Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 13, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, Jug. hi
He the fine and low priced clock
l Us WnUhinaker'.
'IV N'tiwt roe i iwlehUwl to
County School Superintendent M. Is".
Itontmm for favor ex tetsded this wwk,
V am pleased to inform our read
ers thtil Mr. Kilo Welch, who was
LtrowH from her hoary Inst vt fk nnd
Injured i able to lie nemtnil.
See .1. I isrkWsrimer A Ins Helta) j
J in another column.
1 Hot is no name for it it wss hot !
j but now it toltr.
. Why don't ome of oar famier try !
a small patch of suiptr ttU, just nt nti
j Ort vtwr oyt fittwl with tf right
' kind of spec tacks nt the Watchmaker's
j OanyonGily.
I 'lite mining outlook i growing
I ettcrmrngitit; every day, not only in
1 (Smnt but in adjoining counting
j If there i ant thing yon don't like
j in tbi issue blame it Ui the ) I as
this is our first journalistic attempt.
A man in Portland recover dam
, agea ti the Amount of f 15 for having
hi little ylkw dog shot. Whalnextt
Pishing, hunting and excursion
partie re constantly seen leaving nml
An l'njsyble KWe I'rem to
the Naw Ksflrcail.
I .Mcl.wcnville. Or., Aug. S, 1S01 .
leaving the beautiful and fruitful
i John Pay valley Thursday morning
the boas "eve" "of tlio Ni:ws finds
himself just now in the future me-
tropoli of Oregon or if Sumpter
valley in (mrtirulnr. As it is the
custom of the Ums to write to tlc
.Views while absent on a trip I will
briefly narrate the imitortanl or in-
Institute Proceedings.
The prwreodhrgs or tlie (Irani
count v Tcttclwrs' Annual Institute
lield in Cam-on Citv, August 10, II
an.l lil. ISfli.
The morning of llie KHh was
beautiful, nttd at the npttoiniod time
ti . ii . . i
count no seen tnc nreiiv semxu
Teaeh it orally to beginners,
inoiiee the study with small
by minting historical storiet.
cause anil p libel in historv.
insist on committing tin word of the
a stlcht Wie.
Inst Saturday afternoon holwcau
the hours of it anil I that dreadful I
Do not cry (jr,, iir,.M miljr 01)( njH)li tH, njr
ntnl i til liiiwlin lul v fliiir.t U'nii fliii '
text hut p t the thought. After hurrving of inaiiv feet to the seone
VIllrl (lip fti iwttU9 ntttit ' il . iT. ...i ; t . I i
tMiiuiiMt n (ii i rfiiwuivrniinn u imimi iuicl:
were apjwiiitwl hy the Stipt.: Coin. 0f nj, A Mah'a hlaoksinith
August 11, I Sill. "
Times very ipiiut.
Very hot almost loo hot.
Haying is at full blast anil hands
inarms ami hoinlier sehoof msftew niittee on grailing sehtK)ls, Messrs. ;,m,K j the I'hinese iiuarter. The
..... ... .Ill fV.ll:... l. I ! it- ' . 1 . . .
an vcrv wareo.
netttling Aheir wav to the court
house to rtlteiHl the Institute.
A bright, pteaanut smile could
U wit om thir faces, as they felt
that they were free from their ieliool
rvom restraints, nod could (Item-
and gisls
i te rest ina incident occurring, or that
, hurlel theti.Mlvvs within the range i wdveh lie sclux.l I my a
of mr vision while, the lain was again for A few days.
The annta of U I nioit Pacific " J"" wip4. MA.U the usual douhle oiiit k over
System am provideil with railroad A titan in Portland nvo vera ilain- the leautiful mountain thoroughfare,
aiwl steamsliip tickets to all jsiiots , age ti the amount off 15 for Uving with the green grass growing all
east, as well at to ami from foreign ' hit little ynlktw ilogthot. NVhatnett around.
I"1- ! PUhint. hunting ami encumion ! , Th." " ' own enuiitrr,
fWnillWno more ch-mce for tUn Rre eonUnlly een leavirw ami ! 1 I!rol,.v r" thnnith
It iker county official to .peeulat in returning to the citv the. fin summer ! w,t1,' thvir '!", the Iiik
...i. :.. . u ...i r n. ( : fat havstacka oom tin in the feeil
i.w illlB W ' r-ir-.. , ... fell' Mn.a. , , . ..1 11
lit the l.t county court, lixtierienee u , . , , , ! """"W ,
j -.. - j . , iiiiVlli DtlK-'KOlllll IIIIH COIlBllllT- i MO.M'At MOHM.M.
! the mah in'oder have heen iiuile nu. .! ... r..i ...l ,. ..II ..f i.; .... ...
marou. in our city the j-tU .'dt. in- I t ' " " ' K' """I"'""' " "'"
u i 1 i .' , i. i .. , n after lh preliminary business
.litute u In aoasion. , N,rt only are 1 matiUa an.l Mor- lnet.Ung WM nU, ,rBt au!(.
If Ute farmer of Uranl county row county slwep on the . j,.,.t lin tjw nroar(i,n( "How to make
would Jtsln to iloveloo their countv rnngvn of (Irani, but now stater has the chts)I room
. i-nun io wihi iier nocas ami oeni- l)V Mr W y W'-Mtl, of John
leraacros me line i nonce, mi D,y, After a apirileil discussion bv
''"V" "" u' "M" l'"n '"i'11' several teachers, the meeting at
J. II. Collins, lv I, (Jeddes. V. W.
WihhI and Miss Lillian Itohrer;
eommiltw on resmlutions, Mrs. H.
L. (ieldes. T. I., (iiierneo ami .1. h".
.laughter. There lieing nothing
further the meeting adjourned.
hose team mmii had their aniiaratus
at the tire, and with a good stream
of water playing Uhii the doouttil
building ami adjacent structures,
the lire was soon Under control.
The Utya nil worked with u will
and their good work probably saved
I'lie teachers ltresent, as a rule,
are earnest, progressive workers, and
there will undoubtedly tnu.h good
result to tlie scho)ls of (I rant coun
ty from this convention if her teach
ers. We ate sorry their slay with
us wa so short. They are doing n
grand work. The following is a re-
ii a great teacher.
Huntington is again infested ilh
a gang of tough and lawlmMkera, awl
tlm (Jute City's otlicws are kept busy
putei-ting kir atiiding citizens from
their deittIatioti.
Mis Viokory, of 1'b.enit, N. Y. a
gr.i.liiut of I'h'fiiiv Am lmy, and a
ImieJiw of some HjMiiniu:n, Im Jiei-n
eniigel to loach in Uif jirimvry de
jiarttnnnt of our ptilJic school.
'Ilin full term of oar public school
will on on Monilay, Sept. 1 I. The
school will m reorganize! I ittid a "gmil
e l system" adopted, tlnis aHiirding the
pupils ait opportunity to take an Ad
vanced course.
Arthur (Ireon, who received serious
injuries a short time ago, by his horse
falling tiS)ii hitii Idle riding on the
U slowly inipniviiij;. He sus
t lined a fracture of the shoulder hUtlo
and other injtitio.
Uov, U, Ii. laice, uho ha Ihhmi in
ohat7(t) of the .M. K, church of tliU
citv for the mst ymtr, txk his dn
p.u ttno lint Friilny iiturning to .ittetul
cotiferoticu uhiuh comcitei in lloise
City, Idaho, this month.
Sam lierry ami Win. Iliirnham, two
prMHsctor from Cruiihotii, ar in this
vicinity searching for the filthy lucre. I
They have gone up Canyon creek soisc .
7 or S miles and will make a thorough j
proHiecl tiefore returning.
Jack Uhainbnrs, proirietor of tho
Now llusUttiraiit, lutiiined Kriday
afttirmoii with two tnorti lino young
deor. His many utti'ons will now
have venison. Jack is a gieat hunter
mid never goes out without returning
with game,
l.'ist week laker City had a 527,
000 firo. Tlio lloiuilig milli of the
Diuicau Iho's liein coihuhiimI by the
(lory element. The propoity as
lie.nily ittsiit otl, iiitd they uill pnilil
ly iiibnild as they injoyei iuito a
heavy o.vpoit as well as IocjiI tnide.
A cave has liecn diwovered in
Jotephiiie county, uhich those w ho
eilnnl it, huy will een outiival the
.Mammoth cave in Kentucky. Several
Il nth pictures were taken. No sign
of animal life were H'tm in the cine,
except a few foet.fioni the entrance.
Intelligence m brought to this of
fice last I'riday that the little lOyeai
old son of .Mr. Undid, of l.oug Creek,
was Imdly injured in consetpiaitce of
tyin;,' himselt to u calf anil Uiin dni
KhI. lie was severely cut almtit the and face, and our infoi mailt
thought his iiiho mis brokeu.
Mr. I). I. Anbury, editor of the
Nkws, touk his depattiiie lait TI i mi
ll. ty moruiiix for an extended trip
tlinmyli the uui tburu Kiitnf the coun
ty, ami will also attend the Oregon
I'ri'U assiKiiatiou before returning to
the scissors and patte ot. Httring
his alueuce "ye typo" must ineU lw
editor, typo and devil.
lost l-Vday the News olllce reeeiv
ml a pleasant call from Mr. I I..
Huntley, of the firm of K 1. U Hunt
ley A Civ, of Chijago. Mr. Huntley
it UitUir known as "Diainaid ICI." the
veteran traveling agent for clothing.
This is his first trip to the Pacific coast
ami he oumes to make hluiielf hc
cii tinted with the bitkiuess men.
I jut Wtxlnesday tnuuing, Aug. Mil
l!ob t Kva gave another of their
niiUirtniiimniiU, which was fully up to
the standard. At the close they prof
fercd their services for a free ilauca.
The seats ere s on cleared out and
with Hub hold of the fiddle and his
able assistant at organ and oruet, the
oung folks wtire soon tripping the
lilit fantastic, ami alt went hoiaii at
midnight after giving three lasirty
clienrx to Hob - ICmi.
they should send to the Ntlwg
yields of their various crofts.
'Ilirealiing will soon commence in
! Western Oregon and it still not ls
many sviwks lfore mn will lie hearing
the merry hum of the eylireW.
Tle weather conditions lmvn Men
favorable to tho wheat liArvest in
liasteru Oregon this season, and as tho
crop is exceptionally large the fartneis
have cause for rejoicing, j
The Union Pacific System have j
on salo excursion and single trip
tickets of all classes, to all ints,
which nro sold nt reduced rates
daily for regular trains.
oi inxie inoiiiitnin, winch were ro-' i,,rin.,! fr
ccnllv driven in from the Burnt j
river" vounlry. lirnnl countv fur- ....
nishes nil of her ooitfhlmra mimi.ier '", nllcrilOOII exercises Were
range, but nveives nothing in re- : ofrtw with singing, after which the
tnrn in the wav of taxes. ' 'jccl of ' l.anguago teaching in
Conn il isVine mad lwcninu tbe Primary and Intermeduito
a largo bond of cattle were hut week ', Kdcs" was
ilriven mMil I inimtre ltininiti i Ulliatl
the limljcr, from the direction 0f Ht-Ha AlU-ti. The subject was well
! Snake river. The remarkable fact i pnwitwl. (Juite a mimiK-r par
! was, that thev were moved during I tciwUd and the subject was
j the night. Some of the (Kople on ! thoroughly discussed. After the
i llurnl river ro of the opinion that 1 ,Vt enjoyed a short recess, the
i tnev migni nave ooeii sioieu catuc
l'ohrer. folio will
McKwcnvillc is dcstitietl to bo a
Unt year Morrow, Cillimn, Slier. I
man and Wasco counties aliiprsxl 90U,- j prominent city, as long as it re
000 bualieb of stheaL This season j mains the terminui of the S. V. U.
Uieir output still bo 1,300,000 laishels. . (i railing ja finished three miles
An increase of over 1 1 tier cent
This ions hay crop promise to
1k the largest on lecord in many sec
tions, and if we have an ordinary
vt inter there will be hay for shipment
to less favored localities t good tig
ti res.
The Cu-ur I )' Alone Indians, of
Idtho, aie to teoeive f 1,100 each for
lands celled to the govuriitnent some
time ago. These Indian are unlike
many of their brothers, being already
well Unlo.
With the issue of August Oth, the
Iteptiblicitn, of Union, Oregon, enters
tl ton its I th year, and has uott fully
established itself iiikiu the arena of
! journalism. Keep on Ibo. 1'atis, wo
J like to read your neat and newsy sheet.
, The attention of taNiyers is
; to the hherilf's dcliiupielit tt sale ad
I vertiseiueut in aimther column. This j
u just a hUnter and if others wish to ,
i keup their named out of print in this I
connection they would do well to see 1
, the sherill'at their e.trlient opportunity '
j as ho means hutinoiui.
Miss Nellie Itoie, daughter of
Judie lloise, of Salem, and William
Steel, of Portland, weie drottned on
tin' rlh iiut. while surf Isithiug at
N'oith lieach. One of those tieacher
ou.s uudeitows did its deadly work.
Set mil other terious were Isithiug at
the time latt were save I.
OichaitU in the vi. -mity of Mitchell
Iwlow town, ami the track is laid
five miles below. McUwenvillc will
herald the approach of tho iron
steed within two weeks.
Mrs. Mary Starr, formerly of
(Irani county, is laudladv at tho
Stiuipter Valley hotel
hotel of McKtvcitvillc.
I will inform the N'bws in future,
when opportunity oilers. Should
any one remark concerning the
d 1 being left in charge of the
Xkwi foundry for it while, just tell
them that if thev have anv cash
thev want to blow in, all they have
to Jo is to shake it nl the aforesaid
d 1 and he'll mighty soon give
them n receipt for tho same. Moru
anon. 1). I. A.
1'jUI Accident Jt I'rjoic.
The sad news was received at
this ofiice last Wednesday, of the
death of (leorge Wnldrou, the old
est son of Win. Wnldrou, n farmer
living alxuit two mid a half miles
from Prairie City. (ieorgo was a
young man 10 years old, and well
liked by the whole community, and
bore an untarnished reputation.
The young man while riding an
unruly and vicious cayuw to Prai
rie, nml while yet within sight of
his own home iiinl in front of Mar
tha Meador's place, the uiiimal
commenced to buck, throwing him
violently ugaimt the fence ami re
ceived internal injuries from which
(notion of "Penmanship was dis
cussed by J. II. Collins and Miss
Anna llrierlv. A vorv llvelv dis
cussion ensiled in which diverse ', seconded by Mrs. K. I,
ideas were advanced. The meeting ' t reduced the subject,
are aUeeUd with the green aphis, a i he died wane hours later at his own
little louse that voters the tree ami
fruit, and cuic the fruit to shritel
and finally fall from the tree. The
owners of orchards hate sprayed their
timu with l.ndim purple and Paris
Oruuii, but it has no otlecton the jiara
sites. Mr. W. II. Clark has just found a
rich placer lead in his claim and from
the npiearaiicc of the gold taken from
the surface he has uolitrthiitg that still
result ill a bonanza. I'll" samples
taken out are in large grains and is
leatl gold and very heavy. He is
working to attain hodiock where he
expect heavy tlejiosits.
Judge Clilfunl aud family and O. P.
Cresap and family returned Sundsy
from a pleasure trip to the 1 lot Springs
at the upper end of John l)ay t alley.
They report an excellent lime and
lishinz tine. Others joined the iarty
at John lay, aud for a day or two the
arty numbered :i:t souls; men, women
and children. ,
home. When found he was U-ttveeii
the fence and the horse, alive, but
unable to sjicak.
The sorrowing family have the
sympathy of the entire community
in this their sad larevement, ami
the community lose a bright young
life just emerging into inimliood,
and with all the tpjalities which
contribute to make a good citizen.
He was interred in the Prairie
City ooiuclery last Thursday, the
funeral taking place from the residence.
A Slant Trip,
Last Sunday tho N'kh s d I ac
companied the ball team down the
productive John Day valley to .Ml.
Vernon. The farmers all along tho
road, either have the bulk of their
hsv in the stack or cocked in the
fluid readv to be stacked. We no-
then adjourned until evening.
.Monday evening exercises liegnn
at S o'clock with a chorus, (!o
Wander on the Mountains," by Can
von Citv (iloo Club. The AddrcsM
the lending ; of Welcome was given by J. II. Col
' litis, of the Cnnvoti Citv schools, to
which Supl. M. N. ltonlinm, of Ioiig
Creek, reiKndcd. A vocal duet,
"Whistering lloni" by Mis sen Jessie
aud Ktiitn.'i Parnsh, elided the en
lire attention of the audience ami a
Itearty applause. A rtcitalion,
"Alaska," by Miss Charlotte lllake
was excellently rendered. Vocal
duet, "I know a little fellow and
he's got the i none v too," by Misses
j Mnbel (!ruy nnd Selina Schmidt,
j The little girls did nicely nml were
i highly appreciated. Heading by S.
i J. I leering, "Valley Korgu" was well
received. Recitation, "The charge
of the Light Hrignle," by Mr. Bailey
; Dunlin, met with a hearty reception.
Cho.-us, "Beautiful Day's," by the
Olit; Club, closed a pleasant even
, ing entertainment.
! Sixteen teachers present. After
I singing, the toll of teachers was
railed, each teacher giving annota
tion in answering lo his or her name.
The llrnt topic of the day, ' How to
secure regular and punctual allend
i ance," was introduced by .1. F.
Slaughter, aided by Miss Lillian
, Allen. A general discm-fiiou en
i sued, in which the following sug
gestions were brought out: Teach
well, interest parents, nnd secure
their cooperation; they nrr often ,
more to blame limn their children
for tardiness and irregular attend
ance, make the school a ideasaiil
place, la-sides many other thought.
After n short intermission the nub- 1
jeel of the " I m jiorlaii-i- of leaching
mental arithmetic" was os-ned by
K. L. (ietldcs, of Prairie City. The
principal jsiints brought out in gen
eral discussion are, that mental
arithmetic should precede written
arithmetic at first, and later mental
nnd written arithmetic should Iw (
taught together. It is especially
ndupted to give culture to the
ouing K)wer of the mind. It is one
of the most iniKj'taiit studies in our
putiiic scIiimiis. on motion a ipies
lion Imix was i:ihsci around into
which euch teacher droiiia-d a writ-
Thc enterlnininent in the evening i the town from what might have
given bv John Dav talent, consisted been disastrous conllngration as
of n chorus bv the John Dav choir, the wind was blowing quite strongly
A few remarks were made by Supt.
Bottham, explaining the method of
tenchers' exnininntions, nlso stating
thai it was not through his fault
thai the teachers had no institute
lecturer on this occasion, nml thai
State Supt MeKlroy was absent on
accoitnl of illness. A vivul solo by
Mrs. Darl was well received by tlie
audience. 1'eeitation by Misji" Ida
Combs was rendered in such a man
ner as to lie very pleasing to the
audience. A vocal duet by Mrs.
Uillurd and Mrs. McCoy "elided
much praise. A reading, "Perkin's
Horse, ' by W. W. Wood was the
fuutiv piece of the evening. A
vocal solo by Miss MaUd lliueltiiie
was highly nppreeiatet! and bntught
forth heurty npdause. A chorus
by the (lice dub dosed the evening !
program. j
Wr.liNKSIUV Mnll.NINil. j
After singing nnd roll call, the
subject of "Some essentials to suc
cess in teaching," was intntduccd !
by Mrs. I". M. Dollina, the general
discussion brought out as. essentials, '
scholarship, power to impart know
ledge, love of the work, and the sw
cr to amuse thought, etc. After a
short intermission W. K. Lodur.
(icildes, in-
.Morrow county's opal mines are lo
Ih iletttlopo.l. Some of the oials in
the rough were recuutly sent to New
York for an e.iert's opinion, and
came luck cut ami tolihtl, with the
opinion that it was an opal of good
iualtty. A lapidary will m unUiblisli
e I at the mine at once, an expel t be-
W'heii you send away for goods t
remember the firm of Collin A- Mc
Fnrlnuil at lloppncr. Tiny not on-J
ly gunranttv you first class guals ifH
lowest priccs. but they pay mail or
express charges on same to any i
stage office in (Irani or Harney j
counties. See their new "nd" for i
further particulars. j
The gnmd jury last week hint dud up
a '.lutch uf indictiiieiiUs against the
editors aud publishers of New York
City morning iiewier, excepting t
the Irlimiie, clkirglng thma with
lit-; sent tor mini MK)i:utio. Ivistem ' demeanor I or ptiiHlsliing an account ol
Oreiit is just beginning to develop j the execution of the murdurei recent
somii of the mines in hsr doitiiiu anil i ly killetl at Sing Sing. Tim Tribune
thnre is no knowing how vast hoc do- j is the oo!y tiei- found to Itavo com-
nllwl with the law, I he lmilct4xl uicu
I will ho summoned to give hail.
The bids for furnishing !!' cord of
tiecd inanv line orchards, and all , lc' 'l"'"0"- ' '-' pi
the ranches show siuns of haviuu I questions and then called
. . - . . V - . I 11..
thrifty and enterprising farmers nt
their head. Tho second crop of al
falfa i nearly in the bloom and is
two feet in height, showing what n
productive soil will do. We no
ticed n field or two of wheat, which
is ready for the hinder, and from
the road it looked as though it
might yield a nomlcrof bushels of
the yellow grain to the acre. Wo
stopped while in Mt. Vernon at that
most popular caravansary, the Mt.
Vernun hotel, kept by Mrs. Dirge.
To say thai we bad a fine dinner
would I i hardly doing justice to as
sumptuous u repast ns hungry man
ever sat down to. Wu U'sjieak for
the hostess the patronage of tho
bull team in the future.
p uits may lw.
The IliiiiJioldt Mining oomwny ura
having an unusually lou run this ma
win, and yet a full huail of water llow
in their d'itch. The prospects for a
lii-go cleanup are very favorable. Up
i tho present time they luite mule no
regular cleanup only taking soum out
of the lioxei, tthich has Ittwn stitlicieut
1 1 pay all exjainses incurred in oper
atmg the pluit, and Uiving a small
ditidsiul. They will have the largsi
bulk ai a aurplui for thii ieatou'i
good dry wood for tho couit how
wire opened by the sherill'on August
Atli as cr adterliseuieiit, insulting as
follows: (leorge Topkius, $1.80 per
.;rd, t leorge Top kins, fl.l!) pur con I; 1
KalpJt i.ynim, ftr., t-i.i J mr cord,
llalph llymui Jr., $.1.U6 ier cord; II.
SuiimII. il.OO ier ooni llalph liy-
mm Sr. teoeitttd the contract to fur
uisli wood aa hi was the lowost
Prairie City, Auj;. 1, LSUL
We have this day placod all our
Prairie Citv and Canyon City ac
count and note in X. Kuhson's
hands for prompt collection.
Want waeel?
The Nkws knows of a 2(-iiicli
lufl'el wheel fur sale, been uwh! hut
UtliliUle. Price il.UJ, cnsli. A.I
I drH this ollloe.
mad tin
uixiii the
teachers sevc rail v lo answer them.
The first queslipn, "Shotibl the
teacher, in the im ntal arithmetic
class, during recitation, allow the
pupils to use tho book, or the teach
er read the problems to the pupils
and have them repent and solve
without Hie liook?" There Were
dilU-reiit wiews in regard to it.
Some preferred to allow pupils to
recite with book in hand, some pre
ferred the method of, reading the
problems to their pupils, while
others used I (oth methods. Tim
second question, "Whioh is the
most iniorlaiit education, physical,
intelloclual or mural'.' The decision
WH'iuud to la- in favor of the moral
The afternoon session okiiiih1 with
singing', after which Supl. Bon hum
rcud u pHK'r on the "Necessity of
gnuling our sclnds." The subjovt
was quite thoroughly discussed by
the tent hers present. The general
sentiment was in favor uf adopting
a course of grade work for the
schools of (Irani county- Tho sub
ject of "I listory wus intjodiibod jiy
I'. X. (I'lierucv. A general diacus-
siuti ciiiucd. The subject waa iiuils
nnd Hygiene. A general discussion
followed. The s)ints brought out
were: Teach the pupils cleanliness,
the laws of health, tho uvIIb of in
lemiorance, etc.
AI- TKU.Xoo.X' SKSStll.V.
After singing the btibject of cor
isjrnl iitinishment was introduced
by IC L. liedtlesautl Lillian llohrer.
A general discussion ensued. There i
wns some difference of opinion
among the teachers in regard to the
suiiject. ".Necessity and o.xtcnt o
rhetorical exercises" was 0Rned by
Aliss Lillie Chamla-rs. A gunorul i
discussion followed. And thus mid
eth n very interesting Teachers' 1
Institute. i
Chorus, we have lived nnd loved '
together," by (lice Club. Itucita-,
tion bv K. P. Horso'cv. Vucntdtiet !
"Awfully, awful," by Miss MaUd j
Cray and Selma Sehmidt. Lecluro ,
by Jiulgu Dustin, Vm-nl duet, "One
in Heart and Soul," by Miss Mary
Coxail and Kmiiia Parrish. Kssay,
"liducation," by Miss Lillian llohr
er. Yoeal duet, "The bird from
over the Hen" by Mrs. ChU'ord ami
Miss MaUd llaxolttiio Recitation
in. extract fiom ",Iosi ill Allen's
Wife" by Mit-s Charlotte Blake.
Dinit nnd chorus, lit m; a Mohhiio
ftuin Home ' MinhOM .Nliuy and
lie Ovethult aii'l Messts Deeiiug and
Collins. Kiieilalioii, 'Tho Sohiiet 's
Cradle sonj;.'' by Pearl Ititlison.
Chorus "I'he Harrettt tiuiHiH Passing
by," by tho (ilea Club.
On the Dumoiul. ,
Last Sunday some of the Canyon
City UI! teain took il into their
heads lo make up u bull nine with
some of our men and what others
could be gathered afterward nnd
go to Mt. Vernon and p'ay a social ,
game of ball, although it' had been ,
previously arranged to play u match
game Sunday. The two nines were
as follows:
J. Stephens, p. (Captain).
H. Overboil, lb.
S. J. Deering, a. s.
J. Young, 'lb.
II. Workins, .'Sb.
J. Johnson, rf.
J. Sewall. ef.
C. Oruy, If.
W. Woods, c.
U. St.M'kdule. cf (Captain).
W. Damon, lb.
L. MeKern, il..
0. Siegfrit, .'lb,
K. 'I'refry, If.
W. Woltlngcr, rf.
J. (iwirge, c.
J. Scott, p.
W. MeKern, s. a.
As this wus the firsl giutio ever
played in ! rant county nnd not lut
ing n matched game there was no
score kept of the game other than
the runs. Some good playing wus
done on lailh sides, nnd with a little
more practice Ihu boys w ill lie able
to do some good work mi the dia
mond. The runs were ns follows:
Canyon City 17, Ml. Vernun, 12.
The laiy play again next Sunday
nnd exM'i t to make these llgums
much smaller.
fmni the north ami the forked
flames hat! already made their ap
Kntnuce through the roof.
The fln was caused by a cigar
ette which a China woman had
carelessly lain on a chair, ami then
; went oil' to a ueighlmriug house not
thinking that there would lie any
danger The time consumed iii
putting out the fire was alKitit three
fourths of an hour and iiIhiiiI IS
inches of water was used from the
reservoir. What a great blessing a
system of weter works is to a city.
It is nlmul time the city council
tnke a hwk at some ol" these old
Chinese shacks and have them all
moved to the other side of the.creek
where there will bo no danger of
setting fire to the entire citv. As .
i.. i . i . . i i . . '
us, ict ne so , ocaicu mat by the death of our friend and
Miiiiui iu ti iiiini iiitiiii-i nil tiny ion e
of men to put out a lire if well tin
dor wav. Wo also noticed, while
at the lire, that several of the stove
piies of adjoining China houses
came out through the nof with
scarcely any mentis of protecting
the same.
In McmarUm,
IWIi tut urn t.mtljr SwVtH.
Uui uVn 4 lint Ihmh Ii, tuln
N tu h mitU4
Till or mMt In litn 11
The Ikivs piartice plnyi'ng
null every fMiiulny.
Sam Diirkheiiner has gone to
Burns on a business trip.
Sam Onrenter, of ltihiiimiivillr,
wns in our city during tlie week.
Almost everybody in the country
that can get away am out buckle
berrying. Vint Hartley got bucked oir the
other day nml made quite a In hi in
the ground.
Julius DurVlieimer, of Burn?,
passed thmtigh our burg o 1 his wnv
to Portland.
I'rcddic Smith got his bully
cut last Monday. He was slopping
up at Crane Prairie.
br,(M) iHiumls of the miter mill
has arrived ami teams have (join!
after the balance, about US.OCO
( The Mcdinley's came nml welif.
They played here two nights lohirjpi
and attentive niidiciieos, but it wan
not loitsideied ns ginsl as usual.
A brothvr vImt a, Mt an ij
A Kkntln loi u Im pe0i.
Vm K S iummmI Ut IKU,
IU ha, u'r llwtli'i ifoil ilium,
Antl h i.ii IS r4
Is On- IjuI tir wHal isi.iw.
A lin.l n( ,Im4
' Ol bkh iv4ii lHOf4tl Mil.
I Tlie I'l."!! irf Uii of Itu djiil
W 1 1 Bit M t4 link (oiwt,
11 our nxiikar'i rl burs,
IU l.l ihI rrtl im ktl,
Itul ihim S'f la Mia wny
Hi- Im. Ih ih nnf ti.
Yiw, sin bruiSM dxr list Utl si,
A nil Ko Ii ImIjf f sl,
llnl -it, (lo ,o hat iMIrll si,
IU lll All or itfiuwi UmI
Hut m lm h I tit 1UH,
I'tum t r I an I ,uiro li,
Tu lUail IIS lh. MwSK
Tliniili I.hii Omll).
llr ha ftia In Jaall Inratar
III iiur lu, Ibal 1 H Mi1:,
Tier tu 4all our mitotic,
l'u vSuitly ia niu,t ill.
oli ma) m 11,1, (ur Jmh,
Ami nll. hla holy wait,
1 hail .lull ba llnMOtiKt
W Itli Ihiw, ha vllad tu m
Alt.t ma Ilia tor IItN,
'lSl e1ut1,hi huaia abvtu
'ltrnra a ,1,411 maal o4t Untlhaf,
Out .4rriil, ami uur IhI
- VVa. U'uioi.
I'ralrlrL'U). A mm. I a, laVl
Again our hearts were imnlu Sail
pamon Ocorge aldron. lie was
riding a wild horse and tha evacl
way of bis death w ill never lie know n
but it is supplied that the horse
fell back on bun. (leorge was only
10 years old. just entering m.tnhooil
honored ami respected by all who
knew him. He lived several houra
after he was found but was Huron
acinus all the time, Thus on Aug.
I, I Ml I, died one of the best young
men in the valley.
The favorable imprest-ion produc
ed on the first npeaiaiice of (ho
njfrcenble liquid fiuit remedy Svrup
ol I''igs a few vears ago hlis "been
more than confirmed bv the plon.
ant eierieuce of all who have used
it, and the success of tin- propiiolora
and inaiiufadurers the Cal. Fig
Syrup Company.
Boiler Mill will
wheat by Sept.
never b
now at
Any one wishing Buckeye mourns, '
or Kstras for same, .inn obtain them
hy applying to Mine A .Mason, Can-
yon City. !ivo tour onleia at once!
' as freight coins slow.
Wo aie in leceipt of a letter railing
out-attention to an in tide pnbtialiid
in our issue of July 10th, coiiceiuin
an association, and which the agent
lit llllg Cieek Mtys is fiilse. The
Nr.tts ueter piihliohes anything to in
tentionally wisinjt any one and the'
nfoiesaiil artii'le was taken from a
sollllltTIl wit-gnu utiei', anil it it is
falae we aie willing to make amends.
! Adjutant William Walliice Win
, dull ami Adjutant Ida May, of the
' Salvation iirmy, worn miirricd re
cently in N"w York Iry Mrs. Itul- i
liuton Booth, wifo of Commander
Booth, who acted in the itbsuucoof
her husband. The wcdditiLr is a I
notable, one, from llin fact that it
is the first time a iimn-iiiye knot
has been tied by a woman.
Wheat, Wheat.
We want ."i,(Ks) bushels of wheat
ul the Prairie City Boiler Mill by
Sept. 1st, for which the highest cash
price will Ite paid.
PltMTKK 1 1 Hl.
They nre eieriiiientiii in Siot
laud ill tilt; pnxu'Sk of milking cow
by stuuni, nml Dr. Souuneit ille,
professor of tiricitltuio in the
Uiirliiiin ('ulleue of Science, says
hu bus kci n iimiii u farm lliefanii
i or' wife and daughter milking a
certain iiitiiiber of eo cnrofiillv
by hand, while a little steam in
jjliut wns milking tho others, with
n viow to test the result.
Thu iMifjeuo (iiintsl truthfully
y: "The person who furnihi'
itoma for n iiowsiMipcr is iiIvmii- a
valuable friend to thu cdltm
Many )m-ioiis hesitato aUml send
ino, items to a uowsjMipur tegaid
ing thu movement uf friom. h-i
tliu editor should think them uu
ions to suu their mimes in piini
Ho will think nothing of the kind,
but on the contrary is glad to gi t
such items. .Many seemingly tin
iiiisrlaut miles, whim printed,
arc new to a hit go nnmbcr of
renders. .
Muuipuhitors of gold coin must
bo on the lookout for sweated So ,
nnd 10 gold pieces. They are
loose iii in Seattle, nml arc re ort
' ed to Imj iiiMjaring in I'ortliiml also.
Tlio .Seattle Telegraph warns tic
ntooplo of Seattle not to be cheated
( iy this jKKir money. Ton dollar
piwi's under tho sweating process
nro minted at SS ami nt 1 in
ills govcriimont ifpositoriis of
wtailth. ('hemieal amilysis shows
llioso coins luivo been swenltNl by
Tlie Prairie City
be readv to receive
I'iuei line of clocks
seen in ( a i isiit countv
, , , , . . -
tt uiumnaliei s. .
Onto (ho Bed Front Billiard
Hull, Cnnvoii City, for timi nines,
litpiors and cigars."
For extras for ICmpire Mowers,
Beapers and Bimlers, eiiquiro ol
llines ,v Mason, Canyuu City, tr.
I'loitr, lirnham. Dai lev. leilhee
gioiind or whole) (,'iiicken feml, Itye,
Midillings, limn, Shoits, Ac, A'n,'ui
Foil Sai.k A good ranch on Can
yon creek; I'M' acres. Deisled gov
erninciit land, and good improve
ments. Knqu'ro at the News olllce.
W, II. Kelly has just HH'eited a
stock of ixtia line Wall Paper, and is
prctHttod to ilo uiiiitinj mid uiperhig
clnsquT than any one. Win k onuiihi
of tow n solicited, (lite him a will,
Minor Brothers, dealers in general
merchandise, Main street, lleppner,
Oregon. Ss-eial discounts to cash
i buyers. (ioods at Dalles price.
Orders by mail promptly filled.
j Union Pacific System offers tin
I equalled facilities to tourists en
, route to all tioints east. Ycntihiilit
1 SleejM'rs, Diners, Free Cars thiough
to Missouri liver and Chicago with
out change
I' .Ml .
llrli. I. -.1,-1 I till, I I),. I, lit l .al.ii. Illiaali
Ail,, .otiar ,1m I, aati.a uin ,l
It ii s i it r ss, MinM liuml.
t, m.Atp 4 t mt ,,, h V.lsMdfj
f tn i III' tigl. .1 lit .far Slit'Ii-lil vlmil
14 kI ' ; tiu.s t ta, ;u fciii rHtr . Uuul, flit,
Before uurchusini; railroad and . oDBioti of nitric nml muriatic
tlrorougblv d!cusd ami some ttuod stuainsliin ticket, conaull aiumt i ncid nml that the fidliiii' ulf it to
hi eon nml mstliutls were prutyutod. i Union Pacific System. tho amount stntud,
Both the method ami rt -nlU when
Syrup of I'igs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto and acts
gently yet promptly on thu Kidneys,
Liver mid Bowels, cleanses tlio sys
tem cllicttnilly, slisiK'ld t'olils, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste ami ac
ceptable to the hduunrli, prompt hi
its action and truly heiichcial in its
ellccts, its many excellent qualities
commend it to nil. It is for salo hi
60o and 81 bottles by nil leudiug
w-Sya .atiiapi .
' S I s-wa jr
. , A - sn