Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 22, 1891, Image 1

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    The Paper for the Farm,
the Workshop and the
g I tome.
The Pa per fur I he Stock
man, .Merchant and
mi A in i
c.ixvox city, aiuxT couxry.oitKGOX, Tiiuitsn.'iv. ocrojucit u.isot.
Xnmber fit.
lot time XII I.
Is tiir ( iritit roi-RT oktiikStati:
or Oh:mn rmt (Ibaxt ih'.nty.
J. K. !n. k. lUiitUn
John Carrey. Mary Carrey,
.l(M4'di K' iTiii!, .1 II Itlitkr,
UdC Allen. J I.Sperrv, W
.1 Furnish, Win ltuliock,
J l)urklwinMr, Krank Cotir
sellc. The First National
Ilnnk of IlrpjMicr, Oregon,
S S Denning and V S Dua
tin. Assiancc. I)efetidanU.
To Win. ltuliock and Frank
Cuttr-sclle, of tlw above named de
fendant:: In the name of the State of Ore
gon: Von ami eaeh of you are
hereby notified nml rciuired to Ik
nml npiicar at Canyon City. Oregon,
In tho above court ami cruise
on or before tho iUh day of Novetn
ler, I SIM. that Immiik the first day of
the next regular term of the alwvo
court, then ami there to answer tho
complaint of the alovo named
IMaintiH' filed in the above court and
cause, and unlets you do so apHar
and answer f aid complaint, the
plaintitr, fur want thereof, will ap
ply to said court for the relief pray
ed" for in his n:tid complaint to-wit:
For a decree in favor of tho l'luintiH'
and against tho defendant John
Carrey for Seven Thousand Six
Hundred Ninety-eight and fifty one
hundredths dollars (.fTti'.iS.oO) and
interest thereon at ten per cent. ier
annum from OctoUr '22, ISSt), bal
ance due upon a promissory note
lor Ten Thousand (IM,(MJM) dollars
dated September II, l.s.V.i, duo M
days after date, drawing ten per
cent intercut annually, with pro
vision for reasonable attorneys fee
in ease of suit, given by said John
Carrey to said plaintiff, and Kight
Hundred (.f.StXI) dollars attorneys
fee, besides the costs and disburse
ments of this suit; for a decree fore
closing that certain mortgage, dated
September 1 I, isv.i, ami executed
by the defendants Juhu and Mary
Carrey to the plaintiff to secure the
above" described note, upon tho fol
lowing described projicrty situated
in Grant couutv, Oregon: The SJ
of the NW and W of .VIS, Sec.
10. in Tp II S of U :'.0 1C W M, the
UJoftheSW of Sec. 'JC, and the
HJ of the NWJ of Sec. .'!.r., Tp 11 S
of It ! K W M, the SI of the SKJ,
tho NWJ of the K and tho NK
of the SW1 of Sec. 'J7, in Tp II S of
U ! K, and the W ) of the SV of
See. li, and the Wj of the NWJ of
See. .V), and the N of Sec. .'M, all
in Tp 1 1 S ..f U '.".I K, the NIC J of
the NW of Sec. in Tp S S of It
.'ID U. the St of the SJ of Sec. S in
Tp 11 S of It .'til K, the NIC of the
NWI -I and NWI -I of the NK1--I of
Sec. and the K J of the SW 1-1 of
Sec. -';! in Tp ( S of It S li, tho WJ
of the NF.ll and the Wj of the
SK1--1 of Sec ." in Tp '.I S of It '-."
K, the NKl I of See 2 in Tp 11 S of
K 211 F, the NWI-1 of the SW1-I,
the SJ of the NW and the NWI -I
of Sec 2(i in Tp It S of It lis F, the
NW1-I of Sec 2 in Tp 1 1 S of U 2,i
IS, the Hl-2of Sec iM in Tp "J S of
U 2!) IS, the SWI-I and tho SI -2 of
theNWl-land the SWI-I of the
NISI-I and the NWI-1 of the SHI -I
of Sec Hi in Tp '. S of It 20 H, the
W 1-2 of the NWI-1, the SIS I-1 of
the NWI-1, the SI -2 of the NISI-1,
tho Nl-2 of the SWI-I and the
NWI -I of the SHI-1 of Se .'hi in
Tp S S of It :;u IS. tho Nl-2 of the
NWI -I, the SHI-1 of the NWI-1
and the NISI-1 of the SWI-I and
the SI-2 of tin- Stt'l-1 of See .!; in
Tp It S of It 21t IS. and that said
luiuls or so much thereof as may be
necessary, In- ordered sold to satisfy
the alxjvc anbitiiits; and for a de
cree that the alleged claim, interest,
and lieu, of you and each of you
and of all and each of the defend
ants bo foreclosed and forever bar
red from any claim to, intercut in.
liun ukui, or equity of redemption
to, said land or any part thereof,
and further that the plaintiff hae
execution agaiist the defendant
John (.'am y for any deficiency after
applying the proceed of such sale
to the payment of said several
amounts, and for such further re
lief ad may Ihj equitable.
Service ujion you and each of you
is made by publication of this sum
mons in the (iiiA.vT l'or.TV Nkws
for six weeks, by order of the Hon.
M. I). Cliflbrd, Judge of the iiIhivo
oourt, and Maid order is of date,
September IU, I SOI. 1. Mays,
Attorney for I'laiutifb
They have a test method over in
Canada of discovering whether a
man is drunk or not. When ho can
pronounce "reciprocity" without
tripping, tho olico let him go.
That's a serious innovation on the
Irish method In the Hinenile Isle
a man is considered sober as long
as lio own H on tin ground without
a hold.
Anethtr I.ont; I. tit of Caiet Aiklra to
the Thwinamls AccmnphihtJ by 1
Ho much has lx-en said in raie
of Ur. Harrin and his new cure by
electricity, and to many eard and
letters from grateful nalients that it
m-mi umlei to pubiih them; we
will. Iiowever. dve their namwi and
adilreMMW, that jwople may n fer to
Stephen Wylie. Nan-l, Pacific
county. Wash.;" liver complaint ami
an aggravated caw of pile, cured.
C. IS. Knott, MmIIiio. Clackamas
county, Dr.; nervou debility and
I pimples on tho face, cured.
I William (biles, Hillsdale, Dr.;
total deafness in ow ear and par
tially so in the oilier. Cured in ten
Mrs. II. J. Miller, corner Fifth
and Alder slreeti, Hast Portland,
general debility: cured and gained
eight outids.
Mrs. A. C. Hau.lis. SO.". West
street, Seattle; cured of a scrofulous
sore on leg twenty yean ago by Dr.
I'rof. J. I'. I.ooney, principal
Ilillslniro public school, chronic
catarrh for seven years, permanent
ly cured in two months.
" J. W. Keeney, Long Creek. (Irani
county, Or. kidney complaint and
pains in the back and down the
sciatic nerves, restored.
Linton I'aine, Mulino. Or.; rheu
matism all his life in different parts
of the system, enlarged liver and
diseased kidneys, restored to health.
Dr. Darrin " still continues free
treatment to all from 10 to 1 1 a. in.
daily, and those willing to pay at
half price 10 a. in. to S p. in. Sun
days, 10 to 12. Confidential con
sultation by letter or at the ollice
free. Oflico 7()J Washington street
Portland. (Question blanks and cir
cular sent free. Dr. Darrin treats
all curable priate, chronic and ner
vous diseases, seminal weakness,
secret hiood and skill disease, ner
vous debility, imiKitence ami other
weaknesses of manhood, tumors and
irregularities in women, female
weaknesses, etc.
A remarkable juvenile offender
has come to light in tho enioii of
Lewis Case, a fifteen-year-old boy of
Los Angeles. He confeased recently
to setting fire to the Figueron hotel.
He now admits having jet flro to
tho Methodist church, a Chinese
laundry, stable, a grocery store nud
a fire-engine house, which ho burg
larized while the force were away
fighting one of his conflagrations.
He says he set fire to the church
lx'cause his Suiiduy-sehtsd teacher
was inconsiderate to him.
Clatsop county gives us a U'au
tiful example of the methods of as
sessing projH-rty for taxation in
Oregon. The city nssesvor of Asto
ria returns $.'t,iHX),0(M.l more projtcrty
in that city alone than the county
assessor returns for city and county
combined. When Assessor Flower
j finishes his work, we may find a
similar condition ofalfairsiu .Mult
nomah county. It is a curious com
mentary Uton the ulue ami aecur
I acy of assessments as made in the
j methods obtaining in this stab
1900 CALL0NS
D. a ovF.itiioir,
Csvon Uixr,
' - o .
l'lapiiutoi-H, Wm. Oociiu.V Nhii.
i;ws, (iaUestou.
ti V 1
Tht Abolition ot Wti.
The opening session of the com
mittee to erfcct arrangements ami
draw up plans for tho meeting of
the Pan-Republican congress and
Human Freedom league during the
o,uadri-centennial year began at
Philadelphia last week. Onlyalout
seventy-five out of tho ."W0 tneiuebr
of the "committee were pnvnt. The
members of the committee repre
wilt nearly cverv state in the I'nion
and were electeo! by Mwieties that
lelieve in universal freedom for
mankind, and thu alwlilion of wars
nd the substitution of arbitration
ami eace congresses in their places.
In the absence of Judge William II.
Arnoux, of New York, president,
Dr. John Clarke ltcdMth, of lireen
ensile, Ind , took the chair. Dr.
Percival Frnaer, chairman of tho
local committee, in welcoming the
delegates stated tho obje; t of the
congress was for the attainment of
justice, broader manhood, alolilion
tf national theft and murder, "call
ed generally annexation and war."
and the substitution of arbitration
and fair dealing. Dr. Itedpath then
introduced (iovemor Pattison, who
welcomed the memlers of the com
mittee as the chief executive of
Pi nnsylvania. Mayor Stuart in
formed a like duty on liehalf of the
city. Dr. Uedpath rescinded to the
ieeche. The proposed address to
the )eoile of tho world, inviting
them to send delegates to the con
gress of IM'2, was presented. The
committee then took a recess till
At the afternoon se.sion the Hu
man Freedom League was organised
by the appointment of a committee,
of organixaiton, consisting of one
memtter from each state. A white
flag was adopted as the ensign of
the league. In the center of the
flag is placed the national flags of
the world, each country tiling its
own fiag for tho center.
The effects of the earthquake,
which recently visited some tortious
of Northern California npttcnr to
have Ihcii greatest in Napa ami So
noma valley, where the shock was
described as being the heaviest ex
Hrienced since the great quake of
ISCS. At Napa and Sonoma, walls
cracked, chimneys wore demolished,
in some instances falling through
the roofs, anil window-glass was
broken. The people were roused
from their IhmIs and many passed
the night in the streets. While in
some districts but one or two shocks
are rejKirted, eight or ten occurred
at intervals at tho towns named,
keeping the inhabitants fully awake
until " o'clock in the morning. The
heaviest shock came at 10 .'ido'clock
at night, and lasted from ten to
forty-live seconds, according to the
localities where it was noted. The
geuersl direction seemed to be from
the northeast to the southwest. On
the Polpular ranch, near Sonoma,
which contains a number of warm
water springs, the earthquake caus
ed the water to gush forth ill great
quantity. No injuries to life or
limb are rcMrted.
At present the duty on flour from
this country delivered in Havana is
ft) 20 kt' barrel. When Spain
agreed to reciprocity measures lo
tween Cuba ami tho Cnited States
the duty was reduced to 11 or bar
rel, and this is to go into effect Jan
uary 1st. Just now there is a lively
time among o.Krters who have
heavy orders ahead to bo delivered
aUiu'l the first of the year. The
regular steamers cannot begin to
.arrv the freiuht. and others will Ito
pn fid into the service. Hstimate I
I la. es the number of barrels of flour I
ordered by Cuban merchant" at '
. . ... ? e I
1 ;ikmmmi m.v t orK comes 111 lor
j tin inn's share of the demand,
il...ieh inanv orders have been
plaicd in Chicago, whence the flour 1
I w tl be slnpiHMl 1 iy rail to iiaitimore
tin n 1 iy vessel to v una.
Says an exchange: A judge in
Hungary gave a decision the other
day of which Solomon himself might
be proud. A Niuariuo sect request
ed In.- honor to be allowed to crucify
one of their number who had been
called by heaven to save men. "I
do not wish to interfere with your
n ligious practices," said the judge,
"but if your Messiah wishes to lie
crucified, let him prepare himself
for death. Hut remember if he
diHS not rise again In three days I
shall caute every one of you to be
hanged." It is needless to add that
the .Messiah was permitted to live.
It is said the river lottom some
two or three miles below Pendlelon
is alive with rattlesnakes; of which
there are more than have been seen
for years, Mrs. Hill lust tho bout
horitf on her placo recently from a
rattliMiiuko bite.
Wurnlnc to Live Soctl Owner.
Tho following State Law was ap
proved by (iovernor I'cniioyer,
February -I), l'.'l ; and i one that
stockmen should heed:
"An act to prevent and punish
the driving or herding live-stock
along or nonr public highways (not
toll roads) and causing tho same to
Ik' obtrueted," and is as follows:
lie it enacted by the legislative
assembly of the .State of Oregon.
Sec. I. That any person or
ktsoiis driving or herding or caus
ing to bo driven or herded cattle,
horses, sheep or any kind of live
stock along or near a public high
way and causing such highway to
ho obstructed thereby with stones,
earth or other debris, and leaving
the same o to remain for more
than twenty four hours, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and iioii conviction thereof shall
be fined ir any sum not exceeding
two hundred dollars, such lino to
be enforced as other linos in crimi
nal cjwos, and justices of the ponce
of the county where the olfeiise is
committed "shall hnvo original
jurisdiction of all violations tlicro
of." The same judge who sentenced
Sandy Olds to one year in the wn
itentiiiry for the deliberate murder
of a human In-ing gave a man thrue
years tho other day in the same
placo of punishment, for stealing
two salmon. Is it any wonder the
farmers' alliance want to run the
government machine for a little
while? Dalles Chronicle.
Another crank has turned him
self loose and is vociferously yelling
that tho world is dead" and sure
to come to an end in a very short
time. He holds out at Salem, under
the very shadows of the insane asy
lum. llervais Star.
If you wish limit unit tunty job vmii k
ymi c 111 do no iitU'r than to cull mi
tlm Nnws.
Ilrfliiltluli of 1, l.lllll(r,l Trlll,
The U -fcllim. why l.i "limittM train"
Mi e.ilU'tl.' which wtii oiViwereil ill tho
Kuilway Ajr rwviilljr by an ulHcvr uf
Hi. 1 IViuikvlvaiiln llii-. Iiuh boon iro
Huiiileil ly n New York jaiK-r to (len
erul I'muiiifiT A went li.-,.r'e II. Dan
iel uf the Now York t entrnl, nhu r.
lih at f'.liw: (I) III l.oiltfil to Its
time; (1) it U IIhuUmI ft Witho 11UU1U.T
if mr mill weight of Irsni, (3) It U
li.ult. I m tu the iUm if c.iri; (11 ills
liciiteil as to tho ii'iial-r ami c1m of
mHUk'ii" ermitte.l traiikNrtntlMi
III. n un. This InM luiiit I euitf lulopl. l
k.i that every is..,jf,.r imiv have ma
ple uci-iiinmixlutli'ii. nml iml U i-rowd
e I or Interfered with by ullier (uiueli
ei rn. 'I he (act tluil nil luM.Uunnl faro
l on n limited train, iiimI,
further, that nolliiiiif hut llrt-elui
tlekuU are mM'U-.l (or iMUumua. teiiili
to limit the t-tavi of travel which Is car
rltnl. -SL I,uuU lilubo-lK'linKniU i
DiK-roH "There 1 1 on.- thing more
Your wife mu-l 11 it p. U a wont to
day." I'atl.-at Iliislmnd
- "W wiiuld you mind U-lliuK lit-r your
elf.'" Ikirfml.ior.
lUm.Hvi.i. Kit '(! -"I hearit ymi ha.l
a lunU'h with y'iir wife l:it niht,
lluUby. Whbt'h t!.. wore'.'-' 11 .t .!iy
liii'iurnfully I "Mi.1 shut 1110 out."
llnltlmore Ani.-ri' ;oi.
Mil. Ihirczv Jest on your aooount,
iiiiulam, l ie t.oo:, lii.liiiif my liiflit 1111
dur n IiiuIm-I for your!" Mrn. Hisiesy--"t
1, dear. Kktruv.1j.111l u i vor! Why
didn't you buy ilul euji?" N. Y. Her
ald. 'Yoc'l.l. itrifi' low lata Mm jfraH with
your demuiiiU f 'r money," maM ohl
Kleuk. "Theli you'll have U (five liw
one liundreit uud tlfty dollum luoro,"
said Mn. Sleek, "b.-ouusu nioiirnllu:
(ihmU lire very X)ive."
ItKUisni.ii of llii Nu, iti li Vow. Tha
Wifo (three s. m I -"W you married
me, did you not rmi to love, elior
Ikh and prub't't ",' Tie1 Iliikbund
(uleeollyi "Ye " Thu YVlfu Well,
thou, yet up. liht the ifun nud kill tluit
moMuiUt.' N Y. sun.
I'm: lilnir of Sweden has iirewMitiMl
the town of New Sweden, Me., with a
Hue llhrury.
Tin: Itoillelaii library ha uow half a
uilllioil voluiue uud tfrowi. ut the rate
of I'JU a day.
'I'll. iublU! librarkis of i:uroi al
totrelher uonUthi about JI.0OU.UU0 vol
ume!.: thooe of tliU euuutry uiuitaiii
iiImiiiI .SU.ouO.OO.).
Till: I'nion I'.icille road hiu eolleeted
n library of euH- of ejivlmelit from
trul 111. of i.ihsoii;frr 1 Wiiuoui tlekuU
were in Mtuie wuy irregular.
In town . and etlle of MiikAoehii
sell 'JIS now have fro,- iul.lle libraries,
mid tlutklaU' I i.e. iuteiy pronil.'ii aid for
lu:i kiimll tow in. uud villutfek wliteh huru
110 libraries.
A tio:ui:'.'Im)'s plethora of novel U
ri'iHirted fu I'arU for os-iuiplc, l.v.osi
oopUmof the l.itl pn,l i. li.iii uf u popu
lar wriWr lim'ii U'oii returned Ui Mu
publUlMrs. It Is 04ld l'.-t uuotherpiib
Itslmr has .i.uou.ujj volume un liutsl,
wlilfh are uukaluUe.
rti Nw V'rl Cliviulr uf C'uuiutrr
kiitl II, Vloiubrrt.
A a Moiety the ch.imlM-r of miiii
mere eoitist i of one lhoontiil regular '1 en 1,'eiillotiieii John lli-e-low
o x luniisler 1 rmitvl e-l'rvb
dent l.r.'ii r I lerelnd, l ulled SUitri
Senator Willinm M Kuirl, Jiuli;e
KlUk-h U fttiu-hrr. Cyrti W. field,
ThoniON A. IMlwtn, Hamilton l'lli, John
Sherman, lieorue Willinm CurtU and
t'arl Shurs enjoy the dlallut'tiou of
honorary momhcrhIp, and lritiw to It
lid the rNpertetiee of stnteliininihlp
and the r-Mtireeiiiif IrHliuil diplotmiry,
nMIe derlvni-f from It thii advttti-la-
of per.oiial "touch" w ith the wti
k.irium of iiuklsni trade. Alld-irt-iin
ntt of i-ommcrrc nud manuf.iettire,
nml of Mm learned pnifeilu mid iiw
ful rooalloiii reldleil thereto, iir- repre
sented In the orjf:i:iliiitloii. Initiatory
fee-, have vnilisl U'lueen the sum of
tea ''punish d.llai. ret (ii I red in I7JJ.
niitl that of twi-nty-lhe dollars winch
U now demnnde I from every neeepled
e.ilidiilnlti III silbkennrnt )euri the
111 xlerate fH of twenty dollar meets
the .tiiannl reiiilkitl.iu oniembi of
eustoiiinry eharueter and number, to
it'llivr with sj. ktandiuir eomniillees,
pr pure matt r for dieuvslou uud iive
effect to corpimite d.'e'.sioli. 1 harlen
Stewart Smitli. plesl.lenl klnt-e l'..s;. 1
the son of 11 N. w llnmMihlre I on
lre; elertfymia. In ra'li-oal. relul. tlnanriitl. plilliiuthr.i ie
in I urtittic elrele i he Is eiUii'ly
iiroinliirnt. Of th. Inmnl uf triutee of
lit Suilors' K.mjf hurlKir, Stnttm
Isl ind. he U ex officio it memln-r, and
al .o of tins executive com
mil tee, a(rrt"enbly to provisions of the
will of I'npU llandatl, IU ke.ifuriiii;
founder. (Icorirc W ilson, secret try of
the chmiib.'r of coinmereo klnce ImW, is
of' Aniericnn nneeslrv.
unit h thr.iiti;hly fninilliir :u Is evi
dent froi:i his loinpllntton of the annuiil
revrt with nil the fuels, l!uros. laws
and leitdeiiele of Amertciiii. nud more
particularly of inetrkilitau, trade nml
commerce. M tru.steei have uhar-;ii
uf the renl ehtabv Juilfu It I., fniichnr
pn'sldes irvrr the e.mrt of nrbltmtloii
esl:ibli-ilie,l by act of the state legisla
ture April 21, IS7I Of luemliors elect
ill by the chamber of commerce to
other olilcial ixwltions. threo coiuiuls
shiner of pilots curry out lt liitriu"
tlous; the coiumlssloiior for llct'llklu"
kuiloiV hotel or lioardlniHioiiso nets
ill It Ikduilf. and there are three trus
tee for the Nnutlenl hool of the Mar
Isir if New York, and throe -;ciillomcii
who the council of thilt ilisti
lution. 1 rom 'The New York Cham.
lr of I'oiiiiuertv," by lllchiird Whcut
ley, in llnrimr's Minrntlne..
, I'nllli. I'.irltlm Mnkri it Ti-rrlMo On-
llOlnlll till lilt' I. I UIIRII tit
The (ollov. iuir is u 1-oiiu lido loiter
from n I'.ol.i.tu tiotel keeer ton Now
Yorl: r ivliinc family had been abroad,
nud ivliosv pntrouiuo tlm writer was
n n xi' us to keeuix' uiou tho A merioiiu'
next foio;ra trip. If you rcud it all
throtii without kiiilliui; vim vsill h.ivn
at e,.iupieiieu it lout In. u no omi win,
h.i . yet well the letter hit leti ublo to
Sin Last liljfht 1 had prenentutl to
you n project of location, with the
hrt'.i'.iu-.t and dinner, and the little
br .'.fa. I noriitiiis'. for the itmotiul of
one huiidrcil uud forty dolhirrt by euch
At Unit, you must add, for the per
fect comfurtubh) in our hot-l, llku t
had promised that ycktorduy.
At first, it housemaid iuterektcd tpo
cinlly nt your servico.
Afterward the llhtulnir with the -jut
or with the coiiix.itiou cuudbi tho
Ifn nrruiieiucut khuiild In) at our
'Hie HriiiK with thr wootl or the coal.
.Many electro pilot driver that khnlt
eoinniuillciite with thu bedrixim of our
hoiueiimld nml nlko with the htlohuu.
In thlk lUHliner you khall huvo all ftJ
eomiinMliitlmiM of thu lifn of 1'urU. 1
jflve the HlH'rt.y or frnnclilse to tell yoti
that ut our ordinary nt in each rcp.ikt,
With ii i:mm1 plain cooklnc;, you shall
one. miller round )ou miiiiy younj
Ifeulleuieu. miiiiy kous of Keatry,
wich le.irn the riht, thu physic, thu
chemist khop, etc, w ieh kpeuk thu
mo-it pure 1'relicli. ThU Is, nt my
opiuiuii, ery favorable.
Ill our hotel you khall have all tlm
beat euro in the lck mrtlculur. Wo nru
Mile. I'nux mitl tue ul your dUl
lion for be utile nud ittfrouublo. Hero
the tlKeoiiifort of your darling wifo
khuil Ih' cired lu the sjKiee of tlireo day
by tho incilicul learnings that 1 have lu
Hiy Kisseioii.
I iuforii you of nil thliiK Ix'otiuse nt
llrst liny I have keen in you together
the t m m! iniiniiers tluil huvo mailed
proierbitil our urbanity mid oleuiu-y
You khall huvo nil that for two dol
lar by euch perwpii nud by each day.
for tho ifixtd order, than a eiutrnct
of locution for six mouth to tho mini
mum kliull uinketUlMitwi'Dii wo nml the
half of tluiku exiHiiuca bhull payed in
1 repent you, than our most lurtfo de
sire Is for your llfn very uffrccnhlu
slsiul ve. N. Y. I'nms.
O.SK lumlioT mill III the stale of W nsh
lunbtn turned out in !Mi rtti.eoo.uiw feet
of lumber.
Tin: Ilrltl)imil.!iim wns vllled Inst
year by ftKi.lTa Hironk, nUiul one
seventh uf whom cume ilurunf -M'0
Tin: ho uc of purlkimsul t Wet
tultisU r eot tlT.rrtNJ.UUU; the now for
elirn otHce nt Whitehall cost i'JW.UOO;
Mie reeoni oUIco oot faui.aUU.
Till: llrltlsh empire lu Imllii cover an
area of I, iso.siu tpmr uillu, a terri
tory uciM-ly a ln! a litimi1 without
liuiikla. Itlu a population ut ulsmt
i Tin: duke of Ciimbrldjje, niiumniiiler
I in chief of her innjexty's army, I know li
us 'I'mbivlla lliHire." .
Ni:vr to lirent llritiiln, fnince hns
; the ereutest iiumU'r of imnebid, Italy,
llusklii nud lieruiiiiiv milking thinl,
fourth nml fifth reH'ctlvely n luiirl
tline power.
A rvcenlly made In the (ieriimn
nrmy khowed Unit dlsmtclus can Im
sent inure speedily by hiintemon llmn
by bicyclist. The horse were not
ridden nt hli;h speetl.w bile the bicyclist
went at full speed.
Itai.v vill return to her medieval
prncticc In the liittuchln of a ship.
llenafter w hen her now IronelmW wed
the sea Hot chiimptiKiie will be used nt
the ccrcuioiilal, but u old riliK' IiiiiIm'Ii'K'
from the vessel's Unv will If itmpKtl
Into tho ken- . every soldier on active
kervice lu the llrltlsh army will hae n
card nttncheil to his elotliliiK In'ailnif
hi lintue, rank and reetuieiit. Till
idiiii Is to fiicllltule Identllleiitlim III
raw of death on the battle Held. It has
lone; Is'en tu voo;ue lu the tlcrmuii army.
(iov. 1'iUM'i. of Missouri. I n mil
lionaire, and the foundation of hi for
tune wn laid by Investment lu wheat.
Woes the national constitution wu
ndoptcd I'hurh's I'urroll, of ('.irrolltoii,
wn the richest man In America. He
wus worth half n million.
Hi.mroaW I) W isnm-iiv, of Minne
sota, who l wild tti !v the liljfuest Hour
pnslncor In the world. U n Maine limn
nml woiked oil n farm III that st.ite till
he w a tw only ours old.
John II. tlotoii's )auttful rural
home, "llillkldc," Worcester, on
which ho Npt'iit p-jo 1.000 mid n v.ltit
.tmoutit of lailo nml lalur, ha now
Is'en kohl by Ids exeeubir for much lck
than the sum here mentioned.
Joiiv I'lWiii.ii w.u. the president of
the Iri .h national league In Amerloa. Is
the riehest man in l.ineolii, Neb., hav
ing a fortune of SI. .H.I, i Hx) Me b.'K'aii
III career n n laborer with nick und
I khoicl on u western nil I road.
An Invalid' chair i;is by electricity.
Ul.l.iTiilr litfht or Miwer Is now ued
In nearly forty mine, and with ouch
hiieces Mini a rnpid extension of elce
trie in in i iiir is autlripiited. ili'velopinent in electro-pholoK-ruphy
liulieute that It nitty I' iklhlo
to lake photographs uf views ItH'atcd
iiiany mile from the camera.
Tin. work of t 'ler.iph biilldlnir In
Smith fril 1 1 pllshetl far ahead of
railroad i nterprlso. Savah'e Africa will
thus Is' Joined with clvllUutlon by elec
tric w Ire.
Tut: eloclrofctutio relktanoe of the
Atlantic cable reduce tho necd of the
electric current more man ouo-lliti-d,
j reipiii injf three second fur It to Iruvcl
to i.uro.
j 111 )irosied to htllhl nil electric
. railway from I'lisadenu, ful.. to the
. kiiuimi'tof Mount Wilson, on which b to
! be erected the lnrvt tslemiK lu the
I world. If enrrletl out Mil will lulnif
the new observatory within the reach
of toiirli.t.
Airoiuuvo ton New York npclluto
com t a man's note made payable "sixty
day afUT dentil" I ifixitl ufnlust the
maker's estate.
Is u Mlnnciisillk police court recently
n man who w n" nri iilcneil on n chiii'ifo
of vnirr.iney was loprckonted by u criui
fuitl lawyer whom he retained uud
paid to defend him.
A nix llshlno nt .lor''. I'.Uir . wan
caught by tho ilslnji tide, unit u IhiuI
hud tti Ik- put out to rescue him. The
licit day the magistrate kenteueed htm
o cLrlit duyit' linril lulxir "for the
trouble he had eiillked."
A HiuiHiiini; in llorneiiktle, Ihiif.,
se ute need u iiiiiu under tho vnirrniiev
law. to seven days' Imprisonment foe
Iiiivihk slept tu u stable. It was slnnvn
that lie had slept there by permission
of l lie oivnei, lint the Justice Ml id there
wui. iiolhiu' III the vuKruiicy net nlxtul
IK'ruilnkluii and tu Juki the iiiaii weuL
A IUIV house uud u i liance to exorcise
promote lie.tltli.
I r eorniaenl must 1m- fed, luiko It uud
crumble it into sweet milk.
To r.uri.s rapidly irlvo the fowls nil
the eoniLienl they will cut up aleuii.
On thu farm the poultry ouhl to pay
n 1,'issl pint of the ruilliiuif exeiitiii.
I'l.ot'oiiisii and llinlni; the poultry
run purities the soil and promote
ItAi'ii of gravel or "ritty innlerlul I
nearly always the cniiieof fow ls,'ctllnr
i-ropl-ound. the hnxsl of turkey I
stroni; enouuli, vu them thu run of
the meadow s.
Tl iii.M'h can, tu a oontderHbhi ex
tent, Is- frlicn ktveet kkiiiimcd milk III
place of water, uiiil If the driiihlng ics
l selk are kept cleuii will !o till thu
' henltliler. ,
I Tin: cost of a hlxh-eluss passmiKm"
llKtnuiltlvi' i IllHIUt s,UKl.
lliull. und Mexico have udopleil Die
American hs-oniotlvc on their inllwny
nml many other iHiuntrlcs are following
their exuinplu.
Tiiai.ssoii thu Urooklyn bridge inulio
fter tiiiiu (by two mile nu houri
tiiun dkl the flrt rullwny train that run
iM'lweeii New York und Albany.
So skvciii: I (ho climate of South
Amerieu upon Iron, Mint ljfon' rollrxuid
ties have shown kl"ii uf doouy Mm
llnui(oof Mm rails will be utmrly oaten
iilf by rust.
To Kkmovl I'imiiiii MlllRil AVfl
Soii.ku Sisits. Wuh with javelin
1 Toltr.viovi: Dviik Si-ors i novi Motiii'.ii
or Pi. vni. Aariei.B. - - Wa-.h with a olu
lion of ammonia and blnoxldo of hydro
I To Tviii: Ink Sisit Ot-r or Wiir?::
tiooiw. -Wet the ssit with oxnlle ufltil
or muiiatle ncld. then wash lu warm
w ater.
I To littuovK Miikasi:. I'm one milieu
of pulveriied b.irax nnd half an oil una
'of irimi c.imphor; put into one quart of
thiiliuir water and bottle for us.-.
; To Kkmovk Ink Sinri iiiom Sii.
j v n Make a little chloride of lllllu
, into n p-itc with wnler nml rub the ssit
with this: wash oil with warm wnter.
j To T ikk Ink Sisim Oct or Wurtit
; I'M' Wash the spit with a ciinici's
! hair bruh dipped lu a solution of oxab
1 ic ncld When tlio Ink bus illuponrid,
! wash with pun1 water.
To Ki:viiivk I'vixr. -A cms! wuy
fold koine s.ift oloth several timet und
lav the soiled article on It. Wet the
spot w ith hctirluo and rub with n wool
en cloth. 1'our on more Wniuo, uud
lubatfalti l!es'ut as often n may 1st
neeeary. tlmsl !loiu.ol;coplne;. .
As iiiicutor ha nppllcd for a paten
for nu automatic child spanker.
A Ihii. I. that w rile letters oil a stub
i n recent Inientlon of u machinist In
Nurctnbiiri, tier many.
Tin: New Jersey man wlm secured u
patent on hi Idea of plueliio; mlilier on
the tip of pencil Ik said to have leal
lied Sjoo.ihhi from it.
II Al I lli A v. the Inventor of the cable ()
street eur system, states that thu h(ht
of six horses vainly eiitlcavnrunf lirdrnw
n cur up n steep hill nt Sun f rami too
llrst MiKi.'esled to htm the foundation for
hi itiveiition.
A m.m pattern of slimmmlieis' awl It
cmiicled by a splrul sprint,'. After a
blow has bt'eii struck nml the point of
the awl ha pierced the leather, the re
neliou of the sirin' Mirowk It out unlli
and ku cs considerable time nud trouble.
Tui:srv-Ttvo iicwi.pnH'nt tu KiitiMii
ar' ctlited by women.
Tin: diiy cciifciis of the city of I.oudon
'.lions Unit there lire now !U, III) women
eti,'ii.'eil lu the city during the day nu
uuinsl 11,1711 in InHI.
A hI'imiS for uieiiMirlno inctllclne, by
which a ilose can l uduilulstered with
out sptlltii),', h.i been invented by .Mr.
Ilornee i!iumIwIii, of Huston.
"Wours. white or black," wild Stun-
I ley, recently, "I reeanl a far alsive u.
'They ore mure huiiiutie, they are more
'prompt with sympathy, they are inoro
tamable to new Ideas than wo of tho
opposite sex."
Is eloiiteen inonlh Mis ICnte Smith
rose fiom n sixty-dollar elerlishlp under
overiimenl to one with a sixteen hundred-dollar
salary. She I the only
woman chief of division in tho Minimi
of the I'ovcrnment.
IISKnI the MNircsl men to be found
nil) where Is the rich man who never
Till man who ild no i'isnI with his
money will not "el very much "imsI out
uf it himself.
' 1 1 the henthen nro never saved It will
Is- the fault of close-listed church inolii
Is'is, nud not the fault of (!in.
Tlllilli: nro people who i;lve them
solve to tlio Uinl. bin tliev take all
jtlie inouev out of lluilr pockets boforu
they do It.
I TiiniK nro well-to-do men w ho will
i;ct down on their knee lu church, nud
,pray for Ibsl to bless the whole earth,
iwho woiihlut clve u dollar low aid
huihllno n fence around the church to
keep the pie out of thu i;rn eynrd.
I Itulii'h Horn
I Tin: imiiiufncturii of false teeth for
horse i ii new Industry lu I'arU with
n capital of j.lHKI.UOU (nines.
J IIi.misi huvo discovered Unit tartar,
,u culeaieoiis des)ilt on the teeth. Is
.more abumlniil lu HirMui of highly
Inerioiis teiuiruiueiil than lu any
111. of the mummies of the Kyptisii
, kllitfsU provided wlthuu't of upper
false teeth, the plate Ix'tnir luade of
carved wimmI, olostdy lilted lu thu
month, the teeth icprokcntod by brass
iMISkt'k or studs.
' Dsn of tho strnni;ei.t professional
trades union III thu fulled State Is
the Mentis!' i'mtectlie unstsiuttuM.
After due warning the ihsir wem
ulowil when thu mcmlerlilp had
reiiclietl Iilsmt 5.1KW.
. Is Mveden, It Is uld, a CUIipeU'lIt,
servant tflrl cull Ihi obtained for four
' teen dolbirs u year.
I 1 1 I now the Intention of funH'nil
Ieiu;ineer to stole tho witter of tlio
I Nile to kiieh nil extent as to eniiblu a
I'rt'Uter extension of the cotton uud
stiirnrcuuc ero. lu Mint re(;lon.
I' I the mint reei'lit mlill
Hon Ui the list of frofciiouout i ort
Inir count rick. The country In i-nhl to
be well udiiptcd to thu brecdiili; of the
hurdler descriptions of Kugllsh mutloll
f i' to the Ix'inuluu' of Inst year C'l,
(HW.UHiwere invested ill Indian tea com
I panic, nud since then now it)in.iiiies
I reprekelitluir a further capital of K1.I J.V,.
, Due htivu been foriuotl. t'hlua 1 fiUtl
j lottiiiK' her hold on tho tea trade,
j Is Australia the desiccation of pott
toes I a new Industry. The pot'itoon.
! are klletvl and dried, till thu inoli.turo
I Ixiiiir extracted. About one ton of ile-
Icttted (sitiitiH's U ohlailiiMl fixiilt tivu
toiik of thu mw urthtle. A L'oimI market
for the prtMluot 1 expected tiuiooy the
hUmuishlp uiimpunlok.