Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 27, 1891, Image 1

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    The Pa jirr for I he Stork- V
mm, Merchant and
The Pa per for the Farm,
the Workshop and the.
Volume Xrtl.
('J.Y)'(hY CITY, Glt.'l.YT COUXTV. 0 HUG OA', TIIUliSlM V. .tl'Gl'ST iV. IS!) I.
A'umbcr Q".
PI I lr
f&rpo'on Nlalv jYormaf Ncfioof.
Monmoulh, Oregon.
JlfUh'l) OFJUCnC.VrS:
Hi Kxt Hrmrv !'V. Nt Pkmnoy.-r,
Hon O W. Mi -iMtor, Hiw of Statu
Hon. K. It M. Kirov. Supt. of Public Innlnnlinn j
Mrj. :- nix i ;i i.i, Vnhinxtoa County, Pro, of Um lWrtl
.1. It V It; fl.Kn. Mjns'i )
Hot, J. J. Ham; )
H-n. P. V. Hu.r.
Jo 'it ViiiiiiKw, Marion County, J.
A nidi I.m v, 'I irkumw County, A.
v. II. Woi.viiA, M ni-iuii County.
Tin- lo.i 'iji Nor-
111 ll l of J,p
Northwest, lieau-
t : fill nt.,t healthful
Ik, nt tn . No rn
I "tim. New build
inj.". New Dpjin
i ituK. Full far
nliv. Light rx
peiiso. Lntffe nt
loxlitucp. Xor, Nofnml Ad
vanced, PlIMf.e-a,
Miotic and Art
LJL'.l .
i-a-- r
1 '. 1" 1
hpecinl niton
J." i i, ii
lion given to jilij-ifcL
Yfitr nt rcIiooI for il.'iti.
Vn Mr tt'int of It) rtkn; l'rcparatoiy, f" ju r imn , ut Notinnl
Dining I fall 8 1 .."! per wi'k. Good Umrd uml I'din in n:it- faunln
$a.5() wr week. Firm tortn npfiiR Kupt, -2. 1 s-.1 1 Mi.di nt . im murut
titiytcrni. For CnUilogup, mldtOHH P. I.. 'wu m 1 1 , A H Pni r
.1. M P. i.i i. V M Pr..s
Nvtico in herfcliy t;i rn tli-it ! ii
I no of nn cxcrutioii aiul 01 l r if
isvltotl out of the t' iri'iiit C'oh r t of i lie
Ht.ltO of Oli'tftm for tir.lll'. ..lints.
Itpotl a iuil'ment nud oidi r of biilr
toadereil in oaid court on thu "JTili
dny of Miueli. 1 s: I , in fuvoi of
M irgmi't Powi-ll, Plft' mid ntitn-t
Admn Slurray, Win. Murrnr nnd
Alex Murray, copm-tiicrR n Munay
Pro, nnd Alox Murray iIi-fomlantH
for Tin ec Tlioumud Ono Hundred
ninl Kifty-oitflit nnd Hixty-ouo onc
liundrrdtliM ($.U.'K11 ) dollnnt with
intort'Hi thtrron from nnid U7th day
of Mnreli. INIU, nt iho uto of 10 p"r
octit, por nriiiutii uml the fuitlii-r hiiiii
of Tliri'C hundri'd unci ten dulhun
ii ttorntyb" (ua, and tho fintliir Hum
of .Scvpiitv nnd twenh -two iiic-liuinln-dtliH
d'lllnrs uo.ts mil ilw
iMirNfiubiilK, nociuing coU mid tlm
fiwU and t xpuit.K's of nnd upon Uiin
writ. I hiivo It i ii-il upon und will
Hell at public auction on Katurdav,
tho 2ttlt day of Aui, IH'.M, at
o'clock p. in. of naid day, at tho
cjurt house door in Canyon City,
(iraut county, Oifffon, all tho rijjht,
title and inteichl of km id dt-fondauU
in and to tho following dim-iilH-d
iituohcd propertv, lu-wit: Tho SI of
Spc. :i, l',. 13 It -j; j w M and
N4 of NJ of S.-C. P, Tp. 13 H. It 27
I? V M and the SK of Sec. I, Tp.
13 S, 1? 37 K W M mid of Soo.
I, Tp. 13 .S It ! K W Mmid Ni of
Sec. SI, Tii. 13 S. It S7 I! W M and
VA of NVj m, I SWi ol NV and
N'Wl of SW1 of Hue. fi, Tp. I. 'I S. H
'2,1 K W M mid ' of NWof fvc.
!!.) and K'i of Nlit of Soo. 31, Tp 1'2
s, It '.'ii K W M ai. l SK of Sic. L'7
nnd NKJ of NWfr mid NW of NHJ
of So.: 31, Tp. 12 S. It 'Mi K W M
nml SKI of So.-, 20, Tp 12 S, It 2iS
KWM nnd H1 of Si c. ."i, Tp. 13 S.
It 27 F. W M'and K. of Si. of Sec.
22 and W of SV"o( See. 2.1. Tp.
13K, H 21! K W M, all lioiiiK mtualo
in tiiant couuty, Mtatc of Oregon,
(of-i'llii-r with all nnd mnjinlar tho
ooaiufiutai, horcditaiuoutii and appui-tcuaui-eg
thoioiuito bi-touing or in
nnv wine apx-itmniui,'.
T rum of sale ckli.
Palo I at C'auyuu t 'itt, (lUnt
rouijiy, rrgu, tliix 2lstii iy of
J.ilv, A. D. ISSJI.
O. P. CHKSAP, Klicriff.
Py V. H Hoitii W'ohtii,
NuTicn van panucATioN.
tu.: ipii,-e tt Darn', or.
Jui iu, imi.
K.ol W linrti)' irlroii thm flkiwlii mn
'"i''li.i iiirl nutlc uf bt inmiUun to tntlu
In, . i -r. f in Miiri ui nalw. a Ihtl ull
I, ...I Kill Ii,. miulr lolura Ibe luuiil) t1i of
I. 1 ti.uiii), oi "att iruu ittr. orrroa, ou All(.
l - HKMIlYT. KHB, H'll ... 8HIJ. lot
II. . HW l( s, T IS , U U K W M.
II.- tiuura Hie foUoalnv IUu' to iru bla
i..ii,i.i in filni umii, iiul UItmi kl, W
i,..,l , ,i ; I lit IK..II, Jmn w4I. 0 K.
A I. l)l.i",lli.f ITwrln I'llr, Omm
J. U. IIU.STISI.TO.M, Hltur.
The Polkc Oaictte.
I tlx only illustrated juipcr in
(In-Horld contaitiinu nil tho Intent
Hi Dhatioiiiil ami xntiiiK new. No
H ilo-iii Keeper, HarU ror Cluli Itooni
tMii alfurd to U' without it. It al
w:iy. makes friendu whcn-vir it
M.iilnl to any uddrcioi in tin
United tfUtw, neeurtly wrajipi d, 1-!
w, . k for l.tM.
k!. ml Kivi- t --iii h fur H.-imple l ojiy
I'd H.tiM) K. Kox,
rr.Mikiin SiU.ire, Now York City.
I.x OflUin.
Polk County Kxpctttir Committee.
C. Wmtr, Polk Cotiutr.
Noltskh, Multnomah County.
alcal ctiltttr, vol
untary military
Tlmao rr vj iug
dipIoinuK fiom the
m-iiool aro r ti
litled to teach in
miy county of tho
nlnio Million t fur
titer examination.
Tuition irdliccd
in Normal Aiul
ltlDtilU'M ll')rtlt
montK fin m S ID to
J-.Ti pr j-mii ; in
l'rt'imrntorv from
t" ?-' A
1-- 1 'V
La j-f.
Tint ion. Nuiu.ul mid UtiniiiiHs course
!1 Kl'!'!" T
I I.I, ".' o-'.'i'. 1 1 I .
,.. ,1, i.. u.'- ...ii.
, h.i n,. -. . , !(-.&
) -I I, l.r..
.. ' i . ..HU
II. M.l. .1 I.
Jtu, 1'it-iv , I'm., Sin. W.
I ww lr.ul,l.-U wlih Imti. uulnr i.l tnl
i.,uin -vui .Ii. l,ul .,f nn u'-l bail iIuum!
ii . mn. . wt. ii Mim-lMMljr umini niloil I
t . K" 1 . N. ri 'I..I.I,' I Irl- .l It alxl tut.k
I .: .'U.u . . I It, ui. h I, r-.unlit Uk try
ii , i to. , H' 1 ja rt.i r I rwi.iii-t-,
t.'i il, .i.' ll t'. il Hift.ri-t'. It
l.lDik. IU.. . it Nakf ,r l'rlr
iilokui; i ania:!.
A II.h.U mi Mrrti.iii
I II ftiif m tlit'o lo m iiliinu.
ai ,1 ..m,i tiUrhU.ll Alao ,,L,UIU
nil iitiHiit int. irct. i.i I ll.irt
It.U rni, ,lr l.u l ii ;irirf 1 br Hi' llerar-l-tl
I i'u.1., i K nn I I'.Tt tiv.lDtl ,nw UrX,
bli.l im Itow ( uii,lr-t ltl tlirm-tluti lijr Uta
KOCNIC MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Snl.l l.r lltucul.U tit Ml l or llt.tllr.. 11 Tttr
VS. LirroSUo, VI 73. 0 llotlle fur S'.t
I'-MlNlSTIi.VTolt S SAI.K.
Notice i-. hi'U'hy (jivi'ii that in per
Hiinm u of mi ordt'i ol the lion.
County t'oiut of the Htntc of Oregon,
for t ! runt county, whiih older n
made on the tith tiny of Jtd, SU,
in the iiirtll.'i of the cut. ite of Stephen
Ciialuun, ilccenxed, t!.e undentinnod
ailminiiitratoi-of mod rutnte will on
StuiiUy, the -".'th day of AiiKimt,
1 K9 1 , nt tho hour of two o'clock p.
m. of miid day, in front of the rouit
Iioumo door in Canyon City, On-jjon.
null at public auction to the hitflunt
wild Unit bidder foi 'ihIi in hand nil
tin- riht, title, iuttiett und etate of
tho -aid Stephen (indium, deceniwil,
nnd nil the li'ht, titlo and inteitmi
which tho Haid CHttu linn by niciu
tion of law or othnwiso ncqtliltxl in
and to thnt certnin real enUte nitttntti
in (iraut county, vtntti of Oio(;ou,
and particularly dem-i ihod nn follows,
town: The SK of SHI Sec. 13,
Tp 11 S . U. :il K. W. M. ami tho
SKI "f SNVI al(1 11 HU'' 1
Sec. 18, Tp. IIS., II. 35 K. V. M.
Patrd at Canyon I it v, t)ie;ii,
thin 2."itli day of July, k-'JI.
lit.OltUK II. Wool),
UmI ORU t lluriu. lif.-von
Jtiiu it. If 'I
Kblio- ll..i'l.j (Iwl. Ilie r.,m.M.j-..i. .1
ivtllar la Hl.ail ti.lK- u' LI tttt'titloii t.i u.ak.
ttnal .. .( In t.i.(Ki ta l.u ('.lui, aiul oi
rirtaif Mill ta tiiaJ llir ( titibt) I'lrtk f
Itanl i !'. .ii Cliy. or(un. on A
i&. tun, .;.' iil:t iifcs iifin. iw an. n
aai, r.rf iLooWMrOK a , W hi Nliir, N" e
an rjr mc I m -l thn lallv iiik 4llutaoa lo ku
nlliiixa raaMtilin H."li tH'l culli.atlol. "I
l alJ Ul..t. li K I. Ulnar. ia lUlil, I
lilai a. i T I'o.cll. all t.l !'). Or.
i, II. I1USTIMITOX, IUki.l.i
Uua Offlca at Hunia, On-iu..
Jul. II, In. I
Ni.tlra lah.rrliy (loan Hut lha ."" I
aalllar luia tUa.1 imMUw of hla I .Wi.l.oo l.. m-k.
dual .r .( In aupiwrt of biarlauu. an.l Ut 1 '
ursuf alll 1m Illiilf bafnr Ilia i.hiiiI) ll.ii "I
Itranl moult Or al Canton I lit. or on Amr
lavi, u JOKI. ' AIIIIOTT. 1IM No I.i
Ilia t; hi (.H .jramlan tir kH .r k ISaii-l St. ir
N v hat III Tla. It W. i:
lla l.alu.all.e l.,ll..ali. altltiawa to rt'ti l.l
r..ttiliu,.iia nat.l. ut , iiia.ii. an.l riiltuallini .4 aal I
l.i.l t,. I r.. i,,l. II
lin. tl it .1 .'ul. all f M, aarl, l.lai.l i..ui.l. "
I u. ha. I a a,aa. tl
lwt. J
i H( i
Ul laM a
Nvii aa I a I
I . I.-
tjTaavisr :;'.,'.-',.::;.r1
m-mg ik a.
1 ' ' a 1 la. la I I am. a a.. I...
II. Hull. 11.1 ...,llu nnOIUUuU,Xlalllla
Mj.IL IU fU.t TKAil i:arncst.
I' r, h.n in r Mi t.-rv-t hi. Bn ii In
i", .n; on o n.-w j.tir i.f l.t-, rt
' ...ii' il- ' I Im!l never ex t lhr-i en nt
ul! tt tat It I xx.t.r ttHm n il.i.v or t. "
'lit. Utit ' I i-.n't ace, m,v
w lint ir a t!ml t)..nler of (;tr l.a s yon
.iromtt the : of your r.Uirt." Mm.
Untuip "Ulijr. It lw that t can f
furxl It."
"Vol a oVi hnren't nny meat In
lhin, Itnmaa.u," ulxaerxcil "s-atWU IaTry.
"My ilenr fellow, ytm aliouhl patri.nlw
a huWhor, nut a notrelUt." n turnctt
Mo. t'irtMAK (wbo ban taken Kmtxt on
a firm)-.-Ith,rv ataatik nnyxx here t-.ear
hr,.?" TarnHT i alehum 'Nlll'. Wc
nin t never had nu for txtnkn in tlila
m etion. You avc, thla t tle Brat M'aaon
anjr of u. luxa keit aitmroer Utnnlem."
l"irft loe h-ltcra ailay. -1) Snapper
I imn knew a man who unrxl to r-Ci-tx-e
over Itf tj love lelU-rw vrvry tiU-aiamt
it-ij-:" Ml ioirirnUt - "'tVar tne! lie
mutt have K-en a reirnlar IXm Juan."
IV Snap-r---.ot at all. madam; he una,
i. noatiuun."
Till old Iehoi of liimkm llaeil to
any to her eronie: "Von kimw, my
letir. when I diili't know how to anvil a
tvonl I ly itritw a Uric unttcr It.
unit If It la apelletl ronjf it pnM' for It
very ifinal joke, ami If it U n11ihI rijfht
it .l.vati't malta'r."
"fHorKaaolt," aakt R attlilellt, in wr
.iiit of knowtmiire eoncrtrnlii the hali
Itaof anlmalm "why dWa h eat while
. .itinif tuhi her heaat Arat one uuy aiul
then the other.'" "Kor the rvaixm." re-1-ltt.l
the proeaaor. "that ahe I'ltmit.l
i.iru it Ixtlh way ut once."
I'n t: irueat aut down, hut naxe htir
ii ,UU u ith mi exprvKnloti of atann on
l i. f.t.-e. "I am nfrnlil. mwtam," he
- . .1. "I have ant down on the uron
. I or ' "lt'a only Uiltte'a ptiHn
rvplieil the laity, Jilea aoitly.
It-mi mind It, Mr. June, lie U.ti
o nt., more of them." t
M i ... in it - -"The poatol wirvlw la in a
.1 eoiulltinti" I'rieiul - "Never
i, !, .lit." "Well I have Iurinjf liiat
. it li I aent out one humlrxil iin.l
i. - latementa of neeount, xxith re
,e. -I-- f..r immeillute pai ment, ami o
i. ii us I ean learn, not more than two of
nit . u.toim-ra received their lutUTa."
HoMiiuc ItAl.XAi U called "The father
..f Iti-nlUm."
Ni Aiu.r tni,000 Una nlrcaily
.-..iltrllinte.l to the John Itoyle II lli'illv
memorial fund.
1 1 U eatliitutol that ill putting on a
till eollar a man walka about hall
i.iile, were it ill k alrui)(hl line.
Tun Port Huron lunitel bumpjet will
In- eaten June l from ttat euni In the
iimlille uf the hole There will In- one
lllotlstlllit IflleatH.
I n., eliief ut the Salrntioii army ol
jeiti ti) newapitara ill Kiu'lutu! u-.iiijf
piotatioii marka with hla w !( iiuiikiI
.ttie ,.f "Kcnorat."
A Ti Ko.naiiA (Mich ) man who 1 in
tie- li.ire raUin hiulnean, caleulatealhnt
the liieiva. of a iair will numlar
t. thiniMiml lii'i.le of two years.
111. proneil Unit nil I lie uiitneaukca
of i apt. John Smith eontrihute to the
funil for "n-atorin the tomhatotie of
dipt John Smith, foumler of YirtfiuiM."
Tin: couiuion cotim-il of t'ineinuati,
ut the auifi-ation of the health oftli er,
Ills paaai-il an oritlnuue.' making It a
mlMlemenuor to ifive pulilie exhiliitioua
of meameriam uml Ii;, pu..tim.
PitoiiMiit the larireat f -e ever re-eeivi-il
tiy u luuyer In thin eotinlry xraa
that paid to John V. t'liraoUH of New
York, who la auitl to have reeviveil S4I10,
UOU for M'l-vlefk reiuleretl iu otvuuitllllf
the aturnr trut.
WAaiimoTox ia the "t'himioU alate,"
la-liijr "i nicknamed U-emiw of the
1-liiu.aik wimK North Ihikotu ia ealteil
the I lleker Uiil aiul.'. Ninth Dukotntlie
swiutre cut '.tiile. un.l Molilalia the
Mumliliun' Im- atute.
A Nl.w illaeovery wan mniU' in the
wlml envi n- eiilly, hy it hi.-li oH.tin
wen- fomtil that t.a.U u aeven holilV
trump to olie of the suhlei ruiieuii i liuin
In.rk a ll I return. Thia euve ia atirjiaaa
III the famoii-. M. num. .Hi euve ..( IC. n
tu. lij in in iuitii.l.'. ninl ttill U- a prui
eipnl ..l.jei I ,.f .itlra. 1I..H i-it,.r lo
the lllu. k MilU
The ImiKittiiieo of purlfrtiiR tlm Muxl ran
DM to oicK'tlinatOil, fur w illmut puie UovU
jon caiiuut rr,")r cJ liciltti.
Al tliu ..!-. n tinrlr cv.rjr on nf!i
Cixl im .11. ii..' la purify, nUliir, ana ruiuli
lha tluud, -i.'l no art )'.q lo try lluml'i
Dnrnllni HjraMrlll. It drrnetlieuf
rUUlilUtl a,., tmiij! up lUe lyiluii,
crratai aa apjn tile, aii.l tonca tho dlcmalun,
v. tile II ifAilli jlii tlui-air. Tin) (K-rulUr, pr(arti"n, an.) ptrraiatloii
ot Hie xegaUMo ri'iimllci uiM kIio I.)
IIikmI's SarupwilU ui- rn l Qolf
Ur ruratlie lit. l.'u 'J HOtll
othcriiii'licineliniufli artf. rJn( wumlftful
CUICI. It jrutl luio iiiailn u;i ).,ur inllxl lo
t uy llttat'i aria'tim do n.l U IrnlwtJ I.)
tako any luatcatt. It ti a I'lruilu
jli-tlu in, auJ Ii wi rtliy your cuufldruco,
lluuU'a lUraai arllU I tol4 hy all UruggHli.
I'liiamJ I')' C. 1. iluwU i, Co., IaihiII, aim.
100 Dosoo Ono Dollar
An Ore)) Dlirr'a I I i; lit fur nlllt an
The ooeuimtion of u illver la one that
li lfem but little atlrai-lion to th.we who
j by temperament have no fancy for ex-
plorinir the inyterie oi im- .ui'n. it
l, however, net m monolnnoua an em
ploy ment it miffht 1h Imuuineil. ami
ihrvm eeeaaionally mwt xxllh exeltlnif
ailventurea while entfnateil lit their
tine of lho fell lo the lot of a fjov
ernment diver In Victoria, Mr. Smale,
whil. at work on the 1imI of the Mnyno
river at llelfaat in that colony; and
from the account lie irlvea of ll. It muni
have been more exciting than ptei.wint.
ln thruit Ida arm into a hole he
f.mml that "It wa held by H.imetlilHf;
the action of the water . Ktirrluif up
the clay, ami therefore I could not
illatiuetly for it few mllitiU-. tint when
It ilid clear away t aaw to my horror
tho arm of n tnrtfe 'ton entwined
nroiiml mine Hko a Imamu .Sri. I t; Ju.l
then he fixed aome of his niekera nil
the liack of my linmt. ami the pain wa
I felt a If my hand wo ein,-? pulled
to pt.-ees, nnd the more 1 trleil to liil.e
It away the greater the pain U'enlne;
ju.t from pant experience I knew thla
met tit 1 wotiht le uaelea;.. hut what
wa I to tlo lytnif In tloa'
"1 hu.l the tfrcttlckt limit ull la ke'v
inn my feet ilowu, as the mr r.t -lied
alonif the Interior of my dreaa, nml in
flate.! it. aii.t if my feet ha.l t upper
iifiat, I ahouU have anon tas-om.' Itv..'n
all.le, liel.l in audi a position: anil i.laO
if I luwt iflven the kijfiml to 1v ptille.l up
the brute would have hehl on. un.l the
rhalieea would have been that 1 nlioulil
have hal a broken arm.
"I tnul a hammer by me. but could
not reach ttoxxu to uao It on the Mute.
"There uaiR amall iron bar aliout
fue feet from me, and with i.iv ft.t I
t!nt!:e.l tin-, nlolitf until I louM i.a.-li
it v ttlt my left hand
"And now the liifht coinmeit v.l. Iho
in irx' I ktruck him the tihter ho
aUeexed. until my una if t 'l'ltt lav
numbed. After awhile I f mm! th ;fHp
M'all 1 1 relax a little, but he h.-ld on
until I had nlm.tkt cut him lo piece,
mid then he nl.txed hla hold frui.i tho
rock and I pulled him up.
"I wax completely exhnilkted. having
be-n in that jvoaltlon for olamt twenty
mlnutea. 1 brouxhl the up, or
rather a part of It. W'e laid him out,
ami he mcanurcil over cttfht f m t ucroaai
and t feci perfeetly convinced that thli
fellow could have held down live or kix
wcti." J ury.
Cut Around llin.Vrrka nf .slama fa-nlorlra
Ill the laomlou tlaaelte lor March,
lrvw, there ia an ailverUaeiiienl lo this
effect that a black Miy of about
yearn o( aire, named John White, mil
away from l'ol. JCirke mi fie Hlh luat.
"lie luv. allver collar ulauit hi. tierk
upon xxhlch la tho colonel'i cmt-of-anna
ami cipher. He ha-i uvm hla
throat a (Treat &c.:r," i tc A reward l
offered for hrinjfln:' hit I bat It
In the Daily 1'o- t Alllfliat I, ITiO, ii
I .ilur notice 'Went nwav the -.'Al
of .liny la. i Irom tlie house of Willium!.. ill l.llltelloU'Ki Hole, n lll-ro
i i .ii. nlaiut twenty yeura old. culled
xellow complexion, WihiI hair,
all -ut live feel aix inehea liljfli. Iiavlujf
oi his rlifltt breaat the won! 'Hnre'
hinted. WhiHirer brlilrfa him to thu
..aid Mr. Webb's shall have half a rrutuca
reward nnd reaaomihle chnrre."
A(,'ain, in the Dally Journal tor Hep.
tcmtaT 'an, IVii, la an udveitlaement fur
a runaway block laiy. 1 1 Is milled that
he had the wnrda "My I .inly llrom.
lield'a black In l.lneolu'a Inn I'leldi"
i nravi il on a eollur round Ida neck.
'1 he ilcifradinif ctiatoui of dceoratimf
mule and female aluvcn in IIiikIiiihI
with n collar iM'ariuK the iininu un.l ilea
ilfuatioti of ihelr owncra-hail the exam
ple aet for It III a Mull lumrler.
There .till exist. t Hampton ( ourt
the bunt o( a faioritc lave of KIiik'
William III. the head of which M of
black marble, while encircling tlm
throut la ii'eurved white marble collar
with a padlock. In every rvattcut like a
i metal diax collar.
1 Iu the muM-um of the Anthpaurlan
, fc.K-lcty in lMltltuirKli there i. a .,a cl-
men ut Uiomi klnve collurx, ullhouirh 111
! thin cue the wearer n( the collar wai
not a black man, but n white. The
' tollar beam the follow luif Inscription
- Alexander Ma-xvurl, fouud fuilty ot
1 death for theft, ul Perth, IVcemM-r .V
Kill. by the jualiciurlen im a
h ra'tuul aerviuit to hiir John
of Aha."
'Ihat a collar wai eoiikidered a e e
' M-ntlal torn block fclnve ua for a i'.o I
shown by an adverllaemcut iu the l.oti
don Adrurtlaer for 17-Vt, Iu which Mat
thew Dyer, working oliUiiilth at the
t ii. n In Duck lane, (irchurd fctrcet.
1 catiuiualer, llltliuulea to the public
that ho make "nllver unll.K-Ua for
l.lueka or dojfa, collura." etc. - Cham
ber' Journal.
j l.iilitliili'a l.lliirilltiila Uriil.
'I hr l.oiuU n county council report
I that the value uf lenLul In laimlun I.
IJ, km, law .iuiiiU kterlini;. fapit:-!
iln' till, on ihe prlnciMiI of twenty
yeais' purchuw, l-uiil.ui U worth l.-LVJ
im.utw ihiumla i.terlinif. Mr. Willium
n ..iiul. n., tlu' Ic.uliu mc mla r of tl
I. u. .I . ii county council In .ipuluiity
Willi th asiple, any that till, rent
ah. .ul.l mil ifo Into the hamU of private
I'.nti. s who claim to ou ii the laud. He
... 1. how there can help belief Jaiverly
w!.. ii Ihe Msiplo who live in IaiiuIoii
mii-d pay cmriuu rent t4l'J,VMj..
uouj out uf Ihelr annua! earning for the
mere prlvilcKe of applying H ir Inbor
to I lie proilucUoti of moie vn;a!Ui.
ma m YtJTCHY oranowrh.
tit lint. II. le l'rc.-aa Ul.lili .Mtnra All
I unit .on.
Who hax ever aen anythlitir trrotx?
!t final be that em xho couhl k.'cp
.1 il Ion ciioii.'Ii mli;ht do mi; for laat
it -hi. when I balked Into thla llower
a.', tli, re waaiiothlnK there but earth,
m.l t-- ii.'ht there U a alender atein or
tade of . tmelhlni7 half an Inch limy,
rit. re muat have Mvn a moment when
he jrrcen a.lnt pmtmded thrxm;fh tho
II: or, pcrhnpa, it una a white point:
.n.l it would liaieMiMt very po.atlblo
for me to have iv.uaincd In a maxllatn to
vvat-h ll '.U-adlly for twenty-four houra.
i'ioplc have .lone thlim r.uli more
.iiiti. nee than that. Hut though I have
m-en near thla llower pot im,t of the
time. 1 only know thnt one fcimaet went
down upon the mold, the next upon n
tJreeii t!iin;r giMwlii.
horlly 1 ahnll aev a thicker tlk, a
bruc.-l.-r blade If noaevldenl haptx n.
thrrx' xvlll In- it plant uf .tome aort ta'tore
lite In a few week:. Hut llnmifh 1 ow
to iuUIi It. 1 ahull not aas' It frrow. I
aliall nay l lutervala: "How It hua
groxxn!" but never know when it b"k
this new atnrt or lint. .lib d that new
leaf; al xvhal tnatalil the hud appeared
or at what moment it opemtt.
Il.ia anyone actually seen n roaebud
oja n There la no record that I know
f of any aueh fact. The motion that
s r. mitred ia exldenl. We have ms-u
tlowcr in i very atace, and the prtvi-.
in brief We ttlmol fancy iu
It H-rforme.l. ea.'h one of ua; but, Ii I
think. 1 know I never have - have yon
I helicvr that no tool tal ever watelnsl
a milahna in take ita ohnpe. The thin.'
1 uaii.tll done in ilnrkllt'a uml ae.r.vv,
yet. with a lantern. It would be poa !
Vdc to we w lull could Ik- w-eti. And yet
1 am Hire that, if we khoiild try the ex-s-rlmcnl,
alt thut would liapH'ii would
be thut w c ahoiihl Mi aware nt aome
moment thut n mttahruom bad spituttisl
up no in .r.".
Aa to the lorifer (.laiila lh al .ulu,
the treea, the vlnea UtUilll t- can tell
you howiviiy abitfu of growtli la nr
ilicl al; tail no one ever mil' n.ititro ul
w ork.
At what hour iliei the Itaby M'tfin 1 1
grow-? The mother who hold- it In her
.iriiu. for weeka la only t-oiiaa'toila tlu.t il
ban The wrinkle , x.-inl'.!i. th.'
tvti tunik to pink ami white, its eye i
Ui-coliie iiitcllhreul, itatais .url up, ita
liM irrow plump, Ita liom' aeiuin-a a
ahnpe. With her uinin about il, her
yea il"iii it. ahc would any every half
I lour .
"Why. of eourae, the hnby hmka ex
uetly ua it did when 1 M-tfati to put it to
aleep "
I'.nt In eight week lliciv la a ainllluu
little cnrntiire In the cradle thut could
not M' reeopnijscd a the lunii'-ohl ihild
- pronounced n very line Miy hy the
nurse nml Ihe d.s-lor, but, to iiiincou.-toui.-d
eyen, bldeouo cnoua,li to be hor
rifying. That fair baby, Ua), how duea It
change to the Miy, to the strong mull.
The luthv never know hiliikclf.
To almokt ever inic It has invnrriHl
lo s. me Miihiciity to a renlitiiig aenm
'hat be ia grow u up without having
the ulight. -t Idea how ll haa hapieued
-N. Y ledger
tll'.N. Mll.M' tt ife ia n dialer of SeliaUir
Cameron'a wife uiul it niece of .senator
ami tieu .Slieruuill.
Ilov. T.xiMUi, of TenueaM, mica out
of oillce with a re. -on I of grnutllig eight
liuiitltvil uml one p.ii'li.iis in fotirxo.ii'
uml t)ie nick name of the "pardon i.-.o
Mua. TlloviAaA. r.lilaojf lately j'ave i
Milt nt which phon,,;rapha furulahe.
the iiitlatc. To have lieeli perfei tly in
keeping the diiiicing ahoiihl have been
on the electric light f.tlit:iati too.
.It mil: John 1 . v I mu -. ju I eleiatcd
to Ihe aiiprcme court U'li.-h I i Mas .a
chtlM'tla ia a direct .. miiiI ml of a par
noli of that name who came over iu Ihe
Muyrtottcr, mid who pre ached for tin
pilgrim, iu U-ydc n.
Dm. of New York'a richest women In
roul catutc la Mia l olieiider. w ho hu .
Mil llleolliu of sixty tlioti , dol
lura a year. She b. alaml tlilrlv-fivt
3 can. old, I tall, slender und pr. tly,
and ponaeaia-fc a tine mice.
M.N A ton Al I'llli It. of Itll.ale I laud, i
(pilet mid lltlelllillily. bill Ii1.. - a bil
nf gaat fun In auiuiii. r, when l ou
greaii U not ailting, be ia ar. Hi lei 1'r.n'e
deuce all the time and ii 1 . . .v .. ivml)
for a cluui-bake tlown the bay.
I'haxk IIattok In a typie-al Ai.i rlcan
lie I'lilliliH-Hixal life as a new .lioj , tin.l
waa atmnaU r general of the I'tiltcil
Mule iiiuler 1'rt alilcnl Arthur. He ha,.
M-en everything on n ui wapaa'r. frmi.
iicuklaiy to editor, and would'ter ttc
the editor of a live ncMun-r than
l uii r 1:.iuxi:i:iiSi wi:i.i o( the Uhlu.
Star Heel, cinsUU'ra hiiitaelf the gra-at
eat traveler Hint i ver Hied U'cuw ilur
lug Ida eoiiiit . lion w lib the eoiupuuy.
he httk KC.'. tl .a, IIKI ni.uticul miles, t.
u H, oou aliiuUiril milea, nearly four
tlliiea the ilialuucu between the e.irlli
uml the imam.
I'mIIisI Iii Cmiini f,
TlirKly 'I hna-kiriurloii imct'ting phy.
alolan apparently by aceitl nt)- Itello,
dm..! You're looking llr l rate. If you
hat) n constant tickling m your throat
-hem! -a I've j-ot, y, woubliil U
baiklng ao spry, I'll M t a dollar, IV In. I
do yiu generally do hen.! hen.:
diH', when you have a tlc'.lnig iu your
I'hykiciau (pakkiug on) I generally
-oiigh. Chicago Tribune.
a (xtxttu.NMi'.M to a alngle Umikm
dealt r not loug ago t'onslaled o( il'J.OOU
itend bumming birda, (si.uOU muutlui
birds ami kuu.uuu palra of bint wing.
ho in in the pnalucllun of klilp
Hveia by mochltiery that one train uf
roll., feeds four machine, which turn
out slxlceii torn, of rhcis In twi'iity-four
luMirs, ike wmk ifotng m uighi and day.
X.ime I : a a to . . ..I I to- Ml.l iUt- tin,)
s,.nialliiii. 1itl..s
A common uunovau s to eualtuuen
III stores la one that uottotlbt.slly I .
never m.l le the . lul of t ..iiiphilnt I-i
lit.-ll t Ihat In, els daily t'tc ear of
the munairers of the dllierx-ul ih'ltarl
menla. A customer w III oak to Ms
s.,ine article. When it ia shown her uml
ahe cxpresae illaautiafaclion. nml ask
il It Is all I hey Lave, live time out of
s. the clerk will any: "No, It t not all
we hole, but the other is more i xpt li
alve." Now, arc the clerks Instriu Usl
to guard ugainit cast imcra Mssitulng
extravagant? tlr ibv their e,a-rit ncc
etiuble them to tell nt it glnlieu just
i.lamt hot.- mueli n customer can a If on 1
b pay for itn article? 1 f tlte hitter tin y
inuke uome serious mi .take, nt till ton.
Sot long ago a wnui.oi c.u.te into ih.
clty frmn a isumtry Uiwn tti pun base
n fur clou!;. It , :e. ruining, ami ,.h
eovcreil her rainy xvi other attire xilth
a go 141UI. r. She Weill to the una t
popular fur abuv In the city nnd In
formed the elerk that i.he wniittst to
bath al mink eouta. He show, si
her an Inferior gra le. She did not like
lb He her a little M-ller grudc
Mill hc walnut aittalhsl. The elerk
tlmilly dim Ms! up to one that was
marked -J.l0 she t.beeltst nmuiul nml
aald: "Young man. I. that tho Msl
cloak you have iu Hie ..toie?"
"No, certainly not. We have cry
e.xpcu lve one.."
"Well, show in., the vi ry Mal that
on liux-e, umlreuiemb. rthia. you uexer
an tell how far a load xv tit Jump by
the way It looka."
ihe n.'-'iidanl aUire 1 ut her nnd
showed her a el. ak marked, She
took it.
In am.Uicr atorv- a MniU i.tore - a
lady wearing I, rutin r i hi. I. by aeaMklu
ti bed for a aec.ti.l islitimi of Di.nte'a
"Inferno." Mie .as shown Unit
wa. imt what she ui.Jied f. r. t he salt):
"Have you not Ihe mm I waul'.'"
"Ye i, madam, but 1I1..I Is vory oxm'ii
lve." .she gave him n hail; thut at tuftut i x
pressed great 1 urprlse, uml Mil l:
"Did 1 u.v uujti.iug itMmt thu priee'.'"
With it flliih.'d lace tin) ilerk pin
lllUH'd till' Mail . Ill,;, i.htti. I
wnnUst Sh paid the r.ce i.nd old ix-1
the Mnih lai'lit to her n.l, Ires. Then itae
was one thut made th.' ch i-'i t'.iw thai
never again would he lu.tko u h 11
blnmter. Terewi II. Dean,' iu l'hi-i,go
lll.ll la lilt.,. t U!,,-, "I,,,, 10 ;,
'I .ta.e lM.1l4.Ut.
Any of its can remember iKs ndouully
meeting With in-ople v. l.n iips lir to
glory Mier their ml .ti rluiie,.. To n 11. u
or womuu. of Ihi., turn of uljul, n
grid mice of aou.e l.iinl Income , a
necei-.Ity. U Ithi ut ll, Ufa- Ttwa .to:c
nml itnprolltable,
Tu W mi aruble latttn .t.
niiomtih us; but then, hm.tnu m.lur ,
M ing Inllulte la It xioi. ly, I ive 1,
strange ano.uallch.
There I, the ihroldtt half Invalid,
who while never slek i It Ujh In ill. . I,
a gol. I mine t 1 the .r, :.n. a 1.1 I
am b I-, b r I I,. ,1 1 -i ! ! ,. ,ti i
1 r of her ailment Ia uncountable,
their varied phiisc liilluite. Hiu U a
physical martyr, ami nothing much In
terests her bul her martyrdom Mie
not only vi ar her crown 011 earth, but
ucnrlca her friend by nlwayu U lllng
them how ll feel.
W'e also do nut forget the man w ho
exults hims'lf M-cause he waa ou.-e
sumeMaly iu the l.ollil. He la nolaaly,
exeepl iu reluliuli to hla inat. He win.
rich-he la now jsair; lie wua (11111011 .,
but he bus tlropped mil of sight of
everyone, except the unfortunate
wliuiii he buttonholes, aa he lull. of
what he '., uml Is not. I). .pi lie that
mini of the com (..I I of relating hi mla
erica, and he would Indeed be ml
v ruble.
Thu Itlutlly nature compemmtes
ninny, for whom fule hut proved Iti.elf
too many
Out of ilck lies and tribulation tb. y
extract a kind of mssiiuI-i At.- e.. m f .rt
that I usually hiirmlesa, though i.l
way M-ltMh. i'crhaps thoae who art
more fortunate only do their paitiu
the couiH-isutiug telulem lei. of llillia,
III listening. If they are Mired, they
are also warn. . I. x. unUce Hludu.
illiy II la lint IVopIn Hu Snt mu
Mori, u Lin., in, tli,,., 1,
llhusM'eii said that the r. a on m.
few in-ople get what they want iu tin
world ik thai they do not waul It haul
enough 1 imre is piolouml irulh :.l
the Mitbmi of tliis tsld con. , it Kai .ic 1
alrivlng ami is-rneveiaiice ur rur.- ij 1 d
Ith-a. A lltlli; alrngle, and then a 1 .11
big off; u ft w faint cl'orls, a :d tin 11
ib' t il Is tin. u .11 il ..lory of ut
t. mpt to "get unylhmg," uhetlnr it
Is- a pll.Slel, llli'lll.ll or .pir.tll..l g aal
Hut to Ion : for a t liiff a.i a r .iijfl.t' tin-1
for t'.e . .il.e of it . i.l uiiuu 'it 1 li ' 1 a. 1
lompier ol atin It s, lire d.w u f ; v . I
lion, Igti ire discouragement uml .i '.
persi-.lcnlly, ami through year - of Iria
ami olna'tirily toward Uw o
a hope l not till Hiu racoril of n'l
griiml ach'e.'.'tmmU ami th.) hlslory o.
all piirp-. j ful lot ,?
Muny tut r w Ubea might M r -ura'd
If .ople were u illlng to my thi . ric
for Hu m. Anstlniig worth having In
this v.-i.r d I ihtir, liiclmling c-,ri"
1 11 e I ii nlua itself ho Mi'ii deUticd u
miy i t 1. 1.1. 1. si laticmf. 1 r on tmlli...
tcpaeity for hard work.
1 1 w .... t hi 1 i M-i:i.' wli bn U'd ta..B r: I
tlu.t he ii v, r l.n.'v, wlu u ho W41 il.
fed. .1 i.y 1 ml by hv t u, ki t be tie-f.-aled.
A little if tli? 1 pi rit I:
fi. -cil into ordinary l.'e wor'.j .
i. uU - many a dream ptav ible thut i...u
ic nnUi lue wMlful drjumer 1 . t.
trma.raiit u- fit ilou'-i-j va 11 . ,
k.iai.i llafp. r's ISu :.r
I r vt prialtlced n.l.WW.OOi) gallons ul
w Ine last eiir.
llxiiof Ihe Hugllah hoalery tlrmn re all at.s'l.luga ptirx'haaed of tlu'lii.
I'm satA will pn.Miblv never g't out
of debt. She now on is M, l iO.OUM.Ihsl.
Dl VMoxtiH iu isiusidciiible tpiniilltles
have I re 1 1 illaeoveicd In the north nf
Tin; ground mi which YnkutU, Sl
M-rla. U built, I p'rvtuiilly fixweu to
a depth of a I -.' feet.
Tin: t'liln. ami ThlM'ltiiis have ti
xeek nf live day named alter trim,
w-ivnl, wuUr, fealtiera nli.l earth.
liKixxn. Ii'tleisi front thut htluml
l .t ', hail 11 phenomenal wliiler, with
never a Ihike of simiv or alt Imtii' of
II I ankl Iu l'.tria thai twice it ninny
crime ore committed by pcraamu la?
twceii the ugca of 13 and '10 it by thtmo
Is lweeu :o nml it).
Tiik North t'ltlim News atiya the
I'hlltese write luatllliug rellialkl
iiM.ut fotX'i;ltera.ou the ba 'k of liolea
i In tilat. si by forelcn bunkera which
eolile into their poawennton
limn win and robM-ni have mitilo llut
rallti.a.1 line of Itabaiin no Ulikiife Hint
militia had t t M' ptneed, six uu'ii nt
every ktatltin nnd three men on every
Hoard s and hrnkciuaii'a tiwt betwiHtit
Ti.uff miov for iles'raiba" exist In
the r.ivrvt liotinla of weatlli In liull.t,
An AlluliaMid paper estlmatea that colli
uml gem . to the Uilue of M,.H.d,lKM,l7J
ore ba-keil up In thai tsuiutrv. In Am
rllaar fity ulmie there are hidden Jew
els woilh !10.U.I,IJJ.
Tiu.itl. arx' twelve titreeta Iu Ani'ter
ilam on which no Imrae la ecr allowed
lo In- drlieli, even to dniw a heurac or
IllX'-eiigine. They are kept aa elenil US
Ihsira, and when a p.ilestrliin wantn In
real he alt down In the at reel Iu prefer
ence to rooatlug mi n dry-gotsl Mix.
l:tiltoU.liMi:.u I'l I im:il ha Invested
tl.-,ooo In a yacht.
Mu W. W. Aaron my $g.,000 a year
rent fur hiu lindnii lioilse,
Wii.aox It vuui: it, the actor, has b;eii
ailed by :sarony, the t'lilim Sipiotu plm
I igrupher, for eiilJ. the aiuuiiut of an
unpaid photograph bill.
John. I. ueier Miiuke until
after six o'cIik'Ii In the evening. After
thnt hour he am. ikes steadily until hit
ITis-a to Usl at tweliit o'clis'k.
(il.smiM. A I. in. li I' I 'I I, I. inviicil till)
largest meerschaum pls. in Ihe world,
and he knew how toos.rate il without
iiiaterlallv cutting short the span of Ida
life. a
Iln.Niiv ll.uir, one of New YorkV r ill
way ami kteitmsiiip uiiiifiiutes, Is oxer
eighty, a bncbelor. of Mil. ill sliituie,
lujnrc.l lniil.l, and la as acllie as a man
of thirty, lie la aald to be worth over
tili.V. I'm.lX AoM-n. islltor and in).
prleUir of tlm llaltliiiiire A merliiitu, ha
Mx-ome famuiia us ii bteeib'r of Hue
hois. .. lie liasu M'uiitlful farm near
lliiltlmore which he calls Nacircuia, the
name of hi . new .Ml'r rel er asl.
til.v. live. on nsa-ale that liumt
III l lii:i: llr.i nm; la tin- tiallie of a re
denl of Ik'evlll lice canity. Tex.
Ni.u Yollli re .1, nu , nit has thliHI
-il t .mera who cat egg t shells and all.
X At 'hla m iKiiu.i alreet ear haa
h'cii paint si bin 'k fur ftincru! pur-
, j-s
i ;ii.m v of Si lmla make ii living
l. r. i.liii f Im He . to reataiirauta for li.
vi tlisitig p.irsi.s.
A t ill . MIAN iiuineil Mtlig 111 Imt
t tilt il III.' si .ill, ill of tenor In a I Mr
luster (Mui.s. ) iii.irlette.
I.rri. i.ltciitls a nculthy Kan I'ntiicl
cut). Ills age 1. 1 hrhty two, uml he Im
just eut lib. third wtof teeth.
A Y.iui. (I'u i woman, nliiety iH'yeu
yean, of age. i.ay. Hint ahe never linik
a drop., f medicine In her life,
.'..I n mi I KliMtM'th .Strange, of II, ul
drl. l. . c.Mtiity. In.! , divorced (or lha
paid liftccu .tears, have leimirrhsl.
Ir i Hint the blackest hiiiii In
lilvun county, tia., ia iiaiiu-tl While, thu
whitest mm la mimed llrowii, the
l lll. -t fi in Is liuiued laiwe mid tho
l iicst man Small.
Tin, hatching of alligator' egg In
it Incubator I. a new industry iu
I lorhltt. 'Ihe ilemaiiil for Hie iX'plih'fi
i . iu exees. of the natural supply, und
half of the little liegroea III Ihe village
an poking in the nuiiilhauka all day
long retting egg for the orUHolat
UkoIwi: IIi oii, graudaoii of the great
ict .r Hugo, ha taken service In
1'roiich iiaiy.
Ill aalA la ereellinr ti neve ih.u'.lnr
biry ill K'lisnn to M ileioted exeluabnly
to siiii.Hcicaa jsiwuer,
Tl.s illiilsAxn men of the Ilrltlali
army are couaiautly diaablml by iduk
lieaa, or iiiurx. limn live Hr cent.
SwirvliV lll.'llsllles have reduced the
d.'ulh rale of the Hust Indian
army from tlu par I.imk) to l.'.'il, or nciir
ly three fourth.
Tin. .allii .kl pneumatic gun haaheou
teal tl i I Shi a-bury lieaa, Kujf., with
marked ..ueceij.. Al l.ouil rung.'
dx proj ctile . weie thrown Into u icct-uu.-le
- : ,'. I .Minis In fclac.
l'o!l Nl is In a anilly neglcclml
coiulili.m. ll ia covered with tlebrlk and
lit ilif I of decay, und Ita u iir-scm reti
walli. itrx- f ml with mold and prime
I'ort Moultrie Ia iu a klinllar isiiulltloit
of dilapklatiim.
Sli lir.TAliv TiiAcv, III adopting lha
u.ime of Machhik for one of the uuw
guiiMialk t Im constructed ul It.ilh,
Me , is a.tlil to have aeleoU'd It lad'Otlne
(explains the Keiiuelec .Imuuiil) "It
wau at Miiehlas thui lite tlit nitvul e,
iri.Mimi'iit uf the revolution iKwurrad,H