Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 13, 1891, Image 1

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7?o Vajinfor tmJ'nrni,
ftp Workshop ami 1U$
Th e Paper for I h e Stock
man, Alfirehitnl and
. 1 inrr.
c.ia')va' citv, giuxt couxvv. oiuuiox, tiivusiu ,'. J V a VST 11 ISOI,
A'u ruber il.
1 'alamo XIII.
Orco'oa Staff Normal School.
Monmouth, Oregon.
juh'inn oFJficuicxra:
lln Km - Hcro-i C.v, Mn.viTrn Pr xnvrit, ")
lion (I. W. M.-I'.i.ikk, Sc 'y of Mlntc I. x Officio.
Hon. li. 1J. MeElroy. Htmt.' of 1'hWo Instruction l S iionKM, Washington Cottnly, Pros, of tlm H ani.
J. U. V. llc-rtKji, Kee'y t
Hon. .1. J. I'ai.t; Polk Cottntt lUirnnir Cointuitlec
Hon. 1. V. JUtKT. )
.In tii: Yooim, Marion OoHult, J. C. Win re , Polk Counl,
A ti:-i I,m-, Chirkftmsw Canity, A Noitniu, Multnomah County,
V. 11. IIoiaiis, Marion "oHitlv,
Tut' lea ling Nor- T1
utal at-hool of th .
North weal. Ib-au- I
tifulan.l healthful
liKMh'tl, No an
loona. New build
ii.!. New nj'jm
iMtUH, Full fur
u'.ty. Light . x
pen. Igt,reftt
tendance. Nor
mnl, Normal Ad
vanced, Utifciitc H.
' MA
Music and Att
I irl men'..
Korelal ftitntt
i - TO
turn gtten to phy- iL
ynr nl wliool for f l.0. I!nMa: 1 union. mill niihiurM coiifca
J 2r pfr tcitn of 10 ww ka; l'rviiarntoi v, S.ri per tiiin; b-..rl t Normal
D.ntng JIkII Pl.fiO per WPek. (loiiil
9i.iiU ixr week. I'lral llirtu oi.ena Sept,
Hiiv ttrm. iHr Ctttaloffue, ailtlresi, J
NVtiooia hereby given tlml ly vn
inr of (in i siftitinii imtl nr-ii r of il
iM-ucil out of the Circuit Cowtof
Mt:l' of Oit'on for ( ran,
upon a jinl;,'ii.i tit mnl crilcr i i ml
ri-iuleioil in ntiiil court on tlm 'Sixh
ihiy of Mnrch, I!M, in fmor of
M irniol l'owfll, I'llT and n,'iu"'
Adam Muirny, Win. Munny und
Alo Munny, cupnitneis na Murray
I'roH. find Alf Murray dtifendiinttt
for Tin co Thousand Oim Hundred
ntnl Kift) cifjhl and sixty tmo one
liundiodtlm ($:tir'!) dollmn with
intcieat thereon from anid '27th day
of M.trcli, IM)1, at tl.o mlo of 10 per
ncnt. per annum and the fuitlmi' hum
of Three hundred and ten dulhtia
altornoya' focii, and tlie fit I titer Hum
of S'-venly oac and twenly-two ono
liuiidrcdtha dullum no. In und dis
liurHciiiuiitk, accruing eostn and the
costs und cxpuuafls of and upon Huh
writ. Jlmolaticd upon and will
sell at public auction on Kattudav,
(lie 2f)th day of Anoint, IS'JI, at l!
o'clock . m. of sai'l day, (it the
coin t Ikuiso door in Canyon C'ily,
!raut comity, Oregon, all Hi" right,
title and iutercat of aaid defendaiita
in anil to tho following dcactibed
nttacln-d proporlv, to-wit: TheHJof
h'ec. :t, Tp. Ill S, li '27 H W M and
NJ of N-i of S.c. lo, Tp. 1.1 S, It '2.1
K W M mid the SHJ of Hcc. I, Tp.
1:1 H, I! V, W M un-l SV', of Sec.
I, Tp. Kl , It '27 K W Mand N?. of
Sco. !), Tp. I a S. i: 27 K W .M and
IS I of NWJ and SWt ol NW'l and
V'l of SWi of Sec II, Tp, u s, n
-27 K W M ind WV of NWJ of Sec
Jl'i and K of NIC! of Sou. HI, Tp- I 'J
.S, II '2H li W M and Hiq of Sec. '-7
and NKJ of NWJ mid NW of NHf
of Kacai.Tp. 12 S. U '2ii U W 51
,md I'l of Sc -2Q, Tp 12 S, U J0
liWAl und SA of Soo. .'. Tp. V.i S,
It 27 V. W M und K of MKf of Sec.
22 ami WJ of SWJ ot Sec. 'I p.
J.-SK, I! li Y M, all Uiug wtuato
hi Uiaiit couuty, atalo of Oregon,
iogiilu r with all nud aingular tho
tflixmiiiuU, horcdilttmenUt and appui
jteuauci'a thciuunto lwlouging or m
ituy wiae apju i taining.
TciiiiH of bale en ah.
J)utd at Canyon 'itj, Clfnut
connit, t'lcg.m, Una 28tn day of
d.ilc, A. D. iai. -
0. 1". OKESAP, Khciiff.
,l!y . U. Boi Til WORTH,
Kullm l Ih m Ij) ghn that ltd fullo.luit nimrd
nilrrM. lilnl uil lit liU Inlwttlon M Ritk
Bnl brw4 Ui i'torl of bin . llni, nut lint
l m.t will imi nol- Mur Ibe Cuunix l'lik of
-4irmii uuiii, nl Oubjum lily. oo-on. mi ..
X. !.!, ui IIKNIlV T. WltllB, U i N... MIT, ti
tl.o W.V Bih II, T 111,111 II W M.
II,. (,.,,... ii- Mk-vlmr IIiiiww u pnw hit
WUllU '. IO:.)tU.- I1IK.II, nti mi1Uv.i1.mi . I. ij
M,H' 1j1ioH ilftll. Jiu HmiII, O H.
lillM'M. A. I. Ul --j, JI ..f I'r.lrlo ll),Oigcu
The leilcc C.JJcttc
la tlw caw." Hliiatmtwl ixier in
tho world couUi'.ii all the luteal
MoiiKitional und iKiig ni'ty. No
Hahoii Kcvjut, HarUror tltih t.Kiii.
can nll'ord tu U-without It- it
way make friends Wherever it
goi'i. . ,
Mailed to any luldreaa m tl."
I'nited Htatca, wcurcly wrajipi d, I :
wc ka for f I.i').
Heml Kivtuiuit for aniiilm' i "py
IlliUlAttU K. lrX,
lratikllii Fijuar-, New Vufk (Mty.
aWI mtltnre, vol
uuUn miliUry
Tl"( leetdvinfl
dlidomaa from the
Mcbool nre ( n
tithil lo Irach in
nr county of I lie
Klt without fur
ther r.xnminsUon.
Tuition tcdncwl
in N'rinnl ami
Buino tlfpatt
mpiiis from f li to
pur ycntj in
1'fppmatoi v from
.;o to fit) A
Nil Tit
1 lJfili J
lxwir.l and I'llin,; m pnvntc fr.nnlu
v.'. is-i
Sttiil.'iitH mi i nti-r nt
I., i
II I ' ! I , A I! 1 - "t
ni. M 'ic' l'n h
.1 M
; ,i r, , -i ii 'n ; . . U--I r imi
VUl r II JJ Ml l. '', ,l I '"M I'M
tl ( . imJMIIttAO t(,.MII'- 11 .iIih4V.I(
Ji IHIM Vt 1 -'.! JOT"l 'lMl ll 'UUI
ivtil t WMnutJni IfM. n..ft si I I 1
l 0 ' t!il
Aiioiaw AO m XVVtA
; o . ' i i? if ni c-.1 ' ""i Mtk"t -o i"
..i, i ; i. ii i. I 'OKwf 2 luj I'll, H .Ou.KaV"
-l,. -k 'i..'l tu-l,ll n'l U"JI t,K'ltf 01 Oll.X
,.; . . in.- i'i.t minoi 'Hm I
1,, -As '"HI "u,),l'""N'lialI'uil
j-ujj:i (taiii-xui siu. uvti
VhIiihMo IUv.V on Nrmn
.,... m. in.ii ii mi j.'.if. mm.
E 3LLii'u'i
iiitnin I i.o Iiih ir i luirce
Thin trm. .! li-. 1k n irciu.l Lt U IUww
en I l' l.,r K K-nlD , r .,tl W4inn,ln,UlD.-ua,
&iid u ui.w piviian-il uiijor lu direction br Um
Soli I lir tlrllSHl't" ll I""' Ili'llle. II lot
3. UirsoSUu, 1 IS. ll!iittl.-fur'
Notice is hereby ghoit that in pcr
au.mce of an order ol tho iloii.
County t'ourl of tho Mtnto of Oregon,
for tiruiit county, which older a
madu on the (itli d.iy of July, ltll,
in the m.itler of the eauto uf Htcphtn
(iraham, deceahed, t!.e undersigned
ndmini-strator of Mid estate will on
S-Umday, llie '2hh duy of Augual,
1SU1, at the hour of two o'clock ji.
m. of aaid day, in front of the iour,t
hoime door in Canyon City, OrejjoV
acll nt public auction to the highest
and lci bidder f"i cumIi in hai.d all
Hie richt. title, interot and ilate of
t tha :nid Hteplieii (iiaham, decenaed,
ami .ill tho light, title and interest
' which the aaid ealale lias by o.orii-
Uon of luw or otucrwiao fiC'purixJ in
and to that certain real uaUto aitualo
in I i ran i county, atnto of Oregon,
and pnrticularlv doaciibcd aa followa,
to wit: The NK of KK Sec. Ill,
Tp. 11 S . It. ol H. W. M. a-id the
KK4 of SWJ ami hota .1 mid I of
Hec. IK, Tp. II K., II 8A K W. M.
Uated at Canyon t'iiv, (ivoii,
Ibin'iSUi day of July, 1,-Ul.
CtKOtlUK 11. NS'onti,
Adiuiuiatratoi .
I mh! Offlw l fltwu. Oroiou
JlllIC i. XJl
Nvltn lli.rrt nln Omi U' fi4l'oim-iim. .1
.III... u of hl lUUnUUU In lliti.
Mml 'f W tUltml III
urauf i!t ! lioar Wlun thu I'nuul! link r
Urant I t-uiii) , si I'siioiii I'llir, HKj'iu, "
li, l'.l, ul.i l-fct UKN mU. HI sfi' N'
im, f.rf Uw hi K til Km X, W lit MUir, N
agnrKr. Ttsa lt K
IUiuu tli- (ullttHtiii tlllu-Kt lu i.r ,, hi
nMillt.utmt nuldtfliro U1M.II Bll'l CU'll.llllli .f
f mM ll. vUi U, U- Olhw. o mk" I
IRwk, i. T. I'smll, all ol i)'.'- . ok.
J. II, IICBTlM.ToS, I, .i.l r
Uiidofllct it lUii't. ortt..ii
Jiii II, I-ol
KoUm Ithotbjr klttn Ihtl li t t,i!l,..iu; iniu.-l
u-IUm Ui AM noOi- at kit IlOhIIob l, nul.
Htwl ef"' In Ufi-ott bitclaiui, sml lul o-l
inoal W Nisda Morn the ciiut i'li-rt I
uruil rumitv or at ('an)oii ' Hi. or. ,.u luf 2 i.
MU. u JoKl. f AUtMlTT. II M Nu J-;i I '
lli.i K lit ail Mr ami tot r .,i It ii NK ir
fcH' v. 19, T IS M, K K.
It i-mtt Uw lutlualn ltiitua to i-r.. I t.
f.,t,l nil .it- ir,.l,-ti( H1-.MI, I'llllUa.litn ..i !
I tl.O i. I .. M.ill. W II If4.1,l. I. I. I.I
lilt, il nur l If k .11 uf MS.I, I linl . , , i t v r
J II III NTINUfuN, luvn'.i
ini-f litiu
h I. f HI, 1,, 1UW
A let . ' I l-
I,n ' ,.l tkuU .. a
a . ib, , ,i n ,
. a,. I . i, I
tltl 1.. lilaf. V. .1. n . ,
r. ... ntl, n nl. i, ,. t .
,, a ,h I,. m , , .
HIM tf U...M' i , . . .
,,. I .11 i.ih4iiii. ., m. I, ,.
::.iiiii'ii 't.,ii ifciii'.jf i.ii..i.Mui.,u
aa&rxavi, ,i.
.TCfJ" I. - Sm
A !- Wny to llwtl' Hhi t ilhi
llnll'. snlcrt.
It l tacl p'fhai not avO'Tall
ti.mwn that the Mtrvil jr U UU
l.r.K'IlHl.muti slmsul U by hla liotik or.
a . Im rails iht'in. hl tiit. Tlicy nn
Invariably thlcli ml clumy In apjKMi
niiiv. wllh hcarjr kU-ii. mav lftc a
. ow-loilo loot than onvtlitnir clac. Th y
ar. tnaW U wear awl arc a cint-U .i
pcrlor to the Aawrtcan artlcli- tn ih.s
rccct aa the laltcr h iwtter tn ('.;it
of tonka. An l;m(IUliinn. but Ion.;
klnce Anwricanlml, ttiaa telta how !
j'ttfsl a Wlow-cowalrymaw In.
Ins IxhiU. H hml iwM a Ultnrt.n
tl.,it an wW friend ot hla Kniflt-h tiny s
ntwi waa n'tunilnjt t Knif I rnt tr!a
Mt-xico via tho KUtea, wool.t l at tlu
I'atiucr lionM on a certain morola
It.- bait not aven I lie limn tor olglit
yoam and hla tac wna utterly foiyot
tea The ott clerk could irWe no
turther Information than that the
I'.nirlUhtnnn tn question wiui mw-
turn in the rotunda, and that ho wor i
Uiflit-chivUi-nit trousera. Wheretinon
lh KujftiOi-Ameriean liejfan U ncmti
niw all the tt-owwra that aat, atmat or
w-ulbtHt wlthtn Uie mtunda. At last he
uiw a vilr that ncemed lo inwnr th
il,n.Tiition. They tittt tially, mow-ovt-r
The own-r inrrltil a mt aticit.
,iii a Mrt of ln)tlii(f Jtx-ket, c:vl an
tiir ot lintc(wudeni,e. Th Umki'M-n
tiiotijrht to hlmwlf: "I Ue!lW that
i,, list tw an niurllshman. lint yet
'1 hen his 'ya ifiauced downwanl utfuiu
until they renehed tlw 1hU. Th
,.1,'lit wa-i'i noinrh. It recalled memo
r., a tlmt uoihintf elae had Ikwo all to
ul.i' lie went up to the man with
lts niut wan not niWluloui, It
in !ns friend. Afti-r.usl the :.
i. nt .uid mu li ihrae a. "tl. I av.
.,n t.n..w." "Thttt'a the irame, Is It,"
i,i ... m tii. KmrtUli of li" very em
j.'-.i' .. .illy In mu- to htm, lnt It wa Hi.-i.-.t-
tint really did the trick. The
ii . I. r w.m.l red aftorwnrd In ti
i i, .v. l.IOls' "t ay, I d.i-rt
l , i win I. ut thts fellows all M-ei.i
t ,. i i. I in Kulish!" My friend a.
..I in noiiiler. ovnly. leretl
' . u. li' f tin- liootjs ami did not
,i,l. i i in .ir I ril.mte
Nil i .iiikit Uhb.ioIb'I On" uf the
li It
l lux ,Uto
'1 li.nisaiiilK of lettent are written tv
tin, ulii re as-oren uwd U ls.1 (luce the
riling of a lett t is as somelhln;; of uu
eei it. tlemtof nvw were Hiieil for It
carefully. Uie experiences of alx months
i r a wholo year were twt U rk-h a
store to 1 exhausted upon tt. twins
uere taken to tnelnde In It editing
ideas utou important ami often o!emn
theme und when written It posted
nt heavy coat, and wa toug In reachnv
,ivet a not remote doutinnUon. Jv'ow
iv, ' ilati off adoaen letter a ilav ouo
v. rteto tlw aame eorreHsntUpt on..
ii t We a wiH-k, o that ve lime le-
li u In! i. the relation hat. loii.- i
rotnmontdace trtlle. and wc rwrui' " i
r.-i he . liedTe our letters half a. ntiii i
- -.1 v., uli! have left town. If. fnh . I
' - .i: r . il i nut ei.i.le l.y U lei lmlic
V., i.i little or no he.-d to the !.r.u ..I
our letter. We wi) Uut we have lo
say and atop. We regard corresooud-
nice as a huuacaa ami no longer as an
art, as Miuicthmg to Iw eiiilureil rather
than enjoyed. This theory of It ha-s I la
a-lvuutaifca, hut It cinl-sllea a cliunei
nhii-h i not wholly for the Itetter.
'1 here la a charm in mo.l of the older
In ijrraphles, and In Mime of the modern,
which l lue to the free use of etrucU letteni Thia liuparts a certain
ll-.vor to a Iniok which nothing else can
.apply and which no auceesatul hlogrn
pliv can alfonl to lack. The pertxum!
elemeut come out thu more naturally
and satisfy Ingly than in auy other man
in r Hut most cotlcelions of modern
h ;U ra eontaui little which la of special
lute rest. ('ungreffatlonalist.
Tin. uijioii r of pl'e.a l.tll.,' t ie f'l lo
very sirk Jlient i .lesene-. ii.itt.-e. It
ahouUt la.' in an luuUn' c unlit' m und
ai 1 1. d In a neat m.inin r 'I'll - ipi.uitlty
bliould not Is- t.i re.-.t nor t-s muall,
but j't.t siittl. lent to -.i.M.iUo tW an-a-tile
t i :. Keen reli-h. r.ithvr Ihjin of
fend l' the (,' iU4lltlty.
Be Sure
If jou li.iw nmiln up ur liilml In l0f
UimhI'a f.4l ., .ii ul l il'i nut I " lltilurril tu t4ko
uuy uUur. Il "1 1 S in u irl'.U It a iH-culur
UHMlkliie, i-,M .l, , I .rti' 1 1 In (as-ulur
rwiililii.iU.iu. r.,- ill. ii, mnl 'ti iaratluu,
curatlin ji r su,'i n r tn any ulln-r article.
Ilutloil lad) v-ln kin'. nln I tlm MUltrsI,
Mid utwisti ( iaii.'!i h Multl.) hulUtlOU, Mil
her tilrliiito Uluwi
To Get
"In one Uir whero I wi nt lohuy ltnol'1
8aruarllU luu rlt-rk HI. J to, a lua buy
tMrimnliita'li'f lluod'ti In- told mo tlwlr'i
itoulil Utt l.mgrr; tlmt I tu'.lil Uko It on ten
iUr' trial; that l( I did lint llku II I newt nut
y aiijthliiB, clo. Hut ho could nut irevll
ou mo to chanuf. I tuld l.lm I i"' what
it's MartaimrlUs was. I had talo'ii It, was
aatliGol with It, and did nol waiit auy other.
Whn I l''i:iii titliiK Hood's Saraaparllb
1 mm In Unit JWU iiiiseraoie, auucriu
a ptcat ilrd with ilypi V ut. ami an weak
thai id llinca I cu'd li.ui'.'.jr M.m.l. I Imked,
imdhail fur y t''r. i " a i""'i la con
tunijtmn. Honda h-iMjatllU thd Iho hi
imii tlBiSMltli it I V 1 i r .lliij'-ii-lfsuiiietlrooi,
Bii.liiiylrl.i"i.h. , ..I'i.-kiflt."
i;tu A. O n, il ! ir.." Mr, .t, HoUuiu
Fold tir all amuoo. (I, lilrf. l'rir4ol7
lJ C.I. IIOOll A to , A(0...'l"t. letuU. 1"-
100 Dosos One Dollar
i fitii: name of a l'hll.-ulelphla debnUHtc
j Is Mis. S.t ldl llne oflln.
A max In Kansoa ffloHea In the fr-es-
ion of a calf that weighs only Ms
i-iiind'. and haa lo Iw pln.-iil qn a Ihoc
i i rfiler to reach the "maternal foun"
In tho pulille achoola of Portlamt.
Me , are two elilldren, a hoy and a if irt,
aj..l rsx-fs etively ten and twelve years
ti . i L.tioti nt all. Utth of whom are a-.
( .1.1 u . the traditional billiard hall, and
e.ich of whom wears a wig.
Titovits rooeeN and wife, who live
near Mowwry Uranoh, tla., have four
divM'i'i. AH eeepl .me m .rrle.l
w Idows' mkii, all of their hnshatid l'
i;i; nnuu'd M, and all u( them
the youngest of the fnmlly,' ami all
married on the thlrtl Hnnday In the
A air with only three lejfa waa
eauffhl laat week by a aon of .1. U. An
drews, on hts farm near I'erry. tia. In
no i a her way wa the rodent deformed,
nod the ahvnee of the fourth lesf In no
i. ay d."'rcaed IU power of lo intuition.
Tito thirit leg waa In the middle of the
under part of the Ixxl.v, ami not where
the hiiul leffs) uaually an'.
NOTABLE POREIOH CVlINTS. twron dhl foim injnriea (n
the footbatt aeaaon In ImgtamI, which
I juat over.
A m.u.uiKAm.a freak originated in
Ik hernia i . a two-headed maiden. Joined
at the ivuKt, having four anna.
A.n interesting caw ivltl be tried at
Anu.erp la a short time. Two dia
m nid merchant, hy th- us.' of aniline,
h. i-e I.'v 'i In the ii.ihit of "bleecldng"
ilium mil , uf jsior ipi duy.
Kve-yt'-iji; went well so long as he
tn !- Ui ." only, but when be tried the
;u sin 1 1 i i of hi'di pri'-".!.. he ciuiniit'-.l
,.i . '.. 'rnjrienl errors thai led to his de
lecti.m A vvi r iitciikii of mi. lent 1'i'Vpt
Inn iiiMiiiiui.'i has Ih-cii M'Vcrel.i sol.
I -tt. I li.- the i-.. arts uf Ale.iti'tria.' 1 i .irti ics nith e.irvfidly pre
pared ii- c UlH, and had u ssl trade.
An I .ii--! i-.titsi.ui hai ri.ented tin aje
paratus thnm rh nhi 'lihe deelars s he
can se" the soul leave the Isnly. lie ar
ranges lenws that wi mugulfv the par
ticle of dust la the air that their dis
turbance by anything parsing upward
can be di leclcd.
"Oh, mamma:" exclaimed little
Mnklie, rui a brtght-wiugetl Insect
IwMwtt the iloor, "hine g.a a llutter-
Ltrr.t Iot "l'apa, I ntua' hae a
new dweMt to play in." t"apa--"What
la the matter with that onts?" Little
l)ot "It'a all worn out 'cpt Ut buUon
M luu.v -"Why, what all you,
fhartle?' t'hurlle "Oh! oh! I'd Jnt
as lief the la-es'd walk on me. but It
hurt wheuthey alt down. " Ik-moresl's
I'mcnATIVK Jtooumr. - Little Harold
for the tlrt time aaw a l.ime ruhhlt
iteltt.i f Ha lip-, as il muii.'lu il a cah--.
-e I .if Mill, I wk, u 'I'll' - lie
,i-l "The I..UH.I.'. .i,i.,iiif :.l lue
i. -ttU lu nn-tf." - Kut-; field n,,tin;;
l i
flo.sii K a little , iii . ho-e idea of
- . i.'Xi in- vet crude, but .he i-, very
tie'ie. "K nil of it. made ol.t nt
in t, malum:! "" she a.keil. toe oilier
day. "Yis, I-hi'.-ie." 'I.iitle h.ibir ,,
to,?" "Yes." l' was silent for U
.a.nii. nt. "Mamma." t.he '.aid. "Ilenveu
must In- a divlful duaty place."
A no. In Waahiuifton atute caught fif
ty d mr wild pigeons with oue swoop of
lib net.
lUi.nuotiE claim to hare a toy of
tlfleen who nan apeak eleven iwi
(;iiuge. Tiik youngeat traveling salesman In
Illinois is In tha employ of a drug hou -c
attjuincy. lie U thirteen.
A r.irt-f.K Imv of tlordon. tla., was re-
c-eutly promoted to tlus heat of his class
by thuu-aeherforliisorgtuality iaapdl
ing the wont cat -q-u-a-t-t-e.
A Kansas hoy earned a nice Itihle by
commitllug 1,000 verses to memory, and
then he traded hla lllble for a sh t ru
and he accidentally shot his auut lu the
A toy from North Last, M.l .
while vMlinjf hla irrandm ither la fhe .
ler. fell asleep oil the ll.sir utid rolled
uiid- r the bed- Ik fore he reapp uied
the HilK u were acourlug the toiv.- for a boy.
A i..rri.iw.Kmt.K at Wheeling, W
Va . suec. ssfully dillvoied a letter to it
man wllh the name of lieorge KehwiiT-
, ri li. reiiiiutherhclm.
t amiu:n. .V. J., toaataof a blind bir-
b r who can shave aa well an If he lu 1
perfect sight lie works every day umi
make regular wages
Tut yells and other chnriu terl .ti
iiuIm s made by Uiys plaji'nf b.i-.ebait
i:i a vacant lot In New York drove a
uci,'hl,rUig man insane.
A I'liovitmic: (It. I ) man hired a
wheel, rwiiud It, stohj it from the
, paw iihr. .licr, sold It for a good aum and
' got iicicU'd all InaUle of a few boura.
I a Nr.w Yuhk wlmlcaale mcivUant
1 sai s that he cheerfully puU up with tho
1 sharp practlcca of hot traveler, who
ii id liieir cstpcniie aeeounta, Is-eaus-.- the
, !i i is r the drummer l in that le..,ieel,
, , , nil '. the more cualom he brings lu
t:,, hi'U'.
i , . i. i I'm iumiakk' widow having
iii. on d tie llr'.ti'h nation has re.
.. a valuable addition to lu art
i ., hi. - fir Mrs ruilcihaiik has h'ft
, ,ii ii iimuls-r of the artlj.t's
.' . t. he. .uid draw i.i s a li'Wy to the ii mu HJum. ; . re are aaid lo !
ne.ii ly U'U th"U-sitlid "f them.
Vennrwaai oroent Tti 1 1
Ins ,i lr-1 by t u N il!w
tt was a hot Smiday momtivr tn India,
t.'ittwut a cloud in the urnacn ildea. aays
.. 1 1. 'i- i i th.' t'hri .tl.m tut dH'neer.
.e hit just come bom'.- from e .rly
; , ,( rve. i and tout taken oi .
t at th- Inukfasl table. At the
i . 'ulur of .mr dining-room our Tetu-
ll -,
'i..ll.'neher apia'aisfl. any Per-
Id,- i.ilira has Just Uvn elmxiit ,'
fi-,' throu til the whole leiiglli of oui
I..-, i '.-...i.l.i. He nlrucSc ut It ag.-ii;
,. .'.aia -i . it sprang (im-t the ope t
,! ot yi 'ir iltltv'-r, .an, but the fro,
uiterlti.; plereln.f ..hrl. V (as a f;
wh "i p'ir.iied by a serpent) ,.fi,jf
each time qui ' enonrh t e!- I It .
Jaw--, and 1 1 -ether they ms'i.-d o.f t'.ie
e.l.1 of the veranda i...d t e frog ' j r-'-i;
a id i- a lsix licit I i U-.i.lin.f there. t
oenr t.w n ujwm th l fl wr for the
ttr mdira to get under, and mecaiHl. "
' Well." "Ulwiv Is ttw Libra
iMtrf "Th..t is ) what I don I
know," aakl he, "(or while 1 was look
lug to aee what had beetiine of t!w' frog
- !wwIk liwlgwt awuy the rdira dl
appt'arcl among the flower-pats, ami I
oautrnt see when- he has gone." "lie
mu..t have a holo there close by the
vemmla aomo where," aaid I. "Will
j .vi plcaac iro and watch until I com
and nee If yon can get night of him again,
for he tnuitt to I tllinl If he Uvea aa near
the honaewithat."
t don't go a-ahootlnjr on Sumlay, li it
I went for my plntM then, for t eaaild
er t li ik ehkxily a work of ueceaaity
n. .il iraj bi put an end t. the d.iHj.i-r
of oarf Ivc . or our pi'ople Wing bitten
hy that deadly cobra. .S.sui npix .jrlng
tfith a revolver, will -h I kept f ir trav
eling tbnm f!i the jungles at uiTiit, I
went to hnnttn.r for tl edim''. hole
Two I.irg.' native llower-pota sUkmI
nbml al fe.-t from the eiul of the
with i.ieli a Ieutifi4 i"' gtsw
t tg In U, of whL'h m.' wife was vet-,'
I i-ul. mnl 1.' .ide w ..Ull h'' abu-e t d ..'.'
st kI iii'f oiT deinl leave r wat. r
I i - aii-l t "nUiig tlic ni ii'-i. I 'Hiitidi.
ed a hob- i-t the j-ro'lii 1 aUuit i.
I ",- u my wrist, p H dlv
!'.' t'...' erass tlint wu. erowi.
at I
t ,,i en the two liower 't . w I i h i..i.
fur enough iipart for a ivrson to t-tan-l '
l f... en them. The hole unit down
perpendicularly, growing l.irgi r tis it,
welltdeepi-r. tt l.Klk but B llluilli lit tn ,
bring a hand-mirror and throw ., i .
Unction , f tl e bright sun r.'ht il.-wiii
laWi the hide. It ie ah ! a lnui." :-t tl
ehamlh-r only a foot r so dee.i. mi.! the
gihttelllitg n'alea of n cobra coiled up at
Tnltlng a plrssj of broken wagon-tin'
In my left hand to utop up the hole w ith
ami pbttltsg the end of it hlautiugly In
the hole, I tired down inbi It- Not a
motion waaasion. I hal mlamsl. Turn
lag Uie tlrrf up ctljfBtviae I tired again.
What a aqtiirtulng there wa: The
ciihra bail been wonnded. He struck
up vklously at the Iron, which was
turned down flat na aoon aa I bad flred
t keep him from darting ottt at na. 1
t amed the lnmdtewit.e and flred ntfin
i.ti.l agata. When I had unloaded th.
si uli barrel I let him strike Ida head
i .;t mid caught tt ag. -last the side with
!' !ri li-.'. I h d l-r.'ti 11 with i ic
jiulr nf large heuge -.uear-i W t'h f... v
I eaitghl hold d his pnln,.lin:f tatU
;.lll W ith 11 SbiUt pull with I nth h.ul.l
pulled him out and gave Id.a .. Ilirt out
1. 1 to the compound. What ii .It liii;,'
t'ten waa of men, women, and iiildivn'
My altentl Hi hud been so taken up o.v
the snake that I had not noli ed what e
big ennvd had gatheri'd .inoiinl. Hoc.
they screametl niel ttci! for they .'i ! i !
know that the grip of th- ! -a- h . '
dWivab-nt the fetlolV. tie:-!t, ,- 'i I !
a fuil-Hiiml eidiru tljinj- out te...r,.
t!i -m they acemed to think he was
springing at them
As I had grasped the lend of the co
bra with the shears I lad "i'..ii th
Wi g.iU-tlre to the teueher. v Ui.i ' bin
t.. tnsi'rt th end ai'uin iit-.'.-t it! la i I
drew the cobra out, (,.-i.nci. mn
bra is you will ueially lln I a J- -o.i i I
' buek and thn-w the r,.s mf t'..
sun In airain. Ye, th re c iv '., i u ',
cobra's seal' s and u.i-'llu r e !i .: v . . j
gling. leading my pistol u '. mil I
(tented the tirin.'. Impinir Lu t h. i. si'.. I
i.trlke bis head out. so l'i..t I ... ' I
catch his head nls i. 'i-jnii . i i.-nl 1 r,
a. he did his hi ad did u t mi : i '.
the hole until 1 hu.1 lireil ill li i j
but It linally caui ' :.'i.l I i.c .... I i...
nl-.. i. (u ilr-iw i.i li.i i "ai i,..! . ...i. j
loin-' hiia closely i.e ! u.ti.l f .
pit .1-ball hole, titrui-'h bi!,' ., il
i till thele was light ill lul l, ,'u., t!.
of the wouutbi would hat i pl -C' I f .1.-1 1
In time; bul be dl--d i i.iluu,' .. :.,.U ,u,, ,
iLtht. We biid tin ( 'br., . '...I o i '.'.
v randa and me.D.uivd th.'iu. tine ti.
them measured live fe t I . i i i V
and the other six f vt a.i...i-i.i :.e
than which one rarely bvl. i ' i'tfer, Their hide showed th. t 1"! e
Ifld evidently Invn li.-i;.,' t!u i" I riit
among the liower p t i t'n.t ne. t .Mi
d-iilyand -.vithlii'K let I I . .. - . . i i i
end wit'ila tt.'elvc fe. I -i . i.. i . .. .
t r works or Montha ii.' - i th
lira is the .lea.UU.t ttr, ' l..i
t'. Mistiiiil . of periwu.. iii tti .i- 1. i
y. ariy in India, no i.iio i . u i.o
tuot over been harmed t.y uc
Thkbi. an iww I
(rlnWdlnlhel'uited.- t .t ail
a gain of l,ut;iocr last y. u -Now
York la In the lead "f to.-
si .te
having t.ttta w(vra.
Wa rKta'UKK l said t c ml r.
sanitary qualities- A cat ecu. i.o
terlstie of It i. llo.t If r .ft ia (
rugiuotltt blrciou It lil.M.ih. lee t - HI
the amount of uon that n':.' other i lui.i
A I'ltil tin i cm I'm' ' i .'.tl.
three str ill t the tin ! , ...
aly the nil- at 1 -
man (fet mu. noo i..-iv..u i
a. .iil.i tetll Ills I1.I.C. etl.I lilt 1'iir. H in
i.pit on bis Ii it . a . I he would simply
mile a s-dl. bl.tmt mu -
Tuti king of Italy has tU'clded to bold
no great army m&m-nrcra this year In
cmler to spare the heavy e.tene.
A FnkK'H army ikwtor eaplabts that
In tto frencharmyn non-cointoiskmvd
.,!.' -. r ies all i hance of Inlluclice or
authority ov.-r hi:, men If bin nglinesH
Inspire-, either ilisitlst or rk'deule.
t.o.CT. JoltN II. r'tsit.RV. the well
know it tornttdo expert, and latdy In
. linrjfe of ll.e .tj.'tllil sert Us- work I.t
"an Kntm'taist, has l-isen awdirned to
Vjttlar army b t lu uli Infantry is-gb
meat at fort Wayne, Imi
Tut: royal .tundurd of IVrskt Is an
apron. Stout old tl.i., the Pervitin
. Ida -I.. -lust i, rsl-ed 0 is volt which
(H-. t.d sue.s-sisful. and bis leathern
' t.j rm eoVeeed tt lih j.'.t.'ls is '.till Isifli,
.a the tan d IVr s '..i 1 1 mh .
j Till, latest addition to the Ittdtati
iin-j, tin l rauces-a M..i.v mi, a twin
ieS'tv balth-shlp of lI'oUMtn.
t,.iin and Ltxteen and n half l..i- ' ,
etisrlcs fmir li.1-t m Att.t..ln.iiir j-u
m.'HMtcd ht paint on Imrtottwn, tssskU s
ithervunlhr aiiui.
I r Is aftkl tlmt the torpeil-lsit Imth-ui-t,
that recently madt a iue..n.js.d
tif 1 1. Hi knoL. tar hour. ipr- ..:t.a th
last retbicment of me h: -! d !
ncerlsig, n:td that it 1. 'fdl.t eein- js,
sitd to impntve upit l'i' a. 1 ei ti t
si,-, Irt inuliis the elie t i.i-tterlal of uoit
.tnutli.i'. Ki.r.t t u l.nttlc-shlpv. w lib an i.';j'n
,:,.' d's .t.l.:is'iuent of mi. tity thou it-.l
toai , ar. now t ebi" l-.;"l for theUei
mm . ..'f.mi'-itt t'tr ai llr-mi -i,
te -it l '..t ird.'a, item ICI, ! o. e :.l V il
ia i.n but ii. thsee il U.iiv-i,' I'i'ili't
i.t !'o
' 1 .-
t .1
f .1.'
T !'
!. - ,
If '
ll I
t, a
. i.t
the i
ll' f
i ran
h. i
. , i. ...
i . in. i v, a
, . . r. . .
1,1 . I
i ti i'
i i
! t.
i i
up ri th; w;
(ill.. I.
id ( ,
a ti,.
It Ml -.
I lot .
tlu ii i.
Tio ,.
'.V., , I
t.'.l. i (.
'I i I
l tU-1 l
i'. lik It It:
Tin, I
lave li ,
ll i i.,t . ..f y t.
1 . "i -Id t . Ia 1.
'.( , I.. 1 1.
,e - I'll" ill t'
I It t-'V .v.tV, lo
...i--1 ,.,vi , mil- ,
..'.e id T. t.d ' .
i-i 1 out I.n il I"-' t -
u "! i.'..w" i.n l are n;' t 'm..
,!..i: . . that i,f !;!tfhw-id.
t :. r :t.o.i Why New M-'V.s.
I. r s
tied 'o .ho.!,- Is I'l.itlV ; vnt i i '
of ft are h-ld by -.v"-, m i
am', line 1 m soinetitnt"! i it-' .i
lire tr.e.ttdy.
NtHiK tMJi
shi'S the io'
ut km thus 1
i'At.M has frisevn "W
.' of a year af . T t'
V'.IS l ', l.t'.S t'l ' '!
, I . ! a. I ul. i u, rt tt,
I '-I.O ,1,,.
t .
Wu.ti taut, u." numerous 1.1 th"
it-, untalim rear Autelosj valley, N'e
t ad i, tt Is difficult to keep tame hor,es
in that nee t km, uu they wm toeoin"
iliM'ont.'itted aud wander off to join the
Till: seen-tary of the mttnufaeturt'i--'
I Iain-tilt of I leaver says that iu tiiiiini'-ui
; county. Col., tbcie are thiee liill. of
! did Iron and inungnmoc res fun, I est
I " t.ioo feet high, their bam-scot. i-i',;f
more than l,uo.i acres.
Tunis Is a tract of forest tn-c in
aouthern Oregoii, embracing nboui in.
ooo wjuare miles, which, if cut at'd s..'.i'. a
4ils'r I.OJU feet, would paj our aifti a. -I
dt bt twice over. It ! .sthmtted I't tl
the amount of m.'tv'uintal I limb r
sliuiiliiiK' amount', to HlJ.tHiu.iU'l.iw-i fe- '
-Portland (n-ct.oul.iti.
TlIK slster-ln-bitt of a pi.u r In Hu
HKirbotiHe nl, tdtni'il, h.
iMspiealhed s.'u.iHS) for ebui.tii t-i..
Tin: will of Lady Host-tory luv.
throe mlllixii dollars of In r js-rMot..!'-.
lo h- i hit . 'lid, no end of,. :.u !
b nl le'U.'lllb. I illr hOUl ' of ll' I !'"! is
il.llil lelitllt.s, plot U'ctl fol I let' it I'
unit A
.Mil. of K .'.it 1 Ity,
tit, left -.).. i-:u I . .K t "d
ill, I i.
1 1 I. '.tit es .
. 1. m. t
nl oiTh
i hu .'i
t thl.t i.
f bt
t i
.. t .i . f 1 uu j
I.. ' ' nl. ' f Uohisoil. K ,jl . i.i . !
I . 1 , ,t 1. I 111 P ' ..t t : I
,i, 1 f. ;.. . i , b'gt. -,ii I.. ! ..
Ii .11 1 i.t ' I' . ml ' f lit .'.!,' . If I..- . I.
, i ... t . t ii Ii . .,l her ; , , ,, t. ii
times iiuiiiio tin. i j.,.r!i .!.
Tltf Will of the I lie e I i , r t
Mel -ill. in 'h. uf I'll' I'i t, , ' I'
i. id. 1. , i. ..I', , t ;, I. tn. - f l . . I .
, .in. il ; -i ',u . i i, 1 1 ! i i '
1 ;.. .!. i. r . ...,.i i. ,i .i -'
Mi . Ii.i.-t l' i
l', 1 .1 Mr-. M us sin , ; ,-,n ,
b',ii;di. I'a . baa left the ilieom .fit.
pro, il,', i.moiHitiug to ab ait fi.l
bin. . .1 t'- liars tn Ml'. .Mi- r.
I I. t ) -l f- t In i l.fe '.illie. I it. i I t n
l. t.-li. ,l..'.hl do y Ml.) a l . '
! .uc. "e I li in
"i i
i re;.,
. ' ." of . 11
i ii-. i.i .j ru
I I.i. 14 ,1'ti' ll
i: i
a he
I I..
, j,.t.
1.1. t ,io'.
A Sr lo-i i-ii
,1 t' I., i h .
lb . ..I
: i.. '.t
gi" i
jl lli-.l
ii- , .-Oil iitiuonttl iiotiiei . . i...,. ...
j ,;, V,t in ,,t Joe a ttettleim ul t
Uie malU'r."
A uaonkt does not attract Iron Ml
nieh. It haa drat too hut rt the Irmn,
b.t Ind'icllon, Into another magnet it"
fore it can attract it. Hence magnet
ran t-nly oltruet magnets,
A rim: of solM ftrrl will lloftt on
watt-r, if It he aniull enough and albfbt
ly great!. A cowm.m,',
especially If tt U' n note one, t.hen
jd.teistl gently on the Mtrfi ce of w uter.
Wa ean see the ann alter he ban mink
tn lot.- the horl.,..n. Thl . U dne to nt
i:i tapherle r. fraction, which apparently
i '.ts,-1 Ue 'tin thirty -four slxtk'tlut of a
d Tee, His npiNtrt'lil dlamett-r Is only
thl. tv-oth .lt:tiellut of a tl f.W,
I." i ' , vhli h m dt ' cw rythfng el-e
t ! .t.i -, U it, t if Invl .lt le If light
it-, if t..-r vtilhle, the sky ut night,
u . . o.l the i hnthnv caw tl by the ettrth,
.....! I Is- one lihw of light, hImcv the
,i r rays are every where trnvvralng
Tun human eye doe not see thing,
n iil.i r dm-!, what we call aigbl teue-
tr I ,'j. e. The eye Is nlmply like a
l. h e,,is- f.r rcrclviug rays of light. It
I-. the br.dn o'lty that seea. In thla
-.e i . -, the tinifertt tlo not feel, tlie ear
tl..-, lot hear, tto tongue ttotssi not
I., .t , nor due the nose am. II.
Sv.ov Is not while, neither It It
opapif. It ia eutnponed of amull. f.tx
lay.-d ervslaK which, when examined
iepr.itvly , are mvn to la ns trans
pat 'ia. tvatt-r. 8mw l white only
in the ii i that water, when falling
....I- a I'lvclpltv, la white. In each
. a. . th. w la iluo to Incloaed atr.
Hold' It I'uya.
I'li.oi i,.k to I2U.OO0 hairs grow In n
oiiui tn M-alp.
l'i, i -Uniall imputation ot the world
, i ill l-o 'UU,
i- ... i .. nly one Sllild.-n death atllolij,'
tn a to every eight among men.
s lult . the earth Is farther away
a i the uu than at liny otht r time,
i.t I'l iibtte (k.tihitloit lu America
t r ,-. ut t- unable l-i elthtr reiul or
. i it -.
I "i'i laiid i in the t'nttetl Stair, tak-i.t.-
u e otiuiry na a whol , ovxmpy oid.f
: j .n it . lo ercr i,tw,.
A ii .1 I attiilt. ikdng an onllnarv
o.i ami .f ttorlt, will ifiitilr.' from ten
to Iwvlv. ounce -f meat it disv.
To iovii'i.1 in their growti. thu iiriibt
of tin left hand require ei ht or tell
day. nnuv lh:in tbortt1 i f the i i.,'hl.
A oil a IN of tine Mind wo. thl ,s. vcr one
Illll'drVd uf the minute wales of the hit
mini shin, cud yet eueh of lliese wful-".
in turn tovein from three haiidnsl to
live li'.iiidtt-d l-oreit.
Tiir.U" ni" nboill oil" liiuuht .1 a"i li-
tvom-'U lor very one luui.bsd nun', one
i(iit.i ter of Hie ptpuliiti"n of (! w.rl,l
dii !- .' tbeftgc of fV. i.t ea yearn,
only one la one thou-xitd " t'l to oic
liutubeil yeurs old, and only si tn one
tliiiUMiinl n'aeh (.evenly -It-. ..
Tin: mat who ,ms n
hll-Ue, 'O ,1 lb wt " '
,, mm in f t'ti. a lIi.
't'tii i:: I - ii 'thilttr mt.iv
i, ut ha' I'
o ". Mot It!.1- I .
I VI I .
do "iiraglii
to .
in, nt than thou this of Imi great !'
i ' 1 t i ! e. -ll i;ot-.
i o.t.
'IV! i .ii.i -i are that the man win.
!,..' . h m It hii-.sludledhlm 'If prett.,
ll .'.;-! I.t MllwiiilUee N. l.ll.lel.
!.;!: ti.ri h the nrehilni of hi
i i i" .. And It's lie-hy for tho
t i f . Hud then' no building to-
,vt..r. :-'.it.
Yot t.i v he i.nrrt that a man has a
vei v i.e. lie tl(WM.lUou If he never gel'
mad t.ii . i he falls lo guess u riddle.
A i'ii:i "
o:-iii,n U tt man who can feel
el I.t . ItVil ir.lll'l. S tl-. 1.1"
i- iM'1-.hlstr'n. Tin i e utv ti
rt. AleltUm lllob.-.
t.i'iu'n duty lo t.orlt for Id''.
d... .
!..i! bt t.i, but t. ;.tat muuy meuaie
. I t t. i i. a hanl !.-. tie ', do for u
,tlii'l. .' and U- jsOHff villi' .bllll.S'al.
Tin: 'tin t. ll tla-IruUi a's'iit a n.
eh. :i Ii lakes lib, picture, but the pho'
o;ntpiiei ha.. t do a good deal d 1 iiur
ttth his ivtoiH'hing (s-m-ll tofore Im
ait !l it t I Im.
Kl tin l;'. w ill tela "a
ttoiiiull's love
ahi li- l -te '.ill fail.
1 1 . . . ! r t t 1 p the qil-' ti' '1 than I i
to ipt t .on ,,(. ..ft -I tt , I'llt!.!.!,'!!
( hi . h
Tu hip i f matrimony has a com.
i. i'.iii. nt. at, bat there lie ui'tliy hUsbulnl .
rttid t-!' i s ho lU'Ver Mud It, i m.ilioa thu hcait grow fond
er, lo cent, i.iiuctiiui s have the
am-' i f.'' el Chicago l 'l(;,'is.
A u tuAiNi; writer arliims that, there
ii. tio ml ii thing an al'Milule silence. If
t!i m te Is married be Is lii.htulsmt It
A i ofM. man who ban been rujeeted
by ii uiimlK'r of Idles says he Ihlnlo.
Am. rl 'an lieuuty la on the (teoliue. -u...iu
ton 1'ost,
I: j .-- q K- .i. rkedas hanl after mar
1 1.,; e l ! ".'p i.ieb ollurus Hi. y did b-
oit tit- e.,;u.einent lo will Cuch other,
i, i.i .- tM.itld ls more of a am:
e 'tt '..l-tm Olohe,
A i ii it. l tlgiier than an untinary ebo Ir
, . ;i i in u klteheu. for a woman ean
li . t "ii it wWlsi cooking or prepur-
... ii U.
j Wits n thu dUhloweta beglu to wrar
i f. i t t'n .a toift'ther, the toai ouUlde, a ,
i li:r,-s' i r .anull us couvcnleiit, and Mitch
at roaa and around with a eoartu iJiivad.
buH'Bi. WoBTit'acow, In Laot brad
ford, captured a brand new coat of tuo
hired man, and waa cuu;fbt dt'Vourlnjf
i U. The hired wan gave chase, but tho
cow k e!i 'Wing while ahe ran, ati.l
1 when be c.itt;rht her very llulu ot tho
' g iruieiil waa left