Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 30, 1891, Image 1

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    The Prtfter for Ihr .S7.-A-Htfin,
Mrtvfiftuf and
W Paper for Hie Parm,
I he Workshop ";
II nme.
CJ.VVd.V C1T) (,'IU.YT COV.VTV.OIUHWX, Til I PXD.l )'. .'. ) ' iO, ISO J.
''unihe,r 10.
Volume XTIh
T i Fj
NEW 8.
Csufht in Baf Trop
ft wit after dinner. We were
r irking mils row. eatiti swe.,
mitl . ul,,!, -n tlulntf. one .mil an- :
.tip r .1 Itto frttt-tA entertained tli"
!;. - Willi a! li.iti-n anil inei
i. nfs- r litt-flf !t m.nisecitt. ami tilt
u.lh tli- m.t! "f truth for the haw.
Hear hniitiiv 'u" l",'l"
ami many narrative of adventure
w. re nivJn hy iM-mUrs of tin1 party.
When a j iiuv thnt threatened In
U markul the close of the
1 1- liit...y. ;u- hxt remarked that
h hatl a iVar shtry to tell, ami, if
hi fri-ul wotilil excuse him while
lie Wilt t Rl". "luuvh i
with tli. tale, h" ttouhl ii-l'l h.n
.jimta to tl.e Morion of thn other.
W exiuct. l hii.i to hriim hack a
Ite.-tr's foot, tcalt or lu-ar-skin cap.
instead, hi- returned with no more
lmioiMHH nn object than a worn
:n 1. 1 iMctl note- iMKt. Iteseating
himseSf. he fflM:
-)ouht!ch yn recall tlint along
in the lift it 1! in the wr-si.-c
i.i the Jitulfon Hay l'omany.
Nell, one soring -l think It wit. llm
Hiriii( of -f wax tip on the head
waters of the Malheur river, in
K intern Oregon, near the peak call
ed Old Ironsides. One morning in
early April, 1 went off alone, as
usual meaning to go fuither into
the mountain than I had done pre
viously. I wa equipped n" "'d'"
nf live or si day, or even more.
Away up in ll very shadow of Old
Ironsides I began to have lot of
luck in getting poll of mountain
lion, henr and a few xinnllcr ani
mal. ' To the south I saw, from a high
Mint, a deep and very narrow can
yon, ami it appearance docidod me
Li m-t into it bv tliu nearest route
.. , - ... I II.. ft
)Miniiiier in a line, mine am-,
entering it, I struck the trail of
about a large a hour aa I hnd tver
followed. The snort was just deep
enough to make good, trailing
ray an inch and a it had fal
len that morning. 1 hoiicd to sight
my game every minute My pony
was well trained and gave me all
my time to follow the truck. Tim
stillness wu profound, only the
rustling of the pine in the light
breeze and the footfall of my horse
preventing the siltmco from being
nhfcolutc. Ahead of mo t heard a
Uig win p. a if trod in two by soine.
animal. My homo also seemed
nervoiiHiy alert. 1 quickly rained
my eve," but saw no living thing.
On each ide were the rooky wall
of the canyon, the top of tho ridge
far al-ove sharply defined againt
the clear blue ky or f-"8t-4f witn
giant pines, mi Mnall in seeming, o
hug- in fact. Nearer, the xtcep de
eleviti were dotted with the same tree, niingkd with lesser
rotiif-'r-. and eoginoun growth of
great aiietv, but not tvlieing the
chill, wintry a-i.ei t of thing. Far
up in the j-Iip of the vat gorge tc.d
out in ( old relief the pure white
jtcuk of Ironside. Hut uear.-r than
th'e lofty umniit wins noniething
which inlt rented me fur more. It
wa an evidence, of the previous
presence of a white man in a noli
tude where man seldom trod not
often disturlied by the aborigine.
who !eav no mark ol lit prewnce i
like thnt I tlmn aw before hum
What wa it? lo 1 disapjioint vou
when I av it wu a boar trap? Not
a hundred fwt ahetid it too.l, the
pino log of which it wa built eem
ing to have Wen rut some time, to
judge from their cracked and
weather beaU n end. I rode up
and looked at the heavy hewn-tim-lHi
door, which wu tightly hut.
th U.UU which had once ujnndtd
it wa Mraight and pointed to the
k v at an angle of forty-live degree.
li'nountiug, peered into the great
rag through om of the chink be
tween the logn.,r'
At thi ioInt the narrator pauaed,
and then, m a far-away tone, reuin-
I hall never forget the night
that met mv ga-. Seatiil ugaiiot
the back of 'the trap wn n man, or
what had been ft man once! Hi
knee were drawn up, and uround
them were elafjHil hand on which
(he tlcMi wan all uhriveled. Hi
f...... wu alinoct whollv eXlMjued to
mv view, and on it wa the aiue
froen, Khriveled llenh. The eye
were gone, und the hollow noekel
nmied to me to be fixed en my
face in a Mrt of awful dexpuir. In
the clap of tho poor hand u they
rented on hi fcnee, I aw a bik. '
Here the xaker piekeil up the
ta l-k I have previously ik. n
,.f. and vhich h-d Ik?h laid on the
table Lcwdc hil.
Thi lrtk. gentlemen, i the
Bam -one that those dead linger
h. ld. Afl r considering li tt iw. I
..ol a I. v.t and pried up tbe door
i .1.. , would have resisted tlie
i. ....iu at eh.'jH of ull the giili. mtid have eiowded into tin
trap Tin I'urt lld" ,IiJ w'1 l"
', take the Uk out of hi clasp and
see what he might have left a a
liter ige to hi liiidcr.. It I Sell
xplanatnry, yo I will read It a
lie nge from the degd.
'!.. il,.,i. wtufflfmil mo- Mv
name i tleorgn (!ron, native of II-
linoi. and tlay NovemU'r H. j
I.VJ I am twenty-nine year old.
What a natal dav! Mv profession ,
ha iN-en that of hunting and trap
. i
ping. I cay ha Ki n, for i am con
vincol I will in er leave thi plae
alive. No one in the world will jurisdiction as i the rich speculator
miss me, fr 1 have- no parent no, in puts and call, to corner the mar
relative that Iiave ever I n truly ket of a continent. The corner
such to me, and she is deud. The j grocery-man. as well a the merchant
name of In r whose death drove mc. 'prince the Uml black as well a the
a i ..Hi ; man and minister of the Moated bond holder, the butcher,;I, to these Western wild, no the baker and the candlestick mak nicd kuo-.v, save that she was cr, all are aliku with the ti
my wife. In life we were together, position to monopoluc the business
in" death we tdiay not lc divided ' of their respective callings. It may
Had she licitl. (iol knows I had W all wrong, and in a strict ethical
never been here. Hut all i well, wnw it surely is, but human nature
lme it will reunite u in the ores- itself must l"e .hanged In-fore the
ence of our Savior. I have been dis(iositiou can ln eradicated. In
liere four duts Mv axe is outside; ( the poor man the tendency is called
my sh.'.th knife, which might have, smartness, shrewdness, business
served in effecting my escape has j capacity, in the rich it is designated
by mischance slipped out of my i by the harsher term monopoly and
hand, and it, too, is outside. Ijcyond ! oppression, yet who shall draw the
my reach. It ha been snowing
hard for three hour or more. How
came 1 shut in? I had just finish
ed thi trap for grixzlies, and, in ar
ranging the halt, I xlipcu amt leli
on the trigger. That tads the talc,
I am hungry, I guess or was, ereijt
1 frtt m still
The numbness with !
which the freezing blat fill me tells
me I shall not starve, lo freexc is
not very hard; to starve is hut Owl
is g(Ml! My hand is too numb to
Our friend held up the book to
show that the message hud been in
terrupted hy the ic king, and that
the seal of "death had Iw en si t njiu
the xtr victim of the trap. lie
laid down the message, ipicd his
wine, and then broke the silcuee
with the remark
"So I found him. Friend, that
was mv sister' son! No relative.'
Oh, my poor lad, you hid from them, j a bushel and n ap a million dollars
from me. and I could not find vou. extra harvest from the great army
Caught in that cruel cage, you froze j of consumers, but it i impossible to
to death, and under the vast white I justify their action while we round
mantle of winter vou stayed a you ly condemn the stock gambler, who
died stayed till 1 found you, lad!" J attempts, in hi own way, to cflcct
Mr. I'rnv seemed lo speak only to
hi own conscioiiHness, and a he
nke there were tear in the white
haired old man' kindly eye. Pre
ertly he shook oh" the sad mien,
and continued:
"l was very careful not to knock
that door down, you may rcnuiiy ;
believe! Outside in the snowy
ground I chopped a grave with mv '
nephew axe, the only tool I nat
In the hollow, under I he guard of
Old Ironsides, in that dark and sil
ent gorge, beside the .str.-ain itit-.niiig
with perpetual mtixic, I laid -ill that
was mortal of the hrii vi tint of a
cruel fate. Over hi resting place
tire great j.iin sing a solemn re
quiem a the wind sweep through
them. Wil t. II uiiioi i.
letter l'roin the Tssmaida Wool Or aw.
cr' Company Limited, Launces-
ton, Tastnani.
May JS, 1MM.
In the olden day our sheen-
l.i . . .. . i : I u.,1.1..,. ....
ore. tn-is o.-t unit- mm nuiiiui ,
their cure fur Scab. Thi always;
meant injury to the wwil and a ma-
teria. ruction JJ m'heVs of H u" nd
the.ntrtsluctionofthe 't wits-r Iq. j WiUoW rwk (.,
some ago I.ime and ur ,..,,,,,. theprojetof tak
ha been absolute yn.ud. m.,l and . I irrf t,tum,
we have not heard of y 1-,,g used h K ftlh f fuf tlt.
for so.,,- time. . rl f , h tt t.xU,Ill(iV0
shcep-brccders I , u ,(()f,u.itnt ttmoUnt f
t.. use a remedy that ha proved to certuinty of heavy
be almost as bad a the dlseas.. Such wi enU-r-
Constant ntUntnm to II matte f f jlit(,lW( ll0um
alb cting the wwib has placed ourj'
Tasmania clips at the top of the T" . . 5 l,.
London market for some years. We, I'ari . laughing over a
handle aktut one-lhinl of the w.d , ut an Anicr.ctn invenlor wlio I
which isextsirted from our place, ' aid to have patented an . d Irk
and our records show that 'dips., corset that i to bring aUuil the
from ll.s k that have Ueu treated . rjW 't at once If w ol
with the -Cisits-r sisa ilic have ni- tese article i prccd by a lowr
.. ... ii.. i '.i.i..' l... I,, . I... arm it at once emit a shriek like
...h. . t oaK.Hl the 'Coonor'
i i - i - ..
wool made up to .'Mi cents jier In
in the grease.
With our many years cxarieiicu
with shecti aud the get iqi of the
wool, we have no hesitation in say
inn that we know of nothing at all
approaching the 'Coor' Dip in it
luLii lii inl ilillll. lli'l' IIIMin the irrowth
of (he wool, and the fact that almost
every clip of note from our Colony
i-ir. uii .l uiili it. shows that our
sheep breeder aw fully alive to its
. .u. .
ei... i... ...i. t-..:i.t ;u
IIW Ul 1IV IHlS K-M..'-
that bridges over navigabbj streams
must be built under the sanction ul -
the war department. The law i to "'H l' ,' lurimi t,' I'"","1
Is' mora vigorously enforced than, 'I" "I''- ake mailers cooly, genUe
f..riii"ilv 11,1 " It d. n t pay lo get excited.
Itvery Mn MonopoUsl.
Iluinau nature i pretty much the ',
, same in the U ggar a it i" in the
' princi' Th. Mine grel for wealth -j
that dilinguihe the rich m.noo- j
lit i easily traced to the character ;
of hi jmorer iieighuir. Kvery nun
i a moiiopolUt to the fullent extent
of hi taiWer, and the exception to
this rule an- rare indeed. I he ven-
k : i t
ler ol pea-nutx ia aa anxious, in m
humble way, to control and mon
otMilice the entire trade within hi
line where huincss capacity end
and monopoly Wgiii. Right here
lies the diluculty the law exist
ence in dealing with monopolies.
If it is wrong for the grain specula
jtor to corner the market of a nation,
i wrong for the initcher w corner
the market of a villaee. The di-
imnitioii. the moral
intent i the
same in both, the crime against si
ciety. if crime it is, i only one of
degree The sin of the rich man is
great r only liecause his opjmrluni
tics are greater and our sympathy
for the smaller iiionotNihst, in hi
struggle for oiitrol of the busine
of hi limited sjihi re. while we
roundly condemn hi rit her brother,
in inrm-lv nlaced at the exine of
our oio.irtci.1 y. We may yuipa
thi.e with a combination of I'l.m',
ix0 farmer who form u scln me t
enhance the tiricc of wheat to $M'
the same end to hi own tiersonal ad
vantage. After all the principle of
Christianity, embraced in the heart
and carried out in the life s. ein
alone capable of meeting the ditli
culty'and of causing the rich not to
exnre the ijor bill to do unto
others a tn. y
do unto them,
wish other bould
-Dalies Chronicle.
The cM-chsivc heat of the past
few tln - liii caused the death of
two einployei of the Soiith-rn l'a- J
eilii Company in Sacramento.
Almost the last hop. oftl- l.r-(
man grain harvest is goiu . It ram;
in the lowland!', it .-now in the
mountain, and the outlook i piti- j
One hundretl dollar wa paid for
a Plymouth Uoek em keral. ' for
a llrown Lechorn and .'tsi refused
for a trio of Indian (Same exhibited
! at the New York poultry how. It
jcot ' to iMfcents for a common
i hen to eat in Albany. So poultry
seem high all over the country
" '
I h-iiiucmt
, ,.
tl whistle of a railway engine; and
the inventor claims that he hits ul
ready married thnt' of his daught
er, owing to the publicity thus
thrust ujii a backward lover.
t he tendency of brilliant minds
to go oil into intricate subject, and
1 bv a too close application and 1st-
! sislcnt study of the one idea, llmtlly
become unbalanced uml drift into
actual insanity, has many examples.
One uf the latest is that of tint case
of n young minister, Uev. Krank I-.
. . k- . II . . . 1 1 1
fxti'vens, oi ,m-w naveu, i ouuecu-
cut. who ha gone huiielesslv insane
, . Z l ' I Z
yver the advocucy of the idea of
ItvUIOTT ItlloWMNo, .( tlieomt
tnn-lias-il n Ik-ws. nt m.I.i. her.
In lather ent M- i.n
U.wt: II Tll'1i! . I In. 1 Km- r--ii -m,-mM--
iK-eam.- no w.-aU at la.t t'i :t he
tiMilti.K-u nut tookinir tor ItliuM-tf In
the ulrvrtn of t'om-ortl
M ni aimtiiXK lis prmiiiM-.l to wrtle
nn uiti. le (ur Murru. M.irfrtitt- tr
.Siiill,-" lif. "I John . ntm-li wi'1 -vim- very intenlm f H-rMn.i!
l.uiiii I:mmiicii fin actio r i:i
M -1 IkoiU oil lib vUlt to Mnvll.'.l.'l.ilTtl is
to u.-ar llr,t In a wrlei of twenty
lett,iM In the lm-kw tlraphU-. f 'r
w Inch hv has ween pW tea thon 4itl
.1. Hum.
A eoitraiT of Mle, tmlnhst
ytut tf'm the veteran hv I'rum i
UMit..icti. Is khowii la lii.turti oUxxg
with n liknteits of UUmareh by t!ie
iitme artlit. Moltlic W In an nwlre-w
uniform of hloe with warlet lining.
Itl iu- m-k Is in htsek fruek ami hrit
white neektle ami ha a pipe in til-,
,tw TnsM's ktmlio In reaeheil hy
a llirl.t ..f Koldeu sUlrs, the ntet Mn
eiithvlj .-overol with plates of jmliiliixl
hruKi. It I a spvst iinttru-tt to iro from
l!ii riiu, wi entirely lins-k in iUt-bai-iv
l.-r. to the stmllo of Mrs. Aim i
T..t"raa. whkh i a luteti Interf.-.-.
it'i'itly eni'V.'il uU wmIU jii.I
utl- .iiil-jvoi. l windows linn.Tht
irtna 1 1, l l.i ml.
A ( Ill; .AM hus
fed on hundred
...', ! ... I'.! , tl.OHs.imt
f v ll".4
! -i i.l tlir, e ji-ar
I'l.'M I . I'.e. . i Kll I. KM) l' -kit to he
.1,1 l.l, .tt,, -.1 iut, u. i.he weltrhn two lillll
trc.l .out t-:i snoul.
Th Mm lkl!.h It lue the .-n .tll
i if .iv. r-.iiilu; pr, ju.liic f Kit t'i-!t
o , l. ii to vlut-' vi t.-ne.l el 'i.ri tt,-
lit. t,-l.nm ii
nf nlilr'i she
nut lii i c. Iiinrl
if mii'jiir U-.iiit.
li ioU'. t-to. ol
is pa. 1 ten' irlv
eoill.ilil t-p- -
ill. I II lie . "cl
l . .l.iM'vMilllli lliieli-. .
It. ii '.liiit with . I.'ili top !' .nail
i .i. far tip tn t'ii-I tn .ill. I .ill i' I.'
liltinr wii-t i-. Hi" ill"-,! 4i-teli.- I ii i
lr- - .v.iliU' I i mill..
All ..f Mr, l.;i.'lit h I1...1..
. ili ! in lirr .V-w V"i t, rt-.iil- in .iv.
'. .-ii ( .-. .ol. it I" lu r l.-tin'oti .;!.- -.
t t Hi i- mi hull, .ill ii l... 1
,i, i . n it l.i n turn I iHiin. iiulr-,
.iltlifU.'li -he iu.i sli'l rvtiiiu )itr ii-i
,-itv Iwre
lolil i
In v.
t.nrii ilhi liiiiiiii, ll.iilun.t's
oueeil. is sant to lx' Hie rii-h.-st I
in tin- ..rl.l sin- i an
iiilelli,-.-iii I
little tilrl, unit sm Us four liilijru it'
uilli lliii ii.y. ami n .'.mslaut eD'oit -m.,.1.-
hy the ulstut her to preseiv.-Ii.-r
iiiittirul .iigeinuty and ehlltlixh "iiii
A simii.k ejrtr of the auk. the mViniti.'
I.i.'tl thnt foinierly iiihuhite.1 I .-.-),... I . i
worth S.VW. There are hut four of these
"Iflfs in this iswntrj'-
Km si ii seii'tiiisls ..iv pii.-lin m-er
ii Kpiil. r w hi. Ii .is .Ii'ri-tl in a c.i
itv in a -stone. It ih tiiuut.-il Ihut ttu-
stolli- 111). -I U- I INNl M ,11 s nlil, this II--t
illist.oi.liuif. hoH.'i.r. the spot, r i
ijuile liuly uml i youthful in il
uii tu's It is I. Uml ami lii. no uvmtli
A . CBlosiTt is on extiil.iiiMii lit 1 as
per. Wyo 'R "n oi'l'i"'1 of a in u
strolls pulm leaf, aiise.l It) Hi" leal
falling iiilo the eluy .onl I - lay . ft '
Wiinls ifc'lrifyini,'. The vu fouiel
on Ndt ervi h. uml liuln-ales t hot leio
lll'o. hell tin In..' " I tl-. n, le in;-
formed. Wyoming tstssesM-.l a tro.i. ui :
A t ol l.i lloX of 7,000 l.illterlli. s uli-l
mollis, lllllipll of il l.HI.1. slllt.' .,ti
were bled from eifi's. h.i . If t. t e
to the Sew- Y"i-U Mi .. inn ( Si-.ii.iI
Ili, lory by Mr.. M- f' l mm ' ' : '"
The collection r.'iires.'iil . ii poi i!i
work of hcrM-tf und her III! nxl I'lof
K IrtVell r.lllott, who twueurs
TlIK more you .lish u meioi liltin the
meuiier he Is-coiiit s.
Til I. ill. is no easy pUee auvwh.'M ..n
eiirtli for .1 in.oi
To A mull of tliu k ih-fi-at is iilwa.v. a
step to noun-thing Is ltcr
Tin: wan xvlin m-iflects lo impro- a
talent steals from himself.
Nt.VKII put yourwlf III the s.wer of a
man who will hick u do;' bo fun
Kl.lJ' u ehe eye on ll.e in oi
wife is afraid to us! Inm "
Tilt, mull who e,.iii rob li.iu.. If vill
alsi t'onlrol a (n-i.t uuo.y "tin i p'e
So u can 't t in.) i.'.i! jf '"I "f
wealth In-tin-, olil.iiiu .1 1. -.1 o.'l.n hi
the necks of the Hir
Mix an-moie ubaid of somt
Issly nuii suy or Ihuifc tis.ul H in H..n.
they are of .uiiiion I'-.iK
Tiii-in: are liumlicls of men who . hew
and smoke, who always Inm I
their wive want uiiolli. i fcilhc. on
their bonnets.
limi.'s ll"i i.
('UiTIIKSI.IXKs can ! Isilhil when
new to pr-veiil their streteliiiig.
.Sass.uu hurk put with .tried fruit
Will keep it free from worms.
1'iosll fruiu slum 1. 1 Is' wrapped lu
soft pulS'r to keep Weil for a few days.
Ul n furuiture c.iii suutetinuw ls j
mmle to look very welt by a coal c' Vur-
nisli. 1
Tin. creakinif of door hinges majr Us
remedied by upplviiijz a few dn of
oil or riibbiuK on u little soap.
.1 ini . war.- .oi ' rubbed with s
w.sileit i lolli ilipi. ! in sweet ml. All
.n.e-. utile ill 'Iis.ip-U-.
A mw lielnir driven ttiroiiifh the streets
of llannlhul. M. , rluirvdon a rv.l .siat
haniritil? on post, eiiti.iit'leil tier h .r.i .
in It, ire a U'llmv and .lrps.Hl iIi-k.I
A rtHMUiSi. asOtuii en I.t uvton
n venue. SVw York, reeenlly isnvived
tuoihiui'M' tmhu-s, "who were siihsc
iiieiitly adopUit hy respectable fume
Wmiijx an IndlsiiaiHilit eltlten wa
ridlntf n a street ear in that elty the
hrnke handle sltptwd from tlu drUer's
irrusp and strth-k n pistol in the driver"
fet teket. A hullet from the weapon
Uille.l the j muse ntfor instantly.
qi.ltrsitsin," tvjswU the IVathm
Herald, "tilayeil a qiuw freak In a .NVw
lInuiK litre town last week. It hsil: off
the tail fealhera of each of twenty
hens slltlBir on a rst and u
iswsler sO that he has not teeli utile to
crow since."
Mtsa Nuttv N'kwmam. of Went I'nion.
t) . nlle.t up a mi n with com meat and
pluy fully ran her hand tlironjrh the eon
lenls. "Hh.- felt stuitethlnir on hor
Itntfvr, aud, on drawim her haist out
found a One gold Hie', worth ten dol
lars, eiii-ln'llrtjr her thir.1 Unifcr."
A u.tx wnlkiil Into h Itwell (Ms.
hamHR last week, lmiflit Iwenly-rtve
ivuls' worth of .-iKars and oftereil thousand dollar hill In payment.
He wa somewhat taken ahaek when
the saloon lt.i-s r Ss U. le. the bill ntl.l .ml for chanr' sveu..'. in sllrer.
Tmk coroner of Huffnlo, N. Y.. w-a
in vest iirutinir tin- su.l.leii death of nn
old man when a . l.s U that had ls?n l.y the deeeasi-.l ninhlenly tdruek
the hour of ten. As the cluck had
stoptsil voluntarily w hen the old man
died, tlte hapMiiin;; is thought to ls
rntlier tdratifrc.
Thk em'ror ami empn of Jin
nre i-onvales.-uitf from the urtp.
'I'm. hinif of lirvcee lias made six mil
lion dollars in ..peculation on the lin
du '.'llllllire
Tin. emperor of t'hinu i imt devoted
to the pleasure of the tattle, hut is
wx fond of os..s.
Tin lu-riiiini emperor is nll.veil to
have re.iu sled his uiolher a
prx.-rnmnie of her movements for hi'.
uppisivul whenever she may wish to
Tin: emierr of t'hinu i anxious to the fluted Mutes, und l siii.l to U
I lm;i,iti.'iit U-e.iiiM' th' t'huicM- minister
in uslmiKioti '.rues him to w-uit until
(he w. .rlil's fall
! ,l I llhciir,ll,M-tiprliicenre baptized
xv it Ii .it r from the Ionian. A ut
p. ii-ee lu '.n jtv of tli)., iv .iter Uepl in
til" shop of ti e e.intle iiikiliieeary .md
after . r.v t..iplisin the w-.iter h'fl in
th. is eimfiilly rein, mil to this
IX i lt li le
Tilt, l-ile Is .l
him! v.'.s mill,'
mhroidei. I l.i I
r.'t . llie hi-i. ii
.ili. r ill. t. . in
of the I, ist !,ni"
. I Mm nt.. j-. I
'. "l.l'.i-.,'s m it !l
It, !
of 1'..
I I,, Hi
I ill . 'us. I. ,oi,l pi..-
l I t V .. I " II li
. n:iiu, I, it ;itnl jewi 1. il
III" '. I! I'll!
Til. e ,ie.t of
Vel.loli, m.oli;r
ULissii e I'll 1 1 1" '
no iloiil.t remiiK
I',., is i . ut Mount
'tlier .iiriiisltles, the
of 11,.' husldle. which
I,', I lillll of II little
th" lust
lillll I't I;
i-i l r.iin ' lownr.l the close of
i ,-tit.,i till iv tin li e. rtnlll tils
il.v. .( Ins were usnoeiutexl
A in.iiM I. I the furiosity of
the d:iy nt AUn.n. Of
A i tiiui it u.-i.r Mcm'ille, I ml, ha
U six L-iftzi'il . -.If It uses nil its legs 111
w iilUinit
III I K ei,'!,'s nre nTiilarly laid bv a
luel. U h.tiifiu,' lo Mr I. I. WIIIiuiiih,
(f slniUk , ,...iinty , T.
lllli ). .-, of Ik-liver Pulls, I'll.,
win i is old sixt.eii ye,.i-. f ue, has U
tblt. I set of Hot 111 ll tei'lll.
Nx. i It vi. ii a i Miss. ) ne
;?r, -.s It 'ioi to tnru whit siveil years
''". ui.'l ii"A -li. w.nil.l u I most .uss for
I it w 'in in "f i .nicusian iciilil. Ab
' inosl the only n-miiunl of her former
i bluet, skin is'u d.ii k line a I still her neck
Till. m is a Icr. farm in South
ii,!,..t.i which lu.s i i -l.i f. .-I. otl.ei w-isi-il fot tn. .1 ill, lesp-et
N. I nil. I tin f. tl.- I. j i i' i . r. in
, the le .cent IC'in In. .'."ilder lo tile
' f.iot i. III. r. an-. .1.11. i.n.v ts twecll
Ho- 1, .1 .. .on! .Hi., 'tl, I
I"'-. via lives, i ill t V two I.-el liitfn- "
,i, repi.slui tloi.s in iiiiuiiit mi "t lea
in i'e. -iit.l .ppl. tl."- have
fol or llote Iniii.hxil i. "i bee II
r,ilvi! I the ii. il. ni.sle of
prislUi'llljr lilt III I- '. ' ell 11.11 tl. tl M-
cret S.,,,,,. (nn. h .i.l.'Uei- li.Hi'
oilliin Hie '.".i l l.i c .tear .ilun.t'4
e.ii,il. .1 ll.e .l.i:.iu hi the juxluetloii
of lliex- . I n in III..--
Ii: Sew Y"fU v, oiiiiiii iiiuUi's a i'.ssl
In in,' l) .1. - In'.' ill .'"'li.lliullil Irons
mm ns
Mils liii 'irwvui. of Uliwlhum,
(l . r. . nil . 1 1 ' d for .nps i some Hue
Upple s.OH e lU.l.le flolit -ipples she
dnetl iwo ycurs aifo
A I. .vl I, mlenlly ii i.irunj'cr inrn.Hl j
many h. u.l-idoiijr ''liesiinii -tr. .i ),-
U'rd.iv by wcuriliKUl Ii. i w ii I :in or
iiaiiu'idal stiletto I'lnla.i.-lplii.i It.,
A Kansas wiunaii IsNUds tluii sli
uever ups-ur.'d on the street twi..
williin tin' sums week in tlie miii.-dress-
Iter hitsbaml Is weurllur U sun ,
till ipriiur w bieh he bolHfllt lour year
UIM and a hut of the vlntutfe I..,
As Imllaa woiunn l illiimiimtlnir the
sin i ts of ltuti'aloluu gurh lliut mils
the t.prlny II t'.em lo blush. A yellow
hat trimmed with ptuk. a red (wttkuut. ,
a nink calico dix-ss. a lielirlit ffcen t
sliuwl, white l.oM-uu.l ii bine p.ii tsoi
Ule union some of Hie II."!' 'I"" 1
of her costume
il.o Ho-
rriett.u t.r it Vtt ..-i.
Illlrf del
I I. .-!... It... iHl.t .I..I1.
Home tears a;f.x sav the lV'trxdt
Ktx-e I'm . the filen.l, of u I'ttrlslrtli
thief it ili l iii, .111 m.'
of .-.n i l i .ik- on ,i . liiinl, stiii.' . ..rres
p '...lcii i' w it It him w liile he w .is alt
liuf triiil lltle tliiv the Jiltl. rw.ix vU
itisl hy the prisoner's ls-trotl.c.1, who
ui.UttI hiia to Rive her lover iiiienvt-l.ijs-.
This ii(s in Isiiitf "'ivmst wat foumt b
. intaln -amply n small lock of her hair,
around which wa folded a leaf of a
tsstk, 'tlie iuilcr .11.1 not e insider It
worth his while to deliver this souvenir
lo the culprit, ami, therefore, threw II
A dur or two later a almltar Ineloatire
was tmn.Wit In at the prison irate sih!
Juir.d the fute of IU tXilec.sMr. In
the t oursc f a week another iviw left
iy the tflme ts)mm. This unmsed the
siiphin of the iroTvrnor of tlu iw-Uon,
to i. horn had been ih'lnihil the ctrvuni
.tjtlisps. He delerndlied lo lUYCsthale
tW I'.u-iiidua' and ucvordlitjrly llrsl ex
. the printed leaf. This he fouiitl
wi torn from u novel and contained
lwe.ity-..i lines on each side. lie
iii. a turned his attention lo the Iwlr
aid discovered that there were Iwvnty
l pUs'. of lin.Hpuil le iifftli. This iu
. Ie.l htm for awhile. ..nd then i.u.klenly
jiii.ipin.T to the eoiiehismn that there
u-.t.t U- some eoniuvtioii between the
numls-r f the jirlnUsl lines a. id the
uuinls-rof lialrt,, he laid each oi the lut-t--i-:d
m.f the line of tli. tliey re-stK.'llvi-ly
rxuehe.l, Is'-lnnin;? with the
..tiorted hair, nt lite top of tin- leaf.
After I'luiUitntf them alsmt ts'verul
times he .llst' that each hulr
I'dnteil to n dlli'eix-lit letter, ;.nd the
. iinltlii.illo i thus pnalueed n
.l.intf tu'iiten,-.-. by mean oi . hi. h the
. ner wie. jrlvcw to und r.lun.l that
bis friends Int.l ii.s.s' the day on
which he wa.. to Ut taken to court iiu.l
were determined to inuke a Is.ld ut-
mjit t i rescue him Us sui an he 1 1 ..le
!,i , :ii'iirnlie.
TakiiiK the Hie, the governor adopi" I
eei-v pr. i aittlon to frustrate the w. II
I .i.l plan . of the outsider! the alt inot
.s made and, aa a natural case
ijiieiiee. the eonsplrutnn. s.kiii foiui.l
i i MUsehei. In the same i-on.lltkai us the
,m.- for wiioin they hail pliiiine.l the
1 lie I'll!.'!' ('..IIIHU'r.
'nie Ik-nmil titfer has more eouraire
tliau the lion, according to u show-man.
v. ho states that tl." mutter w as tested III
ltd. iiiunn. r: "We !lmv.t u sbtsttin,;
ei-iickerln the resptH-tlve cages und lirvd 1
the fuse i. As us the fllM'i. ts-( ..n I"
burn they utlraeted the altcuti (
Kith animals, hut In a widely tliiT. i. t.t
m.iiiiii-r. The Hon drew- int.. ii cot ... i
und watched the pnaHiHllliir will, a,
ii trustful uml uneasy eye. The li.-i '
i.i the cold rury. iidvamvd lo the l-ui u ,
in,' fusenlMia lirm step mitl uulllii. '.
i-i i'.i.'c. On reaching the cruel.. . I.
i t hi paw and Is''iin t.t roll it , .
'li. it. ir, end wh.-n It e.,.l'lcd U-.i all.
l.i i. iy nose be did not lino l. i i
'ii... dills examination until (s'lfe. 1l
. .11. lied. The lion Is li ;ieal l.'.o !
i, hen he lleanl the lVstrt ol the cxplo 1
siou uml for nulte ii lime could nut is-
coaxed out of Ids dell."
Ilerrplllc T-lt'r.till I'.il.-..
In Java tli" woodpeckers Isire Into
the .U'lerruill tolcs, bv lb,
bu.'.la sound made by the wln-s tut
the belief that insects lire i'ollee.,1. .1 in
the wtssl In Norxvuy the'i
have Is-en fmOid to Istre Into the s.l
but more curious Is the luel that in
Norway War- have lorn awiiy H
large stoucs the ImiIUiiii of ll
sies, deceived by the sound Into tbinl.
ing that lajcs and their sloru of looi.
were lu '"' found 1h.-iicii11i.
Till- I'eliusvlvuni;! railroad
s t,
employ. I.iol .-ntrllteers.
'I'm: lotiifcst siiif'te Hue of mill
the world Is Hi - new truu. I'uie a
built bv Ullssi i
Till. Iiltflicst inhabited pluee in ii
world i , lialera. a railwnv vlllwjre m l'
ru, l.'i,ll:i;. feet the sea.
To sr.i'l'lll. uniformity in the paint m,'
und vuml 'iln' of their pusscmcr ,.n.l
frebht curt, stiitie railroads i mpl" s
ert cbi'inlt.ts to unnlye the mliils an. I
oils Used.
Ko s:vr.Ui: i, the climate of S.mlh
America usm iron that U-fure ruitriiud
ti's have shown sljiis of .UH'uy the
Uauifi'sof tin- rails will Is- nearly eiit.-n
ulf hy rust.
MoHK land is ow ne.l by rullr.m.l com
HinicM ( Jl I.IHKI.OO I aei'c.l linn u.ail.t
malic six state1, a . larjfe us ..aa since
Ixrtl no less tlian sl,uau,issi acre, of
laud have Ih-cii Kiveu to mllroud "m
TllR tlruu.l Trunk railw.. . coin, in
plates ens'tiii u stoue ureb ' rid '.- in
Uu- skle of the prveiil ridlu sii .; u
skill brldifi' over the Nlarrari 'cr. t . I.
Used for freiat purp..'., ria r th -jiresfiit
slru 't'in- for l!i.- ' p,is.. n
irer trains ludv. I'l.oi i h '.v. '.'ii p-e
paie.l i i 1 a . . I '
nn iiaininili-r- n-ii in in mini i m . ' n i i A
I'urlfles tho 111,001), Cure (10XSTI I' TI0X, IN'IIKIKSTION,
11 M lI.i:H, all ShIV ATI Tt TIO.NS, ami IHSKASKS AHISIM1 rrinu
Ut (Itnue U.lMin iUl 'iTA ' j. .'ii;. si Yl.l.l.OW W'll.U'l'KUS
iih I'm i mult Hiijnmv.rt of I fill. Fill SI .
HOI. II IIV A I.l, linililJIHIrs ANI .'
lllrkMM' Itlrtt "Otl"
A li tter from rharl. s DleWeii Id
Aiirfii II t tur, lately made ptlblle,
Ut.l tt." I ds s the i -sl.i.f ..f it bird IHI
iitorndi.. d b the nor. list: "Hrlp Is nil
more. II,' was only III a day. I sent
fur the medical ;-! 1 -man ta bint
fbiieli r In th.- new is nidi on the lirst
ttpl ar.iuee of his hell c-,Uhm. He
pioiiitly iittcn.H'd an.) i.diniiiUtervil
eiul,.r ell und w-artinrrucl. Next day
the patient Walked in n thollllUlll
manner up and .low u the stable tilt tile twclvi- ut noon, then tnf
gens;! tubs-, exclaimed: 'Hal-Ion, old
girl' - cither as it rcmom.irnlicv with hi
wenkliessor iui tplie to dentil, t
am not sure which -and exiilred."
A vol' vo New Yorlo.r has jrone InlO
the bnsiiu- . . nf di'Msitir "ciltehjf" stories sent htlli
In manuscript.
Tin: n-ader for a New York magustnii
soys tlu.t :i reaiill of nine Weeks'
ivadla;' he uevptnl jlisl 'J I Old of l.Wt
pis-m'. olfeivd that inufliie fur jmiIiII
cat I. n.
Kt nl so:'s favorite "fait" Is snkl
to Is' his nt culiurte. He has iltitelis
of these, und divides his ullrrliolis 1h
twiH'ti lliem ami I lie tss.ks In his Unit
'I'm. late tien. Alls.rt like told a eltb
den of Alexandria Unit he removed fiKMii
that city lo Wa U'Cus.' tlui
stple whislleil so liiueh they illsturl-M
Ids literary lalstrs.
A M i", ixi.xk etlltor iiihh. ixHsiveil a
story, lu w Idch thcro w us not a slnirle
murk of puiu'luatlon, except an oe
catlomil s'ii d. At the Is ll.un Of ll.e
lust a(,'e the author hnd written
"Please put ill the lie. iinut mllila to
tilt-" , , ,
As: oilie r '.'-nt .il by the I'rovhtelnl
(It.vcnim. nl of i.'.ft. c to cue .tli'.ite
the nil.
(Hti.w a
ah ail '
lie- tin.
,,1,1, tin
lluat il .
I f a .1 -il .N..I lltern
ei i , . ,i ', . Ill ill .eovei oi
.p...-, mil rci "itll
I, ;.! ,. . ..i.l ot'.er vulll
,i iih' i k.. II. ut slieanis to
I p,
Mint K'-lilUt s.iiti llml'i Hir
I3sirilli iisiIit la all ..tlier
IVt' lu reiuliiiullon, i r'sit tinii.
mill i't.'isitaii. ii c( li.r. i.t, . X.
Ilissl'i 8aiaiinlU J-"-. . 1 .
Hip lull ctif jinn v.liio M Urn S
U t U it o xi v'' nl
Urn vrpUMs tlnk- jQ iluiu. In b cC'Viilti'iitti
snl c.'ii. in) 'llaJ't Mat
44tll i l. GU' .ml)' imsll
iliii' f jr ran liuly
bCHU.yr) G V-'OlIU llllliilll-il lat4
liiir y l S Pell.ii ''ln.' In
l.iri-.T a tot miulli-r Isiitli-t
iniiiir-' larcrr itait'i. .nuliloiiul
I f.NlU, I'UI h-lKsl ll'-Ultl II.KKl'i.
'I'lillir In IU inrilli,
llisKl't .iiilU itrriinilllit'4 utci Mili
um iiiaiieii ii, mat Iui wen for ll.t lf S
tl.e till.- ef "Tim I'KJti'.l Jsit
I'uilfar ever .1 luro i c t oil." r
Cm litlar In II ' rtjutniina S . .
I.(iinr," Hum I la.w
ol Ilisl' Harsapaillbx S f. S tulil la
I. IIWLll, lllh tu ItlluJff.
II. an nl ur J -iillirr lilissl
pur I fir i . y rXiv.ulur In lt
planum SS Vtul I. I I 4lr
lit-nl. S Sim i.U.i r Iteli.ir4ll'i
f-iVrirr allalii.'il tn.'li hiu-
i y, , ,
I4I11JT .11 . i.l.illiiil IK s.ii1jiII)
olitl i-iiifitl. ii n limiitii: all iln
A i .'Ma i,i itt'.itlfiilly.
IK. net .. I. I.i, , it In buy i tla r fepirallom,
hi.: I.' mi.' li - t li I'l iillir M.-.ll.'ii.i'.
Hood's Sarsnparilla
fM.M' lli.lif.afv I'iirfc4wul;
V I lloi It 4 . o , Jl-.ll.. ., Ia-,1I,
100 Douou Onu Dollar
I . lis
I I I ,
I, I 1 -
I 1.1 .1 !,ll4t.
a .o.x' ri ..ti. u n mi
r 1 ltr li tint .is I I li.nliif, Mumln
i. , . ....... n. . Vi .tit, u rtt-tt
i.l ,1 lil.4. li,,u ,41."-(.S4I --U I44SHMHMS
U. I Is, i.i. it, silt... tb.l ueu iwsjua
i... it i-.t . ii ..( ik. 1.14.1 It.- l. Msri'Sslsl, t,f
l.i mi tii-uflilll. In. luauifsl la ttM Iw fjwl
III ' I iMH.Ioll.if .11 111', tilt,. llltMtM. lilS, S
1-, I- ',! ( I .-l, i his-u ir. 1Dtl.l
i 4jt,.l i,, i.e.! .Ucr 1.44. itiv .ultt-rvS l.r
.1,1,1 i-.ial- iM.wr.illi.ll U..l, S.U lstrlfli
III. 1.11 .aHvOK. 4.1 UMUk. Ul4MM
I. Hi lie, (4. oil.
rr f-s.V Vain al'ltt II.M,I ti.t Ni-rvtiii.
LULL KI1IS4.4-. .-l.l III Ul .111 nl.ll.M.
f Ml f ',,! .,-.i I'. II. li alts, t,l.t. lu
I 1 1 La Lsll.l. ....sit. l.lC 1 1 I'll .it 4 I. Ill Kit
'liii. is-iuolr pn-pirra b' Ilia lu.vtr
ri, 1 I' iiivf ... I'.-rt WV.iu.llliI ,aii4-, Iffd.
ill, I...W 11. I'll. A uml i III. .IIIKllilll l Urn
KOENIC MEU, CO,, Chlcni.o, III.
S..I.I t.r at l l -r II..III... ll 1.14-l-tre
site, s 73. ll Unllli'. On Otk
. Is- '.
i tHl, . m ,,
I,. St ,44
, 4 44 S4
I I .ill-.',
,1,4- 1 4.IVI