Swihh sohllora lire hereafter to W provided with u pocUrthnlfti with four MmlcR, which, hcftldra rendcrliik' onll nary acrvico. In to do occaalonal duty na it ramrod to the new rllle, nnd na an opener to tinned prof Mona. (3i:ilU..vr'K Mpintlron of evolution will bo sent out In two tllvMoits of three hattlcahliM, n despatch boat, ami seven torpedo Ito.H each. They will l innniied hy 2-0 oillccra utid fi.ouo m'ii men. The commander of nil will le Vlee Admiral Dolnhnnl. , Sown liitereMliijr figure allowing the ; rml of miiiii' of the trim used In the j ItriUsh land nnd mm n'rvleo an- fur- ! nlnliod hy n recent parliamentary re- , turn. Prom thl It apear that nine UV-liuli pin have been ImhiciI to the ! nnvy nt nn nvontj;e eot,t of RVMi The ( tO-Iticli irtunt eot &: I) oiioh. mid the G-lneh W.siO. FOOLISH MEN AND MAIDENS. As l.xpenalvc Luxury. "Do you ex ited to ( rttvny next MiinmerV" "I .teat ' Secitt, no! Can't nlfoul It -hceu en fJi(f'4l for three inoiitlm."--l!pMh. j Lirri.i! .Mt'W.M -"Do you admire hnndwime men. Mb Amy?" Amy "Indeed I do, Mr. .MtiHley." I.lllh .Mngley thuiili jon'."-- Harper lltiur. "I l.l Kit jour cheoh!" exrlahiifd the Klrl when lite ri.unjr mini lilt.! I her. Ho do I Mile Jour., hut I irrettll.V prefer your lips" wjk the utidiu'loun reply. -Homeif tile .tt.tiriint. It.MilAXT IUnitily.--Kiiiuuny - "l thl Mb Scadd yon speak f U-uulKiil'." Munlr-"l che lieaiiliinl! Why, i Ir. I iioiTr aaw n enr no crouded that idle couldn't rfi't a acal In It." N. V. Sun. Wlixii; "Von'll have to widl Mme lime yet. Hitter lion only ff-.t 1.11 her ' iMiiinet," I'ealherntoiio (who lnm In vited her to tfo to thi' plnv mid It iter vomtly wnltliuri "Why. what eltc ho ahe (flit to tlo?" Willie -"She'ii trot to hiU In the ifln." Clonk ItevU'W. I'OULTItY UCMAPS. I'irr turn-utiiie In the ilriul.-lntr water to prevent tfiipen. Soili: reeoiiimend ao.iUIiik eoru In la'nu lio fur ehoterti. l.KXCU.ti.l on the fiirui there U in lU't-eniilly for hiiylut; exlr.i fotkl. lo( l.niV will readily tllet iMiue If they lire lirnUeu line enough fur them to rnt. Win::; htiwlt iNither the ehlekeun a few hrtinh pllen will ulfonl u cimhI pr. teetlon. Ci iiii K n ifl feed fur yountf jMiultry of all hind, mill eaii If fed to the laying heiiH to a itit advantage A I'lM of whole uhelit tin dojell hena inalfeH a ery fair ratlmi. Now Ijlve ll Jul iH-fure they I t" rMi-.t. Willi ihiultry. u nlth fieri thtlii; ele on the f.irm, tin-re i hvuh an, 1 1 I m i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y l i i.i-ll nl (finxl price !m U j nrtitfif that are f little better iiinltty thlili othem an- olferin'. NATUIIL'S ntEAKft. j I "i Ht r Won ill, Tex., ihiliiik a f.nnilv- (iitum eow that eitt t .ito, ruts unit mtt-e. : A lll:oi:ul. in. in hait nil enf uldehl linn the I'xnet nhtipe of a yoiiiiK' ehloUen I A row iii.IomiINo to a farmer near! Alnmhiilltowu, la., U the proutl mother of triplet ealve. A rilirv-i:All-oi.n ix-ucm-U htrtilM proudly on the farm of Adam Holm in I'eilu towiiuhlp, llerkit eouiily, I'a. Tllllt;r. live frotiN iMiiindi-il from the Interior of a Ktmnit lo(f tvhleh a farmer III i'ai-rolltoii, Da., wiiHt'iittlu the other ' ilav. There wait no limit or iih'iIii' lie ,r t!ie phu-e of l.l:iiii'iit hyuhli li ll.t f ., etiidd have enteretl A Myitorjr. How thn Iminin tplcin rvrr rtcoreri from the tut curts of tlio nailirutii imdlclhrt oluu lllerilljr iurc.l lulu tt fur ilia UiuilUiro Itlkl n( tty'.lx, lltrr r.'Mll.l .liit. (iiutliu Una. Ihtulu illun aiut ollirr nlllnruli, a Mlilcry. 'llin liiltjtilct Ociio liy tui intll ( lui'i It torctlr Irtt tlian tlutejiKiii lijrillf r.tto. II tiff nlniurn uiak, lililiiut, tit .(m Up, ciili. tltil or rlirunulle, wiiuht nlKarr Uigulilnl ly I in MKfipiwti nf linilUli h linrt tleiriiulilx t-ttrl llutlrit r'l Htmtucti luiliTi. llii-j Hniilit In rtrrrr In'iAnto uliUIn I lie il"- ilh-tt ulil ilnritiililn t rout rUuiii lii.vllcjllon. I'lilt) lurili, Inn i a rurrhliK ni4 ht thn aiii Itine k lliiirnticlilr 1 ifn rttar.lir, tlirhrit Irtint irtft taltli mreri, ami t.Mnn littt. la nitriuiMii v nl 11 I. tilt of iur .plilti, i'0'lrtlei ma ntiitlc)ti4l nlliiiul.int iimI tuiia mimt III llin UiTf !.-. I lilllrr. .111.I itlinutaiiii 1.IU 11 n ...riit 1 1 Itjr tlio .KllllUUd, iljrciUc uii-1 UiifuUI. Y DM I NISI ItATOIt'H NOTICK .N'otit'c ia licreliy gi'.eii that the 1111 tliilhi'iied Iiiih been appointed liy the Hon. County Court ol (tinnl county. Oiejjon, itilmiuistiator of the entnle of ThoiuuH ). Smith, iIccciihimI. A'l pei'millM haviii( juat elainiH 11,'aiiiit Miid CHtatc arc letpleiilrd to prcitent tlio hi inn to inn Willi ptoper voiiehmH at my oilier iu Canyon City. Oicpin, within nix inoutlis from tho dale of thia notice nnd all prrnoiiH itiilrhtrd , to nid iihtnto 1110 r.(iionted to make iniiiieiliulu ptiymeiit. Dated lit C.ii'Vou Citv. Oiocon. Knpleinhur ITi, IS'.U. Di:mh MeAt'i.uc, ' Ailuiiuinlrator. FOll SAI.Ii A Stock- Hunch of II'JO iicioh, on Upper r-'outh Folk. Four work hoimx anil all farm iniioliinoiy, iiIho l-.'i to l.'il) tons of hay. Price, tll.'.'OO ennh. Half cnah and bahuicti in I! or 1J ninnlliK, !l, .',()(), incbidilif,' f'triiiiii"; uteuHila and liny. TliiH innch is iu the brat atock 111110 in ll intern Oregon, nd when in tlioioii(,'h cultivation will row ii.'il) to .'toil toiiH of liny. For fuithrr piiitii'iilarH cnipiiro nt tho Nkws ollico. Canyon City, Or. ONirailTY OF OREGON. EUGENE. Nc.xl f-cHHion licgiiiK on Momliiy tho 2 lnt day of September, I MM. Tuition, free. Four I'otirfCH: CliiHairal, Scicn tifiu, Literary, anil a nlinrt Kiiglinli Course, in u'liich there i'h no Latin, (Ireok, Frunch or (t'crinnn. The KiigliBh is ire-cniiiienlly a HiiHiiiens Coursu. For cataloj;iiurt or other information, j AddrubH J, Joii.vho.v, , l'rcaidwnt. I I'arinea the IlLOOD, Cnro COXSTIS'ITIOX, mitdi'.STIO.f, UIMOL'SNHSS, UVV.V. COM1 I. I I NTS, Ml K lirAllACIIK, (OI.IIS. lMMl'LKS, nil SICITt YUJ T10NS,ninl DISITASKS AKLSLHI from a DI.SOUnr.ItlM) STOMACH. The Otnuu.e 11 A VIICHU 77.' I it put to. ii YLU.OW IVJUI'J'JilM iiilh FaciimiU Signature of Lilt I, l-'ltl.SI., HCDIUCTON CO. ACIMTC. Cam rno.ctJCO. woi.ii nv a i.i. im"J(jisi ami ciiooknu. C00PE1 r DIP y ill t ' , "lno callous I v ' . ?:.V ?: - cO('fKI'.S u 'J Dll'f'IS-.." ' 7P ;v.dl:h :al agent 1). (1. OVKIUIOI.T, A SKI.S MIStiH (.'.NVON tJi rv. (. 1'ropiietoiH, W'm. Cooii:iiA Niiil- i:wh, (Itiliettlon . 8 IIHUIKF'.S KA I.I'.. Notice U heirliy i v 1 1 1 thill ley tr tun of nn execution Uiueil out of tlo I (!in'iiit Couit of the Mtato of Oicpm for the county of (limit, upon n jud 111 1' ll t tmitleietl III Mild eotllt oil the .'Id il iv of .Iniiii rv, IS'.il, in favoi of the i'oitliind SnMiiH Hunk mitl iii-aiiiat V. Welch. K'la Welch. Win. (i. Welch, .Iniiii We ch, Unto Wcluh nntl M Duitiii uanliiin nd Iitum for Win. (1 Wehh, ilefenil inU for the hum of Olio lillllilliil f'Uty-liiiir mid nine our IhiihIh iIiIih dollars ith inteir-nt then on at the 1 til 0 of pel cent ier aliuuin from the thud I x of .lanuiiiy. 1 . 1 , tos.'i'tlier with nc ci iiriii(; iuieicMt mid conta. I have letietl upon mid will xell III Jill I )I If ait' lioii on Siituitlay, the 'Jiith tiny of Siiptellihei. I1M, at two o clin k p. 111 of Mild day, nt thn com I hniixe tlooi in Canyoi: City, (limit county, ntute of Olt'KO.'i, nil of lilt) lllll. title mitl inleitmtof (he nliovc nauieil tlefendaniH or either of tlitiin in mul to the follow tllj,' tlrhcillitil leal tmtnto to wit Tiki SI . I nntl KJ of SW of See. :n;, I'p. S S, 11 JK K W .M, cm t. lining' -10 ncrcH, t.'.-l Iter with all and niiiiiiiii', the teiiDineiita, lirie-iliiitiH.-nt" mul iippurlriiuticdH their unto lH-loiiiii(; ur in any iir upper tniniii),' Tci ma of Hale ciihIi. Dated at Canyon City, (ir.iul lOiin tv, On pin, Auijiiht '.', 1S!I . (). I'. CltKSAl', SlirnlV Hy W. S Sorruwoimi, Depuly. D.MINISTUAT'.irS NOTIi V Notice is lieinliy ptu that fit tin ileriti'Urtl him linen duly ii;ip.iintnl hy the Hon Count) couit of (iimit county, Orcou, iiiliiiiniaiiiitii.v 1 I tin cut. ite u( N S r.-ilieoek, ill-. 1 isul, mid all m'iniiiim liiix 111 elainiH iij'iunid the entitle of X. S. ll.dit'oek, me In n liy retiiiriitt to pn-bi nt tho miiuc dul vunlied iih liy law rcipiirtil, to nic ni iny letiilcll. 11 at l'nili ie City, (iinnt county-, Oicpm, within niv m- 11 1 I.h from date hereof. Dated at I'ntirln Citv, Ori'ri"i'. Sepltilllhtir lnt, USUI. Jam. II.MMtM'h, AilmiuiHtrntrix. HA LA It V, SJo PF.I! WHKK. Wnntotl: (lo.xl ukoiiih to noil our l'onoral lino of Meiehitutliae. No lioddlinu. AbovoMilnry will bo panl to "live" ncciiti. For furthi'i information, iuIiIichm Clllt ,tl0 (ll M lltl S( t ct.v Co , No, 17 Went Ymi Huron St , hicaf,"i, HI. 1 nr ir 1 rr K Ll I I Lb LIVER B PILLS. DO NOT CRIPt, SICKEN OR CONSTIPATI. Cull Piiat lal . Unaiyi iMroT in iti 1 iiib til 1'ulirilua lk HluJ. TV dM tft ftJJ'itU'l Uinl Ik f, m pill ca nr I 1m 1m. Lr ! lik uu b atitfir 'J rill u u ! U1 Mr t u l iill in rhfl i ! ( U f ratiUt m4 ! , fcU Uk f rlH1r lrwktr, fit iUu Uv4 44 f ImI lw It, tm Dft, MAMTK !?' IRON TONIC. V m rtmriMikt i inii trm i tm t urn I I kiit ;Ti'ku. i'miuriipf tUhLIUk4 luimuiIHIikiUrHf Tf TNI OR HARTIR UIDICINl CO. ST, lOUIS.Ua mm 7? s 'IJMMONS. In -rut- it coi ht run tiik .Stmt. ' !.) OllMI'iN I.iK 1IIK Col'.XTV (ilHST. Nnpoliton l).niH l'luinliil OrlufT I'lemiiiK, Diifniiilant To UllolT 1'leiuiliK Doenil.tlil: hi tint imitio of I Lo Htiitti of Oii'ijon, von urn lierehy iiMiiiired to . i lerulnr It.iui oi tho Ciicnil couit of; the Slalr of Oregon for (limit enmity; niiil if you fail h'i to ntitwer, for want the leof, the I'luintiir u ill tnko iiitlif- 1 innil mid decree apiiiiht ymi fur the , Mil tn of MI.IC'I.'27 ami lliletekt on lliu i hilln of S'.,,.-lltl nt thn rate of K per i rent. H-r niiiiiiiii fioiu tlio 1 Uh tUyof j IVlnuat", lH'.H, top thrr with liin 'cohIh nnd 'liilniiHoiiicnU of thin unit, mill n ilri-rce of fnrrcloHiirr nnd ale miller hin iimrliMc upon the N' Nl", SW1 N. NK NWlaiid VJ NV !of .SiH t.on '.'s, anil llie SKJ NK aiul NK1 SM Section . in Tn. S S. I! ; "Jo !; Y M in (.taut r iiinly. On-pm, ; anil will apply to the court for the relief in ai rd for in the cmindnint . 1 You will fm thn- take notice that tliin hiiiiiimoiih in liulilishi-l hv order ! of the Hun. .Mutton 1) t'lirtonl, mi" I of tho Jiiilp-H of the Circuit cr.urt of tliimtnl.) of OniL'iin for ( irant euiinlv. i ui.eiir me I bimwit tint romphiint 1 ,,,H,U uo,l,,lJ ""'' 111 ""'K"". lih il nunitiHt you in th iiImiui rntitl.tl ; H iilit. tttl an.l intt'reat which tho wnil on or licforo .Momliiv. the Dili ilrfrndanU alwvr iiuiihkI or either of tl.tv of NoteinU'r, A. I)' IS'.U, ihc ! "" lnl on Hit' Will tiny of KpU-in-hih'im 1 eiii the lird day of I ho next ; HVJ- or l,nv0 1,1 "r ,0 ,,,c' ni.ule mid onterrtl Huh I Ht 1U3 of J Tninia of anlc Cnah. SeptiiiulN'r, A. I) I mi I . ' ' 'a I cil in the county of (limit mid D.tle.1 nt Canyon City, (limit conn j lp "f Orrgon thin fat day of HcpL, ly, Oiecon, thin' the '-'n'd tlayof Sept. ,x 1('J1 IHill. I O. I'. ci:iAi'. A.J5. llcs.Nirrr mid ' SheiiiVof Ornnt County, ir l'liliMll .V: Cf.l. I! vv- Sonlhwoith, AttoinryH for l'lamtilV Depuly Hhcriir. Agricultural (!()((l .Yen's for lite Fit rm its of (Irani ('ounhj! I Flunk lb tn., ol Pol tllllld, ' )r , l aw- 1 -tabli le d an t;,'t ney at .I11I1I1 Da;, fie' the hah-of all kihtl - of l'arin MnclnniM uel Vjrictiltiilal Impb- ' III" '.l . Mll'h UH U llOII-, ('ill 11 I'.'Clt, tu ,. ( ,11 t- Pl.itt HlllliW-, MuVMIH IttaptlH, Itaket, etc., rte A wlmlr 1:11 1. 1:1. 1 1.1 I. .blu. ri l at t i:ce Iv ei vlhui,' lirxt 1 Iiihh mid .it the lowt yout'ti iile. Allow 1110 to aay that I lil hall I he l ilt hull Or'iiu. . P. CRESAP, sT.iTKKYi:i;v. luiuhs,' si huui.si rn.i r:,s, SIIA'KIl A- I'.I.Yi ) II . .7 ( inn cl ii-f, I'L .i t r T.ili.i. ... ( 11'. ir 1 .1 ae li'in li d and niie iither varictii -., elii-ap fur 1 .ihi ,ti ''( lllil St it ltd ,1 " il li i-lt ('it if. Slims Mason. J " I'lltsr l LSS M. ON SHOP AT SAMF. sTAND -s Cnrriaii'i s, h'ttiiQ'its ft lUtt hhoards Made to Order. 6 & .1 He ihoiinlile 1u(oiiiiI I'or ('iikli -JV9 City meat market. 3a Wiuliiiitou Slicct, ('uii)on City, Oiejjuii. W I CRAY, Prupilntur. in.tiiUH is All Kinds Of It) VI hnlmalf 11 ml Itetall, . unlt r.s ilii tl ni Slnu l Anfit r- -v. a. ;..v;f, Forwarding' & Commission House. Bnkor Cit', Baker county, Will illw t t t'y,fav.i' to t'lil.tiu the hu'ln ht In .11 Li I pi i. i-m ..ii w.k.K, i l.-, ft'l par lli-H i-cn, llnli' l.i lue, 't'l . ll.. I, I til' foiw.lld the Kilnn jivoidit, 'i their tlettite. KAJ Mark all odcIs hakkr city .7 iA.A'i'A. , CgHKltll'l'S SAMS. lly virtneof an ention ninl tic rnf'ol furccloanra ami anle inatiwl out of 11m rirrnit court of tlio atnlo of Oh-roii for the twunty of flrnut, ujion n judftnietit ioikIi iwl in mid court on th r.Uh tly of HituilHrr, 1-M)(imd order that i.l jirojmi ty f mivlveitiiwM nntl oltl iintler anid rxM'Utvtiii tnailn am) i.iiloivd on t ho , 'Jith ilny of Ajitil. 1 .-! 1 t favor of i ,Ioiili WhImiIi ami John HiKHf. I laiiVilot ami ngnitmt A. !. TnUir, i (!. ll.Tmaey, .Iniuea Toytiton nnd ' Oeorg M ('luavrr. ilefiitnliuiK for j llin nuin of s!'J7:t 77, with internal lliertiou from the I'.Hhthy of Si-titem- 'r, 18S1I, Mt llin ratn of ten jmr cent. or ir iiiiiniin nnu n' nuiori uiti m j.S7.ll roaU, ami Ml..'i:i tliclnnao- ) ( intuitu, togothff with ncrrtlitHfilileirMt mill itK I Imvo lu! iiKn niiil will aril nl public auction on S-ttur-I ilav IliM Ud tl.y of Uctoher, l'.H at ... i ,i . .. i...t. ..i two oVloek i. in. of oaid tiny anil nt Ihn court liouw tliKirin Can j on City, .!. - . . . rfi. ........ .,i .it ioiiowhik tieaeruf.i proiiciiy, iou: I'liowe eeitniu iiiiuik known, lo cated and recortleil an the "Amajtnii" tnino and "Vukon" niiin, liK-ntctl liy (io.irp' M. Cleaver and aitualo in (ntiil county, alntc of Oregon, to p'thcr with all the machinery llirrmii nnd tlu ieuiiio ajipotuiniiiit inrlud in l,' the iti.in null nnd ijuiutr. null liuildini.', aituate one (juitrtcr of n mil" inure or Iraa ilial.tut fmin anttl Auiaoti iiiinri on what ia known uh t'lrnr ciock, (Irant county, Oicfjon, anil nl-nit one tiiartrr of n mile noith ami helow what in known n Million IIio'h Mraatrn, the i.nuni lieiiiK tho null nnd liuildiu fonnotly aituuto at lmt wiin known iih the llucHolx'iiy linker county. Oregon, to- KHer with nil mid Miipilur, tlio ten- "I'iiiiiIh. hfrethUuii.tiot and iputUn tliereuiito lielonpnK or in any- '"' nppei tniliiiiL'. Warehouse. it ,., il ! . r.ilt - Ph i-e ivn mo I. IIAM-'.S, At. lie the White J-'i in.;; Ma bine tilid Canyon Cily, Oregon K 1 p ii -! iii! I .11 li.ttnl 11 I t. .i 11. .1 -1 it. .I ! ,1 .i..l ntit.ti. .1 .-.. 11 1 - I SMI' I 1 . ' -1111 "M t 111! 1 I I I 111 1 M ' K t 'hl Will 1 I 1, M'KIMl-l, . M.I, I ',l. Hul l,", I'll K H AX I'l 1 -, al.KlHlK 11 ANON KM, -1 1 ni. 1 . mul wkinikm, tiki: 1 in is, i :tc , Ktc. FKKSII ill MATS Orogon. U MM OSS. Ik the Cmrcrr ComT, or tiik Statr or Ohbook. roa Oaat CotniTV. Alt.-xaiitler llnlayaou, I'llT. 1 v. J L. Colottr. Atldolinr Siimntona. Coltlto, W. 1.. (Jainji j hell nntl Flrrkfiiitcin 1 ,t Mayer. Deft. To li. Colttt, Addtdino Col otto, l'lrckiuiBtptn .t Mayer, four of ihcalove nniiieil ilefonilanla: Iu tho nanio of tho Slate of Hip gon, yii mc Iirrtdty twpiirctl to ih p(ar mul anawcr thn (ximp aint tlll apiinat you 111 tint alntve ontilleil anit on or hrforo Monday, lha tltli day of Novotnlwr, A. D. l.xOI, tlio aauift hoii'X the rlral day of next tegular tenn of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oiep.n, for (irant conn ty ; anil if yon fail ao ti anawr for want tltoroof.l'Uiutifr will apply to the court for tha relief irye! lor in lite complaint, to-wit: That Plain till' have jiiilment aaiim! thn Dt femlanla, I.. Colette, ami Atldtilme Colette for the aiiin of S22Mt 00 nith intarcat th treon at the rate of ton por cent per annum from the Ifdh day of October. I.HH',1, Uialliar with tho an 111 of g'JoU attorney fcoa iu thia ami and tho eoata and diahuraouionbi of thia suit; nnd that it bo deemed by the court that the mortgage tloa cribtxl in l'Ih" complaint 011 tho SW of Sec. S iu Town P.' S of It '.'.'I l'.nt bo fonlototl and the in id mottKnp'd pi enii-om bo aoltl aa Uon eieculion nnd that the (Moceed't of anitl a tin liaplietl ujion llienuiount title l'lniiiltlV in thia anit n-id that tho Defendant", h. Colotto nntl Ail tlelitit) CohitU) mitl nil pnitiea claim itiK 11 txlcr them kulautpient to tho execution of mid iu itiiobo Imnetl nnd forcloaod of all ruhl. inloreat or npiity of rodoinption in atitl pituniaca and thai tilaintiU' Iinvu jndgmont itpiinal unitl ilefcntlmi'a, h. Coletto nlul AtltlrliiiK t'olrlto for any deli cieney which may roiuniu afti-r lip plying thn pmci-eda of the nalo of anid picuiiaea pruporly apilicnldo to tho a(iafiu-!ioii of anid judgment and Hint PlniiilifT hive hiieh ntln t and fuithor relief na to tho coutt may NOeiu otpiilnblo and juat, Voti will furt dor take notico tlmt tliiA NUliiuinna i piibliahiil b)' older of ,M. D. Clitl'oitl, jotlgo of the nlwvo iiiuikhI coin t, Hindi' ninl ontciod on the JJnd d ty of July, IKIH. M, Di anx, Ally, forl'lft. WOOL. .Moiuji ml 'nt need on litis year's Wool Clin, . Ipply lo R. Hickson. Canyon City and ,lr li it it on. Or. w xx xs i- x- x-i 1 a xr , 0 t, r lu. ui .1.- to r. or fiU) rr4lfU All Wnrlt Warraittt-ii rirt-nlu. TnricF. of Foi:Fi:rrri!R I".. .1 ll KlM:l'SU IMI M.I. fKllhiiSK i I il HIS.. HV, tilt TIIHOI .III HIM. Von mo lit l. by liotitietl that I hive . vM-ii.cd (Jim 1 1 nnd ted D.il Ian iii laliur and iiiipiiiM ii.enth upon the I Hack Diamond mine. Snnl liiine huh located Supt .'t. K'.l, bv Tal..i Althointi., .1 M. l!o)d, Pat tick ilnitfh.thy ami Jmuo.i llt-nrtlaloi , anil ia kitu.iletl npuii litcenlioru iiiountaiu, iu the Olivo Creek Min iiiK Dmtiiet, iu (iiant county, On pin, b( inj,' 'ho itinounl ieiiiietl to Imhl the haute fm the year I WO and if uitliin .KItlit)ii ufler tho liil pub lieiitiou of thia notice ymi fail or lefiiMj tn cnutiibuto youi projitirtiou of htich expondituro aa n lo-owuer, oiii intercut iu anid claim will be i-oinotlio ptopoity of tho aubaciibcr e.nilet r-'ei-tioii -.'Ilil of tho I'tsinml Statute of tho I'liiled Htuloa. T.MMIIt Al.THOliMK. Ornnito, Oicgon, duly 11, 1S0I, Do you want to aave from '-l.r luM eoiila on ovoiy Do'Ur you apend? If ao, wiito for our Ilhtaliiito.l (Jut aloKtio, eoiitniiiiiiK illuattnlioua nnd piicei of eicrythiiif' utaiiiifiif tuti-il in tho I'nitctl .StatfM, nt iiinuiifiiotnr ctV piicoa. lu.dtRi illimtKitiona, nil lincM lopiciioiiloil. Cnt.-ihuftio mnilitl fn-o on application. Addieaii, Cllii lt.ii (Dm ut S i-i i Co , No I"n We..t Van Ilun n St., CliieiU'., III. t'UMli, l. I I . Ut tlllM. . , Oua Ot, t 'C im .ii . . . . ur rrl 1..U- If . i U , S. i J in.. I . . t . .' r I '.,, llh .1. m tlii thin U . 1 . f '. i. I.I I, i'l li'-l "I iiiiK. Onrfi- i ..i llin-n I (.aii'iii ! rur.l. A Ha v phi t t l i i" Ol.ulii ISU'.it.." illt tit ( a. In ,1 c ' HI- I It J-'Ut Mil. , Culltil), Ut U.Hii, fiit (twi A Mm- i, C.A.SNOW&CO. orr riTit oi-ricr, wa.minotom, d, c. s a. ClMilN ('nv Oki.oon SiliMIII h'i ., ... ., HJ H I'd .III' Mopi nAtl rttl mil O C ClIllilOllKI i.i ii ., On.. lUi'i ll" 'i -I it .VOTICJS OF KOHIMJITUHli 11 To JniiN Tat'N.tMri: sr ai.i. i-krwonh ci.uuiavi hv on thro can 111 u: You arc limoby notiflial that I hnvo exjwntled flUXi.OH in labor nd iniprovoineittd ujion tlt Orient mine. Haiti mine w located May 1, l.n by John tAtiranco atnl ia ait tinted on the tlividiiip tidRo Itelwccn the loft limid fork of Dixie neck nntl Hull I tun, in tho (Junrtxlntrg mining (liatrict, in Cnant coiiniT. OreRon, being the autoiint rmpiired to hold the name for the xcar lM'O, and if within JM tint a after tlio llrat publi ontton of thia notico you fail nr 1 of iih to contribute your proportion ol auch rxK'Htliiuro aa h co owner, your in teroat 111 a-itl claim will hoconio tho propci ty of lha milwribor undar HMition 23'2I of tho Ituviwul Stnlntiw of tho I'liiled Sutra. Jt aTI.V 1 1 1.KRT . Prairio City, Or., July 2d, IJWI. The I'alke Gjiciic. Ia the only illualrntrtl cr in the world contAiniiift all the Intent aeiiMtiona! and ajmrtiiig ticwf. No Saloon Kccr, HarU-ror Club I'ooin can alloril to Ix-without il. It nl waya ninkca frionda wlierovcr it gina. Mailed lo any otldrra in tlie I'nitcd Statea. accurcly wrapjwtl, I.'l Weeks for i 1 IX). Semi I'ivoceula for aamplc coy. Itlt llAHIl K. Kll.V, Franklin Suarc, New Vork City. STOCK IlltA.S'DS. H Uli lor nt t out miW wWitliw, a 4rlit. In (Ma tvfaaia, aiitipl nwtUii M llirlr km of mii Wnai Ira. .HI w 4w ml aiTtiBf lor4 t Ium. Thmt 4vf tlMojr nUo lil W . huvnl. t. lMtMM ma MilwrtUi will u rhonwd l tvt yru far Mk bnMl. Al.trr.utioo.; I l..r Ml, t (of right. It fur Mm. . lnr bwtldn, I for think, tr. Canyon City. J. A. IifUM atiilo eoiiiitctiiI .11, F. (!. Sola 1 a 'U A C Hall, cuttle '. h hora 1 a Hoot. Jolinllny. D. II. ltiitehait riilil hitle ) It mIho cattle under hIojh' oiu-li our. DW A p.M 1'wk, dtllr r !. DK hoi-atw I ltow and Arrow. W. P. Duncan r a tpiaiter circle W Smith llitm. o.ittlc Is Y. Mt Vernon Hmnw Cole, horse mid enttle 1 h .N Y Monttniont 11. A. Cupper, horw-it, I h I1C cat tic mi mt- 1 xide kw allow fk lilit J. Pittnmn, hor r conuocted j .IP Hamilton J. II. Hamilton, I a concocted .III l'ralrlo City Chi in Swmiaen r II US s. A. Tucket- 1 a K fllnnton. I aw 01 thy A- Fiak 1 oitlo wittlo J. how I 1 ,)U DKPUI'Y hTOCK lNSPI-CTOKS. Nolico ia lioroby jjivrn that I hnvo thia dny appointed the following por anna deputy (dock intipectora for (Jintit county, Oregon: AMi:a, i-OBTolTlci:. Chna. P. Joliiiaou Dawillo Jtihu II. Kukri,' Clilob. (!. II. Kiuibotluitil ,, Wan en Cnraner, . , Win. Hull WooiIn Carter, . . . I!. S. Itlnckwell,. I. M. .lilhllKOIl. Will (illllH T. II. cul Mount N'ornon. Warner. Piniiio Citv. Fox. Hamilton. Shooilv Kittt'-r . . . John Day. W W. HlMi.V Slock IiiHpectui- fur (irant Co , dr. May 7th, I Mi I. FOR SALE LOTS IN PASADENA. A iiiii--i alti'i tttt In iiililtil .til l th )i,:hif.ilh ! i .ltd .liiirb of POR TLANDI For forthi r infm in iimn and fr piiiilinsi ap;'l t" I' C. !!- or M D. Ci.ii i.. no, lot-1 1 A .i ids at ( aiion City, Or, or to Hl.M. L Don II. (ioii'l TlilHtic. '-"J Stall; r I n ft, Poit land, Ori son. F. C. SELS. Tin: I Ha nicy Siayc Iii no. I. Jowo'ut, Prop. i SliiK,e lenvea Canyon on .Monday, Wednesday nntl Friday nt I u. ni., nnd Ictnoa Huron u Tuoatl.ty Tluira day nnd Halunlay, mriviujr'al Cun- i yon City awns day. pHiaicujjur mul FioijfUt nj ioahoiui ble rato-t. J. L. B. VIAL W. TC .. I k'ICIl and .h'Wh'L :!, lt.Ki:ii Citv, - (Jiicoon. Dealer iu WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVCBWARI, VIOLINS nntl GUITARS. M,MH .i 1.UAII UH (.'ulUlrlA. Oppt nito I'liion Mont Market, .Mui ii .S'.n tt. IIAhl.lt ami t A i O.N CITV STAGE LINE, llASClli: &. Ctt A. VciEWAN, Potr.. tl mI lr4Ullt yiMMl , .lit, ) .HI jllut U.I lllil I.IK) ullUltioil ,'ltlU tu 111. ruMlltll lil'Kli,'llt I CUurur. IleuAUuabla. THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS. i irttt IMIEII UVXMT Tllt'RatHY UON.NINU J -nv Editor nnd Proprietor. Snlarription I venr in ailvnneo S2 oO ! If not mitl within 9 month . ?:t (HI 'Jix Moutha , 1 fit) Throu Montlm 75 ADVKltTISIXO I1ATHS. , I inch nmo $M 1 vcar $15.0(1 !l inch : ino S'J.(H) 1 voar 5:1'.'. 0(1 col nmo PJ.rKl 1 yrr SI 1. 00 ! i col llino ".1.00 1 rnr Ss.S.OO . 1 il , 51 mo 10.00 1 ycor 1 10. (K) ' StfT For aintulintf iliadny ail only. All ItoftditiK Noticoa in Iocnl i '.'oltiiriti will bo charKcl nl tho r.xto . of 20 oenta por lino for llrat, nnd 10 eta onch Mil-iiioiit inaortion. Fpocinlmtoa to rogular niherti-ern. wi: xkt; i-hkimrrh to kxiiccti:. 4k Job Printing OC KVKMV lllSiCMIITIoS, CIIKAl-I.r Pottora, Do-dorx, llillliomla, Letter honda, Niitohoatln, Stnto inonta, IuviUliona, Tickola, Cartla Htc, etc I'HINTKII lo OHIII K. OFFICIAL WISKOTOItY: Co. J ml bo. , Clark .;. . Tiouatiror . , .. (!. I. IIu7cltine. . . . Ctooryo Shorn er. .... X. II. Holey. W. II. Johnson. II. II. DaviH. J. W. Mack. . . . O. P. Ci cNnp. . . . CIiiih. TiuiniH. .... M. X. Ilonliiiui. .... W. W. Hiulon .Dr. A. .I. Thilnido. , Coliilniaaiouei-N ' Sin vcyor 1 Slieiill' ' Aiwcwmr ! School Supt ... .. i Slock lnapoctor ' Coiotior M. D. Clitiord Dial. JudireH . . JaiiioH A. Foo Dim. Attorney C. F. Hyde. PUOFF.SSIONAL CAItDS. I V. ASIIFOltO, M. 1). Canyon City. Oregon. J.jr iMirih, R-riM tttr ilrt. Q I. HAZFLTINI-:. cr is li o c CA.S YON CITV. OltKHOX. I'AHItlSH it G'OZ.W). A'lTOILVHVS AT LAW. Ca.nyok Citv, Our.coN. S. DUNNING. .Vtloriicy-iil-l.ini'. LoMI CllKI-.K - OllUOOM J. OLLIVER, Proprietor of tlio John Day Milk Ranch Froxh null; tlelitieil ilaily to my ciiHtoincrs iu Juhn Day nnd Canyon citicH. (iivctiK vtitir ordetM. . II. P.OLi.Y. 3D 33 3T 1 'X . (i nit. e opposite .Maxouit- Hall) Cnnyon Cily .... Orcgin. Br .III Work Warranted. tlo TO TIIK- Canron: Cily ; BarberCSliov. .7. J. Stephens, - Propr inn a niiir-ii m una, sium:, hiiim rim it i via i rr in mi i win' .si v i.i: Sit.- HhcniH (;i (Hind fur 'J.'i eeiita per pair. CD A7rn axle GREASE HI'S I- I V -I'lM- tl'lltll ll ll WMtlof, nlit.. ,r ui ,f.u,,l, a, luillr cutlAAlmtf iwj U in . ( i.i , an t iaiiiI Not ia.iiiiiri,cAi,i-(.i.'i iiii.t.iiM im:. ltmaui nvM ui ',.s(,i "rn.u.i.vt- PILES "I XI K INN " irUt lii.unt n-l.( mul Mint latulliblo Curt fur I'll... I'rt.vfl. Ily imiKi:iiAuruuiii. nuii eui f rt. ..l.lr.A"A X i K U. W," IXji Silt, .Nw Xvtk Ulf. & .. ' v.'A' VJl'A y.d. liS