Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 03, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Sed. .
Hnr the film ami low
U Um Watchmaker'.
1t. W, N. WW, Uk mhw min!
ir, JwW aprviocw in lb eilr Salrbnth
IImW line of clock ww 1-ifow
wn In iliunt county now at tbi
Watchmaker'. j
fMt Ui W of tin third annual I
firUif Ll II O. . A. ui Im
)tM l Ia Uratwte, beginning Octolor :
Mr. iind Mr. It. 0. Trawbrirlipt ww
Mark happy on YedniUy i f last week
Irt Uw advent of sou unit heir into
lHir luKlsehohl. j
Dore .V I!rndt have lyrt engNjpvl i
lately in building a wwrmir to confine
th water, so a lo oiilitin more power '
fo? running their mill. 1
Al Jontu, formerly uf Drowscy, has
Hmtarkid in liUMnessat Mehvtau City,
carrying cow,.lH. .lock of the tuoit
pumr wet good and cigars.
The Kwr aekhobv))mi lb rwcipl
of tb usual tomilifnnnbirtai amlinvi
laUn lo utti'tiil the variau fain ami
HXmiliont throughout lh Ut ami
Marrird. al thi ri'iiltnr' of Tlina.
II. Ourl, down thr riw, 'I'uluy
eninjr, Hpt. I, I Kill, Mr. Win. U.
(!oy and Miu Ixmisa Iiual'n, Jatii-e
U.UlHitnch orticinlinj;.
llorapc Stoan, who Iwa Itcrti on a I
trip to Idaho, mocntly nnittl the
Nmvn innu lo look uxi nome valuable
ipurt peciini?n from lie camjM of
mil' iit'iglilioring Ul.
Tho Pnion Pacific System have
on sale excursion nml Millie trip
tickets of all clawen, to all K)iiita,
which are sold at reduced rates
dally for regular traing.
StHne ono Uk tin1 Aiiitin-Cieun-linru
road iiiatUr in Imnd and alnxnt
while oilier emiiliiunitiw would i
ulking alout it can have a K1"'
road diri'ft ly into the iniiui.
lirain Imiw.-it liax roimiinnoel in thin
volley, nnd the yield will lie Mtiafaf
tory. IViiii .15 to 40 laitlieU ht acre
is thu estimated average of wheat on
oi w ratifhes, but a less amount would
Im p!ttiliJlo.
The apiKirtiumiient of iitale school
fundi this year, arising fmin interest
on the irreducible fund, is ery small,
being only a fraction over a dollar jxr
xoholnr, (iraut county has 1,1 T-t child
ren of school age, and receive $1,700.
SS of this money.
Mr. drain ille (!lark has titled up
looms for a hospital in the llorshiy
building in thi city, and is now pro
pare .1 to recche p.ilienli, and furnish
tlitilu iiiietaiil comfoi table aHittliienU.
1 1 is stock of ilrujfs and medii-iiies is
also fresh and complete.
The Sumpter Valley railway, which
it was exp-ctl would haw been cmi
plutol by this time, is yet iinliliislied.
A few croakers uske.l an enormous
prioo for right of way thmuyli their
lands, and Irouble in settling the dif
fei euro ba delayed the an ival of the
mul at MeHwttli City.
The State Fair lie-ins the I Ith of
this mouth and busy piwiutiou are
lniiij made for what will without
doubt lie the U-ht meeting ever yrt
held. Oregon is not to 1m behind in
the matter o! a creditable slate ari
otiltural association and the
moetiiiK I
this year promise grcul resulU for ail 1
JKll 14 Oi lOI?
We understand that rwune of the i
iHMiuiiibkioiieri of the I'irst lutsteru i
Oregon Agiioultural society voted to ,
hold the fair in Cninu county this
year, with the understanding tliat the i
next fair would be held in Onilil
mMinty. We should endeavor to so- !
cure it, as it will bo thu menu of ad-
verlising our county abroad. The ;
sUit' appropriates a sum oi money for
its maintenance.
Our immense wheat crop will b
ground into a lirst claxs quality of Hour
and thousands of kept in (iraut
county this year, to i; into the ss-keU
of ihe furmei I'lour on the ouUiiln
i going to touiiiiand a high price, ow
ing to the demand for wheat, and the
KHple would find It Imrd to rub' the
nejesary coin to send away for Hour,
if providence hud not faord them
with good crops and a mill this
Wbilu in Portland recently we met
.Mr. 11 Hull, of ihe lb m of McCowau
.V Hall, ami cttlleU at Uieir stisre aeros i
llin bridge. The gentlemen are doing !
a largo business, ami endisixonng to
iwtthlUh a jol ilana Imde in the inter
fur. Mr. MeOowan is from liums
and Mr. Halt from Canyon Oity, there
foil, as our jwople know them to U
' limn of honor, they ask fur business
from (irant unJ lluiuey counties, in
another column.
Thu News acknowledges the teceipt
of the usual compliment a liU-ral
s!i ire of wedding .-nke f nun the table
of the bride and grisiiii, Mr. and Mrs.
Allsup. The uuriiage cerumoiiy was
i formed by Justice of thu lwicc J,
A. CatUrutch, nintity giitwts being
pretent. Wo also have nscyiiod a lijt
uf the piesi-nt that each guust was
the proud donor of, iu t the limited
KisiDO of our columns
this week pie-
olude th iHUsibilily of publUhiuK the !
IImI !.. f..ll Mr..u,,i. o. ... i
V -" '.
i ram inn uuonuk miwvib mi ii miu ui
1 oi, all showing the esteoin in which
thu happy ooup( www held by their
Canyon City and Monumcut StiRC "Held
Up by a Mailed Highwayman.
Wednesday morning of lust week
m the titgt1 from this city wasrnt
tling along through Fox "valley the
driver wm ordered to Imlt bv n
I masked man armed with n Win
i cluster rille, who nlIoKcl from
the rear and overtook the ntageas
i ft whs muring thu ranch of Mr.
'Hie driver wut ordered to throw
out uto ntttii sacks, u nioii com
mand he obeyed, itt the sumo time
looking into the robber's rillo lir
rel; and was then told to drivuon.
Mr. II. I In liter hronght the
new into town Wolntwlny even
ing after the Ni'ws had gone to
pre. From him we tannic! that
the robber was monnteil or a largo
sorrel hone?, ami had u while cloth
Shcriir Creap, lieing apprised
of the deed, nt once trtcd depu-
tie out to apprehend the Iiii;hwnv-
i "m" .if l.t l to lwf !'.rc
cut time no dcnnite trace of him
ha lieeti fonnd.
I Wu nto informed that the mail
ck containcl only two registered
letter, thereforu the deKrnte
j elmiice taken by the robber could
! not hate teiuilted remunerativoly.
Hi hotcd thai he may be
brought within the imle of the law,
i for abide from tho danger attend
' ing tho drner and piiMcngcrs,
should ittiv bo nlKmrd, these mail
rnblwrie are of too frequent oecur
reuru in this section, an by them
bitsiimss men may be financially
injured, and people led to lielievu
that our countrv i vet uncivilized.
Aug. :il, 1 80 1 .
Some parties have done linyiug,
white there are some still haying.
The weather still continues warm
of day but somewhat cool of nights.
Some of the horse jockeys have
passed through the valley on their
way to the Harney races.
Mr. S. S. Smith and wife. Uenoral
I lad ley and family have sold out
and gone to I'matiUa county to so
journ awhile.
Frank Mcllean is out in our
valluy at present rusticating and
drinking soda water since tho beer
keg became dry.
The bridge on Silvio river will
soon liecomplcted. The road super
visor, with several parties helping,
is at work on tho same.
We understand our psttnasler
has sold or traded out and talks of
leaving our valley. Small proba
bility that the iHstollice at I'daiiton
will be discontinued.
(leorge Sams and Dr. Walch have
gone to Walla Walla. Mr. Sams to
work and tho Dr. to practice his
profession awhile, this U-iug one of
his former field of practice.
(juite a number of emigrants pass
ed through on their way to the Will
amette valley from Nobrosku and
other parts. They rejMirt very hard
times where they came from.
Mr. HUnton says he has some
young horses to soil at a bargain,
or would trade for work hore.
Anyone wishing to avail themselves
of this opisirtunitv would do well
to call on him early.
Mrs. 1 1 el i nick and daughters
have returned to the valley to visit
relations and friends awhile, then
they go to linker City where they
will take the cars for Uiwer Califor
nia. The well wishes of their many
friend accompany them.
Cum IIoitkh.
Diamond Sparks.
Again tho Canyon City base ball
team crossed bats with the Ml. Ver
non' on the former's ground, above
the city. The positions of the teams
wen- essentially a in previous
games played.
Thu balturic were: Canyon City,
(!ray. Stephens; Ml, Vernon, Sie'g
frit, (icorge. Several gid playa
were made, and the game was very
evenly played until the last half of
the Ith inning when the Canyon
City team reached the home plate
17 time. The score stood "A) to 27
in favor of Canvon City.
I'lnpiro, Arthur King, of Prairie
City. Mr. King's umpiring left no
room lor any
club tendere
kicking, and hoib
him three hearty
cheers at the close of the game.
(Juite a number of ieetator weio
in attendance, and all appreciated
the treat afforded them. Ico cream
and other refreshments were served
on tho ground.
Ono accident occurred, which
came nearly resulting fatally A
high Ily was batted to the infield
and very close to the homo plate.
j I he pitcher and catcher both under
I took to catch it, and were running
1 toward each other with considerable
: velocity, proatrating them lsith to
the ground. Hoth were badly hurt
about the knees, and had' little
breath in them for some minutes.
At present Uith aro around hut
walk with difficulty. Nearly nil
Isolli player and sisettori saw
.1...... 1.oln:lltf (nell,..r I,.
. - - m
warning sound reaciiod them.
del your tiyi lilted with tho tight
kind Uwctaolo ut the Watchmaker's
tttnes, Incidents, Kpiiodcs, nJ l-'ash-loni.
Kicursfon to the Seaside Where
Sure" Never Cease to Kotl.
Portland, in which city 1 have
had much pleasure visiting, Is alive
and dolnc well. Itusinej8 ajcar.s
to Ihj brisk, and tiou vifitin the
wholesale bonnes I find the pro
prietor enroumged at the busine(!
outhik. KnH'eially wan thin the
caw when I casually dnped into
the pajwr warehoufe and gracefully
ordered half a car load of mer for
the Nkw foundry, receiving the
uiual diiH'ount for sH)t eab. An
otlicr iiiatance I will cite, and that
when I timidly walked up to
the counter in a lightened More and
asked for o. The little gallon
ami a 1 clerk who play that he
own the store, and is allowed to
draw that instead of a salary, look
ed at me as if he thought I might
len corn din-tor, and with a proud
toss of his bead motioned me to an
other part of the store where a bald
faced salesdady was presiding I
l"'gged pardon for addressing him,
and proceeded on my journey. This
lady looked as if she thought 1
might lie there with sinister motives,
and when I was nUnt to assure her
that I was a stranger who had licou
down to North Item h ami got ocean
sand in my ox and wanted another
pair, and had the cash to pay for .
them, the 1-os.m conn s along and 1 I
imparl thi thrilling information to
him Thinking that I might 1m in
duced tosH'tid an enormous amount
of monev at his store, the Uws leads
me around through alleyways and
up and down stairs, until al last I
am provided with vox and happi
ness. Sn-aking of sox remind me that
I ought to mention the fashions in
ladies' dresses, which are not the
same as they were last summer
when 1 was away and reorted to
tho Nkhs This season the pre
vailing color is black, an emblem
of mourning, induced by the numer
ous sad case of drowning that have
occurred lately at the seaside and
in Portland.
Last summer, also, it was fashion
able here for the ladies of religious
and socio I standing to lead a so re
eved dog tied to a string, along their
daily walks in life. Today I see
them wheeling babies in their little
wagons. This struck mo so forcibly
that I asked a man of my acipiaiut
ance what was the reason the dogs
were not in it. lie recited the old
proverb thnt "every dog has his
day," and the dog days of the aris
tocratic city dogs are not the days
they used to bo. Formerly the
nurse was thought good enough to
take care of the babies of the bonne
hold, but the ludy of the house in
sisted on taking care of the dogs.
All kinds of dogs have ruled in
their tender hearts, and tho variety
of dogs is great. Hut there apM-ar
to be a painful monotony about
babies, and one cannot shear a baby
to resemble a lion, nor cut its ears
to make it look fierce. And again,
more than one baby in a family was
not considered "an fait," but the
more ntigs the letter.
Dogs, however, became common,
alinixil every family having one or 1
more, ami mku the ariMiMTacy ni
aUiul for something else to dote on.
A brilliant idea struck a leader of
fashion. She would do something
remarkable, and make a et uf her
child. The idea took like measles,
and this season the babies are on
lit the line of eatable this city
take the bakery. The jawbreak
ing tittines of last year are still on
the bill of fare, and the addition of
inuny more I notice. French seems
to be recherche and Knglish do
trop. Owing to a slight contraction
of the cornea or siderotic gland or
the trifolium folicle of my left eye,
I am deprived of the pleasure of
reading Ftench lluently, therefore
when I went to dine I sought eager
ly for Komcthiiig in the menu that
I could arbitrarily demand in the
noble but rapidly decaying Knglish
language. The only inscription
that fully met the plans and speci
fications was "Frogs a hi Potillet,
fl.UO." The price attached to this
luxurious dirih was ample assurance
that it was aristocratic in its nature,
and I, who al that moment felt no
thing but aristocratic, made a for
mal requisition ukjii thu congress
man, who waited liH)ii the table,
for a frog n la Potillet. As my re
lations with the frog had always
been of a most pleasant order I de
sired to further cultivate his ac
quaintance, and take him to my
liosom, so to sM-ak, literally. After
swallowing the frog and washing
him down with two goblet of ice
water I p'aced a silver dollar in the
baud of the congressman, who dis
apieared and is still at large. I at
iincejuuiH'd at the conclusion that
I belonged lo the aristocracy of
Last week I tisik a trip to the wa-
coast north of Astoria, and wallow-
ed in tho trough of the sen at Long
Bench, amid the chilling wind that
blow in with tho tide from the far
away Pacific isle. Thu treinend
ou waves, rolling mountain high,
furnish the student of nature food
fur rcllection (you will notice that
food for lellecliou at the seaside is
much chcucr than food for refec
tion). "Beautiful, sublime, and
glorious, strong, majestic, foaming
free. Over timu itself victorious
imago of eternity," is thu )HitIual
description given of the grnml old
ocean. It in ernnd indeed. And
they don't need any sea wrtwnt
liars to advertise Ion Bench, for
only n short time ago a whale was
branded and washed ashore at
high tide that measured IS
feet in
length, a sample oi wiiai our Tactile
waters can turn out. Bathers in
the surf were frightened when the
huge monster drifted in, each break
er bringing him higher upon the
beach, until finally the whnle strand
! ed. It was just at the turn of the
tide, and as the waters U-gan lo
recede there was general ama;cmcnt
at the huge proortions of the fish.
Ac. old Indian who has lived near
the ocean lcncli for many years
told me that large whales had come
ashore many years ago, but never
! had such a monster as this been
' seen. When I was at the lieach
I the whale had nearly all I icon re
moved, his blubU'r being ipiite
valuable. Therefore theeople who
; sought recreation did not have their
scum; of smell offended,
t Astoria, the city in which the IMi
torial Association met, is true to the
description given it by UiU Nye It
is "stuck up on still" above the
Columbia w hich is uUnil eight mi'es
wide at this place. The "stilts," or
piles which Mip'xirt the greater sir- ' year in John Day ('ily for the sup
tiou of the citv are the remains of plies to run his ranch and has no-
the once gigantic firs that were en
gaged in clothing the adjacent hill
sides a hundred years ago next May
when ('apt. Ctok sailed into the
Columbia river on a voyage of ilis-
co very and thought it was a bay.
' Subscuonlly old man Astorstnrtcd
j a store to corral the Indian trade,
'and Ixtomed town lots which the
! -'".v covered. People who built on
the lot could not see them, so thev
' had to drive logs little end down
and build up a town where they
could go swimming in tho basement
j of their hollies.
Astoria had a new ami liberal
( charter granted by the state legis-
lature last January. Among other
! things provision is made cm'Miwcr
! iug the city to build a sea-wall at
I an exxnse of $(UKi,(tOO, and pur
; chase or construct suitable water
j works at an cxiiense of f ,IHl,tHKI
A sea-wall would Ik- a big thing, if
! they would dig down mhiiu of their
; grand mountains and dump them
; in tiehind the wall, thus keeping
i the sea out of the town.
Thk Nkws Tn.uii'.
County court nnst Monday.
The Nr.W's man has returned home
front his vacation.
Flour at fft er Uirn-I at liund
lach's, Canyon City.
draut county's apptus thu l-t in
the uorlil me finding a good market
on the railroad.
(into the Ited Front Billiard
Hall, Canvon City, for lino wines,
liquor and cigars."
Daniel V. I'isk and Miss Perkins
of Still u lii ry, wen' to ha Usui nmr
Hod in this city last eteniug, Par
tii' a le s next v. fi.
.Mr. John llrundt's brother, '.at"
liom l.ouiicil lllulls, loa, Mas visit
inS hen. last Mwk, but -sent on a land
hunt to the Willamette.
The audits of thu 1'iiioii
! System are provided with
and steunisbiti tickets to all iuioiai
.... ait ,1M fll .....i rrilln f,)r,.i.M1
; The tint qunrtcrly mi-etiiix of the
' Canyon City change will ln held next
Saltttll. l'inuhiiii; and communion
sen ice at John Day at 11 a. in.
j Khler Sam Driver will pi each at this
j place in the uicning. All an' united.
I I wish to inform the public and
' more particularly the good people of
: t iraut, I larncy ami .Malheur conn
; lies that I have purchased the drug
' business of James AV Jones at linker
City, Oregon together with all ac-
count due the firm.
I have increased the slock to meet
the demand of tlii grow ing country.
Your orders will always receive
prompt and careful attention.
K. M. Van Si.vck.
Baker City, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution issued out of the
Circuit Couil uf the state of Oiegon,
for the county of (irant, upon a judg
ment rendered in said com t on tho
Id day of January, 18H1, in favoi of
tho Portland Savings Bank and
ug.iiusl W. Welub, K'la Welch, Win.
(1. Welch. John We'ch. Kate Welch
and M. Dusliu gtiuidwu ud litiim
for Win Cr. Welch, dcfenUiinU foi
the sain of One hiindicd fot-uilii
and nine one hiiudiedths dollars ith
inteiesl theicon al the rate of . per
oeiit per annum fioiu the thud day
of Jiuiuaiy. 1"!H, togethei with lie
criieiug interest and cost. I have
leiied upon mid will sell al public
miction on Siitunlay, the 'i'illi day of
Hoplembei. I'J1, ut two o elu.-k ).
in of said day, ut the court house
door in Cannon City, (Iraut county,
statu of Oregon, all uf tho light,
titt.. riml iiilniokt itf I 1 1 filuiL'n Illifiwul
(1f0(l,llllU r ili,t.v f ti,(llll j m,d
t(1 dewribml leal ustato
,wil Tho SKI and K'. ofSWlof
Si-. .10, I'p. 8 S, It -'8 K V M, con
taining 'JI0 notes, together with all
illld Mllglllur, the telieiu-tlU, here
ditament and appurtenance there
unto Udonging or in any wise apper
taining Tviins of sale cash.
Dated ut Canyon City, (irant coun
ty, Oregon, August 'Ji, 1 HU I .
O. P. C'ltliSAP, Shurilf.
By W. S. Souruwoimi,
Iikk, Or., Aug. - I, ISfll.
Dear Kditor: We see by the
Sentinel of August l.'ith under the
caption "Contempt," that the im-
! aginatie I'alwr pusher of that sheet
attributed the nrliclos signed "Slick
Kar" to some intellectual gentleman
in Canvon City. Wo don't see
what there was in the Iieo items
that necessitated the thought split
ting reply which Mr. ltoyd stretch
ed over more than a column of the
Sentinel's very valuable (?) space.
Now we want to say lo Mr. itoyd
that the assertion he makes in re
gard to the lee items leing written
by some tntrty in Canyon Citv is
false, and, what is more, he proliab
ly knew it to be false, or, what is
equally as bad, made his assertion
without any foundation or reason
for so doing. "Slick Kar" is a resi
dent of the lienutiful South I'ork
valley, and has been for several
years and will probably eontintiu to
reside there fur some time to come;
he also pavs taxes anil has done so
ever since he has been in (Irani coun
ty, and no joint stock coniMny fur
nishes the capital for him to do
business with. "Slick Kar" also
siH-nds several hundred dollars a
thing but good will for the jK'ople of
John Dav. among whom be lias
: several friends.
' Ye, Mr ltoyd, the people of I zee
: appreiiote anything done for them
j in the way of mail facilities and !
we believe, in fact know, that the
1 Postmaster at Canyon Citv as well
as the editor of the Nkws have done
all they could to help thorn in the
matter, and im dear Mr. Iloyd we
also appreciate the good intentions t
' of the Sentinel in that matter and'
i would appreciate them null more, !
I but for, to use an old expression,
"the nigger in the wood pile." Do
j you think the eople of hoe are
, ignorant of the fact that your own
, interests and not theirs are at the
Itnttoin, and the reason why you
tisik the trouble to carry that
; s.'tilion around with you? Do you
sup'tosc for a moment that the peo
j pie of lzee believe, that if you hadn't
, ix'cii hunting subscribers, that you
, would have troubled yourself to cir
' eulate thai js'titiou on the South
! Fork? Do voii supiKvse that thev
are ignorant of the fact thnt your
main object was to cut them oil' as
much as orihlc from the count v
sent with which they especially wish
communication? Do you think
they do not understand that you
wish to hurt Canyon City us much
as toibe thereby hoping to bene
fit liy their injury " If you do, you
aro sadly mistaken, and the 'tcoplo
of Ixce are not quite so unsophisti
cated as you evidently suppose
them to be.
Mr. ltoyd says it is false that he
drew the jH-tition for stopping two
of the stages in John Day on any
one, or asked anyone living on the
South Fork to sign any such icti
tion. In making this statement
Mr. Ilovd has either forgotten at
""" l"-rly tt 1 '" ""'f "'
mail or else lias w iiiiuuy pruned a
falsehood! Why did you carry that
jM'titiuu with you Mr. Iloyd f Was
It for compum's sake, or was it not
rather with the cxcctatioii, that
with promises profuse and language
llowery, of being able to get several
signers, and is it not a fact that
after you had tried two or three
parties without results, you thought
it was policy to keep that j n-t i t loi i
in your isx'ket, or was vour bend
I yet so heavy and your bruin so bo
' fuddled that you were unable to
I distinctly remember w hat yon said
and done when on the South Forkt
; And now in conclusion, Mr. Fa her
I pusher, let us say that we think the
' man who would reply to little squibs
! like the Uee Items, in column edit
j orial must have a very light brain
indeed. Inmost such cases soak
I ing the bend is beneficial, but we
! don't think it would do vuu any
good. Probably soaking your feet
would bo belter.
Si.k k Kau.
Uee, Dr. Aug. '2ti, I-V.H.
Mr. Cumiingham, of Wapiuitia,
Oregon, a nephew of Mr. D. Magill
is visiting relatives and fiiends here.
Abel Cutting the wild and wisily
AIh is located in Bear valley mak
ing shingle for D. Magill and
Mr. John Bunion ha relumed
from Webfoot where he lias been
spending the summer, lie rcjHirt
a pleasant time.
We see our old friend (J. II. I'lloy
is getting hi plowing about done if
he does have to go on a game leg.
Charlie is a hustler.
Mrs. C. W. Boiiham.of this place,
went lo Ml. Vernon last week to
suM'riuteiid tho cusiue for the Bon-liam-I.emiiiunK
Mr. Sylvester Whitworth i train
inb hi race horse Bulfalo Bill. He
says he can beat any horse in draut
county -)() yard with Bulfalo.
Tho Lewis Ikivm have matched
their horse Blue Dick against John
Hyde's Buy Tom. The slake are
f KH) a side and the distance of a
The carpenter are now at work
on D. MugiH's new houso. Mr. W.
A. May is building tho chimney.
David will have tho best house on
thy South Fork when finished.
Julius Juxr
First Eastern Oregon
District Agricul
tural Society
Will bo held at tho new Agricultural
and Driung l'ark of the diaude
Hondo Valley Ai;ricidttinil
Society, near Ijtdnuido
And Continuing Six Days.
For Agricultutal slid llottieiillural
Products, ami for Live Stock
Mechanical Handiwork
a ml Domestic I a
1 hibiu
SI' ICE I) l'U0(;,LU
Of the Cianiln Hondo Valley
Agiicultuial Society, for iU lust
1 mooting October 5th, IStU:
I'lltHl hav.
Hiinuing, lio eights mile for J
year olds, flee for all, purto $150
geldings to eauy 1)0 pounds, lillios
no ; winner oi any .-joaroiu race
this scuNou !l pounds extra.
SMM.Ml i x v .
Hiiuuiiig, one half mile nml repeat,
- in .1, pun... 8150. Novelty 'J in .1,
for 'J-war-old, free foi all, pin no
Tlllllll tlllV.
Siiblhi-hoihO nice, one half mile,
purhe $!ti), entrance $,1, Kiitninco
money to go with nice. Fust money
110 per cent., second, ;I0 per cunt,
third 10 por cent. Thu diicctois
lesetvo thu r 'ht to bar tore hooes.
Trotting. It in fi for ear olds,
purse f(H).
rot'iiTii nxr.
Kuntiiug, one-half iiiile dash, free
for all, putse flOO. Trotting, It
niinulo class It in 5, piuno fl'.'iO.
ni rii ntr.
liuuiiing, one and one-half mile,
frue for all, purse f .100. Tnitling
II in fi free for all, purio fMOO.
hUlll ha v.
Hunniiig one mile, novelty, 1st qr
if fiO, qr, Sol), :i,l qr. S.'.O, Ith qr
$50, pmso $'J0O. Tiotting, LMO
class, .1 in f, purse fill)!).
The puises aggregate $2, '200
Premiums ll.iMH)
. r.,7oo
The Management Will do Kycr thing
in Their Power to Kutoitnui
and Heiiulit the Public.
Citiieus of Wullowa, Baker, Mal
hour, (iiaiit and Union cnuntiiH, this
THIC I' FA I It, m il (inindo Hondo
Valley, "Tim daidiei of tho dods,"
with a Ismntifiil hariest of eituy
diiHimble prodiiut of the field, oichurd
and guidon, gieetH you with a cor
dial welcome.
Urin livery .-rlivle of
M evil j'vom Stahle, Pasture
Field, Oreiard, (tardea,
Dairy, .leadinv, Forest,
. Mint ' FvevytiiiJ
tint your Dog. Let as slime
the People the I'avietl lie
sou rers of Fa si era Ort'n'nn.
Co i list of Pieiniuuis, Hides and
Hegulatious addroM,
A. C. Mii.i.i.n, or K. S. McCoxus,
Ka ( 1 ramie, Oivgon.
I.n i i hi: (,'ikc'I ir cor ur ton mi: Sjati
or Oiuuo.s run thk Out'.vn' m
Napoleon Ihni Plaiiitjll i
Orlofl Fleming, Defendant. )
To Orfulf Fleming Defendant:
111 tho u ime of the State of
Oregon, you aio heiebv required to
appear and answer tho complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or hefnio Monday, the tllli
day of Noviinlmr, A. D. IhlM, the
hiiuj I eing the lirt day of the in xt
legnlar leilii ol the Cucnil couil of
the State of Oiegon for iiiiut county .
and if you fad ho t j answer, foi want
theieof, the Plaintiff will take judg
incut and decree against x ,n fur tin
Hum of :i,l('i!l '27 and inteicHt on the
HUH) of ?'J,."(iil '27 al the rale of S pel
eeul. perannuiii from the llthdiyof
February, 181)1, together with his
costH and disbursements of thi Hiiit,
and a decree of foreeloHUio ami sale
under his nioitgiige upon the Nj NK
of Seelion IM, and the SK NK and
NKJ Siq Section '211. in Tp. K S. It
'2fi K W M in (intnl eninty. Oiegon,
and will apply to tho com t for the
relief pni)cil for in the complaint.
You will full her take notice that
this Hti mriioiiK is bublishiHl by order
of tho Hon. Morton D Cliflord, one
of the Judges of the Circuit court of
(hostile, of Orogon for draut county,
made and entered this 1st daj of
SoptoailH.r, A. I), 18111.
Dalisl at Canyon City, draut conn
tv, Oiegon, this the '2ml day of Snot.
A. y. Hi;.ssinrr and
Pauiiuii . (.'nan,
Altorncya for Pluintilf,
Notice is horoby invcu that tho un
dersigned has boon duly appointed
i by the Hon. County court of (Irant
, county, Oregon, ndminintiatris of tho
OHtate of . S. Habcock, deceased,
and all pctaonn having claims against
, the estate of N. S. It .bcock, are burn,
by required to present tho samo duly
oi i lied iih by law required, to me at
i in v residence at l'rairio City, (I rant
county, Oregon, within uix months
I from date hereof.
I Dated at l'rairio City, Orogon,
! September 1st, IKDI.
1 Jam: Haih-ock,
i Administratrix.
j By virlttoof an oxecutioti and dm
i cue ot foreclosure atnl sale issued
out of the circuit c mrt of the state
of Oregon for Ihe county of draut,
upon a judgment rcndriod in said
court on the lllth day of September,
l8S'.i(aud order that siid property
lc lead vert i8il and sold under said
exocultoii matin and entered on tho
i '27th day of April, l81H)iu favor of
Joseph ami John Bingo,
pl.iiu'.ilf ami agaiutl A (! Talxir,
deo. H.Trciey, James I'oyutou and
deotge M Cleaver, defend nils, (or
the sum of ?'.l'27:i 77, with iutcnwi
thereon from thu llbhday of Srp'.mu
her, 18811, at the rate of ten par unlit,
per annum and the fuitlwr sum of
87.02 costs, anil i'.W ..111 disburse
ments, together with accruing interest
ami costs. I have levied iqMii and
w ill sell at public auction on Situr
day the ltd day of October, 1 Sit I at
two o'cl ck p. ui. of said day and at
the court house door in Can) on City,
(rant county atnte of Oiegon, all of
the tight, title ami intetest which tho
defendants above named or either of
them had on the I'.lthduy of Septem
ber, KSS'J. or now haw in or to tho
following described propmty, to-wit:
Those ceitoiu mines known, lo
cated and recorded us the "Amnion"
mi no and "Yukon" mine, located by
(ieorgo M. ("leaver and situate in
(irant county, slate of Oregon, to
gether with all the inachiueiy theieou
and theiennto appertaining includ
ing tho qua . null and quart, mill
building, hittiatu one quarter of a
mile more or less distant fioui said mine on w hut is known iih
Cle-ir creek, liratit county, Oregon,
n nd alsiut one qiliilter of n mile ninth
and below what in known a Million
Bro's urastia, the snilie filing tlio
mill anil building formvilv situate ut
what was known iih the lluckleliriry
mine in Hik-r county. Oiegon, to
gether with all and singular, tho ten
nuienlH. heii'dit.iliietiiS and appui tiiu
siiciit thereunto belonging oi in any
wise appei tinning.
TeriiiH of sale Cash.
Dated ill the e unity of (iinut and
slate of Oiegon thi 1st day of Sept.,
A. I). 181)1.
Shut ill' of (irant County, Or.
By W. S. Sonlhwoith,
Deputy Sheiilf.
nil oRlc at llurii. OrnviHi.
N.HIr la li.fvli) vl.fii llut tl iih. t
-0, 1.41 Sl. tiOllci lif 1,1 liiUliUllll lU l.
Sual 1'ff.if In u4m1 of lil.rUliu. imI ll,t ,t,
.lkf Mill m- tlt-lc Ulofr II, t rtnilll llrlL til
Ornt rieiMi, or t ruui i lu, or on Ocl In.
Iiwi. ,u I'MUiMiW I oMI.vVl IIM S.-m fr
Uw Ml-ir M: nr. S'K .i. sliir sr 1 ml VV I.I SVV
Sr bscll.Ti; K, II l. I'..
II- imuiv Uhi lulli.iiijr Hllnw,fl it, p.rir I, I
rt.iitlusim rslfi uji. tu.l rulllUiiii of M
Utt.l, Til i VVvrknr, II II Allietloti. Iinum
Ollbffl, II W I 1 .1 V . alluf It-r, llriiil rannlr,
J. II UI'NIIMITON, llsl.lf
W. II. Kelly has just recoiled a
stock of extra linn Wall Paper, and is
picparod to do jMiinting and papciing
cheaper than any one. Work outside
of tow ii solicited. live him a call.
l'-MUttl Mrli A 1' ttf.tiiifi liiti
III t. 14 1 i iiiiti In ( i. tit. I tnt tri-Mt.
fttiit iurri .f mJy miii ri if luitwn
Itiisliii'ss. Short Iia nil,
1 4f'l jiii lliiMicti"Mt tr NlinlrhU svinilt
ktl l i iiutr lui";uf fi'tm lll Miitl, ((nr.
llnglic w ooil tV Co, 1'roprM,
Canyon City - - Oregon.
IU A I i II1 IN'--
LI '.tilt I It.
Canyon City, Oregon.
Cany tat
per .1.
Lumber al their
Cveeh mill, $10
Janice Rubini'in,
Canyon Cily,
Canyon City, Or.
This popular resort has
been reopened to the publio,
ami now, as in the past,
keeps nothing but tho best.
IVines, Liquors Cigars
U. 1. lllCUAllIt, Propr