7c Paper fm lite Stock man, Ale reliant and 77 'i per or the Farm, the JJ orkxhap ami- tho 1 1 nine. Volume Xlll. C.'hVVOsV CITY, UHjLYT COUNT Y, 0 HCG'ON, 77 U HSIM Y. (HT01li:it$) IS01. Number 21). GRANT OUMT ATTiUTrc lillli Vi VV gt'MMn.VH. N THR CfWTIT COl'IIT Of TWt HTATK lit-' Olt'O., ruK TtMAYT iWSTT. J. K. Prick, Plainlill v. John Carrey. Mary Carrey, Joseph !v "rinc, J 1 1 Make, IM C Alien. J I. Sparry. V J Fiimiah, Win Mullock, J Durkheimer, Frank ('our . nolle, Tho Firt National Hank of Ifeppncr, Oregon, r S Denning and (' S Dun lin. AaMi'irnee. kiYitd:inl. I To Win. Mullock ami Frank Couraclle, of tho above named de fendants : Iti Uw name of Uio Slate of Ore gon: You ami each of you art hereby notified ami rcpiirod to l and appear al Canyon City, Oregon, in tho above court mid cause on or licfore the I'th ilav of Novem Iter, lHill, thai being tho find day of the next regular term of the aUivo eourt, then and there to nnnwor the complaint of the alxtvo named Plaintifl' filed in the altove eourt and cause, ami utiles you do fo apjtear rtnd answer paid comiilnint, the jdaintilf, for want there-.!, will ap ply to said court for the relief pray ed for in hi Raid complaint to-wit: For a decree in fuvoro, the PlaintiH' and against tho defendant John Carrey for Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ninoly-eiht and fifty one hundredths dollars ($751S.."U) and intercut thereon at len per cent. wr nunum from October "2-, issii, 1 ance lue upon a promissory note lor Ten Thousand (.?ltl,(xxi) dollars dated September 11, 1M. duo III) days alter date, drawing ten cr cent interest annually, with pro vision for reasonable uttorncv s fee in case of suit, given by said John Carrey to said plaiutill', and Might Hundred (-.SOU) dollars attorneys fee, besides the costs and disburse ment ol this suit; for a decree lore closing that certain mortgage, dated September M, lSh'd, and executed by the defendants John and Mary Carrey to the plaintiff to secure the above descrilied note, ujion the fol lowing descrilted prnjierty sittiattnl in t! rant count v, Oregon: The SJ of the NW and WJ of N V. , Sec. 10, in Tp II S of It ;t0 K W .M, tho UJufthcSW'l of Sec. '. and the IS I of the NV of See. ::-), Tp 11 S of I! -2!) K W M, the SJ of the ski, thu NWJ of tin- SKj and tlio NIC) of tint SV of See. 27, in Tp 1 1 S of It 2'.) IS, ami the VJ of the SW of Sec. -JC, and the WJ of the NWj" of Sec. .T'i, and the N I of Sec. ill, all in Tp 11 S of U 2!) IS, tho N IS of the NV of Sec. :n; in Tp s s of n KU H, the SJ of tint SJ of Sec. S in Tp 11 S of 1! ::t) IS, the NIS of the NlVl-1 and NWll of the MCI-1 of Sec. W and the K J of the SWI-I of Sec. S in Tp l S of U US H, the W J of the N K 1-1 and the VJ of the S1SI--I of See '' in , Tp !i S of It IS, the NKJ I of Sec -' in Tp 1 1 S of It 211 K, the Ntt'l I of the SW'I -I. the SJ of the NWJ and the NWll of Sec -Ji in Tp !) S of It lis IS, the NWJ-i of Sc.: in Tp 11 S of It . IS, tho I'M -2 of Sec .'III in Tit U S of I It 2U H. the SW1-I and the Sl-2 of tho NWll and the SWI-I of the iN'lCl -1 and the NWI-I of the SKI-1 of Sec Hi in Tp il S of It ! K, the Wl-'.'oftho NWll, the SKI I of the NW1 -I, the Sl-2 of the NK1 1, tho Nl of tho SWI-I and the NWll of the SKI-I of See ,U in Tp S of It :it K, the N1-' of the NW1 the SKI-I of the N l and the SKI I ..f the SWI-I and the SI -2 of the SWI-I of See .Hi in Tp il S of It 2U K, and that said hinds or so much thereof as may be necessary, he ordered hold to satisfy the above amounts: and for a de cree that the alleged claim, interest, and lien, of you and each of ymi find of all am! each of the d. I'md nuts I'll foreclosed and foreer bar red from any claim to. interest in, lien uMn, or equity of redemption to, said laud or any part thereof, and further that the plaiutill' have execution against the defendant John Carrey for any dcticjeucv after applying the proceeds ofsneh bale to the payment of said several amounts, and for such further re lief us may lo eipiituble. Service uon you nud each of you t made bv publication of this suiii iii oi is in tfio liuAM' Cofxi'v Nkws for ix weeks, hv onler of tho Hon. M. I). Clifford, Judge of the above court, and taid order is of date, .Stiteiulir Ml, IMM. Fiunki.in 1'. M.i v, Attorney for I'luintill'. llctttr Than Itvcr. Tho North lVeiflc Industrial Ux jMisitiou at Portland, September 17 to Octolier 17, IMM. I ted lived rntt'H via the Pnion Pacific. If you wish iwmt aud Uty jub voik yau cm ilo no UtUr tliau to will on tlio Niiwt, To Sttilttcr, OUI attti Mew. In onler to put The Week It Ore- gonian into the home of those now without it, the publishers make the liberal olTer of fifteen months for 12.(X) to nil who subscribe prior to January 1. ltt'1'2. Thin offer nimlien not onlv to new sultscribf rs but to v I. r.. ..i t:.:.... ... ...." nertlxjr renewing, is given his choice or cither " 1 he Amenenn Livestock I .Manual," or the "Standard Ameri can Poultry ltook," which will U snl free, )ostage prepaid. These arc valuable worts of reference for tlte farmer. Tho Weekly Oregonian is tin; great weekly of the Northwest. There is ho weekly published on the Pacific coast, or anywhere else, that furnishes readers a fuller compen dium of all the news of the whole world than does the Weekly Ore gonian. No other pajs-r gives such close attention to Pacific coast news, cbKM-inlty as to what is transpiring in the great Northwest. Aside from its tine x eel led news features, a large number of sjtecial articles, prepared for its columns by well-known writers, arc published during the year. It furnishes des criptive letters from various portions of our own country and from foreign climes, as well as stories, etry and well selected misceltanv. There is a department maintained for the farmer, al.o for the women and children. All the advantages of a newspaMr of the first class are of fered by The Weekly Oregonian No family in the entire Northwest can allord to Ih without it. Addre-s. ( lllH.oM N 'l 111 l-IIIM. ( 'o , Portland. ( n 'oti UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE. Next session begins on Monday, the -'lst day of September, "'. I Ultlon, tree. Four courses: Classical, Scien tide. Literary, and n short linglish Course, in which tin-re is no Latin, (ireek, French or tierman. The Kuglish is prc-euiinenlly a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, Address J. W. Johnson, . President. ON TO PORTLAND. And to the Noith Pacific lruluttrut xx,ltlon in That City. To those desiring to vi.-it the Ex jtosition tho I'nion Pinitie will sell tickets at one and one-fifth fare for thu round trip on Mondays, Wid i u-nd ays and Fridays of eueb week b tween September Ml and October lh, lS'.ll. On Moiiiiays, Wc.Jncid.iys ami I'oduyi. Of each week ln-twcen Seiteniber Hi ainl OetoU-r 17, the fnion Paci fic will sell cxcurniou tickets ttt Portland and return ut one and one fifth fare for the round trip. Visit the Kxjtositiou 'C10ll)I)U I l , J IVU r r r a i i ntir AMERICAN BRANCH. LOCAL AEENJ I). (1. OVKItllOLT, .t SKLS IlltoS. C.NVON UlTV. 0 PiopiiotoiH, Wm. (Jooi ijh.V Nn ii. uw, Onhuttgii, COOPER 1 Aw S0 . Mil i 1,1 TJt iru i I Hi J THE UMAKT ClltL'S UUVCH. llr Muil IIa All 1 1nt l Oit, If llo Wuul.l IIhM lilt Ootl. lli! .Ii-ar' how pli-n.int It l on rtMn hlMJ oviiiii(,' to wnmler forth Into th rarW or Ut te out on to the vernmln tor n minute's otitlnir ulrintf sJler eonflnenieut nii'l fliwnvvi of otrrr- : !,.,'a,,' '' N"iy iyth.-re .-xpt ine mjn In the nwon nn.l one other ' ft-lov. nn.l noUkly, wVi the-, jhhv Mi Katr lu-nutv ha a or of nU- lr-rt uml she o t tnke thorn oat one h.r one mul In the Hhl of the moon lUteii tit their iliH-Urntl mt nn.t their oWrrstl.iiii She cannot miirry thent all. mnl, prohahlr !s'il'.-t not e.ira to marrv any of them, toil slio love to hair them nil !eot"tt Ut fier an I rvftity to il.mre Btti-nUiw M(hn hv-r erery Uh un-l whim. Nmi.' ilav from the rnnUn .f th rnruli r, niio hnve foil ov.- l her forth InVith, i-ht of the moon -ilw will selwt one- who fchatl N- the tnvo of thn rinir, aii-1 who- wM nml ph-nnre ami ilnty It will Ij foii-vennorv-1- U-atl hnr wl.-n-s,,-r,-r .Jio wNhea Ut po, whether It U' ttiMi-tr the sun by ily tr 'n.-ttth the m.v.:i a.-t I ititr l y nlliU I.ik.- tho --nltor nn.l lie l;iy will lh.- e two l to i .u h otln r. The one moKlliiiir ami l-iyiiitT. te other nttalitl:)..' eiveh tno.,1,-111 l ie hi -li it ilf;fr , of iK-nutjr w liU-S V!ie 1, mil of th.'M'ulptor r.ti ifor. It not t'tink l -.tn i lin 1'sor H -nitty ;''ie . I. for itt'il. tie tu.lu-1 V. rypl-ol.i.-y. I, no iT.x Uatnla.i hi, tor mul hih-uI. a nm.itU-riU;i of Jbjuiu' . i that her 1 1 -ut.tl eomlilion boa ti.i l,-r;;.inc any r!.an,v no far a seniito .- t.-v. In tiaMMillti.- Intim't.lon t ron.Trnojt. Mte li. ineivly leivrniil t ( il er n.n ltd tn-le.ivi u'.ient iin.1 c!i;i:f, l. tne.-n (Told aiul itroHi, tHtneen ultter niel tlnst I, U 'ween hhmMy ami In -r.iin, w ti.eesi jihhI for -..Lm-thln aa l k ! t r n 'i:uie,'. that ii all, nnil Mu. t'nir I! a-:ty i, l liarlio tnuit U- fool nn I Ii uie-.t, and eU-ver an. I n lile, I i .tr e -t a.tii true. If h. Il Ii- l i 't h.- I. iti ,t ! e.iji.ilil.- of i.i", I ,, i i xiv to Ik-i-,i.:i t .i-U. In 1..11 .1 l..i-i . . eutoe iliility, it i I ith- I,. I.. 'I . I ,1 Iv.ell th it f:l, V lll.'U II i . I i II . ,,! tin v Ii lller.t ol . IK el- ti. M, l';ui- Ii, nitty ami her li.ti r, lli Smart I ..rl, on) her i-ousin, Mi.i lllno M.i.'l.iief, .in- all eapaltte of l,nolna (-il lluu.r when thoy m-e It, and, i- i ii -nlly, they nre it-U lutf out fur t.i -"lit :,'ht eonitnniona tho very lo-st n 1 1 lie f mu I anywh 'r., ami tho .Mi , . S.uiey younif man ami the ;flrlkli yotiiijr man ur j,'"laK l-'lf 'lf for .ueethenrt'i. They can't pet them at ull The lilnil they want wont have lliem, nml tliuM who will hnro tliem ;o-e mi far ilmvii in what ) now th - i;,rlUli -.tain . thai thoao top lofty ihou.rii top litflu yoiiiiii 1110,1 tlen'l want lhein.--.. V World. LOfJDON SLUMS. ir III) llf tllK I'lOllU)- l lit tin Nlllltnt It l tin- Mi.lhi r The tnemlH-rof the family u ho, if any one, li.ii t i lie utiiite-l, ii the i.imV r I haw m tv rarely Imleeil kmnui a ili'k eln!ii t i want fur nnthtn.r v. itli n her en-. in ., ien if i'.ii' huve to (fo without In eeii irll'i for her J'lf. After the ion ilinei of n lurmlier nf n ki.ir lioun'hol , nay a writer in the Nineteenth t Vnlury, It In a com rein tiling for the mother to hreaU down from ncanty fcolin; nml aniuui wnlt-hint,' tine Monday morning, in the leith of the late terrible winter, n thin, jioorly clad little woman came through miow- i. torm to an lant I'ml workhoue ti itnk fur food for lu-r children. Her hinli.ind v. a-, lyinif ill In the imlirmnry. nml i.hc had live children to mipiKirt by vharin,; ami ilolnif odd job. The woman Iwwl Ix-eii an oiit-intient at the liotipit.it her . el ( for debility, and was taking touie medlelne at the linn-. The relieving mlleer w in. kind, and at onee uivsiiUil the family with fool. Ten i.nnutea after the aeolieant hail 1. ft the relief ollieei I nu futitheit in h. iti t i -vee the poor woman, who had j'i-.t reinhe.l Inline with the badly ii. , I. ,1 food Mi.' had pliu-ed the la c ,i ii'id i i, at on the table uml had fallen I .i I .i-i tin U-.l' I tit xuriirii.-d to i. e In,' elm'. '.i , wi 1! feill-h Minn ntaml-i.i.- tin b l on which lay their dead I l,e . 1 ',tor iMin a common one' 11m -I all .-"lie t" the little ouch. Iho r la.. I -,i, i ,li. e,l her life to kau ' Mi ii .lie miliar enough with t luiii's i 1 1 I .isi l.oudou. . n a i i ai mi. to defend lint ' induleut paiiM-r mole too o.'li n e..releiieii,iiii.'h !i' ; but of the mother I can, i' le, hay uothiliif but ('ooil, r. ' i,ay ol -ri-ltfe, ' i thu :i alive," and I .hould in i ntlment even had I no other ' wherew.th to d'n traUt It irleaned from my Lout l.uu- work. STA1ISTICAL SCRAPS. : I. are about JO.000 CUhh (flrl lit Ti 1 1. I. I. ii. -lainl there are on an average nt Aft: to every Inhabited iio-. Tir n;iiilation of India h.u, iucrcimed b 1 1 1 1 i t v inillion. in the luikt ten veari, and if it i.i 't-j4- at lh.' nam - rat.i will K' l'oe liniiilreil milliona by Ittlt. im -I irrilof the I l.tWvl.OilJ fainlllcH In rr.iuee have no children. Aa many no o e have only one child, uml of (ho. who have an many a aevuu clilldreu the na. ub r ii only Mtl.tKM. Tin smalle-1 r- i-ublle In the world It (..ii.it iW I'r.ni.'. ville.oae of the I .lauds oft'i N -w Hebrides. The Inhabit .Hits e,.:n.iit of 10 Lurop--ani an I J i l.lai'le w,.r'..i:ien, employed by a rrelte'.l com pilllV 'I'm. ill. are more women In llrilUh India il Ji.iki.i.u.iui than tin re are men, women aud children in Ureal llrituln, I ranee uml ' o-riualiy put together, with the population of several minor lame jk'uii ht.it i , i-t in ,i . oi II r OF MANY COUNTRIES. Scon vn l Jtlajnte-t with eilce Till: cultivation of tlifi"li'ii been prohibited In I'rypt by the Uhedlve. bu i wti are devn-tntitijr Ali'ria. A enrnvan from Monttvo j.v.ks1 through tiwarmnof them for thirty-two ituj v. . our. ha a rave from v.Meh a win try lnd perpeUtalty blown. 'I he fonv of tht-w lmll atu-lt that a i-troiv man cannot toll, I ttcf.nv It. A Nt:W Yoniita nltoha-.jtot eilttrne.l from n trip thr,u!i I1.i!:.i.hI m?u that he did not -h- n 'aI.i-I. ! N.r iliirliiu'hU lav in that country of frmfnt and In Ittitriom people. Tiik Atvimttnc yovcmracnt ha. far ai povillde, t.hppel nil work upon public buililinir and like improvements owinjr to the wont of money for tltelr further pnuweutlon. Tin lit: U a vait amount nf private wealth in hill, and the nt Ub vmt nre lav In their expenditure. Many of the private n-i.hh-nec in Santiago are veritable palaecn anil arv mnnlllccntly fumUbed. in imno the pant winter the earth of the villas- of KinmJ.iru'L near I'aja. I.apland. lio-nme niildeiilv very hot, the ice and miow inelliii:,- Immediately, Klul tlte upplteiit Ion i.f one'i hand to the earth e. liable to result in an unctHii fortahly warm x-nMillon. Im the town, of Kiilli. it, I'omeraala, n irn'at pelt-. to eonntry, the entire popula tion, ef bctwi-cti three ami four thou anil. khut up their linnwi, leave the key with the minor, ami ncattcr till over roin. ruiil.i to Hie potato li.trvcat. leaving the major ami U-llrinjfvr alone In charj-e of the town. WtUU-KflOWfi WOMCN. .M Lxsmrnv ii ald to hnvij won f.'to.ouo at the lVrby. Mu. Iiwtan T.tvion lion ivturnel from Germany and will h.-liccforth make her home In thix country. I. tin llI.RI, VMfe of the LMvenmr of II. ml. iv. It an excellent erleUeter. and handh-ii her bat in la.i.lerlv .tvle. I.ti llMuiu iir, th.- hl .t iri i:t Mot ley i ilaiivrhter, ! very li.niilvniie nml has more than a local celebrity Ik'cium' of In r wit Mat. V.t ir Antra It. rrrrr.it la the cen ter of attraction .it o i.il.'f .tlirriiiiri.il. cattM- i.he ii verv craciotii ami ahvayi ay Jtuil the riirht lliiuir. ChM'Mi Nino:' m ither hna anirerml lieovy l'w"i thro'i ;h lom of rent, from her lriih et t.-i, but he lit n tiri-'ht ami rem-hln as ever. t Aiiiliaii: U u : liuisr. a n lew of I'hurlow Wi-cil. r.1,,1, i tii Allinnv. N. t., nml H rceo;,-ni.-i-il n the lemllntr woman uiaat. ur In thU coaulry In the art nf phot.ir.iphy. Mi I'AiitMK-h. the dauirhler of Mnu- fie Mitchell, Imihi very inileh like her mother. .She ha hnnlly eroMMHl the llirexhold of a iln-nuiff-room or tuvn the iflare of tin- fiHillUrhtaexcenl faiiillv nml from far away. Mai Mai-kkv'm now Iondon hone iitaiui two Ideal bathriKaiDi, the unit in I'ompciian atylo the other Jumini-w. In each of them aliiindatit iim- hoa l-fli ntaile of rloUumuc enamel, 'llu- en- ti-.mei hallK to tile mansion contain mine of the lineal deeoriitlve work ever wen in Ianfland. MUSICAL DEVOTEES, Iheei'U the Herman operatic tenor, U not yet. thirty He ii n Mender I blonde nml doe not look ilrontf, yet he i dis s nit eiiormoni nmotint of work. I 1'oiinril i nl mi. in lieorjfla, lion dc- velo-il an iufaulile iriliry, who at I four yearn of otfe can n-nl ililllcult j imitlu eorn-etly at ulifht. IIU voice is Mift and tuneful and ha liliU fair to be. culm- famou. Kfiiis-rmv la mnklnt; a lsik on Mimic nml Musician, excluding refer eneea to llvintf men. He mahe. the ill-lercKtiii.- deelarntlou that linte;wl of ln(f n formei s, Wiuucr, Lis. t and Her llox placed M-rlou obstacle in tlic path of mitkieal protrrena. Tin: duke of Sutherland, who U Mimc thln of a musical eiit'aiiil,v,l. ha, erected a lar?e oi j'un In the rraad hull ut Mnlford house, timloii The Instru ment, whleh U the largest and in i.t complete of any In privub- re .itlcm-e in Klitfluud, is blown by n hydraulic un tfllli!, HUtt coat U),uoJ. .M.lJIV Ktnl aawlnga have knot 0I Diem. No uam ran pn stralyhl ahead who looks bm-kwartt. A in r. HniU honey whre a spider would Uml jHiison. Win virtue in met unexpectedly It shines the brightest. TilMO. is a brick In every clod, but it tal.es a hot lire to teli it so. Tin: lias hut. to v -broken l-'fure lu real sin ntrtli can U- known. 1 r lh U tter to kill a simlic in a elum y way than nut to kill it ut all. ill), ir victories run mil v be eiijoycil by thoki- who llfc'ht (,'rcut battles. Till r.Mili of a tree are of more ciiiim- illenee than it. Ini'licl biiuiches. I'l.oi-t.i. I'eiierally M-t their heart inoht uimiii that tv lii. h the.v need least. I lam's Horn. TREATMENT OF COMMON ILLS, Ir tnmblctl with lieailacho, try thu t-liiinlUineiais nppll.'Htion of hot water to the feel ami buck of the llcek. A ti:,v made by iwurlnjf hoilim; water over fcwect llaffruot will relieve worm hlckm-i in children uml i . a I mi .-i for Colic. AtnuA may Ut irreotly relUtvtHl by fco.-iki.i,' bhHtW or tlH.no naper In alronhatH-ter witter; dry it. then burn it Bt III -hi in the i,lecpin;f r miiii, I'nM a cut, lakepowilereil n-sln, pound It very II iu- uud toreador klft it over the cut; t mp u pkve i f --ift llucii aruttml It. ami wet It III eohl water iulU often. This will pn vent iiilluunuation nnd s-iei".,. y A VARIED ASSORTMENT. TiuiHr nw t.tnne-'ioleil Usita. A KAlic l Utrn at every ltnl of tlw Immar. heart. TllK rabbit excelx nil other anlmaU lit cmluritifr cohl. A xi:w JapfincM eniUer l to In? Imllt In Han l'ranciico. UnttM band.. nei not allowed Uj play tit the street of Nashville. Tetin. Tk lay per annum l the avcmiro atnonnt of alckncut in human life. "Sirrto on Ice" is a theatrical phrniw for a lKvukc that dm-s not applaud. A rixx-K In Rattle Crock, Mich., lift been ninnlnu fur one humlrctl yi-nm. TltR amount of pilil In the world tvotild ill in n nMiti twenty-four feet each way. A K txA farmer h n eorntUdil tlte row of which nre 'thlee-llftlut of u mile loinr. Ir hat lieen flirtmil nttt that It emtan rich man over 911,000 to die In New- York. Till: i-nch wa nrlsrlnnlly n very p-tl aonona fruit, but by cultivation the p-tl- noli hna ilLsjippenretl. A r.tlK younir etlltrea of u palnr In flmirvi.-i ilenoum-e a rival iilltor a liar and a U-ant nf a man." A Piin..viii:t.t,lil.v dude carrlc a enne 930 year old that has Iweit In ulluoat every country of the riulx SEEN AND HEARD IN PARIS, Tiiche wo n time when In Tartu nml Vienna yountf dandles wore unlitn'il hhlru w ith the faces of favorite dancer. displayed all over the cnrim-nt. llriu-ftv U utirnhlis-.l in I'arU In vnrlotia private temple, where thedevo- U-e meet rc)fulnrly Ui pay himate to the "I.lifht of Asia." Slnat of thc llutldhist nre Japanese, bill uiiutui,' them arc many Frenchmen uml n few Knifllshinen. 'I n iMii: I a laiindrymnn In Tarln who has discarded nil konp, iunIii and bleitchinir 1-iwders iu hi establish incut, lie merely use plenty of water and lulled iHitittiv, and can cleanse, without applying any alkali, the mint Milled of linens, cotton or wodt-n. Till: TarU utreet exteiutini; from Ncuilly to St, IVnln U lined with tune hleilown teucmclit that are mid to shelter mure vice and luliiilty than can lie found In nity other pol In the world. The houses throng with crlminaU. The street is known tn thu "ISuttte dc In Uovolte." SINGULAR ACCIDENTS. Ha lHvt. of liouiul lln-ik, N. .1., nroke one nf hi rllw. in hi- cifoiU tore strain a violent lit of siieeiiij,', A risK ptinsy ent in n Chester ITa.) family jumped for a ruLcaturhl iu necl: rlbUni on a nail nnd str.inj'leil todcath. A I'Loiiinv woman wa nearly poi soned t death recently by accidentally luhalliit,' lb t -wder which she wan scatter I iiir uUmt a nsun. A Svx ItrtivAiiiiivo (t'al.) Uty wn badly hurt the oilier day by a ploy' mate, who accidentally ran n rib from an umbrella through the back of his neck. I.tottTNiso from a clear ky utrtirk a Helena (Mont.) woman the other day and trnc. d on her an almost iierfcct re pre a-ututioti of a small branch of a tree. She w;i , not hurt In the least. Mr i. I' vv . of I M rainier, l , jfot a fn'it ride that .!ie ili.ln t enjoy the other da.. Slu- wan caught on the cow c.il her of a liK-omotno and carried a quarter of n mile, but wmuujLacrluudy Injurcil. NOVEL, DELICIOUS ICES. Tlii'llK nre basket made nf braided atitfar canilv II I lei I with ice imitating peuelirii, plums, etc., anil llavorcil llliii the Milt. A (.isr.r.N melon can U crved lllled with ri- colori'il water ice, llllcil with the seeds of chocolate ice, while one of the latest ideas I a Mtf leaf of K'recn ice hohlintf a handful of real atntwU-r- rica. At one dinner cream wa aprved In the hcurU of real calla lilies, the ecu- U'r. of whleh wen- n-iiioviul lx-fore tint flllhi;, while nt another pule, yniylsh chK-ol:ite ui- wa. tnohlcd to reprenmt a lurj'c ll.tt oyster shell closely shut. Jc: fro.-n into the shajM- of wax c:.iuiie. nre a novelty, eiwn m tnesc huvin;r a little tas-r at the end, which, just U fore U in u-rved, Is lighted, the cream camtie i.eint,' i.roniu on iu n hum candlestick, with hiiulfcr nf candy. COD AND MAN. A uk.wtiiy limn with u loiiu facealnn- dcrs (ioil. i'ti Ut I Mime one v ho nn'iU love la a step toward lo-l. No uai ii:m how (lisl wnrnfc the alnucr He always d.s s it Ol love. 'I'm. nay to make a sueces of every thing you do Is to do it for tiod. 'I'm: only man who really feara (5il U tlte one who Is ufniiil to do wron'. Wn know men who are very pious whenever (lod cta them In a tighl place. Till: Nircst uinu'a Ut weliflis a much on (lixl'a acnlca a that of the rlchekt. ltaiu'a Horn. I'll txru'K iMUsM'saloua In Africa amount to T.luo.iJUO Mpiare l,'ilomi'ter, is ophsl w ith Jl.oou.UKi InlmbituiiU. lil llUASV ' tokMeaioiiK in the dark ivuit im nt amount to j,:iou,iNj,i mi nan- i kilometers of lain), on which arc located T.wj.oju InhabltunU. I, M.i. A Mi liolil sway . . , 41 1.. holds away In Afrh-, lie ' cliidliiif Lirypt. over l.wje.oiw square lilloini u-n. with iiilmliltaut to the numU r of aj.uoe.uuu. 1,1 ri l i: l'ortuifal lias manaa-cd to ifet tmirl of jaw.uoo Miimre kllumvier of Africa 1 1 luml, aud IU niUt esU'lHlNI ovrr a iHilaliuii tlutrn MSpW. THE MIRED MEL!', "II avk you any rofereiKH frwn yonr last place?" "VI, ma'am, Hut they wouldn't inck ye feel any more com fortable aUml tulilu" me." Hunter I lain r. Mho. Watt "How U your new Hirir .Mr. I'olt -"Oh. alttt'a a perfect heathen. t left her to atralffhten tiiinjr up U'forvt the minister culled, nml she iicvercven diutetluir the HthU." - Indianapolis .loiinial. I Miw. Van Vki.v "If you work fur tnc, llrldfel. you wilt have to wear ca. I laippoast' you do not object?" l!rid;,vt "Survi not. mum: I can Uirry wan from me cousin. 11 hat car t.tiw. ami a 'eoou tall on top." Ilarjvr'a Haar. " No. Mt-vt." mnkl llrklip't, "l didn't brin,f any reference. I dklli't think Von would care for the opiuloiisof some of the stwiiih I have lieen tturkintf for. And IIHiltfct wn prxtmptly en Ifn-d. N Y. Itcconlcr Tkstu StRl.Kf Hoco:wirB (Uv her hclpl -"I wonder where the leaf of that et Misloit table ha dlanitpcnrcil to Help ( w ith a U-am of saliifuctloti nl her superior l;nnwiedin'l "Now woan't It t bad, mum? The lire went out nn.l It went for kiiulliu What ii I so could I do" I'lilladclpt.ia Kcconl. MARRIAGE TOi'lUS. A iilinri:lt-vi:.vii oi.ti ch. a- hi an ap plicant for a marriage license at .Sci au ton, I'a. A NKt v mnrrleit Siuotieliaitna iI'b ) nuiple have Mpar.ited and rciinlteil three time-. I four wska. A miins'i.ii'siM In .lackaoii. Mich . In stc.nl of t.v.ttiinf hi ucddlli irueata to clears 'ave to each a bread ticket. A nam:: w aa urmyeil In her wmldlnj; tlneri and two humlivd iruesti li.ul it M'inbled ul l'eysirl, N. .1., ivheii she re ceived a note from the ci.hiii tliul he coal, In t U- presenl lis his weddin clothe, didn't III him. Anii i .ii is ,iie of n jxiper publl.hcil Iu Natal. Ninth Africa, contained this advertisement: "Wutited, a yonnrr I uly u I.kU's coinp.inl hi uml ti itsMit in tcuchiu,; three children. Apply to.l. I'. .1. Ililfirar-U-r. N. II. -Three ell(ilile Imchelurs kept on the premise." A Lot iHVii.t.Kcoiiplii went tohave Uhmi marrlcil in church and itieut pix-para-lion to that cud hud U-eii iniide but when the time ciiine their timidity so 'ivnme them that they stole uwuv from their friend', and were iUlctly man led In a minister's parlor. CHEMIST AND CHEMISTRY. Sell:XTIl say the chemist will ilom ante coinini; Inventions. All our fuel will presently lj furnlkhed in the form of kiis. I'iik irrenlimt monstroltv In chemical lioiiieiiiliitiire thu far prisluced U il.iiihtl, .i lutholiucpunimfthchvibcu- utvlaiimep,iracurUiylie acid. A rttori in ha recentlv- Uen iIIwhiv- en d for m ikinif llour of bananas: chem leal e-.th-rlmi'litM shmv thai this ItiMir .siulaiiii more nutriment than rice. I'm professor of chemistry nt the l;.i 1 Nai.il eollcire, lireenwlch, I'nir , 'i - th it he luutilimoitcreil a met hi si of totreatln:? st-u water that It wilt not deposit any seale on marine Uillers. ItMI.N'r dcvclopiaenl.t iu chellllelil ack-nce promote I lief In the existence of elementary form i of matter not yet actually observed. Certain ih-cullnrl- lies in the spectrum of the sun lire Ihotthl t i Indicate that much of il matter Is still In sin h clc mcuUtry form ovvlut; t-i Iti intciiM' heat SINGULARITIES AUROAD. Avcpitiph Inn provincial ccmeterv In I'i.i ice run as follow .: "Here lycth Mm' , my wife, she siilfcri-d n if-ild .il. Hat Ii U n ithin.f t what I hud t i jro through." Tin: iir.'v.tllin;f .Sunday apirt In Cuba cis-k li -litln.r. and It i. not nil Infn- liiciit i. 'lit to sec a Cuban ireullcuiiiii (rol:i alsi.it Cic Hin di of It , oi.i with its s-l bird on the way to n llifht. A Ml n:.M in IHnbiir;rh unlvcrsllv. who w as lined a (fultiea for disturlilui; his i hiss, until the sum in hiilf-neiice. and n ipiarter of nil hour wa spent In counliiiir them, whereat his fellow Un dent were if really amused. Ol 11 esteemed iii!teiuirry, tlm Maurlllus Moiilteur, ha till ndver tisemcut: "A stamp collector, the poo M Hior of a collection of 1J.5II stainis, w ishes Ui marry a lady w ho an ardent collector add the potM-saor of the blue penny stump of .Maifrlllua laktiud in 1H7." LITERARY I'ERSONALITIES. 11. wia. Shut Minisi, who. p.sMiit nre much liked by the public, I twenty. live yearn of ajje. He follow literature a a profession. Wiiiiiinm, the weather prophet, Inn written a selentille novel desi ril.iiiK' Ufa on .liiplb-r nml predietiuir what the 'nic of tlilsuurtli will Im like morally and politically Iwcnty million yenr from now. A I'lU'.NCH illctloiinry to KUH'rsede even I. litre i nwaiti-il as the uorh of twenty year' eollaUirntioii by three m hohirs, two of whom show their Her man extraction In the inline of Hall frld and Darmcfcteter. I)ti-rii.i.it OmioitM:, the novelist nml illthor, laymuiir and rather delicate In aps-arlic'. Ills Imlr and miistaehc are U'comiiiK tinned with irruy. He Is a member of thu Author' club ami live In llrooklyn. , , ;. . . ,..., .'inn win op t iniviOM ih lit HIT 1 l 111 ,, ,, I i t j Mioiviiiiu ii iivn ' arrived ihtleffate: "Vou have tlm privilege of working nt any I nu lo you prefer." "I'd like to lump on ttrlvln cattle to KnilkUh." AllAllmr I'Mntboimn III tlm sn..,,. t... wiftiuw. iiUMu MUUUANDD. Voi vi Win: - "We nre tol.l t.i 'cant our bread u,m the w atern."' Th. Undo "lint don l you do It. A Veavet might run orfaiitsl It ami ('l wrwkeil." -N. V, llcmhl. tosm inn Ma. Cwvant.v.-Mr. Orwly "I t.-!l yi.it U-f.MV I tfo thai I watlt licet for dl.iner, and whe.-t I ict Itolfl ' what ill I Hail?" Mk CiMb-.ly "Pntilt, every time." -N. V. Man, "I iu.o vs l.rplnu' a diary tldv jvnr--nn hone-t diary nn.l I wrol.t It lit rr. neh. bat I vc dropH-d IL" "Why. "My wif.- baa U-,run taking l'reitch IcvMiti." N' V. Itcconlcr. "Jo.; i, won't yott pleani' aw mn a lit tle w.aal this morning?" "I m aorry, dear, but I haven t time. I have to (pi to ta .-.via i-i turn for my hoitr'u vorU with the clubs." t'n tl Item. "Now. n must not let thK mi any fuHU-r," iai.1 Wall to I'utt after re tail. . a choi.-c bit of Hcamtul. "t)h, e-.l i '., ii.il." aaid I'olt t "llnw did yo'. trlf' "My wife l il.l m . Hlm'u jusl li... any w.mii-vm -nu t keep n secret of eourao." Iiiillnnapoll Jettr nut. WITH THE DOCTORS. ' "Km'tii :iv " I the name coined by a St Lout. i.ie.Heul pa(vr fi.r the lo-rmali profcsM.r'ii system of treatiu.-nt. lii AivtllKivs, who has Ihh'ii kludvllti; fcttl -Ide, tin, I. thnt It is'rtuinse.-.ehisively to coiilied louiltrlcH, t,mt la. lelliK"! In ad. i.l..nec with tho ilcpree uf chllltn tlon. Tilt: ivllt of the human luuf arvj T&,tM.i,u,M In niiiulier, coterlntf u Mirfrnw from two nml a half to three uml a lialf times I'tenler than the whole Usly ami face of len fnll-(fnnvn men. A t.t i.iii oN In Mr.nchestcr, who ban ojaw.-.te I lit 1.111 ca'Ma of culicer of the tont'ue, teiulH IIU recoveries undt weti ty 1 1. ;.th-. In Ititasl i there U niic iloclor to every ln.'tja lnliablla.it Tho wom en il ton IniuiU'r 71, A env Hici vx who lia kept n nightly recoril of hi pnle for five year tvp.it ta that evet-v year It fall throu;rli Hut t prlii;t until uUmt Midsummer, uud then rise lliroiijrh the autuinu to Novcmltcr or IVccinU'r. Then comes n m'coihI full nnd a second t Ue, culinliiatluir Iu 1'cbruary. . MILITARY AFFAIRS. MicMvilov nnd Itismnrclt nro tha null n nil I in-ill actois In the I'runiHl- I'russiaii war remaining ullve. Iimi m irchcs h.ne U-eii added to tint training nf the rivm-h Infantry. They are also ev-rciscil iu the piactlcn of UnniliiiK trul.'i;. for the Irausisirtatlou of troops. I'uo tit.Mii'H of t'nlteil Siatoa cavalry have U'en wut from San I'raiieiseo to the Voiemib- valley an I Sciuoia park to preserve them from depredation i. They will remain until November. CoMoncit tm i: niimUr of ierin:uil have (foil., t.i take ncrvlce with thu Chines.- nud .lup.ineie Heat. China hall ordered several war vvol fioni (lur- maii biilhlcr and Japan has Uiiiuht u UuinU-r of t irs-.l i Ui it In I'crmutiy. lli.iiKvin.ii every dillcr In netlvo service In the llritl.h nriuv will have n cunt iilliiehe.1 t t bin clothing ln-ariln; hi inline, rank and re.fimi'ut. Ihla plan Is ti f.i.illt On Idciitillcatloii In juie of it'i o-i the bittleileld. Il hit i loiuf Ik-cii In vofue In the Herman army. HUMAN INCONSISTENCIES. , Wm.v we r.ay that a man I hound wo menu thai lie iikivcs u lth us. - Walla New h. I'm nr. I one lucky thlni; a Unit sMii!cd clilldrcii we never have lliem in our own family - Kliulra liacttit. It Is very hard to U-lleve sometime that n man call U- dolun a thliu iljfl.'. when he Isn't iloliii,' It our way.- Som en Hie .1 1 iu r usi I . Ii I easy to tell when n mnn I llnt- leim tour hi'lidd-or, but It Isn't mi easy to decide w hcu he I Itiilterllii; you. Somerville .lourual. Ii'k a inlifhty cowardly mnn win) hasn't the coiiniye to iiiyie iinutlicr with the bmthaclic to have It yailkftl nut. Ikadon Transcript. Till. (Ulekcsl way to 1imu your plnea In the (illt-tllon of the man who say bit ilufcu't iiiic for ndmiriitlou is to stop tclliutr li tut the pleasinil things you lunr uUmt hliu. Kliulra Uactte. RURAL WONDfiRS. A mw nl IC ttnett, l'.i , nt a tich of dvii'iiuitc. and her owner I now afraid Ui milk her. loui. v AlUKVii, of Carina, I'a., ha a pl which ha i i-Lflit lc..M. four earn uud two t ill. Hu will pla-o It un cv hibllioii. A iikn which ifrow-a n mustache every sprint; an I ..he.li it each folloivin;; fall "is one of the nldii-lssUcd curioltle of Atchison, Ivan." A cow ut IVtembiirif, Va., wlilln lit search of her calf, entered u Ii'iiimi nnd climU'il a llljht of si vtei-n si iir Hear liiK ii calfouUlilu sliDihihCeiiilcd without trouble. J vm: (In vii wi, nf Columbus, claim tohave killed the largest nittlesniikit ever m'cii in ludiann. (in meniiirem.'iit lifter death It was foiiiul to be nine fcut In length uud Ii.kI thirty-nine rattle and a button. A lluiilitliil Nlurr, A Norwetfliui living In tint sixteenth century was arcounte.l n mnaterhaiid ul miiiutu routrivauccH. In pnnif of till it Is recorded thai ho made sixteen thousand dishes of turned Ivory, in every respect without a Haw, nml so tiny that all of them could bo safely cradleil In uu empty pepper-corn cup of usual le. Ono may well Udlcvn that, ns was written iu o iinoutlnn, "liuiKlilfyluK'-t.'lassi-H werJ essential to full be lief and enjoyment of the Lilli putian show;" it Is uddml that tlm falrydlko workmanship vvus tho admi ration of many learned men. Harper's Haar. ' .. . J.;. - V. IT. M 1 . .. . ' s. - : ' v . v ' - I ( SMtJ """ timi.... .nrjKssi Ts