Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 23, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday. July .A
Hp the tine and low priei
at Ue Watchmaker's.
.Mi atarioU BUkis who Kit tarn
nUcnrfinir cocrc at Xalem, retort tod
haws Friday oitmitif.
Pitici line of clock never Wore
imi in Uil county now at Um
Th protxrd railroad from The
I)ilU t lo Ui fuMit cant fttlb ill Mxm
In- in pro of construction, j
lli.-hanl A. OWrk. the jirosWRrout ,
litrlrr of 1wg Orook, was visiting ;
r-Utivm ami fiiends in lite city .luting !
lh' w- it.
C.I. t!(vv (taill. of the Ilnkr-r City '
Holy IVimvtut, iitfd this city a few
d.iv .;,. aivomirtiiiiil by hit wifo,
neve ot I . JIWI" V: I. IIMHUIIW.
Canyon City's lwhjll ninn it sn
U. ijmtin a viit from Ur Ml. Vwtlon
nine 111 tlu nfiar futui1", wl the ly
ira tit iijj with the inUmtion of
in tlicin rul.
Wi- learn from Supt. lt.mhni tlt
UiC.iHt County Tohr' Annual
I int it ill.- will ! held in Canyon City,
on Angutt lOtli, llth mid I if tit. IK91.
1'iiH prujfi m tin
will k'vcm unl-!
. . . i
catUng lW.l.r.t thoir mill. Mr. !
t, t u. .1 t,i s..r.
ilny, of otiHillonl lumlmr, which i but
natural whom Ruch fine timbor grow
n Uwy havo,
An immontf aroa in txin-t ummr
fallo wl in tlio uppor John Day, which
i ample proof of wxt awwon'ii wheat
crop. 'lliori i novor a failure, and
proper tilling of the toil will insure
greater tucwM than ever.
A' number of Indies and their moro
or !oa homely evorls went up on Can
yon creek but Monday ami enjoyed
the lime pi-nicing and catching lifch.
No more comfortable or pleanAiit pLtco
fo;- enjoying freodum from the busy
cares of life can be found Umn h few
miln up this pictunvupio vale.
'Ilio oople of thin city eontributd
nttunt $70 for roptiriug the fence
nrouml oacli of the ceuu-toi-ioji, and
aomit 91 ! was donaUd on tin) ouUide,
linking a total of ifM I. 'Hie linn of
$Hl wna oxpended, leaving it Iwbince
of 33 in tlio city treotury applicnblo
ti beautifying or repairing tlio ccino
tory grouixln in future.
In convocation with n iiumbei of
the pioneer of tinint county, we lenrn
that the elforU of lha Ni.wh to itidiice
Uie jiioniwra to organie n l'inneor As
aocifition have Ihtii hailed with fnvor.
All that inmain. t') I done now ii for
some of the b-ys who were Imro n long
tiiiu aj(o to t ill; to the other, and the
orgiiiiiZ'itiou will bo HirfccUMl.
A ride Uirough thi beautiful valley Now that Canyon City is to be fay
will coniiic the inoitt oUtinat and j orod with the anntml twicheiV iimti
prejudicod mind tlmt we have the 1 tuto wo should make every otfbrt to
uiinlen sixt of tlio world. Crojw are I oiitorUiu the teacher and other who
i i ; r. -. : . i . il.:l.l.. I .. :il I... u..,l. ... .....I l.u in ..... L..
MXJKIllg Illl', irUIL IH 111111)111 lllieKIV )
on the trees, and the hilU and mount
nina ar clothed in verdure beautiful
In behold. Hut, honestly Kpeukin,
the hills are unusually grcou for tins
sei)ti of the, tliank to abundant
(Sreenhorn iiiineri are siguilig a
petition praying the (Jmut county
court to make an order permitting the
builtling of a rwut from a point on tlio
Urnnite and Itobiudunvillu roud to
Clrionhoni city, a ilisUnee of four
mi lei. The roal will be built by the
miner themselves, who wish to have
oaiior act'oss to their claims, and the
next term of our commissionors' court
will no doubt act favorably in the nut
ter, iimmnuch as the minors will utaiid
all oxponso.
llrant couuty's urtz mine are
gUA dually ililiriuiiug the fact of their
axistoiu'e into commercial centers, and
capitalist are rushiu? in to siejtn Uie
'plum." If our mine wrt iu a di
t riot aetMiiuible by railroad or water,
there would have beeu a wonderful
boom Ijefore now. Hut gmdual develop
l nen t is U'tter, for now the miners are
ascertaining tleit their hslgn have
depth to thein. and that the ore is in
exIiaUHtible. Thus, when the boom
oomes it will sUy.
It is not likely that a railroad going
south would go over the mountain
and through Summit I'rairie to Drew
sev. but would come by way of tin
1'iuvon crook pa-ss, on through
valloy and thon down Hit vie rivur to
lha great Harney country. In that
1 1 vent it would hug th mtuuUiii Inck
of this city and Is built pretty woll up
on the foothill, thus enabling us to
itomtruct a deot on tlio lint and be
uonn tbo railroad supply puint for a
largo kcopo of country.
Prof, Hagal, the n-ronaut, made a
successful balloon ascousiou and paro
ojiute jump at Jolm Diy last HabUtth.
His ImIIooii was constructed of
ordinary shoetMig, and wui intlatMl
with hot air produceil fioiTi live gn linn
of ckmI nil tlirovtu into u liery furnace.
The event was announced to occur at
four o'clock, but owiuj to the strung
Imwoko the fn-it was not undertaken
ti aliout half put six. When
ever) tiling wa in madiness tho m
uliino with Prof. Ilad snuoxwl, shot
Upward aud was csrriod by the wind
tna south oaitorly direction. It would
liavo gained a coiuideraiJo altitude,
but tlio Pruf. ftstring Uiat Uo would bo
.wriiod within tho cororat limit of
iianyon City, cut Uste and iloscoudod
vsitii liit double paracliuto nliliting
on llill near N inan' (mm.
(Jet rnwr cyos littssl wit tin rfght
I Rlftfl JWlHCte ill un " nwnntnHti
Canyon City. T
Mis J . Parrish acted dopaty
rt mistress ksl weok whllti St M
visiting W Hear ciwk ranch.
Or. Ashfonl and wife stofipod afow
Uyi in tbo city whil on Uw!r way
from IfaW Oily to their homo in
TV mm ntfdmt IUrry O'ltrfenand
' others for trM upon the properly
of others i fin-nUbing a tedious job
for our legal gentlemen.
I S chnnsr in Iarkhoimor's "ad."
The Isiy are emielled to pal a now
floor in tho ir UuMing. mul will sell
goods cheap to av moving thorn out,
SUnscll ha put on city Uyle and
hid hi wtoon Kxod up in grind hpt.
other should follow hi example and
make their nlace it l.uiuea cheerful.
Frank Yaletuka, who im eommitt
the asylum from this county a
Wiott time mo, left Miind him a tck.
which tin- nirtll Uiy Imd di-lixht in
i !o to tin- Front Hillwrd Hull
for a cool, rofrohing drink of thf
fint tagnr vr in l!Um Orogon,
Huck lioor on tap mi and aflor
May Int.
Tlp dMiro fr liottor county roaiU
u N'-oiniiijj uniirrwil in Oranloounly,
mul tmwUim n-il much iuiir.vimiil
in our thorough fn. wo are proud to
' announco.
., .i
cunyo,.! do not p ,7 to t dim-
i-i.ii'. i -i.i k .k '
I county hat bought a groat many wulp J
Mturinir Uw rt oar.
j That it pay to raio largo liore
1 an't not myue, ii viden-ed by the
f,ct Uiat horem.n who liave targo
AiiimaU have no difficulty in dUMMini(
of them at fair price.
lv. 0. li. Luce will preach hi fare
well Mirnion at l'rairhi city, M, li
church, next Sunday, July 2(1, at 11
o'clock a. in. AIo at John Day in
the etuniiiK at ft p. m.
I John Muldrick and F.I liter Overholt
! look a pin over to Iognn valley a few
! day ago, and came home guying that
! the famnuN UtfHii alley trout had not
t made their appearance yet
i lteporti from the (IrnniU- countO'
I are cncouraxinif. livery cleanup of
' placer milieu ducloac handfuli of gold,
the cold metallic clank of which unuiuU
a imine in me mnuera ear.
I'nioii I'acillr Syntom ofTcra tin
oiuallcl fucilities to totirinta on
route to all iwinta oaat. Voatibulo
Sleoiiorji, Dinora, Kroo Cura tbrotigb
to Miaaouri river and Cliivago witli
out clinnge. '
Cattlemun would do well to hold on
to their cab en, hut iihould lie careful
and nut keep more than tliey can uc
ciWuIly fmnl nhould ne.t winter Imi a
severe one. Heef will not bo lower,
from all indication.
"ill ' wifcll u, ! fti ihr" v...
utay in the city pleasant.
Alfalfa harvost i aliut oxer and
luutherk are aUmt to roiuni- iu mow
iiiK their wilil hay. Timothy xtiH
later, and then will come the nccond
crop c-f alfalfa, therefore we have a
harvest hardly without ml.
Col. Win. Tumor, who bu valuable
mine on tircouhorn and on Middle
Fork, showed the Nbws man a rich
piece of free gold ore, of which he
owiih the ledge. Col. Turie-r i in
town attending the ii milling uil.
A uarU discoveiy aUve towu is
altructing attention. Jude Itenning
i interested, and take-i delight in hav
im; mining men i-vumiiic the ore.
Mine on thi mouuttin will give Cau
yon t-'ity a bomn some day, sooner or
t'.illiiuelit I lioiug lilide on the ligur
iug of a man from Hum who aid ho
tlrove hi team live hundred mile in
eleven days, "and tliat's a little over
54 mile a day." Koine jie'mle are
always interrupting a gentleman when
he is telling a lory.
People from Umg Crock, lu-ar val- i A clergyman who did not got on
ley, and from hovoral other x.inU in ; woll with the congregation was ab
Uio county, were gathered together to . pointed chaplain of a iienitentiary,
witue thegnal balloon ascension tut ; and proachinl a farewell sermon to
KabUtli. Tim wuasion affordtsla ran- , his congregation. There wa no
treat to thoo who novor witnessed thing in the sermon at whioh any-
! anvUiii of the kiml before
. I
I A lady lecturer, having for her uh-
jvt fi-oo thought, ha Uwn dulivoriug
j lecture to large audiences uirougiioui
, the county, but she did not come to
S Oanyon City. Paities who wero for
, tunate eiiouili to hear the lady talk
! say Uiat slie ustnl gil argument, and
, wa ru thin' eloiUoul.
j OhinoMi lauurhiHl all .mannor of
1 kilo to tho brei ju at John Day lat
Sunday, thu atl'ordiug entertainment
to the crowd nwnitiug tho balloon busi
Ilea. uur laouiors, me winiieae, arr
eHrts at kite bdildiug and Hying,
sending them thouMiud of fii-t up
toMurd the blue vaulted houvenx.
David Wanton, wo are iiiforme I,
lias isieii out in thu mountains lately
with a wm rant anil authority to srrot
certain Indians who Itavo Imm-ii com
mittiug depredations in the vicinity of
lioar aud Antelope valley. Thee
siwakhe who uro iierudtUsi to leave
tho roservatiou every sesvai become
more insolent every yir, ami if gov
oinmeiit oflloors will not look after
timia the sot tiers ui lis ton 1 Otogou
will wtvo to, in ofdor to protoct tlnilr
Tlw itftMpacU are favor ld for ft
little warm wonttwr from iww on
till St'plcmlwr.
j Mim lmi Mcltntoy, of t'miri?
City, lim rr-tnHil Imhh- fmiti Uw
j i?wtrojoliii of Oreon, m-Ihtp Im
Itiftrvallr too bad that Cratit
county' itiftrt miiifn an
rarrictl into liliaalion. lvulU
" '"l""' "v
1'oK Sai.k A kcw ranch on mn
yonrrwk; 1 artv. D(ol gnv
i rnnnvit land, and good improve
, im iitii. Kniiirp at IIh- Nkwk olliti.
! l'ratrio City lioy, wr- niMlcrslftiid,
have oatuxiHl a Uaarball chib,
tnnking tlirw orgniationii jrtain
injr to the nalional game in (Irani
, mmty.
Thi-r are day of trouhle- in ortho
dox cirrlra. All along tin- linr
I tntniatpra an ln-ing Uiunonl for
"tliinking." nnd n wawin of denioral
italion MH'ttiM at hnnd.
At SjHiknne. on Kridar, a bunt
nn man itamnt FmiI Tuoker waa
nrntcmwl to ton yoara in ttio Jion
itcntiary for anaauHing and U'ntitig
bin (i ycar-old daughter.
tl. FramiMi Train arrived in
Tai-oma Monday, from bi tour of
th world, whirii bo olaimwl to bavc
mado in nitty-ono davn, boating liic
proviou rooonl Hvo faya.
Tborv i a ootintr aont dilliciilly
of gooil roiHirtioni niwuining tht
in Shiiriimit colintv
Miormau county imsimioii me
'r '"r" "J"1 " l .
dicatHiim Hint tbo former will Iks
ltr.uuloi dudoa nro
on tlio in
business is
croaao it ino ctgaroito
any criterion, i no output oi inc
country for Mnrcli was 'J.VJ.rjiil.stW)
loignrottca, as against IM.'
' for tho same month hint year.
j A disease resembling cholera lias
; appeared mining bogs in I'tiiuii
county, and also near Tho Dalles.
! (Juite'a large numlx-r have kon kill-
fit already, and if tbo disease should
spread the loss would be very large.
j The Oregon State Fair begins on
! the 1 (th of Kcptctnlier. All person
! wixhing premium list for tho sumo
j will U- ui i oiiinnslnlotl by applying
toJ. T (ircKg, secretary, Portland.
. . . i . . . . i
The fair will continue in session
one week.
A Wnshiugtoii stwial says:
There is good reason for lielivvitig
Wanamakor will not n ninin much
longer in tloi cabinet. lie may be
reluctant to retire under suspicion
but the probabilities arc that he will
have no choice.
The Hock-master in this country
who has n good Hock of hce and a
gisid range of his own will do wull
to bold on U them and not seek a
change. This is aimply n self-evident
fact that will not benr a denial,
says tho Prinovillo News.
The question U not, "I low mucli
do we cxjwrt?" but, "How much
would wo oxisirt if there were rail
road transportation facilities?" The
esjsirts of (irnnt county would
amount to considerable if there was
miiiic tptick and sure way of sending
fi eight away from here.
A wav out at a Mint in the inter
ior of tin; il.iuiitublo plains of Kast
orn Oregon, known as Hake Oven,
a Hold of rye now measures seven
foot in height on tho average, not
the Hold but the rye, understand
and its owner expect it to grow a
foot yd. No place like Oregon.
A Tillamook man advertises his
wife and forbids anyone to credit
her on his account. Tho wife retal
iates by advertising that she lift
j him lwcause he hud choked and
beaten her, ami udils: "I am now
earning mv own living by honest
work ai.d Iioihs not to ask credit in
i his name."
The Sjtoknuc lteview says that if
Kmpcror William should visit the
I'nilcd Slulos lie would lind unough
of bis countrymen here to make the
surroundings soeiit homelike. Yes,
and it might have added that Km
pcror WiHiain's subjwts, as a gen
eral rule, are people we are not
ashamed of.
body could take, but 101110
- r .1. ! i:.l ..... lit... it...
01 uie 1111.1111111 tiiti inn iio tiiv it.-,
,..),!.., W..M. ttoto uruiwro a
place for vou, so that vvhvro I
ye may also is-.
"Strawberry rash'' is the name
given to a e.omjwrutivo now disease,
which is affecting many jieoplo in
uastcru states, aud is caused from
eating of that most luscious of fruit.
It breaks out in tho form of a rash
very much the color of that fruit.
Doctors have boon unable to ile-
tcrininc just what causes it, but it
is known that it disapcars Usm
discontinuing to oat slrawU-rric.
Died, at his home above Prairie
City, Thursday, July Hi, s.l, Mr.
T. S. Whitmier, a pioneer of (irnnt
county. M r. Whitmier's hoalth hud
Ihh'H failing for many mouths, and
his demise was not tttic.-'ctod. In
life lie was Udovod by all, ami in
dvuth the memory of his many good
aud generous deed called forth tho
grcalcxt resjieot akin to reverence as
the js-oplo followed t his last rest
ing place in the Prairie City eenio-tory-
The funeral occurred Frhlay,
(HMHluctwl bv MouiiUiu Viow Isxlgo
I. 0. 0. V. '
t!.MTit, July Ml, LSUI.
I'ivo iuclw of snow Ml on the
night nf July tenth at the head of
Clear erwk."
.Misses I .on Shult nnd Lena
Sltaftnor, of linker City, are spend
ing a month at Itobinsonville.
Jack Woolsoy jiass-! through
horo on his way to tho Mninmnuth
mine, on (irectihom. of wliich lie is
part owner.
Supplies are still romiug in from
Pendleton. A l-horw team came
in yesterday and two more are on
tho" road loaded with supplies for
tlio (Ireenliorn.
Tho Honnnxa mill is running ten
stamps on or' from the Haggard
mine. After twelve days' run on
ore from their mine a cleanup of
thirty-seven hundred dllara was
Mr. O. V. Brown was married at
Haker City on July .'hi to Miss Cora
Fletcher. ' lloth parties are residents
of (Sranito. Wo join with their
many friends in wishing them u
prosperous and joyful journey
through life.
(Juito a number of (Iranitoitos
s;snt their Fourth nt Olive lake and
returned to (Iraniteon tbo evening
of the lUh woll supplied with fish,
and plenm-d with their trip to this
beautiful lake. Among those who
wore at the lake wore: Mr. and
Mrs (I. 11. (ialligher. Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Umnev, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Hawn, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Jono4, Misses Mona and Delia Har
rison and Messrs. Polo Scoggins, 1).
11. Perkins, John Coyle, Thomas
Hcnnctt, Tbomns llcmault. Wm.
Itenmnl, J.T. Hayes. Peter (iagnon,
Walter Harrison, Uols-rt McCulley,
O. A. Hirch and others.
$40 Hewanl.
The above rovranl will Ito paid
for theorri st and conviction of the
party who stole the following dos-
! erilied iiniisrly, at my ranch about
the Kltii of this month': One Middle
Clarence Nelson make, full stamited
I l'ij tree, had riata strap; also one
saddle blanket, made of two thick-
, nouses of grey blanket tilled with
wool ami ipiilted and Imtind with
1 red flannel, or I will jwy i'.iOIHi for
1 tho return of the saddle.
J. 0. Minimi:,
; Mt. Vernon.
At tbo same time the saddle dis-
; apH'iired W. (i. Fry had a buck
skin horse stolen, branded ,l on
1 right shoulder. Horse and saddle
probably went together.
! Woodmen, road SherilV Cresap's
notice calling for bids.
; Ho to the Uod Front Milliard
' Hull, Canyon City, for fine wines,
; liquors and cigars. '
j Ih'foiu purchasing railroad and
sti .unship tickets, consult agents
: 1'iiion I'acillc System.
For extras for Kmpiro Mowers,
; ltoajs rs and Hinders, empiia' of
Mines & Mason, Canyon City, Or. '
Flour, t indium, Itarley, (oillior
Knmiid or whole) Chicken fetal, Itje,
Sliddlings, Hran, Mhorts, Ac, Ac, at
; liundliuh'i.
In another column see list of ox-ts-nditurcs,
last term of county
court. That's the way the money
gis'S, generally ssaking.
j Haslcrn js-opln write every week
', for sample copies of tho N kws, 1m
( cause they desire to know soMietliing
' about litis rich hut undevcloH!ii
The t'nitod Stales (lug now con
! tnin fiirlv-fimr stars, and when the
other territories come into the I'nioii,
and Texas consents In division, wc
shall liavo an oven half-hundred
stars 011 the a.ure Held of the ti:t
thm's bunnor. Albany Kx press.
Doro v Ilrandt have done cmi
siderablo work on the roud leading
to their mill. Tboy are at present
engaged in building to protect them
selves and their machinery, Itching,
etc. from the fierce rays of the sun,
hut will soon be cutting about 1 '-',)
fed of lumls.r every day.
The last California legislature
passed a law providing for a bounty
of "Ml cents each on coyote sculps
nnd from the way thu scalps are
coming in it is said several hundred
thousand dollars will ! paid before
tito law can Imj rcicalctl. It is nT
iedged that scalps are imported from
Arizona and Old Mexico. Fresno
county lias paid out :!iMM) in two
months, and l.o Angeles t utility
oven more.
The new stati' constitutMu will Ik;
adopted in Kentucky. It has hare
iv any opjameiita at the present
lime, aud even those tire rapidly do
creasing. Kentucky i taking 11
step that other states should be
quick to follow. No constitution is
(it to stand for ten years. A mod
ern, progressive state cannot all'ord
to lie bound by the tyranny of even
of even ton years ago, lot alone that
of the lust century. K. O.
Tho Dalles seetiis to have consid
erable trouble in finding out why
they did not have a sham battle.
Ott'tbe face of things it is apparent
that the sham pain took its place,
and the IhHIIo is mightier than tho
battle. The minority of ' company
got drunk ami the quelling of tho
disturbance by I ami D companies
caused so much hard feeling that it
wns concluded host not to have tho
thiuii Utillu. Hooil Hivor Hhteior.
A Ntw Itu ef Ttespcftly tJavwiiMK
Rcaioo of Tlii Hnttipitte.
Tlio Nkws man jmid it visit to the
now ndlor Hour null at Prairie City
laid week, which the Nks is
is happy
lilitv I hi
to state will in all prohahiht
making Hour bv the first of Septem
U-t. The macliinery, which will U-
first-class in overv particular, ami
on the inot improved order, was
not shipstl from ltullalo. N. V., as
soon as was unticinlod, therefore
the wheels cannot Iw made to re
volve U-foro Sejitemlier.
Mr. Porter, tito proprietor, is en
gaged removing the old machinory
froin the building to give room for
tho new. Kvery vestige of the n't
burr process will I. eradualiHl ami
an entire new milling order estah
hsbetl in the building.
The mill will l run bv Victor
turbine of thirtv-horse turner under
.... . . 1, 1 ..1 1 1
'2'2 feel pressure. Four double
stands of rollers will ! in operation,
ami extra cleaning niiiHtrntus and
grain mlisher. Capacity of the
mill will Ik fifty barrels of Hour
every twenty four hours.
Tho site tif tho mill is a conven
ient mid beautiful one including
fifteen acres of land. The ditch
which supplies ample Miwer is uIhiuI
one mile long running. Uirough level
farms, so tlmt there will 1st no e.x
ponse or delay caused by bnmls or
washouts. Besides this advntttage
it nt-eives the contents of a hot
spring half a mile ulmve tho mill,
which prevents the water frcocing
in the winter, and would unable the
mill to Ik- in niicrntiou STtl'i hours,
l.'t minutes and P.) soeotuls annually
if enough wheat wore raised in the
valley to run it that long.
Much grain was sown in the up
Kr John Day and in thoStrawlierry
valley this season in anticipation of
a cash market at that mill, and tho
vield promises to bo immense.
Kaiu'her are now engaged summer-
fallowing meadow and pasture,
and an increased acreage of wheat I
will Ito iirislueeil next voar. A
that is the main farming section of
(Irnnt county wo predict that the
Prairie City mill will lie kept grind
ing several months in the year.
Mr. Porter doe not ealoulato doing
ft rushing business at, once, but
hopes for a railroad ere many years
when the mill can ho run continu
ously. This new enterprise augurs well
for the future prosiierity of tho
fanners, and every other class in
the county, and the N:w fools that
in our humble way wo have licon
indirectly instrumental, by continu
ally agitating its necessity, in hav
ing" n roller Untiring mill established
in the valley. Wo believe, also that
this is only the beginning of new
enterprises that will spring up in
our midst ami make ( I rant county
it manufacturing as well its a gold
and silver prislucing section.
Itaihoads and woolen mills wo
must have, and t!ie indications for
Uith of tin si! are nut at all dis-cotiniginir-
Bids will b- received at tho
Sherilf's ollice for the delivery of
hvonly-fivo cords of good dry wissl
at the Court House, in Canyon City,
Orant county, Oregon, to be deliver
ed by the First d.iy of SeplcmUT.
lM'.iJ. All bids will be ojicncd at
two o'clock on Aug "dlt, at the
Shorilf's oH'ne, and contrnul award
ed to the lowest riuqsinsilile bidder.
Hy order of the County Vouiinbui
toner' court,
Dated at Canyon City, Julv UI,
, LS'.H. O. P, CttKsAi', Sheiifi'.
The agents of tho I'nioii Pacific
System are provided with railroad
arid steamship tickets to all jHiiiiU
east, a well a to and from foreign
W, II. Kelly lias just ieoiod a
slock of extra tine Wall Piqier, and i
preiriHt to do painling and Niiering
clieaMT llian any one. Work taiuido
of town solicited, t !iv him a call.
Any one wuhiug llucko)c miiwerv,
or lixtra for same, cau obtain thein
ti. ui,.lviiit. 0, Him. A- Mumm. (Jan
I ,
, yon l.'ily. (iive your orders at once
a fieisht com m slow.
Minor Hrothors, dealers in general
- .1 1:.... 1 1 1 .......
meroiiaiiiiiN-, .nain su.-oi, i..-. ,
Oregon. Sts-i
tal discounts to cash
buyers. (ussls at Dalles prices.
Orders by mail promptly filled.
The hick of transMirtatioti facili
ties in tliix country will again be
forcibly demonstrated this sensor
for the wheat crop of litislern Ore
gun ami Washington is estimated
at :i(),0U0,0tH) bushel fur lite pres.
out year, against U),0U0,lH)U last
aiini,kli -
When you semi away for goisls
1 .1 it en hi f. m..
rciiiomlror the firm of ( 0II111 iV .Me -
Farlandat lloppner. They not .n-
ly liuaranto' you urst class gissts at
l . 1 1 .1 ,.r
lowest prices, but they pay until or
express charge on aine to any
stage ollico in Hraut or Harney
cotintio. See their new "ad" for
further particulars. '
I r. ('huso, an exli'iisivo writer
tiM)ii tlte use of fotsls, in ins Inst
reciK Isjok makes the fctaioiuciit
that if a man addicted to tho me
of intoxicant will oat an orttugo
iinlf an ltour Uforo brunkfimt ovorv
morning for thrcu wuuki, lie will
iou all tastu fur liquor ntitl
in health ami stiungth,
Tin? rnion Pacific System hnvo
mi mlv oAcursiou tintl single trip
tickets of nil chutes, to nil isiints,
which arc sold at reduced rates
daily for regular trains.
An ntliitucc orator told tlio farm
or at Soilwiek, Kan., that "there ,
was no mure renMin why they
should bo republicans bcotuiso their
fathers woiv n'iiiblicns than they
should be bachelor because their
fathers were Istchelnrs."
I'ctsy Ann .Mason lived mar
SvractiH', N. Y ., nnd she had $sH.
0f)0. A brother thought it would
I w n clever idea to claim that his
sister was ornxv ix he could yet
it. .1 1
tHissession ot tlte thirty iimtistmu
J Jotssv foitjilit in thu courts till the
)tiWSi,rik ,,( ,mM.t evcrvthini' she
hud nnd then she was piuiiouneed
jH'rfcvtly sane.
The I' nited Stule litis been sc
lectcd u the place for the next
riVersal Postal Conj(ress, which
will not, however, be held until
1MI7. This was decided iitHin at
the eoufroc.. which recently met in
Vicni a, as tlio Ht mtixtcr yeucral
has Ik'cii informed by cable from
tlmt fit y. Washington is the city
chosen for the jilaeo of mooting
One of our most esteemed con
temsiraries prints 11 long editorial
under the head: "Why the Chi
nese me l'iiKiinlar." It might
linve suvetl imco and at the sitttie
time have covered lint whole sub
ject by stiying: "i'eeaiisu they
are (.'fiinese." It is the tin-Anieri.
eiiti characteristic of tho nice
which have tiniile it itiiwipnliir
with Americans.
Saloon keepers nnd ntlters who
deal in cigar would do well to
olosch-stndy the law enacted by
the last eonm-oss in icoard to the
"I" '''". S.vlion 'JIlO'J of the
Keviscd Statutes says that eignis
must be sold to customer direct
from lite pi'0H'ily stamped box.
A dealer who tttke-i out 11 handful
of cigars and lays them before the
buyer to choose from or a saloon
keeper who brings 11 customer a
cigar on a plate or in a glast,
makes himself liahlu to a line of
The favorable impression produc
ed on the first appearance of the
agreeable liquid fruit remedy vrup
of Figs a few years ago bus Won
more than continued hv the pleas
ant oxjM'rionce of all wito have used
it, and the success of the proprietors
aud manufacture! the Oil. Fig
j Syrup Company.
j Tlic Police Gazette.
Is the only illustrated paior i 1
the world containing all the latct
' sensational aud skirting news. No
I Saloon KctMr, Itnrberor Club Itisim
! etui itllbid to be without it. It al-
wavs iniikn friends wherever it
Mailed to any address lit the
Cnited States, Mcctiioly wrapped, !'!
weeks for f I ih).
Send Five cents for sample copy
Hn iiAttn K. Fox,
Franklin Square, New York City
County ltiecitttltutc.
J Schedule of exsuttlilure (if Orant
1 county, Stale of Oregon, allowed
I and rejected, Jul v term count v court
' I Sill.
I Mi. I Item I Ai"i
Uii tuurtv! In llw CitNrt ul VI. I i he
V. i: lulln,
IfelHlIt sh un
r, lltJ bi llrwuli
W It Onrh-ll. MitMla M Jii i"
ThMUW SUUbrllt.'.! twlMluK IU tU ' '
Clu, I.m. ivpnirliiK lit!
iilltrU u
II llrvoii, oaSMtln( )
UtltitiMr '
Oki Nutil. Shnl HMro ' " liU
I'rjr MI ill. Olla.Ull0w miU
tjirlitri Iimh llrtint !
Cui;un ( Ur la o
I, U Ul, 11 hlu fur H.I
rhimh 1 . . in n j fCitJ
nn irruii, ftfi-ititiy (uf M.
I Sun S lit ! I. S(ilf4
t,u liiilililiiMiii, niclilnit lur
Mrl 1 I. II mi tJrtlJ
O I. M liluiiiM. KMrtilUtf tut
M,l hillrl, II CO riu 1
W M. Iluill.., ....nliii.f lui Wl.
Mif Hahiiuc l.t twit-
i iikini.i i ciu ,n,umU
I buifh If IWItIkI.I
iJlCl'liJSL u..
m witiMtt
j i J.Tl,'i"l''iLNir ilwr
1 it I iliofu! Ni u
I o
..... ulutalf
nt jio.i n 1
I OuKalil.uli. twn IMMftU rd
lUlrlrl Nu
Jtuu wt,kir, pwt wimwii
u I
uf iiriirui twi or IIW110
l. r mul ill.lrirl No II l
U mi Uf louiitjf ruurl H.
tvtm IMI
IliuluuaUII, llrt C.i
iilttt lu luunl) pmr
(i Otvilmll, tuuiillw fuf
iHfttiili iHH.r
S't llrot. miillr fur Co ssir
) I. t'wrltli. now buut ht
t iroull iur rmiorUr
liw II IUtur4 it CV , Maliun
ti ftisl uitiMi lor 4 utiiiir
1 Ivrfc Hv
1 "
lu: lu
Tu ll
X II IM . ma iiiJ 1
.U.I..I..J Kl.4.111'. lUb llD.lL
1 0(. Illtjlol UlMkUllIW Cu.
ihkhw slimtiii, (ivdibi m
1 tui . 1.0 .
I i
oou 1. e.u. i...n eubiitsiBf
TiililIIMlMo BOH
,, ,,, .uWi.hiBf bti
Trw lil rt4UllHfttlilt 4
rfllilltlllii(liullra id l4fllli.
Ilmi .! tuultlt W4trSt4
c I' liurt. tiillt lor Ootisl)
Si liuol uitlnUtstl
JtcttsMI I lilllllt, IW.U IM Jf '
mt iitotii cuuil April tftB
I Ml
dr.. iii A TbotuMuB, wtl lur
Jm.m clrrull conn ,il
Umi 11
Osu. kkrtltl. IUtJl utltflll Hit
C'omil) I'ltrk t cS
M .ulliwiiilli, Iwm
o f Cni. IntkM n.uB lot
tkMllTt iSHM
11 '. 1
O I', 1 rrws. tauuitf 1st
i VI
I V.
htttiar ud lil
Hy ordor uf tho County Court.
It iso. aiiiiAitmt,
Want Wherl?
Viw knows nf a '-l imili
1 l,,.i0 wheel for sale, been u.mmI but
little. Price -f I -.( HI. cash. Ail
drcs this ollicc.
lloth the turthud and it ulU when
S) rup of Figi is taken ; it is pleasant
and icfrcshitig to tho tasto and nets
p'titly jet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Howe!, cloamen tho sys
tem elli-ctindly, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cuies habitual
contimtiou. Svrun of Figs is the
only iciuedy of it laud ever pro
dticeil, plcaing to thu tnMn anil tie
ccptabh) to tho stnumch, protiitit in
its action and truly honclieial 111 its
cllccts, its litany excellent qualities
commend it to all. It is for sale in
fitV nnd $1 Isjtlles by all leadinir
uHurolliil) Oku nr Tin
sis toiwii, en.
toumiiu, nt. m itwrr, ,v. r
I'Olt SA 1 II.
' A Stock liaueh of :i.'tiarres, on
Upper South I'm I;.
Four wot I; lioixes and :ill fat in
nitniliiiiei y, also 1'i'i to l a) tons of
Pi ice. .l. JOtiennh. Half cash ami
Ikilaiicn 111 li or IJ inoitlhs, $:l,f.(l(l,
iiicbiding slock, tin. Littery and liny.
This latich is in tho lost stuck
I llllge in Hastelli Oicitnl), kiul when
in tiiniotigb riiltivatiou will grow
to Utitl ton of,hy.
I '.if finl Lor paitictilatn ritquite at
the Nt ws oili -e. Cnivuli Otv, Or.
I't l I II- IS
Canyon City, Oregon.
(Ul II Hull
Lumber 11 1 Ihcir
Creek mill. $JQ
Jatite Ki'liinieui.
Canyon Cily,
JhPostoffice) Store)
cam ).v crrv, oh.
L- I'urrisli
rei 1 1 1 il
l.s I. ..f f
ll I 'illnln
, llst
- I. ile
1 M IL I
(lie ,1 1 Ul
1 1 1
1 -1 1 .
i it. 11.
a mjm'i 1 l. 1 :
r Ai Tn hiUi t t 7tM.t. ... w,
is , .ttf.fiAri vi. s U f in io.uri
I lii( V frislU I "i vJ( fcltWlt itlll!,
Mr. I, Ib.lMHtl, .ti.. v,Mlf t llill M0 IM4H
ii tt.l-tt"4 uf tbe ii.i -t tii M. Mbf llMMl, ut
luui .im lu'ltiih u IU! lu u lor IMI
) fi - r 1 tt .( til i.t f 1 - tiit-M M 14, n
i u.tiii. ..( 1 h 1 m m t. - Srt kit l"tik,rtM
it UI t.i j Idol nib I llMllltV ulfbfil tif
I l.t i' r 1 hi a 1 MiU l mt, huJ li'lltlf
ft 1 1 in ixovuit ul Mil luui 4
1 1 I tit 1 1 li'i-tl .
Valliutitn IIimiU nil Nsltnlit
I iIkihi.i1 I hi' 1" lo il.lrvM.
Oils unlli In ell ti it! 1 liMiim
I IMMir 11. IU U , ftll RIM, iiiii.iu
'Oil Tsi. .Ir 1-- I" 11 Co torr J tir Dm lUivur
ti.i l'..i..i K .mi 'l-rirtiH.. . mini tH 1 1.. s i-i. 1 4i it no. i ' 1.1 1II11. Iiuii tr Itm
KOUNIG MCO. CO., Chlcnuo, III. I lij Dnmiil.u i I err IIuIIIk. ll
s, 1 no situ, i ia. nitniii .turn::
1- t-
s0 0 U ! -
LZ C3 a
.) u
C ; H
Z - "3
u. m -
-- O Z$
Jabb iinMr Iff
r3 ."!"" tr
S ftwV