THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS, September 17. ISO I. Twenty-one. Ciitliolie bibtcia of charily have bcun grnuti'il ecrtiil cntos to tench in tliu public FcllOolrt of To.n. This is nn innovation that will lo watched with great interest by both I'rotefdiiiitfl mill G'litholiea. Tho Chinese overnineul tip jiotira at lust to bo waking up, and u cum tiiisnion liaa heoii Aunt to Huron-.' to (luloriniiio which of tho rilloH in line, by Kurojioiui armies ia tho best mill to order GOO.UOO (.f tlioiu for tho Uliiuriio army. To tho Htiririo of hia iiuihhor a iiiuii in Miiiiio hint ntinud a good crop of tobnceo, which h eluimed to bo of liner oiitility than tlmt grown in tho So ith. This may bo ; i,mi.nre.l with ru lro.t year. Tim RAPID GLANCES ABROAD. Kuhsia lias n Kiiropcnn area ot 2,093,. 60 Miinrt miles Tiiiuik are live prinperouii colonics cif MormniiH In Mexico. A ri:u.n.ix carpet lini lcen In umi for 500 yours In tlx- main hull of tlio nhali'ii puttice In Teheran. Ndwiiciiu In Kiiojruitl onn ls foumt sn oxlemloil n line of H!r(M'ndlulurly hrohun rook ns nt CheiMar. Okiiimm-'h production of Mirer In 100 wm 770.000 iwiil, nbout 9 Jxir cotil. of tho world- product. Tin: IVniinii jfiilf I culled the Orern M!ii from a rcninrknhlo filrlp of witter of n green color along tlio Arnlilan eoant. Tin: mlntttrt-nn roads of Intoreommti nlentlnn will liulld n hrlilgo ncnM tin" Vintittn, near Wnmnxv, to cost 3,500,000 riibW. Tltciu: Ik room on tho fp-oumt floor of tlio now Seotlmiil Ynnl, on tin- Victoria oiiiliftiikinuiit, to niuu-uiblu three, thou Mind mun. Tile most f xtrnordlnnry freak of r-x-tnivnifnnoo Is nn KIlTol towr In din ninmli, onn motor high, recently nold In 1'nrln for 81 1,000. Tills yonr's Mile of the queen' yonr- 1 1 UK lirotiuht mi nriTngoof SI., bullions, true, but it rendu like tho iidvertite- iiiout of a real estate boomer. They arc now talking about rail road truing at a ppocd of ninety mile an hour. When a train go iug at that s,pccd Hie I In; track or liiia a collision there will be no oc (SiiHiuii to M'litl a physician to the wrouk; only undertakers will be needed. About tho lioldet theft on re cord in that of a Kniitns iiiuii who uiii ployed a steam threshing outfit, until umi U'lnmti. unit i-cmmctl ti i . r r I I t. i VHH Imlldlllir previous to tliu J liirlliif crop of wheat from a farm, mid it ,uilui k ,'tnrmMI lUrM,u.H and xvnlkcil oil with tlio money - Tun ol. him m,,..,., in ti... uri,i i. hltTnVnl price was tn.ioo for n colt tiy Hi Million. Till: . ntt.l CX plocus struck In tin Jubilee your Imvo uvldoiilly not taken tlio public fancy, nn no application wn received for llioin dining tliu whole of Intt year. Tut protldonl of Mexico linn Indian blood In Ids veins mid Is proud of It. Mils. Coll KMC VaMiiiiiiiii.t Is wild to iiso ono tlioiuniid culllne; curds every M-avxtl. KxilT.UOll Wii.mam Is to pi to Norway iiftnr his visit to Kni-laud to llsh for xx hnles. A xx p.i.i.-k.nown circus 1ms for its llon tninor a iloscciuliiut of Diuilol lloono, IIib pioneer TlIK house which I.or.1 l!ovelstoki about $1000 in hi pocket with out anybody (untiecting tlmt he wait not the rightful owner of the wheat, and not Mtlifclicd with Mail ing tho wheat he left without pity ing the men who had helped him bundle it. Wov. Taylor S. Nightingale, p tor of the largest colored Mnptint church in the I'niliid Slater, ha cieated a decided ittiHitioii- at .Memphis, Tenn., by adiiug his Hook to arm theumelveo with Vin eheHtein for the purp'Mti of eter miuatiug the whiteii. Thine who know what inlliieuce tho average negro jinmcher ban over hi peo jilo will nppieciato the elfeet of kiicIi advice. A largo number of hiit people actually adopted his ad vice and have purchased repealing rilled. If .Secretary Trncy'it order are properly carried out thonaty yaul of tlio country will he cHiH'tually removed from the elfects of purti fiiii politic. Homo lime ago he made the principal phynieiaiiH in all the navy yard mihjcct to com petitivo exiiuiinatioiiH, open to all; and now, most iiuporlnnt of all, he bus insiied an order that "no ollicer or employe of tho government nhall require or request any work man in any )ard to contribute or pay any money lor political pur- Nild tills- M. V. Salmon, of Cuinliridtfo, KiiKlnnd. lie wkm Imiiii In Murcli, 1TW). - Ilevue K'lenlinpiii. I.Boi-ol.ii II.. kliik' of tho IMnlatM. prlilei lilinsi'lf on U-lnir a wurldiiff man. lie risen tit nlv mid diK-s two hour' work liefiire liroakfasL Wii.uaii W. ti. ice, for twenty-lire years eoniio.'.ed with the lloston .lour mil. has n tlr-il front the editorial ami hiisines,'! maiiaeiiwnt of tlmt pawr. f'vhlilSAi. M SMii'-t ilwolliiiK In Iwni.l in Is n plain mid lliipretentloiis. th.Mi.rti larir.-Iioiii, whlth looks mon li'.e ,i s.Ii.mI limn a private mansion .Mils IlKSnt I'l.uws Is eonsi-lerr.1 lv ill'!i (Ksiple the liindsomtf'it womtil III i Vnrk hhe litis h lovely fare, with ri"i.'tit oyei, n lino comrtcxioii ami limci il.u U hair. Ni:V TO-DAY. J. Y. ASIIIfOHD, M. I). Cnnyou City. Oregon. NEW RESTAURANT. Canyon Cily, Or. Jf. Chamber., I'mu: 1 Thin ltesUumut Imi receittlyls-eii ojs insl, Hti.l will furnftli .Miftl or t; i t living into. A i-lxH-ial fen turn almnt thin liosito is tlmt no ('hinnte njiiks tiro oniilnsl in the kiU-lteii. (ilM- the IttmtailrHnt ' ti trial. .M. .1. Ciiamiikhk, l'rojnii'tor. OV IZoppiioi. C A. MICA, UIAVK KI.I.W.II, l'restilolit. .Vlie I'n-siilenl. (Ilioitiit: Y., (,'nsliior. J. V. IIIIKt, T. A. IIIIKA, I- T. I0)IN, Din-tor. Tritnsnrts ti d'oni riil llniiLIn Buliic.s. lixchange all uts of the world,, BOUGHT unci SOLD. Oillot'tioim iniulc nt nil MiinU on Itonionnhlo Tenim. Money loaned at firitn one to ten j M'r cent. i BREWERY SALOON Canyon Cily, Or. 'litis popular rcsurt has been rt opened lo the pnblic, and now, as in flic past, keeps nothing bat the best Wines, Manors S' Cigars- (J. I. KICK tltl, Pmpr DOR E & BRANDT !! VI t,H- IN-" OKOIWi: tteCOWAN, Ijitn of CuriK K IIALI, Ite of Ouiyon City. McG0WAN & HAIL Stores, Crtekcri, U'oml ami )'illaw Ware. Country rudern pioiiqitly ftllol. I'rieen f-iveii on npjilh-nlioii. Aiblioiw, Cnrnw Ith ft X Street, 1'ortlnml, Oi-egon, (KniUido). CITY DRUG STORE Jtrtttil .1 Fall Line of Drags. Chemicals, Family Medi cines, Toilet .Irticlcs, Shoulder ISraees, Trasses, Etc. Wines and L'aptors especially selected for medicinal ase M4T Y0UI1 Oltmil'o AIJH RUhlOlTKI). RrSMOVAU Qklt, The people of Grant and Harney counties will have an opportunity to purchase all classes of goods generally kept in a Mercantile Es tablishment very cheaply of us for the next 60 days, owing to the re 1 moval of our vast stock for repairs ! of our building. We carry a com plete stock of merchandise in all its branhces, and we are bound to ; sell them. A call is respectmlly asked for in this grand Removal Sale. Rfl. DURKHEIMER & E3RO. City - - - ratrtc DO YOU WAN1 Canyon City, Oregon. ( ftj h'oau'h Canyon per . I. I. amber at their Creek mill, $10 Jniiic) Robinson, Canyon Cily, -Vifuiit. Oregon. 1 CITY LIVHRY STiBLI i Jij. Oirtm kl)illiilnv Ihc C.limtj i n.iflli, arri.H II10 lrv4l lt.I.Irm- Ism onec, no worlcmiii' or dischuroeil foi mid tliAt fahidl bo reiiiovcd ma poiitiem opinions. Secretary Noble Iiiim deeidel u emu tlmt has been lony pending, nnd which irt very important lo many people in Oregon, and that is concerning tho ulrugglo for Kwaiup IiiiiiU adjuccut to Ink cm Har ney Mini Malheur. Them) lands wuie given to tho htato under the Kwauip-laud act and fold to defer ent purclmoein who have claimed them. Notwithstanding this, net tiers went upon the liunU and eu ileuvoicd to prove that they were not swamp luiuU. The piirehuser were mibjeeted to a greal deal of inconvenience, the properly den troyinj and tho elaiiuuntii proved thoumoUoa generally revkleit. When tho claims were made npueial agent were nuit out, and live dif ferent agouti at three dilferent timed went on, and i ('ported that the lauiU were swamp. The con tents, however, had been initiated, and having been denied, theclaim 1111U appealed, asking for a hearing and trial of each heparnto tract. Thin .Secretary Noble refiucH to grunt, lie &ay both tho interior doMi'tincnt ami the ktate deiart inent have agreed upon what was swamp, anil nil the special agent' report have agreed upon the same binds, and tlicieforo the hearings must bo denied, Of the original lists there were U7,l 1 1 acres and tho Jjikeviow district which was collided and approved in ISS'J. In 18SS the list was set aside and an investigation ordered and a now list prcpaiod. I'nder this 11,0112 uorofl were patouted to tho state, yO.OOO icslotcd to the public do main ami rS,Q()0 acres declared doubtful. Later 117,7 12 acres were approved us swamp lauds and III, 000 designated us swamp by the iigont were held up, hecnuso not tiers occupied the lands. It was out of thi hut lot that the decision was rendered which it in favor of tho statu and tho puiolmseiti from tho state. D.MIN'IS'1 1 SATO It'S NliTICK. Notice is hereby jfiveu tlmt tlieiiii ihirsi'iieil litis liium appointed by the Hon. County Contt ol (limit county, Otof,'on, iiilmiiiiMtiuler of llm cultitc of TlioiiniH J. Smith, doootiHod. AM persoiiH linvitif just claims against sniil ontiite aie iocUi'Xtcl to pKimmt the Huno to mo with proper voiicliiim nt my ollioo in Canyon ity. Oieon, within six mouth from the ditto of this notice and nil oihoiis itiilolitisl to sniil cntnlii tiro liUested to iniikn 6 or IVAfJOM THEN WRITE TO US. Wo Ilavoa Kull Slock nt I,owsl Prices. ! THE HEPPNER WAREHOUSE ; Has been enlarged to accommodate ! the increasing business. The wools i of this section which accumulate at Heppner, attract all the leading ' Western buyers to that point, and make it the best market in which the grower can dispose of his clip. Last season over 1,000,000 pounds of wool was sold in Hep ! pner at prices which averaged the grower more clear money than was realized by sales of similar wools in other western markets more dis tant from the manufacturing cen ters ot the East. Teamsters charges advanced on written orders. Gash advanced on wool in storage. T. E. FELL, Manager. Unfile wooil Canyon ('ity A Co, 1'roprH. - - Oregon. immmlmte pnvmriit. Dated at Cunyon City September 15, I SIM. Dkmk .MoAfMI'i', Adiiiiuiktiator. siii:itiri"s s.u.k io u di:li.v. (Jt'KNT TA US. I5y viituo of a wartiint ionuod out of tho County Court of the State of )iei;oii fur (irtuit county nnd to me dileuled ns hlu rill, coinniuinlitij,' inn to co'loet On' iloliiiMiont luxe for the years I fS2, I ssi, I.SHI, I.s.s.V l.sKli ALSO- :lii:iil'i".s SALH. Notice is hereby given that by ir t in nf an execution and mdorofHidc isHUi'd out of the Coiinlv Coiiit of the Sttile of ( lieou for (iiaut eoiiuty upon a judgment mid docice of Mile loiuloieil in mud ooiiK nn the 1 0th ilny of Sept , l.S'.U in favor of J. S. HiiplouHtnll A (i. Y. D:ut, enprut iiers iIoiiil; InihinoM n inoioliuilts un der tho firm inline of llnplotiHtiill Out!, phuiiiilYs, kii-1 n(-innt A. I. Milkier, dcfciiihilit, fni the mini of One hundred and wxly and skty i,i one uuiulri-iUliH ilollnr it'iil, I Imvo levied on the fol Oiegou, Iniiiff di'fciilicd real pnvity ; tis tho proM-rtv of ,lohu Ciiney to sntisfy tho sum of .'tl.'.'i as the amount dun (limit county for tho year ISSU from tho said John Cauey ! lo wit: The N K of See. in Tn. 1 1 S, I t '!! U' .M . I Now thcicforc I will ncII the aliovo J diMCIibed piopcil, ut Hid colli t house dour iu Cuiiwiii t 'ii v, ii'rant county. to the highest hi. Idol for emit in li.unl on .Snturday, the .'Id day of Otlolx-r, 11)1 ai 'J o'clock p. iu ,io witiHfy the . said stun of 17. and costs. ' ,' Dated this Tuh day ef AiiL'iist A. It. 1SUI. II. 1'. Ciiisir, ShetilVof ("limit county, Or. Hardware, Tin a'are, .'hjricnllaral Imple ments, Sairmill .Machinery, 'amps. I'ipes, and Fittings, Faints Oils and CUass- LiDU Advertisements? Do you lake udianhuic of a good offer J I 'lien ii is placed wilhin your reach? hvra.s chine rij. For .'III Classes of .'Igrioultttral M'a- NOTH'H I'OU I'UIIJdCATION. H Willi leijiil , ijinii enir si iiurna. on-t-mi illteloHt llieiooli flom the lllili ,l,v si r i..i,, .i.eii ih.i o. l'fi..ii,a n.'tn. I of Sep'oliit.or. I Sv I umi the fnitlu'i ' '" " -' ""U m i;.in.iian i.i UMu. ' 1 , . . . i , . ,. . ""' I"""' 'I'li'll "I hurUllli. ll.l Itl.l tl, mini ol Iwoiily tlneo umi oi(-lil two m w !.. ui..t.- n,. ,,.ni, ci.-ik ,. ' one humhedths dolltus co,u ana di- , ;'Xr.,,;r',,!.,tTui, Vu'ili ,Vm K. i ft bursi'tuciitH, acciuiii eonts and the i ,ho 2; t'lf K i' ti w Mint , , . i . , . i lif Stv SI. T 17 P, H ml, IL eoU mill ( Np-iiM K of ninl iion this it. . n iuiiii itn.-ran to mt, i,u wit. Ihme lexiod upon and w ill ' ?'Jn,?ir i'll "'"'Ii "2 MnitKo i.i hell til pulihe auction on Situidav I oinri, u. w.eurt. iiui u,i,r.i,i..,,.i,. the 17.1, ,l,y of Oolol-cr. lKUl t l! ; j ui ntinuton, u.xl.ur o'clock p. in. i.l wiiil ilny nt the couit house diH.r in ( '1111x011' City, (Irnnt , NtVlMCIi I'Olt l'C 111 A !A Tlu eouniy, Iregon, all of the right, title and intcienl of the defend. Hit A. 1. Modci iu and to tlio fiilloxxiug dus eribed n nl estate, towil: The S JC of Sue. , Tp. I:! S, It ;io H W .M coiitainiuh' K'(l aeienall being situ. ito in ( iraii'. couutt , Stale of Oiogon, together xxith all nnd Miigulur the teiiemenlN herelit.iiiieiils and iippui toimni'OH thcieillito belonging or ill au wiho appertaiiiiiu,'. TcriuH ol Male rakli. Dated at Cnnyou Oily, Grant couu- j tv, Oregon, thin Kith of Septeni lHir, A. 1). KS',11. ' ! 0. 1. OitKSAl', ShuilV, j lly V. 8, SotniixvniiTii, ! Depiilx. ' NOTICK VOU lMJIUdCAIION. l4DilOHl tl Hum', Oreruit I. I ,N'i4lea I. bMvbjr KltrH Ihut III Ml -oiiu nni.. -HUr Itti IU Willi hI til. Iiitt'iittoii In uul. Ill llit Mhl CUrk liri.t IaihI OAl-4 l lluilli, lltcwgn Xnt II, ivji Notlf. If hrl(li) lt.-n llil Ui I-IIukIiu naimil .-III.I Iw All I l lil. iiiKnllm In inaki final iwl m iiiaMt i4 htm i-Ulm, mi4 lluil .alii lifiaif mill 1,0 tiiMla Wfmv III,- Cituiil) CU-ia wt luaiil 1 uuttl), al ( aiiifii City, Orveun, un ihi 3 Ul'l. Ui.' JA10: I. IIAIIKIIHIS I'll- ll. H So V -1.1. f.. l(t a X I Hi, N a, .nd ,NXV H, Xl I r.' I, TIM. IIU U l- ". tbr lulluwlng iIIiwwim In hla cmilmi'iua roaldi'litv ami f iilli allun ol hI .tlil U11J, l. OailU l ulling, iail-l Manlll, livii liliia. ol li-r, liraiil rmiiil, Of. u4 Juliu I' Mu:.ri'. Iluiurr, liraiil r.iuulj. or. J. II. IH.'SHMiTON, HmtaUr NOTICH KOIt I'UltMtJATION. Ull.l Oflloa (I llillllt, Ofvcmi Auk JO, iI NtHlcit U Wtvby mtvu ttta.1 IU faJInwiity iiamiil Milllvr h Ul leiHrr ut III. IhIciiII-'Ii In make Hlial fiaii Hi an !'' t ui lila -lalm ami llitl l.l I iikiI xlll Iw niailv infura tli Count) curt oriit ruimii, Oiiau". ' ' aniuii I'llr. Ore 'l, an Oil la'Jl.iU. JXMK-.XI. Tll.11 . IN Kiilr) No. i Hit. luc u... M '4 .-.1 J T. II . II 31 It X M U n.iiir. l. f.ll"iii.- h tin va li rmo bta I..I ttlii..'.i. ft '.! ... ill. 'II ti I 1 tllllVAttull ol, nl Umi. iu J in. I' w. I, I' Xluliaif lai. ruatvr. We Will Fill Your Ofdeis Pmmpily al Lowest Prices. Base he & Company, Bakei Cily, Or HaptnnstaH Oart & Co - nor one. : fi . -t yoor Dry dootls, Clothing, Itools', Shoes, Clares, .Mittens, Orer shirls, t'ndcrteear. Hosiery, Hats, Winter Cans, Cant, Hoots, lUankets, Quilts, Corsets, Ladies and children.' Shoes, It libber coals, )'cllou Oiled coats. Fane a (loads Cutlery, Etc., Etc., h'le- ' ' iiKHiiuoooooiHMaaoaaaaaaaoaooiwoiKMstMifMavaouo j When o.mli uecotupnuiou theoidcr for any amount from Five J Dollar or more in ubove line of good wo will prepay all Mail or St.igo charge, to any mage station iu G110U or Harney couutic, ' until Juuo 15th. iS When hoI.1 on eiedit" nu eharg- S ch piepiod. ? rOUHKHMKWSIWIJ .I lOCO.lOOOO )C'l(KK)001i,v,i, .... ..,1 x xvill gutumiloe out h.itnit iiiuii pri, in on EvCTV Article and tigree to n-fiiml the ue.nov if go.lHuro i.ot natisfactory. lly eiidin- to ti. writing phiii.h. j ist xxlmt is minted, wo cm Helrct th".n to your Htit,,!,,, !,.,,,. Wo h .x,, tl. ,,,-,..,. iViVf ( ; of (!l,n cial .iteiclian li-o to l,c fiuind m u-iy him.' ui i .-on . Y.,u t- u, HIIV0 money iu evety lino, (live us n ti t d .., ., r. Wo sula tt , mr tr.ido Oi.ler ly Muil nt i-ii.e. W rit Uesn, rliuil,,. HEPPNER, OREGON. I'oJat Sf ' l.l l l l.s.i.s Ti. .irroxsT.iLL s- n.urr, JOHN DAY, GRANT CO., OREGON. Hava now rrraivctl the inrgott and most comjilcle itock of new gooitu in Grant County, which they will oiler for sale at pritc that defy ccmpetitiou NOTICK KOIt riJHLICATION. ltvi 1 m in I tl ' ( i ' . I I If VaHI 11. annum., llcvUlvc, Soil inl In ilrl uf lil r'aioi litwal (III M mail hMorvlhi'l -wulr I KURll, Ofiou, ol ui l nr. hi-.-.ii, Oil. t, 1MN, i't II.XUVKV X K iMMKIIX II I , I'M, fl. H Nn. UI f,4 Ow -i kl ,NK.f. Hi: .,r NXX SK v SI, Km a. T. 17 . H i: XX M ll IUII- llw MUtKlna Hill baltH I liii'tw In wtjUoaaua roaMomat ii mim! cullUaO.b ot. .al l IhbI. tin MoxJ XlWtou. Juku lloulun. Jam. XX'k Wtawr, (katrWl l&wtll. all of lr, lii.ul .-uuli, Ornfioi. J. II. lll XTUur-.X, Ua.Moi. ; awl IHHw at Iiiuii., or Jul) : l.'i Nollii la kcti-li ft I on llial llw lolli liiit" im. .1 illlrl ha BU4 uullr of till inli-iUlu" 1.1 iil' Aitl truo4 In oNir1 ul Ida i-talui. aii.l .i.l will ko Mole la.l" Ion I ..unl) (kit uf liroHl a.unlr, all'tm.'O l'll. nt von, 011 i. .i nt, tavi, u- omotut! xx. lXaiimeu. ua.. IT, lor tiw ,V a! f .'. H, T II , II 1 K W 11 1 1 a naWM Uw K'Ue llw ltun ln.i. lila ouaUtutMM raalaWuiV uai. imi mlU4t'H vf. mh! lout. tU: law ttIM. Jwiioa Trail. Ira Miiruyl, i ILllmui. .11 al il.i.iika l.'lar. OtfoiH ai U. Until ll ,V o . IU. u i-u iiui1,iuImo J. II. IIU.VNN'U ION. lUarlilaf. The)Postoffice) Stobe) ttuccctsur lo iiMrlj .tt X Uutdfi t -IIK.M.KII I.N- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Canyon Cily Oregon . Constantly on hand a full assortment of Dry Good,, Clothing, Fools A'1 Shoes, Croceries, Eta., Fto., Ftc, at h'e.asunable Frices. I). (.'. OVIMCJ.OI.T. 'aouiiaaiioiwiMMooaa. Klt00IMnaoaoolHIl(KM04KIIIt I Hill MftlMftoIM4. I hi, It Abm lt((, AtoMltk, ..! In MM. ttaoM, - - M Ml (It 1 m k 4 !' f It .all II. jaJI IKtH RMl I . tHu. AHr !! 'n III..' . l.l Mi Mllalli Irlio i nt U IMAM h K tMfMt I'MtttliMr.tH (MXVD.V t ITY, OH. h- Farrish Fropr. A tine Uivd; uf frtikli Uimiio, Nuttj, Tohicoo, istntiouery, lite, UtxN, juit nvelxeil, Oix inn a call, A. MA VHIiPiMY. DKALKR IX General erchandise JOHN DAY CITY.