Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 10, 1891, Image 2

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" September JO, J SOL
A Cliincio comprador named
Chin Gorg Ims been iimxiinted
United States deputy inamlinl for
It in estiiimted liy tliu director
of this United State mint tliat thin
country can produce iilotit Sltif,
000,000 in fjold jwr year for many
yenra to cotnu.
If roltbery was ever justitialile,
it was, in the cime of a man who
did tliu yonr-inoncy or-your lifo
act with tho proprietor of a faro
hank at Dayton, Ohio.
Scientists are rusjoiiBih!o for the
fitutuinont that tho Anlo-American
jaw is much smaller than it
was a fow generation back. Must
liuvo hecn worn down talking jioli
tiiw. Tliu great struggle, between cap
ita and hilor will no doubt result
in liberal coneessions being made
by both elements, ('aphid needs
labor and labor needs "capital -thuy
dcHJtid on each other.
Tliu strength of a nation lies in
its iniddlu classes, and so long as
these aru ablu to own their homes
and atu satisfied with the workings
of the government machinery no
foe from without or within need
bu feared.
Tliu farmer wlio owns a large
crop of wheat can look with coin
plarency at thu upward tendency
of thu wheat market. I lis affairs
havo been going down hill so long
that no onu should object to the
turn they have now taken.
Kdisou is quoted as faying that
ultimately one's house will bo both
lighted and heated at a cost which
will not exceed cents a-r an
num. If this bo true "ultimately"
cannot make its appearance upon
the horizon of lifu too soon.
United States Judgu Ilauford,
in the District court at Seattle,
Wash., decided that all Chinamen
found in thu United States in vio
lation of the exclusion act shall
hereafter be Kent to the country
from which they last came, so that
uiaiiy who have heretofore been de
ported to China will now in most
cases be returned to Mritish Columbia.
Colli is coined freely now, so
that the term free coinage relates
wholly to silver. I'rcu coinage of
silver means the coinage at the
government's mints of all the sil
ver bullion which the owner may
bring them, upon his paying the
regular lixed mint charges. At
present no holder of silver bullion
can gut it coined for his own ac
count; he must sell it to the gov
eminent which coins it and pock
els thu dilfurence, if any, between
the bullion value and tile coin value.
The Chinese question is again
booming up, owing to the fact that
while the United States govern
ment has extended a cordial in
vitation to the government of
China to participate in our world's
fair by sending exhibits, it has
taken no steps towards a change !
in the present laws, winch prohibit
thu lauding of citizens of China in
this country. It is clear that
China will send no exhibit if her
citizens aru not allowed to vihit thu
fair. Tho tieaaury department
wants congress to solvu the coiinn-
Till: latest fail ill SenlUe. Wash.. is
paHr lints fur holies. They are mintc in
vurinns htyloh. ami, living usually pre'ty
nml showy unit costing only a fijvv ivnu
onch, an apt to heroine iilto jnihtr.
A liintieiii.v novel lilca in Jewelry Is
tlintuf siiMialiirr s In pilil. llnmlsoiim
Irtci-nlfis arc mnde out of tliln sheet
Ifiihl, the th-slgn of uhh'h Is tin-slnti-j
tare of the fnironi! hy whom thfc hnaoch
is worn. I
I'mioonh of llowrrs tinl with nhtions 1
nrc iimmI on lamp mul i'iinlle-stniiiW it
iv tnhle .tfcomlion. Aroonllnj,' to lh I
scheme of il-nrutloii Hold llow.-r, I
K'rusaVs mul daisies, iiinsler or roses are ,
employed. I
Tin: latent enprtee for evenliuf wear, ;
mid for wimn day wrnr, to!, Is to hare I
tho (fouti, KhiHt, iosa mid vrliivet nmteh
For cloven slllc urn In IiIkIi faor for
evening and are importe) In all the del
icate nhudet,
A lint Mi new wheellmrniw lo.ided
f nil of llotverln,? pUnts in.laua mi cf
fevtire liiivn ornatiieiit for itimntry
houxM, mul iipuieiilly tliouikiiuili of
hiiiiM'lHilderi eame to that eoin lilsluu
slmiillntiooiisl this summer for nearly
all the MihnrUi dWplay such wlu-ellcir-rows
In St. Paul a eoinpnliy iiiuIkw a lml
newiof eleaiiliiv and ltiniwct.ur' chim
neys, mid of llmlln;; the ouusu of IhuI ,
draft-) In chimney. I
Monmi.ii turtle are ho alHiiidunt In
Miigdalena liny. Uiwerl'itllMritla. that iv
evmp.iny ln Kone into the liiiHinewt of ,
cutinlnn the extract for cisirt.itini. J
Mlssni'lil Is oiitMrlpplli'f ICentuehy In i
the utoeW-mlnlnif hushics. formerly
the laiit horws and mules cmiic from
Kentucky, lint now the l't slis-U In
rtilw.l In Mhuwiiirl.
Tin: rep-irt of the American Iron and
Steel aiivielatioii sliotv-) that for the
llml time the ir -Itict of the Culled
Slates in iron mid steel hist yetirrsecetl
ed that of the f lilted lilti(til.iin
Mix of the Urgent niarhle columns
ever prodneeil in tills country huve Ix-cn
imide hy a llrm In Holland, Vt , for use 1
in Wlilj,' hall lit I'rlneetoii They are
over nineteen feet long, mid are a tritle '
mure than three feel in diameter. '
Ir N mi id that the mining output in )
Colorado thl, year will exeeed miUhliii, p7,,v , w.,v ,. CigarX
liver If noun In thu history of the state. ' .
The snows on the mount tins will fur
nish plenty of water for the gold plaoen
this Milliliter, and the silver depeiilii lire
rapidly lielng devidojied.
Canyon Cily, Or.
.!. .. Chamber., Propr.
Thin It'Mtnuntiit hai recently Usu
oxmisl, ami will fiiruinli Mrnln or ll-
ging at Iiu'nj4 nttiM. I
A iMsji;tl fintiire aUmt this lioum
I that no (Miiuoso cooks am employisl i
in the kitchen. (!ie the Itimtiiimnt '
n trial. ,M. J. t'llAUlii:iis,
I'niprietor. 1
First) Natiohal ahk?3
Of Hoppnor.
e. a. iiiika, rnxNK icr.i.uxid,
Priniileiit. Vice President.
(Ikoiiuk V. C'onscii, Cashier.
J. I". 1(11 KA, T. A. IIIIKA, t-T. IiOIiSON,
Tramnrts n (.'cnernl llanklnff Bailnrs.
on all Kiit of tint world
Ctilhvtions uiaile at all rfiiuU on
Ititikonahle TeriliH.
Money IkiiiisI ut fmiii onn Ui tell
o'r cent.
Ijitc of Hums
f. HAM ,
luilu of tiinyon City.
Stoves, Crockery, Wood ami Willow Ware.
Country orders ptoinntly fillo.1. l'riies given on niilicalion.
Adilni, Corner lib .It N Slreols, I'ortl.ind, Urj)n, (Kaslsido).
HaUiv tit if) .'. Oregon.
.' -'ff7 Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Family Medi
cines, Toilet .Articles, Shoulder llraces. Trasses, lite.
Wine. and Liquor. cspcciully selected for medicinal
MT YOUIt OltDKItS AltK KniilCITHI). -da
Canyon Oil.y, Or.
77 .v popular resort has
been- reopened to the public.
and now, as in the, past,
keeps nothimj but the best
U. O. UU'K.lltl). I'ropr
A norm. iiii:ti;i.n In Kalamazoo,
tieh., was iilinosl cnplnreil liei-mise of
Ills foolishness in using a parlor niuteli
Ui ll'lit hi way, Die iioIimi iilteiiihint
nsin striUlng the mutch itwitlieitiiig u
sleep.'r In the risiin
Till. (Ihttimti Inilisns in Maine have 11
law thai forhids pah-fiiccs to l' 011
their Island Inter llimi 11 eeiluiii lunir In
the evening A white ill. in who le-
inalned until piist the hour recently !
took it swim III Ids clothes to the initio
Innd rather than fall Into the!
clinches o! the reil eonslittile. ,
Iih M.rsi 11 dresses were con- '
demned in a sermon hy a Providence
clergyman alld he llitclly referred to
his wife as Is-ltig nn imsirri;;llih sinner
111 this rcsx-ct. as she insisteil on wear
ing them, despite his ficilicnt olijec-,
tions She has liegiin n suit for dlvorcu
for Istlng thus publicly pilloried. j
A t'.n-u:.mi 01.11 liy In an Arkansas'
town has Ih'cii detivted In stealing let-1
lets front 11 sist olllce lix hy niemis of
it sti ing ami a grnsshopHr. The grass ,
hops'r wns tied to the string mid let
dow 11 Into the lsix through the nsrttirc
When the Insect got 11 letter In Its
pinchers he hauled it up mul the
Canyon City, Oregon.
Can yon
per . I.
Lumber at their
Creek mill, $10
Jaiuri Kobiuimi.
Canyon Cily,
Ace'1'. !
Oregon. I
HA 1 7t ,
t1A R T,
or ll AaOjX'
lluuiieunoil V Co. Proprn.
Canyon City - Oregon.
Wo Have a Full Stock at Lowest
J I 'ISN'T TA liS.
Hy itlno of a warmnl isHimd out
of thu County Court of tho Stato of
wioui ir i iruut county ami to mo
Militated in Philadelphia iliiectcvl UH hllMifl. coiniiniiidiiiL' loo
. ... .
to collect lint deliiiMiiuit ta0H for the iSh-J, 1S.SJ, 1NHI,'i, IhHii
ii'iil IMS", 1 hayo levied t li fol
low iiij,' dtHciilaul real pinpeity
aa thu promrty of John Cauoy
to Hilisfy the hiiiii of f.U7. J.1 nH tint
ainniint duo (iiant eountv for the
your I HSU fioin tho waid .lolui Carroy
A nvs:
measured seventeen Intdies In width
Nol'lll Iiakiii Ims now the largest
arteslun well in the world. It sIiiniIk
water 1 10 feel from the surface
Twi:i.vr. oranges whh-h grew on a
twig sl liieheH lung In (icorge Stone's
grotit neitr Do Land. I'ta , completely
tilled a s-eU measnru mul weighed
llilriy-llve siimils.
A I'onr Woiiru (T. v.) mail says that ! to wil" 'I''10 "f Sue. '1, ill To. 1 1
. i ... . ... : 1 u ii no t.' w m '
i, it . I-, i .it ,
Now thcieforn I a ill Nell tho aUivo
dtiHcnhed piopcrty at tho court liouso
Hour in t anyon Ciiy, (iraiit coiinlv
drum, hut nobody has yot tniuhi u
dulinitu HtiptiDtiou of now it inav
ho donu Mitiefartorily to oursulvitt
mid the (Jhiui'tfu oiurniuuiit.
Tho civil ittriijiolo which has
licon going on in Chili for thu past
fctivtin inonthb Iiiih cloM'd with thu
unconditional niirirudtir of thu
Chilian capitol to thu iutirguuti,
mid a ('(iiujilcto liotory for tliu con
grufiHionnl party, Thu roiutiliiliou
of Chili, which was patterned after
that of thu Cuitcd SImIch, had hecn
ho unrped ami twisted that thu
people ruhullitl, mid carried thu
day. it id hu that our
mnghlxiiri will now hu happy.
1'ruiiiilui t Ihilniaci'da in thought to
hu on hia way to San I'Vancihco,
from which plant hu will no douht
sail for KurojK', whero hu in Mud
to havu tt-'iit uiillions of puhliu
moiiuy in anticipation of a coming
crihin. Thcru will hu univurMil ru-
joiuing iiuiong H.-oplu familial
with thu hibtory of thu Chilian war
over tho coiupluto defeat of Hal
maucda. Ho wiib a tyrant and in
thu wrong, whilu thu fo callel
rt-ht'lu, who wore siinjily thu con
gressional party, we're undoubtedly
in thu right with thu law on thuir
ho has the largest mmlstone in tl
uorld. It p. neatly us large its it hen's
egg and was taken, he says, liy his
father front the stoiituch of it n Idle deer
found dead in the durk mountains
'I'm. III. lire three artesian wells l,f
fitted utmost on it Hue n Ithlu a riiuulng
distance of feet In Sou.tuta, I'al.,
which yield Is't ween 'J,0ji),iiou mid S.ikkI,
000 gallons of w .iter every twenty-four
hours A ktihtciT.iticmi sttcain runs U.
ncath the town.
Tiikiik Is a vat.t IhmI of pure rts-k snlt
In lht Colorado desert, and the South. ,
em Pitclllc railroad, in hiving their j
tracks to the salt mines. cred u sint I
h here for .H.ikhi feet they had to make
a pile anil liallast tho track with lumps
of pure salt crystals.
Hardware, Tinware, .'Igriculturul Imple
ments, Sawmill .Machinery, Pumps, Pipes,
and Piltings, Paints Oils and Class-
to thu hifjIicHt Indtlur for cash in hand ' cllillOI'IJ
mi .Saturday, tho ;hl day of October, I
161U at ' o clock p. in , to satlHfy tint
aaiil hiiiii of JIIIT.LTi and eottx. " j
I'atetl this nth day of Aumisl A.
I). ISIH. ' j
O. 1'. Ciu-jur, I
ShoiilVof Oinnt county, Or.
Kxlrus For .'111. Classes of .liiutllurul Ma-
JlMCs Itl'ssl'.l.l. UllVCI.I,
make u ilsit to Ihiglaud.
(hii.tmi.-4 Stmit sugesu the f,trina
lion of a cluh In Toronto wheie Hi
orary worken, uaii meet mul fritter
Mm. Jri.u W inn llimi: lgnu dreeli
at seventy, mid now at sovnty-two she
has Just real the plays of S.ipluwles In
Mil. (lioiuu: Kcknvn ),a consented
U Isvoiiie ,slltr..f the p usTcallcd Pivi
Itussl.t. provided f..ww emi lw raised to
remove t'i- pul.ll'Mloii fnuil l.Jiidon l
New ork.
Mish K vti: rii:l.tirtscinhlcslniio wise
, me conventioiial tyKt of the lecturer
, and the " strong iniuiltul" vvoiiian. She
has n keen, vivacious face, mul kiln
dresses in admirable taste.
Dim ii Wi.mici.i. lloLutM' llhniry In
Ids lkN.t..u homu h.tks over tho Charles ,
river Hid furnishes a Mierb v low of the I NOIILI'.
j distant s Ires ,tud towentof Charleston
an.i !iu. rville. Just ul siindown the
pnsi-. t Is ideal
lllj tlUr st lltiri.. Olwy.HI
Ai rt. IM
Nullrr 1 1 I.. 1. 1.) (Inn Hut l..ll,..h, nisi. I
I Illil lu. DM i.ol, ut I.I. IiiUuII.iii lu iuW
, dual l-i.-.f lu im'mI iif lilt rlallit, sisl til il ll
' Htl sill I iiil Iwlurti iht c.iulily CI. rV i.l
1 Urnt ruiuitt Or st I' i 111, Or. uh Orl 10
' 11. ii I'.MIUW W IIOMI.VU IIM No. Mil fur j
I iUn St; ll Ni: .(r. N H ir Sliif Km. M hJ I.l .HI I
tir FUJI'S, I! is II
llff IISSMf N (lllllislll H til .Ut lltl j
csxitlHuaiia mMrnrc um, i rulilinluit ..I !.
Usil, tli: ), Ii II aiIimiom. llotrtr I
(IIIImH. II W Clil, allul Im, Orbt cjuutl. i
J. II III S'TIMiroN, li.yl.wr
Nonuii koj: i'um.i nation
Uu. oiu, s lluou. Onvoii
.Noili., rttvi, tk.t n. iniiosiiur-iisiuiHi
MllUl I... fllfU Uoll. Ul III. ii.UiiII.mi lu imk,
Bu.l .ni lii u.,..ii u lil rUhu. . tlul isiil
hluul sill t Ulrni Ilia ( I. illil) link ul
lima Caiint), si i'siiii.ii ill,. Of. emi, mi oi
Isui. viLi JAMIX I. llAlllllsos' , p. s
.Nu usa. r. Ui, s x i st, ,,, .i.l nvv mi w t
llr I 4I.MI llie lullilKln; alluruot la w.i lili
i,i.iiii. uihiii an.i cuiti. stunt ui
" '. tn- ixttii (Miiiur. tl
( Kmlltu, ul lot, Oi.nt ruuul), O,
Jvlill I Mulwlv, IImuvi, Orsul cs.uutv. Or
Will Fill Tour Ordeis Promptly at Lowest Prices.
Basche & Company Bukei Cily, Or.
Haptoqstall Dart & Co
J. II. lll'NTIMITOS, ll.,l.wr
I siiKimcc lluoo. Oiicuh
s4 I, IWI
Nollic I lirrrli) vhrn Ihsl llw Ml-lu innn.l
'lllrlui RlrO nolle l hu IuIniIIus In mil.
flssl priuif In vu..rl uf lilt r'slwt, til tlt astil
iioiuf sill Ur iMA.Ie lurllii('.tiult CWik ..f Orht
t iiuslt, Oitirmi, i tiitwi t "ft tr orsrti n
(Kt ,l.i'i IIVIIVKV . soil VI i: II VI I.I.I.',
fie n s So il. (r ts. s kf , si: .ji Mf ....
.S'K Ml HW qr. 'M. n T- W V. II !4 K W U
Mr l.alurt !) lulWslllf llifiM In irutr hit
csinllHUHtll InklMMv 'i- suil rallltslluM 4. W
isti. nn ni juhn Hssi(m, Jamt, IUiU VI fill, til f liif, llimi tswHli.
J. II. llf.N'TI.MimV, II.. i.l, r.
IjuJ Illtl.. l lluitii, Ooiluii
Au( W, Isvl
-SuOlf la Ultl.j U,u ll.r lullusliif h.ui.d
a4tlor hat Nlxl luillrs of hit liilriilluii lu iiuka
Ml4l 4uul In aui.-il u hi. -Iu, mj tM, ,M
4IW sill W lUaJr l.lul. th Tamil, 1 l.,k
ruuutl, Olrvuu, al I ab) uai I'll, . (low M ,kl
7. Itii. IK. j.lVIK U, TIUl'V, irl Hull, .Nu
aVM. lot lhr h ' 'I T, It . I 1 ; vt J
II i.aiura lh. (. II... ii... Milnraava U yi 1,1a
f..l.lMMiua It ti.h si.n ai. iiiltlttlliHi ul al.l
Unit. . i ! I' ..!. I' Uul. r la.s.- l-'alatrf
llf. lsrtu i sM M .'.. i I it, tHpm,
'-'l J. II, II. tnwiut, IkvlsUl.
Havo now received tho larfcit ami moat complete itock of n:w (;ood in
Grant County, which they will offer for tale at prices that defy competition
"f i ila
a ' x k. asia lf. l.iui
a- I I. h-w. IvWi. ia
i...aaf4.4a.ra..t Hk,
l- --',
V . J.. ika aMV asal H.a
k .1.... ,H Lmk,
j . .. ,. ..mi, aaialof tnaaa ,1
flaia Ail.,., tt,,k.. ,.,.
a .1.1. . 4 I ymtl U issa
i. I -I' a.Mai ai.f .k.s.
VI . -t a ..Ja.s.1 lU-U..S..
Ilu a so l-u, tl.,u.l, tlujiiu
I aiaJ (lllkai at lluliit. Or
Jul) ta. Istlt.
Nuilitj la hftti) irlt4l tbat tlut rulluwllit livllli-it
4lli l,ta A4 Hutu ul hla llilrulksi lu mate
l nl In aaiMut el Ma clsliu. aii.l that sl.
I' Out tatll U lakwlr U4ul I to- luul.l) Una, ul
llissl amnatr, st I'autuu nit. Otrvuu. mt h. l.l
I U. Ial, lt ilKolitii: t . .K VMMlli, IIM X...
int. ii lb m: ut sv , t ii s, ii ii t: vv i
llr UaaM Um (oiks law lllia. lu lu. hla
""llli mUtmt Mtt. ts.l i-ultlialmn si, uul
, laaiat,vU: laavw IWl.r. JawaVsTlaK. Irs 4ul,
I 'I Hs4Ha, t l atl ISstitMl I'llV, IHaMtH
1 a J, II, IIONTI.S'U Itl.V, kfkillw.
L- Punish -
A tine sttsik of frtwh Ciindiiwi, Xuto,
ToUicco, Stationing, lite, lite, just
risvuivisl, (live mo u cull.
The people of Grant and Harney
counties will have an opportunity
to purchase all classes of goods
generally kept in a Mercantile Es-
tablishment very cheaply of us for
the next 60 days, owing to the re
moval of our vast stock for repairs
: of our building. "We carry a com
plete stock of merchandise in all
i its branhces, and we are bound to
sell them. A call is respectiully
'asked for in this grand Removal
, Sale.
Irairiv fit if - - - Oregon.
Has been enlarged to accommodate
the increasing business. The wools
of this section which accumulate at
sHeppner, attract all the leading
! Western buyers to that point, and
make it the best market in which
the grower can dispose of his clip.
Last season over 1,000,000
pounds of wool was sold in Hep
pner at prices which averaged the
grower more clear money than was
realized by sales of similar wools
in other western markets more dis
tant from the manufacturing cen
ters ol the East.
Teamsters charges advanced on
written orders. Cash advanced on
wool in storage.
T. E. FELL, Manager.
you Read
Do you lake ad van I a (je of a good offer II lien
il is placed irilitin roar reach?
I'M , -tu
a -U I "Sift ; m $ IM
r .). sm t'
rr j u Ul
Dry (loads, Clulhins', Pools. Shoes, Clares, .Mil ten., Occr
shirts, Cndcrwcar. Hosiery, Hats, Winter Cans, Cum
Hoots, lilankets, Ouilts, Corsets, Ladies and- child reus'
Shoes, lubber coats, )'cllow Oiled coats, Fa ncu (loads
Cutlery, lite, lite, lite.
. Wlion cuhIi i.-conipnnioH tho oukr for any anion ut Iroui 1'ivo o
I Dullnrs or more in uUivo lino o(gool wo will iiropny all Mail or J
Htnyu I'lmijjoH, to liny Hlno Htution in Omnt or Hiinicy cotintii'H, ?
until .Iiinu loth, 1MJI. SB" W'hun huI.I on urotlu no clmrj,'-' i
US lltlllll. o
w it win giinriiiitio our ion out iciuii ju-ji-fH on Evcrv Articlo
ami arco to ii fninl tlio iiiomn if k.ku1n uro not satisfactory
liy hi.mliii to ns, writing .hinly. juHt whnt in wanted, wo can kcIccI
th,-ui to your snt.stm tio... We h.,vo tin, ,,. assortment of (len
end .MiiKiliandis.. to l.o found in ii'iy Htoiv it, Or.-on Von cm mivo
inoi.ej move.y hue. uh ii mder. We solid Vl,ur tr.ul.-.
hy Mail ai one... I'cn tcspcclfulli.
Coffin tV Mvl'arlund,
blKt.MOr tU W 1 Wuttlrirk.
S Canyon Cily - - - Oregon.
Constantly on hand a full assortment of
) Goods, Clothinu', Hoots ,S' Shoes, (,'roccries,
lite, lite, lite-, at Hcusonuble Prices.
I i). ii. ovi:kiioi,t.
t 6
- " UllC"IIOOIMMHinil(HM10lKHlinOllllO(lIO10IHmillIWO(inilll(l(Hl
A. IfAf'IflWJjJY.