THE GRANT CQUHTV HEWS. ! 1NWAN statistics. !not I(JK 01' MOIlTOAGHSAIiH. October 2!), 1801. x. A report comes from Chicago that the I'runch iroveniiiient hy its agents is quietly buying lur) : amounts of grain ami meats in I this country; 2,000.000 barrels of j Dour and 25,000,000 bushel of grain lire named as it part of the orders. Ao a Wholo tho Uxl Mou Aro In orocuilnu In Nurnbor. An exchange says thut the father of eleven unmarried girls who hadn't had a male visitor in three mouths, was so deeply moved one day last week hy the sjKJotaelo of a t JOIIII IIIMM vr..t...f ,,r tw stupi that he could do nothing hut loan out tho front window and .Miss Olivo Capwell has resigned us superintendent of the state blind aliool and is succeeded hy Kuv. '.. S. Hollinger. Tho new ollieial should be mado to distinctly under tntid that the pupils of the blind (Hihool must not be entereil among tho stale fair exhibits next year. WiiStfo Sun, It is generally stated that Ore gon (Hiunot raUo corn. This week jM. II. Harlow, jr. who lives about two miles east of Kugeue, finished gathering tho crop of corn on twen ty ucru. of his farm. It yielded !00 bushels of shelled com, 15 bushels to the acre. This wotdd ho considered a largo yield in any country. A Mo.f inville paper has rccoiv ed the following interesting letter: "Kudosed yon will llnd two dol lar for my subscription. I know it is ruleahlo to pay for a paper in wood or potatoes, but I am just out of jwtatocs, and we didn't have u very wxx wood crop this year, and If you will accept the money this one time, I will try and do butter next year. Thut is all the uxotiBo I have for not paying soon or." A man or boy who measure his truatmcnt of others hy their treat ment of him has no character of his own. He will never be kind, or generous, or Christian. If he it ever to bo a gentleman ho will he so in spite of the boorishness of others. If he is to be noble, no Other boy's incunneaS will change his nature. Itcineinber this my hoy - you lower your own mil every time you aro guilty of an unworthy autiou I men M mi someone ehe is. He true to your best self and. no boy san drag you down. Tho West. Kcumonical means general or universal, and it would be easy to gnoss that the members of the ecu inimical conference at Washington (mine from all over the world. They are not dwelling together in unity as they might, a fact to be regretted, as it gives some an op jKirtuuity to cast unkind reflections on Christianity generally. In large lkdiott theru is always bo.ind to la dissension, hut ministers should not disagree after tho manner of congressmen, necessitating ad journment in order to secure peace. An Ihtni-watlria; ItniiiHio hy General lloar jvil llrrw llin Iriillrtfii An (7ouMil V &ura IIaI mi tli l,tat uirieril. Aro tho Inillimt, a omo tajr, Jlmlnlih ItiK jrnr by jparl And will tlm tlmo xliljr como tvlicn ttio wliolo latnl will l a ireo of tlicui ii Jlnuc'liUott l to day I Twu veara fiL'n. tiiri flmit-ral (1. II. Ilj.iv&r.t III lilo Awiko, lbs mller mnilo Dili mi- j tho following Notice in hciony given that under and by virtue of a elm ltd tiiorlfnf,'t tnado by ono M, H. Ilollmn.i in favor of tho undersigned, dated tho Dili day of OctoW, 1801, tho undersiffii oil will, on Frdiy, tho 18th day of November, IrWI, at tho hour of tfn o'clock in tho fotonoor., noil nt pub lie auction in tint hifliot bidder for can 1 1 in hand nt (he cornd of Habile wood .t Co, in tho town of Cnnyon Oily, Ornnt county, Stale of Oregon, pirsonol property in ItEJf Ell OAT Alt,V. " WM. WOODS, Proprietor. Burns, Oregon. fs the tin fir lo irl up yorr horses when, in that place, if lion wan 1 1 win well cured for, well fed uud groomed- pawn gets and freight mnrnrti to aii parts of the , stock of General Merchandise country, r.tegunt turnouts lurnisnea at snort notice and reasonable rates. TEA'. MS C.-lSll. I ffir ShW inorlKaKo .Inscribed and tho in- to diKwvcr. by octunl count, itt they nro trwt of haul Hcllmaii therein, or not illininnhlnir." Tru, llk certain Dan-1 stllll dent thereof to mtinfy the lili i ml Ohio claim lint o mn.'risl . niiiouu'. of mid uiortaLo and exiion. .'TtbirvanV-trr jzxfjz; , fi.. w. Indian trlbcri have uiaMMrl . oth- Hft, ' an'" 1WJ "look and roiuisv ra, llho Anglo-Amerl.-tiir l.aolHMt, fi'W on foroclosiiro. to Mil; Ono lirowii nmre alHJiit lit . P. CREBAP, l!almacea issued $27,000,000 of piper money to unable him to run the government dining the timo that lie ruled in Chili with out congressional authority. Nat undly it would bo nvpected that the new government would repudi ate this paper money as it was without lawful authority, hut it was recognized and will be paid in full. This was a wise move and will elevateme people in the esti mation of ihoVorhl, besides it will improve the credit of the nation aim show to the world that these people aro not governed hy revenge or politicians devoid of tiiianeial abilities. Tho Orcgoiiian speaking of inon oy matters, the amount unit out by l'orlland banks, and tho prospect for better times coming, says: I "I'Vom the statements ftirnlsl.elj by loven banks In this city it is i learned that tho amount of 'money I tent out hy banks hero to banks in J the country tinco harvest began is Sa.lSD.OOO. This sum in clean ! cji.Ii distributed among the wheat j growers should have a tendency to relax tint liuaiiclal Mnngency in tho wheat growing keclions. Very little of this money comparatively has come from acroso the sea, as but little wheat has yet been ship pod here, and, as a nile, it is not till tho cargo has started fur its , destination that the thipper draws for its Milne, The amount of olouriuicufl at tho clearing house for tho month of Sejitember was 1, 100,000 inoro tlian the clearings for tho corresponding mouth last your. From these statements it will be seen that, iiotwitlislamung tho cry of dull times, theru is a lot of money and a lot of business dyno in this city." Iiavo illminlfilHil till but few rut tern.1 tmme rrmnlti to iiwrK IM traiiK waya 01 MrafiKD w.)u- liil.i., tlio AimcIio chief, nlwrlljr iMfmi bU ttsalli iwkJ: "Tito wtiltet lnKn a wr with m j-por nit I Iiavh main tmi f.r orjr In illon Uinl, but my wla grow Icti ami !; I wnt k-o " A few mcli rnrllkn trllx, n aliove ItnlmalMl, tutro Ikwii ulti-Ifellii-r or iionrljr trriullHili-l. bul olhor Innro trltxt hero lurrtMMHl; wwie Rrratl un.l hiiiiu but lllUa, Willi tew oxrrptlimi, tlm IiutUn of tha Uint(t UtBlin Imvi) Iwkii Ktt-nil Hmi IH of III!) WWW) I IHlt Hh-m) ir imno, cu.lctl I ml n. n ictftrrulkii.t, ilut tlic t.'nilrd HtiittM mM witli ttlr llttkt Huur-iniifurmlx rtin-iitiiK lamU whlt-li tlio tumniiiduiK tvliiin in u itwirv U Imii. KimrKclh puhr want lo crtut llmm wltti rullruntli, lurn ttimp ttiul imUIo tlienvm. ir. w! f..r c-ihl dmiI ullvi-r hiiiiiii mom. iiimI i';er rxrartl u u urrnl ImnUhlji m IfO kept ouUulu. itaujf wliltn )ilo U'Imj live nolKMlMri to tho Imliam rKaril llm limit of llioio Intlittii Willi a VPr.v itllTureiil fwiiinj; from Hint lhi-y wi.ulil Unix if wliit.t inon owi ixl il lUi ti ri-norvnlion Iim an njonl, a wIi.ib man, . liilcU by Iim I'rvmiiDiit. TUi niroiit 1 vlrton.lyii kliiK tit n mull klriKUuin. Il lu whllo cn jilurm, nucli at tlio frmrr, tuolier, blii'ktiiillli mid doctur; tbny iwu UluUi In cojiiiulori of Uli. Il-imo-Ilium In- iklds lu lll K"VniliiH furcu tlirttl Imlimi JiiJ(j' untt (vii or iwmvo ludiun (Kjluwrnou, TIimh wo eo that with to many whltn nirn nmoui; tiicin it l MiKr than funm-rly furut lonumlHT tho Ind.ani. Not iiimiy jtwr Mifu tho rauiitlnu wu by itriny uOti-iTH ami oU.r (loreriinirnl onlowU; ihcy tiiuplir oiUlllttttHl tliu lilllnUrol Irllmi jud luiliviiluiil"; it wu wImu ii. u iiuOiiim Here moro nomuillc than at itfM-nl; wlieu tra wurti our -Iiuiiu'ik tlitir Imbilu lloli; wlicil llivy linil to mow Kraal du- I iitnrmi to ttiiiiiiy llmlr wnnli: wIiimi dm nuITitlo, a thoutaml or Inoro In a ,viii. muinnl over our vl prairlo Wntort for ixtlMri or iduk'uiiuo. of that timo iunkuj ut ttio iiu:atliin or rvfrrriil lu u.ii lumuiplulo oilluialt't. In our Hum n Mrrctcoiiiu hat Imh-ii lAkon uuu Ohi ro ulu putuoHii. Krom a ourufa! ntuily of Hk'hi ri'kirn ltl ovhlonl thatimw tlio In tlutia, a ii uliulo, like tho nntfroea of the lt.Hitli, urn Inuri-unliiK- Thirty yar niro thoro viro ovcra' niuo 4lil.'lii-urriiil nfl tlio Indium, llnuii woro ivntafiuu tlixuin ulnrli uinn lolitloually tho whito oi.o bniu,;lu nmoni tli.'tn. Ku IihIimiI w.-rn tlio mviitfrn of Hi. mull-ii no. tho mnutitx. IMitidrit i Whllnmn minrt, not far ftoin WuiU Wuil.i, itln-iu u tiaiiil of mUtlonario wore Hvnitoly inutilnrotl, liouluiomi rmullinl In. in tho ImulUinouuiliu-oinint! of inl.l.,n. uiitl iihhuIi'h, Tlio mcanlc vu thou a mtw ilni'tto. Tim IihIi.iih lniiutiHl It to ovll tpirila In )r Wliiiiimn'. iimi. Tlio mull i iiik men ilut not know whul to proorlbo Tho ml.l i' n cold Imiu nftiT thohculof u wul liouio wa fnllowul by drillli. Jlorbt mid axtracli, liitliorln oDIfai'iimii In kk iiom, kuvo no rrllof. Hi, llko whllo mil uiuluryrllow fuvor and uholorn, Ma utm bio lo Muy tho hand of tho dealroyor, iniilil luil' of tho raco inln-ralily i-'rltn d. Who, uiidur nuoli Imriowini; dlitrta, woudori ut thf Ir u'rlitloiu folly mid horrid roi-til-iiii'iill Ilut now Imliiina havomoroknowl oiluo. Thi-nuini ronorvnllon dwiurt or uriny urK'in unur nt hand. ConinRiou iiml oildi'iniu tiro mot ut llin thrvuhuld ui,, (nitrutiil. Thoro m no muro hi-iIoh of iiioii.uiiiiHiuuidi-lilldrvii fromthoao cxinnn ml. i uiitimuly Knivo. Aiiotbur iluxiUtini; ioourKO hu coummI 'Hi t uro no IniiKi-r Indiun war. TIumo lloiii) tribal ounllicla, iiiuuiloni and luinr ooiitluuiiiK. havfut l.i. t ki..h!b). (hltl tin (lip-wa wan tnuKbt lo linto tlio I)aki la anil tlm llnknln to rulurn tho ft't-lluif Willi j Intorwit. Tl.o .N'i I Vrciilotcai.l thoHimkn, ami Ilio Miiukn K'vn ttio hunlort of tho .Niu lVrvu no rot. Thu, liko I'ruiu-ii mid KiiKland In oldrii tliia, isvtli nation Im.l il. horiHlllory oimmy TriUv i-ouibliuil to lltjui other trlbo und uftou foiiuht to oxloruuna llon. MuUini; a cari'ful odiiiuUtlon from tho lltol n"Tt, whli-hoiubmoviullthoKlali'ii and l'ori-tlorio, ni-vpUnK Aluku, uowunt V1tt,lWi Tli(iiuvininjiiiK lublo how Ui bow thoy uroditlributMl: . ArliiHia iillItiruU Iiukotu ItUtMl UdunTunUur)- Iowa Kunuia Mlrliiiran Mltuwwita MtMiImm . N'vbrntka NVm Mrkloo. S'cw Vof k Total HI IMiS'iirth Carolina S.MI II in k W04 II, piM iMl VWfll V'.bui t ualilntixi Tut. IUMt x.i'W i.cmln j,si wrnUtjimiliif Tr . I.Mft (1 STT't'lortdaiftt-mlnul! fr. Hint lJluu Tut.) tW II n:, Maine iDM Tnifll tnu, Irullattai 410 anioVN'turutU MIS 1.1 if) m.ouu t OIlNllnro llnpntr at Nlakrr. With Rroiit (.-into Chauinwv M. Dimiow ro- Utl a abort tlmy U it New York MurnliiK journal ronrtor: "A i'0uoof youra no tarn, "aim all-r I wua luudo of tho Now York ('!, I nil raiinil I'ouKhki-eiMlo ono uiuhtoii mi way ork, w lion I i;oton botird 1111 uvoiuui. lion train. Thomwaa aomo dclar In tlart lUK and I wont forward to ihi what o.iiluO It. 1 found that tho llmnun hiwl Uhhmiio vory 111 nnd would not Ui aoin to pnvH-d furlhor. Tlwro wti uoUvly lo take hit pliui, nml f.T tlio fun of tho thlnit 1 SKritsI to liolp tho oii(;lnior out. I put on a iwlrof bluo ovoralla, ktuIiIkhI a ahovol and Uikuii llrlnj,'. Ton mlnutra of tho work uliiiou laid mo up, but tho onKlnoer linniisl tiwu 11111 kisiplntr It up uutil mo ra li.'d Tarry town, whero wo ;al a nuiv llri'iimn. My hunda wrro aoro for n wook aflor. I utulor ataud thooiiKlnvor tolls tho atory at a ko1 Joko 011 mo.'1 Knallona ti an Ar-liliit. I When aakinl wlml tho ninullon waawlicn I In an accident (in n ru Irond train Mr. 1 IukuII. auld Ii wat hard to doacrlhc. "You havuuo tlmo to pray. Aftur Ilia llrat ahock , livery norvo la amine to tho hlKhnat ton , alon, nnd iou wail nnd llttou Mllh hriMlh lo. Mutoty and with heart atandliii; atlll , for Whul aiHuna an uko, but la In fact al I moat thn ahortoat uablo auii-o of time, to : learn If all tho iUuia(;u has been dono or ' ' more U to follow." I Valllirul i;ru lii A,,ri.llr, j A K'entlenian waa out aliontiug IHar I lotnoa, Knir , tbo other day, whnl liud I Iheiiuaforluuotoah.i.Hlii.dorf I'om mo mora ,o i,u n,ui, uvj.u (Uk, whul dauiatto bo uu dm,, uml bofoiw ho hud rw..vorvd biuiM-lf llw aiuiual, 11 black rctrlcwr, had ivuie up to liiui, brmnlni: In It mouth ita own tail, which had boon tlait clean oft. old called Nellie. Ono sorrtil iimro alioul 0 yonrs old callwl Maud, Ono roan inaro alwut 7 jonrs old called HciHio. Ono brown inaro about I yosrs old oalhil KIoh. ' j Ono sorml uinro aliout B vraiH old 1 cnllml Lilly. " j One Imy m.iro nlmnt 7 years old , called Dip, Onu r an m.iro aliout I yosr old, ', with whiln Htriji in face, called Min nie. Ono brown inaro hIiouI t j oats old, wilh white strip in fnre, called Dob Ha One Imy niaro aliout !1 jvars old, 1 with whito itriji in faci, cnlbsl .Mob liu. Ono black Krldiui; about fi yonts Old railed NiW,.r. ' Ono bay ioldiuj; about I iimrs old , culled Slur, wilh stnr in face, and whito left hind loot. I Ono lif,dit bay folding nUmt I j years old called Jack. Ono gelding about ycmsold 1 ealbsl Frank. OnoNorrel KiddiMK nltotil Ii yours ; old called llaldy, with whito fiico. All ctilts of Haiti iimios fontod thi your. All said ninres and ehliiiKH boing bninded It 1) on left shoulder and part thoieof hnving the following nd ditinnal brninU, 10-wil ; 1 "Aollio with O O 011 left hin nnd a boot on right hhouhler. "I.illie" with a ImhH on left nhoul dor. . Said clmltol inorlgngo lming on file in thooflicoof the dork of mid county nml Uin' gufii to rociiio a proiiiisdory note of .bite Oct. !), IS'.M nindo by Knid M. S. Ilellimm in fnvor of the tiiidiiiaigiirxl mm duo 0110 da; afloriaid datn, without grace, for the htini of 8:100.55 with inlenwt ihereon after i.ty days from duto ut tlio rato of ton por rout, per nuiuim, which' noto hai not been paid, norany par', Ihoivof and Kaid mortgage liaving oeeu given iiih.i to licciiro of Inking, keeping nnd h1ii of t-uiJ llVO htlH'k llllll CilllllHl'l foes oloHiire. Kaid snlu will continue from day to day, if ncrcBJiart, until all or milli cienl of said pioporly li wold. natrd at Cnujoii" (,'itv, Ongon, this Ub'lL day of October. ISO I. OltOTII .t TllOMI'SON. IXKOIJTDH'.S NOTH R Notice in hcieliv given to nil whom it limy concern, that the nndeoigueil Iiiih U-i ii appointed by tho county lomt of the (itale of Otoon, for Oranl ciitinh, Kxocutor of the hutt "ill and testainont of Hliwt Nowton, dncoahtol, Into of anid county, and nil peiHOHH haiiiL itiHt clniiim iioninat tho ohtato of mini iloconio.l nre fur thcr hflitiby notiliod lo present the saino lo the tiiideiHigncil at his niHi iluneo al l'niirio City, in nan county within six inontliK from the date here of. Paled Oct. 15, 1SHI. W. H. Caiii-iati a, Ihm-tilor. , NOTIl'li I'OH l'CHLICATION. : Un.l 08lc al lliirni, HrtiMi. Ncmr I. .l.cll Oul tha Ullo.inr aam I I 111m la lll-l nolln ul I.U IMmiKin lu iiuVr ' ShI l.Tt.iMu aui-iuit ut hi.rUlm, wi.l thai .4 hi 111..I will W iim,U t U,-(l-ir and ' llawltor al llariM IMu mi So.uUr t IWI. !. CAtlMW W ItDMIAM IPU Nu iMilu, IS. SI. ui XI! u,, XK or nil,, bcHiiHlU IJ fr hwll.Tir V, H fn. K lit IMIi.a, IIm MlimlMlf altnlawa m u) ,l. (umUoumm ivalrm, Umu, ami rullltallwi uf aid r!f,'J' '" .. 1 . "''. I' a Allinlon. li.oi Ollbarl, II W Clark, allot law. .u.ii.l, . ii J. II. Ill .TIMITuN, H.KUU .vear4,S7V77r;A7;; ). .S7 , I - M I a in HODh'S, St a ,y v.Y )' ioni, sr'rrjcs, u: I it ics. firoceries, I'lotir. Tobaccos, (.'igars, and mm hundred and ono other vnriotiee, ehen for cash, nt Tho OlilSUuultCiMiaib Oily. 1891 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT, "To whom it may Concern :" We have at present as has been our motto in the past viz ; The Largest, Best and Newest m Grant County. All of which we ; are bound to sell regardless of cost , for the next 60 days. You cannot afford to miss this offer, and we trust our numerous patrons will take advantage of it. A call on us will satisfy your curiosity. onouoK MCOOWtS, Ijile of Huron K. ll.M.I, of ('nii)im Oily. r air tc M. DURKHEUVJER & BRO. f V - - Oregon. McG0WAN & HAUU (1 Stores, Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware. Country orders pioiriptly lilted. Vtvm giwni on application. " AddiiHW, f'orner ltb ft N Streets, 1'ortUinl, Oregon, (KnsUhle). NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN! i 11 vk nm sai.k 4,000 BUCKS 1,000 I'rein the Jacob Fraz-r and Win. Uoss I'ninljined Mauds. Fifteen hundred of these are thorotifthbred and 2-VX) j;rade bucks, which 1 will sell at prices to suit the limes. CHAS. CUNNINGHAM, Pilot Rock, Oregon. THE : PRAIRIE : CITY : ROLLER : HILLS. rri.i. itoi.i.Hit I'Uockss ri.oru. Every Sack Warranlcd. All kinds of V I ami Mill stiilln Always on Hand. expeiuoa on fore- Porter Bro's, Prairie City, Or. . linker Cil Oreytm. HARDWARE! ' THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools . of this section which accumulate at iHeppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and I make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 I pounds of wool was sold in Hep- pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ol the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on wool in storage. T. E. FELL, Manager. you Read Advertisements? Do you lake adr unlay e ofayood offer When il is placed wilh in your reach? send -:- i siorn & Na'ls, J Stoves, Tin & Woodware, -:- Barb Wire Carts, Carriages and -:- -:- Farm Wagons, Etc. San' .') and (Jtturl .Mill machinery of all descriptions. (.oitiucsi'oNDKM i: soi, it rn:i). . i b n at h rs i ; ? f - VCSA.. f h3 ' "r ,2 i r m (1all on its gmrwE m v van l Asiijr jftr-i: si:i,i. fiiKAi'.jj ' I'Irst') Ration 1 n y to Now Of Hoiopuor, Agricultural - iimiili. ., , .., mwm. nir Oreg. a yoor Mittens, Uccr- ( a ns, Git m Dry Hoods, Chdliinii, Units , Shoes, (! lores, shirts, t'ndcrtccar. Ilosicri, Hats, Winter ...... !.... ...i.. . i r l.. I ... I i -r iKifo, ntu iihii.s, tjti u(., t. iirse i istttiivs a mi, enuarens Shoes, h'ahber coats, )'ellow Oiled, coats, Fa ncu Clouds. Cutlery, Etc., h'lc. Etc a. iiiika, i hank,1 ! l'rvaidniit. Vice l'nidcnt. (iKoiuiK V. Oonskii, C'.isliier. J. I'. lillKA, T. A. IIIIKA, I. T. IIOIIKOV, 1 lirectors. Traiiiurth n (Jcm rnl llnnkliiK- UiiIiich. E.rchanye all uuU of the t ! I v BOUGHT and SOLD- Oollivtionii nculc ut all MiinU on Itc'tHOtlltlllc 'I'clllH. .Money lutned ut fniin Warehouse. one to It'll twr emit. (load .Yews for the Farmers of Grunt County! l'Viiuk ItioM., ol I'oi tland, ')r., nuve i-Htabliditl tin agency at Julin Day, (or the sale of all l.inds of Farm Machinery mid Agricultural Iinplo inents, Htich as U a'oii", ('iitiinj,'i"4, Ituul I'atU, l'ow, Hiiiiowh, Mowerw. Iteapirs, ltakox, etc., elc. A wliolo carhud to ln ibdivniod t once. KveiythuiK first cliisn iLifl t the Iuvm-hI ji...-,iI,Ii. r.itci. I'icmo givo nio your trade. '. 11 A VKS, Aj-t. Allow 1110 to say that 1 nlill handle the "White t-'i-Hinjr .Mmhino nnd the KaihulV Orfjan. new' restaurant. HaptaqstalS Oarf & Cn r., ...... vi.. " Canyon Cily, Or. J, J. Chambers, I'mpr. St'CCKSSOItS To- ltrtiilirt l.f II. u;lmi;n, Ousat (ut cbiMi ttaatauruMD'-Hnog ma a imui aiiujuloli uml n Hina of inllk " nniir (laHWaluMij-'ijlaciuUitilt Uno tvnlttfiraabl" Tlii Itoktniintut has rrceutlv been nponml, mid uill fiiruiah .Mmila or lxl gia' t living nit. ; A apiKiial fun turn nKiut this hutiao i in that no Chiuuo ikkiIcm nre einploytsl J in Iim latclmn. (iivn tho Ittaataui'iiit a trial. J. Oimmiikiis. tt lrk" j 1'roprietor. ii.-irTo.YXT.iLL .y. D.urr, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO OREGON. , -' Have now received tits Urget ami mast oomplitc itook of new good, in Qrant County, which they will otfor for wlo at pi lecs that defy ctmpctitlou When cth nccoiiumnioB tho order for any amount from Five Dollarnor tuoru in ulwvo lino of goods wo will prepay all .Mail or o Huxo eliiirir,oi, to any stajjo station in Orant or llnrnoy countieH, ? until Juno 15th, 1 A.) 1 . When bold on urcdit no chart;- 5 es prepuid. 0 Tr n HIHIIlaDOMHiaHloj o will Kimraiitt:o our lum-nt iciiul prici h on Every Article and j;reo to refund the jimnoy if ikhIh uro not Hiitikfaetory. Ity sending to us writing plainly, just what ih wanted, wo cm Heleut th-iii to your rmtiHtnotion. Wo h.ive the assortment of Oon -, minium- io ihj inunil 111 UUVHlOIi- in KreL'on. You iiiimev in ovoiy lino, lnvo uh a trial order. AVe Holieit i .Mini at once. .' can savo your trade. Older era hcspcctultu. 1qffin tV M Ifrfmt(, HEPPNER, OREGON. IWI0MMK)0I(H000OIKOOOOUOUOUOM ( Suocvaaor la Oitrli ill J, Mulilrlrk ; hk.m.ku i.s GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon City Oregon . Constantly on hand a full assortment of Dry Clouds, Clothin, Hunts ,S-Shoes, (traceries, Etc., Etc., Etc , al Reasonable 'rices. 1. .'. OVKUUOl.T. aMiiittoiliiaaiiMoioaiiu(KiaoiiaikiAriattnocaaiioiioiiiMi A. iLi1iniTEV. I) 1 "ALU It IN General erchaiidise. JOHN DAY CITY. 4 Bftaj(laa(Wr,' l(Hl i 1 jf.