Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 12, 1891, Image 1

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Viw for the Stock
man, .Merchant and
n "D A 11
77 e Paper for (he Farm,
I he Workshop and he
q Home.
I 'olumc .V.
cv,rmv tvrr, gjunt county, oiwaox, thuhsiuy. no -km nun jj. isvi.
Number i4.
No traveler in New Mtsirn 1ms
failed ti look ilh nvte nml wonder
hjkmi Starvation lVnk, which raises
!U vein rable head on tire east aide
foot through nn almost unexplored full It doori not c,row on any other
region to reach his Html Held of In- mountain in nil New Mexico, but
Iwr. liliMins hero year nftor iwar, nnd al-
. . 1 . f A. .It ' , . .
rnuro una onen took long pilgrim- wny.n in ino niui-suminer, nn yon
' Rei into tin- coiinlrv, and
i said tlmt he wns in M'tirch
of the
l-filh.,1- t,,hl ,tt,,l utili.i.n uilo... ..').!, .1.
, ....... K" " 'K nini-i ..,..,
! Coronado had told nlxnit nnd which
of lite (ki IVeo. om twenty miles , nre livlicved, even ti thin day, t h
distant from Vga.. Hernnl i hid in thwo grout inountaini. Hut
Spring, famoua ever inco tho M)I- J one day (juol Father l.uis left the.
diem of Coronado camed iKwidc littlo mission never to return,
their clear water, lie at the bnse of j "IVdro left the mission hy stealth
Starvation IVak, while old .San ( mmii ofter, ami did not return until
Miguel i to i,e ntt (Hi the other i late in tiie unv. I'nilro hum was
ride, across the San IVcos. Tire
Jk geta it niiggeMivo name from
n thrilling ronllict in the early set
tlcrtHiiit of New Mexirtt. when some
SHJO Axlcc natives were driven by
llietr onemien to itit barren summit,
where they remained until they
Urrel, their foes guarding the -j m 1 1
tho while lest thoy should oscnKi.
There nre ninny trcculiar charms
about this mount of carnal legend,
it stands out l'olilly on the high
plateau, indeiendcnt of thu neigh-
iHirin rnngea, nnI trom nil direc
tion It presents to view one of tho
inoit etriking landinarkn in the
Itocky .Moiintnin system. Tho cone
i almost jx-rfeetly round at its
orown. the battlements ot which aro
K)rwndiculur, except at ono oint
on tho south aide, where ascent may
bo Hindu by tedious climbing, one
yoing Up at a time. Thu top id n
table-land, jnirfictly lint ami con
taining fifteen acres, as I should
It is many hundred feet from
I5ernnl Springs to tho summit of
Starvation IVak. On the sIors of
tho mountain then; grows u stunted
forest of native pinoiist which mark
thoir tiniUr liiA! where the perien
(licular granite walls begin.
Several years ago, while enjoying
a vacation from olliee dutv on a
dailv newsjmiMT at Las Vegas, I
iniufo the nhcent of this natural
monument, having for my guido a
young half-breed Mexican, whom I
engaged nt th" old Mission of San
.Migual. I le was more thnn ordinari
ly intelligent and wholly trust
worthy. On tho ajwx of the peak my eyo
full upon n small, peculiar l'.ower
tlmt bloomed in a cleft of the rocks,
directly under tho cross which had
been erected there in years gone by
to mark a consecrated sjkjI. It
was a tiny white (lower with a
crimson center, shaped like a heart
the only sign of vegetation that
could be seen there.
Instinctively I reached out my
hand to pluck one of them, to ex
amine it for it was a curiosity to
mo wher my companion exclaim
ed excitedly in Spanish:
"KsiK-re! Do not touch it! Do
not pull it! It is luck. Don't
you know? but no, you do not!
Much rather put your banc in fiery
furnace than touch tho drop of
blood from the heart of the holy
father. No, you do not know the
'Indeed, I do not," I replied.
"Toll it to ino." And far up there
in the cool breezes of the zenith, on
tlmt mid-summer dnv, my guide
told me, in his quaint way, the
bituplu tradition of tho peak on
which we stood and tho littlo llower
witli its crimson heart.
"It was the priest, good I'adre de
Vergurn, n faithful friar of tho order
of St. Francis rest to his soul!
who founded our mission of San
Miguel, down there on the banks of
tho Uio l'ecos. lie enme from Za
un toma in 1'M with Don Juan de
Onttle, one of the earliest Spanish
oxplorers. After establishing tho
mission, the good padre passed on
with Onate. but they left a small
hum! of soldiers there to guard the
church, nnd tho mission prospered.
"At last there came from tho City
of Mexico another band of Krnncis
onm, nnd with them more soldiers.
They went to work with great zeal
to make more converts among tho
peaceable Pueblo Indians, and boon
many wero set to work and taught
to till ami irrigatu the bottom lauds
of the Pecos down there. They
missed the wild liberty they had
lteon used to, and one day there was
n great "revolt, which resulted in
k much bloodshed and utmost in the
destruction of thu mission of Sun
'The leading spirit among thu
discontented converts was ouo
named, nt his baptism, Pedro, lie
was darker in color, heavier built
and more vicious than any other
man in the colony. His sharp
houeil dagger had more than once
lwiii plunged in human llesh. and,
whilo ho was recognized as their
londer, the other Indians all feared
him as a reptile.
"I'ndre l.uis was ono of tho most
sincere and devout of those who
had fui'wl tin dangers of tho deep
to come from fnr-olf Hjiniu, ami had
jwiruoytat tltouMtuls of Iwiguod on ,
missing, and inquiry was made of
the other fathers and of the captain
of the guard among the Indians.
At Inst they found the vicious Pedro
nnd saw fresh blood on his hands
and on Iih serajsi.
" 'How came it there?' thev nsked.
see it now. Several have tried to
plant it in other soils, but it will
not crow, and ho who tries to make
11 ! .11 I
me ciiiiMeui oi ino ueari oiood oi mo ' none and
pnure insom simpiy 10 please the
eye has bad luck ever after. Senor
vou now have the .story of the rod
heart llower that bloom's jerennially
on Starvation eak.
The llariuy county Hoard of
Trade is in favor uf a railroad to de
velop the country, as the following
from the Items, will show:
"J. Nat lludpou. one of the Vico
presidents of the Hoard, addrcsxed
I killed a bulUtlo calf,' answer-j the meeting on the subject of nearer
ed Pedro, sullenlv
" 'Where is the skin and merit?'
nsked lliecnptain. 'His arrows will
Iks red with blood bring thorn,' ho
"No fresh blood mark was ukiii
the arrow heads, and Pedro was put
in a guarded cave till the morn.
"At early break of day a squad of
soldiers took Pedro and three friend
ly Indian trailers and followed the
tracks which Pedro had made. The
railway communication, and stnike
ot the Sumpter valley railway as
alfording the most probable relief
from our prcwiit iscl.ttcd condition.
Mr. Hudon was ap;ointcd as a
committee of one to confer with the
owners of that road on the subject
and report to the Umrd.
Th" following resolution was then
unanimously adopted:
V ti Kit k a Harney valley contains
the largest area of level agricultural
.Mr. .!..!.( iroom, iixrinteiident
of thu Kugene cannety. at Kiigeno,
Oregon, anys ho can "produce the
best drier in the state, nnd can fur
ninh cstimato on litlini; im can-
iriers, tmunir sot tin,
i i . . . .
nun oonuei n greni many in tins
statu and California. As an ox
uinjilo of such facts, he refers to
tho Kiigcno cannery nnd dnur
which wns complelcd Inst April and
commenced biiHiuei on the 'JOth
of that mouth. The building is
oOxlftl) and two slorie high ami
containing tho latent improvcI
ilrior. Tho capacity in otltons or
tiny ineliiding drying and canning.
Forty thousand pound can bo put
on the drier nt once. Theeutiuorv
has time far thu mh-oii put up in
IIoit It, (iruwt nn. I IlirUrt Anion lh
l'nilB of (Irvriil.m.l.
Iir. N.iiii ii rtAtl an tnu-ri'iitliii; jixr
on t)i lU.nilniaui tn Uin AiitliruMliyl
enl iNviUm of ttio M Uh AimmIsUou.
In lIuKlitlv illolxltiiiHt anv VmiHl
stcnoquachic dulls.
eJn.ifniiihmiH.l.vr. nml i-oiiniitni 1,1, I 'Kl'li..-
remark U ft few tnel nnMig tint
ino ana eiiitutiM of tint Ktinilmaui
t.lmlllnK' hH otnervatlum U tint in
hnltltftttM of (Jri'eiiUii.l, miiiiii of wliom
ho iremitI. cuiim originally frttn
.trtli Amerloa, lie tllMM tliem lnli
tttt c!i, clvtlli.,1 anJ unrh IIIiihI,
fxiiliiH.-t a nHilnttn of tliolr plctur
'iui iHMtiinni4 an J tli.TlUsl their oie
toni ami miKlit nf llfit. mi'iilluncl
that the jtooplo In unit jxtrt of tint coun
try limit tHti yours to Juiirnoy to ttio
nonrtmt ntervlinnt n alitt anil two yeant
lit return I lie mipln hail no urllton
U, lint they Hero onli-rly and law
aliMlnir. 'Hie intern lliiltn.uir hail
warmer alotlitM than tho Wcdturn
lUMulnmux, whero many of them hail
nolltlng on a iHirUuu uf tho lee. The
tracks letl up through tho ninons land w ithin the state of Oregon and
there to this very tqtot here on thej Harney county contains at this time
mountain lop. Pedro became great- over six millions of acres of vacant
lv alarmed, and had to be dragged
along. I'p the tracks led. They
find more footprints, and see! they
were made by the sandals of the
priest. They, too, lead up this way
over tumblers, through brush, but
ever up and to the top of the mount
ain. "At last they reach the lop and
look around. What is that thev
Mct Hush! It is Padre l.uis at
prayer alone fin this very sK)t, as
near as mortal man can get to
Heaven. Ho kneels there, his hands
clasjied before him, his head rohting
on a cold, hard rock. Do not dis
turb him, soldiers, in his holy med
itations and supplications, as his
spirit reaches up to the Father of
"Hut how still ho is! No move
ment, nothing but the quiet roKso
in prayer do the soldiers see.
"The captain approaches reveren
tially, but appreheiiBively. What!
dead? No, no, do not say so! Yes,
dead there on the mount, and as in
animate as the rock iqion which his
head is pillowed.
"What is this? And this? It is
a knife, and a bone one, red with the
heart blood of good father l.uis. Oh.
horror! he had been murdered!
"The Indian Pedro stcod tremb
ling like an nepen leaf, and as his
eve loll on tlio tell-tale ilageer lie
tore himself from his captors and
sprang forward to socure the mur
derous weapon, but leealls the awful
scene of the day before and falls on
his face.
"A sudden cry of terror passed
his lips. The oisonous fangs of a
rattlesnake that lies quiet and blind
as they all do at mid-summer, have
pierced Pedro's llesh at tho wrist.
I !u liounds backward a step. His
foot strikes a lolling stone, and with
a shriek of agoiiuing despair he
goes over the duy precipice.
Wildly grasping at the empty air
he goes down, down, down.
"Look! is the assassin a tdincles
mass on the cruel rocks below? No,
he strikes on a ledge and is held
there by a ointed crag half way
down the face of the chlf. And we!
the mangled ImkIv is lying close be
side a vulture's nest. Thus (!od
avenges the death of his minister.
tenderly tho IhmIv of the dead jmdro
is taken down to the mission bv the
government land oen to and lit for
settlement, and
WiiKKi:an, the wealth ami resour
ces of this vast country are compar
atively little known to other tortious
of the world, and
Wiihu: ts, the one great need of
tliii valley is railroad and telegraph
ic communication, and
WimtKAS, the Sumpter Valley
railway has recently been construct
ed to a nearer point to the great
Harney valley than any other road
and we therefore look with hojxi to
the further ex tension of said road to
this valley. Therefore be it
Mksoi.vkd, that we earnestly in
vite the attention of the owners of
said railwav to the advantage to
them as weil as us of extending
their road to Harney valley, and to
that end wo oiler, at any date they
mav select, to meet them at MclCwen
and take them at our own exiienso
on a trip to Harney countv that
thev may see utir business interests
and resources and be thereby in
duced to extend their road to this
county and valley.
peaches aUnit HU,tH)U lb and have ! '""" ,rU M,,r" u",lr "! loo-"', ami
canned lot) tons or other fruits.
It has been a ery fair season, and
a groat amount of new laud has
been seeded. The quality of fruit
this year is of line flavor and tho
goods bring gmxl prices and arts
considered the best brand of goods
handled hy the cannery agents in
Portland. .Mr. (iiifin is willing
at all times to furnish estimates a
above stated, by addressing him nt
( ntario, California.
rio and buried in the garden. Vou
pnti rii'it litM errtvi Outre now. for it in
still kent ereen bv thu faithful ones '. ' ""bio chronic, acute
at San Miguel. '
"Kind senor, if you will take this
rope and go gently to tho edge of
the cliff, you can see tho skeleton of
Pedro, still on the ledge bv tho vul
ture's iient. The Ihuics stiil lie there
Stubborn Diseases Yield to SViltful
Treatment by Dr. Darrin.
It is a positive fact that the art of
curing diseases by electricity is
revolutionising the practice of med
icine, n i show n by the following
testimonial which sjioaks for itself:
Kemaikablc Cure of Deafness,
To whom it may concern: For
years l have been troubled with
chronic catarrh. So troublesome
bad it become that I could scarcely
breathe through my nose; had en
tirely lost sense of smell, and I bo-
jcauie almost totally deaf, accouipa
inied with ringing noises in my ears.
After a course of electric and surgi
en I treatment by Dr. Daoriu I am
! iierfeetly cured of mv deafness and
biutiig noises. Hefer to me at
Kalama, Wash. Jas I'i.a.n.naoan.
Dr. Darriu continues to treat all
classes, the rich and oor alike, free
of clurge, at his olliee, 70J Wash
ington street, Portland, Oregon. The
Normandy, Seattle, Wash., from 10
to ll a. m., to h p. m. at half his
former prices. He gives free and
confidential examinations to all at
the olliee or bv letter. He treats all
and private
diseases with electricity and medi
cines when required.
An exchange sas that two
young men of liVn.t, Nov., S.I and
7tt years icsiieetiilv, ran nwiiy
from their children and wero mar
ried. It is a grent foil it try ovor
there In iSevndii, to invigoratu
young chaps like that.
-Mr. -"lluw doort your
l.toaVfml ult you this inuruintf, itar
lliitf?" Mr. Younifbrl l.t - Jutl right! I
li'll jou, Annlo, It may Ik (iltlnlnn, but I
am fully fond of raltn llor." Mm.
Yountflirl-ie "Mo ami. thitt't you think,
(iiir't. It Mouid Im real nloo and eeo
nmiilenl to keep n c-alf, then mo ran hare
rutf liver for breakfast oory morn
Inn"'" America.
hrrr't lllturi.t Mi olMmiln
Colorado Is one of tlto hintea uWroln
tho "wtrret ilUotvu" tloiirlsliivi. Hun
dreds of thorn are gnnuM In Arnrmhoo
County Mono vrur. Instead of
iwklii)f to nU'tii the flrkHl, the I.efe'WItl
ture evrry Hoaaton Iiutimhi h il.s volume,
until tho "KiH-ret dhuree" til Culorndo
in .y now 1m aaid to havo aaauttusl Uio
aimeietlon.H of a torrent.
A ('rliii'l-!) rur Ihirmi,
One of tint must un i ,. nieu-rlcs In tho
United HUti in lnal at Hlu-.Mliiittl lUy,
Iii Uland, tho Imi.-il i;rund fir niitiHl
Ur . It tvua usuiti.u.ii ,1 t,va vari ajf.i,
and to tlio bh.1 of thu llrst ear ltlrv llutLnl
ruivr hud f.'iind b r.iuii-i .o within Us
i) i!et iir.Miiiot. Tlio ini"t In qj-.ll,u
tteri) l,uc-ky II.. H up ii.i l I'.jrtcr
Asln' S Vim As lu ri" f o, it,,, i.i;u,n..n
bruit s wi.teh n mil Ittr.f ii.iutl. il .lav mnl
ilto tvimout uiakiinr " U-iut rr. urJ I rum
1 wtll bo u'.v.-mni i tj Ih.i lit.,.r mtr
). of 111 i cku1iio u,tli-ri Hi' ,1 biiton
lUirt'ii Islat.d, VThleU is n, ti.u unii, ilmte
vu'inliy. The mvr barul Kruud U Utuuli
fully ili'iKirutiil with fluvvi-rs unit shruli
bry, nnd suitnblo h.t.uft,Mie-i muU the
lai t I't'stlnR pUccs of tho king" and noons
uf thu turf
The Chinese jiopulation of Fres
no county, Cul., uro becoming
alarmed at the turn of events in
in the bright sunlight, preserved by tlmt iwirt of the state. A few days
the puroairoftho Monteuina land." railroad coiupanv ilischarg
1 ditlnsdirectcl and sure enough I 7 tlJm. of l)0 fcUCl'jo- ,,, nf,,
saw what appeared to be the bones (,,,, u
OI i. Illlllltlll IHJIl , Ollb, Ull I'lllllll
my field glasses to bear upon the
sM)t, I saw that it ws only the out
cropping of a stratum of light col
ored granite. Hut the vulture's
nost was there all right, as described.
"Hut tho littlo white (lower with
-what of it?"
of which, on Satnrdry night last,
tho whole of Chinatown at -Med era
was destroyed by tiro, Kvidontly
the "Chinese unist go" down there.
the carmine heart
I asked of Sanchez.
"I will tell you," he replied.!
"Padre l.uis was beloved dearly by
many of the simple mission Indians
and when iMsaco was restored thev!
often made journeys to this siiot to. ... awT'T"" i i
,ay for the' re,s,ao of tla-ir good , , is Mny lute, a pnng lady
preceptor's soul. Thry found here of '''" 'Mloll- WUMl 10 1,wl'
in tho onrlv fall of the yonr this lit- t'"'" '' !' "ow b"y
tie llower, growing from tho very 1 tliu arms of .Morphoiu loo duys
Onions are iui)ortcd into tho
I'nitcd States from Kgypt. Thoy
are small and of inferior quality
hut can bo bought so cheaply in
F.gypt that large quantities aro im
ported anil sold for low pricos in
Now Vork.
rook whoroon this missionary's blood
nnd is still sleeping.
TIik sIib nr Mi...."
A "Uo" In n cat is mi Inch, In uudor
wvur lint name-; In . m. Inol, ; In cvl
1,1 r u Ii.iK iui-h, In tt shirt 11 half in. h ; iu
luuts o io tm h ; lit yluvt's onu fourth uf an
Inch, uud iu luU oao-oia-hlli ul uu inch.
llur.1 lt.r,lliUr 4 rrlrtlil linlii Hi.
IIhk .Nut S.m II tor tiMC.
Taverner tills i,',K"l atry tn Ul"
lltMUin I'll-, i iirj. f iln subjoel of
uieiuory In horv s I r mil to Im the
vsIIiiomh of uu mi l act-lie tho other da)
whloh, when rocoutiUsl. may jaKtaihly
ainuao the ri'ajer. One if thoo nut In
frtoiuent, but I i -.lib fie
tltlous neeesaltiea had uiUru wttleh
Uke ii,- u a Ul l -on this un-iskM to
u Iiirire eaUibliBhiui-lit In the tU-imty of
Ch.inlim street. It mat almut th'o u'cl.a k
In tho :ifl. riioon uud variuua ,- nili
with aUirtlnK for home, mieuirf them u
mini nnd woman who bud u n-uisrkably
Inlelllrfciil-lotikiiiK r..y Imme. dual ai
ho Imuran tn trot down tin- lane by which
thu atablo U roAcliiil from tin street, n
stout "turty" who, I uotieiil, hiul leim
ualehlnir tho gray er luu ntly, ami'
lenly t-ritil out In a l u-l t.-re: "Itan,
don't you want pb-co if euk.-V" The
horse atoiHsl abort, prlrki-d ii) hUt-urs.
linikisl nrouud and utu-rod a faint
whinny of roootfiililou unit iiMx-ut; nor
would lie Ku oil until the stout le in had
i-iiiiin fiirtMirtl nnd ei. lamed his inter-ferem-o.
1 1 niored tii jt aoti-rul yenr
beforo ho liatl bruii(fht tho homo (roui
Vermont, u hem ho had owned liim fftr
Homo 1 1 1 1 1 -. and a the boost wa mr
tlmilnrly iliK-ilo ho had Uu(ht htm the
true henso of the iiui-all hi, the auddon
nsklni,' ( which brought tho uniimtl to
a abindatlll. It la weil known that
horMN never forjfut a -raun or jdai-e,
nnd M-nrt-ely an event. No matu-r byw
much tlmo bus el4;twsl or ho-.v greatly
the homo may havo ch.iiiyd In dixi
tioii, one wont from a former maatt-r will
oaUibllah lniliietllaU-ly tho old relutlou
botwiKin thnin.
A UhIi-i Niiiul-orr.
"(iotst eviiiintf. Mr. Stick by, you
roully must tximn tu wmi mo again aotnu
tlmo." "IJr, but I wuso't tfolut; qulto
yot, MUs Ka." "OJi. I tog yonr jsir
dent Yuii Ki'Morelly do ga, you kuow,
after nn hour's btUitce."
It was tleil uit Into a hlch knot to sIhih
that thoy went ready for marriage.
When an man fell In love
tlh a woman lie dtd not and our
(wxsion.ito utlorani-et Into her ear he
ini-ly l.stk her by the hair if the bond
ami ilniiNf.M or pulled lo r to his hut
of eourw-a unman In tlreenland must.
R In ail other taoo, irt-teud not to like
ll. The women worn not consider,-.! well
edm-aiiil If they did net run bu-k home
two or thriH-tlun'i, after b.-lnt; dnnf(-nd
ntsay. If they ran away too often the
men did not llko it. Them li tint ous.
of a man golni; ovor and over again to
dra? the girl of hlx uholco to his hut, but
aho nlwaja run Imnk. lie desisted f.
some tlmt-, and nK'i In trliil. Tho girl's
frii-nd mw h I m in the distance, and
they )init-cl,t her at her rfiUat. lie
wont away without her, nnd the next
day aho was mtsalugnho hid t,-ono li.
comfort her brokun-hoiirtod lexer. The
luisbnnd's labor was on lhi-eu, and after
tho tjanio wuaenui'ht the women liiked
nfl-r It. I he men In tin- limine wore, as
a rulo, very laiy they did nothing but
eat and look after their weaisina. The
women were atwnya workiat either
newlntr, aiilnnlnjf, making etothes or
busy tn household work They lmikt-d
Well after their children, uf whom the)
wero very fond. The men, as n rule,
married early ,is sin as they could
eateh nuU enough to provide for a wife
and family. I ho they gave fm
marrying were to late the skins of Uu
eaU attended to and to keep tin
cannon in oruer - or course, lliero wen
other reasons.
ll very ofu-ii happened that gin
caienera on tlio lit 00.1st had twi
wlvft. (sim of more than two wlim
were not known The reason gheit fur
inon- iiiuii onu who was out
wife euiild Hot prepnru the skins
tho seals eaiight, and also tint
two women had to 1st until to pull th
InuiL SoiiittUnies oiin wife, when sli
I'oiiia not manage the work uud tie
house, ski-d her husband lo
another wife. Iluabnnd nnd wife ill
not kl-is, l.lll H.ilut'nl by pressing nose
I'arents neter punUlnil it-. ir 1 1 1 1 : . t - -
and no never heart! n Us-iulmau apeak
angrily lo lilt children. In a pi to of
Hit the youngsteni U-havtsl very well
A mother sucklisl her child two years
llo had ni-eu a strapping lllllo fellow
eating bread, ntandlug by bis mother i
lap and taking llutd from tho maternal
fount, toung girls very often got
small kntieit and learned how to pre
paro skin. This was tery luiKirtant to
the young women, as they had to man
ago tho cutting of tlio skins. The
young boys were also taught to catch
seals. 1 hero wero. of con mo, wnuk
children, deformed ones, and those who
lost their mothers. These were usually
thrown outside of tho house or Into the
sen. This was, of course, a very go.
utrnngeuinut, but ruthorcruel from their
tsilnt of view. This prnctlco was In
iIuIkimI In In order to get as strong Iniya
anil children as "lble. HiMpltallty
InliriH'iilaiid was greater thai1 anywhere
-Ptrat Moth --"Are you there, niilgh
Istr?" StHHind Moth "Yes; how do I
look In this now lire suit?" Youker.s
- "Can you forgive mo and lovo tun
still,' aald the new-iimdo bride, "when
I contoKs that my teeth are artlilcUlT
' I hank tied," cried the griMim, as be
matched ott his jwriwlg, "now I can
sl my head!" -Toiu Mf tings.
- Drexlen I'rofeswor (traveling In rur.
where tho ooutonu of n Isitllo In bli
neighbor's valiso aro dropping on him
from tlio rack over bis hiuull bag
jour portion, but would you kindly just
put the cork Into thai hut llo till lean
gel lime to open my uuibrelli'.''' J-'Iltt-gentle
Tho following wan overheard lo.
tweeu a Columbia student and his Iswt
girl. "()li, Will, what loiely Honors.
They look as If they had Just boon
gathered. by, thure Is a llttto dew
us,n them." Will (slightly omlur
raiMHsll "Not a coat, I assure you; nut
a colli." -Mall and IU press.
- -Tout-hod a tender chonl. Trump
"Kind lady, will you give mo some
thing to eat?" Lady "No haie some
phoppi left over from breukfust. Vou" Tramp (with a scorn
ful hsik) "Kxrusii me; they are a littlo
too suggestive of tho uim1 pile, 1
couldn't take any comfort eating 'tun."
- Kearney Kntorprlsn.
--"A young man w ho wants U) stirx-etsj
In life should let cards alone," said the
old gentleman to his sun. "Yes, sir;
hutupsMoa Jack it o-oitst for live
dollars, and )ou had Jack high, what
would you do?" "tJm,"nutd tint loner
able ain, us he mcratchwl his oar, "I
nuulil UI1 lot oard aluutj. I'd stand
tl and bti tho limit" MershaniTrav
Our. . . .
sums Thai .tin ti lu . St.ii.Unl ..
I'll.illns .(llll.. IlluntUis.
Hliuv Ib.t mistakes of Moses uo class of
-op)o has mudit such svulmr and ludl
ct.-us ermrs as Iho slcnegraphers, when
)oulko lulu iviKldorultuu llieir ceiieial
and cleverness. A iiruoilneul
Trcusury oflh-UI gives tho 'Tslkini; llu
ehiuo" ot tho Wushluglon l'ost tho bom-ai
of soverul whU-h havo boeii of recent cs-ur
n-niM In his union.
lU-ing In a hurry for certain st-lut plum
he ili.-tntcd a Idler to the lithographer,
mui-stliig In in in rush the work as spi-ssli!)
ss sisiblniit forward It to tho Tn-asury
In n Knot wugou.
Tint stoncTstdii-r brought III his t)'
wrinen letter lu n fow minutes, and his
cnu f glanced It over.
"You have this wrong," said he. "I told
you to write that Iho pluus wero lo bo sent
upiuu-Knoi wagon.'"
"That Is wlmt i undrrsloo.1 you to say,
sir I have written thai they wero lo bo de
livered in mini wagon."
"Ilul 1 said 'a Knox wagon.'
"An, )e, ccrluinly, 'an oi wagon."' ro
pl.iil the slim I linud writer "I I
fiur I .l.-u't see clearly what you n ml fall It
unii, sir 1 am tpillo sure I took you ao
cunileli "
' I'erlmpi 1 might huve inado myself Isit
ler understood," ressndel Iho chief, "If I
had s.ild Unit Uio plans were to Imi foruurtl
rtl lo tint Treusury liy ono of Air. Knox's
eipn-ss wnguns "
Tlio tiliforlunalit )oung man blushed to
llie iistw of his hslr, but his oilH-rleuoti
tun not save liim from failles- Into a stHsuul
phonetic pit wlitiln u fortnight. A iviiuiu
Jniiiig luu ul eniis-r was sin-long prt-ferment,
uud us a step toward lint of bis ili-sires
was tiling strong Iniliirseint-nts from vnrl
eui ipmrlers Among ethers to whom hi
nppl.i il whs tho Trcuiury erilciul The lut
knew tho jilting eflli-er us a tlulgt-ut.
suiilious gcntleiiiun of linn ubCitlcs and nt
Uu, incuts lie resolml to give lilin in
w arm isiiiitneiiilutiolis us txssllilp Tutnlne
to lint sleneiiiuplit-r Uio unicial dlctulcil l
eulogistic letter to Uu- proer illrecllnn, nml
nn-tiiiiiiiisl his suliject us huviiig ls-en on in
timate fisitiug ul Hut house of tho corn
mamlunt of one of llie I'tslcral navy yards.
When tho letter was handed In fur his
signature, Ju.lgo of llie eniclul's horror
w ben ho rood lu the midst uf uu othtnwlse
coitlu! mid satlsfuctory lellor tho follow nig
siut iiiug scnieucc :
He is eu Intimate footing at the nmiiiimi
dunce house, whero 1 havo mot hlui fro-
Thai letter was revised lu a hurry
The same succession of coufusutile wonts
placeil a t ashmgleii hidv of high s.-iul
stuiulliig In uu riuiHiiTitssliig sisliion Mio
was Iho family of the coniuiiitiilunt
ef Iho CharlDstown iuivy)urit In llostou
harlsir. Hl,o went shoimg one iluv with
the Coinmuiiituul's ibiugliter. After uiak
lug her puieliiiso ul one of thu blgdrt-gissls
tores oi ll usrimgtoii street sbo tltrtvliHl
tlio clerk l- have llicm soul lo her mbltcss,
Coinmundiinl's bouse, C'hiirlostowu navy
)urd. "W-wherol" ask ml tho clerk.
"Commandant's house, Clmrlcstown now
yartl "
They look like ladles," muttensl the
clerk under his brt-alh. "Did 1 understand
you tossy coinuun tlanco-house, Churloston
usvy yartl I"
"Yes," iiustrurcd tho lady, luipatientl)
"Have them sent ut once."
The purchases came, and tho driver of
the delivery wugon succeoitr-il lu placing
llicm williout much trouble, but they wore
aililresstsl to Mrs. Illank. Coinniou llunco, Ctiurlesion, Navy Yurtl " Hhe sill,
nr.-serves the ls h.l unh the udilress on
i'. nml snows ll to n seiiH i lew ul n.
Uil I r i 1 1 . 1 h .
The siiiuo ofllclal Is resiulblo fur tb
uieiiner story :
1 was ut in) desk a few mornings ng,
when n lull, or luugh lis. king liiillvldiiu
wulscd lu anil sulil : ' (io. murulnif " 1 r
; d to Ins greeting nml uskisl linn to 1.
.erttml. 1 workad sleudliy ulieud until I
i. nml n place lo imum, ilicu turned en lilin
with uu interrogation luut lu each 0)o
lie tisik his lis. t out of his hat and said :
"I'vo count lo Inkii u plueo."
"Wl ul piu. el','
"Tuke a piued ns ik-hl house keeiMtr l'i-
never kept ll llk-hl house, but that'll Jest
ulsiulsull me, so l'vo coino to lull vo I'd
uko one. It don't uiuko much d.lTuioniw
wl.ur. I seed cr ulvurilsmnent, nml i-uiue
right to huailiiuurluis 'slid of golti' titter
ugents "
II in' lluiujou tho udvorUsetiniul wilh
)etil '
' Kartln "
Tlio visitor reached i,lo his tfH-kot am
puled out a impy of ihul uiuinuig's I'os.
roiuiing to u corlulii ssil lio said :
"i nnr lis."
Thu oniciul nml nsul auuuii n
SIIIUll U.llll. I.lghl boUSSklS-ts-IS llul.l. ,
Apply, "etc It wus un udvorll.eniei.i t,
fumllics who wiiulisl lo ilu light liuu.nLu.
cahryinq their young.
How W.imlavuaks Crrf Tltrlr Onsprlll
rrutti Oii I'Usm In Aituthar.
Ono of tho most Interesting tmlH
atsHil tint w.H.Usx-k Is tho fact ot IU ikv
i easloually oouvoylng lU young through
Uio air, w lili-h Is dono by only ouo or
two other hints. This Is no recent dis
covery. The fact w as k now u as early ns
tht mlildlo of last century, though (111-ts-rt
Whllo rightly surmlMHl that tluvso
oliseriers worn mistaken who fancied
Iho young went convoyed ulthor by or
In tint bill. It Is Just an erroneous,
howeier, to substitute the clawn, as
soinn littlo done. The truth Is that,
when tho parent blnl wishes to convoy
her young ono fnuii a plvo of danger
tonne of safely, the tiny thing Is gently
pressisl U-twinin tho feet and agatast
the breast, tho aid of tho bill tsdhg nt
sorlisl to only when the bunion has Intuit
hastily taken up. In this woy tho whole
ot the brtnsl Is sometimes reiuoiitt tram
one part of a tnl to another when tho
Idnls hum ln-en inuch dlsturtnnl. On
this snlijKt there is ait Interesting nolo
III "l.ajs of tho Door rorest," by tho
brothers St.tart: "Ono morning sitting
on a gray stone, t saw a dark; eye which
uasflxml u hiu mini) fmm the Insl of
b-aies Intfcro tue, when suddenly tint
little brown head of a young wmnlem-k
n-epinl out from tho feathera of tho old
one s breast, uttering thai plaintive cry
for whlrh language has no sign. Thuro
wero two merit young woods'ka, nnd to
relieve tho anilely of the MitdVr, I left
her. Near tho place whero 1 found her
them was a soil, green strip, such ns
wisnlmn-ks loin, ,d no duuhl thnl
the family would 1m there noil day; and
as I passed near I turntsl aside lo sen
what thoy wero doing. I'nm a dry Imnk
half way down tho brae, I aliuiwl stum
bled liter a blnl, which new at my foots
and as ll d .tried through tho trees J saw
that It had something lu Its claws, and
at tho same time 1 heanl tho plaintive
cry of young wtmdcooks just under my
feet. I lookml down there wero two;
and I thought a hawk had carried olt
the thlnt, and ntrhaps killml the mother.
This, howeier, 1 found on following tho
blnl. was the old woodcock, which, Isdng
Itushtsl again suddenly, af ter a low Might
of only a few yanls dropHnl what It was
currying: -her own young wisslcisik."
I his trait may 1m conflrmtsl by any onu
who will look out tho blnl In iM
haunts, and Is all tho morn interesting
as It seems to lm all ucutn-d mm, Tint
blnl Is In no way adapted lo lranssirt
Its young through tho air. Thu Uulo
man's Magailuo.
Hit Tvlls IVhnl N silica ,r. I'.ipiil.r
.liiioiiK Nii.t-stlrd IJIrrnrr IVoinsu.
An Old Alitor: I wonder If any
woman ever liked herown name? When
I was In the harness I u havo to
rend all tho manuscript that onimi to tint
oltlco. Most of our contributor!! went
women. Women, I ham sometimes
thought, aro naturally Incllntnl to litera
ture. I never knew one who didn't
drift Into writing for the press If aim
bud tho slightest oueOUragomot.L And
when limy tsigln to wrllo of course tho
llrsl thing they do Is to selin-l a hum do
plume. These unsullied names used lo
nil lbidc muni l-rorredlnc ll Voiil
Uncord I. l (ii-nl.
Up In my eobiilii, ' ,,i. u (.'uiigri-ssinari
lo u Wuslilnglon Tost retsirler, "Ibero Is si
old chap who iltes on u f ui lit Ihroc ml e
out ll Is ii lino farm uud old lloiei
hus a tidy wniiy put by. Ilul hu has uu evei
w celling umbl ion In bo n :l, li.i
fall ho was hoiniunlisl for isiumy surveyor
As soon ns the uoiulnnliou Wus made hi
proccodiN.1 to Mil uphuilseif uud lhacruwd
Alstul ten o'clo.-k lu t ho evuiilng ho uu
nnuiicml his deiiarture.
'Mush go home,' said hit. 'lis.- 'isirluiit
hlshness to home (Iwsl - hie gisnl even'
Imi)sIi, Mush ti I) il iluef this iioiuiiiushun
lleo bio- mwcht-roii 'li-cllimiluy. Whausr
tnuiiur wti lime) I lie's n' rl'.'
llo unhitched his siuiu, uud uf lor several
futlln cRorts liuulni.l Into ti,e w-uguu nnd
tlurtinl home Tint ilu-lln horses ki mv the
W'uy, unii wl.rii he pulled them Into tin-
ditch lu Ids ivenry t-nurls to lucreuse their
tnnnl would iKiticntly climb back ii,o the
risid Binlgoon. l'mally they wheeled Into
his yurd and sliipin-d hy Iho kitchen dimr
lloxcy promptly tumbhsl out ami eruwhsl
Into the bouse, where ho oulh-d Ins wife
Hhe had retired, but ruiuo out, coinllo In
"'M'rla', said lit-, gravely, steuilrinir him.
elf by iholuUlo, 'was any yer folks ovur In
'W hy, no, John. Wlml Is the muucrl'
llo wnvetl her Into sllouco. V . n - lu-
-washer aiier hung!'
"'.".0, Intleinl. lie was as iesec.
" "Jew ever -Idc- M'rlu; low ovor do unv
thlug wrong 'foro 1 hio 'font 1 married
you I'
Certainly not. w hy do you ask such
questions I'
'"M'rlu, I've lHn nominated for couutv
sh'vuyur, 'n 'f you'vo oyer donu-hio done
uy thlug w rong It'll all bo lu tho minora lu
U' uorulu',"1
nmuso mo and I t.nik a lancy nun day to
keep traok of iheiu for onu year. At
the oiplrutlou of that time I dlseomrin!
that tho dan, o "Maude" led tho
The neit was "l.llllan," and thou they
M'anintnnl olf Into the realms of llutlou.
"lleulah," "Mlspah," "Itownna." nml
the like, (kn'aslonally I found ono who
assuuusl a commonplace tag. and 1
nolicml that such a one, as a rule, gen
erally inado her way in the front. I
wonder w hatomr IsH-uine of that long
pun-esslon of inrrow ful-liniklug nreiit
ures who tisml to con, o to my desk with
great bundles uf manuscript and lm
sem h mo to examine It and use It, at
the sumo tlmo tolling mo of the sick
children at homo who were famishing
for bread, and who couldn't get any un
til "this article" wan prtiitinl. At llrst
I was soft-heurtisl and Usteuisl to t huso
ap-als, but mou found that I had morn
manuscript on hand than wo had not
uuins tu tho pamr. Thnn I grow hanl
heurttnl. I'or Instance, I would ask ono:
"How many children have you?" If aim
said more than two I asked their names.
Then 1 would ask tint nature of their
diseases nml sho would tell mo. I would
tuke the story ami label It, "Katie
measles." Then of tho ntut applicant
the saino query. Then thn lulnd,
"Johnny tho mumps," and then I
would lay tint MSS. away In a pigeon
hole and ovaslonally I would look tlioiu
over and wonder how tho Invalid eorsi
wero progressing. When I felt a llttto
womanish In my heart I would select
tho "disease" which 1 thought was most
dangerous and tun IL And then 1 usml
to watoh tho obituary column. Ilul I
nnior aaw thn announcement of the
death of any of thn starving ones whoso
names, wero on thn parchment In my
plgeou-holoa. Chicago Trlbuno.
Tilt: railroads' pay-rolls tor Ibtk) w ill
Is- nearly 7lMX(XH).ooo.
Tilt, live New llngliuul States lust
yonr built only sixteen miles uf rail
mud. Tin: Northern I'aolllo nililoil two linn
tired nnd ninety-four miles of trauk lo
Its system In l.hyo. y
Two iiiot-s.tNii two hundred train
leave lmdoii ordinarily every twenty,
four hours.
IVnicfmo M-rvnnts nre ut u-tireo In
Montreal that the women In mint f
help are said to visit tin- jail Willi u
view to engaging youup; women to work
for tin-in ut th,. close of their torm of
Imprisonment. t
Tin: only onyx jnillslilng works lu thin
country, located u Itutland, Vt., will
bo reimivml to Missouri, ond eufujfo In
preparing for market tho vast iuuntl.
tlon of onyx mined Iu Crawfonl mill I'u.
Ilikkl iHuilitics.