The Paper for Ihr Stock man, .Merchant and .Miner. m r The V a per for the Farm, the Workshop and the Hume. i 111JCJ V'olum e Xllf. C.1.')V.Y CITY, fViV.AT COUXTV.OIUWO.Y, TIIUHSIUV. OCTOIiEH l, 1S!)1. A'umber SO. GRANT N A YTIT NEWS. I M II I'll 1 SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT. Of til roil illy cik of Otnnl county, Mnto of (hogon, showing the nmounl kihI iiiiiiiInt f claim allowed l.y tlio futility court of said county, fur what allow ml, amount of warrnnln diawn ntnl ntnuuut of wnt nut uuliiuiiiliiiK and unpaid, from the- 1st lity of April to the :t Jtli il ty of Sopteutbar I SU I , luth ineliuivo: D.tlo: Allowed nt the May, July, September teruii of futility court Hint nt llm Apiil tetm of eirctnl court, 1MII. os wiut aci 't ai.i.owko. am't ri.uMi u.uihku. KimiiU nml bridges County iHtiiiMir Ciiouit court Justice :ou it llocotdn nt-ition.iiy, punting, ote. Court house and jail mjHtirs nml Imp. County clcik County ihtuiir Motility on wild nitimnlit Stock innjioi-tor School .Hiiin(miuViil County judge County couimi'wonmn lt.iatl nupei visors Insane Imiitor and watehm.iii tWulliT Comity treanui.T Fuel Affount Awossor, Diitrict Attorney 1'titoncrn 'IVaohcrH' institute nml examination Attorneys feu Itader vh Moirow Freight on desk for County Judgo'n room Di-tcounton chock School fund. To tnl amount chimin ullowod nml drawn .MIOI'Vr Ol' 01 ThTtMUMI WAIIIIA.VT t'.NPlllt. Outstanding unpaid county on tho .'lOlh dny of September '81)1. I.-itiiiiiitod accrued thereon III.7S WIO.0'2 fi.Olfl.OO 1,21 I.H5 20.7!i CO 00 05CS0 "33.03 100.00 r.oaoi iui2 on 1R7.M 1ST. 60 l"u?0 800.9-J 10 1.1!! ifSli.OO 03.00 25.00 25. 3.r.0 SI l,lfi2.o2 I'HiNai'.tt. $7,3.13. III. WAHKtXTl ll HAWS S ill" vS.TO.D2 5,015. (50 1,21 1.5ft 250.73 till, mi 0SC.SO 703.0:1 lft.V20 100 00 ttr,'2.i 600.01 332.0(1 lfrut 1S7.MI 12I..S0 MKUU) 10l.2fi DM.90 IIS.00 25.00 2A. S.50 Hl,t52.f.2 i.vri:in-M n.tri: ISO). 80, tOO. 00 0,4QO 00 Tottil amount nf unpaid county w-imanU f73,33S. (3. STATE Or OH KG OX, HS CofXTV or Gut xt, j I, George Shearer, countv chirk of tho county of Grant, Hlnto of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing U n truo nml collect statement of the number and .Miiouut of fl.tiuiH allowed hy tho county (.inn t of said county, fur mx month ending on the ItOth dny of Sqit. I. Silt, on what account tho .same were allowed, nml tho amount of warrants! drnwn, and tho amount of wnrranlH ouUtuiulint: anil unpaid as tho same appear upon the tooor.ln of my utlicu and in my ollicial custody. Witness in v hand anil tlio Seal of tho county court of said county lliis I nt day oi October A. I). 1MD1. GKO. SIIEAHHU, County Clork. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of tho amount of inomiy mid wurranU rocoivod for tiixiw, and moony paid to tho county lrwioiiiir by tho .SlioiitVof (Irani county, Oiuffou, for tho ix mon'tliH omiiiif,' on tho lll'tli duy of Hrptombor, A. I). 1MM. TO AMOU.VT IO.l 01 ItINO TIIK MoXTIU Ol' D.llo 1SDI. In coin and cimouov Apiil ?."j,7tfi..'!7 .Inly Mnv. l,3bD..S Aug Juno 050.73 Sopl .f fiS2.23 $ I7S.U1 .g RSH.Oii Tolul icceivotl lu County VuiTntH $8,00 1. 7S April t.s.oon or. UV AilOl'NT IMill HUIIIKO Tlf K 1IO.M1IH 01' Onto 18)I. To Countv Tiutimrcr. Apt II .Mnv .hum .hily t5,7 i.r. 37 ? 1,3811 IS ?D.V.).73 $fiS2.23 In Countv Win renin J 1,000. 70 Sum totnl pnid foiinty liouhuiur. . . , STATE OF OI'KOO.V, ) Alii,' Sup, 5I7K.1M J03S.0.'. Apiil f 17.J-OI.02. OOl'XTV Ol' O H t T. I, ). l CUESA1, Shiirill'of Haiti CoHiity. do huraliy ueitify tlutl tho forgoing nutoiuunt U conoi't and tine. Witimi luv hniid this full duy of Outohor A. I). LSD I. O. I. CltliSAI. Slim ill' of (1 will County, Jtv V. S. .SOUTHWOUTII, Duputv. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of tho iHJiinly linmiiHr of Cirnnt county, Oroj.'oii. for tho wix inuntliH end lug on tho 30thday of Suptoiubui', A. 1. 1801, of moiioy rccoivd ami pnid out, trom ttlioiu H'cuiioil nml from uhut ouif and on what nuouuul paid out: IUXB f&Tn AXOl'XTH HIX'IUVI!!). l'IOl WHAT OrV)!iUl4 soiuioi: iihv'o. I'UMI, WC'IIOOI, ITMI. Tq wlmt nmouut un huiul (torn lt rwpoi t To w't loo'd from nhorilV Iuus Tn imi'i ifio'd Irom liiiuor lh onstf luiitiiioti noun Tiiul fwH llinton overpay do do do :t,7 10,31 11,708.50 1 ,000.00 200.00 70.50 ,073. 10 ,11.12.5'-' do la do ilo do on lumbar. Stnto v Curry cot cloik unit ovor iiwuiid on co. tyarraiit (,'leik tlnuH StnUt Truuttuicr bohool fund Clerk .Monow Co, 32. 75 50 1. 00 01,11 rtin oi r. out i. h nh lt nin'ts mnl out tin Co. ttannnUi 17,0.11 l'i ' " hool Supl'n I MnrtnnlH iMyjCuoi-nlfiitid oiilmixl .1,213.91 , " UilnUrv iifhool fund nit bnllil i " milt M fUtu TrimMitor jllnriwy Co. MrarrnnU on Uke !ifouov Co. " 'llool. I'l Ml. il'.M.MONS. In tiik CiHi i iT riii'KTur tiik Statu or Okkmn tK ( ! ka.vt ctn .NT. f 7,11! t.31 '.I. H .'rick, I'lninllin 101.2(1 VM. U.246.09 19,000. ttl 4,JW.irt? iil.11 :U7.2 s n,i3i.r.7 ,lty cute on IiiuhI. STATU OF Oltl'dOK, ) Ml I, N. II. I$oliy, lo borfliy mtify llmt tlio fotogoing n n lnn and nirrtf I nUleuo lit of Hip amount n-ctivml, mid out nml iiiiiiniiiin on hntiil, in the ctniiiiy treasury of wniil imiiiiiIv for lh' six months otidiiiKoii tbu :wiih dnr f Srptoinbr, A. O. 1!I. Willi", inyhnnd ilmllOlh dny of .uoptriiilr, . II. IMH. N II. Itnhl'.Y. Cuiinty Truror. SEMI ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT: Of tho l'inniifirtl Condition .if the C.uiiitt of Ornnt, in llu StnU" of Orron, on tho :'lli ilav of ScptcmlKT, A. I). 1!U. h'lAHII.ITIES: l)tc 1801. To wntiniiu drnwn on tho county trrautr, nml oitUUndin nml unpnid S78,38S.t3 To oxtiuuttod auiouiil of iutoront nccnifd tliuioon. . , 0,100.00 Totnl ynblHUrtt $S 1,788. J3 ItKSOUHClSJ: Dnlo 1S01. Hy fundi in hand of County Troioiury nppl enttlo l the juiy- incut of county wnrrnuU f 3,21.1 0(5 II v fundi in hand of nhirilT Hy oitimatod unpaid current lnxo applicabb' to piuii't nr'nlN ll,5(Hl,lH) Hiirney county wflrruntnon hand lll.OOti 01 Uko " ' 1,383 57 Monow" .... 6iAi 3I7.25 S3S.5('.t 53 Ami bolouging to oatntc-. on hand Toui ltpiiiiuf. -r i vr or.nrf SMIHJ and KanGM WRITE FOR lfV 115. OOO. - - - 19 COPIED YEAR OLD - - - LARGEST AND BEST IllUlIRATCO FAMILY WEEKLY Story Paper IN THE UNITED 3TATC0. ONLY $2.00 PER YEAR All tlliw Horj Pipait 1100 par lur. AMPLE -JPIES. Free THE CHICAGO LEDGER, Y. U. B0YCE, Publisher, OHIOAQO, ILL. If your Newsdealer or Newsboy t v "ta IC , or - - riv 1 'wj i . yf r "! V El nut Uiiillc tho Ledner, auk .j write la us, and we will tend them to i Socok to your Newsdealer about It. k I iu rM w 9 15 OOO C OPIuS !1 ;liWUAY ULADE IMS THE LARCEJI PROVED PAID nnCU .."irxir MA..APER i IME U I. II 1$ solo or news uorj v..lC A'.J n.-NS 5 CENIS A COPY. OH U 00 PEII YEAH. II IS I. & CCiiI NEWSPAPER PRINTED ANY I'IKSON liETT'NQ US )l)H PM'EfJ IN A TOWN WHERE WE ARE MI NOW SLILIN0, ULAUli t'flEE. WHITE FOR SAMPLES. ETC.. AND ADDRESS. .- lay Ulitclo, - Oliiouco. XUL. tl:'7.60l ,700.n'i 10,800.07 ?,I3I.67 To Subcrlticis, Old jiiiiI New. In onlnr to put The W'n kly r. Uniiiiin into the lioiiicM of llnisc now without it, the puldlicrH uiakc the liberal oiler of fifteen month for f'J.tX) to nil lio milwriU" jirior to Jaiiuitry 1, 1SU2. Thw oiler uplieii not onlv to new HtiliMerilicrH hut to ruiiftvitlri IU well. In uddition to thin, ciicli nctv iuliMcribc r, or old tub ticrihor rencttin, i given lii rhoice of oitlior "Tho Ainericnii l.tvontock .Nliimiul," or the "Standard Amuri oii u Poultry Ihxik," which will ho bunt free, K)tuf prepaid. Tlicito aro valuuhlo worki of roforoiicf for the fiirniur. Tho Weekly Oregoniitn in iIil1 reat weekly of the Norlhtvetit. There in no weekly puhluhod on the I'acilic coast, or anytvhero vi, tlmt furiiibhim readern u fuller coiiimmi dillin of all the now of the w hole world than iIim-h the Weekly ro goniau. No other piiier (jives mich clobu attention to Pncille cmut newx, (.jMicinlly an to wlmt iH traimpiriuu in the yreut Xorthweiit. Abide from iU une.xeellod new featured, a large nuiiilHir of HM-iiHl articluH, rowiroI for iU oliunim hy well-known writer, aro puhlUlnxl during tho year. It furninlies ile criptivo loiter from vtriou itorliwu ut' niir own i 'iiiutrt ,n,d 1 1 . ii 1 1 fnrt'1,'11 i hiii. - a- noli a-, i-1 . r i jKM'tiy and wi ll M-lri tiil iiji-ri ll.iiiv Thi re is It department I ii .t 1 1 1 til) lit i i for tho fiirini r, iiImi fur the wiuneii ami ihildnii. All the ndvuiilage of a newhpaer of the tirxl cIukh am of fered hy The Weekly Ori'Koniaii. No family in the entire Nortliwtut fail a Hon I to he without it. Addren. Ohkoom vn I'l III iHHISiI Co., rorlhtnd. Oregon. . . ON TO I'OHTI.ANI). And to the Nwth 1'aciAc liululrul Id. (tociuon in Tlui City, To lliiMe deMirilig to Wall tlio Kx Mii.itioii tlio I'lliou I'utille will M-ll tieketH at oiio am! urn-fifth fnro for tho round trip on MoiuIuvk, Wed iiehdayH and FrhKiyn of each week hetweell Sfjitf lillier 10 II lid Oetoher IS, MM. On MonJjyi, Wednesdays ami I'tlJjyi. Of each week hettvien Septeilller 10 and Ocluher 17, the I'liiou I'ui i fie will ell cxftimioii ticket to I'orllniMl and rtlurn at one and quo fifth fure for tho round trip. Visit tlio KxjMwUtoii. ; .loliu Curroy, Mary Carrey, ' Jowph Ki'frinc.I II lllnke, jKdC Allen. . I I.SjH-rrv, W J l'tirtimli. Win liulliR'k, J Durkheiioer, Frnnk Cotir wlltf, Tho Firt Nationul llwnk of lleppuer, Oregon, S S DenniiiK and I- S Dus- tin, Asiiinw, Defendnntsi. J To Win. Hullock ami Frnnk Cor)lIc, of the alniVu niitnetl tie fenditnU: In ihu iiiiino of tho Sttt of Ore gon: 'tm and each of you uro herehy notified and rtHpiired to ho and appear ut Canyon City, Oregon, in the tthovo court and faime on or Ik-fore the Olh day tif N'ovein Ivr. I SIM. that heing the tlmt tiny of the next regular term of the nUivo ctiiirt. then and there to anmvcr the coiiiplaiut of tho nliove naineil I'htintill' Hied in the aUivo court and cail.-H', and unless you do ho appear and nli.Huer nnid coiiipluint, the phtintiir. for want thereot, will ap ply to said court for the relief pray ed fur in hU Daid complaint to-wit: For a decree in favorof the I'htintill' and ngniio-t the defendant John Carrey for Seven Thousand .Six Hundred Ninety-eight and fifty one hundredthi dolfam ( tTilOS fHI)" nml iiiterciit theieon at ten per cent, per annum from Oetoher 22, ISV.i, hal nncc due umiii a protnisi'iiry note tor Ten 'I'houmiud (f Ill.lHit)) dollnm I I, 1-SSli, due 30 days after date, drawing ten per cent interest annually, with pro vision for renioniihle ttorneyB fee in citHe of uit, given hy said John Carrey to Kail! plaiutiir, ami Fight Hundred ($S(XJ) dollar.i attornevH fee, heNideti the cuxtH ami dilhume ineiitH of this Miit; for a decree foro- i li-ing that certain mortgage, dated i SepteinUir I I, ISS'.l, and executed I I'V the dcfciulantu John and Mary , Carrey to the plaitititl' to bccurc the i uhoVe dewerihed note. Umii the fol lowing dexcrihed property nituated I in (iraiit countv, Oregon: Tho SJ of tin NWi mill WJ of NIC , See. l'i in Tp II S of 11 :) F. W M. the K I .if the SW of See I'll, and the I ! a nf the N W of Sec. .'to, Tp I I S ..f U K W M, the Si of the SHj, 'th. NWj of thy SICJ mid the N 10 J ..f the SW of Sue. '-'7, in Tp 1 1 S of I! -" F, and the Wj of the SW of -'r,. and the WJ of the NWJ of ; and the NJofSec. :tl, all in Tp 1 1 S uf K K. the NF.j of. Hi. N W of Sec. .'tli in Tp S S of II J !' tin-S of the St of Sec. S in I p 1 I S of It HI F, the NF.J of the j U 1 I mid N WI-1 nf Mi.. NKI-I ni l - . and the KJ of the SW1-I of J in 1 p : ol li J". 1'., llie ) l t'.r Mil l and the W J of the -III of Sec 'J.'i in Tp '. S of It J"i I lie i:i- l of Sec in Tli II Sof It ."' K. the NWI-I of the SWI-I, th.- M of the NWJ and the NWI-I t . Ji; in Tp tl S of It -JS K, H- I I ..f See '.' in Tp 1 1 S of It 'JO I !: th.- Kl-' of Sec .'Iii in 'l'p 0 S of! It K, the SWI-I and the Sl-L' of j th. NWI I mid the SWI-I of the 1 SKI -I and the NWI-1 of the SIC 1-1 ..f See li. in Tp 0 S of 11 20 F, the i Wl J of tho NWI-1, the SKI-1 of th.- WI-I, the SI- of the NFl-l, the M '-' of the SWI-I and the I NW 1-1 of thu SKI-I of Sec JO. in ' Tp s s of It :tn IC, the Nl-'J of the NWI I, the S1CI-1 of the NWI I and the NIC I-1 of the SWM and tie-SI-'.' of the SW 1-1 of Sec .111 in Tp '.' S of It IC, and that Hani laud or no much thereof an may he iicccMiry, lie onlcred bold to biitibfy the ahove auiouiitu, and for a de cree that thu alleged claim, intcrcM. ami lien, of you and each of you Hiul of all mid each of the defeinl antb he forecloned ami forever har red from any claim to, intereht in, lien iimiii, or wpiity of riMleinptinn to, Maid html or any part thereof, and further that the phiintitl have execution agaii t the defeiiilaut John Carrey for any deliciencv after applying the proceed oftiucji sale to the payiuent of aid M-veral aiiioiintti, and fur ncli further re lief a may ln cpiitahle. Service uhiii you mid each of you i imtde hv puhlientiou of tin Mini tnoiiH in tiie ( i C.iI'.ntv Nr.wn fornix week, hy order of the lion. M. U. Clilliird, .ludgi! of the alwive court, mid waid order i uf ilulc, SeptenilMir Ml, I Ml I. FlIsNKMN 1'. M A VH, Atloriioy for I'laintill'. . . . Uetlcr Tlun Itvcr. The North IVcillc lndiitrinl lCx nobilioii ut Portland, Seiitoniher 17 HLKCTKICITY CUKHS UISKASKS. Slubbotn Disease Yield to Skillful Tieatmeiit by Dr. Uirtlu. It in a KMitive fact that the art of curing disenm!i hy electricity is rev olutioiiiting the practice of medicine a.M it in bliown hy the following t. bti liionials that bprak for theuiM-lv.-b: Mr. ICditor: AUiut July i'". I called on lr. Darriu for treatment for chionic catarrh, hroiicliilij' and couHtiiittiou of ten yearn' btamling 'l'he discharge from my iuxh wiih Very ili!ngrccnlilc and the incrtibta- titiim were hititli!onie in the extreine. Dr. Uarrin has cnrctl ine with elec tricitv ami uiediciue. I am aUo curtf of coiibtiiation and liver coin plaint. I wiih preient when I'r. l'arrin cured Itev. N. Mattluai", of The Dullen, Oregon, of four yearn' ileafucbrt in ten ininuteb. 1'. M. (iuavki, MuekHhurg, Or. From the Staatit fitting, Oct. 'J. I his noon Mr. John Hitch, of 01 N. Third street, calhtl an huppv aH a cricket at our ollice and related that he had j tint heeii cured after a treatment of 2(1 minutes hy Dr. Dar riu of deafncbH of two years' btaml ing, and that he could hatilly real ize hi good fortune. Such a patient in worth hundrcdx of new onen to Dr. Darrin who linn already practic ed for four yearn with no much suc cesH in our inidbt Dr Damn continue! to treat all chiKbcH, the rich and Kor alike, free of charge, at his ollice, 70) Wabh iiigtou Hi , Portland, from IU to 11 a. in. daily. Thoitc willing to pay from 1 1 a. in. to S. p. in., at half lux former priced, lie given free and confidential exaininationn to all nt the ollice or hv letter. He treatn all curahle chrome, acute and private dineancn with electricity, mid cincn when ueceihiiry. . 4 . . As a practical lencouiii protection, nayn the Times Mountaineer, we naw todav at the freight deKit a car luheleil, ''. M. Sinclair A- Co, Cedar ltapidn, la : Pure Lard. Smoked Meats. In the name of common sense, in it prolitahle for the people of Oregon to huy lard mid smoked ineatn in Iowa, when they can he produced hern with c.pial facility, mid the iiiouev saved to the com munity? Thfn in piotcctiou in its simplest form, and which democrat have opposed hecmnte it wan repuh licau doctrine. Our exchanges will prohahly h1' glad to learn the following, which comes to us from an unknown bourcc "Huy a hen, feed her on erumhn and waste from the kitchen, and she will lay enough eggn to pay for a year's buhncription. then work her up into a xit pie and she will imv first cost, mi that the paKT will he it clear prolit. Itcjieul lliia process year after year and yon will ee how eimily it in to pay for your home Iper." ' Now that the threnhing in com pleted, or nearly ho, throughout the county owners of iiiachiuen will con fer a favor on us if they will send to this ollice an account of the amount of grain threshed hy them We wish to let the x-op!c know what rant .. unity ha-- h.u thir ycar in the way of produ. ing . 4 PER fDIP to Oetoher 17, I SIM. via the I'niuii I'acilic Koiliiifd rales If you wih nwit anil toity job woik you ctii ilu no U)ttr llian to coll on Um .S'nw. (' 1 J, Vl 1.000 GALLONS 'W III t rrnnnirn-a ItV' Ai.'iHPJCAN SRArVCA LOCAL AGENT i). 0. ovKitnoir. A: SKI.H MHOS ClSYON OllV, f. Propiimom, 'i. Uoorr.nA: Nnu- i.wh, (lul union. Sound Iteiiuiki, i Jim Hill, president of the Croat , Northern, has a pretty good head. I At Fairhavfii, Wash , henaid: The country in what htiildn your eitv; without a priMluciug community in the country you have no tine for n city. You might htiihl liouson and j hlockn of hotisfs. and ntit in elfctrio j lights and gan and modern pltiuihiug hut if the KWIe were not pronK'r otis were not occupied prolitahly, they would have no use for your houses. We might htiihl our "rail road here; wo might htiihl largo , stations, and we might htiihl shop I to repair our cam and even Iniild earn, hut unless there wan something for the cars to do we have no use for . them. The thing would come to an ,einl. All thin country and all it.n natural wcuiin lias liecn here much Adam wan a little I my, and it might remain here forall time without any change it will remain here without auv change except such change ni in hrougjil alniut hy well dine led, enterprising, intelligent clhirln. It taken work always to hring the re sults thai htiihl up new conlries." Toltec Oorce. There has never heen iiiade, for general distrihution. an nit r.'tiriulni. lion of the grandeur of Toltec Oorge mat eijuain in accuracy of detail and heauty of coloring, the Aquar elle iresentcd with the Oetoher mini her of The (1 real Divide an Un art nnppleineut. Accuracv of detail was absolutely necured l.y adhering to the linen of the famous nhotoeranh of the scene taken hy Mr. W. II. Jackson, while the eolorini! wan made hv The Ureal Dividn'n artist after careful study on tho nHt. The iiicrarv teaiuren ol the journal are of special interest, the marvelou.i Mo qui Snake Dance heing described, with full page illustrations, by Dr. It. W. Shufeldt, of the Smithsonian Institution. "Nihsevs A Hair" (illus trated), by I.ulo II. Johnbon a story of mining life in Colorado and sketches, jioeuis, oiularscieiic. ariicicn oi great variety ami value, make up the eonte'ntn. Simple coj.ien ef the October number, con taining the art supplement, will be mailed to anyone enclosing (en cents and addrcnning the Ureal Divide, I enver, Co'o. 'l'he new svstem of Htomiini' luirs..a , , . , , ii - oy elcctricitv was given a practical tent on tho lake front at Chicago, Saturday, by A. It. Ilolcon, the in ventor. Unison got into a cmriago to which two horses were attached, and with mi driver on the box. The man lashed the horsen with a whip and they started awav at a break neck Sliced. Sllddeiilv lln linr.,.d raised themselves on their hauiichen and canie to a full ntop. The inven tion consistn of a dry battery under the drivei n box, connected hv wiien with metal balls, placed in the horses nostrils. There are two but tons, one on the drivcr'n box and another on the mile which closes the circuit when nrenscd. Tl i.i reHiill In a mild nhock, which, the inventor chum, ttill invariablv brim: tho runaway horses to a standstill. 'l'he ICugene (iuard in "coinpli meiitaiy" to a l.ane county citi.-n who ban been "elevated" til a uo" eriiim nt jKisitioii. It navn: "Var- rw Nyiuoiin ban hi en appointed tin one of the coiinuisHiouern to locate the boundary line between the Unit ed States and Mexico, and will soon leave for that section. Thank tin. Lord' The fight made on him by th.- m-. pie of l,ane county ha hull the elleci denircd, i. e. the tranfnr to aimthir locality, We pity the Mexican, however". Don't gros; around in the datl; like thi foolinh mope eyed man, laying blind mmi'n bull' with your hurim-sn interests, an it were." hut 'i t the incamlcbceiit liht of liberal inlvertibing relied your biisinctiH he the even of the icoplc, that all may see, beyond icrniIvouturc the irticle vou offer to Mill and u'lmr.t il can be found. Says the New York Sun: "The rcmrt of the crop in various coiiii tries of ICuropeare the mobt melan choly reading in the ICtiropean pa. n rs. The remrtn of the crops in the ( nihil Staten are thu mint heerful reading in the American pajwrn." The glut ol otafo n in emit horn California continues. In one see lion they are being ollered at itccntM a nick in the ground. Thu far an aggregate of r'J.OOfi, KX), ha beon apuoiriatcd by SO states for representation at the world' fair.