The Paper for the Stock mutt, .Merchant and Miner. 7 77 Paper for the, Fart it, the Workshop and the Home. Volatile AY. CVAT0A C77T, GIL'LYT COU.YTY. OPEUO.Y, Til UliSDA Y. .YOl'CM It Kit JO, ISO I. .Yumber 3o. GROT COUNTY the l'Ol'ULAU SUPKKSTtTlONS. Tlio world in full of thoughtful students. Tlit' old liiiit' iIoiiimh are ono by oik leinu expUsled, nml, thank to llie can fill ftw.l y .uil pa tient rcss'nreh ofthese self-npisiinted oW'rv rii, we nro constantly learn ing, soon thin", new. Dr. .Sttude refcrt'iic to tins nn liquated belief of no old ignoramus who still fonilly clings to tho ideu that "swallows nml swift hibernate in the mini, nt tlio ImMunis of rivers during tli winter season, ntul llutt tin- juncou turn into sparrows in thu summer and buck to juncoi when winter approaches," recalls to mind ii iiiiiiiIht of oilier absurd tlit'orit'D tlnvt educated people no longer ooiiiitcmuire. Tlio llrst is the joint miuke, or, an it in more cuinidy oulled, (hiss-snake, which, tifior throwing away his taii, is credited with "hitcliinc on" to it nj;iiiii. It is notion", unustinl for otherwise well-read and intelligent jiooplo to HKvrt "ith nil the force of convic tion thnt these snakes will, on boiii". suddenly disturbed, throw them selves into niimrrous pieces mid eventually, always after the observ er has retired, jump haek together ngnin. To such an extent has tliiii "yarn"' been eireulated, that the .ivenigo school hoy rceats it with apparent emidor. As u mutter of f.iet, the throwing, or breaking ap.irt process only oecttrrs when frighten oil, and in caused hy a Midden con traction of the muscles of the tnil, which cause it to break oil' nod usually into several piccei, lis if it wore brittle. According to the clas sification of most authoritieH, it in not a snake at all, but lizard. .Mr. It. V. iJiinkaid, a ineinber of the Academy has one of these hand some little" fellows in captivity. Some iuterestin", facts not generally known concerning the habits of this lizard will probably result fioin the forced conliiieinent of this specimen. The ipiick eye of a frolicking; HchiKil boy detects a moving thread like object in a roadside middle left by u recent shower. Lo! llu has discovered a horn-hair possessing life. The hair-snake is captured and critically examined by all the school children; teachers as well. lCven if the teachers have given zo ology some attention and know bet ter, "many of them do not take stilli eieut interest in the matter to con tradict the old time noncsense, and tile boys go home, procure a number of horsehairs which are put alloat in the "rain-water" barrel, or some other receptacle, and patiently watched for a number of days. Of course, they never come to life, but the boys, having positively seen one "live lioiM'hair," grow up and tell the same ridiculous tale to their childien. Like the, this tiny worm is not a snake at all, !; ing" placed by naturalists among the vermes. They are clo.-ely allied to the fatal trichina, though they de velop in much lower forms of ani mal life, leaving them on arriving at maturity. Another' exploded old time notion is that owls see only during the night, whereas they are now credit ed with seeing equally as well dur ing the day aa by night. That owls turn their heads round and round until twisted oil', in their eff orts to watch an enemy, who, know ing his bird, is reputedly walking around his prey, impatiently waiting the fall of the "head that he may en joy a dainty meal, is eipially as rank rubbish. Notwithstanding the assertion in Wood's Natural History, that rattle snake and burrowing owls live in prairie dogs' durrows, finding an easy subsistence otV the young dogs," it is known to a certainty that the rattlers and owls "in all eases oc cupy the deserted hill rows of the.o quadrupeds, not living in common with them, as usually iiposed." fours. The emblem of our country, the bald eagle, is no longer considered a noble bird, but is known as an ignominious thief. Yours ago, the natives, in prepar ing skins of the biids of paradise for foreign markets, for funic reason, best known to themselves, always removed the legs, and in such a manner that an examination of thu skins stiportcd the deception, so that for many years these birds were SlljiHsed to be legless. That the wishbono of a goose can in any way indicate the future con dition of the weather is as hoelcssly untrue as that, if the woodchuck sees his shadow on the -d day of February, we may oxjioctii cold nnd luckwar'd spring. Likewise, we may accept the "charm" theory of snakes with considerable doubt, and it is now the belief of naturalists that the opossum does not "play 'jxiMiUin," hut is simply paralyzed with four. Our Atlantic lords possess largo und intelligent eyes, and, aa some djK!ele have manes, it ii not to bo wondered at, that ignorant Kskhno and Miertitious sailors, on swing those itttitnuU unexpectedly emerge frtuii the sen, with their inanos drin ping w ith water and uttering sound strangely human, should mistake them fur human being. This, no doubt, gave rise to the mermaid, merman, sirrne, triton nml eon nymph legends. The so-called mar maids to lie wen in dime mmcuiin are all manufactured. The story of the IU'x dropping from lofty precipices and lighting on its horns as couioedly as we would jump a few feet, ban long since censed to lie considered any thing but a "fake," though early naturalists often reported it ns a fad. ' Blind as a mole" no longer pre vails, as moles have eyes, though they are sin. ill and well hidden in the thick co it of sofi fur covering their head and Ittsly. Thus, gradually, the fiction and romance connected with and Mir rounding many of our animal is siiccumliing as reason anil study x'iietrates and disperses the fog of ignorance and Miorstitioii The Scientist. Inlertatlnc Ulacovtry In licypt. The corressinilent of the London Times at Alexandria telegraphed on October 11 thnt three colossal stat ues, ten feet high, of rose granite, had just been found at Aboukir, a few fret below the surface. The discovery was made frem indica tions furnished to the government by a local investigator, IluniniH 1'asha. The first two represent in ono group Kamcscs II and litieeu lleiitmara seated on the same throne. This is uniipie among Kgyptian stat ues. The third statue represents Kamesrs standing upright in mili tary attire, a scepter in his hand and a crwn upon his head. lloth bear hieroglyphic inscriptions, and both have been thrown from their (Hnlcstals face downward. Their kite is on the ancient Capo Zeph yriuin, near the remains of the tem ple of Venus at Arsinoe. Holies of the early Christians havoU'en found in the same localitv. Within the past thirty days over t l(X),(uO in gold bullion has been received in this city as the output of the mines adjacent to Maker City. A large amount of money, to be sure, but nothing as compared to the amount that would be derived from this source if reduction works were established in Maker City. The out put of our mini's could eus'ly le swelled to .")(X),(XK) monthly ' with the assistance af a little capital to increase mill facilities Maker City Democrat. As soon ns practicable in the spring the people of Maker City should take steps, with the imsis tance of the jn-ople of Grant county, to establish a telephone or telegraph line between this city and ('anion City and way jsiints. Such com munication is greatly needed by the people of the interior and would tend to great ik-euuinry benellt to the business community. Dem ocrat. The Sunday Mercury of 1'ortlmiil, and the Town Talk, of Astoria, have both '-icon indicted bv the United States grand jury, tiie former for sending indecent literature through the mails and the latter for adver tising a lottery. WITNESS, JUDGE AMD JUHY. A Miriuo.i.N Jury w:t up n whole week tH'furv they limit I J.-U-ruiiiui u ln'ther ir nut two men Mil lire to a luivktaeli. A wirNK.t til a o.ntete.l will o:ie ul l'hlluilelihiu suit! the teMatnr was mil it haul ilriuUer, ns "hv only 0iU twenty live or thirty ilrlnUs n tiny." A.N Aiiierlenii trxifler In llnll.tml who haniletl a hotel waiter a tju.irtvr wiih rnin.t!y nrreatetl tiixl lliietl three iUi hint fur the olTetistv The timrt heltl Unit he iifcetl limine Inlliienef In H.eure inure U-itelll tli.ui hit fellow lravtlen. is a iniirt'.er taw In Smith county, Ten n leeently a eitllet wu M't mll mi the exeei lion that one tit the iiiil imitirlant wilnesMk huh an utheut, The leifUlalure iiiihm) to reiful the taw e iA hilling thut eliim from kM'M tefctlinuiiy. In a reeent hiwiiilt In New Yurie city one of the prim-i;t! nilmitteil thut he huil liril to his lawyer, the emu t tout the jury, ami tleelaretl that he lunl la-en u liar nil hln tlayn. lie uii.l he wo.ihl rather lie than tell the truth, ami that he tfut Ihruiijfh thu WuiIJ ull tin hotter f..i It. A Ji iiv 111 a utiurt nt Mwxleo, Mo., hrtm.-l.t ,u ktieli an niitmueuiei venllet thai the juJu ilUiiiUktttl Hum i tjt I1IIII11I1..I1I1; fukhl.iii: "11 Ik the MfUtllUtl of thl'. t-t.'.it tliut the Mieriir uontluut you t . tie leur tUJi' tf the tuurthiiUMi 11 ml iiIIuh you In tleKirt, tvt your Mir vU will 1 wit Ut Hi;aln rutinlrotl il'irlnir my Wi Mi uf tilllce." OVEKWIIHLMINQ 1'KOOf. Of the Supriority of Kltctrictty In the Cure of Dittaict by Dr. Dietu Who Cn Uoubl When to Many Ttillfy? I So uiiicli his been tid in the I prnie of )r. Darrin that it seems tidess to add further proof of his I wonderful skill. We talc pleasure in piilili-biiig, however, the following ojfii card with other references: Mr. Kdittir, Dear Sir: About threii or four years ngo I tisik my Itiv to Dr I'arrin mid put him un der treatment for scrofulous blunl liltsvl sii-otiing and ilmpiy. Tlio diM-tur siKUi cured him and he has not had a return of the trouble since, so the cure is permanent to this day. I had the hoy at the hospital, under the cure of several physicians, and they gave him up, when I employed the services of Dr. D.irrin, with the result as above stated. 1 reside nt Slaughter, Wash., and uan Im referr ed to John IIowi.kv. Mote I'coplc Cured by Ut. Damn. George Schmidt, Astoria; def iles", cured lb-v. J. K. Coenour, Portland, Or ; skin diiense, cured Miss Maggie Synehoest, I .a Grande, Or.; cross-eye, cured. Isaac Thump sun, L,t Center, Wash ; deafuest., cured. Jaiues Daily, New York hotel, Portland; deafness, fifteen years, cured. Milton Jones, Perry dale, ( r ; cured of olypus of the nose. Dr. Darrin continues to treat all elast s, the rich and poor alike, free of charge, at 7J Washington street Portland, from 10 to 1 1 a. m. daily. Those willing to py. from 11 a. in. to 8 p ni. at one-half his former charges. He treats all curable ner vous, chronic, acute and private diseases, and makes a sHeialty of ull diseases of eye, oar, nose,, ami lung-', Iijks of manhood, taints, syphilis, gleet, gonorrho-a, stricture, sHTinatnrrlui'a, seminal weakness or loss of desire of sexual Kiwer in man or woman. All jw' culiar female troubles, Iciicorrluca, displacements, etc., are confidential ly and successfully treated, and w ill under no circumstances take a case that he cannot cure or benefit. Con sultation fiee. Cures of private dis eases guaranteed and never pub lished in the p,iHrs. Circulars and (pii'Mion bl inks sent free. Inquir ies .uisnoriil. A common iiuuoyauco to cuntumera In stores U nun that uuiloiililetlly U never iiiiule the kilnt of complaint In the list thnt ineet.i dully the eun of the muuiiuers of the tlilfereut ilejinrt mcntx. A customer will u! to ken some nrticle. When it U nhiiwu her anil she exprt-MKiH dlsKiiUsfucUon, nml itst if It In nil they hare, live tlimis nut of six the elerlt will say: "Nil, ll li not all we have, hut the other U mure c.m-ii-klvit." .N'tiw, are the elerUh iuslriu tcil to Kiiartl iiLfnliihl cnstoincrt Ih-cihiiIh exlravnx-inl.' Or their ekTliuet) ennlile them to tell nt a i;l;uice just nlHiut how niucli a cnslomcr eau utTuril to iay for mi article? If Hie latter they IliaUe kniue serious mistnlies at tiillt-k. Not IniiK ajfo a woman ciime into the eity fnnii a country town to urc hake a fur ehiuh. It iiu rnliiln;', nml he eovereil her rainy weather iitllro with a k'ovsiimcr .She went to thu inokt fur tore In the eity iin.J In foniieit the elerU that she wunteil to look nt mln'. ottnt. lie showett her an Inferior ifnule. Shu ilht ant like IL lie Hlioweil her a little hotter ifnule. .Still khe wiik nut tottltlli-il. The ulerh llnally cIIiiiIkhI up in one Unit whs nuirketl S'j.',o Sihe wheeletl iiruuuil ami sulil: "Youu man, K that thu Uikt clonk you have In the ktoiv'.'" "Nu, ivrtalnly not. Wu huirii very exiwiuklve outi." "Well, hhow in th very lntt that ytm have, uu rviuemlK rthli, you neter eun lull how far u toiululll Juiup hy the j ll IimiUh." Th ult.-n.l.iut ktnre.l at her ami khtiwvtl her u ulonk luurUetl &U. Shu took it. In nnotht r ktore a ImiuU store -n laily wei.riu n mtlier khuhhy sealskin iitlo-il for n M-eunil edition uf D.inte'a "Inferno." sln wus iJiowu one thut wus mil what kin nl;el for. She kali I: "Have you nut the one I want?" "Yc, ;.iui..tni, hut that is lery cxen fclvu " Mic ifavc him a hHik that ut luiut ex-preskt-il yreal kiirpne, nml halil: "Iliil 1 nay unyt.ilntf nUmt Ihu price?" With a llukhetl face lint clcil; rt llw UhiU. ll was what llm huly wauUil. Mie ialtl the j'rit n ami nrtl.-ie.l the IsMik kc nt to hor aililress. The inline wakoue maile the elerU vow that never mfnin wouhl ho inaUu such n , Minuter. Teresa II. I loan, In China yo Herald. A ICilSTlvuiAN who had arrived at nriiiirlty otTered hU llrst votti the other tl iv. hut wi i;re:it wait hli excitement that he fell In n lump In u dead faint ( an. I cull. I not kit up fur an luiur. T'li-lf i 'lfcnerat.' I In a barrel of wilier hrnnt vatiit-il i tal ncel.leiit In I'niwfortl, N. .1., t ..l.iry Ileiiiicolicr, a twelve-yenr-ohl ylrl. The barrel ex pludtil ami u ktiivo ktnitik her In the twil. . 1 DEATH UY DROWNINQ. An Author llrtitMralty l)--tOv How It ll In llritwit. Tho ship wai the Sir lleortro l'olUvV, Captain Wtttem, ttouiut from UmJon to I.yttelton, New Zcklmul. Wo irtt lnit l.lnH) mllm vnuli of itic I'st. nl (lotut Hojo, a very cold latlludo In tlio month of ()eltitiir. 1 wim a subim t- j mtutfrr and had N-en fl.nhlnk' for alb.t trtei and mollymcok over the nlorn ' w Ith a lontr lino and hook balloilwlth tail pork all tlin morning. Almit mid 1 day ii went dnwn to dinner, lait I, bo- Inir anilom In catch a bint, made a luir ! rled intial and 1ik in-.l tack on deck. The Sir Uourv'w I'ulhk wan an old- fihlontit hlp w lib a hls'h poop, and. a webadcottritim l-wnl. anumtsirof truo of hay had n laahcd to tho sU-m laftrall, where they were leiM llahlo to U wetltsl by the ea than elehert. When I (,-ot on the poop, no one elan tiolnir there but tho man at tho wheel, I fuu tut my lino had k'ol entangled with tho rudder, t climbed on to ono of tlin truasoa of hay with llm Intention of canllni; the lino lo.w, and watteanlni; down to do mi when the ship (jam a pilch. I lost my balance and fell plump Into tint sea. from where I wa pnrcliwl on tho hay to tho water, at tlio ship roio on tho wave, ira a clear dropof twenty feet or more, and aa 1 fell Mat on my chest the wind uaalcmsikcd out of mo and 1 wai half stunned for the moment. When I ratlin lo myself I Wa lloatlntf pretty comfortably, my IhloU woolen clothea Mipporlltitt ine, ami my wldo awako liat lloxtlnh- by my side. There wr.j a heaty swell, in,l rvt 1 rote to the crvwt of a wave 1 iw tho lilt, Icsikln rry small, an If alio went already a luttif way olf. I notiood. howeier, that alio m hove to, and I felt sure then that I hnuld bo plckid up My only b nr wait that tint altiatrtnai a mltfhl sweep down upiiu mo and kill mo kUIi Uieir terrible ' beaka, aa tin y had tho cnrponUir of tho anno ship tho oyai?o lM-ftire. A bitii; tin e im-ttsl hours, It seemed lo ine and my ohiiht a havluf liecottie ooakial I tlunttal low In the water ami run hi mi !uHk,-sr empty my month fast t nou,-li in p-t breath or kt ep the ship In slRlil-, Kvory wove that came sunk mo deeper, ami uindo me swallow morn water. I bit. ntl to fet-1 di ml ly c. Id and I thought ll waa all oter with lie; I could nol help Idiiinliiif my fib lids i ii th, atop for their cruelly In lettlnt.' mi' drown, when they inlk'ht so easily hat - . ut a lml fur ine, but I fork'nvo them anil said my prnyt ra to myatilf, All I cuiilil do now I could not keep my head alsive water, and at laal 1 uw ll j;rt.en mir my eyiaaa I look ul up, my head awnm round nml I thoui;lil I was k'"'ns' I" ib ep. I was urouaial hy aomelhtlik louehlti me, (irvlnt; mo down In the water, and then dratfitlin; mo ihu albiyether, and tint ( next th On: 1 Wuew I wa i atiiimir men . who were tnlklliL. 1 cttiltl tu.l understand them for the rushliv and whining in my ears. s The llrst wonl, I understood wort. aomethtnk alsiut " me up," and at the same limit I felt invietf Initio llftetl up the ship's aide and suited by a number of arm i. Then my elulh.-a timed to come oil ull at unco- tlicy Ismn rut oil by the .If tor with a sharp k lit ft- and tin U I (lit all over mo. I know that t was It.itff In warm bl.tiiki-u w.ih hot Imt'es nnd. r my arm-pits and f. l I ut hear voices round me and km I ut tin y sit Id, and I could fit I hull U i . I.ldnif my It in Im and luriiiiitf me .,l--ut. lint I could not spt-uk or inovi or show i.ny itign of life, and In my nisi.l.i I ttili (ell so cold 1 lUouulil 1 must din. At 1. n'lh I felt ktiinetliiii) very hot in tur Uieutli, and I k'iilcil and tl went down my throat. It came again ami nifnln and nnrmtKl in.' and made me ftells lltr. ihoiik'h fearfully su-k. Then I felt a tt rriblo prlrkliiir ud twiu-hlntf lis" "plus and noodles " wht n your ft-tl has ' fono to aleep all on r inc. After lhal I t;ol ilrows), ami the n il thlin; 1 re- j inemlivr was lyln in my own berth with ' my father and sister altnnif by inc. I , wat still very weak and I had n very Imd cough, but I was nut uf danger and ' fast rooovtirlnx. Two days l.tuir thn j chiltlreu In the saloon, who were all lrent friends uf luliie, were allow tsl to j count and aeo mo and briiif mo Utile j proatinls they had icdy for me, and in i a fortuik'ht I was up anil again uatehliik.' aenblrda titer tlio slum. 1 had Ision nearly half un hour In thu cold wats I of tho Sou t lien (Venn, and It wnj two hours before they ismltl ttll for pertain f whether I was dead or nllve. lilttanl Wakutlold, author uf "Now- Zealand Afler 1'lfly Years. The extensive. Bitrnut lodges t 1'urt Wrangell aro an Inexhaustible noun-oof beautiful and or minion tu! cur lost lies. Tho cropping of the lislges Is nhout ten feet wide, standing jM-rju inllt ularly und run ning nurtheual mil southwest several miles 111 length, tin- ib ptli of It no man haa titer found nut. The ruck 1 of a mica slalo formation und contains from two lo four dot. ll gariielt to the cubic ftKit. Tho gems aro regular polygons, Ixinutlful In color, and. when fresh from thn mines, hate a tl.ishiiig ami brilliant luster, but w lieu exHist tl lor a lime Ihoy becoine dull nnd uiaiue. Tho crystal varlm In dimensions from the alto of a pea lo that of a lien's egg, und to thu notice aro iiilto fascinating and have the npM';iraniu. of much value fur orna mental nml other purpmt-ii. - Tho lapidaries, howeter, have failed to utlllio tlieiu for uny purHiso wlmi uter, except as a curio and lo demon strain the certainty of the unerring la w of naluro which goverua etery phe nomcnuu. Kiery plane of llm idgoti is of the same form, eveiy angli. Is of tho sumo degrie, and tmry (ui la tho ttjual and like of IU fello-. Tho mill lng und thu shipiiu ut uf this ruck hat Im-ooiiio i nt t-t n businest. It is worth twenty dollars per tou uu the wharf nl Kurt Wraugell and la sliipptd iu all part of the etiuntry to llll tho eaWnnvn of thu weal lli y unit Urn Out lections In public InatitMlUius. Hutreil 1'raiel'rnsi. I to enn IS HUMAN. An i:iljiiallnii ul tlin Otllii of Uutjr TMicritlilitl Sown yitnn i;o an editor of a bi weekly paper ptihlNlittl by tho itUilcnU t.f Yu.o l'ollit st.-.H itsloMslusJ. and, eien I.,.. re, seandAliiiil. In learn that an citltonsl which he had regarded with ftind initio rvferred to old mania who eril ah ; ..( y for a dinnerparty. Turning llm pik" he wanned another product of hU pen, n thrlttltit; romalico, ami .liKMiertsl that tho Ixtllltd villain had ftrttt tli r e t-ilttii Into lilmsclf. The taid i .liter had written In tho ft ml ar'.li-!.-: " tri.U.L Ik) aorvtsl ai eij.llnv fer a & ' l"rr " In ttiereHid article ho had written! tlrinl Uira ImllrU Inl.i ItluM-ir." ll la oftou aaketl with virtuous India najleli uhy such lypotcraphtcnt errora at tliim occur. Tho explanation, asldo from tho total dopmvUy of luuiilmalt) H.lilBa, Pan rna Illy bo fc-nen. Ill fact, tlio wonders-rows that such mUlukosdo not fr uftiilier tvrir. ImnitHtl.ti. ly U fore n written article Is n to rompoatlorii to Iki "set," tho "iop)."ii thu umiiuMipl U toruital by prinler., la scluurtal lulu "l.i Wei." or n tiuna of t -u or twenty Inn a. Souio llnnta t attention la jsild to tint ri.,T4) loiif ami panel intlnn of the written tno w tint urll. le It lima cul up, and. p.ninsiieiitl v, tho last line of a "take" may ufien end III llm mld.lbt of n sontiMiee. When audi lit tlio ease tho "lko" la wild U "Uid oven." AtUr n iiianuscriit U cut up tha "takes" aro roiiimuuly put on a ropy hook, and tmlic.itesl by a li tter of tlin alphalsit, follovtisl by ron.eeutlrn llurns. Tor Instance, tho islllorlal which brought aiith tsinatcriiattnn to thn alndi ul w-aa out up Into tlirix 'l.ikts," lndlo.tU.1 as Hi, K'Jaud V. 3. '1 be Ural "elided oven" with tho word "aa," and the second "ls'an ovimi" with thn wordt "pa.ldiiiK for a dinner parly" Tho coniisit..r w hu ttsik Irom tl.e htsik' the llrst "takti" sol It an Ctuslinif lo copy, whllo the iiinswltor w!.o l..k Hi. atvond "lake" ni.wl.t Ihu error la i cry cvmtoon onfi) of iniatakliiif ii for i., and kocouvurUsl "pidtlUi" Into "pud Unff." Tho first coiniltor flhUhtsl lil "tnkti" iiil.-kly, ami a proof of ll was liumotliaioly real by tho prtif-reiider. Tim olht r iMiiiposlltir was alow, and did not rlulah hl "take" until several mlnutea after eomposlior No I had lliilshetl his. In the miian lliiiii, tho prtHif reader, having' busied with liiirlaut ami pressing Uttallra, had fork'utlen tlin tuactoml lii)T of K I, Soliik tlu.t ll 'J l-'K-in with "ptttlilttikf for a illniicr party." and Ito 11. .tin that puddlui? wa prnpttr an.' Je lir.tble at a dinner arty, lie did not do loci tho coiupoktlttr'H error. Thl i error. In fact, should bet nilotocii d 1 y tho "copy-holder. " or tieisoii who followed with hi eye the wording; III lint "copy, " t'r'ff-readi r read aloud from llm p..-., to win case, win copy ' 1"'W' r'. '1''"'W - nUlV of tho t-stmsiuir, aiso iuisukik a lor u. A similar uiUtako was modo In tho I ,1' "' hemilikr villain who "llrtHl I ,,ir"" h.t!htUi lino himself--w 1th the , eiri'putiu iitai u una mistaken or u, 'I'hf llrst "lako" "ended in en" wlih the ttitnl "ihriio, ami tlio nit a t "Is.j-an rvon" wlih "bullets." Tlin compositor w ho ml tin. sit-ond "lako" bubsotiienl. y observed that he didn't have lime to make st nso of tho "take," and thought that ho had donn hit duty In following (ul lit In In. mt at tho lime) the "copy." The same editor who ex pcricm tsl llm two harrow ink' surprise referred to fciibiiiuenlly wrote, in reporting an evonlue ii.ldr. as by I'haiiiitiey M Ilnptiw, the si-n to nr. "Wit tin mil thus sully nur arms." In rt iillns' the printed nixitniul lue noil morniiif! In uw to iuh liorror-. "We tlo not thus Hally our arms." Tho (siiisiderjlti ctuiiptw'.Vir bad mistaken ' "sully" for mi u and, to make M'ii;we. haa inane tl.e llrst letter In the word "up-r onae," or a vupitnl. .Moil M rtlo your u'a and your a's In tuch wiao lhat lyis-aellera ttan not lull take llieui. .N'. Y. Ittilpir. rifl ALLY RECOGNIZED. Ilntr u Vl,..,iittl SitiMlitr Snrrtipiluil lu t wtililtiic tlio Situki.r't !-. This tnl td Mitsaurl lilstury la taken from llciry II uea HtaudarU. 1hi writer iloean I . n loa liuuic ' Huisou 11 a- ulna It a well known nuivt pupor limn i f M ssltluk'len lb d lo llvo lit H'.s.. ti. I si on limit i -r. s. mi ll hit U.nti . 1.. glklitiut... uf w itU n I. sly lis i. i leei. I I i His-sker. 1 liere was In Ilia mmu 1.. 'I.tiuru h mrmUT frem Hitulher tbsti I't It II U I t 1.1 IU lluU'lol.S hud OOU ivio.l u . ejii.iics ug.tliikl. 'Una li. .01 naiit tal l.i lir us utn hid m His Inter. i et hit col,. . iti.ciu v, lul ho iifvur n'ciiii'd to Im kble i it t t ii thn HKktkt-r k cyti luy after il.O 1. 1 w.uld ttail until ruuUii.' uullort ha.l h en t n'iiriKl utvuy, ttlisn Im won.. I rim III hit . .ic -, un I, In Ihu pvnlUr Mi-.uurl high li.l.ic, u.hlrun tlio prskljmg , rUvtir, but witlinul rtHulvlug lliul rcc -r -Ulott tti hrnil wlnflti no ineuilwr ef it sti . .uiicnl uiy Uly e..ii pns'.wsl. Tlio ni. in r Dually Uh'.ohh lunl of such Iruatutunl, uiel ouu lilurliliig iidur Ihu lluusu hud InM'ti uallnd lo older I n itiurtht-tl In Willi u i.tltt ml hit altuulilcr, v. hh It, u le ni ho rtuiclusl l it atttit, hu li auoil up ugaliitl hit di ak. Uu ihnrti ijulslly loi til let lining). I thu ronton' huai licaa was uUuul ull tliapotod of, ttlnu ha alottiy im ktrd up Ins r 1 11.) und iuhj.wI n. Wht'll lliu lutt iiiuliun hud btsm put and ilia poavtl of our frluiid arute, p'uifd hit rllbi ugiilntt lua ahuultb'r, droit- a bead uu Hisuiker ltutchhit snd draw Itsl nut ; "Mr HH)ukur." There tvst n aiisucu ut uf iltaitb In thu Aaaembly i haiuUtr fur it few mo lilt) lit which wat hrukuu by thu H- iikiT hiiiitulf, tvhu alottiy uml uitimelly 1 auld: "Tliu gculluinuii from - hat Ilia lluor." Tho member lutt una) lilt rillc, uu ; iHM'ktal i, mid then, ut If liothlug had Imp i isiiiisl, proceeded tu luy hla bill bofoio tin) leglalutura. I lltll Ni.l llti-f llrnl. j "Can you let mo have ten dollars till coxt wiiek?" usktsl the make islluir. "No, I can l," repllial llm horse editor, without the slightest hesitation. "You don't apisiar lo remomlM'r whal a giMst thing It la to lend that amount." "Huwlsllgoud?- "It la X lunl." I'lltsburgh Chronicle. a pioNcen uiuHOP. I Ail Illinois Cloir. lt litculUry On An j iniunrptl ua thf Aulltur of I In. llll.lo. My first nvelleotlons of a getiei-al contention, nays a writer lu the New York rest, are couuiaiUsl with the eon iciitioii held at Nt John's riiunli In this ally, when lllsliop 1'lillutnlrr U ChaM', of Illinois, prcaldiHl titer Die lllotiaoof Iilahiips. lllahop Hopkins, o' Vermont, ttaa the preacher, and Itev. William ll Wyatl, I). 1).. of llaltlniore. , was pnvthtent of the llouso of Clerlea and Ijty lleputli. lllahop I'lmao wn, a moat rcmarkablo man. lie had bet n built for a pi. inner. Ituggtsl. Indomit able nud full of tool, ho had llrst boon lllsliop of tllito, where ho bad built up n college and theological seminary, nml then he had tnkt n up his stall again and gone out Into Illinois todn tl. try ing work of a church colonist there, lie wnaalrlklllg 111 npHrtiuett tall, oagltf eyed and sktre of llosh nml its I first aw him silling In tint chancel of St, John's crow nisi with his black teltel skull enp, I thought lie might bo another Tonilleiundn, His whole heurt was lu hla work, and In those days the welfare of Jubilee College, his latest incut In Illinois, wat inost In hit thoughts. 1 remember to have heard that when seated nt the table of nil em inent statesman of Knlckerlss.-ker an cestry In this city lllsliop t'haso ttaa olf sorted loeye with painful liileift the uiaaalte silver plate that gllltertsl be fore hla eyes and then (all Ihu III lilt chair 111 a statu of collapse. Hla host bent forward nnd ImpUred eagerly what was tbi matter. "1 was thinking ol poor Jubilee," was tho reply. Tho ro spoiiso of hla entertainer was n promise lo make nn linnu-dluto contribution to tho cause In Illinois, and tho good lllsliop ut once rtvoterisl lus isiilH)li and ate it hearty dinner. It tins said that ho eiidisl every loiter to a l.tyiu in tt 1th a "I. S. Itemem or poor Jubilee," but this may hnto been a bllot gossip. In his attire lllsliop Chase lookisl tht plniieer iireaeher, and In hla ways he acted It. Arrived nt a town In Illinois where Hie service of the church bad inner been heard, hn hlnsl n hall and engaged tho lotvn-erlor lo go around with n hell and aumiunrn thai tin would preach thai night. "Who shall 1 say it going to preach?" asked the guileless ItoU-rlngcr. "Say Hint n minister ol tho church which llrst translated tin lllble Into Kugllsh will preach." Tin ntu-struok erlor priMteisltHl to parade tho town, and gathered tho biggest au dience oier known In the tow n hy pro claiming Ibnl "tho man that wrote tin lllble la going to preach to-nlglil!" U! Ilclally ami III private this prelate was simplicity itself. Once when In Ha gland ho went lo cull on linl Koiijnn, from whom he had rts'elvisl large sub scriptions for his college in Ohio ( w hlch hat since grudtlntetl a President of Ibf L'nlttsl States, Mr. It. II. Hayes, and set oi l Cabinet .Ministers ami lltiteriun-xi ami for whom be had nnnnsl it. Willi i. Iratetiiigcap on his head, a lutilllei about hit throat, ami earpel-bag in band the lllahop ascemltsl the stoop i.i.d rntir the bell. A suptirelllniis llunki.y up poarod, gansl Uhiii him with m.oiii. to'., iilm Im tlid not know wheihnr he etntl sen the uohleiiiau or nut, mid left lilin oulslilo thn door while he carried 111 the back of an old oiivc!iihi us a card. In a minute more the door was Hung wide oMn and the llunkey IhihisI nearly to the Itonr ns he exelnliiiitl' "Wnlk In, mo bud. walk Into tho drorlng-rotiiu. His l.uilship will be ilotvu In a moment to rts'oho your I.ildshlp Walk lu, mo laid!" The pioneer prolate of tho West, undismayed In the presence of while uml red froullerauian, was token aback at the plentiful snliitiitlun nml wnlkel In, still holding tightly lo his en nul ling and muttering lo himself; ' The l-unt hate mercy on such u l.ortUhlp luliie." Hut ho tistsl Ui lull lliu sltiry wlth great glee uf turn artls. DIRTYING THE HUG. Ilntr I. Illlt let .tls.ln llrr .llstiuus's VI.. II,, I. I t.t.1 lint ttinfor ImIiIm. A tatupiii nf latllus wltii tvure rtss'iilly call lug UJ llntoUliiiu, sat a tlu llostun Courwr, were u.t-reil i.iUt it p trior upm llm 11. mr t.f win. li I .j It I IK Willi II llll.llll of Sub I CIIUI On. ,f r limy hid coattd lilt - biiiilaul i.xtai'e tln-y were liorrlrltsl by llm illnstv crt i very fuoiai. p Un-v h el la nui wut ricitlj piliiw.l lu thisi upui tlin ulhtirwlso alulliless aurfago uf lint rug At tlicy aat gull ilr iKgurdliig lint olltsl rug Ihu a u ill daughter uf lliu Itutlots cumo lulu 1'i.t r-siiti, ttiiifilitr minute aha ciilurud Iter toes fe. l ll the flkilprlillk. - (I i. I isl a.'.t iheiti tihal yuu'vs ilniin," .he 1 1 ii'il ' You just nwe tvlutl my iiiuuiiiia ill tl 1 1. 1 ) on , khu h id liial rug nil ..'jii.-.I ul.. Hits in.iri lug fiir tsiinpany tn-iiii;lit She inn ant! tl tuiiil mo lu lied without lilt- leu-t-rnatu if I slepiKtl on ll " Tins tins ull ileut tutsl In u Inliu i.f voice a Inch b fl im loom furduuhlof lUMiiioiilt. mil I lie Cullers teio divided isit Ivisjn a ciisii ef Uieir guilt ami an liicllnatmu to augu ul l lie milliner In wli.uli ll tt as In ought i.niiu to tin-ill Kei tun.tii l for liit-.r nit) if mind Ihu i utioaa miteml ul that iiiomrnl Hid i-kp.Miiii d lhat the tug was nun tliiitvi'ii i very trace of dual, uml Dial alio luuiul II i.otestury lo lake strong unwaurea in kit n ll Inn from Win liacka of tmr elill lit li t feel, bill lln.1 it list Mil 111! nfli'ii.e In t epou il fur ttliM'li aim isjuld not furglvu her frici'Jt WOMAN'S FASCINATION. S.iins nf Ills lli'SMint That Allrsrl Ilia siruiisi.r Shi In I t.t llintltsr. Tho power of fascination Inherent In women may, inoreuter, 1st divided Into two kin. Is. Allot ..s have seen the old s'ly, generally .vlilte-lnilrisl, with Vlnd y, pleatant featurea. on which lluiu baa et no unfrl-'iiilly mark, whoallll retains .11 her allractlvonest. Notii bow the siya and girlt adore her; they will go to her and coiilldo lh.-lr sorrows, their hopoa, tholr ambitions, eteiT when they itould not breallio a word lo tbuii uiothera. Thn kindly, loving Intorost minced In a lad's altalrs by audi a one hut time and again llrst Implanted the Impulses In his hitart whitfh utniituully lial hliii un to un liniiurabln career. 1CKKECT OF LIGHTNING. , Numoroiu DonUiti Ootiurrliisr is All l'lirUi of Uio World. I C-ttrluttt snil A)iislllttf l-rsskt ttf Tltlt Slot- ttt-ti mot ritiiilt.t Airviil uf llatrtii lion . A riirtUlsu'a Itrpurl of si llillsitvliiltts IVuiusu'a Casis . Tlio majority of dealha from light ning occurs In tho lot 1 1, open country, trees, tillages and thickly bulll-up towns and clllea, by their projections' Into tint air, sort lug at conductors, and thereby prottvtliig the Inhahllnnl t from direct stroke. The loss uf life an nually throughout the world la very great. In lluropeau ISussl.i from IsTO lo ls77 no less than 'J.'JTi) ptirsona ttorti V lllitl by this cause. In Auatrla during; the same limit 1,700 )or.ins weri like wise killed. In 1'rus.ia It la reportssl thnt kutenty persons are annually killed. Ten thousand persons are report ed as having been struck during n period of nlne-aml-twenly years, tilth t.iltl dealha In Krance. whllo In the I lilted Slates during ISTO alnmt tkri deaths from lightning were recortltsl. Tho ellts-ta of lightning alroke nro moat Interesting, curloua and appalling. The general symptoms aro Usually of hock. There is often uncoiikclouanoss, ktiint limes coma, lasting from a few hours lo even daya; partial or complete loss ef sight or hearing, ataoc.lalcd w Ith linp.tlrinent of the other scutes. Tho tissues may Ut burned tnicrllcllly or tlroply, tho lionet fracluretl and portltnia of the limbs torn olf enllrely. Tho tracks of lightning un the surface of the body may have a fancied resem blance lo tho braiu-het of a tree, the tt t ii I n stems from which Hut brandies lead olf arising at any irtion of tho btsly. Tho skin In llioao trucks may bo hi.nply acarlel III color, slightly awellid or blistered, thn brauchea laporlng olf until un larger than lite scrnteli of n pin. They may pass In all illrotitlitna from the place first struck or akip about from one part lo another. This la duo to the conduction of the current by tho clothing, w ti Icli If nut acla as an excel, b ut conductor. Tor the piirMiso of Illustrating those elli'cts the following reMirl of n cast, la taken from the Philadelphia Mei', cul News, reported by n physician who was on tho smiI at llie limn the accident oo curred. I)r. J. II. I'algei "The current struck the chimney of the homo and paaaisl down the aluddlug m ar thu window to an Iron hook uu a hlch waa auamii.lcil a chain ami n bird cage, leased from this to tho head of Ihu lady, kitting Just Intlde the window, nud beneath the cage, atsito Uio left eye, inldw liy btilwceii the eyebrow nnd hair, which waa apparently the arl nearest the corner of the bird cage; pasacd along in front of the oar, then lu the central lino of llm chest, descend ing by the stocking superior, which was ntt.trhcd to thn cornet; thence to thn lop of tho atuoklngk, louring inarkt lis)li txilli lliiiba, bill inilrn especially upon tint left, on tho batik of which, just nlot n ihe knoo Joint, waa a burn kUuil Hie alio of olio's hand. It hud tho appearance of an ordinary burn, and wni only superficial. .No trace of Uio current could bo detected again until Uio (.Kit was reached, froin which It iasstsl olf by the Joint of Ihu great loo, louring a place alsiut two Inches in diameter lu the stocking and slipper, but not loai lng the slightest mark upon the sklu. Willi thu inception of the burned spot on the nalorlur part of tho I. It leg, and one or two amall burns uu the body and the right leg, coligestml lines nlono marked tho course of tlio electricity In Its passage over the Usly. "Her condition was found to bo us follows: Completely unconscious; line llonless; muscles relaxed; loft eye closisl, right eye open; face purple; pulnu at wrist Imperceptible! neither lieiirlsounds nor respiratory sounds to hu heart). At once nrlillcial breathing was resorttsl to, nml In from two to three min utes the llrst sign of life appeared In a tiioti nielli of llm left leg. The blue color f tiled from the face and thu pulse was felt at the wrist. Noon a new train of ayiup tutus set In, Them waa dllllcult respir ation. Thouiuoua ami saliva, which were tery abundant, hud gravitated back and could not Im swallowed because ol coin plelo paralysis of the pharynx, etc. There was, lu fact, paralysis uf almost all llm muscles of the uppermost p.irls of Ihu ldy, including the arma. Thn symptoms were those eihlhttisl by nn nut null when being aaphxlatcd; violent miiseulur contraction; dltllcull and forced respiration, etc. Under con tinued elforls consciousness return.. 1 In lhrce-iii.irlers of an hour. A porlod of four weeks elapsed before alt the lenses ami her general health were re attired ami all paralysis had dUappoared. lu this, according to thn Nt. I.oiil.s (llobo-lli'inocrut, do wo see the ellisit of lightning In a pronounced degree, and there eau be no doubt but that this per kon would have died f roll! the etfeclH If the physician had mil been present to at (iticn resort to artificial or forci-d respir ation and w rap the bly to inalutalu tho heat nncoasary for life. WUT W Sink In UutrktalKt. (Jillckaalid Is compoaed chlelly of kinnll partlnloa of mica mlitsl largely with s.aler. Tho mica Is ao smooth that tin. fragments slip upon each other wlih the greatest facility, so that any heavy body which displaces them will sink, nml roll' I i ii un lo sink until a solid lioltoiu li reached. When particles uf sand are ragged and angular any weight pressing on them will crowd them together until Ihey are compacted Into a aolld mass. A kalul eompnsiHl of iiileaor aoapatoiio, when mixed with killlluleut w ater, iteninu Incapable of such consolidation. I'slul fur Hltluils lloufs. To uiukii a gixsl siiui fur shingle nsits Unit eau be applied cold and dries ipjickly I Tusiiimo lurrclul coal tar, ten pounds of uipli.iltiiiu, ten pouudiuf ground slate; mix I in ntil of lioal, und add two gallons uf nil. V sTs- . alt