. A u VNtTAfri'liKIl of undent Kgypb
Ian luiiiiimicH ha Wen severely sen
tenced by the courts of Alexandria.
He made hi articles w ith carefully lire
pared asses' skins, and had a gmsl trade.
A.v Knglibhiuau ha Invented mi ui
paratii tlirmigli w hieh he ih dure ho
can see the soul leave the lly. He ar
range Iciim' that mi magnify the par
ticle of dust In the air that their di
turhanec by anything passing upward
can Is- detected.
"On, inamimi!" exclaimed little
Muldle, a a bright winged lnect
possi'd the diHir, "hvru gi' a llutler
hi!" LtJH r. Pot "I'apn, I inns' havo n
new dw i s to play In." Papa - "What
,1 the mullcr with that one?" Little
Dot -"It's ull worn out cept III 'button
JIamvi "Why, what alls you,
Charlie?" Cliarllo "Ohl tdil I'd Just
us lief tho Uhis'iI walk oil mo, but It
hurt whmi they bit dnwn," Deintuukt'
Miluthlv. O ...... . ,
y,t r
rs I,
W v iTt I V t . a -..i i.ll
SH' r '. ZT&P'-'Z 'XXTiti
CV 4" Jv-v Vs" V -s?
N NO form of its-
liiriotis se 11 1 i
mciitdoko many
minds niei I a
are wont to Join
1 11 t h e simple
prayer or Wor
ship of Tlutuk.t-
kivlttg. The average eouditlnn of mail
ik 0110 of h.ipptuovt. Wherever t!ie
mind reaches iutolllgence enough t
make a fairly gissl use of life, and there
fore to appieiiate Its wonderful i-iwors
and mysteries, then the heart reaction
a happlnc which enn at time cry out:
"I bless. Thee, oh llisl!" Muny liinea
lit eaoli senium, or year, the mind not
lull or wicked say to Itwif. "TltutiU
IIihI " It not dcllne Its liod. It need
not Is- a Christhiu or a pagnn. Out of
the two simple facts -uu InteHhrcut
111I111I nml tlie world of 11 Creator,
come the religion of thniiksgtviiig. tt
is the simplest form of piety, and U
therefore the most universal. It
sweeps over the whole arena of Intel
ligent tnnuhissl uud womanhood tho
atheist ut-tii King silent.
Many religion 1 iiilnil hnviJ doillilcul
vv helher they nhonhl ttsk the Maker tit
the uiilvcise to grant them stout hloiut
lug It bus seemed to tlu lu only all
outburst of ejrutlsiii lo ask the lklty to
confer Uiii their 111I111I or Issly or busi
ness some special fuvor, but 110 lvllglott
nature has ever hesitated ti brealho
forth the audible or silent prayer of
gratitude. To ask for favors might W
a form of egotism, but not to tbiiuU the
(bsl of life would M'ciu to W inhuman.
It ha Wen the reasonableness of thin
day of piety that ha made ll outlive
the yours which saw the early fitl'icri
of our country muH'iuhlc in the hunt.' of
gialltude. It was so. 111 aeon thnl the
Heavenly 1'ather was not a special
f 1 it-nd of those who lauded tip.ui
I My mouth Itofk His lout and euro
touched alike all years, all pluoo nml
ull men. The fall of the Ill's I g0U''r:t
lion itilo its grave did not terminal.
the history of the Thanksgiving tt.'ty,
becaiiM the Hiv ine g,Hluoa lU'Ver end
at a human tomb. It to,itc4i over
irrnves like a m irnlug suuWam uu 1
follow the living ran. Tho day onc
keen ami once established could not hilt
liuvel on, bicaiiM the kind I'roviilcnoo
w hieh ctvuteil the day tlavebil onward
and was as active ami Wntiliful In tho
eighteenth century as It had been III th
Tho Thanksgiving day slnud forUi
Iu our time In the same llirht us th t In
which It stood In the days when Mllex
Slmidish walked iihiii the Allaullil
hhurc. There I nut a patriot Iu our
nation who I not lis dear to Heaven a
vv as 1 ach soul III the Ma.v lluuvr. Olio
stalled iiui II career Thanksgiving
lit v can end only by command of a nu
ll, hi il atheism. The uilml may W slow
In diseovci lug a truth or a duly, but
win 11 it has leached such a sentiment
as thut which comes out In bloom each
NovciiiIit It can never recall tho liublil
konliincnl and close up Its account.
As the sciiKon uomt ami go thu na
tion grows greater Iu all tho dlincnslois
of merit. Ilehohl the growth of our
country! The days of Plymouth Itiwk
hie left far behind. The people move,
in inure killliou, and In moie of educa
tion, wealth, art, selcnec and goodness.
The scene has become mi vital that the
hearts In this land to-dny should ho
Isivvmg Wfurc liisl' altar 111 a love nml
Joy greater fur than Ihe sentiment
w lilch expresM'd themselves mi Mileliiuty
when our i.talo was young, (hir prayer
of thankfulness should expand In fervor
and gluiluess to meet the new gleatnesa
of the republic which once was carried
011 the sea In a little ship. A great na
tion should vvhUH'r a great prayer.
Da viii Sttl.NO.
('llltrlliil lor II101ISM Islliirslirr.
Mr. Turkey -I iobbler, what do yon
think? 1 saw a lady today with n
until gold wishbone at her throat!
(iobbler Ahem! Ought to W ashamed
uf herself! Ilreu our llcdgllllga know
thut not the right place for nwlalf
Ihiiic. Jewelers' Weekly.
A Til AM.SdIV IMI ill. S Mill.
The reiiMiu Willie Wink did not en
joy hi turkey, (loldeii Days.
The I'n.ill'll l.lllln TurUry.
Little Turkey -Oh, iiiaiuiiia, miiiniiiiil
I miw some gold uml silver vv ikhlMineii
in the jovvoler'a window, l'lotiso gut
ine one.
Mother Turkey My ctilhl, our lives
are iu constant peril us It Ik. With gold
and silver wishlioues nono of u would
cM'upu. .1 0 vv olers' W'.'ek ly,
, (lolililrr liurr lu re.
The. turkey I not tho only gnhhUjr nt
the timiikaglyliig Isiard, particularly hi
fa 111 1 1 lo vv hen. them are isiys.
1 y 1 t k'.v ' r . .
Wf.'-' 1 -si
r?T7 . --