HE GRANT COUNTY NEE Thursday, 'Inly -W. LOCAL BREVITIES. crfl nf your firm th tlay; tl aMngkw are dry. Sot and law priced clock at the WWhwke '. Se program nf th Umnt county Teach' ltiAtilulc in auetber caiman. 'IV wnrm ftpringa of the upper vnl Nt nee a fumriU" twmt fnr )Ton of falling HmIUi. Kinet line of chick ww before mm in Omni county how at the Watchmaker7. Sberill" Mle of mining pfOWrty at OUK MAGNtt'lCKNT COUNTRY, the court houo next ntnrmy. --' - j Trvl from railroad ininU into thi K,,,,lir Nku":. ... interior eom.try i Ihomntif, 1 ,,ro"h kindm of Mwr. , ... . , , J! . "rown sharp, pholograplrer of Ifcwn, nmrwW, .Inly IS, to tlte tins place, pirn? accept enclosed wife of II wiry I'. Del!, .1 girl, photon, of Straw lurry lute n(I pic- Judge Dntin ha mt return! from nic ground adjacent to the lake, a rwtiting tour, at Soda Spring. Wednesday eve a itartv of , UU 2" young Ladies and ticntle- '.LVT,?'" r.J1 n I. Vr.rTe for a change of ... ,..., ,MI cl(,u, Thi(l rriH(, Mtlt A NRW TOWNSITK. 1'KAiKitt CtT? rwi. The TtrmttMH of tha Sator-ict Vagty f KnVtd l,etci at Mcttwen' Station. 1 l or noitie lime past there ha f . tn more or low t-vulatiou a to where the Sitmpter valley railroad company would locate their tcrmi nun, hut the matter i now etlod. Lat eek Mer. Niblev. Kc- 1 (il your eye fitted witfi the tight kind of actcia at tbr Watchmaker' Uanyon UJty. 'IV trial for Uwiihm lat' w0t rr ultcd in the m-.iuit.ta I of Harry O'Brien, the defendant. Miw Kflhr "elevation o they mounted hack, rlcs and Went, of the railroad Kre and carl and utarled on 11 comjmiiv. went over the route and plrat-tirc trip to the "garden spot" after looking for the lined deirahle rV,m"l..l',!,Mly- vi Strawlrry location in the valley for a town- SiftilrtW'K hevrI.M,pund.o the almve tlx Tb- Ai-wl. i,. r"n" 1 " MchWCU, know II H July 19, mil. Who i next. Kd ftriwt ha retnrn! to ' mwpliidie, Alain alm t, Henwier illiW. Uregon. stavial tliw-ount to enah , . , , , , buyer. (11 at lalle pricey. Hay handi. are in demand at U s t)rdera hv mail jiromiitlv filled. prracnt Utne. 1 . ' I.iac llaer la In otir Imrg on a : r 1 hwiwm W,.. g The alve rtward will U- d 1 for the a mat and convicti.m of the Several loala of (Irande Howie jmrly who atole Ihe following den liaetHi in town. ; crihwt jiroiierty, at my ranch Umt John Dalt-v r.... Ii.u-. t" "J month ih Miiddle , f'lK,,.,. V..I. ..I... A.M.. I Ilcfom jmrchaaing railroad and j When you aend awar for pxnh aleamship iicketa. commit agrnta 1 remember tlw firm of f'ofh'n tfr .Mo I'nion Pacific System. ! Karland al Ilepiner. Tlieynoton- Minor ItroUwr. ilealera in in-n.rnl l.v guarantee you flrat elal Kotala nl wnrm priti-f, uiiv iiwy pay innii or expraa i hurgi'n on aame lo any aey for a few day. Hill Moreliead in the Ua at tell iug jumping atoriea. Halph Kvana and Tommie tadev atnge olhce in (Irani or llnmer countir. Sei their nt'W "ad" for further p.-irtieiilara. DOR E BRANDT I'l Ml II" IN tira ! .-n.liiiu. . iii.ii. ikr. .iei'.ena Million, twenty. two tlray, ho ha l-n mile of tin nleaaure r.ort nn.t "nle fnun Haker City hv the Ha- . "'pn l'.vana and 1 omn DaHng Hi mat week the -ealher vuiting Mr, llonhaiii mi Sotili Fori-, thi Ihft-e mile will n tint in itnoil ker I'ity I'anyon ( ity Miuks nwd. nve returned from Idalw umro nonw .Morniny, rwtr la-fore many wieka pa by. Nunc time tin week Kuginecr , ttl "rr niH-nirtg, ud now t)o a """''crfiil .ountrv to m Went will lay off the townite and 154 Iree. had riata trai: nlo om aaddlo blanket, mad. of two thick- CntlVOfl CitV, OrOOn. VI I'T HIUIlB.-l Oll.'.l Willi paofl, li v mn urn wartnml of the and giaiu field ;n- ii-iiii(, ('red llonloy tat Uial U dele gal u llw A. tl l'. W. grawl klg ni etewlmgly wl lrentd hy th.-ir lritili couin ov r t Victoria. In Uh-county court th.awof (Jim. l'lneellft v John Mundmll ami ..tj,.r wn iolioiifst until lUf tin.1 Mnti.lny in J!ejitenitr. Uwrije Itailcr v W. W. lliiiton ninl nthcr. nam.. luplfl fiuil uill Uj in (Jmnl connly'i nmrftel plncri loi Ihr twt trn moiitliK. John Iy MHtjik hae tttceeeded in Having Ui. niininter' nmnaion mol fr.an Trowkidgf hill kin into tin wndiit f town. Mewir. Win. l'nrjienUr, .Me Durklwiniitr, and other from Prairie. W. H. Ki-lly fuiidinl jwiiitiiiK the lightlied thi foumlry ith Un-ir .r. front if i-taiiwH lnl Iihk a f.-w day "'" ylerday. t IWnl iik.M a wlerful diftVr The agent of tlw t nUm Pacific eii. m llw- .jmn.n .vf a town, , Hyt..m ah, ,n,vid.Hl with railroad KHlnlly if the ton i xiinU".! red." and leamhip ticket to all jioint Tutertwt I Ix-ing reivel in Uwymi well aa to ami from foreign Oily' fire ilemini.it. 'Hiu i a it porta. lHMild UV mf an excflleiil !. U the Ited Front Ilillinril IUII liydmnlic wat ytin, and lire light- for a cool, refreshing drink of tlw ing niiparaUM, oiul a well drilled hoae Anwt km W in Ka.iefi. u... ie.UU II 11 nectwuv. 'I'lie Mctlinloy' lire twining. 'I'o everyone who take daliglit in miIih'sji ing 11 find-cliou ttfotiiuin tin in Hlomiw new. Mctiinli'v' ttoujw )m I-eii leinfotviid, uml Uie )mrfonn mice will U letter than ever if jm-t'lile. me nmmcr ean in Ihe onn then the foundation will Ih laid iry iirroun.iing in-niae 1 mount. Tor the l.iiihlini of another town 7. 1 , i- ' , ,1, naker couiiir. U-ing abundant, and game of all M,.1....i.i ill.: ,. tl, u t..t;r..i T!..r.. .Met.uen illc. a.- tli ol '..'I .t.. 1 il will probably be called r 'r-r. mir lit n ' Hill I "l Ullf." Il( Win. HouatuVMi i Imitding a porch around Arntrong' houc iKar thi jdace. Liege l.iiuraittv in purchaiug yearling and two-year-ohi tivr; new town prir $11 and I8 jar head. auiiiir We iiiid.f.tMii.l tlini .t..iu, i... 11111 1- mil- ... 1 , - , t - ... .. ....... .,, - reiHiwiMil fame. Thi la autifnl n"'i ' J"t Hrath i in thi country .anvawdmr Ijody of WAler i aUmt one mile long the ite for a nmmer reort. Sur for a wife. Hut 1 do not believe it. and' two hundred yard wide, anil rounded by now capiicd M'nk, ' think that In- want a job in the from eighteen to sixty feet deep. A '"ool mountain stream on all aide hnJ' pretty fair wagon mad lead to it, Hlle.1 with teeklcd bcautic, uame in abiiudunee MeKwenvillc will wool and iiuilted ami lanmd with rd llannel, or I will pay i fr tlw return of the addle .1 V MK.lf, Mt. VcriuHi. At the name time the aaddit- dis appeared W. ti. Fry had a bu. k kin horae atolen, 'brniided , .n right li. 11l.br. Horce and -.id. I!, probably went together. h')1tjll ( 'it ft on fin-At. f.Htuhfr til thrir Cnrk ,. $10 Jaiiien HiibiiiKMi. Canyon Cily, Agent, Oregon. nut it 1 tlie intention of the eitiren of Prairie and tirrouuding country to put the road in excellent reiKil'r thi Hummer. The party of pit nicer remained at thi reort for two full day and when the time came to ay adieu to one and all we all regretted to aay the word. The Htrawlierry valley 'country altovo i a ight once een i hard to forget Hitntei Mr. McKinua. of I)rewoy. i topi.ing at the Kpring fur the (Vne fit of his health. Ho haa been aiek a long time, but i Improving a great .leal ince hi Ami tay at the priug. Ihj jutly eallcil the atlie. A the terminiin of the railroad, MeKwenville uill abo U the ter- uiinu of three Mage line coining ! Ham Hough ami party hare re Makerwanl, the Canyon City, IummhI from the Snanville road. Cracker Creek and tireenhom ''bey have leen employeil grading line, and thi alone will tend (o same ior trie oemm of Ww farm GRANT COUNTY Jv TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.; - To he Uehl nl Canym City, . jft la, y t ,v; , ' , ' - - ... , -' .'i"m:i. o n-u.'t.,vivri Huik ln on Up on and after a t lie hay hnrveat 1 now at hand, make the new burg take on run-i f, , ,,,mm ,n "l0 vi,1".v . M Hd cro of all kind in thi beau- 1 iderablc aetititv. f r,r,,,"''or"- MONKW. AfCU'HT H. Iliilvrl I'iwU-i, 11 yoaug nephew of Mr. 1. M. KiU'r, who U on 11 iil lo 1 liit unele, has U-n nilinu ince hi r risal hete from Wiuli., I.ut in imprnt oig 111 our nracing cmimuv ' null man, wrtU that Mwwr. II. II. .Mtvidor, N. S. Itnhcofk, Sullen, and lien Davijs have gone t lttiker to lond Hie mill nmcliiuery, ami llutt the mill will he teaily to ieceie wheat liy the llrt of September. I'twl Horsley returne.I home Sun day etfmitii( frtitn Vi.-toria, neoompa nied hy hi mother and UuliM, who had been to Portland to meet Mi Maude, who was imionto fioin 0,ik land, (Jut. to the city of lto&ton, whum -lie goo to attend the coiiMinatory of iiincie. Holler Mill will wheat by Sept. tiful valley were never better than thi aeaaon and the fanner i .iiy ,..!.:.. 1.-.. .i.:i.. .. .- .1 ... ful valley hike your eorr,.,.ndent ' P,,,,' V- ' e.ttMH-Ilt MfMlll lil OliV 11 fii.il I., ll... e itckiKiH Imii'ii LliH iivoim. nf Ian - ...i..i..i . i . . . , 'I'l .. :,.. 1, , ,, i, ., . . - : rritiiinHn wnrni aiiniiE. Kllliaii'.l ' 'v . in Mr. 1'o.U-r the Pi.ui.eU.ty t louMng photoa.,1 StramUny lake and e,n iron, ,' , j tM. u,M.r ' 1 ' . .. " : la. readv to receive ' a i jwifww 01 inn mi valiev. tin proartv twin owned " Ihu luitiful lakeude.tiniHl ,v your' fellow towiiMneii Meanra. ' iu lo theHed .'ront llilliard to .Kvome . f.vonte phaaBr, re.nt ,iruU, A Tl, ,.,,. I am tohl that I Hall, Ooiyon c!.v! K L. will?. lid. SbuiM'II rolled a lag . -abldge in ' wnrm pring are not excelled ( li.pior and cigar. to our naiiotiiiu vektenlav- Mr. Stan by the warm pring in Colorado , .. el ha a tine gimlen on hi Canyon 1 b'kl thi prove true John Day. Hiere will he i .i,tl diatnbut.tl er.ek ranch, and l.i el,le crop. loe , valley may well nflord to Ixwujt of the comiH titor i't the Ore- cn-lit U. any of our alley ranches ; 'fi'tg the "garden sjmt" of Haatern K"n stal'' r"lr ll"1 .v,'ar orcgon. in. gmal wishe to your ' I'or extra for Kmpire Mower, valuable mr, and rihing Vou, lleaiier and Hinder, mo u ire of tear editor, contiuueil aucrona, I have the pleaure of Mihrnitting my. aelfthu: Movtk. In the near future Inno'iic , Our picture men are doing a verv hoii-e will k tarted there and a OM4,1 '"' They do excellent wora anu cnarg- reaotiaule. 1 am j ' thinking of getting few taken but there would be ueh a ruh for ' Deputy Pohtumxtcr Pairinh, whore turned fiom a trip to South Fork lattt .Monday, i.'jioiU ovorytbiits? lovely in that country. Haying in in lull hlatit, anil cioM uie imiiieuxo. ('uiIim lion ham in doing a hlu.-hiiii; 1 d.itkx 1 1 1 i t li liiiHines, lejiniting lunken mowing luaoliiiie. I.ikt Welnesdiiy night the Ni:wa received two letter Ktiiliil ked at I'miiin Ih'ty on the Uuth, which lettm altvlild Iiumi aiiie.l at thi ollicu Tinu, day eeiiiug. We me at a loa to mo iHiiint for them ln-iiig on tint ro.ul two day, when the iliktntiot in only four tenn mile. l!oh and liu Muliiuley, our old tiuie favorite, uie coiuiiiK Xl''tl' a line eoiiiMuy, which coliMU of the Ilogue family, tluce in uiimlwr, ,lame Itynn, KIU lliKin!, Uoli ami liva Mcttiuley and D. P. Stouer. They will piMr at the Manouii' hall on Tuesday iil;ht, August llh. A.linision a luual In the I'ocahoiitHM inouiiUiin nr ' I! ikr City an old miner imintxl Vell lus U-.Mt running u tunnel for twebe yat, hoiiug to liml a Iot tesul of gold Iniiiring gnmI. I mlicatioi hid that lie ha at Lint come iituir unto the lung sought tiuiiure, we laaiu. Hi 1 ilr and Huwvnintice hould not go unrewarded, Itegiktnr lluutiiigtoii, of the liuiu I. mil ollice, fiiinilH.ii the following t,ittiui'ut show iug amount nf Innd ulijm.t to entry in It urn district, ly uouutie. Uitik, IS.HSQ. iicie. l!rr.t, 1,107,217; linker, '.'00,.'.y, Malheur, 1.9 l7,fi2C; Hutiiey, J,.t57..t.t7. I'n Hiir eyed IiiiiiIk, (!mut county, 2.1-1,077. Maker, ,17,057; Malheur, 1, tii',7-M, Harney, .10, HHW. While dm. Iji.N, of Shoolly, wa1. oji hi way to Piinewllc rocently he met a grizzly U-ar iu the trail. ' Mr. litihui dikinouiited fiom hia hoiw and look a khot at hi lun,liip lightly woiiiiding him, whereujioii the lr iiutontly .ae ihuM K'iuiuling .Mr liiiln to lemouiiL A imh-oikI khot so lawyer lienning ktrtrted Inkt Mtai day to linker City to meet hi mother in law, who in coining over on a viidt. lie was accotiijiaiiifd ly Mi K idler, ttho'i returning to her home iu Iowa, Died, at hi home in Hums, la.t Saturday, July 2ft, .Mr. J. T. Hitman. l- .. 1....: .- ,,ii. .iniHtii k ii iiuk.upjMi man 01 .... ..... 1 1 t , ' Iturn. and ... known l,v OMt n..,.. ! 'T1 AK lhv ing aCrvicoa - -v nine .v ShiHoii, Can von City, Or. them it would break me tu uiplv ...i.i 11. uie tit-uiaiui. tur worthy detective waain town on secret buine and while h. ie wa engaged playing draw for pea nut, lie won a ack full and mak ing a nn al of theni they made him ick. lie Upp out next morn ing on the at age without hi break fal. taying home a few day re cruiting up he rctur111.1l hiking much Udter I'llll.H 1 11 ANTKK. MOMNIN.i KloSlt) A, M. Orgahiratioti. How lo make the i-. htm) t.Mtn pleaant W. W. :a. Mrn. l M. Dollinn". (iciieral DiM'Uion. iTKUX.i,v rinx 1:.'UI e. m. Language tenehing in primary and intermediate grade. Mi Lillian Itohrer, Mb Htella Allen. itencral I'Iki ii-ion. ... I II Collin. M it Anna Hrierly. 'ielielal Di.'llioil, 1 1 mmi -i tii ;;u i. vi, Music. AddrcM of W . home. Lit. rarv Kicr. i.M . I'ciiittaii! hip. Service. ber of eo,lu hcie. Sunday. Funeral occurred t'atcwtll t., 11.., f I,' ..1. ....,1. ....1 i.. I .,1. 1,. iuiiiiii iii-.M ouiiuny , evening, A tie L'd, the cloainif acrvico i of the conference year, will bo held. I I he pastor, llev. C, IC Luce. jin-ach hi farewell aermoii. The Any ulie wikhing lltickeye liiiiwei'k, N. or Kxtra for ani", can ohtain them " by applying Ui llitie A- Mason, Can on City. your order at .ule UKUIFI freiitht i-oin tt lon. The I'nion Pacific Mytcin have in, unl. v (.. .....I ......I.. 'II ; M v,ni,,i, tiiiii MlilKK- trip Will I iiL..i ,.f ..1..... ... ...1 ,c nit 01 mi a.ini, which are mid at reduced rate HW TO DAY. M.U.K. lluckleUMi-ieaieii,M.ningupaUu. first half hour will give .dace to ' , ', , m,U"'' laine. A unall iity we.itout from j carefully prepared service of mug, - ',tt"f for WulT 'rau,,, Imt fair city few day ago and gath- selection of Mtiorcd muii: will Xc W. II Kelly lm juU itx'. received a rundere.1 by the choir, different taek of extra fltw Wall l'aiier, and niemlHr of (lie elioir w ill render preparwl to do uiii.tiiiK ami siperiinj olo Holli congregation and choir 'heair than any one. ri 1 outide will unite in fingiiig omc of the "f u " ol,t.l. 0i Inm a call. ZluiUt .'u' vyT.tlhnT A 11,k"ttt "ea.ndent of the fa.u.liar to all. A collect on will In? MtmiMjiolU Triduni, writing aland taken for - llw benefit of the pator. , Senator Farewell' theory of produc l'.vcrylly come. THm ,,y 4xl,uli1(? ,v,,mi(e i ! r 'T", . , the air, ay: "We expUled alut I mon I m ine Syhten, un. , , ( ,ynnmiu. , e.i nailed tacihlie to tounat en I w. ..L ..,. ii u route to a ,wi.,t eaat. eatibule ; Ver ince. Now the .a,etioi. with NeeiH-r. Diner, ree ( ar through o- iH to tot. it. If tl... ,,;.i..r I.,.. I that ered llfteeu gallon in one day, which hll(iw that httekleUttiifii, a well a pickers were plentiful. John Day folk arc adiaed tluit the new llouiiux mill machinery for their place m at linker City, but' there lint lieen koine dilliculty in ojM-uiag the car or Kiiine otlier irtegulanly, which pre ventwl the tieighter fivaa loading it. I lowever, they expect it to It' along MMI. Cimh'i South i'nrk tn.ki-liii-. i,tiit " ... . ' " Irf, loner, e ree i ar lliroUUIl i.M m 1.. U.. 1 7 "m; for ut1 M,'t","',, 10 5nw,",,ri rh,, r,ki'" 1 tt..7pat.;,t on,; ; ; c being wttle.1 and impi-ovwl very tapid out change , V .. ' aiioui.t ilk ly. llie .M.n lieMtle a iiiiinlier of . , 1 citizen, of Canyon City, has done kome J Ilt 1 ' J, , ' J 1 , "1 tt iir, h,,u,,,1 faithful work to U J I faeiliti. J j W,, Wh.a, .o, Uiom. ,H-op,. ami none of u will ((f , h.u , ; I tt y wtlllt r,,iM) h,lel of wheat kto,, work until th, tend, atuinml ng R .,rimi,rv Jd ojiig jalint ! I'rairio City Holler Mill by old J.-, a :l..hu Day d. ha piiu for thi product in'lho state of Ore- j S,'J'1- u fur "blch the liighct cah a history, inasmuch u he wa Uiin on gon, and one ainonK the lareeat in : I,r"'e ' lla',' ll... .11...... !.l V .1 . 0 0 !.. II...., many yean. ago. uie .xortliwesl. i.mir.n tnii Mr. I. M. ''otcr hrouuht to oui 1 T' ' orti. e ye.tcr.lay a l.limlle of oU from ! """" lnUtutc. hi foothill ranch, that ineanured 7,' The tirant county Teacher' An inch.. hi length, and ll heade.1 out. . nnal Institute will be held in Can Mr IWei K ou were k'owuoii hill ! you Cily, August 10, II, and 12. land, and hi crop i.s ample proof that ; l.HUl. Uraiit county' hill runchea am not ; Teacher pleane read Clauc J;l, far Uhind the la-u.iii Und. Hcction '.'.'1 of Oregon S. ho.il Law Prairie City folk contributed aUail . govern thcmelve accordingly ; ninety day woik to the Piairie City alo be prejmnil to take part in the ami itoniiikoiniiie hm.i, ami we are in foi iinl that the road i now 111 plen did rouilition. Thi v'i.oa th Hohin- Uie .Miami.' ik'.vh it . puty ot Scotch iiiinugruut weie bringing their dog along with th.-in. The pup wa given to Ji laiter when the jwople aniM-il in Oregon, and .! ha ln-cn all heirliKilli 11. the family ever Mnce. Twine binder are at work .loan the river, Mr. li. Hayc hating aold a new one and act it to work a fnw day .igo, Farmers iu thi little vidley me hU iiiucIi U-hinil the nt of the woild iu the way of impiovcd machinery. A iiuiiiUt f biixler have lsit in uw Ncliee i hereby i. en that by vir tue of an execution ami or.b r of hhJc ' ine.l out of the Circuit Court of the atate of Dioou for tiran' eonntv, upon a judguieiil and order of aale , rendered iu said oonrt on tho 27th day of March, ISftl, in fator of . Margaiut Powell, I'lff and agaitui ! Adam Mm ray, Win, Murray and' Alex Murray, copaitnei a Murray 1 linn, and A!. Muu.y defendant . for Thieo.Thou.and Ohm Hundred and Kilt) -eight and itv-one otic- ' huudredtU ( ;i,'iN HI ) dullam with intercBt Iheir-on fioni aid 27th dav of March, l-!I, nl the rate of 10 per ; cent, pei annum and the fuither mini j of Three hundred and ton dall.11 ' attorney.' fee, uid the fuitle-r hiiih ' of Seventy o ie nnl twenty-two i.iie huudredtii d 'Hui1 oU and Iih bnr uieiitk, accruing eoU and llie c"ta ..nil 1 xpeiiacH of nud upon thi wnt. I Into ti-w.-.l upon and will -l! at jinhlic aiii'tioii on .Saturday, the J'.flh day of Augut, IhDI, at 2 o'clock p. to, of "said day, at the com l house ,ji)oi iu Canyon City, Urunt tou.ny, Or. j-on, all the right, litlo and inteieal of aaid defondauU ' in and to the following dem-ribed 1 ntta. bed propet lv, to wit. The of i Sec. .t, I'p. i;t s, U 27 K W Jl and XA of Nj of .. lo. Tp. 1.1 K, H 87 15 W M and the SK of Hec I, To. I K. II i7 IC W M und'HWl ofHek' I.Tp. Ui, It K W Maud Nl Sec. '.I, To. I a H. It -'7 li W M and , liiof SW and SW of NWi amH NW ofSW f Sec. b Tp. IJ) Mi, 27 I'. W M ..ml of NWI of Sec. ! TI KSDAY, At tiCST II. Mull.MX.I V.KHH1..S A. M. Muie. Noll call Teacher r.'ajH.nd with quotation. Ibnv Insecure regular and punctual titlm.huico, .... H. D. William)', Mii4 K. Jan.-White, tienend Dii'tiio-iuii. ImiMiitniicc of tou hing Mi utul Arithmetic K. 1. !idd', Mia Claia yrm. (i. ucral lJi.'union, a nr u . gt.is' 1 :,10 e, m , MufcJc, Hupt. Itoidiam, Mrf. 11. I Necewity of ftradiug our .)kiI (ieiii ial DIs.'imM'iiii UItoly. ticn. ral Dicnion. Iumm, .i..si.. 7;-h 1 Muic Leiturc. Literary Kcreic, T. N. tJutiiee Porter. A L..I.1. the valley for veal .Married, at the reidence of the hi idc ' parent up the alley, Suu.lHy, July 2. l'Jl, Mr. W. T. Ilaidy and Mikk Anuiu.la A Kink, Juntice J. ,. :licuiou on all ubject. All Irienil of education arc earuextly reitiehted to l.c pie4 nt M- N, ItuMIAM, County School Kupt. Long Creek, Or. July 21, IMI alaiiidaiicc. f . t , V. O, Kelly, who wa formerly , Ifnaminatum ef Tchtr. known here a Stagedriver Kelly, i Nlltir,, , hlr,,,y ivt,n u , ftjr "K ,h:. wVr :'r,r ,,,'at , of an cxamiua- inn "iiiillll .11 111 JUlk.-l 1 HV IU1 l.isn ..r nil ...I ... iu tin jirain field of the up-r pait of nonville miner an outlet to thi pro- iiucuve vaiiey, wiiere tnev can obtain grain. Hour, fiuit and vegetable in :; and Ii', of NK of Hoc .11, Tp 12 S, It 2fl J. W M and HI',! of Keo. M nd Mil .f NW ..i.d KV of XKJ ofKw al. Tp. 12 H, It 2li li W M and SIC) of He. 20, Tp k' H, it '.'i KWM and HJ of Kite, Ti. I i H, H 27 li W M aud of Hl i of s. c 22 and W1, of SWJ ol Sec. 2i, Tp. LIS. It 2ii L W M, all being aituate iu tiiaui county, tatc of Oregon, tog. th. r with all and nmguhir the ti'iieiiienl, lioroditmuoiiu uii'l aimut teuaiice Ihei eiiiito belonging r in (Jatbiuach 4hciatiti2. - Tim Nttw eeielv wounded the lii-tluiL it mm, acklinwlfh.'c the receiot of a tiieeo n! , " - , ' . , ki I i t .1 1 i'"' n 110 may oner .cuhh.-cb iiiciuiiiiio oei up the ylniM and went into a thicket wedding ,-ake, and r-iprocate by Sunila) wlicn he went up 111 a 1ml- ! thiuielv.. a candidate for teach- any wio appertaining u Inm 1 it win liiHwuu.il,!., fin- 11 li.u-u, o, it.ii.iiiL wiLli their uui.v fi-ii-mlM in luOII, ixcllv IK a Kllldciit of Prof. r..u ,.( ii ..11: 1 1 .1 'e..r... ..t ....... .. .1 1 ' - . . . ..... . v-. rf r. .... ....... ... , . , - pi thrtaigh. wiliiug the young couple the usual ( llagal, and wa to have taken hi j.ai 1 , ... , . amount of Impiinckk. firt jutrachute juntii Sunday. We n,,;,;;;.;i:! V.w . u... !rSi,la",hS.l,,ri.!li ln,t if r;.,i.....i.. .....11 f .1... so..... v,......i v..i,..i , ' 0d not kill luiii Mr. Kelly will "o.o..B ... ..... ..,, ... ,v., ...feafler bo known , . P,f WKDNKSDAV, A I t; I ST ;' xi.iiimv. .i;miui '1 ,v vi Mnic, Holl Call Il.-cpoii!' with .iiotation. Sunie efeidiab to mi. cc- in teaching Mina A I ma Luce, 5 W. lialin. (Setwral Diwiiahioti. I'liynuhigy and Hygiene, . W. V. I,.h r, Mr K , tiwhle. UcluTttl DiM-llrij-ioii, Ai rt'iiN..o -,!,.,x 1 :.;n .. f. Mnie. lim hi ion of corporal puni,hiiinit J, W. L wi-, I, Mewanl. t.cinrnl DiK! iiniiiii. Nei eity and extent f t t.-tt I Mi Add!.- Ki.-fer. Mi!f hillie ( huinb. . I icl.-l lill III-.. Uiuii, M. N. P..A 11 xi . County S. ho..) Supl Orroit Nf! Xortnnf School. lYloniiioiilh, Oroyon. lUh'llill Ol' h'k'UhWrS: I or of the public Kchiad of this county, the .ounty ui'riutcnilcnt thereof will hold a public examina tion al Canyon Cily, on Wednesday, .'I.'H1 ' M," """I"" 'SIIW1II. ......... Tl ... I ... ! ll P ! II dry articlo. The kli, ,..... n. f .1... Monmouth. Or. Nevt ter... of thik ev ' "'. KCIiy . . 1 V 11 , , , . ,- V- " 1 or aeroimui ie iy. liuite 11 tiru- law enciiclwl them, and they were cedent whool open under direction of ,11i:.. fr,,, u. i.,....t 1 1 .. 1 1 1 tinml S2ft ti J.'iO .villi, which their an entiicly new huanl of regent ap parenU had to piy. t!oiuuinnting on liuUl by the kUtc. The Wid of thi thu lliiutiugtou Hunihl gtoviH in- legmiU hi.vu adopted a very liU'i .l dlgu-iut and iy the Uiy klinuhl U: ilicy iu incieakiiig the faculty nud given a chance, cIm. how am thy to npplyilig iiputnitii, tint gisilii; to ever Iwooiiih kuc.iikkl' ul ciipt ami kcalp Oregon a ktute school kocoihI to none llll till' Clkt. thieve if their youthful aiiinitiou ur tluik uippod. I.ut Thursday dining a brief uW trio ktoriu liijlitniiig stiuck on tint hill al-ive the HuinUililt .N)uiin' placer liiiue. Tin. Iron piie, uUtut kix hun 1I1..1I fet long, and lillwl with water, guthcicd the ehn;ti icily, and U.iiig a gikkl conductor i.moIvim) to have koine fun. II. Hunter wa iiipiiu; iu the Tmikday uioriiil.x while Joe Oliver' muii win 11 putting up hay at the low or much put of a hod Uigiin dhipiug while tha wagon wiu U'lug (lilveil acioa a ilullow klwigh. The dilvei thtew the limw down ami jumiieil "foi 1,;. i,f " 1 11 1. 1 ioc nikuii. wa a run away. The t.uu ckitterod along towaiil tllH latin with inrikt f tl,., I... . .. .. 1 - ""J niuilll, nun iiiiuiuiiiou Willi lint light- "uu ouiuiltMl with thu thud, lii.mkinj; a uliig' Huh h full a tlliill tliAt uanrly LC t and kmking down nlxnit paralyzwl him. llu liail hold nf tlin u'ght ft of aiding. Thii lungthy wood haudliM of tli" nuzil.. only, ol.. tory i uojoka, Uihaa loonil, w ldclj the nmilt might have bmu Miiiuiii. t i, Uiy with your team, nlwny. inotioii from the luiinlilc bueklioard driving, and we are glad to ee (irant county men accnling iu the world During the (juartcr of a century of it uaeful exiU'iice, the Portland ltuiuc College ha educated hun dred of young men and women for ucccful career, and it i to-day 11 latter ncltool than ever )efore. Kor the pat ten year, Prof. A. P. Aniihtrunt;, one of Oregon' fureiuoMt cdm ator, and a proiuiiienl liulno man a well, lia had charge, a principal '1'he advantage to every one of a good ltuinc eilucaliuii are many and of daily occurrence, ao that to try to enumerate them horo i not necary. Sc an ninincoiiikiiit of the college in our ndvertiaiiig column, awl write at oiiihi for their cutdluyttp. .ugui 12, lAUi, at one uclocg p. ill. AIo will be prepared to ac coiiiiuodutu all teacher wivhing State Certificate, Slate Diploma, and State Life Diploma. M X. lll.MIAM, County SchiKil Httpt lang l 'reek, Or, July 25, I8,M. NOTICIC TO CON'THACTOUH. Hid will ! received at the Sherill ' ollice for the delivery nf Iwpnty live curd ofgnqt) dry wuod at the Court limine, in l!auyun City, (Irant tuninty, Oregon, to be deliver ed by the Kind day of SepleiuU-r. IU I. All bid Mill lie ojnc 11 1 twoo'cha k 011 Aug. "itli, al the Hlufriif' ollice, and contract award ed to the loweat rciiuible bidder. Ily order of the County Cowtni ionur' I'otin. DUh at Canyon Ctly, July J, it, , (irant 'Mh day of 1'crm of aale cmIi Dated at Canyon county, Oregon, thi July, A. D. 1 Mil, 0. I. cRliSAP.Kheriff. Ily . 8. Hoi riiwoiiTii, Deputy. NOTlCIi KOH PU15LICAT1UX. I-...I oa t U Ontad, Or. Jul) ., t.wl K.illc 1. iin.l y 11001, that it.. loll..inr imii wuirr 1 nl.il null, uf l,i micntli, 1 i auk. ! ir., 1.1 ium nl l,b 1 1411,,, aii iai w,j I'UMll lll Iw U l ! llw .uui.l, , Irlk, Droit Will f kl l .,i-li Cily. Or , en Kfi.l 4, , 111 '.r.iiHl.K M'lMtuh ll So i-.,u loo 1. 1, 1 I ., ft li a, ll i; UK III' .tallica ll l.ill.) (im ,i,,u,4 umm kl .lii.li,.,,. rnn. 11, hi 1. ii, aiHl , .,linn.,u , . ,,.i Ml"l tin UaiiaM X fclmul li.tiilJ .an,,,,.,., AHlim U ii.., lli.l,, , 1 limei-, Of III 'I A I I I VV I II ll..,.l., Ills l'.xe Ib-ncy li.iv. Huvini. I'i.xs,v,a Hon tl. , McHmiiK, H,v'y of Slaic 011. K. . MrKJroy, Hupt. of I'obl,,- ln.,,t,(llt J nmoi iiw i., alunto;i Cnii.tv. li,.H of th. J 15. V. hVri.Kit, Hae'v 1 Hon. J. J. IU,,V; ' , , Hon. I'. W. Hai.kv. Jaioii Vohiiki:, Marion Count. . I . C, Wm i , ''bickaroaa Coiiuu, A N.o ivr,' II. Hoi.ii, Maiiou County. The lea.ling Nor- 1-. tual acihool of the Nnilliwekt. I (en 11 tiful and healthful lotati. 11. .So a loon. Xew build iug. New ppa ratu. I'ull f.ic ully, Light x I peiikCk. I,arj. a ' tOlillNlice ,,r ma), Xoruml A.I , V.Ul'6.1, llllkilli- h, 1 Miikio and Ail Dennduient. Special at ten Kx ttfltei... H. urd. lit) r.sec.llive Cotlllllltlce I'.dk County, M'll'iiotiiats t'oiinly, i Ifl'-'L - m.-. .Asm, ft 1 111 I'. rlUrwl ' ,i. I If 11, . I,r..l I a. Mli. tUljlMlll a .ti.t.i. .1.. r.iu l.'l l"i 1..11.I... .ll-. ll.raSkl lllialitotiM, .S li 0 i t liuiid. ti"ii given to phy tflC W iZL t fi J"r"-- Tuiuon. Koimal and Ihmineaa ,,,,. fi 'ji Y J U,M'" ,0,' W I'HlA nf 11 inivaUt IWillaa M. rO l-r week. Firat 1.h-iu open Sept, mi ntu ., u 1, I iLv, any tarn, Kr Catalog, addre . 'ij'il,,, T or ' cL M, PowitMi, aV. M, Vi9 Ir'it, hi. al cultuie, vol nntary inililaiy organinatioii. Thnxe ipc.ii in; diploinim from the eiool aia en lithd lo leach iu any county of the 'tale without f. Iter r viiiin'iiajiuii. Tuition leduccd m Nuiimil and UiiHiios depart meuta fiuin fluid 2 per jeai; in I'repaiatory U,m "0 lo $211 A