THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS, October 2 ii, ISO J. The brother of the king of Shun is named Dutn-Roiig. With n inline like tlmt ho will have to lend it life hut little hhort of tlmt of an iingel to prove tlmt he is all right. A new kind of cash register, which loM olF the lingeia of those who attempt to rob it, is in oper. ntion in Wilmington, Del., where a thief left u dejKisit of one of his lingers the other night in one of them. The Australian hnllot system adopted by the Inst legislature, is going to be an extensive piece of business for the several counties. Kvcry forty voters must have a wooden or steel liooth, to be pro vided by the sheriff. The obscrv nnr.o of the law will cost each county from $2000 to 8(1,000. Judge l'aschaof Texas, refused to grant unturali.ntion pajiein to one It. J. Saner the other day be cause Mr. Saner had proclaimed himself a socialist. Tlin court de clared that the principles of social ism were directly opposed to the constitution of the united States. A righteous judge is Judge IW dial. .May his tribe increase. The Chilian revolution only cost S70.000.000. The annual pension list in this country is double that amount, and yet our civil war end ed a quarter of a century ago. It is not the cost of carrying on the war that particularly burdens the producers but the "expenditures" after the war is what does them !' If the holy coat at Treves has mily been able to jerform twelve miracles of healing mining two million pilgrims, and even thoo twelve are not such as the authori ties there are careful to endorse, it may well be believed that the virtue is gone out of it; tlmt is, if it ever had any. There are mil lions in it, however, for the cath edral and clergy. During the past week about forty men have been discharged from the employ of the Wagner 1'alace Car company, at Kant IJuf falo, bcea.iBO they were members of an organization of anarchists. A short tune ago a number of men who were employed on piece work had arranged to strike on a certain day, but on arriving at the works found a force of men ready to take their places. They mixed lye with the paint used in liuishiiig cars. Trouble is likely to follow. Among the subjects which will conic up for action before the next congress is that of immigration and the regulation thereof. There promises to bo a considerable amount of new material bearing on the subject available. In the lirst place there will be a report from the commissioners who are now abroad investigating the sub ject in the diirereut Kuropcan countries, and who, if advance in- tuuatioiiH by cable of what they will have to present are not ox nggernteil, will have tome highly interesting facts to lay befoie congress. THE OIST OF IT. Tin: nnme of one of Oio blackest colon-it men In Mexico, Mo., In O recti lirown. 'I'm: Qunurrit have three hundred niul fifty women teacher In the United States. Oxk sheet of paper recently made tm cltfht, feet wide, unit seven ntul three quarter mile lonff. It takes a Milling vessel one hundred ami twenty-live days to soil from I'hlla tlclphln to Sun I'ralk'lsco. Arn:ii n Itenvvr county (Pa.) tnnn burned a log he found In the ashes a lump of silver worth 8'0. 'Vou kick the Inicket mid t do the rent" heads the advertisement of an un dertaker In n HI. Louis newspaper, A lUi UHSo (Pn ) mnn linn Just re eelreil n tetter limited to him hy Ids soldier brother twenty-seven yearn aifo. A jx:m. preacher of I'ntUtowli, I'., has Iweu living on one iiienl a day for thirty yearn and It In excellent .health. t' ar traveling hy thnicoro to Myotic. Conn., in gel a look at n Krojic vlno on which a potato vine Ik (Trowing. Tutni: l n church hulldlnir In New Vork every Inch of the front of which Is concealed hy a luxurious i.'rowth of Ivy. Noilo, V. Va.a has a unique railroad station. It Is hiilll around a ifldnt elm tree, and the roof Is shaped like an mi hrella. A Mixxkai-om Inventor claims hu eau My to St. I'nul and hick within llfteeu inlnutes hy the aid of Ills now fallal id mnchllin. DAINTY NLEDLCWOnk. WOMEN OF MANY TYPES. W'iib! a yotinir tlileagii utreot-cnr con ductor suddenly sickened on his trip the other day, his sweetheart donned his enp and collected fares until re lieved at the end of the run. A o was who was killed In a run away accident at Wntertille, Me., In life "had red linlr, hut when her Uxly was token up It was found that her hair had turned to n very dark brown, proli ( ably Uinnitfli fright. 11 Vt: years no a St. louls K'lrl was ' caught hy her mother helm; kissed hy a painter nt work on the house. The old lady rushed out nnd pulUd the tflrl Into the Itnusc. 'Hint was the last anyone ' saw of the jflrl. Klnee then ltr rm Is locked and the shutters tied and no one , sees her. s, A woman appeared at College l'olnt, ! I.. I., a few days apt with a Wntitlfut collection of lilrds, which she called i Australian warblers. She sold them I rapidly at one dollar each. The blnls turned out to tie common llnnllsh smrrows, with their feather artUtkal ly painted. A 1'omksiov (l'n.) woman has npptted . for a ilivoree U'cauw she Is eiMiip-dleil to light wildcats too often. The mrt of the om ii try where she and her hualmnd live K infested with thee animal, and , as ho refuse to move, she wants to leue him. .She nays that In the last three years she has killed forty-lhren cats. itED MmONT BAR.W WM. WOODS, Proprietor. Burns, Oregon. .v the plan' to pel up iorr horses when in that place, if you ten at thrin trcll cured fa; well fed anil groomed Passengers uml freiglF cmireii J In nil parts of the roantrij. Hlegant turnouts j ai nisliril at short nolire ami reasonable rates. I' FILMS CIS. " . P. C RE SAP, nr. m r.n i- ST.'ITOA'HH V. HOOFS, SLl'HH A- F.I.V( firtH-erie. Klour. Tolmewnt, Uigurs, and one hundred and ott oilier varieties, cheap for rash, at SCHOOL SI 'FPL IICS, v w.iffs. The GUIS landman Hon Ciiij. in-niiiii: mcoowav, M of Hums K. HAM, of Canyon City. X HOUTOU '8 NOT I CM Itr.AVt lluen sheeU nre murkrd with one Inrtrc Inltlul embroidered In white Just Im-Iihv the wide iiiT hems. Ax exceedlinfly attrnellve teaclnth has a decoration of violet embroidered In the natural color they had been scutlered carelessly over tile white cloth, HnxKvmuii canvas Is airalu In favor for fancy work. An easy way Jf deco rating It U to outline n itiiivelitloiial de sign In "bite linen Moss anil then dam In the surface of the design with gold color. A iianiwoui; iiilll with design nf con veuli'inalied caruntliins Is utade of while linen dumask. The pattern Is Isildty drawn; a bird rK-cuples the cen ter, mid this and some overhanging fruit give the quilt n iu:ilutlle all Its ow II. A viinv pretty frame for small engrav ings or ctuhliigs. The fuuad.iUon of tlie frume may Is- Hat, thin wood or Nuticois htreliv fi von to all whom it limy concern that tho iiuderHi(iicil lias lieen appomteil by the county court of the stale of Oregon, for i Clrant county, lhccutor of the last Mill and testament of Kliza Now tun, let embroidered ' doceascil, Into of mi id county, and all and looking as If 1 ,)t,rb0nH mvj(),. jllHV uIli(11M nk,inHt the iiHtntc of Hnid ducoiisoI are fur- , ther licrehy notified to preHont tint saiuo to the endemi'ticd nt his nsi- ' deiico at I'mirie City, in Ktid county within six uiontlm from the dnto huro- 1 of. , Hated Ont. 15, I fill! . , W, II. Caiii-i:st:ii, Kxeciilor. i McG0WAN & HAUL -. ! notici-: von I'UHMUATION. iiiJ UITlc si Itiini', OrmriHi. (W in. m Notl I. Ultbj rlim lint th Ulhialiif I -tiler h Slwl hotlrs ut Istfttlloa In lok Sil 'tiit lu luiiiml ( hla rlslm, sh4 l,a mUI t,o4 all) U tl..l. Ulorv Ihr lll-t-r sml llmlttr si lUrna orrfwi nn N"tmlxr fj IWI. ! Clllis W IMIMIAU -4 N tJ) foi si-... we... vi- ... .... u . n i .. u.. uenvy pasieiMNtni. over which Hie hiik ' r rev si. T W H, It t9, I. Isktretehed Cut the silk lu le:i;;tlli is.- ". H liIln-lri llnc. in .. hi .. . . . .. , cmlliiiimn rrl-lrnr ujii. ih! ru iHstlon ij tal.l strljv. and l.iy them Hut oil the fr::i:i.-. UihI. i J Ii II aiI.mIw. llrott. but in ike a full pulf in eueli eurne- 1 oiiu.ti, II W i i.ik. ill m orant .ouutr. where the atrlM join. . V. World. " " IN THE COUIIT riOOM. J j A Mi. Mill: M. Judge has that a lintel It not a domestic scrwtul. I Tho .inoli.NKVH in St. JiMH-ph, Mo.. late U'i'ii relulned in suits agaliu.t tlielr fnllien. A .ll iiiit at rJiiduleii, Ala . allowed part of n Jury under his care to visit a sal. kiii and drink hocr. Ills Indiscre tion i.t him a flue. As Irish Jiulge was pri-wuttNl with white glmcH the other duv t marl; the entiiv u'-aeiiro of ci eau. from the calendar In his riding. A mil. In female cost nine arrested In New York the oilier day proved to 1h a man who been wearing women's chillies fur a numls-i- of ,enrs. A jcimii: wlio It holding crtnrt at llniken How. Neb., Is forcing uttiirnevi to I'd up in the miiruiug, as he hits tiiu ili'l;et called at T:UU a. til., sharp. .Sticl.l.rm for Justice may ap-nr very ridleulous, but they don't care for that. There are three suits in ctmrt at Ann Arlsir, Mich, grow lug out of the loss of four trowels. J It III STI.NOToN, t.Ei,ur First ) National )flflHiQ O T IXoppuor, l A. IIIIKA, IIIANK Ki:i.l.O.KJ, President. Vico-I'resident (Ikoikii: W. Conhkii, Cashier. J. V. IIIIKA, T. A. IIIIKA, I. T. IIOIISO.V, Directors. Transiirts a (,'cncrnl l!aiiLliiH- BuIiu'.h. Exchange fm all pnits of tlie world BOUGHT ttnd SOLD- CollectioiiH miiilu ut all KiinU on i ltcnsoimlilii 'I'lTiiiH, .Money IooiiihI at fioiu one to tt.n iwir cent. 110 0 (1 1 M 1 Stores, ('rnrkerij. Wood and Willow Ware. Country onlcrs ptoinpflr tllliil. Pii. c a i on npi'lientioii. A ddrcHH, Corner Ith A N Htiools, I'ortlnn.l, Oregon, (Kailtiitle). NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN! 1 HAVK I'-UK SA1.K i,ooo nrcKs 1,000 Fruin the .laiob Kraer am! Win Uu-h ('..Mil.iin -1 Hande Fifteen hundred of thee are th irnuglil nd and -' " Kraib- bucks, whicli I will sell nt prices to suit the times CHAS. CUNNINGHAM, Pilot Rock, Oregon. THE : PRAIR1B : CUT : 110LLEE : MILLS. ITI.I. HOI.I.KU 1MIOCKSS I'l.OI'lt Every Sack Warranled. All kindrt of Feed and .MllMufl' AlwayK on llai.d. 1891 FALL AND WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT, "To whom it may Concern:" We have at present as has been our motto in the past viz; The Largest, Best and Newest stock of General Merchandise in Grant County. All of which we are bound to sell regardless of cost for the next 60 days. You cannot afford to miss this offer, and we trust our numerous patrons will take advantage of it. j A call on us will satisfy your cu- riosity. j M. DURKHEIMER & BRO. Praivie TV7 - - - Oregon. THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE Has been enlarged to accommodate the increasing business. The wools of this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ol the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Cash advanced on j wool in storage. T. E. FELL, Manager. Porter Bro's, Prairie City, Or. US l Tin) slate ire.s in quite eiiemllv taking up tlie demand for nonie jnoinpt and definite action in the direelion of an Oregon exhibit at the wortd'ti fair. Thin in eom- uieuilalilti. A nrohrt it a jKiwer, and wo hope to see every newspaper in Oregon urge thi matter eonstantly and permnti'iilly. Ridicule or ahntie of the lust legix hiture !h not what in needed, how ever deserved. The action of the legihlaturo cannot now bo helped, ome plan to initio money uuut le adopted, mid a good many men wild money unlet contribute liber nil v. This in what in needed. -Telegram. ART AND LITERATURE. Tin: irosirtlon of AiiIo-Hhtoii orils in tlie IIiikIUIi llllile is illnety tcrell K'r cent, of tlie whole. 'I'm. MetroMitau museum of art litis cnrlclieil Its collection of antique lirouzcs by it statuette of Hercules. Tlie iliiulnutive liero stiiiuls four Indies III helftlit. Co-oiii:svan IIixiik 1ms ofTeretl to liullil iiii't jjive to the city of Syr.ieUse. N. V., a MrepriHif llhniry ami nit Inlihl n! to cost not Ies.'i tluin one litniilivil niiil fifty thiiitsnuil ilnllnrn. Till. 1'ivss dull of llrusM-ls luteiiils to i;ic uieilleviil tourney, wilhiill iroH i' apitirteuiinces, hnlhts In urilinr, lieralils at arms, Kallcrlcs with ladies, eouimrlsoneil liotes, ami the rest. ,T a recent art sale in I'lnicncc the 4-enlliil tlirone of liiiillnno tie Meilic.i of sofa, with a liltfh liael hti h.i tcil ly ciiliiinio). carveil l.v llaccio il'Airuolo In tlie slxteentli century, was nihl to an Imllshmiiii for ?7.(HX). Tin: I'lillowiiiliical stH-lety of lUrlln olTers a jirle of l.issl miirUs (C",o) for the lcst essay on the relation of philos ophy to the empirical science of nature. The essay may lx written lu (icrulau, Krencli. Imirlisli or Latin, unit must In) sent in I K' fore April I, lhS. A m.AL'Tin'1. ilece of sculpture from ancient Dphesiis hus icacheil the J tril ls.)! museum. The relic forms part of a murlile liult, the heail Is'in exquisite ly carveil, while the lljnrs- of a pxl'less nps'urs on the Issly. It Is supposed to Im two rears nlil. NEW RESTAURANT, Canyon City, Or. .1. t. Chambers, I'ropr. Tliii ItiuUimint Inn leceiitly ls-ii : npcnisl, ami will furnish .MisiU or Ixl ijini; at living mtos. A i. pec in I featllie alsiut this liotise 1 is that no fliiucMi coiksare cmployi-d in the kitchen. Cie the ltc-.tiiuniul a trial. ,M .1. ('iiamiikiih, l'lojuii tor. BREWERY SALOON Canyon Oily, Or. linker Cih Oregon. UDU KE3 Advertisements? ! Do you ale ad ran luge of u good offer When il is pi need will in your reach? HARDWARE ! Stoves, Tin & Woodware, -:- -:- Barb Wire & Na'ls, Carts, Carriages and -:- -:- Farm Wagons, IfoO send mori a -""T1 '""-' ; ifsrijiiy:..;i.gH Ol'fit yonr Saw Jfill and Quart Mill machinery of all descriptions. COUIilCSl'ON'DKNfK HOI.IriTKD. EtC. ('"'"fs Cloth in a', Hoots, Shoes, C lores, .Mittens, Orer ' ! shirts, t'nderwear. Ilosieru, Hats, Winter Cans, dam- Vf Oii its tWWK III' V I'Dlt C-ASIIyJf -giSf'W K sKI.I. fllKAl' jpJT 77f.v popular resort has a - , -a !';;;; T'W;: Agricultural keeps nothing but tlie best 'ines, Liiuors c Cigars. I). ItlCK A ltl, fror (J. Warehouse. SIGHTS OF THE COMINQ FAIR. The elTortHof iinpoverished Italy to run a raeo with prosperous France to i-eo which can build the strongest navy, give better evi dence of her ambition to bo reck oned among the tintt-chtM powers of Kurope than of her ability to maintain that psition. She in staggering under the load of army mid navy she is compelled to carry in times of peace, and in the event of war would bo crushed by it. She could support her army and navy in actual service hut a few weeKtf without the linancial assiii. tance of her allie. und for thin would tind the day of reckoning u hard one. The nation that lets ambition exceed its icsources, is stiro to learn that pride goeth be foru a full. Tin: National Lithographers' associa tion tins ilcclilctt to make a u extensive exhibit of lltlioifruphy. 1'i.anm for the new llfc savlmr sta tion, which will 1h a part of the l'nitc.1 j States government's exhibit, have Ih-cii j completeil. J A.v International evvMltton regatta Is talkcil of as one of the attractions of I the world's fair. It Is lsdleved that the ureal oarsmen of the world cull easily Iki induced to particlpato in such an event. t.urr. Kaitoiiii, stieolal exjiosltlon commissioner to l'cru, tins secured a collection of Indian nntliiiltles found lu the ruvch of the trils-s that liiliuh Ited the coast region of northern l'cru before the conquest. Tin: visitor to tho exposition will have nil opKirtunity of learning, anions other things, just how n llrst-rate post olllce Is uiauai.'cd. A worlilnj; model of such an olllce will be a part of the I'nileil Slates (ovcrutuciit exhibit. riULMl-iiiTtAfX, the celebrated pan orama artist who painted the "llaltle of tlettysliurjf" and other freat works of the kind, wants to paint for the ex jHssltiou u Inure paininiinu that shall Illustrate thji llfo of Coluiubiu from ).U Irtli ta hU iWaili. k JhDPostoffice) Store) MX VOX t I I V, OH. . Hurrish - - I'ropr. d'ood .Wff.s" for the Farmers of (Irani Counlu! l' llros., ol I'onliiiiil, '). , mii. I'Niulilislieil mi H'euey at John Day, for tho sale of all kinds of I'm in .Mnclnnei v mid Ayiicultiilal Implo uieiilH, hiicli an a'oiin, ('uuiaj.'en, t'aitx, I'Iowh, ltiriow, Mowern, Iteniieif., ltakes. etc., tie A wlmln catload to ! ilelivuiinl at onco KverytlmiK lirnt cluiu niid .a (lu- lov.cst possiiile rale-. I'lcise jjivu nm j your tiJile. i:. HA YKS, At. Allow mo to ciy ili.u I sti l handle the While Scum;,' M.ichino und the Km hull Oijan. I I f i ana enuarens Fallen Coods. Hoots, lllankels, (Jit ills. Corsets, Ladies Shoes, Uubber routs, )'cllou: Oiled coats. Cut I era, Hte., h'tc, Hie- tOUIIOOIIIHHIIIMllHMWIaUIIIMIKMWlllliK,aaihUI000 I When rush iu coiii)Hiiiim tho ordfr for any ainount from Kivo 0 Dollarn or more in abovo lino of goods wo will prepay nil .Mail or HUko elmreeH, to any Htago stutioii iu Orant or Harney cotiuticH, 9 until Juuu loth, ls'.'l. iT When sold on eiodit" no eliar,'- I c prepanl. 9 uiWHMWiijoaoagooaootiaivoaoBoooooiieoooiwoooooooa i u win giiaraiiU'e out lowest lotail pnccH on EvOTV Article and ajjreo to refund tho money if (ooiUaio not Hittisfnetor. Hy wndin to u, writing plaiiily. j iHt wlmt i w anted, wo can Holcut then, lo your .atnUnctiuii. Wo tho higu, lV a.ssort 111(11 1 of (Sen oral .Meriilianaise to ho found in a-jy Moie in Oregon. You can Have u.oiiei in eve.y line. (!ivo us a tri.,1 order. We Hohcit oiir trade Onl.-r by Mai! at onoo. I'eri Hcyn rtfutli. Coffin S)' Mvfcarhnul, HEPPNER, OREGON. UIMillVVaiHIIHIIHIIIUtOMMilliailbllS lOOIOODOtKHIIl(HIH)lioi; I A line stock of frivh (Jnmlies, Nutji ToUuvo, .Stationery, KL, Mtc, jus roeeliiMl. (iivn inn a call. ' Hapfanstall Usri 8c Co iJfo WisiltJu Sot.-nuur la u.vrh..t A Uuldil. k -I'KAI Kll I.S- DORE & BRANDT DK.VI I 111 IS Canyon City, Oregon. Ml'irilWUHW lo Hough Canyon per.). Lumber ut their Creek mill, $10 Jaait'i Rnbiuiiiu, Canyon City, Ajroat, Oregon. H.irTG,'STrlLL V A'i'.7', JOHN DAY, GRANT CO, OREGON. Have now received the Inrgcit and most complete itock of ntw goods in Grant County, which they will oiler for sale at mlcci that defy competition GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon City - - . Oregon. ( onslanlly on hand a full assortment of Dry (toods, Clothing, Hoots ,y- Shoes, droeeries, Hid., Hie., ICle-,ut Heasonable Friers. o. ;. o vr.icuoi.T. J i. DKALHK IX- - Merchandise. JOHN DAY CITY.