THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS Thursday, Orl h. LOCAL HREVITIES. Ak rmir merchants for Oity Holler Flour. Son tlie firo and low priced clocks nl tfw Watchmaker'. UH at lmg Crwek, CkU 7, 191, infant child of Dev. MeUwiigfll. liner linn uf clock twf l'foH mm in (hunt comity now nl the Watchmaker'. A isxhy boy cam to blew tlw Ikhivm of Mr. nml Mm. A. .1. Stephen hi thi dly kit Friday, OcL 9. Considerable fruit hn Ikmi fron.-n by the lit cold wMlltrr, sriiich is un Html lit this time of year in lkslern Oregon. John and Oeorge Higirit nro now Uw proprietor of tim Osnyon City ami iMiUhell mail roiU, ami the lwy ilc- errs to.vess. License lo wed has tieen iaaueil to Jam II. Turner and Minnie M. I'.iul, ImUi of the grrat Hayatack country in Umnl county. Mutton anil le'f burer if welcome viiilon in tliis precinct, and home laiei woubl !' more weleome Uit-auw tbev are so scarce. lawyer I'pnning iTturntnl lost Sal unlay from linker City, wlnre he had on business conneclel with tint Fok valley mine contest case. Mr. Thos. Curl's little loy, who 1m lain sick ith lyjhoil fever so long t their residence lvrlow Joint U.iy, is now convalescent, we are pleased lo lenni. Mr. U I'. Nierman, whose much is Slid to produce the Ik-jI .UitoM in tho upjHir vnlley, tre.iteil the Ni:ws shop to some line snrnpkw the other day. Died, of typhoid fever, at the resi dance of 0. A. Sweek, in Hums, Tues day the Olh inst., at 2 p. in. MUt Julia lleo Gage, a inter of .Mrs. O. A. Sweek. Tliare are nlioat 126 civil case on the docket for the next term of circuit eontt for Cuion county, and more criminal cases than ovr Iwfore for ono term in that county. The nmount of money received in The Dalles from insurance comNinius, on account of losses hy tlio giont fire, will not vary a thousand dollars, either way, from f 275,000. While at l'rairie City lecently the now )lmtoijnipher, Mr. D.iy, showed the Ni;ws man Home line work which win fmiihed hy a new mid supeiinr pixoiiss in iliuLoi(r,iiliy. School Superintendent .M. X. I'ou, who was in the city a few days ago, informs us that his school ut Ung Crook town number 100 pupils, and that now ones aie coming in ocry day. Mr. Wm. Hall informs us that a mutton buyer is in the county. The price ho is Miyiug is iuit low, only S'J.flO M'f head, but sheepmen will let jKitt of their Ileitis go at that piico, owing to the season. Mr. I. M. Fostei presented the prin ter with some excellent M.irs which grow and m.itured at Ins much on the hill west of town. I 'ear apiear to do Imttur Uiau other fruits on tlieyi liii(li elovntious, lint it hat xm demonstrat ed Umt no section of tho noithwHst can our (3 runt county for fruits of ovary variety. ft Tlio town council of Hums has siss oil nn ordinance prescribing "lire limits;" and propcily owners within these limits are couiellod to dupense witlt kloe jiipes poking through tlm roof, and in their place erect stone, luiek or terra cotU Hues. It is wis legislation, and what our town council should see alxiut, for the protection of the town, I'orter Itros., after an unavoidable delay, were calculating on starling their new Houring mill last Tuesday. They epeet considerable Harney coun ty wheat, nd will ay the highest prion and sell Hour at the lowest ligure. Or, Uly will give the usual numiwr of Irouuds of rlour and bran in exchange foe wheat, a they do not contemplate grinding for toll. Horace sUin was down from his father's Canyon Creek umch tho other day aud gave tin Nkw man soiim ex tra large jwtatois grown on the ranch. Thoy can Isj sfu at this sltop, anil woubl hold a prominent place at any state or i-ounty fair. Mi. Sloan is building an uddition to his houke at Dowville, but aside from this could give in no news of a staitling nature. Farinor and fruit grower of tliis valley would le doin,' their custonn-rs a favor, and helping their own finan cial condition besides, by aiding to iin prove the road to South Fork. The HHplo oor thorn must oomu oier heie for protltice, and they would feel moie kindly towards us if they eouhl traol on a gtssl thoroughfino. Let us im lirove tho road anil sen how it will Stimulate tiade. ,'llis authorities in charge of the state blind school aio receiving merited cen sure for uuiking a free exhibition at tint statu fair, of the helpless unfortu nates oared for in that institution. It wu an outrageous piece of business, and the suporiiitundout of the school ItoubJ be promptly dismissed for ul lowing such a shameful proceeding to take ilac. To make a freu show of the uiitoituiuttM panoni for sit ikys, Just a a farmer displays his liog or rtiUle, win UirUirous ami wijht not to & uvil 0c witliout the iovwrust cemure, 1 Itoekinglmra A- Hl Cniverml IVwU, $.1,26 per dr at Suk I Ws, Ort your eye fitted with the right kind of spectacles itt tlie Wtitchmake r's Canyon Uily. j S. A. Ileiluer, tlm. linker City for Prairie ! wrding ogent, will erect a vnre- liouse at McHwen. Davville race nro to commence ! on the '2!th, nml come iwxl after those nt Prairie City. This delightful autumnal weather give one power in piny enchanting knife mid fork ducts along about noon. H. 1 1 vc, tlw implement dealer of John Day, if erecting ii commo dious building in which to cflrry on his increasing huiiness. The Prairie City baseball boys have had xMters printed at this factory announcing dance Friday night nl the Orange hall. Dr. Ash ford niient over n week at l'rnirio City among hi patient in tnl j,rccjlicii Rmi is ,U)W m,,,,v lo announce hat U.ey are all improv- ing, exceiit Miss hleeta l.aurnnce. p ' Don't forget to attend tlw literary entertainment aim iionoon social at the M. K. church tomorrow even- t ing. lCiiterlainment to commence at 7..U) sharp. John llvde (Missed tlmnigh tlio i city the otiier day on his way to his South I'ork rancli. lie had been , in Portland negotiating with Ix-ef .' buyers, wo understand. I v oiuraciors inn v. i iiuuinn aim .-....-..i .....i: ' , i . , ii 'el 1 Hi room cottage which will la t.sei'l as sleeping apartments in connec- lion with the New lestaurnnt. The state insane asylum at Salem has at the present time the greattnt numli-r of Mtieuls in the history of hip insiiituion, mere neiuir an eu (OO connneii mere last inuriMuy. i In Cnmtilla county the exK!riment 1 has U-eu successfully made of raising . fruit on the hills without irrigation.' The orchards ate llourishing and the fruit produced ii of excellent ipiality. ! Hoof plates and stove pipes constant- j ly on hand at Frank Flcischmun's. , Will set up ktoM'.n nml attend to all wotk in that line. I-inl caiui and buckets kept on hand, and all kinds j of reisiiriug done. lm Mr. Heed, who has rich locations j in almost every mining camp on the coast, has found a good looking ipiartz ledge on Canyon mountain,' a specimen of which can he seen at ! this think factory. Harney and Malheur whwit con- tinues to toll towuids the l'rairie City i mill, where fiom HO to U'i cents per j bushel is rcnli'Hl. Our fanners and ) our neighlniring faimen w ho hae gxl wheat will do well this season. Straw binning stocs aie Iniing in tKslucoil in Shi'imau county. The fuel is supplied by menus of a drum, in which it is chsn-ly pressed and will furnish a waiui, comfoi table lire for loMirul hours Itcforo it needs renew ing. j County Clerk Shearer is continually , ""tomph.ting the erect..... o a recording the location of new mining ten-stainp .p.artz in. I on his Klk properties discove.od in timnt county. . vk l'"'!-lrfK-ntioiiM me made ueaily every day Mr. J. W. (ireenwell privately in some patt of the ounty, ami hsa- whisH-rcd into thu ear of the Nkws tors almost invariably hate faith to do yesterday, to look out fur a Wedding their assessment woik. party from Dayville, Mr. Henry Fanners complain that they cannot jj't5"y-T and" Miss Millie ho realize enough for nuts und Unley. ' ''rt'1- Oats, we undecstaml, sell for nl-out a l'rairie City races which coin cent deli vet ml, while a lot of lirst-class J nicnce today will be a success, judg cleaned Unley from up the valley was 1 ing from the interest manifested by delivered to the brewery heie a few horsemen and others throughout tho days ago for 1 1 cents. Deputy slierill' Votgesou was oer in the (irnuito country lately, and r jKuts favorably un the mining situa tion. The Monumental mill has adver tised for a Urge amount of wl, ami e cry thing xiinU to the immediate suiting of the machinery. Saturday afternoon the fire lcll clanged nu alarm, occasioned by a blaze al the planing mill. Tho boys ri'sjMjudod with the hose cart, and got si pm pura on the llnmc. We are U-co.niiig piile considerable of a city if the frequency of lire alarms are any criterion. According to the semi-annual sum uiary sUttMiteut the total liabilities of (iiont county are $K 1,7'K 13. He sources, including deliniieiit taxi s and Harney, Ike mid Morrow county script, ore i-tS, ,uy. f:t. 'Iliis leaves a net indebtedness of U, 'i'i. l0 ufu-r these items are admitted as resource. I Hut, after alt. this is no worse a show iug than some of our neighboring j counties with much mote taxable prop el ty present. There has been some intimation of ietitioning the county couit to change the location of the Canyon cieek coun ty raid so as to run thu same mainly on tho east side. We U-liee that tins is onlv a hituc ioke. for eeiy one is aw aro that Grant county would go Uuikrupt in umleitakiiig to purchase ' light of way along the cieek UtUtin. ' The wagon road, however, would be giiMitly improved by such a change, and many short pulls avoided. , Diod, in this city, Monday. O. tols r ' 1 . of membranous croup, Mary v7, dsughler of Mr. and Mrs. S, Denning, agisl two years ami ten j months. Little Mary w. a favorite witli tliu children, and was the idol of i her now grisf stricken arents. Her i.,..!,. ,. ,rtv,l I., 1-ru.i (Irmik where : " . . I l n I iMntiitiu's riduliiHS iiislile. ami the fuimnd oeeuirtsl tlwre yesterday inoniing. A number of friends of the ' family joined the sad ptoesission front this qlty. ' I'KAIKU! CITY Ct.AI'PINCIS. OctoW 1U, I SI) I. Sjecial CorrestKUidonce to Ni:s: Weather Hue. Knee track liner. Indigo is M tut our iHisclmll lvy hlner. .Mr. Hardiimn is spending si few doy in the I titrttt river country. Mr. . I. W. Muck jxid Canyon City a businuMt visit one dtiy lust week. Mr. and Mr. Watson take their lenvo this week for tint Willamette valley. Ak your grocer for Porter I'ros tlotir. "Tho finest foiiml in any market. A grout ninny ruorted on the iek list this " week, hut nouo ierioiii. Mr. Dodsnn will tench tho voting idea how to shoot in the Mend- ow,j district this winter. ( MJ A. .,.,,,, B.R,llt ,KBt ... .... , 1 I ,l: I Sunday visiting her cousin Mis ' Hro.liJ, oast of town. Mr. ltubbanl Johnson returned from Malheur county, where ho has been Suiting telatives. Mr. A. K'ing was sick this week cause too much iHiseball. Ho resinnel work Monday, however. Klijah Uiuranco enine in from Maker City lisuhHl with a full load r , - r i of f'l' grm-encs for I Liunince j -Mr- ' 'JyinKn gosl trade, j F.vervthing lively in town tliis ! week. ' )ur .lockoy Club assures 11 n lino progruin of races Tlllirs j day, Friday and Satlllday, Next WJ,, Me y j,jVo the sirticulars. Nelson Hubcoek, who bus been under Dr. Ashford's skillful euro for tho last two weeks, made his appearance Saturday. Nelson had a hard time of it nml looks hard for the wear. Why cant we all turn out to chord! und encourage the eiittso if it is not true it is u splendid criterion by which to rear the young. Hear in mind church is 1 1 :U0 not Lot us go. lly. Mnek, a studious young man of whom wo are all acquaint ed, entertains ideas of going to I'oithuul to attend school. Wo are glad to note this fact and we predict Mr. M. will eoino out with living colors. 1 1 1 it l!i:iMKThit. We hear it remarked a wedding is to occur in our midst next Sab bath, the happy couple Ix-ing Miss Claude Foster ami Mr. Fred Simp sou of John Day. Fred Vorgison, who made a liv ing trip to the Susauville mines lately, informs us that John Hughes j country. Frame ( it y lias a gool j race course, and wo would he glnd to see her get the H. O. district fair next fall, as she has already bid fur it for Grant county. Residents of Hear valley are ex j K)riencing a large ipmntity nf in- convenience by reason of the dis l continuance of Hlautnii x)stotlice, but there is a probability of another j oll'.ce being established in tho valley I soon. At least two Mjrsons have been recommended to the depart ment as suitable material lur jxwt musters. Over on upsjr Trout creek be yond Silvio valley immense gravel dcK)sits have In-en found, and the country is said to be rich in course gold. John Wash informs us that the entire section is living located as mining ground. There may be rich , leads, but the dilllculty to bo over come in extracting tlio golil will lie the scarcity of water. We learn that Jack McDonald who cut nil' the ear of Mr. Stevenson at Mitchell a short time ago was lined ful) by tho town council and released. Afterwards Mr. Steven hiu began sull'ering from blood siis oniug, and it was feared he would die. Then a warrant was issued for McDonald, and the sheriff of Crook county sent mm out after him. At i . , . i ; last accounts ne was in wus couniy in the vicinity of Dayville, with the abend's xne close at hi heels. ,,, inf()rmH ,u Nnv- (ml t) hm fU)(t he is traveling on a railway train he has hut to take out hfs watch and count the clicks of the rails for twenty seconds, which will give the number of iniioM per hour, People in our county sehlom ride on a railroad, but we have a sure plan for ascertaining how fast tho stage is uoiuit. .1 ust ask the driver how- far it is to tlm station, ami wtoii count the elicKS ol l ie wnm as ii descends, which will in nl iiieasure doteruiine the ieed if multiplied by tbo lime of day. 1 2 It It lDItAS. 1ki:, Or., Oct. 12, 1 SO I. Mr. Ceo. Gilbert, wlw has Ireen working on ICmigrant creek for some time, is at home again. TImj Iwi loys have dispowl of their race horV. Hlue Dick, Mr. Shelby being the purchaser. The price was not h-anu-d. The vaqtiero who haw Ihnmi rill ing tlie Murders creek and lower South Fork country, have returned home with a fine bunch of cattle. Several of our rancher.-" are haul ing the wetl for their full sowing from Crook county, where they are able to buy it fr from I to bits jwr bushel. Gathering 1-ecf i in progress, nn we write. The utialitv is Mler thnn for some vcars, but buyers i , I ...... " ... .1... ..s..t nun ii" i in 'ii v ij vi.i lower than was etiecl-d. 1 Several of our hs al h.irse men are talking of taking in the Dayville race. Should they do so the Day viller will have to hustle them selves or they won't lw in it. Hugh Clark, who has Wen freight ing over the lleppner road to John Day for II. D. A Co., is home for a rest. Hugh says it is the worst road in Oregon, but nevertheless he will try it again. Johnny lluntoii ha bought the diamond band of cattle from Mr. W. S. Hrowu. Wo failed to learn the price. Johnny is branching out and is now one of the heavy cattle men of this vicinity. Mr. C. W. Hoiiham who wields the hammer at the village smilhey has been kept very buy of late. Heiug a first class workman, he is able to do anything from plating a racer to making a mowing machine. Our oUicient road ucrvisor Mr. James Wickiser has this end of tho road from hero to Canyon City in good trim. What's the reason the Canyon City end can't be remedied a little, especially from Guernsey's to the summit. Mr. Snyder, of Dayville, was in our village last week visiting his nephew, Mr. W. D. Oll'icer, and h-ukii.g after his interests in the I' S band of cattle. We mailo his ac ' (piaintance and found him a very pleasant gentleman. The stage came in last Thursday for tho first time, and we lmd tho pleasure of reading our Nkws the ' evening after publication. Messed , lie ye editor and all the good people of Canyon City w ho assisted in this good work, ami we don't forgut Hiu i ger Hermann either. Mr. Henry Snodgrass has pur ' chased another horse, and has ban tered Messrs. Shelby ,V Lewis for a .'tixi yard race for fVit n aide. As vet they have n( accepted his chal lenge and probably will not. Henry has evidently gut the top hand and consequently is running jtiito a jam on the lioys. We are glad to sec that our friend Mr. J. C I.ucc is agitating the sub ject of fruit evajsiration. We 1km Mr. Luce will keep up the agitation till something comes of it, or what would In- U'lter still, try it himself. That there would be money in it there can 1m- no doubt. We Iwdieve there is more money sent out of (iranl county for fruit than there is fur Hour, and uieii who ought to know think there is room hero for two roller mill. Whv then.i there nut room for two or three commer cial ovaiKirntora? We believe there is room, and that it would Ihi a pay ing investment. It would be itolicy, we think, for a man starting into this business to not only evaisirate all the different Iruits, but also to can all kindsof fruits and vegetable iy well as preserve und make jelly. A capital of from usi u, f-JtsK) would lie sufficient, for we Indieve the merchant of Grant county would lc only too glad to buy home fruit, and that they would take it nearly as fast as it could lie produc ed la-sides the great Huriiey valley would take a large amount, provid ed only that it was of as guisl ipiali tv and as cheap as California's pro duct. Let th'' subject be agitated through the column of the Ni:wa, and w u ladiuve that i re another crop of fruit is riiic some enterprising- man will lie to the front in this mat in tin mat-1 ter. JoK llnssKIMIAT l Goto the He, Front Uilliitrd Hall, Canyon City, for fine wines, liquor ami cigars. Ilemy lined cantos emits, $'.'!, ' hmiy lined laiiwi ocrciU, fll.ftd each, at Sels I'.ro's, Canyon City. ' , The contest Uaweeii the l'rairie City ami ML Vernon lielsi nines on the Canyon City diamond Inst Sablsilh resulted iii a complete victory for the Mt. Vernon's, the score standing I'J to .'Ui, Some nf the Prairie City Uiys w ere nut feeling Well Ul lgiu with, and dm ing the progiets of the game they good natuiedly a'twi that they would feel worse In-fore the game was over, 'the Mt. Veinoiis apMvired in eood trim, aiel scored from the start. John (iiHtrge made a .' hit, also Scott and s. Durkheimer, and John Laurancc of tlie Prairie City's made a home iuii. Jaik Stephens umpire. Time of game ' hours Next Huuday the Mime nines w ill cross will cruM wil low un the Prairie City diamond. On Sunday, tle a.Hli thero w ill be a game played un the Canyon Oily dia mond litMii tiie Canyon City and Mt. Vernon taums. Mill. The mitto owners of the Granite and Greenhorn districts look for ward to the starting of the Monu mental 'JOslnnip mill with consider able concern and have every assur ance that at last the time has arrived when they will U able to receive some remuneration for the manv hard licks nut in on their projK-rties and Ik' enabled to develop their mines on an extensive scale. Mr. ('has. S. Miller, owner of the Monumental mill, 1uh tverfeeted all 1 . . arrangements for the starting of the plant about November 1st and will conduct it as a custom mill, buying all ores delivered. The principal mines that will con tribute ores to the mill at the start will 1m the I.a Hellevue and Hull'alo, the latter within two miles and the former six miles of the mill Later t , i ii I M nnr 01 tTvviuiOTn w ui jhmhi V.Vxrii . i .- .e Mr. Miller is assund ol a sulh- oient imnntitv of ore to supply the mill anil tins lioing the case ocru tioti will lie continued without any ilillieultv. Democrat. Its Excellent Qualities. Commend to public approval the California liotiid fruit remedy Svrup of Fig. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and bv genllv act- ... " . T . nut on t to kn nevs. hver am howo it clonuses the system eH'cetuiillv, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all w ho use it. Co to the Hed Front llilliald Hall for a cool, refteiliiug drink of the finest lugcr I-. r in Ivistern Oiegoti. Town lots in McKwon were placed on the market October 1, und nro olFcm! nt S-o to 100 euch according to locution. The Suinptor Valley llailnmd Company operating its lino out of Maker City has submitted a freight tnrrilT to thu rail run d commission. W. H. Kelly has just icccixod a stock of extm line Wall Paper, and is prepaid! to do siintiug ami mpeiiug cheaper than anv one. Work outside nf town lolicitcJ. line him a call. A mi... in Missouri predicts a hard winter. There will he much cold weather and many deep snow storms, lie is a "weather sharp" and his prediction hae been in tho main correct heretofore. Mr. (!.iiu ille ('lark has fitted up rooms for a hospital in the lloisley building in this city, and in now pie- umt I to .eci'ho atieiiu, ami furnish them ipih't and coiufoi table a pat tiiientH. 1 1 is stock of drugs and medicines is also fresh and complete, I'll vers and grower alike com plain tlm1 there is no market for otalH'S this fall. In San Francis co they bring but oO to (10 cents, which would in ake them n hit here for shipping purposes. Hut there is no market for shuds for shipment. IVuiich .1 gallons for $1, Uutlet penis rt gallons for ?l, Loly Washington plums id cents a gallon, gicon gage plums 10 cents a gallon, and the gage plum at in cents a gallon, cooking or eating apples j I per seamless wick, also gissl fall ami winter apples, nt Mrs. Phillips' t;aiilrii, Can yon, City, Orogyn. , When you send nwny for eoods remember the lirm of Collin ,v Mi- at Heppuer. 1 hey not on ly guarantee you first clan gixsls at lowest prices, hut they pay mail or express charges on sa.uit to any stage ollicu in Grant or Harney counties. See their new "ad" for further particulars. Flour t'i.OO ht barrel, barley I J cent per ouinl, rye '2 cents, wheat 1 J cent, chop barh y I cent at Guiidlach's. Bring sucks and cash. If you wish all the hay you want next year, plough S or 10 acres now, and sow 1 J hushelw of fall rye per aero and cut from '' to 'I tons per acre in June without irrigation Only a limited nmount of rye to Sparc. l'oUtix-s IJ cents t-r Hitiud. ' The news came out thu wires that Charles Stewart 1'iiinell died on the morning of the 7th iiixt. Mr. I arnell has boon the leader for . ,. . . , , . j - . . tiatty in tlio lintisl. iw. rim. net. I and has demonstrated peculiar qualities as lender. II is death will lie a sail loss to those of his follow crs who placed n linn leliauce on his u.xccuthu uhility. SiqiL Power slated to the I'n kerCity DeiiKKM'at that ficn the end of (he Kilo foot tunnel on tin Intrinsic, ho recently sunk a too fixit shaft, from which (mint lie run n 1 I fiMjt, striking ihe foot wall of the ledge. It was nt this juncture that he was forced to aba.. dun operations, having en countered a heavy llow of water, which runs 1000 gallons per hour, lie was able to windlass T.'O gal. per hour, but this was iustilllcicut to exhaust the llow. The gentle- man at once put his forces to work di n ing a new MID font tunnel ti drain tlie shuft and uiiiiii generally and which will tap the ledge at a depth of ;io feel, tho lowest yet attained being ;h0 feet. Mr. Powers eviiresse himself highly pleased vutli the judication and is loiiil in hi praise of the (irocu hum ilistrict. The Monumental V. (!. Keller, tho profqiector. has iiurchasotl a half interest in the Fred Miller tinrtz ledge, nlmvo this city, and in due time will run a tun nel and otherwise develop the property. A luff tiuver named ere was in town a few thiyg ago, and went from hereto the South Fork country. There is considerable beef in the country, and stockmen are anxious to tell'if satisfactory nricen are of- j fined . . . , ,, , , . A tli .klfiti villfi ilit it. ,1 t.nit mil ' unllf.,,. I. nr..,,,., I II. .,., i- MM,., n. ,., twin, itiiMii.ti iit'rt, i. i i,v chitons of that town, instead of ad opting a gravity srstem of water works invested in an artesian Kite, nnd now oiler the hole clump after a lurce sum of cash has liccn sunk. I Cougars slaughtered a colt be- longing to Mr. (ireenwell of Day ville lecently, and to got even on the varmint tho loser liberally stryelu lined the eareas. Ho was afterwards rewardisl by finding thu dead lasHes of a cougar and an im mense black bear in close prox imity to tho Kisonod colt meat. An humble follower of the lamb, commander of a band of linker county sheep, drove his herd over the grade on the old Harney road ""'l -'led the same with loosestones. I II . .! I I I . 1 name was rmiMiur, ami w ncn j Siiervisor Miller and the county nlheer went after htm lie cheerfully slushed up I'JOnnd e.xenses for the road fund. A nugget, the weight and fineness of which indicates its value to be f IN l. has been received at the Hoiso Cite nssav ollice from the bank at j Weiser. It looks like Canyon creek, I Ore , gold, though its history did not j accompany the deNsit. It has evidently been carried in sou.e- lauly's pocket a long time. That nugget should he secured by some manner of means to be placed in the Columbian exhibition at Chica go next year. Statesman. Slierill' Cresap and Judge llaxel tine, who left home two weeks ago for Salem, are the subjects of much concern on account of their prolong ed absence. The News is in receipt ofadispatchl'rom a geutleuiu.i in Portland, w ho knows them. The dispatch is dated the ith, and is as follows: "I have understisxl two prominent Grant Co men got lost at the en pi tol and missed the train, hence did not turn up when looked for. One of them has put in an apK'arauce, but the other is still missing." We have learned in directly that Sullivan's detectives ofTacoina are searching for the lost num. A hard-working son of the Km orald Islo i. rut Kennrsly, for several yeni a resilient of I 'en dlctou, received a dispatch a few days n t'o fro... Diilutl), Miun., in- formii-g him that lm was one of seven heirs to properly valued at S!l,000,()00 which was' left by Cat's uncle, one Henry l'', nj former rich lesiilont of Calcutta, J India, and which has been in the Knglish court of chancery for ! years. When I'at n-cciicd the I news of his good fortune he simply ' said, "Well, if it Oi'll bine i a oimmI time wid it auhow." ' i The number of horses that are now in training on the l'rairie City race coiiise for tho coming races aie: Tiger and lllack Daisy, owned by T. t '. Adkins, of Dayville; Itihbon, owned by N. T. Fisk, of John Day; Hig Hen, owned by J. II. Hyerly, of Harney. Johnnie, owned by J. D. Combs, of John Day; Cieeio, owned by Hlaine, of IL.tiiey; Hum ming Hinl mid Hob, owned by Majar I'to's; Slim Jim, on m il by II. O. I.auraiice; White Stockings, owned by French; Hellinger, owned by W. I'uett; Midlie, Johnnie Moore Jr. ami the K mare, owned by Win. Anderson; Johnnie Moore, owned hy G. W. Mcllaley; Lady Mack, owned by Hndncy Mcllalev, Dick, owned by Win. Hunloii, Kid Dandy Jim, Job. m.e and two l.otses with out names are under the manage ment of ('. Hlunt and M. F. Hud son. Several other lmrsi s are ex pected to he tlu re o.-viv urvjOA-tX llotl. the iih iIkmI mid ri suits when Syrup of I'igsi.itakcu ; it is pleasant ami refreshing to tho tasto and nets gcntlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver nnd Dowels, cleanse the sys tem cflcctually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers anil cures habitual constipation. Syrup of l'ign is the only leinedy of its kind ever iiro d.iccd, pleasing to tho tasto nml ne ccptahlo to thu stomach, promjit in its action ami truly hei.chcial in its elli cls, its inniiy excellent (pialiticn comiiieud it to all. It is forsalu in oOe, and $1 lsjttlos hy all loudhig druggists. UHUf AOTUIUQ ONLY Uf THC CAUFORHIA FIG SYRUP CO. US IHAhCISCO, at. iovittiur,tt, m renr,t. t mm Tho first and second nines of lliN place will play a match game of ball Saturday forenoon. Wood is tho same as cash at thin olllce, and those who usually pay their subscription with fuel may now eet credits liv leaviui! a lew j cords of something to produce heat , in the back vard of (his olllce. Someone shot a valuable mnro belonging to John 1'owcll a short time ago, either by accident orother wise. If it can be proven to huvo lieen iulentioiial Mr. Powell will sjMiro no exHMise to bring the guilty K'rson to justice. Wni .oi Wii.muir Astoii. the head nf Ills famllr. Is tlio greatest roal estate owner In tlie worlit. A i lu. unlet ami uiiasitumlui; ihuiii-trv-vlcar-llke man N llr. Sir More 1 1 Mnckeiule, tlie famous Umiloil tliroal specialist. A TiUMO.lirouu In Imt weather trav els at the average rate of thirty inllei nn hour. I.loitr IhroiiKhthe new teleseohi Is nearly l.ooi tlimv, us hrlnht as that seen liv tin- naked eye. 1 a lifetime of eighty years the hu man heart ts-uts WMUHHUHW tlmi, nil average of seventy Itciils a minute. 'I'll nmuliet- of kk in a si-Hiunl eel In Nicinlsr Is fullv nine million. I ntlcr the micrncov thuy lueusuro oglity to the linear Inch. I'. 'I'. IIwimw'h executors nro ulsmt to erect In his memory n luiihlln,; f.,r the use of the historical met sclciiUllc sm-letles of llrliluutsirt, ("oiui. 'I'ho huilillug Is lo cost SlMl.Oixl. So i-aii ns we know the nrtltlcltil Incti Imtlon of eirirs orltfinntcil In lltfypl. when1 it is still carried on. Acconlln to a eonsnlar resirt no fewer than 7.V (Ksi,e,sj cfks are hatched In this way eerv year on the Uanltu of the Nile. Till: mr Is ailiulttetl to the Interior of a le. 1 1 thiiitih minute oH'iitnn . r in .ullis, which iriMicrnlly exist In 'ivel inmitK-rs. Tims iism nu ordinary ap;d l -af there may Ik found n. inativ a one hundred tluaiHaud of thcue ojhmiIii,. FAHM FOU SA LP.. Co.ilainlug tin co scctioMs of land in a bo ly, nil well fenced nml un proved, title U, H. Pali ul, abnit Mill ncies of this is good plow bind the rest good gtanng. Tho improve ineiita cons st in pntt, as follows. The fences are pin tly tail, mul.ed ami rideied, und partly post, bonul ami wite. Dwiillinr;, fiist cIiihh I story I ramc, 7 rooms well built nml in good order; wood shed; stone milk house I'.VJO, one room uvcihead snmu si70; one smoke house; ono bin n '27x70, stable on one side nml wi.goii shed on the other, both lull length; chicken houses; hog pens unf gnu my room for 001)0 bushels, also one sheep shod I 10 feet long. wliitMi will hold. '2000 xheep together with Ihe best dipping arrangement in tho county, also i align piiileges outmdo for summer ami wintei; We have grown i)u 8 feel tall on an nveiage, ami our wheat waa awmded tlie Diploma of Mont ut tho New Oilcans' Hx position, 'Ihe oichunl consihtH ,,f 100 apple, pear plum and prune tit os all gtn.ring line und beating abund antly, lly cultivating in p.ot of tlm huiil Ii.nI spi iug, iioiim of which had not been plow id for years, wc mixed HiOO hushchi of fust chtht grain and fill ton a of buy. Thcio is now fall rye enough sown to pioducn I. Ml tons of hay next season, ami tho wheal Irs ml is now being plowed. Good hot so nnd cattle range adjacent lo and extending south for '20 to miles. Cut tun f'ily, tho count v seal, with its excellent public school is within one mile, and John Diy Cily with its new Holler mills, within two miles. Whent hardly ever hells for lesH than a dollar per bushel. 'I his splelullll pioH'lty is: HOW oll'oied together with seed ami feud g.a.n iint. ugh to seed the place neit year and forago for .'1000 sheep with safely also fit.ii and ciotnhluH enough for next season at fT.'iOO. $'2.ri00 nf which must I ii cash ami the lest on tune at Irusnimhlu illtiiM.'Ht. For (inllier paiticuhua, address. T. II. L.olic, llox ''.), Poithiud, (i or Geo. Gumlhii'h, Canyon ('ity, Or. llurks, llucks, Ilucta. I have .MM) llucks for sale. All ies, Tom Moiuian, 1 leppner, Oregon. Five Thousand HiislteU, mule nf less, of choice Winter apple, aio now iiinly ami ollei oil for sale at Hun hart's Fruit Fin in, situated It miles noilhetiHt of Canyon City, und about half a niile eolith of the John Day nml Praiiio City road. i No Codling moth has ever been si en in thiH orclmtd to mnr or iujuie ' the fruit ihcieof, hut tho apple aio j s' liiel nml silrnry to the vuiy coie, , hi. d of the most poiular and last , keeping varieties. These aides aio now ofleied at J the low price o fo eenta per box , or $1 00 per sean.biBs suuk, cash in i ami on in i.i i:nv. The nbuMj teniiH to hold good flolil the 1st day of October, Ls'.ll, to tho lilt day of NoM'inber, lh'tll. Come one, come all, nnd get your Winter upp'oa, Pay our money do ami and he happy. Special tonus nib roc todealeiaou he w v rot.traetH. Styr Kwctd cider and ('loun cith r free to customers while loadin;r. u cr: i. it. ui.vDn.iitr, I'i oprlelor. cot.t:G- r..itlhj. Oifjon A. 1' AnuilrtiiiK, 1'ilu. I'.Ml.l, Stliuul I tin it. las. tViLllut, Ssioii, Oirtoa. hslli ttsiltrl li 9lUl, MUit rslM U( lUlUull. DuHincHH, Short b and. 't!?."'"tl l lmmHlklf. mj I cl,lk ltjl (mik! frlf Ssl Oiiasibssi Vbf ittr, ItsJ.ux sauill I ( Uf KM, V'SUM4 tliu IIUI ktsMl, flit