Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, October 01, 1891, Image 1

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    The 'a per for the .Work
man, .Merchant and
'7c Papa' 'or the Farm,
the Workshop and the
'(,lame XIII.
C.'tXVthY C1TV, aiU.YT I'OUXTV.OHEUlhY. Tlfl'h'SI).)'. (HTOHI-lt I. ISO I.
A'aniher ??.
of tiii:
First Enstctn Oregon
District Agricul
tural Society
Will lie lnl.l nf Urn new
ami Diivittir P. uk of t Wraiitle
Hondo alley Atieultiiral
Society, in ni l.ndi.tinlc
t l CgOll ,
And ConlinuiiHj Six Days.
For Agricultural ami Hoiticiiliural
Products, and for Hive Stock
Mechanical ilimdiwotk
and Domestic lix-hibit.
Of tho Omtiilo Hondo Valley
Agricultural Sooiely, for its lirs't
mooting October Mb, 1SU1:
1'IllBT DAY.
Punning, five eights niilo fur 2
yonrohls, fine for nil, purnt $!it)--goldiiii-s
lo enny 111) pounds, fillies
107; winner of tmv 2vonrold rnoo
this season I! pounds extra.
hi:com PAY.
P. mining, ono Imlf milcnml icpont
2 in '!, puiso SIM). Novollr 'J in :i
for 2-vonr-ohN
$200. '
1 fllllij Nim i')Bl. tT rot'MT the State
OkMmiN H (iHAXT till NT).
. .1. K Frnk. Plaintiir
John Carrey. Mary Cnrrey,
; .I.wi jili Korins,.l II Make,
K.I C Allen. J I.SjH-rry. W
.1 Furnish. Win Huliock,
J Durkhcinver, Frank four-st-'le,
Tho Firm National
Hank of Iloppnor, Oregon,
S S Dinning mm I C S Dim-
tin, Assignee, I'-fMMlIltH
To Win. Huliock and Frank
Coursclle. of the nU-vc named de
fendants: In tht name of tin Stnto of Ore
gon: Von ami each of ymi an1
hereby notified ami required to lie
ami npjiear at Canyon I'ily, Oregon,
in tin- aliove court ami cause
on or la-fore the Dth (lav of Novem-
Ikt, ls.M, that U-ing the lirnt ly of
the next regular term of the nltovc
court, then ami there to answer the
complaint of the above named
Plaintiff filed in the above court ami
euue, ami unless you do no npjtear
ami anHer naiti complaint, the
plaintiff', for want there-;!, will ap-
ply to Baiil court for the relief pray
ed for in hid said eomphtint tu-wit:
or a decree in favor ot the l'laintill
ami auninsl the defendant John
Carrey for Seven Thousand Six
llnmlreil Ninetv-eiuhl ami fifty one
hundredths dollar (i 70'.)S..riO) ami
interest thereon
Itlectricliy Cures liptlcpty.
llid American Mnnen. ;
A writer in the current number
of the North American l.eviow i
much collect iiel over what Ji.
deems our national hmi manner.
T.. . . .
in ni v-uiiiiauoi: we, as a khi iic, j. 1M,rr,r. i
- i-" -
show mv appreciation
To Subicrlbers, OM arul New.
In onlerto put The Weekly On
Roman lino uie nonios ol Uiose now
A niovcincnt in on foot anions the
farmer! of Whatcom eoitutv. Wash
ington, to cut their farms into small
"ro numy, (Nwatim, agjjrctfiiNe,
glorying in our puh ami clf a
aerlivenwui." '1'hii i a sweeping
Ktntcmcnt hut it is not new. It
hat Itecn heanl, with riution, at
fruciU iutcralfi for thcue inanv
. . t . i
Year, i ncrc arc aiwa) Willi ui
livcrti of our fellow citizen who
feel iniicllel to lift up theij voice
ami M5oii tlip (HWJle ui tin; conntiy
that gave them lurth for their nf
U-gml Ink manners.
I he lecture in generally deliver
oil in much the name way. Tho
K.Hple who deliver it look rcgiel
f nl I V. n a rule to th nptwr circle
of other Intuit, and declare that
degenerate, republican America it
tndly behind Kumpean countriet
in the matter of oli.dieI jwrsonal
U'hnvior. Wo nro told that Ameri
cant work too hand; that thev are
aluavt in tto much of a hurry to
observe the Conrtetiet of life; that
thev care for the niirtuit of imin
amf nothing elite. I'hit i a terrible
lint it it deserved f Are Ameri-
cant at a nation more ditcoiirteomk
than Kngliehmcn or (icriniiiin, or
l'iit "So. Mirr,
limit; yerjillf."
.Mr. C..II or I ttlttl lo Uiailk yoll . ,,' , ' I, I...: .V. ' ' V.'. ... . Rmil "DM ).. eel exclte.l nt the
for pullithin Dr. DarrinV . "h " """" .fire- t huppl IVuwll.ty! Wl.v. I
monial. for throiiah that nieam. 1 " " Vr -I'V"'"'""" l"" m " " !ilN1' " ' W ". nriunlly went out oi. the Mn-et without
lM-anl of him. and the uomhrful 1'. ..T',1 ,,,,,,,r Vf ,,f',''".'"',tl.'!' for tth-r at a low rate or on lonK ,v.o, ,y tie.'-ctl,,ei.
am haniiv to l,rUir lo . "" ' refiiu oi uni eiiierpnn- Tin c.imm: Saiiy "Aw, me
..t i.i. i latiunry ). imcj. lusoller annliea . "K nun wim move ih that thu mi- i"i feiiuh. imve xmi seen
ut IIIC Kit 111 . . . f. . t
kill in curing me of epileptic fits ! " r niijertiH'rfj hut to rove.nent o. ,ne.e racls enhance
and nervotu debilitv of lo.J -.taml- i ST"1 n we; 'l'l'l.'V ? I Ul" valu" ' '"lj'""'"K lroK'rty.
I was cured bv Pr. Parrin's . M",.,t;r'.l''r ,,r 01,1 tb- incream me auiouni ol tuaiIo
i-eiii-er rt-iiL-wiiig, i given in ciioicc i'r'H-riy, ami reinice-i uio rale at
I oi eiiner I lie American l.tventock me name lime. A.s the countrv
Manual," or the "Standard Ameri-' will settle tip by thin proceiH, new
can Poultry Hook, which will be . hcIuki) Iiouih'.s will lie erected in the 1 tnl-lu-f eol.l?-
wilt free, jHwdnge prepaid. Thete dillerent nchool dintriets, and more
are valuable works of reference for , men will bo interested in keeniuu
I.I , . . . . . 1 V
mc rimii in goMl Hliape. It IK hoped
that every laud owner in the county
' will we the benefit, to hiiimelf ier-
i it i .i. . i .
niiiuiii anil vol- eouiiirv at i a rue.
electric ami medical treatment ami '
wish all the world to know it. Dr.
Darrin cured me in live months,
liefer to utu at IUi.elville, Or.
Mts I.t i v S'aih r.
Hlrcttklty Cutei UcjIiicii.
Mr. Mil i tor. This is to certifv
the farmer.
The Weekly Oregonian in the
great weekly of the
that Dr. Damn cured me of catarrh- there ix no week I v pubiinhed on the
ni deafnens of four year' ttanding , I'acitic con at, or anew here clue, that
by electricity ami medical treat- furiii.-her- reader? a' fuller compen-
iiii-iii. i nave rewueii in i rouinnie,
Or , and now ex-et to live in Sbel
ton, Nebrtmka, where I can In- re
ferred to. W. M. IVt.
Dr. Darrin trt-ati with elcctricitv
and meilicineji all curable, chronic.
dium of all the m-wx
by following the example .set
foitie of the farmerrt.
of the whole
world than does the Weekly Ore
goiiian. No other iaiMr eive.i fueh
cltwe attention to Pacific coast news, And to the North l'jicmc liuhuuul
ei-H-cially an to what is trantpirlug ! ixniilon in Tint City .
in the great Northwest. i
nide from its unexcelled newt I o thote desiring to viwit the K.
acute and private disenteH, bliod I feature, a laree iiuiiiIkt of HiNc-iaI i litimi tl" I'nion I'aeille wilUell
at ten tier cent, per ,.w. .r,.l,,.1I,. f r, I.'...i.
uiinun. irom weioi-cr b.-, i.v.i, tmi- tl,H).,lo m.,llti. mi.m.ti.... ..r !!....
i tit niwiii ti TtmitttMPMri' iniltt ' ! 1 ... . "
n ThouSand ( f KMhK)) dollart I U"' ",,;,, ",U," .huro!HV
ScptemlM-r I I, issu, due :io n. .Il)!,'-"y nn.l well
lays after date, drawing ten tierj' .Vu,,,, "i'an cannot walk
cent interest annually, with tiro-1 u,p "ireeis ol rant without an ut
vision for rentonable iiltoriifu s fee cort under tH'nulty of Iteing openly
in case of uil, given bv saiil John , nud tjromdy iiunlte!. In our
free for nil, pin no
tiiiud imv,
hidille-lioi-tie iia-e, ono-hnli niilo
purse -j'nO, eiitiancn Sfi. Mntianc
iiiouoy to go with nice, Fimt nionev
no per cent., sivond, 30 per emit
thud 10 pur cent. Tho diiectotn
nmoive the ryht to bar lace lioitos
i rutting, ;i in o for .'t-ver obis.
purse f'.'UO.
l : i i ., ,
MiiMiiio-,-, oiiu-unii uiiio iiasn, iteo
for all, iuiso 100. Trotting, .'!
iiiiniilo elnsH II in ;., purso iXM.
nrrii DAV.
Huuiiiiii, one ami one half mile
free, foi all, . purso ?.l()0. Trotting
.i ui o ueo ioi- an, purse ((;().
81X111 hav.
I'ltinniiia ouo mile, noveltv. 1st or
sni, '.'mi ,-r, sr.y, ;id qr. mo, uh ,,r.
fou, puiNo ffJOO. I rotliii!, '.'.10
ohitis, m 5, purao k'MX).
' Ut' pur iigaieuat S'.'.'Juo
rrmiiliiina it.MH)
. $.1,700
Tho Management Will do Hyeiylhiiig
in Their 1'owor to Ktiloilaiu
and PeiiolU the Public.
C'itiions of Wullowa, Pnker, Mid
near, titan' ami Uiioii coiinlnu, this
s your Tlllltl) ANNI'A I. DIS
'filler J' A I It, and Onmde Itomle
alley, "Ihti (iaulo'l of the (lexis
hi. i . . t't i ,
"ihi ii OOIIII-.JIUI inirvotl of ouiv
iiiiHimlijo priKluct of thu Hold, onlmrd
and gaiden, jiouU you with a cor
dial welcome.
IliUjf Ercij .trit-le of
.Merit from Sttifie, Pasture
.Field, 0 reliant. Cant en,
J)airi. .Men it on-, Forest,
Jim UriifJ Feenjtltiii"
bat your hoj. Let as siote
the People the I 'arieit lie
son rees of Eastern Oregon.
Tor lit of Premiums, Unlet ami
Kugulutioiis adJretM,
A, C Miuik, oi U. h. MeCoVAS,
La Grand, Utvguii,
Carrey to said plnintiH', ami Kight
Hundred (ftm) dollars attorneys
fee, hi-nidcs the costs and diiburw--nients
of this suit; for a decree fore
closing (hat certain mortgage, dated
September I I. 1SS0, ami executed
lv the defendants ,lohn and Marv
Carrey to the plaintiff to secure the
above described note, usm the fol
lowing deserilN-d pruH-rty situatiHl
in (irant countv, Oregon: The SJ
of the NW1 and W of NKj, See.
10, in To II S of It :!() ! W M, the
lij of the SWJ of Sec 20,81111 the J
VA of the NWj of Sec :!:.. Tp US
of It '.) V. W M, the S) of the SFf.
the NW of the SK and the NK ,
of the SW I of Sec. -'7, in Tp 11 S of i
U '!) K, ami the WJ of the SW of j
Sec 20, ami the WJ of th.- NWJ of'
Sec and the N J of See. :!, all ;
in Tp 1 1 S of It 20 Ii, the NKJ of
tin- NWJ of Sec. .10 in Tp s S of It ,
..ii I'., Die ,t ol Uie . ol ec. fv III
"iiomy, boastful, aggrcnsivo New
York young women who go on the
street aloni are s ihject to no such
A self-respecting woman can
travel from .Maine to California
alone and ! in no danger of intuit.
( 'an as much In- aid of Kuropean
natioiiof Is there any fairer, surer
tenfofa nation's innate courtesy
than the way in which it treats it
unprot'-etwl women i
The truth is that Americans,
busy as they ate, cn safely chal
lenge cinmriou with any other
The American man of bn-ine.-.t,
intent on his work in order that
he may surround his wife and
daughters with the choicest com
forts, may not display the languid
i iii- -i hi .-.-v. -1 111 i t , , .
Tp 1 1 S of I; .Ml K, the NKj of the : 11,1,1 'H-uogiUflies me le.s
X nm - I ..f the M-.f ,.f, "r"3 i-oro M-au wno iiws not wen
- - - ---- - - --- .... .... . .
uuiiis. loss or liming manhood, tier
vous debilitv, effect of errors, or ex
cesses in ohl or voting, Ions of mom
ory, diseases caused hy mercury
the tmproHr treatment of
uim-u-K-n, irrcf-oinnues in women, ; clinics, as well as stories, isiettv
and never mthlish in the imts'rs. ! and well wdei i! i,,... 'I'l,,,,!.
"J aslungton stnet, i is a denartiiipnt maintained for the
laimer, also lor llie women and
articles, tirenared for its columns bv
j well known writers, are published
I during the year. It furmshe, des-
m criptivc letters from various tsirtions
private j of our own country and from foreign
Portland, ami "The Normamlv.
Seattle. Hours, '. a. in. to p in.
daily. Kxamiiiationt free ami con
fidential: ipiestion blanks and cir
culars sent gratis to any address
Patients cured at bume after one
visit to the doctor's ollicc. Medi
ci net sent to any address without
the doctor's name apiMnring.
The Kussian government views
with increasing alarm the axKressive ,
course of China in tho direction of!
the Russian frontiers At a sjtecial !
meeting of the nllieers at the head-!
iptnrters of the general stall' at St. I
Petersburg, a few davs it bo, the 4
military iswitiou of China was dis-!
cutset!, and one of the generals who
took a prominent part in the meet-1
ing stated that the Chinese army j
nuniiK'reo neariv i,.iiki,imk) men
with an
from which to draw recruits. Tie
Chinese government has consented
j t j the construction of a railw ay from
l ckiii close Up to tlie Itussiail Iron-
children. All the advantages of a
newspajHT of the lirst class are of
fered by The Weekly Oregonian
No family in the entire Northwest
can all'ord lo be without it.
Portland, Oregon.
It it said that a Southern man
has discovered how to make sugar
out of cotton seed. 1 le claims that
the prtKlucl has fifteen times the
strength of an edual ipiantity of
cane sugar, and twenty times' the
strength of sugar made from beets
If this should prove true, it would
make a revolution indeed, and iot
ton would Im a king again in more
ways than one. And that announce- I
llient merely, olleht to set thechem-
inexhaustible population ! M" n" "v,'r lh" w'"rl'l t" work. e
-. I i ... i .1... .i ..i . i
ieuee umi uie man wno invelileil
the first baking jHiwder made ten
limes more money out of his inven
tion, than did Professor out
tier, and inanv thousand of Chinese, "f telegraph, lie did llie world
colonists are crossini: the Isirder in- 11 K-'eat service, (m), for his work was
to Russian provinces, ami would
prove n hostile element in the event
of war. Itussia herself, however, is
: . . . i i . i-i . . .- , . .
111 iiie line oi lienor loot I lo llie jieo
pie. About the most expensive
article of commerce now is snuar.
20 am! the
ec. -'.1 111 I II , I
of the NK1-1 ami
VA of the SW1-I of hi' M-es with hih own even
S nf II K tin. W t 'low rv fltjill lier liuieliti. iiimiii bin ' for future naval imeniti.nm .!" I(n-
.i. 1 1 i .i : .. . i . i ... r f . .i. . . i i. .. i. . .. ei . . t , .
vv j oi im- niieiHiiii w ne siiiucieiu lo nnipiy
0 S of U 2" 1 Miiiport her tlirotnrh life. Put the
American, while burn
otlMitiiilnillv rmli. I 1 flit'
heart he feels rcMm-t (nv uom.m. i 11 Hur ,t,-," Ktfnd am! Itussia
hood that makes every pure woman I '
-' i ' l ) llie West ride avs:
in. e Kiiineiiii ol' mil nil in ni -vts. inn . .
..ii in i in oi r - - - c
I ami the SI 2 of rP" who louuiy accuu llie
American people of wholesale bad
milliner are either uiiutiMTvanl or
SK1-I of Sec 2A in Tp
sia in the
says the
Ii, thu Mil-1 of Sec 2 ill Tp 11 Sol
It 21) K, the NW1-I of the SWi-l,
the SJ of the NWJ ami the NWI-I
of Sec 20 in Tp '.) S of It 2S Ii, tlie
NWI-I of Sec 2 in Tp I I S of It 2!)
I'., the hi -2 of N't
It 20 Ii. the SWI
the NVI - and the SW1-I of the
N K I -I and the NWI-I of the SK1-I
ol See 10 in Tp 1) S of t 2'.) K. the
Wl-2ofthe NW1 I, the SKI I of
the NWI-I, the SI -2 of the .Mil
the NI 2 of the SWI-1 and the
NWI-I of the SKI-1 of Sec .10 in
s S of U : Ii, the NI 2 of lb.-
NWJ I, the SKI-I of the NW1
am! the Mil-1 of the SWI I am
the Sl-2 of the SWI- I of Sec .it. in
Pp '.) S of It 2!) Ii, am! that h.ud
luml-t or so much thereof a may he
necessary, be ordered sob! to natisfy
the above amounts; am! for a ih -
ret- that the alleged claim inter, st
am! lieu, of you and each of y-nii
ami of all and each of the I feu 1
ants bo forccoetl and forever bar
red from any claim to, iuterent in.
lieu ti'Hiii, or equity of redemption
to, said laud or any uirt thereof
and further that the plaiutill hav.
execution agail st the defendant
John Carrey for nnv deficiency niter
applying the promds of rucIi sale
to the -luyincnl of said several
amounts, and lor such further re
lief as may Ik etpiitable.
Service uikiii vow anil each of you
is made by publication of this miiu
iiioiis in the ( Cm mv Nkw
fornix weeks, by order of the lion
M. D. Clifford, .Indue of tin- aUive
iourt, and said order is of date,
September 111, I Ml I.
1' HANK UN P. Mays,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The I'nion Pacific System have
on sale excursion am! 'single trip
tickets of all classes, to all MiiuU,
which are sold at reduced rati
laily for regular trains.
llufuro purchasing railroad and
bUmmsliip tickets, consult audits
i I'nion Pncillc SyiUim.
Kast. '1 ben- is no doubt.
dispatch, that the Ittis-
ied, is not ' "''ins are deeply apprehensive as to
own in bj I 'lie course of Cliina in the event of
fortifying the lsjrt of Vladivosto k 1 ,f il inherent in beets am! in col
on tlie Pacific, ami has recently ex-H-mletl
111 Kill I 7,IKM).(XK) roubles in
making the jmrt virtually im preg
nane, so thai it may form a bas
. ". v -
Mi. ' 'l J
n " -b -r
j jjir
Vf'ti VDll'lMHC. -ft
(5ALfe$ToN V$
1) (I. OYliltllOKT,
A HliKS Illto.S
C'asyo. Citv,
Pruiuiotors, Wm. (JooiksA- Nicii-
t:wt, (iidvciitou.
The en-
ampment of the Oreeoii Natiotuil
(luard held in July at Tho Dalles
' only cost the taxpayers of the state
f.'!2,iNK), ' aiul then proceeds to de
liver the usual homily on legislative
jobU-ry ami olln ial corruption, etc
The truth is that the entire cxpeiiRcs
of the eiicauipmeuts at liuuene.
i Portland and The Dulles was F.'!2,-
I'Hki That at The Dalles cost for
.cvervthmg about -Mmmki. That
..!2,ihhi was no very extravagant
-urn to h m r ii 1 on a slate militia
miht be iuftrri-d from the fact that
I Caliform.i smiiI this year, for the
-.line puiN-se, no less than fl"H,-
It might stop all kicking if
the militia were disbanded alto-
P tie r. and when any troublo arose
n -poring extra aid for it. suppres
1 1 i i . i I,,
.Mini. in ruiKeiion ami suiiivan s
th'igs over from Washington, where
tin v -.ei in not to bo proH-rly ap
pp . i.ited Dalles Chronicle. '
In an interview at Tacoina Jay
mk the great lluancies, wnsasketl
ii.ii what lines work could best Ik
done to develop the city ami coun
try, and replied: "Manufactures,
in.inufat tures ami commerce, let
merchants ileal leniently with cut
toini rs and advertise your city.
HiipjHise I've spent more money in
advertising than any nmu living, in
dihming of government Umds am!
in other ways. I reckon my o.x
s'iiditures in this direction at not
under r2,(XHl,t)0(). The moro ub
hcity you get the U-tier for you.
This idea of cutting oil' ailvertis'ing,
etc , when one gets pinched is all
wrong, then is when you want to
spread yourself am! cci-nouiuo in
every other direction."
ton seed, who knows what other
articles may contain il in quanti
ties siilliciciit for use''
The Ntws wants a currcs-xmilonl
in every precinct in the county, to
write up the news items of the week.
We know this is a busy seawui of
the year ami moit people have not
much time to spare, while othera
think they are not competent. The
fact is you do not know what you
can do until you try. Many a w'rit
er of note has received his first les
sons from becoming a cnrrcs-Mitid-ent
to a country newspaper. Yon
may w rite for practice or practice to
w rite, ami the Kople of your village
Ih-coiiio interested iii what you say.
Thus you nro encouraged to "press
on" until, if ymi have talents in that
line, after years of toil and hard
study you become an author or an
tickets at one am! one-fifth fare for
the round trip on .Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays of each week
between September 10 am! October
1 1MI1.
The live territories, Ariiona, New
Mexico, 1'tah, Oklahoma am! Alas
ka, will exhibit their resources and
products together, under ono roof,
at the world's fair. They will unito
in erecting one large building, though
I'tah, if its next legishitute makes
a sullicieiit appropriation, reserves
the privelegc of erecting a separate
building of its own.
Cattlemen of Crook countv feel a
little uneasiness regarding tho de
I f,.- I .1.:.. .'..ii ei i..
.iiM.i mi iL-i-i una inn, i lie nil'ljny
ol U-ef being greater Ihan was e
p'cted, there is no certainty that
th ere will be a market for all the
beef in Crook county this heasou,
and cattle raisers may have to car
ry their steers over another year.
It is probably not generally known
by our dealers, but it is against the
law to sell all minors under the ago
of eighteen years cigarettes. Al
though there is quite a -tonally at
tached to it tho law is broken "every
On MonJayn, Wednesday uml Kiidyi.
Of each week between September
Hi and October 17, the I'nion Paci
fic will hell excursion tickets to
Portland ami return at one and one
fifth fare for the round trip. Visit
the Kosjtioii.
I'liion Pacific System oilers un-
Ill r , . .
equalled laciuties to tourists en
route to till siinta east. Vestibule
Sleepers, Diners, Free Cars Ihiongh
to Missouri river and Chicago with
out change. ,
Uetler Tlun liver.
The North Pecilie Industrial lix-
stsitltin nt Portland, Scpl her 17
to October 17, IMH, Itetluced rales
via Hie l'niou Pacific.
Ui.l 1iii.
Once, fn tin- fmelfii
chief wii tuliinir mmh' il
ami h ciiiuc fu.v to (ue
piiuinir the inn.
rioike tlie iruur.l tfiivr
ollicc, II lll'IV
n nf Inn riM.iiM,
ti ltd ii -.nlilicr,
lie iiiiirveleil 1-tin-
ivotxl. "Keen
Tlie lUstcrn llouadary of aIjiVj.
A government coast and geodetic
survey parly, which has been two
years in Alaska, has recently ro
cently rejairted that the Yukon gold
fields, which have thus far atlraet
etl the most attention, are in Can-
I ada ami not in I mtetl States terri
tory, as had hitherto been suppoM-tl.
The lioumlary hue is the 1 llt mo
ritlian of west longitude, hut its lo
cation had lint before been marked
by surveys, ami will now have to be
more exactly lived by a joint com
mission of the two governments.
There were several hundred minors
ill the district, and the Upper Yukon I oilier Detioll Imuw U iiunty i. clniiii
lerritory lying just along the lairder
line is said to be attracting large
numbers of seekers for the precious
to tho left. ' "Win il. y,,il hhv 'Keen
In the left,? I ikm't Uiium,." Tim
iUit.--.iuun Invi .UiUimI tlu KhiKiilur
a I ruir, .-.n I. after nut n little trouble,
H elivv win, (iniiiil mill fulluweil.
1 ii ty year iM-fure. tlie pinuiauu liuil
been puiiilcil, mill mi orderly luul
tiuiiiH it it ivilli 1. 1 inn every uue
to Ueep to llie left," uml uviilil thu
v ft j tit I nt. Tlili orih'i- hint kPhmI iiii
clmiiKi'il uml iiin lleiilly unipiektluiii'tl
fur ii leriu nf llfty jeur. l"lliiliiirrli
l In- dnill) lliinitr,
A Detroit liy haa it military suit
vv Itlt kliliuiiK hriiM liiittoiiii In liU fmii
Uy lives mi ulil eulnreil iiiinty wlm in u
irreul ktit-kler fur "it- lnnmli" of llio
An old tu'rviiiit wlm U-lniitfii to nil-
The authorities of tho town of
South Mend, Wash., ruvntlv fined
a Uxik peddler 20 for soliciting sub
scriptions withuiit a license, c in
tra ry to a town ordinance This
action having Im-cii criticincil by an
other piijHT, the South I Ifiii I Herald
justifies it on the gioiiml that they
"have business houses here where
but llie two tpiarrel bitterly over tho
iueiiti uf their r-MH-tlvn homos nail
lell vMititli'rfiil tiili'M to suji-xirt their'
Auiily wits lalely tvsUtnl hy lirr old
fr.eiiit if "tleiii -ililnln' buttons" on
Ms.ti-r llnlihy's rei.'lineiitaU wtiro real.
,4 n iUi'ii, ehlht," klie miHweriil,
il d yeh ktiipNMu iley wiik lira-'.' Dey'k
n-iil enough, kiiah real ktilld ifold,
i-ln iy one of 'em " - Detroit I'roo l're
lilt; iiloiiK tlie i-osd'.'
nut till ye emtio
Miiiim'v'i Weekly.
Kxii-i: me," wld rtu 1K Jny. "I
wan iiiit hi tluiURlit." "Your own
lliooulil ' tiskitl MImi Slmrpton,
'iVrt.-lnlv " 'Weren't veil iifnild of
Wnliinrri(,ii l't.
Hack is Di: vii Oi.ii I.cnno.n. "What
Hi-rv vutir lmpri--.MiiiK nf Ainerli'ii?"
"DwesiHul. ben you liluli u Utv to
v ibiilli juur tmts lie sw luoUteiis
'his lit knelt a wuile American
ts-.lil.ui, vm know' I mine wlht
Imck ( lileaifo Trlbuin'.
i ''It n i ui'inuk." ivmurlieil Ml-. IVp.
1 -wri ni i i Willie WlkhliiKtiiii, 'hut yotu
I eolivei'.tion ivinluils mc often ol
, my enrl.v .lititle-. In nrltlniietii'." "Ah!
1 v ii. Uriah notable fnh any iiiuthe
hi ill,... I rlil. Hut wlint vvtik it you we
felted Thi.t nlil h-kMiu Mlnlitt
Itotliher pie nethin-f nial.ek nmliliifr."
W llkllhlt. 'I I'okt.
A Nn it or t vt ilie. ChttH.v "I'm
itfvi ..Id I'm jittlnr t'" fotiil of luihtw
pav.t. kineo fawined llie itetpialnl
uii.e of the .MIm tliKirhilik." Cliaiiiil,.
Von tie u t Miy ! ' I'liidty - "I'on
lioii.ih pUmsl fawty ftmn.-t nf tl.tille
wlnl. . hot nljht." Chnpili' -"Yon
slii.itlil Ik- cniihfut, old mall, an. I not
ovu d.i It. Tlie bwetln won't nlitnd it,
ou liuoti ' N". Y. l'ivk-
rio. V will liciciilter uue no coal for
I'ovi ri.ment ui)hmk-. ilmt Ii, nut mined
In lb. t e ittntl'.V.
Til. hiitt.-riil prmhii'tliin of ('aiiaila In
1SIU rem lteil llie Nulili- of ISI'J.ISU.UtlJ. Of
tin- in. t..l , uielicl vvtts the mow vain
nlile. y lelillnif t l.i:io,0tSl.- Ihwlull .four-
A Ml. Illilll'lill llllK ln'CI! lliMSlVi'lCll
I I V.l.illl till- IIUllll' kllll-rillllltO llrtk Ih'OII
Iflvin It is liroiine red In color by re
lleeted li'ht uml iixni n Ii n 1 h W Ik found
to i. ml. .In llver, iin-enle ami Milihur.
Two ,1 ii'isiiii: luiiiluK eii'.p'ni-eit lire
tra. Iiu;f .nii.iit;; llie con I mines of this
i.t.tle nud the w Ckt, ktudv bur Aiunilauit
lilliiln r iiclhiHtk, whleh they tli'klro to
ii)t'I.V t-' the develiiiiiiiut of tit. coal
iI,.n,.. ,.f .l.ipan I'lileu'ro llei.ibl.
Till d. ;it!i ut wbieli miiii.. uf l!ie Il-1--i.itt iiiiin r.. are wm ldn;f I . iriH.
-,'i.itis In a pit i I I'teiiu tlie wink Ik
ll.ivv il uie lit Oir.-c tbiitl Litid wvuu loin
dieil feel; ill it pit at I 'l i-litot 111 ul iwn
lb. .il-, mil ciirht liuudri'd feet, mid hi tho
M Andre pit ul Miiutleiiy-tmr-.S.iintiri
nt three tli.iukitud feel.
A i I... ,elt-rry luvlne, N'eviulu iiouilly,
'ul , miiiii Ihiyk icoeiitly found four
plei-ei. i,f iplltlK eoutIlilllll( INild
to lite vitlue of kl ilidliir-i, el flil.HMi
dollars, twenty three dollar and tidily
two diillm-k reH'ellvely. l'riMiit-Uir
Imve Ik-en IliU-ti In the nivlno over
kiin-e. and one of lliein lias fi mini u
ledirc vvhl.-li 1. Ikdi.-ied lo be the koureo
if the ll-x.1.
1 1 ik a lk-llef itiuontf the Chlui'ke that
rice, vlneiriir and oil are sulllflciit fciis
teli.inee for the human kyMciu.
.Ivi'AN lkiklled by alMiut ISO eurlh
quiiken every yenr, eneh of which
shiilii'M, on an iiverao, I.ikki ...jiiure
IiiIIcb of lerritory.
Si ft a lull I ktreet are unknown hi
China. They me purHM.ey iiiaileenkikeil
to t'oiifiikc Satan, ax the t lilue.. believe
the devil Inu'eb. In a l i a llit Hue.
Hi irrotuid Ih-Iihj very muohv In
llolllf lion eiloiiy, the iroverllllli'llt
irokiM'N lo take upaiiil urn t'hlueiu nil
cliiliiied it.-inl hurliHl for live or hixyenrt..
Till, late prluii- inllilkler lo,lain held
nlllee eolillliuiiu-.y fur twenty veal's. II
i lon;r time when the iioverhliil Ik'kfp
. nek of Oriental ruler i. taken Into
1 colikidei-atioii. He wa ( really iv
k'.'ted by prlncek mid people alike.
Till: t'hiliekc pajk-r currency Ik III rxm.1.
white ami .vellmv paper, with ((lit hit
1 t.-riitK ""il it'irf-euiik liuud-tlrawii ile
1 vieek. The bllU, to the orillmiry lliinii-
eier. mirflit pit fur wiikhliijf hilts, hut
I tiny are worth u uioiiey In thu
( llmvery ItliiK'l.iiii Hauker' IJclectU-.
1 Till' .li kull ordei hitk total luciulier
khipof l.'.:usi, iliilded into -J7 province.
I Ix Italy there mc s.7 ii.lwiu
, hrollii-rlok-dk. with a toinl wealth ut
; Tut. l utliolie nf tuelM'c have Hih
I lurtfckl uririoi in I'huiiiI.i It link Jut
I Ik-en envied In the eatheilnd of Nolii
D.iliir; it c kt 8.'.u,0iM, aiul eout.iiiik &.7T4
I plek v
' Tin: .eiiniia llihle mid Meilleal mil,-
kloii for ludi.i rehirt the biri:el i.
come evet riilwd t'li.MS) -iiiui mi ever-
ineicHklnif work, with aJ mlkkloiiiirlen
ill MU kl.iliollk
Tin: I'limlkh htithermik In the mirth
wei.t have orifanlM'il n lllble Mtolnty
with headipim ter nl West Superior, -Wik.
They are unw eiiK-nj-ed In jmh.
likhlutr the llihle in
Till. I'liineh of Ihlirlmid diNk lint
eeiii lo U- urowinir Iii issti the can.
didutck for coiillrtiiatliiu in thik cluireh
iiiiuiIh ii.i .' j.,,(hmi. In mki there were
lUk.lSk) ntefceiileil to blkhop to reik'ho
the rite, the fallilf olf liehli; 'Ji.lKKI.
All Itullr! Vluit,
. j nil these things can m-scoured witn-
Tho agents of the 1'nioii Pacific I out tho aid of traveling agents w ho
System are provided with railroad I jtny no part uf thu ex 'iiiis of gov
and steamship tickets to all iiiits J eminent, nud who can neither Ih
east, an well as to uml from foreign J iltqa-nded Usm fur the fulfillment of
1-urts. ' iiromitci or payuiBiit uf board hiliti."
Senlkkiu iiial will bo worn next win
ter ill fHkhloiiiible ken Him k.iolely.
(Iroat f.riw ver (In,ln,., l.1,'hl onee jrlovos are .till In roi'im
lit, I, i -..., i.t ...i. . I ' tuning mliktk. I iidrokHLil kids are
l , : ,; " ' ',r'W"Ur " 'Hmrler.
Witui'tts - - An liuiiokler man novor
tinint I.itwj-er (niperelllously) Will
ymi kindly kUiteon what you baso that
reiuarknlile opluhiii?
Wilnw (htillyl -Oii thu f net that lie
iiui-o tried to Ihi lawysr, mid fulled, -UvHsl
The hiiiiiiniT olil will bo liiuoh worn
In AiiKUkt nud Soptoinbur.
The Mimine r yotiiii; muii will wcur
inllloiik in the fall.
1 1 Ik nut ileeiiiml cismI taste for u
yiiiini; mail to khiMithlk hriiuotte ktveet
heart with it blutf-barreled plktol, llluo
Ii far Uloudvik -Detroit Vrtti l'rt'k,