Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 23, 1891, Image 2

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duly a,. ISO I.
If n man can In; joked into the.
prcsjtluntitil cliuir "Undo .lorn"
utisk'a cliuncos of becoming pruJii
tlcnt may be ooiiMtlureil nootl.
Tho Ohio ruin producer didn't
produce I lie ruin ho promised Ohio
ut tin; appointed time, hut In:
tloeMi'l dospair. If he wnil long
vnoitgirntitiiru will eoinu to hit n-ruatnuco.
(under of I liu enlilu now of
Into Imvu oluflrved thnt tliu I " 1 1 i I c I
Status lius no iuonoolv in noisy
niul unruly Icgislutivu Isliei.
I.iiiigiiiigc ami custom may dilfcr,
hut liiiiuiiii nature I ulioiit tin
tiuo otery wliure.
If tlio linn. Henry Wiittermii,
won hi uxpruss tliu name puhlic
opinions In the columns of hi
nou-ftpapcr that ho iliil to tliu liter
iir eM;iut!i.'ff nt the rnivumity of
Virginia tin other tiny, it might
ilo away with iiiiich of the partisan
prejudice einting ill hi Male, lie
Hiitl in Ids address at 1 1 1 I'lier
Ity: "The issues which ilivnle
tliu parlies are tritles as light an
the air coinpaml to iIiohi which
the hut (iiaitcr of a century ha
I'or nearly h vinr the Iniriiiu of
tutistio of the treasury depart
iiieut hit hceil at work upon a o
port, which is now complete, iixin
the natural resources of the ntutes
anil territories in the I'acitie eoat
icguiii. 1 lie siaios nun territories
covered by the rejiort are Alimkn,
Arizona, California, Idaho, No
vnda, Oregon, I 'tali and Wimhing
ton. The forests and linherie and
the iiiiiiiug, agricultural, iiiiiiiu
fiiuturitig, coiiimeicial ami Irans
portation interests of the section
are treated.
Secretary Foster's recently e
pressed opinion that certain Iw
rnaus of the treasury dcmrtnient
could he aholiHlied willuuit injur
ing the puhlie sen ice and that a
million dollar a year would hu
wived therehy, lias raided a coin
uiotiou in tie goveriiiiieut depart
menu generally and almost a panic
in the treasury department. The
ollieial banmelcH wIiomj higlumt
amhitiou iti to help sonic other
ollieial do nothing and draw a hig
salary for it are up in arm and
declaring that bccielary Foster
knows nothing nhoiit it and that
more ollleiuls not fewer are what
!k needed.
Tboiu who do not helieve that a
newspaper often suppresses moie ,
interesting matter than it prints
are referred to the mnnaiug editor
of the Philadelphia Ledger fur (
proof that it iIock. lie rcfined to,
print an allcdgcd cnnfeitsiiiii made 1
hy the thieving e treasurer of J
that city licciiusii it dragged in the
name of men who stood high in j
the community and whom he re '
filled to helieve guilty on the meie '
word of a self acknowledged thief, i
There is a lesaou in this for tliin-o ,
lililgllidcd jMTMins who liclicxc
that editors are always ready to i
print matter that uill make a sen
Hit ion , no mutter whone diameter
inay he wrongfully blaslcd. There
may he a few cditois of t lint kind,
hut to the honor of the profcsnioji
it cjiii he truthfully said that the
great majority of editors are jin.t
the opposite, as they nie constantly
proving to the few who know of
the highly sensational and inter
esting matter that is suppressed
hccnuio it relleels iijmiii person
who me presiiiuahly iiiiiiH'tmt, or
upon those who are struggling to
honorably live down foufc wiHt
The Chilian insurgent stcninci
Itata, which n few weeks ago cann
ed a decided dilfcrcnec of opinion
to hu expressed in the cabinet, i
again the subject of contention in
ollieial circles. Mr. I'ltiine fiom
the lirst aihhed tigairst puixiing
the Itata on the ground that we
had no right to interfere with her
outside of our own waters, hut on
an ollieial opinion of Attorney
(iuuerii! .Miller, hacked up hy the
active support of .Secretary Tracey,
the administration decided to go
for tliu steamer. Now it appear
that the chances favor the eouit
deciding against our right to hold
the Itata and the opinion is ex
pressed that should such he the
deeisiou and the insurgents ulti
mutely succeeded In getting con
trol of the Chilian government we
will ho called upon to jmy a lug
indemnity for having ta'ken the
itata and brought her back to San
Diego. There are some nice isiints
of international law involved and
tliu Chilians have engaged eminent
American lawyurs on both side of
the question. "
Tnr. rlrcr Seine him !en rMtookcd
with Iii.ikM ( nlif.irnla miIiiioii.
In view of tin? ir-.p v(mi( tlio tfiiltn
IxTclin Miii1y falling In Sinful Kite the
I'renc'li frovcrntiiciit Iiiih ileclileil to fill
tlvulc the tree in Algeria.
A si'KCIAI, committee of llorileail
limine iiioii linn Imvu formcil for the
purikwc of ilfvlln wiijtb mat mean
for the pnipomil hlilp railway ncron
Prunee to eonrcj venseU from the At
Inlitic to the Mrillterrnnrnn without
thoir ImvliiK' to j;o nmiiuil (ilhrnltrtr.
'I'lii.'io: In talk In I'rtiniv of tilillin
water vaiiirftfM an n rnllwny inutile
iver. It I iriM-f that the truck
shnll I hi Inlil on mi riiilKiiikini'iil in the
uililille of the current, hiiiI that tin'
lueonintlvo slmll have two iWuMIt--
1 ivlu'ek ill)iliiK' Into the wnlor nial n-
i volved hy It.
I Til): amount of money nt In lnu-
. tlfyin the nnr kiIhcv of thu mimiw-
j fill I'nrU lnHirv.-oUlw U nttrnetlnK at-
; tentioti. Mnrlile htntrcnw. tnstrttl
j iKiiii'lt, iiiicli'lit ami hlxtork furniture
niul tloconitv.1 relliiif urn rotiiKru-
! lively a iiewrulllvntloii forth new rlh
( I'nrKlan, hut they lire ln.'liinlii(.: to
( klioiv In profit foreo.
i Nr.w Volia for the enr (Mx retfelvtSl
! n total of IO),(MM) Immigrant.
Tue tJulteil Htut.khai.lU;,UuU,OOU(rnlit
col m, niul only II ure In elrme
I littUin.
I So mi: hum has enlcuhttett the worhl's
j prcMiit stock of i'hmiiKi;iiek ut 1 10,MV '
UOU holtlon.
' nre nliit counties In the
, union tvltli an iiveraci kle of I.OttO
wpiure lulh'k.
Till. in: nre now I'S.S newntinir of
I ilitterrnt ilmuM-n In the I'niteil Mnti
. unit Cnnniln, n net uluof 1,013 over Inm
year's reporil.
I Tin: working -iiultitlin of the worhl
I If. I'ktlmuti'il at 10t),uoo,lMj; the m'r of
, the worht'k ktenm eni;liie tit the riulv-
nlent of l.lmo.lkiD.lKHl men.
Ir U ktntetl thnt California link Mt o-
trlfh fnrnik.
Kinur million itheelk for rehtcles ure
luuilr In thik country in one year.
l'i:vi o ik iH'couiln a rival of liulla
In Ixitli cotton inmiufiii'tiire ami tea mil' ,
lure. ,
'I'm: kiilmoii flkherlek of Alakl.-n have
ylelili-il klmv IKkl more than the original ,
eot of the ti-rriliiry.
Wit a i in ktilil to Ih' the lnrf;et qimrt j
mill in the world l In litr-nir Alnkha. I
IleoiiklkU of Ihii liumlriil niul forty1
i,tuiiiMi. ninety -hl i iieeiitrntont.twelve
ore crunlierr.. ami reiiuiii-k III i--liiillilrei
hork- iiower. The plnnt it ul 'iVeilil
well. WHAT Itl.KCTKICITY 111 DOIftCl.
XV U S I -V. J II T I 1 I (A'M
Two Mowers In One!
Do not take our word; Read the testimonials
from your friends and neighbors:
Uxi'il the Crawii Six lent i.
Hi itvi lli i:n. Mareb I, I
Mksxiih. IIASC'IIK ,V CO ;
I have been usin llie CrniMi n.a
chine with the grealoHt Natisfaclion
fur six years. It a very liftht
ruiiiiinn and durable machi'iie. Ah
long as I have used the machine it
never has raided a sweat on my
leain. It ik also very light on the
horscH necks. Yours Truly,
(!:. V. Hi.i.iorr.
Drjfncsk uml Ovaiijn Tumor 31 Yriis
Mkaimiw, Wash., May 21, IWII. J
Dr. Ditrrin Dear Sir: 1 can
truthfully say I have had no return
of deafnesM of .'!! years slaiitlhiK. or j
the eieruciatinc pains in my eyeball, j
liver and kidney coiuilniuls, winch
Von cured three years auii bv elec
tricity and medical treatment. The ,
ovarian tumor in my side was cured j
by electricity and has never return j
ed. Yours uratefully. ,
.Mas A. l!.Ms-ri;it.
Ciiki.ikmiam, III.. .June 1, ISIU . !
Dr. Danin Dear Sir- Yours of j
May II just at hand. My husband
is aliM'iit ft. .111 homo. 1 will mistier. I
We nn very grateful to you for your
treatment of our little lu'rl's cyoH fur j
mutilated eonjuiictivitics, coinpli'
fitted with ulcers of the eyeballs of
nine months' standing. They seem 1
to be perfectly cured. We formerly
rcxidcil at Sprinxliehl, Or., where '
von treated the cane one year nun.
'I'bankiiig you for the help mui ren
dered, I am, very rvsicf ifully,
MllM 1,1 I 1 (illMIAM
Dr. l)Jttln' I'Uct of lliikinos.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted free
at 70 WiiHhitiloii street, I'ortlaud,
Iroin IU a. in. to ii p. 111. Daily. I ney
treat all curable chronic, acute and
private diseases with electricity and
medicine such as the eve, rheuma
tism, asthma, liniy trundles, catarrh,
ihviMa, imlicHtioii, Hciofula, le
niale weakness, deafness, scMial
ditcases, loxt iiiiiiiIiihxI, malaria,
urinary troubles, piles, or any other
curable dixeiiM's. l,oiv cliarKes,
within the reach of all, ami free Ml
to II 11. 111. dnilv. A friendly talk
may save you thoiiHiimlu of dollars
or year of suH'crinK, and perhaps
your life. Yoim, iuiihlle-ac,eil or
old men suH'cring from the ellccts
of lollies and cU'ct-M- re.tored to
iorlVot health, iiiiiiiIiikhI ami vior.
l-'aeli visitor m en privately, and nil
eoiuuiiiiiicatioiis received in sacred
coiilidenee. Out of-tun I) patients
can write for ipieslions, blanks and
circulars free Ity that means many
may be saved the expeiire of a trip
to Portland
Simply the Hon
Diikwhcy, Or.. March 17, lSill),
Mcssiis. ISASl'IIK A CO.
The machine I IhuicJiI runs like
a top and 1 think it lays all others
in the shade in all kinds ol ernss
ami all kinds of ground. ft jyi
simply the boss for light draft and
spwil. M. HowAiin.
Tho Aoms of Pctfc'llou.
John Dav, March 1 1, 18(10.
I think tho ncnie of m rfccUon hrw
Imvu rvnelnd in the invention of tlw
Crown mowor. We have Won t!J.
KUsIihI every year in trying lo tnow
our tiiead.iw, on which grows .
ctiliir kind of grn. All other
machines we tried would leave hftlf
the hay MfliidiiiK, hut the Crown
cut it as smooth as n now-shuvoii
face. We tried it with like retniUs
in nil kinds of grain, hay nnd rye
grans. All our neighlmrs' who sev il
wtwk think it is thu lioss of nil mow
er. Yours !5esMct fully.
T. II. Ct m..
His Favorite.
I'llAltlli: Citv, Keb. 27
Mhssiis. IIASUIIH A- CO :
I wjll stale without hesitation
that the Crown mower that I pur
chased of you last year has given
gsl satisfaction, and is my prefer
ence of any mower I haw ever used.
Very l!ecetfiillv,
ti. W. Mi'll.w i:y.
The Very Mjst Mmvcr.
Cami- Ihx( March 2, I8H0.
Mkssiis. I'.ASCIIU A- CO.
In regard to the Crown mower, I
like it very well. It works well in
nil kinds of grass, and whono the
grans i lodged or very rank by put
ling on the inerenm-d 'sHcd it "works
loaelmrm. It is the Iwst mower
we have in this country, and I omi
recommend it lo any xrson wishing
to purchase mowers. Yours lie
Hctftilly. .1. ,1. Cohaht.
wJ':7K-lT V (',M,,,I M'M','i',- AU Wngons.
.lilies, Unci. and ( an ilines, at factory luieo. b
Hardware, llanht.NHl, St,,,,., and Tinware, l.'nbb, r , Ih-ln,,,, :il iVUno-
(.as I'.p... Water I',,,, ,,,d l',lmlH,.. .,.,,,.,, Knv.. S,w , u, ,,,lltMill Muchinery.
Mail order, .,be,.,d ,,. r l,f,e. ,,..,.,. I. All le.te,- f impniy reeeae p,n,pl all.'.ltion
ttaschv iV foinnntj, Bkr fV, Or.
Canyon VMy, Or. H a pf f Sto H 0 B ft & C
This ioiuhir rvsurl Juts
horn n'nH'iit'd hi I In' mlilic,
and now, as in tin',
keeps iinliiii!' bill llw best
Wines, Litnurs S- Citiars-
;. 1. ItlCK.lltn, Prupr
Canyon Cily, Or.
.1... Chambers, I'mn:
Hill ..ii s In -'
Ne.t sr s hinli begins oil Moliihiy,
the'Jlst day ofSeplemlMT, I .V.I I.
Tuition, free.
Four courses: Classical, Scien
1 1 lit-. Literary, and a short Kuglish
Course, in which there is no Latin,
Creek, French or tieriuiin. The
I'higlish is pre-eminently a ltusiinK
Coiire. h'or calalogues or other
Add i ess ,1. W. Johnson,
lju.l URItr it llitmi, Diww.
Jul) II, IWI
Sullr I, Utrb) lttn Out ll. Ulluollif kiainl
Mitlrr luii IUI null,- uf I.U liti.liui) tu intlr
nwl -eil Ih MiMKMI ut bKrUiiH, imI Out 11M
hiuI W tn4f WliMr S rotiiiiir CUtk ul
llimm rwwlt Or t entuuii. Or m Aua (,
li. u Ji)t:l. c Ainkirr. ll'J N rr fat
IW I: M SW 41 imI HW ur k Ik i mI Ni: 41 ,
.NW 41 km IS. T li S. II . :.
lit IMiaWI IW lISlIU llMM lU MMff kU
CMlkkHW IMUlMK ttlOM, (Wl mimitlMI t MM
ttwl. ill. U !, " ll I r.ikr. II II Uuk
lln, Wluei i-ltl M l bW-ut. Unit willr, Itf.
i. it lll'MIMi rOM, ll.jl.l.l f
Thin Itiutannilit hai leeeully llt
iiIwikvI, anil uill ftttniuli .iiU or bl
King at In iug iiitim.
A ipeeial fentuie nUitit this huiike
in that 110 (y'hitmni eonks are iitnilnviil
in the kituheii. (iivii the Itektanraiit
a tiinl. M, ,1. Ciiamiikiik,
First) N!r)Bi)
Or Iloppnov,
I' A. Illll. I, Hi INK KM.l.tM.O,
Preklili nt. ice I'li htilmt.
(! 1:1111m: W Cossiii, Cashier.
J. I'. IIIIKA, T. A Kill I, I. T. li.M),
Due. (.as
TrmiHiii'N u lii'iirrul lltiiiklnh' BikIiici,
f iu all paiti of the worlil-
('olleclioiui lisule ut all iuiliU on
ItHiiteiHihle Ten us.
.Money buiiml at fniui one Ui ten
ixir cent.'JuvsT.iu. ,v- ;.,"',
Have now received tho largest ami most coinpletc ttook of n.w (jooiU in
Orant County, whiuh they will oiler for sale at prices that ihfy ctinpetitiou
Canyon Citv - - Oreiron.
II V hare ri iml and oi, net! a in U selected slock
of Cents' I'nritishiiii; lluuds, Hals, lluols, Shoes, Ulan
kcts,()nilts, llarda'arc, Cnu kcnj, Ctassn'arc.
Jso Fancij and Slade Cruccries, I'rurisions and
a fall aisiirlment of Patent Medicines, A'otions, ICr.
Public I'm roiiiiL-e Sollcllcil
1VXI1 OecloeM l'roinijtly iVttonctocI
xonci: I'oit i'it.i.ication. ,
OSI. at liMina, or ,
Jul) lu. nul
S..II.T I. h. rrt.j (lull thtl llx fall.iliii .Be-.l
rllln hu AM nulln o( bU luUmltaii la nk !
B1 sruul In Mipn at kit chlm. wh! th.l Bil
! out will I. ami, KWur ibr l'nuul (Vik o(
iirul cuunljr. (i itaru n. Oron. ui A.iir '
m. to 1 WtMHf T. WBBH. H'4 f-r
to KH r an, II, Till, IH I W K.
H tum Itm luttlmr IUH la bU
wotlMiaiit tldraa UM. IHl MllllMJkMI uU
w4. tS! UXudi nll. Jukm Mwall. e S
mttim. A- U Ukkr. il uf rwl rujr.iiiegi , ,
The people of Grant and Harney
counties will have an opportunity
to purchase all classes of goods
generally kept in a Mercantile Es
tablishment very cheaply of us for
the next 60 days, owing to the re
moval of our vast stock for repairs
of our building. We carry a com
plete, stock of merchandise in all
its branhces, and we are bound to
sell them. A call is respectfully
asked for in this grand Removal
Brairic (1ily - - (Pr(ron.
Has been enlarged to accommodate
the increasing business. The wools
of this section which accumulate at
Heppner, attract all the leading
Western buyers to that point, and
make it the best market in which
the grower can dispose of his clip.
Last season over 1,000,000
pounds of wool was sold in Hep
pner at prices which averaged the
I grower more clear money than was
' realized by sales of similar wools
in other western markets more dis
tant from the manufacturing cen
ters ot the East.
; Teamsters charges advanced on
written orders. Cash advanced on
1 wool in storage.
j T. E. FELL, Manager.
you Read
Do you lake udrunhiiie of a good 'offer Jl'iei
il is placed irilhin your reach?
0 our
I E CI U It ti. I
m rW'Mf
u 1 ":5a t&aJsfeSiS
Dn Caods, Clolhiii'J, Hoots, Shoes, Clares, .litlens, Orer
shirts, t'itlenrcar. Hosiery, Hats, Winter Caps, Cant
Hoots, lllankets, (Jaitts, Corsets, Ladies and childrens'
Shoes, li'alilier coats. )'clln' Oiled coats, Fancn (loads.
Cattery, Etc., Etc., Etc-
When cash in companies tho aider for any amount from l'ivo
DollniK 01 mori: in nboie lino of oixls wo will prepay nil .Mail or
Stno clinrgoK, to nny stage stiitioti in tlnnit or Hatnev irouuties,
until Juno iflth, l'.'l. gT Wliiiu oM on cieilit 110 cl.tiix- I
cs preimtil. 5
IOOuaiimiuiiAi,A.u........i ..... .. ... - T
- ' - w '-'www.VwwwVwwwVVVVwV.,wlw,,wnn
i) will guarantee out Ion cut iciail prniM on EVCrV Article
niul titfiec to lefiiinl the liiuiio if jj.k.iIh mo not natisfactory.
Ity Kotuliii! to in, writing pl niily. just uluit is wanteil, wo cm Kfld-t
them Jo your witibtactlon. We the bit sl assortment 'f ('n
eial MoielminliM-to lie fiiutnl 111 tfiv hiuie ut Oregon. You inn hiivo
iiionei iii evei v line. ( ine uk a in .1 unler Wi Kohcit vmir tnule Onler
y Mail nt ouce. , , ,v;( ( t fully.
Coffin 4 Mciirlnil,
lliHOU4) IHU4H
1 ...v-,., ,u 11 ,il, .11 4 Muldn. k
OK m t: It IN
llnxiK'Mooil v Co, I'roprN.
- Or fl$on.
Can yon City - - - Oregon. I
Constantly an hand a fall assortment of o
Dry (,'oods, Cloth in a; Hoots ,y ,S7i'.v, Croceries, $
hto., Etc., Etc , at lleasonable Prices.
I i. . )Yi:uii)ir. 1
A. at eiuhw: 1 .