Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 24, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Sep!. J
S Ut) fine and low prion! rkvkt
nt the Vtchink'ii.
A lax Swh, of Portland, hnt lsi
vUiting in I ho citr lately.
Wiser line of clock nner Uiforo
mm in Umnt county now nt the
l'orthtml and Snirm were tlightly
tJwhen hy a young mrthipanke mi
WodtKMflay evening of latt wtak.
Kin( Winter' adtrnt it ltemkM
l the hit rant Uie mount in top
worm after the rmwr n few ilnys atp
Lincoln l.uc who stent otfr Ui
StMtUc last sprint, has returned home,
ami envU his wife from Pott land in
n short lime.
Dick and wife, Mits Am
M W'inegnr and Itohtut lline wort)
lately an n pie uiure trip to linker City,
returning Inst week.
Wm. I.uco lm Wn otrtfttthftt im
proved by hiii medical trtsstment re
eiviil at l'ortitwwl, wa understand,
nml u e pec ted homo soon.
(ieorge lUgtty, who hat laii in tli !
Iowr country for tonifl imnitln, hut
lelNroed to tSrant county, tlw
place lor a man to tnrn a
Wc have rtweitoil a letter emiuiring
for one Henry I'n-onmn, of ML Ver
ihhi. If any ticrton at .Mt Vernon
knows tnch a man please let the fact
lie known.
Did you ever consider that when
you died you would U a long
tiino. 'I'hit lx-inif the mm, you khoulil
miWrilie now for tho Sr.wn to t to
lxi iKwU'd ahead a fw year.
The iniliury mid lundt lyiii( iu
ll.inii-y, like, Kltmutli, Mnlliuur mid
Iiiie eouulies havo Ikmii told to Iowa
o.ipi t lit who will no doudt si'ttle
the laud with colonic from tho oast.
Ci'roth A" Thompnon are to have a
iiorUbl. tawinill come to thoir Wiirni
KpriiiK much to cut the gmtter nrt of
n 05,000 font hill of lumlier to umi in
tho urection of now Luildingt on tlio
llust on wheat this your in xoine
thinjj new, and may never occur again.
Itaould havo lieen iliipoutid with even
now, ns the Hour proluoiu(Uiilitiiiof
the wheat atu not improved hy its
Mr. I'oit'r, of the Prairie City rol
ler mill oxperimiood xomit dolny iu gut
ting tho machinery adjuatiil, hut 1
lievot that the mill will U iinily to
lwin the manufacture of llnur within
n few day.
Aim Hickey arrivod in tho ciy
y listtd tl.i - lninj(iiiK a mnv nail improv-
od tncretary for the ollieo of Judge
I In.oltihc, and inii- for tint Muitouio
hxle. The fuinituit' was oak and
walnut, and -aine from New York.
l'niniM ,'t i-allonHfor 1, Imitlct piniit
.1 gallons for l, l.idy V,mhini(toii
jilniin 10 cents a gallon, gieeu gut;"
1 ii 1 1 1 s 10 cnnt4 a gallon, and tho KUX1'
plum at 10 cniU a gallon, at Jim.
l'hillipti' garden, Canyon, City.
Three threshing machine iu the up
per Hit t of the valley havo IxH'ii hull
ing grain since lament In'au and are
not ntuir through with the crop yet,
which indicate, that thn gniiu crop of
the valley is nothing mnall.
lCnturprisiug poople of Prairie City
aro making an etl'ort to wcuro the dit
trict fair next minion, and the Nliw.i
lullievos they will succeed. (inilit
county mild lie fortunate iu having
it, anil l'niii ie City hax a Nploudid
tniek for trial of xix-ed,
fiiorge Solliuger, who hat a gl
little much ahove the llumlioldt ditch
hroiight to the Nr.w ollieo the other
day a few 'ars that would at tirtt
f-igllt lie taken for Kiuahe. 1 1 li tt eei
are Imudiug U-ueath a lie,iy loud of
(irant county fruit thii Humiuer.
A fruit jHiidler fiom WalLi Walla
Wilt ill the uiMr part of the valley a
few duyit ago. Itritigiiig fruit into
thin ganleu Kpot in Koinething timilar
to "cirr'ing cisils to Newcastle," yut
tlioutands of iouikIi of dried anil uuil
uwl fruits are impoited annually.
Mr. Phillips ent the prinUui a
treat of fresh, ripe slum lorries yester
day, which ilhe.tmti'4 the fact that
.Mr. Phillips Ins a aluahle guidon to
produce to crops of iM iiics in one
Mummer, also that the climate of our
county in utiiurpafcrttd fur fruit culture.
Wo haie U'en niiei(od to ttute
that the ocalle "outmgo" in church
at Dayvillo wm nothing more than
Mime hoodlum iu the hack mrl of the j room for a hiwpilul iu the llondey
uhurvh laughing and gig(ling, which ; huildiug iu this city, and i now pre
wat indication, of course, of ill lirmxh urod to rnceiie KitieuU, and furuiah
lug, I lie minister nil It I thu hoy to
order, but did not iniite them to hiavo
thu house.
Hay liberally dcK wiled 011 the fence
corner along the highway leniimU
one of the tiecevuty of hay pri, in
uliuuch that article of commerce is
often liaule I '.'0 miles and faithur to
market. Our fanner, are generally
prnyrosshc, hut rather lov to "catch
on" to every style economic and Ubor
wiving machinery.
(JiiesU at the warui springs can al
ways liud gooil fishing and hunting iu
thu vicinity. Di-or are not ory plen
tiful, but can l teen occaioually.
Ami more exciting game win li found
Hiiimtimes, fur we are informed that a
blank hir wut teen naur the home
list tiimmer, grtwtly fiightuuing miiiio
laditM who wore out pioinuuading.
t Feptonibcr 22, 1SIU.
Ftcial Corr(iMuluneo to N:w:
We ring the IS i:vs Ml for ud
infttoiice, nnd slmko linnd with
"yo jolly" Alitor, nml jh.'ii you the
clapping of our quiet village.
It' gnultmlly growing eolilor
cnn't you fool itf
Fovornl families Imvo or will
move into town hxjii.
Special mooting nt tlio .Masonic
mil Saturday aftoruon.
Our court house city will lo
completed in the future.
Mis Anderson, of MulliL'iir
county, lm recently arrival.
Mr. Collinsaml .Mr. Soitthworth
pent a ilny in our niiiltt last week.
Xclton ItnlKock lm n Ihko ImiII
nine started on lii face iIi
I'mitio City is on the boom ami
tlio world still jog, on at its slow
but steady jmee.
Mr. II. Johnson was delivering
Hour from tlio old mill to ilolin
Day jmrliet lust week
rtliur King, of tlio Krcneli (lis
, trict ent Saturday and Sunday it
! t0W11 wjt, lt'uirl.
htMt g
.Mr. M. Howell lm heeti mining
on hit jilarer claim, hut now ro
,umed more itiut puitiiiitf.
I'ro. I'jkIh our genial jmator
nreacheil at the Winegar school
fiotifo last Sunday afternoon.
The "red nkins" of tho fore!,
tiass through town every few day
laden with veitiiton, etc., etc.
Ilarvett hui at lust ended. The
humming of the thrunher in heard.
Farmers happy--busine men
The 1-ehool teems to he oxceed
inclv well i)ntron!zel, nnd all seem
well pleueed. Wo are glad to note
this fact.
A fow of our denixenfi took oc
casion hy ktratagem to seo I paw
at linker City and tho "Kears" at
McKwnn ille.
A .Mr. Dickson, formerly a res
ident of our city, hut late of the
"Sound," ii with us again. (Had
to sec you Mr. I).
While 1'nion county i enjoying
the Mate Dmtrict lair tin year,
hear it in mind I'ruirio City will
enjoy it fruitfulnem next.
The hook tigenU are bothering
our reading public. If you don t
want their literature turn tho little
end of the boiliuo- tea kettle towardu
I nline t ity iciuu in the van,
our Jockey Club jninninei. to be a
succciit. I oat s a right move, and
prove to the puiuic, we Kicti
what we cay.
Mm. Win. (ialbniith has been
eonlined to her he I kuveml daye
with typhoid fever. At priinit
writing bhc is rewrtel butter, but
not out of danger.
Mr. (itirnie, a teacher of the
Indian creek district, is spending
a few day iu our village. Mr. (i.
is a progressive teacher as good re
Kii'ts co i no from that direction.
A full corps of workmen are con
etuiitlyit work at our city mill,
which the proprietors inform us
w ill be iu running order in ten to
twenty days. Its epiipicd with
all the latest machinery necessary
to make A No. I. llour.
The base bull nine came in Sat
u I'd a y after a thorough drill with
upadcx, clubs, etc. Our club w ill
soon be preiai'el to challenge any
l.eaguu nine on the coast. We
are glad to note the prominence the
athletic sorts are assuming.
Hi a lU.ismri.K.
SuWrihc for the Nliws ami keep
(let your eye littisl with the riilit
kind of vtiL'les at the Watchmaker'
Canyon City. '
Minor llrothers, dealers iu general
luerehiuiiliM', Main street, lleppnor,
Oregon. Special discounts to cash
buyers. (IimhIh at Dalles prices.
Orders by mail promptly tilled.
Mr. ( !ruu ille ClarU ha fitted up
them quictuud comfoi table aiiartiuenU,
Huttookof drug and mcdiciuei it
also fresh and complote.
When you send away for goods
remember the linn of Collin it Me
Karhind at Heppner. They not on
ly guarantee you llrst class gmxls at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express charges oii'dnino to any
stage ollieo in Criint or Harnev
counties. Seo their new "ud" fo'r
further imrtieulars.
A maU-h game of UuoUill was play
ed between the.Mt. Vernon and Prairie
City nine last Sunday at Pniirie, the
soore sUiudmg '21 to ,'H, Pniirie City
winning by 7. Mt. Vernon boy
worked hanl, but not ipiito hard
euougli to carry the day. Arthur
King of the l'rairiu nine made two
homo runt iu thu oourse uf thu game,
which wa thu Ut playing made.
izbb IDKAS.
I ikk, Or., Sopt. 21, I SOI.
.Mr. John Hyde luts gone to l'oii
tllotmi in Mrch of a Unt buyer.
Mr. 0. V. 1 km I mm sold n (inn r
it'l Ikiw to V. A. Miy kt Saturday,
price $100.
Mr. lUvo Uuttiui; ii otnriiif? hit
onttln fur mln
nmp. ih wuiim m
try the "tht-ep lniiaii.
lvl. Dean i mer in the ltmir
etwk conntry lwrnuniliiix fmtivi' aunt
Uuiirx to Nwttr till! milillo.
Mr. J. .1. Aluroll IhI wife 1hi Unix
HiMlin n few iluyi in th iciuity of
John )ny lmking after fruit.
Mr. and Mr. I). Cutting and family
hrtM- Un iitine with Mr. and Mm.
t'tley. We (Hi Clmrliu i gi-ttinjc
xheep itntek ti.
Mr. 0. 11. Ii hat aeei'ptl n
(KiUoii with Mr. .Smiunnr i illtt, and
U iniikin; thiiif htKtli' in a wny tlint
ii new to tln () S ranch.
.Mrs. 0. W. Itoiilmia i i.ii,liii a
few day in the vicinity of liinyon
City, putting up fruit. She ii the
i. imnu at me iminue. w,untly at nn early hour on Wed-
' Harvey Sotnmwvi lie ha lught a ' nendny evening a gilly crowd as
I rollout eutter harrow to out in his fall setnbled at th' village hall where
i .i it . i . : .
erop wiin. nnrey my 11 n mil
mtier than plowing ami ipncker.
n -1 m .... , , 1 ., .
Davnl .Magill lun rentl the iiuml
, 1 ii , 1 1 . . ... , .,
of hi. farming land t.. . A. May,
and will nHud his time priucially iu
making iiiiprottmut4 dining thu next
Coming event o.nt thir nhadown
Isifore. Well we have een the shad
ow ami are waiting for the eeiit. It
isn't far oil' and wo will Kt you ln;n
it eoiiu.
Volnoy Olllcer has ohl hi nice
It one to ome Heaver crwt jmrtiiM.
We uniluistanil they etpect to make
it warm for some of the K)rU iu that
neck o' the woul.
Mr. W. i?. llrown, formerly of this
place hut now hativily enga','i-d iu farm
ing near llarrikhurg, it hern looking
after his tock interests. Judging by
his looks we think the Wuhfoot clim
ate agree w ith him.
Mr. D. It. AthiTtou hni Umght tho
M U1111I of cattle, coniting of Home-
thing like SO head of all age. l-'rom
Mr. (?. W. Magill wo Imrn the price
was SlU.fiO ior head. Thev are good
cattle and cheap at the money.
Mr. D. Itainville, who has U'en iu
the weturu art of the state on busi
ness for ome time, is home again,
whore ho it prt'iurod to show his
friends and all intending purchaser
young stock from which nicer can lt
Since writing uur reply to the
empty valuing of the Sentinel's im
ugiuatixo editor we hate Umn to
mmiii trouble trying to liud out just
who .Mr. I toy (I tiieil to induce to sign
his petition to stop tlifwe stage in
John Day, and we are nuu prcuirod
to say ioititfly and iu case it is 11 ec
twuniry gite the names or prisluee the
witucJUHis to sulMtouttate the fact that
.Mr. lUiyd asked eteiy man he met
from the U'ginniug of the settlement
till he reached Mr. C. W. Ilonhaiu's
Si sign that xititiou, with potihly one
exception, theio Imitig ono mill whom
we hate not had .1 chance to talk to
iu regard to tho mutter. I not this
a must lowly showing for a 111,111, who
with an intellect most magnificently
liroad and souring, ami Uifoix whose
utterance the people of Orogcn iu gen
oral, and (inint county in jiurticulur
are eMvtiHl to at hkist Isjw down if
not actually tri'inl.le; a man who is
posing as tho champion of 1111 oppressed
and down trodden jieojile, a knight
ernmt, a it were, who has girded up
hi loins, donned hit armor and drawn
his sword in defence of the poor, the
weak, tho ignomut, and hint, hut not
least, tho unsophisticated South Kork-
crs, ami against toe mercenary m-
lialii of Canyon City whom this
iikmI tuliunt knight long and loudly
declares have tnilnplisl Ummi all tho
tight of a too timid and Ui con lid
ing iMmple. At time our heart grow.
faint and our knee tremble at the
thought of the utter annihilation that
may lm our, but huoyed up by our
faith iu our creator, by our U-llef that
(In-1 is good and just, and that he al
ways etiMxis' the cause of the weak.
and defends tho right, we hate made
up our mind and now declare to the
world that we, at luast, will not how
down to this would l dlcLitir, but
'.hat we will plcscnc our imleiemleuce
uul will at all tune Ui protiarod to do
tittle for our right or to defend our
friends, many of whom, pruite the;
lnnl, are resident of Canyon City.
.Mr. Itoyd say it was through the
unto lug ellorU of the Sentinel
the notice for bids for carrying the I'.
S. mill from Canyon ('ity to lz-o was
forced tn appear in the In all
piolsihility the world has nover teen 1
another editor with such egotistical
insurance. The idea is so piepostur-
ous that no mm, who appreciates the
ludicrous, could help hut smile a grtut
liroul laugh, ami were it 11 contest for '
gall Mr. ISoyd would undouKtislly lm
an easy w inner.
Wo shall finish dissecting Mr.
I ioyd's editorial noxt weak, after w hich
we will give him a rest. With more
anon, 0 are,
Suck Kau.
(into the Hed Krout Killiurd
Hall,' Cniiyon City, for due wines,
liiiiors and cigars.
W. II. Kelly Imt just received n
stock of iixtm line Wall Paper, and is
preisuod to du siintiug and sipering
cheaper than any one. Worl : ouUide ,
uf town toJicitwl, liivo him a etil), ' 1
CiRA.VITR, Sept. 10, 1 St) 1 .
Knrmii (ik.wt Cot'.vrv Nkw.n:
Our onion it UH nlivo and pro
RressinK, with iopulntioii increasim;.
Your former correswmlpiit from
thin iiIhpo jhciii.x to lx drftiurt: nt
y rntc we've lu-nrti notliliig from
iiitn of latu.
There have Iwon a iitttnU'r of now
mining tliacnveric mailo which
promifHt well, hut time nluue can
toll the talu.
Several of our citixcnn have gone
Ui Maker Citv to attend the Adam
Korepatigli sliow. ami Mow in their
Our little hunt ha had Knew yen
Million in the way of a wedding,
which proved one of the
Mwietv events ever iK-eurrinii iu
liranite. When the entimaldu land
lord and lady, Mr (irant 'I'hornliurg
ami wife, gave out invitation for a
dance and mhiimt von may Ihj sure
.i i . , .
iccc)(l fo; r(.ptl,nti(in ns
...i.:, ...n ,
lit ft 111 I t)llkjt
ineir many ineniiK were noi siow to
1 1 i I 1 1... i . . i , : i
inci iiin-i nn- 11111 uiiuimuc n-
until supcr was Aiiuouticeil (aiHitit
eleven o'clock) when they all re-
1 , .1 i- ' . ,1
. inured to the (lining room o the
, , . , , .lir.,..u ;
...... ... x.... .... j ,-..,. .. ,
iiinieiy sit now n to one 01 .Mrs
I.., ... .
i horuiiiirg luiuous inll supH-rs
which all present were eagcrlv an
ticiiating. Judge then of their sur
prise when Uii entering the doiir,
ami as they were sjHfdily making
their way to the well laden tables
Ux)ii w hich all eyes were turned, to
be addressed by Sijuire Ford and
asked to icmaiii standing a few
moments. I'ltou lcing thm ad
ilresel they teluctantly took their
eyes from the good things of the
tables to see artistically arranged
aero one end of the room a lovely
arch of evergreens daintily draped
with white lace curtains. After tho
crowd had all got into the room Mr.
Kuril made a few remarks telling
them that he had a marriage lirotmo
authorizing the fnlemiiialiuii of the
matrimonial tie between a couple
present. At these words a door of
an adjoining r.suii just beyond tho
arch oK'iied and lilmer K. Thorn-
ourg wiiu uie iMMiiiiuui .mips .Maun
Dickinson iijKin bis arm, entered
and paused just beneath the nn h,
w hcretioii the Sijuiri' soon tied tho
knot that makes them one for life.
"Till death tin ye part." As the
last words of the ceremony were
said a tableau light was burned,
which lit up us beautiful a tableau
as it has ever lieen the writer's
pleasure to behold. The bride is a
lovely girl of scarcely sixteen sum
mers. The groom an excellent
young muii of line jih vni"iu- and
noble ipialitii". The bride was
very tastily ami lircomingly dretned
iu a costume uf ecru colored cash
mere and silk with metal trimming
to match ami over all the lung while
veil with the wreath of orange b. nt
stilus, which is the pride of all nml
the pleasure but once in a lifetime
of any woman to wear. The groom
was attired iu the conventional black
suit with Hh)t!es while Uisom, tie j
and gloves. After the light had I
burned itself out and the asloninhed
guests had satislied their gnue of;
the lovely scene ami had somewhat
recovered from their mrprii' Much 1
a lmliel of voices was never heard
Congratulations were euthusinnti
cully tendered the happy couple
After which they were reminded
that supjier was still waiting and
all repaired to the tables where due
jiihtice was done the many good
things that had been prepared ;
After this they all returned to the
hall w hore they resumed their dam-- 1
ing with renewed vigor. 'Twas an 1
event that will ever lie reiueinU'ri d
by those present, ami Holed 11. s the
first wedding ever having taken
place in this city. Among tlio-.- ,
who had the pleasure and honor f 1
living present were Mr. and Mr
Dickimioii, Mr. uml Mrs. (irant 1
Thoriiburg, Mr. and Mrs. I.i-tt i
(liilridgc, Mr. ami Mrs J .11110. llil
liurd, Mr. and Mrs W.tU Isniey, j
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Dimmiek, Mr.
and Mrs. (ialbit'her, Mrs A. (i. Tu- '
Uir, Mr. and Mrs 1, N. Kurd,
Misst' Mou.i and Delia (iarrison, 1
Mamie mid M.ittic Dick'ns-on, Win- !
uie Konl, Dehsie Thorn'.uirg and
Winnie Thompson. Messrs. J. W.
TaUr, 0. II. (iutridge, W. ,1. SUwv
art, J. It. Cabell, I'M Klaglierty, N
Nivcn. J. Worcester, W. lluriiliam,
W. Ibibinson, I',, (iutridge, .Mr.
Hariih.iM ami O. .Mo.iu ss.
llurkt, llucka, lluck.
I have -Vxi Uiicks for sale. Ad
dress, Tom Miun.vst,
I IcppniT, Oregon.
Any peis.ui hating mi organ which
they would like to lent for six mouth
can learn pit tieulait at this olllce. '
Ou to the Krout liilliun! Hull
for a coil, icfieshiug iliiuk of
llnest lager U-er iu lvit'in Oregon.
Kh.ur f'.txi jht barrel, barley I J
cent er Muml, rye '2 cents, wheat
I J cent, chop bnrley 1 J cent at
(iumlluch's. Hriug sucks nml cash.
If vou wish all the hay von want
next year, plough H or Id acre now
and sow 1 J IiusIioIh of fall rvo imt
aero and cut from .'5 to I tons is?r
were in June without irrigation,
Only n liniiUnI uinounl of ryo to
sparu. Ptitatti cwiu r pound, '
hast Fatunlny the Nkws mnn
Unik a spin up to tlwWarm Springs
IwvoimI l'rairic Oily, in coinjiany
witli Mr. M. V. Thomion, ono of
the proprietor?, hut owing to our
liiuilwl space thii week onlv a lm.x.s-
fa....,.. r....,r ,v)., nl.,ra en Cr
ns tried, have liocn found a imnncea
lor all the ills of mankind. I ho
spring was discovered shortly after
the hardy miners made their way
into this country from California,
nml in lsi!;i n party of men were
cninKtl there, nnd n dispute arose
as ti tho caiiMj of the heat, some
claiming it to be of chemical and
others of volcanic origin. Money
was plentiful then nml men were
"game," so a Ul was made, to 1k
decided by a's certificate.
A purse was made up and wune of
the water scaled up nnd Fcnt to the
Cnlifornin state chemist at San
Krancisco, who anal vod it nml
found it to contain nlmut twelve
diHorrnt minerals, of the sort to
produce bent by chemical action,
thus ilec tiling tho wager of the con
testants. This certillcate was de
stroyed iu tho fire here in 1S70, and
no copy preserved, but the prodomi-
nnting minerals are vulphur, mag
ncsia, Uirax, iron ami noda.
The water is led in troughs to the
imlh house, nml has to le cooled
considernbly lie fore it enn be dip-
n into. Mr. S. A. Tucker is tho, nml guestn, of whom a great
number come and go, are made to
feel al home by .Mr. and Mrs. 'I tick
One jiccHiinrity nlxiut the water
from this upring aside from its
mudieiunl Dualities, i.s its near
resemblance to chicken soup when
salt and iHitiiwr are added ami a
tie butter to lloat on toil. Manv
people have Ikhmi fouled with it and
drank it eagerly, believing it was
the genuine article, ami would not
be convinced until they had seen
the unine article manufactured at
the spring. The late Johnny Hoy,
whom all old-timers remember, used
to prefer a feather or two iu the
soup Uiwl to make the deception
all the more complete.
.Menrs ( 1 roth it I Imnipson, who
own the spring ranch, intend build
ing ox-teii.siyely, so that when a rail
roud reaches (irant county they can
accommodate tho immense crowds
that will throng this resort from all
parts of tho world.
Ofatltylnc to all.
I'he high ixutitiou attained and
the universal acceptance ami appro
val of the pleasant liipiid fruit rem
edy Syrup of Kign, as the most ex
cellent laxative known, illustiates
the value of the ipialitics 011 which
its success is based nod are abund
antly gratifying to the Oil. I'ig
Syrup Company.
I wish to inform thn public and
more particularly the good people of
(irant. Harney and Malheur eouu
tici that I have purchased the drug
business of James it Jones at linker
City, Oregon together with all ac
count due the (inn.
I have increased the slock to meet
the del 1 1 audi of this grow i 1 ig 11 111 11 try.
Yn'ir urdi r-- will alw.its receive
pri'iopt and an I'm I .,, ntmii
KM i-n,k
I'.a !. : 1 ! v 'i 1 ui
o.-viv jsivjovt-;
Hoth the mcth"d and n -lilts when
St nip of Kigs is taken; it is pleasant
nml r freshing to tho ta le and acts
gently j i t promptly on the KiJuctx,
l.iver and llowcls, ch aii.-cs the sys
teui cllei tiiully, dispels colds, head
iu he and fever mid cures habitual
'niisiiiatioii. Svruii of Kigs i.s the
only loiiiedy of it kind ever iiro
duced, pleasing to thu tatto nnd ac
ceptable to the Ktoiuueli, prompt iu
it action mid truly bem licial in its
elli cts, it many excellent ipialitics
commend it to all. It is forsalu iu
fiOo and $1 Urnlm by nil ltadiiig
touisuur, nr. mw tout, ft. i
tllJ OllU Sl l'iri,. lb,in
Nutlre I, Im ri-li, lin Uul Uir fil.,-.n. i,.n. I
srtll.l l,a. Il.,l I...O.O 'it In. I .Uiillul i.. I.
flasl (irisif tu suitHiil uf lilvrU'iii ni.l ili.l 4ia
Oi4 Sill tut III4MU Wlnfr 111, r.xiull ll,lk I
OrMtl rieinli Of al I'mhi Mr, 01 ,ih oil Iu
Istll, ii. I Allium IV HOSHAV ll'.l ."ai(i
ILa III: ur SV-i it MK u. kICir ium i..l U I I sit
iii . si.t it . li ts, i:
liv iwnr UM Klll'lWl'lg WlinRWfl in iru. III!
ttililtiiMiiu. i,Ni.i-nr "iii, snt riilllialtuti of tlil
Uml i J Uii kl.. i, Ii It till, n. 1. 1 i..i,r
lillli.rl. II W link. il! Ii.,i,i.,a una;.
Of k ii n
i II III SIIMiT'iS. I'.iKuiUr
I' nii'li A 1 llnei-.t I'Oh
llr.inSi is li'l 1. 1 1 in In. I "t 1 1. i saIhii oitiroii
11 ii si ii ess. Short hand,
UIMW u MU-lj WW I.IM HI W'llul,
B'lll twstuu IhWHSoiil Ifcf f4l Stllllla llna-
tUkfU OlMH fllbt KW), (,
He Saw TIiiourIi It.
A l.iitn comity farmer ws fit
Portland a few onv g. While
there ho mot a man from MiMouri,
an iminigrniit, ami tho two lookwl
...... ii...?. i... mm .
uiu uir nn Hwuiiii-r. i in y vi
1. ii.
, ,, " .. ... .
itruiHiici 1 iii-t w ert-
.ippiwiitti i.y u mi.u.iy orcweti
I '. W0, nftCI' H RllOrt COIIVlra
tion together, suggostitl thnt they
take a ride to tho huiiihts. This
was consented to. When up thetc
they were walking along, when n
dog collar with n lock was picked
up. The I. inn county man un
locked it, and tho stronger took it
and put it in his pockut. Thev
were shortly joined by another,
confederate, when the lock wa
produced nml the first ttrongcr of -
forod to U't the second one that he
1 1.. 1, ... 1..1 ,1 1 1 mm
couhin t unlock the hck. he
... . 4 . . , . ,
man would bet, but, ah, he hndn t
nny money with him. Would the
I.iiin county mnn lonn him
He had some eye ami told the
fellow he hadn't a cent. The Mis
sonriiin was accottctl and bit at
once, letting thu fellow hne '.'0,
though the I .imi county mnn wns
trying hard to shake his ht ml nt
him. Kimilly swing that his Mis
souri friei d was going to lose his
money and more too if something
was not done, he told him if thorn
was any betting done ho liml Junior
hold the money, ami accused the
mini of being ii pickKX'kct. The
Missoiirian, beginning to smell n
mice gnibbcsl the rnscul by tho
neck and made him icturii iho
money. I'or it few inoincnts they
hud a lively time.
County Kxpciullniic
Sclicdulo of evtendilure of (Irant
county, stale of Oregon, allowed and
rejected September term county
court IS!) I.
Ami 01. Im tml I MM
(Imi IWkrr 1 SUUmf
lUuilllai prrclnil
N Otr tl i th Idsn rttmlnls.-hlt
I 1 to
m ,
l ii !
I! I
m u:
u ..i
Is ti
sit-i tittr innii of T J
w u Ij-.. ir.lUn,
Si.s.h (IIbIiMh, IrnnlMf i Mil )li N. I
) I' .Mini. mil. msd Kill. Nn 1A
I voir i llii,.ll, lunilKr tosil lri.1 S'n m
) C Itsmlall, -oik an l,rU to I In.'
N'u l
I'.il.l UUnlan. mi uil an WUfc runt
In. I N.i )
I'lsiik PM-finMli, rapslrtni- ituvs '1 in
mutt buuse
IU1ih llirsin, Jstlifrlii; 7? am di of w,kI
fiif MUtl lwu
John Uir snonl. ttks) ifinistil blsski
Mil K iltrl
lol it
II isi
Jukn 1H inhiIIimI, pub tioUr iMrhm'
Orlu I. l'llin, imh ontc lastflipf,
s .Hilnstlott ami lsm ft sm
II I A.list) , mb. iilt tfcwhor. t soils
slloii. iiiniMlltiir hirI bid.
SlnilSHl 9i cUlm 111 ts!
t ll
to l.l
S Ml
Joint Muliltl.k, rli)iif h liuul chsvS
nium.i IU,, sipruprlslliia Wall
I i nvk rovl
Hois.,' Tims, siri4laUiti W irmik
tt un'li 1'iitiism, (iiifovtEiliHi on Wall
1 1. s r.isi
W SoiillexifUi. Llluf ll
Jl to
lltor- stirarrr, jhwUkb alatn! fur il,ik
O. I. Cfa.aii. fafititittf tot tiata fulilivr
Is IS)
o. I' I'rvMis uiiiiiu-. fm isHirt liouan
ali.l J.ll
ts l
O I, lUaalliit, ffatsht oil flimsies (of
riimilf rMtl rissii
S (In. SI II , madlusl atlauilassw csuul)
i. .'1
N II llulfy, ,'ffW-a rBt insittttt
llili',st Ik C.i , Iw.i ti-aui. aiHl ilrltirt
liiiut ii Ihm't i4 T. .' Hinltli
aiuuunt uf claim J12 (h)
(iKolmi: Sill. MIMI.
Ily order of the county court.
Canyon City, Or, Sept. Id, V.I.
- 10 tl I It-t IN
Canyon City, Oregon.
( 'it II IO II
ier . I.
.( at their
Creek mill, S 1 0
Jainej Hnbiiiseti, .... Agent,
Canyon Cily, Oregon.
W. D. DOYCE, PuUltJicr,
If your NowsdOAlor or Newsboy
docs not hnndlo tho Lodger, ask
1 pnoccssioH and y9A
i f rE m
til m to write to us, nnd wo will tend tlicrrj to
lilm on side. Speak to your Notssdealcr ubout It.
ution or Axr wlcslt ncwspapcr w hie u, s. it is sold ur news hoys
rx. titi-ciay xiiaclo, - omoaso, XXX.
Hj virtue of a warrant itmml out
ot l,a Oounty Courl o( tho Slalo of
fon tm Umnt county and to mo
I duectad as HliMlfl, counnaiulmi' mo
r" ' , . , . , i i r, ,,u...,.(.
. to collect uie upiiiixiieut tnxot lor ino
. .. ... 1 .... . .i.
. VPars 1W' 1881. MSI. lHSo, I -8C
nid l.".4", I Imyo levietl on thu fob
lowinjr dosciihotl ronl properly
' m the tiroiierly of John Carroy
to satisfy the turn of S.'H"."Jo at tho
amount duo (limit county for tho
tear IMS!) from tho nnid John Carroy
'to wit: The NU of .Sec. 'J, in 'Pp. U
S, li Jl) H W .M.
Now thorefore I will well tho alsvo
icncri!ied piopeity at the cotiit house
a , door iu Cmnon 'itv, (irant county
' to the highest bidd't for cash in h nid
1 " Saturdny, (he :ld day of (Mob, r,
,s.:,1l ,u a u'r ,n ","
, aanl sum 01 f .1 1 1 .J,! and i'0-.ts.
, , ,1 , , , ,
Piiteil thtt .till tlav cf Auijnsl A,
! p jsi
1 o. P. Cuiaie,
Sheull'ol (Irani county. Or.
t vtTj n rtnm TTn A XtTl
ftjjW iho 1 A U it Ail J i
Canyon Cily, Or.
Al. l. Clin inherit, Prnpr,
Thi llentamiitit ha loeenllv lsn
iHiwtl, ami will finiiith Mtsdto'r UN
gmg nt lit ing mtn.
A iMnial fisitiitii nUwt this hmne
i that no Chinese nook mo emploted
iu the kitchen. (lite the ttostnurnut
a trial. M. J.,
lliigucti ooil tV (.,'.
Cn inon Cili -
Canyon Cily, Or.
This n u In r resort has
ht i'ii ri'nii iii il In llie mhlii ,
niitl nme, us in the mat,
kecja nothing hut the heat
il 'ines, LiittorsS- Cigars-
. tl. I KICK 1 ltl Cropc
First") MMmDBS1
o r no i )noi'.
i'. t l:lll.t, I l:tK III. I. n,
Pii'sldeiit. Vice Pli-.lilclit.
I liKiiltiu; CoNsl.u, Cashier.
.1. I' UIIKt, T. t llll I , I. T. lioliSOX,
I 'I lei tills.
Transacts a (,'eneial Itimkliig Iluslucs,
, nil all pints of the oild N
Oollei tion-. made at till HiiliU Oil
Ite.isoiiiltile 'Perms.
Money hsineil at fiom one to ten
oer cent.
Lsml oiTlsa st Hums, Omnia.
An to. M
N.-ii'k I. lu-irlijr niii-n that tho InUawlar Msni
.itttif lias AM linilm is Ilia ItolrHUu Ul Via.
final ifiNSl III aullail nf Ilia llalw SH4 IflSl 1
l-imit sill 1 tna.1.1 Iwliifp llip I'uiitilt t'lork oi
i.nlnl,, llftaraii. al falituii I'll, Offifirtl, ie i
r i--a .o. JtiKw. Tiut-V. lf'.lfcit. s.
f,-i i, iiii i ski, si- ti. t,i ii s, ii ti : W M
lli iiaii.iHi tin li.tliiwluif llnsa In hiv 1
t l. i. ii .l.l. n i-iiiii.ii ail iiltli-alliiii uf, ,a. 1 J.liul-- I' Mnl- it l.l. r o.l. r.
J. I . II
II kl-lit
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ittusrHsico ruitY wrmr
Story Paper
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