Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, September 03, 1891, Image 1

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    The Pa fter fur the Stock
man, Merchant and
The Pa per for the Farm,
the Works!) and the
Volume XI.
(Wrox city, an.dxr couxtv.oufgox, Tturtan.-tv. sept em hep ft. so.
(01 Ml
The "al Cabin" and "Uluc
lloeket" tniiic have been found wv
eral lime (hiring the past few year
noil there every reason to i-xjicct
thai I hoy wil be" n? Jtediy htintiil
for am) found for )".-. io cottio.
People hive !i-n known to travel
ll tin- way to Ph It-Mim- ixicctiiig
to take u !ihi!. ut the rooitlcr tlmt
rowed when Piter denied Chrit,
and a deh'gi.lion of men arc now
penn hi or for tho tracks that Colum
bus made wlwn lie landed at Sim
S.ilv -.-lor. !t is well enough to k&up
busy, ami whim ono lius nothing
! t.i i npptw hctnrty t well
employ Himself in rolling irreafa
lihu .H'.iin.-t immovables an any
thing de.
Many . unr l-m m.;.. Sir
u;iarlM. -i r t a!l !.. r in. il.. met
I i-i'llll ir 1(1 .nt 1 i ttl'.tl. 'T "J--rl j 11,
J..! irrU"il ii nf l:.,:rlriili (fy
li.-' full 'vr i!m) i, to S A.
I'll klll'WU I'lirillMyT o
tl.- ,-r.t,t,!o 'i.J-iV'l"l.
Prruliar In l.s 1 Mrriistn
Mui rruiii.i.i) j." Ibssl't
I.J llli'ill-
rlnp if' cm tiuly
I Mill, iyv r "ni" tlmilrcil D.MC
Hi..- "IV !! ir ' IMiu'i In
1 1', r aii, I wi,.ili r lottlj
rpi)i : ljr,Tr Ohm i, .mil ilui.ut
i'ii:i " ji i , ki t an iIikkI'i.
rt'iu' In It inoritt.
Ilnotl's; a..! i ,v umi ul. i i .'n liitli-
fiin unk in '., a. .it tin tr..n
tin- Hill' 1 1 "Ti.ii pill' t
purifier tie r ilHrmi ici
Peculiar Li it " c "J liaiiio
l.i i.ii'," - tin ro Is now
. ( ilcoil'a S iiuj .irl
Ih. m or nil s other
ti.tiuu, x- im nil i r iti-;' irallon
li-m m-rL. S Off r att.ilncit kui li noliu.
larlty In 1 1 li rt a Ilm.
aim iii iiiii iix 'iiiitiii
"VJC ami ci '.r.ili :n nr-cug all cIasjci
X of J. .;!,! n ni: i-tl.
li not !) t.nt'.i i 1 1 1 1 uy i i. r ri-paratlom,
l.tit lie niii- I i f, t tl f !' -iMir Mullcliic
Hood's Sarsaparilla
D'M''yli.!rut-Kili I'rriiAti-ilui.t;
tjl I lli.ullii. to ,AH li -4 Iilfi-'T, Man
100 DoaoD Ono Dollar
a ' .i . i. ;v . on
I't.H.Jii:. litt. r':-'if'.., HjS-
t. .u .t. )'.. if f.-nu
:ir I'; , i !m ' i ' it . " -Ina"
c'i Jli. . ll.i I t ilj i 'J 'f pit i3
.. , h. , iiinl:i
ni.d tVt:-
Mil j i.ioJie::;" i.-ij Cinot acti-.u t!i
tu.tult uirl uM .u,l .11 Irnt tl'i!ttt- ft4
li..ri .n' l ; 1 1 I'll .' uii' JiAir o? 'irr li II"i I
l i, . i I) l ..t."l. I i.wl IvaVlill bu UO-iluiu-:tt.t
fA VaHutltto Il4iit rill ?rcrtoui
lllvo.l t' , itliMtluat.v Uiln u,
... .1 lUHir . jtl. . tm .mi kl. , ttlititl
Mill!" Hlt'lIU Oil' IU Ollf I II II SO.
mi Ir ! ! ' t'ri .r J L Ui lr
eti I I i. -t li - i i l i W i.u, 1iu1hiiIim ICC,
lttl l Univ l-'i i4rvit uiulur lil tllfwctlull by Uio
s.ii.i in- itiiii.'i;iu ut xt lu r iiuiiio. crr
Largo Ml, ! 1ft. 0 lliiltl fur 8!
fori;Llf V
s vriMii
'jtO Im.,.'",'i!!1
it v:
Orvoim Si a ft' lYonnat School.
lYlonmoulh, Oregon.
JKl'l It I) 0 F J! FA h'.YTS:
lliit lixeelltwv llov. Hu.u.tmi ri:s.suvi ii,
Hon (S. V. SU Iii.iiiK. S.v'y of Statu U Dlllflo.
lion. ji. It. SIcl!lruy, Kiipt. of I'tibhi! IiiHlriiction )
I.knj. S.'Hoi.riK!.i, 'iishiiigto:i County, 1'ihm. of the IJnaitl.
J. 1!. V. Ih t Soo'y i
1 1 ou. .1. J. Daly; I'dk Cuiinly Uiocutivo Uonunitlw.
Hon. 1'. V. IUi.icv. )
.Ucni Voiuinm, Mai inn Count , I.C. Wuirr, l'olk County.
Ai.puko l.o v, ClHckaumH Couniy. A. Nui.tnkk, Slultiuiiiiali County.
W. II. Hoi.Mis, SIhiioii voiinty
I'ho leading
. ur
inal Hcllool of tliO
Not Ih west. I'.ctui
tifiiland hcullhful
locniiiii. No mi-
loona. Kew buil
uy. Now uppa
mills. Full fuc
nlly. Lil.t iv
pensoM. l.tii','1' hi
tondaucc. N r
ma), Normal Ad
v.inel, Itu-iiii- s.
Shisio ami Ait
Special at ten
liou jriwn to pby-
var at hdiool fm ifl
(1. :
Lit J$Su. 'Tr?
I I (J JIM B WiAiP;. f
5fl '2H jicr teiiii of lo wocks; l'tcpaiatoty, $.r per term; Ixwnl ut Noriiial
I)inilK Hill ll.iiO per week. Good lsiard and lutlgiuh' in jirivate families,
$.1 ."m per wock. First twin opoim Sept, 'J'J, I8U1. Studwiita can iinlor ut
ain tciiu. Fur OaU'ojue, uddrciH l', I.. Cami'iu;i,i,, A. 1J. 1'rns. or
J. SI I'owiu.i., A. M. Viuo I'ro.
Acallicvl Ikmci.
A vmir nito wo discovered
rt lie
wit of Hgrttizi-il fiwil Imhh-x of niii
uiala Umn t-xtintt, about tifltfcn
inilcii Mow tiratnl .Itinctioti, Colo
ratio, ami aero- lli (intntl rivi-r.
I'or lnrk of linn nothing nan iloin
townrtl t'xhiiining or collet-ling t
foiM-iln ttiorr than tin f-w iitvf we
pit'ktil tip at thattiinp. Sinee then,
othtn have Imtoiim- inlerrfteil in
tlit M' ri'iiutiiii" that nature had
tvontlfrfnllv prtiwrved, lnirittl n
they have leen lH'iu-ath 'ven tlm
tinct ulraUt of rock, clay ami gravel,
amounting in nil to more than UH)
fttt of lejnit nlovp theui. In
comMMty with Mr. T. t'. (,'layton,
we again viaitctl the pj-it of our ilin
co very of n year ago, ami xticcvisletl
in (curing winie excellent fjieci
men of tlill'eront parts of the ixinc
Irttcturt-of there extinct nionrtcr?,
audi a riha, IusUh, thigh Inhich, pa
tella, twth, ami many tiniilcnlilletl
fragment?. Not heing ahle to bring
ihrin away with ui, ami fearful left
we .-lioilhl loe tht'in, wc atteinptetl
to cache them in n safe place, hut
found thu undertaking to he too
gnat, aa the piocen were widely
scattered and of great weight, we
continued uncovering them, and left
thuin where we found an our
time wan limited. Mcwr. 'I'. C.
Ciayton and SI. F. IVvdwrickd re
turned with a wagon and brought
in 1 1 to uiout desirable njK.'ciineii!, ami
al.-io juicccodcd in fludiug more. In
order lo convey honie itlea of the
fie uf thego Hiiimald, we give u few
meitfiurcmentn: One large joint
which we havo in three piucerf will
incaMirc '2 inches acronn it end;
two patella of knee joints li inchca
in diameter and 1 inched through;
teeth two inehen long; tu?kn In
broken pieces from 1 to 'J J inches in
diameter. Tho location i rf a nitwit
favorable sKt for the study of ge
ology, for tlie earth's crust has here
been roughly broken and tossed
about; no stratum in one hill is on
a line with the corresjioniling stra
tum at anv other lHiint. The stra
tum of sand rock in which the fos
sils are imbedded is in some places
covered to it great depth, and in
others almost bare. Hut one other
class of fossil has been found in this
locality, anil that is the shell fossils,
which lay abutt 10 feet nbove thu
bone in a stratum of rock from to
inches thick, which has ngatucd
as welt as the shells. In connection
with this discovery, a geological
society has been organised for the
purpose of visiting and studying this
locality and others of inis)rtance in
Mesa county. Sir. T. It. Crawford
claims to know the whercalKiuts of
s mummified bodies of the genu
homo, 11 feet in height, and further,
that they are not far from liraml
Junction. Wo do not doubt .Mr.
Craw fold's btatciuent in the least,
but in the interests of our Geologi
cal Hoc.iety we, believe he should bo
nHpiottcd' to ubtautiate it. The
(Ireat Divide.
Mxsx ihti-iipi iln thumi elves a w ronj;
! liy permiUiutf their nitlntf Ui U
Urrt'd, aucl tltvu lvttiii(f them ul.Mc
ntralu witti.Htl uu i iTuit in v!.e ,iir i ti"ii
of thai which i-. it I tl" b i: rv i
i jH-rii-tH of Hint .it li.lp- t' Limit th
inorul -a'tiM- nml )i iiii"ii- ll il'-.-rml .
uien oiilliiro, vol
iintiui uiililary
Tluwo iootiviii(
dinlomiis from the
school am en
titled to lunch in
any county of the
Kta'to without fur
ther examination.
Tuition i educed
in Nor nml and
IliiNiiiiiMS depart
incuts from ID to
m SC. I'01' '''" 111
I'reiiaiatoi v fioin
to $2(1. A
Tuition. Nut lliul ami ItliHiiiKHU nmiruiiu
The fact that tho banks of Vuea
ville, CI . have already this season
paid out the exceedingly large sum
of f I'Aixxi to the fruit "growers of
that vicinity, mostly for apricots
and early euehcs, hIiouIiI s-t our
jsiiple to thinking. A limited fruit
diitrirt that will yield a larger an
nual return than the mot vigorously
worked mining districts of early
days, is indeed a homtiua. The
amount received this year as the re
sult of intelligent labor by the fruit
growers of Vacaville cannot U' less
than a tpiarter of a million dollars,
ami here we have a district that is
fully as well adapted to the produc
tion of due fruit as has there proven
such a uiiuv of wealth, l-nt" ship
ping (teaches, prunes and llartlett
H-8rs to say nothing of winter apples
are destined to prove as profitable
here, if intelligently handled, as
apricots and early s-aches have
proven there, and the sooner our
citizens renlie their advantages in
this respect, and avail themselves
of them, the greater w ill Ut their
reward. There is a whole world full
of jH-ople who arc eager to buy the
lu st to be had in the fruit line, cs
iK'cially of those varieties which best
iK-ar transportation lo a distance,
and we are only cultivating our
"talent" when we put the foothill
Ix-lt to uso in supplying tho demand
for it.
It is a sad commentary on tho
administration of justice in tho
I nited States that only 0'J "orsons
were legally executed for the ,'1'.M
murders co'ininitted in the year ISSIO
while FJi! ktsoiik were lynched.
Statistics clearly show that tho man
who commits a murder has a letter
chance of escaping than the man
who steals a loaf of bread There
is suruly something wrong when tho
executions by lynch law are Iwenty
five j xt cent. ' greater in number
than by organized justice and all
the hangings put together are not
three h' cent, of the number of
murders. There ought to Ih) moro
hangings or fewer murders.
Ni.vku turn mi omelettt. i It mnUes
It heavy.
Ni.tmi hIIiiw fnh lluli to souk io to thaw limit when fr.oli
1 1 MnwitfriH. Imrk U npriiiklvil uinninf
ilrinl fruit, It will riiH'p out the v.iirtii
Sot e nhoitlit mil UjU very Intnl. m.
tltiit linn K tt'iiili'iicy lo tutttflien the
'I'n a tvi: th cnut of tKitpIo hrnwu.
m-t tlie ml on ii few coiiIh lH'furr Hie
tire, mui turn It frttiiuuntl'.
I'lints ifniiu ihirtUo ml uliorln.
ttliiit.-M-r lniiuritlCH the kv may "w
t.iln. nml i'verylBKl.v knot. . the l-t
iiiiht.Y of Ive l never hm-iI fur ini. lila,,'
l"lli;ll coil l exwwllmflv nice Uillcil
nml mTvihI witheffjf muicc, hut jnu i.iu.l '
If el iiieco from the thicliit irt of the ,
llh nml It nhoulil weigh Uuco or :our
hiiuiiU. O
In Inivlnir i'"iliiMl liitwitem remcmlx'r u loljnttT that win. olive when
Uimun Into the liler will have the t.ilt '
i-tirleil no In the Unty, w title w that
Wits llelt the tall Citellilril
I arfnl Ijn llml l llllllr.l l'roir
UII! fur III. Itiil) I .la.'.
lu mmlrlti tililrv He h.ive only lo
limli l ill till til U' l ull. IIH.'ll Of tilt)
irient iK.-tulii.-i.'. of tile 'li'ihnllt. To
il.e i.,'iii ultiiiit, itlmuwii 1 1 1 in lhifurn
.it. vu"i it i r hU plow, In- Ik liulUMiiei.
ilih-. mill fur the tntii.iirtiitlMi of
.uii' v urtti'l'. he htu. no rival. We
1.1 i, on jirrt oijf iiiiiiu ii'Ki tree-trunks
null! I,:.- liiiliau fort" t. ami nhowit lu
ll. f.ili,'.iiil- Imluilry In piekitii,' up ami
iart-,,'1.1 ; off lrr- .nuii-h. nl.llnif the
i-oiiNtrui-'tioii of iimiIi. anil rullwuy
I'our lu!r of thl kiml iiilu- rerelven
In .in (uur tu vift lit 4liuu. ivlille lv nml
i ruK'.- are (Hiiil for the il.illy work
of all -li-illHiit. 1 li ml thl-i flirt, we
i-uiii-liiilf tlmt one eltihiit irformii
til.- work of from Iwelvu to iwnuty-two
IViiin tliu rooiinl of the ex-K-ilitiu
a,f.ilii!.t Kin .rhi-iMlnre, of
Aliyv.lulu, lu I is. we Imiru that forty
four eli-pli:iiiU WW-' ahlpp'.l from Itom
Imy for ' in the l umpalKii. Jluoh
uiiimal it . lu clmrir l" in-'ii. Of
thl" uumlier live mii-cuiiiIkmI ilurliik' the
iMmimltfu 'I'hi' r.-iiiuiiiiUK thlrty-nlini
riMift.-re I vulu.ilili- .'rvli-ii, Ih'Iiii; In
tra L it v It It thu triiiiHpnrtJitlou,
llir iiiifh a iiiMiiiUiliiuiii iMiuutry, of
eiiiiuoii, umiiiiiiiUInn ttml hiippliim. Il
Mil fivipii-utly very illllli'iilt to pro
euri' prip.-r foul fur them, unit an It
wiii oft 'ii invv ary lo travernii ifruat
ilihl.ini', i. to r .i :li thu wuteriliif place.,
the 1 Mlh of tin live nnlmalk U smtIIk-iI
to the-' liiinUlilpv Allhi'ilifh eli'phuiitH
ui"ve i-luily throiiifh u uiouiituluoui
I'ouistrv ami ihkiii hi't-oiiiii foot Mire,
th v p -rfurui their tank with uilinlruhlu
failhiulm'iM. Without them it uouhl
have Im'i-ii u.'iikury t' await Ihu hullil
uif of uujfm rJ4il. - (iniltli',''n'te'
li.- ii.iplilcl Miijfailiio.
t iiiliiilr ilili..
Mri. Tlitip Ulto In luvi gtiiitlnmnn
who liu U'fli ) ult.-litive lo you thU
Mim Tlpt'ij' "" ls'lmilf' to aim uf
the oi l.- .t (amilli' . I.t l)il euUHlF)', ami
I. iK-j-iimlo.1 the Ktii'lUh imWlily
Mrv Titti-p- AvjW UUa lit liroli
1 IK. vox llflow, llw famous pl.llll t,
riHvlwl n pn"H'iit of J-J.10.1 on his rl
II. til tilrllulH.v
.Iiii-i tium: Simox, the San PrwiU'in'O
priuiii ikiuiiii. wns mnrrk'tt lu IiuiUmi t
Mr lilw.tivl I toy toy, a weiillliy wiifoll
Mil Il.vl.ri'tili left nu i-hilil. ailmiifli
tor, ho Iiam ItiherittHl her iinither gift
nf n - powcMM's n itwl sopmao
voice ilial prvunliwitolirtnir fmnp t-i her
.Ii.iis ruit.lP Siiima, the soldier who
illivs-ti. tlx- l liititl Mate M.irliu- ImIiiI.
in n tHiiioiH'r. In uthlltkin to a luimlvr
if stuiplioiiU- coiiiiskUIimis hv lis t,t it
ten lw. ovrn.
A toi so ilmijf liter of .lonrhim, the
f.imm- v I'llliiKt, rveeiitly imuk- l-r
il. hut un opera lnircr nt UlticrfeUl
,iii.l imule Mich a lirilllnnl hc s that
she was ImmeilinU'ly eiiifuivil for Die
Inter hciohiii ut llu- Ih'i)U- opera
iliwci'ii llocnni.v, a plurrn inner with
i hUtory. illi'l o few w.-ek-. a(fii in
1'iiiilarller lie knew' lki-lh wen, litis
sun mui Meyertver well, nml w hen hv
n as aifcvsilite no olio 1 1st' w . . II.
to tunc the Instrument of I hew
lie luul lelti r front liietn ami
k.'eKiikes from almost nil k'rvut imsleru
Mas ICim'ii. the wife of the (ailimw
(li-rtiiiin sfl.ilisl. 1ms the vitltre
rhurjre of her hui'i i:i I tinmen' cor
respomleiKv, soil irfortnslii-r liitle n
nH.Tvt.iry tery mkve.sfiilly.
rvriiiorisu winietlin ivt-. lln belter
of eupulity In I' for l'liullU, the
slnifer. who lutro.linv.1 Uio "ItouliHwr
MmI.-Ii. ' hii . ili'olili.'.l s. lilt nonrn mt of
fcr of sU lhiius.itnl il 11.11-rt wurl.U- In
OoNNv Isiikiic Cot'i.ivo in nilli I
supMtt lo I tho richest woman in
the worhl. ller imiutliy lllisune lr.
ellfhty thousnml ilollars Mhe is n (.late
ly ulilow of Ihlrly five years, unit a fu
Til rrlneeiu t'lothiltl.', willow of
Prince Napoleon will r. tli from puli
lie life. ".N'oiv all P. over with me."
sin- ha. s.Oit. "if t'l" iiln' s-riultH. I in
t.'iiil i-.-tirlti f t i som,' liou- of eouU'tn
pl.ttlou un I prayer, where I inav i ii'l
us il.i. in siii'-
Tin: elteet of u-motiii tassel from
coin is t' turn the streiiiflh of the plant
to the ovaries, ami o iuluce u larifer
iniiiiiiut of ifriilu.
'I'.iKI. enre of the tiuiillii(f timtsr on
the fiirui. if you hme It. When you
luoc it iiiovimI the treei. that it re lit for
tlmlH'r nml the inferior tree that are
only tit for lire wmsl. clean up the ruli
liUli uml cncounifO the ifmwlh of ceil
IhiK. Till: farmer take not only el lint
his living oul of hU levelpU Uifore he
U'lfins to tsiuiit Ills prollu The iner
chant eounU as protll the illllereuce Is
twtvu the lmyluir anil elltiif price, less
tlie cost of the truumctlon, nml then lives
ou the prollt.
i;l'i.nno.vni with utriiwlx'rrlet. Inili
ente that hi11i'U Is'iirlui; Is nil exhau-t-iu
pun.-,-, nml that liir(er yichls of
fruit us a rule limy I' expeetetl from
those varieties which prliiv pulleu mi
kinriiily that it small prosirtion of
other varieties pnsltielnir jsillen aluuiil-
nlilly iniut In' pi ntt.-il with them in
tinier to insure a lull crop
Ni.w Voiu; was Ineorpirutetl n city in
Tin. New York cHimiuliwilou wislw to
ulilixc Castle tianlcu as un iiipiitrlum.
In New York the title of populutbiu I.
movinif up town at Hit rate of twenty
hlis-ks every year
Nl.iv iiiiu now has n lartfcr nr. a ami
inlli aife of nsphalt pavcuieuu Uiau h.i
either Uiuilon or l'.irla.
In New York city Ihey Imve ass'i.i
tlousofint'ii who tlo not drink iliirhif
bti.iucsK. I u ii I'ijf city where itiiiipi'ti.
lion in all line of hiisliicu. is wiffi-. .,,,
a i-.mi1 uiul i lit-, el Is very fhM
I im. ill MHO I. ami i n ri I ' wi v. :it .
is a ;;i.-ut nuiiiln-r to tin the uml. in on
hull lull Is the ue of til. ..t.ili'
of the Mmth.itttiti tilth, New York,
since it i" nt into the Mc wiu i mansion
Waiter llicre tire punl forty-Jive dollars
mouth uml Uiartl. .
S ti.v Miii Is eiilletl tin' "Dove1 Nel
of the Sierras."
Tlll.lil. are over line hundred uilhm of
ttri'.'U Htved ulth wissl in Uiuihui.
In the iiatloiiHl printing otllce, ht.
I'cteisl.urir. Itussla ili'iimt-nt fan !
printeil in every known hnii,'iitte It
Is the most complete otllce of IU. -II.. I III
the mil hi
Till: three cities of llankoiv, Yiiclutnir
anil llanifitUK', at the heail of Uirjfv
sleuim-r navlKHtion mi the Yuii"tc
river. I'ltlna. are sanl to ! us near t i
c. n it other as New York, nml
Jersey I 'Ity . nml ishiIiiIii uIsmii the sume
Till: Isliiiul of Hawaii, the luriffi.t i:i j
the Siiutln leh tfrmip, is constantly in
ereuslnif lu slc, olni: lo the ever How
luir ktruums of lava, which i nil out t"
the sea ami How over ami make the
shiiresof the Island overhnnif the imiin
stem of the formation.
Iticil layers of lapis laull have Ih-i'II
tllseoveretl lu Samarkand, near the
source of the rlier htvio'Iiuu hy the
vllliife of haUik. The sample pn
eutet to the ifovernor of Sumark uml
Wfljfhs uIhiiiI one jnmI (forty poiiiuUl
mui i of rare beauty uml purity of
A v.Mllinv of collet' whU'li is said to
l pieiiMtnt In Lisle, though ritther
bitter, Uinmn lu the ni'lflilirltil of
AselwiiUluitus'ii, lliiviirin, in nwl, iil.
Itiskijwuln bii1ng. mimI tin- skj-ldiMf
tilowMJuut upimnr tu July. TImj fruit 1
Ifutlinml In August uml U mW yellowi
resfltulillnr' Umirbnn ItUntt coitnu.
Ill llivo the sist jettr there were ovet
live million pl.Hs-s of mntter Mlthdriiwn
fmiu the malls Inviiiim' of ineorrtvt or
Instllll.' If III a.ltlrews
Tint t-itlfc'lls tif Allien-. ti,, Is'SetH'll
their eounclt t mss nil ortlluauce for
the tnu.liiif of cats. K-enuse the nnl
uml . ntv noisy o' ulifhts.
'Put. strunife slifht of two complete
tiutldlnifs rt'tiif tlown stivel wits seen
In Auburn. Me., recently. Itlvnl run
trncton. In a hurry to tsvupy n certain
lot Were the cause tif the exhibition
A r vss coi'.M't farmer brouifht el(fht
live wohes to the comity elei k ut l'lutts
mouth. Neb , nml ileimtmleil thx Isuiu
ty. but the ollli-lals refused to wy until
the Miilimtls weni slain mid their sculps
Tilt: )rmvriunenl'Mnf.ney Ustlll print
isl un hniitl prews -mlher clumsy
phve of luitelilm'ry with ltuiff levers
that move t i nntl fro nt every Imptvs
skm. The work of tttmin pronc. Is not
cotuthlctvd sntlsfiictory for the tlclieiite
priH-e-J. of prtiittnif the iintlon's prone
i-H's to jmy.
No wil.n fowl will pas under the
Mississippi river hrliljfc. A wounded
lfin' lliiitteil dow n the stream the other
day until It came to the bildife, but
would fo no further. It stemmed the
title till completely exhaustetl, ami then
hwmu to the shore, vrinlttlnf a Isiy to
caplurx' It.
'11 1 1: llute Is the oldest of uiuslcnl In
struiiiciits. Slw. .If. iNsi:rtl: Tu t luts twti
tl.tuifliters w ho tire very skillful into.1
ilmis. Till: renl iinmc of the etuulticlor of
the Mni inc liitml Is Obit until I'lillllp.o,
but when he etiteritl the ftm ernnii'llt
service he utldtsl 1'. s. A. to his eifiio
uieii, uml now he u called .lolni I'hlllp
ritis.i fur short.
Anno, tit'isr. f.viuiv, at one lime
foiislderetl nmnnif the ifreittesl
tos ts a I .tr fc btunile woman lu U'liiw
llitn.lM tni- tsiuutt'linnee lu'llllis the In'
nevolemv of her hearl. l)iiiuestlti af
fairs uud cHurity work nmv enifnge the
(fiviilv'i- share of her daily time and at
tention. Twut kovvsrv, the I'.usslitu I'otn
ptsser, who 1 nt work on n new 0ioni
wliieh he luutlly eypcel. to complete
llisttle of two years, wiys. "The Inlsir
of e.iini-u.lnK Is slot., t.ud I iicm'I- ill
tempt tii(ii li '. V 1 1 1 1 1 if lit a nhoil time.
I ii in Homellmex a mouth iluliik' what
liu.t iiuslerii fomNHd t-. at'eoiupllsh lu
tell minutes I einitiot work rupldly or
ill nnv time except when in the unssl "
It Is said that M-lutleu tuny Imi cured
bv iippl.vlujf n eontitii, of llowert. of sul
phur to the u!T"ctcd limb.
A t I I' of tea la.ule from the nsits of
freshly tlujf ilaudcliou'. will work ttoit
tiers for the nerve. Take three tluiei
a day.
I' viicr the ernek in your Hp with eol
hsliou uliflitniut luoriiintf until the side
are joined to.fetbcr. To prevent eha;
iitif. rub with cokl ereioii nai'li ulht on
retlrltiif Drake's MH'it.ine.
1 1 i'-il that d -.piptlc liiMiiuiil .
inav Is- overeom" by pl.i. I.ioit the pit
of the stomach li towel, wet with tepid
wutt r and covered wllh n dry elolh It
is:, reuii'dy easily te .t -it by a milferei
(.. in thi.t'sslni; mal.idy.
I on I. -mliT feet, take two iiutiU of
eld wut t ami mid one tiiblepX'iiful
uf lny rum mid two tablet SKiufut-. ol
ainm nlrt. The feel ihould Is' soaked
i:i tlii. for ten minutes, throwing tin -r iipw-.irtl U the kniei.. Itubilry
tilth a crush towel, ami the tired fccllii,f
i. ill 1- iconc.
Mam. cater furrows from the low
places In your Ileitis.
liv shiiris'iilni the Ins- uml keeplnif a
keen tslife on it llfty per cent of tin
tabor amy Is' uitetl. wire fence otijfltt to have it lop
IsMtrd or ttume other sljfiml Im'sIiIcs the
sst-., ci'ciully when' I ion' run.
ANV I man ,v can do to linpixiveyuur
farm fuipi'ovc-. ymtrmlf ami help, to
roll ou the wheels of pHarress ifeu
r rally.
'I'liKl'.s planted nlonif the fence nml
lllso ulolljf the lotuls take but little
ns'iu ioiup.iiiil ti pl.e-licf tin in lu mi
orchitiil, uud I t Mime scetloiis the apple
nnsweri. v.cll for the ptirie.
I'lun . Waiiiurox suy.. aifrieulliire Is a
Isiru M-U'iK-e. Il Is full of lsitniiy.
iHiliif v, Heolotry ami elitoiunloiry 1 1 is
full of ehi'mUlry, from the soil to the
Hiowinif plant, the riHuliif wttl uud
the iinimal lid' which Is the outcome.
An Kit tin- I'm main1 or Yorrit. May
"Yes, I ss'itt the w inter In riorldii."
Illnuche "lint, like Hemu'ilf U'oii, you
were unsuccessful " N. Y lie ruld.
Ci. tat (just enifiiifeil) "Alt. Kiiuiia,
( I only knew lunv lo make llwurd
liappy ' ' llininu (a student of human
nalurt i "I'll tell you. my dear. Hon't
marry blin." riiejfeiiile lllittler.
Mi i. "(Hi, I'm Invited lo the Wny
up ' b. II, but I don't know what lu tin
wtnld to weur. What won It I you wear
If you luul my complexion'.'" Milieeitt
"A thick veil." ItofcUm Courier.
Till li tlfSH tl.l.Tlll.NMS. i;ilu "I
la Hit.- lu liiaklnif the iutt of little
lliluir" i;ille--"l have noticed thai
jnu i re always careful of jour irol
look . " Sutiutkty llvenliiu Herald.
Aui'il.l.t (ioxi.. - Iltliel "Is ( lam so
very miu-li in love" ilaiul "I sluuiltl
say she I I saw Iter ritlinf u letter
to Win the ulJter day and she put 'Hear
.lack' mi the envelos'." N. Y. Ilernhl.
A.V IliKA. -Clara "My physWiiin has
udtWcil Hie Ui no to llermaliy for my
ciiuiilcon, ii ml I ikiu't want to (fo a
till. I wad llmrn only lutt year."
Mauito "Wliy ilun't von havtt It sunt
ovvrr'-X. Y. Jjuu.
Mas ltoionr Uoiut. of New York,
has un income of tvus) a day.
Mlts. II n in o bns n to show
for nearly every tow n nml city she vis
ited lu the silver states
Till, princess of Wnles Is exhibiting' a
nnmln'r of her ertliliible production
In phntoKrwphy :tt lite ethlbitlon in
Tin. tpieen of IViuntirk Is nu exs'rt
tlressmakcr nml u (ftssl istry etsik.
ller iliiuifltters nlsti nrv all eleter
Hcetllewomeu. nml so Is the ctnrltiit of
Mu. ItiaHtu: Coxki.imi, after n oiif
ls'rio.1 of retirement. Is iH-euslounlly
iM-en usiu the street of New York
uifitlu ehul In simple black. Mrs limit
lliif Is alsitit sixty vettrsof ne
'Pill Arehtlni'hess Marin Theresit of
Austria is n eleter ifoldsiultb. and her
intimate uml futoivil friends nml meui
1st of her family inv the btippy re
cipient of irold Iiixsh Iic' tlesliftic.l mnl
i xeeuletl by the noble Indy
Cot Sills AVMI.Ilt in. ia Itts-HKitir-c
villi Is wild to v the most U'tiutlfiil
woman of this ceutur.v . ller pnillle li
strlklniflv like that of Marl.' Aittopi.
cite, mid her hair I-. nf the real shade
Imism'smsI by the martyr itteen.
Tin. i .unite". t. Mennnls'iv. who
was reeeiillv ui.irrietl Ion me luts-r of
the lins-rlal hmi'v of litis .la. lia . iii'.rro
hlissl lu In-r vein . She Is a il.iii.ihl.-r
of the (siet 1'iishUlu, who wns a tie
tM'einlnul of a ne(fixi fnvmrlle of 1'eler
Utc l ireat.
Mill. PllWK l.KSI.IC'it IXKiHiR lit the
(lerlach lint.. In New Yolk are elc.i'ui
Illrf The wall of the tlr.iwln,-lis in
mv HnUhed lu ten.i cot 1. 1 uml t'te ..ll
injf un- is'tirl color, with j .1.! The
HtMir-. nil' polished mi.t 'tivvvu with
rtijfu. There are 'pi. tint art bits mi 1
lalnl.v brlc-.i-brac
TlUilnxlest laiy lit-.. ! i , seen cltt.ei.t
to the he .il nf the pr v.-sl... when lUc
elrt nu I . In t.tvn.
It li. ivuitirk.iliU', bt.t the niifair mil
plre was nevi r yt t known t ileclile for
uur sltle. 'laitianiiiKillh.liiuriiiil.
TlH.ui: ure llme-i v. hen forlK-arancc
censes to ls a tirti.e. Put never v. lien
you are Isithi-rinj; w.ui.-lsg-1 1,..-.
erville .lotinui).
so manv jMoJile have Ihr l.Kilc on Ihelr
fnces a If they h:ul Int'll itltowe.l one
!nst strike at lonn thlng nntl niin e.I ti.
Mclilx.n lilols'.
Till, ifissl die y Mtn.-f, The ot'ien. I
eome oltle ,t i.llli.liiljlit . ttll'l li ' lllniut
the wctitVr. l!ielr uce . iin.l evervllibin
t-lse. N. Y. Ilernhl.
1 r i. h.iI I to It a tlilnei' inyt'.t t'nt
the uml of a Jst'l p.ei- e . I t'l,' b slv
uf ; trm . Iiopp. !- .it . mJ i. from i'le f.i. l
of the bitter i lu, -In- .intil It starve .
M.vf.i.xo u of onerclf a tH .'.-im'
Uiul ii I lite 1; nil llt.i.' . and ii';,rv 'l hele
is no hope of odlrtivvlic iL t.r, by cv
ii.'iicneiiiif it once, c'ciipluk' Il a M'tMiul
Kvkx the mimI isuwIik1 of inen m.iv
Ik- potll'iln .1 his ifissl opiuion "f liiln'll
if he reim-i.ils -i v. lit- liiol'.i I ion;
the ncljfhls.r . Mild .ils.nt 1. 1; i t. ben In
ic a baby Nomervlll . I .
Till: louiftie is a tell late un'inher
iKs'tor look at It to sec If the patient's
stomach Is mil of order, ami the uencrnt
public freiucully learns from it Unit
the owner's iiilnd is out of order. M
Joseph News.
I.olili Sai.Isiuuv's nncestor were
mcintiers of the Ktifllsh eublllct tluee
hiimlrcd yeitrs nifo.
Till: duke of IMinhiirifli. ut a recent
"siiinklui; eoneert" in limlon, was
present vvearlnif a ifold briieelet
I 'him 1. 1 1 1 : si t v or llvrti Mii.tio.shiivvl'
iH'iirer-lu-chit'f lo his iiiother-lu-liivv,
Uticeit Vlctoila. I now known as I'rluee
Tilt: late duke of Iteilfunl's llicoinc.
nptirt from his isThomtl estate or fioin
his enorinoiis proNTty in Uimlon. tip-h-ar
to have Ih'cii seven hundred ami
lifty thousnml dollar,
The earl of Derby succeed lird
(Iriiuvtlh' as chancellor of Loudon mi!
verslty. Keisomtof the most numer
ously ttpsiintetl men lu loiiflaiid, uml
like the mariills of llitrtln.'tou lilt as
ninny piesldeiitlat chairs its would fur
nish it ilcct-iit-vlicd nsim
l.oitn S a i.ism'iu . stout mid Imloleul
a he may now- seem, has lcn it hnnl
worker, ami lu 1S.VJ. when he w.t
ItnlsTt Cecil, vlkilctl the l!cutllfo ami
I to In nil ffolil llclds, where be Julncl
the dinners, lived in II tent, did his own
washliiK' uml Ironing mid tliif ami Kth
ered UlllTHel.
Tin: duke of l-'lfe has alsnit n iloeii
suits In eonstinit use, mid he nevi t
wenn. the smiiii clothes twice the am.
week. His trousers lire on shelves,
marked Monday, Tuesday ami mi mi to
the end of the week, ami I key are tare
fully pressed by his valet la-fore l'btf
tint ou, so it to pet rltl of the cn-n-fs
tlsllllls- Mime).
It Is not until a mtoii linn lost a flv
or ten-dollar bill sent through the
mulls that he feel thai there Is hoiu -thluif
or somelsnly sudly liuiuorul i.i
the service. The pruetice of bcndiu,'
iht money throti)fh the iniillu !-. u
very fisillsh one. It can Ih' easily
proven. Place a llve-ilolkir bill in un
envelope Now smell It. There you
liuvo It. There Is uothliti; ou eintli
that smell llloi kimt iiiimey mid n
thief t)XMTt In Ills business with fmsl
olfuutory nerves can detevl the prei.
ciice of money lu un euveloai ut ttuy
WifU of the ifume It I well to re
incnilsT liefnre Mintllnif miht money
tuireifUtentl that "for way Hint ure
tlaik nml trick that ure vain" the
rivcrntff mall thluf bonis thu "hcatnen
( lilnt'c." -Chli'iiKti News.
I'm scl.v liukuuly 1,00'i vltlzeiik wliotc
uuiiuul llitajiiivi excovtU MA.OOU, uud IS,
lit Whose lucumc exceed 8fi,0vK,
, A Wnr.l uf A.ltlrn lu Till. Willi An
' Mini) lit Oralttr
The hummi memory Is proverbially a
Icnky vessel, ami souii'timc. like n
lllter. it retains the refuse of the met
ier committed to Its keeping un.l suf
fcr the inure valuable Mirttou to uv Often lu writing or s'ukliif
tore esaci.illy In sjs'itklni,' we vu'tii'
ly ininuick the "chuuilK'r of the bruin"
ft-r a niuch neetleil worvl, while 11 fly
other words that we do not want ole
Irnslvely sitirifest thoinselvev
Theix1 tire specialities In ftirirctfulnes
which nrt exoeedlnifly nunoylnif. un.l
make the pnrtle nUtlctcd by them b.ol;
like fisds in MK'lety. Yet these iu.
foi'lumtte peculiarities tlo not nci'es
.atllv Imply mciitiil weiikuetui. Per
sons of extrtiorillunry Inlelllcnce Inivo
Is't'it known lofnryct their own iinme
uml there nrv other who ure us tilillt I-
otts of date us If they had never seen a
numeral. Illcsscd ure they who, lllm
William Pitt or I,onl Mnenuley, cu.l
nlwiiv.. Uud the word or phnise uppiii
print - for the occasion.
A prehensile memory, thai t'lln.rn HU.!
an upe's tail to vv luitever It etubruies,
l truly n u rent iflft; nml yet the f.icuUy
may I clout; to a slinplclon lncnsihle uf
u -'fully tipplyini: anything that he re
iiicmlK.rts Ucluivc rceu prtsliiflet of
reiro'lvctlon vv ho were ubsolutely woo I
for iiothlnif except for pnrp.i.oi of ref.
I, t no one w ho eauiiot "nntl wnr.l "
ivhcn he vv nut them, uud tit rifht
wor.lit, ttsi, ever uttempt the role of or
ntor lie will Infallibly break tlown.
lu wrlllnir. one can utrord to wall fur
lite tiiuint symli.ll of llumlil to ivtur.i
to it i place In the meiittil vmmbtllitry or
Like time to hunt for a substitute; but
tint sort of tiling won't do lu the fn.-e
of un evp.-ctant ttudlcutv. If you
Ibiiimler they lauifh. or. p 'ih.ips. Id s,
nml then when' tire you'-N. V.
Hon II ('sine I tt.lrr tin. I'r.ilrrlloll u(
l.iilsh iN'cupancy of Malta dates
from the yenr IMKI Two yenrs la'forj
tltiit Naisileon, mi hp. vvny to I'lfypt.
hail taken the Islttml. mid after II I.
Ji.tiru of ti few days luul left matters In
ebni-jfe of ViiuImiIs ut Vitlettti, the cap
ital. Hut the Maltese mhiu revoltt'tl
i!,nlnl l'leiich Iviauiiy mnl laid sleu'e o
Vale I tn, Is'liiff iildetl In their entcrpi ls.i
by I'm liiKUese. e.iKilltun uml l.nirll.b
allies. After u slece of tito year.i
tviilsils mh lend. iVed, whcrcilou the
Miillese, hatlnif lost twenty thousand
men In rccoveiluif their capital, initio
liil lly placeil thenist'lves tintlcr the ptxi.
lection of I'lii'lnnd, an ttrrmiifemcut
uflervviinl continued (In tblll by the
treat..- of Paris. Since then the Island
have pr hk'ixhI under llntlsh rule lu
rit.i tin- sipulatlou win l.'ii.vij, nut tn
liullni; llr.tlsh Mildlcr. or their fain
t.e of this iiuuiIht twenty-four tht ti
saiiil vvere Hiiiflish mid other fnieljriirl'i.
Ou ai'count of the ira.vt lv of
t cttructlvenes In other tvitra in a
vv Inter lesldeuce the alien Hiptilnliot
has of lute lieen rupldly liter, ii'lnf'.
'l lu- l-luiiil has kimiI university u al
lower school tmsleled after IIiim.1 of
1 'iijrtuliil. In the selusds tint I hit y
Itn'iiin wns tlie 1 1- til l tliu l.iliifmilte.
ih. mi h the 1. iitther o'
Arable than of Italian stm-k, l.utely,
hutvev. r. elb it hi.vv been imidi' to ej.
Ie...l Die use of Kiii'll-li, uiul no di libl
th - laM' of llui' v, ill lu- ' the Mall.'se
pretty ciTeeliiullv Auiflii liu-tl. Prof
Cnlvln Thom.ih, In the ( huutuuipiuu,
.Snill.i ii It 'i Vmir C),-,
There I one ttljf "don't ' vvlileh nine
tenth of v'.oniintklml iiilifht with ml
v uil.iif.- hang 11(1 over llttir irelrif
table, it-til it U this. "I luu l i.m'ile p. c
l'luully." Is there anylhlu.f uioiv
v.eurisome lliuti the per-sou MhoiS'nsc-b-ksly
exp.indi. uud contracts the llp
over lite teeth, without uilith or i.icun
iujf. fm- Hint l. what the continual
.mile eventually become. Let mty
tvmnnu stand before ti mirror mid at
Icin.vit to ptxsluce mi animated smile of
welcome .she will Is-surpi ised lit the
witless ifrimacii that will respond,
Tlmt I. what smiling l with no soul
Iw'tlnd It I. cum to smile with the eye
It. id keep the mouth mid facial lines In
re In' speuk of the pleasliif (fruv
ity of the Oileiilul. This Is the secret
of it a kindly llcht lu the eye, with a
pd t expression of the fnee. Thcie li
io i-opyrilfht iihiii il. Let her uml him
v. ho will ' it. N Y. Times.
Ax Ullluithiiin, Kan , vvouinn uvold
theexs'Use of keeplnif li nurse flrl bv
lariittlnif her children out, after the
manner of entile.
A Ni.wamio (Mich.) lover irnve his
KWeetheint sixteen tlolliira with which
to puiehuse it vvetldlui; trouhseuil. She
t'Mik the money and married another
A sMiiiiNil woman wus recently ex
s'lci fix.ui a church In lliielue, Wis,
she hail not a pleasant countenance
while asleep In her s'w, ami tliu clergy,
until thought she wus iunkiiif fneos nt
A iikm.voi.i.m Atchison (Ivaii.)vvonuiii
keeps u bar of soap on a board neurit
creek that nuts tliroiinh the town for
the use of tramp', and a iiiuiiIht of
litem may Is- seen al that place every
day tviishluif themrelves.
An extr.iorilluiiry tenant It Mr.
A nn. i l iiclis. of Vienna, who lived In
the Kitme tenement for forty yeurh and
never ipi.iriel. il with her lamllord. She
tisil; sim-imi ut eighteen, nml live
there now us a woman of llfty-elyht
l orn i pliitcr of OTullon, Mo., have
Is'coiuc fumotis by the new paint on
tlielr joint residence. They could not
ukiw on the coloru, so they decided thut
each thimld Iiiivp her favorite color on tt
Isnllnn uf tho Iiohm', uml Hum thuy
dixnv lot fur the portions, Tho liuusu
' uu uitUtlc rcvittultou, .