Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 17, 1891, Image 1

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    Tho Paper for the Slack
hunt, .Merchant and
The Paper for I he Farm,
the Workshop and the
) 'olanie XII I.
Xnmbcr 'Hi.
First Eastern Oregon
District Agricul
tural Society
Will he l.i lil nt the luw Agricultural
ninl I rivi n I'mk of (lie Orumlo
Hondo Valley Agiicidluntl
Society, m-ar I .nil Hindu
And Continuing Six Days.
For Agricultural and Horticultural
Product, nml for I,ivu Slack Handiwork
II 11(1 Domestic
Of tlio (Jtntido Itondu Valley
Agricultural Society, for iU llrxl
Mooting Octobor Mb, 1891:
niurr DAY.
ltuniiiii;,', fuociglitH milo for
year olds, fieo for nil, pnri-o $U0
guldins to oiii iv 110 pounds, fillies
10"; winner of any 'J-yenrold nice
this season .1 pounds extra.
l'timiin;,', ono half mill) nml repeat,
1! in .'!, puiso SloU. Novoltv 'J in :t,
for ii-yonr-ohl". fioo for nil, puidu
tiiihd imv.
S iddlu-hursu nice, ono-half mile,
purso $"(), entrniieo 85. Kntintice
inonuy logo with iiil-o. First money
(iu per cent., second, ',W ptir eont.,
tliiid III in,r cent. 'I'ho diicctoi
n-soivu tlii' r ghl t bar nice Iioooh,
Trotting, II in C for .'1-t enr olds',
purso $'J)().
Illuming, ono-half milo dash, free
for nil, puiNP SUKt. Trotting. II-
III 1 1 1 11 1 1 fill IS ill ."l, plIISO f'.'flU.
rirni ii w.
Munning, oiik uiiil oni'-liulf mile,
fteo foi nil, purso $;I00. Trotting
!1 in f fioo for nil, purse
smu nvv.
ISumiiiiK onu milo, novelty, 1st jr.
got), 'Jnd (1r, $.r.), lid qr. S.M), till qr.
t5U, purso j'JOO. Trottilio,, 2:10
uliiiH, 3 in 0, putete filUO.
Tlio puraa aggregate SJ.'JiKl
Proniiuina ii.ftoo
Tlio Management Will do Ku'ivthing
in Tlw ir Power to I'ntoilnin
nml HenffU the Public.
('itiieus of Wallowa, HnL r, Mai
hour, Oiam rind I'nion couiitivs, thin
i'h your '11 1 1 It I ANN I' Ah DhS
THICr FA 111, ami (irando Hondo
Valley, "Thu (iaido'i of iho Oodx,'
with n liouiitiful hart est of rtfiv
duxiniblo product of thu tit-Id, or b ird
ami gaiden, gieets you with n
dinl wtiluuiiiu.
liXCUPT TlUAhs of
Hring Ercnj ,rliclc of
Merit from Stable, Pasture
Field, Orchard, Harden,
Dairy, Mcadoic, Forest,
Mi ii( Priii E re r ijt It in
lint ionr I log. Let as shine
the People the I 'aried lle
sources of Eastern Oregon.
For lUt of Premium, HiiIoh nml
ItouulntioiiH mhlrotii,
A."'. Mu.i.i;, oi U. S. MuComah,
Ji CiintJilo, Oikou.
I The lleautiful MM I ion KitkU by Her
Win n Judge Luther Iwtn, of lin
ker City, Or, il itd in IH'.HJ, bit
wealthy widow, Mrs. Jim-pbine Inuti
with lu-r two ilrtiigbler.j. liertbn,
attcil l'J. aiiiI ICdim. 17, mill line ion
reuiovid from that city, going flrnl
to houiville, Ky., where ltertbn
bnd attiii(li"l it!hi1 ami bud ae
qildiiilami'H. A few loontbs tit(o
the fitmilv moved to Hlootniuginti,
III, in onfiT (hat the ihildreii might
t onipleti'theireducntioti, ami ISerthn
reHiinie the utmly of inunic Two
months ago she met Dr. Cbarle K
Itnllanl. of Snybrtiok. Tixlay nhe
w:ik inurdi ri'd by him in her moth
er'!! limine, nml a few momenta later
Ballard lay dead in an adjoining
doorynrd. Mallard waa aed
lie hiih tin- con of a prominent doc
tor of Sayhrook. ami graduated t ago from the St. l.oui .Medi
tnl I'dllep-. Il- fell di'rierately in
love with the beautiful Miaa Iron,
and ardently preim-d bin unit, be
wan accepted, but recently the em
(jngemonl was broken by Mis Iiwn
tor various reaiou, among which
that ."he hail heard that liu hail
Ihi'ii drinkiiif.', and that her mother
believed, aside from all other reas
ons, her daughter hhould not wed
hastily, and that taw should eou
traet no engagement while w young.
Imii wax firm in her d-eiion,
ib-hiite I'.allardV entrt-atien. I. ant
Saturday he obtained a marriage
licen.u- to wed Mine lifon, and took
occasion to show it to a numlier of
his friend." and to have it published
in the Sundav paper. lie a I ho
told t-everal frieuda that the girl
wa willing to marry him, but that
bur mother was making trouble, and
added' "If I don't get her no one
elite will." Milliard called at the
Imiii houu'iitead on Kal Mulberry
Mtreet and wan met by Mixh I'Mua
I .-on, who reluctantly admitted him.
Mr. I .-on told him that nhe did not
winh bin friendship with her daugh
ter to continue, that the engagement
wax nt .in end, ami that he tifiould
L'o mvav and let the irirl alone, lie
pleaded for u farewell meeting with
llertha, ami, against the remon
strance of Mrn. I noli, llertha admit
tel hiu. to a private interview in
the parlor. Mrn. Iiton heard her
daughter lagging Mallard io go
away and be a man, then nhe heard
a M-reiim ami then two pixtol xhoU.
She niched down Htaira, and at the
parlor diHir met Mallard. Win face
wan Miiearcd with blooil and in hi 1
hand wax a revolver. He seued
Mrx. Ixon by the throat and hurled ;
her to the lloor, then ruxhed through '
the back yard on to adjacent preni
inex, where he iired live xhota into
hix own body. In a few xecomlR j
Mallard and hix victim wvrv dead.:
Mrj. laon and her two remaining '
children will depart tomorrow with
thu remain of the murdered girl
for Maker City, Or. Oregonian.
Hich Hieurca I'or Cattle.
I.nxt week Mr. A. M. Uobinxon
Itought the Thotnaa band of cattle
ranging in the forkx of the Salmon
ami Snake river. The band em
braces alxjut SU) head. The follow
ing ix the price at which they ore
pu rcliuM-d:
Four-year old ulcer i'i't jx-r heml.
Three-year old xteer $M K-r head.
Two year old xtier t'l't jar head.
Dry cow f'2" Kr head.
I 'oh x and calve
Yi-ai bugs if I I
Tho ,ir old h if.-r- f''n
Tin - ai' tin- liinh' -t I i 1 1 r - obtain-
-1 fur - attir in tin- ..-niMy f-r
bt I 1 1 tt - I I. ill' ' I' I ' ' I'l - - -I
in.) niu Di -id it unxr
l ii.i TnV )riicr ( 1 1 I. , V ' I
I ..41 , 1.. 11 1. . I .-t K
1- -.1. 1 . ,nU 1 11 .1 1... ulf. 1 . 1 I : . . 1
h.. 4 it., 11 11 I f.r i ). r.. !. mi Mi
w..: 1... ...... .ul Liu.. JI.II.I1.11 OK MKMOItV
. 11, t iliiji Ou., !. , K. IK
I Ir. Ml.l. J Willi forciiuluM Mi.l li.i.l
Hi 1. 11 1 I(ur4lui I. u 1, f 1111 il7 I tlW KlU.t
llr.Mllli. when X'llH'Ulr r-UHni'llili-l 111
Jul K.-i !,(' Nru )'i,iilti I irlnl It u-l look
l.ul L .11 , 11, whl ti l.,u.-l,l Iw-'L .r
IP. III. Ml ,it I Ihl'H ..fe I ait w
Ui. IVI I' l- f.'ll.. ,ir (U Hit u8fc. a
Ului Ib.u tnH.titl, II wal fur llli-lf
I.LUJU.I: I'A.S'l.V.V.
1 Viihinlilt. II.Mitt mi Nrrou
IIUihi- mi. I lr-u lu n jildnM.
I IIImLmIIiI iiiimIIi luv lu-o ill 1 liari;i
1. 11 MMir iutul iai UUUIU
1lil liu bcrn liNliuvil lilf UMUmi
D l l-uhiiK -lil . ll orl Wiu.,lB,l..loHM1
kiiil U uur tn4irtit tuiOur 1.U tilieUuii Ur IIm
KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Mtilil lir DniciiUU Ml 11 -vr llotlln. a tut
V3. Uir.-ohlv, 1 76. 0 Until., for 911-
Siuaihlctiii; a NjUch's l'oiimony.
At the recent eolebrntioii of the
Fourth of July at WoodMock, Conn.,
Mr. Mural llaltad delivenil a
(triking addre, to which he gave
the title of the "I'rwrvation of the
People' Inheritance." It could Ite
more aeeurately dexcrilxd a an ac
count of the rtH klcKii way in whieli
mankind in general, and American
in Ntrticular, had squandered, and
were continuing tn uander, their
inhrritancc. lu sR'aking of the de
cline of certain nation, Mr. Hal
Mead xaid:
The land have lieen wauled, the
forcxtx are no more, the xoil thai
once made fruitful hill ami bloom
ing valley i at the bottom of the
eaa, and the xlream that watered
the iieopliil plain are loft in the
and that are the tomb of the jiro
llignlc who have erihed. The
element of ioibility. the founda
tion of Ktsteritv. are gone, never to
Ik- restored, amf I boe cancers of the
earth, the dexerlx, are eating attay
more and more that which xbould
xuitaiu the generation to come.
Coming down to our own country,
the x'iiker referred to the exhaust
ed fertility of tobacco land ami
wheat Held?, to the extermination of
fix) fish and noble game and water
fowl; particularly to our vanquish
ing forct.
The wood havu been torn from
the mountain, and brook have de
parted beeauxc the spring have
el-axed to How, and, when not dwin
dled almoxl to dual bed, the ancient
mill Mtream are roaring I'kkkIx, for
the xlojx' of the ridge are bared
and the rainfallx ruxli from them a
over roof of xlate, the billable are
plowed up and down, preparing gut
ter to feed the freshet with the
noil that i far more precioux, in the
eye of thoe who have been taught
the art of xeeing, than the precioux
inetnlx It ix the pasxinn and pride
of the average American to xmite
tlx- tree and xhoot the bird and
xlaughtcr the lat of our ruuiiim;
garni and if there are law for the
protection of trees in park, or gamu
law to nive thu ipiail and xquirrel,
or to prevent xcouring the river
with xeinx out of eaon, ami to pro
vide 1'ndi ladder ami al-olibh llxb
trap, they an regarded a tyranni
cal, a xtyle of opprexxi'.n idenlilied
only with ell'ete inonarcbie ami the
tottering dt-xpolif of worn-out
world The Imtl'i'ifo have Ihm-ii ex
terminated, a noble rnce munlered,
mo that they are hardly enough to
xupply mtiHeum; and if there i a
moon- left in Maine he ha been
accidentally xpared. and must lie
pursued by the hunter w ith reniore
lexx fury to xhed hi bliM! to the
tlual maacre. It i a crime to cut
down the wood on a mountain, a
crime to hecdlexsly kindle lire to
burn forel; but oitr leople have
no realizing acinic of the wort, and
sneer at the Swia and Hermann,
who re.iiire three Mrmitto fell onu
tree. In New York there inlrug
pie that seems hoclcx to prcxerve
the remnant of the once majetic
and alway romantic Adirondack
wilderness. In our new state the
statesmen dare not stand againxt
the timU-r thieve.
lu xome part of the adilre Mr.
1 1 alxtead rhetoric wax rather too
intense for xcientillc accuracy; but,
after all, the real ting of the indict
ment i in it truth. To the teak-i-r'i
hox'ful spirit the establishment
of tixh hatcheries by the government,
the effort to protect the seal of Meh
ring Sea. and tin- reservation of the
s;eiioia grove were act which gave
promise of a time coming when more
serious thought would he given by
our nation to the preservation of it
heritage, lie noted, loo, a hoiM-ful
1 indications, that arbor day were
celebrated in maiiv slate; that tree
planting by cbiblrcu had lt-coine
l.i-lii'iiiable, and that the discussion
.'. r t In' Adirondack woods, although
it ini'lit not save the wilderness,
W'.ul'l ultimately, Mrbap, save
in.inv other forest. Wo feel in
i '.nu ll to consider it another cheer
U'H -i!ii that an orator of national
r I i has felt iluM-lled, on that an
i -i-.iry when A inerienn are in
Ui- .r uiont exultant mood, to raise
hi- oiee in earnest protest against
tie iiikles destruction of our for-
i-tf No higher public service can
be rendered by the country' lead
ing men than thu reiteration of
warnings like this, until it come to
1m universally understood what thu
ruin of our forest menu. (larden
and Forest.
tlcttcr Than liver.
The North IVcillc Imliiilrinl ICx
sisitiou at Portland, September IT
to OeioU-r 17, IK'.H. Metluced rati-
via the I'nion Pacillc.
lieforu pureltasitig railronil and
sti-amship ticket, consult agtuili
Union Pacillc jiysiom.
1'choha! Matlcis.
We present the following
list Of
name of people who have exr
lenced relief and con- by the Flee
trie cure a practiced by Dr. Darrin:
Mrs. John Mcliinnis, Yancoiivor,
Wash. Paralyxed arm cured 10
year ago by Dr. Darrin. while in
San Francisco.
Mr S. A. Wooden' girl. 01 Col
umbia treel. Portland Nervous
debility, malarial fever ami discharg-
I ing ear; reaUtred.
Win. Allnow, Drewwy, tlrant
county, Or, Catarrhal deafness and
tinging in the ears for W year;
Jterfectly cured.
Mr. C Magenson, Merchant'
Hotel, Portland Khcumntixm, neu
ralgia ami female trouble; cured
W. F.Ogle, Seatco, Wah hivcr
and kiilm-v comp'ainl and dvsiiep-
sia, also dcafne and whole system
run down ; cureil.
William hittle, Seattle, Wnh.
Pain in hi cheat of over eight year'
standing; cured.
J. V. Shanglc, Sunnyview, Or.
Heart disease, palpitation, kidney
and liver complaint; cured.
Dr. Darrin treal with electricity
and medicines all curable chronic,
acute and private disease, blood
taint, loss or failing manhood, ner
vous debility, e fleet of errors, or ex
cete in old or young, loan of mem
ory, disease caused by mercury in
tho improver treatment of private
diseases, irregularities in women,
and never publish in the piicrs.
Oilier. TtJ Washington street.
Portland. lr , ami "The Normandy,"
Seattle. Hours: 0 a. in. to S p. m.
daily. Kxatninations free and con
fidential, question blank and cir
culars sent gratis to any address.
Patient cured at home after one
visit to the doctor' ollice. MeIi
cincs sent to any address without
thu doctor' name apjs-aring.
The Russian rille factories are
running night and day on the new
breech-loading re-aling rille with
which it is pro ,osed to arm all the
infantry, Uilh of the active arinv
nml the reserves. Mut, although
the greatest diligence i shown in
the manufacture, it is lelieved that
at least two year will elapse lieforu
the who'e million force of the empire
will be provided with the weaMJU.
This would not prevent Itussia
from going to war in the meantime,
a no fewer than tiUi.iKK) men will
have the rille w ithin this year. The
rcjiort that France ami llussia had
virtually agreed that in thu event of
a victory over (iermany they would
have ."-ciiicswig reauuexed to iit-n-mark
ha caiixed considerable com
ment in Merlin, where the war feel
ing ha I -cen mounting high for
ome days past. Thin rumor, how
ever, ha called to jiuhlic attention
other rumor of a similar nature re
garding the Iriplu alliance. It wa
stated recently, mi high authority,
at Vienna, that ono of the unwritten
argument of the triple alliance was,
in the event of success in a conti
nental war, to disable Russia for
ever, by divesting the eiuiiire of
Poland. Finland and the Maltic pro
vinces, and couijiclliug the cxar to
abandon St. Petersburg for Moscow,
France at the same time to be com--lled
to give up Nice and Corsica
to Italy. Thcwt arrangement are
understtxsl to be merely provisional,
but the fact that they are talked of
shows the deliU-rate way in which
KuroH-au nations are preparing for
the gigantic struggle
That The Dallex i infested with
fire bugs there in little doubt. lie
fore the coal of the SI ,tXKMU0 (ire
had died out tin-dastardly wretches
were again at work. Saturday even
ing buildings at thu fair ground
were dicovi-red to be ou fire and
before the tlame were conquered
the long line of stables were consum
ed and three valuable race animals
had K-risluil. Sunday evt ning an
other attempt to bum the remain
ing part of town was made ami the
losses sustained were a barn, three
horses and several pile of lumber
which were destroyed by the lluinu.
At '! o'clock Monday morning an
outhouse w hich had Im-cii saturated
with coal oil was fired ami but fur
active work would have Ihjuii tho
mean of destroying the remaining
K)rtioii of the tow n. These incen
diary lire aroused the citizens ami
armed guard are patrolling the
streets day and night.
And to the Nonli I'acifk liuluitnal lx.
ptMlllon hi Ttiat City,
To those desiring to visit thu Kx
Misitioii the I'nion Pacific will sell
tickets nt one and one-fifth fare fur
the round trip ou Momlayf, Wed
nosihu s ami Fridays of each week
between Hepletuuer 10 and October
' The rain making e.xiieriinentx in
Texa thi week have had suciesx-
j fill results. The last experiment at
Midland is rcjiortrd to have Ikh-ii
made on a clear night, when the air
was unusually dry, when the baro
meter wa at "fair, ' and when the
hygrometer indicated a mean be
tween "dry" and "very dry." Mx-
! plosives were discharged for live
' nourx, ami live notira alter ine ooni- j
bardmeill ceaxeil raill fell for live
hour, and after ceasing fell again j
after fresh cxplo-siotis. The C.K'ri- 1
I inenter are well satisfied with the I
! sesult of their eirorts, and will con-.
tinnell.eex,M.ri.nents at HI Past..
Opimonin divided mmn Hum
i i . . .... i
question wneiner tne reunion oi
cause and uU'eel existed between the
explosions and the rain, but the co-
incidence is at nnv rate interesting.
More extensive nml loim-contilllled
exivi'rinienl will be necessarv to '
clear the matter of doubt.
Kussia now, as well as France,
ha the only original "holy coat,"
and each coat i a genuine ax the
othrr. Kusia, besides, has a "holy
nail" preserved from the tragedy near
Jerusalem; ami thus far the present
(ireek Christianity bus a slight ad
vantage over Latin Christianity in
the matter of "genuine relics." Thu
latter, however, has heretofore bad
immense ndvantage in osxessioti of
isirtions of the tnu- cross, of which
U'-.l. .. I-..: . .. i-
ii nniiiiiKiu living, uhjii uiiveini
through Southern Ihirojie for a
time some -.ixty years ago, saw so
many pieces that he judged there
might V enough of this wood i-x-taut
to build a ship of the lines.
The quantity of relics of these kinds
in the world is regulated in differ
ent times and countries according
to the greater or less prevalence of
pious credulity. The demand for
the marvelous and miraculous al
ways create the supply. The crit
ical sense ha not it sent in the re
ligious emotions. Oregonian.
Disapsiintment is expressetl in
Canada with the result of tho On
nadiaii census. Thu (ilobe, of Tor
onto, in commenting upon thu out
come, contrasts it with thu rextilt of
recent censuses in the I'niled State;
saying that while the opulntimi of
the latter country ha doubled it
elf every thirty years that of Can
ada ha not doubled itscifin forty
years, and adds: "The perccntauu
of increase in the imputation of Can
ada during the last ten year ha
been lex than l'J some overcrowd
ed KurnjH'an countries have often
done ls-tter while the M-rcenlagc
in the t'nited States from sst) to
Is'.'tl was 'Jl .S" In the t'nited
States the gain by natural increase
was 1 1 IOjst cent , and the gain by
immigration 1 l.'i n-r cent , xo that
our m-ighlxirs gained more by nat
ural expansion alone than we havu
by natural expansion ami immigra
tion lxitli put together.
On Mondays, Wednesday and I'lldays.
Of each week between September
10 and October 17, the I'nion Paci
fic will sell excursion ticket to
Portland and return at onu undone
llfth fare for the round trip. Visit
the Kxtoitioii.
I'nion Pncille System oflVr tin
equalled inctlilic to tourist en
route to all tioints east. Vestihtile
SlocN-rs, Diners, l'ree Cars through
to Missouri river and Chicago with
out change.
The t'nion Pacific System have
ou sale excursion nml single trip
tickets of all dulses, to all Miintx,
which are sold at reduced rates
daily for regular trains.
' lroti:o II.- i lc.v.r.
Il:ili-4ii and uoi-.j w . p . iulr.
I,, f-uiil of what i . c iimn, miy l.mni, "h I h uidlior !iief," mi I th m, .
(.1 f .in i.rUcl I . a i-'iiirsiclrrislic at
t ii,t .I1I..H th.- part of Uit'i ia o, t.i
cl n. r t ctimom, ill a rlniialc
. ry iliiforent from that of Sew Vork.
TI..- ilotermliMNl w.,y I,, n,U-U both
nues ell i;f to outd .r I fo I. another
I.IUIlllli.t..t..ili of tile lno In-.tiiict.
'I h name for the luil t.i nail
negro heiulgeur. by tin- way. admirably
Illustrate, th,- fat' ..f wor... in ty
mouUisof the ignorant or Hioii-fiui.-..
"Kcrohlel" i.icuni primarily a head
covering tVh ni'iii -ti,- - .ir.- .
caiuo Ui b.' tarried ill Ihc Iia-m it
the nam-' of htm Iknohiof or "hand
hi ! ! cov r.' a 1 1 i i sti l l.m-r tlnirs th
ori;rl' "hcrcaicf ' p..,ml..rl.v ooiuiro I
lie nam -of "h. a '-huud'ior -It j i ," w hich
a "liottil-hiimi ho:ul o.ivcr " N Y. Sua
Mas Ilixoo "Wliul do think of
lav new ilrekk. ilriir'," Mr llhuro- ' l
try not Ui think shou. It" Cl.aU lie
tie v
Josra-u Ana M. of Kriinshimkort,
who U liliu-ty yean of Me, hits never
I -eon In a kU-iim or lioi'iUM-iir, never wu
um lioanJ of s ktvsuiUwt, nml nvor
truvolril farther east thaw l'ortlud nor
(srtlicr west lhau York in his life, hav
ing always lived upyn lite farw w ben
he was lITH.
'I'm: Mormon tonmlo nt
Salt ImUc ten UkMiinml people.
An Idol ill.-utor In San .'rniirUeo,
uli.i hiui junt iInmI. Iinil a cullerlkHi ot
the IihihUv.1 little Roil.
A run VMillioeu llnmUlyn woiimti re
cently iHtuirM nil the orloli'n til a tilnl
Mure ami st'l tlii'lll free.
1 1 t .uil of Aini-rlcsii hullo lliey
lii' Imv iltiunotiil ami that tl-y wear
mori- j.-wrirj Uisn nj- other
Tin. lialUUnien which nvenlly fell nt
Arl,nas City wi-rv aUnit the .lin- of
common mhlahliH-ultt.iiil nearly nklitg
l'.i r sr. M . Imi n iiniipni olatm to
"',' wy ,T,' A '
H;uB,;;l!;;;;r,Tl,,, ,w vW,wI "-
, Nm !v;us1(, u, , aM.
sym-i that vns wov.-n in 1?M, nml Im-i
Uvu Imn.t.-.l ilmvn fi-nm e.-nomtlon m
g-nerntloii over since,
- in U.urlii (.mr linndn-.l mul fifty-
i l"rt'" 'nam' wrth of farm inin-Iiliu-ry
lu various part of ArlinusaH City while
ht wife h ns M-li-i-tlui; sprint; l'Uni-l.
As cxperli'ticfil eutorvr miys that
where the Kiiest nt n (r;it)iiTllif niv
well ticipiHinteil they I'nl at least twen
ty s-r ci-nt. mis e lliiiu they otherwise
Tiiiihk Is mi estahlikliiui-ut hi New
YurU w here Mil glove lire iiinila to or-ih-r
nml fiiriiUhcil to the I'liti-oii, If ueo-1-m.nry,
in two hours after tlio mouMire
is taken,
A I-oiii.i nt Newimrt. tlio summer re.
sort, employs a cook wlimo only duty
' l" mBll,,"
i t,u'rv ' '
oiiii) kind, of a now miioo
froni a hose uotlo liliiet-il
, Insi.lo tho slort oollar Is proving nil of
, foollvo trouliiionl fur ilniiikimls. in-
I stolid of the lockup, nt lllillltoll. Mo.
j lUmrox pollcomi'ti hmo Ivc'ii onh-roil
, to ko-i lliolr chilis cnm-eiileil. furry
i in thorn ill thoir hand i mild to 1h ii
teintit.ittuu to use tht-iii on slight provo
i.ition. SkvmiM. rare ri'lU's have Im-oii found
in mi old log onhlu now in pi,x-o ot
itemiilttioii nt Myomtown, 'n , which
wn Imilt in IMJ ns n rofii;o from the
To viNixi't rt: his reputation as an o
STt wishI oarvor, n oolmoil mull in
lliitchiiiMiu, Kan , locriitly in llftcon
hoiirn curved u elinlii nearly Mx fwl
long out of a solid piece of Wood.
AflltswtN ill San rnim-lM-o hiu In wiiii. thhig now lu tin- credit
lino llo lMiught fo on tiiin- mid
has now got IiIiiim-K Into tniuhln Ih.
eioiM-of his failure to pay tho iluht.
In Ailol, (In., they soil a U-or whloh
Is nil led rice l-or. Its oir.-cU lir -
ouliar A mini may drink It ami nut
fuel It emii'lA for a work nftot ward,
when ho K lluhlo to mnlilouly hoeomo
hilnrioiis. -
Mas. llr.i.Miw "I eaughtyou kissing
On- hired girl. ulr. whst dm-s It uipan?"
Mr Mellows "It menus wu havu loot
-noiih girls ou aceoiiut of my cool
ness, "
"Ahi: you ready, Kminn?" .lolui ralloil.
"Yr. I'll Ik- there lu a minute. I've
only my ImuuicI to put on." "All right
I'll have time to shave ln-foru wo go." -IIiirK-r'
I'.viiMi.ns Win: "Jut fauoy. lluf
bailor, our lu-hrlihor lins l-rii tinhiy
making mo an oiTerof marriage In ease
you ilun't got liotter!" Slok llunhnm! -"What!
that fellmv? It would serve
him right If I illoil to-iiiurnnv " -1 1 ii
moriktioho lllueller
"I iihi: that young llh-hs," said
luthel's fnther. "lli-' tin-kind .if mini
that di-'su't know more than I do "
"Yes," rctili'lied Mthrl's inullicr lut
do you think a yoiing man who known
'is little mk that will got ou lu liu
world?" Harper's lliuar.
Worn: limine ohaiigiift this
will con I KU.lxM.
It will tnke too.ouo lmrrols of rvnioiit
i to mciiil
thu bruak hi Dm Sun caiml.
i Mich
Tun twenty-thlril wsnl In Phllad.-I
phia is larger in area than the city of
New York.
llosioi tH two more banks than
New York. I'ltUburgh liss two more
Ihtiu f hirago ami thirty-two mure than
Ii will nml W.17S..MT to run therllv
of llrooklyn ilarlng 1VJ This Is at liu
rate of Sit fur oory liiaii, woiiiun na.l
ehlhl in tin- city.
A VAI.l.i:v more wonilerful than l'i.'
Yomuiilto.exoopt lu the matter of water
fnllk, Ix said Ui have been ihs.-over.-il
hi King's river uuiiuii, almvu the
failli'd Voaomlte.
It Is resirteil from foloroilii thai iwo
lulliera lixvo found the faiu-nn ' l'-t
vein," fur which pi-twin-onir have U-oii
searching for year. It ronaisu of a
six inch streak of almost silid silver,
rkliinsU'd to run from 4 1 1,0 JO Ui ' " ouo
In valuo jwr ton.
'HIoKi:ns lu WiMolbury (N ,1 I
aluleil uuil ilocoraU-il the Inlerior
well that Sln-riir 1'ivcker treated l.iom
to pie lliroo tiiiu-k u ilny.
Tm: Michigan s-uitentlary has a cliiks
of llftcon lu telogniphv, origtiiati-d by
ono of the prisoner lai-h convict pur
o liu sod his own liiktruinuiil liy working
Ilr.iiiv Maoiiatii, n prlkonor hi the
Hichmuml lull, nto the mirror In Ills coll,
! kwalloAotl his troiifcork, luittoim and all. '
I ami was alxiiit to tint up his UwUtetwl
when the Jailer put htm lu a straight
jacket. I
Tin: goiornorof a is-nltentlnry In tho ,
far west has a iu-U of cards wluoli were
niaih- br one of tho couvli'U out of the
U'-f Iwiios i-olh-ctcil from tin-convict's
ktmp nml spill ton iUlU.-Ht thleknoss. I
The plai are w rate hoi 1 with n pin and
ar qutte arlUticnii- exsnutsil, . . I
A Ni:w (lin.KANS iiiaii krrps n lltnru
on his table to guard viiluuhlo p:iH-rs.
A (ii'ounl t editor is tii'cusoil of stop,
ping tho press "to aunoiuu-e that notli
lug has occurred of sulUi-lcnt Interest to
Induce us to .stop the press to nuiinuuou
Ax Atlanta Pity hotel keeper hns a
"fake" thermometer on the front of Ills
Iioiim- thai makes Ins patrons U-llovo
his sin-h Is the eoolost place ou this
island The ilocoptiuu works like a
A eoi'i-i.i: living within ono mile of
I.ilhoiiln, I'ta , have U-oii iiiarrleil forty
, ours, and tho husband alllrms that ho
liu- never kissed his w Ife Neither has
she over KtsM'U him. They arc tins
paivntn of cloven children.
A Svs PnNcimsi mnii has a (teeulltir
tiiania for oiotilntr and cloliig ihsirs,
and will stand for hoiim nt a lime nt
one of the eiitrnnook to the jsmt otllcu
os-uiug nml closing tho iliNirn for thu
nivouiiuislatloii of tho iNHlostrlaiis.
Iris tho man who lives In an apart
uiont house who dcctaivn that uioru
ileatlis occur among iicrous h-opto hi
tho Mtiiunrr tlmo, when w Imlowtt aie
thrown o--ii nml piano Mrn his nru
heanl, than ut any oilier tiuni of thu
A wo m nn's will, coiiaUtlng
of ton wonts, Is eoutoktoil liy hoc
A toi'Mi woman in Play county ear
lies n male she.) for InoU, unit uiys ft
work like n ehiniu
A wi iril St Paul lady pnivhloil lu
her will that llvo d'-II.irs n w.-oS
! In- fcpcul in curing fur her fiitoruc dog.
A TiiHii-rv young In. lain woman,
nlsiiil to U- married, delivered the Invt
tali lis herself at church, just after thu
son ii i-a,
An educated, nivoiupllshcil young
lady of IMosky, Midi , has spill twen
ty cords of wood w ith hor oci haiuls
mil has ii led It iionlly ui season fur
Miuiiner use
A I'tuiUN (Mo ) lady w ho pledged
hcr.-lf lo earn a dolinr lu some uli'is
tuil way for church rarH-u cnrrieil mu
her contract by digging worms fur her
In-oilier In-law to ion for hall on Id'i
.llsluuir i- -.-ill t Ii ii is.
Till. in: Is a kpinstor In I'itlshurgh
who had a tumble mouiiuioni for her
self Hind-- Mime ton jours ago It Is
kept at tin yin.l of tho marble dciilor.
whciv Ml- imln It nU.iil throe tiiuon a
week, and scciiin lo Imd a s-irt .if iin-hill'
eliuly piciikiuc ui Ih-Iii near it.
Tin. iivcrugu lalsiror weurs out 1 1 i
ounces of nnikcto a day.
I.M'i iiiucM has shown that when
coal is lull lit in mi onmi unite from olio
to three mt cent of tho conl eseaH'. ill
the form of iiiiburut solid particles, nr
"kooi, " nml ii 1 m in t ton si coin in loM. i:i
tho form of voliilito i-. ii 1 1 1 k in in Ik of ear
It has riH-ontly la-en olsurveil that
when liquid carbonic nclil In nllowod t i
os.-aH- Into a slot l canvas bim In tin
mill, .-.nil ny in. evpanmoli lo livco r.i
to.iMiowy innsji, tho ellccl Isaccoiii
paiiicd by a pale, greenish violet tight
anil electric sml lis.
Hli I us in the c'.-ar water of tho
tiiililcal sens llnd that llsli of dllfiirelit
roUu-k when frigtili-noil do not all dart
In tin- same direction, but that each dif
ferent kind lakes slieller in thalHirllou
of Iho kiiliiiini ine growth lien rent lu
color Ui thai of the llsh.
Da. ICoMi.Mi lliir.sM.ii, of the Univer
sity of in ii-h, link proved by a werli-k ol
cM-riiiicutx that uilcmoiguulsuik ine
diM'hnrgod through the n-rkplrntion ns
well an through the IiIimnI Tlio hue term
call Ihi m-i-ii in the dropn of ioii.iralh)ii
by incaiik of a ml.'roco...
Ax old gravoyanl in (irnngu county,
Indiana, lins I n 'ound to bo rich in
- trltled hodle. At last aceoiiiilk i
teen had been Inkcii out.
Nli.VH 1 1 it t-1 1 it 1 1 ii 1 1 , lilt., a day or two
ago, YV. A. Keith found a solid tllut ltek
near tho center of the heart of a nine '
tree. How thu rook got thorn Is a uiys
lory. I Ml siN'oiti:, Pal., gravely nasorts that It
Miksrksr a tract of dark rod elay, with
an blue ktreak, on which can
; l raised broom hauitlok with rod ami
blue klriM-k around them.
Tm io. are no ix.lkonoiik or venomous
plants or reptiles lu any part of f lataop
county, iirogon, and one can trend the
path or ilecN-kl jungle of tho vogolublo
growth without tin- kllgliti-kl fear of Im
Intr hiltoii or siiwiiiod by anything an
iiuiil or M-gotalilo.
A mil uoii man who has kwnt wiimi
time kiirvcyiug In the Colorado den-n
was u nkened one night wlilU oiiiuplng
mil by a sick feeling in iho Momnoli,
When he arose ho found thu tout llllml
with gas and under Ins pillow a hot
spring thai had evidently lniit forth
during the night. '
Timlin Is n Imy lu feiilrevlllu, In.,
whoko hair always curls a day or two
before tho arrival of a storm. When
his barometric loclik begin to kluk thu
(s-oplu in his noighlMirlKMMt prepare for
A Nonrin-onr (Me.l man received
nollcii a few days ago that ho had won
a diamond ring In a great relink Mill ing
eoutckt ndverlifced by a certain pasir,
hill as ho w iik required lo send eleven
cents to cover jsiktago. ho "consliulmt
II would not ho worth while "
A v. 1 1 1, iniKssi.ii man. wearing u din.
niond piii, got rauglit with four liekuu.
(worth four eonU) on hand when thu
llrooklyn bridge was iiiadn frsju to
is'iloktrlau. unit gut vry builgnuiit
unit nlsy lt-aiiw nu ollluur nt ths
Inlilge refuted to redeem theui.
t -
: .
' . x
I - '