Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 30, 1891, Image 2

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    the mm wm k,
dul.ydO, J SO J.
Don't destroy the after
you rend it; send it to n frii'inl in
the Kuftl or elsewhere.
The Auprcme court of .Minnesotn
lmTTe1dajduii('o thut the
jmyne of a mitoTnTcTTrirmrtJlLjo
eluded therein a greater sum tlinu
the niiioutit loaned with 10 or
cent, interest on the fuce iiiuouut
of the note, whereby lie seemed to
In Twenty MImitea by the New Kite
tiic Cute at Practiced by Dr. Djt-rln-.KIJer
Wm. Hatflneton
tbe Hippy Man.
To the Public. I run unsurprised
und pleased at the euro of total
deafness of ten years' sliindiiiK tlml
I wish the whole world to know it.
My exMrionri with Dr. Damn was
so'brief that I hrirdly know what he
did, only thut I was treated with
electricity mill cured in twenty min
utes so I ettn heur a watch tick mill
nrdinrv eiiuverKtition mid tlie ruiiih
linn of wheeln nml cars in the M reels
himself n L'reiiter comiRmsation for whleh I eould not do before. I
tin- forbearance of the sum actually . hiive preached the uomn-1 fur thirty
loaned tlinu the statute allows, was
gulHcicut to Mijort the charge of
Willamette vidley is hein llood
ed with Kastnrn rcfr,on horse :tud
it is nlmoit impossible to tell theui,
tm snys every one coining from
there. The Fopinnit horse thut
pnsscd through here tome timorioo
lire meeting with u dull Mile.
When such horses a tho.c went
cannot he sold readily, there in not
mueh use of trvii'LI to sell it 1 1
ordinary hand of homos,
ville I U view.
We havn't any riglit to tone
the European "snob" a loim; as
our newspapers persist in uiviug
the puhlie the moot minute detail,
a far art they ean i;et them, of the
pronidtinl's domett ie 1 1 " at hi sea
ido eotluijc, and the more of lhi
ort of stulT they print tin' more
(input ft the. puhlie
Amerieiiu "snob
tlrely too numerous fur
of the eoui try.
The Kural New Yorker a)s: j
"Thn farmer of Mantel n (iiemin'
und Washinon are juhilant at
the enormous wheat crop (if this
year and the eeellenl prices olfer '
ed for it. The yield and aereae
hint year were the prettiest in the J
history of the eoiinti y. and trut
worthy oslimntcit m:if;e a probable
increase of fiom HO to oil per cent '
in thin year's output. Interior'
shippers, however, are becoming 1
alarmed lest the railroads again i
tint! themselves uniihle to move
the erop as fast as offered, and lest 1
Inst year' hlockade should l' re
pealed. So loiij' as farmers ean
etiutrnet their wheat at 70 to 7o ,
cent per bushel, deliverel on the
ears, they have no ground for
There is no end to
moiikeyiui' in affairs
with the federal government.
account mi' olllecrs
yearn, injnle, an elder or tin- Cliri
i tinn ehurch. My daily sermons in
the future will lie to praise thcclcc
' trie cure and Dr. Darrin. I alii
seventy four yearn old. I reside At
l Middh'ton, Or., and was sent to I r .
Darrin through the inllnciuc of
; Wm I'armt, of Middb'tnu, Or . who
! was cured of deafness four year uflo
hv Dr. Darrin. Wm. II shiiinoTun.
, Dr. Dartin'i I'Ucc of Uuiinrnn.
j Dr. Dnrriu treats all eurahle pri
vate and uervoiiK diseases, secret
hlood and skin djieHses. wire" and
swellings, nervous debility, itiiM
! lence and other weaknesses of man
hood, lie ror reels the secret errors
.of youth nnd their terrible ellecti
loss of vitality, palpitation of the
j heart, los of memory, dcsondency
and other troubles of mind and
body. Prevents consumption, heart
' discus, softening of the brain and
I pinc, insanity and other alllictions
caused by errors, excesses and di
! eases of Ihivk and men. He rcMorcs
j lost vior and manly Kicrs, re
j moves deformities and restores
orgars to health. lie also ell tit
' diseasex enuseil by mercury and
other jKiiiMiuous drills ued in the
' iinproHr treatment of piivaie ilis
eases I le continue to tieat all
' classes, the neb and mhii- alike, free
I of eharye, at hix ollice, 7J Wash
iiiIoii si , 1'ortland, from Id lo 1 1 (
.a in daily Thoe willing lo p.iv '
; from 1 1 n. in. lo S p. in., at half Ins
1 former price, lie give free and
' confidential examinations lo all at
the ollice or by letter. Patients
i viMting Dr. Darrin will take cable
; car one lilocl from dcwt nnd ride
nilliin one block of his olllee.
y I ) ,M 1 N I STltATi lt'S S A I.I'..
Nolice ii heieby Jjimn Hint in per
Niniiice of an order ol the ilou.
County I 'oiiil of the xtate of Ori'ipm,
for (I'ninl county, uliirli ouli i ti
nimbi on the Dili dy of .I til v. I.S'.U,
in tlie in.illrr of the cHtale of .Steiiheii
(Irnliain, deceiiM'tl, the 1 1 1 1 t i n i 1 1 c I
it 1 1 1 1 i ti i 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1- of said estate will on
red tape , S.ituiilay, the t'IMll d.ty of AiikusI.
connected 1 l '.O , at" the liuiir of two o'elncl; p.
The in. of said day, in front of the rouit
of the trittsurv ' house iloor in I anyon, On'uon.
4 4
Two Mo wets In Dno!
Do not take our word; Road the testimonials
from your friends and neighbors :
will buy. The
is uetiinir on
Uiil the Crwa Six ais.
Hi km ICi Kit. March I, 1 VHi
Mkssiis HASCIIIC A- CO :
I have been usiuK the Crown n.a
rhiue with the greatext satietion
for t yenr. It U a very light
rtitmiiiK nnd durable machine. As
long as I have used the inachiiK it
never 1ms raisi-d a sweat on my
team. Ilisul very light on lht
hordes necks. Yonrn'Tuily,
(!i:o. W. l''i.i.iot r.
I MH).
Simply the Hon
Ditnvsrv. Dr.. March 17,
.Mkssiix HASCIIK A- CO
The machine I bought runs like
a (op and I think it lays all others
in the shade in all kinds ol grass
and all kinds of ground. It is
simply the I ma for light draft and
speed. M. K. I low .vim.
The Acme of t'n fr i Ion.
.loiix Dax. March 1 1, ISfln.
I think the acme of M-rftvtion has
lieen reached in the invention of Hie
Crown mower. We have 1cii din
gtisteil every year in trying to mow
ottr meadow, on which grown a h.
etilinr kind of grass. All other
machines wv tried would leave half
the hay standing, but the Crown
cut il as smooth as a new shriven
face. We tried il with like results
in all kinds of grain, hay nnd rye
grafts. AH our neighlsirs" who seo'ii
work think it is lie- Ik of all mow
pi. Yours esM-ctfullv,
T. II. Ct in..
Hii Favorite.
I'h.wiiii: Cirv, I'Vb. 547, ISHO.
.Mks-ois. HASCHK A- CO :
I will state without liexilaliou
that the Crown mower that I pur-
chafed of von last year has jpveti
gisl satisoictioo. and in my prefer
ence of any mower I have ever used.
'ery HesMetfiilv.
(i W. Mi IIai.kv.
The Vcr; Best Mnwer.
(.'ami Lxia.v. March 2, IV.M.
Mi:ssic.h HASCIIK A- CO
In regard to the Crown mower, 1
like it very well. It works well in
all kinds of grass, and where the
grnss is lodged or very rank by put
ting on the iiicreael Hi-d it work
lo a charm. It is the liest mower
we have in thi conntty, and I can
nH'omuieiid it to auv person wi.-hiiik;
lo purchase
N'ours lb
lepartuient have deeided llu.t the ,' h,,l1 ',l P"J'lie auuiion lo the liigh.l (
I. . . ..... i mill lni.t lilililni- tin i"ih)i hi Imiiil nil
jiiugos anil other ollictals ol the
ructintly created orivale laud claiin
court must not (e paid their sal
aries until they Iiiim been cun
lirtued by the M'liatc; another de
eliion by the same august million
tit's is that asHittaut secretary of
the troiiBiiry, ('roiinse, who wa
appointed to succeed (Jen. Ilaehel
ler, who win appointed minister
to l ortuoal, can ilniw no salary i Set
until he is continued by the senate.
.1 udjje lioatly, of Idaho, who ua
noinimited before cougrc'is ail
jourued, but not eoulinued by the
senate, and who was after eoiinrci.
adjonrued apM)iutel by I'leriilent
llarrikon in in the same predict
meiil, no salary will be paid to him
until he is continued by the sen
ate. These deeixioiis may be in
strict conformity with the law, but
limy certainly are not iu touch
witli plain everyday common sense.
These oliieials are all performing
the duties for which they were up
pointed and lhe tdiolihl be paid
their salaries.
ami lit bidder foi i-anli iu hand all
Hie right, title, mtortt and inline of
the .aid Steplii'ii (iiahain, iIccouhkiI,
iiiul till the tight, title and ilitciei
which the slid eslolo lmn by, o ela
tion of hiu or otherwixe aeipiirixl in
und to that ceilaiu teal extale hituate
in 'limit county, stale of Oregon,
and pniticularly deH,-i ilied tii follow i,
to wit The NK of HK Sec. lit.
To II S . It. :!l K W. M. ri'i-l the
SKI of SV j nml l,oU .1 nml I of
. I.H. T;i 1 1 S . It !t. H. . M.
Dated at CallVon t'ilv, Oieun
tliit '2.1th day of .Inly, l5H.
Ololini: II, Wool!,
AilininiMtiatoi .
Kxlra. for I (',, MeCormaek, lit.ekoye, Victor, and ( Mm.npiot, Maehines. AU W
ics, Hacks ami nrnages, at factory prices.
( Ian I'ine,
aeill ICS. ,lMl air(io
oiifi ill liintio-,' ' r '
llardw.Hl. Sloves and Tinware, Unbbor Hose, l!eltin and I'nekioi;.
Water I'ii.e. and I 'lumber- kiiooIm. I -,;.... inn ... i lt ..m- m ,.
mi', ,. . , ... ii ..mi nun iiitiri .inn Autciiincrv,
Mail uidcr- ...bcited and,.,,, n.,an,tel. All letter- of inipiin receive pr p. a.tcn.ion
itasvh 'ninnj, Kaiser f ', Or.
Tim poitiuaster general - au
Ions to change the unfavorable
allowing made for the liseal year
ending in IMK), during winch only
(H) cents were earned by American
ahios iu carrying I'uited Slates
mails to Kurope, while mtirly
100,000 were paid lo foreign
ships for carrying similar mails to
Kiiropo. Ileaiiuxtii put a liot
class rapid weekly xerviceou two
tittuwitlantie routes, one to (ircat
Hi ilain and another to a continent
nl port. The reiuirementi of the
now service iu connection with the
enlarginent of the old xervice will,
it is estimated, call for the build
ing of live vexxelx of the liit
class, seventeen of the second class,
live of the third class, and four of
the fourth class, at a probable cost
of from $27,000,000 to M0,000,
000. Vossols of the lirst three
clat-Kcs are to be xo constructed as
to admit of their prompt ami
economical conversion into naval
cruisers. The maximum bounty to
be paid by the government is to
Is; 1 jmr mile for the lirst class,
for the. second ami third class S2
Hjr mile, ami for the fourth ehtss
two thirds of Si per mile of the
shortest jiriiQtlcuble outward vov-age.
I To J.lll.S 1,11 II.IM i; Sl .U.I. H'llSoNK
! ft. 1 1 ii i ,-ii nv on ruiioioii m t vi
' You me heieby no'iliiil that
I have expended Hoo.dii in labor
ainl iiiipiotciiiciilM 1 1 1 ii in the Oiii-nt
in no. Saul luoie was located May
I, IXMI! hy John l.miialice nnd is sit
1 n.iti'il on the ilitiiling liilge belwieti
. the left hand folk of Dixie inel. and
Hull Hun, in the (,iiai iburg mining
; ilixtllcl. in (limit ciiiintv, Oi.-;oii.
being tlie anioioit leijulled lo hold
, the siiiiki for the vein IMUI, and if
I within !io iIhis aftei the lirst pnbli
I ealiou of tins notice jmi f uloi refune
! to contribute Mini iupotiin ol xuel.
exMiidiiui e (in a eo ow tier, noiii- m
1 Iciest in Miid chniii will become the
ptopeitv of the HtilM'iiher under
xeciinn '.'It'JI of the l!ci'l SiatulcH
, of the I lilted Stales.
, d I'M IX MtMll
j l'miiic Cily.Or , .Inly 2-1, USUI .
inli U, twtt
Ntil It ' ht t In irtttnlMI ll.r 1 11 nu,4
lllrl htrtt hii't tki hi ttilrittltiit l iiuihr
j Qnl jir.Mtl tM iirl uf tu r jiin, aitJ lUi Ul
iitmtl til umi Urlu4 iltel muI ntk f tirM
I UllliU, llflUU ( i'Ut4l ( (if tff4,
1, M, t iiMS:,H 11 N Kl aoN, It I Ni
U I. Ihr NK u h irlt4 S Ut i:il m 1S
T it v, it 1. 1: w U hti u 3 v. t ii ii m- r
!) iMiuc lb l'tliutr oili i prut U
MilttniMotu irvhlt im- im.i n,tl t U.llt klloli iti, !.(
I UttU t Mtnot Atultn Mtuinit U ItiUtitw, m(
Ultn. onvit il uut t'iil ...u J ,ltn lltnt
lu. L, tJ ritiiit- tli t!fr;..i,
1 I . Kit. Itryl I.i
Next xrxsioli beginx on Monday,
the -'1st day f September. Ivl
1 111I1011, tree.
Four courses- Classical, Scien
tific, Literary, and a short Knglish
Course, in which there is no Latin,
(t'reek, French or (Senium. The
Knglish is pre-eminently a Husiuess
Course. For catalogue or oilier
Adilrei J. W. Johnson,
I'rMhlpul. ,
Canyon City, Or.
Tin's io)iil(tr re. sort lias
hi'i'ii ri'Dn'iirtl lit I In' imltlii',
anil now, tts in the past,
kt'eps iiiilhiii'J Inil fin- hi'sl
Wines, Liquors S' Cigars-
l. U. KICK llll), Proir
Canyon Cily, Or
.1. .. Cinnihri s, I'rotr.
'I'lii. lieslailiniil leeeiilly
hIh'iiixI, mid will fin 11UI1 Meal 01
i-iliK at lik ing lute-i.
A i.pivial lent in e aloiit (lux liouve
is thai no CliiticMi cookxme eniiln iil
ill the kitchen. I Jive the Itestaliralit
a M. .1. Cii.wiiiciis,
H.ij'ToxsT.iu. ,v ihiirr'
Have now rrreivcil Ihfi luieo.t and nioxt toiuplrte itook ot nv gooJ iu
Oraat County, which they will ollVr fui sale at priiM that defy ccniictitioi)
C HiHI A I . iM via 1 1 A MUSK.
Canyon Citv - - Oregon.
1 II V in i'f n ci irt tl nml on in il 11 in II scln tcil slock
I of drills' I'liriiisliiliii (looils, Hals, Hoots, Slim s, Hliili-
. . vn ' Ar.v, (Jails, liirdirarr, ('rorhrrij, dlassirarc I'tr.
pIRST J ATIONAL jflANK.) j ,lso 'a m i, anil Staple di oc rivs, I'mrisions ami
ornnppnoi'i a full a sorlinriil of I'alrnl Alnliriurs, .Volions, lite.
&m 1 "ii ii ii- i-iiii-oiiiikc .Sollclteil
ixanu ret oi'M i-i-cjixiit 1 y Attonrlorl to.
IIUMi hl l.l.lM.O,
V Ire 1'icMilcllt.
Cnxslll. Cio.he-1-
A lllll V, I. 1 liOllMI.N',
I' It II -
ii:oiiiii W
i ! inn. v, t
Dnci t"i-
'l'riiiiHi-l a (icacral ll.inLliu' Ualiicx,
--on all untN of the wotld-
Collect iuiix made at all xiinu on
HisiMiiiable Terms.
Money Imiiml at from one to ten
tier v'lHit.
L 'arrisli
ri 1
A liuc
sUk-k of I'rexh Candle, NhIx,
SiHtiuneiy, lite, Kte , put
(Sive inti a call.
The people of Grant and Harney
counties will have an opportunity
to purchase all classes of goods
generally kept in a Mercantile Es
tablishment very cheaply of us for
the next 60 days, owing to the re
moval of our vast stock for repairs
of our building. We carry a com
plete stock of merchandise in all
its branhces, and we are bound to
sell them. A call is respectmlly
asked for in this grand Removal
Prairie City - - - Oregon.
Has been enlarged to accommodate
the increasing business. The wools
of this section which accumulate at
Heppner, attract all the leading
Western buyers to that point, and
make it the best market in which
the grower can dispose of his clip.
.Last season over 1,000,000
pounds of wool was sold in Hep
pner at prices which averaged the
grower more clear money than was
realized by sales of similar wools
in other western markets more dis
tant from the manufacturing cen
ters ol the East.
Teamsters charges advanced on
written orders. Cash advanced on
wool in storage.
T. E. FELL, Manager.
unu Read
Do run I ukc a dm til aye of a good offer II' 'hen
il is placed irilliin roar reach?
.it -.i" - rCif".,:.: .
w ass
- iVTl. ft
H Hill
J v U 4
Dry duoils, CtitlliiiiL!, Hoots, Shoes, (Hon s, Alillrns, On r
siirts, Cnilcriccur. Hosiery, Hals, Winter Cans, Cum
Hoots, Hlankels, fjuilts, Corsets, Ladies and eliidrens
Shoes, L'nhher eoats, ) 'el low Oiled coats, b'a nca donds
Cutlery, Hie., Htc, lit,-
When cush iict'ompmiies tha nub r for any aiiiotint from I'ive o
Dullari or more in alxive line of goods we will piepay all Mail ot
Staye chaieN, to any hiaj,'i station iu (irant or Harney t-oiiutics, J
until Juno 1'itli, 111 . f Whou hjM oh cnulit no olmr- 9
itM hicimul, 9
Wu will guarantee our loweil let.ul iiuih on EVCrV AftidC
mid ftfjiec to refiiml the uioiiuy if goods ate not satisfactory.
Hy heudtiig to us w riling plainly, just w hut m wnnti d, wo cm hclect
thein to your hatihtaction. We Imvu the ioo'r.x' assortment of den
eral MeichainliM-to bo found in ii'iy ston- in 'Oregon You can save
nione in evei v hue. Ciive mm a trial order. Wf solicit oitr trade. Onh-r
by Mail at on. e. I 'cry Hesjcclfully.
Coffin iV McFarland,
KiktcMortiiOuil. 111 Uuljn'k
1)1 At t n IN
Canyon City - - - Oregon.
Constantly on hand a fall assortment of
Dry doods, Clot hi mj, Hoots- -Shoes, droceries,
lite, lite., lite, at Heasonalde 'rices. '
j IIiiiicm ooil iV Co, I'roprH,
1 Canyon City - Onijfon.
i. .'. ovi:kiioi.t
A. il l ( illM) V.