Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 10, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday. Sept. HI
Rain has de vended, and ImmwIUt
thai will I no more.
tfae Uio fine and low priced elorka
Ml Um Watefctrtakrr's.
Attorney (Wad ami family kit vis
iting ia the great Harney country.
Fitwr litw f clocks never before
mm in Giant ewmty now Ml the
I'mnrU Clarno, of PotUand, accotn
Mittol by two prominent capitalist of
ihmi city, arrived on Uh Ureetthorn
ktUriy on lour of map l ion of tlie
J.i,l,n lu Uk. ii hi dentil-
for Yale, Malheur eottnly, wJkmw
h v ill bold bin
ne.t Utw til coott.
.Miss Mau l iUfc ltiiwi aeeompainml
ttim to IkW,
where sli will visit!
will k-ti
leilatav x. ,
Oar public rhool ojh-.k net Mon
day or.rniafr, S-j.t'ilr 1 1. Artano- '
mmiU bavn Wn male to rvi a,
numtxT of out id" pupil on rva-vui j
alilo Unns. Our school ranks with
the bast of iU grad.
Pox valley rninei are said to I tin
Storage vaults tf untol.l wealth, ouiUi
a rich strike having remuly lsHn
mule. Wc aro gbvl to are Crant
Oitunty's winea looming up, for our
tninos are our hijte of comni 'rcial su
Utra. 1'arruh, poktuuslriMs at Ibis
pUae, in anawpr t an imjuiry aftor n
nj;ilewl pji kajje, has rtvtsi vl infoi
tnition frtjin Hiior IJow, Montana,
thit Ml. ITiUla McDo-U ditnl Uieie
List June. Mrs. McDowell was once
msidonl of this county, and leaves
same iv!nthM.
"Jte Fiter.ttd, who was visiting
hern and our Fourth of July
c'Kibration three years npt, was burned
si 4hMliy duiing the recent tire at The
D.tlles that he died soon afterward.
Tn attempting to save goods from n
burning house lie was overcome an 1
rescued with difficulty.
f)n the pne u ill lie found an
nrticle ndatiiy to recent vohianic di-t-lurUincm
in the moon. When the
in ion, which h coming nearer, crnehei
into threat tli, all the eople who ay
tly priiuer promptly and with an un
selfish feclin?, will U caught up mi
feathery Iwl of ean and not hannml.
Tim Virginia inino near the old town
of Itobiusouville. J. II. Mitchell, own
er, is showing up some f;ood free-gold
(iimrtz, and is undoubteilK' a bonanyi
if enpitat wur at hand to work it. Mr. j
Mitchell and bin Uiis ai-i diiiiij,' what j
dovelopmciit they can, but if they had
cajiital the Virginia wuld yield us ;
much gold as any luine in Grunt or '
Il.iker count le i.
Tim Monument il mil), in the Cran
itn creek luiiiiiiL' seolion, is to sUut iiii,
mm wilt do cuxttun work for the milieu j
tributary. This will be tho liej-inninx
of the de elopiuent of this licit milling
reon. When tho Nkws man isited
Unit section tlu' people wero in hnjies
of tho mill beiiiK slatted, and n gient
uiniy rich prospects lusl their hope
of speedy development on the starting '
of the Monumental mill. !
Hust has afliiaeJ most of the wheat
fluids in tlii valley this season, the
first lime, we are informed, that this
ilisea.'js has nuidu iU ajipearatice in tliit ,
county in the history of grain raising.
The cold weather in eaily summer, and
the lat rains, the reanon given for
tho rust thin year. (Joining as it does
nt the commencement of the new tlour
Uvj mill era, it will woik a double
hardship, for therri is doubt about the
gntiu making a tirst grade Hour, if
Uully oHticU-d with rust.
Fruit growers of this valley could
save the community several bundled
dollars annually, besides building
thetirelvea a lucrative liusimss, by
oroctintf a fruit dryiuz aonaratus and
furnishing the merchants and cousuui-
n druul apples and prunes. This ia '
the finest fruit countiy in the North- I
west, but all our dried fruits are im !
potted. A patent dryor would not .
uosl a great deal, and would Is' to the
eeiiiinunitr next in value to tho new
tlouring mill. ' Until we keep mote i
iii Jttey ai name we iu it ntsm poor.
Furly-niuo Jimmie, whose eastern
nam wat Mr. Dillln, im bemi on thi.
osit fmty two years, a gosl Hrlion
of the time having been spent aiieii','
his iiiiuin claiuet no tr 1 tola n.sonvi lie.
1 le is filling the ollk'O of road super
visor of his dutiiut to ierectiou,
keeping his poili tn of the mountain
ri I in excellent repair. .Mr. Hiitin some Uart. ledges ami placer
slaims, too, that are goml propel ty,
which he snowed the editor during our
recent tilp to tho uiiuiug aeuiou, In
fuel, lljbiiiionvillo is in the mineral
lsU that will some day make (limit j
oounty the richest gold and silver iro-
ducin country on eaith. ,
Among the hoti'U ri U)itluud eie
dial attention u colled to the lloltoii
House, now under the maiiaxemeut of
0. W. Itoby, formeily postmaster of
Portland. The house has Iwnn uowly
fiiniisJwtrt and refitted at a large ex
panse, and is now siuoiij the Imst (li-st-cliss
liot'-ls in Portland. In coune.'
liuit is a tine reading room, apart from
the main oflieo, where all Urn latest
and best pei iodi al of Uio day may be
fouml. The cleiks sre getitleiuauly
ami oUij;iiij and Uioroulily UlidarsUtid
the ootnforU of their gtuftts and Irfiw
to make Uteut fool at home, 'I'lm pee
I de wilt find it an ataftlkMit family
hottd, quiet snd jeuUmlly I-jcatetl,
lint yor eyas fitted iUt tlw light
kind of srswtacto nl tlie Watchmaker's
Canyon City.
TV first eider of tlw MAMm win
imsswited Ui the Nkws shop km Satur
day by Uw frwit ami ciW man, Mr.
0." It." Kinohftf U
Hay is much cheaper In UiU vsllay
tli is season than formerly. (Joed tim
othy hoy is bsittg ihtliveral in town at
19 and f 10 per ton.
Dick 1 ticks nl received l.y frWglit
last week a Urg ico chest for kofjtirtf
Iwer cool. When loer conn- cool the
psople mast have it.
Perpetual snow lingers on the brow
of Straw Wry mountain, lint not a
much ns graces the aumniil of ML
Hood, the pride of Oregon.
Judge Sola returned from hii Hour
creek isnch kt Sabbath and jwoaont
ihI the Nawa man a hatful of fine trout
i " Uie Mmi
according to a promise previously made
J. C. Powers V Co. have a force of
, fiftcfit men ronninit a tunnel in mi the
j t ...... t ... i. Mi . . .i.-t
Intrinsic, thctihom distritt, which
will Up the IoIk" at a depth nf
hundred foet.
Wo rncuived a friendly call a few
dsys ago from Mr. J. 1. F.iull of lhik
er City, anil Mr. Hi (lr of Union
county, who had Uvn over to Ilntiicy
; ounty on it business trip.
; Tlie printers two not prrinittml
suffer for want of fruit. Clay I.uce
dumped h lan of tine apples into the
N kw s hopper tlie other day, foe Uu
lifioU-rs and trmir cuntoutars.
Hf sUiersiii Idaho, we understand,
ha been ll for i'2t for three-year-olds,
and $lH aiid I'JO for cows.
Mover are scarce in tnis county, lait
Uiere is one hoju-ful nltniatie the
stockmen ha-c plenty of liay.
Mr. K. H. Hay, of Diewsey, cnlbul
at our shop hut wlc, and in conver
sation said tlmt the horses and entile
in his section vere all fat. and that
, ,i,0 ,HHiUle were lamenlini ihe alsience
' of borers for this class of stock.
Our mineral cabinet represent soma
valuable mines of ((reenhoin mountain
ami vicinity, all of hich mines ate in
(Irani county, we are proud to say,
notwithstanding the fm t that Sister
Hiker county lays claim to them.
Sol Taylor's threshing machine held
foith at (iundlach's ranch west of
town a few days lately. The biggest
day's work was something over twelve
huudrel bushels, and considerable
time was lost, too. The yield is large,
the season being suitable for grain on
Mr. Mcltean, who has been out en
his Sodu spring ranch making liay,
says that his rye yielded this year
til mil t five loos of hay lo the acre.
And this was the third sea.vm since
the Imid wax plowed, the only cultiva
tion Ix'in; with a harrow. lined soil
always counts, and our county lias it.
Mr. C. W. Porter, of the Prairie
City 1 toller .Mill, was in town last Sat
unlay, and contemplated stalling the
new mill in pei Imp two weeks from
that time, giinding old wheat. People
around heie are about out of (tour, and
are wailing for some of the heme pro
duct, which the millers guarantee to
lie good.
Mr. I. M. Foster informs us that he
recently found two lie) trees in the
mountains near his ranch. llees in
. i . it . . .i . it
an" " tt" l" " ",B vn "T
uie Ixscoiniu numerous, aud occasion-
ally the owners have lost a swaim,
which no doubt took up their abode in
the timln-r. A few years ago wild
lieus in Iiosteiu Oregon were unheard
lirunL county's fruit is llwiug in a
steady slreaiii over to IIarny county,
u well as to Haker and Morrow. Har
ney City taxed a peddler $.VUI), and
the niivt iiibt the council rojicalrd tile
law, H-uliiiiR that hit fiuit u.i too
)o.kl to U' placed in iUarantine. His
5.00 ai alt-j returned, ami be r
ceiverl a cordial invitation to biing
over as much 4' the same fruit a he
could haul, next time.
'j'he postmaster ut this pUce ha
ju4t neiml wortl from the llnd as
i,iUiit poslmaUer general advising
tmt t,t. oontmct for carrying the
maj between ( Won City and Ime
once per we'k from Oct. I,
the ile
of 1'en
July I, IH'.Pi has been let by
rtmeiit to J. W. Keeney.
dletti. Ho much for our elhutv to get
service on this route. This contract
; ill prolstbly lie ietformed s Mr.
Ki-em-y is an old mail service coutract
. or.
' (lovernnr I'ennoyer hai apijiuUsi,
from (irant county, as delegates totlie
Salt lake arid land convention which
i it mlM to meet in October, Messrs. J.
! II. HamiiUiii and D. H. Uinehait.
' Ho could not have made a better sel
) eotiou of men who understand the sit
j lution. Mr. Hiiuliart tdls us ihut he
; luts not fully made up his mind w heliier
or not ho can attend, as hu health lias
uH, my itot)r Uklm the conveu
tiou will be culled ill Uie midst of fruit
picking time, which is always a busy
one for Mr. t.
(irconhorii mine have been develop
ed sullicitntly to show conclusively
that the camp w ill isi Uie ricliest in
! the l'liiUl Stales if not the liehcst
in America. Pmtlund capitalists have
deveuM'd a number, and fuel ipmiU
aaying all the way from $ to
O0U to the ton. Tlmie is the Omu
meut mine tipod by tunnels of Only
thiiu-en to twenty feet, which assays
from $70 fft.OtKJ Mir Urn, llenmtt
j ttr Co. have two good claims anil have
shipped ore daily, beginning from the
1 from four u six Immlnsl dollars ltir .
1 t jn.
i surface, giving tlitui net I etui lis of
Xo clue as to tlte wlwreabottli of
tlw lute stage rohber.
li. IS. PurritigUm, of Harney has
Ikuii visiting in our city lately.
l'ruf. Collins has Wen laying a
visit to Scnithworth's ranch by way
of recreation.
Keeney has again assumed con
trol of llic Canyon City-Monument
stage lino, and 'aUgca 'are miming
clear through to llfpptitir.
Orogon can twat tlte world on
pvorytiay ueful fruit. Too much
rcliiTnic haa hitherto Ik-cii placed on
scrub trottiiiK horscn, remarks n
valuctl exchange.
Marrietl. in the parlor of tho Now ;
Hotel, thin citv, Wwlncwlavuvening, j
Sept. '2. 1SD 1,' Mr. Daniel" W. l-'isk ;
and Mi Nellie M. IVrkina, Judge i
Clifford ollicinliug. '
.H Mofdilla Viefcery, of I'ImpiiIx, j
X. Y., who haa 1ecn cnKaiiril to ,
tench in the primary detriment of
our graded schoul, arriveil on Tuea-
our traded schoul. arriveil on Tues-
.1 .. ..-....) .......
day evening's stage.
We have endeavored to obtain
rcirt from a Kirly of young jn-ople
who lately visilcif Suawberry lake
and had a boat race, but all ellorts
have thus far failed.
Juduc Cattanach a barrel
of is'ors and nlums to his daughlor
totin Montnnu, Mrs. l'oindexter. Such
fine fruit ia not tu be found grooving
in all Montana land.
Taylor's thresher, DeartloriV v
Co.. manogem, came down from
(iunil Inch's Tuestlay inoriiiug ami
went up to Dnn and Frank Flak's
ranrh to hull their crop.
I would Ik- pleased to receive the
patronage of any desiring Ics.ons on
piano or organ. Class in
Citv ami John Dav.
Mas. McCoy.
The sturgeon season has begun
in the lower Columbia. Some of
the fishermen have already made
contracts for their entire season's
catch at a cent and a half a s)nud.
Pi ter Kulil had a small field of a
new variety of wheat that
the rust. I hat is the
raise if il was exisised lo
wheat to
the same
condition. that rusted other fields.
The Portland speed association
has oilcifd n purse of f-lO.OvX) tu .
trotted for by Xniiey Hunks, Alter
ton, HtutnlMiul nnd Nelson at n race
meeting to be held thereon Septem
ber 12.
Mr. David ISlantott was in the
city yesterday making prejmrations ;
to leave his Hear valley homestead. I
lllautoii Histollicc will Im- discon- !
tinned, but Homer will supply n '
gn at many of the settlers with mail. ;
Farmers tell us that many hun
dreds of acres more wheat will l ,
sown in the valley next season thnn
there was this year. Then the j
Prairie City mill will lie kept grind-1
ing some tune. Their water swer i
dues not freeze up nor run dry. j
A numWr of citizens of the coun- ;
try are thinking seriously of moving ,
to town during the winter to take
advantage of Canyon City's graded
mIusiI. Small men with large
families and large men with small '
families, come on; there is room for
you here.
At Missoula, Mont., Oregon Keliuio,
the Istke county phenomenon, started
a number of times ami won every race.
The owners were otlcied $10,00!) fllt
the horse at that place, but promptly
refused the oiler. He is already one
of the greatest winners ever on the
northwest turf.
A Prineville lawyer named Ilarites
crippled himself one day last week
while pitching hav, by sticking a
pitchfork into his leg. T he moral
of this is plain, and ought lo serve
us a warning to all lawyers; They
should never handle a pitchfork, or
indulge in any hard work.
A big enterprise is Hearing com
pletion near Central Point, Jackson
county, whereby the llogue river
will Is- turned into a new channel
for a distance of several miles and
the bed mine d The ground has
been thoroughly prospected und
shows up in good sIiuih-.
Uce culture in the vicinity of
Yakima is Wonting a gcent indus
try, and a tine iiunlity of alfalfa
honey is produced. ( ne geiitlcmnii
has sixty-nine swarms, from which
he ho-M'N tu obtain t'aMKl pounds' of
honey at least. Here's a Min(cr
for the farmers of our valley in the
vicinity of alfalfa Ileitis.
The ollico of our county elurk is
as comfortably arranged as in any
of our ut-ighlMiriug counties, especial
ly the vault for storing the records,
leaker county formerly had a vault
uImjuI oik -third as large as ours,
but recently the county has built
no addition to it, thus augmenting
the happiness of the clerk.
Apples ruised in Harney valley
command a little higher price than
any place we know of at present
Father tlotvcii, after great exertion
and an endless amount of cure, suc
ceeded in having one mature, mid
he sold the s.uuu for the sum of one
dollar a bite, which netted him just
five dollars Harney Items.
Mr. II eorgc (itindlach informs us
that his l acres of wheal and
barlev yielded nearly I, (MX) bushels,
and the machine threshed it in four
davs. is grunt m us not alllicte.l
with rust like ull other erojis, which j
tact tie attributes to us i wing sown
iu tho curly season, and having
mwu Unw lu whieh tu inaltue. I
SVptemK'r S, USUI.
John Hiegumn ialk ynt.
, Several
' week.
stranger? in town this
Jerry Daily is in diUScuUy nt
' present.
Tlw hlackainillii are biiay all tlw
tint retiring machinery.
! lien Parrot has retired from the
i .vaUwu liusiiteaa. (!ol for him.
I 1'rairio City is
have a good time,
lively, tlw Iwyn
but "llml is not
i mv fault.
X. S. tlulwock is ehniMon t
wmtling, al with the vnrd stick
at M. D. .t tV.
Jes Dixon and llarve .Meador
arrived from Maker City yesterday
with a lot of groceries.
Hello Mr. C. C. What nr.. vmi
,i0ig 0,lt m au, nJ mf?,i? Sou
had better unit lliL rarki.i. S'on
lml fwiir milt ri-,.f
i Nre liable to gel jtiged for less than
' .. . . . 1 .
, fr I 'ill not stand your work.
I'oRot a I'l.ASTKH.
Uncle Johnnv Hamilton came
i over with Commissioner Davis, hav-
'K wismeas in
tin; commissioners'
i coat I.
Mr. .rrnll and Tom are outsailed
. removing Judge Dustin's farm twi-
ilence from one hjkjI on earth to an-
Tommy McHwait lias put on
four-horse coaches on his limit Him,
to accommodate the increased
amount of travel.
Dr. J. II. FeP, now of Heppner,
who lias hist returned from a trio to
t Japan in the capacity of ship's sur
geon, is in tne city tor a few ilays.
Win. Kelly is painting and re
Miiring the Dr. Howard residence,
which it is Dr. Ashfonl's intention
to occupy as soon as ho can move
AUiul "UK) tons of liny belonging
to the h. F. Coni'Miny, was consum
ed hv fire vostcrdav. kiuiimukhI (o Lo
j iJIL. uork of an incendiary, savs the
i h, Herald.
I T:in (Wad, formerly of this city,
but now of Harney county, lost a
j horse and mule a few days ago by
, the lightning method. Pretty Into
i in the season for thunder storms,
I hut they have Iwen hanging around
i the brow of our mountains some
Let us now make arrangements
to hold n fair in (Irani county next
year. If we can get the fair "of the
F. H. () I). A. S., which interpreted
menus the Isl Knsteru Oregon Dis
trict Agricultdral Society, which
there is some likliliood of us doing,
il will be a tine thing for the county
and is worth lalsiriug for.
Thirty bushels ami a fraction
j over, of grain Mr itcie on tho (iund
' Inch ranch this year is a pretty
god yield, when the grain was only
cultivated in. Mr. liumllnch iil
, forms us that some of the land 1ms
' not been plowed for ten years, only
, scratched with a cultivator. What
would it not yield by thorough and
deep plowing?
1 Flour iH) sr barrel, barley 1 J
cent per pound, rye '' cents, wheat
1J cent, chop barley 1 cent at
(iundlach's. Itring sacks and cash.
If you wish all the hay you want
next year, plough S or M acres now,
and sow I j bushels of fall rye kt
acre ami cut from ! tu I tons jst
aero In Juno without
Only a limited summit
of rvo to
j At DieU's springs on Canyon
creek, sometime during the night of
; Thursday, Sept. '!, Thomas J. Smith,
aged about 70 years,
i Mr. Smith hail la-en feeling jssjr
, ly for some days, Is-ing troubled
! with n cough, and had gone camp
ing in the 1iom that he would soon
' feel better. Friday morning Mr.
I Diet and his hired man were haul
. iug hay, und alsnit II o'clock, not
j having seen Mr. Smith around, they
, went into his ti nt and found him
dead. His risfht arm was doubled
, up under his head, and the left one
i thrown over his breast, as if he hud
been in the act of rising, when his
death, which was doubtless iiistun
, taneoiis, occurred,
j Jack Stephens and ICIimr Over
i holt brought the unwelcome news
! I.i liiu'll mill .tllutii-i ItllllM.,!, iwlimf
corouor summoned a iurv ami re- '
! paired to the scene of death and ;
i held an impicst over the laxly, ;
" :' """ .
! which was brought to town in the
evening. Dr. Orr held a Hst mor
tem examination, and the jury ren
dered n verdict in accordance with
the facts, thai death resulted from
rupture of an artery iierinducoil by
fatty degeneration of the heart. His
left lung was also diseased, iM'iug
very small and grown fust to the
'fhe funeral took place Saturday
afternoon from the Masonic Hull,
conducted by Prairie City lAidge,
A. F. A- A. M , of which order he
was n rcsjM'ctcd member.
Mr. Smith was a pioneer of (irnnt
county, and a host of friends are
grieved at his snd ami uuexected
death. , He left two sous, loin mid
Henry, but they are both in Wyoin
ing. ins wiie nas neen ueuii a
uumU-r of years, and thus death I
claimed him in an hour w hen there
was not a rclutiye w J0Ved one near
tu ulhe his dying moments. j
( Itlchlcen HIocWj HurneJ,
j L.OJt of Neatly One
Ust Wednesday Tho DalliM suf
' fcml n icrions contlngrntioii, Iw
; by tho Sun as follows:
' Tho fallcs hits met with an
) mm fnl calamity. It has suttercd
j tlio most serious Iihs tu all its his
I tory. ICighlceu blocks of property,
covering a bjiaoo of over thirty
, acres has been swept by a tornado
I of lite, and where but a few hours
I bko wero scenes of busy, thriving
industry anil happy homes, is now
but desolate waste, marked only
by a mass uf charred unit blacken
til ruins. The lmmUoiue Vogt
block on Second street, the pride
uf tho city; the Xiekeleun building
i at Third and Washington streets,
a moil uncut to tliu enterprise mid
I piiblic spirittilnes-f of its owner;
I the attractive oditico of tho Con
t grcgalionul church society; the
j Methodist and Itaptist chiiruhcti
ami ii score or more of handsome
i private residences have nil been
swept tiwuy by tho lliiines. It ii
I I in nl to estimate at this time the
! full extent of ruin wrought. Men
and women that but yesterday
were counted fairly well to do, to
day walk tho streets, Utters of nil
they had. liiisiucss men in uiatiy
iiitMiicca liavo sutlereil a serious
loss, in fact sumo will haitlly bo
nhhi to save ati) tiling from the
wreck, while many others liml
themselves badly crippled.
Three essential things were
painfully lucking: Prompt action,
well directed ellort and water
llml these been applied The
I miles today would not present the
desolate scene it docs. With the
advarce of the (ire a strong easter
ly wind sprung up and tlie tone
ii'ieiit lioime at 'fluid and Jc!ioion
street, owned by Mrs. Wingute and
the mammoth building in the
(irange feed ynrd were simhi wrap
pul in lire and then it was that the
rent danger was to be observed.
The wind increased tu a gale, car
rying grcnt brands of tire blocks
distant ami igniting buildings in
all directions that wore considered
out of all danger. Thu great
sheets of tlitinu seemed to fairly
revel in their frightful work of
destruction and engaged in a mad
nice with each other to be thu lirsl
to liml fresh victims to their in
satiate orcod. 'fhe tireineti work-
til heroically as they could, while
a thousand pairs of willing hands
were assisting those whose homes
were ablaze or endangered, some
of them little thinking that nl the
very time their own houses wero
being swept away. Two or time
times it was thoiij-lit that the lire
wits at Inst checked mid the Humes
under control, but it win only a
delusion. The water supply at
no tiiuogiKsl would give complete-
t . i.i .ii.i - . - .
ly out ami men uie mirni cusirici
of today tells the rest. Luckily
the w i ml at Inst ilietl tiowu ami toe
lire was linallv under control, 'fhe
boundaries of the burnt district
tiro as follows: I'loin Federal
street, running east on Main to the
west line of Madison; thence south
erly to Fifth street; thence west
erly along Fifth stieet to Union,
thu block bounded by Washington,
Court, Fourth and Fifth streets
escaping, 'fhe tier of blocks be
tween Washington ami Fedora!
streets, including the opera house,
the Yogt block and MeFiirland's
resiilonco wore also swept by the
llaiiii-h. It is imKissiblc to give
any reliable ieMirt of the losses
sustained. Some place it at fully
one million dollars, but this is
doubtful, und piobably little more
than half that sum will be the
nearer figures. There were at least
.10 dwelling houses burned, vary
ing greatly ill vafue and until u
detailed account of these hisses can
la set orcd, no delinite idea of
net mil loss can be hnd.
On Momlays, Wcilncnduys ami l'riJay-
Of each week U-lween September
Hi and October 17, the Union Paci
fic will sell excursion tickets to
, ,
icmui m one mm
,lfl1' "' r,,r ll" r"m"1 lr'l'- 't
t l-xoition.
lluclii, Ducks, Hilda.
1 have M) Mucks for sale. Ad
dress, Tom Muiui.vN',
I leppiler, Oregon.
If yiHi wish insit and tasty job woik
you e in do no iR'tter limn to call on
the Xliws.
Co to tho Med Front Milliard
Hall, Canvon City, for line wine,
liquors ami cigars.
Minor Mrothers, dealers in general
inerehnmliso, Main street, Heppner,
Oregon. Stccinl discounts to cash
buyers. (iooda nt Dalles prices.
Orders by mail promptly tilled.
Mr. (irsuville Clark has titled up
rooms for a hospital in the llorslcy
buildiiiK in this citv. ami is now ore
nans to receive natieuts. and furnish
them uuiet and comfortable aiNiitiiiHiiu.
sUwk of dings anil uiwliciues is
l0 fresh and complete.
l'oitUnd Men Incorporsie a Company to
Ststt tlie Monumental Mill Again.
Articles of incorKtration of the
Monmi.ontn! Milling Company were
I tiled in the county clerk h otlioe
yesterday, says the bregonian. The
1 Siieoritoratoi-fl'are II. A. Hogtie, W.
11. (Jilbert and IS. P. Cardwell, and
the capital slock is $."i(l,J0 in shares
of $1 each. The object of the com
pany is to buy ores and reduce j
them nt their mill in (Iranite creek I
district, (irant county, and to do'
custom work. j
This will be cmmI news to owners
of mines in the (iranite and llreen-
horn districts, in tirant county, and
i will put new life into the mining
I interests there. The mili referred
j to is that of the celebrated Monti
J mental Mining Company which has
I been idle ami in litigation for sever
al years It is a fully iiptipMil
I twent v-stamp irv crushing silver
1 mill, which cost lOU,(H, adaiiteil
1 for working gold ami silver sulphur
ct ores, of which there is a great
s deal in the districts above mcntion-
ed. The mill will Ih started up at
once, Wing nil in goodordtr, and
will do custom work for numeroiiH
mines around, which will furnish
plenty of tieh ores. The starting of
the null will give tlie district a iKsim
and enable many to realue on mines
which have long been unprofitable
for want of a mill to work the ores.
This move on the purl of Portland
capitalists should tend to encourage
our M-ople in their attempts to make
a creditable exhibit of our vast
mineral resources at the Portland
Industrial KNitiou. In so doing
we would be tjtihscrviiig our best
interests and a like opportunity will
probably not be picsented for some j
tune. It is within our power to
j make a mineral exhibit which would
iur county proud, excelling all
(,ll',:,r i"t?
fhe committee in whoso hands
1 this matter rests, should receive nil
the encouragement mssible. If you
i have a nice specimen i-end it in.
The committee will properly lal el
all specimens and will see to it that
they will be returned to the owners
where rciiuests are made.
My making a line exhibit nl the
eK)-ilion capitalists will have a
splendid opportunity to inspect our
t ores ami it may follow that not a
small amount of capital will find its
way here. When our mineral re
sources are once thoroughly adver
tised a new era will dawn uxn us
and the future of our mines is as
sured. llcllcr Than l'.ver.
The Xorth Peeilii: Industrial Ux-
isinition at Portland,
September 17
to October 17, IMM. Ituducod rates
via the Union Pacific.
Some casus of typhoid fever on
the John Day.
We have learned of no new eases
of diphtheria having been developed.
j Francisco hat 1500 siiIojiir
, , places whom liijuor is sold at
j r,.tail. One saloon to every seven
i ty. three persons or one to every
fourteen voters
Devotees of the National (iaine
who think themselvus champions,
can have the conceit knocked out of
them by running afoul of tho Can
yon City baseball team.
'fhe pension ollico during the week
ending August l.r, issued W.ltl jm-ii-sion
certilicates calling for a total
llrst payment of $5(11,11(17 and an
average llrst payment of f I.
Christopher ('ultimhus is to be
nuidu a saint, now that nobody
icmciiibcrs the language hu used
to his sailors when they wanted to
go home. Time cures all things.
I u this valley where the farmers
often haul hay 'J') miles to market
il is surprising that there are no hay
presses. A Ion of babd hay muld
lie piled in a wagon and hauled with
(use, while to stack it on according
lo the pleselit mode is forty yein--
behind the times. And then I'n ighi
ers would often take along a bundle
of hav for their teams
Mr. M. Diamond, who came in
Ft. Dalles in is.VJ, with the I s
regular troops, was burned to ihath
in Mr. FiUOerahl's store Wcdm -
day. A young mini who was at
work saving goods in Mr. Farrelly's
house thinks he was thu last person
w ho saw him alive; but in this he
must be mistaken, lie was carry
ing a bureau unaided, and as he
was proceeding down the stairs, a
large mass of burning shingles fell
and burned his back. He halloed
to Diamond to coiuu down, that the
roof was on lire, but did not see him
leave tho building. Mountaineer.
Cracker creek, Maker county's
once lively mining camp, is now
ipiiet nnd business iii the burg is
still, 'fhe ore is there in the ledges
all right, but they claim that no
priK'css heretofore died is able to
extract the gold nnd silver from the
ore in paying quantities. The ore.
however, will assay as high as fiStsi
to the ton, ami Supt. Donaldson in
forms the Xhws man that he can
deliver ore into the mill at a cost
not to exceed It) cents per ton. The
mill was elected at a cost of nUml
f 1 lU.iXX), und is lighted by electrici
ty throughout. It is hoped that the
Cracker creek ore may soon be r.ullw.ul r,,r tlu.r.i n r.i n
I .... I I W .I'll IUI IIIV'1,1 IIU I,"
if! . I
number- of mums, even in Oram
county, IeMjmling on thu suoctss of I
lb-it enlertiriue I enterprise, i
As proof conclusive that through
the instrumentality of the Xnw.s
as v M ns interested parties of Can
yon City mail communication has
been secured for the South Fork
country, we publish tho following
letter received from tllnger Her
mann: llotifo of Representatives U. S.
ltoscburgh, Or., Sept. 1, 1SU1.
To the Kditor of the Xkws,
1 enclose otli
ciul notice that the mail service
from Canyon City to Homer and
I see, will now be contracted for, ami
' 1 Iiom in another move we shall pit
! service further on to Stewart, which
will complete thus much needed
, commuuicatioii.
We have been working a long time
to secuie this service, and htive unit
with many delays.
I I 1iom- the -tostmnstcrs of Homer
; and lice will at once agree lo re
npMintiiient, so that tlie service
may go into elleet on letting of con
tract. Very truly yours,
HlVilKlt 1 1 KIIMAN.V,
The official notice Mr. Hermann
refers to is this, from the Second
Assistant Postmaster (ieneral, ad
dressed to Mr. Hermann nt Koie
burgh, and dated at Washington, D.
, l ., August i, 1MM:
"Referring to your recom
mendation for improved mail facili
ties at Homer anil lxee, Oregon, 1
have the honor to inform you that
mi order has this day been issued
contracting for service from Canyon
City via Homer to I see, from Octo
ber I, lS'.ll.''
(iratliylin; lo all.
'fhe high Kisilioii attained and
the universal acceptance and appro
val of the pleasant lupin! fruit rem
edy Syrup of Figs, as the most ex
cellent laxative known, illustrates
the value of the qualities on which
its success is based and are abund
antly gratifying to the Cul. Fig
Syrup Company.
Ami to Ihe Noilh Pacific liuhiitrul
puililou tn That City,
To those desiring to visit the lCv
Nsitiou the Union Pacific will cll
tickets at one and one-fifth fare for
the round trip on Mondays, Wed
nesdays and Fridays of each week
between September HI and October
IS, I Sill.
X OTIC i-:.
1 wish lo inform the public and
more particularly the people of
(irant, Harney and Malheur coun
ties that 1 have purchased the drug
business of James v Jones at Maker
City, Oregon together with all ac
counts due the firm.
I have increased the slock turnout
the demands of this growing country.
Your orders will always rceeivo
prompt and careful attention.
K. M. Van Si.vcic.
Maker City, Oregon.
When you send away for goods
remember the llrm of Collin it Mil
Uarland nt Heppner. They not on
ly guarantee you llrst ehiHa'goods at
lowest prices, but they pay mail or
express chaiges on siiine to any
stage ollico in (irant or Harney
counties. See their new "ad" for
further particulars. '
W, II. Kelly has just leceived a
stock of ntni linn Wall Paper, and is
piepniml to do painting and pipeiing
cheaper than any one, Work outside
of town solicited, (!,
'fhe agents of the Union Pacific
System are provided with railroad
ami steamship tickets to nil points
east, as well as to and from foreign
Moth the method and results w hen
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plciuaut
and refreshing to tho taste and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver anil Moweh, cleanses tho nyn
tein cUcctually, dispels colds, head
aches mid fevers mid cures habitual
constipation. Kyrun of Fig 1h tho
only remedy of lis kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tastu ami ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly benelicinl lis ita
effects, its many excellent qualities
commend it to all. It is forsaloiu
fiOc mill 81 Iwttles by all leadiin;
HtHursoTumo OHir ur Tin
i oun ivi if, xr. a t w rone, . r
IuitUli-l Oiii-t-n A I Armtliuiiir. 1'iln
." . .......... ,.iM,i,,r.iH.i,
sMici.Mm 01 iudy. Mint rtr u( luulou,
iiui,...t i...n ,i
lU-Hr H Hi I..- I ( it al. Ill ( tiltiut, NtUlu. (rrOii,
.!!. vJ(ii,ri.-iM vj.i,o
SS'lu ttouil.iilMiil lkMi. ,u,a-
it , ,1, csuWi nam oiui hvwi,