Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 29, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Ool- JO.
Ak your merchant for Prairie
City UohVr Flour.
8m Ik fine and low pried ckvk
si U Watchmaker,
Pbwi lino of i-kvV never l)for
Witt Ik Otant county now at t!n
Comity eotnt, regular Novemtar
term, ..otivpiics ni-xt Monday. Com
infsnioners meet on Wednesday.
Wilt not Uiorouidi and deep rultivu
tiwi I I irrigation! lt our farmer
try. It nml see if they it re benefited.
'lhe people of UiU section of-Hutern
Oregon can now obtain their (lour At
home. Home manufacture from homo
grown wheat.
Tit Pottinnd ltuninew OoliHgtf, of
whih Uiero i ito Wttw in tlm inlitnv
ivlii, Iwt n nupil from this city in tlie
jterMNt of Mr. Walton Wilcox.
l'flfc. the Se.Utlo Iwf buyer, left
M?erl thouwml lollni in Uie kmmm
lon of Ortmt county ttockmen. Yet
Uifre' room fcr thousand rmre.
John Luce htlp on a recent trip to
PotHlleton wn titAilo deputy orgAnizer
nf Uie fArinrrs alliance, ami will pro
ceed to have that order ifpreAenled In
Grant county.
Pendleton rAptUlUU an- inleceateil
in (Sntnt ooiinty'i ininei Ihvjium they
ma in Uie near future an oppwtiiuity
to douhlt) Uieir oapiUd the rwult of u
.siilnUuitinl Umiii.
Circuit court for thin county will
iiinet next Mouilny wnok, Judge Clif
ford presiding. A yet the ilcokol i
not exceedingly largo for this county,
hut a number of ease were continued
from last term.
Hon. 0. S. Dustiu, Umnt and liar
ncy'.s last wproseiitntivo in the legis
lature, spent a few days in the city
recently en business. He says thn
now roller llouring mill at Long Creek
is in successful operation.
Tho "aaw dust" clause of our fish
law has befn declared unconstitutional
from thn fai t that it wat not meiitiou
ml in the title to the act. According
to a recent decision you can now dump
your sawdust n trout stromas. Hut
plonsc don't do iU
Mr. Anderson, of Ihjach creok, re
cently sold a couple of lieef cattle for
?2r) uacli. This is nowhere near the
price that stockmen expect to got, tat
some of them are selling rather than
to run tlic chances of tho lots a hard
winter will entail.
Married, at Iturni, Harney county,
Saturday, Oct. -1, 1WU, .MU Clara
A. Uyiam and Or. W. L. Mantden.
Mi Myrain is a Canyon City young
lady, and J)r. .Marsden is a physician
commanding a good pnictico at Ihirus.
Thn Xhws coiigmtulaU-s.
Judge Cliilord anil our home at tor
nays Punish and Dustiu, dejiarted for
1 turns last Sunday, to be in attendance
at circuit com I on Monday. Harney
county is limited to a two week's term,
whan the judgV will occupy tho judici
al easy chair in this city.
Judge Ha)Itiue, w ho returned home
from Poitland last week, visited the
expoHitiou while almout. Judge IU
eltitiB lieliove that (Jiant county
Kliould rent a lwth in the exKitiii
building next year, in which to di
pl.iy our grand mineral and hotticult
und product
The last ivsue of the Ni;n shouhl
li:ivo coiiUiimil the annouiicomout nf
tliu murriage of Hury KiugKiuyer and
Millie Lo Una, also A. C. KbUut anil
Maltha li. Ward, which happy event
occurred nt tho City hotel in thii city
on the lth iiwU, Circuit Judge M. 1).
Clill'ord tying tho double knot.
Attorney 0. A. Johns, of Itaker
Oity, nsol through town Lut wtw-k
on his way U) I turns, whro he goes in
the capacity of deputy irucuting at
t'intfv' to iht in utteuijanaii at com t
there. Mr. Johns is also spoken of as
tho futuie mayor of Itaker City, ami
it would bu a glad surprise if lui
friuiuU should eltM't him to that honor
able otilce vru he rwturns.
Peter Clemens, it is repoited, is the
locator of a rich itart ledge just above'
the place where the gold has hn
found on Trout creek. From jmrties
who hate tikited the ne discoveries
we lea ill that the gold found in the
placer claims ranges in size from wheat
grains to peas, and it rough, indicating
very little washing or abrasion. Per
haps it ha come from (juaitz near by.
Columbia Joe and hi Istud of reli
nk in followw have Ixien in tlie ueigh
tariug mouutnini nearly all fall, but
our people mhi no practical way to pie
vent tlmin itsiining our hills and
slaughtering game. These Indians
play the game pretty well, as they
drive the deer hack fiiuu the valleys
and shoot them away Utck in the tim
Ixir where no white man will molet
them. Hut at tho rate they are going
they must cull a halt soon for want of
doer to operate on.
Wo wure in hujioa that our lecent
trip to Judge SeU' ranch in Hear val
ley would furnish a column or so of
news, hut the editor of this Uniting
journal onmu home without the
aforesaid ool, or so. In couiMtuy with
Mr. SeU, Mr. Haptontull, Mr. Henz
and Itwyur, a few daya at the
farm ware sjnuit most pleasantly, but
the only o.xoiUmeut was when Mr.
ti).t!l itJiut ami imwuitly killtNl Francis
Kulth's ttum iolcat, J lowuver, thoro
wa sQiui rpjoiaing at that event.
Serview nt the M. 11. elmrcli Sun
day evening at 7 :30. tat nil mne.
(Jet ytmr eyes tilted with tins right
kind ofapectnclen nt tl Watchmaker's
Canyon Oity.
Sivnl of this city's young -wopfc
MttKil n I Kll nt ML VeWOU
but Pridy night.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ccddea, Ui school
tencher of Pro i Ho City, -mid our city
it visit last Sntnnlny.
At ktit the machinery of the John
Day doming mill if shipped, and is
exjKsctoil to arrive mm.
Prairie City i nuural nf -curihg
the Kastern Oregon district fn)r next
I year, HtMl thu (Imnt county will If
l honored.
Pouhty Judge H it eltinc Iwh nth
j ioinU'd lUlnh Kink ndmiiuntrfttor
' of I hi' citato of John
j erased.
.Scigimn, de
j Frank WiUon, of IVtker City, wn
i over with a i(d of tewing mnrhin
lately, trying to !! without the nil of
jwinter' ink.
.1 tick Htaiiheti lut Imited the Itine-
I Imrl building Mljoining hit shop aihI
j will liAve it mw tloor imt in a ml fit the
mme up lor a liniiriiig linll.
1. Jewett, proprietor of the lliirtin
Cunj'on ulAge line, infoniu u thnt he
contemplate lmngini hit route in
, uch ft wy a to enable hint to con-
; vey passengers to the Trout creek
It is said of Harney county young"
ladiei that they tulire from company
to cluinge their mind, lint Uie news
Niper of that county do not blush to
tell the nuked truth, we aio plented
to announce.
(luernsey And Southwmth, we
informed, weie the purchasers of
I log Hat ranch sold under execution
last iieturday. As the tract is valued
chietly for its timtar a sawmill will
prolmbly lie erected thereon.
'llie treasury of the sUte of Oregon
like that of (Jrant county il empty.
Tiutiurer .MeUchan i endorsing war
rants now as fast at presented. The
state will pity interest on these war
rants until late in the spring.
Or. J. H. Fell has associated him
self with Hr. Ashford of this city in
the practice of medicine ami surgery. ,
Ir. Foil will remain at John Oay, and I
the now lirm w ill nUo occupy an office '
at Prairie City on certain dates, Uie 1
Nbwh i infoimed. J
The "Ih'uvcr of Oregon" got left a j
few mornings ago when the train on
the S. V. H. H. did not proceed to I
MclCwen becauiic there wmm not a load i
of uiwengent and fieight. That is j
not the wny railroads act which lead
intt from a regular Denver.
Part nf the Hteel Ixxjtha for (!rant J
countv'e voters to cast their "An-
triilian ballots" in, have arrived.
There will ta 70 in all, na tho law
g.aya thero Hhall he one. for at leuht
every -10 voters. The Australian
.system cornea high, hut wo intut
keep uj) with the prtK-cmiion.
Jack Vincent, an experienced
miner, returned Tuesday from the
newly discovered Trout creek iiiiiiee.
IIo rcort a few good clainm in
narrow gulches, and little or no
water. The country is of porphyry
formation, and the "hauka of gold
dual" have Ihcii greatly exaggerat
ed. (ins ("impary, formerly of Shoolly,
who fell hick and watt pushed by
hist creditors, turned all hie projterty
over to an assignee to prevent iU
being fold under execution, nud in
in hopes of coining out ahead finan
cially after all debts are paid. Mr.
CtiHpary ia going over to the Trout
creek mines to view the situation.
In another column will ta found
the description of the Ouudlnch
farm, which id being oll'crcd for sub
on very reasonable terms. It is the
tast improved place in this part of
the country ami it him proved iUelf
the best grain ranch in the valley
this year, and at the price it is oiler
od one good wheat crop would uiy
for it at present prico.
W. F. Huteher, the linker City at
truey, has Imw-ii in Portland, ami gave
Uij Oregouiau lejiortersome "jHiinters."
SM-akiii uf the Militicl outlo-jk ill
Ivtstcru Oregon, l(r. HuU-hur gave it
us hit opinion that Senator J. II.
Haley would get the democratic iinin
mutton for conrcs in the second con-gn-skioiwl
dittiict, and that either H.
S. AuderMiii, of llaker City, or W. It.
Kllis, uf lleppuer, wwihl be his opsn
ent. At a meeting of the lird of direct
ors of the lfcuUrn Oregin District as
sociation held in this city last Monday
it m divided to hold the uut annual
mwting at Prairie City, O'rant county,
at some time next fall to be decided on
by Ue Orant County Agiicultuml and
St('k Society. John McOoiutld was
uluctiNl irosideiit, J.J. Co.ti t, of ! in nt
county, vice piosidetit, J, l. House
(apiioiuted a niHiulx-r bv the county
couit of Wallowu county), and IS. S, i
McCouuis was eliH-ttxl socrutnry. Ij
(I'nunle Chronicle. j
Some time in the future when a
milruuil accepts the Canyon creek juts
and crosses the ilividuiuto Hear vul
ley there will spring up a magic city
in the glade where now the llutteriug
leaves and wealth of verdutu uie ar
ranging Uiemsolvo in bright hued tints
Uiat gently whisjier of the upproauh of
autumn and give early wnrmngof win
ter's coming, Nowhere nre such
scenic el feet, in all their Alpine
grandeur, Uj ta found by those who
seek to commune with imtuio in all
hvr wgmlrgu luvuliinwi.
lZftlt IUKAS.
Ukh, Or., Oct. 2(1, ISO I.
.1. J. Angel I and Mr. Jordon, the
Utter from tin' Silver Wells country,
are ranching for W. 1). Olllcer.
lion well I More, from lower Heaver
ceeck, in twirling the riatta nml
raking intiitnnga in this section nt
Mr. S. Lewis', one of our prominent
ranchers and cu,xnter eontom -
plate removing to The Dalles noon,
whore he hows to Mud employment
nt his trade.
CUtlwriiig lKf in now the nmin
htMincM in thi.H jwtion, and tho
VHMtieroe nud the wtiuld 1k vmiueroH
re lmppy Ai well ns overylnnly who 1
liAVecAttle to fell. " I
Mr. W. A. May has juft returned
from Portland ami the Willamette
valley where he lm lieen on bind-1
neft, bringing with htm hiri iuiilie.t '
for the coming year.
Mr. Frank Percy, who has tacit '
in Waahington running a liverv
slnble thin summer, in Imck niftling
1 on his rnneh. He hnd the miitfor-
' tunc to Iw htirnetl out.
Wo leru that a couple of our
embryo vxiUfriw had a scrap while
down in tlie Mtinli-r's creek country,
the rcAtilt of it horse race both
came out seen ml tast.
Ottr old Friend. Nota Lewis, Iiah
purchased a cart and harness. Tt)
many of the good things ntul pleas
ures of life have evidently had n
dcbilinting effect tion Nobe.
The Huhlwiu Sheep A Land Co,
who have had some 10,LHK) sheep in
j the inlgu of this and Harney county,
are ( have just turned their heads houie
Ute i ward and (tod eod them, ia our
We arc informed that Mr. el' Mrs.
V. W. Honham nre thinking of mov
ing to Spokane, Washington in the
near future, where Mr. II. expects to
be able to work at his trade to a
tatter Advantage.
Harvey Sommorvillo nnd crow J
have returned from tho Heaver creek ,
range where they have taon riding 1
in the interest of the stockmen of!
this section. They brought quite a '
drove of cattle home with them. i
Mr. James Harrison is getting out
timbers and having a lot of shingles
made, preparatory to building some
lnrgr sbciis to shelter his hheep j
from the winter btorms. Mr. Har
rison is breeding and raising home !
as fine sheep as there are in Oregon.
The Coleman tays, of Hcnvor !
creek, hnvo tacit matching their j
race horse, Hart, which they taught I
of Vnlnev Olllcer, against the crncka
of that neck o' the woods, and have
been winning rcguiar. They don't
rnibe Vm on Heaver creek that can
taut him.
Mr. John Hyde, who started out
in search of a beef buyer eoinu time
ago has returned home and rciort
having sold all the beef on the South
I-ork. I'rcviV llroouie, of hllcng-
burg, Washington, being thu buyers
at lij cents jkt Hiiind delivered at
Since the advent of our first stage
Iiec has assumed quite mutrtxm
lan airs. Wo are o.eeting the
next move to ta incorKiratiun and
the establishing of a uewspajcr,
after which wo exited to couieto
with John Day nml Ioug Creek for
the county seat.
Volney Officer hnd tho good luck
to get his iohj on to a big buck ilcor
one day last week, and managed to
get it tied to a juuier; but while he
was gone after help to bring it in
alive it wound iUelf up and broke
its neck. Volney also got his rope
onto a bear not long since, hut in
the scrimmage the animal got away.
(Jrant county has plenty of water
M)Wur ami lots of sheep. Why not
try and induce some live man to
start a woolen mill? Thousands of
dollars are sent out of this county
ouch year for woolen goodn that
might just as well be manufactured
here. Hesidea tho trade of this
country n live, energetic man would
ta able to control the trade of nearly
all south ICnstern Oregon. Let thu
News agitate tho matter. Her col
umns could ta devoted to no better
PuachcK, UimaUie and cabUigo fur
sale by (J. W. Houston at reasonable
rates, at the cottage on the hill.
(lo to the Hud Front Uilliard Hall
for a cool, refreshing drink of the
finest lager tacr in Ivuteiu Oregon.
The burnt district of Tlie Dalles
is taing built up pretty rapidly.
A taut -10 buildings are in course of
construction. j
I As it 1ms taon currently ruiiorted
j that D. II. Uiuchurt had sold hi on
l tire fruit crop to a Tacoina fruit
company, .Mr. Idncimri request us
to state that said rciort is without
any foundation whatever, and that
hc still has on hand about KXXJ
bushels of choice winter apples for
Our "Hub exrter" failed to in
fiirm tho Nkws last week of the re
sult of the races nt Prairlo City,
by careful iiiipiiry.hovvevor, ro loitrn
that everything passed off quito
ideasantly. Cicero, Lady Mack,
Johnnv Moore and Johnny Knox
were tlie horiMie carrying off thu
honors for lleetuess. Tliu Orant
County Agricultural and Stock As- (
hociatfuu will ruuiiiin a erinaiiuut i
organization. I
' Oclolr 27, IStt.
I S'-fdal CorniiMlpn to .ks:
Mr. (Snlbraith h improving.
luilgo Clifford was in town one
day last wuok.
P. M. .Indd, a jeweler of Komi I,
hn taken Itis departnre.
t i ii...... i. ...:.!.):... il...
. , , , ,. , . . "
: ,,,ruh " iho Mt",,or tU'tmU
Miss liattie Muck Iim returned
houiu. Wo arc glad to hnvo her
, wft, m nu,
' Mr. mid Mrs. Clmmlwr have
i hero for n fuw da.
Ijiwyer John, f I laker City,
jWMed through Prairie one day
last week en route for Hum.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin, of Middlo
Fork, tRnt Sttirdav and Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. ('nrpcuter.
Roy C'hiltciid.iii and Willio
Anderson art now noted as taing
among tho largo boy attending
our school.
Quito a number of our citizens
attended (ho fnreral service of
Mr. I.uco. Tims again Kallicr
Time takes his own.
! Miaa Anna Brodie, who hat boon
' absent front .h-IiooI a mouth on
nceoniit of her mother's illness,
' has returned to attend school.
' A move is on foot in tho inter
moiliatu grade of the school lo inr-
' elutio a dictionary and tnte map.
i Several tays and girls have papers
' nml raised a cry nice sum by silb
seription nt one intermission.
j Tlila is it move in an advance.
lit n Hkimrtkr.
I DucVs fot Sale.
i I have it choice lot of tath
Thoroughbred and tirade Morino
1 bucks for sale at It. t Trowdridgo's
i ranch. All parties wanting bucks
,' must come at once and get them.
i (io to the Hid Front Uilliard
' Hall, Canyon City, for fine wine,
linuora and cigars.
, The presidential tap is nn Unit
j ern insect and is getting to bo n
pest. It ought to ta investigated.
Ilnguotvood A Co. nre repairing
t their liay scale?, tho timtars of
, which have been in the earth for '20
j years.
j A jvoeui in the twper- "has the.
' caption, "Wheie the Trout Liu."
j That is easy; they Ho in the vrater,
and the tlsherinen lie out of it.
j Harney county has indicaliona of
' coal and now Home follow has dis
covered silver bearing rock in the
vicinity of Steins mountain. Kast-
ern Oregon is full of valuable miner-
Hoof plate nnd stove pipes conolaul
ly on hand at Frank l'lciichman's.
Will set up stoves nml attend to nil
work in that line. tard can and
buckelt kept on luuid, and all kinds
of rejMiiring done. 1m
i According to ollicial reports to
I bacco is raied in fuiitteen cotin
I lies in Oregon, I.inn being the
j banner ono. In jwint of average
j value H.r aero Oregon stands third
i among thu states.
Orant county Huh tho Inslest
; horses, the heat and fatteat cattle,
j tho finest sheep with the largest
, wool clip, tho biggest grain yield lo
' the acre, the most hardy and finest
flavored fruit, and the largest vege
' tables.
' When you send away for goods
reniember the (Inn of t'tiii'm A- Me
Fnrland at Heppner. They not on
i ly guarantee you firnt ! is gotxls at
j lowest prices, but tin y pay mail or
j express charges on s.niio to any
' stage ollico in Oratit or Harney
j counties. Hoe their new ''ail" fur
I further particulars.
Kiaminalion of Tcachtn.
Notico is hereby given lhal
the purpisu of making an examina
tion of all ierou who may oiler
themselves iih candidates for teach
ers of tho schools of this county, the
county school superintendent there
of will hold a public examination at
John Day, commencing at one
o'clock p. ni. on Wedn .-lay, .Nov.,
11, I MM.
Dtiled this '21th day .fUct., 1 Ml I ,
M. X. Ili'MIAM,
County SiijH rinteiHlent.
To tin Public.
Tho warehouse at MdCwoiivillu
having bt-cn liuishcd, all shipjieni of
freight should notify nie whether
they want their gixxls forwanled to
the'present U-riiiinuH of thoHumpter
Valley It. It. Freight and trnin-fer
charges together 1 eing twenty-five
cents M-r hundred isiunds, diatunce
from this s)iut to the present end of
thu line taing twenty-fix miles, it
brings thu gixxls nearer home.
Please direct all niiimunicf lions
and orders here, and everything will
have prompt attention.
H. A. Hkii.xkk.
linker City, Or., (Jet. 21, IMJl.
All teamsters must present a
written order for goods, or else they
are liable to go back empty as kxi
tivuly no good are delivered umu
say to by teamsters.
, A. llqiuvint.
Ttout Ctcck Mines.
lixdtcmunt ngartling the recent
iHmqxt ry of gold in northern liar
noy county is still nt fox-or hont,
with no signs of a e peed v abatement.
The story of the party "of emigrants
who found some yellow mctiil in n
gulch along in the "lOV nnd car
ried it away with thorn, nfterwanls
finding it to ta gold, tins taon re
vived. This is the old "Hlue Huck
et" legend, ihi called because tho
emigrants, toil stained and weary,
declared they could gathur n bluo
bucket full of the yellow tnulal which
they ditl not know was gold. After
the gold excitement in California
many of the wrly returned to fouroh
, for the place where this gold was
j found, but as they had not paid
t strict attention lo" the lav of tho
country, nnd in the absence of roads,
they were unable to find it. On
this imjiortant question the
Harnev Press say: "It is author
itatix'cly stated that the long lost
Hlue Huckct mine has been discov
ered in what is known as tho Peter
Mortimer canyon northeast of Har
nev City. U appears that an old
prosHH-tor named White has lieen
tracing tho old emigrant trail
through from Snake river, nud found
the grave of the womnn who died a
little over a day's drive from the j
famous Hlue Huckct gold discovery, j
lie has been ataut six mouths on
tho work and since finding the grave
hat made diligent search this way
from it. Ataut ten days ago he put
a man on the road to California with
orders to change horses nud make
H) miles a day. White himself
packed his things and started a few
days later. The rider told at one
of Ida stopping places that his
had panned out two ounces of gold
from ten pans and had sent him
for friends in California. Thu
parties receiving this information at
once hastened to Harney City and
began hunting for tho discovery.
On Saturday morning there was a
rush for the Peter Mortimer canyon.
Hold was discovered thoro and it is
thought that this is thu rich mine.
Notices were written and pasted on
stoncmnnd men on horseback rode
a race for tho first claims.
The mountains aro full nf men.
The excitement is spreading and
wagonloHils of eager men are coming
into Harnev City daily, from dis
tant localities. Tho wildest tumors
nre of great banks of gold
dust taing found. It is with the
grealest care that tho news gatherer
can separate the true from Cut false
rejKrts. Tho discoveries aro rich
enough without any exaggeration.
Oold has hem found in paying
quantities in three gulches on Trout
creek. On tho Harney City side
rich claims have been located on
Soldier creek, llatllef nake, Coll'cpol
and Cow creek."
At his homo down the river, Sat
urday. ( let. '21, 1 HI) 1 , Mr. William
Luce, aged ti.'I years.
Mr. Luce hud boon lo Portland
all summer receiving medical aid
for a sore on one of Ids legs, which
had bothered him from inn-hood,
ami n few days after arriving home
was stricken with paralysis, from
which he never recovered.
Hi Lody was laid to rest in the
Canyon City cemetery last Monday
nftcr a short address at thu John
Day church by Hev. K. Hayes, thu
olHcquies being under thu direction
of Ilobah bslge I. O. O.K., of which
order the dec-'ised had long taon u
faithful member.
Tho life work of Mr. Luce is well
known by his acquaintances, and
bis noble character needs no lauda
tory remark to enusu memory to,
dwell in sweet unison with the ten
der emotions of those who knew and
loved him Ih-hI. Ho was ono of the
pioneurs of Oregon, nnd of (Irani
county, coining herein LSii'2. His
purse was always open to thu needy,
and charity and uprightuusri ehar-
acti-ricti mm among men. i no
long funeral cortege indicated the
ete-in in which tho departed one
had Im-cii held during life.
Prattle City School Krpoit.
The following is a monthly reKirt
of the Prairie City public school for
the month ending" Oct. J-'t, IS'.H:
Xumtar enrolled in thu high
school 'is, davs present iliid, days all
dent .'!i, tardiness , daily average
31. Xumtar enrolled in "the inter
mediate (it, days present 1 170, days
absent Hi, tardiness 7, daily average
."ill. V '
Examination pajtcrH all show a
marked improvement from lust
month. We are always glad lo see
palroua take an interest in their
school and wo earnestly invito you
to visit the school. Our motto
"Met bod is the thing of business and
there is no business without order
and punctuality."
it. L. Okiiuks, Prin.
Bucks, liucts, Duck.
I have fiU) Hticks for sale. Ail
drcM, Tom Mohoa.v,
Heppner, Oregon.
(irahum flour i.(X) sir barrel,
barley cents, rye '2 cent and
potatoes 1) cunts r ound at
Mr. (ininville CLui: lia littml up
rooms for a hospital in Uie Horaluy
building in Ud city, ami i now pm
pared to receive tienU, and furnish
tiism quiet and eeiiifoi bible nutiiiiinU.
Hwktuok of drug awl modicum is
it Uj frmh and agmpluto.
llaker Oity, October. 20, 1SDI.
To the Kdilors Duxtot'itAT:
It seems to ine that I was a del
egate to tho doinoomtio county
couvunwon wiiiuii liouiinnteii our
rc,it county judge, and one of
ho strongest nrgumonts t.l hi
Ins favor wni that ho would he the
watchdog of the treasury. (ireat
Scott! 1 1 as ho
ooen mere on
our poor iclves
watch; if to for
lut's nut hint to l'o to slooti.
Cull him olf.
Thu expenses of our
county for livo
niontfis amount to..,SBfj,Hii (5!l
Tho estiinatel revenuu
fmm taxes for tho
fiscal year I MM ill. 000 (JO
K.xcoss of expenditures
over thu year's re
ceipts (in o months) t,i'2 C,)
At this into where will we be
at tho end of the yeorf
Xo wonder ono of tho otlh-ers
was heard to any that he was not
thero for his health; but for the
money there was in it.
A. II. HlfiiWN.
X. II. - The, uImivc from the
Democrat is 11 sum pie of wlm the
Itakor City newsjmH!in contain
nowadays, "nud indicate that tho
taxpayers of 1'akur county had bet
ter havu an eui on tho county
finances bufoio thuy become hopu
losslv insolvunt.
Comnif mlulile.
All claims not consistent with iho
high characler of Syrup of Figs are
purpoM-ly avoided by the Cal. Fig
Syrup Company, ft acts on the
kidneys, liver anil bowels, cleanxing
the systuin eflcctually, but it is not
a cure-all and makes no pretensions
that every bottle will not substanti
ate. Csrd of Thanls.
'l'o those of our neighbors and
friends who extended to us their
sympathy and aid during the late
illness of Mrs. Powell, occasioned by
the accident which befel her on Sept.
10, wo extend our heartfelt thanks.
Especially do wo feel grateful lo
Mrs. (). Otiernsey, Mis. Oeo. Sol
linger and Mrs. I). O. Overboil, fur
their kindness, and also to Drs. Orr
and Poll for ollicient'trontinunl.
Mil. and Mus. J. W. Puwn.i..
Canvou City, Or., Oct. '2(1, 1SIII.
llutr u .Mil it 14 11 1. llttiln m tlllnk itml
r M. 1, li, 1.1...
A very KimnliiK liiiulcul, wiy Peck'
Hun, 1iuihiioI u low tivoiiiiiR lure ever
ut I lio llljiiu ()wn tioutc, mill 01111 younK
iiiuii, ul Irusl, ris ln u liuiu.n wIik'Ii lie
will nut lui-'l in 11 hurry 31. Kw lUukiu
wu eiilnrtuinl.'iK 11 lnrft uuiln-ii. e wl'.ti hln
new play, "The Huiis.ih)- Wile." ninl h.ut
Ijacuinu IiIiikI, n lilt Imlilt ill eui li H-r
(ormaiiiv, ivtem Uii curUiiu went Ojivii 1.11
the nvouil hcI. Ikn'oinl mull luiUKHlintely
artu ut il crewUwl their wuy nut, Dm etiger
cjiiri-Uiii uixiii their fii.-o telling piuiuly
llmt Ihi-y vtcio uf tor 11 Jrliik. 1'limllj, 11
tilco )niinK fi-llnw, wltli n Iwuuliful tiurif,
low ul trsl Hint 11 umicrnl mn-M'ljr RrUoul
him, Uifkn lo Ri-l uiK-u.y, nml ntff, luek ug
nuilaukly nt i nch limn who nroU U if", nl
lt. In ili'iK-ruUun, turunl t.i tho fair
iliTulii nf l.ivi'ihlon in im nlilMitinl nul:
"Jisry. It )ou will knnlly eue iuu f.,r it
fmv in.iinoi.u, I th.iuiil I1i.1t to yti 11,10 ilia
lebliy. us Hi. n ti h K" iiUOinun ih Uiero
Wheiii 1 1. 11 in sneak vrtlh."
M.ny itiil icil iuiwi r, but ldwil lirr e 'ii
K iit, uul i..ckwr ywuuif mmi rmwjeil l,l
Way nut, 111 n il 1 1 llie dlseuindirl of m-vi nil
liiillen 1,1 li l.nincOlulu raw. ilunliy li el lu
illiil-.irr. lliruuh tho d(,r when the
)0UHK l-u'y. te. sruse sml folawi hint
AI.I-' ifhu lent hul Mil On truth an.l .ili
that he wwili I 11 ilrlnk ull UlUhl jinvo ImU'Ii
VTcl:. hul Ihul I'M i hu-llinl hUhiI ivdiillii
lu ca 11 nun W4i Uu uuirlia fur ev u u
JuunK Ui. iik- hSu bur In silluw', nitil no !iu
I'llliiHi'it him. Hhuwiis imt uiMaki n, for.
KliiK nut I ho fnmt ilioir, Hhe luini. l!y
clum-eil lulu thn Imr rwHii ul the riKl.t ,im
there U hi-UI liar unixirl iwurlnK lulu Ihu In-
Vl' li'il bnllnlll if H Kl'l.
WI1I1 11 colli I'htler tu hr enirla uptc thni
n-nutit liuvo ii'iooreil n Uk ssnl, ibe
hcsUeil nui Ih mill Imiirtlvil 11 (liuml HVeinie
eur, liniviiiR Uie ynuntf iiiuii tu Ruus nt her
Whereaheuli. 1'ivo iiilinili-ii later lie enu-reil
the Hn-sier. ml lulntf 11 Inllu uflwr nlwluej,
Itiari lu-tl ihiw ii tho Hislu, nml evtui eruwilthi
Ills w.iy lu his soul htiforu ilUmvertiif; hor
Htnu'me '1 hi-n thn blank I1X1U Ihul ruini!
nci. hU fu.ituro w huiRluihUl te Ih-IiiiIiI.
I'll l ho Imikvil ul thn vacant ncai ami ur
veyeil the miilleii.v, hnl sit to no (impose,
(or she wu nowhere lo he seen.
finally u KH'ry Bsl inlhlly UluUxl that
'! cjrl h.m ..uo liouio to her luaw," unit
llu-ii, iimlil much lauitlitur, tho illMWiullieil
jouiik nun lull Iho lmu.iv To make II
Mfuri the youiiK couplo were In havn lxon
innrnml rin, hut now thu WiMldliiK has
Umii Imlunnllely oiHiutl.
V liili' oir Ni.rlli Cr. ,11ml,
Hvery yenr from uno U ten whales
nre 1'4111'lit by tliu wlinle lUliernn n
Utuler Cspu IMikuilt, who tuive their
boats, liur)i.Kin, trylllf out iipp-irimis
nml all olber utraptierimilu of h,ire
llsUlntF-" A liHikiuit 1 constantly kept,
ami every now and then the rew,n-il u
In a liirire wlinle. This animal livmi-i
eolil water, nml It Is surprising to (tie I
tlieiu m our roast so iiear the cull
stream, says the Asbovllle l'.. (' i l it
Ueu. Wu havu been lafoniieil il.m
there Is an Inshore Arctic cum ul . i
llnif tuui the bii;tit under Oxikuui ami
iluuru UiHiinl the I'rjriny Pun xlinulx.
ami Into this basin of ouM wuli r the
wlislc nre tempUsl liy tlie x-, ull:u
food mi which they live, up.' kJii, I,
tlioy tl tul there nbundantly.
A Strike of .Srhoo.lo)4,
The strike of the Scottish M)htw,l-Iiv
which le'gan tu llu'Aluk has npreii,l to
(iliiS((ow, Oitvan, (ireiyiock, Port tilas
Kuw ami other pliii-eN In the west of
Scotland, nml also liivo Ayrshlrii nud
nlwut Abordecn. The buys hnvo foruosl
regular lithur-llke Miraites, with baiuier
nud urlus for "shorU'r hours." '1'hn strike
hn aUti spread Into Ibii-'lsnd. The
other day one hundml malcontent
imrinlml tuesueewuf llflniet doinandlng
'sUillUon of the euns, lew hours tu
Hihvol, lis-s iianilii(r, and no huiuo bis-
Containing thrco sections of land
in a bodv, all woll fenced ami im
proved, 'title U. H, Patent, nboul 800
ncios of this it good plow land tho
rest good grazing. Tho improve
ments conMst in part, as follows:
j ''J IMPS? P. "S! d
, wil0 'DnolliiiK, fiWt ulns li
ory (ram(.t 7 roomfl w0 built nml
' in K,od order: wood shed; alone milk
house 12x120. one room overhead
sumo sine; ononnioke house; ono Imin
Vi"70, Htablo on ono side nnd wiigon
shed on tliu other, both lull length;
chicken hutisus; hoi; pons and gran
aiy loom for GOOD bushels, also ono
sheep abed 1 10 feet long, which will
hold 12000 sheep together with (ho
best dipping ;n rungcinont in thn
county, also innge privileges onUthlo
for summer and winter; We have
grown ro H feci tall on an nvrge,
and our wheat was awarded the
Diploma of Merit tit the Xuw Oiluaiik
lix position. The oichard consists of
100 apple, pear plum and prune Iitph
all groaiug fine and beating abund
antly, lly cultivating iupsitofihn
land last spring, hoiiiu of which hnd
not taen plowed foryoats, wu mined
HUH) IiuhIiuIs of fust el ant orain and
Tit) Ions of bay. Theio ia now fall
rye enough sown to produce 150 tons
of hay nuxt bciiHOU, ami tho wheat
laud is now hoiug plow id. ( io-oil
hoi so and cattle ningo adjicent to
ami extending south for I'd to 'Jo
miloH, Cii)ou City, the county
hiiat, with its o.xculleut pul lie school
is williiu one mile, and John Dity
City with lis new Holler mills, within
two mile. Wheat hardly ever sol In
fur less than a dollar pur bushel.
This spleudin piopoity is now offered
together with seed and fc.ed (rain
enough lo seen the place next your
and forage for ,'UlOO sheep with safety
also fruit and vegetables enough for
next season nt f 7MH). f'JTtOO of
which iiiuhI In cash and the rest on
(line at trasonablo inteiesl.
For fuither paitictil.irs, addiafis,
T. II. Lieta, llox'J'JH,
Poitland, Or.
or Coo. Oundlach, Canyon City, Or.
'I Jl'j'lUUl
Five TliouHiind HusheU, more' of
less, of choice Winter apples, uio
now ready and offned for sale nt
Iliuehiirt'M Print Paim, Hituittist ii
mile noillieaHt of Canyon City, ami
about hnlf a mile south of tho John
D.iV nud Praiiiu City road,
No Codling moth" ban over been
seen in this orehaul lo mar or injiiio
tho fruit theieo', but Iho applet am
sound and silvery lo tliu very core,
and of thu most popular and boat
keeping varieties,
Tlieso apples are now offetod at
the low pi ice ot fit) cents pur ho.x--or
$1.00 per HimuiloK.1 sack, cash in
Tim abovu tciuiH lo hold good from
tho Ut day of October, l.sill'. to thu
1st day of November, Ih'Jl.
Come ono, i-oinu nil, ami gel your
Winter npp.'ea. Pay your money
down and bo happy.
Special terms olVorci lodealem on
heavy conliaetii,
ncot eiilur nml ( io ini imTPr"
fieo to .tiHtonieiM whilu loadin,'.
i. it. iti.viai.iuT.
If you wihh neat and tasty job u ink
you cm do no iH'tter than to call on
the Ni.ns.
.'V.'""1- " I' AiwtliMir, I nn
1 1 in. I, H. I, .hi Uhinl III luilibi. iuImii, I'l.t.lll
hlii iwm u( ll,,l;. uuic !!. ul I111II..11.
HiisinesH. Sliorf hand,
ht'"l"t.r.tlktf.m,lf,tti,i ll,f.,m,ml,
Till M-lut, UtlfMIXltvul ll, fl HlUllrltU A.lM.11
l"l l i,jr lime lulU frviu tlllitr kIiuI, fu
H.Vx. ITV, MC.
J- L' J'urrijik - - Propi:
A flue stool; of frosh Caudief, Nuts,
Totsieiso, Htaliomiry, F.te., litu., just
received, llivn imt a call.
I i : a i . I us i.v
Canyon City, Oregon.
l!ott) i
('(I II IJ (HI
icr M
Lumber ul Ihrir
Cirvk mill, $10
Jauim Robiniiiu, -
Canyon Ci ly,
Canyon Oily, Or.
77.V inpulur resort hu,s
been nuipciwd to Ilia public,
umi now, us in Ilia pu,st,
AvviAV iiolJtiu! hut tho host
Wines, Liquors .f Cigars-
li. . UIOKllin, Props