?7(i Paper for the Stank man, Merchant and Miner. The Paper for the Farm, the Workshop and the Home. hi a me XI fl. C.l.Y)V.Y CITY, CLLYT COU.YTY. Oh'EGlhY, TltintSD.'l V. SEPPEMliEli 10. IS!). ,'Ytimber 2o. TIIE GRANT COUNTY NEWS THIRD ANNUAL FAIR!! i t (iKTIIK t First Eastern Oregon District Agricul tural Society Will hn hdil ill I ho nmv Agricultural nml Driving Park of the Onindc Hondo Yalley AKiioiilturnl Society, near IrfiCntiiilu n(.ii, BEGINNING MONDAY, OCT. 5lh, And Continuing Six Days. LIBZRA.L PREMIUMS Tor Agricultural mid lloitieulturnl Products, niitl for I.ivo Slock Mechanical Handiwork nml Domestic Fx ItibiU SPEED PEOaiLIM. Of the ( lunula Hondo Valley Agricultural Socioty, for iU first mooting October Mil", 18111: nn.vr ha v. Huiining, litoeigliis mill) for 'J year olds, fioe for nil, purse $I."iO golllillg tO C'lllV ill pOIIIld, fillies 10"; winner of nnv "Ji enroll! nu-o this season ll pound extra. 8i:comi HAY. Htimiing, out! half mile it ml repeat, 2 in !l, puiMi S I TiU. Not oily - in II, for 2-yuar-olds, fioe tor nil, pui.su ? 111)0. Tiiiim nay. Siddlo-hoino rare, one-half inilo, pursn ?Ti(), cntrmico So. Kiitinneo money to go with moo. First money (10 per cent., second, -lO per coat., third It) pur cont. 'I'ho din-cton. resoivo the r ght to bnr race liorms. Trotting, !l in fi for :!- oar olds, purHO f'20(). lOl'UTII HAV. Running, ono-hiilf uii'o ilush, free for nil, put so elOO. trotting, .! iiiiniito ulnss II in .1, pui ho $:.'(). nrni iav. liiiuuing, on' mnl out-half inilo, freo for all, ptiisn $.10(1. Trotting II in fi fri'ii for all, puise fllliU. HI Mil mv. Itlllliiing oiiii mill', uoveltv, 1st r, 850, '-'ml qr, loll, 11,1 nr. SMI, Ith (jr. 150, puro $'200. Trotting, U.ltl clttsi, .1 in 5, puiso :lli(). Thu purses aggregate Sl'.'JOO Premiums ;i,.'i00 Total $5,700 The Muttagtimoni Will do Fieri thing in Their Power to F.ntortnin anil Huiiollt tliu Public. Cititmu of Wallowa, linker, Mnl hour, llinui mnl Union counties, Huh ih your Tlllltl) ANNCAL I )IS TKIOf FA I II. ami llrmi.lo Hondo Vnllov, "Tho (ImiloM of the i mis," with it bountiful hart oat of oioiy dosiniblo product of thu liolil, orchard mnl ganlon, gioots you with ti cor dial welcome. no lnthanck j' uk will uk chahokd in any class KXCKIT Till A IS OF SPKKD. Bring Eeenj .Irtiele of Merit from St'ahle. Pasture Field, Urehard, Garden, Dairy, Meadoir, Forest, Aline -Priiitl Erery thing bat your Dog. Letnsshoie the People the I 'aried Ite sourees of Eastern Oregon. REDUCED RATES BY RAIL. For lint of l'l-dimmim, Rule mid Regulation!) nihlrowi, A, (J. Mi i.i.Kit, oi K, S. MeCoMAS, La Grande, Oregon. The constant dripping of water will wear away a stonr; the constant gnawing of Toivser will nrnlye a lx!ii'. the constant lover's a daisy. mi think! a trusting maid, and n constant advertiser in the one wlhi get the trade. . . . MeniU-rx of the eilininif tr.ilion have already begun to dim tm the w aya ami meatu of raining thr mon ey that it will ! nhditUlr weea siry to have in the near future to meet K'imiiti payment under the preaui Ihhii. Stt.e nirt of a new tux hn. pot to lw tiiiMMed. ami the inoht of them deem inclined to Kit it upon whikev by raiinn the rev inue from '.hi cent p.-r gallon to "nlni'tbilik: ! tv ll 11 J'1 .Hid fl "l r jt ill.m lit f. i u: l,i-inr r.nlr.i.iil and ati .in. -bp k'- in- 'I igent" I III. ! I'.l' ill s. s(i ll i ah Tin: in ua t:rrtcT C. iir Urr if lli V i H I hH r 1 i '. i. i I ' K B 1. .1 iiuilv if Uul I. .rt.'jM fi -iili..t . Iim i.i j u i . r i ri. 1 u i i i- ttl.M I ili. umlUlui. SI. M l" H I. WE.Xlx.MSil uK MKMOItV .Kll 1'lfUK C... !., N..T. I w ir,utilr,l vllh frcnuiui' nml Irtwl manv ivmeOlr l.iit i.t n.i 11H- 1 bail )lil.Mt J.-lul li.'ii . um.mmI) eHiinpiHli,-l I ir Kii la Spit li.nl.- 1 1 r Ii ami look I ul lll ( il. ulil. ti l.r .UKtil .i k mi liflii,.ri ! c-nl c. r I Mi. r f.-if rw.'iii ii.rtHi ilii rvfii- l All tiiJrrir, it u.-i uuiiu 1I.411 etiMKU-.!. It iiM-nk linfir litolII.K I'AMA.V. FREE A Vrtltiattln Ilok on Ntrou IHmmi mx t fro to mr nJilr im1 HMir itlriiu in tjtta this tiuilt lup tvr nf )iarits Yl rftH'-tlr t-n jiti-tvAfJ by tb iWvrr rti i ritr K i.irf "f Fort V n. lint . tine WTfl, ftuti U ikiw in itftrvd untlr ttU tlltxtrtlou bf th KOENIC MED. CO., Chlcngo, III. Sol.l lir Irik-klt Mt Hi prr I lot 1 1 0 fur LarcoSlic. Wl 73. 0 Itottl for 1 J. L. B. VIAL W. l TCllM.I L' El! and J EWE LEE, Uakkii Cm, - Onr.iaiv Detiler in WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, KILVEBWABr, VIOLINS mid GUITARS. Mi.v) t.. Imii un ColUUrmU. SC" Op(M .silo Union Moat Market, .Main S'.rett. JTOTICK OF FOltFUITL'HK. To .lullS I.MNVM'i: Wll AM. I KKlMINS I'l.UMIMI II V oil TIIUOI'illI til M You are hereby notified thai I lime ewinleil rloo.00 in lnlr mid linpiovoiiieiitH upon the Orient iiiine. Said mine was located May 1, l.s.'t by John Lniirnuco and is sit tinted on the iliviiliug mlge botwei-ll the loft bund fork of Dixie ueek and Hull Hun, in the (Jiiart.hurg milling dihtriot, in (iiaiit cuiiulv, Oiegou, being (he aiimiiiit i tquiioil to hold the Maine for the year lMHi, mid if within IH) dnjs nfter thu lilsl pllbli cation of t li ih notii'o uni frtil ui lefnse to coiitiibute your proportion o such expenditure as a co owner, your in toroit in said claim "ill become Hie propyl ty of tho mibucribor under section 'JIt'JI of the Kuviaed Statutea of tho Ciiiled Suitea. .!fTiN 11 K.NMV. Praiiie City, Or.. July J ), lSHI. KTITloN FOH LICKNSK To tii k Hon. tiik Cot'My Coi nr of the State of Oint'Oii. for ) (irutit county. We. tho undersigned your petitioner most rospts'tfully repre Mitt that mo are each ami nil rtsi leiita and legal voter of DayMlle prcciuf. in Haul count mid state, mid wo auk that a license be guiuted to T. ( '. Adkiii. to ki'll und dis ose uf sjiiritUiiiis, ' inous mid malt Illinois, in sin. I Dnywllo pieciiul, in less ipi.uititles than one gal'oli fut a pe riod of six uiouthh from the IJth ilii) ul September, A. D. 1MU. Datod this Ith day of August ls'.H . Win Tniro, John llenttie, Willium M ut i ay , Daniel Murray, (leorge ('ratio, 11 llingsinyer, Thoinns Con nor, Ward Swift, J O Hrown, J h n P Powell, F L Wood, Fred M L Onion, Max KoIm-koii, SLCiohh, II A Tluelkolil. Alex Murray, I M Tiililmid, K StwrL A L lliown, J W Orceiiwoll, II ('lint Hue, (ioorge K cltl, Juliu Macdoiiuld, A 11 lingo. I) A Stow.irt, F I'inlaysoii, Kuuuuth F MHeltae, It S Smder, V. M Y mig Notice is liHtel.y given that on Sat urday, the I-ih day of September, A I) I Ml I, the llllduisiglied will iippl) to the Hon. County ooml, of the Slate of Oiegou, for Orant eoiintv, for the iaaUHiice of the licetiko men tiaiied in the foregoing petitiun. 'I . U. AllKIKU, Applitvuit. Trouble In the Moon. I'rof. J, I. Unv. of San Francisco. who has Ihimi for aome mutithi im.t 1 clondv sludviiiK the moonV contour tliroucli lua Brent telejK-utie. now coiuca to the front with a Mat. 'incut of ft MarlliiiK discovery of a riM'enl terrible volcanic action in our long eoni!erel dead satellite l'or ame mouths a?l he has Iwn of lh opinion that volcanic action on the Moon, if it has Iteeii extinct, h not so ivow, even though li could not supply reaaons bv tin1 nebular livnollieais. "On the nidit of June '.'i." says Prof. Hay, "mv j hwp or any kind of live stock along theory waa conllrmitl as I gated up-! ''''if puhlie highway and cans on our once ipiiet and mislest Luna, j 'ig Mich higliivay to In' obstructed evidencing tremendous energv over , thereby with stone, earth or other her whole surface which preacnted debris, and leaving the same to so itwlf. 1 .iw that what here of late, remain fur more than twenty-four have 1hhii comndered great gray i hours, shall l det'imil guilty of a i. In in are in rrnlitv irreat sous, or lui n liiikltitii ttlrida 111 t Briti till, n. . use dheets. seming of water. thrown thron'ah the lunar atmox - pl.- re and finding n resting place at 1. .i.t n tboimaiid times from where ib, y former! v were I saw grout ii.i.imtnins s'ink tho whole hhkmi Hw.iyedtoand fn, and everything in the lunar heavens was in the wildest confusion. I gar.ed with the i.timit awe tiH)ii this awful sKcta- le for hours, until the confusion tinallv siilffideil. and there seemed In 1 a dead calm ns lieforc 1 feel i lullv conllileiil mat tne iihkhi whs thrown tw'vcral'degrees out of her course, and she is also jKirceptibly nearer, K'rliaw 20,ihK) miles. "Now how this inav nflecl the natural order of thing I cannot tell but aa the revolution of the moon is caused by an instantaneous force hurling our satellite into sluice and the constant attractionof tiie earth, then if this constant force of the at traction of the earth increaswt as the square of the distance decreases and tliiti instantaneous force remains the same, we we that the two no lunger balance, ami this harmonious action of forces would bo destroyed ami tho iiiisiu will finally come di rectly to earth, and terrible will lie tho crush." With the agricultural and miner- lit . e i.- . n nl development of I'.asteni Oregon 1 .. . . n . . there is no reason that there should not bo ten times the Mipulatioti there is at present. The mines near Can yon and linker cities, the coal mines i at Fossil and liutler creek, with an available route to market, will at- j tract capital and sjpulatiou largely, ; and in a few years this Krtion of! Oregon will afford as giod a field fur Investment as any part of the, I'liited Stales The future of the Inland ICmpire could not lw more' promising than il is at present, and the next decade will witness such a revolution in business as will aston ish the moxabneks who are indige nous to this region. Mountaineer. It is learned that the Kast Oregon liailway Compaiiy will commence a preliminary survey in the near fu ture, 'fhe company was orgiiiued some uionths ago at Pemlleton, for the pui-jftc of building a railroad to the llutter creek coal mines, and the (ireenhorn milling district, tho main lino to load from llcppner to the coal mines, thenco lo Alba and thence to (ireoiihorn, a branch to be built from Pendleton lo the coal mine. Several outside cajiitalists are interested in tin' enterprise K O. yspepsia MaV' ll .' Mi' ul mmjr -o.i liilicraWo. ai.il i (In. li-jili l il.--.tr u. Hull. Ihilirx all. r rain tmir tUiUia. li, li V. Ih'UAi'Imi. Ii irtt i. i .,,.,( aij- liie. a film, "all itoiie" l.c.iui;, ta. U1, coat. J tuui;u, au.1 Irr.'tu- . larll uf ll.o Imw1, am Dl8tro3S oo of tlio iiiur rcuninuii AftOT Jiitonw. I)tiwili iliH't Eating Ii.it K,- vr.ll i.( Itwir. It trulri rairlul. vriltriit allriill.ui, nml a muni II.iu.rt rUru parllla. hl.li arH bi-iiIIjt. )rl nutvljr au.l I'tn.lciilly It t"i..' Urn t.iinli ami ullur orcaiit, ipculal.-i tl.o Uljotiun, cuaiu a pwI aiiH'tltii. ami y tliuj Sick a i- rcmnliig ll. I.ical ) uij- u ' . loun ii'tuoici tiio ijrMijia-Honcinctio tin tic rSnrti (it tlia illiruo, tanltlin ttin licuUrbit, ami rrf.'Iu ll.o tin .I inlml. "IliaiK l-'ii Iri.iiUcU wllli ilripri'Sla. I liail tut litllo &ftiln, r.nJ nliat I lnl rat u. . ilittmtrii mo, nr .li. I nm rionn Uld t,i j., a l(lUr burn After calliia I wirtil.l r rl'nrc a falntiii'M, ur tlri.l, all suno (ccllug, at lli.iiiiili I l.a.l ii.itr. ti n aujll.tnu. My Iruu til, I llilr.V. a assravatnt lijr mr ImiliM'm, wl.i.li It that of n ..liitr. ai..l fn-m U'tiiji nieri' tr lr lmt U In a Sour rcnu Willi fir Ji aliit. Lam ,u i.ni: i tiu n.r. Harm- aiomacn rllta-turk ti'.'s lHt:i. ll ili.l mv an liuiiirDtc atanuut i t r -"'- It Kt ns) an apiniar, ami n y f' 'l r- l.-t.--I ail t.ui-luHl lt,i i-nilnj l linl l' l"H.U) rxix-fwuccJ." Uu ni.K A. I'.i.il., aIi rt..Ali, Mat. Hood's Sarsapnrilla foWbraiUrurllili fl ! ..r f ITM"-l attl tijC I llooli co,Ai,0.rU.l l. ! IOO Douou Ono Dolli" Warnlnc to Owners of t.lve StocV. The follow ins atate law proveil by (mvernor I eunoyer, l-eb-1 rmiry 'M, 1SUI;h-u1 iaone that ytm-k- men -liouin netni "An act to prevent and punish the driving or herding live-atock along or near public lughuaya (nut toll roads) and causing the same to le obstructed,' mid is as follows- He it enacted by the legislative assembly of the stale of Drcgon. Sec 1 That anv jM'raon or jn-r-sons drivintt or henlinit or causing i to Ik driven or herded, cattle, homos. iiiiwleineanor, ami uiion conviction i thereof shall ! lined in anv sum I nut exceeding two hundred dollars, ' ""Hi line to be enforced aa other ' Ihhw in cnininal cast-, and jtisticed of the pnco of tho county wlH-ro I I '' olleiiw in committeil shall have I ".riKitinl jtiriwlictioti of tilt violation lliereol Oregon farmers are said lo be gradually getting out of debt, and as there is retried to lie a dcciea.e in the amount or mortgage imlccleil ! neas from venr to vear. such inav IM- tiie taw. As lite principal ev lainae of oening up the wilderness lias Ik'Oii paid by tho first settlers, it would win that Uh fruitful a country as this ought to work out f ,ebt very rapidly, and it doubt- less would do so, were it not for the lack of traiiSKr(atiuii fa.ilities. and the exorbitant tarilT taxes which the farmers are called on to U-'ar with out any cnrrcaHiitling rextiltmit benefits. Time will show under a different administration uf national n Hairs one of these duys that the Oregon Farmer will not only work out of debt, but that ho will come us tiHiir getting rich its any class of agriculturists in tho world. When the Nicarmigua caunl is completed and the tranaverse valleys of the state have each its railroad to salt water, the development of tho state : i.l i.. i : -...i in "I'liuii mil oiiiv ic i on ii v in i ci i . .... ' , Sa l w ater traimiMirtiitioii is n erent i e- - --- thing for any country, but a dead and sn I tod-down war tanll is great er. .Iacksoll tile 'fillies. Chincie Mini Succci.ful Siiiui;i;Ich. 'file sleek-faced, tmsin eyed Celes tials are the most successful amug- glers. There is no sirlion of a ves- sel or its cargo sacred or safe from I the manipulations of the rascals, j T hey have the deadly drug plaited I in their ipieties. ipulted in their j clothing, packed in the cork soles oi their sIiik-s, ami tnckeii away in the soft, clinging folds of their silk handkerchiefs. They have false bottoms and aides to their camphor wood trunks., false lotloma to their cisiking utensils, and they are false all tho way through. They will construct material lo resemble coal, till the interior with opium ami place it in the coal bunkers until all suspicion is allayed and the steamer discharged, tlu-y construct tin lsixes to lit around the tiiasta and coer their deception with fnlM- mast coats well calculated to deceive the inexperienced eye of a landsman. They will store it away in boxes uf tea. cover it up with preserved ging er, ami have it they will, despite all efforts to suppress the practice Astorian. 'fhe visit of the resirler these days fail to break the monotony of everv-dav all'aira. lie must ate tint high life below stairs und low life i h'kivo stairs in order to garner m the newt) of current evenU as full v j n jMNtbihlo. With shariK'iicd jh-ih 1 1 i ho niton intercepts ami interview an unsusjH'cting individual, ami by j following the Socrntic methisl gain I intelligence which would otherwise ! never be read by the public Some- ' ! time he strikes ore rich in every ' iinrti uhir; but on other occasion ! i he micstinu and cross-iiuesliou mid 1 Icarus nothing there is no "pay j dirt." Such i the life of a reporter I mid some of the hardship to which it is incident I'liiuu Pneilie SvsUiin oilers un eipiiilled facilities to tourist en route to all sjint east. Vestibule Sleepers, Diners, Free Cars thiough to Missouri river and Chicago with out change. lie ell'ei'U of the hut weather in cast have been terribly fatal. the I In New York tho ambulances have been kept busy carrying victims to the hospital, while jieoplo elimbed to tho lioutctnM and gaod all night. Tho heat reaches from VI to 1U0 in thy sliaily. ELECTRICITY COQt EHS DI9K18K. Mil. HriVci of Scapxxie Kelatci Kttiicucc witli Dr. Uatrin. Iter Mt Fditor My lav was serious- i U'T "n" or nnle out of ashmg lv alllict.il nith rhen.natisn. in the l" City nftrr his crime was known nrin and wrist It became m, bad , ;uul '"'V,!' w,'ri" " ,,IM ,rn('k n'"1 and inllained that mi aln .s furined ! " 7wn foU,,"L ,Sonu' and pt.ces of lame came from it. i has killed a number of women in Dr. Darrin curcil him with electric-1 h,,,,,rl V' ol1'' ",ost it V. We are pleased bevond ex-1 I."'!'""""" districts, where htiiiiamty iression ai d wish you to publish this. I have iiIki boon under Dr. Damn's care and successfully treat el for heart trouble nml general de bility. Mits. It. .1. Fkaki:, ScapKHis, Or. '. . - . .. I)ca(iu nut l In i; iic In the 1!ji CuicJ. Ktlitor Oregonian, Dear Sir For Id years I have been deaf, nucomtin- mm wmi ringing uiusch in my ears, I ..I...I ...I.l. .1 I ! ,,r I'arrin cured me in hy electricity. Hefer to ii. ii . i .... ? . .- miuiiios me at the curlier of V and Ulackstonc streets, mime desperate i limiiialu are hedg Purtlaiid. 1 los-this w ill encourage j ed about with an atmosphere of ini others In their relief, I remain yours ' penetrability and tindiscoverable trulv, Wm. II Ct MMis'n. ness. Dr. Darrin treats with electricity and medicine all curable chronic, acute mnl private diseases, blood lainta, lot or failing inaiTliootl, nor - vous debi'ity. ellirts of errors, or ex - cesses in olil or young, ory, disease caused bv loss of mem- mercury the iliipniiM-r treatment of private diseases, irregularities and never publish in in women, thu paH-rH Ollice- 70 J Washington street, Port land. Or , ami I he Normandy. Seat tle. Hours: 0 a in to S p m , daily. K.xainimitinus free and con fidential, tit"itinu blanks ami cir culars sent gratis to any address. Patients cured at home after one visit lo the doctor's ollice Medi ciuissciil to any address without tho doctor's name appearing. A writer speaking of tho result of last year's boom throughout the towns and cities of the west, says: "'fhe preM'iit stale of things is per fectly natural, 'fhe towns cannot develop far in advance of the coun try which must sustain them. They have had their Usiiu, hut unforfuu alely Ikmiiiis do not clear lauds for tho farmer, ujien profitable mines, or develop a great shipping trade in a day. I he towns have grown tun fast, ami, though much against their will, they must wait ror the country to catch up It is a com.- try worth waiting for, a land of. splendid resources and an assured future. Hut he is a forehanded fanner w ho can add to his tillable a lea more than two or three acres a vear in that region of dense finest foday the farmer is lovermg the sky with the smoke of burning logs, but the process of clearing land for the plow is slow and Intuitions. Ilich coal Holds ami mountains of metal are there, but il takes tune to at tract sullicienl capital to open the mines, liailmad building, too, is at a standstill. It is high time the boom went out of business ill these wi stern towns. They are bettor oil without it. If they never we it again they will In- just as big and prosM-rous in the long run as nature means them to be and as human enterprise can make them: and without the boom they will attain the full limit of their development just us ipiickly, and with a good deal less wear and (ear during the process. 'fhe fog was no thick recently that million of wild geese became liewildered mid lit in Hurtle's mead- ow, where they were caught by tho (sackful. The'fnu' was so thieli that a man's hand could not be seen be- i fore his face, but evcryliody caught large number of gi eso being attract ed lo thein by the panting of tho exhausted bird. Ily evening a cold snap occurred, mid next mo'rn ilig the geese Were found ill Vast ipiantitic, their feet friuoii to fences, tree, etc., on which the bird had lit. .lerouie Itastel Cox estimated they and Cncln (ieo. had nine mile down by the ol leucing lirnKeil weight of the geese. McCluiid Hi vor Pioneer. 'fhe Ciiioii Pncille System have on sale excursion mid single trip ticket of all classes, to all ioiuts, which are sold at reduced rates daily for regular trains. ' 'fhe price of wheat has advanced ' considerably in tho I'nited States and Kurojic, within the last week,, mid the market still shows mi up-, ward tendency. i It took some of Salem's mechanics j sixteen days to 0eti a safe that re fused to hmsl thu comhiuntiou rack-! ot. T hoy would not miikij huucoiw- J All burglars, Tascott killed n millionaire in thu heart of Chicago many month ago, and has never been found. Marsh, ' the ilcfnitit intf K t.vutiiiin Inti.L- rutt. I. ..,. ...... .. 1 ..I I limn rMiiiiiri, iiiui mi ii ,1-iHiilIlil Ynrtra detectives have never boon able to smell his trail. Some two or three weeks ago a desierado walked into a bank in an Ohio town killed the cashier, utole what money was in sight, walked out into the street, in broad daylight, liting his revolver at everyone in sight, walked across a Held into n urove. and though in a few minutes hundred of men were soarchim: for him. he .1 I. t lias not yet oeeiunsoovereii. .Manv ., ... . , otiii-r casoH inigiii no iiioiiiioiuhi I w Inch might seem to evidence that , The latest p0Kisithn of tho j treasury looters is to pension clerks who have completed a certain term ' of ollice. It.is not urged that tho ' payment of these cuiiiliiviea i less or their work more arduous than in i tho employment of ordinary mortals who may not hojie for pensions, but , the theory upon winch the looters , proceed is probably that the average 1 l . t r government clerk has so much tiino to spare that he is led to spend his money, without making duo pro vision for old age. A gentleman in Lo Angeles hna grow n in his yard, within tho city limits, this season two bunches of banana that have rieuod fully ami are pronounced by good judge a line fruit as could bo grown any where. 'fhe governor of Texas has been instrumental in saving some II.IKXI, (XH) acres of laud to that state, 'fhe i:overnor's name i Hoee. but ho is not the kind nf a hog that wants 'everything in the trough himself. j - . I 'fhe fact that the mayor of Conn jcil lllull. wants all former negro , slave pensioned suggests the ipies- lion, Haven t thov an iiismio asv- i ,, in ,.,.. , Mr. Parnell has finally deciihsl to visit tho I'liited State this fall and 1 conduct a campaign. i ; Texas is first, California secnuil and Oregon third ill tho produ tiou of sheep and wool. MCAfID IM LAIIOK CITIES. lr imt ' UI.IHX) to irllil tliu iliiine III the xti.t. Ii.'ii ia Ihmlon. A li... i IN I ill. I Ullelli'tl is to ln im lulill.lifil III New York. Nmv YiitiMCn every yenr hiiii1 Si.voii.ixkj fur uiiihri lliu. ( un alii Uit . l,!ii:i hotelh, with u total cupui H.V for 11'., 000 trtieau. Itolil III WU. of ISroolilyn. own the ulil i.'iiii with whieli Urn. I I'litnnin fclmt the ivulf A ii. an ii at a lariru I'hllRilelphla h.ili-l U worth fMO.WHi, while the pro prietors are Insolvent. I'oiim year. a:ro n New York man murl.i'.l i UurU r mnl i.l It lul clreu I itluii. It han jnt relin m il t i lilm I'nii mi i lilt a tafcte U growing rri'in liy. The Ki'ni rnl ejirhnnire Mhin ti. Ih I'htnlilUheil liui. U'eii ilirUleneil " The PMInilrlplila Itnlifw." A Ni.w iua mail who hiul U'eii kieketl liy n hop," ami but sllfflilly In-Jun-il mumI the owner of the animal fur f'ai.isHJ tilnl rewiveri'il a venllel fur Ht.'iOu re,-eiitly. CUIJIOUC, MUDICAL CASUS. A ll.l timoiii' tii-tit liinl enra.'lie eoii tlini.illy for elei n yenrs. 1 'iinil l he icoovereil ami ilellxlit ilrotrehim Iiikjiii. A I. Il l I K cliilil 111 Wu.vueUirti. Ilu , Hwallowi'il a ralvunl4i Iron htnple uinl exis-rt.-ne. it im liail n-uiill'. fnmi It. I In Mi I. Ml, of riittfclow n, tut a thrviuleil nrislle out of the fun! of Wll Hul l Kills the other Uov Kill', ill.l nut llliuw hntv It Jfit there, hut has illfere.1 from it for wrerul yoitr A Mihiiiti Isty 'nt t.i UoiIm Hie fur meili.-nl trcntment N uhiioriiiall) fun. 1 1 f water, iilth'iiitfh pnvtiUN to mi m . nl. llt.il .ti.ntlM;f Milne m.mthk U"u he In.il ns htnniir an iiveistiin to It. I'ur the iufct two mniitha he )iu ts'eu i illluj,' in tub of water, nml M-renins a. If In the j.-n-aU'kt agony when out of hi hne teli. Ilrr I.miIIi Vu l.trtit- liiiiiusti, iliut Tutliiii; Ml slint'tHi was born with a kilvt-r .ooii in Ii.t uiiiiilli Miss Ii mllnir luflt-r u yliuu-e nt tli.- mutithi T'ubltiiSMiu?- Jury. 'I'm, tflfU nml bet-piests riM'wbetl ilur Intf the mj1 ye by Vale i-Olli-ife a;,. irreifitte Ifl.l.H.vli. i greator tiuiuiliil than in any ytuu of thu lilstory of tJie eolli'ije Tint attenilsnee wn thu largnt Mer rotjonlml lu thu unlurt.lty. Ilia HuU'Ul Wly uutuWrluif l.iiti WOHTM A I'ASSINQ GLANCE. Till ill nre l.'-fl WM.sTU wutolirn In u a! I he tre-M'nt lime Tin littil Mnlne olnireh fair wrlnklr Is ser mi; )"' oreaiu on a shingle. Iii.snsissnv that It Is a physical Im sssll illty to set illtimiinils III teeth. A li v Mill r. of loi.lu Mich, litis broken lite rissir.l of shiirlii it man In twenty l M'lNtttlU. Ar llltmltiKlntui, Ala., tlirre Is nit olil hen u I. ieh hills sparrow s. Shn couxea tlii'in tip w Ith bttit. A U'i.i i imiton Kan 1 man sohl Iwo pntli ie ili. Inst week to n Now YoiW man fur set cut v il.illnrs Tun Mi-ii laert'liitlits haniltn s larxT itinniuit of reaily money than itny oilier i'Iiiks of business men Two tol mi men In llitlTulo, on hnvliiK a sHtt titer it tainlein bicycle whloh the, iKittHht Jointly, took the iiiNcltlue iiHiit mnl eni'li wns I'iven lutlf. A ci.l.vr.n bitlniielni- net It erliiriiieil by it mull In it I'nrit vlreus. He initkua n tower ol twenty I'liitiupiiK'tie Ixiltli mnl Nrelien himself on the summit, I lt lllM'KI K. of AutiTli'iis, (ill . tins a lin-ee of ehlliaw.tie seien lrilll.lr.-il bllil elKhlJ two Scars , '',. tlnto, 1 100. is pliilnly slituiM'il mt tiie Iniitoui uinl Its only llnw is n liinken liamlle. A mom i nt Anliiime lint stteil hei IiiisIhiiiiI fur the reeoteryof her fnlsr tivtli She bit bun nml lie look them nwny from her A IlKXtr.n (Me I man wants nil'tnrVf fiMiu his wife of four weeks' Muiiillinf Inviiiim she refuses lo uiaUe llapJuoliM areorillug to ins reeiM A I a iiveitl II.M,tiin wi'ilillni', ns the new IV'iltnrrieil pair wen' IlKiri'liliitf iluwn the nisle. the ornunlst plunl fur n ifi'fssiomil the well-kuiiwu liytnii: "Hint nut, l lirlttliin Soliltrr, Murchlnif on to ll nr " As object of Intei-ett ami curiosity nl Tovka Is n bri.le who mnliitiiiueil a e. irresiu.lein-e with her liiisbamt for f. iurteeit years wnhuiil seeing him In nil that time nml withuiii carry lag on u lllrtnti.m it Ith any other mini Noltlll I'tlim is t netfro hlreil a ear rlaire to tnke him nml his sit ri'thrnrt to the church in winch they were In Ik in irrleil, lent iter htm no money with which to it fur the license The wcit illiilf i:trtf walte.l until itnyllhl nnxt inuriiiii-r. hv tthich lime he hu.l uo OiS'ile.l ttt -aiiii the license money. , I'llOCriZUli OF THE CXI'OSITION. A III im uf eighty lite billTillo will tc cxliihitc.1 at the fair Jll tx bus tu'.cit.'.l the lurltntluii to purti. 1,1 .tc 1 1 the cxKH.itiuti Ktto .ii li'.i I'lli'isii, n ( hlticvt nier- I'hlllll ill Hull; Uullg, lilts llpllci fur apace f.il mi exhibit uf Chinese pMsls. Dm ut Mini, n rn.uuMi Mildlcis Kiitheicil from the lemihir nrmy unit lint i. null imunl ttunhl make un eireclito fenlure i.f the world'n fnlr, no (len, Mill thltiliH, ll Is nest toeeitniii llmt the exisl Hull tt ill Ih' open etcllllltfs, III 111) of tin) ilcpnrttiieiiU The illicit. irv bus enlleil fur . ins mill estiinutes fur 'iiaiit ll) IT. by clectrietiy, all in Hie liillhluigs. Ol'l lciAI. iuveitiii'e uf the liivltntinu t.i pinticiiiite In the ex.M,ltiiiii him re .enlly U-eu reeeivcil from Ntciiriigun, lilll, Sun I . nil I n'i , Turkey, Ku.vpt anil iK'niii.irti 'i'weiity-une forelgu uutloiis b ite nutt necepleil. NOVULTICU IN THElTi LlNC. A mv tl. bus U-eu fuitiiil fur the elht- lay ehs-k It Is Mute, I Unit n Liver jKi III. in linn iliveuteil mi eli-hl-ility level watch. I'M.t Mtur sa.l.lle, tthlch mny bo lllleil with either air ur water, hns been Invelileil by It I'nrlhlau l'or rlillnj; lung .lUtaiietis. either un hurschuck or ou u bicycle. It is n ileslilcratiiui. 'I'm: n -wei.t iiiii.'rael( In the hnmls of the street isnl.llcr ii, u little trifle sin iihtk bank, n wmaleii iHitttlih a tiny ilrawci tt lileh uH'ii to receive a coin, nml I.m's the coin uiysterlniisly when ever it is skill. I'm smallest "iiKxiiikhlne." illstill. ly ever cupliircil by the rctcr.iie ollli.eris tvioi fuitiiil leeently In Atluctii, (in., nml sent to itkliinulnu n u curiosity lu enpacily is iiUnit three ir.illims. It Is cun .triK'te.l an ns lu M oS'rnte on tt 1 1 onliimry eouklu stove nml It Is coin plete in every iletiill. TlIB iTK niti that Mime tt'nile "love at tlrst sljfht'' is bccnUM- they ilnn't liiiow' eiteh ulher thi n Columbus I'ust. iicn a (flrl turns up her nose it Isn't generally lu order that you limy kl's hel li inure easily. Somervllle Jour nal. ll it t vi uim a little higher tlirtu the uinrk," aavs n phlluMipher Wluil! Kiss it K'rl un the nose? Never! -Ailrinn Dally Time". A I'iiii. tir.i i'iiia young man recontly hiIhtIIm'.I fur it wife nml his sister an atvereil lu must eases, liotveter, lh oilii;r iiiiui iI.kji nut rM'itpe mi eiislly. New York lleeonler Ir weakens it young man's culliii she m, im matter hint iiiucli he iiuty be In love, when be gets the llrsl linp.is. kioniite letter (mm ih iiiiimuraU uinl Hints that she siiclls tlear ' i!e" "Soui. i rt illc .lunni.'.l. IN CNGLIUM HOYAL CIRCLES. A 1 in:.t i mr 1 1. MTfurinnnce wut g'veu tit llnlinurnl ensile recently In which the pint, were taken by ineiiilien of i.'nci'U Vi. tiirln's liniiM'hiilil. I.lin Sai i.w l.l.l. has tifc.'kctl his great park lu Kent. Kng , with wihl Umr for the purswe of Indulging his friends lu it hour hunt of the true medieval order. Tun niot'HAMi dollars was paid fur a pulu my two w cells ago by Iird Dud ley. The smy U'longcd to Mr. Joliu Watsnii, a member uf ttw tcum tlutl vW Mi. i.'uwpol ttan yJiti agj. -s,V n I- V - - t t . 1