Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 13, 1891, Image 2

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IN 13 1. a MINUTK3 TIME.
August J 3. JS!)I.
Tho railroad oominissionurs have
made a record. They railed the
rates of .faro for Undents of (lie
Statu rniverailv. If thev will
Dr. Datrin Cures a Case of Ueafnesa by
IClectticity Six Month' Time Con.
MimeJ to Cure Catanh, llfon
chltln, ami Lung Trouble
by the Same Agency.
Kditnr Ori'goiiifin: For four
or Omkki.v, iwa Ohaiit Vamsrt.
Alexander I'lnlayaoii, 1.
Hit 1
I . Colntle, Adilulliirt Summon.
Oolelin, W. I.. Oitip I
hell and I'leckemli'in 1
force any reduction or ntto or faro past I have l--'ti troubled with Mjer. j'"
wcahall make a note of their action. ; cnttmhal deafnc. N. had at times ! I h CAH.
--Kugcno Guard. I J"'l ' H " M I t'ITil
Undo Sam's vast pi m forol
should lie handled carefully. The
tiniher iiiflpee.tor ia liable to viit
Grant county at any lime, and
nartioa who have ertrclulv destroy-
. . . . i ... .1. . . . 1 1
cil tliu timlier are I able to bo pro- """" "' in-atmem "" ", "
1 1... 1 ... 11 if
have to retieal their conversation
A ringine. cnntion in my ear fcavo
me a great deal nf trouble. Dr.
Dnrrin cured me .Inly 'l' in l.'IJ
minute hv electricity and ollwr
skillful treatment. '.Mr. I'. Al.
Grave, of MacLsburtr, Or., wn wit-
ccutod to (lie law's extent.
A reciprocity trettty with .Sun
Domingo hn neen agreed iijkjii,
and will go into eireet S-ptemliur
lbt. Thus one ly one the I'nitcd
States is forming theo liontie
with foreign country, ami ly o
doing is forming doner trnde to
Intion. The storiu told hy the refugee
Juwg of the UiiMiau poraeeulioii
aro pitiful in the extreme. Not
eontunt with driving them from
1 1 1 til r home and confiscating their
property, the lliiinn nuthoiiticc
use menus of personal physical
torture that are revolting in I lit
u.xtruiiio. The suspending of a
man hy the wrists for two hour
form a specimen of I he inhuman
ittus practiced.
J. A. I.liklllry'a
Addalirw Cm!
.Mayer, four nf
thealove Mntttnl defendant:
fit the name of llio Slat" of Ore
gon, ynu arc Itaiplir icrpiired to -twar
nnil Rtiawcr the romp niitl fiUtl
I jiiilit yotf in the hIkud entitled
mi it on or Wore Monday, the ihh
I day ol NovoieW, A.I). IMM, ihe
1 ftatiiu lieitiu; the llrat ihy of next
' 1 . . . ,i... rt:. -...1 1 i ..
f ..11 . 11 ...... if iciini ir itirni i Hi" ' iii-ioi i iiiiii. ti
referred to a well a inveir . u. .. . ... M
Ill ili iiuiln 111 viik.jii, 1111 1111111
rtnuie ... , ...7, . .
( , mill II IJII lllll 1' IV nnnnri it.i
wniit tt.i teof I'l linlilT will apply to
' tlie eottrt for the relief prynl for in
I iln eoinplnint, to-VNtt: That I'lniu-
ttuliavti jinliiipnt ngaitiftl llm ihi
fMiidaulx, 1.. Odette, and Adiliiline
(Vtletto for the mini of SriiO IK) with
en n in
al The Dnllea, Or, where
I mil a (iermnii and 72 year old
With t)r.
i.mii i i 'e
. "... , 1 . 11 iiilercwt t 1 'rcon al l' rule of te i pr
wa Uken with catarrh ami nron-! .... ',.;
( l I'lll H) lllllllllll l.i'lll - iinj ;
of Uctolwr. I-Hll, tooelher with Hot'
Over r,000,00() pound of wool
will he shipped from Tlio I Julie
tlii atttion Oregon woo). Over
0,000,000 can of minion will l.u
shipped from Aloria thi nettMiu
- -Oregon minion. Out 5,000,
000 hiibhdit of wheat will he ship
ped from the talu thin itmBon
Oregon wheat. Thee are only a
fow. There are 11U0 (regon frnitd,
Oregon gold, Oregon silver, Ore
gou iiuioer, nun 11 ihi.
Oregon pro'luctn of 1 Si) 1
chilia, which t nut nntil in Iiihk
tioilMe of a proiioimecil typ, in
ahort, I hail 11 ml atagea of eonaitmp
tion. Throe yeari ago I eoiomrne
el ireatnieni wilh l)r. Iurrin, who
etireti me wilh eh elrii ity and inedi
eiuea of all the ahovc eoinplainta in
nlmtit aix month. I write thia to
aay the euro ia perfect and H'rinit'
nent. 1 liave niued .' hiiiiiI. I
am now agent on the 0. It. .V N.
railroad ami reaide in .Multiiomnh
Addition, Alhiiia, Or , and enu Ik
referred to. .1. A. Limhay.
Dr. i'arrin eontinuea to treat all
daie(, the rich and poor alike, free
of charge, at 1 1 iff oltiee, 70J Wash
ington ht., I'ortlaud, from 10 to 1 1
a. m. daily. Thone willing to pay
from 1 1 a. in. to H ji. in , nt half lux
former irieed. lie nivea free and
confidential exaiuiualionM to all at
the olliee or lv letter. I ! trealM ail
ri 1 rill ile ehrome, acute and private
iliafaaeK. All tumor?, goitre, wart,
mole antl ti rliuoiiH hair icinov
ed hy dee trie Hy. 'urea of private
diiwae guaranteed and neer null-
of olher ; liahed in the oniHTH. Circular and
Ator- ! iueation Idanka int free. lntii
I riea anawered.
The reaignation of Senator t.hiay,
chairman, anil Col V. Duilley,
Irettatirer, of the lepiihlittau ualiou
al coininittce, were accepted hy the
executive. t!r)inniitlce and Mr. .1. S.
Clarkaon wa elccteil eliatiinauaud
inatriicled to appoint a treasurer.
Air. ( 'nil V lint alko renigneil hi
place on 1 1 if national comiuitlie,
whicli remove him from ualinual
politic entiiely. What eireet this
ehaiigo will have on I lit party re
mains to be teen,
Sealing appear to have heen
oireotually topped in llehnng ca,
according to icecnt advice. The
entntneo to the aea i eircctunlly
liloeked, ami i now tmt rolled hy
live Aineiieaii and two liriliidi war
eel. The ollicer of one cltnon.
er, which wna twice aeixetl hy ihe
luvenut) cutter Uuli,ay that near
ly every echooner ha leceived
notice of the recent action of lite
two government forhidding add
ing. Some of them have decided
to ohey the proclamation forhid
ding nettling, hut other, it i nid,
will venture to hunt aval on the
kiiiun hore of the ea. I trad
Htiiti nf 9'JOU nlloiiiiy fi-e ill tin
M-iit and til ti cnatM and dialniracuiciita
of thia ami; and that it ho di-euieil
hy the court thai the inoriflair" ilea
iiiIkhI in I'llTn romplaint on the
SWjofSeo. Hiu Town 1-' S nf
It .M I'Lifcl he forrloaeil and the Hrtiil
nioitiifd ,reiiiea hoaolil aa upuii
oxeeiiliou nnd that tlio (iiueeeiU of
f-i.ii I Hnle 1 plied iimiii theninoiilil
lie- I'laintilf in thia Miit and llint
thn llrfi'iiilri'itu, I. Coletle and Ail.
ilcliii" Coletle nnd nil (Milieu claim
iliK iiudei them 1 nlaciin nt to the
execution of anul lie rigaxfilio harieil
anil foreloaod of till ri.dit, iniercHt er
eipiity of redeniptioli in aiid iii'inincn
nnd thai tilnii'ilill have jiidineiit
HKidoit aniil ilofcailan'H, It. Colrtle
uiul Aililelinc Colette for uliy ih-li-eiui
y hich la y loiimiu h(Ii I tip
p')iithii pKiect-ilH of Ihe utile of
a ill pteuiiKca piopcrl.v npphrahle to
the HaliMfiii'tioli of wtid jinliiicnt nnd
that l'luinlilT I11M' ancli olln-t and
further n-licf ua to the cutirt limy
Heciii equilalile 11ml jnat,
You will further lakn iritico that
thia anintnona ia puhliahcd hy oriler
of Al. I). CiilTunl, juilfto of the mIkiw)
nameil cotii I, mndii and cnlcied on
tho Thu d.iy i.f .Inly, 181U.
Al, Dcirts,
Ally, for J'JIl.
Thn rpnnlfi nf Grant and Harney
'counties will have an opportunity
to purchase all classes of goods
generally kept in a Mercantile Es
; tablishment very cheaply of us for
the next 60 days, owing to the re
moval of our vast stock for repairs
of our building. We carry a com
plete stock of merchandise in all
its branhces, and we are bound to
1 sell them. A call is respectmlly
asked for in this grand Removal
Prairiv f'ilt - - - Oregon.
To tiik llov. tiii: Couviy Ootmr
ol the State of Oregon, for
(Irani county.
Wo Haven Full Slock il Lowest Prices. Has been enlarged to accommodate
. . o the increasing business. The wools
" " of this section which accumulate at
'Heppner, attract all the leading
1 Western buyers to that point, and
make it the best market in which
the grower can dispose of his clip.
Last season over 1,000,000
pounds of wool was sold in Hep
pner at prices which averaged the
grower more clear money than was
realized by sales of similar wools
in other western markets more dis
tant from the manufacturing cen
ters ot the Bast.
Teamsters charges advanced on
written orders. Cash advanced on
wool in storage.
T. E. FELL, Manager.
Ihii'dicurc, Tintran; .'IgricuHurut iIr
mails, Sawmill Mtwliincnj, Pinnps, I'iirs.
niil Fitliift.s; V.V Oils anil Glass-
ch in or ij,
For All Classes of .'Igrieulhiral Ma-
We. the unipr-if(n(d your
pclitioiieia moat ic-apccifiilly icpiv
anil wo ate each and nil tea
(Inula uiul leul votcta of Ihiyville
pieeinct in Miiil commit and utate,
and we hk that n liccinc he ynilited
lo T. C. ,dl;iin to aell.iiid iliipuio of
apirittiniia, '. inou alio malt liiluoia,
J in aaid Mayville pieeintii, in I cm
, u,i n li tii-H than one K'al'oii foi a pu
i tiiidof nix moatliH frmii the I -'th ilav
ol .Veptemhi-r, A. I) IMM.
Dated thia Ith dn of Amh.-I 1S1II .
Win Tii 1 1 , .Inhii Iteiiltie, Wilhnni
' M in t is , Daniel Miinny, (ic.Mj;'
( Ciiiue, II ltiii'NMiVc i , 'I hoianH (,'i.n
' nor, Vuril S ift , .1 11 lli-iwn, J.ilm
I' Powell, V 1. Wooil, Kre.l M I.
(illioll, ,M.I Itlllll'HOII, S Ij CrOHN, II
' A Thivlki-l.l. Ali .Mat t ay, 1 M
, 'I ithlaiiil, 11 Sti'Wuil, A 1. Ilruwn,
' J W !tccMc!l, II t'luit line, ( !core
1 K (hi , Jiihll Mili'dim ilil, A II (inc,
D A .Stt-w.iit, I-' I'Milnyaon, Kenneth
, I'' Mnellae, It SSnuU-i, H M Y tiiif
Nvilico in hcruhv chen that on Hat-
aiilay, the I'Jth day of Scptetuher, A
D I SHI, the uutlclMiKUcd will nppl)'
to the Hun. County eoutt, of the
Htate uf Oregon, ft' (iroil count1' ,
for the ilico of tlio IteuliHe men
tinned in the f'lvj;uiii- pitilion.
T. C. Al-KlXH.
Slli;itll',l,"S SAU'I KOIl DIJI.1N.
(JU15NT TA U-?.
Hy viiltie of a wariatit iaauthl out
uf the Count v I'oiii t of the Stall1 uf
The potsihllilie of fruit a a
nrolitahlo crop i jut hecoming
hnowii to tho Oregon fariucr. O.
V. llcaniley, of lwltt, ha ihi year
raiacd a boo l lo.OOO Hinnd of
gooohcrrie, worth three cent a '
jwiind, nnd ha 10,000!
IMiuiul of hlaekeap raapborrio, '
which have ohl at eight cent.
lliaantiual honey crophringulout '
SHOO. He Iia t'wentv tivu aciva in ,
hot and if the hug will let them Dieuon fur (limit county ami to mo
.1 . .hi ., . . i . i i a i ; . . . -
illiccicti ua Hiii iiiii, eoinin.inoiii(f tne
ti eo'h'Ct the ih-luiMieiil taxea for the
yea l I MH'J. 1 KK I, INK I, I MSfi, I MiC,
a 'id 1 MJ7, I hue h-vinl on llm ful
louin lU'M'ril't-il teal phipurty
ua the pioja-rly of John Caney
to h-itifs' tin- noil of $.11 7, -' nt the
aiuoiiut l in ( 1 lint county for ill.'
vein lfi!) fiuiii lliu aatil John Curie
lo wit : The N ', of Hoc. 2. in Tp I I
S, It :i) U W .l ,
Now tlii'icfore I Hill aell llm ul.iivc
ileacriLw-d ptoprtl. at the com I huuae
ooor in tuiivon try, iiniui com in v
To 1IIK llo.NOHAHLi: Cot NTV Cot'KT
for t ! rant Oounlv, Statu of
We, the iiudniaitiiiit roaiiloutM
nnd lcfal votetH of Otanit ' precincl,
iiiohI ii-pectfiilly at. I; that ). I'.
Mil 1.1..I l.c (inteil a lieeiiNO to n il
HpuiltioiH, iitnll and vinuiiN liipe.M
in Iphb ipifinliliea than one gallon, lor
the term of MX inoiitliN from the '.HI.
day of September, lK'.M, in (itfitutc,
(Irani count v, Oregon. ,
Dat-d thia '-'Ttli day of .Inly, I Mill
A (! TulM.r, C S .lilh-r,.l Dilinai',
W W Iioom-y, Ci Thornliitrjf, li N
I'm il . Neil Nimiii, iu4 lliiehman.
( i rant I twin, . I W TaUir, (leo A
.MaiHton, Oihi .M Cleixcr, .1 .IWor
e nt -r, K l'Mahorty, Itonj Whitoinaii,
II i! Diiniiiii),', Snl t'l'K'e, 1'V.iiik Co
1,'lc, Ci'ois,'i Atehiaou, W lit-kaoii.
I Kl"pp, II MeCtum, M Sioimhiin, ,1
I. Mci'itlhuiuh. (ico 'lililaU Will
i ni l.aeey, D Diuiiek, Oln Mukiich,
O V Urown, II (liithinl(e, IC TIiuiii
hurt.', 'I A lleuiiiyer.
Notice ii heie'y Kien that on
Wedneday, tho tlth day of Suptein
her, A. D. IMM, the uiiilcimtfntHl
mil nppl,v to the Hon. County Conn
of the Hint c ot Oiogon, for (irant
uoiiu'y, for the iaHiiaticu of tho hci-une
mentioned in tho foieuoiiiK petilion.
.1. II. HlU.I.MIti,
We Will Fill Your Ofdeis Promptly at Lowest Prices.-
Buschc ((' Company, Bukoi City, Or
Haptnqsfall art & Cn
yau Read
Do you Uil'c ad run lay? of a good offer II 'hen
il is placed irllin roar reach?
ll.IPTO.YXT.ILL V lllh'T,
Have now received the ami iaoit complete ttook ol n.w floods ia
Grunt County, which they will offer for tale at urieei that tiff Ovtitpctition
rsr4l. :
JOTIOK Ol1' I-'Oltl-'KITUItli
alone tint outcome w ill he rich. ( )n
U aorta of roiiutl he will pick
f)l)0 hitahel of pCHchea, worth more
than that uuu.y dtillnr. They are
ltd) net out four year ago. Ho
ha !iftcen acre in young mch
treo. What ha been done in
other fcctiou uf the late can lie
done in our own prolific (irant.
Hitherto Oregon ami Washing
ton have boon ingularly fortunate
in huiug exempt from the ravage . to die l.ijihe'at l.i hUi tm enah in h..iel
of fruit anil vine peal. I'ut now on Snturday, the Jd day uf 0-iulnr,
front all portion of the two tate ! Il - ""' l"ck p in . to aalUfy the
I To JiillN ImI'K'CK IMi Al t. I'KHKONH
' CI.WMMU UY oa Til 1101 oil III VI:
You are heiehy notified that
, I have expended f 1 00 .00 in lalair
and iinpioveiiienla upon tlio (Itienl
noun. Siiid mine una located .May
I, HS' by ilohu IiHtiraiicn and in ait
Uitcd on the 'lin-liiiL' I idee bitweii
i lie left h.iiid folk of Dixie rii-ek and
Dull Kun, in the (,1'inruhtux mining
diatrtct, in (limit eotiutv, Oregon,
lieilif; the niiioti ut teipiired to holil
the hiiuii' for the year 1M0, a n ) if
within Do day after the lirat publi
cation of thia noticn vuM fail nr icfuae
to eoatribute your piopiulien ol aucl;
i1 x m ml it u re as tt eo owner, your in
tetot in aaid claim will lieeonio the
piopetty of the auliictilK-i under
Hccltoa j:t'J 1 of tlio Kcwmtl StaluteM
uf the C uitcd Statea.
JcirriN Ih.vav.
I'raitio City, Or., .Inly IH'.II.
or xioppiior,
c. a. inn. , husk ki'.i.i.ikio,
I'ri'kiih-nt. Vice l'n-nlctit.
(iKOIliiK W. CoSHKIt, Canhli-r.
J. I1. UIIK.t, T. A. IIIII'A, I. T. liOliMlN',
DinvUira. I
TrttiiMtcl1 a (iYimtiiI Itankiiu- Hu-liies.
E s change
all JufrU nf tin- Win I'l
(.olliH'tloiiH niailc at all Hiiit- on
Itcaaonalih1 Ti-i mi.
Money IkiiiiiI at from oim to ten
tmr cent.
-10 UHh IN-
Canyon City, Oregon.
( 'aiioa
per Al.
I.iinilu r al lln ir
C n ek mill, $10
from all portion
eoine reKrt of thcapiH'anince of
varied apecic of lice. The prea
ia itlivu to the tlangcr tmtl ia cuu '
atautlv warning the farmer of the ,
dangers of delay in cMermiimling I
tlio pet. Tlio Kugene (iiianl!
gays: "Oichartlial are urgtal to,
lado prompt iiicasute to anvil the j
ntitdti ami pear crop from the cod
Hit moth, which ha developed
grtmt uuuibera
u-onlhei- tet in.
indiirrenco on thi subject will
cot rruit grower very dear. The
moth is like a mortgagu - it work
at night while the fiirmer sleeps.
Tlio only remedy i spmyiug ami
ovory grower who want a crop of
healthy fruit will tlo well to work
with his spraying uiaohino."
aaid an in of .'t IT.'.'O and coU.
Dated thin .It li day el Aujfina ,
I). IStll.
0. 1'. Chmmc,
SheiilVol (lianl counlv, Or.
1-0 It HAII'l
ana ot .1 l ui.., o,
Jul) in, 11.
A Htoek Uniirli of Ilifl actea, on
Ujipor Voiith I'Vtk.
I.iiit- i,'.ti L- lifimrM ami all futiii
since Ihe wariii j m()hii,eiy, alao I'J.') to l.'ti tmia of
( 'aitileasiics ami mv.
I "l'ti, l:,'iOilcah. Half caah ami
Imlanr in (! or l i uninlha, $11, .'.0(1,
including fanning utensil ami hay.
I 'i'hia lauoh is in the beat stuck
mug ill Hastern OiOj,'Oii, ind when
in ttioioiih culu'wition will t;row
to tltlO tons of hay.
Knr futtlier patlictilaia ciujiiiieal
thu Xkw ullico. Crtiiycu City, Or. I
Kll..' li bairl.) yliru I lot ll, fulluwlmi MMirit
ill. i Im. Illl nUlM nf lit. Inl.ntl.i lu u.ak.'
I nl irwl la mimi .4 liia rlilm. nut thai !!
, u,-r will to Mvkr ld.r ta i.a.,1, link ol i
Itia . I .-"nl, l c.nit.n car, ii.,i.i, on S-,t
l. lul, l- ORoftUi! M. I.KliSKI IC4.X..
t7, lr Uw N K ir H. i , T 14 a, II JI K W M
lli ntmm iSf Mloata( altaxwa tu . SI.
i nwltnianu lUw U. tiwi .ulllvit tM. l m 4
li.'J, U: Umu Ka.laf, J-i.ri Tra.) , In ajf -Ml,
' o ii-nu.i, all can, in. i'lt.,iiiwa
l i H. llt'NTtXtilti.N. H.U'r
Canyon City, Or.
.1. .. Ciambcrs, I'mir.
'Iliia Healaumul ha recently Uh-ii
epi-liial, anil vtill funiiih .Mml or l.od
Ki'ujl ut livitiK intoa.
A .MH-ial fciitnii- ul-out thii house
ia thai no Cliiiuvwi coolca are einplnyiil
in Uie LiU hcii. (iie the Ko-tntiriint
a trial.
.M. J.
TposTomcE) Store
n. i ) i rv, oie.
. L- Punish
A line iitoi'li nf ficih C.tlidiea, Xllta,
Tiltjcx, Putt inciy, V.U-, lite, jttt
riNwiMal, lliu mu a tdl, 1
A Jo, Prop.-M,
llltKIIC t noil
Can a on Cihj
James Rnbiiueii, .... Agent,
Canyon Cily, Oregon.
Next FCfMon bcnina on Monday,
the '.'Ut dav of September, I
Tuition, free.
Four cotiracs: Claaaical, Scien
tific, Literary, and a ahort lCiigliah
Course, in which there ia no Latin,
llreek, French or Herman. The
lCiiKlihh iw pre-eiiiineiitly a liuainea
Courae. For citalogtiea or oilier
Addria J W. ,Iiiis-.,,n,
Canyon City, Or.
This popular rcsorl has
heoii reownerf lo Iho public,
and now, as in tho past,
keeps nothing but the best
Wines, Liiptors Cigars-
(.'. I). KICK. I It 1, rioitr
Pnj l! amis, ('lathing, Hoots. Shoes, (! lores, .11 it tens, Urcr
shirts, t'nttcrweur. Ilosienj, Hals, Winter Caps, (lam
Hoots, lllankels. Quilts, Corsets, Ladies and child reus'
Shoes, lubber coals, )'eloic Oiled coats, Funni Goods
Cutlertj, ICtc, Etc., lite- ' '
When cash lurompaiiica the onh r for any aiiiotint Irom Fivo
Dullarsor tuoro in above line of e;oo.ln we will prepay nl .Mail or 2
Slit)!" ehaisen, to any atae station in (Irani or Harney eouulii-M, 2
until .Iuiim 15lh, 1MH. tl When aol.l on t-iedtt no eharf;- 5
ea prepaid. ' 0
W e will guarantee our lowest tet.til pneca on ExCrV Article
and aiee to leftiml the lnonuv if y.drturo not satisfactory.
H) M-nditi),' to us writiiiK plainly, j.iht what is wanted, wo can aeleet
Ih. m to your Mtlihlactio... We l,.,u. the Av-.y assortment 'f (Ion
eial,.-to bu found tu any htoi,. r Oregon. You urn nao
money in eveiy hue. (live ns a trial order. We solicit vottr trade Order
l-y Mail at ome. I'm L'cspcclfulll.
Coffin M-fan-land,
""" to Mutdnrl.
Canyon City - - . Oregon
Constantly an hand a full assortment of I
Pry Goods, Clothing, Hoots V- Shoes, Groceries, I
htv., hlc, Ptc , at Ucusonuble Prices. I
i), . ovmtiKM.T. I
nuAUiit in